311e0iGmes. 310STETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The - propriafors . and manufacturers of 110S TETTER'S STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and eitizens . generally of the United States, because the article bus attained a repu trition heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of II ostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in timer joist, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million,bot tics. This immense amount could never lave been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- Con, and the sanction'of the most prominent Physieimins , in those sections of the cumin, where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but, are readyat all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting theretrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum, poling the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to he as enduring as time itself. lloStetfer's Stomach Bitters bare proved, a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. ft removes all morbid matter from time stomach, purifies the , blood,- and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indit•pepsairdo for the restoration of bettirh. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organic, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them t o a condition essential t o the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions oft the Houle, and they will find in it fl stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort, declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have tee evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who hare experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and generaldebility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested' the merits of this article. A. few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that tho mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind generally aggravated. ]lyre, then. is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials eel re s ponsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally ;refer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement, or physi sinns, because it is :tgre4,ll.lo to tire taste as sell Its certain t_o gite a permanent increase of bodily strength. • All those persons, to whom we hare particu larly referred above, tt,, wit: &offerers from Peter mid ague, caused by malaria, diarrhma, dysentery, indigestion, l os s of a pp e tit e , and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. UTION.—We caution the public against lising any of the many imitations or counter feits, but. ask for 11, , fiTETTEICS CELEBRATED S NI BITTERS. and -Ce that each bottle has the Iv ords .• Dr. J. Ilostet ter's Stomach Eli tens" blown on the side of the bottle, and stomped on the metallic cap coverlng the cork, and observe khat our autograpk signature is on tho an - Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER St SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame rica, and Germany. Sold by S. Elliott, ‘S.W. Ilavaratlck, Carllfde; Jobn C. Attiek. .7///tn Ftemteitiph, I,llippend•ure; 1.. RIM man. .1. It. 11e...11.111g 31ethaniethurg; and Pruggif.t gtheralls•thraxgbont the runty. Aor. IINDSgVB IMI'ItOVED 'l9 - BLOOD SEARCHER `E► I= F.,r the speedy, radical. and effectual cure of ALL DISEASES arising I row 1%1 l'i; Win OF TilE 111.00. D. ht tho most miraculous cures I=llffillIZIEME In desperate eases of Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples on the face, Old. :stubborn Ulcers, Totter affections, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Cancerous formations, Erysipelas, Sore ,Ey es, Scald head. Intent:odic Disorders, Costiseness, Salt Rheum, Mercurial DlsPases, LIN er Complaint, Lou 6pirits, inmale Complaints. an. gin in nu Impure 6tate of It erefer to not 411} , 1 0 I . :eller,' Debility, of Appetite Foul ,Stonito.h loll Fens.. having thelryo-1 tho 11:0,,d. f David McCreary, of - Napier township, Bedford Cm, Pa. who, on the illsl day of Aug -1,,50 made allimavit before, Justite (torley that he was treated fur the cure of Cancer by three phy Arians of Bedford county, and bv Dr. Newton of - the Eclectic College in Cincinnati, for n rind of nearly right months, notwithstanding which, his lip, nose, and portion of his left cheek were entirely eaten away i lie bad given up ail hope, wben he beard of the • Blood , Searcher," and was induced to try it. Four bottles cured him, and although sadly disfigured, there is no. question but what this In valuable medicine saved his life. The full particulate of this remarkable ease may be seen In a circular, width rain he had of any of the A gee is. Wo also refer to the case of Nancy Bleaknoy, of Eider ton, Armstrong county, Pa., cured of Scrofula after be fog unable to get out 01 her lied for three years. To the case of a lady in Ansonville, Clearfield county who Was also afflicted with Scrofula in Ito worst form. To the rase of George 31eisel, residing in Carrollton'', Cambria county, Pa.. who woo so badly afflicted with - Cancer that it eat his entire nose off, nod his case won worse it possible, than McCreary's. The particulars of these ea , ..es—every one of Nt hitt" wns cured by the use of the Blood .Searcher—may 11430 ho found In a circular to be had of any of the Agents. it. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near the PA. Railroad Depot. Hollidaysburg, Pa. Dr. Goo. 11. Keyser, Wholesale Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. itm, For solo in Carlisle by S. W. flavoratick, S. El liott, and Reynolds elder, Dr. J. Herring Mechanics burg; Gosweiler A Zook, Situtpherdstown; Joshua Culp Ilogstown ; Jacob Simmons. Cross Roads • 3. 3. Coble, Wise Shiremanstown; A. 31. Leldich, springs Mary W. Kissel, Churchtown; O W. Robinson West 11111; Fasnaught & Cu., Oakville; Shoemaker & Elliott. Newburg; Wm- Bretton, lien vide; J. Hood A Co.. Springfield; Russell A Co., Dickinson; IPre.latid & Washing, Jacksonville; Wm. Clark A Lees, Roads; Wm. H. Eckles, Sporting Hill; D. Denliuger White liall; J. C. Altick,Shippenshurgi all of Cumber land county. Pa. A CARD TO THE LADIES Dr. Daponeo's Golden Pills for Females infallible in correcting, regulating or reinoving all obatructionai from , u rien t ener caner, and etlwags - ariecessful tea a preventive: The Combination of ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Mils aro perfectly' bermiass. They have been used in the private practice of old Dr Dupont°, for ill years, and thousands of ladles can testify to their great and never. falling 1411(1,1. In almost every case, In cor recting Irregularities, relieving painful and distressing menstruation, particularly at the change of lint. From five 'to ten pills will cure that common, yet dreadful cootplaint, the Whites. Nearly every female in the land suffers from this complaint The above pill has permanently clued thousands, and will cure you if you use them. They cannot burnt you. On the contrary they remove, all obstructions. and restore nature to its proper channel, and Invlgorete the whole system; they are perfectly safe and hermit us. Price 8t per box. gold wholesale and retail by S. ELLIOTT, Druggist, Carlisle, - Pa, who Is the solo agent for that peace Ladles, by remit ting him $1 to the "Car Isle Post Gillett" can have the Pills sent to any part of the country, free of postage, by mall. Sold also by Chas: A. liannvert, Ilarrieburk T, Miller, York, J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville and by tine druggist in every village and town In the Union. N. D. Look Mit • for counterfeits. Buy no °Alden Pails of any kind, unless every box Is signed by S. D. HOYE. AU others are a base Imposition and unsafe, therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of being.humbugged but of your money) buy only those who show the signature of S. 11, Mows on every box, which has recently been added" n account of a recent counterfeit of the Pills. F. D. HOWE, Jan 20 61 ly Sole Proprietor, New York. 13AINTS AND OILS.— to Tons White Lead. 1000 Gallons of 011. Just received with a large assortment of' Varnishes,__ _ .Pire_Proof Paint. Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putt?, Colored 7.ine.„ . ~Idtbarge, . , Bed Lead, .. . • Whiting, Boiled Oil, . , • Glue, • . Lard Oil, • • Shellac, Sperm 011, . .. Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &c., •. • Colors of ever" descripttou_dry, and_ou j r ,_,....4" tubes at the Hardware Store of • March 7.'60. 1313.14P8 AND CI NIEDIT--- 60 barrels Cement with A very large , assortmeat of Chain arid Iron Pampa, of all kinds cheaper than ever,. at the Hardware Store 9f ararch 1. '6O. ITgNNY PAXTON • •. 13APER, WIN D0.W... SUAI! . 11 lerte essertinent of _nest style WindowDlindseis , DR. 1100FLAND,'S BALSAMC CORDIAL!, FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarse. ness. Bronchitis; Pneumonia, Diseases of the Bowels, arising from Cold, Incipient Consumption, anti for the rel ief (y' at a 1 possible) cure qf Pa tiros in adrauc- - ed stages of the latter disease, The Balsamic Cordial is entirely a Vegetaido produe tlnn, combining the healing properties of the Ilabstm, pith the invigorating qualities of a cordial produring a eonibmation so well adapted fo tho purposes Intend rid,. that there or, lint few copes of disease which will not, at an early period, succumb to it. healing and life giving properties, For ages, has the treatment •f pulmonary d:seaces occupied the greater portion 01 the attention of the scientific of the medical trot In. bnt rune acquired more eminence In his treatment of these diseases, limn the Celebrated Prussian Dr. Ikons:sp. the originator of the ilabounir Cordial. Mr life was devoted to the produc tion of remedlo- that would stand unrivalled. flow well ho has succeeded, the American people are able to udge : and we pOnitiVely assert. that no preparations that have ever been placed before them. have conferred the same amount of beiletit3 Olt culturing humanity. or have elicited so many rem men dodo,s frem ail classes of loriety. an the remedies of Or licolland, prepared by Dr. C. 31, daekson h Co., of Philadelphia. The Cordial is designed for a class of diseases more general nod mere fatal than any other to which the People of Ibis country are subject—those opringi lig from a *moor camp." That eminent authority. Dr. Deli, says: "I will not sae that Colds to our inhabitants what tine MU:U.:and Y Et. Low Nr.vra are to those of other countries; but I can aver confi:l,-nily that they usher n d i , ence of greater complicity aud mortality than these latter." Eatirely Vogel able No Alcoholic PreparntiOn DR. HOOFLAND'S Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., Phila. Fa LIVER CO:IIPLAI NT, DYSI' HPSI A, nntllee. Chronic or : , :ervous Uultil.ly, Diseases of the If Miley!, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or stomach. ;:neh as Constipation. Inward Piles, Fut urns or Blood to the Ilead, Aridity of the Stomach. Heart. burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stool. ach. Sour Erurtations, :inking or Flutte.ring at the l'it of the Stomach. Swittimitig of the Itead, flurried and Ditlicifit ltrezithlog, Slutrering at the heart. [linking nr eutforating sensations when In a tying P..Fillrls. DIM ne. isitm, Dots 01 webs Deb,re the l... 4 ight, let Cr and Dull Pale In the Head, Defiritinry of per,piegthm, y e t. 1..11,08 of the Skin and Ryes, Pain In the Side. Bark, Chest. Limbs, ke. Sudden Imustit, of Beat. Burning in the Hosh. Constant Imstrininrs of Evil. nod great Drpre,sions of Spirits and will oosilivrlS Prevent love Fever, Billions Fever, Q. c. The Proprietor In railing the attention of the public to this preparation. does so milli a feeling at the utmost confidence ill its 111111, and udaptatiou to th e for which it is recmoin-orled. It is no new and untried -article. hot one that inns stood the test oft, t noire ^t ears' trial before the A uteri ran people and its r spnt I Lion mid Sale at, unrivalled by any sluilar preparation extant The testimony in its favor Oren hy tins most prominent and well known 19,1 sit anti Individuals In the roue try is immoy,,,.. and a careful psrural trio , ii niar. published - dly the proprietor+, and to he had grants of any Ili Choi, A pall,. ea II tittt but satisfy the 1:11(tFt. o:tidiest that this remedy is wally dese.shig the great celebrity ii has obtained. R n S. W. 11AVERSTICK, Agent for raffish.. And by DeAlerF every ivbere. LA pr. 12, DROP. 1)E (311A111'S ELECTRIC OIL! E NEW PRACTICE.— EleetrirCures.—Pain is the Tweet... Roe of death; relieve the pain and you - check the disease. vt - ins OIL ACT,, ON TII WITI! ELFCRTICITV IS pure vegetable preparat ion. net the slight-or clan gee of applying it mita a rdly or inwardly it lit .11, live, a permanent cure, in most ruses. in from tea to twenty min ult.s. The best physiologists of Europe hare discovered this all organic derangement In the animal system inn!, of feet ot the obstruction of the physic° electric noid in fhe organ diseased —a skilful oppllentlon of the oil pas In immediate 'not'," the n 111,1,1, and (hr. ,lire in at once m complished. No bleeding, bleeding, no vomit ing i purging tit- blistering. Is rest and pent, he Orath's EleAric Oil I. marvel of this age for the followoo fug, (Tmt. every Shrug Cures Rheumatism often in rt day. Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Iwo minutes. Cures Cramp in the Sisloool., five minute, Cures (turns, ii t•tools Itruiries, one Wth ee , d ri p s , Cures Headache, fifteen minutes. Cures tar Achy, Still Neak. Ague, one night. -- Cures (files. t,,olled Glands, t o y s d ri p s , Cures Felons, Broken Breasts, Salt Siteunt, two to NiN days. Cures Ifinnmrbartre, Scrofula. Abress. sk to ten Oays Cures Frosted Feet and Chilblains, one to three days Citrus Aple, and Fete, one to two days, and all the NerVous Mtd Scrofulous ffectit.lll4 ('ores 011f1,..5s In one to four days. Cure, all Pains In the Slack, Breast, etc, In '2 days, DEAFNESS CURED ! New RAVEN. May 19th, 15515 Prof. De (I rath—My brother has In en deal three years, and one but tl e ofyour Elector liil cured hint entirely Yours, • , CLIFFORD R. SCRANTON. Iluntlngdon, Po_ Sept.. 1855. T do certify that Prof. De Grath's iiectrie inl is in canaille for Rheumatic pains My wife for 5 , 4110 Oma past has been greatly afflicted and unable to walk, ha been restored by the application of this idl almokt, in atantaneously. T eau cheerfully recommend it to nth JOHN WILLIAMSON. Pll,F.S,—Cbaris•F Sexton. Esq., ex , Napnr of i•amden says SIX applications cured him. Almost cured his Itheuinallem. NECK. [Editor of Lea Niagacine Cored lustautmeously.) • Girard House. Philadelphia. Prof. Chas. De Grath-1 freely give It ao nay opinion that your Electric 0,1 is among the first wonderful remedies of modern times. At the earnest request of lady, who alleged that she bad been cured of a molt painful alLetinn by Its use, I was induced to try a bot, tie, though at the thne of purchasing, I fully believed it to he a q uark medicine and it catchpenny humbug But a trial convinces me that it possessesa tingle power, and it will prove 11 bleSSilig to ` u (tering humanity. I recently took n cold Irvin glowing in damp sheet, d my neck IJecaum su I.lllldl swulleu and painful !hal 'oUld not I urn my head. After using, nitliout success, everything prescribed by my phYsician, 1 lust evening trb4l your Eleutrie Uil Tins morning I am well. the relief having been nx, com plete as it wah Instantaneous. Yours. sere truly. JoIIN LIVINGSTON. Editor Monthly Law Nlagazine, 157 Broadway. nub 1:0 11 rst 14th St.. N. Y. Mr. Livingston loviongx to the old. wealthy and hip:li ly respectable families of tho old settlers of Nor York. Any ono eau 'Wittess hint on the subject of tho shove letter, which will lot answered with pleasure. Principal Depot, _77 South Bth Street., Philadelphia. tlF4_ Iteraottot k Prieto it Sole Agents to. Carlisle. ta,„u_ Sold by all Druggists. and in Jersey City at Van Buskirk's, WsAtitorton street; Shipley's. Oman street Dr. Zabriskie's. corner of (hove and South Bth Street; Longmtairs, Montgomery st. BAs 12, HANDSOMI?, WOMEN! UNI"S "BLOOM OF ROSES." A rich and Oscan, :or lie the cheeks el lips. It will not wash or rub oil . . and•wheu once applied, remains durable for years. The tint Is so rich and natural, that the closest scrutin o y fails to detect•ite use. Can Le removed by lemon Juice and will not injure the skin. 'fists ion new preparation used by the celebrated Court Beauties of London and Paris. Mailed free, in bottles, with directions fur use, for $l,OO cc HUNT'S "COURT. TOILET POWDER," imparts a dazzling whiteness to the romplmilon ' and is unlike anything else used for this purpose. Mailed free fur 60 Cents. HUNT'S "BRITISH BALM," removes tan, freckles sunburn and all eruptions of tho skin. Mailed tree 'or 60 Cents. II UNrS "I NIPERIAL POMADE" for the heir. streta gthens nod improves Its growth. keeps It from tt lIIi, off aht.l to warranted to Make the hair curl. Mailed tree fur $l,llO , 1.11.114 T'S "PEARL' BEAUTIFIER," for the teeth and gums,cleansea and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums purifier the breath effectually, preserver the teeth and prevents toothache, Mailed free for $l,OO HUNT'S BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME," a double extract of orange blossom and cologne. Mulled free ('or $l.OO This exquisite perfume was first used by the Princess Royal of England, on her Marriage. Messrs. Hunt presented the Princess with an elegant Case of Perfumery. tin which all of the above articles were Included) to handsome cut glass with, gold stop pers. valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared In the public prints. All the 1010i0 articles sent free, by express. for $5.00" Cash. can either accompany the order, or be sold to the express agent on delivery of goods. HUNT & Co. Perfumer* to the Queen. Regent St., London, and 77 Satf.om St., Pitiladelphls, Pa. For Sale by all Druggist,. sod Peifumers. *AL The Trade supplied. Oel. 211, 60.—1 y, UP CULTIVATED OPORTO - SLUMS. • EVERY FAMILY SUOULD USE SP. -- EER'S:SAMBUCI WINE. riELEBRATIdD: Tor its medicinal and . . J hanotioittlAuslit lea its wiranui ne Stimulant, Tonic. Diuretic and Sudorific, highly , esteemed by eminent physicians, mid some tir the first litanies in Europe and' America. MEWS BA bIBUCI WINE is not a manufactured article, but Is ;m, from the juice o , Portugal fiambu-. cut, cultivated in New Jersoy,rucomturnded by Em, m n,;,, 4 and Physicians, as pmeesing madieleal pnaphrties an. perlor to an; , other {tines In use, and an excellent artlele for 'all vveale and - debilitated ;miaow', and the aged and Infirm, in toting tho appetite, and benefiting ladles add, children. flocausalt trill not transit:awns other *lnes, as it con tains no mixture of spirits or Other liquors, and admired _fOLits_rich_pectillar. defer, and nutrltivil properties. imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, ilud ,a blooming, soft and healthy 'skin and complexion. Noun genuine uni&S the RIOS - tura of , ~ _ • 'ALPItEIf/ ,SPIIEIt,/Pristrxid, N. J, ',ls on the cork of each bottle. ''; .QyTMAKID.DNit TRIAL OP Trim inrin. IFENRY SAXTON va. Sold *by IISYNi)I.D.S`,/,..P1163+1411t, 'Druggists, next door to In/roll's garrizory Store, eirllble; rn., 10 lgot y. 1-11 "•" Makings. I=l GERMAN BITTERS, I= I=l ANOTHER INSTANT CURE! =I A I,ADIES' WINE, • • " .oince:llpB. ; ilroally N iy, or York PAE{Blid, N. J.' 000 1 110.'"' aTTEXTIOX: NEW STORK AND NEW GOODS After returnfti'w ills• acknowledgements for the very literal patronage, which bas been extended to him, the Understgued would call attention to the fast that be has just re-opened his extensive assortment of family Mt in his new storeroom, on the south-cost corner of the piddle square, where the public aro invited to call and examine a stock of goods which, in elegance, variety and extent. will defy competition; comprising In pert loaf, lump, crushed and brown, sugars, '- Java, Rio ..and roasted Coffee. Every va- • :„.„„, 0 6 riety and qualitybf TEA. Spices, (ground .',,,,.."''" and unktronncl,) Pickets, Sauces, Tablertffl. A. I -,t New Orleans, Sugarliouse nod, Trinidad / Molasses; New York and Philadelphia Syr ups. Cbeese, Alacartmi, Yerinablill. split Peas. hominy, Mincemeat; corn Itarch; Farina; Chocolate, Extract o. Coffee, refined sugar at reduced rates, 'Washing and bilk- Mg soda. Tobacco of the moot favorite brands, and the finest quality of Segare.- Also, a beautiful'essortment of Britannia Wao, - "iffilln and - g...id band China-Rare, Class, Queens. §tono and earthen; Ware, in groat va riety, and an elegant of, Fancy soaps, extracts and perfumery Air the toilet. FRUITS: Including Peaches In cans, Retsina, Cran• Lorries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, /omens, dic., &c. i ( ( ( i ...1_•-•.- 'll embracing i' IU °nB qoCn l m V o h n °l n e n sa d i ' el Cl u l d- Rye reta il, i'li I-I 'T: = .. . key, Item - idles, dark anti pals Lisbon ri ...7---- tV.II, Sherry Port. Maderitt,Mlbger, Catawba i ~. --V-- ....- . :,,;....,..---.... and Muscat Wines in casks and bet tl,,e, Scotch .V. hickey, Reiland Gin, and Scheidani Bchmapps, FISH AND SALT A large Ftnek .1' LA 311 3 5. Including Pyott's colahratm lamps fir burning hot nßone or coal ill, also Sperm Nom Lard mid Coal Oil, Bucrilog Fluid. Sperm ant Star Candid. . . CEDAR-W ARBAND BROOMS, - Brushes, Ropes, Tißippe, Sonfni r Doopmats, Walters Lookioe.ghtsses, fine letter and lento paper, Wilton Were. painted buckets, &c. COMM and wrainen ILrer , and half D(15.0, and 11 ful stock of Moves, inducting the wolf known famines Puck .ooces. In short. his stnel, comprises everything that is railed for in hh. line of business. 11,11,1 110 efforts Iv iR lON spar e d to render entire satisfaction to his customers. - C. INIIOI7. Carlisle. OH. 27, 1983—] y. Marketing of all hinds taken In oxobango f goochf. .141,11k0.er FAMILY GROCKRY ANT) TEA MO Just received and in store. n fresh and well 80• lotted assortment of Ili°, Java and Mont eath° Coffee. Boasted Coffee. Cinched Pulverized Sugars, Refined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans (baking) Molasse a. Spices of every variety— pure only; Starch, Farina and Chocolate. Macearoni, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sago, Indigo,: Salern tiff, and Soda. Cream Tartar anti as. sorted Pickles, lustard and Coriander Seed. TEAS.- .A tine assortment in Packages. ' 4 ? -41. „,-4 and ir bulk—lt4 well se nil other articles 1 a ".. belonging to th . e lividness—all at the lowest , t . and Into 'reduced prices, , oat s, j 2. J. W. EllY.i DRY GOODS DRY GOODS: F IRST ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS THIS :4:ASON. Wu hove just completed opening our Sprim; stock of Dry which Is larger and more so nod than at any former period To ft i,nis and customers we Invite eon to visit our immense ?tore Rooms. Our stock consist? in partot Maa:nif.q. t and leilliant styles of Sprina very lark. 10t..f MACK SI I.li.S.nialu and figured and Pouf zi,tic at 1 , ,N1C VICICES. VV.! especially inlitt. the :nodes to this tiepartlltvllt of our monster stack Norwich l'oplin;•,.lnrupered ‘%, rstt.deloths,GreyChene Lusters. hnlii Pe ',dines, colored and tidurk.d Itriltialds. French and Eug,ll4.llCluntze,, English and AxneriLan Calk, &c. I1II(I*fflThI!Ji These goods have Leen selected with care. and ar from the largest and best importing houses In Nu Volk and Plitladelphia. e have i o this department, Linens, laces. Edging, Canthrics, JukmettA, 1414' 03, Mat Tidies Fine French Collars ell of mhich we rerpeett lily nFh n Litnnno4l. e•azninntinn. in order to reti>fr ',•lies that n o basil theta goods bettor and lower in price than the loc. ebt. 3101. 7 11 N I NO GOODS. Tbis iina of goods is vPry large nlll.l mupla Its every departwout. IIoSIERY AND GLOVES, Woolen. Cntion and LlllOll (Inge for Ladles and Gentl ,en, Kid. Kid Finish. Silk, Llslu thread knoces. Call and see our far rained Buck (Nov," I= Muelins, Flannels, Dien kuts, and every artlele in the domestic line eI Dry tlentiA, in larger ts ut..t.ty and In more oomph to assortment than- San ho courad in any [louse In the Interior 1 . 00 nsylTilula. =I Cloths. Casslmeres. Vestiligs, Llnenr,, Cottonados, Iteacerteen, and cords, for blab Wu and 'toys —hfur res are adjudged by eunnoi,uers to be uusur passed for beauty and quality. CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS Superfine No. 1. two and three Ply, Brussels, Velvet. and Ingrain Carpets, a large assortment at Rag Carpets. made to order under our immediate supervanion Cloths, ,;( all widths and styles, Mattings, Bugs, Lank• lag tl lasses, Ito. To young nu•u and old about entering upon House. keeping., Ne inside ou to pa 3 a sisit. to our 411140 (3 A It P )•: 'l' ROOM , t., be the mist siiistidid affair outside of the large eilb•s.''her , goods in this depart merit ma sold at ery low priory. Remember ladies and gentlemen. my m o tto always has been. nod is now, to soil cheap for l'Azdl, and to please my mitheroUs hind patrons. A. iV. 111,N17., S. Ilanover at., May 3, Nearly opposite the l'. O. Carlblo Pn. TO AnIMS ! ARMS!! 1S ALL THE Can. ALL PEttSn E!.. I thnio I regard to are requested to call at LEI 01011 SAII l'Elt tt.,,NIII,LEIC:S Nt, Store, h...a,t Main St., nod exllllll MI their immense stock of NEW GOODS inst in tdore from New York and Philadelphia, con sist og (dull the Newest Stv les and kinds of Dress liOnat Sha•Vtn, Cloth nod Silk Mart I nal+. IttnbnilderieF, Stu U gobrellnt, Parasols, Lace Mitts, hid U loves: kr, kc. :1101.1101Ni/ UOODS of every description imported by the celebrated Lotion of IiEbSON & SON. MEN AND BOYS WEAR! Clotbs. C4,sstrneres, l'estings, Linen and Cotton rout ings, Coatings. Woves, ❑oslery, Collars, Nock Ties, Pocket 'Kerchiefs, &c. Xle—Domestie Goods of Every Variety, at Wholesale and Retail. CARPETS. CAI PETS. All loads direct CI ow the Factory, Olt Clothe, Mat ttt4., nalrrw :gentler, Iglu(' 3latertale. Looking ltlaoooa UM and Mahogany warner:, Every variety of goods boilable for tho,wants of the whom commultit.V. As we bought since the WAR CRISIS, sod customers will find our prices to suit the times. P/easu call at LE1D10)1, SAWY7.II & 'lllll.l,Ett'S Mar 3, 111. Nev Store, Ilint Mehl Street I.)ItEAD BISCUIT &c. _ ) The i'ream of Thrtar "Substitute" Is reconimen• del ns a ouporiyr article in combination with Solaro tus ur Soda for Baking purposes. It produces bread eukpe de., which when cold are sweet, moist and grotuftl, while Um... of Cream of Tartar are often do and taste. less. It wiltroot less than Cream of Tartar and is used ita the same way for cooking, Ac. TIJIS SIJIJSTrfUTE, together with Saleratute Soda. Pyre Cream , of Tartar, Beraiuda A ',Ye: hoot, Mustard Seed, ground and Ur, ground. spices of all kinds unadulterated, and also tlrmuries in every variety constantly on hand, and at the lowest prices for sale by Dee. 14, 1890. J. W. LOOK SHARP.—W in. Fridley would Respectfully announce to th'a citizens of Carlisle and the public generally !hat he boo again commenced the !nonlife. tuning of tin & sheet Iron wareof all kinds, In S.C. ttuyette building 'ot Louther street, directly opposite 10.,Shapley's ('hair ilfanufbctory, where he will at all times be in readiness to do all kinds of work in his line of business with neat:floss and dispatch. All work will be done by himself and a competent hand as he keeps no apprentices. Also, eau at all times bo had thoso aelebretted SUP TESTING, RELS-SRALING, PablilU3l ?KM CANS & JARS, House spouting. and Jobbing. of all kinds done , shoft notice and Made Of thh host material: . . . . Aret'asir paid for old l'owtor and Copper. unplug by strict, attention to business, and a desire o pleas nil, to receive a share of public patron ago. Carlisle Oct 26.1860.-Iy. . LW GOODS. AT PANIC PRICES. "V Just received another lot of elegant SPRING HOODS, bought at the present reduced city prices and st Dine uncommonly low pot-wig''. CdtAYOOODS for traveling dresses, Obeli do Laines, 'Andres. - Loans, Silks, &c, fn groat varlet) Shootings, Tlekings, Gingham'', &c.--,--ot-th# very lowest prices,' • ay -)LIEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, COTTONADES. — • SUMMER' CASSINIEItES, JEANS, DRILLINGS, Ladles', Cents': Misses' and Oh II dren's Illoyes,Etock lugs In endless variety and very cheep. Recollect the store nearly opposite the Depot. CHARLES OUILItY, Trustee. Car Dale. Iday, 10, 1801. • IVAILS! NAILS !1 NAILS 11 ! 1.1 A large stock of good, Olean, Neat, and Tough nails, at the lowest. Prices: our nails are worth Wets a keg more. than any other mako of nails' sold in our town. Weis the opinion of mechanics Who have tried them, we also have a full assortment of • 'of the latest and most approved styles. - An troodelvetiVl ,routad as represented._ ...101111_11.”.1.1tli &-SON,---- Stay 2,'6U. North E[a ` nover SE: ;rarilelo: The largest and best vartet'y of (lout's • Furnish• ng Goods, and at the lotvest prices can ha found at ' LIVIDIGOTOWS, North Mineral. Street.• f STCELE . SKIRT.—An other largo .uppty t.)io6 superior and 'chop stoot 'Siring iajust reed - ed. Derithsll3 the beet and cheapest, : Carlialeiat the cheap Cash etoro • • • • 2,10 ), . , I %,„I"ifillarY, Trumtea.-- - - 7,ftlit.ellieifieitlit6;7l7 Carlisle ‘Foundry AND FARM IIiPLENIRNT 'DEPOT! P. Gardner & Co, now manufacture row' keep eon. gently for sale. fit their es tenPi Ve Steam Works on East biaiustreet, Carlini", a large ass t ertment of RICULIT RA IMPLFINIENTS, of well known, approved uperuloesa to fariners. among whir•b they would calf especial attention to W/LLOIRIII ClilikalflATlll) PATENT GUM SPIUNG GRAIN DRILL, which has tr,kero oval. {my nr`ot Class Premtums nt Rate and County Fairs. To the Farmers co Cumberland. Cork and ferry• counties we need not speak In detail of the merits of this drill. as scores of them aremow In yet') en the best ihrms in these counites. Its repute tion le established ss the nest complete Groin Prlll now manufactured In the United dint's. It sows Wheat. Bye, Oats. Parley and Onion, evenly and replier, without bundling the seed. The coin i...pronas pass the drill so or stomps and stones, u ltbout breaking pine or the drill. For seen and to gull's sowing, ihe Willough by Gum Spring Drill Is unequalled by nay otter V; e also man ufadture , sed sell the following wrtielew whleh we can recommend to Farmers as reliable Implements, of established. character : HORRIEON , STATENT CORN PLANTER, LAMPS PATENT sTltAll R voiniLit CUTTER, BRIDBNDOLPIPS PATENT(T)IN BARN'S PATENT CIDER JOIINSON'seAsT IRON 110(rs Titntoll MPO. Three and Pour Ilro se Po, ere nod Threshlnk Machines, Cast Iron Field hollers. Plough enstlops 01 various patterns, Corn Crush., and other artielts for ' , armors too nutraaous to mention. Egg Coal Stoves and Ton Plato IVood etoves. with on holm, so varlet; of other rastings for houseko Pero :ma others. We base also an attractive variety 01 patterns for MOLT ILAILIZIGS, and OEMETHItY LiNCLOSIALES to which we would call ettentiou. Stenm 'Engines and Anil Gearing To this depurtuu•nt of our lousiness we give Nu tleii Inc attentitm. line already extensive stock of patterns for Paper, Flow and, Saw Mill lire ring, is constantly lucreasinA. )1111 ()inners and MPI Wright,. uill he fur nlshed with a printed catalogue of our various )1)11 Patterns, on application. Our Machin.• iihop rompries all the VII rious tools for turning, planing and finishing Shafting and Catuings, by good and ea retul Machinists. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES' of any desirable rapacity, front ten to twenty•fiec horse power, built fu the best sty le and 0^ assure modstiag terms. Engines built at our establishment may be seen In successful operation an envoy of the lore est Distilleries and Tanneries in fie lisle. and Cumberland Perry and Daupiun Counties. to the owners id which we eoofi , ler. l 4 ?eras for iniOrinstion as to their efficien cy. Persons WAlltilit:Stelltil Ellgineg tuts r,rnn ally re quested to call and P3IIIIOIIEI before contra ctiog else , where DOOR AND SASH FACTOEY. Connected with our establighno.nt In a Sfeaut Snob and Door Manufactory uhich in 110 . , Ut r,•mplete otilt4r for thu tua t. ufact urr of every de,criptir n of 111. 1 1/,1)/A0 'MA 1 En IA 143. ter the most costly as well 11S the plainest house. Win low ft.oislod Pram S cents open, 0, illll sling to siv.e of glass; odow 11,11 zl 31 ape atal ; ;butters and itolli,og /Minds Ism upv, nrdp F oaf Vent! Doors from $2 12 offe at d. Mouldings. ('astio gs A rchitraves,l% ash Boards, Brackets. Fancy ht aper). serous. and other articles needed in house building. furnished at Lite I, west prices and or the beet nitmlo3 41111)0,er. tly_lle are also prepared, 1 h lieretolote to build and repair It bN C fir Ira Ilsporters un the railroad, with promptness and on reason:4l4e 1. rms.. The continued patronage of the public is respectfully solicited, Orders by mail promptly attended to. May a. 4.30. ARDNEIt & Co. NEW COAL AND (MINI HER YA HD. The subseriberB have this day entered into part' uernhip to trade in jUAt., ANI) LUMBER, We will have constantly on hand and furnish to ordir all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, SCANTLING, FRAME STUFF, Pn!log. Plastering Lath. Shingling Lath. worked Floor ing and Weatherboarding. Poste and li:111s, and every ar tide that belongs to a LUMBER Y All kinds or Shi ogles. to WIT IN 111[00110, ii mine% , and Oak, of dttferent qualities. Raving Cars of our aOO- we con furnish hills So arder of ninny lengtAi and lto at the vhortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. our worked board; will he kept under cover so that they can he furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under rover, whirl, we will de , iver clean to any part of Ole borough. To wit: LYKENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTON, LOCUST MOVNTAIN, LOIIBERY. which we pledge Uorselves to sell at the lowest prices Rest quality of • buteburner's and Blacksmith's Coal, broken, Egg, Stove and Nut always ou 'hand Mai we VI in sell at the lowest figure Yard west side of Grammar School. Main street. ARMSTRONG & HOFFER. July 20,1859 J. R. NONEMAKER , FORWARDING AND COMMIS sioN HousE, FLOUR AND FEED, COAL, PLATER AND SALT. The subscriber having taken the Ware house ours and fixtures of W to. 11. Mainly's well ku o .o establi,h• [Dont; en West High street. opposite Dickinson College, would Inform the publlc that he haw entered Into a general Forwarding and Comu&alon business. The highest market price will be paid fur Hour, Grain and produce elan kinds. They are also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lea ost rates, with safety and despatch. PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED•at sholesale or rcLail. COW Wall kinds. embracing, LYK RN'S V A LI.F.Y, LUKY, FIDDLER. SUNBURY WHITE ASH; LOCUST OA I', Limeburner's and Blacksmith's COANTANTI.F FOR 8/.1.E. liErT UNDIAt COVER and delivered dry to any part of the town. J. E. NON EMAR ER Carlisle. August 17, 1559. William P. Lynch, Practical PLC-3111ER and GAS FITTER, in the basemen( of the M. E. Church, Main Street, 6,'arlhyle, head and Iron :rou Sinks, hydrants, Bark Tubs, Ilia A. Cold Shower Bulbs, Moth Donors, Water Closets, Wash Basins; Force and Lift l'unipa, Elydraulie Rams, &e. Whit Iron WerdT alma And every description of cocks and fittings for gas, steam, water. de. Superior cooking ranges, heaters and gas fixtures put up In churches. stores and dwellings, at short notice, in the most modern style. All materi als and work In our line nt low rates and warranted. tAD - Country work and dubbing promptly attended to. Mar. 23. 1850-1 v _TUBRICATING OILS.—We wish a 4to Inform machinests. millers and the public gene. rally, that we hare on hand a full stuck of I.ubrienting Oils for all kinds of machinery, th's ell SUrptniliefi all others, baring boon subjected to a thorough test by the side of the bent Lard and other Oils. It is pronounced a superior Lubricator at lees cost and wearing longer. and entirely tree from gum, and wit: stand much colder weather and has less tendency to bat. 'fry it and you will use nothing else for Lubricating. .., • Carilsie Nov. '2, 'GO. JOON t. LYNN & SON. North Ilanocer Street Carlisle. PPHOTOGRAPHY in al) its branches executed to the best El tylo known lu the art, at C. G. CRANE'S 6TALLERI; No. 632 Arch Strout, Ettet of Sixth, P:1113 - DELPIIIL Life Size in Oil and Pastil. Jae STEREOSCOPIC PORTRAITS, AMBILOTYPES DAOUERREORYPES, 1m..,.f0r cases, 3ludallous; and Orders for Goode promptly attended to. tilttril'B, '61.-IY. _HAS LEFT LEONARD'S COR- J. W. SM I LEY Hereby gives notice to his friends, customers, and the public; that he has removed his store from Leonard's corner to his now room—formerly known as Keller's hat stern—on North Hanover 4tiout, between the Car lisle Deposit Bank and Iluyetes Grocery Store. lila stock of HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Boots. Shoei and Hats is larva and complete, and you can depeol v ever:ep the fart that ho can And will Sell cheaper than eV: and always intends. to sell good goods and at a lower price than any person else. CLOTHING jliAlways on hand, the most seasonable, best made , and fuehitmable Coats, Pontalobos and Vests from the commonest to the best qualities, Which cannot fail to fit, please tho eye and give antis. faction in• general. Also, knilrtai 'Undershirts and drawers, collars, cravats suspenders, gloves, stockings, Stc., A„ all to lie sold at the very lowest prices... ~• ~ ' - BOOTSAND-S/10ES . • ''•-• ' Always on hand, a largo and complete asaort• merit of every variety of P llopts',lfromns;Oxfordip Ties, Rippors,Gaiterselfersona, Am, for Ladies , and tientltmen, .IXliesea and'iloys, youth and children, all to bo !Mid cheap . . Also on hand and ego stoutly manufacturing the beat . Yine French and Mene InroC coleots: and Joifersons for Ladles . lig'All r ips sowedrrea - ,_. a t, . -r , ' .. HATS A large stook of Hata, far Mon. Bays' and Children, coramon, gond'and - flna. All soil• log alluapar tban.aror.c • - • •• • TItAVELII , 4I BAG'4II3IIIItELLAS VUL OANI9EU GUM .COATB AND . CHEAPER TliAlsTlVErt. boraby. tondar-my thanks' to lay customo>srand frlands.'for paatlavors, and ournos*Fulfrit you ON-t0 'call And see me and uwatookOtgoOth, Insfuro .youpur-- alsowliare. as I•am aetarnduad ter use effort to ourAv y. )u with tha 'tory bent, and at such prices as will suit all. ' partiular Idok far my shin, • ki96l , —/Y. ' W. Dec. 2.11. TH51.1 NOTICE AND READ THIS.— L'l Y. c. RILE:4IER, „pr. , At the new Store on East Main Ft. , , • IR near theory Sexton's Hardware Store, I Vlwould call the attention of persona In Y . Went of a line Watch to his splendid , \,..31 : , ~,,,- ,stork of American, Liverpool and Lou don it AICHES, I have a fine stork of Gold Watches, at all prices. from two, ty dollars up to three hundred dollars 1 else have a large stock of Silver Hunting Cased and Open Cased Watches, from three dollars up to eighty. 1 also have anew stud( of French and Amer'. can JEWELRY in setts, sock as Cameo, (fold Stone, Lava, Mosaie, Movtruing sod Plain setts, &c. I also have a new stock of Medallions; from one dollar up to fourteen; Ladies' and tienilemon's Br, art I'lns of all patterns and prices: Gold I baths; a large stock of Vest Fob and I'lll - 1, rile ills; a very large stock if finger rings of all Muds and patterns, such as Seal Pings. Wedding hinge, and r. , ettings; a tine stock et Cull Pins, Hold Si uds. vie,', i. Ilia tont, for Ladies a tot Gen I lemon, Crisco Bracelets. Gold Watch Kos, f-eals. Geld slid Silver Thimbles, Coda and . 511 N rr Spectacles, a large stock of Silver 'r, , ,,, and Tal,lo Spoons :t all priCOS, and a 1,111. plots, stock of Double Plated Ti, and 'hallo sp ocms , ph, tad Fmks. Silver and Plated Butter linive , and a fine st, ?k of double plated Casters, Sugar Spoons, Silver Fruit Knives, and a large stock 0re,,,,,,,,,, F ro ,-1„0,,,, , to suit all ages. to which I invite particinar attention; Port \lonnaies of all kinds, Sil ver Keys and Chains; a large c' -- , -... \ stock of Accord, re's, \1011n5,4,, ~, I ' t ot ' .. Boxes. (large and .1 i''' end Music k ~.11.) ~,,, it great variety of t - - - - , ...c9 r 3 articles usually kept in a Jew- .., A 8 i 4, airy store. I hasp:l:se on hand 1 - i‘...:1_1;:2 , 5.,,,:a A large end well selected stock , . ."'''' Of CLOCKS. Of all patterns and , fashions. from no,; dollar up to . r _ fifty'. which I will sellat a small , profit and warratit them formic , ''':IIIPIUMITI illalliallli; year, to he good time keepers. Every thing sold by 1110 shall be what It is represented. Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry. carefully repaired and warranted. Carlisle July 6, 1b60.-)y. do. do F INE WATCH REPAIIAING.- F. C. KR K!ifElt, t the Now Jewelry Store on Rust Nlain street, near the Public ir ca ik \vi Square, is prepared to clean and repair the Finest Watehes. and - ..,N, Ilk warrant theni to give entire • • " ''l le 1 i \'V saosh,tion Moo fine Tient i • ~,!;,3,,, A Clocks of all Icinds. Musical !two . 0 "Tir , en, Accordions, &c put in cont.., . , _ ..../,,. n zAz plate order, and warranted. ii,,,.,,i....,..7.,.."0,.. CLOCKS WATCHES & JEWERRY SIL,VInt AND 01,ATED WARE. ELI HOLDEN, No. 708, Market St., Invites special attention to his full supply of Watches or 104,:meiti ood a ENEVA 31ANUFACTIME, JEWELRY ON ELEGANT DESIGNS, Saver t t Silver Plated Ware of the Best Quality, In VI style and price adapted to the wants of all. Good goods and fair ;aloof, Is my principle. —Also; tr. his Patent Shirt Studs; being of novo) construction, possessing advantages over any other in vention. March 16, 1861.-1 y. L "AltK IN & C 0.,. DIAMMOTIt PHOTOGRAPII GALLERY, S. E. Corner Eighth and Arch Streets, (ENTRANCE ON EIGHTH STREET,) PHILADELPHIA, After many yearn' experience in aft the varfount bran cites of the Art the Proprietors confidently invite the attentihn of their friends and the public to their ex. tennlveestabliniunent, which presents the opportunity for procuring the hoot pictures, equal at least, to any tiret-cles“ Gallery in the United States. Preparatloun are complete for executing all the im. proved styles known to the Art. They have a patent arrangement for copying Daguerreotypes, Ac., &a., mak, irg them Mai size, if desired—the only one of the kind in this nountry. Attached, to this estahlialtment are three coloring Art ists. Pitman/anis, including Painting, aglow as MOO. Do with Frame, " " 2,62. Do, at 75 cent,. Extra cordon 50 cents, or $5 per dozen. Life size Photographs an low as $0 and ivorytpe at sante price. Dui able Ambretypes at .50 cents and upwards. A most extensive aqsortment of flit. Frnmen orribritc. ing,a select and choice variety of the latest styles. Prices front 62 coats and upwards. Especial attention bestowed upon Life sized Photo graphs In Oil. transferied from small pletutes, and from life. Price, front $5O to $lOO. .oCir. Instructions are - 51n the Art. Feb. 22, 'Ol.-I y. E .:w DRUG STORE. NEXT DOOR TO INIIMPS PORNEIt , Just rorelveda large assortment a lar,ge assortment of Fresh Drup,'Cnufncilonarlqa and Fancy Article, em. hracluK r .; , • • • ' • . , PER.FUNIERIES, OILS, SOAP,S 4 SP/CEq, auch as PEPPER CLOVES, ALLSPICE end CINNAMON, freshly grrnind every week. Essences of klndeJust mode, the PatentHeinen of the wv onnsam.tiv nn ;kl,-1 . TrlalTut'a. pyeprptla Powdm H. ... , --- At'liyeldtio . i Proscriptions promptly and' carefully nmoundcd. • SEGAIZS, AND TOBACCO;; of bast braods, received .roirobirly. 'Also. IlOrio J . !ow dery hy.tbe puckago email of thobeat quality. ' • ItHYNOLDS & Cer.l4 . 10, May. 24, - ri u m Juht recclvad.glarge. ;aaorlmont at all - Qum 1101tIng, Apra Ham), Gain &ca and I'r sale cheap at the ilaratvaro Stare of. •• • ' Jun. 22, 18(10. . • . . •.. SAXTON. • _ . 'llllitt, 1)-e-iitib'actriefft). CIOCKS WATCHES JEWELRY AND SILVER WADE. at Manufacturers prices. - W. D. -A. Nanglo, Aat.. Zug'n building PRIt Main St., opposite Susanna hardware !Store, Dealer in • • • FRENCH 4 AMERICAN CLOCKS, , 6 t, mt -- -.."-- C ',1, -- _ -- -1- -',—"e --!•_.',.. .7-- _-_,),-&-'• foreign and American Wracking, Jana.ly, Sil cr and Pla te•d sure. Yaks' Ooodul - c. would. most respectfully iq s.rm hie old patrol:4Blld the public generally that ho liiie - jugt returned from - the East with an 'out/re - hew ...tot; off LEE W ATCHES, JEWELRY, SI LV ER & ILA • THIt RARE; CLOCKS &e.' flaying secured agencies fiom some of the largest and Lent pa,tories for the sale of these goods. I em prepa red to offer to the public any.artfcle In the 'lna from 75 to 12:1 per cent legs than they bare erer loon offered In this place or below the regular Irholesale price, as tolloyss, Clocks friin 75 cents to $lO, Watehes from $2,50 to $lOO. all wrlry fn se( to nom 50 cents to s2s.TeaSetts from 20 to $30,--0 pleces hest quality and latest styles JEWELRY. =I MEM 'i day Martini, Gold. Punt. CaSe Eng. Coral, 8 •• Stsii,ing,it is American, - Pearl, N " F•triiiinir k Al, " " Swiss, 011°0,, 8 " Itetztilators,•• " Froneh t „, Gold Steno. ii " Gallery, Sliver Ilunt.Case'Eng. Lava. 8 •• Church, -- gi - " American, Cal'lfuncle, 8 " Mantles. " Swiss, Oral, . . i " PerMr, " " French, Mosaic, S " Machu, Open Face Amerlean, Jot, to clew, " Lap/nes, . Onrnet, 30 Strlkif.r. . o " Quartiers, iurquois, 30 Alarm ttf Strik. " " English, Pnintlngs, 30 Tim,., “ . Pre'ncli, Enamelled, " " Geneva. Paste, ' " German, Stone, 'JO v•• JU Gothic, TF: A 81 , .; T2':: . II ohluts, Ws I ters Tureens, Ladles. Cups., Butter Dishes, Fait Blonde. Fink IC owes, Ple Knives, Crumb ICWVI.S, 1,, cream do. Cake Knives, Forks. Spoons, Castors. Cnrll•le. July. 27, 1800-1 USEPII U. STEEL WATCH MAKER SOUTH HANovER STREET *1 A fell , doors south of the 4 . ; ur t House. Having supplied myself with A large assortment of %Cut, is ls, Illncurs, Lam now prepared to re pair all kinds o(W:itches. Cliwks, Jewelry, Be, on the most reasonable terms that inky lie Intrusted to my 11, Mug attention to business to he fa cm-ed with a share 01 rulJic patronage. A fine rtment of JEW ELII V, such as Ladies' Itreast Pins and Ear Drops Gold and Cai r neo; Misses' Ilren•t Pins and I . :lar Drops. Hoz and Moan Pius all sizes, Gold Chains, Plated rhalus, Glli Lockets, (Wards Also a large and fins asuortment of GOLD FINGER RINGS, Also. n floe lot of Silver Hunting, Detached Lever, and t.epines it arches, and a good assortment of Pulver plated and Steel cpeettieles. All of w hieb will be sold ,ow. A shale of public patronage is respectfully solid. tot, Jos: U. STEEL, - I 'arli4!e Jan 1560 - - lallr W S L ' k l l i t - 1 % F ' '4 A S I4, AT j 1 1 :7 \ 1:' ' s it o l d l's este A b llsh o p d Stand. West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Hank. I have just revolved a new assortment of watches, cirelcy medallions silver ware, dc., in addition to my ~tmer atitcli to which I is site the attention of the public, Ittuasscirlaient embraces fine geld and silver lever watches. Hunting and open case do., gold An chors for Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Lepines and Quartter watches of every variety in style and price. Also fine gold Medallions. Breastpins for Ladies and (len Omen of every quality, pattern and price. hold fob, vest. curb and neck chains. ilold bracelets, finger rings, end-phis, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms. &c. field and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver eouunon spectacles, to suit all :in,s to which we invite specialatteu. tfon. A fine lot of GOLD PENS from the beat makers, pectscle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cassis, t r. 11(1 and 41111100 bracelets, oat eb chat DR, \l an Ilt• Clocks and a variety of articles usu. ally kept to . Jewelry eetaltlishmeuts. which i g i k I will sail low for cast, All articles war- • Led to t, shat they It Ye represented. Particular attention paid na usual to It ATell REPAIRING and all work war. • ran tad. Catll In Jul aritti an ex ton Fire agaortmont of SUPERIOR TIME KEEPING CLOCKS JAMES R. WEAVER'S ~ 6 .:4.;,,.., ~, OAD A LN E 1 , MANUFACTORY', NORTII TIALHOVER STIIECT. (lumina, N. Having been engaged In the business for over twenty years ho would return thanks to his CllstOmerspnd friends, for the liberal encouragement extruded to bite kt years cone ty, and further assures them that nn VIRIIIR will bn spared. to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURB, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted Olio ,f the best quality, of the ln• lest atylo, well finished, and sold at thojoiviist possible prince for cash. _ fle also Continues business as nn UNDIIRTARER.— needy made Coffins, Metallic or otherwise. Rept con stantly on band 'and funerals promptly attention to personally In town or country, on the most.reasonablo terms. oerry and Walnut Cofllnn, large size, Niel] finished and lined inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Conine covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES _ May 25,1851L1y. N. B.—Twi, properties situate In Clturehtown,Cumb. county, arc offered for sale on easy terms. Apply as above. J. It. {Y• CUINIBERLAND VALLEY BANK PROPRIETORS, WILLIAM K ER, JEAAC Dn2i74lllA2P R/CIIARR WDoDS, JURN S. STERRETT, JOHN C. DUNLAP, JOIIN DUNLAP, •• ' STU/10$0.N. This Bank, is now prepared to do a general Banking and liitchatige Maiming under the name and style of KKK, DUNLAP I Co., in the same place lately occu• pied by Ker. Brenneman I Co. Money received on deposit and paid brick on ` demand without notice. Certificates of deposit bearing interest at the rate of fivy per cent. will he issued for as short a period as four months. Interest on ail certificates will cease at maturity, provided, however, that if said certificates aro renewed at any time thereafter for an other given period, they chill timer the same rate of in terest up to the time of renewal. Twenty days notice must be given of an intention to withdraw Interest de • They call the attention of Farmers. Mechanics and all Milers who desire A cafe depository for their money, to the undeniable filet, that the proprietors of this lion It ate not only lialde to the amount of their stock in the bank, but ?re INDIVIDUALLY liable to the extent of their estates for all the Deposits, and other obligations o Iter, Dunlap & Co. Particular attention elven to the collection of Vend Notes, Eurelgn Ws. Drafts, Checks, .F e., In any parl the United States and Canadas. Remittances made to any part of the United States England, and Ire/a.id. They will at all times be pleased to give any Inform lieu desired In regard to money leaf tore In general The faithful and confidential execution of all order entrusted to them ma 3 be relied upon Open for business from fi o'clock iu the morning lint 4 o'clock in the evening. _ . _ Carlisle, Aug. 14, 1860 TILL TRIUMPHANT. The enmoleto fineness of the Prairie Flower Conk Stove, warrants the subscriber in railing the attention of ail who may want a superior stove to call and ex amine the only stove that has given universal satitfac. Oen. Ist. A saving of from 30 to 00 per rent. in fuel 2nd. -A hotter and quitter Oven from the same fire, 3d. A larger tivon than any other store of the same size. 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking easing repairs, sth. The best Baker, Roaster, and Cook now in use, Pith. A superior arrangement for cleaning the tiller, 7th. A perfect ails Consumer for sillier etre d or coal. The Prairie Flower is warm teal to give eatisfacl ion In every particular, and will be shown with pleasure to all who may call, whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of reference in town cr country. A few other good Cook Stoves on band, which will be sold very low ha close shack. Spouting, Roofing, Job work, Copper-multi:Ong and Sheeting work promptly attended to, in town or coun- try. All work warranted at the old stand, Hanover street north of Louther, MARY M. 11101IR1 S. N. B. Old Copper, Brass and Pewter bought, and the Itlgheat price }mid In cash or goods. March 28, 18t30.—tf. Cscon.3.! 40c)(3b1!! TO FARMERS LI.MEBURNERS AND OTHERS. The undersigned hive been appointed sole agents for the sale of the celebrated Treverton Coal. This Coal Is recommended by Mr. Landis and others who have tried it, to be equally as strong, and I urn as murh.lime per ton, as Ly kens Valley or any other coal In use. Persona id Wiint of - tittle Coal will flottlt to their In. tersat to buy this coal as It-costs from twenty to twen ty-live cents per ton less than Lykens Valley. We have the prepared Trererton Cool for family use always on hand. Also a large stork of coal of all kinds THOMAS CONLYN Our stork Is large and complete and Nf he sold at the lowest prices Thankful for pops favors we respectfully aek a con tinuance of the same. J uly 23, 18f.0 Benevolent ASCOCIA TION! 1 , ,1TY. AD ELI 111. Benevolent Institution, established by special en dowment for the relief of the airk and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Sur geon, tuall who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, AT.,) slid In cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge: VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhrea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and eu the NEW REM EDIES employed in the Dispensary. sent to the a ffl icted in sealedJklttel envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dit..I.SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, ELBA D. ILEA ItTIV ELL, Presido.u. CEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary, March 8, 18t11.-Iy. 1860 HARDWA w I A O I L! :I HARD trio It Son have just completed opening their Spring Stork of Hardware, Paints, Oilx, varnishes, &e. to eldch they invite the early attteution of the public. We have greatly enlarged our stock in all Its:,various branches,and can now accommodate the pub. lie with In large or small quantities, at the lowest prices. But we do not wish the public to understand that wo have brought all the triode In Philadelphia and New York to our town, but wo can assure them that one look Into our store will convince them that we have enough to supply the demand In this market. Persons wanting goods fir our line,witi find it to their advantage to give us a call before making their purchases.—All orders personally and punctually attended to, and no nth,. presentations made to effect gales JOHN P. LYNN & SON, May 2,'66. North Haunter St. Carlisle I,XCELSIOR PICTURES A. R. ITENWOOD would respectfully Inform th, eftl : sans of Carlisle and sicinity that he has taken room., in Zug's now building, east corner of Nlarket Square, where he Is at all tittles ready to take A MBROT Y Pk>: In the latest and most approval style, Pictures taken in rainy and cloudy weather as well as clear. and at isfaction given or no charges made. Portraits and Da. nerreotypes copied. Miniature Pictures taken for ockets dc.. in A inbroty pe. Ambrotypes warranted to stand the test of time, beta or water. 1931-15 , Lading and Gentlemen aro cordially invite d to c and examine specimens. Prices from 'Arts. to $lO. d. It. lIENWOOD. Jan. '27 .1838. -ii • N - OVENII3ER 2ND, 1860. Aw The tundra of tho "HERALD" aro reminded that 1 havojust brought from tho city n largo supply of •SOO CURRD RAMS AND BEEF Dried Apples add Vouches, Fresh Tomatoes in calls, (reel] Mushrooms, the very beet i'ickice, different kinds of mixed !duet:lois and Sauces, LOIIIOIIEI and Oranges, Truues, Figs Raisins, Sugars, Coffees. Teas, Molasses. Fish, Salt, Fine &gaol and Tobacco: very line Brandies, Old Rye Whiskey, Wines ,to ;'besides a general assort. merit of gooda In our lino of trade, offered at the very loweet prlete, FOR CASII. WM. BENTZ. Ncv.2d, pARGAINS ! 'BARGAINS I! Now le the time for cheap goods. Closlng out the entire stock at utfprocedently low prices, to make room for spring /olsortmenf, All in want of Cheap Pry Coeds, ale respectfully invited to call at the cheap store of CUtS. Carlisle, Feb. 15, 1861. Trustee. TRUNKS ! TRUNKS !! TRUNKS!! Ladies Solo Leather French Style, and Dress trunks and Bonnet Boxes, Traveling Doge, to. Bente' solid Leather and solo Leather Brass Baud Trunks Va lises, New Traveling Bawl, &c., a large - ,, •eortmenl and very low prices. at LIVINGSTON'S, North Ilaulover Street.. .CRESH MACKEREL.- I' A lot of 31nolioral—now catch—ln nanortild pack. gos of naives, Quarter, and Eighth Barrels. Also, 8. A 1, Ai o N , tai - sale at the-Storo of the enbeerlber. Oct. 26, , 63. 4 - W pr. 600 TRACE CHAINS OF ALL kinds with a large assortment of MOM BUTT CHAINS.. liAlar: 11 OFIAINo, BREAST CHAIN'S, .. ' PM!' CHAINS. I.otl (MAINS, -• • TONDUE elf %Ms. COW CHAINS, • - SPREAD at ~ lie., ' Just received at the Cheap IfirdWare Store uf March 7. 'SO,llgtritY SAXTON r IIRUNKS 1 : 'T,RUN KS I Tlt II NKS ! L. Pays' Solo Leather ? Froileh .Styre ' and Dress T run k. an d Bonnet Doses; Iravellug'llaus,&e. -Gauls' solid Loather Mass Band Trunks, Valises, New Travel lug Da. 8, Are.. A large ABBortwout And V Ary Glo STO w prleee at North Unilever atreet: — LIVINN'd . . . . .April 1 2 , ' 6 i- , , . ' :_...--: North of. Broche 'Trench l'eftudalo tautwiMrer.ltt price ban over known. LELDICII,'sAvvy. I SII: & MILLER .„... ...... .... SALE.-50,000 Luildinh. book for kilo, at lam price than they can be bed at the kiln. Enquire et this office. "4 1 1'011,1f1 -11,0041 ',FOR REIN T.-1 lie ► large Store Itooin at the Vi'emtend Of Main. Street. St, a Wed up with couniera. and •aliviving and "has a largo ataeouvepient Collar. PoNseaxion Frmalii) of \ • ADA St 84:NW:WAN, Cadtele;.Dee:2l, ' 60,4 . • " nlisallanteus. H. A. STURaNON, Cashliir VIM AT IS CLAIMED OVER OTIIERS IS ARMSTRONG & HOFFER RELIABLE GOODS. IN )Inif 3inaDs. CUAIBERLAND VALLEY WINTER ARRANGEMENT. . rI VX CHANGE OP HOURS! ' On and after MONDAY, DECRAIBEIf 1860,: rimming. Train, will run as follows: (Sundays excepted :1 ' FOIL e11A51111,1151111103 AND HA81L161.10.110. Ist Train . . 2d Troika Lento llagerstoWn, 7.00 A. At 2.45 P. M t' Greencastle. 7.37 0 9.35 Chambersburg, .8.80 " 1.25 " B hippensburg, ; 9.00 " 1.57 9.32 ti 230 c. 10.10 " 3.10 tr " Mechanicsburg, 15.42 342 Arrive at Harrisburg. -11.11; " '4.10 FOR CHAMI3I:II9DURO NO AGERSEOWN. Leave Harrisbur Ist Train. 2d g 8.05 A. 1,40 Trntn P. M. rt Medial:L{o64nm 0,.0 it / "„ 00 3. Carlisle 9.27 " 2.20 it " New villa, 19.02 u - Shim:Wins-Rh*. 10.31 0 4.05 Cr Chambg', (Arrive) 11.00 4.45 0 Greencastle, 11.05 5.15 Arrive at Hagerstown, 12.35 6.15 0 THREE Daily Trains leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg nt 18, and LSO, A. M,, and 4 'in I'. M., For Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Central natl.," At 2.10 A. 71., 12.55, 1.15, and 523 P. 111. tin I.eltitou V. rt. It., al 8.00 A. AL. and 1.45. I'. 111. For Baltimore, at 1.00 & 7,40 A. M.. AI 00 P.M. For a roverton and Williamsport at 1.40 and 8.15, P. M. Trains on Dauphin Road at 2 00. I' Al. NOME TO PA9StNGER9: At all .5 tatioriti where Tickets nit , sold, via: Hagerstown, 0 reournstle, Chatu beriburg, Shippenshurg, Newellle. Merlin tars burg and Harrisburg, a redurtion of TEN CENTS oa each Ticket will he made to all Passer/Kers that provide themnelvea with Tickets before entering the Cars. 0. Railroad Office, Chambersburg, N. LULL Lluper't Dec. 7, 1800. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK! (1114 , , -" SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIE6 NEW YORE AND HARRISBURG VIA HEADING, A LLENTOWN AND EA TO N MORNING I'Iti•ASS; West len vet New l'orit nt aA, M., arriving at flarrisburg at 1: .t neon, only bj bourn between tbe two cities. MAIL LINE loaves New York at 12.00 min: and as rives/it liarriaburg at R.OO P. 31. MORNIMI MAIL LINK Knsf. IPnces Harrisburg nt 8.00 A. M., twill ing at New York a t 4 :11/ I'. M. A FTKRNO“N 10(PIti:SS ra..t. a •n Vl's !Yards burg rct 1.11 P M. arriving at Nei,. York a t U O O p m Connections are made at lan iab nrg at IM I', M. with the• Passenget 'Pralns-tn each dlrect rou un the Pennavl vanin Cumberland Yal/ey and Northern Central Rail rrad. All trains rfonneet at Reading n ith trail. for Patta villa and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Mauch Chunk, Enaton, ete. No change of Passenger Oars or :Baggage 'between Now Y rok and Harrisburg, by the tWO A. IL Line from New York or the 1 15 P. 70. from Zhu; isburg. For beauty or scenery, and epee,•. romThrt and arrow modatinn. this rout• preteuts superior ludueements to the travelling nubile. • Fere between New York and Ihirrieburg FIVE DOL LARS. Yee tirkete and other Soh.rthethen apply to J. J. CLYDE, Genera! Agent. 11arrinintrg. CARLISLE AND PELLADELPECA t iZ t V • &7:1 i• .SRr~ it :4 7 g, 4 :7 " ; -• • DAILY I'itEIGIIT LINE. FREED, WARD k FREED, Bit MARISET BTREET, I , IIIIABELPHIA J. & D. It !MA I)S, MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA &i-Cars of thin Line leave tho. Depot 811 Morkot at., Daily, at 4 o'rlock, .Lea , ae Carlini°, Daily, at 7 o'clock. A lir. Goode intended ter this Line ~hould be n arked C. & P. Daily Freight Line, and sent in by 4 Weibel:. May 26, 1550. p HILADELPIII A AND 11P.ADING RA i L RO A ID SLIMMER ARRANGEMENT, On and alter MAY 28, 11.60. Two passenger trains leave Harrisburg daily, (Sun days excepted,) at B.ou A. M and 140 P. M.. for arriving there at 1.20 anun and 0.10 P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia at 0.00. A. 21., and 3.30 P. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 12:1 noon and b. 30 P. M. Farms: To Philadelphia, No.l Cora $3.25; No. 2 On Name train,) $2 70. Fares to Beading. $1.60 and $1.30. At Reading. connect with trams for Pottsville, Miners. ville,Tanmon, Catawisaa, Four trains leave Rending for Phlladii/phia dolly, at 6 A. W , 10.45 A. 51., 12,30 noon nod 3.43 P. 31. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 0.140 A. 1.00 P, 11., 3.30 P. 51., and 5.00 1'.:11. Fore. from Reading to Philadelphia. $1 75 and $1 45. The ninrolog train from Harrisburg- ,•.marts at Vending with up train for Willit,lairre. Pittston and Scranton, For through tickets and other information apply to J. J. ('LYLIR, General Aadint. Aug. 9, 61 Rats d, (Lops A.AE u Fl ROI; HAT AND CAP EM PORI UM ! The undersigned 'haying purchased the g t.t.0ek,1,-,,, of the lato Wm 11. Trout dee'd. would respectfully announce to the pu Idle that ho ill con • tinue tb. BATTING BUSINESS at the old stand, In West High street. and with a rei1e,...1 and VinCiant effort, produce srticles of head 1)t et, o Every Variety, Style ,771(1 Quality: - that chat be strictly .in keeping with the improvement of the Art, and fully up to the age I which we lire. h , avo n t on t. hand-z -- splondhl HATS AND CAPS . . . . . of all descriptions, from tho common 11 00l to the finest FUJI AND 81LE 11ATS; and at price• that must soil every one who boa on eye to gutting the worth of his money. Uhe stock includes, MOLESKIN, CA SSISI ERE, BEAVER & FELT /1 A TS, of every et3le and color and , unourpaa.ed for LIGHT NESS, DURABILITY AND : by those of any other establishment in the country. MEN'S, EWES' and CB/ LIOIEB'o HATS and CAPS, of every description constantly on hood. Ile respectfully invites all the old patron,: and an many new ours es pinialble, to glee him a cell lApr. 25, 1860--ly SECOND SPRING A ItRIVAL.— LAItliE SUPPLIES FOB. THE IIEAD AND FEET. At the store of John Irvine, on 'the N. E corner of the public square, is the place to purchase Boots Shoes flats & Caps, at prices that defy et mpetit inn. Ile has just returned Dow the Nast with the largest and most complete assortment ut Boots, Shoes, lists & Caps that ha has ever presented to this community, and which he le eleterruinetk to sell at the lowest possi ble prices. Ills stock embraces everything in his line of business, such so • MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF' BOOTS, Nip Boots, Calf and Patent Leather Oxiord Ties, Cal and Patent Leather Gaiters, Calf Nullifiers, Cal Land Kip Brogans, Slippers, &c. LADIES' Fine French and English Lasting Gaiters, Morocco, Calf and Kid Boots, Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers, Morocco, and Kid Buskins, de., &. AND VIIILDREN'S IVEA It of all descriptions embracing tine Lasting Gaiters, Morocco and Lasting Button Boots, Morocco Lace Boots of all kinds, fancy shoes Of various styles slippers, &e. lIATs & CAPS, Silk, Cassimere, Fur and 'Wool llats of all qualities and styles, also a large assortment of ' TRAP fl; Boots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notice Repairing promptly done. Confident of his ability to pieggoolelesties ofeustomers,ke_respectfully invites the publieto give him a call. Remember the place, N. E. corner of the Publie Square. May 30,'00. 101312 NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS HATS, CAPS ANDSTRAW HOODS. • IfIJLTS, CalP S - c. - s' • • The subscriber has recently opened a New Store at the old Ftaild of .1.131 Halbert North balmier St. opposite the Carlisle Deposit Dank, Having received from Now York and-Philad r elpliin, tuft and well selected - assortment of goods in his !limo. bushiess, such as lIATS and 'OAPS, from the common Wool to the Sno Vac, ' • • • - 7 -- SILK AND-GASSIMERE WATS; Spring nylem of Silk hats for 1861. 'Straw Bata for flonl.llanon, Jockey Hata for Ladles nd fancy lista and_ PEICEE TO SETT. THE TXELES. Also, Carpet Dago,, Vallsoo. Trunks, 'Hand Trunks, Undmellas and Carpet, Fupthara. _An amottment of /AV" Priaid!Segilie and. Tobacco. Thauldul for gm patronage already received ha uould lnrito all Ma Mande and the public generally to glri him a call. . , .. JACOB Carlisle, April 1!,18131, • JRAIN . receivcd,44 j0r611.10 i , eiy cheap for Cash - • • • Nev. 2, ititiO. • OMB: OlLDV,lntitoo •'• . J. 4.1. CALLIO JOAN MUNE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers