(~I~~C ~;}li~t~tCts; CARLISLE PRODUCE MARK IGT Reported v.-cella:l' for the. Herold by ! ' Woodward & Nelimidt. • \... FLOUR Sup,rliuS, per bbl.' ---".s 4.00 do. Ewe, • de.. 'do. Family do. ' •- 4,92 Vicee do. . - 2,50 , Winn: iikil EAT per )99461; . 95 ltE D do. do. . . .85 CORN 44 . Y 8 CLOVEIUMED TIMOTHINNED SPRING BARLEY _WINTER - BARLEY. I PIULADELPIIIA IVIARKET 'TheeAs no change in the Flour, market; the demand however is limited toihe wants. of the trade, at from $445.up, to $4 50 and $3 50 pfir bltivfor - Auidard to extru, and 'fancy brands, as in quality.- There is no in quiry for shipping. and standard superlirie is , offered frtiely at our .lowest ligitres. Coro: Iderilis wanted,. and very scarce, but a: side of 1.00 bids. Pennsylvania was made at s3:' - 37:1. ltvq Flour is held nt 3 31i per bbl., but the demand is limited and the market dull. . Themarket for Wheat'continues dull and , unsettled, thepriees in thvor of the - buyer; 5000 - loishelS western white sold within a day or two nt a price kept private, and,,a , sale of'2ooo bushels prime reds is also re -- ported at'l Otte; prices rouge at from 80 ,to 100 e. for reds, and 100 to 415 e. for Inferrer to prime'while.. -ICyc,is scarce-and AN:anted. at 00(irae. • Curl,-is more abundant io.day.l. --mol--larvtrs ale holding for lower prices. 2. Sonic 2,000 bushel., yellow, however, have been disposed tit; part last 'erening;mt 73c. • for" Delaware and 72c. Mr . Peaus , vl v atiin:• afloat; 600 bushels while sold zit , Only are, tutelt:6lged ;mid (looted for I)elaware, 111111:18e for Pell 11:11vailin,:111(1 but felv otrering to clay. {'ell lON . iv_ tite .place fit get gond liaTtttusrc..olu.s.•Aiulutdryt.t , .. Nicht:duty ream•olot•s-Ort,utasiu•s stud I.l;6lP7ruplis. vlAtioiz Curll , lt. 11l find it to ren,nd thein for their iroubli. Its Anit l Ills !WA . . to: • nut fee; speoiallace e • hll 1,1 at. 11le .1... r, and the taildie are 're,peetlully Invited li. eall it the Gallery. where rt err t u•u•ly .d•uietures ul • Init• I.eoltt 4.1 he the l'hotexi.pltie .1. t he La.lies and Ilentlealee eall in e ludhei. you uaar pie tures or Lot. and you 011111.'0. is al) a eardhil eerption. lle,puelfully )0111,, kjlartrays 'Oil 'the '27lh nit, by Env. .larob Fry, :Mr. SAMF El, SMITH, to Miss MARV .11IU both of' Springville Clonb.,,Co„ Pa. . , .on thy "rd by Ho. salno Mr. JoHN 11, KLINE, to Mion MARTHA o:4litilt:.. both of Adatus Fo. - Pa. On theld 1110.. by" Ow Terv. A. 11. It wine, Mi. JAS. A. 7.1 EIMER, to \Hs.: ELIZABETH daut:lll.T or Mr, Wan, Honnood, both of grirlb top., Oth.no. (ttr tbn 27111 ull., 'hy Cue, J. Evans. 'Mr. NDI: lIV }WEER. of Futuidin county, to Mrs,. SUSAN UTLEY, of Cumberland county. ' • , Op he • mum day, ny Ito. 4,11",.. Mr. EMANIIVI, IIItOWN. or nurrillo. to :111,s It Y • E. DIEILI, ol 3111111 n township, ilutuhortand, county. ' • ntatbs • Tn lili•ltinsott transhlth Tnerdav lot Ins', Mr. A lI CIIIIIA 1.1.) 31cALIrI81'Elt, In tho eighty Mill year. of Tie. IleAllister W. II native of this after low; and useful on the same farm whore he __first drop• Meath. Ire ells a man of quirt tutolituedili habits, of siri,•t Integrity and sterling; honesty. In hint wo hare lest one of our oldest iiatriitis. as ho 'vas 'n regular stitriorlber to the 111:1; A lay tor a pp. rlod of ,S years.. At New York, on - the 301.1 i tlll.. at. the 11011, - 1 - 4'1,, dankilitor Sirs. Erskine 31nson, Ali s. Nisitrr '•MpCOSK "Übe Into Ikaltir MeCoslar of Car lisle, Pa., aged eighty:live yeins..• . In Mifflin "township, 0,1 the . '2.2.1 1.1 f., Sir. ISAAC Ell, at an advanced age. In NeWvlllo. on the k ith nit., 5(11,1.1AM ANK LIN, son of Mrs. Anna A.• (beaver, aged I year, 3 inos, And Di days. At his residoner. iii Andoriooloirir. Perry County, oil Wtshiemlar ilio :id lost ,'ll'>l. 16 .1:\ formerly rirnator from this district. in the rod.ll of his :Igo. In Ilarrlidoirtr, on lie 7th inst. Mr..l AM lii Non Mate lots James Inman of this Plare, rayed 25-3 re. Qn Tnegday ,Juno Ist., VI: A .I.lNE3 , ungestdatzli ter of C. W. and C.UU PAUSE Alll,o;4cd 3) ears, 3 months anti 21 do) a. tileep p dear :tlyot lain• thy 1 . 1,t On Out tentl.tr Saviour', broasL LoVely : "ls lien nn eartli, Wert Mai, I.oyller flr likglory now. Meuiriry two:Int:los all thy wayo:— (tootle arts and whining grace: . Three shall all our comfort be. Travellin:A.ly wlthout..thoo. Must on, 111yr:1.001'o from imams, In thin loving Slislot•es arms; Till we all nhnll meet AloeSe, 111 tile 110111.10fJoy 0111110 m Nem ,I.ltmerlisentents YOUR MONIW BY PUB CHASING ATIsIX'S SEI.C.HAKING ICE A P E It A N 1) .111 0 \V E It i=32 . ~,,,cl. - - - __:-- . 7 - , . aSr - - ‘ - t - ----‘-i?V4l)i I, .-,-..;., 1. - : ~..:, w ;.--).5N -- ' --- • - 1,-.' 4---141 r, ''',§„.,,,,t, -/e. Fz..f"±-,‘"-1--,:tii,V4,i'f.' r g I". Vl ' ...' 7 ' ( ''')..."'"7' i e r.'l2 1, - ,li,'.‘i i :', I L- . Viftl„ A,l e . .. 4- 5 , .' , "..t ~.!' V l l, W , . : i \.: V ' ' '' - ,q, ,_" Ai ' ' 5,74.1 V I AZI-111%4 - eLINVI s t".:,i •-• A+ A ' *ll-tAAriv.oo-,101-%,,,..Ff.,,,:.i,1 ~ 1-„Ar •-- ,_, :r f .:: 0, ..: -• 1, ~,i.4 '', . - '''' l. e i e...e§,Z,%rs ..'4- ;,'" ,tfiliA),.,fire...s,:3, '..734n4.:..„ ---::::.-,,,....,;,, '.., .. , ...7..T.''.!*0 itiO' '‘'.Wg,':21:1.1!;1,:,,,::-:?' A)1.110 , 1 - 111 . 1zI 11red vanedfurnish Om ahoyvanedvacuable tivichines which hate met with is. much faver by all who have prop,irly tested them. It is admitted hp all who hare used this -and-other machines that .VE.. IKINS' .tNti Is in perlor ten all others because It it .horses, no weight. ontiiiilr 'nicks because of the light. no.br nu, tongue am no Mile &au. Arty or from 12 to 15 years it' :me t is :thin to 1111111.0! 111 . 1001110. Tim rake attalilioil to I ha inaelihie does Its It orli rally as well as it can lei &nu by hand. Tile toll, lint named persor.9 hate purchased and u.ud lii. imielif lie ht WllOlll - wu woulitroilir titrinetsforitliyinforifrallun'they' device 4 ".:!!!!:;•;iiiij s ect. ' Col. Win. 11. llonilersent - George Ilitlttliiioter, SI . Jon. 0 4a, Iterr.. Peter George Ilratton . , Fartnel lira ttoii.. Those tvisliiint to purclia.o trill rall,oll 11. L. Car'llsle. • , or .1. li. Tom LINSuN, llarcisourg. Carlini°, June O. 185 ii -Ins. it s roTtoE. Notice is hereby given', that application will he 11111110 In Co next login. laturo of Pon noyiraida. to niter thio of the 15.4\1t, Imll.llll.in the noroleZil of Carlisle, (311111111114:11111 V 1.111111,1,. Se as to Colifee 11111111 sold Bank the rlAhls and poll Hem or 11 Bank of Issue, and to.ehange its /1111110 tlllllll C,1111,1111.11 . 11 INK also increase the capitol of sold hank, ii Welt loot present Seventy two Thousand Dolls's, with privilege of In ertobins the 21.11110 under Its pressor charter to 01 , 111111. • drod thottsand dollars, to La o h It licked thottnand , loilts. N. C. 1111A5E1.31A2.:, 12,11111.11. Carlisle, Juno 11, MS. 1 It A N.D*A N NU At. PIC-NIC OF TOO • 000)) WILL HOSE CO. At thu luvti.lllo;liptiu.letrtitir , .which eau be procured from either of tho•following Mabugers: W. IL Meson, • - a If. F. Kubrbt, ,J. 114. 11111114,MA, M. 51,y0n;, z - •E 4. W. Zlunnet man, - • :•.ant y l. Wutzel, Jr.. „ • •,.. •Cerlbller.ldno CAItRIAGKS AND 141.T0 (.3 sulmeriber Into tzoW to: bawl' at 104 einop lit Pitt street, bear Pamons Hotel. Carlton', anto• tonOvo amortabent of 0,11:1(1,10. , 4 , 3. Ducirrit, HAR NESS; his own load or Philadelphia make ' 31,1 sty;a, which to Is profaned to soil at prices to suit tine times. • • ' _ ell lama nollea and at reaaanaWM subierlbor bas 61.111 on hand a largo number of 110R81.:6. 4:e..whiebi he °arra on ronaona bin taints—Thankful Mr, pest- tayore,.l rerpeetfully: No ltelt u snare of public, patronage. C " . 185 P-1 I= • ty, p, . • J. LE11.1) [OH; •of the enterprishig e' prat Of LEIDICII SNIVY4:II, la noir in tho .0 nelucting another largo addition to our stock' .ot P004 , 011016 . 4phi1i; 91ich will be °lamed on •1111onday.— Call and t amain°, • ' . •• `Carllale, Juno U; •, • - , ' C.% 0 '4l;f - ',..,;g;qu1l TONS of.Lykene Valley Nui COM, a euuerior y. reeelvlngund for saloby „. .- Auguet.6,lB67 F4iley printing'done hoie IVIJ,.r Ottj 0 lyl , 118 . 17:9 ,. PATENT Tlll l .l FIRST D 11.11.1 4- Tile Farmers of Cumberland county are invited to call at the Carlisle Foundry and uattialno lot nbova Dill, a Welt we are now matniftcl taring. IVILLDUI Il1"8 INDIA SPRIMJ Dltll 4 l, is unques-; tuna hit the very Lest Drill now In use. It was twill vt eit th e pirsr Premium at, the Pennsylvania State Fair held in Philadelphia in Ort , her, It vas Awaidettati the First Premium at the Cumberland County I , air last tall, and has received the First Premium at every Fair ' rliere_it, has boon' exhibited..with _ but. 'one exception. I is superiority above all .othere is so apparent as to only need. 'extnination. • For seeding on lipids rontaiiiing• stoites -or other ' structions It is` peolliarlY adapted. The trepittillutt filltes_otthis Drill are Reconnected with India -Rubber , Springs. that When they meet with any obstruction they will spring hack. pass over the obstvpction and list. the!liatulY reyaln their former. Position. Any relek or sinew, not over 18 inches high can be conveniently passed aver without .stmpage or injury tO the Drill.: The feeding apparatus of this. Drill is alsventirely new, Laing compOsed of Vulcanized India Rubber Rollers, by Inaams-of-,v_hich__thir,Attatills-not-dischared internilt• tingly hut hr it constant gnittittl or change of speed *lll vary the atitount solved on the acre. It will tots wheat, rye, eats alai burny equally well, and In any desired quantity, without the tawsibllitYot choking or breaking the grain It also uses grass seed. Itut t ovlthent further enlarging upon the loot its of this Drill we Would prefer to have Farm. ry rail at our establishment:mil-exc. it; confident that after seeing they-will lie satisfied as to its superi• ority and lind It the very nutchline to suit tile farmer and the field. 10'26'58, .4.00 2,00 . No Sole. P. (W1D,N1.31 A-CO. P. S—TllO abovn deseVitied•Drili will ho sent to Tm , tquiset, in any font nt the United States. and to Au, ealtund . Warel 1111 l sON. to NCH Olt LICOONO tO Mato, the Driiland eounty rights: In lat loot liftoldresst 111 the nropriettas, WILLOUGHBY A LUCK, Carlisle, Cninherl.ol,l County, Pa. wintlii respectfully 4,11 tin• attention 1 or tile coal ronsinners.of Carlisle and vicinity, and Ihe public geiteraily to Unlit., superior quality of coal, soi, es , ENS 1' 1.1,111, ',Will Ell, • TI:EVOUTON, do. do. dn.. and the ,celebr.dud.Labery...wbitt, ash, broken,. Egg, :4,0 end Nut Cool, 'This pail ikt the east ottani' . thellas iVerLai'idiere the) ail keep eowJaolly 011 11,1 . 10 a I:II : 10 St 01,111 I:11111S ailJ sirl aor coal, whirl: will he avid as 'ins as allY lii On , hunnch. All and- far kindly use will lie new:l,lllA fefore delivery and- war p:wird to give entire initist.nolioi. . . . • Best quality h&j:Do:out: tool Cl/At,. :mil ill low 110111, • All /Will'', 101 l at the rto•itlettra "r names It. ffer, {Vest Piourrat stri , et. itt Squire Smith's 011 lee. S..uUi Ilaonrer Nam. or nt the r.•a.lencr or Jacob Stvnuy North•east st,eet, will lie pp/optl) atlettiloti to. . •-• 1.1;3111TM ! Lr> II ! We are also prepared lu furnish all No.'s :did quality of dry Lumber at gr•nllr rea0,..0 10.ortier_ furniOird,nt .th .1. IllolleSt nntim . %Vo Jana. cont.tantiv on; hand alfl fads and qualtty Shinglo.,,o3h a, whit,. .31 A I , ..alriqe.es Withfilt 1 :1 111:11praiJ , ,...N111A101 Siii,4lll , l 1A.0.1 MAW ' . lo.h. poplar, oak and Linn; a ' khols of rilastering lal h. shloglllor lath. krone 11'1,1111os. tun tioorintr. nod tveather I ward) tar, rung anal .month rails. po.trotal ovory artieh• that 1,11 I. kepi Ina 11.1111, Id. Hay 1., ears 01 uarus line ca t all tint And . It. short 1101k0 ~.upply any article ii • ou 111,, it , illl,. At 101, • 11'0 :or 11..,kr0l for ;ka,l tatori , :tool - solicit a motto Imo onage. Our motto to to ploast.. ,f; I lOFFEIt. e ' a aiy2lllPs , , • , IMEMBIE Im rito,VED • PiT T ELODEON 'l'll I; EST.IIII,ISFIMEN'r in iln.llNlTia) TWe) lit:N1 , 1t1:11 11 EN, and rmirry I Nt.TIZ ITM Cianl.i °nig all their nevoid. itaprou extents—tlie Uhlded , Swell, i Ir,7uu. Mell.dean. (Thy Divided Swell ran only Li• ,l Lined iu 3lelodaons of 1111Y-M.1111:11•111re) . • • (.EO. A. PHI NCE (X). Butrolo t New York ."; IV ROLES.% 1,E7 DEPOIFI . 87 Flrll at At. X.. 1., 110 kw', Chirago, XVIIIII. ESA LE AG EN'i MS IV. I , : , olburik. Palm, & Mo.: Ph. P. IVerleilk: Nvw Orleans. . . Front the, Mane .Inurnal, 41,01 it. Meh'olt.lll; 111111111r5let lIT . IQ by Prince I% r,valr at NT l'ilitnn stret, are the healEn' the world. XI hive tried limn. Ullll ihendum optic flutist-id:1;1d. in,ly ill their tnerits.:. They are atioritrd nut very land elate eint. - PICIVES PORTABLE INSTRUMENTS l'one eeteve Melodeon, extending front C to . C. '8 45 Four tool - a Indreetave. do. . Cto 1 , GI/ Fin ti ()mine Aleloiledo, do.F to F 75 Five nefeve, double 'reed, do. - Fto F Lid Two Mll. of Keys. Vivo FON of Hoed?, Elglit Flops Ono and llalf of Pedals. One SO ofitoeils. in 1,11 11,s Ilnlopinolent • , 1:150 PRICES OF PIANO' CAKED ri,o 00t.,10 Sl lottm, extending Gmn F to F $lOO tt I Ida ve telodeon; do, . Fto r lgd 141 I, ort3 to double reed. do. - Fto F • IN •Fit e Oetove. Too Banks of Keys • 200 Our fan ilil fns for niatinfiteft itrfier are perfect, and from onr loin; of. perieoce. in the filiicenchs,.llllVil, ill/kIC;3I 31111 5. , 11 TWENTYTWIOTIMUSAND ' 3IEI.OI)I;• ONfl, feel confident of giving satisfaction. All Molielefoof ot our nianitlifet tiro, either sold by fig, o• dealer. in unit past of the United Slates or are o %n s: sv LIP 10 110 perfect in sorry respect...is! owaid any rep lira be noceseory line r>pirstinn 'of tulle 3,31 . from 1110 1131.1, of solo tiro Wild consolerx ready and 0 Ming to tuition 1110 F 31111• 1100 of ell:frac, provided -Wu injury I.s trot caused by accident or deal...lb._ Agents thr tho onto Moor Melodeons way he 'found to all the prittelval cities mitt towutt to the ulted titates itittl Ottitoltt, Agent, at Cu II TAYLOR Sc. SMITH AI Ni!”,llle—W. R. LINN. [may 19'M. CO \IE AND SEE li EL LE . Col:N oPpoSITE THE 31.11IELT HOU, E. 1100'PS, SHOES, lIATS AND CAPS, W otter to our foruirr customer+ nod tbo'publie to tvoriai, a first sato a.ortnient of now goods, tiultablo lac • SPRING AND SL I. t/ER WEA R. s • • f•• ~ Ito, style, &ability, awl cheap .l? I. !‘ t.0,1 . ;•ts of FINE rine liti,otim..l3..y,'. Youths', and l'hildren's Fancy Hats. 03 em mo, e. I n. 11" wo are saw the besi, as•.rt . l "tun olb•rod In the eonnty, :Ind worthy limo of all. or every vi dety and std le. Ladies, 'Miss,: and CLii• diell . S due Callers. and all kinds of Children's Fancy OPltt6llll,l gryLl 01 every styleand 111•611; iu Wt. elery sarintry in,our line. tohlit I to the ittklalit ftr past favors. are solicit a cold moll 101 l or tottatott. as we are Mall ivit eau mato It-to the ttcltaittage of the purchaser. Carlisle, April f .- 111A11tb .XND PUIINITIJItE. The niihsvisiber loratel himself' permanently_ in We•it Olt:It sheet, t tvi• doors above the It.tilroad De. lui t hue }nit emtnett bin where Ito Intetitls. to.manitfitttture and keel, o.tlstatilly on 11. ind tur eq• ntyle parka. furttl;nro ..hairs. N. W,il out null Alnlio.,:ly Ihes.l.ng .W., _ , 1,?: 1 .7 '- i7 1. 4144. 111111atiq with marlok te l l,. utas, 0 . 1 - ..- .. .. m. ,,, , ,,, 1 .... T. 101,,,, ~d ‘v..1...t....1:+. • ...... ta”,,,t. •• k% ltnt.tiots" and IVard , rolws, M=ZiPMMIEM liAltl.nlitoul 114101 i I Nil 'chairs with veltet-m -y-L heir seal: Mallogaity twit *valuta eltairs will. hair cloth • e .-- Plain 111111 . .. Of, 111 flniug co, hum, M el every varlet). .tagel het milli alt oilier articles usually found lu his lille • ' I•nrthot.tr at tention paid to i epairlngand varnishing furuit urn of oil kinds. Item, prnrl:h•d nl•nmith on oxvoliont HEM:SE, Ito is preparell to till nil odor:. for Ft:NI:UILS In town or vountry. • = )OOKSI - BOOKS ! ! , BOOKS-! !! •rAN Lon & SMITH am sole slow,. in Franidin and Cutitherland counties Gn• the folluwieg Taluable works: Itol/1011's Abrillgllit,lll of the Debates of Congress Price per Vol.. (11,01 $3 m y Sheep 3 AU. .. Benton's Ihlrty Year's \'io ; eempletp in 2 vols. Moil, ..::::i OU, Low Sheep' SU 00. 7.110r50'2; tienernt Atlns of tho World; Colored Mops nod bOl.lllll, 7velopaedin or Wit nod Humor. .American I.loquelde; n eolteetion; of.2speeelles, etc, by the cunt omineot gleam, of ddierlea, with 'biogra phical Edina anti 111m:troth . ° itotes. by Fronk How •romly. complete in ton uda. Cloth. $0111); tummy .At.l le. loathe?, 5000; wir.ll,, gilt, 5001 hull um., to, I e SANDKRg' SCHOOL BOOKS, - Printer. •• • ' Sanders' Split, Itetide . r. No. 1. • Sanders' 'leader. No 2. 1 4 41111.11.1.1 i Helder, No. 1. F_Alidtirs' Reader, 50..1. auli ctarl6iadur, :\a u:_ • •-•-•• 1. 4 31111111. N. Render, Nu.b.. ' Sander 111/11 . :••ehlud Rede r , . Sanders' L.ldles' loader. &maw's SpeltLunt IYlltdeatdo and retail at YOCK, TAYLOR S3ILLAVS, Melnd ons, PI 'nos, TAYLOR & 9311 VP A largo supyly of School ItooKs, wholes:ll4B,ld retail . SljuvocKAAyi.on s: S3lllll'B, Paper. Eovolops, Nos, 1110c1j...eIC etc. i " SIIICTOCK & SMITH. t!IEli TllE.VoTgits or Ina I:ol.llr.—FustoirtlTlZENS DCPII . II{I9 circled to the, nflicu of 6117.11IIFFnf tills eon II lieroby offer myself to your consideration, Us dat..'for Ulu Ham, mot most respectfully solicit your' support. • ROBERT AIcCAIVNEY. , ' 7 Carlisle,. ono a. 1011" S I OFFIIDEL4-To, TUE Vo-. 4mi uv,CenUtuuume (Joutenf: l -41runtomf: I Offer myself as Li. Uuntlldete for the °Mee Of SLIEIIIVIr of tblit Couuti,4nd If elected, Win perform the duties' to the Lust of my 81,11Ity. Iteepeetfully, #ll. , _ JOS Xt. It 111eDEAILIIOND. 'Neryvllle,lune 157:11. ;SiUliltAY FA NI LY COAL ErAgn, Egg, Rove and Mit PltiNck4; & =3 =I .4 R. 1 V A ERE BOOTS .I.VD SHOE'S. I=l I= = SIIICYOOK,.TA,YLOIL S 8111 TI. 13U.8.L1C. SALE OF• . It I.:.‘•' • . • i VIITIM thoiStli tlAy of. UNE, 18t8;tho . aubscrl. tor IV'ill offer nOIIIII.IIIO onle,on 4110 01 hied, atiipted V'et% , towiurihip, Cum I or. land coo non adjoin hle tie villago of L'htinfiehl, furnierly the propei ty or 'Thomas 1/IVII/4111., . •• ' CONTAIN I N . 9 122 ACRES, • and will ha offered in two ports, or. in lots ! HS un.y ben. salt porellasers, having boon surveyed as follows; Pl.l/1 . I . II.SP.—Lot No. I coot ;1110 . 3 MT.; and.lS perches, ti-outs on Second street, • Plainfield. • The improvements ore a TWOls • • • • 11 . Intnuiousa kilerli•JlF - i1111110,1,111 . 111W:Ig0 . 11 - shed, eurrlCMll and liTher out.buildings, and troll supplied with. apples, pears and other choke fruit.• -- Lot Nn. 2 contains G auras, fronts bn Itaifromrstreati rvud embraces part of the mimed. Lots No. 3,4, 5 and U each contain fire acres. bits Nooi contains Ilyo acres,. fronts on the 0.1%1ta11. • road, and Is bounded also by a publie road, being it suit able_ location for any Hod of business. . .„ Lots Nos. 11, U. lu and Meath contain live acres, and front (111 Railroad street. . . Lot NO 12. contains flyo'nerox, fronting north on tho IGIIII'C ilt - mat east on Ititittrlatl - sttroot:l he most anitablo - Ware for a station betwoon ;tint Altorton. NAT Sri:l/NO.—La No. 1 &nailing 15 arroa and 147 porches, film ting.soatit on the Itattrond told cast on a Jags Ntr., 2 :1, 46. 6, And 7-coots In S acres each,fron he.;ou tlm , met comprise A (1001) Any unrs3n ylithing to view tho property, eon 09 •SI by eal I 1112 on Sarttnel ytorrrtt, diner, in l'ininfluld tlaltt to coin:none° at 12 o'nlo.•k. wbon torms,(wldel will he'nnnkreasy, to snit tlin tlno,l will Ito muds known by 417 - 1111 - 4 47 AVei • / - 1 S SA XTON'S 1 , It ING ARRI VA L. STOOK . Thu subsullier lnue just rot lirued (runt !lie Fau:tor) Rive. and would van thu atentdon. of We frlomb, lio,uultlle goorrally to tho large nod well-soleeled ==aummtermt=a . • oasis inn in na'a of IltIl1,1)1:s0 :tIATHIZI ALS, such ti '.,115. S1:11,S. Dolts, feeqq.l,lllnrCof every (It erlption nud ,pudity.surh as ColtnneVn Ilitml)0114.. llnerkm. Urenrh, Mnamelliiit-.7nnt , lnTilibler thick of i uts, 01 IS, '•n.de.. Tinll, 6 i—lllelngling:E4ne Tunis et' every thewrlptinn niMl , lllll4.Senral`• 110 d -Amen, tn-Stinnretirthneze , Iles.' Harps. Itannners, Vices, A null . , Screw {lnenstnllllS Doi . • ,:slmimmlioti; and SaMllern will large assortment 'of Took of ,wore togetliiir with !tenth...it ' .3l i 1,1701.11 1,11:111, Patent and I , renrli Ca I(tililtor. Thread. A wls,"lVltx, Pegs. Loots, Ilarni , s Mounting. Collars. UtrtLlug, )4hihstiLiili, Luer heir. Trees, A: I, A IS,Pitch Makers T,sils ;old l'ilininings °fill] Minis, each Muhl, 81,Ars, Felloes. Shams. Ilnws. Floor cloth, lath. Ilarim,k, Rriugq Lace, Mess, Axles, .-ihinglillts. Calii lief Maker, will filo! n,larsr ,ismirtment of Par nishrs. unl,. IV.ilont. - anti . -31,iiiogaiiv Veneer,. Knobm gall kinel4 mizo.. Mooldi o vs. Rivets, Ilalr Cloth,' Plo•li. Ca, led 11.11 r Chair and SMit Springe, Oe.. Or. ; 0 ; . ) filo it la,go itssortment of Itt . P.l,lrmi“;.A.l l / a l4l.tioil Silver-Plater; Tubb. “tl , l Tl, StilOVelF, Iron and 111,i;, rGit Pimis;A:e., together I, Rh Cedar tv:11 e .1• all ',bids, 1,in1:11 linekets.. - 01mras - : - .vt , "75,7 . AqrleolhillillniplohwiltrAuhlwariPePlowsofidlkinds, .eultirai,r,. lle, Shovels.ll;iins, kc. rill kinds In goperni use whi••11 I 11.111.e:1in, at eltrirlihlei.iile lieslwr Ihl Lid iNgt Male el reel, April • lt. SAXTON. .:A. B. E\\' FURMUNE "WARE-ROOMS, . - . .. . _ -... :.„...,,,,... a ,.__ .. • , 1855 c.t,..:., .... ie., .Q- ,-i ;: . .- . .x r .. 4;'; 5, 4ff_ 4t vi a i West Ili ; ;11 Street, Carlisle, Pa. '. a (1,01. d .111 Ml' Cain i . l(l;id COUnty . int( /, r i r 0 8.-4%) 'rho tmas labor ha , jti,l rcroit,ul the tnawt, pplim111•1 , 71 . 31 . 1i.•11, iliS OVIT i11 . 01321t to thlo ilkll . l‘ litAl,lllll/Milt i aull at prices that do ty laanri 1 , 111 . 101 . 9 - Cpknini,er, 11)11111,g URN IT CULL If.ll ekeand Odic, I.:mien:in, every :w'ir'e neol by rlono; and lint i0;11011., the find. np o ut•e.l and Ins.knotable ibeda and . I ldirline• ala • Is.ltta filen:hire llr natl. reveidlan and Cdolj - t'll.tir,, 3latdru , sos, Jilt &lone Inireln,es ate ,re.inest•••l Io eall and .examine iii stoat:: at bbl oal.en,lt u W/11 . 1.1 . 00/11w. IVIIO 311iiii nano. North aide, A. 11. htlenlinn elven av-Itell tl b• funet•als and tosi. ) and'etl antry, attended to prompt' . and 1111 nenlerate rein.. • A. IS..E. .tarllgle, May Id, y. a • tr MERL AN - D V4l IJ Y summ Alt BANtuniENT i • _ Cll.lN'ti 11 OF 111111.1181 . Un an,l after T11 . 1111SI1.31". May I.lth pins, Itaqsonttel will run N•ifollows? 110 k 11.11cIt IF 111'JIf Ist Tiain, Lcaen Clmtol, , , , lmr; r, NI A. 31 . 5.11 vino, - 6.10 31e. .I.l . rivo. at Ilarrislmr,t, ti .1.11 10111:11.131111:P.S111 , 1t0, 1 , 1 Train. 21 Trai, A. 31 ' 1.011 P.M . , :1.01 •• 1.;;;I Liavu •• 31t.c•liatil,burg Carlh 44 Nowvllle. • 10.2 I 4, " Shippcoxlmr-r t Arrivo :t1 Trains, leave Ilarrisbttrz for Phandolphin. vh PeitiCa 11.. P. Ni„ •I•. .09 ,ia a.I fit 2 1.. P. Al. • - A. )I_l no, 1`.11.. nod 5.10. italtill,lo. 0 ...O. A. .0I ails! For Tr..ver. ii 111111 at 1.0. - r. P. 11. Train Oil gad al 1.21. P. 11. Fares front tfarrit , letr:, 110 rarltele. Ship 60ttsbtu, null t'lrtictl.ert.l.ll, - . sett] I,! . tett rotas ler, fiel;ettt 111.111 'whet, p:lilt 111 the ear,. Taoldd litrad. or Ilk , , wairlay at Harrlshara, ... ruurn e. l to dd. Ihp d id I la, dlraad rampaay, third do n dr from the I:ll . .urn end of • tallroad office. Ch.vulmrslatvg. ) O. N. LIJI Nay 19, 16Jr. E W S R O -U. 'l' E Sill 1 s:11),, gta• 1,41 a LN urr6l'y line or Stages 144 4 iii. 4 4 4 ii '.44 4 11 , 14. n11:k1 1,1,1.161 , 1111. 11,1, 111 g: lisle Ilvvey ti.oitii , Wedin.4,lay 111141 Vrlilay, Arty on the aril, al ,o' the :Marna. 11,111 - 1,11 h Ito 11 Ileturtain.r. Ira% 4 . 44 at 14 0.1.1. 11.. overy Titeislay, 1114•,111y and satairday. and ail Ives n at Lull P. : 4 1., ia. 31.410111 Springs, Sliontial,tl.4l, lint/ and 1 arlP4l.l Ful phur Sprittir 4 i, IP; mid al, . 1 41114. the 14 1 11, the line will 144 run daily Oa' lily 444 4 4 4 44rinn,1at1ati of paasanigersytiiiip; to t hu Fare to the sororal ;whits:ls li.lipiyol Carsl;4lo,to Stilpjaur Sp: lugs, .' . . . `• Stanapti.', tiap, . . S P ielinift4l4al44l4.. 1 . . . " Perry L311,111;1!111.-: 131;'11•1..1:. , ;1/ ttllNlttirg to AVIIrIII Ppi Ina-. • Sterrett's (lap, " SitliM•ir Spritt he al,ove !Me will otvillarle vari•y !Ito MAIL to and It geventl points elkove ititriated. • bade olsn a well f 4, tel 1.1 VLIVI' STATILE. from eh I 3111 at all 11111,, 111.1 t) to finish 1101,..t1 mid ear • o lio to st Ito Up.e who will li Vor me With mule nutrnumze. reastittal.Le terms and 111 the very best stylo. lay itLsr,s. ut.:ultuE lIIN 11E1., D. A. LEIDICII. R. c; SAWYER NE\VS FOR THE PEOPLE. .. - . . .„ Large aribial of new and seasonable goods at .LEIDICII ,i . ....18.-111.17&ti, tfai-meely Urir . 11. Metier's) Store, -East -Wain &tea, a feo- doors eteloao :Wiw i-la's Bold. ' - AVI NO just returned from Philadelphia, with 11 largc additlo, of note and desirable goods to our flrlllov rittlelt, too Ilre non' 111'01111MA to,olfergreat induce.. mants to town mid country trade. Our stook embrace 4 nearly 'every thing suitable for 1.3111 , ,K, 511.P5, I{O.VS' (2111111110 'R weir: 'con sisting part of elegant Crape Shawls. Stella and Lion Alta Silk Mantillas, very beau. Wu! Sic b.s end (lambrie t:ollarsi !Actium. Insertings, Val . :tints, Ladies Yon 11,,,brollas, gentleman's -film silk Umbrellas. Mid Move., unallt,v, long and short . M . 6ll.eir Mitts. silk and Lisle Glove's. a full lipo of he. story, suited to both sexes Joh) all size, beautiful black blross buntline Silk. olosant fancy silks, selltng vasty CO.P. N, 44.'11 foulard Silks. Mar , elitinatutdoithlo Florenee• all colors anti qualities. very superior cities; Alto.icas. black anti co'ored all wool Del.alues, fissucs, Cirriu.slan and Illin. alayalt Cloths for t I:trolling Clatllles, Chiutzes r tino tin; India Lawns, ereneli d , ..lueonet, do; 1.1.10 Gingham, do. Eugush 0.11,0t.y very drpwa. .ble micst it prints all priers, new stYle shirting calic.,,N. 'al.° a largo stork of pow clot brands Of MOSIIOS and s , :hectings, ; Abend:do Skeeting,' Pillow.case Muslin, who-thread and herrlng.lxffiii T irk} rigs. Vir,itila Ostuiburgs, Furniture Ulna:lto, Cotten Ipanquigs, comprising York 31111 s, itipka's Pen n'a,Mills, Denims. r..t: French black cloths' very Superior, French black boo•skin,caasinteres,—fahey forliorrwi , ll , ." - liillt - Mel Satin- Void int , s,lduck omit col ored Silk itandkorobb is. Man's Stook's. Fahey Cnirats, standing mut 'Byron Collars. made Ilium and Mnr, seihnq bosoms for shirts, black, nod, pinto straw• and chip bats, bonnets, fiats, and' oTeeat .variety of otbor art bloc. ' , We hop. frosn'our oxporlenro in filisturse 'twit desire to become established in tradi , liiTriittontlini to opstom ors, to lima' ashore of pktiollo psi mange for.which we. will.feeL truly gralrful:-.1.10a50 call scour ns tho 4argalne aro going toll' rapidly. • „ . • 'Carlisle; • • . EIV::litic)1)S7 1 z7:111livo. 'roc e wed frnaf' TetTions In tvant,of mien Watch, or Ilno, aatfof,lawatip, ammo - an:tinny:- Motto(' An calLtad sae' for, tlitansolvan "Illao a , largli asaortmaitt of Gold' Puna and; Pollak of thu aulat culabrattnt tankard,' to . syhltb I rill tlia - attention, of tlfo'wrltlarr,ttomaiunltyt - for latrAnlua count Natikto'ri t )ttanp Jonalry t! , t,ore, Alain Street, Carnal°, Pp.. ' . I — ,• • •• •• • • f!,920.58. r W. IV,rt'.. Nlitin t E.? " • • . w . A ASV NoneI4.7_Ti.OB. M. him. .f.,, , „ tho i ,con,mletlce of the. law; In Ilio Olen 'fininerly oreaphal by his fitther, Wm. M. 111ddln, Egg, amt mom recently, by the law firm ofPanivsu & Biddle, Otis dlsmolv6ii. • " . Dec. 23; '57.] .. ' • - ' • CP: UNI RIC H.; Aitorpeyit Law. • 4 6ffico'on .North Nam:lvor otroot,,u fotir dooror 7 A.11 - Buolitoss - ohlruololl - to,ltho: will he promptly attondod to. ' . [Aprlljs. E.'- T A) . V NOT WE. -RE ?OVAL. " W. - 11:1 - hi:PW.srlIPSE boo - reMoved . lll.B office to.tlie me formerly oenupliBl by him on Muhl street n fa east of the Methodist Church trbere ha will nip! - attend to 811 burliness on trustuii to him. August 10, 1807... L.AM W . OFFICE.-LEMID TODD Ilan resumed , tho pructicc,of the Law. Office' In _Centre B.quare r west- nip, near the Firet l'resbytnrlati Church.' •Aprll 8; 1857. • '. ' , . DDI3,. S._l3: KIEFFER Offloo-irt North Italluvilr street two doors from Arnold Se Sun's store. ()Moo hours, mom purticularly trout_ 7. to 0 o'clock A. 71., :nut from I to 7 o'clock, I'. DOCTOD• A . • R tas t emov- DOCTORTI his onicelo Centre Square west of the Cour lintiac ; wherei, may be consulted - at any liour of the tiny or night. Isr. A'. has had thirty years experience in the protersion,.tipplast ten of which have '3enn dor.. Led to the study^ and prank.] of Homoeopathic. inedi• goo. May 29, '1.71;111. -• . J S. R. ANK • I-N , lloanenimtble l'hyslidad . and Surgeon, - Mike, bust s,tretd, adjoining iNIXtOII'S hardware Wore. -Carlisle; March 81, 185K-9su.* Cl_EO. = NV., NEIDIG`It, D. D. S.— Eit, nonumstmtor*4 °pork" VC- 11011 tistry to the italtioloto College •of Surpery i de ttlldenee * , opposite nation !1011, Vent 111.11 t, 'Street, Curllsle 111,v. 11, ISn. 1 - )11. I. c. LO 0 )1 T Bnull. ILmnvur rtrrgt, oust dour fo tLn. l'Ofit otheo. , tv.sl,.lVlll absont from Carlisla ' tho last — ton dap' of Amell month. lAitg,..l, '45 lt .G.EOl{,O Z. 13 lt i', I n 4, - - Ilavl • rot uroml to Carlisle, (Mors' his professional it tier•bitivros gesomlly. 1../Illse.th_Nurtli. Vitt s tr.e.el„nearly.opposl to Ms former si , lence Terms—Moderato. EOilG E . 19. ~SE -i Zrf e t1.014Adm.4.001 lib, mother, EitiA lAnith r ei treet., thro l doors below 11,91190. 31arell 19, 1,459.—tf. • • DR. J. C. N E.IFF respect- Nur ham,. the hnliwi and gentlemen of„darl isle, end thgt he Imit re- the jnnrth•e or I)”,ntlxtry, and Is prep.u•rd to par• form all openttlo. no Cho tooth out gums, belonging to Into proi,sio: 11. sell of teeth. on gold Or all vow, itlllk*loglo gani te1.111,-or I)lp,kx. as thi,y may prnll•r. •Terms im.lorato. to suit thin I lowa. • ' • Office le•111411 Ktri•ot, directly opputilto thii Ciiinber litrVllev flank. gift), R. win lio In Nowinlin tho 1:0 toil - flays of ory moon, . • .• . Jae. 20, 1555....1y.. - --.- • • • • • V. RS TICK, DmAggist, Nonii linniii.er Street, Ci,rlislo. ' Physician's prescriptions MIT eompoundod A full supply of fresh drugs and ehendi.als. IU Ml 3 E B !— R. E. Shapley, sr., J 1170 . 111 . ,1/111 . 411/Mll I,olllElt VIM), formiirly lopt 41.4 , Ilvory Wass. has romorod - 14 - to - .llla corner of _Norlh and 1.114 rsPt..g. where 'llls a _lnr,g.,l4tt of oak, rlu snit 4.haved and Out shhialea, wlih , potts of nil di, srript tnu, Oal, p :Ink and sono411112: 5111111,11,111111 plaster ing' lath; all t,fohlt•llwill be sold ellemo Ihr caldt. • 51,01.11 21, 1858. • el A. 13111NRATJ'Ai, Bonk-bindei and 111..1SIC•U 11,K MANITPAPTUILIM. Meehyni'esburg Pei 3111 , 1^. N/Mil,ll^ •F, 1111111 r-books CaryLwdev. kc. r 4:1•., are revolved and r. turned, un:ulr Irlinol In oil w••••Ic. at morlorato elnkrg A 14,1, imp, ruled to any dtiiire....lpattOn. • , Jan, 6, 1656.1 . • ANIY C()NVEYJN. I.._SPOSSI,IiII life Register of Cumber 111111 enmity. will carefully attend to tho • trnnsaetlnn of all such buSloess as may be' entrusted to mini 511511 on 1110 ,V1 . 11.111g nt 1/1.1.11n. :1101 . 1:411,0S 12011111letn. .tc. 110 will d„rute Ids :atentleh .0 the prnrllriuhw of Taunt Nl'ar rants Pensions. &e: as wc.ll as the purchase and sale of heal .Estate, n..:diatlons. of Mans, Xe. Ars),.(lllice on West 11101 Strest. 11,1.6170 v °erupted, W.lll. l'enrest near the lethedlst Churfil: • FR AN K 1,401_7..ti E, south Hanover Strout, tOljololng tho Court House JOllic HANNON. • 21'1 rain .15 P. \I 1.16 6 , :• Is 6, 6.00 " • proprietor. . A i hill r )3,11 lelveg 11311 for l'apertotrii, Peter h.,., York :Irrlitg.4ll.llll.lovor Prow thix House. SIMON P. SNVDMII, 41100. W. W.V.:LANE, Pennsylvania. L. I: Coon, Rhode Island. SNYI) E R, FA It LAN - D, ANI COOK - , _• Bankers and Dealers In Real Estate, 2.17 " I " 1,11 = =9 • r IEIO Tll 1'15131,1(1.-1'11e lltide'9ign ,•d 1.1.111 g 11,11 1.111.'11 :0: 3 Nvrit 0:11, his servievs Is nil reltilrliw. Literary Md. 110 10111 .Ifl,lros,es, (Irathols. Essays PreFontatloo Npovrloqintol oPplies, I.lmis tor Albums. Aeraslirs—prop.n•e 'natter for the Press—Obitunries. nod writ,) P(Vtly 0111111 ully subjset Addruss (post paid). MEE 11i.1IREU LAN I) COUNTY NOR . / 11,.—The esd tif this I mai. Minn will ononnmcc lu litTliltAltY HALL, Nowt •lI'Ii.S I)/.V AUltll, lith, 1851, and continuo NIONTII.4. SEM An ablo prep. of I to:tritetort have broil sctrefl. and lo effort will ho spared to render the school worthy of hu po,il lon It seeks to occupy, and of the patronage 16 especofttlly s for circulars coot:6111[w full Part leillars nddrrxa T A. . Treasuror. l'a. By order of the Board of Trustees, DANIEL SHELLY, President. ./As. Nh•ClSrom,.ltemfary. Feh. 17. '7,5.-11. lkf II :\ Nl'( 11, • M ERNI4NT 'IA I Lon, „ w,,t man scr,,,t, (opposite I lie It:Win:id office., hag jiint re,eived a now and elenint .a..,artment of llof Plifjo. Mork :tint rittiey CarShOofti, and a variety nf Plain and 'Figured Pest nom, all of 1111)1.11 he will um Cr up to measure in fashionable style, and on rya• k.onal.lot terms. , C.f• llydris offended to promptly. and the fitting of all Ullrineolf , guaranteed, er uo sale. Carlkle, . IldS1'011: EMI $0 t!fi ttljaf- TOTTO H.-L—Notiee • is hereby given that N. t h e '• clot Ilivdness " conducted in lho !Wrough t& Newvillo by William E. Cratur,for the hubseribor, molar the name and style of " Wlllbon E. Crot3,er, Agent,.' was discontinued on April Ist, 1058. The :weinint books ore in Cho bionic of the subs/Tiber, who only. is dnly authorized to collect Um ennui'. nod rt quests nil poisons Indebted 1111 sold bo9lth to caiLhn nitiAtotely their menu Ole. JAMES , ,IIcCANDLISTI, May 5, 11sTATE OF PETE t RILL, de 'd. Valeta of 'Administration on the estate of Peter 11111, Rho of Hampden township. Cumberland county, deceased, hove 11.2.011 Issued by the Register to the star scriber, residing harmer Allen township. All persons imdebtcd'te the estate are required to make framedfeta melt t. aid those bar lug claims to present them duly . authen t tested R..t. settlement. M. P. DILL, r0x'.2!1'34-ht*. Adotinintrntor of Po!or UIII, dee'd . . invEits TESTA 11ENTARY ON ,‘ slot r:Aoto or .741011 - LucAF, Into or the Town. ship or South 3liddiStlin, deceased, h.. hem, , grouted to Ihe subscriber, residing inSitv; Kinie Voisnshlp. All nelsons who hove elahns 11,1111Nt sold Estate are re. quested to precut thou lbr l sattlement; and these Indebted to said Estate are rim. nested to snake burned'. ate payment. • .101iN Evecuto! of. Jueob Lpcns, dued m3l',lBtB. • ITOTICIE:—The subscriber having sold hiswithal stock sod Intoreat In the lbw, floods -bi+lness. to Moioiro, Leidlelt - & - Hairyee, - would tesfieiit, fully mei - Jammu' them to all his old Oustontora and all who want choir and diairol le goods; hang satisfied that they oath outleavorAii all who may give them a roll. Expeetlug to leave Clarl'olri at least for a time, he urgua quill all those nitsottled atienuOs with TO.C.U.4II,ISIEDIMLY AND HRTITA: UP, no further' fridulgeuth eon lie shown. Tim ottheerthorthdY bp limo at himrailidOo.ro.hiLit,ivoolctir.ka_teady to egttjo.up-wlok• iilffixim - o- I mivbted. aro: w. lIITNFr •• • • 11 1 A.CK.,'AGA1N TO: : THE • • OLD The etnmerlbor respeafullY.lnffirme tbo publiggener.. ally. tlutt, be hoe rustuOutt the monuOtetitring of ROOTS AND.$llOl.;$, in.lVest Main otretit.ol fun doors weet. the I toll min and, boring 0. good oreOrt to 0. it, , oh Leathitr, , Morocenn;Wrfrimtnloge; and .oneogrld eoliipe•-• tent workmen. be to proponyid - to!-Inaltrt tt,;,,tri moons(); eyery deeerlotion of worst In ble'llttos!. • ' fle,litio!itlenterel rod from I.bklubtiplilii it Well selotteti --stool; of;11.00T8 , AND:'ll,llo,kl9..mOttnieins every variety -Tor-Swing - and er,Onr, , ,wbleb.Jte ~ ogont ItoOtti;' 0 - • ; ciejtoro:Cloottf. Buokine,',Mippers,atullles,! :With n_lorgq yerten,y offloYe:Niitioto 1401.(;bildrerui' Sore, Boots, elm. ote.. , ,Puroboserctre'roiludated-loOralk and Altanobie bin otoOk. - • ,'... ~ ..110.f.tERT.1100113C.- Otirlti/O;Apri; 21.18114.'" . . _33ustliess (L'arits. 101.11 Mo, 51arcla 31. '6B innestith Terri lory FINLEY, JIMINON, Baltimore. Md. 9Ia I (INSAI tyIIING.-7-11,1/1101rA,L.-• Vti respictinll3' inforintetlia citizen. rlielo and vicinity. that ha lots removed two. doorn . 'Ailnth'ilt hotel, in North Itanovar stieut. whore Ito , proparail to oxocute' 'kit do- of . • ' work. eintnected :with II UNIDIITII [NO, Ile hasalway. on banti',a largll•noonrl-. merit of Madly mode Hines, 0 uos,,Pistole. t,iickalioy..,Oun Trimming., he. ult . Of. which huwill kohl whaligalo or retail. Ito attend.' tir rep:trim: nil kinds of , Guns, Imclit,'&is.; en grave. on Bram Copper and Iron, mend. stovos ite 'higetilsopinubn.eil the patent eight itir Hopeatintllfillett ant‘klhot Gun°, which ..ho-allarzitti. this publio at • very.' low pekoe.; bY nutrlet attemtion to Vow ;Inessi'andwilaidre - tonlemeehawilluineikaz.walintete• 'calla a the pisbilupittronago, brrir9.lnya wade tc m onicr. fuy— Xciu Ooi AR,GIIPIIISN GAItItIVAL - NI llr YORK - AND tIitLADELI'IIIA; " ELEGANT NEW GOODS, 'WJES7I'Z'S STORE. Splendid stoelTiorileiv Black Dress BllkS—.llngiiltleen Styles' Fancy liress Silks. , Melt • pattem, 12 1 hILEGANT 11 2 French Fiiblifril Clitne - Satin and Striped Bareges:'Walenclas, Ducalles, Beautiful —new printed Chunks. French printed-deco not's, very handsome English lira- Banta, very luindseine French ' , _Brilliants, English French and American Prints, Scotch, -. • French. and Domestic- . Ginglintrui;, • - • Ihmnets, Bon- ' • •• net lilbt,on dnd . . • • Trees Trinmiliiga, Slinwla In every variety, _. Silk Crape, 'Stella, Cashhiere, kr. Embroideries; very low • ''priaingCol.l,AltS. - SLEEV Es Fi,ri UNG MOS, EDUINUS, VEILS; nod'. fill Cloths: VENITI AN, I NAI It A IN, THREE l'hY, nicussEt,r,s, COTTON' & immr. Druggcts curl Floor Oil Cloths of nil widths. • -LINEN GOODS. - • A complain ititrirtment embracing all the most celo brated narks. . Gloves and Hosiery for La , dI e 'Misses anal Children, grout varlety__, - of Itld: silk and — endton • 'Maas, Ladies Elegant-.Th 'stet! ' . Silk Mitts. 4.e: Dom EsTic AND STS 1 , 1,1.:11001).4: Bleached and unbleached Skirting's: Bleached and unbleached' slice , woolen and Cotton Flannels. Coroot • Joiiiix 'I lettings. Chttunades, Satinets,- Tweeds. ['runt, Aid' Linen Di a pars, Talote envers..llleaehed and an ondies va- • • ---- runty Or llth or • In filet, this stoic of goals Jo very extensive, thor °ugh nod complete., having been purchased with a greet deal of ca•,,, we feel confident we ran please city one Mid trill Myer um with a call. . All candid persona who Ala•o. patronized us horrid. fore. will admit. thht .we have sold _the best bargains ever purchased ipCarlisle. We ran assure our„friends nand all lovers of "Cheap Goods." that we are as troll prepared Its ever to offer superior Ind urexen is for their patronage. A. W. South Ha over street, opposite the Poet Office. Carlisle, April 21, 11211. NEW. GOODS ! ,N HIV • GOODS,!, linvoinst retinmeil from Now York nod MN dolphin, and iun How openiogln the now store roon the,largost end_most splendid stock of - SPRING AN!) SUMNER. GOODS • over brought, to Cz.lisle. , A inferldfloont lino of LA DIES DUESS (10011 S. sorb as Plnln 211111 Fancy Silks. Ilayadere Side Stripe Silks Elegant Marl.; Silks. very low, Poll Po Clie ., ,lers, fironadines, Volontiotniond Ho StripetegoD n o!Aus, Duca Organdy Lawns, Brilliants, etsv.. etr. A hill assorluu•nt of Embroidery, Elegant Collars Thiderslenro_s, IlandimrehloiS, lusartinh , . Edgings, Flounc'ons. etc., ete:, clirdper than atm.,. Cambries Barred and Striped dm:a:lots, Swiss 31uslins, Nimmoolts ate., etc. 31uslins; l'ichinga, Checks. ()Inglis:lls, ale„ o all hinds and at thu very lowest notch. BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Mulles, an en th u new assortment.: . IMI - SHAWLS, a hirgo itssortnient and yet,. cheap. Buell as titolinr renal ITr Gdtio , Thiliet, NOW Clnthx and Caii.daterrs nlsu jipt reitelved. Cos efeeelee and ether goods fur boys' wear in great variety. Counterpanes,. Hosiery. Wines. Milts. etc., etc. • A full and new asi:ertinent or 'Analog/toy, Itosowood aud Walnut framed Ltailiing . CAR AND VrrINIIS.—A not her - supply of super imperial, Ingrain, Venetian; !letup and' Carpet. lags. at very reitifreil prim, This stack has been laid In With great care at the Very jiliVol4, rash price.; end s(lll Le Feld for thdrnsh lltono rlnco all that Ogilby's hew store Is (Inc ;hare to'lay out their rash to. the very hest adjantage. Light profits and unfelt wiles. lteeelleet the new stohn Is on.the corner of .Urdu and PA streets, opposite the Methodist Church.' Carlisle, April 21, 'ye.] . CHAS. 0(111,1117.. . • .11'(? ll' IS:7'IIE TINE FOR BARGAINS. L'A G E E AND 'X E §I V E - • • ARRIVAL OF . ' " SITING AND SUMAIELI GOODS. . AY the Nov Store, Corner of,North llanover and Lauder Streets . . The undersigned returns thanks for the patronage bm.ton•ed upon hint by the public, awl at life same time ePperthilly 111/11V1111.•$: that be basjust returned faun Philadelphia—and is - nose opentng !fumy lot of SPRINO AND SU 31 Ilit DRY (MODS AN!) tillOPEltl ES, eon. shooing its part an follows, and whirl. ho is determined to sell at thin IMvest rash !wires. • pd IcA Ct,GTIIS. Challies, Alpaeas. De: Laines Dellagem. Idistres, PoPlins, Lawns, llaregep p Brilliants Slfirting.Frenvb and Seoteh Olughmits Prints, tiloves, !foolery, Collars. Ilandherehiefs. 80., .tr. • Fl A IVI,S AND MANTII,LAS, in every alyie and tiTAI'LI.: AND 'DOMESTIC MIX DODDS; Cloths, Coe. VI:11111OP. NIIIFIiIIP, TielnAtzs. Stripes, Cheeks, Calicoes, t•ottonndes, Lfucns, Hieetings. mss. Nankeens, Drills, Marseilles Quilts, colored and 0 like Carpet Chain, ft,. &v. Damsels Mid U1111T01135 AISO n Jared and splendid assortment of 11UNNETt?, HATS, CAPS: IDIOTS AND SIIDES. A superior la of tr”ob (11100rin ES, Tens, Coffee, Su• or, Molasses. Wee. Spices. &r., Re. flaring selected my entire stock with the greatest. care and the lowest cm met,. ..an assure my. (Hood ' s and the public generally. that I will do all in my p - over to make my ek,blishinent known ...Ally t. II EAU QUA itTEES FOIL BA Ell A NS." Those who wish.to purchase will find it to their ad vantage , to call laid examine laiy stock before . purchasing. • • ' Pity tai, highest market price for Rutter. Eggs, Rags, Soap, and Dried Fruit.' ' a. A. lIUMIREII, Jr. • Cnrllsle, April '21,1858 • MEW GOOIiS FOR SPRING 1~1• CLOTHING. The subscribers respectfully inform thole patrons, and the citizens gen entity, that Otev havo recently received trent New York Old Philadelphia, largo 0301 elegant assdrtntent .4,4,4101,g suitahlo tor the preSent season. nottittlitel need of the hest m denials and lit the most iltslitonahle style,. which they are deterinitai,d to sell cheaper than similar artic'es COI be risen here. Their stork eon prkes DRESS AND FROCK COATS. of nt w and rashionable styles, Lesions , Sado: and Frodis 01 the best tit:aerial std latest - pattents Double and single breasted VeSh , . 111 endless variety—choice sty lee. Fine Iliad: Primal Doeskin and Fancy Cash more Pants, Plot. colored Cassimero Pants, in great variety— choice styles BOY'S CLOTHING. In, nyder, to meet t h e wants of the people In. this brunch ,s 1 their liminess guilt care and, attention has liven given to it the present seaHoti. Coldn..Ptitits and Vests of all slats and eptaillies. to whit+ constant addi tions m 11l ho 1111Ide during the Sel.llll. • Also, a full assortment nr,shirtf, Collars, Bosoms, Cr a.. vats, Pneket I la ndkerch leis, Suspenders, Stocks, Gloves, Ilmdery and Umbrellas. • Always on hand a larze assortment of Black, Ilrnwn; Mutt and Olive Cloths, Black Doeskin and fancy Cass!. mere Yestings, Clothing .11orery A l°,olllllol, and go/Oily well made,- ald of good material et/lIAIllt 13'011 HMI. = • Customer's with Inado up to order, at the shortest notice and ott reasonable terms. ARNOLD & LIVINGSTON. Carlisle, March 21. North Hanover st. • .L. KELLE R' S 1121 T, . CAP, • • BOOT AND SHOE STORE. " 'North East Corner of thu Public Square. 'The subscriber offers do the public e routpleto'nuil choice 11.401111. a of flats, Ca). Shoes, which have plot been purchased from the best mennfacturers, Our stock.eousists et a great variety of beautiful . " - 811:1C ANirrEurliATs; - . • mode expressly for customers. All kinds of Caps Ihr Men, Boys and Children. We would invite particular attention to our well selected and.grest variety el these goods, ,se o o are confident they cannot be'exeolled In the town or county. 1100 TS AND 5110 ES, of every style and variety, all unequalled tar price and finish. It consists iwpart. of MIEN'S line French CALF BOOTS, BorS YOUTH'S " " LADIES' French and English GAITERS, - Misses' and Children's " Every variety of Children's fancy Shoes. • The bust lot at heavy WINTER BOOTS, for men and boys, In town. Thankful to our friends and the public for past fa 'Yarn, we Nape by strict attontlett to the wants of our customers, luid by'sellingl.looD GOODS, to merit their continued favor. .1. B. REL,LEIL N. B.—We sell no Auction Goods! [Oct. 7, '57. FASHIONABLE i)1.11, L I N E R Y ESTA II fliSll3l ENT. , Misses Duke and A ughlautugh, beg leave to announce to the 'nubile, that they will open on the first p i of April, an entire new M _AK Kiosk 31ILLINEItY 1.40011 pt all Rinds, on the eihner of.liandver ? ....,,,,. -- and IVE,t Loather streets. in the MUM former- wits ly occupied by Jacob Fetter, and adjoining Or. Zitzer'e residence. - • . • . Our assortment mull:tees many varlatles for the spring season, and haying a .peribrt Icrhurholgo of. the buslaosa, we will spare tot otrort4o. plouso our custom ors. The Ladies are especially invited to, cull and ox amifterhur atoelt. !Vouching for fAulles and (National:ea wear, dono up in the latest stylo and Warranted oral to any done olsewhore. Mirnea 111./KE Carlisle, March 91,' 111 R, pmENti . LOOKING O LASS PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY, 221 Emit 2:Itl Streut, kow:York.—Offlet; 215 Iniro St., Sitnerly 3118, SOO mid :192 Greonwlelt St mt. A largo assortinont. of overt' description •of Looking ,Glosses and likture Frames always on • bond. Country •ordors solicited.. Condo carefully looked and skipped to nny part of Mu:United Stittito or'Ciinndas. L J :HaildbillB.neatly;exaouted` 'Abu ertioetnento: Mio SOUTHW COLONEL G. N'. CROCKETT, 011/ORLES ' MONETT, T ; 'UNN ENGLISH, B.T. D., HENRY CLAPP, .lus., GEORGE ARNOLD, RANI GEL YOUNG. • Moo. ANNA WIILP-LEY.•• • 111100 VIRGINIA VAUGHAN, lion. Di , -VERNON, ' HIM HATTIE CLARE, IGNLEY .TO HERON, • WrltO only : -- GOPDEN - PRIZE7 -GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN' PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZ N ILLUSTRATED DEAN A SALTER, Succossota to pECICET It Co The New York Weekly NOM/ EN PRIZE Is One of the largest and boa literary wipers of the . day—kn Itoptriel Quarto, eontdolngelght pages, or forty columns, of the most interesting,' and Oiseloatlog reading matter, from the puns of the very first irrlters of the day. ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED EVERY- WEEK. • A - PRINENT, wowFROM 50 CENTS TO $5OO 00 , Will ho Ora to each nubserlbor Inunndloteli on receipt -OEIIIO of lnwrlptlod money. -- Thin 19 firoliOnted as n Me mento of Frlundshlp, nud not as An ildincoment to 1)!?. Lain subacrlburn.' • T E It 1.1 S: Ono copy for one year, Ono copy for two yonni, Ono copy for three y CM'S. OHO copy for five yearP, • Three copies, one year; 3 Five copies. ono year, 800 hnd 5 " • Ten caplet', 000 year, 15 00 and 10 ". Twonty-one eppies, 0110 year, 30 011-aud 21 " The nrtieleolo be given away are comprised In the foh lowing list: -2 "Packages of 0 old,' conta I ning $6OO 00 each 5 do • all • do " " 200 00 each. 10 .do . 'do ~. do e: • 100 00 each 10 Patent Lever limiting CAsetlyatzhes 100 00 each 20 Gold Watches . 76 00 each. 50 .do - - • CO 00 each. 100 d 0,.., 00 00 each. • 305 Ladlea'.Gold Watch 32 - 35 00 each. 200 Sneer flooringe . ed Watches 30 00 each. .500 Silver.Watelies - --- -, • -.- —9lO - 00 to 25 00 - each: 1000 Gold (board, Vet, Fob Chtifusslo 00 to 30 00 each: . Gold Lockets, ipracelets .11reocht4 Ear-broils Breast Pins, Cuff Phis, Sleeve Iluttons. hinge, Shirt .Studs. Watch Keys, Gold and Sib er Thimbles, hod a variety of, other tirtieles. — worth front 50 rents to $l5 each. We will present to every point°. sending us 50 sub scrilairs, at $2 each. a Gold Watch, work, $10; to any olio sending us 100 subscribers, at $2 tech, ft Geld Watch, worth $OO. Every subscriber will Slog receive n . _ prevent:.. • - Immediate receipt of the money, the submerlb er'a name will be entered upon our Lank, and the prep ant will ho Porwarded'wlthin ono week, by mall or' ex• - press, post paid. - . • - ' IE3. All communtentlons abould be addres.d to DEA:sI &SALTER, Peovnirrona t 3:ls•llmadway, New York CIE • • • 'A• GREATBOOK FOR AGENTS!. Publidred tha day,—Feb. 914,18513. 1 -1 4 IF TY YEA S IN CHAINS: _L' - Olt, THE Fl.:O ' F AN AMERICAN SLAVE. . • WILITT6 at HIMSELF. 430 Pages Cloth (lilt Back. Price This is the title crone of the moot Intensely Inter ,eating hiegrapltien of the-day., It Is the plain hfstpryo an Aterrieatt Stave ill the far South; who, after two or three escapes and rec:ipttr - es, 'tinnily, an old Man, found freedom and rest in ono of the Northern States. What the Press Say. • The story is told with great shoplielty , ,, lint with much power Inn! pathos. 'Whoever takes It will find it ditficuit to_ lay it doWn until it Is finished.—NATioNni. pt,,,_Washington, D. C. .A narrative of 'Tat experleurn like the above, _will -have far more elTeet against- slavery. than - the ingeni ntnaly wrought nova], however true to life Its pictures' onty•be. 7 .-Am. It vrrtOT - nem is the hook of tarts. stminger than fiction. and n 'thousand fold more - thrilling; a simple Woof life-long oppression, revealing truly the workings of the peen liar Institution" In our eOuntry„_To the story-loving we would say, here is a story worth rending.--31insiox 111:cona, _ • A THOROUGH CANVASSER .IS WANTED. In each colinty In the &en Statem, to engagn In thy gale'of tho alpvti work Immediately. Such can easily clear from • $5O TO $lOO PER MONTI' The wnrk Is beautifully prhif oil and bound, and Is a largo an the hooks that sell for $1256 but as WO moo to sell Of least 000 1,11001101, 00000100 (AMES, thmug °gouts, wo have made the retail price only ONE DOI LAIC. A SAMPLE COPY or the hook will be sent by nu postage paid, on receipt of the price, 1111 d o u r ply, c, circular to Agents, with terms. ete. 11 DAYT4N. Publisher, • • No. tai Ann-street, Now York March 17, 1858—.3m05. SHAW DS AND MANTILLAS , 'Y:xtro todocomoob, to Buyers tills Selsim. Opening oh 11111. PIN'S NEW Senor.. No. 415 BROADWAY, one dour South or Canal Street, Now YORK, ON MONDAY, MAY THE 10nr. Ono thousand olegamt now MANZILLAS, Imported front Path+ for the occasion, WILL BE EXHIBITED ON THE OPENING DAY e I pECIAL NOTICE TO LADIES. .In-order to anilsfactorlly.tnaugurote the ausplel event of Removal to his New end' Elegant- Store, subscriber has determined DURING T}IF WIIOLI OF THE PRESENT SEASON to offer to his very numerous patrons throughout every section or the UlllOll, MOST EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS ns ILINIARDS - Ito Ili now manufacturing from Imporo4 Parisian Dvsigns, mosr EXTENSINE AND ENTIRELY NEW STOCK: having. in accordance with hispiciiressed determination as tier prior announcement, madu a complete elearwe of all his former merchandise. The inivantagefi of purchasing from this collection will, therefore, at once be manifest, every article in the stock hieing entirely tret/and new, Elegant Mark Silk Summer Circulars, De. ' do. Silk andl.avo, • . • - French Lace Mantillas; M.. do. Taint:ls, . . . • Dn. do: Circulars, . ' Summer Cloth Raglans and Basques, ' . Barege and Crape 3' eater, Circulars, • Mourning Mantillas,. . . ' .Mistes' Mantillas, , • ... • ' Ladies' Dusters and traveling cvdm, vi together with every other fashionable article connected with the Mantilla Trade. . lloitutffnl Stella She tvls, in Idne4 and ulite, and every Lsirahlo.rolor. • N. 11.—The subscriber tahes this nopertunity of slat. lug, that whilst fully resolved on mahltaining lho high character hie establishment 11118. already obtained for '<epilog articles of first class !Warm and qualitv, he is equally dettirmined to offer them at prices in accord ones with the, present season of ridronehruent and economy - 41}1011(111 - 1111LPIN. 415 IlromNsty. Now York. . (Under tlw Ilrandroth 110uso.) May 12, 1458-411ri CASSELBERILY'S (LATE AYRES A C.\FBRLDSRILT,) DRY GOODS' STORE, sq NORTH - IEIOIITH STREET,' ' BELOW ARCH, (OLD :V% 40,) PHILADELPHIA. -u- DitY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, • ONE PRIOR-SMALL PROFIT-CHEAP FOR CAMS. jutra-ly: 'STEW COAL YA It D-; AT TOO WEST END OP CARUSO:. Thu subscriber would respectfully will the attention of Linteburners and - the citizens of Carlisle, and the surrounding. country. generally, to his NEW COAL YARD, attached to his Wuredlouse. on West High st., where he will Iteep,Cbostantly on band a largo supply of the beet quality of COAL, - to I..yltenz Valley, Luke Fiddler, Pine Grove and Trevor. ton, Broken, Egg and Nut Coal—screened and dry coal, which he pledge.; himself to sell a'. Lilo lowest possible primp. Best quality of Litueburuer's and Blacksmith's Coal always on band. • d 1 All orders left at the Wars House, or at his rest. dunce in Not Hanover street, will be promptly at. tended to. April 14, 'sS—tf. J. W. HENDERSON. .!' BELLS ! BELLS ! BELLS ! Y 4 'VA MAUER S. LOOK - HERE! „,,IX!d s ="11!r s ol:=2111== FAUN 'lllil,L9 which he is selling at very Ittw prices; sin article which has been sold all over the state, and Oven satisfaction to all who have tried Olson—Also on 1 hand 101111) of the Bell Metal Pam Bells, and everything,: else in the flnatinglutil - nvothanical line, AU to be had at the cheap hardware store of . lIENRY SAXTON. East Main Street. carllsle, April 28, 1558 MEDICAL:LIBRAILY.—A - cow, , pieta, Library of Standard Medical works StcetEyw,i#tol' a variety of SURGIIOAIt InTritu 9NTS.—are Piaci Won• art who may wish to oartudne thorn. can do so by call. 'l.nt on the subscribor at her residonee; Bast Main Street. M. A. liaffilllSlAN; • ' Adminiatrattis of Br. J. Baughman, decd. Carlisle, Fah. 17,,t18119. , , • , ,nn this, the lE lll :rnt ' of r This pr for It 5 'twiddle sessfen r The school lei located Illf.n'boaltly and plasent .ru• raldman, and nibirde a thorn:kb'. kinglish and Classical .Education upon vtry 'reasonable Nips: •. • " Access easy. 51r. Handel orCarllsle,runis dally stag, to,Lautilalinrb. Via Warm Springs; from CM fret nam-, r ed place. 'tuition, lbardlng,lloonAnd Contingent $ lO. por se.selon 91'22 weeks; •',l , :,y:llpopEn; Tr! ncipao. , .bandlaburg A01'1415, /050,', 8,..51. — t ‘• • • T IND° VIT • • SHADES 1';- 4 =Thei fin'est larrlst, god Oboopootliospriment of Window ahodai bad at: tho now store of • , .1; A. 11111ULICH,Jr. ESE THE LIVER INVIGILATOR ! Compounded entirely from GO& • S ONE - Or TUE PUROATI YE AND.:LIVIR 1' MEDICINES now before the public,. that ads as st CATHARTIC. easier, milder, end mere el:Teethe' igen any other medicine knowtf. -, lt hoot buo a Veen remodyotetlng first on the Liven to.. efest Ith/chhl matter, then on the stomach and IroWels to nate .ry off That .matter, thus accomplishing two porpoise , effectuellyorMliont any of_the painful feelings expert= etwell Irkt,he elieration of limit CATHARTICS; Itstrangth• ens the systole at the /Mho time that it purges it ; and Wien del y in moderate doses, will strengthen add build it up with unusual rapidity. • . . Iffil .The Law havoc of the'princlpal regulating of the human body, and -when it performs Oa functions w:11 Ole pow. ore of the .ayatem" an fully, developed. ' The. Q'stomach is almost ear. Lively dependent on, the healthy' action of the ' Liver for the proper per- formance of its functions when' the stomach is at fault, the hombres* at Inuit, and the whole system suffers In cense.' queue.° of one organ— ry? the Liver having ceased to do its duty: For the diseasesnt that, organ, one of the pro- O prietore has made It h 4 4 oilY. In a practiee, of more than twenty yea% to find some remedy CD wherewith to counters's* the many-deraligonioitts. to_which • • • To prove' t loi t• t his re. _77' molly.-is. at last- found, anyopmved troubled with Liver IN MlOl. Pin Int oily of its hen but to:try a Vatic, and conviction la certain. These gunio-romoveitli fc•-••-i morbid or bad • matter flom the system. sup- plying in - their place a healthy flow Of bile, In- . 'Mending the stomach, !Noising Ib od to digest purlfyingtheblosl• swing tone nod health to the whole Machinery removing the causes of -- - thicdiscalle," and etree r lug a radical_ cute.-4-• • One dose after eating - is aufficiont to reLlevo the stemacli nna ,pre vent the food from rill.' ing and souring. • Only 0110 dose taken 1...4 before retiring Pretests nightmare. , " • Only 11110 dose taken at night loosens the , boivels gen tly, and cures * costiveness. (Me' doie7taiceirtift - er Up — on - cif meal - will (airs Dia.__ Ofoi alike of two__-_•_t_easpoonfuls will always ro-Siekl tintiffi are - . One bottle taken for female obstruction re nwivek the cause pf the ..4 disease. ' and =kill - perfeet cure. Only -one dose Immo- Q dlately relieves Challe _while ono dose often so- pealed lea sure cure for 'Cholera Itlerbus, and a proveritive. of Cholera. One done taken often will prevent the reaps, .renee of billou a at- tacks,. while it or 'gores all gsinful feel- wed loge. 'ig,n_Only one bottle Isneeded to throw out the' of system the effects of IA) medicine alter a- IOW: sickness. $2 00 end 1 Present. 3..50 and 2 Pr_esonte. . 0010.1.0 " 8 00 and 5 Coo bottle taken for Jaundice removes all is low news or unnatural color from the skin. • . . • One dose talom a Blinn time Leib. eating given A:cog-- 'En MT appetite and makes food digest well. • One dose often repeated cures Chrotilo- Mar. rhrea in its worst forms, whileanmmer and bow.. e'l romplaints yield ninthst to the first dose. - -tine nr two-doses cures attacks Paused by Worm,, in child:en : there is - no surer, safer or speedier remedy in the world. as It never fails. We take infinite pleasure In recommending this medicine non preventive for Fever and gne, Chill Fever all Fevers of 11111 i 0M0 Type.- It operates - with certainty, and tinmeandeare to testify to its wonderful virtu.. All who UFO ft are airing their unanimous testimony In its fiver. - , 'u'9_ 111x • n;Mtar in tho •mouth irith tho Invigorator ' and swallow both together. • • , 9011 E LIVER INVIGORATOR 'IS A OPEAT I.ENtivie MEDICAL DISCOVERY, , and Is dolly working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as If by magic, oven the prat ddsu giving bens. fit, and softball More than ens - isittlu ie ferinifell toms any kind of LAVER Complaint, from the worst Jaen -dice or Dyspepsia to a common headache, all of which are the result of a Ditiewsed'LlWer. DR. SANFORD; Croprioßy,,34s Broadway', New York. Vl_ Sold in Carnal° by 8. ELLIOTT and S. W. ItAv Eic6rteK. I my 201858. THE ONLY 'SAFE PREPARATION That does not Dye, hut will restore ' G. RA Ir liiA.•Y R - To Ito original color, by Nature's own process, is • _ • _ PIWP.-0 -J. WOWS CELEBRATED • HAIR RESTORAITIVE. N proof of the above assertion. read the following tee. tlmouy from distinguished persons from all parts of" I thu country. - . • 110 N. SOLOMON MANN, Ann'Arbor. Mich. says his sells, NORM° half had become very thin and- entirely white, was restored to its original brown color, and had thicfiened mid become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over the head Others of my fatally and friends are using yo u r Restorative with the happiest effects. ' 110N.JUIRIE IllthESE, Ex-Senator of Illinois. aajs • my Intl r was prematurely gray, but. by - the use of Wood's !tester:4lv°, it has resumed its original color. and 1 ham au doubt permanently- so. IL. L. STEWART, Mys, my hair wee very gray, but after using tzfe bottles, it_iestored it to its original slur. REV. J. IC. BRAVO, Brookfield, Mem, soya if roved -from my head intlatometion, tindruff, and 'a mmtant tendency to Itching, and restored my ,videli was gray, to its original color. .1. W. DAVIDSON, lionmouth, EL, says, my hair was • . i'wo thirds, gray,-or rather white, but by the application of the Restorative as directed, it has resumed its origi• sal color. . • DR. 0. WALLIS, Chicago, nays, after using, a great many other preparatione, all to no effect, 1 used one bottle of your flair Itmtoratim, which has cured a !nor in my head of two years' standing. • • , BENJAMIN LUNti RI DO E, 254 Seventh Avenue;W : York, says, having lost my' hair by the effects of the Erysipelas, when It began to grow• ' Instead of Meek, as heretolbre, it was well mixed with gniY. flaring intznyipi•epsrations to restore the color without effect, L. was induccd to Iry yours, and in spite of all my doubt. • It has had the desired effect. 11. 1,. WILLIAMS, M. D., Peckensville, Ala., says, • I have used your Restorative, and fad it all It is reseal. mended to be. 1 have tried it fur Totter and find It s certain cure. • IV. M, IVOODWARD, M. I)., Frankfort, Ky., says, ha reedilillitidds it in his practice as the best preparation . for Ilitz hair now in use. • • EDWARD WALCOTT, says, three months•agn my. .: 11)111. was very gray, it Is now a dark hrown.,,thtioriginal siddr, 811100th:111d glossy, all by the use of Wood's Xs- • • store tine. WILSON RING, says, one month's proper application • will restore any person's hair to its origins' color_and e: texture. z. .1. U. 110 ES, says,b few applimelona fastened my hair firmly, it began to grow out and turn black, its original color, • BETSEY SMITIL North•Enst Pennsylvania, says, that her hair had, for a tunther of years, been perfectly white, but 'nose it is restored. to its you th ful color, son and glossy, Dit. J. W. BOND, St. Paul, Says that his hair le strong • thick and black, although a short time since ha" was both bald and gray. Tile people hem saw its effects and have Confident,' In it. • • MORRIS UOSLING, 11, D., St. Louis. says that after trying many otherpreparations, all to no effect housed two bottles, which 'covered his head with a new, and qigorous growth of hair and invites all to come and see it.' • S Alt All BROWN, says tier hair Won not only gray, but so.thin she feared its entire lossbut altar using' two bet ties it has motored both the'color and growth. Prop:tr.' by 0..1. WOOD 1 CO., 114 Market street, • Faint bouli". and ill Ilmadway, Now York, and sold by... all Druggists and Patent Medielne Dealers; also, by all Fancy end (foods Dealers in the United States. • and Canada. , fmy26'sll. For sale lu Carllide, by S.' W. lIAVERSTICK, SAM% ELLiorr, nod Druggists everywhere. .DR NY"' IJ. AON'S AMERICAN PILLS. JOY TO TILE AFFLICTED. ' • YOUNG AMERICA VICTORIOWS.. , Ono small box of Pills cures ninely.nitio, cases out of humbed. No Baboon, no Mercury, 110 odor on the ' breath; no fear of detection. "Two sump pills"a dose; tasteless and harmless as water, Full directions are ' given, so that the patient can cure himself as certain as with the advice of the Most exporionced surgeon, mud 11111 Ch better loan with the advice of one of little - eiperliMceln this class of dloeosu. SENT 1W MAIL TO ANY PART OF THE COLINTRY , by enclosing one dollar to Ds. h. G. WALiON, No, 1154, North Seventh St. below race, l'hilndelphia. A Liberal Discount to the Trado, None genuine_ without Alm writtSo signature of D. or. Walton. Proprietor. , • Dr. treatnent for Self attain, Weakness,' ste.,' entirely different from the usual course. Dr. W. AU enrol hundreds who bole tried others without benefit Tito treatment is no certain to cure 'as •tha.sun la to. • rise. Encloses stamp, and address Dr..W. Above,— giving a full history of the case, and you will bless the day you made thu effort to secure what is 'eartabas—N RA CICA la AIRE. Jan. 27, 1858.-13 r. ' DAINTING GLAZING AND P PElt-lIANGINO.-=-Themns J. Bell, would respect-, fully illform the citizens of Carlisle end vicinity, 044 he still continues the above business In AI, Ira , varions branches. Orders for Painting, Glazing and Paper: Hanging', may be loft at his Shop, in Leather street; in. the building formerly occupied by Jacob Fattens. All Jobs entrusted to him, will le.• nttonded te . promptly r l end entire satisfaction, in prices as well workman.. ship. 'guar:totem!. • • TiIOVAS )'.BJELL.. Carlisle, March Si. It5S.-4m. ..DIG IRON.—TEN TONS liarCoa Forgo) PIO IRON, for solo at, tile Warehouse of .lon(. 27, 1858. J W. B. 5.11:11111,0r.. Xier. Sick Flcad•Ach'e Can be cured by the; use of DU VAIL'S Galvanic Oil in . lion% 5 to 2U minutes. , 'Sore Breasts and :Sot.* Nipples are lured soundly 140 Of,the Galvanio*Oil; and jt will reluoie.all:i6rOuld . . pain in a few,minuitna. f . Tait; medicine is far Bate 1 K Davidson," 'Aral ton,' Win. Reiid; 'Hood &Ho.;/Airied'lHinirigke, Highland . 4z, itu Heel Oiee, Green .Br. Co'...3lPetiCOnibte„ - B. Plank, , Alepioder & Midlin, ; raighei . l4l•4 l k, Moore, A. M Leidr ' THINK OF HOSIO —The husband who, in hair • moments of relaxation Trom.tjat"eares.of busk: . 'nem all oits liisrthoughttitti iettit ta hie famt..' . ly 'Ar , ea; is In . a measure safe from the 4Hahr `aidiceinpfations of the. werld:' . :l 4 lW ''reicrtq,:io • , believii'that lucre are' few hushiuids'ithit - eve, nt praCtical turn 'to suoX,Shoughts,' .vriivi(f be '4 . 4:tio;rlu..&Biiiiitiiiiiiiiipifne but those 4 , 1 r .° 11 : r . e gg,l 4 ,94,:tl4 ll,l3` Hachlno, : can realize lte :''' 'Cia'g4e9:', - PRE AY DR.SANFORD PEICE ONE DOLLAR . VEIL BOTTLE
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