• . . Atlarlicts. yentasLk.; ritenneta • • Reported weekly for the herald by Woodward & Schmidt. FiA.ux Suprreme, per bbl. dp. Extra,' do.• • ... do. rowdy do. it 4 RYE do. - - . WHITS WilgAT per bushel • Itv.ii_ do. , do. Elm - : do' • Coats , '_do, " o. . - OATH. ' d. . . CLOVERSEED do. • -----TlidoToYsicED -.11,0t, . " SPRING BARLEY - d0,.-• WINTER BARLEY do. PRIV.AREpPHIA•MARKET; . . fLOUR, per batrel, - • - 4'50 a 4.75 Extra family flour, ' - 5 0000 00 Rye Flour, 3 25 Corn Meal, • - 7 3 25 {VHHAT, beet wtite,.pei bushel, I 17® l 25 Prime red wheat,' , t 1 0001 11 Rye, per bushel ( , ' 70, . Corn, •. .‘ - • , Onto, _Cieverseed,'per bushel, 'Whiskey, pergallou, atA I...TiBIORit MARKET. FLOUR, per barrel, Ohio extra, . City wills, •.. Rye Flour, : - • . _ , • Cul a M . eal; - :3 00 !- 'WHEAT, bebt white per bushel, •,. 1 15 . '01 22 r • Priu{o red wheat, ' ' I_o3lgl 07 Jtye. per bu shel, . . , Corn, -_ 01®70 Oats, • 44 ' • 29 Cluoerseed, per bushel, 4t. Whiskey„per gallon, , 4 1ST Ur PEA.LER.S.—Of Goods. Wares and Merchandise. Also Distillers, Millers, Lumbermen, TaThelers, Sr.; withal tt.e . Cousty of Cum berland, returned, and classified in Accords..ce with the several nets of Assembly, a lollovrs, to wit • • Carlide - Abrier Bentz, dry-goods .1). M. Cockiiii, groceries. .1. N. Armstrong, iutiber, 1.1 Sharley, S. M. Hooter, W. 11. Murray. cosi IVonilward Sc Schmidt, produce • J. Ithrein Sc Son. 1 1 Sc 11. Mun's: cool . .A. Niles. dry-goals Henry 311111 in, clothing Ileul...ti Line, dry•goods 11. M. Johnson:hooks W. I, holier. groceries 11. J. 11:11orgirs..steves _Janice I.ninlou, bo , oks ' .A. 111.• Piller, • • • Samuel 1,111. M, drugs 'noun,, thinly.), jewelry , .1, groceries' Henderson Sc Sons, produes Jacob Sonar, shines • J. 9.1110111, groceries -- S. W. Iliiverstick. drugs" Fredericks A inarketiok. - Arnold Sc Livingston, ciuthing J. I'. Lytle A 5011. Lai doom Jonathan Cornwall, shoes unirleh, nr,j.gooifs Dsvld l'ornimm groceries. Jacob WM r. ••• A. O. Lechler, W in.l /011141'A. San. di:y goods Oaloos Collin. wni koting Joi:oh Keeny, S. C. lluyett, groceries • • :flown & thafer, lumber P. Monyer, touter(. (2 ntOtes) • Arnold & :Not, clothing George Roller, hats 'Philip Arnold. dry•gouds .1: B. littlier.'hnts • , • lienry Saxton. liardustre • S t eito;r. & Co , clothing Churl. Ogilby. dry-goodslV. D. A, Neugle. jewelry 11. S.ltittur, clothing C. lotion . , gmwurie. It. .1. Kieffer, drugs:" 11.1 V Hither, tiry..goo,ls - Homy liarkinal, groceries John Faller, John Beciy-, . P. 31esgermnitIL, Janes Irtirsnahnn. Ilantch, clothing Smith A. Taylor, books Asl,rw. marketing - Henry Itlioads, furniture J. It. %Vraver A. It. Ewing, David Sipe, " - J. W. Smiley, clothing 11. Bainbridge. shoes 'Thomas Phillips. shoes • Rubuit Moore, shore SinpreNsnimo 11. Ruby & CO., nroduco d. 10 Benjamin Biggs, mu Pulling 14 Willi:lin Clepper, o 31. M. Angle, lumber 14 Philip /lett Joh, groceries 14 Manzloin. & rosnsughi, groceries 14 Ilaughtnnti 4 Fosustight, pro.lues 13 :island Stignrs. ennrkoting 13 '3 iilis, 3104r0 ac Co.. dry . ..gout/8 • 13 Anthony F. Wolf, wares 14 I , : - .4. Arti, shins 14 8. C. 1101litr, - 14 • .1. 11et , ,, .4 Co.. olry.gnods . • 13 .1..0 .1,11. 1te..1.11g. " • ' ll Bouthe'rupr & Inuit., produce 11. ticemonst„ 4 Wim,:olter, clothing 11 J. C. Air,en, drugs 14 :stet Rh. Runkle & Ilro., dry-geode 13 Forney .4 - 31' ViterFon, hartinarn 13 .1. Stunitaugh; ilru..n 14 Jacob l'agu., groceries 14 .Iblin Bidges, clothing . - 13 IV. A. Co., boo 14 Totton & Mutert, dry.gtsnls , 13 John 3CCordy. hooks 14 John Crowell, drugs 14 ' .1. Fisher. bats -, 14 Oraliill & llollar, hardware 13 I. M. Hikes, ntorcs , ,-, 14 NEWVILLIC 8. L. Levi. dry goods Fry k stores 1.. u„ Ho, l'htthidg Stough & Diller, dry-goods .1. M. Davidson, shoes ItroLion, drugs William lined, ". groceries Wiliam Venni d. marketing Stitzel, Jana than Ferree, James NlTsndlisli, dry goods V. IV. lierron, drugs WEST I'ENNSbOROUGII Town Hand & Co., produce' Paul A Bro., IV.mlwerd h euhtuidt. produce iuhn :•!. Davithon, dry goods Edwin James, J. flood & Co., Alexander floodhart, markrting William . Bishop,' NKw om P. A. Ahi k Brox., produce J. k .1. 11, itursh,.pnklucr, - .(NeW)._ _ AI Ii ed M I Weil, dry'-goods C. Fonnaught, • •• A. C. D. Miller " .1. k .1. 11. Ilurxh, pro. (Oakville) Highlands dc IVashluger, eliy,goods Jame?. Illhlsop, marketing • .1. M. Weggoner. " J ulnas .1.131 e, dry-goods SOLIT:.A IlnOtl FolKnaught & produe* D. & U. Clever. dry gouda J. F.lnun, Schoch, Sons & Co. " Ororgu (lever, llenry )13 res. marketing James A Clerk, ‘• MIFFLIN henry Snyder, dry-goods Lewis User, FRAN . ILVOILD Wllllem Groan, dry-goods == f heemaker & 1:111otl, Juuiithen titritir =cc= Vel du M . , leor. C. 0 Stouffer, d 'thing DICKINSON 'David ITAVR.dry-gooda Munro' it Dice, " • Christ. Oeker, \V. M. Watts. Jacob Plank, ," J. Omen d Co.„, Pater Garver, 0 . • 1 1 / a vid Cloudy, gm:arias El O. Hutchinson, marketing Jacob Heeler, marketing . • SOUTH DI IDDLICTON. ' f bloore A Craighead. dry gouda" ' blullln A Aloaander, " J. A. A D. Catalano,' , A. M. Leidlgth Mormon )fury Illncoi,'drugn . • • NORTH MIDDLETON. Elise Light, dry-goods SILVER SPRI EO. Weever'& lirtiwnowoll; dry goods' 14 .Jorlt4 Culp,' 13 Jrthob Simmons, ' ti l4 Dnvld Strohm, : r 13 J. U. Luidig, proddc• • ' 14 . . .AI ECLIANICSBUIXO. Vanfal.Comfoit.l4.goode , Oswald k Cm, jumbo. , gingisor Jk Shnfi!ar, produce Minoan & TAO:Kral; 4leprge'Slugi‘nr. J; Jubitelin 4 Son, T. O. Urysou, &louver A' .11eintuei k Cocirer, lumbar Jacob 86rrlif, dry-goods &Oh di*li • 13 13 12 12 11 12 13 . 14 . 14 /4' :. Son; hardware. • l3 .. 10 Ira ILA , , ,Iress 14. , Jacsb bersheinier. books .14 Brim' le 4 Neiswanger; drY.gotnlS. 32 • 12 ,wisher 4 Sol . 14 • . 7 ILUntbill. nothing 14 7, , . E. Lamont. thoes • . .110,1 4 darrett*on &. 0.. hsrdwaroj 14 . • 7) Wonder's 4 11,0.. Ftoves \ ' 14 • 4 , John Harlan. Marketing ' • - 14 . 7 , it, Wilson 4 Son, stoves ' ' • 14 ' .7 1 Daniel irOillleM, shoes • 34 7 Rohde & Herring. drugs 13 ' , 10 i 1... D. RiolTer, clothing \ 14 - 7 I Levi Snell. "-• . r- 14 D. 11. Sutler ' !- tI ---- ' . . 14 . _ . '7 I Henry Leas, dry-goods 14 . 7 I John Relgle, " • 13 10 I A ntlrew_Slu.dzer. groceries 14---7.1 Jacob Einuilitgar, , ,-- r' , 14 .7 I William Iluatou r lUrnlturs r 14 ' 7 1 Samuel Worst, ' " 14 7 ( .., „„...... ~ .--- 11PPEICATLEN. '— . ' • . _ 'oo4wellor & Zug, dry goods,l9 Mr. Shriver,, - -- " - Hyman LougneciterCproduce 31 Peter Ghigeriell; Marketing ' 1 Robert liettrick, " ' • ..., . LOWER. ALLEN. . • - George Ha nes, dry-goods_ _ 14 Abut. Brower, " 14 John Ruts, . . • William Lloyd, drugs NEW CUMBERLAND, Charles Oyster, lumber .1; 11. Chtireh; . V. Fnannan It. 3lartin 3, Sons. , " James & )fusser, " $ 4.25 4.o'} 5,00 2,50 __l,lll_ 1,00 4 00 _2,25 IL F. Lee, XII dry.goodd • EASTPCINSBOROUGII 4 24 20021 CZ===l John M'Corinick 'irorroly A; Zinn. lumber Jacob Loogne s oker. gm - Welles 0. W. Fogler, dry•rooLl. 11.. h .1. Ry nerd. Into! or W. F. Mirth, k. Co., lumber "erkilummel, tirocerlo, S. R. Patterson,p!oducu 3liehriel Free .•` , • D. Dellinger, dr,y,gQo4 , 3_. HiMPDEN Rupp 8, Son. dry-goods . . 12 , 12 21.) W. 11. . ‘• • . 14 7.00 SoninerSbeafor 14 _7 OU 4 25e5 00 4 87 6 25 Ilitury Rupp:proditee .1,6i1 . ii1117., tiileth 1 - TANNERi . . Samuel Orabom, Weal l'euusborougli 13 • Georg(' liloslit. Frankford. . 14 )11elinel 511111141. '• " 14 A,.thony Foreinnii,,West Pouriburo',. 14 Samuel Davidson, Nowville 14 Jolin Wagoner, ' 14 A. Bricker, N e wton, 14 • .Imail, Miller. 14 .. 'F. - .1, /1. Itilieliart;thipetrell — : 14 — ' IV. W. Frazerl4 . . •Donjoinlii iniseboro" 14 Win. 31'Cleati.Shipponslourg - 14' Jermniab Carver. ''. ' 14 Win. Waloner, Dickinson ' 14 A. 11. Illair. Owlish, ' 31. Minielt, • " ' 14 .. r lt.ll, int'. Jr. "14 - It. Corinna... Silver Spring 14 ' .1. Ilenderiiii. , - 14 Henry 1131,140 .". . . ..14 Joe Jo N. soo. . " 14 Richard 31ilev' " . • 14 Dryson et. I ril ne. Urn, Allen, 14 lien: Shinier, North 3firlilletoir- -----;---- 14.- -: OMB CZIM - $23 ( U 4 1; " ) 01.1 7 00 7 00 "0 00 700 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 ,440' I 7 ot) 7 lio nicer & Griller:West Pnensborough; 'l4 - - - 7 00 ellarles Fregb 11, . " 14 700 .3lnrsliall .1/11111.0 . 14 7 00 .01(1 & Ininfee u , 14 700 l'111111( Zeigler, North Middleton 14 7 00 henry Ilarllltz. " 13 10 00 ,Yenst(l,4( 11(01009, (5/11414.311ddleton l4 . •.7 40 Itltner S.. Sitentier, . ( 14 7 00 Peter Gorman II - 14.' . 7 (HI .-W.. 0. ( . 111.1,111. enrllole. 14 7 (0) HAI. Voglesn)4. 31(0.9e, 12 .12 00 11. W. Inddiel, -- - --."•- ' - - - 14 - - • -. 7-.011 111211j.011111 Mole!" 14 - .7 00 .10101 Al 11110(0 ‘, 0 " .14 7 10( a. k '7. I(rood)II . 7 00 NI III( rA. Eberly, II (0-1101e0burg,, I 1 . 10 00 aa, .:A ( 0.01, It..T. OHO, - 'l4' • • • 7011 thrb.titin 1.1(erly.L...11100 ) - :13 . 10 101 Joseisll Bucher. " 7 "0 . Noldnner_A: I'o. 1' ..11 - - . _ 7,00" , Inrrin 4.`1111r111:111 g. ' ' 14 7 00 .loseplo Whkler " 14 7 (0) 0. I'llelt. 10101 pro00100400g1), ' 14' 7 00 .1. .0. II:1101111, Hampden 14 7 00 Henry I lnuutug. t,i1,11.1" Sprnli, .14 7 On I'. 11. Myst,. ' • . -• 11 - 10.00 11. 11. llneln, 13 lu 00 Henderson I Foos. N. Iliddleton. -.12-...--------12--10.1.- 7 00 1•: o 0 20 00 1^ 50 30 00 7 00 10 00 1.: 010 10 00 7 (NI CO t ) 10 00 14 ( ) 10 00 7 01 15 /ill 211 1.0 10 I'll 15 t 0 7 00 7110 20 00 7 00 7 00 Robert tlnialey. lleltelun;strS Sin. Mont up s Sin. South Middleton 31ye, s t Benson. Silver Spring. 2., AO . 25 OP Sato net i ~I,Nionier;• North .7,ll,ldleton, - 25 00 Ilaruitr. l'nrlinlr•... ,• 7 00 7 0 1 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 ' 00 7 00 John Nicholson, :curry'lle, . 8 • 5 00 Eberly k. Fouaht, 3locbanicaburg, 8 , 500 Bal eel Rupert t. " John Maley I enry Irvine Mrs. Low, Cm Usk, M=fil .1. ritrattnii .• 8 over I: Moffett, Hopewell. - 8 . TEN . PIN ALLEtS. ISIEI David I.grg, James Witarfe,s2 lablee, Carlisle, 7 0 1 7 00 7 00 7 00 10,00 etI3IIIEMAND COrNTY, TB 1 hereby certify that the nlane is a correct Mt of 'the Dealers to Merchandise, Lumbermen, Tanner., strimen. Ar., retulited by the A ponimer. .otlee Is given to Al persons to lift their licenses IMMENSTri.T, and al w ho neglect to do so will be returned fur sellhig without !icons°, M. BRICKER, RE Tai 10 00 la (K) la 00 7 00 May 5, ISSS.-4t. 10 00 10 00 (IU3IItERLAND VALLEY It. It.-- - ki 01.13131E1t ARRANGEMENT! CHANtIE 14F 110111101 Un and after MONDAY, April sth 1050. Passenger Train, ' will run as cllous:. (Sunday.. eiciTte.l:) FOR 11A ItitlSltUltri. • lot Train. 2.1 'Frain Leave Chau - 111,Am rg, 45.15 A. M. 4.15 P. M " Shippenslairg, 5.44 " 4.40 " " Newell), 0.10 " 5.10 • " Carlisle, 7.00 " 5.30 " Met haulealourg, ' 730 .4 0.30 At Harrisburg, • . H.OO " 7.00 " ' FOIL 011A7lVES6I1U110. . • ...- Ist 'Frain. 24 Train. Leave Harrisburg r 3.30 A. II 105 P. M. Ilechatiicsburg 0.00 " 1.30. Carlisle. 0.441 " 2.11 • " Nevi, Die. 10.20 " 2.46 " ' Shippeunliurg, 10.52 " 3.16 At ChainLeraburg, 11.22 " 3A5 " Tl7llllll leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia: at 0:10, A. 21.; 1.00, P. II . and 115 P. M. For Pittsburg, at 3.40, A. 11., atilt o.lu, I'. M., and Altoona Way 'Frain at 100, P. M. For Ibiltimore. rit 0 :111, A: IL and 12.10. 111.0011. Trail.. 011 the 11:11111billIIIIIi 81110/11e11[1111121 Old Lebanon Valley Reilreads, kW,. Harrisburg for Heading, Lebit• non. Auburn, &c.,.laily . . , .... Fares (rein' Harrisburg. Mechanicsburg, Carlisle. Ship punkin,. and Cliatiabershurg. will be ten cents less when paid, for Tickets at the Oflice, than when 10,111 in the Cars. . . . - 1iai:.7176 - Tieket OITIVe - ortlitv Company at - Ilarriaburg,- 011 and after the find. day of April. will be removed to the Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 3rd door from the Eastern" hinlof the Thilidind: '''' • - ' ' O. N. LULL, Superl. Railroad Office. Chatuberaburg, t Ilar di 31.1053. e ` v> 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 ou lu Oo 7 00 10 00 7 Ul 7 i I 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 Otl 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 Ito 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 20 00 .J.20_00 7 00 7 00 10 _l9. 14 14 14 ' 13 700 10 00 7 00 7 00 . 7 0 0 7 00 • NEW GOAL Y A RD * Avr TII IVEST LAD OF CAnLISLE: •The suhs , riher would rehpeetfolly call the attention of Llineburners and the hens jif Carlisle ? and the surrounding eountry generally ? to his WV COAL YARD, attached to his Wiire Ilnuco. on West High st., where he will keep constantly tin,hand a largo supply alto, loot quality of COAL, to \tit:. 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 DO Lykons adley, Lula° FUJI. , l'lnakirove and Traraoa , tau, IlrOman, Eanc mid Nut Goad—screened analdry coal, which lau pledge. himself in sell n' the slowest pumatado parts: Hest qu tally of Lituuburuo.'n nod Cool always out lined. Are All enters lett at. the Vero House, or At hie root donee In No. th honorer went, 1;111 be promptly et. Wolfed to. RIME= 10 00 10 (w M 013 NT. 1)1 , 131PS 'A 'A DEMY.--, This )mitlttrion igloos this, Wu thirtrwenk ti .r u 5 mutitlis nessiun The school is In: and in a healthy and a pleasant ru. ral town, and all ,rd,. a thorough English and Classical Education upon very seas Inalde terms. 7 oil 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Accts env. Mr. Mendel of Carlisle runs aMilly strum to Landishurli,: v Worm Springs, from tho first nom, ml place. MOD, It'.llrdillg. hani nod Contingent $5B for session oft 2 weeks. T. I . .9IUCHEIt t Landishurg Aprll, 15. 1858. TM. 14 14 \ 14 13 14 14 14 LIAO. CI.F.REAL ESTATE.—.Under 1, Jan order of Hata from the Orphans' Court of Cumber land county, the undersigaed will offer at Public sale the following nwperty In the borough of Carlisle, late thelteal E+tato or Samuel Itlehlmni. deceased.. 10 00 10 00 10 00 12 00 A lot of ground situated on Lout her et., - ' •• w adjoining the lots of Mary Ittehlson and rme, r Joseph ' , Spangler's hark. Containing 20 Spit In front and 120 fret In depth, more • , r less. OW* ono story_ frame imUse ;aid Tific Uds'hi the rear of the above on Dickinson Alloy, •COll. tabling each 15 feet In feint end 120 feet Iti depth. Al. so three Lots situated on Logue's lace. adjulithig Rufus Shapley, or, IL Matcher And Jefferson. Each eon -twining alkat 20 foot hi front and feet in depth. One of these Lots has itwo-story frame house erected I theism.. The sale will bi held at the Court(l ouse, on Thurs. Ay the 20th of May nest. at II o'clock, A. M., when the terms of sale will he suede known by ADAM St:MM.:MAN. - 13 13 ' 14 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 70 00 7 011 10 00 7 00 1R5!3.1 5.1 - 17 - .1. 1 .,!:... 1 ;:',',11 1 1:4AW11!..8!(`' 01 ,1 C I ;A A II 1 1!1.41tIltal • - 10 00 10 00 12 59 12 50 36 00 12 60 15 00 10 60 7 00 - , 700 730 " 'rho fifteenth it , 141.111.1 of this Institutlott bill own., ....c o on slttntiny, the fl.l of :tiny next. - Thu court., of tmttrNetion embraces the VIRUIIi Ittnitcltes of nu :English education. hvether with the Latin. ll reek. Kennel, And German tang - naves. mid Vmakatid Instrumental mimic, Terms:—ltanttlittg.. Washing and Tuition per Fes:, shin. (2I weeeks,) V:000. For circulars containing par.. Strain," address „ • , • • . •.• ' • DEN LINO IfX,llairrisbaza Pa. liarabAlilll/2.30 , 41t.' : . _ . • .• 14 ----12 1 13 14 14 =BE MILLI. RS DISTILLERS OYSTER-UOUSES 8 5' 00 6 00 =2 netu Ilotiertisements li=l =2=!!!! BO •OUGII.IICCOUNT•FOR 1857-8 J. LOUDON. Troanurak, In 9n rieeount with the Borough , of thrillilo. 1. it EGgiPTS. . .. ' . . • Loan fhourileorge Lino. authorized' by ordl- • native of 111th March. 1857. • • 41850 00' Loan • from.ll ill him Pallor, ' do. • 700 00 lueo.froin t1e0rg...1.11.0,jr.,' • do. ..,, ' 3511 cq, do. ' - . do. . 350 Mi. 'Loan from .1.11. 1% oodburn, . • do.4` . '-.. 400 00 Loan from Georgeldno, non., . do. 1200 00 ..Loan.from Richard t inightild, • • do. 400 06 Amount received froui..l. tollio..jr., ddllector, • (006 00 -Amount meived of Water and One Company ,_ for ditching. ...-• _- -- , 105 12 ._ -- licenses, - recolved of It. Irvine, jr., Ipurgess, for • -- licenses,. . 38 - 00 - Amount, received of Stephan Keepers, Market ' Master, .137 00 , Amount, received-of-Abram -Philips, damages----- _ assessed for opening.Chesinut `alley, ' _. .25 00 _ Amoutit received of iltuana W. Eby,., do., , 12 50 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 70 ,7VXPENDITURES: ..... . lialance duo J. Loudon at last Settlement, - # 84 13 ' Paid WAL Matthews repairing sts. saluey, &c., 3745 00 Paid A. L. Sponster, revising ordinances, • • 250 Paid Jon. ilsqu, holding election, East,Ward, 'l4 00 Paid Jacob Fetter, holding election, Went Ward, 10 00 . . . . . . Paid Sarah Todd, interest on bond, ' . 18 110 Paid Water mit, tlas Coing'y, for wafer and gas, 162 80 Paid lienjainln Puffer, interest on bond. 30 00 Paid Bents& Brother, loud-and interest In full, 878 22 Paid disenunt. Carlisle Deposit nank, 26 tri Paid t;itinuel Crain, mason drunk, 0 18 l'uid William LlllO, regulating,. 1 60 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 15 110 11 r,O 7 00 PaiVildam 4ita.,,„trees, Paid Sanmel'endloopaiting pavements, Paid Hoot & Car, eon! seal., Paid 3lielmol Wise, euoing.Auplieate; paid John Spahr, cleaning ''spring, Paid it. :Catcher, salary as Janit ,r, Paid 0, Vantleburg, half' year's salary an lamp. lighter,.. 20 00 . Paid .1. Spahr, salary as constable, ' •' 000'00 foil W. 11. Wetzel. salary as clerk, - 100 . 00 Paid Sandiel.llrown. minty, lamplighter, '. 20'00 Paid J. Loudon . . salary as . .80 00 Paid It'. Wolf. half .year's pa larymLlampl.ighter, palniftig - bay and coal scales, 200 Paid William Miller. repairing pimp, . 4 21 Paid Water and Bus CoMpanyi water and gas,' 120 10 Pahl bond to th l orge Line. dated April 1, isfie, boo 00 • Paid Imul to Geotgedal„ , ed 1,1.850, • 200 00 'Paid J. ifutshall, repairing . trot, boxes, , it 51: Paid Isaae Barton, iutrrrst on. bond, • 30 00 Pahl Caslisle Deposit Bank. dlueou.,t on unto, : 7 8'76, Paid Benjamin Pellet., interest on bond, ho 00 ItichArd Craighead. iliturest on bond, 12 00 Paid A. Blair, changing eurto o i Soutb street, 10 n 0 Pahl Beorge Line. Interest on bond, . , 00 dl. do. '2l 00 Paid Water and Gas Company water.and gas,' 152 00 Paid John Natelter, ground rent Paid 1). Thoutpson, 211 re pious, 34 00 Paid Jonathan Ziegler. 6? dogging stones', 8 bO. Paid A. evimenton, hire of horse and buggy, , .1 50 Paid .11,1 in Spahr. rentaving nuisances. 50 Paid F. lianiner .b Co.. for Ore plugs, 111 00 Paid Carlisle Depo.it Bask. discount WI note, 20 07 Paid_Sainuel_Pelfer. interest on luau 4, ' 24 00 Paid Jomithatt.Ziegler, for stepping stones, • 10 84 .7 00 700 7 00 OV 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 - DO, 7 00 .leffetnonlko3Wr, for pltrrlo. Paid M. II eo,b,md., for steppilig.Bln,lrer, Pahl F. Gardner, for lanift 1.5 blt. 40., 03 10 Paid S. 11'04,4000 141dgllig al cror.singr, 4 I:2 Paid .1:N. Arno:lJ ung, Tior crobslngs 14 54 - Paid 11. Saxton. 1,5 NI wn re. 4r, Paid W tit. `dr aol:losprlng, Pnid 11, IV. Slientrer, !Woe :1 011 1 0114. Paid IV. 5114,alfur, 04. J. tilt.llss.4lsoinge4Sfor. l'lle.tmit nlim. 67 (5 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Paid S. W. lia}arbtick, for Ethereal oil. -1 00 :lid ‘Vatsr mitt tins - romilsay, atrr and gas, lia 50 Paid Henry I;lass„tor hauling. t, 04 00 Paid .loaspli Slows, regalriag, pavement; .75 l'aiit W. 'll,lretztA. "tax Indices, `8 7 00 00 7 00 • Ptsill S. WO r.t.l. 11111111( work at bridgon, 18 50 Sltroutt & lIOIIi r. liobe, for bridges. :12 17 Pohi I(ils)...o_l' orris. Mtn, :11.1 plmuliug, 11q5 72. Paid l'arlislelMpoKil MITI IF. dl4 . l.Uilt MI note, 14'17 laid Joseph .Itunp, 11,r. I 11:1.on work, 66 40 Paid Julo 11 RIIII.tOII, fur pi lining, - 12 C) hild E. Cornuittn, Pahl E 1221121211 022= ICII=ZI=I lo.‘id-Iturgess, whitv‘tashllig bo ul xes nn sore, 2 , 75 Paid Itm gess, MI, tTllng p . m.% In grav,p 50 miutirc. 460 Pall Jnobr. :Tangier. Mr rcanlatnnr, Paid Linc, for I collating.' Paid Watcr and Gas l'ompany, branch pipes, BEM MU= I'3lll tkrvlng tmc'notlres.'_ • - Pahl John A. Igair paintiov. I•nI•1 11. S. !titter. lA - Cu:lll.A Fira Vonipanr, Paid. I'. louver, t.:O Union Firm Ctimpliiiy, Ppid coupon. redeeintql, Hal!ince due llorUligh - - $10.55:1112 'l - 17:1i7x - vTiril;lTlTs examined ille i fortimillig ~r James !minion, Treamirer of tlit / Ininni2.ll of Carlisle, nod Hint a I.silani e dine IA lain id six hundred . 0 % . ty.sexell dollars and !Arty 41) 1 t Auditor-. •• N..IIANTCII. .1 Carlisle, April 21, 1826. EMI 2' oil ~ 110 25 oN$ 25 00 • 1 111 A fn. . AND -.I? Ult NITU It . subKriber Itastlic located 1111.01 r 1.u...4...51y In West !Ugh street, two doers above the Halite:et Do. pot, has just Opened his CAIIINET IVAltreltoo'3lB. wherelie_ intends. ai usual. to planufaeture and keep .eouslantly 'on hand every ntyle of parlor forulturo and ‘Vninutlind Mabounny llrr•nninß Burrnon with marble tops. Sofas. Tabirs and Wantrnta.nds. + .. Wal .• What nuts'. and Ward.. robes. FBENCII AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS ,s:_i F'.llll.lllt nod HOCH ISO cloths with velvet. or hair cloth seals anti backs. • . Mill/a:soy twill walnut chairs with hair cloth or 4,111il seats. l'lnlo elialrA of all kiwis and stuffed Siwing Lorsor.s. Coded hair soil husk II Arl'ltA,Sl..S‘4 et cry variety, together with all lithrr articles usually round hi Ills Hoe of business. EIM 112E1 Particular atteilifon raid to .'pairing vctrilishlng furniture or all kinds. • Helm: prorlavtl with au. ONColll.sit II tiA ltcli , he It prey:wed to fill all orders 1,11. FUN iu tow or wintry inn. 6,1666.—1 s 'IO3IE AND SEE •K ELLER CORNET ~ 1 ,41.1TE1M 31 u,hi r 1101 SE. BOOTS, sIioEs..IIATS AND CAI'S, w,. ilex t o our ti.rilior customer, Awl ILo pulale gemeral. n find late lc...Muria of lire' Watts. suitable for SPRINO ANI) SU.II.ILEI? WEAR U.SUOIRO.SOti fur Atylo. dwnLllily , and cheap• floss. Onr ntoe6 eofl6lM'. of . FINE El I.li, MOLESKIN HATS, Fain !toys', roots: and eldldren's Fancy eiery e.dea..- • WrItAW MODS AND CAPS. we are sine the ta•et asst.. foment tsar offered In the county, and worthy the attention of all. • • IlOO7'S AND SHOI,'S of every N,rivty ■ud style, lmdirn. Mi.SCP mnl Chn dreeis floe Galtorr. and all kinds of CLlldn•n'n Fancy i rOr 01.11001110 U a good aseor.niont of every kityle and finish: iii fart every %allay In intr. lines . . Thankful to the piddle 6'•r post fiIkIJIN Flllll'lt a motion:lain of eniatiiii. ti. we liv sure we can wake It to the advantage of the hurdling,. Ciirllshz, April 2S. isns AYEI/NE81)A1, MAI( sth, 1858,. y At 19 u'elovlt. A. M., 0111 to sold Itt l'lllll.lo m,r, at the CAIIIN1•11' .Alt h: 1100‘1:4,. 14,411 W.I. nut.Strvel, 19111adelr131n, Um entire Stat , l,. of Now mud Elegant Futult MT, cumin ieing all' Chu • usual asrurt tuuul, In WAIA UT AND NI A HOG N _ This stock was manor/1.1,1,d by T. I% ,herbortio & Sons. expressly for retail ,ales. and is anaranteed to ha at the n est nu.terills and workout apipl The null his II rel:Uiralliill - 1/1 I his trust, who hIIVO occupied the tils.se stand-fir- the last twenty years. Is nit assurance that the 0/..tsare . all they ate ceprebented to be. Purshaters from a distant.' can have their gondn packed on the prentiseS, if desired • SALE PEREMPTORY —To close a partnership ■c count. [April 1555. BACK AGAIN TO TILE OLD TRAM;;! • The subreriber respectfully inhirms the piddle gener ally. that he has resumed the manufitetnrifm . of BOO'S 'AND Fi in West Main Street, a few doors Wrst of the Railroad Oleo, nod bat hog a good iord•orl meld id' Leather:Monaco and Trintiologs. and engaged comp,. -tont worksoon, ho is prepared to make up to - measure, cooly dederintinli of wort in his line. Ile has also received Iran Philadelphia a well soleeted stork of 11 a ITS AND SHOES. emoprising every variety for Spring and Summer wear. which he Mhos at low prices. tiontlenten's fine French Calf pads, _ do. ..., Goiters. Word Ties and Itregane.j . Ladles Gaiters. [fiefs, Rushing, Slippers and lei, with a largo variety of Boys. Misses, and 'lllldrens (al ters. Ito its, etc . - ete. Purchasers are requested to roll and esatitino hls stock. ROM:lff MOORE. - .Carlisle, Aprll Pl, , GUNS 3IITH ING .-It MOVAL.- 0: VON 11E1 LEN, respectfully informs the citizens of Varlisle and - vicittity. that he has removed two doom stunt of Glass's hotel, In North Ilattuver street, where he Is prepared to townie All kit do Of wot k connected 'with 4.IUNSMITIIIW? Ile has always-on band a lento assert leant of ready motto lilies, (Juno. 'Pistols, Locke Keys. Gun Triunnines, &e. all cf which he will sell,lololll/alle or retail. lie ala6 r sounder to reparing all lands of Qum, Clocks, Lockt, sc,t en-. graves on Brass Copper And Into, monda to owes Ac. lie has also purelonied.the patent right Mr Repeating dlillcs and Shot blues, which he offers to lint public at very low prices. Ile hopes that by at strict attentfonto bus- Iness,'And a desire to please, he will merit as well as re. mire a ahem of the public patronage. @j - Allkinds.of Flre-Arms.utatie to Carlisle, Atoll it 1858. 1.3t0i.1 I) DOT AND S HOE 3t A KING,-J. ) & ti. TAYDIIII, return their Amnia timuks to their Customers, for the very 'Patrol patronage 'eat too Oeu to thew, and would respoetfully Wen • the nubile that the) continue to niatitnaeture OUST:13110i Work, at their old-vtand. on - Nortir Hanover street, two aeon's above the drug stow of S. W. Illaverstick. ' With a number of 11114 l rote workmen einpinyed sod facilities for micurlnir the feat stark to be found in tho laniket, theyaro-prepared to limbo up torrry thWrlption .of IMP fr:l. 1/141111ES. for ladies and gontleinen't.wear t • in the moat InFtsionaFle k.tyle. And ot FAlltttaTtU met. tlerhola autlyrtukuntlit hip. Hong years of practical exi,. rlourr In the Inolorta • ,• both here,sllll in Philadelphia Justllliql thenilti that they are able to them, full oatiellitelien to oil ,those Who may leave tio.ir orders, • • , Anril til- . '. r tr, T:111,011. ' r riN DOW .SliAl)ES!—The yia nl'hoopest norrtmont of Window. 'il!adaa eau* ba l laad at the new stare or , " 9 ' '• "9,- _510,683 62 DR. S.B. - ItIEFIPER Officp in North Hanover street-two doors from Arnold .Sou's store.. 0111ce hours. mom perticularkyfrom 7 to 9 o'clock A. 31., sod from 5 to 7 o'clock, I'. 31. DOOTO It AR M G STRON.,tias od his office in Cdutre Square West of the 'Court 11.1ume*: where he truly be consulted at ony hour of the day or night. Dr. 4. Inti had thirty yenrs - experlonce lu the profeitidon, tire last ten of which hnvo,:n.en deco. ted.to the study and practice ofAlontreepothle sine. • 'May . 24 00 J 20 /55 MO 10 00 50 00 20 00 • TA . J .S It A'N K N L lionneapathic Physician and • S„urgoan. 0111 co, Enit,'Main stropt, adJol Ring Saxton's Iniidarara• store. :Carlisle, March at, 1858.:int.* GEo: W: . N . EIpl _ __. PI% .N EI1)IC II I). D. ,S. / — l.Tta'l)eiuunslrn or or OprLaj ,,ro „oi o . Danti t str i y ei t the o ir Dent Al SergCry, .-er.t. • Oillre at his residence, • opposite Morton Hall, - West Ftreet - , • • ._____ Dn. I,C.L'OOITS , tikii--,,,-, South Ilanevar street, """' " .1 11,5•r . -- ,V; next floor to the Post .....- ' °Mee. tket—Will he absent from Carlisle he last ten days of etvli num t h., [Aug 1,'55 D E It (31-"1-. Z. B-R ET Z , ` 4 `- ' l3E 'ttr • airiqierournea_ to.Carllsle, offers hix .pri;fetsional surrieem to tbe eitireor. generally. Nike in Mirth Pitt xtreet, nearly oppobite hie former rest lenvo • Terms-3loderite. 10 00 2-1 00 • p lt. GEORGE S. SEA ,T27 '1. 4 " 7 „, - RIGHT, DENTIST. from the Bat 'more College of Dental Surgery. fr,V,.olllce at the residence of Ids mother, East. Louthdi street, three deers below Dedliird. ' • March 19. 1850--tf. 1., 01) 64 00 s sa DR. J. (.1 NEFF resp9et • fully Informs the 'when and gentlemen Lk • - of Carlisle. and that be has re sunted the meth.° of Dentistry. and Is prep ired.to pen % form :111 liner:aims on the troth and gums. tielongiug to bin profession. 11, wlll Dtaert full sold of tenth 011 gold oe silver, xlth Onglo I,wu teeth. or bloelts. as they may prefer. Tehns.ntrolerato, to suit the times. lithro In 1110 street, dlroetly oppsite tho Cumber land Volley Book. ' 32 00 1° 00 Afirfir. trill be in Ne)rrillo the lat.t teu dnye of aeon` month. Jan. 1.:0. 185S.—Iro Eza BM MCI S. ItSl' lON , Druggist, North lin nover Street. CA . • Physiel-ag preseriptione vat °fully. compounded A full totpply frehh:druAn and chond•Aln. ' MO • NI 13 R !-- R. E.Shmpley sr L11,./.. g .' LU l I ft YARD, formerly Impt by llottry ieitioved-it to .11m. imrtior -- of y. or. Laud l'it t whore ho lms a lUrg. lit if oak, dipsout tainted nod it .1.1 ogle, with pmitt; of all de. wrlptlott. i , nl; p oak and neantllog: thliorlo and plaster log lath: nit of whlchwlll Go sold slump for'cantt: Mardi 24, 1556. 5(1 60 1)0 124 0 00 $l/ WM VI 117 42 CA. BIRNBAUM; Book-binder . and • BLANa•noGn 31 NUFACTIMER: 3lngle, 7iltignzlrce j Newspapo's, Itfm iee, Blank-1,1,4{4i, Copy•liikike, ere received end re turned, nuntly hound in otel week, nit inielerant charg ilk. Also, T,,per.rulod to any desired pattern. ~Inn. el, 7r -011.1 VEN 14: IL AND . CONArIWAN - - - Into Itegigter of Cuniln, and roomy, will `riirefulkratteild tO Line tnitinaetlon of N11,411(41 be ent.ruard to lilin,uch es lie"writina of heeds, Mortggnes Contracts. Sr. Ile it 11l alin &ride his at yjntlon •ii the procuring of bu n t War 111110.1tellS10115,1e.11e Well at the purr/now nett lelle of Reid Estate, ilegotlntiong, of lining, tin. Spb.lnlice on Rest high Street.. fornierlyiwennled, '.y W. M. Pennon. Esq, near tlinklethodhitChurrin. Sivom P. Smnisn, (1111 u. W. li. )ICFAIq..INt, Poligylvania. L. L. COOK, ithodo • S NYDE R, NIT D, ARLAN-D, AN COOK,- • Bankeri and Dealers In Real Estate, MINNEAPOLIS., , Slinnesola Territory. Juno 3, • 10. THE PUBLIC.—The undersign rd }slug well known all it writer. woitlit offer hi st'mires 10 reipilriint Literary hill. lle.wiil fLroisi Addresses. (Orations. Fisss3 s l'resen,tation speeches ant , replies. hipes for Albinos. Aciosties—prepare matte fm the Press—Obituaries. and write Poiffay upon any .subjert Andreas (post paid) JAMES R. WEAVUR l'o It I', IS.tq ( . 4.131131.:11.1ANI) e()I..TNTY NOl3- 3IA 54.111)19,-I'6 ser.,:nl an.ion of thin lusts !Winn will einnin..nro in CI 'EIIAIIY NC., Mr, Pa. ml TI ESDAY, APRIL ttl;, 1 858, and conttime 'FIVE 31ONTIIS. An al.lo e.irps of Instructors Intro bean smutted. and tio effort 0111 It. spored to render tit school worthy of Opt po.ltiou It seeks to uccup.x. atid of Alto patronage ii r.ispertul ly For circulars containing frill particulars nail rl,l . ' T. A. 31cliINN KV, Treasurer. Nun. Ily order of the lloarttor TrustreN. DANIEL SIIELLY, I're,ldrot. JAR. !%IrrANDIRII, Secretary: Feb. 17, :5S ILPIT A Ls.— Th Cumberland enmity Inc time, at t he Connintihain holding tine appeals for the roughs In said county, for tin 41tithstr . pinn, :A nippennedairg boro! Shlppousburg tap., Hopewell, 311111Ini. Neu Fininkford, • Neritoo i Dickinson, West Penni:borough, Eaet l'euusborough, Lower A1i0... ' • New Cumberland, - Meehanlelburg, , diem nu,' Upper Allen, • . South 3liddleton, - Sheer Spring', - North 3liddloton, = N A 8 Adril 14, 1855.1 CHIIAIRS ANI) CABENEI' WAR': v r ) The first. ed"..April in past, the panic Is ended, and A. 11;9iwing'is prepared to furnish clinics, furniture. and ever; variety of ware in his line. front the plainest anti cheapest up to the must fashionable and expensive. front a stork so large and Well selected:Abet the most fastidious ran hod soutething to gratify theh• taste. Ills stork mow ends plain and fancy . Chairs, Ito 'opts, Sof.is, 'Fables. Whatnots. Iledsteada lu greet va riety, spring and husk Mattrasacs. Frames. togeth• era lilt every other artirle of house funitsbing !generally, Purelutsers are requested to null cud examine his stork, at Ills extensive ware-rooms, West 31a1n street, North nide. • •A. It. MING, Age- Particular attention 'given n, usual to funerals ordtiN from town and country, attundud to promptly . and po moderate terms., A. It. Carlyle. April 7, , ISAS.—Iy. . N ORDINANCE, - B EPEA LINO TIiI OItDINANOF, LOOTING A TAX Ms Dons. lie it enacted the Town Council of- the Borough of Carlisle, and it is hereby ordahunraud enacted by en. thority.of the some: That section second of the Ordinance passed the 28th day of April. A. D., 184, levying a tax upon doge and sluts,- owned or kept within the butte of this Borough ho and the Same Is hereby repealed. . Bonded into an Ordli auce the Bth day of April, A. D.,,18515. J. B. PARKER, Brost of Toolkeouncll. WILIJAN CAIIT, Cillef•Burgess. , Altost:—Taos. D. MAl...rti, Net's. of the Corporation. April 14, 1858-21. D l i e n, A L f l l. l.PR.t d l:ll, 3l Y ea7l A. ANL of 7tnioicAT -2 ,l7l; : riltt. muriTs, ere offered at private sale. 31edical Praelition• sm, who may wishlo examine them. can do so by calV 'log on the subscriber at her residence. East Main Street.` , "M. A. IIAUGIIMAN, • Administratilx of Dr. J. Baughman, decd, Carlisle, Y0b.17, 18y8. • •• , • Altb: • CH.ANC.E4—A desirable 11 opportunity to now. Miladed to any wishing to engage lu a profitable Milliners, for the purchme of q well khown and lucrative DRY GOODS STORE,, which le offered for sale solely on account:of the continued 11l health of the subscriber, which readers him unlit for business. The 'dock, which lo 'lows, will. be din. • pOsed'of of a greAt distouht. 'The atom in located in the centre of she town la. an. excellent. situation.. It 'ban Lipson established , many, dears,,and in addition to Its valuable custoni..it Is but little trammeled by conipcti• Lion: befog one of but Are stores in a twwn of considers. hie she, comulandlug Us) a large and-well paving coins.' 'try custom. The, room le fitted '•up 'thotiorit style,. with Perna• a and ttne. sod will be rented or sold If de. Foe further information' aZiy.'huniedlainly. to Atare,l4lol idos outage, re. Zustnegs I AW ".iIIDDLE j continuo() the practice of tint Jan', . theialice formerly occupied by, las father. Win. 31. 'Vidal(); /tag , and more incontly, by She law Stmt of Penrose di Middle, note DOC. :13, 'd7.] • CI P. Attorbei at 'Law. V • —oMee on North lianovor .strbot, a Ayr doors smith of Glass'. notch All business ontruined to him nlll b promptly attmulall to, acv -,—REMOVAL. --- acv N 9l._PbiNitoSkt hes removed his aim to the rime - formerly occupied by him'on 'Main. street a few. doors east of the Methodist Church whore ho will promptly attend to pll business entrusted trchini. — August 19, 1851.. . j'AW OFFICE.-LEMUEL TODD resumed the_Oractleo. •Contie Square, west side, near the Firo Presbyterian Church. Avll 8, 1857. • McOunieabury,• I'd FINLEY JOHNSON. ie Commissioner's (if hare fixed upon the fellmn loner's 'ollier.itt I:trial°. Sro net emit townships and bor. to pear 51imday, April 20. Tuenday. April tr:. Wedpe.tiny, April 28 Thun4ay:April9. Friday,'Aprll Saturday May 1 Maiday May 3. Tuesday, 31i.y,4. IVedn•sday May L. "M. M. HENDERSON, NDREW KERR, AMUEI. MEHAW, Commissioners. Nctu 0360 b. LARGE' SP-ItING ARRIVAL PAM NEW: YDIIk AND. PHILADELPHIA, OF ELEGANT NEW GOODS, • AT • A. `fr. MENTZ'S STORE. • Splendid , sieek of ne'd Black Dress Silks—Magnificent •• StYlcil'ariey — liross Silks, ' 111 CH 11. RARE 1 1 ELEGANT. 1 French Foulard gilt., Chinese Silks. Satin and Striped Bareges, Valencias, Ducalles ' Beautiful new printed Chunks. French printed Jaco nulls, very, handsOmb, ,Tril • Haute , very handsome French • ' Brilliants, English French and - - • American Prints, Scotch, • • • ' French tail 'Domestic • - Glngbants,-- , • Bon nuts, 'Bon- •, 1 ; s s t!" 1 1 :nm si end oc - • • Shawls In every variety, • . Silk Crape,"Stelle, Cashmere, &c. Embroideries; 'very low Coin. - prising COLLARS. SLEEVES FLOUNG. MOS, EDOINOS. VEILS, "c. Cargetlngs and Oil Cloths: VENITIAN, I N Olt AI N , TIIItEE PLY, lIIIRISELLS, COTTON Jr. EMI'. Druggihs and Floor 011 Cloths or all Widths. . • ' LINEN GOODS. A complete assortment embracing all the most eels brated nial-ks. EMIIII Gloves and llosiery for La . - d I es, Slisies and' • Children. great "variety, • of. kid. silk and Cotton ' Gloves. Ladies Elegant Twisted,. • Silk 31itis.kr.. DOMESTIC" AN!) STA PLE 0001)4: Bleached and unbleached . Skirtings. Mooched and-unbleached sheet lugs. Woolen and Cotton Flatinels, Corset — Joinvs - TlSklints. Cot Foriades,Satinets, Tweeds, - Cotton and Linen Dia. • Table Covers. lilemebed and Brd , •in dr,lll , ngs, and an endless vu. rlety nf other . (n feet, this stook of goods ilaVery extensive, they , ough and complete, having twin waling with a great deal of rare, we feel eontidtlat we eau Please any one who will fitter US with It Call,' Air amdid perfitns who have patronized us hereto fore. will ltilcult,. that we have sold the best bargains ever porrhased in Carlisle. Wr eon assure our friends and all loiers of •• Cheap (heels." that we are as well prepared as over to offer superior tiolueentents for their patrtlhrtge., , W.•IIENTZ, South Hanover stFeet, opposite the Posit Office. Carlisle, April 21, 1838. • 1:"V GOODS! NEW GOODS!! lmenjuet returned frourNew York nod Phan , .delphlawnod am - now - openlng - in. the - new Store room the largest 101 d mostF.plendld etoek of SPRING AND' SUMNER GOODS aver brought to Carlisle. A magnificent line of LA DIES InitESSOOOll5. snrh as IJuln end Fancy Silks, lisyndere Side :stripe Silks Elegant Black Silks. very low, Poll pi Cite, lees. (I amenities, Velencires, and lia. .rege Itobes..Side .Stripe I/ohmic/4, •Aucalls, Organdy Lawns. Brilliants. etc., etc. A full assortment' of Embroidery, Elegant Vonore, Underabreves,. Handkerchiefs, Inserting; Edgings, • Floittic'ogs ele.. etc.. chillier than ever, Cambries, Barred end Striped .Iticonets, Swiss Muslins. Nensooks,, etc, etc. Cherks.Oinglituns, otc.,.of* ell' kinds and ot - tho very littrest nntch:, BONXETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, - • Iltiieher, an entire new assurtutent. • SPRIAG SHAWLS, li• large assortment and very ]cheap. such as Stella, wool Del:aloe. Thihet, Grenadine. , Now cloths and eits.lineres - also just received. Css• sitneres sad I.ther goods for boys' wear in great variety. Countgrpaties, Hosiery.- Gloves. etc,etc. ' A full and new assortment of 31allogauptilosowood and Walnut framed Looking Glasses. • " IiMIPETINON ANII MATT . INGS.—Another supply of super Iniperlayingraln, Venetian, Illeam and' Stair Carpet. ings. at Very:reduced :prices. This stork has Leen laid in with great rare at the very low'est 'rasp pub so, and will I.e.sold'f,r the rash at such prices:as. will convince al that Ogillty's new stun is the place to lay out their cash to the very ,best advantage, • Light Protli ,, h o d Mies. Recollect the now-stns is on the corner of 3lain and P:tt streets, opposite Gm :Methodist ilturch. " Carlisle; Aprii:H, '56.] I • CHAS. 0011,111'.- NOW IS THE TIME FOR RAIMAINS: 1 ARG-E AND EXTENSIVE L Aniciym, (IF. , .SPRING AND. SUMMER GOODS A't the ,Nete 2 -Store.--6'artter-ett -Worth Ilanover --• and Lhuther Streets'. • ' The undersigned rid trot thanks for the patronage bestowed upon him by the public. and at the cementite' espertfully. anitounto.s that he line just returned Gem — Phlladelphia;aml is now opening a new. Itq of SPRING AND .hUMMER DRY GOODS,. AND OROGGRIES, con sisting in part n's Minn's. end which ho la determined• to toll at the lowest cosh SILKS. EWA CLOTHS. Chailles, Alpacas. De- Laines Pell:tees. .I.m..tres, Poplins, Lawns, Ilareges, Brilliants.Skirting.Ft.enchallll Scotch O inglanins'Prihts, (floors, Ilosierj, Collars. Ilandkebehlefs. dc., de. AW 1.:. 4 AND MANTILI4B, In every style and quality. STAPLE-AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Cloths. Con. simeres,-Vesting. Flannels. Mnsline, Tielong, Stripe's? Checks. Calleoes, Cotton:ides, 'Mont, Sheeting's, unit. N 3111 0 ,014,, Drills. Marseilles Quilts, colored and white Carpet Chain. de., Sc. Parasols a n d Umbrellas. Also a Mete alaisplendid assoetnuant. of BONNETS, HATS, CA PS, BOOTS AND SHOES. . A superior lot of fresh OROCERIER, Teas, Coffee. Su• gar. Molasses. Rica. Spires. r.: kr. Having selected toy entire stock with the greatest care, and the lowest rtsit PRICY., I ea), assure my friends and the public generally, that I 101 do all in my Inner in make my establishment known %stile HEAD QUARTERS FOR BARGAINS." mini u9nh Gt IlltralaMa will find it to their advantage to call and examine any stork before purchasing. 1 trill pity the highest market price for Butter. Eggf, Hags. Emp, and Rrlcd Fruit. CArlislo, April 21, 1555 :17 . c - EW GOODS FOR SPRING CLOTTIIME" " " Tho subscribers retheettolly inform their patriamt and the citizens generally. that they have recently received Ina. yen York and •Philadelphla. a large and elegant nevoid hunt of clothing thitnirle for the preStlut season, manufactured of the Lent uu ijorialt. and 'ln the latest fathiongblo width they are determined to bell cheaper than similar flair rs 11111 be.elr. where. Their stock rouipthe. Int Mart ASU rite) 2li COATS.- of new . and Iltsitinnahle style,. Business Sachs and pcook, f or the Inst material • lid latest materna lhothle and single hre.ofted Ve,.ts, In Pltille,S vat lay-0101re ~tyles. pine Bleck , l'reneh•• 11,,ea1. and Palley Canal. nun. Al nuts, Plata colored r 31.111.11311, rants, in gtvat thrJely— elnlce styles =CI= 111 order to -wet tho wants or the people In this branch their loo•loo,.,groot o:oo hod eitteutior, has been given to 11 the pro‘cni ev:ason. Coats. Pouts and yeqs or all 01100 and qteallile, to width N 111143111 addl. thins w 111 be 111:1110 dewing lite seas... Also, a Ain ass., tetoott of Shit Is, Collars, Ilosonts, Clll - Pocket IlandkerchlefiwSuspenders, :storks, Mures, Ifoldery With 1:111111,1)118, Aiwa's 011 hand a large assort litre! of Wool:, Drawn, Illue and Olive Cloths, than: Doeskin and Nary Cafisi• mere Vesting,. Sc. Clothing every description and quality • well >wade, 1:41 of t:0011 material Colltt0.114) . 011 band. Cued...lmes work made up to order, et the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. ARNOLD & Carlisle., March 24. 1.8.-31“.] North Hanover at. I B. KE Elt'S HAT, CAP, ty . BOOT AND SHOE STORE. - - North East Corner of the Public Square. The subscriber offers to the public n complete and choice assortment or flats. Cops Roots and Shoes. which have lust been purchased * from the best manulacturers Our stock consists of a great variety of beautiful " SI I.E AND, FEINJIATS; Made expressly fitr custothers. All kinds of Caps for Men, Boys' nod Children. We would InviteNparticular attention to our well selected and great variety of these goods, as u e are confident they cannot be excelled it, tiro town or county. &NITS AND SIIOES, of every style - and variety, air outgunned ler price and finish. It consists In part of MEN'S fine French CALF BOOTS,, BOY'S 0 YOUTH'S " LADIES' French and English GAITERS, Mhetes' and Children's ° Every variety of Children's fancy Shoes. The 1.4 lot of heavy WINTER BOOTS, for men and boys: in town. . Thankful to our friends and the public for past fn vors,•we 11..pe by strict attention to the' scants of our customers. and by'selling GOOD GOODS, to merit their continued favor, 3, B. KELLER.' 11.---Wo sell 116 Auction Goodell (Oct. 7.'17. I3ooKs ! ,,,, ,BOOKs o l ! ,,.. BOOKS ! ! ! MITH are sole agents In Franklin and - Cumberland month,' for the following valuable works: - - Benton's Abridgment of the Debates of Congress. Price per Vol., Cloth ilt3 00 Sheep 3 80. • • • Beitton's Thirty :Veneer Vie ; complete In 2 Tole. Cloth $5 00, Law Sheep S,S 00. • Mowe's General Atlas of the .World; Colored Maps and bound, sti 00. • Burton's Cyclopaedia of Wit and Bunter. • • American Eloquence; a collection of speeches, etc., by the most eminent orators or America, with blogra. Weal sketches end illustrative notes. by, Frank Moore, note ready, complele in tat Vols. Cloth. $5 00; Library style. leather, $000; half call, gilt, 800; half more. co, 7.0. SANDERS` SCIIOOL BOOMS. . . . ` , riders' Primer. . . • • Sanders' Speller. Sanders' Wieder, No. I. . .'• ' Sanders' Reader, No 2. . . ,. . Finders' Reader, No. S. Sanders' Reader, N 0.4. Benders' Reader, N 0.5. - ' ' . . San'ilera' Read..., N 0 .5. -. . .. —, ' - Fititddiirilifdil-sUißdllealler. --- T ---- ` ------ ' - ' - 7 Sanders' Ladies' Reader. - - . 'Sanders' She:act.; II holm& and retail at '• . SIIII.YOCR. TAN LOR k43SIITIRS. ' Melodeons,,_ - ' • . . . .. SORTOOR, TAYLOR 8 9311T11'8 Plauns; SUItYOCIi, &,13311TIPS. iatiiikukly oreeknof Mona, ;clinkaide and retail TAYLOR SIIITIVS. Paper.nyelops.,' Pens, lido, ern, etc. PIIRYOCK,TAiI.OR & smirii. r A iALL PAPE R" PAPER! earicit rex Tub A large sarlet)' or'neie and beautiful patterns Just opening end will he sold ,•11014par than ever tit . JOHN. P. LYNN SON'S. Cheep Hardware and Paper Stare,'" „ r • North Demmer Street.' ,yerlets.ot WINDOW SHADES Just 'OA •, gived , at . , M. LYNN' & SAN'S. '•' .. 0 roes And blue Window Papers Dist‘lielied VONat ASXI 7 , 4 $ 4. • 4. g. Mita; . . $900,000 n O u u l L I I t Or . . SHAWLS . AND' 'MANTILLAS, Being BULPIY•S Ontlro n3001;410 stook pow offered nt Mann nt '361 Broadway, New York, In etinsequoneo of ientoval on th . e . lst of guy to tif. store 41.8 BROADWAY, (Near Canal Street.) SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ' Eibry article of this new and dosirahle stock, prepared expressly In anticipation of an oxtonsive first class cl , y , wholesale trido will now be offered at from 40 to 00 or cont. below rogular mholosalw-prices,the snbserlber having resolved to submit 1. o this sacrifice for CABII, in preference to selling his goods on credit dial uncertain ty of getting paid for thew. • .700.310111 THE -POLLOWINQ-ETRAORDINARY, • . •., INVENTORY: ~' • 4,180 very pretty,Broche Stella Owls, at , $3 . f Regular wholesale price . . $5% 2,040 Supertok do do , at , $4 , Regular wholesale prise go% 1,800 Extra Superior do du . —". at $5 , . ltegular wholesale price * 8 1600 very Rich. and entirely new do. at : ' sB;`,i., - : • • • : — Regular'wholusale price * 3 An , immenae issortmout,of PINE GOODS at aluillar reduced rates. . : ,- . . . 2,276 Black Silk and Lace Mantillas, redueed to 0 2,555 do • ..do large alai, .. $ NO do • do still larger $: 1,1190 Bich do with deep lace Ruffles • $ 1,000 Superior Moir Antique '.do at • $ j 1,125 do do - -extra rich All the finer goods at a proportionate rate. Also • . • LINEN AND CLOTH. DUSTERS. (New and pretty in style.) MOURNINO MANTILLAS, WRAPPERS, Ac. at equally cheap rates. The entire stock. Laic been niarketbdowir;andi the solo will continue until the Ist of May lit the reduted prßee. .1914- Liberal terms offered to the Trade. ' April 14, '5B-310os. Glib. BULPIN, 4161 Ileciadway -- - 74 :ORE.4 T BOOK- FORAPEATS'i Puldishid Feb. 91h, ]BOB, FIF T -Y E A.R S N CHAINS 'OR, THE LIFE OF AN AMERICAN SLAVE. Wl111'TM( DT lIIMULY - : 4.30 Pages, Cloth, (lilt Back. Price $l. • • This is the title of one of the most intensely inter tutting biogr a phies of the dny. It Is the plain history of nn Anterkent.Slave In the far South, who, after two or three escape:. and recaptures. finally, an old man,finuld freedom and rest In one of the Northern States., What the Proms Say. The story Is told with great simplicity, but with _much power and pathos, Whoever taken It wid find it ,diillcult La lay it down until It Is finished,,NATiotim, Ens, Washington, U. C, ' • A narrative of real experience like the 'above, have for more effect against slavery than the Ingest. misty wrought novel, however true to life its pictures may be.—Ash.ill•PlTaT • Here to the book of facts. stranger than fiction, and a thoovood fold more thrilling: n simple tile of Ilfedong oppreskion, - rovettling truly thuworkings of the . " perm liar Into !Lotion "in our couittry. To the story•levlng no would say, hero Is a story - wor'h rending.— Miseunt Itscoame , A THOROUGH—CANVASSER IS WANTED. In each county In the free States, to' engage In the -sale of the above - work - humedlately - . - Such - can , easily elear.from • $5O TO .9100: PER - 51ONTH - • The workis beautifully kinted mid bound, and lam, large As the beebe MA4,01 for *1 Wk: but as we mean to sulPet leant 000 HUNDRED TIIurHAND COPIED, through agents, we have' made the retail price •only ONE DOL LAR. A SAMPLE COPY of the book will be sent by mall, postage paid, on receipt the price, and our private circular to Agents, with terms. Mr. Addmet II DAYTON, Publisher, • • No. 211-Alapstrect, Now York. Mareh'l7. 1050-3thos. 1 - IR. W. 11. IVI.TI‘IOII, or l'irir,Ankr, : rote. IVltere he has been in successful' Kart lee for a number of 3 ears. , received. hie education et the beat Medical College in the linited States and hod tlnr n 01,01.101100 HMV practice' in the difTerent'llospitals for several years, a ittenttet* of the Anal) (hal Niedical .In. stitute of New. Yet k, and lat., 3fetlieni Surgeon ,of the United States Navy, nine nttrru himself to the public to attend any pnifessional The purest medicines always on baud direct from the. best LahOrnor es of one country, end the Iletankil - burdens of the world. Nit ',Amu medicines prescribed or .reetionnentled. Ntedicines used only whlell will not break down the'constittition. but will renovate the sys tem from ;di infuities It fide olishillitl froth mineral chrottic find difficult diseases ton tlie treat• rd. upon analytical principtis, which is to know am! as -rertnit; -what_diaease is. Its nature anti character re., quire a knowledge of tha cluifiliffal - ennstitualftsutevery solid and fluid of thehomitta body: the Phatnger fllosl` solids nod fluids are capillilu Of ` iiniti,iv.ntiw. To 1, - now what medicines to employ to cure diseases. requires a kmorlefige of the elkeitkleal constituents of all agents_ employed hi inediehle; and if rvmtlro in' pinsoooslull this knoVirtahte, It is possible to cure any disease-1m matter of holy long standing—and leave the patient, In 1 healthy and perfectly cured condition. Molatteholy. Aberration.. or that state of alienation 1 and weakness of the mind which refuter.; pollens Inca. paid(' of enjoying the nhlneneee or pert' , Tulin,: the duties of lifnj Ifyspepala,...that distressing . disease and fell.de -1,1 t'oj•eri,f healthand happiness. u odertnin fog the coo. ution, Mid yearly - carrying - thousands to untimely Reaves, can most amphntically be cured.- Rheumatism, in ally form or condit on, chronic or acute, warranted curable; Epilepsy or filing sickness; nll chronic and fifillihorn rates of Female Ulsmses radically removed; Salt Rheum, and every ulcerations; Piles and Sortifillotis DifiVaSoti, Which 11.V0 baffled allprevious mettles! 01.111 ran ha (aired by my treatment, when the constitution bond exhausted. I do say all LliSea`o`s (ye, (;/NSIPMPTIIIN) ran lyo cured. um... Cancer intted without tho I will remain 10 in) office off Willeir,DATS and Sono `. DAYS: frilly, 11 o'clock A. M. lo a P. NI., to micomutodate patients limn a distance. and consult In Elio English and (Inman langungtnt WIII make rif•lh`i'hi any dis tance if required. Mny LR addressed by letter, Fulton Square, Lancaster city, - - W. 11. WITNIOR NI. D. J. A. lIUMRICII, Jr. .Nletrell 17, 1855. -Iy. lti§:rADoßO ' S HAIR DYE Within n nut-shell nil the 'merits lie, Uf Pritdatbasgs never equal Dye; • Red II makes blneli, to 1 nnvn,trantlorma a gray , And keeps t he fibres Always trout dray.. The Inatehless revitalising flair ❑ye still holds lisp°. 'Nit it. es (ha most barmie.•t end ethenelens Ilnir Dye lit tilt, World; Preparsd Heil sold, wholesale and retail, and applied In ten private rooms, at CRISTADDIDES. No. r, Astor Douse Broadway. and by all Druggists and Perfumers In the United Stator. KLvaaa, Pittslatrgh, Pn, 31ar, I. 17, . NT, Hrr CAS Y GOODS HOTSE AQ-OPENING SPE [NO 000DS Leer • EYRE it LANDEI,II,, Fourth and - Aral Sts, 0.112 mow offering n full stock of Nl , ll' GOODS l'Olt SPITING OF 18515. Fashionable Spring Ooods, • Black Silks. 21 to 44 lushes \vide, Spring Drees (lends, Now Styles, Shawls, In all the Newest Styles and Alert an Chintzes, • Full Ste)of Dontestle goods: Full Stock of European Goods, N. 11.—DartistIns in Seasonable floods, daily resolved from tins AUCTIONS of New York and Philadelphia - - I'. S.—Merchants are Invited to examine tho Stock TEEMS. Nett Cash, and low prices. Merril 10, ims.—gums. • F A It M P It 0 D UCE. —The subscribers In connection with their Agri. • "• cult twat Implement and Need Warchottal, in,Philedulphia, nee' also prepared to re ' colon consig 1111 l entsil — U rain, Clover and Timothy .red. Butter. Lard. Pried - PetcheriApples and every description of agricultural produce for which they will obtain the highest market rates. PASCHALL MORRIS k CO., Implement and Seed iWarshouse, 7th and Market btreeta, Philad'a. March, 17. 1858. . , • • FAMILY-COA.L. • • The subscribers are non- pre - Birk' ' flared to furnish the eititensuf 9 Cumberland ,- County with the hest quality of Coal for family use, at the following reduced rates: We, will sell bent broken and egg coal from Lykons valley, LancastPr cob Bury. Loconst mountain, Short mountain, Luke dlrr. Sunbury and Wilkesharre all rescreened and dell• vexed to any part of the borough. Lime 'coal at the yard and Illacksmith'a cent always en hand. Also, all kinds of Lumber. cheaper than ever. Carlisle, Sept BU, 'O. - SHRUM & 110V4'Eff. F ASHION-AI3LE MI 14 IIN E R . E A ISLISIINENT. l7 blbses Dtike and Aughtithaugh, bog leave to announce to the public, that they will open 'on.the first of April. an entire new stock of MILLI N.EItV .g j iip WPM or all kinds, on the Corner of Hanover and AVest Louther streets, In the room former. ly occupied by Jacob Fetter, and adjoining Dr. gitier'a residence. Our , assortment embraces many varieties for the spring season, and having a perfect knowledge of the business, we will spare uo effort to please our custom ere. 'him Lattice are especially invited to• call and, ex amine our stock. Bleaching for Ladies and Oentlethen's wear, done up in the latest style and warranted equal to any done elsewhere. Misses DUKE 4t. AIIIIIIINBAUOII. Carlisle. March 31, 185 S. • ' IL IDAINTING GLAZING. AND TA VIM-11ANGINg.--Thntuax J, Heil, would respect fully Inform the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that be still continues the above business in all Its various buinclies. Orders for Painting., filming and Paper hanging. may he left at his Shop. ht Lonthor street, In -the formerly oceupled by Jacob Fetter. All jobs entrusted to him, will b. , attended to promptly, and entire katlsfactioh, in prices' an well as workman. ship: guaranteed. • THOMAS J. BELL. • • JUST PEIBL IS El ED—Price six. cents, POST FREE HOW TO CURE, CONSUMPTION, ' Brouclutls.'Astluns, Croup, Colds, end Nervous Alike Mos. Addros Or. TRACY 14.1LOIIDIES, great Suror of Consuurplidu. Now York City Post • " 1.8513.-drno. - - ' • • ~ -NOTICE —An , eleotion will 'bei - held. .. •-• In the Arbltrittion elven' 'of the - 470111W Ilonne to the, Iceoixb of Carlitle. on MONDAY. MAY 10th. 1E158: foc,the election 0'14.61410mA and Directors of the Carlisle Ocoltuid Rater Company. , , , , _. :4'll - 14 - 1850.' - '' ' ,' , . '' TAIEO. D.",1111811.1,-;,,, ,rAIIGAINS -•'SELKS. , =Thit 7 11 go, Wei wilt , new close out; Mk entlrii,einctc of plain fitticif3:ll,lolttt•tirst con, Ait moot' tifstlieso were Vuebt 14w, a diejrable ttpporttitilty #llll.te' afforded ttt tlioselt tilting to porcbaBs... •:• • • ' .• 36.'• singwar; tit» =7oucrtiseinciitg. USE,4I I BROADWAY SALE! =M! lit eafcfnesr=- RE= pROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR R 4 - STOitATIVE. . ; le. no doubt, the most won dorfid disooviory of this age of progrees, fbr it will restore pormancntly, gm) , hair to Its original color, cover the head of the bald with a lost I u xurlane growth, romovo at once all dandruff and itclillig,oure all ecrofula,auct o thor Mimeo ue eruptions; such as scald- head, eta. It will cure, as It by magio nervous or periodical headache; make the hair soft; glossy, and wavy • and primorvo thO color perfectly, and tho hair froth felling, to ditrome old age, The tellowing-ls Iron a distingulehed, member of-the Modieal profession • Sr. Nu, January 1, 11166. PROgESI3OII 0. J. WOOD— Dean Eta i—llusolicited, , Fend you this : certidra e. i Aft, being nearly bald-for a long time, and having tried all the hair restorative; extant, end haiing no faith in any, 1 wee induced; 011 hearing of yours to gly& It-u- trial, I -placed myself In tho hands of a harbor, and had my head rn,blard with a good stiff brush, and the restorative then applied undiroWFubbed in till the scalp was in aglow. 'This I repent.l every morning, Aud i:lA/wee weeks the young hair appeared and grew ra pidly front August last till the present time nadir; now thick, black.and strong—soft and_plausantALhr&ton whbreas, Lame. it was harsh and wiry, what little there was of it, and-that little wee disappearing very rapidly. I still use your restorative about twice a week, and shall soon bare a good and perfect crop of hair. Now, I had read of these things—and who has not 1- bot.have not soon bit korti, any rasp WilOre any. person's hair was re ally benetitted by any of the' hair tonics. ate„ of the day: and it really gives me pleasure to record the result of lay experience. I hove recommended Your preparation to others. and it already hewn large and generous sale throughout the Territory. The people here know • Its °duets, and have confidence in it. Tinisupply-yon &sof' its, as wholesale agents fur the Territory, le nearly a.- Imusted, and daily inquiries aro made for If. You de serve credit for your discovery. and I for 011 e, rotura you my thanks for the benellt It bee done me, for I ear thinly 'had despairerlleng ago of ever ofroctiug any ouch result. . . Yount hastlly, J. W. BOND, Firm of Bond & Kelie r y ; Druggista, Paul. -[Front the-Editor-of thelteal-Estate-MlVertlsor.]... Dostos, 27 School Street, March 20, 1856. „ • r DEAR . Slll:—HaVillti bl!V01110 prematurely %lite gray; I woe Induced: 0/10101410 weeks !limo: to hake a trial of your Restorative. I have used less 1.1141 two bottles, but the gray linirifilave all disappeared ; .and althuuyh my hair has not fully n[01110(1.10: original color, yet the process of change Is gran ually going on, and I am In great hopes that in a short tims, lay hair will be as dark ne foimierly. 1 !MVO also lien 11111.11 gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the bah which before woo Minh:and - dry, and it hum ceated to COlllO out estop. Rompactrully yours: • • • D. C. M. 141114. Pmfossor Wood • Illimils, June 19, ' I Imre umod Professor Wood's Hair Restorative,. And breve admired its wonderful effect. - My dfalr was becalm. lug, its I thought prematurely gray, but by the use of torati ye," it has resumed its original ccilormut I. have uu doubt,. p n etrintneutly . .:.o. Si UNEY'RREESE, • Ex-Senateir United States. For sole In Carlisle. by S. W. RA l'ElltirlCH, SAM I SWAMI'. and Ilinggists everywhere. Fein . 40,1007.-Iy. • 1' II F. LIVER IN VIG OR AtColn • Prepared to) DR. SANFORD.- IS SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DiscoVlrrty. and Is daily working cures, almost teagrent 'to believe.. It mares tr.- !flip raragle,even the first dose giving bens lit, and seldom more than cue bottle is required to cure any kind of I,IVEIt Complaint; froin LIM Worst Jriun slice or u s ,p rio d a too common hearlachn,,all.pf are the resultofn Dieeaned - LlVer. The' Liver In one of 12 - the principal regulatory batty, -,of the human and when it performs its functions 10.11 the pow- ept. or the system are fully developed. -The -t hunch Is almost. en tirely dependent on the Liver for the proper per- , healthy action of the formaucc ofl ts functions when the stomach is of fault, the bowels are at 'fault, and. the whole system Suffers In conse quence of one organ_= the Liver having retard to do its-duty. I .. "'S For the diseases of that' organ, one of the pro. d 4.111 prietors has made It bin study. In n practice of - ."'""" more than twenty years, to find some remedy wherewith to counteract • the emuy derangements to which it is Held.. To prove-that thin rr, reedy In at lost found, any person ' troubled with Liver corn. plaiitt In any . of its I — , forme, boa but_to. try .4 bottle.'" and *convictionis certain: • . A memoir d line bruit r teethed by •11ssolvinvt gums and extracting 01..4 that part whirls in soh, He fir the active ,„ toes of: the no:divine, These g remove: all g morbid or bad :matter from' the system. sup- plying In their place it • healthy flow of bile, in- vigoratlug the stomach, causing food to digest'" well.purifyingthe blood 7 giving tone and henils to OM whole machinery removing the causes of the disease. and effect ing a radical cure out any of the rilsap.reo able niter eller. felt by 1" ..1 using Calomel " 1111.. sterol Poitton t h at is usually resorted to. One dostrutter , earting 1111(1 pre. vent 'the food from rte. -log and scouring. • - C/) - Only ono o dose taken . before retiring prevents niglitmere. - Only one 41000 taken . at night Moneta, the bowels gently, and cares cost lvdiresx. Ono dose taken afar each local 10111 cure Dye- . • One dose of I.WM Q 'teaspoonfuls will always relieve `iickilloodnille• floe Isdtle• token for floefemale obstruction re -1110VI•S the cause or z disease, and mats. M -poret-eurer. Only One dose Inoue. illately relieves Cholle, while one dose often re- landed is a sure cure fa r Cholera Morbus end a - preventive of Cholera.. ?,00' • One dose taken often will prevent the recurrence of attacks, while It relieves all pitiful foal lugs, 11'9.6111y one bottle is needed to-throw lout of the system the effects of medicine miter a long sichniena. Cm, bottle taken , for Jtvandie• removes all yellow ness or unnatural color from the skjn. 0110 dose token eshon,.•tithno before eating gives vigor to the :nppet Ile annrilifiltVOttd One dose often repented cures Chronic Diar rhoea In Its worst forms:while sunissierand bow.. el complaints yield almost In ihn. Med doge. One or Iwo doses cures , attacks canned by worms, while for WOrniq lu r1.11,11n0, there is no surer, safer or .speedier remedy lu the world. as it never fails. There 14 inn oXmaterallon In these statement 4; they urn plaint sober facts, th,nt we rain give evidence to prove. while all wino use It are al, log their UntwilltiOUll testimony inn Its favor. WO take infinite pleasure in recommending thin medicine ns in preventive for Fever end it gut, '('h1111 Fever and all Fevers of at 11.11111ous Type. It operates with certainty. and thoustundenre tostify to Ito wonderful virtues. Among Ihu hundreds of Liver Remedie• now offered to the public. there ere linlio 100 0:111 so Wily fa• commend as Dr. Sanford's havigorntor,so generally know. now OloonglioUt the Union. prepariition is truly n LI VI:It INVIGORATOR, produ cing. I,lne most happy results ou all alio use-it. Almost innumerable rertjtienntes have been. given of the great virtue of this Medicine In tin., of tine highest stnnl- Inig In society, and we knelt . It to he the best prepara tion now before thapublle.—llnolson County Democrat. . ONO D01.1..111 Poll 110171.0. SANFOIth 4. CO., Proprlotors, :14.3 ItroadwoV, New Yell. INVALTDS Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician.. Physician diseases of the lunys, Throat and Heart, fbrinerly Physician to. the CINCINNATI MARINE HOSPITAL also to INVALIDS RETREAT. Author of ," Letters to Invalids" is coming See following Curd. APRIL APPOINTMENTS ryd t i . sw i ts i o of i t l ll )3 l. l u l n t es N lfo -P ru il lor l ly .S Pl l .39l l e : la V n N to F C ° ln it thnk' Marino Mndial ' ) will ho In ntieudanco at Ilia rooms as follows: . Catlh•lo.. Mamicin House, Thursday, April 2p Shipponsburg, Union llouso, April`3o. • • Ilardmaii iiisits Consumption, Bronchitis, Asth- barryngittls, end all diseases' of the throat and mg's. by medical Inhalation, lately used in the Drool- Hospital. London. The great podit, in the treat- men t of all human maladies is to get at the'diset, In the direct-manner. -All Infelicities are rtatimated. by. their action upon -the organ-requlnug-rellef la-la • the inumrtant filet upon which Inhalation Is I a ed. If the stomach is diseased wu take medicine directly into the stomach. If the lungs are diseased, breathe er ludo medicattid vapors directly into the lungs. Medi. eines are the antidotes to disease and should be applied to the sere seat of disease. Inhalation is the applica tion of this ptinciple tni the treatment of the lungs, for it elves no direct necces to those Intricate air cells and tithes wide). Ile out of roach of me cry other means of adUilnistering The reason that Colll.llolp. (loin; and otbeediscases of the- itingsl have heretofore resisted all treatment has been bemuse they bad never been appnaelled In a direct manner by medicine. They were Intended to act upon the lungs and yet were ap plied to t h e stomach. • Their actinn,was intended to • and yet they vett' so administered that they should act constitutionally. en - pending Immediate and prlitripel action upon the unotTendlng stratified: whilst the foul ulcers within the lungs were unmolested. Inhalation brings the medicine • in direct contact with" the disease, svlthoWt the disadvantage of any violent' action. Its - application Is so simple that-It con be em. ployed by the youngest Infant or feeblest Invalid. It . does not derange thsrstomath, or Intetfere in the least degree with the strapgth,. comfort, or !titaness of the patient. DIACASES VICATED.—Itt relation to the toilet, log dlsenses, either when complicated with lung erect hem or existing- alone: I also Invite cotisultation, I usually find them promptly curable. Prolepsus and nil other forma of, female complain* 1 irregillerltlew and weakness. • Palpitation and other thrills of Heart Complaint, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases of stomach and bowels. &c. All diseases of the aye and ear Neuraisin, Epilepsy, and all forms of nervous Aliens°. 'No charge for cen, sultation. Sept. 30,1057, S. D. HARDMAN, 31. D • • flit. Wir.ToN's AMERICAN' PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED.— • • ' • - One entail box of Pills curet ninetyqiine cases opt of .. ' o hundred, ,No Balsam. no Mercury, no'ndor - on•Xlis, breath, no fearef,detecrion. Two Wail pills a doss; ••• tasteless and harmless as •water, Full 'dim:Aqua are given. no that the patient can cure himself •ait certatu on with the advice of the •most experienced burgeon, • ; enduturh better limo with the advice of one of little experience in. this °Wept disease. • 'SENT 1W MAIL TO ANY PART OF TUN COUNTRY by onclostua dho'dollar to Da.' D. 0.. WALTON. No. 15A" North Seventh St. below race. Pliilndelphia. A liberal Discount to the Trade.. None genuine without the • written signature of WO. Walton.' Pmprictor.• trentnent A,c Selfabuta, •Weakness, Ate., 'le entirely cline:root from the usual course Dr. W. bee euratidpindrade who have tried other' without • The tr*tinent is as. curtain' to cure as tlil,gup in to, rise. EucleSe a stamp, and address Dr.. W. 'ax •alsive,; ' • giving in full bleiory of the and . and you will Mesa the. day you 'made the effort to oscura what da riertaini—A RACIOAL t UltE.• •• • - • ' ' 11®:>Iangy;Piciptin~,.iun~ bwar`~ ~
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