Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 20, 1860, Image 3

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    orunt le si )7' c), tt,:.,.i „,,,,
co li....zinro
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( iorue 77- . ~;:..A.5 ~._,:.
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-;::,.. ‘ ,4•.‘,. ' 2,1 , ww , ::..?
The. undersigned having used Professor
in our families with the most satrsfalltory results, and .
having full confidence in thrie genuineness, Purity,_
ainl,ollictley, cheerfully reeoniitietca - them Jo all-per
sons who wish to bare safe, reliable, nod °diem:love
roman, ht !land for private or tlentretie use.
The Hee. Wni, Gushier, editor of "line Northern
Independent;' Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. E. 11. Gres.
ney,D.D., Realm. of St. Peter's Church, Auburn, N..Y.;
the ltev. IS: I. Ivry; CIIII.IIIII I of the Adhere Slate
Prison; the Dee, spencer M. Rice, Rector, Neir-Iled
ford, limes.; the 1t.% Allen Steele, 'New-York Con
ference; the Rev. Sanatel Nieholp, Mast-Genesee Con
ference N. Y. ; the lire. P. s—Pima...Dorset, V. ; the
bier. J a hn H. Roble, Dulfalo; A. 0. !Art, , Utiett,
N.Y. ; the -lion. Neal Dow, Portialtil, Me,; the
Sellnyler Cdfax, South-Dena, Ind,;, the lion. George
Ilinuphreyl, N. Y.; Henry D. .Cask, Rs q ., Edliof of
the "Olold State hamlet," Colutubtls, Ohio; the lion.
It. 11. . Graham, Midlue, ,• the lion. Thomas J.
Chase, Month:elle, ,• the `lon.. Joseph Ilettedleti
Utica, N. V. ; WNW, Rig ' Utica, N. Y.; A. S.
Pond,.Eso,, Utica, N. Y. ; Junes Plunkett, Nash
erne Tenn
I.—For Lever, Congvstlnn, and' luilmomitt ll4
' No. 2.—For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Welting
No. 3.—For Coll; drying, Teething, and Wakeful.
neat of Infants.
No. 4.—For Diarrhcea, Cholera infadum, and Sum.
suer Complaints.
No. s.—For' Colic, GlNlplogs, Dyaentexy; or 13lOody
•Flux. '
No. o.—For Cholera, Cholera Aforhos, 'Vomiting.
No. 7.—For Coughs, 'Cotta, lolluenen, and Sore
• Throat.
No. S.—For Tooth-ache, rare-ache, and Neuralgia.
Nn. 9.—For Headache, Vertigo, dent and Fantle.
0031 of Head.
No. 10.—D.rsrursm Illtd,—For Weak. and Deranged
fitoomeh, Constipation. nod Liver Complaint. •
No. 11.—Fon P10101.1,1111tE(JULAIIITI1'ii, Hontltf, Palm.
ful, or SappreAsed
. 12 —For Leueorrliea. Profuse Menses, it
rig Down or ren,:kt,,,—
la.—For Group, Iluarse . Coagh,llatl Ureathing,
14.—Sitit Mina Erptiftelas, EMI).
rilliple3 MI the I'ooe
tl MR,
N,. 15.—Ittmum.% fir! PILLS—.Nor Pohl, leuneness
or t 4 oreness in the CI11,1;113ck, Lritns, or Limbs, '
Fcvvr anti Ague, Chin Foyer, Dumb Ague,
01(1 ISliitimiinged Amu,
P.—For Piles, Blind of ItleTling, Infernal or F
0,,F0r Sore, Weak, or Toll:trued Eyes nod Eyelids;
or Blurred'
o.—For Submit, of long ntsudhry or recent, either
- aclllrobstrnccion ,
W. C.—For.lVllooplng Cl;oug abating ' lts'vlatetine
and I , llorlellillg Ito tulle.
Ti, ,u, I. to Fr% elt, lon:uun,n riot.
Dlarrhwit, 11y:rept, , ,n', hi CO.:01.11i, nod such
eruptive tlisen,es Srull--t }ever, Measles, and
'foetus, the int lablVt..or tiviug tilY proper remedies
promptly Is 0 1 / 1 "10,I. nod hi.nll Sll , ll 1 - 11£(11 the age,
eines netlike n claim. The, sot ire di:uips In often .
as - m.l4nd at mire, and du allltrou-s the sialnuer of the,
attack Is moderated, the dketisesliurt.elied, untl re
dered Icsa dlingerouu.
Coughs - and Colds, In blob arc of such frequent oc
currence, And 0 bleb so often icy the foundation of
disensed lunge, bronchitis, and column/pi lull, may oil
be at once cureibby the Ferec and Cough Pilk.
lu nil chronic disease!, welt West:
Stomach, Constipation, Liver `Complaints, Fe
'male Debility, trod Inset:W:11111es; old headaches,
Sore-or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, Salt Hinson, alaioliirr
old eruptions, the enter lin, spLeifies nis,,re !doper itpr
pliention n ill afford a cure in :111)1.1 i'vely instance.
Often the core of n single chronic dlllirully; such no
Dyspepsia, Piles or Taint 01, Headache or 14'111010
Weflklle.S.i, bus atone linos [add for the cure ten timed
20 yinla cotoplete, iu tnoroieo, and Book, Q.
Cake of YO vlots , and Book, plain
Case of 15 nninbet ed 1,001.0, and Book, „ ......
Coat of 0 boxes, numbered, and Book - 1
- Singly I.llllbUred boxes, II ilk dit . ectinno, 2' els,
Slagle lettered boxes, oith dlt ..... et,
Large cage with Y oz. vials. for planters z‘nd phy
alclane, • ^, •
Too ASTHMA on 1 . 111111.1'. Oppressed, DlMeld!,
Labored Breathing, attended mitt, Cough and Expec
toration. Price, LO cents per :moo.
You EAU. 111$.1..1 . 11.1:1,, AND Invo-xt.s.—Discharges
Boni the Ear, the result of Scarier Fever, Mens!vs, or
• Mercuriols. For. Noises In the Head, Ilardnues of
Hearing, , and Ringing in the Ears, - and Ear-ache.
Price, PP cents psi bus,
Fox :,s'CltOillS.A.--E111,11 . 1,i1 Gilman. Enlarged mid In
durated Tonsils, Sue Mugs and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous
Chfrhexy of Children. Pt or, hO cents per box. _
You GENERAL. DEIIILITY. Physic - 0 Or Nervous
'Wealiness. 'tElltier the result of Sickness, Exce,al,
?dedication, or .Exhnusting . Discharges. Price, LO
cents per box. •
Eon DROPBT.—FIuId Accumulations, Tumid Swell.
Senply SecrellollB. Price, lilt cents per bog,
bout Sicklier, Vertigo, Non
. sea, Votnitit;c. Siallrhs .fruin riding or motion.
Price, BO cents per his.
You Unlxnur DISILISPB.—For Grovel, Renal Cal
culi, Dillleult, Painful Urination, Ulnases of the-lild
slue. Price, 150 cents per box. ,
--Pon -BgstiBsl,-Eme.enws.—lnvoluntary Discharges
- . and Cumerment Prostration and Debility, Bad Re-
WIWI of Evil Habits:. The mast.' successful and elli=
dent remedy knunn, and may be relied upon as a
• cure. Price, v.ith full directions, $1 per box.
Persons mho. tcfsh lo place themselves under the
professional rare, or to seek advice of Prof. Hum
__ PokETEI, can do so, at his office, fB2 Brouthruy, daily
from 8 A.M: to 8 P.M:; or by IrMr.
Look over the ; make up n mute of what kind
you choose, and Inclose the amount In n current note
or stamps by mall to our nddres:., at r,62 Itrondirny,
New-York, .d the medicine wilt be duly rethroed by
mail or ex prevs, free of charge.
AGENTS IVANTED.We desire nn netire, efficient
Agent for the male Of our Itentedien In every town or
community In the United Staten. Addreand)r. Hum-
WHALTIS A 1.1), No. 602 liana towAr New-Torre. - •
. .
C.lnoitfr Hanover st.. , ppo‘lto Coiirt ll.nt , e wholesale
and retail agent for Carllalo and vicinity and DruAglsts
•adn !stores generally.
MRS. WINSLOW, an pxperioneed
Nurse nod Female Physician, presents to the
nt tentlon.ofinoihers htr
1,11101 grently ttcllitnt cc the pro,esa of teethlint, lit
Potteiduk the gums, reduelmc all lullaniallon—will tl
Isy,nll rah, and emnsmodle action, ned is solo L. r,gu
loW the bowelp. Depend upon It mothers, It will give
root to yourselves, and
We bare put up and sold thin, article for nicer tat
re rtf;_aud_ran-Nnyr-ln - rerdirtrrifFnl truth of it, whet
170 have never been aI6 to my of env other medicine
never has RI ______. _ .
• - amen no
igh 11
hin " ..t. ' , ..1 MRS. I,VINSI.OIVOS le, , , ,
o t n er•
feet a cure / :alien tilde
ly used. Nev. er did we
know . en in• • SOOTHING ' 1 t• • ' f
0 Alite 0
dinnatlsfaction '
wine WWII it. 3.„x..2 ..
0 . loby H th ily
t 0
teary all are d°lightud
with Its ope- .!rato
I. a ,
a• d speak Int,terms of higine.d commend it 14.11 of its lice
gleareffects nod medical virtues. IV° npeek in Gni . :
matter "what we do know." after ten years expel lance
and pledge our reputation fur the fulfilment of what
We here declare. In almond every Instance where tine
infant Is sulfuring (rote pain end exhaustion, 'elle(
will he found In fifteen or twenty I.llllllltoll after_ tine
syrup is admiuMered.
This valuxbit. prepnrstion Is tam prescflption of 0110
of the moot experienced and skilful Intro, in New
England, and has been used with never falling success
It not only relieves the child from pain. but invigo
rates the idomagh and Ig,wels, corrects aridity and gives
tone and energy - to the whole system: It will almost
Instantly relieve'
an II over-' ;COMO 4' 011-
FOIL - , which if not
apeadily re. • I modled, end
iet death. ”' 11 - e ' ballot°
It the beet CHILDREN . and invest
remedy In . - • !t r h e world,
In all eaten T.EMTEXING. -In( Ityeenteer
and Djarr• lona In old!
•. ,
dren wheild' it arises
faun teething. or Irma any other rouse. Wo would
coy to every mother whp hoc n child coffering from any
ally foregoing complaints—do nutlet your prejudice,
nor the prttjudleec of °there stand between your a offer
hug child and the roll& (lint will be SURE—yes,
SULUTELY SORE—to follow the usn' of this modirlue,
if timely used. Full liireetione for using will. creem•
pour each bottle. None genuine Unless the fer.sindie
of 1111 TIS & PERKINS, Now York, is on the outside
Sold by S. IV. Ilaverstlch North Hanover et. and S.
lllion Main at. Culled... and Drug:,Leto throughout the
vrot Id. Price only 25 Costa per Bottle,. Prlnelp3l Offi
ce, No. 13 Coder et. N. Y. July 20,.1300
The Fall Session hr this Seminary will commence on
This Institution, tiro' poretediu - 1855, -- tr - tlinirably
directed In Its domestic arrangements, moral and re"
Ilgions cal tut e, and course of studies. It Is earnestly
commendeil to the patronage of the public as a first
class ,Siimiliary: • • .
Circulars, stating terms, Ao., can be - obtained by air
dressing the Principal.
. J. W WEIR.
President Dolma of Trustdcs.
. .
