II ~.OCELpIR4TEI6 MIZE LIVER PILLS. lE•beg leaVe to call the then . ,tiop of the Trade, and more especial _Pkysiciaris„of„the„.4 country, to two of the most_popu. tar rewedies now hefore — the - pibi .•- .We aerr to . • • " Di. Cluis.• - •llPLane's Celebrated' aild : Liver Pills. ,-- • • We: do not, recommend them as_. universal Cure-alls, but simply. for What their:Parne2purports ; viz.: ' THE-..VRMIGE FOr expellingE FIT Worms from,. the ~ `human, system.. It has also heen administered with he most :sails : •, factory results to atious Animals subject to. Wo ms.- 4 • THE LIVER PILLS;. . For the curCof LIV ER COMPLAINTS, .all BILI6us DiP:Artotmh&Ts; SICK kIEAD-ACITE, Sec.: In cases Of FEVER AND. AGUE ) preparatory to or. after taking Qui nine, they almost .invariably make a speedy aniii - tierniaiient -cure. As specifics for.the above men, __tinned diseases,_ they are.l.lnrivaled, and never known to fail:when_ad • - ministered. in acco - rdance.with the directions. ' . Their unprecedented .poiularity.. , has induced-the proprietop, . FLEMING —BROTHERS) . . • ' PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business ; - in.whieh r , - they fully -engaged for thefast Twenty . 0 Years; and they will now give: their .undivided time and 0, attention • to their manufacture: And being de termined that Dr. ATLane's brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position . they now. hold. among the great remedies of the day ; they will continue to spare neithertime nor expense in procuring the nest and -- Purest material, . and :com pound them „in - the most-thdrotigh manner. Address all orders to. FLEMING BROS. PittsOurgh, Pa. P.S. • Dealers and Physicians ordering mini others than Flouting tiros., trill do well - to snito their enters distinctly, and , take none but Dr. ArLanes, - ,Flentiv-Bros. Illtsburgh. Pd. To those Wif them - F0 trial, we will tbeward per mall. pok part of the United States, ono box of Pill three-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Vi fourteen:three-rent stamps. All orders from ( be accompanied by twenty cents extra. wjrnak P. Lynch,isy - Practical PLUMBE.Ii and , GAS*ITTER,. in the baaement of. the .Charch, —' in Street, "Carlisle. Lead and lion Noes, Ie t Iron Bloke, Ilydrams, Bath Tube, Hot & Cold Shower Bathe, Bath Boilers, .Water Closets,.l Wash Basins, Face and rat Pumps, Illydraulle Items, &co {Viet. Iron Wol'd Tahoe, • And ovary description of cocks and fittings for gas, steam,.watur, Sc. Superior molting ranges; beaters and gas fixtures put up In churches. stores and dwellings, at short notice, In the most modern style. All materi als and work in our line at low rates and warranted. _ - • • • - sar- Country wor k and Jobbing promptly attooded to. Mar. 23,,1859-4y - MILE CLOTHING STORE NEAR THE • , MARKET HOUSE WOULD AGAIN • • Let The People,Kmi.w That they have just receivedund ore daily receiving a tine.large stock of • • SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, • made up In Rho beat, latest and Most faShionable . Their ass.rtment of fancy and plain Cassimere and Caahmerit, tine black cloth Coats, Pants, satin and silk Vests, Are superior to any ever presented to the people of Carlisle or vicinity, as well as their large variety of Cassl nett, Kentucky Jean, Tweed,.! !alien cloth, A lime ea. and all sorts of linen coats, pants and vests. tegeth. er with a well selected stock of GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISHING GOODS, such as white and fancy Shirts, neck And pocket handkerchiefs, Cravats; les Under Shirts. Drawers, Collars, Socks, Suspenders, &c ;1114110ft, every thing else to dress up It is d'well established fact that STEINERS, can and do sell a little Cheaper than any Clothing Store in Carlisle or vicinity. We therefore advise ONE and'ALL to call at Steiner's cheap clothing More, before they make their purchaser, as thoy are always .willing and pleased to Atm their goods. Remember near the Market house. Apr.-13, 1859.. - STEINER. BROS. & Co. •. Youth and Manhood.' Just published, the 25th Thousand 4/_aff. ' and milled In a sealed envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of t! • stamps. A Medical Eslay on the physical exhaustion and decay of the frame, caused by "self•abuse " infection, and the injurious consequences of Mercury. By R. Culverteell,' .111. .7)., man• ber of the Royal College of Surgeons, 4'c., 4fir Spermatorrbma or Seminal EIIII3OIOiIB, cienital and Nervous Debility. Impotency, Loss of EnerAy. De , liression of spirits. 'timidity, Disease of the - sexual or gams, and impediments to marriage, are promptly and effectually removed by the author's novel and most successfultnode of_treatment, by means of which, the invade:in regain pristine henith"without baying re. course to dangerous and expensive medlcinea. ,±Prom the London Lancet.] The beet treatlio ever written on a subject of vital importance to all, well worthy the auther's exalted rep-, utatton.• • i I Address the publishers J. C. KLINE & Co., let Ave- ' nnei corner 19th street. Poet Box 4qBo, New York city, id ar. 23, 1851)-3ms . TRON RAILING: !—l.rou Rifling for ji_Cemetery enclosures, pnblicand private grounds and gardens, made to order at the Carlisle Foundry. Our .'stock of Railing, Verandah and Bracket= patterns co prison a large variety of new and elegant designs which tne public are invited to call and examine. Orders for mating and putting up Railing vlll,be promptly exicu , tad aksatisfactory prices. An entirely new TEN MORSE STEAM ENGINE and BOILER now on hand, warranted to be of the best make, and will be sold at a bargain fur cask or on short .'E OARDNEB & CO VRESEI GROCERIES. nave re celYedat the Now Store of thesubscriber,A large additioqal stock' of all -kinds of Groceries; freak and cheap,- ' • " ALSO—a large and complete supply, of, FOREIGN AND 'DOMESTIC LW f i lrigii:/(() BOBS, consisting of very Roo old Cog nacilrandy,of Pinet, Castlilion Cu'. vintage of 1858 from U., S. Bonded Warehouse; (line old Port Malteds, muscat. Claret and Ileidelik /6 celehrated Chun, pagne Wines, pure Holland Gin...f/toughtan !litters very fine old Rye Bourbon and 3lonimghbela Whiskies Lawn by , Cherry_amellisckberryitrandh&c.; at'iomriem, Jan 319,1859. 00P. AND'. WILLOW. WAR 1.;._ •' ITAiiKETS--Market, Travelling, and Faticy, or almost every variety. CEDAR WARE—Tobs, Buckets, Steasuies, Palls,Painted Buckets, Keeler's Netts, Bed. Corde, Brushes. and a huge stock of i . 9llch's" celebrated, — Carli:ltiaO s lßS;jadratitily - li4the en n iliicrlMirland all other aecesseif. house. artlcleilltaxit at' the lowest each prima:4hr ogle by ' - • • • :c.lapillsin; Itora0; 'NC • • FORSALE' OR RENT. r .Tbol.sio•storit Girl* 4lotieeon,l,pu •' t l i' c r hlre r tSi sti nV * elTeied for eat., or.rei4; • *froth t • • • • " lyautEn NDP(r f . :ROCICO:IIEATHER.- 7 A. full as- , , sOrtment of ItOreciO LeotherAhliiiPind 1 4 4 'Boot Ve.s, and'alopatio ttzeielit Shoe Kit t attdllnditiotor tifttdo," . , ' • r , • ' ;'JOAN r LYNE 4 BON, North Usworw Street. "I Air AOK ERE No. 1,—L2..8111: just, rwolisd sod *wage low M itALIINSTO. .I.YJL TUST'RECEIVEIS4'ND QPENINQ ty. , 4lT NAUGLE* Cit!S CIIGEAP JEWELRY STORE. of.tiold _end 1311y_etll -- 75iiffiff l+ancice and Pockets, " "Fine and Cheap Jewelry of every etyle and quality In eette or by the piece 2 s wanted. 'At NAUGLE & COl.'S Silver and Plated Walters, Cake: Fruit, Sugar, and rd Baakets, Sliver,' Table, Tda, Cream,. Sugar 4 Salt., ssert and Cream Spoons, ". • 4,t NAUCLF: & co.,s - . . . • ' • • • . ~ . Fine. Pearl, Lace, CotXl, Cameo. 0 oldehtn e. Mq, c, c set 41 'tontine Moe*, Jot Box and:Oheuteette cheep ' •' ' ' ' . - At. NAUULE'k COIB Blamond Breastpins and Fingerings, 'At NAU(ILB.A'CO.'B .' • • Gold Hunting , Cane, Hight . Day Leven; Gold Hunt. ing Caso,;Duplea'; Gold Hunting, Chronometera, lAt NAUGLE& CO.' - 11pgrePe boat). quality . 6t -Gold Ponallm; Ditto Gold Nile and 811vorlloldere, • , . •,••' ,: , - ' '- • , At, NAUCILt k CO.'S • Siker and Plated 1, S.M.'s:ll,o,lkm, p.lllB, ,Toast 14cke, Pltchers, Urne..Turcens, Ten %lin, . . '',•• At NAUGLE* CO.'S . . . . . . • GOId Neck, Vest. curb, Fob,, and •Cluttlaln Chains, Gold Bracelets, tocketsAblmblos. Crones, Chimps, • ' • At NAUGLE & CO '8 Fronsit 'hum Pleseito run them and four nooks.' At NAUGLE A . 00.!8_ • Gold Slocm, Peat, collar, and Shirt Studs of all styles and quality, " At NAUGLE & CO.'S Plated Forks. Spoons, Knives, Napkin Riiige, Silver Thimilles„Shiolds, ' . . " At NAUGLE et CO.'S Flutinas, Accordeone, Munlo.Boxee—a floe variety, - - At NAUGLE A CXL'S Ladles' Porttnonalen. Pearl and Leather, Plain and Fancy Travelling lingo, very nice etylen, akeap At NAUOL. CO.'S if you want to.have your Watches put'ln good re pair and warrwoted, take them to I( you Wa6£Bo get's Cheap doci s , ynu ran eat It At NAUGLE & . If you want your Silver ware neatly marked at abort notice, call , ." At NAUGLE & - • - voode warranted tug represented, - or the money re funded, , At NAUGLE • CO.'B Peraona.tltat want bargalon are halted to onll At, NAIIW.,F, 11, CO.'S CarIIRIe, Apr. V, 1859. ", • . 6. aid 1:1001r MIL . . rAMILY GROCERY AND TEA- JuFt received and In store, a fresh and well se: lected'assortmet Java and Mara.. caiho Coffee. IteasfedsZeffee. Crushed Pulverized Sugars. Refined and • Miler brnwu Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses,Orleans (baking) Molasses. SpWes of every eallOty . pure.only_LSterch,..Fatina.mfd - Chocolate. Macrarani, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sam;, Saloratns and Soda, Cream Tartar and aa 'sorthci Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. "THASA—A tine assortment In I"arkages. and Iv bulk—as urn as all other articles mir 'belobging to the budnestall at the lowest Jr and late reduced prices. - • J. W. EBY. .Carllsle, Nos. 3, 'llB. 'AHEAD OF COM PETITION !- A 3 LB. BOX, OF 090 D TEA FOR EMPIRE CITY TEA WAREHOUSE; E tahllrhed 1835. 81 CATIIA RISK STI E Of; NEW Tonic VO SE tt JOYCE:, .IMPORTERS-' Wholesale i mptitetall Dealers In choice Ten, , Coffer, t.uKttr Atli - all articles 1 k'pt by first elhessrocers • Otir stock io stlftb q d.pritli,tii , be, thu forges! and bast selected In t t.! Willortt our own goods, and buy for cash, whieltilinittplujiitt'tt) sell at such prlc. es Blot no other hooka in flit city In our. line or bus!. uses can compete with As. Dealers atiti'pthlbrs can sat isfy themselves or thutruth of thlwastertleo, by &ling us a call. Goods shipped live or charge, to any part of the city. h,,,,ltemember the No., 81 Catherine St.. Joining iyry y o ' Ilro's Clothing Store. LuntiGo'BB-Soo. • ' ABBEY &NEFE, No: 808 North Third Strict, (three doors above Vine,) Philadelphia. • ' THE OLHIIARDWARE STAND, ESTABLISH ED 24 yrs. 'Every description of building. mechanics), farming and household Hardware is now in ,more, and 01. be offered at thu lowest market prices, to rash aud p prompt . six months buyers. Nalls.at manufacturers prices filt cash. Orders from new Customers will receive strict end Sc. curate attention, and all goods sent from this house will Ie as represented. Country merchants. on their neat visit to our city to make their spring purchases are cordially invited to call and examlnehur stork and prices before purchas ing. Mar. 9. 1869-1 m • WATCHES, • JEWELRY, AND SILVEIL-WAILhAT CONLYN'S old established Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. hevej wit recelyed a new assortment of watches, 'evrelry. medallions. sliver ware, Ac.. in addition to toy ormer stock to which I invite the ettoution of the public. The assortment embraces fine . • ' gold and silver leverTatchers. and open rasa do, gold Anchors for • Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Le pines and Quartier watches Of every va• •• rlety In style and price. Also fine I,mld Medallions. forLadien and Gentlemen of. every quality, pattern and price. 001(1 fob, vest. curb and neck chains. (hold bracelets,. finger rings, culLplns, elude, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, Ac., Ac. Gold afi'd silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table; tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. ,A large assortment of gold, sliver "11-41fand common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we invite 'pedal eaten- Goa. A line lot of GOLD PENS from the best makers, spectacle cases. fancy bones, silver and pearl card cases, gold and CORIUM , bracelets, watch chains, Mantle Clock, and a variety of articles asu• • ally kept in Jewelry eatabllshmonts, which eessy I will sell low for cash. All articles war- I-lap. ranted to be what they era represented. Particular attention paid as usual to -t WATCH REPAIRING and all work war ranted. - MEM MY OLD FRIENDS, and the public generally analnvlted to call and examine :my stock of Iraish • GitOCEIUEB, . . GUERNSWARE, Mole, Preierves, Fresh Can Fruits ' Spices, Wood and Willow Ware, Ropes and Brushes, Oils, Fruits, Find, Salt, and a large variety of other goods not necessary to enumerate, • Store Room two doors east . otithoadtkWerehouso (formerly John G. Williams's) Give me a call and examine my good . < and prices,, Intend to sell as cheap, as any other store outettle u' Philadelphia. Butter, Eggs, Soap, Rags, Beeswax, Dried . Fruit, to., ' taken in exchange for goods. ~.. Calliele, Oct. 27, 'SS. MOWING AND. RP; AP IN G ••• • MACHINE, AGENCY, 033 Market street, - Philadelphia. - • - Where- Farmers may see and judge-fur themselves, between ' • , SIX - OF THE•BEST COIBINEVMAPHINES • NON IN USE! • • July 21, 1861 Ana purchase the Machine et their choice. EMLEN h;PABBM 633 Metike} Bt., !din. Apr. 6,1859-iii • • - Fish-1 Fish I .Fish ! HERRING.: MACKEREL, SHAD. to barrels, half and quarter barrels.' Fresh (irqgerles, liquors, he., at the leweat'ensr, prices. , Bacon, Shoulders, Hems, Butter, Eggs, Tallow, Bees -waif -and-Rags, lu-auetinagelor—goods, at the milieu* grocery of ' ' • - • 'Big, BENTZ. SS! - GI-LASS!! PAINTS! • 1, ji 1 AINTS I 1 A full itinaumegit of Glass of all afros and quality,• irlth a largo stock 'of trio& PAINTS; all colors. : 011 a; Yaridebea, Crfoontt In, large or *natal . , Octi27, = t Nortlullannver Street J. W. EBY „ . AILS ! n NAIL8:11--L1000.;Itege.best qualltyNolls. WO are 'prepared to Nally of '• • the eery best qawfltis at the 'very:lowest price: Persens In' want or nails and building materiels ,wouht do yell • to otit/lhe , aLAs§,.;r:faras§:so,o".,lbizei-.131105s . at •• . • • - **lts ifir,lllolN; . ••••,. • . ItITEL - ;KEEPERS ttflkenerhllir aulptled , with, fine LIQUORS et toss city prices, at the itevantt cheap Onieery dau W. en, ts 000 cared ANTED ) for, Niel! ie. 4 Judgments, Etiquire of the tar. , . , ~. Ewa*, Isaij i~Tero ~Qd;~iur J Nerin,Street Catliele, Pa A large ' supply of , Watches,Jewelry, Sil ver and Mated- Ware, to which 3ve Invite att mutton- • • . It you • want to Mt from the largest lock ofilllnota. Watch ., Jewelry, Slice , and Antod won , In Carlisle caw-gm =I IMMNI= MMEIZI THOMAS CONLYN MEM! KEE= GIMMIE lis,f.clla'l~:ofa Ca: lisle '"'Foundry', 1 111 A C H IN E 'S 11.0 P: r. , oiat SABII FACTORY, MEM I —L7 O This extonsive'entablishment in now In Cuinplete or dor and supplied with the best machinery for estkutint work In every dePartnient: , The buildings have else beun greatly enlarged this spring and stocked 'with the new . estund tnost.improied tools. for Me manufacture .nf. .DOORS, WINDOW IFRAMESi . 9:A811, Shutters, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets and all.other .kinds of Crpenter •worrk. We. Invite !Builders. /Oar. , neuters a ni others to call and examine our *citifies for doing th description of. work.' ..'The best Materials , used and mimes Icri . as at any other establishment in . the County or elsewhere. , STBAM ENGINES BUILT TO ORDER.. and reitaireras boretolbrer Mirka have. recent z ly built ntr,W. M. Henderson -A Son; in this borough. It. Bryson & Co. Allen township, Ahl &.firottlers; New. villa, Shade A Wetzel, •Nerth Middleton, and -otters, at phone establishment t hoit_may.be'snen In daily op. oration. and to whom we ran refer for evidence of their superiority. , litON ANTI BRASS. CASTINGS. of every description, froth the surallvst to. the heaviest pieces, executed at short notice tot every kind of ma. chinery. A large variety of mill castings now unhand Two skillful . Pattern makers sonstantly, employed.-' REPARlNO—promptly-atterided-to-for Paper •Mille, ilintillerien. Orbit num, Facteriee, &c. Turning and' Fitting,lllll Spindles, Le.done in the hest style. MACHINES . ,AND IiORSE POWERS.- such nri - Bevil Gear Four Horse Powers, horizontal Gear Four and Two Horse" Towers, Car,, Shellon+, Crushers, Iron Rollers. Plough easthnis, and other or tides for fanners, on hand or promptly. made to srder BURDEN CARS BUILT, 'end rapa!red. Our facilities for building Corn are now more complete than heretofore and enables us, to fur• rich them to transporters on the rail rend on pecomm• dating terms and made of the best mntei•lnle. Orders solicited and entire satisfaction g Unmnteol.— • ' Thelon , expel:home In the business of•tho senior partneior the firm, and the completentiss of our ma chinery in every branch of the estabilshnieat warrant us_in-asaurlng -the--best -work -to all who. favor-us with their order& continued patronage of our old friendsand the public isrespeetYbily eolicited. May 2C, 117—'iy; F. GARDNER & Co. or.ri"s I.lcg-Iteny Market St., above Eighth, PHILADELVMA. C. OTT, MEND. ' T. OTT. PROPRIETOR 1 V E It V STABLE:lturthg pur J chnned (ruin .1: R. Notteinoker Lix LLVERY ES ready to ArCllMllll dote tiro public with. HORSES, CAR ItI.AOES,-11UOGIES.and every Other or ilele In Joy lino. -By strlet-attention t, Innlinetot and n deldro to please, thomulmerlbur hopto4 to receive n liberal 010150 of public potroungo, —.ll-I , ,,OntIVAlliN-111:1., N. R. Om 'Minos. on hood to Oupply thoso who may Bo' i n need althorn. . ',. N0v.25, 187. E, . . _ _ _ OTATOEb-POTATOES. The subscriber is in the receipt weekly, of all the' c oiceVitriutien of putatoes, , either for tinnily use, or fOr sued, which be offers to the puddle at reasonable prieen has constnittly on hand, black. blue and white mercers, piuk.eyes. and other Terietieni' warranted of good quality. For hale by WILLIAM ASKEW, Zug'n now building-, opposito.tho market house. Mar 9, 1659--;!us j IMEBURNERS' COAL.-•2,00i JU. TONS_ of Lykooo Valley Nut Coal. a iuperier cho receiving and for solo by Augurt.s, W. 11, Id VI[IIA9 their Customers, for the very•Lileral patronage dud to them, and would respeettully inform tho public that they continue to manufacture CUSTOMER Wink, at their old stand. on North Hanover street, two doOrs above the drug store of S. W. Ileverstick. • . - With a number of first rate workmen employed And facilities for seeming the best stock to be found In the market, they are prepared to make up eveoy, description of BOOTS .K:ND 81110 ES. for Indies and gentlemen's wear, In the most fashionable style, cud of WARILENTID eon. tennis and workmanship. Many years of practical, experience In the business both here and In .Philadelphla just! coition In saying, that they are able to Insure full sans adieu to all thono who may leave their orders. April 21, Itl6B, tf, TAYLOR. pimp; REDUCED o\`] HAL .! ! •NEW MEDICAL SALT FOR IN.D'LAMMATORY DISEASES TRY' IT! • ONLY ONE DOLLAR! . CURONIO PACKAGE $2.5 O. . Vier SEE ADVERTISEMENT. —ss2 A. VERY FINE ARTICLE of Dried Beef and extra auger cured llama. dried Fruit, &r, fur rule by Val. WENTZ, Feb. 23, 1859. Itur g PATENT AND' AL TRA P. The eubscrlher hne. been appointed 'agent tbr Cumberland county for, the Bale of Ruth's Pttout.A ob. coal Trap, for catching !:INKS, rcoms, WOLYIS, IMAM, Ac. Odd nod Bee thitpu nt the cheap Hardware tore of . HENRY SAXTON': East Min et., enable, Va. Blaj.'9, 1859. RA•cli. AGAIN D t ar TUE • 01.1). The sulxicriber respectfully Informs the public genre. idly. that he bee resumed the manufacturing of BOOTS AND 8110 ES, in West Main street, a few doom west , or the Italiroad office, and having a' good' assortment of - Leather, Morocco and Trimmings, and. engaglid compe— tent workmen, he in prepared to make up to measure, every desCrlption of work in-hls line. • - •ale Les also received from Philadelphia a well selected stock-of BOUTS AND 011.01:8, comprising every variety for Spring and Summer wear, which he offtwe at IoW prices. Dentlemen'e fine French ('elf Boots, do.. Gaiters, Oxford Ties and Brogans, Ladles Gaiters, Boots, Buskins, Slippers and lies, wither large variety of Boys, Misses and Children. 'Gal. tern, Boots, etc.. etc. Purchasers are requested to call and examine his stock. 110/141tT MOORE. Carlfide, April 21. 1858. , • MERICAN WATCH,—Having re , cubed the agency for the mile of the Ante*. Wa ch; from the Boston Watch ComPan3, we would re. spectfully inform • our old frlenda and 'the public. goner ally, that we have a fine assortment now opening and ready (ormolu. in gold and sliver cases and • very fine styles, and with regard to time they can't be beat, to wallee that fact It is only noceseevy to give them a trial. - Pomona In viantAit correct, thnoldtice, are respectfully Invited to call aid tom our watthce. , . • • • •`• D. A. NAUGLE $e CO. Male Street, ear,lloo.l'n. May 4, 'N. . T OBACCO ''AND SEGARS. --The nneAc q ualitte• of blimp, Tidist. - Cavandlab r and of ler chuivitm Tobacc.'n ' .BECIAItP Flew Impaled Itavanaquitt Duba-Begarn,'elso'cliolenbtandenf donicatic manufacture. htochburg, Philadelphia and , Baltimore Cut nod ,Dry To acco., -..tior friends. cannot-fall. bell , planned by examining. for themselves. Nov. 10, 68,'"' ' • • ' ' " ' '' S AND SPADES:-;:=Just rc 'calved n lama annoitmont or SPADES:IOI6I2LS lilt, ttheaphar atoeof A ATTt..)l4o c., &e. a che dwam Na 80.• • - HENRY BA XT9N. IVAILS , I ICAILS Jusenicalied and for sale ettaspor then, eyar: Coautry. imerahanta -*can Li furidaned...with%naila. at r9irrf,PlfrilP!lF°! `I!t!!°II2j7IV4ITSt:OIICI%. Tndlbjoak . dailtalej (./j irAIST3I4I;;PROA:CIigTif t :YOR ' X': ' --!•' ff toOni sioek of.new Double Skirtw BgrlVi g oularit LiteelihicitlUss,,Shaefls, olbgant , enihriildered Col• lansrl'arasols, gun - Umbrellas, Lace filletc.,..l{l4 Gloves. Also, is Pants lot of !looped Sklcte, Donglatfa'fitnnWood's unequalled fiddles, fildrt• Suspenders, ' Please' call sit the new storeeltist'lillilfutev.. - -- - ' .... 4 P r 47.0 869. ;: 300.' PAIR .ttit . O .„ . . • tooludlng a fineassortmoot. orih Oqlobratilf, bead townilaines, o .all ohms audjitid, just reo'd. at • Kurth 10, UP. ' ' U. SAXTGNS. • y; 911i5cct1a1tcou5 = • . , . I T:J. GRAHAM, J. V. MMIOWELL, B. M. DANIDSOI.f GRAHANI. MoDOWELL & c 0.,, • iSIENERAL AGFRITS, ' WILL:)my, sell, and Joenteinnds .ie Itantuor and Neb toriltorlee,,fowa and • %%video MisSonrl, buy , and s II lands, loan and linos! money : buy and sill drAfte,glve Information respedllig iluicountry, and do general agency Mildness. • ItENEBENCEN, John B. Bretton, Esq.. Carllslcq Pa. ' Win. Si: Beetein, Banker,'' " ' • ' 1:11on: J. 11, anthem, " ' ". Key, Bionnetean & Co., Bankers, Carlisle, WEL %I, Henderson, Esq., Carlisle.: George Sandbrsom-Reg., Lancaster. • lir. Jelin A.AbI.M. ,C.' Cetaliii, - Keif.7? - '`'''" -- ' E-.lsc.Clark A-Co., UM. suotonal :Henry Reiman & Bops, Merebants, Ilaltimore. ^ ' •E. L. Blake, Eng.; Cashier Mercantile Mink; Ee r ie York. 4 nyde'r A_M'Farlane, Reel Ketute Agents, Dllunenpolls,. ; ilinnessota Territory. . • • Wm. Kilgore, Mop, Attorney -and Real Eetnte Agent, • Sterling; 11l W. Mateer. Esq.. Ileney city, ill.' •.x-Gov. Joseph Miner, Cumberland coullty, Pa. .0. W. Clerk C 0.,& Itinkors. Philadelphle. • „ ' • ' Coy. Pollock, Ilarrlsbiug, . • • 4 -. 1 M B BAIL N D :VALLEY- BANK: N . ) PDC/DIM:TORS. • , • - • WILLIAM Ken, . . 111SLCIWIII BRNeismAN,. ROOT. C.STEIIRCTT, ; JOHN IHINLAT,. lib:Haiti, \Vernal. Jolla 8. SeteneCT, JOHN U. Dustve„ STUROLoN. • • This llank, - doing business In - thkentme - of Kerrliren nonlan & Co., is now fully prepared to do k general ' Banking liminess with promptness and fidelity, Money received on deposit and paid back on deiinandi i - without notice: Interest paid on special deposits, Cur. tlticatca of deposit bearing interest at the, rate of five ,ter cent. will be issued for air Rhona .peried as four months. Interest on all certificates will cease at Ina ' turity. provided, howeverrtliat -if nald-rertifirateiraru renewed at- any thllo thereafter for another given Pei 'rind; they„sball bear the same rate of interest up to the Lime oPrenewal. Partieular Attention paid lit tint cob lactien 'of notes, drafts, check& &C:iin any, part of thli United States or Canada/1. . • Remittances blade to England, Ireland, or he Ceti I b neut., The faithful and confidential execution of all ordeftrentrusted to them, nay be relied upon: They call the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and all t there who diftlftra safe delimit tory for their names. to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of thin Dank ale INDITHWALLY liable to the extent of I heir estates fin all the Depossts, and other obligations or tier, 'Dunne. man & Co. They have recently removed into their new Milking !louse directly opposite their former stand, In Were olain Street. •n few doers east of the Itailroad Dcpo - where they will at all times incpleasedto — giveany h formation dentreti_in regard tn. money.mtittervin gem Open Pir bush Pen from h o'cloCk In the morning uu: . 4 ti' clock •In the evening. ' •• 1 • ' Ir. A. STUII3EON Caelder. :Carllalo, May 20..1857 - - . A. B. EWING'S 17.11RNITURE..WA!tER0_0149, - IS West high - tree!, Carlisle, ra ti y riliiium • anMrded al de Cumberland Coiad,u Agricultural Fair of .1857.) Thu subscriber has just received the most splendid assortment of articles In his lino, ever brought to ibis' 'place—which he is determined to sell at Prices thot du Ty competition. Parlor, Chamber, "'Dlning.room," yon - NITunE Kitchen and , . . Whoa _ ..Embnting every article nand by House and Hotel *cope's, of the most approved and fashionable design end Ndsh. Including else Cottage furniture In setts. receptienood Comp, Chairs, Mattresses, Lift Ironies, pictures, Act., hr. . - - - IturclinFt.rs are rennested to cell and examine his stock, at his extensive - ware-rooms, {Vest Main 41114, North side. A. It EWING. 4%- Purlieulhr a ttentiongivntl nn mural to tonontils; lonluni (rum tow,; and.`country, ntionited to promptly innton moderote f orum " f.. • . Carlisle, :lay 12,-1858.—1y ellEAlfliA-DDLE,AND II ARNEISS ' ESTABLISHMENT. HORSE COLLARS, HORSE COLLARS. • •- lrholeiale"and Retail. , • -The eakiteriber rpapeettully announces to hip friends and the public, that he Is pow 'non , k-'. , %gesturing, and keepsconstantly on ir ~11P. 7 :\ , \ . band, a full omortment of Sliddlisb . l ' 'llll\ :- 'ir."1111"1o d .Isragon Opera lu goner prepared to anil on •,, I{.,R f ressonable b terms Please roll and 1 i k il \ = e ine cabal" purchasing , . ( Imo. ." ~ 11 ' Ho Is also prepared to monufocture . nil Kinds of nom, for the use of En-a , , A gins and Hose Companies, warrant•to ho perfect or no isle, and equal, If not superlor,to city make, . Thankful for laud favors, lie hopes to merit a contiu- MUM) by strict attention to orders, and fairprices.' , PHILIP U II LElt, Main Street neshonleaburg. Mar.% 1850-3 m TIEW STAGE ROUTE,— The subscriber hoe started a tri.weokly line of Stages between Carlisle and Landisburg. leaving Car lisle every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, immedi• :duly on the arrival of the afternoon train of ears from the root. Returfling, leaven Landlsburg at 800 A. ,111., every Tuesday. Wednesday and Saturda. ,v and arrives at Carlis/u at 1.00 P. M., tie. l'erry County' Warm Springs; Shermensdale, Sterrett's Clap and Carlisle Sul pima, Springs. On and afar June the 10th, the line will lie run daily for the accommodation of passengers going to the Springs. ' Fare to the several,points astollowa: Carlisle to Sulphur Springs •Sterrett's flop.. . . . Shermansdale,- . . . . •• Perry County Warm Springs, " Laudisburg, . . . . . • • RETURNING. Landisburg to Warm Spribge, . . Sherunmsdate, . . . _ Sterrett's Gap, . . Sulphur Springs, .• " Carliefe, . _ The above hoe will regularly iarry the MAIL to and from the several points abrive indicated. • • I have also a well stocked LIVLItY STATILE, from which I am at all times ready to furnish horses and car • rinses to those, who will favor mo with thelr patronage, on the newt reasonable ten/mend lu the very best style. maylolBsB. GEORGE lIENDEL. 600 PAIR TRACE CHAINS, itti a laFge asrartment of uuTTCHAINS, • ' BREAST CHAINS. • HALTER.. HAINS, • LOG CHAINS. . ' •. FIFTH CHAINS.; - TONGUE CHAINS, CHAINS,A ' ; . SPREADS. &p &O. Just received at the cheap ;tore or.. - March 10, 1860: r • •11. SA.X7ON. E N D S lRON llA u ly i l th ill ft E hi l rg i u Ep ..t. A . N a D o SHERT IRON, . . HOOP IRON, RIVETS, BOLTS,' • -, NUTTS„. WASHERS, ANVILS, • .VICES, FILES,. -- RASPS, , • • SCREW PLATES, • BLACKSMITH BELLOWS, &o duet received and for sale cheaper thin ever. at ' March 18; 1869. 11ENRY SAXTON'S. A GRICULTUItAL IMPLIMENT AND MACHINE SHOD: • ON WEST I.ODTHER.STRItET, aboie the residenrosif Dr. J. ?Atter, and, lux. • in rear of-the Onion Engine 'i''*' l ; 63lll C The subscriber desires to inform the farmers, and lila nubile generally, that he Is 'now maw uflacturlug, and lout coniaantly on hind DEW'S CELEBRATED . . * Also, tijo premium iforse-rafier and Threshing AUL , with vibrating Sepanstors attached. .' • • born Shellfire, Strad Oniters;ao. ' l ' l . B. Irons and materialialways on hand for the re'' pairof ilnapora and •slowers, Thrashing' 'Machincis and triaultural implcutents of Alt Uncle, which will ... be .st ntited-ta promptly-and owneasonsbio-terms— J AARAILIMT Proprietor. 12121312 A, J. KiJTZ.'ForeiriAu. . Apr.. 27 1202—tim' N ANTO lgEnoluir. TAILOR ' • wilwr mAIN STRIII7r, (opposite the llallrond ielice,) has Just received a .new.and elegant assortment orplotheitillks and caatimeres,fim Bpring . and.Bninmer FANCY OABI3I ! • • ' -• :AND %MITI{ 311X21142 -* • #,ANOY,WrItIPBB • ; • , . A largeiarlety of oprlifg and . atiiiiiibr • etiatinsr. 101 k and innly4va4tlow. tlfill - lifack cloths and lioesklnei which InorilLtualto ap.tu maasuro'ln-fliahlonable style, and en rtianotiiibla taring , ' ' '!* • „ . 4 --Ili"o,rdara at,tended.lo,', : promptly, and , the'llitlior o f all ;garnionta warranted ; or no , N. UNNTeII: Aar: • 0 ; 4 - 16. 11 'e'r 4 rit4' wq iocolroop and lbr ludo at`priona to suit that 1859 m EIE 1859. 411.01) ,rll.buctlisripcnts. THE• LiAlittEsT CHAIN AND • iruENrrultr. EBTADLIAIIMENT .„„ UNION , Gay Street, Wareßoo'ms, ,Extending - from' Gay to Frcderick'Steret; having 40 feet front, 170 feet : deep; and 0 starie., high. . . Where Is kept always oh I mud, Or made to 6rdet:, on 1. , style of Fr. nob TETII.A ThTES, In, Plush, lin ;laths on limestone. . , . French Full Stuff and Medallion, Parlor lAltfi 611 Al RS In Plush. Mir; Cloth, or Brocatelle. French Full Stull Carved l'Alt LOIt CHAIRS, In net w th — Pltish, Muir. or Broca tulle. SOFAS.; 'hall trench Mahogany and Walnut 'Parlo CHAIRS, In flair, Cloth or Plush. '• ' . " ROCKING Cp Al Ith—yarlowi ticolps,ln noir, Clo td . • . . . . .FtulT Fpring'l.ollNUES.—a large aatortAtent.alwaya band,, or any pattern matte or euVered , telth any giIITS-1n Walnut, cuutplet;,,'- front $3, . CAN II CHAIRS and Rocking largest wad t. went, ready-math, In the-United Stateu7fronrs,l2 a doz. an up• , , _ Bor 7c01,m, Ofilce end Pining CII 41It A, 1n Oak.,.Uni. dut in Mahogany. vith Cane, Wl od or stuffed Seats— an assortment endow:log over 110 dozen. • Word SeJit All AIIII and SlATEeti•and ROCKING CHAIRS—over Ind dozen. Feather l'edd,t Hair and Ilnak iilattresFra of every pl. riety. Moo. kinds of Gilt' and rime Frames for Looking Glasio;s. de. _ A. MATMOT A SON, 25 North Griy-Street, mil: Fayette street Aug '6R ..PRINCE. da .CO.•B IM PEON' El) PATENT E Unit() N. TILE oraiEsr ESTABLISHMENT In the-UNITE' STATES, EMPLOYING' TWO 111LINDICED MEN, am Finishing CICIIITy INSTRUMENTS PER WEEK, Combining all nab' Recent Improvements—the Divide, Swell, Orgnn,3l°loOn, &v., Ae. (The Divided Smell con only be obtained in Mehnicon • of our Manufacture.) . GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. "Illanofacturers,• Buffalo, Nev York whoLEs'A I,E DEPOT 873714,1t0n 86.21"...Y.,._110 , Lake.af.. i m ( l , 2l .. .l 7. l ( ! l y:l l l , l4 l T i tlelmtn i n i,;, ll7 rlein:l ( % ) 4 Orleans: = The Melodeons manufactured by Prince & Co.. and for sale at hi Fulton street, are the best' In the World We have tried them. and I hereforo speak Under Stand Ingly of their merits. They are allot dod at a very mod• erate,cost. • ^ = . , Four nctnve Melodeon, extending \ from C to C....... fl 45 Four arid a LAI( octave,. . do. . Cto F . fu Ftve.iletnve Melodeon, . - 'do. . Fto F 75 Five octave, double rood, go..' •• F to. 5' 150 = ' Two Banks of Keys, Ilse 'Sala of Reeds, Elgbt Stops One and a Ilal (Oct eve Foot. Pedals. One Net of Reeds, In Pe ml Bass lintel...dent— . S3SU - , , . . .. • PRICES OF PIANQ.C.ASED' . . . 0 OetovellelOdeoh, fix tending from F to F.:-.:-.4100 Octave Melodeon. do. F to F 130 Octave double reed. do. • . Fto F 150 Ortovo, Too Banks of Kepi • ' - 200 _ Our fnetlitter for nwnufucturing tire perfect, and (rem vor long experience In the I.u,inees; - -lini trig tietFlel and sold over TIVVINTY•TIVO TII - OUSAND 3IELODE )NSi we feel confident Of. giving ea tisfa Men., All ii•lntlei nis ofcluetuunul3ct are. either sold lip us. • or dealers In nny part or the• United States ur - ennallas. are wAinsiiNTKD to hie perfect In every) respect. nod should any repairs he necessnry bolero the expientionr erotie yeat'frem the ditto of sale we-hold ourselVes ready and Ntlllingtronake.tbejanie tree of charge., provided t - Injury le not caused - hy - ieeldent-or design. ', • . • , , fI EO. A. PRINCE CO. Agents for the Fate of Our rilidudesits may tin found in all 1116 prlnripid cities and towns in thu Unitrd 'States and Canadas. Agente nt Carlislo_nnd lilngntnd,.l A 4 re lIE AGY. r AI Newville—W. It. LEO. 7 • • '71714,nYitr.58 - ►- • L® ®0 tft ycLuitip, ' co •ia N‘ 4P 4 6 ,1 k - - fa, tST: req - 4 ,„ „ 4 vs , 4t. CE I L 110" ‘‘'' 04., -he 17 ut or. is , ont9 i ;5: r4 1 , e .. 1 . 7 „ z 1 ku,T,e,triN • N Ew PIANO STORE..- ~ -..•••••••Wr . """ j f s - 44) .- - . . , -41:-. fi - irgfg , ... , -, • , a, .ee' - • . • ,; -,!....,-, • - -t.- - ~',.?' , - -K c .) r jU . i ..._ , : - . __ 1 . , • . „ •--., - . ... 'A largo assortment Of superior Pianos. from the hen;. Boston and Now York wakurn, together with excellon second-land Pianos, co i nstantly for sale. NO, 86 MARKET STRTNIARRISBURG di Also, Mason & llann's Model 5 disloons; 041411 1 31 w M ate 'oons, and Now Otgllarnuminthl7s Old Pianos taken lu part payment for nose ones. PIANO TUNING OR REPAIRING, With all Stringed and Wind inntruments, will receive prompt attention from Mr. JOHN OTASZYK, who hat nu superior Iti this department; and is one of the moss reliable Tuners in the United States. -.. sep.2-2,'68-Iy. ' ' 0. C. D. CARTER. Praaos: P 1.1.4 OS OLD MEDAL PREMIUM .. Vi PIANO FORTES!' WILLIAM MILILBC & CO., •MANUFACTURERS 'OF DIIAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES, ' • Arai. 1,8, 5, and 7, North Eutaw street, Opposite the Eutaw House, And at our NEW•SALES,-11.00M, 207 Baltimore streef, between Charles and Light streets. hese celebrated PIANOS have, at different UM, Sro veralitu, connive years, been awarded the highest pre mitnna for excellence over all taimpatition., -They have also bean pronounced by S. Thalberg, the most Mehra. todpiardst In the world, a ttil other distihguished artistry including Mr. Strakooch, &c., Or., to be equal, if not su• parlor, to any in thin country. - „ We have constantly On Vand at, our extensive Wert. 'robins as above, the largest romortnient of fine PIANO FORTSS . to he, found in Oda city, which we will eel!. ITlMli.alo.aud_catail,on_thomost-liberal.terma-to.ault_ every ,opeo lye guarantee our Pianos to give entire Satisfaction :1' ' • • ' ' - . OZ. Conatantly.on hand a tine assortment ' f MELO DEONS of Um beakmakers, at prima Profit 6116 to $2OO. - 601; Alwaytt• for rale ;large slumber of second.band_ I'IANOS, at prices ranging from $76 to 010, • ' • Planbs exchanged, hired And tuned, • ; • • , WILLIA6I ANI6I & -CO. -^JvlrYl; 18,48 : ......:..........:..x:.,. .::-';,:.~, CHICK ERING.A.SIAS; ,ItreinutiletUrerei GRAND. SQUARE .AND UPRWRT ' -,FORTE6 Slrect, - Oonstan.tly imatoretu larga'..nttick of ouriannitlM and uneqUalled, Instrumen ter Anlahrd in every marlaty .or 'aryls; Micea"werying frons',ll76, to 8100; .We MO* been Itta , artlad 88 thILD and Buvaa 'floc. clam hledala ttie'dllteront, country and Europew euperior manufacture. 'A '..llperAt' discount made to .therclergy and eemloarlee. ' of learnTnEt. Dractliptlve 1p luatrated catalogues cent tpar k t address. • - •.- Ju1y.21,188.8,,1y EMEIM 1. - OCi‘W* -- 0 - 1...%% . ' ON" 0 1. O e S - 1 0-41k--420-- .• Elif .- a i..' , 1 i i"& - • . • , 11411111111111G1 and Tred , • ill be on their guard and not be hemmed upon by a counterfeit of NlormeyLlaillan --- .Root - 1111igned - r - 11.Xteere....till . genuine Indian Root Pills bane the name and aignattire of di: J. WAR* II Co. on each box:. _ . 311111 SE, the inventor of, MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT 1'11,1,8, his spent the greeter part of his life • In traveling, bin lug vlsilad Europe. Aida and Afrlin, nv - well an North America—llan- spent three -years .atunng ~..the.,linlians4d.uur-AVaidalruipountry.,lt.waniTrhirrat' that-the Indian Hoot Pills were *first discovered. Dr ,--- SterAe - irturthirttisht in'aft fild — f. disclose alas from-iIdPUIIITV-OF-THE,-111A)Cdthst our otrongth, health and Ilia depended upon t in vha fluid. • • When lbw various passages, b ecome clogged, and do out act in perfect harmony- with tile different functions of the hotly. the blood loses its.'stetion, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased: thus eansing ell palmy - sick , ness and distress of every tonna our strength Is bit - hausted, our health wo are deprived of, and if nature Is nut assisted in .thrawing_ell-the-stagnatit- humors, the blood will.become choked and cease to net, and thus our light of life will forever be •inown out. 'Hew, ltd' portant then that we should keep the various.passagen of the body free and open., And how. pleasant to us that ift have it in otirpower to put a Medicine in yOur, -notch. innately. Mum'. Indian Root Pills, manufactured from plants and reets• which "grow around • the inoun•'' Milieus cliffs lit Nature's garden, the health-and re covery 41.M:eased inns. 0110 of the roots frotii which these rills nrenntide Is.n Sadorilic, which opens the ' porits.ll the skin, end ; assists .Nature in throwing out Lite titter parts of the eorraption within. 'rice second in a plant which Ix an Expectorant, that openn•and passage to the lunge, and thus. in a swithing 111.0111101., perform its duty by Ur civlw oil phlegm. and 'other humors front }Wigs icy coploustWpitting 'Thethitd I is a Diuretic'. which gives ease :not double strength to .1 the kidneys: I hde encouhaged. they Arai , large:idiom's i ef.lutpurity r frout_thA . . hicied,-whichis_theit-thrown-Out zl bountifully by the twindry or water passage,and which cookd tint have been discharged lu any other way. The fon-071s n Cothart id, and accompanies I hp. other' prop ertles of -tbe--pills while engagetlAn• purifying -the I Woe I the coarser particles of Minority which cannot pash,liv the tither outlets. are thus taken up and 'con. vowed off to great quandtleslby the bewels. • ' 'Prom the shore, it Is shown that Dr. Morse's Indiap_l Hoot Pips not, only enter tliL stomach. but 'Leconte united - with tile ',limit, ler they, fad way ,tn every Part, • nod IMtipletitly'rout out andcleanse the system linen 111 impurity. and the lire of the body, which is the blood. lsicomect perfectly healtlfv , ; conse luently nil • sickness and pain is driven 'from the systeuf, for they eatintit remain nice the body becomes so pureandelear. The reason why people are FO. distressed whet' Sick, quad why so many die, is because they do not get medicine pass to,the 'afflicted 'Parts, and. _which_ will open-the toituntl•possages for the - dismiss - to he cast Old: 11011 . C11, n Annul quantity of food and other --matter i 0 lothreth-antl-the stun - inch and • intestines are literally overflowing with 'the corrupted anus; thus rolergoing disagreeable fermentation, et - instantly .•tulx with the blood, which throws the corrupted Matter through every vein and artery. until life in taken from' the Ludy by disease., Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to „themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millions f the sick to, blooming health - and happiness. - Yes. thous:aids. who have been 'icteketVor tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, end Whose feeble frames hard bean scorched by the burning elements of raging fever, nod who have been hrolight, as It were. within a step of the silent grave, now steed ready to testify,that they would bade been.numbertsl with the dead, had it net been for thin great and wonderful ettalleinc,ollerse's .• Indian Root Pills. • After one - or two &See bad been ta. keit, they werotistimished,:autl absu utelyisurprikeili jn effects. - Not rutty do they` give immediate ease and strength, ist.d inks away all -sickness, pain and anguish, but thee once go to work at the foundation of the disease, whicli.is binoi. There.. fore. it will be shown• especially icy those wholisii these pills. that they will so cleanse and purify, that disease —that deadly enemy—will take Its flight, and the flush of - Youth and beauty_ will again. return, .and the pros pect of a long au. happy life-will cherish and brighten your days, • • Cattily/N.—Beware of a counterfeit signed A. D. 3 - loore. All genuine have tics name of A. J. Warts & Co. on each box. Also, t signature of A. .1: White & Co, All othere are spuriou A. J W IITE Sete Proprietor, • . No 10 Cmurtland Street. Now York. Morsn'e Indian Hoot Pills ore field by all dealei ,In AL;erits are wanted In every town, village and hamlet In the land. forties desiring the agency will nddreas as alcovo for terung. Price 25 mite per halt, five boles will be nen! , on en• eelpt litap paid. [Jn22 . 118. -err. PerwSeln In Carlini,' by W. liaversilek. , • D OES .DISEASK ORIGINATE lei Is(ruitrry TIIE BLOOD) This is a question of vital importance, and one which ban never been satiairetorily disposed of by tho proles , sera who teach the healing. art. Some tokintnill-and especially the old acbuol Physlcians—that life lives In the blood, and therefore all - ilseaseworiginate to It,. but- modern mimics avers that ailments have their origination In _Leith the solids and fluids of the body. 'That thelatter preponderate,, however, in'afixed-fact, and medical skill ban clearly demonatrated that at leant too-thirds of the ills that human-limn fa - heir to, have their.souree in an . 'IMPURE STATE OF TILE OLOOD Ai, for instance, in thil r6ws catalogue. such - as Scrpfu• In. Wetter, "'llarbeen Itch," Pimplen, - Illotches,.Erysipe ..111R. insert, Salt Rheum, discharges from the liar, Fever Soren, or truptive disesais of any klmt.—These are as= cerfalned by well known medical lawn to arlee.frvm had blood—while: thy higheet medical authorities declare 11101 most fevers orikliotto in the mum manner, and afore particularly,Typhold and scarlet—the former be• Jag au Ilitervaq and the latter an external Irruptive disease; and In all persona attacked bv,these maladlea, the blood in found to be either coagulated; or of a dark unhealthy color. To word Wit large majority or diseases, as well is to cure a number which have already seized upon the sys tem, It is necessary-to PURIFY TIM BLOOD. Lindsey's Improved Blood Searcher dden not claim to be a UNIVERSAL PANACEA for every disease known, but the pmprietorn claim fur It the power not only of droloicg out as impurities of the blood, but by the skillful combination of well known vegetable remedies, It will cure all disagree ariring from a deranged Etate of the iiver, drive out dyspeprla, and give re new ed tone and vigor to the itomach. That the Swim SEARCHER 18 all that in claimed for It, the proprlm tors can produce EMI= It Is only a few penis sines it was discovered, and yet it has grown Into such a business that a large laboratory has been built expressly for Its manufacture—a large number octnen employed In putting it Up, and still the SUPPLY OOHS NOT , EQUAL THE DEMAND! We ask any candid man, could this be so. If the Med icine Mil not possess ALL the virtues claimed for it i• Thu PrOPI tams have hundreds of certificates from men of probity and standing in the community, show lag what the medicine is doing daily for the suffering L 1 who his ever used, the Blood Searcher whether roll • was experienced. Let the afill..ted give it a trial—n single bottle wil convince the most skeptical elite efficacy. Ils e Per sale In Carlisle by S. W. llaverstick, S. El Ilott, and 11, J. Kieffer;-Kauffman & Son, Alechsnica burg; Oosweller & Zook, Shophyrdtlown; Joshua Culto [lowdown; Jnrob Simmona. Cross ]touts; Kurtz & Wise, Shiremanstown; A: M. Leidich, Bolling rprings; Mary W. Kissel, Churchtown; Edward James, West 111111 3. C. Fnanaught & Bro., Oakville: Shoemaker & Elliott, Newburg; Wni, Bretton, Newville; J. lined & Co., Springfield ;..ituassil & Dice, Dickinson; Highland Wavidnger, Jacksonville; Win. Clark & Co.. Lees Hoods; Wm. it. Fades, Sporting.lllll; 'D. Deolltwer White Bell ; J. C. Altlck,Shippenaburg; all of Cumber- Isnd county, Pa. , LINDSEY & LEMON. Proprietors,' Hollidayaburg, Pa 0ct27'68 MIWOIMMIM PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL IIOUSE--Eatablish bd twentytwo 3 eara• ago by Dr. MICHELIN, corper 'of Third and UlllOll Street!). Philadelphia. Pa. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Naperinure has rendered hr. di. a tuciL successfid practitioner In thucure of all diseasea.of tiluititXl nu: tura ; manhood's debility, as an Impediment to mar• rings; nervous and sexual lutlrinitlea, disease of the ekiu, and those arising from abuse of mercury. • • TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.. , . Thorn Is an evil habit emnetimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often grow Mg Milrith them to visn•hotsi; and which, if nut reformed In duo time. not only begets' ' serious obstacles to miltrimonial lmpiness, but gives • rise to a moles of protracted, lusinunus and devastating' • • affections. • • t Fawn?. those srho giro way bethis pernicious practice are aware of the consequenemmtutll they find the, nor . ble i v , : n ttly a tt i zi i n k ,sll:t.igeurcedlfg of zt e l g m o u ,ind . ~tlierocclpLuetsrt 27, -28, 28,.0r Dr K's book on "Fell-Presehation.") The unfortunate thus affected becoluenfeebio, is una ble to labor with accustomed rigor, or to apply his mind to study ;Ids step is tinly•and weak; he is .11 all, - irceselute, and engages even in his sports with leas ells ropy ilt i rela punsculalS - tebinus.df before the proof line done KS worst. and enter matrimony, his marring In unfrult• 'rub, and hie sense tells him that this is caused' by. his earl - lolllen. - These are considerations Which. should awaken the attention of all who are similarly situated.• ItEMENIBER,._ ' • Die who places himself under Dr. KINKEMNI3 treat-. silent. may religiously confide In Me honor as a gentle man. and rely upon the assurance that the secrets of Dr. IC'e patients will never be dischwed, : : • :Young Man-lot no false modeity deter you 'from making your rave known to one, Who, Dom education and respectability tan cert..inly befriend you. residence has been the the last teen ty.two years ar the N. W. Cornerof THIRD AND U4ION STK.EKTS, Philadelphia, l'a. .. • ' • Can have.(by stating their.twaa eatilleitly;together with kit their symptoms, per letter, enclosing teretnittanee) Dr: K's medicine, appreprjatedoccordingly.. Forwarded to any part of the . Unite d Fates. and packed secure Dom DAbIADE pe CUItIOSITy . , by . ' Mall . or Exprese. ' • READ! 'TOUTII AND MANHOO D :1 . &vigorous -Life or .a Premature Death; Klulielln on I r-Proaqvatlon—Only ; tin, Coots. Leiterseontalning that venue In atoorim, tit]] ensure 'a co r irtuen Of mail... , MIIIIATIS I 'GRATIS t GRATIS 11 I A TRIOS OUT TO ALL. Ml ERX RELIEVED "Nature' Guide," anew and popular wink, 'full of valuable advice and Impressive warblug, alike cal c uli / A .ed to, prevent years. f misery; .11qd save thousanda: of lives, le distributed. without charge, anti forwarded bl . wally prempald to any,Pesi in the .United Ettates,. on re .seteirio an order enclosing two poititgersierepts. 'l,7ry,r.r,lQpia*A:ltm.tittp., 4 ' pa .stp,ok entikriber keeti'fie• the #ieinen,. a I..arai.AN miles.weet of ttniturnolkefeu the Ye! Ureeehee.t..tetkoin. Lower',Dicidneon - toeneklp; .6 miloe eoutkolrcerliste; TIIIIIO.I KIXOA NT,JACKB,and TWO 1101{8E4 end Invitee the ettentleu or all.. Terme moderate. • • , !.61'101. PSITER. Mbitint l) WARD, AS.SOCIATION, P ll I 1. ALE L'P .. • . A lienevident litstitution t 'estatilsbed by. special en . .. dowrimut for the, relief of the sick and distressed, ' • kfilivtod_wltlLl:lrttleut and.riddefulmdisenses. .T.hdllOWAllli ASSOCIATION, In- viMi . olthe awful 'itestrttetion of lemon life, niused by ,Sex Uhl dltscalotS, and the 'di•ev . ptions practised main the unfurl nitate Tic- Olita of such disease:ll:y Quacks, several years age 'di. rected their Uoissulting, Surgeon, es a .CHAItITA TILE' ACT - worthy of , their name, to open a Dispensary Mr Me,. treatment of this,. clam of disease., in all their tonne . and to give mxpicAL .ADvit% 011ATIS: to all. who apply by, letter, with a description of their - condition,' (ago, occupation, habits of life; (tea) and In cocoa treum lixn orty,.'to rtiIiNISII M.EUICINI4 FREE oy CHAIIOE. It is needless to add that the Association' commands the highest Medical skill of th e age, and If 1 . 11 ...„ - f ntr e i frol I n o i r,o r f ffe rV irs ' so d r I 4711; th i eV Annual Ifs I port ujpon the treatilentriidex ° u ' arDiseases, camped! . - highest' leitlifletimi'Veitlilittiaitereiliiililahasiirtind; 'ed the labors of the Consulting Surgeon in the cure of Spertnatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness. Impotence, Goiter- ' Thera. Wert, Syphilis, the *leo of Onanism or Self abuse, oke . and orders continuance of the same plait for the ensi4lng year. • . . . . • -- Theldreators, on - grevicoribe - past; - ftel - assured ---- thtit their laborsln this s phere' of benevolent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to -the young; and they have resolvell-te devote them-' • ' selves, with renewed mai, to•this very important but touch despised cause. Just oil:Hated by the Association, a He'port on' Sper- ' motorrhceti. or Seminal Weakness. the Vice of °millet°, . ' Ilasttiritation ur eelf-ALUM, and other Dimases or the ' revue! Orgons,,by the Consulting Surgeon, wideirwill Le sent by n:311, One sealed letter envelope ' ) ritlili Or / (II AIWIL/on receipt of TWO STAM PS for postage Other llnportattud Tracts on the nature and treatment - of sexual diseases, diet, fie.. are constantly being publish ed for gratuitous dietribution, 'and will be sent to the afflicted. Polite of the. new remedies . and methods or: - treatment diScOVeted (hiring thelast•yeati ate of great' value. . ' .-, . ~ i • Address,' for depolt or treetnisnt, .hr. HEOPOE 11, CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon,'Howard .Assoelation. ' No. 21South Ninth Street, Philaelphia, pa. . .., .. , . .11y order of the Direct Ora: I_ ItZIIA:OTHEAIITWELL7 Pi - eildt nt ' GEO. FAIRCHILD,' S ecretary: ,, . .Dec:l6.lBtitt.- 1y '• - . .. THE LIVER INVIGORA:OR • .PREDADED DY DR. SANFORD. Compounded. entirely . from GUMS.. I B MiclKN l , Y ,;,, n ef T ore P tre a p it u T b i llci E ttZ D act. LIVER OttxtUttrte, canter, end mereydectual than any other medicine known. It in not only a CATHARTIC. but a Liven remedy, acting first on the Dem to, eject its. morbid matter, then on the stomach and.bowls to ear. ry that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes - olTectuolly, without any of the painful feel! ngtreipari. ellel.HE lit tlie °Twat (OH of meet Omit AUTICII. It ntrength• ens the syntem at the some time that it porgemil ; and whenlaten"daby in mialerate - dospa, will strengthen • " 'and build it up with tiiiusual rapidity . . c • .• • • The laver Tann° ofg the principal regulators humanof t human body, and when it. performe its functions w.. 11 the pow- era of the ..syetem are' fully developed. The . stomach is Almost on thnly dependent mill.- ;• healthy - action - of - the Liver fotthe proper per- forma nee of its functions when time stomach Is at fault, the bowels are at fault, and the whole . system suffers In conse quence of one organ- 'Try? the later haring ceased to do its duty. Is. - 1 For the diseases of that organ, one ul the prletors has widen his - study, In a practice of more than 'twenty years, to find come remedy,Lp wherewith to eounteract the-ninny derangements to which lLle llabh.. . •-, Tu prove that-this ne--r"f-medy. at last found,. any ',erten troubled ., w o ltk_Liver t t Coni. o try a Vtatr ; t.IT a ce " i y lN•l ' e r tl i o t n. - f n", has gums removeall o r ' bad matter (rim the system. sup-, plyllnPn their place's healthy !low of bile, in- v {prating the stomach, ranslult_foed_th_iligeet_4-woli.-purifying the blood giving tab and hlytith Pram whole machinery removing the causes of • t disease, and effect. Ing a radical 'mire. • - • One dose after eating is sullielent to rellers the stomach and • pre. vent the food from els. Ing slid-Souring. - - Only one dose taken '1.••.1 before fettling prevents nightmare. - Only• one dose taken 1" at night loosens the bowels gently, and cures . costiveness.. . . .. . . . One dose . token after cip each meal will Cure Dye. pepsin. ' • .„, . Val` One doge of two = teaspoonfuls wlitalways • • relieve Sick Headache. One bottle taken for g female obstruction re.• • moves the cause of the disease, and tneken._• perfect cure. Only one doge Immo. ICD dlately relieves Citolle, , while one doge often n*. ,_ pentad l ea sure cure fOr Cholera Morbasi 1.7..1 and: a - preyenti+e of ', ttholera. -, • One dose taken - often Z., will .Prevent the recur rence of bilious at- . tacks, while - It re- liner, all painful - feel- - pert logs. . 10 ..Only one bottle is . . needed to throw out the of,gystem the effects of - 142 medicine alter a..lontt sickness, Cno bottle token fol. Jaundice remove all mallow nosh or unnatural color from the skim • r One dope taken a short time_before eating gives vigne,, to the appetite and mikes food digest' well. • _ , One dose often mpeated Cures Chronic MO". rhcen, In Its worst forms, while summer and bow- • . el complaints yield almost to the first deed. • One or Iwo doses cures • attacke caused' by 'Worms; In children: there is no surer, safer or speedier remedy ' In the world, as It. foyer fells. , - •. We take infinite pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for Fever and A gem, Chill Fever and all Fevers of a Billions Type: It operate* with certainty, and thnusaridaare willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use IL are diving their unanimous teetimogy in He favor. O Mix water in the mouth .with the Invigorates, and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A GREAT SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and Is daily worklugioures, almost too great to believe. It cures as If by magic, even the first dose giving bene fit, and seldom More than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst Jaun dice or Dyspepsia to a common headache, all of which are the result of s Diseased Liver. . PRICZWIAR PER• DOM!. DR, SANFORD, P r, 345 Brondwnv, New York CM— Sold In Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT and S. W. RAT ERSTICK. 1my261858. • A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF • RICH GLOSSY HAIR, , COMPLETELY PRESERVED TO TiiE GREATEST AGE And wir that is gray would not have it restored to former color; or bald, but would . have the growth re stored, or troubled with dandruff and itching, but would have it roomy., or troubled with scrofula, scald head, pr other eruptions, but would be cured, or with sick head ache, (neuralgia) but would be cured. It will also remove all pimples from. the fare and skins Prof. IVood's !fair Restorative will do allthis, see circu lar add the following:, - ANN Annow, November 5, 1558. Pan. O. J. Weep—lleac Sir: I bare heard much said of the wonderful effects of your flair Restorative, but having been eo often cheated by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, Ae., I was disposed to place lour Restorative in the woe 'category with the thousand and one loudly trumpeted quack remedies, until I hint you In Lawrence couitty some months since when you gave me ouch assurance as induced the trial of your ,' Restorative In my family—trot by my good wife, whom hair had become very thin and entirely white,and be. fore exhausting one of your large bottles, her - hair wan restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and bad thickened and become beautiful and glossy up. on, and entirely over the head; she continues to use it. not simply because of Its beautifying effects upon the hair; but because of Its healthful Influence upon the bend and mind. Others of my familyt — iTtiLfrienda are using your lientorative,With the happiest effects; ibereihre, my ekepticism and double in relefence to Ito character and Talie are entirely removed; and I .11 and do most cordially and conedentlally recommend its use by' all who would have 'their holy restored from white or gray (by reason of sickneso or age,) original Solor and beauty and by ill.yriting persona wild would have their hair beautiful and glossy • • Very truly and-gratefully yours. .130L05.10N MANN. FRIEND WOOD: It woo a !Ong time after I can you at' ilibudield before I gob the bottle of Iteatorativr; for which you gave me au order upon your agent in Detroit, And wheui gut - it we - concitided - ttitry . it hair. as the surest ti st of its power.'. It has done all that you assured me it wculd dot and others of my family and friends. having withers.] its effects, are non using and recommending its use to °themes entb tied to the highest chnrideration you chant for it. Agalo, very respectffilly and truly, yours, SOLOMOA MANN. • • • CARLYLI., ILL., June 28 1852. I have need Prof. 0. J. WOMPITIfaIr Restorative, and have admired its wonderful Wade. Sly hair wan -be eiltillng, es I thought. pretnaturelv gray, but by theme, of hie Rentonative IL ham resumed its original color, and,' I have no doubt, permanently so. _ • 8: BREESE, ex.Senator,'l7. E. Preperedby 0. T. WOOD & CO., 114" Market' street,- Saint Louie, and 312 Dreadway, New York, and mold by all Druttelets and Patent Medicine Dealers; also, by all • Fancy and Toilet (loads Dealers In the United States L , and Cannda. . rmy23 . 58. For sale in Carlisle, by 8. W. lIAVERSTICK, ELLIOTT, and Druggists everywhere. ... DU VALL'S OALVANIC 'OIL PAMIRP ORIGINAPAr ur PROF. H. U: DU VALL, Formerly of the College of Surgegrx...Parie, . , Is now offered to the pup& fortiii "Cure 'of all Sora nod Painful Diseases; for4ostance—Pain or Soreness in any part of the Bysteithilltententiams,l'altitu.tbo.B4ol, tuteiiiitlikr - SIGs. Beetled 'Breasts, ligurahria. Burns, Spminni Headache, ender, In the Stomach, oran,viitber Disease that is SORE AND PAlNllll,, , and It is' only over this clam of Difttlises 'we olatm a , lEIIF3tCT *VW., TORY. We'pey poMtively to out—pattuutC . we t'orf Here the sufferer 99 times out of 100: We _would Jost say to the public, Prof. De Vail' was 26 years 'in- bring. Ing Shim medicine to the Superlotitylt hats over ell tith• • "01... — Tilni:M.iiiiteiiiiiiI.4t,Tir.'11 1 3Alier.Xifit, — OftfO ---- SS. All onion. mullite eddromed to ' . • ' ' D. BTONEKOXiIt; 8010 A'gt for U. 8. • 'Loy'Mown, Mifflin county, 'Pg. • BIEM l'°'t l i.;fl•ENTLEM E,N, Lind LATITE:S .., • .. • . ....- '.. AiF.ordtLisix. , . ... . . ~,The oaderydgned would reppeetfolly Inthrin the gen. ° thimrn and particularly the' ladled Of Carnal°, that he h as ; porahaped the 'cOrifeeflonary'ok Weed Walt street,. of dlr. Peter Monger :and blonde to amtlnue the eon fectlonery" husluena.in •the iturie 'tm ~ 'lle hdevatoly ' a , sdrEet attentlOn to bunlnees,' to retain and Inerenar the suppOrtand aPPrehatlon of the,,ettlsona. ,- - The bestf.ee.• der will el waywhe obnarred,.ao that the!Salr.aei heed -net heeltate or feel a - dollcai,yltycalllng, - ,erUl hue • alipply of allitteda,of, ; .. '..A . ~';.!g ,'' ' , '', , , , ',:- .. , ..- - OAXIP,IiIItIPPS. N T. 5, 94N,Illfkii. TOYS, aa.. %! . i i,,, ieustantly.on,band.'. Ile would say.to oi:eleven . ' of the ' weed, ekest• keeps ill k "de of Tobacco' add tbe', , reis - ''• best brands of Pegers. ' • . -- ... ' , . ~. • Ile will endeavor to please ail Who may favor !dm' , . **Rh their patronage., - ~ • WM. A 01t011•11. ' ' Vicilider API% T 4116 0- 41 . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers