. Cui.i.u.i,Lug iiouse Et}manacilor.lB6.o. ...._— l' : K Elai.gsE l ''' ' l . ~ a° , I - : ' 1 44 * g. .C6 l 4 . 4 4 1 4 1 &I it '''' M. • 0 •,u 4 • '7' 0 .' g - ':' • I 5 01 7 • jan. 1 Fi 1 3 014 P r .': AIII July. .: 14 1 2 r11 1 . 112,13•14 16 16 17 18 10 2121 15 16 17 18118.14 .. 21 22 4 1 24 25 20 2 - • 1 •4 . 22 22 21 25 21..2, 34 „ : 1 0 3, L . .. 7 . ,• 20:0' 31 -; ..1.. .. 1 • •lik Fob:. . .4 .. :: .:11 4 Aug. ... .. —l l 2 . . 4 507 14 9 10j11 . 00 7 9 l ! -J 0 II • .12 13 14115 14 , 17111 . 12 In 14115 11211 11 °••—••••••" 1 ", 19 20 21122 21'421 25 17 20121'22,22124 35 20 27 28 1 29 ..1.. • .36 17 28 20 :3 8 31 .. .1' 1 3 Sept... .. . t ..... 1 .. Mnr. ',.4 . i, 74 ...i 81 4 . 1 10 . 234 ' 5 . 8,1 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 1 16 17 jj , 01511 18 131•1115 ' 18 10 20 2 _122 23 24 „101718 17 20 1 21122 25 26 2728 22 30 31 23 2.4 2, 5 20 . ..72627 Aprll 1234 5 0 7 Oct.., 8 2 17 3 4 0 8 010 11 1213 14 . 7 8. 0 10 11 12 13 - ' •151017 18 10 f 20 21 . 14 15 16 11 19 20' 22'23 24 25 3127 21 21 22 23 21 ' 25 20 27 jMuy.l.. .. 1 2 3 4 5 Ice; 2 . 8 . 2 . 1) 3 . 8 . '3 . 1 . .1 . ' ' '2 • . 3 . 0 7 8 011111 12. 4 5 0 7 8 010 • ' 13 14 15 16 17 1110 . II 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27, 20 18 05 20 21122 23 24 1 * j 27 20 20 20 31 _ _ ' I 2r, 20 ' . 4 . 28 20 20 .. Juna. I . 3 4 ' B. 0 8 l 0 .2 341 1 7 8 10 11 12 1211 4 IS 11 910 11 12 1 1: 14 15 17 18 10 20 21 22 22 10 17 18 111 20 21 22 '•24 25 26.7 28 20130 23 24' 25 21127 28 20 „I„ __ _ _l_ . 135')1 ..1.. ..... li. • 1° •grtturtttrat .fltpartntent. t-i- c., ......w.:._ , _.....,..........._ gpt Kitchen Economy IN NAICIIVG CAKES, PIES, PASiltS,' AND IN (3001i:IN0 FRUIT There are. a thousand ways by weans of which a good wife coin learn to hi:econ omical and save, where-she certainly could not be'ciiljed extravagant if she 'did not save. • Ta'king care and not wasting what is cooked, is not the only way a woman can decrease her husband'"; expenses..-- 'Many woolen, I have no doubt, never think, 'when making cake by a gis-en re ceipt, that where i.t reads "one cup, id butter," two-thirds would do, and b cif of that ;pod, mad lord! Butter generally costs much wore than lard. White lard, • if sweet and fresh, is just as good for any kind,of-comMon cake, by adding a little salt,' and is even, considered better by some, as it Dinkel, the cake more In making cake to keep ti year or longer for company, make it rich and good. But common cakefor every day consumption is just us we:l made poorer:,, Let the good hou'sekeeper try her nu merous receipts, and cut short the allow ance of butter, and even of sugar in mime kinds, and. Hoe if it is not eaten ju,:t. as readily. Molasses can often be . w , ed in stead of sugar, by being boiled and sit away for that ,purptise, Take good inn lasses, boil it, add a brown sugar, and a handful of raisins, a little cinnamon, and you can! make a good loaf of jolllllll l lj cake, the raisins giving the apfiearaime of nice cake. ln Making pies, always mix your paste with pure cord water, rubbing just as little lard into the flour, as will do, and make the under crust short 'enough to cut easily, it is - more healthy. than wheii made rich and short, and the under crusts. of pies pre bad enough :my way. Foi• the; top crusts,- take the re „minder cif your dough upon the pie Iniard, roll out very thin, spread all over with a 'slight quantity. of lard, thevwinkle on 'a large—quantity of dry flour all over it 'evenly—very thick until you caonot'sce the paste or lard.upon it. Begin -at one side, roll up tightly, lot it lie a few mo ments, then cut crosswise of the roll out td a desirable thickness, and- cover your pie: When baked; this Crust will be white, fleecy„and will break when cut nA though. very short, A nice looking crust is thus—made, taking but little lard, thus being both economical and healthy. In making pies of any kind of green, sour fruit,, like currants, gooseberries, blueberries, apples, &0., always stew your fruit before putting into the pies', fur by• so doing, pit can add ono-half inolasses in sweetening, And. the diffey,enee will hover be known; as stewing the inolasset; destroys its peculiar flaimrso disagreeable to some, and gives your pies a more juicy filling, at less expense. • Cranberries should always be cooked, whether for pies, tarts or sauce; for by boffin.. b the molasses and sugar in, you have afine jelly, wljen cold, of what would have been but a thin juice, if sweetened after being removed front the fire. By thus learning to use molasses, in stead of sugar, where it will do just as well, and lard where butter is generally used, saving a little here. and a little there, the good wife, almost unknown to herself, will Lind her larder fuller at the end of a twelve-month, and herself well pleased (to say nothing 'of her leige lord) .with the experiment.-BAnnit B SMv- YEit — Ohio Farmer. • Family Receipts A lady in the Germantown Telegraph says she has copied some of the following receipts from other journals, 'and some are of her own household, and- all have been found excellent: - To MAKE INDIAN QUEEN CAKE.— Ondeup fat, one cup sour milk, tone cup corn meal, one cup of shorts, one cup..po .tatoes, (mashed through a fine wire seive,) one cup White flour; one cup - white sugar, tine egg; teaspoonful of soda, ,teaspoonful salt,.half a nutmeg, half of-one Ipion peel (grated fine.) Potir in a buttered tin; baste 'with the white of an egg over the 'top; bake half an hour in ailiot oven; cover over with crushed sugar. Eat hot for tea. BitOWN NUTS.—Tako ono and a half teaoupfulls sugar, four teacupfullslintter: milk, two teaspoonfulls saleratus, two eggs, a little salt, and flour enough to form a dough. Beat the ..eggs light and mix them with the milk, add the .seleratus, turn this into the flour, then add the sn w, andjmead Itollouqe one-half inch tTiick , cut into little round cakes a bout an inch in diameter, put them into a pan of hot lard; and then take them out when a nut brown color. GIPSY. CAKE.—Ono cup fat of fowls, two cups white'llour;ono cup shorts, one cup sour milk, one egg; one cup' brown su gar, ono cup mashed .potatoes 4 half an ounce ground grape seed, six drops cin namon, teaspoonful soda, teacupful F alt. Mix well; bake in buttered tins in a hot oven, half an hour; baste: the top with the yolk of an egg, laid with white 'su . LEMON PlES.—Beat with, the yolks of four eggs, two tablespoonnills of melted butter,,feur'of white sugar, the juice and gritod rind of two lemons.--Put - into a froth, adding two tablespoonful's of grated sugar. Spread, on the pies when done, put dim in the_ oven .mid bake again for thite xiiiiintes. This is for two pies. .. TEA FLIPS.—TWO cups of corn meal, one oup of flour, one egg, one .oup of, the fat of fowls, two . cups sour milk, Ono tea spoonful of soda, half a spoonful of salt, _halta spoonful of groundoako seed, (pine apple or lemon is very nice.) • Mix to.a light foam) bake on a griddle eat hot, • witA.lioney or maple molasses., ( 1 3bitcatfoitaf. RVINCr'' FIinIALE COL JEGE, . 111E011ANICSIlUltg; PA. • , „ Thjs Institntlen, designed for the liberal 'education 'of Young Ledies„flos been in operation two years with• the most matify Mg results. It is now established on a firm boots, and its patronage already- extends over several. , tat es. , extend 11 is located on the.Cumberland,Volley Railroad mid. nay interest Harrisburg and Carlisle. In the most to tile putt he: ntitul portion of the valley, and is in close proaltaity to one of the, most moral, healthy, andAm teoptising tents in the State. it is .centott: and limy of access. Students leaving Wash' rig tin. Rol timer°, or Philadelphia In the morning Urdu Hart Irian, will arrive at lilechanicsliurg in time g. ditto,. • • The n,littee i. largo anti commodious, surrounded by d,,nrble anti will neerattmodate About our Min. boartiers, In Its constrUctlon, It combines all the modern love f.vesnents .for the promotion of health, fart Ira Sn these respects phystelanS mainitnyJt unrivalled. The chambers are forgo and neliffYiiiTnitingl, pooh bas its register for heat and. ventilation Only two students occupy the same room. The bath rheum - ore:it all times Supplied withivorth and cold water. , , . The grounds ore ample; and well arronged for rocror - talon, and the various calisthenic exerciscii ososn "Liar to health; graceful inorethent stud symmetry oh form. . • The Foculty of Instructlon'is efficient and export' Cored.. In the Collegiate Department the con - rso of study la of n high groat.. comprehending all the sUbje'etilleiong. Ingite a Classical. Polito and Christian Education. .in the Preparatory Department pupils will be care, fully Instructed In those bronchel; forming the basis of hart/11g 11 English education. ScssioNa.—ffir'st .sesslim. from the Ist Wednesday pi September to the :loth ofjanuary. Second Session, teem the lot of February to the Ist of . July. ' Vacation, during July wad August. . TEIVOS PER SESSION OF FIVE -MONTHS, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. • • - Boarding. Washing; Furnished Remus. 'and Light. . . . • . . . . . • • $ 6O 00 'ition—Colloglate PePartnient. . . . 20 00 '• 'Preparatory. '• : • . . . 10 00 " First Class, 12, 00 Ni ears charge for Ancient" Languages. ' • and Oultar. . . . 20 00 Movilun Languages; .• . . . ... 10 00 • Pahuing, Drawing and other Ornamental Branches at the usual rates. 'rext.l.ooks furnlsh,l at city prices. For further particulars address, • 1:ov. A. U. MABLATT, Au{.B. I"4m. President. 9'~~iCrcllnitcuiis. UM BERLAND VALLEY . R. whytEß AIMANGEMENT: 1 1 F-21.1MT.9 . 4:24-Ait CiF HOURS! Ou and after MONDAY:NOV, 14th ISr,9, l'assengsr Trains will run as follow:, (Sundays excepted . • • FOIL unitiosnuita. Ist Train: 2d Train • Chatithersburg,' A. 31. 2.40 1 1 . 51 •• Sliiittmsburg, 11.1111 " ' 11.12 .'. Sao vlllu.• 0.1111 " 11A5 Carlisle. .10.15 " 1.25 . " "• :%11 . 11:1111e81•1/ rg, ' .104; " • 4.00 .41 tire at Ilarrishum. b. 26 " FOll Ist Train. 2,lTraln. 1,e4 re Ifarrhdiur2 8.15 A. M 2.117 P. 31. •• 31,11:1111c, burg 8:27 " 2.42 . 4, •, ('arlislo, . 0217 " . 1.15 44 •. Smvrillr, 10.12 " 3.50 '• rOppeind , Up2. 10.4'2 " . 4.20 4, • Al rive at Chambersburg, 113 2. 4 2. 4.50 " TRAINS 1.5 A PS flarrkburr: via Poungyl vault Con tial Railroad at 1.80; P:31., 2.13, P. 21., vha Columbia, and :.:.o. P. M. • lia 1,b31 . 1011 Valley and Heading Itallroall, at 800, A. 34., :Lod 2.37. P. 21. For PittAlturv.. at B.ooa A. 31. and 1210. I'. 31. For Dal timbre, at 2.20 and 8.43, A. 01., and. 2.05, I'. 31. For Tyr venni, Williamsport and Buffalo, at 1.27 and 7.70, P. 11. r , ehuyilCill . .id 1. 1 11 ,, u nail:tn. 'llailroad, for Au. born and Pottsville, at 2.00, P. 31. NOTICE TO, l',‘SSI:1141.:116: At all Sjatiells where Tickets are sohl. vl'z: . Chl9nhershorg, Fhippensburg, (I,llsle, Meolynikshurg and Bait leburg,n redoetien of TEN CENTS un eavh Ticket will lie nzade to nll l'et•Fen ,...-ers 11,11 provide themselves with Tickets belbra sin tering ill.. Care, Itailnqui 411110 e. ChamberNbitrg,l Nov. 9.19W1. • f A. G'S FURNITURE -WARE-ROOMS, o*r-' -• S 59 185 -0 ' - • :West !lig It Street, Carlisle, Pa. (I'remittin awarded at the Cumberland County Airiral(urat Fair of 1857.) Thu subscriber has Just received the moot splendid :Issortinent Of articles in his line, over brought to this pb:cu—which he is determined to sell et prices that do ry Competition. Dark), (SD ninber, Dining-room, PUIL NITUR. Kitchen and • Oilleo ' ' Embracing every article used by Nouse and lintel iteepers, I , l' the most approved and fashionable design and 11,1101. also Cottage furniture In setts. receptien and- Camp Chairs, Mattresses, itit frameS, pictures, &c., Purchase: s . are requested4o to call and-examine his stoeic, at his extensive ware.reeins, West Main street, North side, A. it. &rip Particular attention given tto usual tmfunerals; lore ltom town anal country, attended to promptly and an moderate terms. A. D. E Carib-le. May 12, 1858,—1y. - 0 1111`11 I G NEW! - AGR ICU LTUR AL IMPLEMENT . SEED STORE. M. IL STRICKLER. Sr. BROTH:kit, Ilarej list opened, in thd, room formerly °erupted by Shoal. it, Taylor & new bulltling,.3lslo street, to o doors east of the market house, a large a, sot talent of AtiIthWLTURAI4 IMPLEMENTS :aid fer tilizers, which thsVert, piepartal to jell on the most rea,,tatble terms. The stook embraees PLOWS,' CULTIVATORS, lIAR ROWS. II AV, STRAW AND FODDER CIA"VERS, e It EA PERS, MOWERS, DRILLS, CRADLES, ^ SI•YT ims, CORN SIIELLERS, FORKS, LION" ELS. 110E1. RA K ES: PRUNING KSIV iOi. Wit ELSTON ES toe Mow -0 , ero, owl every_ nthnrnrllrlo,wu• eoFFory for farm use. , .They :de. Intend keeping in addition, n full assnrt. meta of CI:DAIL mud WILLOW WALE, including Spain's patent Churn, Brooms, Brindles, Butter.worlt. et 0, Dui I et , bot ms, Prints, Ladies, Butter Tubs,. Ilowls,.l.•. Also• Fruit, (harden and Flower Seeds t Seed Potatoes, of the beet varieties. Thoy aro conatintly malting nd• dittoes to their stork, and will use every •exertion to supply the wants of the agrhultural community, They have also the agency for lIVANS A: WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. Orders left at. the store fur fruit and ornamental Tows, Floweri'ltnd fertilizers, will ho attended to 1,1.'11141y. STltlr..atElt & 11110. April .20, COATS, PANTS ...ND VESTS OR COATS, PANTS AND VESTS OR CASSINET, CAS'SNERE, CLOTH & SILK • CASSIN ET, CASSIMEI)E, CLOTH & SILK ai'ilt-COATS OP• ‘OVER-COATri OF CLOUT, BEAVER, PILOT, PETERSHAM, , Ac. CLOTH, BEAVER, PILOT, PETERSHAM, ,kc GENTLEMEN'S SHAWLS. (HINTLEMEN'S SHAWLS. • As well ns all snrts of gents' Furnishing COPaR nra offered In lnrgo quanntlen and nt remarkable law Friers: AT THE ell KAI' CLOTIIING STORE NEAR TKE MARKET ROUST (strllBlli. Nov. 9, 1859 TRUSSES ! BRACES !! SUPPOR- T Ell S:1.1 . C. H. NEEDLES, S. W. Center Twelfth & Rnee Strisets PITILADELPIIIA: Practical Adjoster of It tipture Trusses and Mechani— cal Remedies. Iles constantly on hand a large Stonh of (leonine French tc usses, also a comploynoassortrinent of the bent A,nurtrm. Including the celebrated Whiles Patent - Lever Truss, believed by the best autheritlei In ho superior to any yet invented. English and Annerb can Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Urinous, Suspensory Itan,dagm.Self Injecting Syl -I es. adopted to both son es,-In neat portable cases, Pre h Pessaries, Urinal Big. • Orders and letters of enquiry will moot prompt at 1,., tontlon. . , , • .:ktylit 24, 180. IMPORTANT TO. FA M 1.1;1.B 5 . ,. • • ^ -- SAPONIFIER 1 ! TOE Ity:ADY FAMILY SOAP MAKER. With width every family, with their ordinary kitchen grilaSe, CBll make all their Soap Willi little or no trou ble...HMl!), SOFT, or FANCY. It will l eaks hard water soft, clean Paint, remove Grease, Sr.,o perfection. Abundua testimony hi favor of the Saponifier, with FULL and VALUABLE receipts for making different litlnds of Soap, sent free, by addressing • OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No.bOd Penn Street, Pit tabiug, l'a,, or hElvip 'JAMES ,t CO., Agents, Jan4,lB6flirn. • ' . Philadelphia, l'a. lie sure you grit the original and patented artiebi, manufactured by the Pehrisylvaula Salt Manufacturing Co., East Tarrentwit, Alleglpiny conntY, Pa. • • TRON BAILING!—Iron Railing for. _LCemetery onclosures,publicand private grouqdkand gn vaults, made to order at tho Carlista Foiiftry..tiOur stock of Hailing, Temndah and Itracket,pattorne - sena prises a large variety of now and elegant thiiigurOrNitilt tno public are invited to call and examinei":llialcre for: pro v 4 and putting up Railing will be pmtly fesSii ted at satisfactory prices. . 6 . lIV, 09_...4n entirely now TEN HORSE STEAM ENVY. And BOILER note op hand, warranted to be of .t co t matte, and will be Fold at a bargain for casli'or, abort time , • ..•••-• „ • F.GAIIDNEIt & CO.' /••• ....ITIY SI, I:58. CI 1 . , AS S I GLASS I-1 , PAINTS! i GLASS,! PAINTS!! ' A full ArtiC4UlOllEO Atka of all Malts and quality, with a Large - stock of f fish PAINTS, all colors. Oils, Varbisbcs, .ini , Cement in large or small quantities at low figures at ; • ~ • JOHN P. VYNE .4 . SON, - - • Oct. 27, '5B. . .', North Hanover Street ' . ~ • no_Printing neatly.oxoanted. • • . I , Chea p Job - Printing done hero. IVIF A IC, R E No. 1.-2. &8. just rotobrOd and for sale low at, , , 5m n Bble. prime New No. 1 Herring, f v Just reenivedi and for little et prier's to nult the t en at . , . , ~ 11.41,110W1.8. A- N ~:fer CID - 1 -. • . • NE W STORE AND NEW GOODS . .. ~ '' After retuAlhe his 'acknowledgements for the very . -liberal patrommo which Juke been extended to him, the ~underslened would call attention to the fart that he thasjust rieopened his extensive assortment of fitiolly , • In his new store-room, on the south-east corner, of Lim` public square, whet-tithe public are invited to call and examine a stock of goods which, In elegance; variety and extent, will defy competition; comprising .10 part' loaf, lump; crushed and brown sugars, ! Java, ltio and roasted Coffee Every ye rloty and quality of TEA. Spices, (ground- And unground,) Pickets, Sauces Table Oil; yt,11,;4-: * Now Orleans,. Sugarhouoe and Trinidad •Illolasses; New York and PhiladelphiaSYr ups. Ctreese, Macaroni, Vermectlii, split Peas, Hominy, Mineturioai, corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate Extract. o, Coffee, refined sugar,at reduced rates, washing and bak ing soda. Tobacco ottho niest favorite brands, and UM finest quality of Segars. Aiso7'a !beautiful assortment of,ltrliannta •Waro, plain and g.Ad.blind China Ware, Ohms, Queens. Stone and Eriit'ftern Ware, In great va• rloty, and an elegant lot of FanSr Foam extracts nod perfumery far tic toper. FRUITS: Including Peaches In -cans, Raisins. Cran berries, dry apples, citron, annouds, oranges, lemons, tee., ( LIQUORS: 'Wholesale .and retail, (( ir ' n m ar( 4 ta y lle m l nz i c i o n o n . iltl it l a k a a n n d d o I p t la .1,•; E :l 1 1117 ; TZ. i.:', 7.: \ \ lip She ' rry Port, Maderla, (linger, Catawba ,:- 2 = . '.,.. and Muscat Wines In casks' and bet. I lee. neaten \5 hickey, Holland . Oln t and &beldam Set nappy, &large. stock of IA StP.S, Including Dyott'scekbrated lamps, for burning Kerosene or coal oil, also Sperm. Pine, Lard and Coal Oil, Burning Firlidcnincon and Star Candles. ' CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. Brushes, Ropes, Mopps,. Snaps, Door.mats, Welters; Lonkine.glasses,sfine letter and note paper, Willow Ware, painted buckets, Sic. Cotton-and woollen• Hose, and hall Hose, and wfull kook cif Moves, Including the well known Hanover Huck • • In short. his stork comprises everything that is en,lled for in hie line of business, and no.efforta will be spared to render entire satisfaction to his eustelners. oarlfele, Oct. V, 1558-Iy. Marketing of ell kW& taken In exchange to goods. TTAIrBERT'S FAMILY GROCERY, - - QUEENSIVAIIp A VAIIIETY - BiOßt, North- ireit Chrlle - 11 the Public Spade, oppo , wile (I,w Catrliele Deposit Bank. J. D. HALBERT bas again replenished Hs stock o goods. Ills assortment Is now full and romplete,mnong which may be enumerated every variety of freAv 'FAMILY GROCERIES, • which In quality and pr'co CA N' ?P"".11 E 11 A T A large 'stock of china, (lines and Quemmware, fine. and bountiful designs, and embracing - every grmle 01 price. Ile is SOLE AGENT In Carlisle ler JoNEs' celebrated . . I{E4I,OS}LNE Oft COAL OIL LAMPS, one of the greatest diecoveries of the age, combining cheapness, ,afety and Increaped light. C o m oil Lamps colminntly on hand, which the public are re. quested to:ill and examine. .109. I) lIAT.II I, IIT, N. W. Corner of Public Nuare. Carib le, 0ctT . 2.7, '58.. • . jr 0 S E P II U.'STEE M WATCH-MAKER: SOUTII.IIANOVIAL STREET, - - felf , doors SAM of the Court House Having supplic4 myself with a large :it.snrtnu•nt of Watch Materials, °lasses, tic., 1 nut now prepared to repair toll' ki sof Watches, Clocks, Jewelry:.G•.. on the itiont reasonable terms, that 11111 y 1 , 0 0111.01114.111 tp toy care. Hoping by strict attehtion to busine,s to he la vereil with a aural share of public patronage. A for assortment. of JEW ELM'. oath . I.adlrs' Breast, Pins and Ear Drops, Gold and. Cameo; Ilsses 'llreast Phu: and Ear Drops, Box and Glass tub all ours loldClialo Hooks, Plated Chains. Gilt Lockets, Gourds Kayo, d r. Also, a largo and Imo assortmoit of Also, n floe lot of Silver- Hunting, Dethehed lover, and I,bOlue NVotehes,'”lnl n good nt , Fortment of I-Al, er. plated and'StWel :Tot:lade& MI of which will be sold low. A sharl, oflitildie pat ron ngo is revectfoily tiollcited. • - JOS. LI. STEEL. Carlisle, July 1:L1859-1y. 0. N. W.l, Supeet sIPLIR .100r- - .1714.11,14" FAA -LILY GROCERY ANll TEA Just reeelved and lit stern, a fresh and well so. ..leeted assortment of 1110, nod _Man, enlbo Cetree, Boasted Coffee. Crushed Puirm lard Sugars.. Refined •nod other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans (baking) 51 nln seen. Spices of every variety— . • pure only; Starch, Farhat and Chocolate. Macenroal, Cheese and Crlickers, Tapioca and Seem, Indigo, • Saleratne had Soda, Crean, Tartar and as• sorted Plcklen,. Mustard earl Coriander Seed. . TEAS.—A tine ussortnteat In Packages, ...eara r 4 and In hulk—an ay all other articles rL H t`, belonging to the bu..ineas--all at the lowest s ilt I : nail late reduced prier... • ? J. W. EBY. ATCIIES, .144,'WELEX, AND stisEIII•N•AIIhA'r cm( LYN'S old established IVest Muhl dt., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Baird, • .1 have just received a new assortment of watches. ewelry. medallions. silver ware, d o .. in addition to my miner stock to which 1 invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces fine gold and silver lover watches. Uuntlng . and open case do., gold Anchors for ' Ladies and gentlemen and Oliver I,e- ki pines and guarder watches of of thy va• rieqs in style and price. - Also fine gold Medallions. Dreasbpins fur Ladles mid gentlemen of everynnality, pattern and price. gold lob, vest, curl, and neck chains. gold bracelets, finger rings, cuff-pins, ml uds,.sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms. Bold and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, Ira, Fall and mustard spoon', of every, variety. A largo assortment of gold. silver' common spectacles, to milt a❑ gen to which we Invite i.pe ‘ clal Alen• non. A fine lot of COLD PIN from the best umbers. pertaelneases. foray boxes. sliver 1111 d peal I 'card ruses. ''old and common bracelets, watch challis,,. • Manila Clocks am) a varietrof articles usu• ally kept In Jewelry establishments, which I will 5e11...10w for cash. All nrtlefes war -I,inted to be what they ara represented. , Particular attention paid no usual to .:Tttl>. WATCH REPAIRING and all .ivort, wa'r rioted. • Den. 2.1, 1E57. G UEAT EXCITEMENT AT 11A1[ rms /4:11.11Y. Old John iirOWII still alive and reetnontendt, tho La dies of tailblat and rountry, to Ito 'loom'tote!), to . 6. SA WY.ER'S NEW STORE, and examine tuck splendid kotic . of non goods. Just receivetra large lot ot mag'ullicent WlN , fhlt SI I'ES. (from Auction.) 1 4 plemilti Heaver eleth Man' ties and Raglans. latest Pzirls kyles elegant DRESS iIOODS, in great variety of eta le , and kinds. lkoch, double revert:lllle, and lino Brutrlc SHAWLS. FURS 1 FURS I 1 FURS 1I ! Direct from the manufiteturers, warranted free from ninths, end at greatly redured'prites. " ' --- Also a large addition of .ST (1011DS. suitable for the season, including WOLF'S ATE!) HA:W. VEIL DUCK WAVE -warranted - genuine. netwith standing the AUTIIOIIIZED ANII EXCLUSIVE AUENCY. Carliale,,Nov. 2, 1520. • 500 PAIR TRACE CHAINS, with a large assnO meat of BUTT CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, • HALTER eIIAINS, LOG CHAINS, FIFTH CHAINS, TONGUE CHAINS, COW CHAINS, SPREADS, &c. tke. Just received at the cheap Hardware store of March 10, 1850. ,11. SAXTON I= r NS HAMMERED .y2100 itou:DlßONiti.l.rt,n 1 STEEL, ,• - . SHEET IRON. . ~ • ' 11001' IRON, . RIVETS, BOLTS, • ' , • NUTTS; . ‘ , . , WASHERS, • . . . • ANVILS, VICES, .• • . . • FILES, ._...-., , • - '"RASPS, SCREW PLATES,' . . BLACKSMITH ,BELLOWS, &o. Just received and for sale cheaper then ever. at March ipooo. : , , lIKNItY BAXTM.OB. dITTItIXTIOI7Ir: _ qC ~ S,. FISH' AND SALT ELM= =I I= 1859. ... • • . • . • Mtebicines. • • DR: . .AVLA. 9 •S • • .:CELEBRATED .• • VE R M I FUG E . .PILLS.. . " wE.be g leave 'to. c4ll the tion Of, the Trade, and more especially the Physician's . of . ,the country; to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to , Dr. 'Chas, • llPLane's Celabraltd •Vernufuge . and Liver - We do not recommend them' as universal:Cure 7 alls, but simply for what their name.p . urports, viz.; ~ • THE • *ERM.II4I GE,' .• For -expelling: Werms from fh . q . IMman systeth. It 40:§ also been administered with the most satis factory reaultS• to,:variolisl F Animal's subject to Worm: . THE LIVER ' For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUS DEILANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. -In cases of FEVER AND AGUE) preparatory to or after taking 0211 i . almost invariably make -a-speedy r and-permanent cure. . As .specifics -for the above men:- dolled diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never,known to fail.when ad ministered in accordance with the. directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose: of their' Drug business, in which, they havp-been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. IVl:Lane's Cele brated. Vermifuge and Liver_ fills .shall-continue to occupy the high position they n•lw hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense, in procuring .the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to YLIrMINO BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P.S.- Dealers and Pliyeicians entering from others than 'MmHg Ifros.,' will do well to write their orders distantly, and lake none•bese Dr. APLaries, prrpar,d by Finning Rm. Pietkurgh. Itt.' To those wishing to giro them a ; triad, we will forward per mall. wit paid, to nny part of the United States, ono box oftlii for twelve threo.cont postage stamps, or ,one dial of Vermifugo for fourteen three-cent stamps.' All onions from Canada moat ho avompanlod by twenty cent. et a. HOSTETTEICS. STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietorn and manufacturers of nos- TErrE ws CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS eau appeal, with perfect confidence to physiciamt audeqizens generally of the United States, because the article lots attainea a repti tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will itiettk 'more powerfully than lAuntes of bare assertion or 111.1.4o:dog puffery. 'rho- CllllHumption'of Hostetter's Stomach lilt lets the last year 11111011111 ea to ove'r a Ifalf million bottles, and from its manifest steady immense in times past, it is evident chat during' ' the coining year the consuniptioll.;Will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could, never have been sold blit for the rare medicinal propel ties I ontaiitisl In the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent 'physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the lilt EN% to their • patients, but arc ready at nll limes to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This it_temporary infpulai.ity, obtained by extraordinary efforts the way or titian , pet Mg the qualities of I ers, but a solid cstinint loft . of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be tin enduring as time itself. llostetter'i - Storpneli" bitters havii — proVed . n'Oodsend to regions where fever and ague; and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by lmndreds. To ho able , to state confidently that the "Bitters" ore ituertain cure for •the tßyspepsia and like likelINCS, 1810 the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy Indispensable, for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them toncondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. . • Elderly persons may use the Billets daily ns per directions on lite bottle, nail they will find in if fiat imulant peculiarly adapted to comfort .. declining years, as it is pleasaut.to the-palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the ev't . donee of thousands of, aged step and women who !mire, experienced the bent tit of using this - preparation while tuffering front stomach do rangetarntfl and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, theyhave abandoned all' deleterious drugs find fairly tested the merits ..of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There nro certain periods when their cares tire's° harassing that nutty of them stuff Hillier the trial. The relation of mother and child is co - absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if the be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the sunmier season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, . then, is a necessity for n stimulant. to recupe rate the energies of the system, and Onable lho mother to bear tp under, her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a 'permanent increase of bodily strength. All those.persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above; to wit: sufferers from fever and; ague, caused by malaria,,OtrOcea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or deratigementii of the stomach; superannuated itivalithi,: persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated .Stomneh'llitters a trial. - • CAUTION.—We caution the public against ushig any of the many imitations or counter ': felts; but• ask -fon - liorrwrisit's CELEDICATED .A10)1011 BirrEitj. - nii,d Bee that each bottle has 2stlie words "Dr. J.tioetetter's Stomach Bitters” .blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the inetallie cap covering, the cork, and - observe that our autograph signature is on the label. • , S:Q- Prepared and sold by ECOSTETTER SMITJt, Pittsburaii; Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocerS; and • dealers generally throulthout , the linited States; South Ame • rice, and Germany. For"Falo hi&.3lllloit; . .B.l9.lliavorstfoc, CarHilo; John Attlek,"Joho EiLoriitinugh, Shippousburg; L, Snut Min, J. D. llorming,',ldoohanienburg; and* Druggists gontirally throughout tho' county. . Nov. . 3 ILLS! • BELL'S 11 . BELLS 1 Nl_.- _ _... Forwit BON pt tio bent makes, for• 8010 elioni,, a 1 i e Hardwire Store of , J. P. LYNN k'SUN ; „ Maj 18,1860. . . .', • ~. -.•, ' - North Ifithovit et. :' tistchttous - . . . Foundiy, •••'• MACHINE •SIIOI', ••• CAll itill SASE. NAOTOItY, •' • East Main Street, .CARLISLE.. . . • Thliextensive establishment is now In Complete or der and supplied with the best machinery for executing work in every department. Tbs. butidimm . have Mee been greatly enlarged this spring spd stocked with the ILOWOI4 and mest - luoproved,totils hir . tho,mitinniecture of . . • • DOORS, WINDOW FRAMES; SASH, Shutters, Blinds, Mouldings, 'Brackets and. ali other kinds of Carpenter worrk. We Invite Builders, Car penters and others to call and examine our facilities for doing this description of neck. The bust Materials usod arid prices an kw as at any other establWiment in Wu County or ofsewhero. • STEAM ENGINES BUI I,T TO ORDER, and repaired as hereto/bre. , ErnOnes have beim recent. ly built Inc W. M. Henderson Sr earl in this borough, .11. Bryson & Co. Allen township, Aid Brothers, New• villa, Shade A Wet, .1, North Middleton, aml °Lois, aL whodo establish? ent they may be seen In daily op eratlon.init to, wt( nwo ran rarer for evidence of their superiority. IRK AND BRASS CASTINGS:"" of avary'descr ption, from the smallest to the heaviest pieces, executed at short notice lor ovary kind of ens. ablnery. A large variety a dmiii castings pore on hand Two skillful Pattern makers irOnstantlf REPARING. promptly attendant to,lbr Paper. Mills. Distilleries, (Irist 11111 s, Factories, ke, Turning and Fitting Mill Spindles, be. done In • the best style... TIIRESIIINO )1,1(3/1 1:I 1 , 15 AND HORSE P 01113115. • suet( as Berg Clear Four Horan Powerii, Horizontal Gear Pour and - Two Horse Powers, Corn Shelters, Crushers, Iron Rollers. Plough casting's, and other or. Claim/ for limners, en band or promptly Math, to order. llUItlbN• „ . and repa:red. Our Co:lndus for building Corn are now more complete than heretolbro nod enables UN In fur. "Lihit thorn to transportors on . tho rail road nn, accrono: dating terms and wado a the best niatorials. Orders solloited and onti ill satisfaction guarautoul. — Thu long experionce In tits business of the senior partner of the firm, and the completeness of our non chinery .i n roomy branch of this estabilidnuent warrant un In sawing Us hot: work to all who favor tni with tlrders. Thu contloucd patronage of our old Wends d the public is reitEctfully solicited. :W12!..', GARDNER - A: CO. 700 D ! 'GOOD•!! GOOD!!! J mit received at thu cheap Grocery of the wider sigoed,lets of good th:mo, a plat of which aro the lel. lorciug•' e, a hermetically . INiled PEACHES, (fresh.) Tom T " cott.N, " " PgAS, t. , •‘ ABI'AIIAIOUS, I)YS'I•ENS, '• Pl\ N A1'1'1,1•:, ", MEIN= • w . w SA Picldnd, Oorldns, Chose Chow, Pleosslllll, Lobsters, Cauliflower, Capers. • ' Olives,'Tomatee Itataup, Walnut do., 'Mushroom dn. Pepper Sauce, head ny, Orltts. Cranberries, the Priest of Dried Iler,.Sugar:eured limas, Shoulder. ilelugon p a, ylnrcannll, Sugars, Cotters, Tone, 31 , o1;14:1e8, MO .0 !I 01 all Wilds, IWO.- NSW A 5E.1.1.113, among which are I WelltyfiVO 0.1101.111101 Ceram n Sixes. prime Telmer°, and the very best and' pureit I.lf/yOll in the county, Collfertionuy and Fruit. &r. 'All or h 'eh Are ..ITorad to the eitlzeillp f Carlisle and county or 0111111),I.Illd. nl Ilan 1 4 1 , cest prices for I'oBll. CO 111 ONE, COME ALL, two doors Est. of Itlioadi Warehouse,. 6 " 3; 1 1i54e r j . , 1‘ , 19V, '9,1559 . . NUE' INSURANCEir—THE ALLEN AND NAST PENNSHORO MUTUAL. FIRE IN S IIItANCB COM l'ANy of Cumberland county, Incorpo ratell'hy an net of Assembly, is now fully organised t and In operaliun un,l6 tho management of tho following ehmtissioners;.vit : Daniel Bailey, William It: llorgas,.l%lle ocklin, Elehnlherger,. Christian Stayman, John C. Dun lap, Jina,l, It. Canter, 'l,ewls flyer, S. I.Therly, 11,Inja n IL , Messer. J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. • •• . 'rho rates of hiso rap cc bra as low, and fold ruble as any Company of the kind In the State. Pervons Siklling to become member', are inViti•ti tll oral ke /1)111i1C2ti0 , 11 to tho agents of the company, who aro willing to wait upon, them at any tin., WM. H. GOIIGAS. President. tAx sTAVNI.ts. pre , ‘Ed.,nt. lIYEIC, Suer4ery. = 3lanagers.—Wm. B. Horgan, 1.. ilyer. Chrlqthin Slay man, M. Coeklin..l. G. Dunlap, It. Martin. U. llidiv r .1. ll.Coover, Alen. Cathcart. J. Wickersham, .1. Eicheiber ger, S. Eberly..l. Brandt. ACIENTS. • , CU NlllEll I.A N COUNTY. John Sherrlch, I Cenry Zeatio4, Sid renta rNt 011,11 SAI2IIIOI WOOdburn Dickinson ; Henry llomman, Churchtnurn ; Mode tint MAI, South )11rldielon•, Samuel Oraion, W. Penns Lore'; Samuel COOVOr, Mechanicsburg; J. W. Cock Iln, Shepherdstown; I)..Coovor, Shopherdstown ; .1, 0. ?ex tol), Silver tlnrin , g; .11eni. Havel stick, Silver Siring; Charles ;'John Ifyor,"Carlisle. Dnyer; Peter Web fent, Franklin ; Jar.. Griffith, {Farrington; d. F. Deer darm . Washingt 'ln D. Rutter, Newburg; R. C. Clark, DAUPHIN CO...DouPor Lociumn. Monitors-of the company having pollelesabout to ns• Oro, ran taco 11010.. NMI by making .application to any:of Ilia Agents. • April 20. MU. - .11i0. 11. clitincir. ----- 7 --- ' — q — ifllEßLY. • CIIURCII & 113E1tLY • -STEAM , SAW MILL LUMBER YARD, NEW 'CUMBERLAND, PA All hinds ,f, LUMBER, ' constantly on hand. Lumber dolivcrod 'at any point nreessiblo by Railroad, nt the ;horte,t notVen. BUILDING TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AN!) LENGTHS CUT TO ORDER , In.ltit,ll—lf • „ HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM:- • J... 1. C. 11.1,10 ,t CO., Fueressors to Wm. 11. Trout would 11111101.111C0 to their ,itudotner4 and the publik :reuerally that they !lave ilia received front phis, a large and ele.;ant. Ft.,,ek of roods, In Wel...line of loednegu of every at lay; style and flaunty. They have on hand :r tideland .. a‘sortnient of • . • HATS AND CAPS , • $5O:-• of 611 Illisniption., from the common Wool to the loot 1 , 1111 AND SILK lIATS; and at prices mat=ttcas= worth or bin money. 'I Ito stork M./ “114.5, • MOLVSK IN, OASSI I:RE, lIIAti - Rlt k. FUT HATS, . •of ' , very styla and calor and unsurpafood for I.IOIIT. lc NESS, DUltAllil.lTY AND FINISH : by thooo of any • nlhor .4dahlkhtnent In the country. MEN'S, BOYS' and C1111.1)11EN'A HATS and CARS, of ovary I,crlpthm yon hand. • They respeetfully Invite all the old patrons and as many non ones as posidble, to give them It earn. - .1. U. CALLIO & CO.- . Apr. ^_7. V.M4-1Y 4 - )001'S ANI) SHOES.—I have just ) sado to my blot.]: Nit as.nronent of Boots ,t Shoes. ,Mot's and Bars' Winter Bo , ds, verrrhesp 4lnd good Ladles' 'Mito•os• and Children's Boots mind Shoes of celeh died loalso. thou 1,118111/R/1110 Mid -Cl.lOllll. A full assortment o , Oust Shoes awl Snudnts. host goolity Anti lowest prire. 3ly 01.1 customers for Boots and Shoes, aro respectfully Invited to girt. toe II ❑dl. Carlisle, °A. :la, ll,trir J• ... (Late of the firm of.yinchester. 4.Scott,) -Gentremen , s Furnishing Store' W. SCOTT„ SIII;RT MANUFACTORY, SI4 CIIESTEUT STREET, (NEARLY OPPOSITE THE GIRARD HOUSE,) = .1, SCOTt', would r•spectlully call the Attention of Ills Pinner friends Olds slew Ftpro, and le prepared to 1111 orders fir 81111tTS at short )wttce. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRI"rikAIAIt supplied with. FINE SHIRTS and COLLARS. ••••,:? THE CONFESSIONS AND .EXPE- RiNeN OF A VICTIM. Designed for the bonen t. sod as a warning und n can• tiAll tip those who suffer from nervous debility, hng,os time, lowness of spirits. want of sloop, premature decay, to,: as a conseineure of youthful Imprudence, or the Ismael' habit of self abuse. At the same time pointing nut the certain went N or ants e , 9:e. Ily one e hoi his sulfured trout the above cause,, and from odsplaced confidence In medical humbug end qunektky. Single coplea'sent (post free) on the receipt of a sta,toped envelope, hearing the address of the op. piPV. Address, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. ENQ.; - Bedford, Rings County, N. Y. D0c.14,1850-3niox. C EL INT B S ECU R FEMALE SEIKEINAILIZ. • The roputatlon of this Institution Is now folly estab lishod, and Its success as a first class Seminary placed' beyond doubt. Pupils will find In tho boarding do. partmunf, bouts comforts, parental supervision and moral Influence. In the educational dupartmont complished teachers, thorough instruction, and sure means or advancement. CONTENTS OF CATAIOUN JUSTASSUED, I. 4 ruateuitt-lieferencest, t Inptln In attend. once tho year' pant, US; Courso of Study; Uraduntiont Napalms; Locution; Mental and Moral Training; Tete apioroxt.ii: front lion. Oen. Chambers, It. S. Sclincck, D. D.. anti others, hvregaril to the recent annual 15:0111111111• lions; front lbw Chandiershurg Drama; and from Jame& W. Alexander, D. D., of Now-York, and other& • Thu next session will commence September 14th. • - For a catalogue address How. llENttli BEEVES, A..M. Aug lONE°, . Chamboreburg. Pa. tl._?OOT . AND SIRIEMAKING:-J. & 0. TAYLOR, return their sineese thanks ID ulr Customers, fur the yely-Hberal pntronago eaten. dud to them,and would respsatfully Inform the public that they contininip manufacture CUSTOMER Work, at their old stand; on. Mirth Hanover street,lwo doors abovethe drug store of S. W. Ilaverstick. With a number of first rate workmen employed and facilities for securlag the bast stock to be found in the • market, they ern prepared to make up every dUseription of BOOTS ANM.4IION:ti, for ladies and gentlemen's weari, in the most fashion.thia style, and of WATITIENTED 1110. halals and workmanthip. . Many years of . prarticatexperience to the business" bath here nod In 1%111.100111a jiistlfien them in saying, • • that they are able to losurel'ultaatifactitst to all those .who May leave their.orders. .. • J. 0 4 13,..:TAYL011. .I , AItLISLE.A.ND P.I3II4ARELPITIA . • rziAe. • : 11 . 7e .g f3w z . .ll#l , A.:‘ • . PREIpIIT 'LINE Yli WAILD & FREED, Rh MARKET STREET, PRUADia.PIMA & D. IMOADS, MAIJITRIECT, CARLMILE, PA. . , • . • .C3' Cars of this Line leava the Dopot 611. Market at., .Dolly, nt4 &dock. P. M. ; foinve Carlhdo, Dailly, nt 7 o'clock. A M. Goods Intooded for thin Lino should lon marked C. & Frelght Lluo, loud gout lu by 4 o'clock. •• lluy t 5 . 109. 11 1 L A 1) E L e .1 1 1 A - ' AND IttI:ADINI4 - A I. , A D • •• 13U3131E1t ARRA3IIII.ISIENTS Aram 18, 1850. ' Two pritrollger trains - leave Harriailtlrg daVs excepted) of BAO A. 3L, and 2.45 1!' 31.. for Phila delphia, arriving there at 12.00 noon and 7.40 P. 31. iteturnitigi leave Philadelphia ,it 4'.30 A.M., and 3,30 P. 31., arrivjug at Ilarrlsburg at 12.40 noon and 0.25 1' PARKS: To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars. $3.25; No. 2 (In same tnetn,) Fares to hooding. $1.60 and .$1.70. • At Reading. (4:ll'neet with,trains for Pottoville, 31 haws villa, Tamaqua, ColowirFn. &e. • Four trains heave heading for Philadelphia dolly, at 0 A. 01 ," 10.18 A. M ' . 12.30 nival and 45,00 I'. 31. "- , Leave Philadelphilt for Ittonlhigost,7.3o A. M., 1.30 - 1, :31., 0.30 1'. M., and 4.45 I'. 31. Fares from Ihiading to Philatiolphla,sl.7o nod $1 The morning train from I larrisbura 'councils at Reading with up train for Wilkesbarre. Pittston and Szranton. • For through tickets and other I nformotion ripply to ° .1.3. ' Mity.ll, '59. • Deneral Agent. 1 -N EW•STAGE The subscriber hnn started, n trtweeldy line of tift ‘ t e ie n ti r c. e nftcruunn to llu al rvirs. from the ens ntuly °i t i te n t r u l. r i ;‘; '. , r t e l :s ivory Tuesday, Welnetiday and Saturday, and arrives nt Carilsio.nt 1.00 P. M., via. Perry County Worm Springs, Shernntsdale, Slerret Cs Gap and Carlisle Sul ph ur Springs." Oil and flier June the 10111, Wolin° will he run daily for the accommodation of p.sengors going to Om Springs. Fare to the sererni points as °flows: Carlisle to Sulphur Springs, .. .. . . B'o ".. Sterrett's Gap, .• . . . . . 75 " Shermanadale, . . . Perry County Warm Springs, . . . 1 00 " Lantlinburgi . . . . . . 1 OU Landisburg to Warm - Sprlngs. . . ' .... $0 25 Ehormattadale, . . . . (iio it Sterrett's (lap. . . . . . . Sulphur Springs, 1 00 . 'I 00 The above lino will [milady eat ry the MAIL to and from the several points alcove ind)rated. I 'MVO lIISO a well btoehed LI V MO' 5.TA111,1:, from wide), I nut at all times ready to furnish horses and ear • rbmes to those who swill thvor me, with their patronage, on the most fell4:011111110 terms and in the very beg style. maylolBsH. EtilltiE -rIOPPEIt, TIN AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY. I= The subscriber takes this method , of I,ll,,rming her friends ,and the public, that situ continues the manufircture oral, kinds of work. In Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron. Iler ritovell a/1,1111.0ml from the iciest proved styles. The Cooking Stover fir 1111.11. 1111:111th, HS conks 111111 1,111i01,11,111110t Lu N1111.11:15q0d. 11111011 g Which are the well honorer, Worm, NOI4IO (7001 i. Fenny Forret tar, tiovernor, Penn. 11101 the i n ter Vrnirie Flrover; combining 1111 the 1.1.$1,311,11111.,,,1,0(2, 011.111 lice best rind cheapest /4010 1,1.1. 11111.1'1..1 10 tie' 1011.111, The Iptrobe :love, or parlor beater, humored. for wyrialurf two, three or fem. rooms. pot lip to order. I 0- sideoa largenssortment of Parlor Radiator,. Will 01111'0 doves.l'ltlCllS It ElliiC111) tor PIA:31111M; end IIAS VIVIANO. 11er:realm wish work done -Iyr-this litre auld utt lat the old h iv stout Jethro coots...ilea elsywhere, es I run de •ternthiral to do work far mincer than the present rates. hate for . sallsollnd kerrp minstautiv on hand the patent Scot-li Tip Banter, Wax Tapers, plain and finery inn.. 1116111.11. (111 F Fixtures. Wrought Iron Tithes. Hydrants, teed Pipe, Gum Iliere. :grower Baths, Bath Tubs, Over 11ow !Wins, Chu Lla IhrsW tops. Sc. )iv workmen nee competent end re11a1.1.., All work warranted 111111 for workrintirshlP rind materiel. I eirellernre ermrtillmi. few 'good Curt: Shoves whir sooe santAl.le for parlors for hood, which I r.rll 3lny 4, 31 A hY .)I. -1 - 1 4 ' , .x. (JELSIUIt I'IUTUItES f Cnrllelo and vlrhilty t Into Lo has token rein.. i„ now building, east corner of Larlcet-9flittaro,_ where he Is at all times reedy to take 1 , E14 In the letel.t and mat approved style. i'lcturti.takon hl rainy and cloudy weather as well as elver. and Nat ,. Isfactlon given or noyhargeo made. ,Portraits and. to. gnerreot v pee copied. Mininture Pictures taken.. for LOrkets.,t es. In Atubrotype. Anthrotypes win ranted to strand the tool of Elmo, hell or .water. Ladles nod fientletilen'oro medially Invite d to co 1111 d explain° specimens. Pelves Irmo 25(0. to ,tlo, A. It. 11ENV001), .1n0.97. I sfis.-4. - . • 1 UNS GUNS.. , --Just received a largo k . - x,,,,sortunent of — Double Barrel Gene, - Single •• Single and Double I•istols, • • Revolvers, 0111110 BITS; ' • Powder rhisks, Shot. Pouches. Powder. • Shot. •' Cups, W.oh., Zc., nt Mny 25, IMO. n. SA XTON'S. • • LIFEItV BTA BLE.—llay . ing-pur• elmscil from .1-11. Nolognaker hit I,IVEILV TAMA: I II3IEXE, t win be.ahrays bwly u. M. 04111110- date the puhlle CAII. I1:<. I I .cl ht nttonli~+n In hoslners nend it tle‘lro to pleal.o, the stil:el i her hopes lo raTil e a liLnml share . ol puhllr pltronago. lIENDEL. 'N. 11. Onnilltusit , s on bend to supply those Who may. he In need of them: U. 11. Nov. 25. 1857.1 • 00P 1 N Cr' S A .-The under mghed h;, been app.,fined a.,ent for the Wool ItOtiFlNti :loci 1114 16.% :1, , d will r•u*t,n.tir keep on band a 6111 supply lo meet the demands Or builder', and othius Tin ce in want of n superior a: a trio 'would dint: ell to nail nt Iha Lumber and Coal near the Gas House. Juno ii. 11149. 1 . 4(*01) 1111)11)1. 1 4 1 1.6 T GR-EAT ..\ R 11.1.1 1 , FALL C WINTE 1p:1;0'1111 NG. The suhneribot has jutit totrito . ll frqw I Ito I:nst urn Cillon, nIIh n larg,o Mid nrl. NO , i'LVd FALL ANI) WINTER CLOTIIINO, ' GENTLENIEN'S, FURN INC; ("MODS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, LLAS, which hr van soil at such prices, as to astonish the NATIC I, Having Liken pnrtleular palms to select cads especial. ly ndapted lor this market, he tat assure hilt cuntomers, that they are I=2 WELL AND FASHIONABLY MADE Buyers will find It to their Intert.t to exnmine hls stock, as he has determined to sell upon the-motto of ca. Ileminnbur Ulu ~1.1 Stand, near Oa Marl; et !louse Succeisnr tosStelner Cqllsle..Srp. 14, 1859 i t 110111E671 , 7.AI) FOR $lO • A lIIPIIESTSAU -FOR $.100; tso, 11031 ESTEA PS Foil sloool'llo ever, situated on and nuns ItOprillOlllloOlt. M y er, aboy6 and below Fred. oriehsburg,, • A new town, called itarlabannock, has rece. , tly been laid out, in Culpeper county, In the nullsl of the Gold Region of Virginia. surrounded by mines and mining companies; and felons audloWn-- lots ln alternate divi• Mons or shares. call now Ire toot fir n .• more King," to induce settlement In this desirable realm.. *164,000 worth of hail is tn. be divided amongst pnrchasers or given away as no Ithineement to come on mud provetrients. and the land is of the tenet Improvable qualities. ' Many 113V0 already settled and beacon of others are condo", Good terming land. In tracts to snit ',orchestra. cant be had, at, from tot to twenty dollars per nere,oaynide In eriNV'Unarter yearly hu.ialtnetils: Unquestionable titles e 111 In all ctn.ea be given.' Zifa- Agent Ware wanted (Ivey Wheilto sell these lands; liberal inducements wilthe'glven y , For pa - Molars, address - It. BAUDER Land Agent, Port 'loyal, Va. July 'Au, no F RS! FURS!! FU \ ItSl!! FOR 1€159-60. • • • . FAREIRA & THOMPSON, No. 818 MARRET STREET, tamp() Eighth, South side, PHILADELPHIA... • HAVE JUST OPENED THEM - Elegant AssOrtment of Furs, manufactured undir - their Immediate supervision from FURS, selected with the greatest care from the largest steaks of the Eurocesa Manure, cialmacing_every vette. ty'atulotylOof •, . • ;'LADIES AND CHILDRENS, WEAR: Those' purchasing alley 'will have the benefit of a. larger selection. Besides the above goods,.we have ,s flue esaurtuient of BUFFALO ROBES, GENTLEMENS' FUR GLOVES & COLLARS: The prleesnf all these goods are at n lower figure than they can be bought anywhere In the cite. PASEI RA h TNOMPSON„ N0r.0.1669. SIB Market Street, l'htlad'a: N. 11.--1. URS altownl and repaired and FUN TRIM MINOS made to order., • • • . „ n_II,BAT ItED'reTION IN PRICES; tnore thin dny einninanced Felling eft my entire !tuck of Winter Goode at greatly reduced Deices. Yreneh.tileiliiees, Shawls, Fume, Cloake, 'All othoeGoode at uncommonly low O.i.R.PATINGIB AT 008T:" ,,- ; • ;"" The stopk Is largo and complete; • "Now ie tho limo and Games s the Once, to'secure great liarßalns. . • . . • • 001Lj3Y. - • Carlisle; Jan. 4, 1,8G0., listriantono. I= .'s,S M.L.I LL. PRO FITS!! alLeuu, ~.~~. RD'S A. N LIVER. IN •. NEVER IT IS COMPOUNDED li Lan bacomo an entablie known and approved by, GO RATOk !TATES/ SLY FItOIII'6UIJS, and et.,a Standard aledielno, all :Alt have used lu all Is rota ;mended. will!' the last La., all hoimi (drellur, an the certificates In my posses and.ls now reHurtrA Id eloftlisottko; for w 1 4 411 It It hen cured thausaads years wHo had given up tanernum auvul kited 111011 8401 V. toil to the temperament •and used In such tly on the bowels; your. Judgment gold Liver itivigorn, Liver Co niplalm BM' Chronic Diarrhoea, Sum tery, Di oritty, Sour:item ness,‘ Mille. Cholera, I uranium; Flatulence, misses, end may lie used new FAJIIi.Y 6113D1- Headache, (on thousand minutes, Iftwo or three lit commencernunt of tbo The dose must beatinp. of the Individual taking nu:llloth% meta act.gon . Let the dictaee of you in the us') of Ilia tor, and it will -cure ous attacks, lippennia, suer Complainto, Costive— Cholera Marbus,Chideia dinindlce, Female weak— auccevsfully lla en It will cure Mak can testify,) In twenty taimpoonfuln ark taken 'attark.. _ All selso amen it are favor. . giving thqr. .tneitimOny ' ILIX wAT Elt:lN INVIUORAMII ' AND mown • -WWII THE MALLOW BOTH TO Pr4ce One Dollar per,lßOOle =IMES SANFor D D S-, FAMILY 4 . CATHARTIC PILLS, • COMPOU Dare Vi.getfible Extri Cases, air tight', a, Tito Frrally Cathartic tire Cnth lc which the bin preqh.• more than The coontNntlY in— thcwt MON,: long no. 'siltation 10001 all give, aLiA,Threci Inotepinee el nil. ' The Profession well thartics net OH elilterent with due reierenee to fart, been ettinpolinded purest vegetalile extracts part of the alimentary safe in oil eitseg Where •h anerangilmentil . or - rho Paton in no Boot and anti i?orettess over 'tin, cold—wilich_freqUOlttly,- long course Fevre, lA. Fensation .of cold over MUER FROM acis t .nil pill UP in %las nd will hoop ill any cli- Pill lila general but ac • Pr'Prietor has used In Z twenty years. ,reasiug demand from ed the Pills and the sat in regard to their use, „ i thonLauthlu_ the-reach lo L ol lIA ;1 0 Eff4 know that different Ca . 11 , 11 (loin or I he bowels. t hurtle Pl ll han tills establiFlied From a variety ef the which act alike on every canal, nod ore good and Cathartic is needed.surli !Ans. Costlveneis, Pale whole body, firm sudden If-neglefietlF-end—la—a— ot Appetite, n Creeping the body, Ilestlessnesi, the.head, all 111111,:nnin !Children or Adults, Purifier °Mc Blood and flesh is heir; too unmoor enient. .Dose, 1 to 3. Cents. 4 0 c i , I 1 ertl 30 Headache or weight In tory Diseases, Worn. In Rheumatism, It }rent many diseases to which our to mention In this ad . • • Pico The Liver Invlgeratorand Fa retailed by Druggists generally, the Trade ilo nit the large towns S. T: W. Saufo entbartle Pills are Bold 14110h:halo by rd,. rer and Proprietor, N Sark. ' 3lnnufact 335 Broadway, .7 tine -fIOES DISEASR ORIGINATE IN Li minium OF THE . III.OUOI • • Thin is rillUeNtioll Or Vital iniporthoce. and one which has never Kenn satisfitetorily disposed of by lho proles sees who leash the ,healing art. Some niainlein—and especially the old school PhyOcians—that life lives in the blot, and therellire all diseases originate In it-- hut Modern dwitinep avers that ailimmtrliavis their origination in both the solids and Raids of the laxly. That the latter preponder.ite, hoverer, la a fixed fuel, and hax clearly denninstrated that at least twodilirdS of the Ills that human flesh is heir to, have their source in nn ' IMPURE STATE OF THE 111.001): As, fur Instance. In the.long eatalogu, ru e ), us preorn , la. Totter, Barbet; Itch," Pimples. Illotches. Eryslpe ins. 131,Tr5,.9,a1t Ithouni, discharge,. front the liar, Fever, or Irruptive diseases of any'k Ind —Thane are oro curtained by well known medical law:, to arise than had Wood—while tho, hlghent medical authorities declare, that most reVeri , originate In the 1:111110 manner, nod mare paithotlarly 'Pyramid and scarlet—the former be hag an Intermit, and Om latter an external Irruptivo license; and in all persons attacked br thesis mahedlrn, .the blood Is found to be either coagulated, or of a dark unhealthy color. .To warii off a large majority of dir.easeF, do well as to core renumber 1, nc,i‘ Imo already eei zed upon the nye tem p it to Imeess,r% TOE Ill,C101) LlndZey's Improved Iliad Fella:ller doe!: not-claim to bon , . =I for every disease knuwn;•but tine proprietors elide) for it the power sot only of draloir.g nut. nit impurities of blbed, but by the Alllfni coinbinetion clove❑ t DO% b vegeb.ble remedies. • lt will cum en diseases Arising front deranged stub, ern., liver; drive out dy,pepsie, and give relleWed 11 , 110 and - rigor to tine ximml,b. the IlVrou : . E.llllll/11 in all that in elninied for it, the proprie tins taunt produce " = It In only a few Yearn shier It won 111Wrorered, and yet It has grown Into ouch a business that a large laboratory has been built expressly for Its mannfiteture—n huge number of men employed In putting it•up, slid still the . SUPPLY dffiES NOT EULIALPIii: DEMAND I We ask any candid man, cniffil•this be so. If the !lied loins did not posses‘ al.l. the virtues claimed for it The Propiletors have hundreds of certificates from Men of probity and standing In the community; show lag what the medicine Is doing dolly for. the suffering ASK ANY PIMiON who has over used the Blood Searcher whether roil wan experienced. let the atillqed give it a trial—a ~single bottle wil convince the most skeptical of its efficacy. try For vole In Carlisle by S. W. ileverstlek, S. El Mott, and /1.3. Kl, , t9w; Kauffman A Son, Mecimnles barer; aoswrlier A Zook, Shepherdstow ; Joshua Culp iingotown ; Jacoh Simmons. (race Mande; Kurtz A Wive, Shiremankown ; A. M. Leldich, Bolling, springs; Mary NV. Kissel', Churchtown : Edward James, West' IIIII; J. C. Fastniurht A Bro., Oakville: Shoemaker A Elliott. Newburg: Wet. Bretton, Newville; .1. mod a Co.. Springfield; lhrvrell A litre, iffebilmon; Highland A Wtshinger JaeMsonville; Win. Clerk A co.. ieee Roads; wm, 11. Eekles, Sporting 11111; P. Denlinger ; C. Altlck,Shippensburg 1 ell of Comber load county, Pa. • . LINDSEY Propriet 110111112tystu rg. Pa OEM TUE MOST EXTRAORDINARY BOOK OF THE AOI First edition of 10.000 auld in air wieka. ENTITLED "BOYIIOOD'S i'llllll,S MANHOOD'S CURSI PUBLISHED BY DR. 5. PRIM:V.3T. 9 IG Spring (Thrd,n street, l'lniaeklphr, Pa., and Jur sale by all booksellers This Inn hook of 225 paires,l2um., bound in cloth,with nine lithographic plates. and Intended for parent,, I guardians and ..ttng men. Every young man wl•a I — lvislies to maintain his health and manhood, and hard a healthy progeny, should 1,2341 thin book. tilane of the "statement!, are really astounding, and have never I e• fore appeared In print. Pile° sl.....thy.:tnail NOW IN PRESS, AND READY FOR DEMI' E 1; IN A FIZD' DAYS,A OREAT 11(1111[ FOR TIM LADIES, by the'same lumbar, eutitled LADIES' MEDICAL GUIDE, AND — MARRIAGE FRIEND Thls Is a work of nearly 6110 pages, beautifully bound In cloth and contains ovsr 1110 9/Mad 111111 rurinusmr pas Inge. It givees a complete description, of till, Flt or• tare and function At the reproductive organs of the le. male, showing lion - married ladles may bay. nr lIVOnt large families. Also. a cbmplete laistany of llm [unpin, ditihnl,NVltil curious plates shelving both Fears in One. It moo Ores ndslco to young 'ladles in selecting s husband, paltillnl out the cause of se'much unit:told wess after tentringe, mid the influence It exerts 'oil the offspring. . .• , The work also glens the symptoms and treatment of sit female diseases, $0111:11 carry female may Lou heron tt physician. The last chapter If devoted in tlie gi vini t tlAs• receipts for comedies at present in use by the nobility of Franco. England and - Russia, ter beautifying the skin hair, teeth. alai for hIOVIIII4 hind and preserving:l sweet breath. They hare bedn obtained at great expel so. ' Price Slab Ity call $1.76. or eight additional post- Age stamps. Gull copies Imre already beep,ordered.— Those 'Wishing It copypf the first edition Would ,sond their orders without dot ay. . For complete description of the work ROI, Prospectus, which will to sent on receipt of one letter stalrin. All ENTA WANTED In every town In the Union. Fels. ill, IFs!t—ly IR.AMPTOYB ILL 0 etPd.PIOD Or. Hampton's contain neither Balsam or iiier cury, but ore purely .regettible in their, composition; slid are highly recommended by eminent physicians, ns Safe • Certain, Speedy ar. d Perninnent Cure . For gravel, (Meet, Stele. tures, Lueorrhora, FeMel• • Weaknesses, and all other diseases of • the Madder, • • Kidneys, • and - Sexual Organs. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER DO • Prepared and for sale by DR. J. T. HAMPTON k CO., 405 Spruce street. Philadelphia V). Sold by Druggists end Deaers nem-shoe. Mr. 8. G. WILD, sole agent fortNorrille. •. I TIOW ARP, AgSOC4AT.T.ON! PIIILADELPILIA A Benevolent Institulon, established BY special on dowmont for the rell dor the nick .and distressed, afflicted with ent and Epidemic disaattend And inTsclallY. for the Cure of DIMBCFI of • the Sexual Organs. " MEDICAL ADVICE givenaratis, by the ,Arting Einr geon, to all who apply by lotter,,srith a description of their condition, (ago, occupation, hahlts of fic.,) mid in rOOOO ,of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. , , FALBA 01.11,11EPORTA on Spermatorrhera, and other Diseases of the Bestial Organs, and on the NEW 11131- 'EDIES employed lu XIM Dispensary. sant to tho afflicted In ro w e d i n to, enTehipett, 141,0 of renege . Two or three stomps fer.imstatoi will be acceptable. • - • Address, DIL .f, SKIL4EN IIOUOIITO.R. Acting Sur geon,-Iloward Association, 'Blo. 2 'South Ninth Street, Philadelphia( - By ordernf the Directors, . , EZRA B. HEAILTIVELL, Freedom' GEO. FAIRCHILD Secretary. • Dr0,.21,1880.-11 - , • ' • ONEY WANTED,—,AII persona in to the vultscriPer, are requested to, call nod sari° up, Tho accounts are now nil made nut, end . the cash wanted ibr the mine. t MA& 081.1111Y1 an aa, Jars. 4.18... '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers