ijltt,t.llgy!„• : „,..l.; r p,Arftilt,ut,-,,- 11 II Saynynalv - , •TItST_ , GAR:OANE.—Spredygiehl,, 1.9,„ ? 1857.÷-111essrs. liditors•: Amidskthe , .• : heating and exoitht political.iinestione of tho ,day; I have thought I would trans.! Anit to you the•rennlt of a .practical: _ riment_witli ilm_Chinese 2 sugar-canb,' - Lait spring .I purchased ono • dOilaiS Worth of the.seed, an.d:plauted it in rowg, übout fou'r feet apart, and in the_drill oncv,. • and two seed 'every sip inches. Illy' in, tention was to make forage,' having very, _ 7 ----7--Jittle-ecinfidence-in its-- saccharine quali. ties; but I wan indiked to ,chinto purpose, and - niako an •effortao,procure syrup from it. ' 2 • . - •. IVlyielf and : Captain Stentoti - tiel-; tected ten canes,. tuetisuring one inch' in. diameter, ,and from eighat to nine feet ' long, which yielded five quarts'Of juke; '• . ton more of the . sane - size, which had :been cut one day and . night, gave the • ....aarire:qunntity; and again 'ten from his • patoh measurenign inches in diameter ... "folded six quarts, wanting a gill or half ' We cut all the cane for boiling, . '': . irrespective of size or age. We put two' hundred gallons of juice jn the-boiler for. . • the first boiling, and after boiling slowly ' . for ten hours took out twenty . gallons of ---- .fierygotTrsyrilf - The. iiezt dey:we-ear= tied 170 gallons" through:the - same - pre •• . oess increasint-i: the fire boffin..- it. hours, in seyeu and obtained Six-teen gallons of'supertor syrup,„"A'his we boil: - ed down -a little more, which nlakes.it'• •-•thicher, and is also better flavored than the first., A third boiling of 136 gallons is - at this moment taken oil, grew on Cap tain Stanton's plantation, which is very _fine, and which yields abont the same proportion of syrup, or from appearance more, . As the pot .began to boil we put lime In.,each boiling, governed in quantity somewhat hi the report, of ex-Governor • Hammond, of South Carolina: My seed planted nearly half an acre. No pains had been taken to put the • ground in a high sate of oultiyatiOn, neither was it. worked with an eye.to a report for the public • and turning out thirty... Six gallons of fine syrup, which .. ground and boiled in- two, days, pays bet ; toe-than anything-teqrplatited. The principal:reason Vir.this hasty and • .'imperfect sketch _is I have heard of some ono.,boiling and failing to make a good ar- . and who calls it a liiiinbug. - • bfy impro i ssion is that they : do .not boil it sufficiently. If they make more than lino 'gallon, - out of nine or tor, - the syrup will be inferior, unless the canO is far. . diiporior to what we ground. It should . . be boiled down until 'it has the appear- • aneo of tho syrup from sugar cane when --you da4reAcr—maire - sugar, and then 'you will have a fitie - article, if proper atention -has-been--paid—to the_ skimming -off-the green scum which. will arise to the top. YoUrs,'&o., .G: I.IALTIWANUAIt. UM BEES The fall management of bees will - claim-our attention in artiele.—Your close-attention will he required, to pre ventjour weak stocks from being bed. When we - say "stocks," we refer to families,,ene year or more old.. Swarms of the present .year are not properly called stocks. Weak swarms are not so liable to be robbed as weak stocks, in...conse quence. of the combs of their, hives being generally better protected by the, bees: All hives of weak stocks should, at this season of the year, be set down' closely upon the' floor.. raise all their hives about half an inch in the Spring, which is right,) and then the . passage way should be contracted, so that but two or three bees can pass in and out at the same time; and if any signs of robbing occur, let ,them be contracted still 'smaller: If you find a hive being , robded,' and the case is d bad one, close up all entrances to it immediately ) at the same time running some thin wedges under it to admit air, but not 'thick. enough -to admit bees. ---Legit--remain - closed till aear, sun down, when you should open the entrance, and rap smartly upon the sides of the hive, to . hasten out the marauders. When ail have left, close the entrance again, and keep it closed the next day, when you may allow a small passage for the bees that belong to the hive, and they will '-,,piotect themselves from further robberies, if-thepaasne way is contracted sufficient ly. Another important pointln our north , ern latitnd4is' to examine all stocks, and ascertain, if any are infected with, diseased brood. if so, - it iS'useless to winter them, as they will in all cases dwindle away and die out the next season, without swarm ,,,..,ing.—Such families, if qUite weak in -1r;.: numbers; may be dispersed among„ether, , hives, on seine pleasant day in October or November, to run .their risk - of - bei no killed. Tarn the hive bottom upwards and raptin ifs sides smartly. a min utbs, the lees to gather on one . side; by becoming alarmed, and then pro teed to cut out the combs, and , with the feather end of a quill biush off the bees from the- combs, as you take them out. • Probably. the most of the bees will be , killed ; as they attempt to enter °tiler • hives, but nothing better can be dn . () ' with such families when very weak in' -- - numbers. • On the eentrary,.if pbpulous, - they may be .driven out, and joined with. some weak- stock-or swarm, -- that is not .. diseased. This' operation should be per formed very late in the season, when the weathei is too cold to allow them to leave their hives, but not cold enough to pre vent their being joined. There will be some fighting, of course, but in many ° eases the majority of the family driven out have been saved, and have rendered le wintering of the family, to which they wore joined safe, when had no such . )unction taken place, it would have per-.., shod. It is a good -plan to sprinkle both families freely with a thin syrup of honey, in which a little essence of wintergreen, or other . . pleasant. perfumery . ' Thd bees of both families will at once coin mem to clean, mr gather off this sweeten ing, and in so become blended in the same scent, and thereby lose their . Identify,. as bees can only distinguish the -,' members of other families by their smell . family.lieviug a peculiar smell . or scent of its own. To ascertain , whotheryoUr bees are dis eased or not, blow a little tobacco smoke among then), after turning over the hive, . and then with along knife 'out into the centre ()nibs and ascertain the condition • of the brood. The. , diseased brood look - black, and haven fetid gin a putrid State.. If no such 'brood is found;, below the centre `of the hive, when in its .; x eto P i ltrzTA t o. 0,,90 - 51113 . 141,1N G 0001 - to .Bents.and.Brothbr hava,juat opened one () the largest and beet 'nxtortinenta of. Dry (bode ever broom. Lagralitte. .TtiOlk stack him bo'en selected frith' -fuer.° libui.uauntetire from-the best-houses in Now-Vork .sad Philadelphia, and ilVory,elibrt - made tu,bbtain. the latest and, most fashionable styles of driasK" They'llatt, for themselves they will-be WO to melt rived" variety of.tasto at :prlces an' lOW or-lower than they can be. 'bought hero or in the - ' Black Silk Robes, Barege Robes, . .);;11 ' Fancy Silk Robes', Lawn Ebbes,' F s plard Sllke,, 0 ironadine; Brilllante.': 2...Myisdera Pure - Mali' - - Gingham - Lawn: , Moire Antique,- -Data]; --•— India,.. Came de Espagne . • Mourning, . Malatya, ' All iiool do Lane „Fancy Vilks, Tama-tine ; Casinnerck '• 0, 'A full assortment of white drOss goods, Neloiook Mus lim', Victoria Lawnik 'Figured Swiss; 'Velvets, for Men. ties, White and lilfi ro ck Crape Shawls ', Stara Thibet, Motto. Broche Sha s, and &c. :110 hub ts, Bonnet Satins, Bib., - bons; - bone; - e•Conation,Cruvella and.Crinollne, , .filtirtx for- Lndles,_Also, Collate Liatinraleatmej:llaild. I ,iterchiers In great variety. , , , ! ' (lESTS -WEAIt. I• Cassimeree, Drop dell, Cashmeres, Summer (so.. simeres; Cottonades, Silk Undershirts, Linens, liandker. DQ3iESTIC amps. Blenched and unbleached Lin en and dotton shootings,' -Table Linens, IVolen ditto, Piano Cover, Counterpanes; Straw : flats, flats. Looking (Basses, Tickiffmtv`Window Shades of nil kinds, Umbrellas, Musilno and- every va riety of Dry floods In common use. Wo have just laid Ina largo stock of Tapestry, Ingrain; Imperial, Mixed and nag Carpot,,oll Cloths, Matting, Straw Mats, the., at 'meat prices. We respectfully in- Vito the public to call and examlneUtti stock before fur; chasing.. We have bought our assortment at-such ptices that we cannot be undersold. . ,SpechLi attention paid to purchasing goals in the city per order at shortest notice. Every effort trill ha made by,the firm to give aatirrac. lion to those wheinay favor them with ,e call. NEW FIRUI-NEW 'GOODS 1- PARIS R KNIGHT, Late of Philadelphia, Papeelfangings,Mouse,-Signiand-Decorntive-painters, Imitators of Wpot,l Rid Marble, challenge oIL others to ecanpoto lOW thew In the varlgueeldn'nehes of the above business. , . , Havlng•fitted up our sfore for eV.I` PA VIV , - the 'exclusive sale of WALL ea . 6 ,6 RDER S. • FIR es BOARD* P N TS, WINDOW •• 6, 6 w CURTAINS, SHADES, Ac.,, we respectfully invite the public to an examination of our stock, from which wo are nonfident of giving MAR., sa ,tisfaction to ail who favour us with n call. Our goods having been selected with care fromllio first manufac tures in Philadolphia, will be fitruisheditt the lowest - prices. All orders for Paper Hanging or Painting prtimptly and personally iittended to and executed ilia workmanlike manner. . . J. W. PARIS. 'Practical Paper Ranger. ' 11. Y.' KNIG lir, Practical House X: Sign Painter Smith Hanover street, next door to'llannon's Hotel, MIEN April 8, 1857.-Om CIIRISTMAS - AND.- , NEW YEAR. Thu store of the subscrlher is in receipt, and the shaves are now supplied with a bandeau:tie selection of fine and rich- „ FRE,NCII CHINA, and decorated fancy trate:such as Inkstands, Baskets, Vases, Coffee cups, Jewell boxes, Toy Tea and Dinner setts, China dolls in variety, and a variety of other articles all well suited for thecouting liollidays. ,'GROCERIES AND SPICES in every variety, fresh and of Lest quulity,.have ju. been added to our former stock. . DIMIZO:11= of very flue ,quality in small sacks also on hand, • CRANBERRIES,-ItAISINh, Currants, Citron and other.goods ndapbetto the. ACASOU in variety, constantly In store and for solo by Carlisle. Der. 10. '56.'J.9V. ErY. HARD SAXTON'S .SPRING ARRIVAL. • - IM)IENSE:S'FOCIC 9F - HARDWARE. - Tho subscriber has Just returned from the Eastern cities, and would call the attention of his friends ;Old - the•publlc generally hr the largo and welbsolgeted as. sortmont of HARDWARE which ho has now.tfu hand eonsiating in port of,BUILDING MATERIAL'S, such as Nails. Screws, Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glass