orunt le si )7' c), tt,:.,.i „,,,, co li....zinro _ nage 1 ' iiiii , „ ( iorue 77- . ~;:..A.5 ~._,:. .., -.4,,r ---- . s; 4100 p ' -;::,.. ‘ ,4•.‘,. ' 2,1 , ww , ::..? WEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. The. undersigned having used Professor Pliltr,YS' SPF.CWIC DOMCEOPATIIIC REMEDIES in our families with the most satrsfalltory results, and . having full confidence in thrie genuineness, Purity,_ ainl,ollictley, cheerfully reeoniitietca - them Jo all-per sons who wish to bare safe, reliable, nod °diem:love roman, ht !land for private or tlentretie use. The Hee. Wni, Gushier, editor of "line Northern Independent;' Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. E. 11. Gres. ney,D.D., Realm. of St. Peter's Church, Auburn, N..Y.; the ltev. IS: I. Ivry; CIIII.IIIII I of the Adhere Slate Prison; the Dee, spencer M. Rice, Rector, Neir-Iled ford, limes.; the 1t.% Allen Steele, 'New-York Con ference; the Rev. Sanatel Nieholp, Mast-Genesee Con ference N. Y. ; the lire. P. s—Pima...Dorset, V. ; the bier. J a hn H. Roble, Dulfalo; A. 0. !Art, , Utiett, N.Y. ; the -lion. Neal Dow, Portialtil, Me,; the Sellnyler Cdfax, South-Dena, Ind,;, the lion. George Ilinuphreyl, N. Y.; Henry D. .Cask, Rs q ., Edliof of the "Olold State hamlet," Colutubtls, Ohio; the lion. It. 11. . Graham, Midlue, ,• the lion. Thomas J. Chase, Month:elle, ,• the `lon.. Joseph Ilettedleti Utica, N. V. ; WNW, Rig ' Utica, N. Y.; A. S. Pond,.Eso,, Utica, N. Y. ; Junes Plunkett, Nash erne Tenn LIST S ItP,MEDIPS. • I.—For Lever, Congvstlnn, and' luilmomitt ll4 l ' No. 2.—For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Welting Bed. No. 3.—For Coll; drying, Teething, and Wakeful. neat of Infants. No. 4.—For Diarrhcea, Cholera infadum, and Sum. suer Complaints. No. s.—For' Colic, GlNlplogs, Dyaentexy; or 13lOody •Flux. ' No. o.—For Cholera, Cholera Aforhos, 'Vomiting. No. 7.—For Coughs, 'Cotta, lolluenen, and Sore • Throat. No. S.—For Tooth-ache, rare-ache, and Neuralgia. Nn. 9.—For Headache, Vertigo, dent and Fantle. 0031 of Head. No. 10.—D.rsrursm Illtd,—For Weak. and Deranged fitoomeh, Constipation. nod Liver Complaint. • No. 11.—Fon P10101.1,1111tE(JULAIIITI1'ii, Hontltf, Palm. ful, or SappreAsed No. ]tens . 12 —For Leueorrliea. Profuse Menses, it rig Down or ren,:kt,,,— la.—For Group, Iluarse . Coagh,llatl Ureathing, 14.—Sitit Mina Erptiftelas, EMI). rilliple3 MI the I'ooe No. No. tl MR, N,. 15.—Ittmum.% fir! PILLS—.Nor Pohl, leuneness or t 4 oreness in the CI11,1;113ck, Lritns, or Limbs, ' Fcvvr anti Ague, Chin Foyer, Dumb Ague, 01(1 ISliitimiinged Amu, P.—For Piles, Blind of ItleTling, Infernal or F ternal., 0,,F0r Sore, Weak, or Toll:trued Eyes nod Eyelids; or Blurred' o.—For Submit, of long ntsudhry or recent, either - aclllrobstrnccion , W. C.—For.lVllooplng Cl;oug abating ' lts'vlatetine and I , llorlellillg Ito tulle. Ti, ,u, I. to Fr% elt, lon:uun,n riot. Dlarrhwit, 11y:rept, , ,n', hi CO.:01.11i, nod such eruptive tlisen,es Srull--t }ever, Measles, and 'foetus, the int lablVt..or tiviug tilY proper remedies promptly Is 0 1 / 1 "10,I. nod hi.nll Sll , ll 1 - 11£(11 the age, eines netlike n claim. The, sot ire di:uips In often . as - m.l4nd at mire, and du allltrou-s the sialnuer of the, attack Is moderated, the dketisesliurt.elied, untl re dered Icsa dlingerouu. Coughs - and Colds, In blob arc of such frequent oc currence, And 0 bleb so often icy the foundation of disensed lunge, bronchitis, and column/pi lull, may oil be at once cureibby the Ferec and Cough Pilk. lu nil chronic disease!, welt West: Stomach, Constipation, Liver `Complaints, Fe 'male Debility, trod Inset:W:11111es; old headaches, Sore-or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, Salt Hinson, alaioliirr old eruptions, the enter lin, spLeifies nis,,re !doper itpr pliention n ill afford a cure in :111)1.1 i'vely instance. Often the core of n single chronic dlllirully; such no Dyspepsia, Piles or Taint 01, Headache or 14'111010 Weflklle.S.i, bus atone linos [add for the cure ten timed over. 20 yinla cotoplete, iu tnoroieo, and Book, Q. Cake of YO vlots , and Book, plain Case of 15 nninbet ed 1,001.0, and Book, „ ...... Coat of 0 boxes, numbered, and Book - 1 - Singly I.llllbUred boxes, II ilk dit . ectinno, 2' els, Slagle lettered boxes, oith dlt ..... et, Large cage with Y oz. vials. for planters z‘nd phy alclane, • ^, • I=l Too ASTHMA on 1 . 111111.1'. Oppressed, DlMeld!, Labored Breathing, attended mitt, Cough and Expec toration. Price, LO cents per :moo. You EAU. 111$.1..1 . 11.1:1,, AND Invo-xt.s.—Discharges Boni the Ear, the result of Scarier Fever, Mens!vs, or • Mercuriols. For. Noises In the Head, Ilardnues of Hearing, , and Ringing in the Ears, - and Ear-ache. Price, PP cents psi bus, Fox :,s'CltOillS.A.--E111,11 . 1,i1 Gilman. Enlarged mid In durated Tonsils, Sue Mugs and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Chfrhexy of Children. Pt or, hO cents per box. _ You GENERAL. DEIIILITY. Physic - 0 Or Nervous 'Wealiness. 'tElltier the result of Sickness, Exce,al, ?dedication, or .Exhnusting . Discharges. Price, LO cents per box. • Eon DROPBT.—FIuId Accumulations, Tumid Swell. Senply SecrellollB. Price, lilt cents per bog, bout Sicklier, Vertigo, Non . sea, Votnitit;c. Siallrhs .fruin riding or motion. Price, BO cents per his. You Unlxnur DISILISPB.—For Grovel, Renal Cal culi, Dillleult, Painful Urination, Ulnases of the-lild slue. Price, 150 cents per box. , --Pon -BgstiBsl,-Eme.enws.—lnvoluntary Discharges - . and Cumerment Prostration and Debility, Bad Re- WIWI of Evil Habits:. The mast.' successful and elli= dent remedy knunn, and may be relied upon as a • cure. Price, v.ith full directions, $1 per box. Persons mho. tcfsh lo place themselves under the professional rare, or to seek advice of Prof. Hum __ PokETEI, can do so, at his office, fB2 Brouthruy, daily from 8 A.M: to 8 P.M:; or by IrMr. OUR REMEDIES B'. tIAITZ Look over the ; make up n mute of what kind you choose, and Inclose the amount In n current note or stamps by mall to our nddres:., at r,62 Itrondirny, New-York, .d the medicine wilt be duly rethroed by mail or ex prevs, free of charge. AGENTS IVANTED.We desire nn netire, efficient Agent for the male Of our Itentedien In every town or community In the United Staten. Addreand)r. Hum- WHALTIS A 1.1), No. 602 liana towAr New-Torre. - • . . C.lnoitfr Hanover st.. , ppo‘lto Coiirt ll.nt , e wholesale and retail agent for Carllalo and vicinity and DruAglsts •adn !stores generally. MRS. WINSLOW, an pxperioneed Nurse nod Female Physician, presents to the nt tentlon.ofinoihers htr SOOTHING SYRUP, 11OR CHILDREN TEETHING; 1,11101 grently ttcllitnt cc the pro,esa of teethlint, lit Potteiduk the gums, reduelmc all lullaniallon—will tl Isy,nll rah, and emnsmodle action, ned is solo L. r,gu loW the bowelp. Depend upon It mothers, It will give root to yourselves, and ItELIRF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We bare put up and sold thin, article for nicer tat re rtf;_aud_ran-Nnyr-ln - rerdirtrrifFnl truth of it, whet 170 have never been aI6 to my of env other medicine never has RI ______. _ . • - amen no igh 11 hin " ..t. ' , ..1 MRS. I,VINSI.OIVOS le, , , , o t n er• feet a cure / :alien tilde ly used. Nev. er did we know . en in• • SOOTHING ' 1 t• • ' f 0 Alite 0 dinnatlsfaction ' wine WWII it. 3.„x..2 .. 0 . loby H th ily t 0 .] teary all are d°lightud with Its ope- .!rato I. a , . a• d speak Int,terms of higine.d commend it 14.11 of its lice gleareffects nod medical virtues. IV° npeek in Gni . : matter "what we do know." after ten years expel lance and pledge our reputation fur the fulfilment of what We here declare. In almond every Instance where tine infant Is sulfuring (rote pain end exhaustion, 'elle( will he found In fifteen or twenty I.llllllltoll after_ tine syrup is admiuMered. This valuxbit. prepnrstion Is tam prescflption of 0110 of the moot experienced and skilful Intro, in New England, and has been used with never falling success In THOUSANDS OF CASES It not only relieves the child from pain. but invigo rates the idomagh and Ig,wels, corrects aridity and gives tone and energy - to the whole system: It will almost Instantly relieve' GRIPING IN TLIEI3OIS - ELS AND NI - IND CLIOLIC, an II over-' ;COMO 4' 011- vulmlone, FOIL - , which if not apeadily re. • I modled, end iet death. ”' 11 - e ' ballot° It the beet CHILDREN . and invest remedy In . - • !t r h e world, In all eaten T.EMTEXING. -In( Ityeenteer and Djarr• lona In old! •. , dren wheild' it arises faun teething. or Irma any other rouse. Wo would coy to every mother whp hoc n child coffering from any ally foregoing complaints—do nutlet your prejudice, nor the prttjudleec of °there stand between your a offer hug child and the roll& (lint will be SURE—yes, SULUTELY SORE—to follow the usn' of this modirlue, if timely used. Full liireetione for using will. creem• pour each bottle. None genuine Unless the fer.sindie of 1111 TIS & PERKINS, Now York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by S. IV. Ilaverstlch North Hanover et. and S. lllion Main at. Culled... and Drug:,Leto throughout the vrot Id. Price only 25 Costa per Bottle,. Prlnelp3l Offi ce, No. 13 Coder et. N. Y. July 20,.1300 HARRISBUAG • FEZ ALE SEVIINARY, MILS. 13. E. DIXON, PRINCIPAL, The Fall Session hr this Seminary will commence on TUESDAY, SIWTIOIDEIt A. This Institution, tiro' poretediu - 1855, -- tr - tlinirably directed In Its domestic arrangements, moral and re" Ilgions cal tut e, and course of studies. It Is earnestly commendeil to the patronage of the public as a first class ,Siimiliary: • • . Circulars, stating terms, Ao., can be - obtained by air dressing the Principal. . J. W WEIR. President Dolma of Trustdcs. . . Reference can ba freely made to the strong of the 'Seminary, among whom may lia - ni rationed illov. Win. N. Pscirsit, Harrisburg. lion. J.. 7. l'ss Imo, WK. It. Dr. Wier. D. D. .. . Her. T. II Itammuct, for .1.0. elate, . w • HoW...foseett Cam, n Wis. AI. Kann, Erg , w Jour( 11.4intoos, Esq., • Ilan. A. 8 WiLsOO, beirlatown, • Timm at BEAVse, lieg,,:Plilladolplita. OnAtil,Es Ms sssoVs, Esq., Sunbury, , Hon. JB. llttnset tiN , York county. . , . Hoen e Given Esq; Cuatborland ruunty. Juno InVlNgr ' Esq„ , Con [be county. D. Nona IliVilr, +big i HububerlaUd county. ,'. Harrisburg J illy, Mlitt.-ar. pifiliNTX --- I,OOKING-TATBr. , . , AND • . • . PlcTurtu FRAME I . r AiA N la N.1 . 70 1 1Y, I • ' • ; N o , No. Rll.B 0 FONT Ellt WirlildEle, -N. Y : • . A large assortment of every.' description of Lunching. Mama and Picture Proings always on hand.% :Paucy Wood Mouldings, lioTheu wo, Walnut, Cat, Maple and inkbOgsny. tills and Marlin Mouldings. Piet', Wall, and Mantel Mirrors. ()Lila ' fort,P4otugrapbs. , , Country or. dare sulfated; - thoda Nkar4ll,r.pacdiad and shipped to any part Oahe United Stares aud'eaaadas; ' • - . v_. June 16;'60.-6m:+' --. Ili/BACA V. s.l4Lca, *int, I'll !CF. CIO Ifl7 1?..11 CL A .7.1" ATION AVnidtr.t. the 1i•0f..1 . 11.th9 11. I:11.111A Piesi. dent .Itol,ll of the 1,1,...rai (2.sart, IA of the ismoths of Cumberland. ferry and Juni ita. and Justice of ths several Courts of Oyer and T.irinilior and (funeral Jail Dont . ..try In said rountie,, find . IV oareiffici and lion. )1. Cociforqt Auld,. of Site Court al/per and l'eraiiner and council .1 dt Delivery for the trial of all capital and calif, olfenolors, it, the baud sonnty of Comlon land. I>p, their prerepfn to foe ili• rvowt, - dated the MD . of January. Isis), have ordered the l'enrt of Oyer:not Tsrallner dud to he hoiden at It \ItI.IjLG. on the ("dot if IPIS il.tY of August. 1.100. flialuz the 5711. 'tic,) at 10 o'cloch in the tuft ...in. to ',Minn,. nulo onnLs. is ITER to tile Coroner, Jos. tiers of Cu; Peace and Conistahles of the said iluntly of Cuntherlaiiit, Hutt then are lip the said precept eon, mauled to he theft and there in their proper w ith their inquisition, examinations not all other rulllololl.l, e. to do those things whit to their oilleer appertain to lie done t zfol nil Shot& t hat ru hound by reco4nistilees. to pro.ifente Rimiest the . prisoners that are or then sh i tll lie in. the jail of Fil•i• .oinity, are to lot there IO111: I:41) Prof. I'.'i. Om. Henry 'P. 'Deco!: Tialtimve Geo. Plcoor, IL F. I:tt.•r iOq IL liyets, jlarii,burz Frt•dk. I:. M. I:. S. W0. , t1 ml rd. H P3rk", - , - 3 ,, 111.).1 Mc., 0. A B•x. V. II ond•r. non. Cnrlisle. Capt. Gm. 111 boon. U. 6,A. Thu, M. 111c1. din 1•1111a.1.40.11. eal nolo June 22. • '7l •7 ) Escrowrims TAR AN Li WOOD RA[II.4!;cTOR A to . . Is the Led lovilielne Iu they wifely' tifr the rune of C o o,th s iff,dnifs.f . r eup, Beuurlrilhy Af•thnit. Difficulty in bteathitig. Defiant...W[lot II 140.410. nod for the relief ol frittionts w the :oft CONSUMPTION. together with ell illsont, of the The et eel Chest, fftf d v Melt pre dispose lo Consuiffpfion. It Is pro.oliorly adopted loth., radio:ll cure"( :lon,no, Itolt?g pr pared hr n p11.11,..11 Plosidoo.llll , rogolst and 'init. of get. if I,(perlopien io till, core of [lto various s bt hllleh the hornito it It Ig utlvred to the atllletod oath Lim giontest roof!, dope, vt,),Try It and Ile routine...l that it is In tlu :are of litionyhitial attectionu. Pile, :At runty purr - I.sENIVEI c'S'AlltiltATlC It ALSA M. a very vnlumb l e renunly y, and all non el idllictions. ly it—Price 9i 1 . 1 . 1,1, per ((idle. Theabovi. FOCtillilll . 4 an , prep...... 1 unit I.v lir..t. I:SENII'EIN CO- 1:1/..iniku of Shill. ‘.ti. Slret.t..: - PhilVil..l,ll.l. Sold 1..• ercry r.....pretal la Intl.-0:A and In.id yr throughout the State.' .luny tit!, ItiOd.-Iy. pUR.LIO SALE OF REAL ESTATE . • Will be °spored to public File nn the prenrkes. TI11.11:6DA Y the day 01 Septenther next t north Of the tun I.l' lonti 041- . , I ..i. , 111111, :.ii..lJkti-li in :111.1 , 11,t, ton nslll t. Im, b• • fut-t-L—thel.no-erty - nt - 1-rot, - .llef, ,nt tot I. tlee'd. No, j I eon talntngt I:tlttere. I t norehes still 1111,1511 r... shout t-1 lo Id n Idol, is cleat ed and in a ,ntod .010 to of cluicis, , Il .It, .not Ill.' I , /10111, ill timber. 11,111111,1 ctit the .meth by .11naltant Latn l terton, on the east 1.3 OP rothnlogit• that t ( rook. on the north by Abraham C. 1..1,‘ • Jahn WM.,. and 1 1 . f isn't Zgielor. and on the hunt by ti.o.t. Na.", basin, thereon erevtell a good BRICK HOUSE. et.?"-..M,'/Frameo Frame Darn, Frame Stable. IVagno Shod and Corn Ctib, n ith a not! of nator :mil fti a pimp In the yard. 111 2111a1110.1 to till ,' • I." Ii • 0r.0.t. 1,11111111 ' /WM"' IIII.1",1 SIIIO till', 45 ..,,,,..„., il. /Ire oavoral etntall rheas of running w.f• ter slibli pan through said farm, audit, well calculated for waging. No. 'I. Contalint Si arrt ii and 9 fter.dtest stud 110..3mne, i.f Width Gil ants ar.. ell swat and the balance . timber, bottodutl off . the etutlt by Ibrahout Lantloortnn. on the 1,1.1}4 t.y trail No. I. out the not th by 1 1 .tntue1Z1twborand north nog by Logi 7...L.f10r. haring then,,,, tweeted it Ilriek Ilnitso Frain.. /turn, hug 1.,11 aid l 'oil, Cell,. The -At 01 lodh Etid tract,. 10 itl gond quality and bring nithln too miles 1.1 Limo lidln , , - they could h o nape.., etl In a Ednal than to Walnut% the bunt produent;lartnti in the helghloallond. .lien, ono other [tart Of Chesnut' imber i virt 3 Land ~buds In Cerr' towneltip, Pony • . . 0. eanntyt.abont one ntllo L yn x wf - 0 ',.(f 0 t'''' f, ' N road containing a bunt tot Lynx aer,,,. Silid ~Irer"'Y ninlint.tin Nail is ahont niN. unit's dltd.aut I ..., ~. from the two fltet,ntentittned Iradto. ‘ .1. S. I,ASII, F. KNAUSS. commence at tell weleelt 1.11 111111 dtty I 1 Leo thu contlit into, tt 11l le+ 1117011, ku.,,1). " "°"" 11J1: r"itl. ' Att'i in 6et for the heire P K PHILADELMIA WATCH AND spurra t rsTortz 0. CONRAD, FoRNICR OCCUPANT 212. 118.A - 011TH' S 4WD-VD rnE COIL Fl It 0 U Alt It Y BET The undersigned lies leased the a by, oprrinisen, where Ire will keep a large 11,Vortintril t 14 Gold 0 SOW Wenches, e f A raeritm n. largiii.h and :Swiss Al anu taetrire• of the most relebrated waiters, in addition to which, t. ill be found aim on band Prod moan to order) an ex tonsure v.trlety of Jewelry, diver. end ell roe Plated Ware, together With a general nssorttnent of such goods us are usually kept In it first. elate den cl ry Store . The patrons of 0. Conrad, and those of the 8111 , Per tiler together n l ll.ll the public generally, are Invited to eon. 'where they sir 11l receive n good article for thole torsion. As I nor determined to de strictly n sash laisloo.i gm do will be edirl very low. '"SMALI. PROPITf; AND QUICK SALL S," Is the motto of thia estaldlninnent. • , LEWIS IL BROOMALL. Formerly 0. CONRAD, N 0.1411 North Second Bt. comer of Quarry Phila, Juno 11, Info—ly. subscriber is prepared 1,/ tofell to ustretuttal and others, etnit.Nl`, ty tho quat i l r t i l i tz e :lt t l p o r ml . urgt o .t . titprlue. IL SAXTON. . . • INIOTICE.— • . • . - 3.l.cumitc,ntno, :rune 10th I{l6o. Nalco In herolly giros that on opoi.. o tlo o will h e (nide to the Isihrlstiture of Polito: 311:4.1n nt he most meeting for the Ihrorvorptio,, of a bank of Issuu. with ' discount us.d deposit pis'lteoen. to to located In tow hurough of Sluelotill,nhuru, In the Counts. of eutilluo• ' land. Penna. 010119 to united thu tileelotilenhorq Itioii.; wall a rotund oCitio • hundred thousand dollar. whit : the rh.tht toloconunt 1110 sum to twohundred thouratul. Idollai •n, ‘,7 John prom t{' ~ . , - John 1.1,,i,y, . .. . John &Idler. - ... !11:0 1 1, 31 ,u , , e .. 1 i, n ' , . Levi If Eberly. , wm, . ,urger, :thuntiel .tibehly. Jot oh Mindy, . Polnition V. iforunti. ' ._..........-------,—............', r1)0 FA EDI E It.S' AN a) .M.1E.13 (JR. it . ~• RI IRS Mitt OTHERS. . The undernhtned novo titian appointed solo agnate tot the Fate at the celolotated Truvorton Coal. "'flits coo 11. recnuitneodt by Mr. husintle and othere who Ink... t tlud It. to he equal's' ni tarring, Ind horn us 011101, limo per ton an I.ykona Valloy or any othiw, Om! In use. Person:, In want of blind Coal will.flud It to their tn. ' (erect to Ituy.thlit (Jail as It uotta !hum twenty to toot, V fog- cents pr ton ton lens than • Lykenr Valley, ,11' 0' have the prop.tron TreVorturt coil l'or tinnily m0i..1,,,,,,.. ou hand. A,,, a large atoolt of . nil ~ f nll li Ind, l Her Wick of I.V.Slithllt It large and sion.po s to . .itut wily 1.0 Soda at Olio lowed prWert. ':Thaukful for .. ' ~. , furore ro .roaPoolfulY eeK . Ktei!'' .tlrutneoW Vaganon& . I'. It lb, itio AIIII8Tti • k IIOVV/1 ' , :- -•—. . • ... ! - 1110 Erl-P,l T, VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS PHOENIX I3ITTBAS, UliN'Elt A i, DEBI r. Fry EMI =I = . . OFFAT•COST!!!•,' • , • • At th e sign of the '.(cold fingle," 3 doom, almvellio Ciiniburianil Valley thank.' and :two deep; below Up Welt the largest auil,bust selected Mock of, • • , .• • • . • • WATCH ES & JE,IVELRY • . la- Um ill WI sold pqr cau,t • lowqr than ntany. Placa In the chita stock t. 111P116 of 1:01,1 odd §llit.r t lr.g Love,y, ,Implorp, a lath:trail watellCH..'aqa ItItILIB MU) Styletl, 0 0 1d111111.,$111 . 41.11(liii/O,' • ir.:"...tqs , ritz.T - .loweirrof all kin . 6.llNetelelnk - (3bliCnfid " flatnd null till Vot . 51thile 110:105) Wecordeene,. (:)11 P o i n t. Ingo. o . gient variety of fancfartieles: and tdet oLthn - lioest - Nanos,,whfeh will be VITO' per cant lower thou ever offered in town. 'fho entire stoc,k of AVotelioniker tools, eases. large Mirror:,, and Aafe.wilt bu mold wind° sale or retai! on the rasimit tunas. , Ilas lug selected a first clans workman all Mutts of to. pairing will he, done as used, nt reduced prima, Piano tousle of all kinds for solo. it new first - des.; double harfel gnu warranted junulne tWist will ho sold for hall its , , • It . li. SIIAPLRY. n: The largo Mr. atm" , Brick now. ! with a .splendid atom roam Lind parlor 42 fent drop will ha t.ohl at a vela. law plot and nu 001). !arms. an.l if not saold wln Im rooted Irran .4041'1st ISIII. Cato at Ilia Jewelry Scorn in . . 1 alai 15. 114:o. lAMP.AKGN'.TRIi3UII;,. i : , . , . 'rho conip,ion 'f tui o will roust:4 el . 1111.r.one regu• far hsttes of t Wet' , lS rennin , being tits cud silo oft lie Doily :Intl wte:4l3 editions, and 0110 Of 1110 largest fe.tsp.tpollt tainted. routaftling few ad vertiso. melds. hat riving a full, current hlt.tory orthe Prosi dentral ('nurses Of I& t , --the riotrornni of pereral parties, their eaodidutrs, arguments, nine ings Fpeeidt. &e.. with all the. Intervening State cations, and fall summarie4 of the forelgn and oth ,r news of the day. Including letters fruni our correspondent. in Eng land. franca. Osrmany,ltaly, Cnl iforntit, soul h.A moo. on. Ate. ' ke Thls I.she will not tin rotors be I:tad sort prized by ardent pnlltiolansonlY, hut 'will ho indurating ,tn all. slid thus enlenlnted to win the hulllferent as well as to /wen.' and f.tlntulate t hose already eonvineed that the Ilapuldlean 05 , 101 , is follOgenl in truth and justice, end therefore onglii t 0 prernil. The Campulgli Tribune will let mailed un the'follewlng terms. payalde always In advandO t. torn ringh• copy • " Ir . copied to ono fithleks IZIM . . tk 10 fur 11 'copies Toay at any Moo r.f• Lai ward 0t0r.,0 thy ourni,i to 21..0rf r , u0 21 t o hiu, by srmlinc thy oto, as ahoye botweru thololru of It, saiallor and that of the laraer Inn. own interont in thus • itaulint papo:r, at n pion I, well,. mounding . the cost of the white imp, I. se alhrht that WO do not ilo , ilOtO to MVO all Itho denim the tol• mop!. of the ICepoldi.an entu:e in eralptnito , with .10 .earl v and earnest elforts to give a wide shit genet:lldr cointieu to (he Onopahniarthune. WV will 'and speeinton coploslo any one mho shall wilt.. Addrepg WIRACE No NU Nusamist., Now York. , I=ll3 CilY IS STILL TihlY Po uleTlf ORR : 47! AIiTTVAL-OF Tlth S MASON 11111111 g just rr.turnPft fur l'au forirth time , thin ssaslm froni the V:lstonVlthw wi• on now (polling tt fanst rmi• ele,,itt stork of I.4tVes' Dress litsuby C 45110 0? 3155±. tilles. 1 . '0'41.1 4 :cr. •II a p.I . T livid:lllr tattle the I,ljor Co our line of one ultieov C . I.M ES:S h)i)S. whlell have la en i•eleeted with great eat a not 011litr.trO all the latent and naiseat siviec in mai het, (,1105 enti mole and enntiine for .1111.. • when yen will lv notistled of the h ope, tart font that our stork je lii etia, letter nolviited, and cheaper than van he witch: veal cilateehere: Tho having made thin parthane nhni.vt enign..l.ol 3 . the Lava, invitek them to Came nen: Come all)! nod snit I Ile ttetits no temptingly displayed lull nor Onilvon and vomiters. -111' ' A. W. litiNTZ. Jute rpa:.-tT?,;r