Reference can ba freely made to the strong of the
'Seminary, among whom may lia - ni rationed
illov. Win. N. Pscirsit, Harrisburg.
lion. J.. 7. l'ss Imo,
WK. It. Dr. Wier. D. D. .. .
Her. T. II Itammuct,
for .1.0. elate, . w
• HoW...foseett Cam, n
Wis. AI. Kann, Erg , w
Jour( 11.4intoos, Esq.,
• Ilan. A. 8 WiLsOO, beirlatown, •
Timm at BEAVse, lieg,,:Plilladolplita.
OnAtil,Es Ms sssoVs, Esq., Sunbury,
, Hon. JB. llttnset tiN , York county. .
, . Hoen e Given Esq; Cuatborland ruunty.
Juno InVlNgr ' Esq„ , Con [be county.
D. Nona IliVilr, +big i HububerlaUd county.
,'. Harrisburg J illy, Mlitt.-ar.
pifiliNTX --- I,OOKING-TATBr.
, . , AND • . • .
PlcTurtu FRAME
I . r AiA N la N.1 . 70 1 1Y, I • ' •
; N o
, No. Rll.B 0 FONT Ellt WirlildEle, -N. Y : •
A large assortment of every.' description of Lunching.
Mama and Picture Proings always on hand.% :Paucy
Wood Mouldings, lioTheu
wo, Walnut, Cat, Maple and
inkbOgsny. tills and Marlin Mouldings. Piet', Wall, and
Mantel Mirrors. ()Lila ' fort,P4otugrapbs. , , Country or.
dare sulfated; - thoda Nkar4ll,r.pacdiad and shipped to
any part Oahe United Stares aud'eaaadas; ' • - .
v_. June 16;'60.-6m:+' --. Ili/BACA V. s.l4Lca, *int,
I'll !CF.
CIO Ifl7 1?..11 CL A .7.1" ATION
AVnidtr.t. the 1i•0f..1 . 11.th9 11. I:11.111A Piesi.
dent .Itol,ll of the 1,1,...rai (2.sart, IA of
the ismoths of Cumberland. ferry and Juni ita. and
Justice of ths several Courts of Oyer and T.irinilior and
(funeral Jail Dont . ..try In said rountie,, find .
IV oareiffici and lion. )1. Cociforqt Auld,. of Site
Court al/per and l'eraiiner and council .1 dt Delivery
for the trial of all capital and calif, olfenolors, it, the
baud sonnty of Comlon land. I>p, their prerepfn to foe ili•
rvowt, - dated the MD . of January. Isis), have ordered
the l'enrt of Oyer:not Tsrallner dud
to he hoiden at It \ItI.IjLG. on the ("dot if IPIS il.tY of
August. 1.100. flialuz the 5711. 'tic,) at 10 o'cloch in the
tuft to ',Minn,. nulo onnLs.
is ITER to tile Coroner, Jos.
tiers of Cu; Peace and Conistahles of the said iluntly of
Cuntherlaiiit, Hutt then are lip the said precept eon,
mauled to he theft and there in their proper
w ith their inquisition, examinations
not all other rulllololl.l, e. to do those things whit
to their oilleer appertain to lie done t zfol nil Shot& t hat
ru hound by reco4nistilees. to pro.ifente Rimiest the .
prisoners that are or then sh i tll lie in. the jail of Fil•i•
.oinity, are to lot there I<o kosedthit them 31.• than he.
N. W. cornet of Hanover anti North St.
directly .omibsite Roymonds Hotel.
Tha sub=rriLrr weirlil inform farlmera and the ptiblio
generally that he in now maunfactutinglillti keepserat
htantlYon hand
Such as Iforan Powers, TitreAdm.; machines, with sepa.
rotors :II t s ,ned
sritAw cirri :lea.
Separators front G to 4 horse p.m or. built toot dee.
N. If Irons and moterbil always On hood, f.r rep. luc Ileapors, Tbreslliog lda.drioes and Aorr•til
tarot Implements 0(.0 , hinds. widen rill be ottentled
to pramplly, on reasonabll• terms
sy;ry k number of second-hand thrw , -horse .mochitfro
for sale at very tow 181111.
Carlisle .lirly It, 1661 X-3111,
W. SCOTT.-Gentlemen's Furnish-
Inc time and
No. Sl4 Cheainnt s4reat, 4 donra tolL th.:Z.-rontinan
tall Hotel" and nearly opia,no the ••ltleard House"
A large aZkortment of Demsing floc es ennytenlly on
hand. l'arlindar attention given to ordered chirts—a
perfoet lit ovirant cod.
_....iniAlestaLtAxmlesupplied-with - iirtY , ltirts - arrd 'mita-D
-on liberal item,,. l o i July It. IStOt. Ir.
NOTIC E.—Not,h 2e is hereby given that
1110 trading firm of Lail: A 1: nOms le.o been (Ili+
day dtoped by mutual emitent. All p Li
ed to kir 111111 are hereby toottieted to mil,. rortnent,
and flow. Miring elalim to rent them to .1. S. Lank
at Carlisle or Knauss at Allentown l'a. within Cu,,,
July 0,1860.-36.*,
: 4 1 INE WAD) Li II EPAIIaNCi .
. F. C. KltEsll'.lt.
at tho New ;Ten elr3 Store nn Diet.
Main etreet, near the Public
Square, it, preplred to dean and
repair the FineoL ‘Yat,hes. and
•warrant them to dye cu it°
sltistartion ' Aloe fine 'Antie
Clerks otoil kiude, 3lt.leal Ike
os, Ace ,rdlonti, tc. put in c , 1121
plot,. order, and warranted.
, F. C. K11.1:3117:1:,
At the new Store on Fast Main ft.
2 ,,,,.. , ,
..,p , „ 0 . : , ,, , ,,, , i„,,,i i 5 ,e .,.„ ,, , , , ,: i . „, „,:.„ . „.„,„ ,, ,,„ . „.. , , , .,
, .4 woo, of o thJO Witch to his splendid
',.. . r' - ' stock ofithterlean, Livia p , el slid Una
don ti 'trunk:S. I hate n tine stork of G o ld sy,,u.h es .
at all prices. from t wody dollars tip to three hundred
dollars I also bale a large stork of Slyer flouting
Cased Ind Open Cased (Vetches, ft-on three dollars up
to eighty. I also haven new stork of French and Ameri
can .11:1V.F.LItY, in setts, such nn Cameo. (told Stone,
Lana, Mosaic, Mourning and Plain setts, A,'. I a al to
Kano a 110,, stork of 310(11111o:tr. dollar up to
fourteen; Ladles' and tientletanta's .11r...tst Mos n 1 all
patterns and prices; fold (Mai n e; a i ‘t rae stock or Coot
A 1,,!, and Curb Civil!.; a ray largl , s t,,k of hugej• ri ng ,
of all thuds and pattarng. !Mill as Peal Itines.
lliogn. and Settings: a Ilan ~.terk of Cull Phan, (bold
Studs. nleent Buttons feeLudiss and Oentleman.Crosca
Draceleln, ()old IVatelt Kayo, i. , 1!:111.., fluid alai Sitter
Thimbles, (cold and Sliver Spectacles. a large stork of
Silver Tea and 'fable:Spoons at id! prleas, and a coot
plOfe stock of Double Plated Tom and Table SP"... Pla•
ted Forks, Silver :aid Plated Hotter Halves and a lino
stork of double phttad Casters ' r•ugar Spoons, rilver
Fruit KIIIVea, and a large stock. ofConnuon Spectacles,
to salt all 11515. to which I Indio particular attention,
Port Monualra of all kinds, MI-
, . ",
•or Keys and Chains; a largo .......,,,.., • .
Mork of Accord one, rilliillS, lo'l ,
and Music Boxes, ( „,,,, iro k , k 4 ,
multi., and _a groarv - varret• or , - 9 - 1 : p '....- 4
_ ... ......_
Artlclon.usually Icept Inn Jen -
olry ntoro. ' Inn von:no on hand
n larXo and wall Polocted ntncic
or o.Goo lit+, or 'all patter. ara.
foshions, from one dollar "P
firty.:whlch. I will aril nl it tonal]
prolit and warrant thorn for ono
year, to he grand tiule•koepors.• Cowry thing r4 , IJ by
coo Ault ho what It, le reprrs rated.
Clocks. Watelital, and, Jewelry. earefully repaired and
iyarran tad. Carlini° July e,
1 el ters testamentary
.on the estate of
Allcory Fawn Into of blonroo tnoncldp deed. have
been Issued In dim 1' qui of lux by the Renfctor pieuto•
burlllod county to Henry.. think. °lndite Ifuck; 'John
llinch - and Arch I'dlch, nit roddlng In the scum: loon.
05111.' An percons Indebtod' to the o.State nlll make
1,111;1,411 ac payment nod Om, having clahnn will pre•
cont tnonl properly autheutleate.r O'r nottlemont to
• 11111.11111 8. E.Neli, .
•411:111113.}: IN.IIi,
JoliN knot,.
' .
Mourno twp.july 11. ISCO.-ot.
A TTENTION 16‘131E118 ANI)
The andetslgned Is ill soot agent for the role:400d
I'BAOIIIIOrT 1111001'11v0 MATE.-
and will keep ti snooty en stand,. on band. Thin 'date t
NIA be All'Ultaled rHrnper t I 141111A'ItS,' and 1119r11
thtrable.thntr nuy other it fan lie peo,nee4
by, calli ng on the anbeerlber et c_tottaemen nn - past '
street.; , JACOB H1L0.%
• 0"A. ri c k - 19Inte be Ihrolelted . to pereens ad,lfy
istit won ttlesnt ' t!te shortostrotics,
Carl's) - June CO, 1tt0..0 mos.
CB 11 OF. .O.)U ItTS.--At -
•o . irit. , loll of nornorous nion!ls. l offrr mctell ns
Gm tho ofilee of OW K (IF 'I III: (llllltl',
nod Itt.;ooltf),.At sulject to tli t i !tension In tonyetktiou
of the reotilen Potty dl entuberiaLd i3nitity •
:1.1.11011 IL PLANK.
Monroe totrotallp.'.lupo 15,'1:0.—tn.
riltk'xi LE 'CITIZENS (IF CU 11.1E11-
. LAND .
• ..11 ,- undi•rFlanedt hrril 'cr.pere.
i,r Lou llf 11:91111/N111'.1,1;r or
' to Mu; I hi.
noting con entinu t and rel.pettfa:ly mdicits t r.ll!.Fur
of tfo: Pori) • . J. h. F.f.l:l:Eli.
New vlll4 Juno
- •
_ T o THE VOTE tS ot, CI(MBER.
- LAN!) e.OUNTY.
1 offer myself tn, your cpusiderntinn' nn n'randlanto
fir the °Mee or I'IIOTITONOTA RV, FUI,jPII to the de
el Inn of tho l'eopl..'s roanty Conrentiln, and un it ho
grateful for your support S. A. Spf.I.ENI3EIIGER.
Non,llle Juno . 29;,T(r.—t c.
- BEI:Wa/ COUNTY. • - •
, fIENTLEMEN: i hereby offer In: e,lft•l your rotuddern
' lion. on 4 eandldate for the offi, of It 17:ISTKIt. sub:
jartte i n drehden of the I , olle's County Convention
and 'will by asapitpl for yourouvport
Monioe 'Township.
May 30, 10.—to
O.Ttli. CLTIZINS OF ()Wit*: it-,
linroky, nitar fayse:fn candidate Inrthn
flak.of Riitl 1:;'r Cauthi,rla td county. thl.jert
the .Poonle'n Cuithly Conventiun, and ayill he thankful
for your supptn t. a keppeall oily', •
Carlislv Ainll 2.;1, 18.10.-t c
11- MI Persono htoorlnd iltriosotrog icd••btrd to C.
INIICFP. ore brroby unfilled that they )I CST and
seltin thelr nr.o.unt. Other by cacti or n.te. fortboln.
Flom nit, thn Ist or.l v, hills Pt; ;rovals Fold
must ba knod within t3INTY I).t 2(. :vs 1 r.totlot let
nlly ncrnnut run loninr I {IMO.
r: nclicc. rr;s
A LT, persons knowing tkernselves
/~-Sl doblerl Lo Ibd f.hpeilhor. gill 1111,s, C:111 on him
nt, LAN reghloll,o.ol,ll,jte )I,,ymoy ors Hotel. :aid I.ettle
without .I , l;ty. Tim isccounts nl LvT be viii tied.
•.Imy 1:;41m. . .1. 1/. HALM:RT.'
TO ANT) '1111tES111,.,1011',N!
c . ;
Ceise'b Patel . tt Chain Sept
l'att,r, Cleaner and I.3:g.ger
und . or,lghri
on to rall utt..nt!on
Vnlnters°, thi. mid the :oljolnittg to this ;op
proud tonrbine. 1, - hivh•has'givott gloat .11,1.1,ti0n to .
oil nhu I.IIIVI. uu d it.
Tliiise who whit] to see It In operation con bare fro.
queue opportunities. no it will be threAlthig In the
during. tiiiiwean,, term••,
wont(' domoll by having: the, 'rope itrasli!l unit
cleaned by this labor and orain .1.1111::11130/11...•
o threo . ditruroat.*iz.:b, (roes I to S horse, It. suit hn
or t i e re f ee the sale of the niarhlneh. inzthrashirfu out
crops. eolicUed and feneffotly etteederl In. As_ le tho
ability of the marliiiin to de the week. I refer to the
Cello winggon tleauen wire hws•,u 1) if tiirti 4414/1i) teNted,
.10lio Noble, • f. John Feely.-
Win. Cert. .l 1I 11 1 . 310
• - A.. 1. lint,. Mechlnest, Aueustus 7.1117,
.121 , 111 Nook, du. " Peter Lind.),
For further particulars see. or ad.lrehs
. • PARTIN t; Auent,
N or th fiaunccr St,, one door 51 cat of -
Caelisle,lnly It, IBeo ft.
Roirr. rkleCIAlll3 - 11:,..Slierti.
Sqcnirv'm OEFICE, 1
Curlisle, July 13, 15.10. 1
• Pe...victor
4 ),
1 - A
4: 5:
flurllslo ISCU —ly
e 4 S -I ' - ;
/ 2
0 4
8 4
.i.l j}.o_:6 6 ‘;‘
- F) pit 1? Y Tkll , BLOOD
Th 1 1 .11141 and eilvied:colOhrity Whieh the, pti.o,l
„tent 31edicines bey., acquired for their Insatiable Old.
c cry in ad the dIRTFUS Wltidi they prof.n to cure, has
tender,' Old USind prnrtieeofßattingnotonlynot:ecas
irrye dud. unworthy ofthato. They are by their
fruits: tbeirgood wot.ka testily for !hem, and thoy,
thrive not by the pith of eh.• et elltdota's.
cats of Asthma, dente ao d Chronic Itheurni,
Us.). Atioethtik of the 11 odder gild iiidiie 0.
—ltililwn Fevvs-noti-hirer tooth
and West whpe these dhleases the t ill has
f mad 1111,1:table. Mantels, ro and otbrrs,. who
owe tua thek, tuedieinee, will never afterwards to with
out them.
Billions Chnlie.tnd Flllolll+ Looqcness, /311 es, C.Live
Cods nn d eoupils,4llolic.
with groat iuccusa Li ILLS di
serbe. i
Coe upt If timois; Dropsies,. Pyrpepsia.—Nn pers ,
%lilt this distressing disk•uso,should dohty using the. ,
medicines innnediNtely.
EiViiiioits of tbn.alt hi. Erysipelas,FlatulspeY find Fe
vi.r and Aune.—For this irourgu of the 11l slurp iritintry
these wahines Wi 1 he hound u snti•, speedy and eertitin
remedy: I /ther inniirineslan's the s 3 stem' 'subject,
n retinal .1 this disi•iiiir —a cure ,h 4. these . 111elthihOM is
Ihirlitthellt. Try them. Lr Alth:fka, nnu Lu etirqd,
Omit, (liali
. nop, If eacincließ of every
fn !FAH er, Inllannua t,ty it heunuchui, itoporo
Jitu nUicc. Lossine A ppet ite.
. .
Nerao.f.tih; to oraolleate enthely at: the rffrotb of 3lor
,ury thou the must pfTerfitt prepare
lion of t.terr.operille..-
Niebt Slvents, , .Nervnua Debility, Neyvous Corn pinintii
of li kind. Organic hiljoitallon of the) Ileart.
The orLiinni propileior of I bean nu,dlelnes Ivog cured
of piles of* vivon'i.leodlog hy the eye of these Liver
11odi•duce nlnne, •
PAII. in the hest, sido, hurl:, 'holm, Joint; and or
gars. •
tett wit. this t.rnihlr illiwase will ,o 6111'0
of rellvf by the !Mb l‘lealciee.:
Hush of ILlvol to am 11;nnl, scurvy,.FultAllinum
8421:0FULA, or 1:11 I. In Its vorsl fnuns UI
, W k
nidqs nixil inds .111. idi,etdi.dly ex led by these
l'at.en In •u 11 In a lel li toe than
tiv•i: existence is sU,peted. V.eilet will be
ThE LIFE 1'11.1•S
THE 111.0 Di),
Aml thus remove all, ..Ij,:mcs from the syst.4
• m.
1)1i.1131.1.1"AN 11.0 D WY.% T.
(51 , !fttl, Ituildinvi S.
.1 lily r
r'r F.llv by tall 11r10.414ts
The til,..lereione.l. Itlying thIN fnrru lto otter
in pl,tee tho ‘vottl,l tho p.ttrohs of
the Wt o that. it 1, , for the reveittfou
,if '
lie 10.11t1011..nn th,t 1010,, Of ShOrt11.11 . 1•Cr , "!(. rnnuot
en1ri,.F.,,,-1 it, plot
while the trout itl'otechi eve
ry to ,luoemoht
Tito Mineral Fitrings, G , r barhill4 tin et:tor - 4
I.vrt In the 1 , 11111.1 V, t.i.nipin at arn 01.6:
ilea:revs running ni.iirtt n hundred
inititac. to Futility the kith-A[5l,V,, w /dell 4110
ilt CO.I MO hs.
:ilia ciao /1111i111.11,. haling Nit,'
entirily I:r.r luroit me. "ourn the limier
won soca:lied .1111, all the ilial , ll,lll, of the ~ .,0. / 1,111,1. i .
rid up by expe:km.,4latt..ll,l,lobn.
" A I;ll,l,lAttli'7'AliLE,
Bowling .11Iey. nod ell the nntom.rec itirowe
notrt,of t, pins i'l d 1. 1 the Bee.
- nrieior who will 114 e his br.o OXOrtiOTIN to inoke it nte
tea the,• retireit fillllll/1(T
he IVaritt tiprita, tire Fit writhd 14 111)i...1 nor:ll , o'l'dr
144o:froth N, 111 , 11 p the re 4. a .111 P, 1 . 6
kat tog. l'hilath.lplik or 14.1tiottheih the ptorhitot will
arm,. at tilt, Sprifigri ill time bor tea, hp way hi Cul
oh Dtp.,,thhoh, hooll.thit of h hilt V'iii
ruu in 1 , 111,11. , :l with the (14.111, cq . hu OM'
pai lind.o s atl,h era ' - Oil", 1111.1',
Jot.. Imio, Cori's! , -
the •alob . fly of the air. twolthe hiellfrival loop.
erth, t 4 the hater. the 1'r0p.1..t.... rd.:, to
J. TV. Power. :'l.kte.+ Union llotel.)
scso Gut, •
.1. 11. Gut et >O111: I:41)
Prof. I'.'i. Om. Henry 'P. 'Deco!: Tialtimve
Geo. Plcoor, IL F. I:tt.•r iOq IL liyets, jlarii,burz
Frt•dk. I:. M. I:. S. W0. , t1 ml rd. H
P3rk", - , - 3 ,, 111.).1 Mc., 0. A B•x. V. II ond•r.
non. Cnrlisle. Capt. Gm. 111 boon. U. 6,A. Thu, M. 111c1.
din 1•1111a.1.40.11.
eal nolo June 22. •
'7l •7 )
. .
Is the Led lovilielne Iu they wifely' tifr the rune of
C o o,th s iff,dnifs.f . r eup, Beuurlrilhy Af•thnit. Difficulty
in bteathitig. Defiant...W[lot II 140.410. nod
for the relief ol frittionts w the :oft
together with ell illsont, of the The et eel Chest, fftf d
v Melt pre dispose lo Consuiffpfion.
It Is pro.oliorly adopted loth., radio:ll cure"( :lon,no,
Itolt?g pr pared hr n p11.11,..11 Plosidoo.llll , rogolst
and 'init. of get. if I,(perlopien io till, core of [lto various
s bt hllleh the hornito it
It Ig utlvred to the atllletod oath Lim giontest roof!,
vt,),Try It and Ile routine...l that it is In
tlu :are of litionyhitial attectionu. Pile, :At runty purr
I.sENIVEI c'S'AlltiltATlC It ALSA M. a very vnlumb l e
renunly y, and
all non el idllictions. ly it—Price 9i 1 . 1 . 1,1, per ((idle.
Theabovi. FOCtillilll . 4 an , prep...... 1 unit I.v lir..t.
I:SENII'EIN CO- 1:1/..iniku
of Shill. ‘.ti. Slret.t..: - PhilVil..l,ll.l. Sold 1..• ercry
r.....pretal la Intl.-0:A and yr throughout
the State.'
.luny tit!, ItiOd.-Iy.
. •
Will be °spored to public File nn the prenrkes.
TI11.11:6DA Y the day 01 Septenther next t
north Of the tun I.l' lonti 041-
. ,
I ..i. , 111111, :.ii..lJkti-li in :111.1 , 11,t, ton nslll t. Im, b• •
fut-t-L— - nt - 1-rot, - .llef, ,nt tot I. tlee'd. No,
j I eon talntngt I:tlttere. I t norehes still 1111,1511 r... shout
t-1 lo Id n Idol, is cleat ed and in a ,ntod .010 to of cluicis,
, Il .It, .not Ill.' I , /10111, ill timber. 11,111111,1 ctit the .meth by .11naltant Latn l terton, on the east 1.3 OP rothnlogit•
that t ( rook. on the north by Abraham C. 1..1,‘ • Jahn
WM.,. and 1 1 . f isn't Zgielor. and on the hunt by ti.o.t.
Na.", basin, thereon erevtell a good
et.?"-..M,'/Frameo Frame Darn, Frame Stable. IVagno Shod
and Corn Ctib, n ith a not! of nator :mil
fti a pimp In the yard. 111 2111a1110.1 to till
,' • I." Ii • 0r.0.t. 1,11111111 ' /WM"' IIII.1",1 SIIIO till',
..,,,,..„., il. /Ire oavoral etntall rheas of running w.f•
ter slibli pan through said farm, audit, well calculated
for waging.
No. 'I. Contalint Si arrt ii and 9 fter.dtest stud 110..3mne,
i.f Width Gil ants ar.. ell swat and the balance . timber,
bottodutl off . the etutlt by Ibrahout Lantloortnn. on the
1,1.1}4 t.y trail No. I. out the not th by 1 1 .tntue1Z1twborand
north nog by Logi 7...L.f10r. haring then,,,, tweeted it
Ilriek Ilnitso Frain.. /turn, hug 1.,11 aid l 'oil, Cell,. The
-At 01 lodh Etid tract,. 10 itl gond quality and bring
nithln too miles 1.1 Limo lidln , , - they could h o nape..,
etl In a Ednal than to Walnut% the bunt produent;lartnti
in the helghloallond.
.lien, ono other [tart Of Chesnut' imber i virt 3
Land ~buds In Cerr' towneltip, Pony • .
. 0.
eanntyt.abont one ntllo
L yn x wf - 0 ',.(f 0 t'''' f, ' N
road containing a bunt tot Lynx aer,,,. Silid
ninlint.tin Nail is ahont niN. unit's dltd.aut I
..., ~.
from the two fltet,ntentittned Iradto. ‘
.1. S. I,ASII,
commence at tell weleelt 1.11 111111 dtty I 1 Leo thu
contlit into, tt 11l le+ 1117011, ku.,,1).
" "°"" 11J1: r"itl. ' Att'i in 6et for the heire
WATCH AND spurra t rsTortz
212. 118.A - 011TH' S 4WD-VD rnE
COIL Fl It 0 U Alt It Y BET
The undersigned lies leased the a by, oprrinisen,
where Ire will keep a large 11,Vortintril t 14 Gold 0 SOW
Wenches, e f A raeritm n. largiii.h and :Swiss Al anu taetrire•
of the most relebrated waiters, in addition to which,
t. ill be found aim on band Prod moan to order) an
ex tonsure v.trlety of Jewelry, diver. end ell roe Plated
Ware, together With a general nssorttnent of such goods
us are usually kept In it first. elate den cl ry Store .
The patrons of 0. Conrad, and those of the 8111 , Per tiler
together n l ll.ll the public generally, are Invited to eon.
'where they sir 11l receive n good article for thole torsion.
As I nor determined to de strictly n sash laisloo.i gm do
will be edirl very low. '"SMALI. PROPITf; AND QUICK
SALL S," Is the motto of thia estaldlninnent. • ,
Formerly 0. CONRAD,
N 0.1411 North Second Bt. comer of Quarry Phila,
Juno 11, Info—ly.
subscriber is prepared
1,/ tofell to ustretuttal and others, etnit.Nl`, ty tho
quat i l r t i l i tz e :lt t l p o r ml . urgt o .t . titprlue.
. .
. • .
- 3.l.cumitc,ntno, :rune 10th I{l6o.
Nalco In herolly giros that on opoi.. o tlo o will h e
(nide to the Isihrlstiture of Polito: 311:4.1n nt he most meeting for the Ihrorvorptio,, of a bank of Issuu. with
' discount us.d deposit pis'lteoen. to to located In tow
hurough of Sluelotill,nhuru, In the Counts. of eutilluo•
' land. Penna. 010119 to united thu tileelotilenhorq Itioii.;
wall a rotund oCitio • hundred thousand dollar. whit
: the rh.tht toloconunt 1110 sum to twohundred thouratul.
Idollai •n,
‘,7 John prom t{' ~ .
, - John 1.1,,i,y, . ..
. John &Idler. - ...
!11:0 1 1, 31 ,u , , e .. 1 i, n ' , . Levi If Eberly.
, wm, . ,urger, :thuntiel .tibehly.
Jot oh Mindy, . Polnition V. iforunti. '
r1)0 FA EDI E It.S' AN a) .M.1E.13 (JR.
it . ~• RI IRS Mitt OTHERS.
The undernhtned novo titian appointed solo agnate tot
the Fate at the celolotated Truvorton Coal. "'flits coo 11.
recnuitneodt by Mr. husintle and othere who Ink... t tlud
It. to he equal's' ni tarring, Ind horn us 011101, limo per
ton an I.ykona Valloy or any othiw, Om! In use.
Person:, In want of blind Coal will.flud It to their tn. '
(erect to Ituy.thlit (Jail as It uotta !hum twenty to toot,
V fog- cents pr ton ton lens than • Lykenr Valley, ,11' 0' have the prop.tron TreVorturt coil l'or tinnily m0i..1,,,,,,..
ou hand. A,,, a large atoolt of . nil ~ f nll li Ind, l
Her Wick of I.V.Slithllt It large and sion.po s to . .itut wily
1.0 Soda at Olio lowed prWert.
':Thaukful for
' ~.
, furore ro .roaPoolfulY eeK .
.tlrutneoW Vaganon& . I'.
It lb, itio AIIII8Tti • k IIOVV/1 ' ,
:- -•—. . • ... ! -
1110 Erl-P,l T,
UliN'Elt A i, DEBI r. Fry
. .
• , •
• At th e sign of the '.(cold fingle," 3 doom, almvellio
Ciiniburianil Valley thank.' and :two deep; below Up
Welt the largest
auil,bust selected Mock of, • • , .• • • . • •
la- Um ill WI sold pqr cau,t • lowqr than ntany.
Placa In the chita stock t.
111P116 of 1:01,1 odd §llit.r t lr.g Love,y,
,Implorp, a lath:trail watellCH..'aqa ItItILIB MU)
Styletl, 0 0 1d111111.,$111 . 41.11(liii/O,' •
ir.:"...tqs , ritz.T
- .loweirrof all kin . 6.llNetelelnk - (3bliCnfid "
null till Vot . 51thile 110:105) Wecordeene,. (:)11 P o i n t.
Ingo. o . gient variety of fancfartieles: and tdet oLthn
- lioest - Nanos,,whfeh will be VITO' per cant lower thou
ever offered in town. 'fho entire stoc,k of AVotelioniker
tools, eases. large Mirror:,, and Aafe.wilt bu mold wind°
sale or retai! on the rasimit tunas. ,
Ilas lug selected a first clans workman all Mutts of to.
pairing will he, done as used, nt reduced prima,
Piano tousle of all kinds for solo. it new first - des.;
double harfel gnu warranted junulne tWist will ho sold
for hall its
, , • It . li. SIIAPLRY.
n: The largo Mr. atm" , Brick now.
! with a
.splendid atom roam Lind parlor 42 fent drop will ha t.ohl
at a vela. law plot and nu 001). !arms. an.l if not saold
wln Im rooted Irran .4041'1st ISIII. Cato at Ilia Jewelry
Scorn in . .
1 alai 15. 114:o.
: , .
, .
'rho conip,ion 'f tui o will roust:4 el . regu•
far hsttes of t Wet' , lS rennin , being tits cud
silo oft lie Doily :Intl wte:4l3 editions, and 0110 Of 1110
largest fe.tsp.tpollt tainted. routaftling few ad vertiso.
melds. hat riving a full, current hlt.tory orthe Prosi
dentral ('nurses Of I& t , --the riotrornni of pereral
parties, their eaodidutrs, arguments, nine ings Fpeeidt.
&e.. with all the. Intervening State cations, and
fall summarie4 of the forelgn and oth ,r news of the
day. Including letters fruni our correspondent. in Eng
land. franca. Osrmany,ltaly, Cnl iforntit, soul h.A moo.
on. Ate. ' ke Thls I.she will not tin rotors be I:tad sort
prized by ardent pnlltiolansonlY, hut 'will ho indurating
,tn all. slid thus enlenlnted to win the hulllferent as well
as to /wen.' and f.tlntulate t hose already eonvineed that
the Ilapuldlean 05 , 101 , is follOgenl in truth and justice,
end therefore onglii t 0 prernil.
The Campulgli Tribune will let mailed un the'follewlng
terms. payalde always In advandO t.
torn ringh• copy
• " Ir . copied to ono fithleks
. .
tk 10 fur 11 'copies Toay at any Moo r.f•
Lai ward 0t0r.,0 thy ourni,i to 21..0rf r , u0 21 t o hiu, by
srmlinc thy oto, as ahoye botweru thololru of It,
saiallor and that of the laraer
Inn. own interont in thus • itaulint papo:r, at n pion
I, well,. mounding . the cost of the white imp, I. se alhrht
that WO do not ilo , ilOtO to MVO all Itho denim the tol•
mop!. of the entu:e in eralptnito , with .10
.earl v and earnest elforts to give a wide shit genet:lldr
cointieu to (he Onopahniarthune.
WV will 'and speeinton coploslo any one mho shall
Addrepg WIRACE
No NU Nusamist., Now York. ,
Po uleTlf ORR : 47! AIiTTVAL-OF Tlth
11111111 g just rr.turnPft fur l'au forirth time , thin ssaslm
froni the V:lstonVlthw wi• on now (polling tt fanst rmi•
ele,,itt stork of I.4tVes' Dress litsuby C 45110 0? 3155±.
tilles. 1 . '0'41.1 4 :cr.
•II a p.I . T livid:lllr tattle the I,ljor Co our line of one
ultieov C . I.M ES:S h)i)S. whlell have la en i•eleeted with
great eat a not 011litr.trO all the latent and naiseat siviec
in mai het, (,1105 enti mole and enntiine for .1111.. •
when yen will lv notistled of the h ope, tart font
that our stork je lii etia, letter nolviited, and cheaper
than van he witch: veal cilateehere: Tho
having made thin parthane nhni.vt enign..l.ol 3 . the
Lava, invitek them to Came nen: Come all)! nod snit
I Ile ttetits no temptingly displayed lull nor Onilvon and
-111' ' A. W. litiNTZ.
rpa:.-tT?,;r<v-:.*x:...ivptx-mr.:_. -, ast....r''e!'
1 4 11)101 , 1 V 4 CiA Ai' :41
1. 4 g e
.: 23 V , X*W-N: 4;;^' , W - ,ttn':'
g,- - 4 - Atl , c. :,,..4. - PI 4, P,P 0'
VellaztqLzs, t . -70
.. eA4,, , •! ..h t • '4 , Y1, kr , 4 \
,Oeff . , l :' * "444:'W•Ny v
~.t: 1,
4 441 V1C'e . P.. , Mt4 " : 4 : : ;;" , rlc ' Zl,i,:;
;:t e'lf4 l er g i. D
~ .i ). 1 p l 0 t,.. c", 0 .1 4 0 1,,
• •
An apttrient and Stnnmeit'prituarallort 01 1111 IN purl.
1101 of 1).:,,,en and Caption IT etindidst.lito in II) drieren
tt met( me,' by the Authorities, both
In littiope n L!'! United titiacti, and preseribed iu
their pf. 10101.1.
TOO Vaporiolll.o Of fh011N311.13 daily , proves 111.51 nn
.pettittntin enti fret, ,mitred with it. linpurl•
1111 of the blond: deftleSNl.,ti of stint energy, palm and
othetriiisit sickly entnpliteionti indicate:its necessity in
aim - 01 tiv_cry e itteeivaldbil
. .
111111101 1 1113 111 all /1)11.1111/111:111 0111,11 it lIMS Lot ,
It lent prAeett aleinintely curative - In each of Ills fllow-
Cli11110111111t!, ,I'J.:
~ . .. 111 Debllll y,'Niorvolaw A tre(,t be ns, Ir. sli 1..
elation, l)y.iivin•la, Cangllpat ; 1/Inle e ,
rilica.,. Dy*itruittry, laelplent Coithounnis
- ion, - l'alpegetllotlq. Salt ltllultill,
1111sincastrila (Jon, IV II Itto. Ohl.nrohln,
Liver eoraplalail, Chronic, Ileallacllcs,
1/t luranta I ism, ta1 . .,,,,,1i taut lecvers,.
PI gaii,lue, oia. like Faelcf.s,o. ,
... .
1111,1Fni Alf .leneral fleldllty. (vitether Mt result. of
1 ...a.“ Adis, or or Li. ~.ti”,ied diminution ,if Iler-
V.fliS Alla mutt lar energy limn tfltrintic complaints,
one iti.ti ..r this res'orativo lets pro( Oil soveest.ful tour
extent tvldelt no ilearriptien inir whiton attest tuba)
I won'tl render ertallido Invalids so loin( bett.sidaen tiff
I idi It 11 . 0 6,111. lorgOttell ill their men net.: hbitrinealti,
lute suddenly re lipp...irt.ii ill the haply world as if just
returned Irma protracted (ravel lit a lint:tot hod.
:Sarno very sktnal lostainsis of thlt, kind Are littustiol of
Amish( efutTerers, emaciated vlctlins of apparent Marne ,
mutt, eatt-titincons ositatnition. reifies! ellanin, and
I hat eempflution of itervmdtand Oil (peptie aver,lott to
air and escrelso for which tin. jthysician has do Milli,
la Nervous Allectidos m all hinds, and !Sir realtons ,
Ettnillar it ith 11,41'11e:11 men, the niterstiou of this prep, 1
ration or iron Inuit neeessaiily lid'halulary• for units,
ti„ .„1,1 ~,1,1,,n ill, vi4nii.iiiiV 1011 k, 1, illii.ili. heill,' I
CNCitiliq:ll,lo,llle.ll.lit: : and (tenth% regolar') - tip...'
tient. milli Ili the 1111. ,, t oblilllate e, of oostivencss• 1
without over in!ili.r, a itastric purAtitite, or inflicting a I
di , I,.ircable setn.stion.
it In this latter property 111110112 ntilelr.,‘ Ilin.. ii.::
il.n.) ri`lll . lrittil,ly cfrostual and permanent a remedy toe
Pile,. Upon Will( It it ill,nappe:ll, CO e,1•11.“ ilit.tiii. I and
sp,..lfi, setion, lip lisp trsing (holdall tendency It 'licit
Prins litinn. . .
I n Ikl.Spep , la. innutherable tie a c re its eau's. a iincle 1
leus of (Ilene i'llaty Ito tie Pills Intl liken stintsea-i' de -t
nintt-itailltattl tams, 11..111k/11M tike alteutlent. Conti,-
In uncheel:ml IAII . III/1 , 1, 01011 , 01 mß•anred to DA N
011[0: y, cuulirme.l, mil . ..luting. and apparently tntllg
nat. the offocni /lAN e boon equally diniblvo anal aston,
II the Ined loiis. ion, of flesh and sinend h. debt]
I log cough. nud mall tont ltet;tie, which Kenerally is
dio.kto luri pirul Corinwuption, thin roinchly has allaye
tilt alarm of !MI& and ph) niei.inx. la pot vial vet
gintirvlng'auct Interv,thitn.
i Illediedted Iron ha
113 , i fill 11/ , 11 . 11 than filo Road offvet of the moxt caution.
ly balanced prepanitioneof lodluc, ail lout any of then
1401 known
Thu attention 4.1 foniateri cannot lie too confidently
In read to this remedy and restorative, in the mere
.eull.trly :litertnig Meld.
In Ith ettot ,t,i, to , both rhino is Mid 1011111111113(01.y-111
thd hlttitrilOddfidr.llloretlvridolly—lL has here. Imarla
bly well reported. Loth no Itill . V.ltithldpailtalltire.dnetni:
the sweltilign and stllTnes, of the join Cu Hint mu t t.,
ht Tutoentittent Faers it must nere4nrity 1,0 a great
remedy and energetic regterative, and It: pro revs In
Ito, 11011' Otraiddltdltot,,r the Wat, will probahly he one
oultigh renown and unefulneng.
No remedy 11, ever been di.ooverol 10,111; syhnl4lll.;
tqry oflandic , nrs• whieh °zeal ft each prompt, 1111111)V,ank
folly rontot ntive offeet% 0n0.1.314..dite. 11.111040 d I QeS
Lion, rnpid.aquisitipn of strength, with an nunnual
d ispnvll RAI for not ve and cheerful exercise, huniediate
ly follow its we,
lit ]pin neat lilt metal boxes containing 50 pill,
pH, no multi J u lp box; tor Falo by )111liggista nod donl.
ors Will ho a..nt fro] to any loblia,a on loceipt of lhn
prim]. All Jotter N °Mors, etn., nhnubJ bp acbit.,Xcil lb
R. B. LOCRE .S: Co.. 41000ral 401114
May 23. '130.-Iy. 339 Rroaduity N.. Y .
V , .
. •
. !.11.:,-N!,(:;;;4f..8 ~
: _!C • iiti ,*V.. - . ~). . t, '. .6,:: ,
' • egl.X.t. .*Ak )6
` ;-.-4 *C I S -'42 4 2 *.M..)
:.'.'01.` .. *Z.7: 4 1, '4"&S I
.....! ~....-,..- •
would roapeetrully Inform tray old Blends and tho
public generally that I Intro temoved fay place of hush.
teast. , llllool
lalll.. is HMI , RM OO MI 1101 . th IlallbrOr Nt
neat door to Mr. Ifllar's Hotel, and fl &ate north of
the earlfale Deposit Bank, whoru 1 tan propared to at
tend to the
In all RI various hranchea, havlnis over Moen ye: rs
wx1 ,11 . 1 .• 111 the bovinay.a..l.owttray, thatall,_worlt.
tirti gre sfniE bpra" In my r a re 'Whelp u worituniullknOwin.
ner and warranted. fir,, Inn It call,
Carlisle June ...ID, 1860.-Um, W. D. A:NAUGLE.
vial - •
For the beeveldlott nod core of " Fever nod Agile nod
llllntls FeverA " Tide wonderful remedy ens brought
to t Ito hettNeledre of the preVint proprleturn by n Mend
'felt.) One boon it great traveller to Peroin pod the Holy
. .
%Viditi going down the ItVer Ettiihrtites, he exporlon•
cod n oorrrn nand), of rover and Aguo. On dlororerlng
. illo rondlOnn, AMU of tile 1 /LlViiwil t 00( 110)1 the person
an Amulet ',lying, l•Wege.tble and no Fer,or will luneb
you!' Although lUrre.,tllotla gO' to He rietlare I ho
compiled and oxportanoetllnitnn lain rebel; mid bar
eine° alwayn found it, au offortual tantretlon ,trout' nil,
malurlans complaint...l. ~, , • . ,• , :
. 'On further 110.4:A1011(11k ho'fatind pint the troatman ,
attributed Agit -tult , seultius , poirehtii iiini i ta id:it'l.,,ht.
only 1.,0 olonlned Ono) Ow Ur fete of ,tho Sun, damn-
Onto ilfLUOCllrlii, 11)( 1 G01100111;111. In tunt , twdmi with 8
What n4lllned [ran' hi di tut, ootret anti prohoratloth
and nnoertalutal when) tioi medicinal herbs yttro to ha:
ttitlnd,'„ a t';,wllleh' It Wok .ennitmUnitod I ''l'llti', wonderful
rlrtnes of thlti art iole.liave !Mitred tefull bolitintt the
. nil oh ()Cilia path..tit. lu. tliq Meticulous he'allus , Jammu ,
' tif thide•PrlOstO. ' '', •', - - ' • ,
,•'..Blnfle his roturn tn'Aincileti,-Itlbtio V. - km tried 'with
the happlet,t effect 'by FUversLtadlon still Outitlituittri o t
Wall obarloter, who hat. ,iov Pp it thu: utpl4, uutiunll•
fit) praise, - .I . l,ls . ronledy hsilus P hseicii ti karts 11, Pqr•
Ma it* liuMrtle ht yearn; for:the,proyetit II aid' mitt'
itif,Poviriiutl A imo . tiOd 111116tts l!'ilvorto , -ls 1019:tAtitifiti to
life A tiltrienit vuoitlK" ' ' ,'.' '. , %,'' r , . ~- • .
- 7 - Ittoil - to stt ut - iintimilif{ilik l 4,qt l l.llf4lY, (144(1,01.11 • 1
ror,w , uorrroi:Plf:t. Of may AAA InV.l i'. , .'t•., l.- ~..- J. N... ~ , 1
elltlnclintt , l4,lo.kOldolllttnutitolory4lo,Maitm,., Itto i -1
. 1 0. 6 .. 12 0.,,,)0..; - 1i011,,e.4 941 , 4/ /1019 t .0 ligUltatreil:UUlttlingl
'raw York; Anart6ll, 0 , :.,;,:., e+a , o.7 Q• I •••.! ;I 1 .•• , '
: J aeg 2 9 f_ l ll. o 0 e 4 . ' - 41 Wig W 1140.1 6. 00
NEW .11001/6 I
!AMA & Saiver. (Fast 11nlu Ht.) h No jok rote, nod
from NIII Yorle,and l'hilridelpfula..ff if h a now
selected loch of Dry Mots for the ifftveot
CIOCOU COM prifilllg the fiftutt novel t loft of Dnoa (lords.
'Hho era. • Maolillao SITE Ale II E1f.,,, IJ CO Mintlefl, Earn
Poillh, llornornft Floliored Ituutemt Silk Ur Me.
diem Hlllr liarnto feleitoredTootteNt l'hfonced Organ' .
dlya, Rohe ilaret'ell nrl WWII P. lingl afis eltallles, Mourn-
MII/lIN now texture,, and stf les. •
G!'1.1)21',1 :0
~' hi KINDS,'
boo ollfUl fiaroFrds.-nun umbrellas 111 all colors & sizes.
Lacliva will find on locpration, our- goods "aPited In
noir wants unusually complnto ;Ind at proacnt will
pleano.tbo most 'ocottomical Another largo addlt ion of
Olitsana . ..llllnris and fornisbinir, gnrota. 'Oe n.•
, (lota our ITIOUOIN hut stria° Icy o t potion 00.1' industry
,to tooko . lt. tho'intor,4, of buyers to 011 with no. •
Wo buy mogi fnurash, and nor priers will be at *ion.
- lownht pna.iblo margin, CunaMot nciditions will ho'
Matto during the amnion, . LEIDICH & SAWYER.
.loon 0, 1500.—lut. .
Carlisle Foundry,
__---74.-_,,.__,,,,,,,..,, , ( • ,i., , ,,-_,_.
:. , --1. --::,{0±5,;,0,%,-;.
--_-,,,--,,,,2 4 ,4,,,,,,„;:,,,, , ,, , ,,, , c,4 , -6.--,..,: - - , - ,, ,
~,,,,4 4 .4 0, ,,,,..„..„,,,,,,,.,,
T 2 ,,,,,, K ,,, ~...,:i.,,,,,
-v....- 11 - --• .-:?."---='-___: :•-.... ---_,.....irpri. - 41 , '-...
~ . ..e.2',1,4-i- ,- ."" '''.
F. Gar , lner et Co. now In . . lirafttill ,, and keep enn-
rar tiate, at 1.110 r uXIeTIM to Sto.l EHlit
MalD till eel, efirnile, a 1111 p, of
• Ati It IS.: TI U R 31 , 44 113 , 1 ENTS, •
of n6•ll'kuovn', npprovi l 6.4kilnosa to fitrnwt4. among
vhl,ll thry would vAlleF.wrvittlotti•ntion to WILLOW - 111 .
whit!' bas tak on over lifts Premium,: at Stat,
litut - tounty Fairs. 'fn the Ftirtunts o' t'umhrrLuu(,
lilt nod Perry onstiblen It 110e11 not hponlc In detail
or Ow nierlts of tithi 'drill. so 141,1 - 4, of thorn-ern nine in
i, on Ilin he:t I:tront; in tlin:o r.nll. I.lns. Its rein it,
tihn is 1 . 91:0111.111 . 1i the r. ,g 6 eli.:11/ION1 1115011 IL iii
in 010
Itvo, t tale. nor'oy nil 11r.1,4,1 •lIIMI'
drill 06uos. linut brnAklti,
the chill. cum and 0. nnlaroil lin, the
Outn Spring Drill is umirtii.tllo I t0i1,,, , nth,.
also mantilla. tire anti snit On
WI , ran r , , , ,Tnnimul In Fa rimtes as rot labia luiplein'en to, -
of I.Aotblislied rhnrm.tnrl
tnt It I,irrps.TA:rENT.CLPIIN 4 ^.-
P.ITENT t . ;TItA.W FOI - P3Elt VIITT1:11,
• 11 Iti PAT I:NT
lIAII\'F PATENT +111,1..
A 1,0, Three :111,1 Four 'forgo t Thy:o,l,l,.
:Thl , •11111.8, 11:10. Iron Viola 11.111,1, of
various p att.tros. I; Orlll'r•,Shots. amt oilier artic'e,for
Farmers too Immo cu . = to mn:intl. A lho, 1.:e.;.; 0..11
tilavvsithkl Tool'Pflt, „ with .1 111,1110.0
vaniet . r of olloq twsi for Ivo, •1;000rrs 1111(.1
IY(1. has outs I or p itt urus for
npd Oint Iv Full' .):NcLosuitils: to which' wo would
call ottoo Lieu. • "1
Stegint Engines and Mill Gearing
To this ,l-partairot I,f our lot,lllota lye giro par; Ica.
Tar ntlontiou. I lar aloaoty oNtra.lvo riork Ad I/ I tt1,114
for l'apr. I low 11111 llrorlog. I, onoalatll
larreatioa. Mill tl w orra 11111 i 111'1 11 . 1 i slit ho fur•
alshial trill, 11 prillto.d crt.dnpun of u.l•.yarloas 1 1111
PatlernA, applivotioa. .oor Nlai,lnor•lT4lp p,oja
all on vani tools for tof Ida t, 141111111,r nal fiai,lling
- Sllofting 31.1 l'aglliwa. by ;:ood o:OI nu rlul 11 whiniGtn.
ttf tiny tita.trabla talpar.ty. from toll to Lueuty-fira 'turbo
pun or, built in thu• beat ntylr nod u•• art.otuuttaltt Hut;
talon., Engin , •., built at our et.tablb,htupott ntay-be
stkee. , ...nlsil rd..r.ition al in :to. I.i tho lar.rmt
Taltttori..l.l :1114 I . .ttutlwrlalld
'll% t.I
rob,' rov th.drollif il . l -
µr. Stt:atriAti• re•
arid ex.tunitl.3 ulsu,
nnnnrtrd svlth (Int. P414'41,4.11.411 i, a
yr•inpintuore.. for
ove r) . thwt.:1,11.41 of
tile'lllo , 4 p'ato,t.)loll... Vri
dal V Sash fon ulul lln n.I~•1ir:.
on µlni,s tVioinior i irtionnin flout SI al upwiird ;
tllluttoSrni and nilllil,r, 1:1111t15 from St Tri ulinvord: tour
Panel 1/0.,S from „t 2 enontioins
llrtnnlvets, Fitory
Soi olio, anon onto, iirtielvx innon.loil tin lioit.o
pt I ion 1..,,'ut prlvi, and or thin bent, on }l,ly
o a • :Its. prop trod. Ineridoforin.
to rontilr re
for IP.llrxportlnsnni .1
nvi,tlt inromptotwn,iiiin nu in i ilsiiionlde
'rho roidiiiitoil pair/ow, of 111 n notlinne Is respect folly
-solivittnil. I by mail pion/10.1y an tendril to.
Mire 9 Entit. Co,
T I 1,1.11 II P.; :1. 1) ! •
SE OP 11) GRE.I7'IR/ T 1 1: nr
We are TIOW opening our sotanui arrival of Spring
Goodo wit l,•lt we on, to the -no of Carikle and
dfnit}, it untoortli urle,s nith the lE.:et - elle:A:on
to hell] pa, with the (ions and tho reputotlun of
OUR 11011, 4 E" for selliti:xl'hoop
We purell,e nor pods - oAt7ll."exelosively, there.
try ellahling no to sell at ignee per ralea than the moot
favortol f tot our frielels and custom°, P ohaold
h e , in mind. i' , llowintt volute i.e 1.1.. t a tonall tea ,
lion of Our lumen', anti varied steel,
Plain Si Panay Stilts,
Foulant :hilt,
' Paints,. •
Croon S o '
, • fri.nelt t.'"eotall Illittgbanui;
o alenalas.
Pplins. • a , ----
Poll de Cho roe,
. .
I . 1 1 .11111..: A 111.`1i.,1 II , 11411t.:11 . 4{..
• Ann.riran iiiiiwilAll77,
h11.1‘,1,. ,11.-. A •
• ..' 1,:t...,A, SIII, )111,0111.i , ,
A very gr. 11,1,11 3 4 , , itt11 ,, 11l , I , 11 ,, n1•11111, - ,..k. 110.•11,y•
Wu% en, OCC., de., I. 4 ..ughtp.s e.:. :•/ivrisood's Sir,. L 4 l.lrt, Um
" BELLEAU , 111 E :10UT El "
themnt •t
malt, with mu. 4.13 q, rteto•l 1,1 tr , au t
eviler in S, II 12, '0,2. ;t, allti al We . The la
• .
CAII.I . ETti and Olt. cir.()Tiis
cf, cnr!l4le (11• e relovea the prier
hds ery j, 111i:11110 ••4111 , 1e11, 0 " to j",,,
11 111,11 invit , / tet.tion
s‘e r.. II liven 10,1,1'0/ In I'M t/Ii
ally store in the Interior of I..2onsvivarita. purr ;ran.
In tills line are purtim=ed direct rota the tue.l celehr
.tad netntlf.etm es and Ilar dncOLll ity 811.1 design ea.,.
Bnrise4Aoil. 1.,001 IMI tiIMS,I,S 0r all else and
GENTLEMEN'S 11'....1RE. •
Joatio &r. &C.
Ve , 1111,,A, 41.,
ilomerobor Wo aro determined not to ho ur01,,01
awl dory rnulpotittun• A. NY. MBA 'Z.
Cot lisle, .1111i1 2,, P 360.
Zir IXT 3E" .0 Zi.s
V 11.41 IR. I;fak IMAG,
. ' ND 1•:A. STO N.
m nit NINO 11' lon, ct. Now York ut 6 A.
M., ;wiling utllorrlssurg at 12.45 noon, only t.% honrs
betu'oen Iho t
MAIL LINE leaven New York at 12.00 neon, antra' ,
rhea at Ilarrlkburg nt 0.80 P. rri.
MONNINO 31AIL 1.1011 Pent.. leaves Ilarrinburg at
8.00 A. M., and, leg nt New York at 4 00 P. al'
- ArrEnNo.,N ILYPHIiBS-LINT, 1 1 / 1 .4, leamea Harris•
burg at 1.151' M. arriving at New York nt U 00 lt M.
Connentioun are intuit, at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. 11. with
311oleasengei Tr:duals each direction on the Penney I ,
Cuinberlinnt buoy and Northern Centro! hall.
Inc and Plilladvlobla, and nt Allentown for Mullen
Clitnuk, Easton, AC. .
No changeP tn
iulßeer Ears or Baggage bet Ivan New
York and Harrisburg, by the 0.00 A. al. Line from New
lurk or the 1.15 P. 11. from than ikburg.
For 1 , of sentiory, find rtren.l, comfort and ncvntn•
jnodntion. thin routo peezentl superior induconounts to
Ihn trnruiling
Porn betweeil NOW Fork nod 114rtiNhorg B
LARS, For tlrlcetn nod vapor lutbruintion oppli to
d. J. WADE, Octant) Agent, linurkburg.
AT (101LurS ttTeRIS•
Mtge stt,:t:hf STIMNII:It
••••' (1001).-tO 1111.41r0 tiptlaL how
rheoini; to whit); tho attuntlbo or till .perronO in want
tirrtioniritrol linthinonio gond, rerporthilly
• Llchtit purchood for ritrh Wllltio i t . ~„t
rhenium,: tor Utn cnah, thrtn'enn 'had nt any othoP
- All pernonnfn pnnt et' hnnatolllo And (Imp grrodn nth
mmpectrully Inv It -d to rail Mkt e ‘tunitio nut Now Btock
beforq rurchneliig elitevejtero,
C. 001taiYi TrOtitor,
1`;': Tho'bulnlico of old tok h' nu fhg;uttt
wltlii)tit'rognil to mot', ut Drlcto utiptiodently Ow. •
Juno U, loon, • '
Godbold,' ri`tiner_kiitt Rdpiliiax
; oil Ittimit 4inlutl,o)ll JON ninth) arkitilge..
qiiartuyiy and etri.tuttnli.
L l s mca;,lol, rr.tiiiiritx.l.l6lllg- locitt,3l,at,'Llorrletturg.
vlkrtfe4 hp (huh. imatunionts.tittiatt pt nhnr6 nn..
tivq,..NIINF 4,4 p‘g-.t . 0
ttlonts,pn. nr ukpertqueoln BOa
Cift R-Iv I ththlt• vllfti.o;l6.l .4, 7 ;.1; bit fully. 4 ivA
to l Prate •nhprmn rpno. - ordn44l9rtlit,';tild Tuitt:(llitiAl'
ann.) 1660.-Sni;
Q( ))I 11 .1 NG N IV.
:11141., A nThinl,nugh Duke. tan pl,:isurn in
annnnninne; to Elm elazonp of Vnrl!slo out %kinky,
flint they aro in.e.pami to ronnynte huniletnof e‘tly de
beription, and innterinl that rogniro
'WI! ['rt.:Nl NI; , SHAPING null PRY:S.9IM), .
itV . :Allot will iho , L rit , l•Lt , mei now', whit"-
nrw,lli uu•r awl quit° reeelif Iv mu
ri.iit.,lh,triietion loan elitirtily
with .llrs. 1 , 01%.1111.1t1' and
ni•ivilioo. for whivii•Tio•y trivt Eight
ti einotoorionit in coulitios. 'llium hi,• tit,.
to,,,it• bt temh others thustow toperior ns mmoll
to Fnpldy mill I with thorilines who may with to
hie hitt thoroudily tusG~d its met tts.
Also rectiiiii.s for colorti,of every -
Ins Bonnot,ls. Ribbons, tillhe, and Voatbors given
o ith the silo veis, liowo or uluell faded
bo reslorod to
N. pre..,. , vllt otrengthon the material,
where 'all ethers harp injured.
Allll/11, tho nun ny'rvcoinmentlalirmA That hare been
titre i , • fin )hvor of-Mr, C.C. loow's 31,,enie, and
roselps, ono only will bu-Inßorted at the prehent time.
. .
tieing Induced to itlVtlstig Ito 1,110 merits of the
c Icon by :itrr.. Dote, eitli the Folo of bonito ex.
innehino.for lionnot, tom,
tin'asuec. at the
is . i.oderfill effect. producing hot I iintild Wive consid
ere.t nn impoavihllity, hail I not siri , o it
lie) and a 'doubt. rind 1 eloccrely reenninnuid it to the
ere , of ell ong.ideil iri the straw, and millinery iiiiclindm
no 1 , 1411 • Orll ortb, - greatest improvement xOf thi ,
0111610 April 11, '6O -1.1. S.-GRUBB.
At tie store of John Irvine, no the . N.. E corner of
the public squaio, la the ploce to porelmso (loots :Imes
Late & Cops, at priori that defy etanpvtli
Ile has just rot alined tram the East will. tho largest
and most complete assortment of Boots, Shoe. lists A.
laps that he has etiMi preseotea to thla counn may., -
aria "hi It Is oNdna lowest
the 104,4. W. stock embraces 'everything 111 his lino•
of business. such ad
c,irm‘a Patunt Loath, Ox lord 'Piro. Calf
ntol rntont I.olalivr lialtur.4, Unit' Nu l'alf and
' 111 . 0Aatitt, aipprl s,
111,1'1 . 0.1i anti Eildislt : , Lt 0000,
„Calfnod ltltl Motto., l'inn JAIL Sllppritt, 1 7 .tntty tqipptno,
N0n10,,, !nt li id litnoßll,
:%11t4,- , llt , AND 1111 01'1111 cleocrlption.t
entlntay . lng 11,1'0 Looting Goitetrs, Montero awl. Looting
Itott" , :nJinn , ,'.',, of 111 kinds , thlley
ohm, of 1 . 3,1 , 0 n: si3 slippert.,,to
If I'l' , I' (00, r.0. , :t0,r0. loran,! AVool Huts
or :11: I ittalitit, and ~tll,, also n logo aosorlannit 01 .
STRa 1V 71:1754,
,nOl ! , Itnov toad , . to order 'at tlnt I,lo.rteot
. • ~• •i • 1 , .‘ ,, ,--( , 4111,1, nr - or nhilliy to
p•oo 110 r,petqlnll3 . invites
pai,lie to 0100 him a roll.
Loo t h e place, N. E. corlier,of Iflo Publie
80. 'OO.
mu,E summEtt mom Mi.
The xuhsrrlLor roirpeetfulle ,dorms his friends t e nd
the nuldie I hat 6n liaspistrevid,ql bi, t v..
tutu •upplp of fashion:o;h( Summer (tooth:, which can
lie squalled In
- comprising the very littee.t FLyles. Winn Moils of goods.
Cagginters oral] NI:(V . i . ii'VLES, ve(thigt., an unrivalled
115,..111110.111. lirap dote Italian Cloth, splendid nnserl•
went of
oil 01 which will Lr hold per yard or Ina& to order will,
a wry loh . tot rainy; A large iron, hour, t ul(icutlenian'b
Furnishing Outdo of every, dote, iption.
11A7 a:! Ps.
The hulille will fi,ml it to their iiitereQt to cal/. as %to
are &termini,' ie holdup our 11101 to, "Quick Sah, and
kiIISUWI Profits." Iv tAC LI V INGSTIiN,
North Naito, or Strout.
°Halite the American Muse.
Alny 16, M.-3m
WORTH - OVER 513,000,000.
prrrulunis ore ',plum than ht. many other COutpa ,
... Welt, And the DlvhionclA linvu boon:OM:ATER;
This IN Ft Mrletly lLTu.i Company. Thera ritit no
Slockholflars, en that ALL TUB PROFITS
111.40:i0 10 Till; INIA:IIY.P.
ald every information, may lot had mitt
1.1,, on opplimthlu to
ThhninitlinlA,lng, ' John SVoll,b,
Murder:ll L. 1) w .11, tioorro 11, Stu.slt
Oruro M.Stroud, I:. S. iVliolon,
Jobb, 11. Myurrt, .. J. bleher buatalug.
3u3oph Natural:n, ' Wilhunt C. Ludwig,
John M •Atwood, Arthur 11.•CoilIn,.
Thomns 11. Poworu, Georg,: W. Toiand )
1111111 um McKee, - s', ' . Thor, IVattEon.
• le. li.h.T(IITrORD STAllll,2igent, .
• — R:Ir. - COeliof Tiliffaclifill 11 iiluut fit - ret•tr,
Ilny 23, 1 1.10-I.ltu, ' • • - - . PIIII.AII'A
ITE - SUL Pp UR. Amur, duminvit
• sparaos , i gi'ttlN(lF,'B4l.lited in Cum.
cumnintLAND CO, PA.lt7itliLi"oTticia°rlitie'illPont'ntnatinthi:
ACCOMMOdationl rogert ter • theee
GOO w Idi agliroolate grand 5... nn.
Terms _Low • ry, intro mountain hlr. Metz,.
oratin;s bathe., large and vell
FOR • v.inthitoki room. goNvAvd,
PA It TIICV LA RS , ly ail& a good L telde.
.t 4l ''N ciOnAlt B , t .'„"b" l ;li t i l '%'p'e r n n
g"n ie ntrtr l i W:
ow vi, -chi:NDrunf minernie m• auperior inr
• Via Align, drtnldug end bathing. Idle
earliolora. ' oral arrangements. 11111
JUDO. made for engin-ion puttee..
'ho humble ttlinotin et the Borough Orf C 1 1 ,11616, arn
hooohy , hotilled the Treashoor of the Snot+) 'Db.
triet ofonid Borough loth nttend At the Ctionty
;tom (CohnuiSihihOl(ie Office), on •
• A/mutat', xilly Rom; •
. ,
hotwe'ett 11.10,10urti ofit and 1.2 lo the . fornonob, ,
nod '4 ndtt 6'o'clbck hl the 'afternoon of /odd dnti Me Ml'
r peso,; of • sollectiox. nod .rot.elviro , tho , &hoot nod.
hollottwo rioni it , rtreseil ref the proooot yonrr 00 nit
taxell . Ndillf or betbro that oli
date o.dctiO h•_11.1 bui
tondo ttf elvhl IfFit.UNN '„ •
' ' retrohn 11Iohluto,to ply their'hixte fulttithten it
ono do 2n,14r - 01114101 m the Trenourd, •
;..I,lllnet2ll,llfigfl : :=*
tilicirep Job Prilitilfg•tio4,lrotiii;'`;'4.
.(.il 1 A INS OI ' A I,li
• hinds with ti largo . topfortuw4
1.1" P ()RAINS.
ItItgAST, A.lltiB) • FIFTH NIA INS. -
(30%. MIA
lust re , elved. nt lhu Choup Itorthk'nru Store ~.1*
ihtri.l) _,'So.
EMOVAL F 0 0 11, AN' 8
, 1 . 1101 . 001 i. W 1111; AUD
A:tit B 0 T YIP G A rA, B
C. C. L001111:111 happy to 1.011,01111ci! to. the pit ,
or Carilhlu volt v kini ty that lin luti removed hiCticturu.
°oilers to 0 3/ MiltlN II AMP where ho hupco with
_pnrior facilities . , a iiil3lloasant-aervea-to ids Ittromf. - find
' exrullont light 'to tom it: a e9ntintianco 00 the Only
n 1 patronage beetou ed upoil him by his vitronn and
made tram a tmiiiallion to life Size. .Ilis pictures aro
1,111.1.411t0d to La popular to any made in this part of
the COtllltry, unit 1.11051 to the very Leht mink, in )urge,
Ladloaan4 imutlentun are renpuctfully• invited
to call and examine apecitnenn., rob. lb. 180. tf. •
Y I/ II / leirrnerFhlp liervteforn oxktiog ult.
th.r the firm ot'Slllkl‘l buts tills (lay • hem
vt.ol 'mama entiseti t, hererotu 1; 11 o uld snl Irit
nil tho, iiMebtotl 'to rapie tind settle ibvir
and till thor, ImviuSclaitivi will ple:wo preient thou
Jim settlement.
Tin; lamina 414 will hereafter he continuo& ut the old
otmol of Shrum A lank under Um 111 m or I:f.ACH
lrhera we will keep count:toll) , MI hand all
- ItiodA 1.12!,1111.111 AND Cf,11„ • of ovety 110.'41'41m1,
wllion ter at till, luennt each ptleos. at.] all Or
a°rn for bill stun' will he promptly atlendod to on the
whOrtest notice Wean thanlatil For the pntrotomn 4;l'
generous pulilleml the old stand of Fbh•m A flinch,
and would ntill nolielt a continuance. All ordons loft
al the reAllem.e of SOW., for 1,11 and Imulx.r,
toil! Im promptly attendqd Loon borototore.
1:1,11ili. 1,11.:1.A.Z.WY.
11. A. Sruly r\.
' %Vii.fa.Va ICer.,
floss': C. Si late 550,
Lles sun St'outt:•..
Jon,: C. Dt.:Nt.vr;
'This Ronk, g.10.g lrnsings, ill Ow onion of tier. Err,
netnati a; Co.. is "firm folly prepared to du a I.;enoral
Ilailltinu.lli.iroa, wit Ii i•rolopf.tot, and fidelity.
Money reovived no depo,it 111111 1,141 heel: on demand
sitlionl ifflivo. Interval ',aid on spuenti,ita. Cr,.
C 1 lik'il tes et depasit lie.leille intureAt at the rate of file
per Vent.. unit lee israted• fur as abort a period as four
unoftli,. Interest 'no all rortilleater. sill cease at lea,
...tilelt,Y, provided,
renewed at Oily (Into iheteafter for another'gi vet pn.
-rioil, they shall-bear tit« saute rate - of int.o . e.4 - up to the
tlno• of renewal. Pailleular attolltlell 101111 to the eol•
lavtion 'of notes, drafts. rhealin. S:e., to any part of the
United Rites or Cann , hia:
Itanilttatteek malls to Pintrlnntl. Ireland. or t ho Con 4''
Rent. Tin , faithful and cunlidtaitial uxtrotion of till
order,. ontru,:ett to them - , may be relhol upon.
They call the attention of Farmer,. 3leeininice and
all ' liters who fOni, 11 Safe depeSitOey for thele names.
to the Undeniable l'aet , that tine proprietors of this haul(
are I:Su:m.9.llr liable to the extent of their estates Yon
all the l?opossts, and other obligations of tier. liretvin . 1
man a; Co.
'l'lley haYe reeeall V rentortel Into now Ila.thint;. l
Ilona° tAlreotly oppOsite their former Efantl,'ifbAes.t
Main Stroet, a few, doors next or the liallroilli p• l ui]i,
when tiny will at nil times lie pleased to give any. fu.
formation devised in rt . .4,11 , ,i to money nottters in gone
Open for ilil,illosti from 9 o'clock In the morning 111101
4 o'clock lu the evening.
11. A. STuRa
WM. D. lIALUERT, Carlisle
• •
()OD . NEWs NJ if T PEU.!
‘T fie t LEIDIt:JI . E6 Horh
06111,Stp•ot Nutt lintr hvatitinil t t
11114 Iv the Limo to ilialle'your eihiog 1.1/ tome
" 13silUr's+leetoci nut stu,k
;tad tug, loirol.llllg 1111.(14 Nio..• V!, j
p 11111; 01111 0 VItIILOI 011r001., 0 1 f'f tlt •
Wyek, Vs k i ;
wror inc1111:VOIC uNI to thitl,p) loop
muck:'l:llprixes rim lid opt utcst y I,us ,
_DRESS it AV) 1711.1V1T .5.,10'.15'A
lu •
tiin uutrket, nuclniq Figured. buiroLl Fh
Silks in' dup.; 1 4 110 . , 11,
noted Foulard, India Silk, roil rrune/1
i , prlng; V•ilpuelas S hy:l:3s. VlOll . ,t:„
lioutiewS 11:trogo ft Lawn liehra, lis f'.4P A np.1.1i.,l
iilsritze irfall colur.3, A1110401,01C11.1.b, yrgs
• • 111 0LTRNI.NO- 'DRESS ( 1 001'S,
nPovery dusqrlpflon of 13..nson'm Imro;t3;:oos.'Sll3
Hltawl, I of ell kinds Lod qmillti,s. 1.{.2a •Job Alit,
Hploiltlftl'l4lk di.terx, FretICII I. to.
Sh3nti!la 31ant10... Nun I•o ,, Oh.: Al"
dor, KILL Move:, Gauntlet. diet., a4oot
f10N1,7 of filnds awl. izes. •,t
Booneta, Hate,
nod trimathign, Dry,:
• 1100? 81i1 riTs: floor
%viii•ox r,Jel,Fatu4 gootAl trail . vi.ry II
3lon €z Boy's Warr suitoblo for
then 110 all other Mods of 1 ;0:1[1,.41,',,
itutERT .11: ISI,ACIC
0 A itPE rc:
. •
0:1 lv;• I; ;‘,
h cNJEI.:ein 1.111 hii
M NEW mot tit ESII.
ealltitUllt. Nadi thins of fleeirable goal.; vII( be tee
aerie, the se3son. l'hee , e call nt .
n h ru ls_ NY),
, .
15 1 .1.1111 1.3E1,LS ! I'.Alt3l . BF L
the Inr.o, 1, 4 , ,t ond • Iwst
sortnit,t of-FA the 0v04,,
31et311. atilt lull %V Altlt:;:, MI) SOL' TO Clt
At t hr.l trinlvo are Store of
:11/irch 7.'u.,.
1) Ell 0V A L . •
111.0 OlTico to h., /I ,oca, °pro ,
Wass' 11.,t4.1.
81 ; 111 . ..Yu"
BUJ'l':~ rc .aI(4A
...1.. Ole llin, art vary tittllt at protctet I! will
persetr, interest to look ottt I tr Itheatt ItatiT.l &
ttatt ILVO tit , rhinos, and the err, pi IC, to :tee,
Otis 1 thjort in at . lid earner kattett an . a :Shoe.
Gm in my years, talroealy 0pp.,11. BM I.a: thus old rt .
11,1,0hiligs't 11otel. .9n rat! :Oa ~ .,,,,L, , ,
~,tsl t t motley as YOU will hod a tralipioto a,al: tale::
all kinds of goods itt the '
& LINE .
rm,S, of tbr very best waken .n Ir v
how,. i'sko artleles I 11 , 5 t til rilV.lpuNt
o lii flail int hal. ow Stook the 1//•10315 vAry areur , ll.rg
I),, ushliy of the art lel..
The rule,: riLrr hvinß jti3t, returned `rota East
C:1103,1;11 a laegiVatrelaefirp;el•;: of loots
hr ;11g . . I:i.e•p, 101 il.llltl fity f e r !tom, N:
xor is ut iloots to halt Il', trade 1:0 UIJ low
Mon's Calf k Rip P. !wed Boots.
I , monel/ thilfhoweti Boats.
Moos Rip:;slfk WM. 1112.1 1 •.t:
iiuif & Peen L 01,1 71.
M's's Palortt, gall v, U.`
el :ma p0,p,0,
I, 1
},i i .•rx
div,os Cbildron'6 :Ind Colored In4-tt
L & Children Pan vit . Ehl,.tt WorroooS'lpto
ltathos' R 11k•Ipt (;,gat ,t• Froto . ll2llhornro
st'onton ..111htlarhon p0..0r0l of nil I: hit:, nl lo
Pri,o4. Just rote] tool an assortinont orfltlittroo's a.
lot toot Onto.. Itopairiot; dono on short a It",
Thosoltverlhor still eNnt in ow; rot .It, tho st st
tlytnkinl htr past NVOl'lillupirig to roct:vo COI llt t:
of tint sato,
,Carllslt.Aprll 18. 18(10. NEI:.
• ''y t lT • 1 , I L ' i t . 7 A tt: O tt E t lgli t .4l! „ :• r i t ;! ,
Ntl t
VT ' 4 •' -L ) 14 : 1"1 : I NI: lip r1 • 111:\!
The solowelber has 3 ust reeri 10d 4 very NU pel • II.) ..:11
11'1•ll Holeett..l • sloelc of '
SI'ItING & ('1.91'111; , ;(;,
ptoe,t, Litinun ittffi Il lloli 11", volts, V;.11
A: Shirts al , o sik nod Hut ;.1,.11[1_ t
thlug ill thu TA)• of GA Ills (if ICI
OfIATTL EN F. NS' G. 00 1).,
hag lon gvlected with "i • am]. Ll',
fie., aro a 'ld at unllsu.ll lrn. privot,
Thc•Ful , Pcrlber would call spovlal ettetahu (7.
Inrgu-clock of
winch ho 11 . 1.t0 ll'eeltoll Hod 10 t.llNr, at ner) In
fittarPs. Ottimnltoto 'you o.lrhy,ll
the Cheap ClotlaZ 111:, ,
• • - ASi11:11
April 11, 15(0.
A . g Er! rulau4A L.I.N.PLE - MENT:S
2.1: .. .
CulEk'ator.l, Carrion flaidou Troarl , ,
Forks, Shovels: Raba, span.... !loon Nr,-
- .Difig Hooks Ilay Kul yea. iSisl'slit
tucks, Mall
Plows of TEN dinirront foal e,
including Nooks Plows, 11/,,i,ood'a Mown,
Clibbal Plows, 'IA:Merl/5N Plow.
Sorlf 3latal, and Elndlo Noe,.
.1 not ',riled a largo supply or all kind of gurda In. I'
not tin. Formor or ,:ilectlasile at
llnrrh 7, 'CO.
N0:1222 7slarlcet :f:treel run,
Mantilaot 1111 of lino
Sll.l'lllt r and -,, 11,1*:-" 01'
11111:S, SPO 1'1'1:1:1.*
SI; Is.
CAI:S lIASKE'CS, (TiiMlll 11.11111,
CElp, , ,
Withh;mnerulnwn intent, non, bit' ii
10 , t, qu dity. Bid, of the ho,t zulteri,:s told It,
constituting theta a ;fl,l,iceal:!e dotalll
Sri:lA.lls 3itri kl I. Ft3111.1!..S
41 , OM 14n, re-pinlvd tn , lnt•r •
Fol, 2J, 101.0-1 y.
)!olvilt rii
-4on•tntdrtl - rrawZ. hest 011 tt.trreet, poineude.t, it
always ht., ~tiinently ~ , it.,
11111...V010MA fully meeting all the. rt-intrenient, t.t
thy a 4a, a now, tbtilestill competili , at.
who urty tl,,ito it al o of 11 , , [l' f
chub 1.1111 .Lll
end , heep tuna ply for the one
31,, title is tow perfectly ttql, Iles In.-
a pound wel,lit on Ow italt.tor ,- .ecution itt
anti ttnmitt t :r,. In both wet nut] dry i, twriv,tt t
vitt, the o
It, at sw lei h, uul 11, I Il"
lightent dealt Many tut:1111w mar
stt ttt,d that tit, I tt ltt r rahint; tet . l % intich •
rand. it it toter wheel. 111 1171 untilr !pie r, t , 11,
grain via, in holly relit,. Ulu itr, I'll in the ;nest:or
thil 1113 , 1,1110 11 , 1111 steal. In t ttl,l t
god tint rho rutting . burin eninplelel, and really
aver obstrUnlosim,lolliir lu mot,' mh) time dtlror it b.
out the ire of lovers told romplittat-1 to iv/tint ey. A
very titteol,tol awl Important foal tier ill if.R.41111.1 . 1A . 1.1111.1it
ynniFts In Ito I.rfvel arrangement Lm rep:twang and
domain: the track In 1110.111 g.
It lo tllO mint simple. not totle•tantt 11, thArt,,thrabl e
add In vYery tncht. complete aiol telllttle flea
por.ttott hover to the worhi, nod am vu h
Th, Ttro hor.Ne Thictilhe (with troty fo..ttro her.
5t,..).01t.• a swarth r0f:11,4 !for,
)la.altino a foot wider: too part teoJar,...
New Guilford, Flannilli COUnt . y.
Agent for Pr.inklln. Aliaan• lul 011:111,I !and ntnal,
.1011 N C. SA ti PLC. ilintostom 0. •
TI IMA 01:EASON, Plainfield.
Ma.) Id. nytt-ltru. .
• •
POWDER in Lho only known and 7me nalel to
t x o t , v e rukl " y.
zfAt 44: Vino r.
, • CON'CAINS NO 1 . 01..
' SON...
,C, ore stirs?
„ dooth 1.,1 1: .11 VI CI:.
• 31r. :.t.llwurint
rertllli.n trc fr.,i the Prosl•
dont, of tilrardt
rtvtnrg or now.c or Itntugo, p.n.s 1, wilts 11,pit,,1, utrt
other prolnthoilt (0111110 lin,Ottolans hi' 1,n1,11.1,1,,;
Lt, S. ,J;ti/, . I Vagliuston, B. C., a tal
New Orirano,
The orldoni certificate!' ran ho aaan at the R'hoiraalp
41.17,1 Ust dl Depot, 324 North 1 4 ercloi St r,,t, 1'111132,1
phial and for sale by all Dru,,dis":" and Grecels.
&Ft - Pew/ire or I.Durions hailatlone.
,Roinembar to aab for marl Wm A un11,11311:3; Pow"
der, Num geuulne unless argued
Nay 23,1 M. .
:1214 reerl yell 4 largo . I.;,tinrtinNJt Ali
(Jim lieltinv, Onnr Gum "
lc., au , l-
malochentLattho 1141.1'wuru of
J tint, 2'.1,1560.
' pal In being hold nu North, Hanover Strut.
hale. %diem tho turtnon; nrbluvitodlo'call , Authinu
the largo variety „ •
FARM. 1J:11.8,
ItA4 receis'ed and which wo not edit,,
thlott Rolls gin hoholight front i 2.110 tr yt Fu encl. 11.:
• have the Oroot iWcaturn WU, tholornwt'a
Call and itec you t•I
u. gpra. and cheap boll, , / ,r •
, JOUN P. LYN:: k SON.
:aline 22, lettn: North Itolinvh: hf-'
'.1::),111.A.D.1 1 .11.4111LVA.N1.?, lAEA DIN 6
- •It AT f. 0.11). ,
TO ; iNJ 7
_llAr 17 01.11(i
r ildZets'iViii •itt,;(3.-
:IlfindlngvAlliu town find lif.fifitrn Vriti•pdid
to Ilfiyitatrg. bt only 60 GO firktl. No - round
" food from Monday 21, to Snlutdny ,
tbo prlvllegir of ',topping over Mt Rrfy Intitimrdifite point
b fi t.det, atm!! tlfitvv.. s
. JI;CLYIIIy, Gdudrrl .t grant,
idt , n;ioAt
'rust received"13inille :1,11 . 11101a
olf Elapnrituil.New Votkpa-inrar lot af SIR and [..lire
7.144t111tui avert otslve 44V. qe rethee4dl3elcue..,Nt.'4 1 , 4
:tho titan Ilirlatilrti ttrot-iiitfialan
139ncim . , Aleo , • •
•11 tVila t 7 E
vq,dfltumor oods', iritt-11.frOnjoiv o
thu elorto tho neusou. Adultionu .opneuraul
outdo, our Welt le always romploto,'
Julia Cv, DUU, LEIL/101 L EA tv ri;);,
'filiti . reli.iiiiii6 - t.i'F.