Hon e r ti e !Ants . MISS H. E. SEARS, PHYSICIAN; whi visit Carlliile Professionally, on IeItIDAY Band vruit DA Y. 20th ninl 21. st ,of May. 4a-.11.111e0 at Martin's Hotel. , [Apr. LOST. -8 IRE IV - • - A IVCDUE In form of a breast pl., math the let tern "U. P. 8:" mmrarml upon It. The, finder wllb.rn 'colon the above reward by rot timing It to Mr r:rnlirs, Went Pomfret. slrent. jmay '25, :59—It V P,..E N I 15! .;, (7, U M . Elt .%RS. S. A. HUTTON, ' Will opnn on Vtiday, May 27th. a Tante and splendid' va rimy °Miley Neapolitan, Crake, Silk and Strter . • •• • II U N N 17„T s_, • ftlfd - rktfest summer fashion, whist s or style, ole - tx.abff:lttsaULY,ecauunt , t ,- eurpaseri tiselt y-or‘enin try. • BLOOMER FIATS, • • Myra IN. ALT! STITES, % Ribbons, French flowers, DrPss Caps, Ileas Dresses, bridal wt'entlis, mantillas. embroider Thankful for past favors else respectfully Invites the _..:llndiest,to_call amines the largeat and 'lnest.benutiful as. eortment of II ennots stud Millinery goads In Carlisle, which are offered at annuli profits. Store, on North • • • Hanover street ft few doors above Isennard'a corner. N. 11.—Nopelltan and Straw Ilosumts bleached end pressed in the heel manner. , • , .May i 5. laso-411 . • , ~...- • . D li B UL N , 0 N S VEI ' ll , U 4 .21 , 1-Q. E=3o - Which, according to their excellent qualities hag!) been acknowledgml by the most celebrated• physicians as a valughle remedy against - ' DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY OF TUE STOMACH, CARUINIAM;I, DIAMICEA, !Lc. • ' recommended es n prophylatic.againet SUMNIOt CQMPLAiNyS, • - This Kflnedrtit the - Minn. , tlme -- lins - rt - sery - icild. taste. and will be kitten is pleisfuitly by children nA by - • Principal Depot, NE. Cor. 5Dt . i ' Vine Deo Philoste p a. And liol.l by all Druggists In Cnrll te, and throughout the S. tato. • •May .1859-4 t. • • • FIRE W 0 ItKS I FiItEI • VORKS I I • • *tit JULY, .1859.. V 'The subscriber Is now rerelvlog from the; Factory a full and eoloplete assortment of Flreirverks Tho kook Is larger and the variety greater than that of any other -- - house in the United Statetyttnd-romprlses . Itontan Candles. 11 slats, from 1 to 15 Ballo. Boman Candies, colored Flower,Poro, 4 sizes Priangles. No I k , 2. upon Triangles. 4 rims. colored Suns. Torpedoes. ' Itookets, 4 slats.. Chlueso Maroon, - Punk, or ./oostlck, dfc., 11In° 1.14114, No. 1 It (Irassltoppers, No. 1 Noe Wheels., No.l, 2',t. 3, (honors, No. Scroll Wheels. • *5.C0l t Stars. Mines.{ Caprices, No. 1 it; 2. Chinese Penny Rockets. Fire Craekers, to soaks tremendotie report. I.'6lllo2.PraOzers. Colored Works, for no, from $5O to $5OO. fn Ivo oaligin4,lon, All worlco . doh: . Appliratbn should bo or posolbfe:to El.ll B. BUSSI ot.;'110 South Whoever, Also:a -great yarlety of __prvate.ond puhite oshibitlor 7 - 11181,011 and warranted . to gt -carefully parked and forward wade as early In the season JOS Pirnelparriresrbrkii4l4. T.—May.2:lllB69—U A NEW_ A :c . ll BEAUT I VUI. The Oriental. Elastic. Spring. Bed .01911INN(N . Ii - ',ATKA.) The.attontion of hnasekeepein smiled to-this now and • • • beautiful invention. , - The Spring Bed having now be,!onte en Indispensable ~: t h,je i n every house, on ,ncenunt. of Its acknowledged supurlority.over the old fashioned bed; It only. fenntioa to beAleterntin.d which of the many binds" offer. d for sate,lk the best, cheapest. (host simple In construction, most elastic. mush durable, and gives tliu greaten ease, and troutfort. ' . Tlit: ORIE,:TAL , SPRING BEp, . . excels In all these 'qualities:and possesses others not belonglial4 to—in flirt, not claimed by any other Spring . lied '1140...it can-he applied to any bedstond In •n tins ulhintrs. and is Ms./ adapted to, cradles, cribs, be y , hs lu steanilseith:shlps. &c. : " 'rho loops eontaln inaredlents which will keep It EN TIRELY FREE FROM VERMIN. RETAIL PRICE FROM $1.50 iO $5.,50 Denlcra suprilled outons. Airenta wanted.-r Seml fora Circular, -- - 11LDER ot Priprletors. Deneral. Depot 255 Canal-ntreet; near ilialailway, S. V. inniy2s,'s9-31n 'CAR &LE AND PHILAD,EI4IIIA DAILY FREIGHT LINE FIMEIVIVAILD S FItEEP, . ' 611 MAIIIIES trritcrr, rnn.Aat:Lrw A. • J. &D. RHOADS, ,11.1t4 ATILERT,CATELIIII,S, PA. "re Pars of this, Lino leave tho DopOtl3ll Market st., Daily, at 4 o'clock. D. M. Loa, o Carilslo r Daily, at'; o'clock. A 31. Moods iut.•uded for this Lino t.Lwlld ba mnrked C. & D. Daily Freight Line, and sent in by 1 o'clock. . May slfy P• 39. READ! READ IkREAD !I ! • • EsizwEis,s A itOMA TIC BALSAM. Is a remedy not to bo excelled for the relief and cure of those maladies tueldoat to the Summer r;e:I.N011, Ott: Diarrlitea, Dysentery. Cholera or Cholera 3i...bus, Vent• Ring. Acidity of the Stomach. etc. Its Car infinitive lumen., pleasant taste and soothing Influence, renders it, a valuable medicine - In Infantile diseases, peculiar to the second slimmer, vie: Cholera Infinitum; etc It •has a reinvigorating tonic influence on the system, allaying hdbunation where It octets tho stonmeh and bowels—and on' trial will bo found indispensible to the well being of livery awily, it will be found as well adapted to adults ho ,tr. Prepared only by X. ESE, WHIN, Dispensh, Chemist, 'N. W. OW: Nandi and Poplar etc., Philadelphia. '25 cents per bottle. Sold by II 3, Kieffer, and S. W. It iv - undid:. Carlisle; Miller & Son, Jacks - rm. ville ; Illcgul,C herring, :Mechanicsburg, and by drug. gists and storeheepers generally. [may:WlZ-Iy, JAMES R. WEAVER'S CABINET • AND CHAIR MANUFACTORY, ••\onTu HA NOVEL SEREET, CARLISLE, PA Having been engaged In the.husiness for over twenty years he would return thanks. to his costumes and friends, for the liberal encouragement tottended_to litre in years eono ,y; - and further assures them that no pains will he spared, to give full satisfaction to all who way favor him with a call. • . ' Cif/114S AND F'UI4NITUit F., or every description constantly on hand, or made to order.. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la• test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices tor cash. Ile also continues hustnans no an UNDEIMA KEIL— Ready made Collins. Metallic or otherwise. kept con• stoutly on hand and funerals promptly attended to• perAnnxily In town or country, on the most reasonable terms. JASI/i.1.4 It. WEAVER Slay 25, iiistir—iy N. B.—two properties situate In Chu rehtown; Cunt% county, are offered for sale .on easy terra's. ~.,Apply as above. J. 11. W. TAGOART AND FARR'S Family sewing Machines. PRICE F1(031 $3O to VO. • " these nutchlnes Imre been vrottouttml. by all who • have examined them, to be the simplest double - tbread• ed Miteld tie in use. In perform:item, they are equal to any of the high priced Machines. The stitch In strong anal eiiiStie, 11114 will neither unravel our tinter the ' goods xylem trashed. They are unquestionably the 011EAPeST AND BEST FAMILY MACHINE iu the market, and are 'now offertitl to the citfemtn of Carlisle elth abundant evidence of their sunerlority ,over all other machines. The public are invited to call and exmiline tor theinseWes'at Marlon Hall, where the — l%l:whines are ou ,thibltron. Sewing 'Machine tithe, Vlttllll owl linen threads aril( sbn:sand colovi knit on Lend and for sale.. Carlisle; May :25,1859-1w , E All. GE . 31 E N T . on and ofwr Monday, May, IMO, the nub scriber will rune Maly Train of Corn, between O.I,ItLI9LE AND Pill LADIMI.IIIA, leas n; enribdo every morning end Philadelphia oYory evening,; All gone left at the FitEWIIT DEPOT of Peacock; Zell di lIINCII3I AN, No.. 808 and hll Uurtut !Amid, will be delivered la Otrihdu the next day. ..1. W. 1111.NOMISO Wert nigh Street, Carlisle, I's. May 25, 'lkti ci n CYTHES AND SNATUS.-150 doz. kj Scythes nud Snaths. The Inuest hest Ad cheapest assortment In the county, 10101(4,4e and retell. just re ceived at • U. SAXTON'S. Maya, 1840. 1. - 111ALAr CRADLES.— .A largo - lot of Nut :al Ennllah and Amor I. sn n lanytnea,m - hnnd - add . fnf salt, -Olen, . ablY 25, 18(,U. • It. P.AXTON'S. HAY ELEVATORS.—Just received lar g o amaorttneut of Hay' Elevators, PClluye, hope, Itecren,'Forke, &e., cheaper them ever, at May 25. 1.P.59.'• 11,1 LI I) STONBS.-if)l) Grimd tones' of /41 Altos just rotelvad at y, 11. 11A XTON'S. ou di s Fly Rate, Of all nalniK/TAnan. Cotton and Twine, ehaitior thou tha chenponWat 11, AA9/ WV& • Oloy - 110, 1:1511.•• , . • vit.Rst BErd.s.—Just teceiyett the .1. Idrpint anllelinaillmt tonsrtutunt lii the , &ilinty nod warrnntod tot Id cra4k, at'llin clii?ap hardwdro of • slity 35, NW. ' N, SAXTON. • FRS ,Innurally nuppllud elth flea LIQUORS - it Icon than eityprlanit, at thy unw and cbenp.lirocary nt Oan,lo,ledd. tt M. 'DMZ J 80. • 8.. CIIUItCII MIURCH & EBEItLY STEAM SAW MrL.T., AND LUMBER -.YARD, 'NEW GUMBERLAND, PA All kinds of LTJMBER, Ilvnreil at nny point neeessible by Itallrond, at the shortest notice. .ITILDING.TIMBER --,,,, :66TII8—aPFT0-1)R-DErF MET i,~ ,C ITSS. - GUNS. - --=' jusi. - feeif.a nomorionoot of ." ^, Doable Barrel Gum!, ..',." ~ ' ~ Si Single ' , --.. - Singlo - juitl - D4Suble - Pist - 018, ' . Revolvere, .., . - . ' Game Bags," • • , - ,' •Powder Flaslce, • - ' . •• Shot Pouches, '• • •, - Powder. • Shot, -- - .: -. Wods, &c., at .', - 8.. B.IxTON ii. ..May.05,1850. . . - P 4 STATE .NOTlCE:—Letter of id -4 min istra thin on tho mast,' of Jesse Young. Into of Moor. township; Cutnherland , coun ty. hove been issu-• ed•by the register of sold county to tho subserilier, re. siding near Curlihlo Th.o Indebted ore requested La; Tooke 141.11041M0 payment. Irrid those booing claims to. preheut thrum for settimOnt to ENOCH .YOUN4. - 1859-04 -• • 'Aduer. Tr n OWN LOTS—Three valuable Town I.otefor Fate cheap flu. rash: Fur further informs 't apply at JOHN I'. I,VNE , & SON'S, May IN, 1859-:.2m • , North Hanover at: `1 'R A IN C It A I) LI: 8 ..J.l3relpir'fi 1 Jr Plank's. 31111er's. Thulth'S -11ernItelsers maka, on hand and for sale. at - the maker's primes, with n large s assattntent of Scythes, Fork, !takes, at tho Hard. ware Steno of .1. P. LYNE & SON, , May IS, 1855. • • ' - North llttnr;ver,A. I X.ECUTOit'S OT L(;1;." _Jeffers 1 - 1 j testamentary under the 'Lie, Jacob :11pryer, late orthe berntigh - at Carlisle, dro il,. hart been Issmll Iron the Itegh,ters'olllce of—Cumberhinl roomy. to the sube&lbers.eesldlng In said I,oremrh. All per,,ons In ';tlehtetl'to the eNtato ere relluirlietii — inate'inniiiitll,l payinetif,•and thoi,e tiering claims to present them for settletitent ' • AI Alt V, SAWYER. • • . R'. C. SAWYER, N1ayJ8,18,59-6t Ex'rn. NIET ILL I3E OPEN on tinturdiw a complete assortment or Bununer ()nods. kmerled with gro.t care to meet the 'e anto . of the waxen and trade, 610011,411 g all kinds of goods, Dry Goods la all their varieties. Lace and sulk ‘lantlllas. Sue Umbrellas, Parasols. Lace Mitts, Hooped Skirts. 31en , s and Rays' Wear. lii fact everything salted for the demands of the 'Laying commue 1(y. PleaSe call and see for yourselves, at LEIDICII .S AWY New,Store, "lay 18,1555.. East 31ain street. _ _ Ke UDITOR'S NOTICIP -.•• • • 11 ... In the"thphans' Court of Cumberland county, In the matter of _the estate of Barbara Shelly, i'e'd. The- Auditor appointed "lirtife properAppl ha I ion_ of. the. purchase 'pinfey. Prising out Gd of the sale of the'real ebtaile of said deceased. sold der an order of the'Orphame. Court. of said Count. en the petition of Ileorge llitner. Guardian ofJohn fiesta. will inert the-parties Interested. for the pugpose - tif his appointment. on Friday. the na day of June treat, nt 10 o'clock, A. it., at his oMee is the borough of Car isle. At , May 18. 1859—at - A. B. SIDI 888,. Auditor. COOD THINGS. Just received by `.,j timsubseriber, the following • ' FitESilfs'ollATOES, in Catwi. ,• • Peaclies, Salmon, - Lobsters. Pickled Lobsters; Sardines, liellatln, Sap Sage Cheese, Jim, Apples. Virgin ill of Aix, for—the talde, Tomatoe 15,0 sup, Walnut do., Mushroom do., Worcestershire tmuce, French Olivep, do. stuffed with Aneltovies.--. Plehles, Ihtialns. 00l lsa Pies Prunes, orange's beep 111.• Fine.limns. Dried flia - ,KUrocerieg,elol.paware,Fitio ;11,1titior - s. Flnh, lilt at the lowest cash prices. at the ebelp store of WM, BENTZ. May 18;1859. . E E 0 :E1 E 0 N S ! ! alt-ND INDUCE3IENTS: 1 ,would Inform the citizens of CuMberland and sun mantling counties, that I ran and will sell PitiNCE - fc OP'S: 151PROVEDliEL'ODKONS on terms es rea,nable, as any person dare sell the ult... improved instrumento of other establishments. The Prince Itelodemrs have the renown of being the best in the World. The instruments earl be - seen nEIiT F. Eberly's, Me ehatilesburg, IV. D. A. Naugle's. Carlisle, and at :the residence of the aultcriber, near New-Kingston, re,-- See Prince's advertisement in another column. For circulars or other Information, address .• • 3. A. IIEAGY, • Near Now Kingston, Cumb. co., Pa. May 18, 1859-3 m. p RATT•'S PATENT RAY AND GRAIN RAKE. This Bake has taken the Met Preinituns nt Niadif• ferret exhibitions. 'Thu nubile aro already aware that tlibiltake is unrivalled in any market, and is admitted by every person that has seen it work, (and who has seen other different machines work,) to he the my hest nke now ill 1150. It being an Independent east steel tooth with a cleaner attached. The large number sold the lost year, and the.efforts of different parties to claim the right to sell, and others representing theirs ti be the same patent to of Itself a nowt convincing 'Woof of it sumalority. OVer five hundred have been sold in Lancaster county alone.. We have now a full supply en band to accommodate other COlllitles. the guarantee to everyjurchaser au linlisputable right to sell the said rake ~The following are a few persons to whom. we roe for In thin county and York, as haying purchased and useshad the sane: MITHIAND COUNTY—J, S. Hoover, David Clark. Gut .lopi Brandt, It. Bryson, W. M. Watts. .0. Brandt, .J. ileltthoolverrP. Ego. P. lirechhill. Zook & Shaeffer. C. Ilarrzler, I A Puffer, Benj, Peffer, Thomas tialbroth, 1,. Trego .t Brother. YORK CouNTv—bavid Lorew, S. lloko• Lewis I. Prosser, Abr Smith. W. Fiore, Benj. Strickler. Henry Strobni..l. A. IV ilson, U. C. Irouner,.l. Stoat, P. 31elig ‘ es, M. Troncol, .1. Hinton'. For sale by:W. BRANDT, and ' . STRICKLER May 11,'59-2m Car Penn'a NEIV• M U S IC S,T 0 RE NO. 03 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. 8 fi M U SIC, INSTSUCII rilN BOOKS, MUSICAL 31ERCAANDISE GRNERALLY, 1.4N05, . MELODEONS, - GUITARS, VIOLINS, • FFUTBS, ACCORPHONS, Ae. May 11, 159. 0. C. B. CARTER.- REDUSE D TO $5 A YEAR). • PRE.PAID. THE BEST AND CIIRA PE,T PERIODICAL IN TIIE. MIME Li consi•iitionee of Oa Ineialy lucre/tacit circulation, l!, , Ablialiarti of LITTELT'S LIVING Ail E,• Aro enabled to rad use the ywirlygobseription pries from $6 to $5. Thu publlstomi aro di - demised that no us penis or lsbor rhall bo spared to undo, this , =I And whilvt bohlly challenging c petition. claim for 1,1, only what hew been conceded by thu moat eminent Wien of this country front the time Or Its Steal publication,— (over platoon yearn Mince) to the prevent day. vie: ). 'Chat. It Is suitable to ell classes of readers—States. men, I'rides:4mnd 'nem Philosophers, Poets, titudents, Merchants, Mechanics, find Formeis, all of whom may derive pleasure nod profit Cretin Ito page. 2. 'that to It may ho fnUnd Omen:nth aid' the world roomy nod liov 'own and Periodicals of Europe, with or iginal articles nod indentions iron the boot I tigltli 43 lit. irrature_of our ,oco..country.. ' 1. That It contains more xrading hustler than any other magazine in the world; each weekly number con xixty (bur pages, and a line htmle Portrait, mak leg three thousand three bemired and twoutpeight Pages In a year .wlth tifty.ten clue Engravings. . 4 '1143 It In itni oldest Peritidical In the country, Lav in., L.a Published over sixteen years. b 111.0 o is the cheapest publication of the day,— whether It in Judaea lo the quantity or_ qualk.of Ito contents It That he library perteet without le. 7. That to flw!, With limited inenno:lt , In an lylintra. , blo'staltstltute for a (theory of nancollamtoun books— And tinnily, that on n family l'inntallia • It In perfectly un.nceptlunnble ht nil renpootn. Price Flab Dollars per almni . , or thirtann cents number, runt by mall. pont paid. to any aildrean in On United Stains, To Clergymen, Traeliura, andante, nud I tuba, Four Imitate. DELINS . PIIt & PHOCThN , , 4013 [lnflowAi) 11. 'OD p II.I.LADELPIIkA AND READING It A I L - 0,0 A 0. f iWOUMARRANO . EMBNT, ' • , • - Two puttvonger trains ion vu ilurrinhura dully,'(Sun• dnv. excepted.) at 8.00 A.'o , nwt 0.46 31.. re l'hilen tlalpht9}"tirtlt•liig - thaiv`nYt4:fio`~iWiu iinil'T:3ll T: 11: "' Returning, leave l'hiladuiplila tit 7.60 A. 31. and 3:30 P. 31., arriving at liarriaburg at. 19:•10 noon aud 31. FAitES: To Philadelphia, Nu, 1 Coro. 13.25; No. 2 (In , onmo trolu.)s2lo. . pores 1.1 Henning. 01.20 and elj,i3o. - . ~ At Itexiting.'eototittet with tolthißkm POttfixillqi ii! erot ,1110,.Tiunturn, entowlmut, etc. Fain. trains leave nonding (or Philadelphia daily, at (I A. M 1.0 14 A, M., 11.30 upon and 6.0 a P. M. , • Iniavo Phifadelphia for Beading at 7.80 A. 31;0.30 P. M.. 3.30 r. MA and 4.41 P. M. Munn (rota Kora tig In Phllaklotp.lllll.olss and $ll5. 'Cho morning' train from. II trrlsburg a moods at Ituottlns-Irltb."l.4r train air ,Wllltosharro.-Ylttatotk and' Foy Brom pm through tloltato,and altar Information apply to. J, .1. GLYila, Ounural Agant. In v 11, 79. .. . ti ~ I 3 1 ;,„ 1 ,...„'1' ,1..:,,;, ', l ),'"ltttl,J l -4,,,,5, !„,.'„,{c„B, I nt i4 n rj etl B 43 cheap,„e 11l ILard ?Are Poru'or ' J. k. LYNN a SON, • ' • Muy ;A, INACI. ` - • • Nor I. h• 11Awytr At;':. . • • SPRING-' AR FROM NEW'SIDRK AND 1.11111,. DELPAIA, C. EU.ERLY:c B . LEGA NT 'I.IIV.'GO'ODS, .., . AT A. W. BENTZ'S STOKE. ' . Splendid stock or now Black Dress Silks•Magnithent -StitterFettey-Dress-Sillut . , / ..! •-- lIICIII BARB!! •ELEGAiITiI I - -•- ' Freneh Foulard Siltcs., Chinese Silks, Satin and' Str)pod ilareger,'"iidoitclas, Duenilcs, licautitul new printed Clutilles. French printed 'MN, • . netts, very handsome _English BM-' , Hants, .very handsome French i ' • Brilliants. Enallsh -French & American prints, Scotch, • : • . . French and Domino " - • - Ginghams, • , Bonnets, ttnn, net .itibbons and Dress Tri mmin . .. •.o, ' - . - Shawls in every'. variety, • Silk: CnsPe.. Stella.' Cashmere, . ' ••&,--Bmbraideries--nn7 - 1 • • _ .logs, Veils, Ac, Carpetings and OH Cloths. - . - - *enitian, Ingrain: three Ply. BrussellseCotton 2 -- and Hemp; Drug:tots and Flont•Dil Cloth - dell Width - s . . . LINEN GOODS. . - constantly on hand large A complete assortment embracing all , tho moat colebra tod utarka Moven and . ' . . llosiery for La. istreS•a - n d - Children. divat variety of • kW, silk and cotton Moves, La; , . dies elexant twisted.iiiik Mit is,kc. ' DOMILSTIC •AND 9,fT PLE .00009.10(' bleached and unbleached Skirtings. bleach , . ed and unbleached Shootings, Wholieu .aud ' Cotton flannels, Corset, ,leans. Ticklnge; Cotton ado.. Sattinette, Tweeds, Cato:l . :lnd Linen ' Diapers,Table Covent, bleaehed and brown Drillings, and 'an endless vorlay of. other articles. In fact, this stock of goods is very extensive, no - ' , rough and .romplate. hay-, , lug been purchased . . .' with a great deal . ofenre, we feel - . cannily:ll.ore can please ally tale who will favor on with a call. All candid persons • w have patronized us heretofore, toll) admit that wre have sold the best bar gains over purchased in Carlisle. %Yu can fissure our friends and all lovers of cheap goods, that we are as well prepared as dyer to offer superior 'inducements for their patnninge A. W. 11ENTZ. Carlisle. 3lnv 4; 1859. - . iI 31 E ANNIE! LIAT F.' I) ! : ! • . 1. 'CREAM ACTUALLY FROZEN TN 3.NINUTE9, TOItItE Y '' S . • NE %V 4 MINUTE ritEiczkis. Tit • subscriber, altePrarefutstudy and various expe riments. has succeeded In constructinga Freezeiorhich for siMplicity, and quality -of Its production, in uneltunlied, and cannot' fail to become n universal fr.vbrite. -• Tu satisfy thu Incredulous. there will ho weekly pub• -lie exhibitions - of this Frelfzer;st:No:9 - I , latt — street - . prove its ability to do all - that is claimed for it. ,Sizu from 3 to 20 'quarto. ' 11": Scud for a Circular. ' • E. I'. TOMMY, Manufarture4, No. 9 Platt street. Nov York: Also, 'Manufacturers' Win,le,tie Agent for tin, eel,. brat ed _Dom I niun". Coffee gun!. Tea. Pots, and M.- timr.3 patent self sealing Jiirsynd Ca is. • May 4, 14.59—Du • I,IIRE TUE ALLEN AND EAST PENNI:MORO MCJIIA /. FIRE I,N SIIKANCEI COMPANY of Curaneiland county , : l'BeArlso. rated by nil act of Assembly, in now fully nrganised, and hr °per:aim, , under , the management of commissioners, viz: Daniel Bailey, Willi - am It. Orirgas,lllelinel Cocklin, 1 Eichelberger, Christian Stayrnan, John C. Dun-_ lAN Jai:ol4ll.. Conner, Lewis Byer,. S. Eberly, :11en,h, Mill . ]tosser,_ .t. - -Brandt, Joseph - Wlckvshrun, Alexander Cathcart. _ 'l't... rates of inNUMUCO are ns lon and rnvornblo no iny Company of the kind in the ;qato. Versortp wishing IQ. bcrnmr mrmhers nre invited to make applsration to tbo sgento of the 'company, ti ho are willing to wait upon them at Any time.. 33 - 31. H. (10110 AS. President. Ch RISTIAS STAY3I.I.S. Vivi! President. LIMIS - 11171:11, Seeretacy. MICHAEL. COCKTpI, Treamerer. 101ergax. L. flyer:01014021n Stn. I/13 n, 31. Cneklln, .1. C. Onnlep. It. 31arthi; D. 11.0..0ver. Alex. Catbrart, .1. ,t,Viekerxliam; J, Eitibelbe ger, S. Elreriy, J. Brandt. AG I.:c.T.S. c.I3IBERLAND COTINTIJohn Sherrlck. Allen lienry Zmrlnz, ShirelnanstOwn; Satubel Woodburn Dickinson; Itenry liownum, (Imre:Mown; Mode OW 11th, South ',Middleton; Samuel Gramm,- W. Penne boro'; Samuel Co6ver,lleclembridairg: .1. W. Coeklin, ShepherdsDnvut P. Coover,"Sbigtherdeillwil; J 11, 9ux. ton. Sliver Spring: Beni. iluveisilek. Silver Spring, - Chnrles Bell. eslll.oe.: - .lolm Cr:n . lslo. - YORK CdIJ.XTV.—W. Ficking...Dover: Peter WOl - Franklin: Jns. Griffith, 'Warrington; J. F. Dear &writ. Washington; D. Rutter; Newburg; It. •C. Clark, Dillshurg, DA IN Co..llintser & Loeb man. jlarrishurg. Members or the rointraliy haring polli:leWiout to ex pire. can have - thern renew.i.!.l Dy tnakisig, applieatiottrti a - fly:rat' the Agents. April 211, 1859 C 0 PPER-TIN - AND Sf I BET IRON MAN IEJ FA STORY. - - The subscriber takes this method of -intlfrmlng her friends and'. the public, that-she-still- continues the mountfactore oPalLkinds of work, Itt Copper, Tin and Sheet fr0n... „ 1 Stoves are selected from the most op: ro pved styl The Conan Stoves for their'qualities an Cricks allll bakers elllllos be surpassed, among which are the well known Globe, Noble Cook. Fanny Forres ter, Uovernor, Penn, and the new favorite, Prairie Flower. combining all the tested improvements, In fact the best and cheapest stove ever offered to the public. The Latrobe Strive. or parlor beater, improved, fir VillettliOC two, three or fur rooms. pot up to order, be tides a large assortment of Parlor Itaillators oust Mlles I stoves. PRICES ItEDUCEO, oh PLUMIIINO ; , and OAS FITT! NO. Those who WI work done ,1114, W in this line - would do well' to co I at the old ` stand before contracting; elfrOWlel'e, As lam de. termlned to du work far lower Chan LIM present rites. I have for sale and keep constantly or. hand the pntent Scotch Tip Burner, Woo Tapers, Whin and fumy Glass Globes, flan Fixtures. Wrought Iron TON'S. Hydrants, Lead Pipe, Gllln Slutiwer flails, Both Tubs, Over Basins. Marble Basin tops. Ac. My workmen ore competent and reliable. All work warranted and for workmanship and material, I challenge Air. A few god Cook Stove, with scone suitable for parlors lon hand, which I will sell at cost. May 4, Itir,ft. 31.5111' M.' molting. • 1 1 - All .YOU.:watiir-to buyt4r - p4 Piano, „I or Melodeon? If so, why don't ycin earl on John 11. 'Meant 1 For ho ran sell tho modest finished, best made. purcot.tu owl and lowest peired instrument that rail ho had.in this part of the country. Having been'a 1011 e time In the I,IOIIIOSS. I flatter myself on [ring a goof judge of instruments, and will .not sell an instrti• anent that 10 net first-'rate. 1 am now receiving large lot of 31eIndernm front Boston, which ran be .1 , 11 at Mr. A. 11. Etrinea furniture rooms. which I will sell clump. er than any other man.in the country. For recommendationsor c ill and see them. All ingtrumouts warrented and kept 'in repair. Call and examine my- lustrutmitts before pin:chasing else where, and you will be satisfied that I ran sell the hest and cheapest. . .1011 N 11. ItllF.lol ‘ To he found at the house of Jacob Rheum, W. High St. May 4. 1519- HAT AND CAP -EMPDRUTn- .1, li. CALM() & CO.. Fuctessors to Wm. 11. Trout would 11.111101111f0 to their eustouters and the publi.. zeniwally that they ',aye just received from I'lola-del. phi% alum, and ele,:ant st,ek of yoods,'ln their line of businesworevery variety, style and duality. , fliey bare on Lands splendid assortment of HATS AND CAPS, r•-• of all derniptlons, from the common Wt.i to thd finest ) Pllll AND SILK 11A3$: and at prices that must cull every ono who has au oyo to gutting the noitli of Ida money. The stock hmlndes. HoLCSKIN, CASSIMERE, HEAVER S MELT HATS, of every style and color and .unsurrenocil for Ll‘llll% NESS, DUIIAIIILITV AND FINISH by those of any oilier ,establishment In the country. HEN'S. DOTS' and CIiti,DEEN"S HATS coil CAAS, of story description constantly on head. They respectfully invite all the old ,patrons and as many new ones as possible; to glee them a ' J. I.I.,HALLII) & CO. Apr. '27. lardt.—dy • NO"' TEIR 'E FOR BAR GAINS! LARGE AND EXTIINSEVE ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, At the New Store, corner at N. Ilmiove^ & Louther st .._The undersigned returns thanks for the patronage bestowed upon Idm by the public. and nt the some time - respectfully - announces that Miliaa just li - denied - trout Philadelphis..and Is now opening a new lot of spring & summer OILY GOODS and GROCERIES. consisting In part en Pillows, mid which he is determined tie sell at the lowest cash prices. Cloths. Cliallies, Allows& 'Moines. De Hagen, Lushes, Poplins. Lawns, forages, Brilliants, S.kirtigig, French and Scotch Ging. hams,!'dote, Gloves, llosi ry, Collars, Ilandikerchlefs, &c., &e. - SHAWLS AND.MANTILBAS, - - - of. oyery variety and quality. Staple and Dothestic Thy floods. Cloths, Cassimeren, Vesting, Flannels, Mus. line, Tickinge. Stripes, Checks, Calimier, Cottonades, Linens, Sheeting& Denims, Nankeen& Drills, Marseilles Quilts, colored and whlte carpet c. parasols and Umbrellas.. Also, a large and splendid assortment of pqNNIITS, RATS, CA I'd. SOOTS and SHOES. A s up er ior l o t 'f fresh GROCERIES, Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses. Rice, Spice/4P, Having selected my entire stork with the greatest care. ned the lowest cash prices, ,I ran assure any friends and the public generally. that I will do all in jny,powor to mak.) my establishment known as the "dead Quarters for ilargallis." Those who wish, to purchase w.lll find It to ihelr advantage to MOWE,R - ANIVREAPER 'case FIC.O Premium llucheyn Mower, with which a atic ceecrul RION; attachment IP 110 W rural:4lod.. AIATMAN & stim;nivs rAT.NNT. • We take pledielUra In calling the attention of Armen, to our asuckeyo }loner and ucsper, which has in Ite trltlmPh ,,,, t practical eerkitsg.during thelnst harvest. so fully eusfabled , thedecialeu of the moth abused recuselioarimlttee. Its Marren, has been. &sulphite,— Over ono theensed have been' built sand • bold, and fie principal of the doable binge, jointed and. loading ion', which betimes to this nincislase eiclualviii,y,hernia. madly catablinhed ms the true one the the periect-3low. are, we with confidence refer to any 'or all of the put , ehenere oftlio - Datiskeye for Ihnutoorof the above, Cann many ors:hem hare been received the most filltgerltlg testlinehlahs. The demand the put 'sermon wan for be yond our ability to-supply, and we stunt %hit 'orde're will be forwarded early the mating season, that ,none May he disappointed.- To thrse'crenulring a combined Mechlin, we recommend with .coundenee our beeping attachment; we forninia a rear or Side delivery. :daeufactunsd by Edge T. Cope, ft don, Weatehoster, U. W. thamiti Agent. fur the sale Of the 11.11110. , 10' ericicKhgx.B: nay 11, ..50-2inr Agricultural gide Carliale, =EI PENN lIIJTUAJL LIFE INSURANCE • . . •• • OFFICILNOkTiI EAST .CORNER OFBD • and Dock htivetB. PldladeOlhia. . 4OCUMULATED. CAPE CAL et,5;000, • . •• ' C.la.rter,P_erpetttai:_L_ IiANIEL'S. MILLER, ['resident: SAMUEL E STOKES, Yidu President Jolts' W. llountert.l3itex. ' Thu underslgued, having' been appointed 'Cho AdENT for the above Company, for Cumbertend county, would call-attention to the peculiar advantages of the Mum'. Liss INI4I.IItANOC which gives It n decided preforonctinvor any other modo adopted. Thorn being homlockholdors, the milts aro divided among the policy bottlers, and appropriated to reducing the annual payments, thui nothing each ono interested. equally with the Trustoes, In adding to the business of the chmpany. . • titity_tut-PaidLquarturly,-somhanunally ~ or annually, sq that persons of ihnited means/co M auro for trgrvater amount, than they could whero the '-ed to hp.pv'd Halt' ‘ttlar- ltrortnthels A. I.rtmetibor,-ntlhh n.tli Mein nr the Railroad depot. - ' SPONSY,Rii, • Meal-Estate -Agent and-Conveyancer. Carlisle, Mar 23'r 1859-.43m . VU RN ITURE, FUJI N ITURE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . . P. DEOItAAP, 87.110WERY, (Vldesalo IVa House.) . end 65 CII.II.I'STIE Str o (lletalytore,) . . Where will be foundlbe largest and niosNxtorielvp as e==l: Mlle of $25 Retailed nt Wholesale Privet at the-Botgery Store.: . All'Furnnuro guaranteed as renresentod. Ono bun. dred and fifty halide rontitunlly employed In manufee• turfing. All stock 'laid In for NETT Caen. It comprlsee, In Tart,—' IiOSEWOOD e 3IAIIOOANY, AND iVALNEVI 4 PARLOR. .U'R IV I E, • In Brocade, Broratelle. Delaine, yluall and Irak Cloth Nahogany and Pitarni I fed A 111.13 all. R I.T R E - In FO6. from' twenty to one hundred and fifty dollars' AlAni SEAT and COMMON VSKNIVIit2,in great viiiTety.A large iii , oortment. of °Maud Sinhogany • 3111t1t0IM Srirhig and Curled Mir MATTRASSEU, PATENT Proud SUFA BEDSTEADS, with Sprit* and (fair Matt russet; attached, sTgAmßodas ANp 110TEIA' ItaNISII!M Dealers. find It to thole_ ',Closest to givo us a i•all mar.t10,1859-4nne • • HALBURT'S FAMILY QUEENWA RE •AND VARIETY ISTO,I , LE . , • 11' . 0r16-11'est Corner the Public Square, oppo "Site the Carlisle Deposit Bank. , • .1. D. /lAl,l3li'llT has again. replenished, his stook u goods. Ills assortment know full raid •emploto. tinning ' which may be enumerated every Variety of fresh FAMILY GROCYRIES, 'which in quality stud price C A -.IV". - T ..11 - .FI - 11 E.A*T • A !orgy stock of China, (lbws dud Queehswnro, of atm and beautiful designs, nud. ontbrilclu , ! . g Ovory 'grade of 110 le Sall! Aor:NT Itrearlislm for. ' 19NEtl i cola;Ated LKEIIOSENE Oil COAL OIL LAMPS, ' . 0110 alba greatest, dtpcovorles .of the age, combining clid'oriness, safety and Increased light. , Coal -Oil .Afld Lamps constantly on band, which the, public turn ro. quonted tolllt and osatatua. - 1.11 74 Wrj . N. W. Corbin. of Public. Nuaro Carlislo, Oct. 27, 'M CUMBERLAND VALLEY R: R.- S(Lli,ll ER ARRANGEMENT. • - 7iFF - miqtW A RYA - I=l OU and after MONDAY. APRIL 11th 1859, Passenge • .Tritlns will run as follows: (Sundays excepted:) =I .• . •. 1 t Train. 2d Train Lenin Chamberktburg; 5.10 A. M. IMOy. M •Slilmmlisbarg, 5.40 I.n " .Nowvino, . oito 2.04 - • " , Carlkle. 6.43.. " . ~ 2.45 •.4 Slectukitlesburg, 7.16 ,4 • 0.15 4,llY9fit.llatrrlaburg.. - 7.45 3.45 " FOR.CIIA.TtEIISBURG, , Int Train. 211 Leave Harrisburg..., 8.00 A. M 1.20 I'. M.' Mechanicsburg " 1.56 ". CarIIsIC, 9.20 ". 2.34 -". •• 9.54 _ " - 3.08 " • _3.3Bi_ 'Arrive at Cluunbersburg, 10.54 " - 4.08 " . Trails leave Harrisburg for Plilladelp Pellloll Railroad. at 2.30, 0,05, and. 7.110. A. 51., and 1.10 and 3,50, By Reading, Ida Lebanon Valley hell Road at 0:00. A. 51.. end 2.35 P.lll. For illitimorti. 3 20, A. nt and 1.00;i10on.: For 'Prover too, and Williamsport, at 1.00,-P. 31., aria 8.30, P. 31 - Train nn - I)iuplilir7tol4l - nt - 2.00, P. 31., NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where Tickets aro sold, vim ChambersbunC,4hippenshurg, Ca blechaninshurg and-Harrisburg, a reduction or TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be mode-to all Paxson , gem that provide themselves 94 -Tickets before en tering the Cars. 0. N. LULL, Supor't Railroad Omen, Chamberiburg, Apr. 6,109. c B LINDS AND SHADES, • Cheap for Cosh B. 3. WILLIAMS, No. le. North Sixth etreet, Philadelphia. 'ls the largest manufacturer of . Window Blinds, =1 WISDOW SHADES, ' Of every variety. Ile Is tho originator of all now styles and 1141,111 fine stork to be' sold at reduced priers. • Bud, and all othor colors of linen shades, trimmings, fixturrs, fie. Store shades painted/10 order. • rkri. H. .1. W. invites citizens of this county to call before purchasing. and assures them. ho ran sell a bet. ter article for the numey that any other establishment In the Lotted Stales. Mar. 23. vinu—ain lUMBER YARD—The sub cribers :4 having purchased a largo tract of pine timber land and Row Milk, on the west branch of the Saxon;• henna river, have opened out n lumber y red at • MECHANICSBURG, • on the railroad, corner of Alin and High streets, near the steam saw mill of &Idle, Eberly & Co., and also one AT GREASONVILLE, • • near Plainfield, where we will he able to self lumber at such pricer that will be to the intereat of builders and others to call and moo us borer(' buying elsewhere. Our advantages over other dealers ore that our lumber 11003 not pass through the hands of one two or more specu• Inters before ire get It. and that will. enable as to sell lumber cheaper than ti ,y Othertiella sell at theme places. IVe will also wholesale lumber from our Harrisburg yard, aid will deliver lumber at any point along the Cumberland Valley Railroad. If desired, builders can bare lumber sawed suitable for any hiseuf building, or for other purposes, by furuishishl og us with their or ders in season. SHAFFNER, OIREASON A: CO.- ' April, la, V.XC.E_LSIOR PICTURES A. HES IVAO'.. would rcvpc-tru'd- Ir• - •rir ritiienti . or Carlisle and - - vicinity that lie ban taken ran.. In In Zug's. new building, east curlier or Market Square, where be Is at all times ready to take, AMBROTYPES In thpjatest and most approved style. Pictures taken In rainy end cloudy weather an well en clear: and sat. Isihrtientiven or uo charges made. Portraits and ba• gnerrentypes copied. Miniature Pictures, taktin for _1.000; Ambrotype. Ankbroty pea warranted to eta ad the test of time, beta or water._• . Imdlen nod (tontlemon aro cordially invite d 41 oitninlno aperianinn. Prima Ertna 2.lrts. to $lO, Jan. 27. It. ILENWOOD. , . Artlx! )AIN'T AND DILS.--IQ, O OO pounds I_ of Whflo Lead, with a large assortment of OILS. WAIT.E_ZINC, ,-- VARNISHES, -.. , • COLORED ZINC, TURPENTINE, . FIRE PROOF PAINT, JAPAN, • FLORENCE IVIIITEi LITIIARGE, , . RED LEAD, 4 8 PUTTY, . WRITING'. ' • - GLUE, PAINT BRUSIIESAc. .AIA all'eolors dry and In 011. Also, all oolong InAubee Jug 'volved it the cheap hardware gore of Mar. 10, VW,. . HENRI( SAXTON. .TO LIIDII;S.VISITIN (} NINNW YORK. TAYLOR'S LALOODL., . 365 & linoAniesy, cowing or YIIAPUILIN is the most fashionable resort for Ladles In New York, I eing meet desirably located In the principal thorough. fare, and surrounded by the best atom In the city. ' Taylor's Saloon,ln celebrated ell the world for the magnificent aplendor Of Its decorations, as cull ae for the qualltrof the rif e; and the style in. which It in nerved, which' canner. be excelled by even ,the lemons Parham' Cooke The galoon In connected with the 1 TERNATIONAL HOTEL, whieh has a Splendid Ladle,' Parlor fronting on linei ..nay,,nieommentilim an - exteneivervierrnrtintrirtirld ran( wrme promenade. The bent It tiro pom larlt-vlelty ; o te ylor'n Saloon is that It In dolly hged by CUIDAi' COAL AND LUAII3„EIi. • y A It The stinseribers have now on hand one hundred and. el,slity thousand Ehingies, of different kinds and,quall. ty. White pine, Hemlock, iChestnut and Oak; all of whieh they will toll at.the lowest figures • - Also, all-klnde of seasoned- LUMBER, Muds. Scant. slog,, VllllllO stuff, Paling, Plastoring Lath, lihlngilug. Lath, worked Flooring, and Weatherboarding, Post and halls and every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard, - -Also, a prime lot of walnut, cherry and poplar, from 34 to a l 4 luches , in thickness. ' Oaring Care of GO own we cap furnish , sawed lumber-and othdr - kinds at Ilion notice and on reaannible tonne, We have constautlymu hand all kinds of Family Coal which we will Ohm clean to any harlot the borough. GYKISI4B *ALLEY,' • Broken, Egg, Etc.Veen Nut WEN , FIDDLEIt," „ TithVGATON, lined quality of Litne'hullier's And Illacksigilth'a CAL always on hand which we will sell ea low, en any. 'yard In town. 811110Ili Yard Diet end of tbe borough, opyieFite the Gas Welke.' tt 11,108 e. - • • Ettll 00011 ••.ITTEXTIO.7II , `!' EW . STORE AND NEW GOODS , . AftorVeturnbie acknowledgements for the very liberal patronage which bon boon extended the !underolgned Would' roll attention to the fa^t that ho 'has) oat re•openell his extanFilvo assortment of flunlly • CRA -ERIE • • •• in his new storeroom. on the eeuth-eaot corner of the public square, whore the public are invited to call and examine n stock of geode which, in elegance, variety nod (natant. will defy coninetitlalt.vomprising pert loaf, lump, crushed and brown Sugars, -.lnvitrlikrvintl-rnitsted - Coffer - 1.,`--v`- Hely and quality of VIA., Spices, (ground :end unground,) Pickele, Saurea, Table Oil. .liew-Orleana,=Sugarbouae-noil-Trinidad• , lilobtaliee't.'New- - Yark - antt phlla~alpiiin Sy.' EIXIIM _ „,e,t - TOW,3lacaroni,,vormecilli,-splli Pose, Hominy, . Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate, dixtract_o,. Coffee, refined anger at roduad rates, washing and link ing soda. Totem:o of tide moat favorlto brands, and the . finest quality of Segimi. ' Also, abe Wel accortment of Britannia Ware, plain 'and gold band - China Wore, Glass, Queens, Stone and Earthorn {Vara, In ttront'vs• rioty, and an elegant lot of Fancy-Soaps,-extract a and— pequniery for, the toilet... FRUITS: Includlng•Peaches In cans, Raisins, Clam'. barrios, dry apples, citron; almonds, oranges, lonsons,. Arc., ti:c. • ( ( LIQUORS: ‘l'holesalri and retail; ' ~~ • 1 11E1(4 . zrn ey bx r, lng i c i T , 'Lo r a l, a n n o 'd d al i ddi o ya i l i i , T ) 47; z ~ ....: , Ip Sherry Port. Maderia, (Mager, 'atturba . .t...,..., 7 .... and Muscat Winos in cooks and WI. flee, Scotch Whiskey, .110Iland Oln, and Seheldniu Schnapps. ' FISH AND SALT A I.rgo kock of LAMPS, includlnlrDyott'ecclebratod latopo for burning •I{oroeogc or coal nil, alai Sporn], Piney turcrand cool 011, Burning PlulA,C,Sportu and SWI.OEIII4O°B. CEDAR-WARE AND BROdMS -- Dner.mhts, - Waltera; -.- • I,ookhupglasses, doe letter and note paper,• yare,ktinted huoketrolgp--, Colton and woollen nose, 111111 half "Hope, and a full stock of tlleves,lncluding the well known Hanuier Btieloiloyee. In short, his stock comprises everything that Is!•nllewl r iri his lino• of business, and no efforts will he 'spared to render entire satisfaction to his enst . Carlisle, Oct. 27, 1858—ty. 441" Slarkoting 6101 Maas token in exchange to goods. BAitGAINS!-B ARGAINS! • ionv (loons, NEW (loons • AT OGILIII"S NEW STORE, - Navy. - oponing thd - largeerifird illontposl etook and Summer llooda ever brought to CumberlatoPeoutity " LA DIES' DRESS GOODS.. A largo line of elegant SO ks, 11464 e Robes. Poll de Cheviot., Opera Cloth, Oriental Lustre. Plaid Poplins, enhidonle Cloth, [Arenas, rtatin, Plaid !Wools, Pot mdse. Cloth. French Chintz; 'de Loins, travelling dress goods, Oignody I, l7 l isr -, tc• e _ EM BRODER' r . , . . .. Au linroonso lot of elqgniut Collars,lltillerideoves, timid. k v 111111064, Flouiitigs. Insirtings, Edgings. Ar.. dirost front the largest Importlug house In Now York., SIINIV • A largo namortmont of Crape Stella and Tlly . bet very cheap:-. LACE AND SILK:MANTILLAS Bleak l'ella,and all lambi or• Mourning goods. In great varlets." 81),Irsroo.i . indent I,orters. Richardson's Linens, Alexander's IC1(1 1 /1 1, •*,. I.th from the Itnporter A full assortinout of Ladles', tint's. 311sses', nth% Hope Mine, very low. CALICONS, G1N0L1A311,4., TIeICINOS," Cherk.:&c., nil kinds and prices. Cloths and Cosslmores it new, supply •end very cheap partlsularly for boy's ~efor, = A large stock of elegant imperial. - Ingrain Von Man,. hemp, and rag Carpoting, bought froni the ' largest tear. pet house In New York. The'styjes are new and hand. • • some. quality sere suptrlor.. and prices unimmoionly r low. White and color. fi mailings all widths and prices • LOOKING" LASSES. ' linsenned, Mahogany and Wodlont framed Looking Masses in great Variety and low hooting selected my goodilwith great rare from the , best houses in New York - noel Philadelphia. - I ark , Pro. pared to olTer great-bargains to oil In Want of„lmmisothe - good and rheap dry maids. - • Thanking noy'old rinods and sustomerit fur -their Ilk - oral support, I would - respecthilly solicit them and all • • ..others to glee Ina a call before purchasing chmbers.— Our motto is. quick soles and short profits. " Apr.l3, 1850: - ' CHAS. oalimr. .13114.3131JEN.E RS' C 0 A L .- 7 2,Outt ,i,_/.TONS of Lykeilx - Vidloy - Nut , C!nal. - n reeelylng and for salt, by Attiobt 5. 1857 W. H. MURRAY C UMBERLAND ''VALLEY" INSTITUTE MECII:ttNICSIWILO,VA • A. F. :MULLIN, A. ii., PRINCIPAL. , and teacher of Mathematics nod Modern Languages. - TILOMAS B. A. IL, Ascist•tut Principal and teacher of Ancient Languaps and Higher English. L. M. lIAYE/ISTICK, Assistant In the English De partment. This Institution having passed Into new hands, will tie reopened as a Mole School only. on :Thursday', the day'of September neat. It Is the design of the present proprietors to make it a strictly first-class Boarding Sebool, fir training and flttim boys and young 1111111 eithlir fir college or business. An eflicluat corps of structors has been organized, whose personal' nt interests. are Identified with the'thiccess of the Institution, emit who will spare no Nine to make it worthy of the mill. deni-o and patronage of th. , public. Thu Buildings of thy Institute are amplo, and well arnutged for the ac commodation of about ninety boarders. and all students from n , road are expected to board with the teachers.-- They will tilde enjoy the benefit of constant Insti action and supervision. Mechaniesburg 1M ,Ituated In the centre of the beau• tiful C holland Volley. nine miles' from Harrisburg, and is easy of croons by Railroad Boni Philatielphia,Ral thoore, ,tc. location could be more eligible for no. cuss—none more healthy or attractive Mr /molt a school. Pupils from %Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia nod Intermediate pints, taking the morning train, will roach Mechanicsburg for 3 o'olock, P. M. As It is.the determlinition. of the Principal and tile Areirtiltilli to plare the Institute on a permanent and elevated basis, With livery npplknthm requisite for superior ourcess, they appeal with confidence to all who have .118 to ed. orate. The scholastic year will be divided Into two sessions of twenty two weeks each. tho first beginning on t rld first Thursdiiy of September, and ending on the nit Wednesday of Februhry; the second session beginning on the fireFTbursday of February, and ending on the first WeduesdaY ofJuly TERMS. Maul, Washing, Tuition, Rooms furnished, and Fuel per Session.sBl 00 Day scholars will be Acceivett at $lO, $l2, and $l5, ac cording to their advancement. extra,cintrges for ithelmil nod modern languages or vocal Innate. Terms per session payable half in role:turn. Fun fur ther Information apply to Rocco, Proprietors, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Apr. 0, 1000. • SOMETHING NEIV: R 0 ULT UItA L . I PL 101 N . AND SEED STORE. , • 31. & BROTHER, Have just opened, In tire room formerly oeetudell by Sliryoeli, Taylor rr Smith, Zug's new building, Main street.. two doors east of the market house, a large ns nortment or Millia3 Inuit AI.I3IPLIINISNTS and fer tilizers, which they are prepared to sell on the most reasonable term. _„ • . The stock • Onibraoun PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, 111 R. ROWS, HAY, STRAW AND FODDER CIITTERS, REAPERS, MOWERS. DRILLS.. CRADLES, .• 901;TIIES, CORN' siummts, FORKS, ' 'SHOVELS, 111.1E8. ItAIC ES. PRUSINU • KNII'I4 - ), ViIETSTON ES for Mow ors, add every °thee liable, no &unary for farm U... " They alto intend keeping in addition, a full assort. 010111 of CEDAR and WILLOW WANE, - includlint -Spallen-patent—ChurrullmmniAllrushanrlllitter4iirk ern, ButtervForins, Prinin, Ladles, Butter Tubs, - Bowie, to. Alto, Fruit, Garden and Flower SNOW: Seed Potatoes, of the best varieties. They are ermetatitly making ad• ditiona to their stock, and will um, oveoy usertlon to nunly the wants of the agricultund community, They have also the agency for .EVAN.§ & WATSON'P SALAMANDE S A FES• the store left at te for fruit and 04,7t;entl Trees, Flowers and fertlllnern, a9ll hd attended to. promptly. April o.losP—if HAT AND CAP STORE AT KLILL'R'B.OLD NORM ❑ANOVER MEET, NRARLY OPPODM TIID HARD M=MEI • A tuft annortmout Lunt received, to which conutant additions will 1w mad° or city an wull as home man tilko• tura. Thu stock how comptleuu • --111 MOLESKIN ' , BEAVER to FELT lIATo of all atples mad colors, tram the chtapeat to the bent quality. WrItAW HAT& A largo variety oral] pi leen -socktylpa_togethea Olith.4_,nuat_atisertineot-otohlltl - - dienn' fur and etraiFhata. •• . , . . . ALSO, MEN'S, Diltdt. AND CADS, ' 4 . embracing ovary• kind now worn, both Plain end Drone Caps, to which the attention of the public in reaped ful ly invited. DON'T FORD ET HELLER'S ULD tiTAND. tholinie,'April Ai, Into.' . E S II QIt.00ERI1:S1- AT Blond nod Mookorol of dliforont glade*, ' „ " • • At IfUrETTi3 ealroon, Biala Flab ntof‘Vbito Mb, • Codfish, Belt andPickledtier4n A° 11Li " 11444r Chem And Crackers can be bed °117 . 1". A • lIVIETT'B. ..4......1 Dried Fruit,Trerervee and dollies,. ituyirra tiii 3 Or cocoa neorgina nano. . . itimErrs, A flestviappliorLlQVulta, ' • ...011y' Wbits /cad, Am. #O,, %.WM] 11 , It IBEEMEI STIt =WO ' ESTATE NOTICE , _. -ministration•on .thev-etint late Of Cabarland county, deco,._._ .__ . due form of lavr,to the eubserlber Feinting In UpptiAllen township ! ThomOr_nlehted_to.thhoehtte.,,tv.illianake itn.,. %TAU - ale pKihient. Mid those having claims will present them fur settlement. to . DAVID COOVIiii, A pr. 20, 1000—flt Administrator. ac nuxxrra' AA mnolira.-7 . • N rgßryll H ANOV • CONFECTION? 8 L oo Wholesdle, Rates Reduced $2. per 1 Um, Thu attention of,Country `Sierchanis and the public generally la Invited to a largii assortment Ur f r . . CHOICE" CANDIES, man ectured .of the bast material and warranted to conjoin no poison in their colors, which will bu cold IV ulemale or Retail at low Woe at Ulu Old , stand Of • P. MONTER, HORTIf 'HANOVER STREET, HARI.IBI,E, PA.; I --it-few-floorn-Ntirttrof - thwt , srlishrDertlilt - Bru!k.: I Jilot received a large assortment:or L FRESH FRUI7S AHD__HUTS_ If : FtiiO - liihitfifii"pi - triiiiTOtio - rEiiii — sTeill lig of 0 Oranges ' , Lemons, , • • • 'Prunes "lien, Ltten, Iltmannee, Pine Apples, Almonds, Filberts,' Cronin Nuts, . 4 . Cocos Nuts, till of.whieli.wlll be:sold nt low rides. Also, larks nn sortment of TOYS AND FANCY . GOODS • of ovary variotj. all tha beet - brandii of SSOARS AND TOBACCO, .' • of American and (lonian Mailufactlire. Tito subscriber returns thanks for the liberal patron. ago bestowed on him by the public. and , solicits a eon. ti n 'vibe° of their favors. Remember the Old Stand of • P. MONYEIt, North Om:lover Street.. CarllHlo, lthic 16, '6B WIRST OPENING of .the SEASON NEW 000psl.NEw.GOODEsi • LEIDICItNSAWYER, • • (At their New Store,' Steal Maitietryet,)• have just received front NoriN Veil< and Pidiadelphin the most complete and varied assortment of PItY GOODS ever offered in Carlisle. Embracing everything thatla 11019_ and rare in Atyle and texture. such as FANCY, SILKS, hi all the 'various colors barred, striped, chime, and bayadere. Phin„stylpinta,ml bayudere,.llE<rk_Silkq_ i i barge and lawn robes of tine latent _Paris styles. satin striped .d....ehevre cloths,. French challis American goblins. Organdy lawns, dark and light grounds and beautiful 'designs. Travelling dress goods.of ,the neatest tuko Also, a fell stock of Mourning dress goods, to which we invite particular attention. • , BIIAIVLS, Sit This part nfonr stook Is. nutplefe consist inirof Crape, Silk, Stella. 1 trinty of ~ ltatles and qualities: Mourning r tnd silk (non the celebrated emporium or lit, us, Sew York.— Su): Umbrellas. Slot wends I of Ihu newest stiles. .Mr lin% uoups U. ...__. ...t.a DS; Emloroidet lee io rollrotd,,,i; othwo, - sk u eeo, worked Isintle. liouticings - , edgings nod lsertlngs. Wo give great sure to thin. lir/melt of our trade 'and - Indies'wlll" find a very ftilras nortment. I= of the latest improvivnents. skirt' supporters, n new at , title. A fult lieu of „Alexander's kid gloves, imported and said by 'Stewart, New York. Mitts, cloves•and . gauntlets in ever: variety.. Ale,,. a liirge stock - of the , newest iitvles of men's And boy's spring casidineres,- bidet: (+Alin and cassinieres. of. ever) des. Minion. In this department MAISII-11 Care, hen !wen tn. ken-to .01,1. the various kinds ~ and sizes .suitable fir Ladles, Misses, (toys. and Childrenn wear. to fact our stock embratoneepverything kept inn nest class-dry goods store. pureltiond.for raTila end tondo our selections -- among Chef heat totporting-and. fehliing -houses - In -the of New-York and Philadelphia. WV 11111 lwepared in "offer superior Iminetimente to buytirsi All we ash: Is nn ' examination of our stock lieforo purchasing elsewhere, for Which avor wo will feel .yery_grateful. - - • - —•- NEWT, 0 0 X. BOOTS, SHOES, 112311 JOHN IRV NFL...having ,taken the strond on tbo northeast'i'orner of-tho Square, recently occupied by J. It..K.Aler„ would respertfiilly Inbirm thecitizens In town and Colllltryrthat he has just returned from PhII Adolph's with a now and desirable assortment ol'goells In his line, commixing GENTLEMEN'S PINE CALF' -d)IIESS BOOTS, DO., LADIES' :BOMB/CO AND (11)A1' KID SLIPPERS -AND I. &STING a Al. TElls, MISSES' AND CIIILDEENS' BOOTS AND GAI. TERS, in geoid variety. :Boys' and Youth's Boots and Brogans.- 3Lm's and boys' IIATS, - AND :o(every:olescrlptlon, and n goneralArsortment of straw war's.. Thu stock has been selected with great care,and Itl-bo-rapid-at a-- very tunall-advanco-on-eltyAllidetailir Itt:'Don't forget the cheap corner, opposite theller• aid 001 ell. - • .1011 X IIiVIN.H. - • Carlislo, Apr-13,1858. _. • COAL 1 .- COAL ) w Na NI, tI R It A Y , ~ • respectfully 'Mimes • his friends and the pu. Lilo In general, that he . : Is receiving and will constantly heel, on hand, -- ' . . - ..._. 11:DER. COVER, . . LYKENS VALLEY— Broken.-Zig and Nut. LUKE FIDDLER—Broken, Egg and Stove. w ILK ES lIA RH kl—Luntp and Broken.' r TREVORTON S. PINEG ROW) -s:Brokoi fi• Egg Aleo. hest nuality,"Lonton." and Broad.top" Mack. smith's coat. all of which he will sell at reasonable pri. ces. Thankful for the patronage heretofore se liberally received he asks a continuance of the same. Coal Yard: at Chu old stand, du the railroad, nearly opposite Dickinson College. [A pr. 13, 18111. EW STYTYS OF SPRING AND stiMMllt GOODS—aunt opened. at MULLIN'S, on West Main Street, a choice selection of fashionable goads" expressly for gentlemou's wear, _consisting Alt, very superior SIDE BARRED CASSIMERES. BLACK AND WHITE PLAIDS. BROWN AND WHITE MIXTURES. BLACK AND WHITE MIXTURES. FANCY S HOPES, AND MIXTURES. ,SOLID PLAIN COLORS. BOYS' STYLES FOR COATI:I.& PANTS. (a:sm. stquNa & SUMMER COATINGS. MARSEILLES AND SILK VIISTINGS. FANCY CLOTHES. EVERY DESCRIPTION. FINE BLACK CLOTHS. BEST BLACK DOESKINS. MEDIUM QUALITY BLACK CASIMERES.- 11. MULLIN., (successor to T. H. S • Apr. 20, 1,050. LIONNETS, RIBBONS & FLO 'MIS., Just received from New York and Blinn lelphla, large lot of new style BONNETS, FLATS, am SWIMS. Aloe, n large tmilrttiltnit of elegant .Itlbbons lid Flow. ors. Bonnets for 123 jat the cheap afore of April 20. ISMI. . AS. OCULIST. NOTICE. Letters testsmentary on 1 the will of Quo. W. Ilttner,. doted., Gaye been grant:Nl In clue form of law, to Mrs Eliza Ilitner, thick executrix therein named. All pirsona having clainfs • will present them for settlement, nod persons lodOted will make payment immediately. Henry A. •Stutireon will attend fur me to any business of the us. tats. ELIZA MTN ' Carllslii; Apr. 13, 185 U---et N E COAI. YA R ll- AT THE VE.ST.N.ND OP-CAoLISLII. The . subscriber woofer - respectfully (n111111(3 attention of lAmehurners and the citizens ~f onllsle, and the surrounding canary generally,. to his NEW COA - VAUD, a/larked to We Wore house, n 1 West High' mt., where he will keep constantly on hand a large supply cf the bent quality of COAL, hi wit I Lykens Valley, Luke Fiddler, Pine (irate and !Prover: ton, Broken, Egg and Nut Coal—screened and (try cool, which ho pledges himself to sell at the lowest possible ,prices. Hest quality of_ thoubuiner's and Illacktuulth's Coal always on hand. 4,r All orders left at the Ware .ifoune, or at his rest. donee in,Nolth !letterer street, will be promptly at. tended to. April 14, 'OS—U. J. W. HENDERSON.- Paper Hangings'! Paper Hangings COLE AND :3El`. OUlt ` - - ,441A4P - PAPER - HANGINGS: - 7 I C PTA - PER - HANGINGS: CHEAN, PAPER HANGINGS. "' AND oint FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. . FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS, FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. AND ALSO OUR RICIT'GILT PAPER HANGINGS. RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS. RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS. RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS.. • And WINDOW PAPERS of various MOM. iVer wish to Infirm the public that our stock of Paper Hangings, In the largest and most varied assoitment over opened in Carlini°, and that WO are selling at prison that will suit everybody, at JOHN P. LYNE & SON'S, • North where you eau he furnished Paints. Oil, Varnish, of thi lowest prices. • VSTATE•OF ALEXANDER *.No. CIRKUOIt, deceased.—The Auditor; appointed by the orphann' Court of Cuntbdrland county, to make din. tribtalOn of the balance In the Windt' of IV. M. Penrone, Administrator do honk non CUM U 4411111000 an• neXo, of A lea'r, llcOrogor, late of the Ptate of. Zio n, Yin% dad., will attend to the duties of hie appointment, at his Oleo, In the borough di Cornelis, In said county, un Tuenday the 7th day of .Tune next, when and whore nil partlop littereated may attand.,, Nay II; tfidi)-Bt' . 1110R' BENT.-4110., two' story. Brick Muss on South !binaries titreet,han shs mildew:lo or Sirs. how ,Powers, le Offored Jur Rost._ inusedljus posess• • - • .. ••,.. - r. 35,559.• ,• . • •-• 1013.1PanoY Prinatiii 4 0" here, SPRING .ARRIVAL B', FRESH Dittyls, NAISOY 000DS, RUIZ/ • AND 06NPEO:rIONAftlf. • ----- B. W.. 114.VER8tICK haa Just recolved &mit the city and is now opening asplendid display of FANCY 13100158 J to whkh ho dealres to call tho attention of his friends assoottuant-hrthtsliMrdatifforbit— suipassed In novelty and elegified, and both In civallty and price of the articles, cannot fall to pleemepUrehasers. ' It would ho ImpossibM to anumerato his , : . ' • FANCY:OOON, ' . 'Odell comprise every variety el faneyartielo orthedibse exquisite' fiish' such as. I.'lll,lw:dacha doods. ' . - ' - . . Elegant'alabantor and poicelain ink-Mande and trays, • N ancy Ivory, pearl and shell card ems, • , Lollies' Frtncy. Baskets,. - . Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments,, ' Port Moutdes, at every variolz' 4 , TIM pills 0101 pencils, PaliFf page we g . p, , l'apeterien, and a large v‘riety of Iles".Faney Station • war____Matto seal.and Lad ir E irwiro --7.,--9.MAllik-qui13 1 1944 ,pure.. g elegantly. • Perfume basket', and bags, • • Brushes of eikry.l - kind for the toilet, •• • • .ItoussePs Perfumes of the varioun kinds, -3.lusccal inatrunlente, of all kinds and et all prices, togethor with an innumerable variety of articlertelegant. , ly finished and sultable.for holiday presents, to Okla ho Invitee special attention. — Also, — aduxtOnsive - and -- elegafilcollectlon of comprising the ration* Engliall. anti' American Worker richly .embeilahell POETICAL WORKe ' di.. &ce, Ills assortment at School Books and School StatiOnary let also complete, and 'eomprisea everything - need in Col-, logo and the Schools. 'Ho also desires to call the pin, Ocular .attention of Families to his elegant assortment of ; LAMP'S, 4., from tluffixtomilve establishments of Cornellus,'Archer and, others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, foi burning either Lard. Sperm or tither's' oil; also DifOTT'S celebrated Itenisene or Coal 011.Lamps,logethorwith Flower Vault Fancy Screens, AO. Ills 'assortment In this line is tin; equaled In the borough. Also," FRUITS, such no Onuiges, .. Lemons, Figs) _Raisins.," Sect irinc , s, Prunes, Apples, &c. FANCY CONFEC • TIONAItY—NUTS—PitP.SEItYIID FRUITS, MIN •ED-i. IIEAT,_FICKI.RS,.fIic.. In ovary Yariety and OAR c.. (Mi, all of Which are pun and fresh such rin can be con fidently recommended to his friends. Ulm stockembnefis, oyerything - hrthrriliftrit Glior frs, witlitnany other Articles useful tononselfrepurfl which tho•publio are es pecially invited tuvall and examine. Remember the Old Stand, nearly Opposite the link ors North Hanover street. i• • • 'S. W. iIAtERSTICK; • May 25, UV& -' CHARTERED .11Y STATE' OF PENNSYLVANIA . . . .. • . 4UI4ES..- -, *- -• , 1. fonin. ) , Ix rocolvqd ovury Illay, and. In any . amonnt,, large or tonpll. . • . .'... Niro ph cool Interest is pold for money from the doy It Is putM. . , —:.1 . : Thl,lllollll3' is I , II.IVAIR vorlmek in ,OOLDT wllimever . It is rolled Shroud withoutmotlce. ~. • - 1 4. Money In received front Executors, Administrators, Guardians and otliers who desire to hove It In it - place orneriest safety, and where Interest con he obtained , for It. , _ - 6. Tho money recoil od from dephsitors In inresteddn real estate, mortgagee, ground rents, and sirld other first class securities as the Charter direcis. ME 0. Office Hodre—Every diy from 9 titi 5 'o'clock, emit on Mondays and Thursday. Oil B o'elook In tho evening. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, Precident. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Ylco Pranklenk; NMI. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS. • - F. Carroll reweter.,, I - Joseph! . Parry, Francis Lee, _ F Joseph. Yerices, H - , , enry. Dlffendertter t 0 • : . _ Walnut" Street, South llreet Corner of _Third,'_ ITITILTDYLPHIA. . Apr, 20, i 859.., • Henry L. Benner, Edward L. Carter, Robert Selfridge, 'Samuel K. Milton, • THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY BOOK OF TIIE AVE 4 Firat:edition 0f.10,000 . a01d in aix tomb. :2 ENTITLED "BOYHOOD'S PERILS 'Bump BY DR. S. PANCOAST; 916 Spring Garden street, Philadelphia, Pa., and for sale by all booksellers. Tithe's a b . pok of 225 pagett,l2Ma.,boundlin clothmlas ninee lithographic plates, and Intended flir parents, guttrillans and young men. Every young man who trlPhas to inalntain•his health and manhood, and have a healthy progeny, should read this book. Some or the Platunplnts are really astounding. and' have •nevai be. fore appeartid In print. , Price $l, By mall sl,lb. • NOW IN PRESS, AND READY V:)li DELIVERY IN A FEW DAYS, A GREAT WORK FOR Tim LADIES, by the same author, entitled LADIES' MEDICAL. GUIDE, AND MARRIAGE FRIEND 'Phials a work of nearly 600 pages, beautifully bound In cloth, and contains over 100 splendid and curious en gravings. It gives a comploto desc . rlptlon of the struc ture and function of the reproductive organs of th,rfe. toile, showing how married !WHOA Indy Imre or avoid far& fnmlilon. At'o. a complete history of Hermaphro ditism, with curious plates showing loth sexes in one. It also gives advice to young ladies In selecting A husband, pointing out the rouse of so cinch unhappi ness after marriage, and the influence it exerts on the offspring. The work nine gives the eymptonin and treatment of all female inseams. so that every female may be heroism physician. • Thu last chapter Is devoted to the Toilet. giving the receipts fur et:enmities at present In use by the nobility of France. England nod Russia fir beautifying theskin hair. teeth. nod for removing foul and preserving a Sweet breath. They have been obtained at great expo se. Price $1.50. Ily matt $1.75. or eight atidltfonal poet— ago stators. 8000 copies have already' boon ordered.— Those wishing a copy of the first edition should scud I hel r orders without delay. For convict° doscrlptirin of the work sea Pmspolittte, bleb will be soot on recolpt afoul, lottecatainp. /`\ AIII WAIVTED lu ovary town In tho Union. . Fob. 10,1850—1 y • , NEW. ;MEDICAL 'SALT. FOR INFLAMMATORY DISEASES ONLY. tVt. COOGSWELL'S NEW mEnicAr, SALT, In 1/ stead of being a remedy for all Ills. has but aim, and accomplishes but one thing, to wit:- 05E00008 INFLAMMATORY DISEASE, whatever be its forme or locality. This It does by equalising thgeircula c4tlon, thereby removing the sole cause of inilaturaw- P "• r - . • - p N BURA la lA, Headache, Fits. Colds. Parma. Throot. fangs. and. .Elver, Female Diseases, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Asthma. Dyspepsia. Venereal Dicaases, M Bout, Scrofula, Canker, and all other forms of In flammation aro enally subdued by the New Mtidical Salt. Tu: NEW MEDICAL SALT, la no cure-A, but C) does just irhaLit claims to do--no more, no less —equalizes circulation by removing from the qtr. tem all arterial and venous obstructions. VriJLTITIIDES liavo tried the elrtuenof the New Illedical Salt, thouch but lately discovered and ra Introduced. Witnose the testhnonlale and, cOrtltb cnteq of cura. ALL who have uned•lt acknowledge a benefit. from It.--An acquaintance Mourn WOO cured,of km*. - -core case of Neuralgia In len than a week=-Norway— (Me.) Ad i verthser. • Vollit invaluable Medicine, is nobly fullilling,ln' my cane, all the promises which you m4de fir A tow dose,' also relloved my mother of a rush of blood to the head. J. I'. GILLINGHAM, Phila. TNFLAMMATOitY rheumatlem wormy complaint. The Ark package did the work effectually, Ar nob a vertigo of rhaumatiam Is left. 6. 11. DUNCAN, New York.. T know It le good for IRhaumattem, removing It Its • a few hours. lam now trying it for Scrotalaend have already receiVed benefit. 8. LEBBIO, Reading. I Won it for Aneurism of tho abdominal eon'. In 54 ton (loyal tho pain was none. • T. W. FITZSIMONS, If, D. Pbn. F4Urfi opeak by•the book. We tried ft. It has , v• complete control over lutlammatlon.-4aeksea• vine (Ye.) Now era. pRONCIII 118, Canker, Itbetunalf am, and` Neural• gin bare been cured by, tt.—Jettereetiville.(lnit.) Democrat. MANY tiro.n c l i o r r c e u T a o r n . l4:rat i lf i r t ar neer: T arr — r„„„,,,.. r l id tallied from any Druggist who Ls i ' lli ni s a i:;il le ual o :ll. ina4ylna _ In. COG.SWELL'S ANTIPLOGISTIC SALT. Priiie, One Dollar. Ohjotie ty stin $2 50. !:31 en. Agents, 202 Doak St.. rhuettal- • 14 'TIRE Neer Medical Salt is‘ter sale In Carlisle by 8. ••• Mott, and by all enterprieing druggists where. Rover the "'braid" is reach As It Is not a patent 'pm{ medicine, but the proooription of an :eminent ppby !Ulan, no one should fall ,to try t h t Neer hietioal Pelt,' For tostimonisleSestaircUler., .• • . ,j3SPER:—Thd -- 111ouni, 'Holly ; Paper. .L oempany, hays non on band and aro prepared to meantlecture to order all varletlea . ,t , an., wriupg and .Ladtier paper.. Addreaa . • , XlltterONJr.; Noy 'Blount trolly Springs, Pa.. Air A 0 IC. 1?.1B-LNo. juad viesivul and lb, al VALIUM S N D National SAFETY` - TRUST„ Company AND MANHOOD'S CURSE 9: 1 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers