. . .. , . "'With 111 M in tile iii'ecution of his duty; or shall :Welt rip the window, 00 atenue to any • window vane 0 ( 1110 same may be holding, or shall ,rudonsly 'disturb the puaro at such election, of'ohiiil deicatty . intimidating ts. force o! vitwith eslan'to' Influence. co- CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET...I f lintyor OrOrti 0 003 elector, - or to prevent him from v Reported weekly for tile tlagnt4o restrain the freedem of choice, such persons 'Woodward & Seliatti herald by' dt,.on vltiol. ,, nhsil be fined in any 01101 MA exceeding .. ' - - live bombed dollantotud Imprisoned Ihr any time not Fi.ouii Sliprrtillo, per bbl. , . $.6.26 lee; lime three nor were than ,tweive montliS, and lilt • , , ..,- ~ shall be shown to Court, who% the trial of such offence do. Extra, . do. . . • 43, Jo „, eh ill he had, that the p•rsot so offending was not I 1 'do. Family' do. .' 6.40 . res , dent of the city, ut 'ward, district et', township where . . • 6,866,86 the nifenee Was eoutitted. and not entitled to 'vote 'LYE ~ . AO.. . 1 :In , therein, then on conviction he shall Lo sentedeed to. WIIISE WHEAT 'per.buihel '- -' , - . .. : pay a litmorwtt, less Muni one hundred her Int.re than REID do. do. 1, 20 a • •tvoomed dollars. and be 'imprisoned not less than RYE • - • • -do , ~ . ',II . six 111011t1/0 110 r more thanstwo.years. ~' - 76 "If any pursue or hone,. ehat i limbo ally bet' or 1011-; CMIN dn. . ~ ger up•pt the result of any election -within the t;e11) . . (Moo- . . 't t . 110111wt.tiltla, or shall' offer to make any such lot or vrt tadiVERS EEO do. - ____, • 5..12,4 . ger,eitner by veci2al preelainallen thereof, or by any : • , 2 ,75 written Or printed tutvertiseme ,t challenge Or invite Tlit(oTtlYSEku do. AO 1: person to make suet, bet Or NV flger. 1111(111 Crlllvicilon - 81 , 11.1 NC( ISMILNY 110.. . . —', -fl it 'thereof ho or they shall thrfeit and hay three thins the' IllbsayjULA 'ILES! - • do.' 66 'am.-tint su but or to he bet. , -- --- • - '-''l fatty person not - hrlitle'67l - 11fiiliTill=eiTI1011 , badly vote at any election of this -Cto 1111 l ohne:Jilt, or )lint lig 111 Itera'ise.qualitiell shall vote ..out of his peeper district. or if any person knowing the want et such qualifications. shall aid or procure such person to vote, the ptirs ») oliending. shall. on COOVirtioll IN. lilird in I mat stun not excethling two hundred tiollam ..a li e _hued:Lotted for an)_ tern) nut exceeding tit ee months. " If any person shall vote tit more that , one eleetion . dhtriet:orntherwlse fratolidently vote nuke then once - , on the saute day. or shall fraudulently Ildd and del iv'er ' to the inspoctor two tickets together. elt Iv the intuut illotlylo mule. or shall prOellr 000tlirr to .10 NO. lie or they °trending. shall tot con, h thin i.e lined in nay 01110 net less than fifty liar more than five hundred dolllll, .1101 be hilprirOnell Ihr ally term not less than • three our 11114 V 211811 (Aar, 0 MOW 11S. •` If any 'person not'itualifed to vote in this COlll,Oll. wealth i1..1'1.111.13' to law. (except the sons of. qualified title, 110,1 shallnopear al any place of ei,tio.,. for the ioetuses of influencing the citizens qualified to vote, . ho shall oil convietion.forfeit anti pay any. 00111 tint ex '. ceeding 0110 hundred dollars for every 011011 °nonce, and . • be Dotage: illl , ll ilea ey 1,111 mil "exceedingtitnee nit - Mflts.' . Agreeably to' the prov islets of the sixtplit,t serf ho. hr the said act. every 1;01101111 11101Nlerild 1..)1,1111i1 Final .lie Opriled 1/LOl,ll t 110 'llollrs Or 'eight slid ton in the foroll . ooll, one/ shall t'olll 10 111. 0 illiollt Interruption or .. .toljournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. , ~ ..,,,knol thejud4es of, the respeative 'distriNs aforesaid, are-10-thrsalif - aet-requirertrto - nn;etutt he - Court 1100x0 - In the borough or Carlis.o,,,n, the third day atter. the election. i being - Friday. - he 1.",61) day of October.] then tuullhere 0 t Perlman Ibe t hinge rept i'red anent in law. The return. Judges of the ahprese eta the,- district,_ .. .will uteri at Carlisle, at the thin, fixed by law. Hirell under my !mud, at Carlble, this 101 It day of Septenther, 1067. . . . triAt a .111,111.K.CT The market for, noun is quiet, to-day.— The•e is no export demand. but hollers *of fresh gropnd .Superfine, which is scarce, are firm at *5 . 6 _per; the sales, ,however„ ' arc confined to the wants of -the home trade; within the range of $559b a *5 75 for super fine; *6 a 6 50 for 'ext ra and extra 41 *7 ay:so per bbl. for faticy brand., as in • CORN MEAL Mid RYE FLOUR JOT • steady, but. scarce at *4 per bbl There is a fair amount of WHEAT offering, and- the market is dull to-day' at previous quotations. • About 3030 bushels found buy , ers in lots, at 125 a 130, cents for reds, as in quality, mostly at 128 cts. for prime a 138 a , 140- ets for good and prime white, including choice Kentucky at 145 a. 147 RiR., . the Miler in store. Rye is: in steady demand, with further small sales old al 78 cis,. and 1111...,707CL4-....C0RN _is.. hotter,. and. :2000 a 924-ers—f.r : piod .011 t 1101 . 11 - .' yellow-afloat. and 85 n SIO etc -for lair to prime: Pennsylvania, in store., OATH are hardly . so firm; about 311110 bust's. southern sold at 42a o. al; iinoilitS , i_and.2.ool) syl 1111;11 at 5 a atm actu ithuertisements ,LE TION I)II,OOLA3IArt J ti 11 EIWAS, IP and by an act of the tteneral As. of tine colninon weal th.rdlreausylva lila. entitled an Art relating to the electlate of this Common weal t ti."l,4ssed the '2,1 day of ly ,A. I). 18:Itt. it Is made the duty of the ttlierllf of ever,y connty within thic Cotnitt.novealth. to give public -notice Itf , the (lateral }lluetimns.•nnd in stein notice inn 1:9111.11110I'dill 1. The lifllcers to be elected. • tl.l.esilmitu the place,it which the election is to be held JACOB' BOW MA:S. Illan Sheriff of the county -of Cumberland, do hereby make kn ion and give this pub lic italic bi the ele.-tors of the county of C 111111.0 1 .1311.1. that on 'al ESDA V. the 120 i dly or October neat. au election will lie held at the second election distorts es tablished by law. In said county. at which time . they will vote by ballot fur 'the several ollleers hereinafier named, viz: ONE PERSON fee Judge of the .Supreme Court o Pounsylvania, ONE PERSoN Canni ColllllllShillicer of the COIIIIIIOII. wealtlf.cif Pennsylvania. "; • • .* • PERS , tN to represent 'the Counij_i , s of :Climber:, land. Perry and York 111 tht. Con gressof .the United States. . TWO PrNISONS to reprielent the .rounties of , Cmolier. land and Kir* lit the House of itqwes,qqatives Pennsylvania. ONE I'ERsON 1;11. Sheriff of Cumberland('minty. ()NE PERS.IN for Cootinksb , npr 01' Cumberland eimoty. ONE PERS iN fur Direelor of the Poor of Cumberland ONE PERSON for Auditor of Cumberjand County, ' The said ele4lon will he held throughout the county as follows: Thu election In the election district .eninposed of the borough 411Cenl-do and the townt.hips of NOI th Mlllllll , tOll, South Middleton, Lower InckinseiClind "Laai '.rd, will be held at the COlll4 Muse lu this her 011,01 or c.rnsiu, - - Th• eiectioo In the election district composed of Leo cr West I'entisborott.4l. Comship, will be held at tI North zchool House In Plainfield.' - The eleetion In the election district .composed orti vcr spri.g toWnelilp. will - he held at the public Inhipe , , Hearse Duey. 1111 . 1 10' ' 1440W. ill 1.141 1,11W1.11 Ip. The election , the tdecti m diStrict c0p4.11 , _.......liataptieu...tnwns)dp„still be hold - at the house fornieri Occupied by Henry 1 iltheenell. In saliTTow s pship.. • The electiouin the election district composed of Iht towinthip of Upper Alien, will be- held at kite pultlP• house occupied by John Floyd. In SlieplOrdqown. The eleeti in in the election tlistrlet colorised of-,the, township of Lower Allen, will he held at, the .wagoit. maker slvm of Jonas ilunchbarger. tat Slate 11111. election in the election district composed or lint Poinslowenglf township, will Is, field at the house -- now 0,11 ',h.,' by B. Clay, at the 11 . .1 end of the Harris burg Bridge._, • _ 'llie deal ii 111 , the election IMO Het coinpos.,l of - New Cumberladd. Ix, held, tit — tliirliiitnTh d rowdy. 'kept by Win. 11. Muhl. lu the 11/1,11,11g11 of new Cumberland. Thu elution in alie election district snnpnoedof ti,, Boron:it of tleelitnilesburg, will he held at the public; house of .11tatei Velar. In said boron/h., Th u 'o„,t - l' u T"iii th e e l e falen district Solo posed of Sienna, towesdlp. will It, held at the public house of Samuel Algieer iu 1211 htuwu, in said tux lab 11). Til., 1,1./ti.1,1,, to the vitlLll , lll district (stunt sed of Up- per Dickinson township. tell! be hal 1 at the house me. nterlY occupied by d,.hu 01111111111, itl N 311.1 townie.. • Tho alnriitn Dr the election ibtriet romp so,l f the lstrou..ll of Sayville, nod townships or muffin. upp,,, Irani:nod, Upper West Venesitoro. 14 . 1 that part i n'. Natten t or ash'', not included in the Leerilturg eleriltny • district. still he 111.111 ttt the Brick School 'louse " borough If Sewville. The election In the election diktriet composed of Il Mewell township will he held at the Sew Drlel: Seloati noose. In Newt) rg. in said township.. The elccii•ai In the election district eonip,so,l of the i 0111 7 ,101 ofshippenslturg. Shlppensburg township and Hutt part of Southampton to tiship not Included in • the Leesburg eleetion diseViet, serf be 1101.1 ut tie Council House ill the borough of Shippensidirg. The election to the eteetkoll district composed of parts of Newton and Southampton t.twilships 1144 (MOW:lced In the N,wville and Shippensburg districts. will be held at the house formerly occupied by 11 illitim Max. • well In Leesburg. NOTICE IS 11E11E11V GIVEN That every ',Limon except justices of the Peace-wit shall hold nay ollice or appointment or profit Or tri: uodeithe United :totes or 4,r this Staio. or any city .1 incorporated district, n heti), n colniniSSlOned officer o otherwise, a subordinate racer or wont., who Is or shill Le Ittiployed tinder the leglelatlre. exm•wive. dare departments of thm State, or the hilted 'States or chug. ,ir s or of any incorporated district: and also that arty 31001110 r Lottgress Or 1,1 the et.ite Legista Clare, and of the ~ ,e lect or Common Boy 'or coniOlisslener tr ally Incorporated district, is by lan ot holding In• exercising lit the wiling time tor 0f111.0.0r ppohLLuemt of judge. inspector or elect. of any elections of this Cooloomorallll, tOol that no Inspertor. judge. or other ollieer of such election shall lie eligible to lel there voted for.' 'And the said net of AsFenahly, entitled an ail rein ting to the elections of thistionnitonwealth. passed du i .. 2, ISTitt,' further provides as follows, to wit: '•'Thar the Inspect irs and jtolgos shall tweet at the place nbnointett for binding the tdettions or tho dh.t,iot w hi eh thes.reNpertiveis belong, before nine o'olork ' • in ill° morning. of 1110 revolt.' Tuesday in October, 1111i1 1,1‘•11. of Fdd inspeetors nhnll npp , Int one t•lerk, who /shall 110 11101:1111110 voter , .' Fold tibtriet. •• lu e too the pwson olto shalt have received thene, nntl highest number or roue for inspeeNW doll 110 t the day of - I:he rtertimi. Chun WI. pvl,oll Will, =02==1:1=09111122 OD 110Nt preceding eloetionoiludi net a, inspector in - MI. Kifd Iti el.Ue the person - who-Audi -hirve-r, reived the Itizhcst number of v. tes for Inspeetor shell 'not attend. the person elected jud,, shall appoint an insp dor In his place; and lii ease the person elected jud4e strait not attend. then the Inspect oho conniv ed the highest untidier of votes shall appoint a judge In Iris lila •o, or I; any vamtney shall continue in the board for ilia 510150 Of 1110 hour after the tiim• lixed by iris fa• the 011011111 n of the election, the qualified .oters ur the - township. aura or district or which such °nicer shall have been elected, present at the plain of election . shall --elect one of their number to - 11111i1101 vite•incy, -- • - • • 1 It shall rho duty of t ile several 1.10.5 . .1.1,011,1 of each district to attt ni at the place of bottling et cry geom.!? towitiaillielection. iltirli,g the whole thou said olectiott is kept open, far Iho ',llu,se if giving he amtatiett to the inspectors and judges when called 011. in to the right of any !Jerson tISNOnSa.II' by them to v,,to at such election. or 61011 other netters in vela Lieu Gt the .o...gessounitf , of vso Oni as the said inspectors Or riillOr 01'010111810111 111011 thou to,thae re q uir e , " No person shall IT permitted to vote itLati'y election' as of 'resold. other than 11 a like ft eentaitAds the tg" of twenty-sue years or More Who snail have resided in the s. l State at least tote year, ittol In the election district where he oder.; his ....le at least ton days 1°111mill:del) preceding smelt tqt ti ot: and within two years paid a Stale or con.. ty t IX. 0 Well shall have been assessed at least ten days bet av the election. But a citizen of tint States 01111 has prevl.lllNll been a itrial bled VlllOr ' o f thus Stair .11111•0111.11 en therlifrom and rrillrll ed. and 'who shdi Ohre 1• Gt the election district and paid taxes as of iresald, shall be entitled to vote after roo m. 7111 n in 1116, sit 111011ths.: Provided, 'rind the white freemen, citizens of do Unitc(tl States.' bet, sou t. esty one and went)-too years. who have resided iu an oloctbin district. an aforesaid. than lie eutitleil te y e w although they shall net have paid taxes. •-• `• No perseis shall bepermitted to vote ich. -so name Is not contained in the list of taxable Inhabitants far lashed by the Commissioners, übless First, he produce s receipt for the payment within Ito,, yearn of n State or comity tax 114X051.01i agreeably to the Constli ution, and alt e satisfactory evidence, either on his oath ,or of flrmatton, or the oath or allirmatien of um tiler that lie has paid such a tax. Or 011 taller...to produce it' receipt shall makernailt to the payment thotoof. Second' If lan claim it 11 1 ,11 t to vote,* being an elector between this age of twenty one and twenty:4.o yours. ho shall de• posit on oath or ittlfranition thrt he Ills resided in this • .Slate it Least min year next ins attenuation. aud vtt to myth proof of reshiouro district us is roquir. . .thy this aat..ancL.thatle_dues_verily_believe_from-the. - account given him, that he Is of the age Owes:dd. sad such other evidence via is required-1;y this net where , 'upon the name. of the meant thus admitted, to vote shall be ltmerted•ln the alphabetical list by thelnmate. tors, and a note made opposite thereto by writhig the word "tax," If he admitted to vote by reason •01 having paid tax; or the word "age;' if he shall be admitted to vet t te by recant of ,sell ago. shall be called out ti; lists of voters kept by them. tit all cases allege the name of the person du ming to veto is-ft and ink libelist furnished by the Counnis.- siouers and_ asse.strT r or his'riglit to vote, whether 'build therein or not, I t s objeceed. to by any qualified eitimin, It shall Ito the duty offhe Inspectors to 0.11111110 ouch persou s ou oath tlß&lis it ualificatlouti, and if he elninnl • to have resided wlthinitte State nir one year or more, his oath ' 4 ' ll It o n l i i l l 4 mit Ma thereof, but 'shall Make prof by at least one' competent witness. who shall-Legtqualllitatelecter, that he-hits district for more than feu days next Immediately pro ceding such oblation, and shad also himself swear that - • his bona tido restilettco, In purAttant , e of hie lawful call. lag. is Id cult dist' let. a,.d that. I edld tint ream° hate said disti lot for the purpose or votirw tborolu: .4very person quellfied as aforesaid and who.shall intik. , due proof, If required. of the, residence and pay! moot of taxes to nforomid, shall bolobuttArd to veto lu TtlitstOwnship; - ward or district; in which( Ito shall reside: • o lfuily Porswt slotl prevent or attempt -to prevent guy tinker ninny Wort) .111 under this Let front holding caul Onn3lllll, or tier br threaten. at, violence to nay 'OOOll officer, Or *bull bitorrurt or4iiriperly Intirreie = • CUMBERLAND COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY •. FALL EXHIBITIO,N CF 1858.__ TO BE -HELD Al cARLIST,P,', (' WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AND PRiDAYYTHE • Rith. Nth . AND 15th DAYS OF DCTOBER. DANIEL S. Cnorr. Secretary A l 4OOO IN V —The subseriber ollerifor toile Mollifier tile ! Illrongh of :tint to.ctired by a 'firtit itiort,ago ',pia: the Carlhilo Water roninany's °rho. aunts ii111 , 11.11111..5511 , . tellh roniaios attached for Chit payment of tint interest v ' Person, desi • roils of :l iiiirfeetty site investonoit lin' their looney and. pallet inil_payinentii.of interest, will Is coil lo seruro ilfl9llX.• I'rrii t. of tile enrliAle ibis and \Viitor Coniviny. A aging 11. 1S:•8-1 T LION. It ‘11,1N1;Z-11.0.1 ltailing fill yeno.tery ...I..sitres.pto,ll...ol,litrisalit dentin& tllk gardens. wade In order at the Cariltle foundry. • of • Verandah 111.1Ilvr111 , COlll prises n larteAcvarietv ilew dud ele,,an( deO:Li: the public In Invited 10 rail ati;l 1,1111111, 14,1; rs f o , aila putting lip (tailing n ill he imaliptly rvcru telt at - sallsEn•tWy prieeq.. • u 9..1n onlletly ente TEN 11.11ISE STEAM ENIU and B BLEB non' nit hand. lual latiled to 111. of 1111, heel make. and will he mild at a 11..qr.:d0 for cash OF 011 slwri k CO. •i.),--;_: ty CLU B__ - A l g o , S - : ,e#`'' . G I N 4f 4r4ts4 f 7 .'_ • < :1 • . 4 A v - _ : az .. _...,„.4._.„.4,„........., ~....:„..,.‘,..-1v..:05.,....,..._,.. 4" C•E TILICA N ' • ' ..t'' , ;;,' 4 ' 4°^0,,tw„;*„..,„ tenni noticee NOTIUT ," „ „ NSTATE OF BARBARA Yon/. otherolso FLrlll. de,eased.—Oeorge tomollan Ilrevo has pre,nted Ids petition co the Orph ins' . Court. of I MO erl.nd l runty under he Act or .I.embh , till. Ibih April. I tor an o r kr In SPII tr:11-1 or land In ollner Sprint, township. t minded by lamb: or 31r. Billow. Jacob Mumma awl Alleys slot Colltallllll, t•lxtY-li re HeITII more or 1,, Oth a ST.INE IblUi e. nut Stone Mud: Rano. thereon opeted, upon whieh Petition the sold Coin t to anted 11 ule on the parth a Interested to appear at the uext Irphana'Court. to he held 4 , 11 T11,41/1,, the loth Urn ui hoober, A, D.. IS.'S. and show rouse why the'rold order bould not be {:rented, of 1,1.141 rule all the said pm , ' Itql are hereby required to take u DA\lh I, S CROFT, Sep. 1, 'l,B-t. c. Clerk of the Orphans Court. (.)TICE. Notice is hereby given that an hpoliriation Los bee. Made to the Curt Pleas. of Cumberland 4..1‘111t1:, upon the ap ill.•lion of• thu 'frostres. Ehlers and Ileations of the tertioto 1 ot herati t 11okt, of Ow entlkle. lid Its vltiititty." to amend the Clod ter ml oration; ni i that on motion or IVatts k. /tarter. At Limeys ha. the appllsatits the l'oort ha, suit wit untie,• . in published in our• tietvq.iptir in Carlisle: I lit die ineoditietits oil! is. I:I:toted ou Itoe thad day 01 du• next sm. November. 5, th.ti tides tiljeelil.lls be mad.: avd .uout Amin] to thu cuntrltry. PHILIP QI:IIM.EY, Protlit9icilary St p 1, 18 S 'NOTICI.— Notice is lie 'en thin' Will. It. 114 e.,,,, 'l'cuttr , r turd e VIII M . Samuel !tuts mull. bae lit not PP • • • as hie MI • .' • tenet, nn , l it tins bred eridirnd d ,•• •.:. •••••• • 4 ' nil nit balance hi' is Inaerred Id the undrrelßmed . . . "- • e 161441ln! I 41/ItS of Liti.iit tied t '• • . Iti 111 tlieri•eire meet the right, In terested ut ins ottlre, iu the Ihrottelrof - lterllslii". — for holiday, the A tit thy of Si ipteinl•er text. tit 10 It'elock, A. M., for the pettio'nutnee of the duty itssiiitted 1V.../.1... 1 111.1.1'i1t. Auditor._ =NM ..isT al!: OF' 01IN Si I I.ettuus smansispiry um the enitate of Isho . late tit louses 6m unship. t • umbel land Ins the Register unity to Ills mm1..11.1,11.41..l ll persons indebted to ti , g.wre nue requirtill to Insults Immediate 11.011101 a dtollll,ellt thorn duly autheutli tett fur settlement. In . ,301 IN SIIEELY, LEVI 11 ERK EL. Exectitnrs of John Slttwly, A 111:4.'.,9 I‘T OTICE.— A II persoo6 knowing diem oAvoi iou,l.tot to the I.state:ol :show 6,0 V(II 1.11,ed, lieleby notified to. make hene.diate pry. t to Achninkt.atrix. " or C. P. 11111111 . 1(11. Attlirney Carlisle:4l - o, S. iprs (;„;( . ..,1-.10(3., TAXES —'l lie time ttr IntN moot, of Schad Taos has Limn ex tended to . . oil/AV:Wu lith 01 Sill . T1.1111.1: loot. Pe: •or pay. a their Taxrs on or before that dotty hill lu allowed deduction of lire per coat. lti order ut that Board of Directors. ['arils), FIT, 8,1858.-2 t • VOl'iCE —An elt;etion or oflio o r4 ;In d nuoutourti ut -ho vt.ilperh,,,a Volley noliroutt C 4nunnv, alll ho held ot tho tho Comp:my:ln Ch:uuhurnl•urp. On MONDAY thu 14th on.) 01 ocruftEß •1, hut'n•uuu the hours orb/ A. M. mul 4 I'. M. 111111)D1.:, j , f.p. 8. 1858.-:!t VtllloE.—l,etters up.ti tb.EF4t.to or 31ary Sample. •I'Sll. or Spring utvnrhq .deed. havo leant Issued in due 11,rot. I) Law. the ettbseriber, residing In cheer , priii••" town dap. to them will 1. 'made In any buelneen eon neted a ltta blur eataCe. JOHN C. B.%Nli'Lli. • .Aihniolstrator. A 1ig..2t.,-!/;S-thr • 1 4 1\rlY1' I C 11; N oil cil* is hereby gi v'en, LI that applimtion will be made to the next 'Legis lator° of Pettosylt ants. to altoi• the charter of the CAltl,l -1,1; I/IWO: 4 1T „located In the r lipropit of ritilisle, tinallerhuiti rouoty. so as to confer upon said Rank the riAlitsund privileges of at Bank of issue, nod to chang° Its mane to the l'Aut,iste BANK; also to ittersetso.t Ite_nipital.of, said. Batik, .which...is sit .present Kiventy.tio Thol.llllll Millais, with -priVilegi• of In' ..reasitto the sal. under Its present.eharter.to one hun dred thouttand dollars, to Wollutoirod thousand dollars. N. C. 3IUSSLI,3IAIt Cisto.to, Carlisle 'Juno f, 1068. 110 -O TIC.I I I--The sitbsol ber , Alitve 6n -11 tared Into Ihnitod narittership t an trill transact lelPillekt• 111 the name .or &tumid itanipton. Jr. 'Tito guttural wittire'of 4111 business Is ...re Ul.O and coiittet--the-busloros of malting and vanillin; FINE PAPER In all Its brandies. , The name 'of the gasteral partner Is Nonmed hangman. Jr.. 4VIIO reSIIIISI at Mount holly lipring r ei. Cumberland County, Pa. The aggrugato amount or capital eontrlbuied by thy special pat titers, Ix Twanty•fiva lIIUUFatat dollars, to thu c o mm on The partnership it Ilk eimnutetten on the lot 41 August, 1858, awl Laminate on the, lot or January, ltot, ' , C/El. Kt:MI.IIIN, .Jr, . oicur. - . • SA 31UV,1, 11IVEN, S. .1.- MEd AIME, • W. li MULLIN. Aug. 2 6 . '.s67lit#* • " VALUABLE TOWN . PROPERTY • - • . •RuBLIC • On 8 ATUBDA Ir, the 25th day of t , opteinber, 1858, tho linden:h.:nod will sell nt lho CGurt Mane. In the Bow ouch arCarllale. at I I n'elooliht said day. that valuable prJporty shunted MI the nntlia,ventorn korner of Slain Street and Ilia Public, 8 mare, Lir said Borough. The d lot In about 60 }gBT 1 , 111.0.5V0il Main .Streeti and runs bark to Charjth , •Alley; nail Ms orectod . thereou a . . • TWO•STORY STONE kt a ....DIqLLING HOSE, B ..k Aires, S.. This iiroperty 1000 e of the _ m:et deshable In the town; ted Is admirably 'situated lei' . - a FIRST CL - ASS - hae----T---iivivtleir l'uldle !Wilding: It is i prviednent bubble/3s stand, and Wettable for any i eiportadt branch of trade. being I,w , ted is the heart of the towir,"and ;al one ortii - J -Tortes usade-x-e'0lirlf , t111 , 110 , 17( kale by , hl.l Z,t itrrir VEVi, CAIIOLI I; fkr herself. and notluardlau of Jolin'W ender an Order Court. g FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. 'l'he mulerFittoed herolly notillos all parchakoi o fano+. fit ho wishes doting the .olohn• 1 , 1111 to disoosn ot•in s property. located folltil 0;ISt n 1 Carlisle, ( . 11110,1!11/11.1i comity. The pnolunly consli.ts Id' fifty nigllt 11erovii4!Nt•quali ty of Id ‘I Esrls E LAND, nod n Ant° or eultl Th,. 111.. a 111• W • • . /111111:1/1111110d10. BANK BARS. a good ,:146 , - ID W E 1 LLINGiIOLT 11 F 1 ,' = Mc,' ' ' • '; n well Of flavor Gelling wafer, 2,11,1 an or : :, ,, L i, ~.._ ri,,,i'd of every variety of choke fruit. "" -".. '' • 'lto. propriptor being noxloustto remove ton distant part of the'eounty, will sell nt a modenite price, and on ---nee4mno4larifig (mins - , pop further particulars apply to the proprietorpersou ally, at his residence on the above property, or by letter La Cllll6lO, • July • - ‘• 11,5nelst,:r ^ ll•unnlner."Leignon eon;ler," In sprt to unit 511.50 and ..bnigo 'tumidinll(4, = _, ,l __ VALUA BLE MILL PROPERTY_ AT NAILS) SALE: ' • ollorod nt Puhlle Sale, on FRI DAY:" t lie 241,1( day SEPTEII , • .1. BERlorit. a - yA PROPERTY, R / • 001 hor(aido'Ornot t Cyr7diT iu %1 . 144 I'l,llll%lmM bnvunhip. Combos:la d 7 miles west of earll.lo. and 2 roll., north of 0111(71'001er band Valley 1611roall. fi,tha add 4 al a tide eTalii•arow lo,c e,antry. Tha 111111.1 s built of stool., and vonl ih s tlo re run of Mir.. alai one Niq, of 11” , 1 plug 140111, all lu PerIPOI rt 1,311111, OMIT. The of water !anima lath Orealiatry MIAOW. 'there is, alno oa [W .. 11 . 1'010,4 a both In goo I order, There MI; six ;lyres of Lind with ills water right, :ittaehed to the projwity. on whhdi ure. erected n goo.' 1)1V81.1.1S0 1,1,1115 E qtaldo std , 777 • f , d ri li t er ry oecessa nut-bill dings, and on'oryhard F ED' K. WA '1"1'8, l'It1.11.1;NT • this 'llll bus been known for Illally yin", as the proper!, of thr Isle Francis Diller. %le Intl her 11INCI'lp thin Is deemed nevessary. Purelsesere van es:ninon for them:n.lsl'4 iwerlons tone on the day of sale. • [A ugu,t raly to 011111011.11e0 a ibruntro,t, whet) harms trill bu made known by N.M.—Pom. desiring fuller. Information nocy — na -clresF the Kolowribein by mail. direacol to the PI/Oilfield lbo. l'arlislo. P. O. . ills! . ..rt till pie quit sen;l 1411 to; this rave 1.)1:131.10 S-.itE. y vittuo orMor or , (ho Orplotos' Court and tho hoZt will and to.lanfoli of .1..1111 Itnuoi. dor'.l.. we will on, S. polilie solo. On the Cio !WAY. tho 10611 ;If S4l.te.ither. at 10 o'clock. A. M., I It., satiate in tit. Shippelisliiiiz, nnii Irilirh Cont. this C❑ iris Of 11:14 iratit nh Inc 28 :Irr••: it• ia in timber. lull tho readun milder •zoeal fon, - and 1, ell ttn•tivated. The Ini)vvo _I mews are excellent: enin4xting or TWO STOttY" • I E • 110 USE, .1111 y 21, _ _ and baselorto, a larni, hank and other m01.1111(1 ions. t larne sprhin 'that Pryer fills riser at liiriloor — 7lllOrtFc - stone Sptlon iloose cynic it. psoisl zroaa. _Plotodantly in thn .tlirot. It Is en. shlorml°pa of ow ow, count, of Cualherlatid. ft in P yid altatothar or In parts os will bort salt porehaSrrs. The terms will be mule known of Pale by - -- .1 - 181:141 11. It • I.l . a'rr. of John Ihwun, der'd. And. 11, alitirsburz Trancerint:' and Shippnnslin No." please publish till nale and Rind bill to tl °Med r,i V:k LI J A 13.1:1._1' 1111,1. A . d ..... LI vicouEirry AT I. IVATE ' ' , Mil :- .-).‘ isAh, -The fiulesailsw !lifers at firl .t!M— -‘,,t,,,,,),.. the gill i'roperty on which I. .11 he now redden, situated In 111111111 - -- .township, Cu oberland Couilli, -, 1 miles west ot ..ew vllle. iiii.l 4 tidies want 01 New bor.:. on tin State 1 . .41 leadlna . Irma Newville to Three isnitare lhalw. This pr .pert' lucludea 45 ACRES OF I,ANI). In ;owes of WI fah art cleated ai.d In it uood state or eult %itho,: the greater part being Iln nod under :mod ren,...s, with rtionina water In iwery field.' The residue, ft :1,,.. In 1,,V0r011 With ;andLIMN, ', Tho inipravenients are a three st Ty (iici,r \DLL. In worst repair. with 11,volluitt Burrs and Cli pliers, andan excellent run orcidoin. a Saw )1,1 iu fund order. with roost:int oat 1,1,13 mina. Thos.. 'tilts lll, nll 110 Threo square milt. Him. with a 151i1 .4' tiro.. loot. The oither Imps iv...loots me. two.str.ry Fit Sll LOA Frame clone , 1, 7 ,z (nearly Hoare, Stoolio House mill other necei.sary hors Inn 11,11 I oxeolleiti water..( with it 1111111 p the 11001, 11 !Attiring along 01021 LUIII of choice t'rult. pr •perry NVJII he S $1•1 ,11,4 10 “Irergrent 1/111 . 1.0114i1N to r”, I,lllrN ply L. JOSEPH C. LIS • IZ=IMTM \ LIT \lit, E PAIL 11 14) The Will 111 Te l. 111 11111.111 1 1,110. on the 011 S.l l'l/H 11 %T. the or SEI'T T.ll BEI:. at. I o'clorlt I' \I.. hl. r31111,111k30,1 l'rati ,, lord 0111.10'0,0t Wm:oly. near 610..i.r., illy. :old within I 111111 1 or I'l.lFiCi. 1,1111. ;to.I 10 miles wext 11( C:11 1 111 , 10. 011 1.110 11111 1 1.1 . 1 . .,111 11l CH1 . 111110: - • IT VoNT.IINS Willit• 1114 1:1tOly Lren 111111.41. Ind all °lll i• In a g eed ,late el l A le.ol woe, el the like, h. well eenea.,l thnh,e The luipeorynientn a geld Ilve btu, Z ' WE.% Ilkli110.11:DED 1101:SE, - y, •• :14 Dr, Ilarh. Whgen Con) Crib. am! ether neeleeetry evil er 0.4 i‘ater at the deer, :tad a thrivhig young ereletrd orcii.hicx yarn'. .1 .1 / 4 ! i.lllll I, lief! aht 61,1, them being ram i l,,, t In ilearK , all the lit•lils. IL it ail! 'lir clot k, a lac.. ia it vat Ire canvertuil iota meadow, . • . Said l'arm is ootixottioot to l'ltOrt•lte, Stlto Slid nod Clote,litoot coo I , u 1110..10110 two toil. • lturnio.t ' to y 1101e , u0 . 10110g, 10 vin this farm ran eql nn th. mad° known' cm Ma Only wilu by INI EL 3PCOY. Aux. 011131,1• AI,E gtiTATE. It‘'ololue or an nr.1.4 or the orphans l'otfrt of C•oolfotlitiol f• oof ly. I 1,1,000 n l'uldle ral. no the plows., 00 VII; 0 .. .1).11 .. .111. :11111, o f IS:IS, at 11 A. 31.. for the ,Ilelntof Al. n d ooo 1111 for. dereasoll. . Two VIRSY HATE LLMESTOE FAIIM:4 the towitshlp oh Il'ost llonoshorouvli, the Culiodo t'rdek Omit 2 !. , ii i st of Nei, Lille. soil ill miles cost of tharli'hle. Oita:1111X 100 acres; u - Inch Ir 1 . 101111 , 1 alai under ea nl.p st roll r ill lo 100.• and Us Isloa Immured rigid culthated; the roslduo IN Weil tiro 6orod. '1 ho improviliono to 111:1. s 400.1 tr s v ( :).srr ( • 11•&• :7[ 1. , .IfO,DOUBLE 1:n1100111/ED , i - J4 • II OLIB E , a lure n.uo. t...re. now W•tgott flied nod Corn Crib. 11Nt•rete orelitird i41141-other SiONlp.: CI.111:111,n 71 nuns:tiere• of w 9i,.1,* .0 oro cleared, inoliTr Bowl tepee and hex 11011 well limd, ' Immured nod volt' cited t the r4hltto Io w.. 11 timbered. The unprot eitteras hirlll2ll.o n Twa s•roity svEATll,lcilommel) 11:11:00., tt ttood • Think Ilttro toth, out houses. n ith It well of neßor•fit Ilett 11 :dor. Both thew,. fames are beuuord by Ow (Jr.!". nod ndir.lll v:401.41.0, I Mil :LlS , :tt. 0.000 timrmid 11131.0. expose to pub, __tile wile tt OF 1M /1/I.A:\ 11, sit tolled nu may !Ilrilmfolis,oll/R..11111r Mli .. m•.l l''in; nhont 4 1 ,.; utiles trio the tthono farms n•ni which Imes bent , -,11 vide , . Into three Lori. of Itt Items 10:1 rerebes. ill apron ' :t.j perch.. and . 20 arr.•ti li porches; this Inod is bounded by tioo.ol.(lralenti..l.llth Diller. Pr-et Ily••ry, 8:00501 Arnold unit others. mud meowed 11111 Final thither, cloud.° ut. oak • 041 hlelt•wy• n t 11111 Ito "old' Berlina° or together. on Will bog null. purehto.ors. A portent title 1 , 111 be utren to the pareltit.er and pos. Seefloil on tint tat or Apo!. The toms which will he reusettab'e, will be tondo knowtiou the Utty of sale by SAMUEL 1 / 1 1,1431, 'Almost Ti, ':l4-4, R. . A.ll.lll,l4tratiir. . Ell)', lit thut r. Q 11,1.1 AL PAII3I AT '1 1 11,1 VA'J'ESALE. l_Tho xuhxcrihnr radrx at prlvato-safer,tho -ram-fla w-lit di ill, 1100' I . ol,itilol. al. u.ttad la West eennsl.ornuwb .towashlp.-Cmalmrland f'imaty,one - tnll. -- east - nr NOW , 011 the Statil I'oo4 leadlag -, reom - VarllFle,.•.cor.tula lag b..unded by lands of WV— Woods. paler I,oltman and Mlle.' Ti. laud Is Bart ii t 0.4.,n 0 and part , sla to. all uuder a good loner, null iu a high slate nle . ultl6 - elon. • . ; The law rovelnents consist of a now i' Darn ; n ~.onnodlourt. o • ~ L • it , It • recently remlred and Improved, All - • all other neers•ary opt •.,c. Len of - Clloleli FRUIT,' irulf never•litlllag well of water at the door. For toms or other .Inforroatlnn, Inquire or tho eat, scriber, reel, Ing nu the priltzliSts. • SAM UM. nsFFLEpowER: Aug. 25, '5B-.1t 4 ., B M W Lan. Es. insgit 3 times and charge thin omen, • - - .• • F( /It SAIL Ott - 11101 T. dethinbliqgoporty oftuntifil on t • Coo ~ Lou Odd Street. o d•ofet. coot roan ho Luildlrllo oe , opled by tho„ifaio , flidif helicio), will I o for' wile or root front oho INC 41 . 04101)er Itoot. Tho floolso 20th loon ro ceittly fitted up.. and water introditerd buoldes suppltod .O Ilk it o.oiod decent... 'Otero to Mow a STAIII.II nod other nut-buildings at• tneio..l dolt In amid . . ' For further itifoonni Lion app ly . Infoteitintely to - • 'GEO. IV:lll'o,qt:it, Auk . • 4tcaf 03$tate' 1.11e5.• 31,IVIIAEL FRIESE, er PLASTER MiLr,_ AND .SAW MILL, SANIIIEL DILLER, .101 IN - TIIE MANSION FARM, , }4 .13usutegs ~lf.nr6s. . r .sw ,BIDDLE j continuos tho foractleo of the •In tho.offire f .rmerly oocupiod by lie father,-ll'm 111thllo, Esq .end more revontlY, by the' law firm of Ammo' & tow dissolved. ' • Doe. 23, 's7:] ' • , P. 'HUAIRIeII' - Atiomey V • —oMee- on "North Ilimover streutln-foiv- doors south of Oittss'. Hotel, -All businetis entrusted to him will he promptly attended t 9",," :. ;" A": . • . ()TICE. ErlrovAr.,:4—• W. VENROSE bee removed hie attire to the room formerly occupied by Olin on Main street a few dome' colt of the .3tethodbit Church 'where hdwllr promptly attend to all bdidness,eittLtsetedl9 jAm: . , "7 • A W 0 PRIc E UM: TO bll rzwr.cr co n• Centro Bquaro, wont ditto, near tho First Presbyturion Chureli. , • 'April 8,1867. • 11. S. B. KIEFFER Office,lin North fitroot two ,doors frdm 'Arnold .c Son's torti';. - 011ko hours. moropirtlOularly from 7 to U o'clock. . 5 t.l from lto 7 o'clock, P. 71. n OoT 0 AIRIEST RONG . • 11as remov e,. fo:I his office to Centro Square west or the Cour louse: whoro he may ho consulted at mar, hour of the lay nr night. Or. A. 11101_11111.1 thirty' .yeart oxperlence It the protbsslou. the last ten of which hays. mon (loco ed to the of tidy aid practice of Illoon'enpathie mull too. • May 20, 's7thn. • I)R 'J. S. RANKI,N, I.7•ltontivopathle Phyalcian ntid - Stirgeon..l,lllco, .31°4 ttnpj streetLadjolnittOititirn!n_linntw!ire .10ore. • (7i0:11s16 March al, 1858.—am.i t 7 - EO.. w. .NEIDICIL.. D 'D. S. - ban Mononrilrator of )penalvo Datitifitry to tlre Irtt • opnimlto Marlon hlall. "ept,Nlain Street. Carlisle - Nn. 11, 18n. Ult. LCA.IOOIITS South Itanover. street, 'Syr . kv.. noNt il.mr to the Post Othet, ' ,g 9.1511 Is. atoamt from Ilarlialo the last tmi day of pad] month. • ' [Aug. I,'S Ult. GEORGE Z. ]:17.-RETZ. I Sl* - - Ilavlna• returned to Carli,le. offers his professions herrires to the eitlmit, generally. ' J(IL•n In North Pitt street, Oo Iriy opprlsite his forme rosi , leure 'Perms—Nloderato. ' [Carlisle, 311treii 31. '5B R. GEORGE S. SEA A 11110 DENTIST. front tho nal thanro College of Dental Sun:ol.y. ht)...( Mire at . the resideueo of his mothor, East Louthol treat. three ti•itirn holow . • • . March 19, tsnil. 7 t,r. ' ' • D 41. N .I 4;FF, respet • fully of nllen the Indies nail gentlemen - • • • of niut _vlelol ty. that 'u•-has re. S11111(41 the tiratileo , t 1" In tl INtry Intl 'ln prep trod to per tittle all fiperatlons ott`the teeth 3111 Ind 11.rint! to Itlx_prote.l et. • It. , will insert f4ll cots . n 1 teeth on geld lir 81! ver..n lilt Angle 1:11111 teeth, oe Hilts AS they inlay Prefer. 'forms metier:de. to stilt the tunes. . - . _ . . .Mlee ill 111411 mtreet, .llroetly uppu,iie the Cumber laud vulle'r Haub. S. nlll be in Sony'lle_ the last ten' days o every ovedh. • . 1)11CTOR. AUGUSTUS. It. EGISEILT, Tenders Ids Profess to eltlieus n ylnunt Ilvilly Springs. (f irinerly nand its Milce will be tinfoil It Atli ire's 11.1101. [Aug. 25, '5B-601. S. \V. TI. V EItSI'ICIE:, Druggist, North 113111111.1. Street. Carlisle. prescrliitlimAcarofilllC compounded A full ;lipply 11 'fresh drug+ mid _ 1 - 13. J. 1(11,P F0:11., Dealer iu Drugs illenl. 7 al, Peelritr, "Fani7 jotiter South I tiolover Street, Carlisle,. „ B t D I. & .)I E L, - • 11ANKE \ II,S, Korth Irestern Land and l'olle.ctitty l'arth.olar :itlontion paid to •tho bn..lnefts of non•resi ltnit%, suet,. Inlyin: nod I{l.ol I , ,tato, lii nl"oor Po nit] Novo frizes",tod . 1116nillg nil, the golo•ril iotorest of lion-rerldontE. Ref....1'1111,S given if required. Ail,l,s, BEEDE \ll EN II LI, Ml:meropulls, Mlntsesoln, =I rl l O TILE I'IJBLIC.—The ,itidersign -1 tni being well known as a writer. would oler hh ervives lo all requiring Literary aid.' lie will Addresses, t 'rations. Essays . Presentation speeeh• s and reales. 1,n11,1 for Albums, Aerosties—prepare in titer ihr the pre,—liblidtaries. and write ' l ento' upeu 1111 y Add MSS (post paid) . ' FINLEY, JOHNSON, . IlnfLiuu,•rv•, E AGENCY .M. JEFF THOMPSON. L E K k TII OMEnON, !lace opened Ito face at R. .1111.101. :%11,.. for the par 41:1S1.1111d 1.100 I• 1 Heal Estate. buying and telling Land %Varmints. entering Land M, StirVeying and llan• plug 'fawns. Imeation or WniTants. RIO nicking Invent. melds for netcresldents. paying of Taxes. and all burl • oat pertaining to a lieneini Land Agency In Missouri Kansas. Nnlnnska. qnd lowa. SiY.OOll . O on SOI4IIIII Street, North of A. T. Doan, Itaillthos Mom, (July 30.1050. 1 S T A'l' E A GEN(IY, L.—A. i. SPONSI.4.:It,. It CoNVPI ANCI:It AND S)'l/1 has ro moved to his Sew Haire on Alain street. one dour 1,11 '1 the 1 . 11i.\1,14 hind Valley 1:110 Road Pep t. Ile It 1.1,w p : onanently !matted and thMOllll,ll - Iq.ind Out SAP n very latgo anvolot of Peal lostote. .r Forms. ol ell sizes. Improved and unimproved Mill 'Nip-wiles. Town Property of eVery description, Build. hog h ,, )s, “1,0, 15'vSte1 . 11 :111111'0WD Lots Ho 101 l sive his attention, It hen•toro., to the Negotiating ot loomm, {Writing of peed, 31ortgagek, %fills, Cootrm . l, 111.1 28. I 867.--ti. W. C. It EE M, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Vinneypulix, ilinnexota IT'LL Girt gpeelal nitention to eallie•tlena thrift: fait the Stato. 1114141 Investments. buy and se - Est do am! 4eettri ties. Se.tlt late 1,1115 pay taxi. scale Lind Arat . ratini. &e. •flefer to the members 114, iiiiiiiietrra•nt linitnty Bar, and Wall prominent pit .I.llli id' HOUSE, oath, flu titer Nut, ntljolulug• the , Ciurt. flour • -JOAN II s; NUN ojtrietOr liar Ceet daily for PipOrtolVll Peter, urg, Voi: Speht4s nrid Ils.mver from this Ihmse. • , •• • W. IC. 11k , t11.1.1,NE, Putnay L. 1,• (103 K, • 111,A° Island. D Eit; K1.11:1,011); ANI TOOK,. l• hankers and DenleA'n in Rent EwnU c r MINNEAPOLIS, 3lionesoto Territory. Juno 1R117.7-Iy. R. H. THOMAS, VEN 4 ITI \N ISLIVU UANUFACTURER Mechanicsburg, Pa 4 All styles andayd terns of Blinds made to opt.* nd illd tilluda repaired In a neat and substantial man ter. and an reasonable tennis ;Ai,- ;Inters I...Carlisle and other p kink abroad rn partially solicited. ..I promptly attended to. Shop directly 'opposite the 'Union Hotel.' Rost Maln 'treat. . puly,l4. '5B- t. A.'14.; C. - BROCKEk, 22 CLIFF hTREET, NEW Tulin, = GLASS SYRINGES. II AUDI VIALS, MIAMI APED MEASURES, NURSING 1142TrLEs, k:Te. .Glass Ware for Chemists. Draughts, Perfumers Phomeraphers, etc. Orson 0 ass Ware.by the penale. A liberal M.:roma loath, to the trade. Orders from C 11111 l try Drmmists and Dealers. solicit V. Prim, List sent on applirat ion. ~ . ..„,f ~, , ,,, 1 ,,,X A,,,,i..58...3 m. _ . ... .„ • L AC RE lt SANTE,l).—wapt_ ed Ot Nnrth' Middleton tumuli*, .eumberlin d Teachers, to take charge of 11 schools. In that 'district during , the. ensuing winter, to wheat liberal salmi. a will he given. - ,Applietatx trill inert for exitinination at Raymund's tavern, rarlisle. en Thursday, /he Intl, day of August, at 9 o'col , tc„ , ! . l. M. IfsB.AuguSi'l - • - N .OT ICE TO • TEAC ITER S.— WANTED, n Teamier competent to take charge 'of n school In the horouzla of _sew Cumberland, in this•comity, for the winter ietifiloo, to whom a liberal inderiwllabe For fortherporticularatiddresq : - • - 7bacrotery School Board.- . -July 21, 185E-3m T . AIR NIE RS !-'-'-Now is the time' to - ge . t. ' it new Ton KSIIIMI 3IADIIIN:: and II It E POWEIt. Wmhave noodle'. of well' mode Dorlillma now ,on hand, at the Carlisle Foundry turd , tlochine Shop. which WO WlitSoll On the most reasounbln tOrlll4. ThOy-010111,i ,, 0 ell the tntot hopmarmente:and one ,wo re''. ; Material 'old worhonouldp. ' CORN elfIti,GER of Um most loMpived .con structino, which do their work, rapidly nod thorml:biy. Far sale at hoe mires tittilDNEW4 • July 21,1869, • • • • ICII3 (*nobs. LARGt SPRING.ARRIVAI • •Nlny YORK 'AND PHILADELPHIA, ELEGANT NEM GOODS, ~A. W.BENTZ , S Stvlem Fanby 1110 H t i RARE': EL:Ea/VW/ 4 11_1 French Virulent silk.. Chinese Silks; Satin and • Striped, Itaronfs. Valencian,Duealleit. Beautiful new.printed Cbnllles. French priuled nutis.-,very_handsoain Banta. very ifinulsoine Freud, - L_. Drtllkudr Rnwlixh French/Ind neoteli, : • • Bounets.llorw • net Ribbolls and - • Dress Trinuniugx,• ' Shawls lu every • variety, . Silk Crape. 'Cashmere; • • r , • Are. linibrolderles: very low Com- ' prising COLLARS. SLE E ES FLOUNC. INOS, BOMA:S. VEI e. Carpetings . and Oil Cloths: VENNI AN, I Nit It AI N, THREE PLY, IIIiUSSELLS. COTTON lz ,Druggete and Floor BB Cloths Lf e sill Widths. LINEN (100119. • A complete assortment embracing all the most culu brutes! marks. s •= Cloves mtd ' Hosiery ho La d I Sllsses n n d Children- great variety • of kid. 'silk mid Cotton " 1 . - Gloves, Ladlit.l.Elegant To istect DOA ESTICTANITSTA.: (1 Blearhed vivid nnbleacbed • kkirtinirs. Illenelted• and m 1111611010,1 sln;et I tugs. IV.iolen and Cottnn Flannels` Corset • Jeans Tlckin,s. rottonaties.Satinetp, Tweeds. Cotton vivid Linen Pia. • pers, Table Covers. Bleached ~ and—llronir-drllPagn, - -:;--- - and an endless re- ~..;.":.' riots of other -.--- • .' - In feet:tills stork of cools Is very extensive. lb -ouch and complete. illIVITII: Leers :purchased' with 'gr • ent deal Of care. we feel conlident we VIII please a nun who will favor us with 3 Pali. • .. ____AlLeatutid_pers.on,ulio_hate_patrenized_us_here . fore. will admit that we hove soil the best bercal or pureloised In Carlisle.. Wo can 'll.llrO our Meads ad all lovers of -Cheap that We aro av wall !pared as over to tiller superior ipiluvemotats liar their (tram unite. W ..outli Hanover street, oppoblto tho Post Carlisle, 'April 21. Ihsl , , • • WII . O:I4EHALE, :,241) ILETAIL Drug, Chemical, Confectionary, Frni 'VI lE.TV STORE. T N;;l4g% l r 'l k ;n7l , .;:irl% lected with geed.. 1,11 . 1.. he is. satisfied are Fresh 'nod l'Atre. Physicians' prescript lour as lit he promptly turd faithfully - attended to. ft oalefat front tuercimoto its the etooltry will he tilled with carelotti runt Vim oot.ttetooath• able terms. Ail nolriul preparations made strictly in accordance with the 1.1.5. Pharmacopeia. SPIC,ES ItitOUNI) AND 1V1101.P., cinnailit i p,:elnyup ; Cllklatulei, • mi j i ousr. Mustard. Baking, Soda. M`rt , ,liing. glati. I.7re: liar. Nutmegs, 1.001 Powdor. Nlnvo,. Citron. Suy 11j011111I, fresh and puma. I/o has nd all this lillierent Msillelnes .if thu day. • CO.ATE(.I7O..VAR/ES. granges. I,etnetts, Vivi, Raisins, Currant.. Prunes, hnoncis.: I , llherts. flreatnn.uh. lit tntit. a .\uu•rlr:ua, (tertian tin& Nreurlt . l7uulies.nnd Toys - of terry' variety. TllO4O WISI11,1.! to 'nuke hotesale pnrchn..es he'supplrod with firm wt el oonfeetionaries and at hiwer ratter than at ani...ther lutist In the ....wary. Ile tuts alioa full I.; sortinent of 4%IERWAN: GEII3IAN AND 111ENCIL !sli•ting of Wood unit of every iteitiolption. Dolls. Doll Ilrniiw. • llorseß, Moyle!, Bird, 'lnning 0r,... rnricy... Work Itomi. )tasks. Cords. Drools, lirtoolliv- Stands, A 1... to he Kohl Wltoleszile and 'tetra!, and In pOIOOO, !petition in F. LACY GOO PS. = 'utlery. Shell and Pearl aid Needle 110 'elks Calms, Berman French nod AluSrleati Viii,,. In!oil:mots tutu mice. card Ilnrke and Illisk left- Iltwist Hum. Necklet.. awl lli:ige. Combs Pull: . DI Itle. and 113e1, , ItitlAperelsti 14.1111. e. 'fair elotlieN . ; II hit 011: 413 PlAt %read titslSputil Cott,t. 110 lono..ts . tic. • ; o r i other Sirius. Pearl powders. I is iirrt quality Ilair l'onta.les. 51ur...101 Soaps Cream, forth Var...., Haftu of a - Tlionratid FIMVI.I . II. )11111.1 . 011. TIIOIII tfa.h I/ 51,1,1,11, and Ilair Tho nn,vc 111%1. hon . se.l,lo.l4ith cart, and ivll.l TOB.-1(.!(!() SEGARS. On hand the best let of . I terare and Tobacco that h ever 'semi/mot:ld to tails town. ' llh Sezata. will en 0111.° the tonexerOn Intel of the polity or the mated of rrhirh tiwv II:1h on lintel thus.; tin which One 111111,t141 Wild ohleli in can re 011111100,1 I surf, 11'11 need not spenk of tire trim German Segni. thee have :dread,. maned for themselveo a reputittlo that then. no deftly deserve. lie elan keep; the roman m Gehl or Se jars !AO salt turn trede; Tlolnieen midi no 1' dared° Melo ttotmreev, 'Feist Itleln. 'Fig hoof. Onwn dish. trill FlllO Cut . 1:01n11,0 and ^null, tl 1.1.01 nil. Peallott thankful to the xmierons public for their 1 I oral patomege. n motionaliy of the .one nt nor poritinglinit Ines Una ho rajah Hanover stave'. d redly ommolte llettifitm's lintel, and next do re to 31 C. 1 oholf's Grocery.' CBru 1 , . awne's:i. fist. —ly vEW GOODS! N E‘V OOD ! ! 1 hathjust returned from New York MO ,lelphin, :mil :we now 'lllll.lllll/: hl Ihp IltIW store room the largest and eioletelkl stork of spreLva AND SU NE 11 0001.15 over Itrowalit to Varli,le: A ton4oitionol lino of LA• MKS I/ ‘1,55 s.aiLas Main alai Ffllll'y $lll, 11.111111 erg. Side Stripe Sills illwalat Mark Sills. nerd low, Veil In rho, lees. liroooolines, Valonclons, ind Ila rogu Rollo, Side Stripe *DoLulo,, (hg:11.13 oto.. A ititi 11•No11.1 111011 1 Or E 1111. 0 ,1.1..,, f„ hart 11;6011:00.111-ts 10s0rti . A VII111,14. : 11p ete.. ellettp, t 1111 II 01 er, ClOO , O iv:, till red .1:0•000ig. 80. i., NI tisliuti Na ttte eft. T101,111;0t. el..001..1;110:10101,1 oh, 0 all hind! , mil at the Ire , 10‘,0.,t 1101 ill. 110.1". VETS.. RIB!? ().% S. FLO worts, !Welles, au entire new apeeetu te uc • SIIAAVI.S; a large aseat•tment and veFy 111(.311, NIIVII-11S Stella. wool Nese Clutha and l'aa , iineres also just eveelterl. Ills 1411/11'11,1:111.1 Idler ,j , 0.1, for bays' wear Ituareat varlotj. .1111111.1•pa.les, Ilt•slery. li loves. ete. ete. 1(011 1111 d 111,V 0..1.'11114.111 of ‘111110):411y, 11.0 v gird aild Ir/1111111 1.1711!1.011 Pm; to 1. Nos M pother R II II II .Y of 1,1 1 , " 1 iiolllll 1111 d Stair 0111,.`t• 111.2 N at very reduced prier'This Work hos horn Inld 11. With great rare nt the 3 , lomest . cash prlevs, - nod mill be sold libr the rash at irleeo no Will cuts illoe that ilgilby's new store is the place to my out their rush to the very best advontim4e. Light prelim and ,1111.1, sales. Reeolleet the lien. store Is no (hemmer 01 110 in and P:tt streets, opposite the Melloidlst Ilturat Carllfile, April 21 Toi.l (MI WOIFIS - 171R — ThIl 8.4 te .tz Ait G E AND 1.3 T N - 8 - 1 V 1 •1 ARRIVAL OF- = 41 the . .New S'torr. Corner o! North honorer and I, , wher St•rets • The - underslatietl 'toinros thanks fat the pntransge bestowed upon him by o°l,lllllle, nod nt t Ito same tllll,l. respectfully no nouna s that he lots justtroturned fro , l, I%ll.lllophi. anti Doom upon lug a tow lot of ' (1 A , inniKit !hoc OOODS AND intocEmEs coin ~istlug 11l part as followk. and which he It determined to sell at the lowest cash prices . SILKS. I:UCAL ch)'rus. chfatt,.. Alpacas. De Lain. Dellages. Lustros, Poplin,. Lao its. Baroges, Brilliants Sklrting.Fronch and Scotch (Hugh:nits Prints Collars. Handkerchiefs. &e. SII AWLS AND, MANTILLAS, In every otylo and quality. ' , TAPIA: AND IBM ESTIC DRY GOODS, Cloths. Vas shoores, Vesting. rhuittels. Altn<lins. Tickings. Stripes. 4711ecks. nt'licoes, I 'talon/Wes, Line., Shootings. D o nt onus, sankeens, Drills, Marseilles Quilts, (+doted and white Carpet Chain. he., he: Parasols and Umbrella , : Also a large told' hplendld as:14111°ot of BONNETS. HATS, CA I'S, Inn ITS AND 5110 E S. A superior lot of fond) OROCERTEi. Toas. Coffee, Su gar, Molasses. Rim Spices. he.. he. Having selected my °afro stock with the are:tit,' care. and tho loterst CASH PIIIOOO. I on assure my friends and the public zonemily, that I will do all In my purer to make toy ”btataishmour Itnowu as the HEAL? QUARTERS FOR It In) A INS." Those who wish to purchase will lindilt to thoir advantage to call and examine my stock helbre purchasing. I will. pay the highest market price for nutter. Eggs, I tugs. Sum), ml.llrleti Fruit. -• ' J. A. lIUMIIICII, Jr Car 111411;. April 21.1858 GM - 0 U 8 FOR S.PRING cLontiNo. • Thu subscribers respectfully Infitrin their patrons, and the citizens eenerally. that they have recently received lean New York and l'hiladelphia.'a large and I.l4;aut assortment or clothing spltable for tho pro Nou t - nnosufacturtid of the best to iterials and-in, the 1110/4 thshionahle.style...which they, are-thdertnined to sell beeper than stellar a alt.' es can he elsewhiwe. Their stock comprises Ditiw:- AND MOCK COATS, of new „nd fashionable - styles. ' Business Sucks anti frocks of tho laSst that•trial end latestpatterns • Double -end single breastsd Vests. in endless variety—choice styles. Flarglintek Creneh Doeskin and Caney Cassi mitre Cants, •Hain light colored Castdiner° Pasts, in great choirs styles In order to intent tin, wattlg . of tbd people in this branch et' their business peat "Wire and attention bas been given to it the present season, Coats. Pants and Vests of all sizes end quell les. to which constant addl. 'thins will ist loads during the season. , ' Also, a full astuortniont of Shirts. Collars, Bosoms, Cm vats. Pocket liandkerehlefs..auspendors, Storks, Gloves, llosiery and:Umbrellas. Always on hand a large assortment of-Dlack, - lirown.- -Illue-and.-Olivo Cloths, Mask Doeskin , and - foxier Canal -- mre Vend gigs, ite.• ' ' ' Clothing every description and quality, well wads: old of good - material constantly on hand. • ' , Customer's work mitts up to order, nt . the shortest notice ond•on reasonable terms. • • • .ARNOLD k LTVINOSTON. • Car Halo. Nl,ltr,ll vni•th ifellyover Pt rss , PIIEBE PAINE will receive Ladlos:dir 'v0.8'110164 lu Y.ngllap 'add Classical Atidloi Ilieldolind Mn.lcrTl Lanviingen. - 1 .41"" In Or.rtnd, Paildll 7 a and 11.htwon•Ps nt her eesidence, en West Stroot p •tho Ist Carlisk, pug, 2:llBtlit.' • „, VORTIT ...IT A ist U.V E It, STaIiET .• - cosvp:prrloNsitir, - • • • ' • - cAIL L I 10+ A PA... nOlOlll6 1611ve I 4 ram& $2 . Per 1.00 .-- no a tioullon or Couutii ally the:l 4 M l n 'gonurolly is le thud to a largo 210Urt.1101)4 et • clip/CW-0.401b ' • manuracturod br the boat mutoN aia.l •Warmutaii to intnln no phalli 1a their voloro. wbiCb wlil ha Rohl Whulmilo or Ilvt4ll - ot low rotocnt thu old - aatomi of A/ 0 - N' 11( MIL • Not 11ANo1•En thomistm, • . A row door,: Nortkg 110.4011d,D0osit43011:,, Jost rocul;oil u largo aia•ortatont , or . 'PIt4SII7I , 7tITS, - "1 - 1171 ' tbolatoxt - Itoportntiouttreon;lotlilg or Oratu.,r 11111 NI W. INiman flax, Abu md C 6in ufic, all Or Odell will be sold at low rates. A1.,0 a 'urge no surtuait ur " orsvory virlety. Also, nil Elm best brands of HEC:AIIB 'AM) TOBACCO, • of American and (lormio manufacture, .Tho soliocriburriiturin. thanks for thu liberal patron.. ago bodowod on him by the public. awl 11011e1LA S a ran. tin uouro of tholr Itualombor the 'lid Stand of P. NOS VCR,. • 1 Carlisle, Juno 10,'59, • North Ilanovor 6trioit. ; DOUKS! 'BO()k.S ! BOOKS !!! ---L) 331 C, TA Lon. k small - ' 'aro solo auentii in Franklin and Cumberland rOuntlos for thin following valuableworks: • Donton'a A.hrliltrnont •of—..tho Dehatilk of Conurmoi. Cairo pgr Vol.; Cloth $3 or), Shoop 3 50. Bonton's Thirty. Voar's Vb. ; E;oululeto In 2 iolo. _C10th..55_00,14* Shoup $O-00, . 11Irses General Atlas of the World r Colored Mani .. 00, • 13urtmee Cyelopamlin of Wit and iluronr. , American Clic:nonce: It collection or eyereline, ate., by the moot ~a dvent 'or Amurica.--ocit h- hi•rgnt• phical /Volta:ea and Illustrative notes. Icy Frank tloru, non ready. complete In yols. Cloth. r:4111: co, 7 Olt • • SANDERS' SCHOOL ROOKS. • ; ' , odors' Primer. • - See,lene Speller. - Satlders' Reader Randers' Reader. NO 2. • Sanders' Reader, So. 3. • Sanders' Render, No. 4. Samfors' 5„. . Sanders' Render No. 5. • Sauders ; Iliulp y hoel Reader. • Sanders' Ladi 'Lleader. Sanders' Speakers . -Wholesale and retell at SIIRYDLIK, TAYLOR & SMITH'S. Mulodtans, Pianos A largo oopyly of 8 , 11 , ,0l Books, wholesalo and retell T A11:111 & FAIITIPS.• Tapir. Envelops, Poop, Inks. ole I etc. 'S11111;t1Eli.". TA 'll 111 At C°: AND SEE K 1,11:, .E , 'CORNER lIPP..ATI: TII BQOTB, -- SHOES; 11.1TS - ANDCAPS, " 21 7 17 .4 II I? 1r A . Ve In, to. our former mistouuus and Lim luddle In tumoral. g lirA.ruto gislrt otont nt new goods. suitable AND SUMWER ll'At4 R. unsuriseessl f.r beauty. style. durability. anti rh sap Hers. Our stork consists of NIRFi sll,li '31 . 01.1.:81S1N MATS, • •• • liho ICosqlith. Boys', VouUN', and Children's Fairy Hats. a I`Very enter. STRA W 1111011 S AND CAPS. we'are sure the hest asSertnient evar offerdd in the county. and, worthy lb attention 01' all. 11007'S AND SHOES. of every variefy and afrle. Ladies. Illo,s,urd Chi dren's 111110 tlaiters.-and all kinds 'of Children's Pane Shoos. Pot:Gentlemen a trend ogsnr l lll . olli. Of every style OW In food every ,ariety In our line. Thankful to the nubile for past floors We solicit vonflunodl it of clod . as' we are' sure we can mak it to tluradvautue of the purehnse . r. . • Carlisle, April ISAS, A. B. 'EWINC+ . 'S . T FURNIIIE WARE-10011S, • = _ 1858 f . z • - • West High Street, CarlNe, Pa. (Premium mearded .. at Milherland Cuun .Igrirullured Fair qf 18:)7.) • Thn stil.srriberlyis Just received the most spleml lissvrtmalit 01411'611h, ht his Nur. over lorotrAt to 11 ptu•r--ivitivh ho Is detonuluud to sell at priers that fy conaprtitiiii. Parlor, . : 1 I linm her, . Dlolog-room, , FURNITURE Hite ..en and 0111 cc • . I= Enda:wing every article need by Mese and lint keepers, id' the moot approved and nod dbid oat:1•40 rurnattro in Nett reeeptlhe is 'Camp Chairs, Alattrar.sos i tint 'frame plettul, •IhiPch tarry IWO rejurah•d 10 ( . 1111 111111 ' FX111111110 ' 111 et Irk. at Id, r,v leeslre_ware.reems. teal 11niu etr.•v North aide. A. It. LWINII. , . . . • . . £t - sr' I..ttlimilar :,ttsiltlon given as um).ll toi r.deroi orslks, Ulan Louw awl .....10, .Lt‘..deLl to Ilona pt' :L.,t ~ 0 uasilurate ferias. A. 11. E. Carll,lx, aloe 12; ISs6.—iy. r. S A XT()N'S • A rt D n -- frortmr----r± s RI xCI Alt It IVA! . lIIMENSE STOCK tir 11.11MWA10:. TllO FOI.M14•111,1,111.• just returned Ilrnn ihu Eastor nerd would eall the attention of his liaeu Ii OO it, 1.1.11 e ;:ellorall) to 1110 large and will soleketi sortinunt 411AltMVAltE.ohid; ho has 00W o. 114111 fOlO,I•tilOr.111 'tart of 111;11,1):Nti 11.114.1t1A1.c. curl ; Sails. Screws. Hinges. 140i,t5.,.1,0e1,5.(11.Ks of evet3 .1 serintion ;sash conanan. sr/lit e. 1 .11,1 w :1111.Hr:in. french, 1:1111111OI/O11 mimed 11011610 lIIICk Of O. slice. Paint, Varnishes Rr.. &e. hilge Tools of every deserliitiol Sawli Plaites.°ll4re. and 'lilts: A ugers. Square, ilia:we Files. ilasps, Ilannuers. Vices. Anvil, Serew Hale HlaelooiiitinOtel lows. ko., ShoeinaltilWatel Saddlers will find a liirke assoremen of Tool 4 of ',very deseriptlen. tozether with Ladies' an (lentil:men ' Nlorueeo Lluln, Wading, Patent so Frets!, calf flu`ea..l,AAWlsoVax. haq. larness'Nlouothiir, Collarse9Atlllr,t: Whipstock. hair. Saddle Trees, hr., A.e. Also, Ilakers Tools Will Trlininliws of all hind ouch as till/IS. glokes. Fellow, Shafts. Floor Chid ,an ansa. Clotlt..gauniak,_.F'tiuge,: Lave, to Spring !leas he .-he Cabinet Makets will 'hut a tarn assortment or \a. ulrhrx, oak, Walnut, and II:wog:my Veneers. Kind all kinds :Ind Size, Vi ii.i nos. Rivets, Hair Clot) Curled I lair Chair and Sofa Sir aave..te,. lloo,oh callers Will also find a largo usNartinent, K niyes and Forks. Ilri.dati n la. Al hula and Silver Plate Table and Tea Spoils, c!Apinwitiek, hoci and bra.. lukt!les. P:1118. togethe 'rich cedarware of all kinds, such as Tubs. Burkett: Churns. Aa, . &a. Iniploment,enibraelwr 1'4111,0f:ill kinds culti vatore. Roes. Stiovelft, Italics. Forks. Main, • IRON, It largt, sto k, comprising all, Mods In gemus use whirl I am souls , 4 at clertviiiiliThalo prlves. It ouneallior Out oI I stand, East Maio street, oarllellu. Mall 7, It4LB. 11 . SANTirN, HATS!!! The tande.sfraled would respectfully NIIIIOUTICO t pulille that they have purchated the stock. &c.. .1 the late lfillion 11. Trout, dec'd t and will ....tali au the 11.-ITTINia.III.'SINESS la the old stand in W .st ht h rh street. whole I toy hop. all the lad customer . mut oth4 ere will tatve thrill n ruling they feel vonlideut ' nide to please. They 'till , now.-' , oat 'Janda hplend d assnttuantt ,r of • i t/ C II A T ,lam of all desorlptlons, from tho eoluni4dtViinl to the finest fur end Pl k Hats and at pricoo that must Butt every Pne 010 11:1S1111 oyo to gutting the - worth of his money. 'flair Mlle. Nlulookill and Be3Vol' Hilt, lire unsurpassed for .llghtness. dumbility and tinbth, by tboso.of any other establishment In the taault,. ltusol lints of every deborlptlon constantly on hand. Gall and-examine. Atig. IL 1868-ly M==== GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, Patent Shoulder SeaditShirt-Adanufaotory AT TIIC .• No. 706 Chestnut Shia, l'hiladelphia, OPPOSITE TIIE IF.6IIIIIIITOSI HOUSE. A. wiNcuEsTint will give, au heretofore, lila per• sonul Ruput - ylston of the cutting end Thlnutheturing-de dkrtmetits..,ilrtlers fur his colehntted style of Shirts god Collars tilled et the sitorteet notice. rersons deoltlug to order tlliltdo.'can be supplied with tho thrombi far measurement. on application I y ' Coma:lntly on band, varied and select stock of Lien. tlemou's Furni,hlint Goods. 01..W110106311) ()Mere oupplied on Ilbaral term sup. 8,1868; . I -T US T-RE C ETV E D f: I ISTCII7/21TAWY ER'S flow stern, 1111(ItilOr Vot, Cori/01011S and Siler,Voo(l . 6 CIAO braids' CoX'VENSION, SKIRTS. Also 1109 btylts of American Chlots, (very bountiful.) Milli a •varlety of goods +lilted Oaths season. - call and nicamlue, • 'Aug. r .t SAWYER.' Vt,r 'NOWT : StIADHSF - --The finest, inr• nnki Cheapest u...rt.nontWind in ohnden eon be bad ut am now ethre ' T.itor; 1.3. utter ... tiiid 1.5(;(1.1 • • c'q teraJLEi. Tua.olC4 , u, Curritot Jul. t.ojo i fresh tit . , 4. J. IitERVLS.'S. 6,10b0. - Lemonu o . • Wanes Pim Applol t. ,. Ellberts t Mom Nutg, ST., TOYS. AND FANCY (MODS TAYLOR k SMITH'S Einity.)m. Tiiqmit s 6irrirs I= 1858 J. 0. CALLIO 4: CO Belo 6300 h. , . Ei• 00 Itl ODB S ',A,' 110 11,1 11A1Y:SIr, V k ;.4 I 1 0, F41 , 1(3,Y OfioDR,'OEFT, itOrco, W, 11A VIITISTIOIi Ims jogfrooolvoll 'km tifo alty, nod la How opourng ovion4l4(llgploy of VANCYCIOOD6I,.- oull ,olo f OW. oopPooNtlow lioffttoy , kaaana to whfolt ba ov.froi. to roll tliu ottontlon or big Moil& and 111 I filo and Con wit bifOloll4lOldel I norolty and tililltOlPP, boatlO iilltindy 0d.9140111 of tha artivjep.o.looot toll toOrme° puPe ;opera, It !mild lin Wirth:4lo to 01 utlitouto ii01:11)4Y VAI OY 000101.. whlob comprfgooyory voriolyorahoynd Mtloio of ttio4t toopiNl o boy.); Imo, t:oloor Moobo tkoou, " 1 "ilul&V-.olv. to liol l i oa n oo, nftnet474 — loThnjf o crM dug, InAtrunionio, - toot V ppm , wolifit*, • . Popo Ay of Indlog r l'onojetalOo, cry 4 - :. 3lotto 0000 and utifott, SIM nod bond porboot, . Looios• limo); olulpc , ologoopy thilobod, Ladleellar Oleo • • 1 , , , rfm00 1 , ,,u11,As and baji.u ! • brnaLuc of iond_nn• Om • l'ortmaro of the vnfloua kloda, • , 51.10 1, foul runwatt, of all klodu and at all prkett ugolll,.r with 411j1111uniorabb, rarloty of artieloaollatant. y tinlubnJ and Rtiltal,lc fur holiday mai, to .thlalt ie. !mite,: siturial atimutlint. Alan; an ettoo,i atrul elegant collooltloo 1100 DAY lrf comprising the va NOW, 1%1101611mM Atnerleoe ANNUALS lie 19aa, rioblgg limb/MOM and .111natrated POETICAL WOR/CS, with I'IOI'OIII4I. 11001i0, for children 61'411 nog. thati whirl, nnibing he more , tho'opriete or !deeming ngllolldny alft4 Ulm atelortment at School iteuttaniiii School tp.ottounry le Oleo complete, nod contorts. averythlng used. In Collage . . and ;...the dosirox to the partletansttin._ • lion of 1 unllli.F r,mlda ole iv int fig.itnin4 OW, of ‘. •••• • LA NIPS: 11 IltANDitt,El3. • , from the oxtemlve estaidlshmoot or Cornelius, A rehor nitd ntl)s,,,, or Philadelphia, entnprlellint every atylo of ,* Tartar. 1:110 tabor and etndy Lamp. for burning either Lord. Spefolow Etherlitl oil, together with Flower Vence, - Panev hlereetie&e. Ills oFsertininitip.tbl9-11no—i6-nn.--; or u:7ed Li o llnrnul%U. Alan. • III: El ITS, FANCY CONI 4 :OTIONAFIY—NUTS—• Pp!, }OM KIP En 0 v..ry varktyliiiii at all prlona. elf of which are pure nod true), mob ne enn bin Confidently rocommended to Glenda-toni•-the.rlittio folks, 'llls stock embroces everything in the line of Fanryoo nods, with loony other netwiwo model to loolookutmere wl,lYb tho public are es• Invited nuall.tonLoidulot Er(iiii;ll r•WrEnfiNE n [ld , poorly oppOsite the Bonk on North ilanover street.. • El; W.. Ititn.l.Cll. nee. H 3. JR 1,7 115, • JEWELRY,. AN .t AI I,VIIII-1, - .4IILAT4.I)NLYN'S oil Sta lid, 'Wild, 3181,n elt., nearly oppoallo the puuilkrinud Valley flank. • — I litt ,r ijiist:l•tieitrviala - 117. msortmont of wtifaleii, to ivolry. inetla II ton , vor - waru, Ate.:•111 uddttlou to my former stock to wittrh I invite tho ottani" 41 piddle. 'flat assortment embraces lino „ fo. • gold nod silver levet. watt:llos. flouting ft, and "pan 1,111, ektt , gold A 1101011; for 14:allos mai (ientlemen , and nitrur, La ptops and ,quartior weirdos of °very ata, riety In style alarprlre. • Alt o lino gold Modollitptt. itreast-plos for Ladles and Gentlemen Of o rory, oat Ity, pattern and, priem. Gold foil. vext.eirf, 'laid bracelets. finger rings, en IT.pitts, at ads', altlavo.buttons. crosses, rhorms, ,ito. Gold and silver 'thimbles, slivor and plated butt, lan i vet. forks. latila6 tra. salt and mustard spoons of every yurtoty. A large assortment of _gold. sliver 1111 l sportarles, to_sult all. . ages to whir/I.w° W146411)0611 atten tidy - • , • A fbie 14 of 1101.1)15P.N14 'tram the best - nialiers;' pechiclo Caper. limey haxes, silver and pearl canteases, gold and etionnon brat , Plets, watch Mantle Clocks and a 'variety of articles usu. ally kept inkhmelry hAtahlislunonta, wll.•h 1 %111 roll low. for cash. All 'flair'es war. rent' , I to ill, what they ar, reprenented. • Particular- at tonildu paid visual to sv.vron ItPPAIIIIYU• and all work war ranted. - 11= TUST RECEIVED AND OPENING ty. AT NA COCK'S CIIEAT JEWELRY STORE, - Main .81reel Carlisle Pa. - • A largo supply of # iRi (tit, ce r t .i'. ~,,-,- ‘Vatchea Jewelry.. SII! A_ .' ~, ' ti«) -111..1111i ' Plated Warti, e ..,, , : n .. , ):-6"..,. '' -- & - tilifelt 1 Invite" at-. L - ; '€ 3 A. , ~.- 01. ' 46 .:', ‘.; *ll- t- I eel f frn't‘i want „ to i.,; 6 i t ; c..„ ,f, , ,Pr , : . jf ~, : . F ' ,....,.. t 00. .• 1 ,, 0 ,--- .0..00,8.-4.. --„, ,0,, c. Jewelry. Sllverand :,,- fitted ware inCarllsla” t, -,(,:.K,:, . . Wu latvo a largo aaportutOnt, of Gold - and Myer Hunt• log and Opeu Casa Watoboa to salt all'. Fancies and Pockets, " . - .. • • Niro ankellear, .lewelry of every style end quality In setts nr Gy the piece no wanted, S •er and Plated Walton:, Cal;e. Fruit, Sugar, and Card Iluketi o ilvOr. - able, Tea, Cream, Sugar, Salt, Demierl :tut Spo ,.'r ons., At NAUGLE'S. Fitly Pearl, Lay:Limal. Cttnitto. Ouldstone.llloll Fla rend. )(ru nic, Jet flux and Olaus setts 4.11,10 . . ' At NAUGLE'S. Diamond Breastpins and Fingerings. At NAUGLE'S. Gold flopting Case, Eight Bay Levers; Gold Hunt log Cane, Boplex - ; tidl,l Hunting, ebronometem - At NAUGLE'S.. • . 11:11,1ey's 1,4 quality of (lola Penellsf Ditto (told uud Oliver Gol.terS, " . ..At NAUGLE'S. • . liver and P.lnto,l Inn Solt, o..l.iots,..Cuns, Toast Rack, l'acLors, Urns. Turoons, Ton lloUr, At NAUGLE'S. . .. Gold Nook; VoFt. Curb, Fob. and ChnGalli Chains, G o ld Bracej o i,„ Lod.ols, Thimbles. Cr...14.01.1mm, At NAL OLE'S. • • French Tinto Neves to run tlure ontrYour weeks, At NALIOLE'S. ('inld Sleeve, Vest, Collar, nud Shirt Studs of all styles nd q ual I ty, 121=1 At NAU(ILE'S. Mated liOrks. Spoons, Knives, Napkin hinge, Sliver MAI lIAS, Accordions, Munk Boxes—a One oarloty, NAUOLE'S. ' Ladles' Po,.tante, Pearl and Limther. Phdu and Faney Travdting tinge, eery rice elf Ire. cheap At NAUtILE'S. If you nowt to hove your. Watches put In good - re. indr mud warnoded,take them to N.Augix.s. If 3on wont to get a Cheap Clnek,'you eau ret it At NAIUII42B. Ifyou a ant your Silver ward uently marked at abort c ill . • . At NAUGLE'S. 4 All •zoods wurrented as representeo, or the money re 'ended, A t Ayr /,,G9 • Portions that want harginna are Invit'ed ti call . At NALIII,Lk•I'S' MMMI=2II three hdlows thal•tting out their red nags and make , much Cuss'ahtatt the eth•ets of the Money Pardo," 'Su.pensitho r,ttol t rimstaltionees" ••I.lreal attraction" ”rices greatly reduced': and other queer ••nooors," ..... 0 got the xoi•ii .if your' motley, call at the Fatally irocery and Queensnari, Store of .1. 1) ; HALBERT?" - - the'.'. W Corner of the Pullin ilquaroltui directly' piwsito tho Cat•.iele p,por.lt lfnuk, lu the boto,ugh of • 'arllatr. Ilia stock of China. Maks and- Queensware hair Just— men repjenishell from Philadelphia, and for beauty of oOVn, finality and .cheapness JT (ANT IKBEAT. 4GROCERIES Ills assortment of FAMILY 0 ROCERIES iskidG • 1.1., clean :tint onapiele s , SIMI as ava 3114 tie Calico, Mixed l'ieltels, .' ' ~ - •• Roasted, Plain dn. .•, Imperial Tea, 11 Worcestershire Sane°, „ °l3 ' t Oolong or Black do. American do. • , . . low,:o. I' nu , . . ~,,,, i v Ino mod II )1111113 Tomato Catsup, , r Ir,.. i t : Ilecheo '.. Farina, • Salad , a• table ell, ~ . ; , ,f,,h. I ' pro :quell, Pepper 501100, Rico Flour, •--,- • Table salt, °AIM'S Cileon,_ i , :yrIIIIS and Molasses ~i •• Ch.lcolale, ' of every quality', • , Preston's Fagle'do , Macaroni, . .tits, Porto Itleo, Crushed, , van ulated, and• EWIOES, (groundis tuagrotita,) - J CWIIIOIIOII, J1111,!0 CIOVOS @ME Popper and Chino rl'tsto apple and Now York dairy Choose.. Cranberrleo, Itrooluo and Cedarwaro )leet M A fi I. II It * m at h Noe 1. 2 end & Fat shier or Coe ttstud Lyo for maklugsoap. . Be. HMOS It “I'IIOUNAND ANI,MiI." articles that rantsot he on tuneratcd, but %Odd: o public are cordially Lvltcd to osamliiii ho themselves- The subscriber thankful ft the rocs littoral patron• ego trillMt lio has rervired from ho contututtitTlit , t, outpost fully solicits n contitmarce. (111'161;:c Pei, 2j, 1851 ...., WALL PAPER! WALL PAPE.W - '4 : . WALL PAPER FOR OM. Ilii.LlLo, A large variety of new and - beautiful patterns just', opening and will be said cheaper than ever at . ' ..- ' ,.. —,JOIIN.P...LYNII-&-SON'S. ' ' - . 'Cheap liardwara and Paper Store, . ,-: . . North Annoyer Streit , ' A beautiful. variety 'of WINDOW 'PILAW:It Just Plead at , _ ,I.,P.•LINE A SON' g- Omen and blue Window Papersiust opened at' l. ' April 7, 1558.1, ',Jon r• Ly9ru& zoß,fr r'- • A M tot ICA N ATCll.:Having :TN& ;7V - calved thong-eoarfor-tho ardo of - the - Atnertrall 47-, Catch. from the Boston tVatall Company; I would pia:U*lllly Infur o my old friends and the public fsner4.' Ily, that I have a lino lasortniont now operilng wady for Kale - to poll end•allver canes and very dab! , Irlas.ould•wltit man! tai time they "can 4 be beati prom that fact It la only to give theft) a Mar. 'arsons 1u• want of a carreet Ihnetlece, arp respOtrwtrW Lvitud , to call nod eau our watel,ar,"• , IV. lb- • nfitlia-Aieek • =4 11 0 EGlllO$.-40X:.:5 0 8 Veigo) ntos,•fikr . '* ooff:Wrilvarooouso PC , 2 1 . 184 E1 ,, .. , ••••U w. B. SIMULLY I= THOMAS CONLYN,, I=3 I= ME= I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers