female leaning on medallion with . 2 in it. Farmers' and' Drovers' Bank, _Waynesburg. Jesse Hook, Pres,; J. Lazear, Cash. 28, spbrious,-vig„ man with sickle, on right end 2 , and female, on left end 2 and female. Farmers' Bank of Reading, Reading.-a Astute Eckert, Pres ; H. H. Muhlenburg, • Cash. spurious—vig., cattle scene ; female on right, locomotive on left. Farmers'.Bank' z•clinylk4ll Co Pottsville Henry Say_lor i Pres:; J. W. Cake, Cash. Is, spurious—vig., cattle scene, fetnal eon right, locomotiim on left. Is and 2s, spurious—vig., boy lying near b;iy sheaves, Sz:e. ; Wash. ngton right, female with trumpet left. Aiarrisburg Bank, Harrisburg, A. W. M. Kerr, Pres. ; .T. W. Weir Cash. Is, imitation-aßelief re issue. Well done. 28,' Relief re-issue—vig., three standing figures; two females on the right ; female and eagle on left. Bs-Faltered-form ' Scott, in Centre; woman and child on left end ; two girls on right end. Lancaster County panic; Lancaster, par. John Landes, Pres. ; W.. L. helper, Cash. . 2s, Relief notes, photographed—vig., fe tunics reclining. ss, altered—man standiny, female sea t e d, two boys reclining, rake and hay fork besides the boys; on right end, girl with sickle ; on left end, two men, - Miner's Bank nt . l'attsrille, Pottsville, par. J. Shippen, Pros. ; Charles Loeser, C as h, 2s, imitation—vig., Iwo horses, blaeksm tit and boy ; po.trait of Columbus on right end. 2s, altered from relief I s—vig., three men, anvil, &c. Octorora /rank, Oxford, Chester county Samuel Dickey, Pres. ; .1. If. Cunningham Cash. 2s, altered—rig., man in the field cutting grain ; mar. ploughing uu left end ; two cupids on right end. Tribute of ResrJect. " Loaves hare their lio n • to fall, And flowers with, in thii North breath And stars to sat—but all. Thou has all tif,S. , IIF Gn Llulue. pw,tl, At a Special meeting of the Union Philo .itiop_hteal Society of Dickinson College held April Elifi — llSTl2; The - rittOWlTir Restitutions' were unanimously adopted. WHErteAs it has please 1 Col lo rerouve from our midst. our beloved friend and youthful brother Lewis 11 - Ani.AN KENNEDY, an obedient and respectful son, a hind brother, a true friend, and a sociable and cheerful compan ion—one who wive evidence of an honorable and successful career in life, therefore, be it resolved— 1, That while we deeply. deplore the loss of one whose character was.so gentle nn en dear him to all who knew llnn, yet bow in humble submission to the will of an All. Wire Providence, knowing thot--" Ile doeth all things well " 2, That we re , Teel folly lemier our heartfelt sympathies to his al - 1110rd flmily. 3, That the inemhers of the Society wear the usual hadge , if t h at oar 111d1 be draped in crepe for thirty days. 4. That these lesolulions he published in the papers of Carlisle, and is copy of the same be sent to the family of the deceased. J, MoCramty, J. Ito , tuts, }Committee U. 0, KI:ywORTII, Eke Illathets. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Reported Avet•lcl y for the, II erttla by :Woodward &. Schmidt. Ft,IIIIR (Sdporfthel do. (Extra ) WRITE WHEAT. RED ..... 0 VES ...... cLoVERS EE ... T 1 ‘IOTIITSEED... 'ALL BARLEY" .. SPRING BARLEY Blarria . gcs. On Tung , lnv evenlrg I , th, nt thr rosidet,.., of tho br , thr's fmth. , r, by the I,rc. Mr 1:1:Ick. Alt WI I, LIAM 11. (:111:N MAN, M 1411E1Z. rlitsttbi '• Oh Friday morning, April I !th, I 1:1VIS II 1111. \ son of F. A. and .)lary li.eonody. at.tod 19)1,11, and 11 months. In th is Itnmuclr, on the Shi instant, r.fctAlsurription, Miss ANNA DA I)tit >N. nerd 1, .1 ,tr, On Fraley morning leet. in III!. p rfrr 2t linger 'Sn¢illee'v,!!,,l wed 0.1 . n NW, Died int 11.3rni,1 , 011,, .korlLth figs. E1,1,1!IN for 111311 y years on re... 1.10111.1 111.,.. 11.01 .3;11. liv th e death of !his excellgoit woman, seelety In general, and a large ctoinection ol honor:gill° hilidrent hire been deprived ~f oar of thilir in, distinguished ornaments Her virtues, h !wever, were 01 that peel, linrly retiring and ministering rho ranter which so often enc. gpo the applause of in busy world arid are esp. claily appreciated only when ithliction comes ne when their silent Influence is lost forever. It was her lot to son Ivo moat of her nearest kindred. and have to expe rience the seduce! , of a series of distressing bereave ments daring her latest years, but her prof... dly pious spirit ever shrank from the no iglitoet approach to in suspicion of the Mr one wood see•+. Ile r a t opin manna wore net spent sr Itlrally, the poor always found In her a sympathizing visitor and friend, :and she lent es prob ably not 01111 on earth to speak 01 1101 unkindly. Cath olic In all her feelings she Was yet Warinly attached to the church of this Borough. with whirl, since her re moval Iron, Linithlinglittrit N. V. in 1534, she hits been Xamigected, , whose civilities. she always f•hared : given when she tens at a distance, and which hex n number of perpetual motnentos of her elfectiou New 114tiertis erne tits BLINDS A\.l 81 , 17 hIA /VMS, No, 16 North 6th stree • t, Ph n LI fact ut or of VENITIAN BLIN W-1 and WIN 1)0W SITA DES. The largegt, Awl finest Assortrn,t in the city, at the lowest prices. Blinds plueled and trimmed equal to new, Stare : 4 1lades made and lettered. Aprl)lB,lEo3'2—.2lll GROSSDIAN'S BAKERY. THE undersigned having suspended bu.dness during the illness of his wife, from a tense bf duty to the public. Is happy to announce that she has Hilly recovered, and he in now able to resume business, as will be seen by the certificate of her at tending Physician, published holevsith. He 'hopes for at continuance of the patronage which ban been so lib erally extended to him. Carlisle, April 11, 1862-4 t = I take pleasure In stating that Mre. GreFSlll/111, who has suffered from a slight attack of varinloid. hag now entirely recovered. Whilst we felt satisfied that from the - first there woo no danger of transmitting the din. Mtge through the Bakery, it was thought tight that Mr. Orossman's eustemets should not in tiny way ho Impoaeit urn, aial hence Ln ninth, a frank statoment of htf,_ ttilliotiorni Now. that his wife has entirel; cavot•ed, it la hoped 'Oat . h is lbririei business relations Stith be resumed na Muni. r. B. KIEFFER, REMOVAL! REMOVAL ! TACOB SENER'S Boot & Shoe Store, ty has been removed next door to Plrmr's Book Store and opposite the Cumberland Aulley Bonk. BOOTS AND SHOES 1 BOOTS AND SHOES! Grand Bargains now offered at Seller's Cheap Boot and Shoe Store. Spring Arrival of New. Boots cr.7 S7tocs. The subscriber-bait-just returned from Phil. - tf 1 adelphliThrid MMtl)ll — With - Inf e*tensive - and L splendid assortment of Gentlemen's and- La. , dlestShass, lifen's and Boys' Boots. Shors'atid brogans, Moo's and Boys' Walking Shoes, Calf,. Patent Leather and Cloth Gaiters. fables' Button Boots, Balmoral and Loco boots. Gsi. tars. Buskinil and Kid Slippers, Misses and Children's Boots and Shoes., Carpet Bags, Trunks,llmbrellne;&c., which will ho sold low for Cash. Purchasers aro Invited to Call and examine our stoolt, they will find that In prises and quality It will retaliate 'with any 'shoe store In the • platvo, nt the New Store Room nos.t..door to Piper's llooK Store. • ^ Aeon SENER, • Carlisle, April 11, 1802—Gm A 'Superior LimpstOrto Farm For Sale. • • • A. liinostono•farin of the best quality containfng about 240 or 215 arreais offered for sale. s farm produced lest year 1000 bushels of wheat, and large .quentitios of corn and oats. - : • Pliertrare excellent improvements oUttm farm, consfst— Ing of a tiew . house,''n good barn', .4 Mg- now and T.o ll * , crib, spring house ,- bake oven, and. good - water nein , the door. On the northern side 'of the 'farm is Aerated a ,ilmestona Ridge proteethig the' crone 'from the 'Winds: and furnishing tire teeter limestone •for • lithe. 'there' ore about 100 Midi; cleared and the feet Is covered4.lth • timber:. - Withltidicions liming ,the ,thrm Would, pro duce 15,00 bosholaof Wheat.' It can 'Conveniently be, divided into two farms. - Tho farm lien In Madison "township', the idelrest earl. cultural oettlomont In Perry' , County., bettorpa)ing . investmentnannot be made.— .. • . ' , For particulars ,all upon or address the undorsigned,. who wilt answer all Jun:Odes. . April 4,1802. ' A , L. scoNsug.n• • • - r" -ani novel rociVioga krge"assortment of j_now and elegant Spring godde,to which I respect fully call the attention of my. d. friends '.and mist°. mere, and all in want of handsome and cheap goods. l'articultint In nest weeks paper. -I will sell as cheap as any store In the !Through. CIIAS. OGILBY Tattoo. April 4, 1612. . 000 TS, SHOES & GAITEItTS. A t Ogilby's cheap cash store. Just received an assortment of Ladles, Misses, and C Hideous °alters. Boots & Shoes of the best quality and haudsoine styles. April 4, - 1E62: - RECEIPTS, t•c. Balance in hands of Treasurer at last settlement, $ 6 93 Outstanding taxes of 1859 & 1800 at last settlement, 1,822 34 Ani't. added to-duplicate of 1860, 88 97 Loan of Carlisle Dept)Sit, Bank, 500 00 Received of Abm. llehuff, clerk of market, &o , 90 99 Received of P. Monyer, stall rents of market, 568 00 Received of P. Monyer, for exhi bition licenses, 33 00 Received of .1. 11. Grove, for use of market square, 13 00 Received of George Weise, former Treasurer, 251 47 Am't. of taxes levied for 1861, 6,750 83 Paid (leo. Miller balance of salary as clerk of market., $22 50 Geo. Bendy, balance of salary as policeman, 60 00 l'ark, balance of salary as policernitn, 37 50 0. MeGlaugklin, Esq., attorney's salary anti roes, 50 00 P. Monyer, treasurer Union Fire Comp , 34 00 F. D. Quigley, treasurer of Cum berland Fire Comp:, . 34 00 J. W. Ogilby, treasurer of Good Will Pik, Comp , 34 00 John Campbell, treasurer Empire 14004 c-and Ladder •Gomp., - . 3100 W. P. Lynch, plumbing, 17 25 Armstrong & Molter coal, 4 50 11. Saxton, hardware, 13 15 C eundriPs, 2 21 Gutshall, repairs to street cross- alga, Jam , , Loudon, sntirmery, Geo. Altllcr, bhuvtling snow, Poi I int. on bonds and judgment, $Oll3 37 Carlisle Dep. Bank, loon and int., 883 03 Carlisle Gas and Water Co., front net. 1, 1860,. Coupon redeemed, E tlornn nn, piloting, (too Zinn, A. K. Itheem, " J. Thorripson, J. B Bratton, " J. Postlethwait, election expenses West Word, Joe. Neely expenses election East -Wand, 10 00 A. Kerr, salary & work on streets, 270 50 M. Neely, " 101 00 A. Kerr, shoveling snow, 0 00 11. Gibb, blocksmithing for street ' emoinisSltiner, „ Treas. Cumb. Co.; stone, 31 87 C. Stoyman, 13 80 Stoufer, 1 80 Bretxond Martin, serving notices, .2 20 0. Miller, extra services as clerk of market, 10 00 J—E—rengst, collector of 18:39, bnlnncr of error in settling Lis account, 10(3 811 J. Yengst, repairing tree boxes, 4 00 John Ontshall, materials and re• pairs to grave yard wall, 24 90 B E. Foot, plunthing, &c , 79 23 Mary Morris, " 11l (i 2 Jacob Bretz, cleansing spring, 41 75 J. Armstrong, preparing tax du plicate, F. S. Pinkie, repairs to bridge, tamnson, mason work, M. Holcomb, foes, 11. McCartney, use of jail ns lock up, J Goodyear. for picks, P. Monyer, blanks for use of Bo rough, - 2 00 Henry Saxton. hardware, G tki Henderson & Deed, freight, 41 1). Thompson, tire plug, 17 00 Arnold & Son, gum coat for High Constable, 3 00 p. Spahr, laying pavement)), 47 98' E. Steel, winding clock. 15 00 J. Thitner, plan 01 Borough, S 110 J. Spahr, hauling, 1 08 Black & Delaney, lumber, &c., 11 78 0. Delaney, 10 50 Geo. (lonelier, posting bills, 2.1 J. P. Gorgae, lamps, Sc., 1(1 75 I'. Monyer, Tr Union Fire Comp., 34 00 I:. D. Quigley, Tr. Cumbld. Fire Company, 31 00 J. W. Ugilby, Tr. Good Will Fire Company, 31 00 J. Campbell, Tr Empire Hook and Ladder Company, 31 00 F. Pinkie and others, night po lice, 732 00 S. linsminger. stars for police, 3 (30 Jos. Stuart, salary as High Con stable, 50 00 And Martin, salary as High Con stable, 118 75 Georgeßently, salary as night po• liceman, Sc., 118 50 A. Dating, salary as clerk of mar ket, Pc., 92 90 J. Whiner, salary as night police- MOE SILUDES. man. &ellB 75 • J. M . lNonheirner, salary an &telly. of Corprral ion, 90 00 Jas. Martin, balance of salary as Curator of Grave yard rir 12 50 I'. Monyer, salary as Treasurer and extra services, 98 00 R. Nateher, salary as janitor, 25 00 total cash payments, $6,366 30 By cionerations alloyed Collectors G F.O. 'GROSSMAN of 1860 and 1861; ' 314 77 By commissions allowed Collectors of 1860 and 1861, 279 71 By error in charge of balance of duplicate of 1859, 172 09 By amount of taxes of 1861 01It-. tllandingi 2,910 50 Total credits, Balance due by Treasurer, STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES. INDEBTEDNESS. Bonds issued for gas and rater stook, Ist subscription, $25,000 00 *Bonds issued for gas and water olock, 2d subscription, 85,000 00 Bonds issued to George Line and a others, 9,063 83 Judgment of Mararot Warden use of P. Quigley, • 500 00 Nolo of Carlisle Dep. Bank, 1,482 60 Outstanding orders of Council, 54 00 ASSETS. 1000 shares Chas and , water stook, Ist sub scription, par value, .125,000 00 *l4OO shares gas and -*Neater stock, 2d sub soription, par value, 85,000 00 Dickinseti Ctolleg6 and other liens,. 1,271 07 outstanding taxes of - 1861,• - 2,410 60 • ' ' 03,681 '57 Buses of indebtedness, $7,418 86 • Etoess of debt list year,. .• — .58,612 98 ". as above,- .;` 7,418 86 ' . 'Decrease, • , $A,89.1 12 Ally agreement between Ole Carlisle cies and 'Water Company and the Borough.of Carlisle, entered into July 1;1858, said CMnpany cove• NEW SPRING GOODS BOROUGH ACCOUNT. COUNCIL YEAR 1861-2. PETER MONTER, Treasurer. Total credits, XPENDITURES, COUNCIL ORDERS or 1860-61 = $316 03 t t o l usc,[l. Ont,rns OF 1801-2. nanted to pay the interest: on theittoVe bonds, ' issued'for the second sithsiiription steak, as it matures, and to establish a sinking fund for. the redemption of the principal thereof; an 4, said Borough agreed to transfer to said com pany said stook equal in nrribunt to the bonds thus redeemed. The said Company also exe cuted a mortgage •tti Trustees, as collateral security to the holders of said bonds for the payment of the Annie arid interest: - No claim for interest on said bonds has been made on the Borough. haVe this day examined the foregoing account 6f - Peter - Monyer; — .Treasurer of - the - Borough of Carlisle, and find a balance due by him of forty six dollars and twenty-six cents—we have also--examined the , above statement of the finances of said Borough and find the same correct. C. E. MAOLAUGHLIN, J. M. itIABONHIMER,. Carlisle, March 27, 1862. Auditora. List of Dealers Of Goods,_ Vares,-._ and _Merchandise. __Alee,_Breaork, Distillers, Lumbermen, to., within tho County of Cum berland, returned and classified according to the eater. al acts of Assembly as follows, to wit: Mot'. ',taiga A. W. Bentz. dry•goods, CO $2O 00 Loidlgh, Eluwyor &111111or,dry goods 10 20 OU Philip Arnold, dry goods 12 12 50 J. W. liby, grocerleir, 11 15 OU 0 Inholl. . •• 11 15 00 Wm, Bentz, " 11 10 00 Al. Alyeru ••13 10 00 J. F. Stool., " 14 700 Berney . !Raman, groceries, 14 7 OU A. (1. Lechler, 14 7 00 George Lulby, 14 7 OU floury Ilarkticsr, " " 14 700 Susan Mucha], 14 7 00 *9,300 63 1). Echols & Son, ~ 14 7 00 Woodward & Schmidt, produce, - 11 it, 110 IlenderFon & Reed, l2 12 60 J. It. Nonemaker, ~ • 13 10 00 J. & 1). Rhoads, .4 14 7 00 :four) , Saxton, hardware, 10 20 00 ./. Lynn & Sou, •' 11 15 20 MmFtrong & Hoffer. lumb. &. coal 13 10 00 011ver Delancey, lumber & coal, 13 10 00 S. M. Hoover, • A. 13. Eirin7, furniture, MEM Agt., dry goods, MEC 2218 CE/ N. fit'. Woods, Agt , dry goods, I. I'. Orounfitild et, Co., - '• 14 7 00 B R. rktnesou, fancy C.t.ly goods, 14 7 00 It. E. Shapley, jewelry,l4 r 700 Thom. Lou 1p u, " P.O. Kramer, W. 11! 1. Nsbgla, " dom. U - " :Imes Idtudon, IFoks, 7 Wi =CI iminnism= J. 1) I;orgai, M-r, 41, Mon is, " ,111 u, I Elll,lt. di ug,s, S. NN 11..tvel drugs, S. B. Pa...10,3k0r. " S. con foci ion ary, )111.I) EOM Ahoy 2 25 4f 6 00 MIME EIMIME S. Ensoliiiv..n• robes, 11. S Iltttnrr, n,rclotnt 1.,1105, Mrs. 11 . . .1. Stutnph,grucurios,. 11_7 ..11.1 =TM .1 1) Mock. MIESDAMI ,la • ob Wolf, 14 7 00 J. I. C3lllO, hate, 11 7 00 11010, 0 Co,. 14 7 10110 1 i i 00 Gib 0:i 7,_!- 01, 21 25 1 i 0O 2r, 00 5 00 20 50 3lts M. Seff, millinery Elizt Sth MIIIIIIIEJ = Davidyi.rutan, flour and food, 14 7 00 =I MEEffiEll PD== 10 00 MEMO = ==e=lElli=lll =I • T. W ‘. . Smiley. 13 10 00 " I.:. It. I,onutd, 13 10 00 Allison 0 Koony, marketing, 14 7 00 .L. 11. I:retie...lrk. ~...` . . Ha rid l't vdericks, " 14 7 00 William A ,h , ow, James CalIM k Son," Wm. I.3Mmos,oth, I=lllll l'etur Fat.:4,_,prortpre l %VIII. A ert, .177CKINSON. Strohm. Ilock & Coffoy, dry goods, 13' 10 00 Ilet.jamin Plunk, I fry goods. 14 7 00 EA sT PENNETOROUGIII. Kerr & Hummel, lumber, :slay S: Lingleimbl, '• Euvlehart H Wormley, lumber =9 .1. lihitirbard .4 Co, 14 7 00 11 0 0. W. Fe,,le,, dry ironils, 17 10 1 1 1 DenTh,ger, 1 4 7 tit, In. Ilan I,n, 14 7 on Ileonitmor, 1I 00 johil McCormick., . 14 7 on 4 Loomineekrr, " 14 7no F 1l l'Atler.oo, produce, 111 110 Uich,r hi Yrer, 14 7 1,0 10 00 3 a 37 5 Jaa mtt., markoting Da v id Brum' 5 1 , 1 I -I_, W 01. Gunn,ry Fond,, 11. IWO:Au:titer, gr.:ol les, D. It MIT , . dry goods, 13 )0 00 .1110,, 11. Johnson, dry goods, 14 7 00 A. shriver, 34 7 00 = Cyrus Tempi' n, turn itul e, 34 7 00 Jeremiah Nl'Cartney, marketing, 14 7 00 M. Baggot, roilfeatonnry, kc., U. O. SloNier, produce, Bitner & and Wise, shoos. Abra Lam Brower, dry goods, John Coleman, •' Mt W. WI- e, Wm. 1,,,y1. drugs, 14 7 00 Crall, tuarketlug, 14 7 t 0 .1. Young, 14 7 00 (1. 14 7 00 C. Ll.,orly, denier. 14 7 00 itt 111.11 e Song, dry Bonds, 13 10 00 11 J Stt•vettr.. 14 7 00 U. I. Pov I 'ley. drugs, 14 7 00 Homy /4 7 00 dealer, 14 7 01 Christian Hoover, marketing, 14 7 00 Jacob tire egos grace rich, 14 7 (.0 Daniel Markley, marketing. 14 7 CO NEW VILLE. Klink & ('n. dry gouda, 13 10 00 T. McraiiilliFh. '• 13 10 00 I,tough & Elliott " 73 12 00 J. C. & J IL Brown, hardware, 12 10 0 , 0, 0. Wild, drugs, 14 7 00 William Recd." 14 7 00 W. 1. McCullough, gro 'Pries, 14 7 00 S. M Cilauscr, 14 7 00 .10, Laughlin, clothing, 14 7 00 .1. M. Ilaviiison, Agt . shown, . 14 7 00 J. Ill:oh:toll. Agt , NRIVO2I, 11 7 (di . A , Cul i mi d an, marketing, 14 7(0 14 7 00 1 MIPFLIN. 8. D. McKinney, dry gon&, 1.131 V TON Ferguson & Co., dry goods, 14 7 00 S. Miller and & Son 8, .. 14 700 Bowers L. Nyors, 14 7 00 J. & .1. Kyle," 13 10 00 A 1 1 lninch, 14 7 00 e ilursh & 1111),I, 14 7 00 bowls & Co., lied Barn. prod uco, 14 7 00 Snyder A Knettle, 71 lb 10 J. & J. 11. Ilursh, e 11 16 00 Newcomer & II ore, 13 10 00 llunry F. Snyder, shoes, 14 -7 00 .1. &J .11. Hersh, Oakville, produce, 13 10 0) J. bf. {Vaguer, tnarkeling,. 14 7 1/0 NEWBURG. . . Koontz & Stevick, dry goods, 13 10 00 . James Omen, . " 03 10 OP . David Hoover, flour, 13 10 00 E. St or Irk, furniture, 14 7 Oh W. W . Frazer, shoes, 14 7 00 .T. P. Wise, dry goads, 14 , 7 00 Ono. Russell, .‘ . 14 7 00 1V.•51 Watts, ' 1 11 7 00 Miss E. Russoll, dry goods, 1I 7 00 Deetem, markoling. 14 7 Op A, Hoodheart t Co., marketing, 11 T 00 SOUTH MIDDLETON. Alexander ,4 Mull, la) dry goods, 11 10 CO Kauffman 0 DreeLtbill, HI .10 00 $9,644 27 46 26 4;9,600 53 A. M. Loldigh; 8. N. Divan. Barney Gardner, Eamnel Shupp, flour, Wm. Ward, confectionery, 14 7 00 C. Deep, furnitgro, 14 7 00 S. Klutt.ss, marketing, . ''. 14 7 - A0 D. Newman, shop, ; 14 7 00 - scnymeligtox. ' _ _ George Coffey, dry goods, 73 10 60 L Strohm, " 13 10 lb Geogd. Weyer, n 11 7 00 J. Scheel' A Dro, " 14 7 00 N. IS. iteifsnyder, confostlonary, . 14 700 Wm. llawk, marketing, ' 14 7 00 MIDDIASEX. 4171,100 43 7. 11. Swiler, dry goods, It L. ShrydcW SIIIPPZNSBURG; S. C. Haller, groceries, - • . 14 7 00 Tonna') & Bro., " . • , ' 14 7 00 P. Pariah, 34 7 00 Jacob Pogue " , . .14 • 7 0i 3, 11. FaStuach A: Co., geocerles, • - • 14 7.00 P S. Arta, 4.4 14 7'oo Cox Az McCune; dry. goods,. • 13 10 00. .1. heck & Co., . " 13 10 00 : J. & J. D. needing, " 12 12 00 Stuart & Bone, " •-' . 13 - 10 00 Stoviok & McPherson, dry goods, • 13 10 00 11 3, Snoddy, furniture. ' 14 7 00 Ilastotter & iiitYles, clinbing, ' 14 ' ' - 7 00 . J.Jiridges, ruarcllttpt tailor, 14 ' 7 00 Rankin . & Bro., drugs, ' - 14 7 CO John Sternbach, " - " . 14 7 01 3. 0. Atlick,: " 14 7 00 John McCurdy, " ' . 14 7 00 Mrs. 11. Sturgodu, inillihOry, ' .. l4 . 7 CO Mrs. M. Dubbs, ' 4. ' . 14 7 00 J. bruldle,joireiry.------- 1 ' .• 14 . 7'oo' Ifyrani Ityslnger,jowalry,• - •• I. 74 7,06 0 ral)ill & Johnson, hardware, '.. 10 13 to Forney. & bleitherson, " , -•'.. 13 10 00 A. 3. - Wolf, ,stoves,, . ~. , •• - 3 14 '7 00 .1 ..41:ITylori, " \ ' - ' 14 7 00 Ruby & Lawtol/1 , produce, . • ' :10 '2O 00 CATILMLE 14 7 00 14 7 00 11{ 10 00 14 ^ 00 74 7 00 14 7 00 14 '0 14 7 UU 14 7 00 OMEI B=El 14 7 (11 14. " Ott 1 • 7 OU 1,1 11) uu 1-1 rs 'i 011 If 7 U) a =EI 11 70, li ; • u, El=l/1 lI=IMI II 7 01 e== It 7 o 11, 7 00 ]a - 00 11 7 00 14 7 111 lIMEI 14 i au 14 7 on 1d i 00 11 7 CO 14 7 0) 14 7 lu 14 7 00 gi= 1 7 00 13 10 00. 14 7 00 13 7 00 14 7 00 14 , 00 14 ' OD 1" 12 SO 13 10 00 14 7 (0 11=1M1 14 7 01 14 - op =1 111=3111 11 - tit MIMEO 14 7 ( It=ilM gin] LOWER ALLBN 14 11 10 00 It 7 00 14 7 00 BEM 14 7(0 QM 41 13 10 00 34 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7. 00 14 7 00 . . Martin Angle, lumber, - ' • 14 7CO T. B. Blair, produce, CR 16 00 'Kelso A Hinkle stationary, Johnson. A fitunr ' or, coal, AT., 'i; ' 14 700 B. B. Colo, hate, &a.,14 7 .. G. W. Croft, . . '. ' ,14 , 7 Benj. Biggs, marketing', ' l4 7 S. 15Iyore, - a - • :14 7 .. . .. •I .N i*EW CE3INENWIND. ' Ebarles Oyster, luulbei.,• ~., 13 10 00 Leek Eberly, • -..' . • ,12 " 12, 50 Mulisq & 3 - tunew, ic - ' ~ • • , ' -13 10 V. Proomah; ''l4 - _7 T. Willa, dry good 0,• .. . • 14 • 7 • .1. 0. Igillur ' • 4 -- 14 - 7 • Andrew Redcfri r elluee 13 10 00 UPPER ALIEN: , . . kitoaW.Ear & Zook, dry. Roods, •!.-. - 13 10 D. K. Noel, . -'' ' 14a'7 Robert Eletrick, marketing, • 14 7 Hiram Longaneeker, dealer, l4 7 . . WEST VEinisnoiiotram Lino & aivler, produce,,.. 13 10 00 Theo. ilumehire , •• ' - .• - 13 10 • Henderson J. Reed, prodnce,:.•,,--- 14 7 Edwin James, dry goods, 14 7 D. Martz, & Co., '. j 14 7 Eber James, . 13 10 Tobias Sites, marketing, 14 7 Wm. Bishop, 14 7 Wm. Van nerd & Co y , marketing, 14 7 0. W. Robinson, dry geode, 14 7 SILVER SERINO. . 1 . 7111:11. - EW113 6, dry goods, .. 14 7 - .1. J. Coble, . - 1‘ l3 10 David Strohm, ri 13 10 00 Jacob Simmons, '. 14 7 Jai:oh Leidigh, Joy. Fink, merchant tailor,l4 7 00 , ' Fisher 4: Knapp. dealers, 14 7 Wm. S. Burk holder. doalor, 14 7 John 11. Leidigh,' produce,.. 13 10 00 . F. Breekomaicer, marketing, 5 14- 7 511301INICSBURG. , J. Brandt & Son, dry goods, 14 10 03 B. Comfort & Sons, " 13 10 • Brindle & Nelswunger, f` 11 16 John Iteigle, 14 7 00 ", lieny Lease, 14 7 r , Kaufman & Oswald, producM, 13 -10 Thomas B. Bryson, " 32 12 10 John Johnston & Son, " 12 12 50 Erumingor & Singizer, " 13 10 Zacharias & flacorstlck, produce, 14 7 Jos. MlBelson, lumber, 14 7 00 Seldo/ Eberly & Co., lumber,l4 7 (feu. Hummel, lumber & coal, 14 7 00 Daniel iirablil, clothing, 14 7 00 h. 15. Abrams, " 14 7 • Arnold & Co., 14 7 Bold, & Oarretson, hardware, 13 10 John S. Boyers, 13 10 . 11. Wilson & Sella, 5i0136, r 14 7 00 Wm. Wouderllch, " 14 7 Lsidigh Or "'hallows, " 14 7 00 J. 11. Herring, drugs, 14 7 01 J. S. Unfelt, " 14 7 Ira Day. 14 7 It. 'Thomas, gi °cedes, 14 7 Robert Mills, ‘• 14 7 Sagan & A rmstr ng, grorcrles, 13 10 S. O. Bowman, ‘•- 14 7 J. Emoiger, - 14 7 11. W. Irvine. roof •ctimiery, 14 7 Samuel W. Worst, furniture, 11 7 .101,0 Burp, " Milli., & P.borly, dealers, 13 10 C. Belnv• - ., , ,, m)o-a-i - - 14 -7- licorgetit