hf every do. scription and qual By, such as Common, \t'L[tu, polished American, - Froncli, Enamelled hod-Double thick of all slues, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. kc., kc.,, • • • . TOOLS—lncluding Edge Tools of every driscription, Saws. Plaucs,Brace AugerS; Squares, G tinges, Files, Ream Hammers, Vices,. Anvil , Screw Plates, -Blacksmiths Bellows: &c., kc. Shoinnakera and,Saddlers will find a large assoriMent of Toolapf every description, together. with Ladies' and Genthimeritt - Ideroeco" Ilindlogv -- Patent - find French Calf Skins, Slier, Thread, AWIF, Wax, Pegs, Lasts, HarnesS Mounting, Collars, Girthing, Whipstock, Deer. hair; S,addlo Trees, km, Ac. . Also, Coach Mailers Tools and Trimorings of all kinds, snakes Hubs, Spokes, Felloes,e'hafts, Bows, Floor Cloth, Canvass, Cloth, Damask, Frlng, Lace, - Moss, Axles, Sprlng•Delts &c. • II . Cabinet Bikers will find a large assortment of To, Wishes. Oalr,lVlllntit, and Mahogany Veneers, Knobs of all .kinds need sizes,Mouldings, Rivets,• Hair Cloth, Plush, Curled Hair hair and Sofa Sponge, Ac,; ke: Housekeepers wilt eller lidd a -large assortnieSt of knives and Forks, Bratannia, Albata and Silver Plated Table and Tea Spoons, Candlesticks, Waiters, Shovels, and DRWrs, Iron and Brass Kettles, rank Ac., together with Cedarwaro of all kinds, such as Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Ac Ac.„ Agricultural implements, enihracing Plowsof all kinds, cultivators, Hoes,..Shovels, Rakes, Forks, Chains, AC. :IRON, a largo stock, comprising alLkinds in general 11Fe not selling at oily wholesale prices. . Remember the old stand, East Main street, Carlisle. IT, Avros. NEW 1.300 KS AT THE "WHOLE SALE 'AND RETAIL STORE OF a • 81111100 K, TAYLOR & SMITH. Worcester's Dictionary, Svc,. $3 50 •NVorcester's Academic do.__l 75 WolierlfOritillie7S - 6113idriirsil Mabry,3 - 00 Smith's lllstory of Greece, 3 00 Tent Life In tho Holy Land, . • . 125 The Student's Gibbon ' 1 00 Waverly, (2'oolo. Cloth. ) 150 Rob Roy, " 1 50 The testimony of the Rocks—Hugh Miller() 2 25 - Wild Western Scones—A Norrntivo of Adventur ers In the, Western Wilderness, Ivel. 12 mo. Illustrated, I Paper, 50 cts.—Cloth,l .00 Auto-Biography of a Blind Minister, 1 00 The Groat D lo,tern Cook Ilookawk., , _, • 60 How to do Businei.s, n PeelteTNainial of Practb. cal affairs, and O tilde to Succeess In Life, cm. bracing Principles- of Business, Caubes of ' Success and Failure, &t. /M., only 50 All the School Ihmks used in the town and tliniugh the County, wholesale and retail. 3111ste - alf,dllllWala•M4prtions,,llW:sale_hy • 51111170 CE, TATLOIt oritic-. Plain nunancy Stationery, nt SIIRYOCK, TAYLISIt & smairs Sunday School Books, at city prices. at • SIIRYOtiIt, TAYLOR tt S3IITII,S. Blank Books, of all 5i7.014 and qualities at STIR tlCli, TAYLOR k S3IITAI3 NEW GROCER.T.ES!-- 3. W. EBY. A choice selection of Groceries of every variety, In. eluding Spices and Teas have beer added to our former assortment, among which may be had strictly prime 1110, JAVA, LAGUYItA MOCHA COFFEE, together with a general assortment of a _BROWNA WHITE SUGARS, Including Crushed, Granulated, Pulverised, and anti. Tied Sugars. Also a lot of Now Cheese, Eureka, Corn Starch ' Mustard, Chocolate, A°. Also Green and Black Taps, ofienkin's select brand.. For sale at the lowest prices tit 3IARION 11A Lr..ono- C EBY by (Oct 21) J. W. EBY. F RESH' GROCERIES! AT S. C. HUTETT'S Shad and Mackerel of different grades, ~• . • ', Al lIIIYETT'S. ... . - . Satmon, - Scalo Fish pild White Fish, • AtIIUYETT'S - -..Codflah,'Salt. and Pickled 'darling, At tunrErrs Chaos° and Crackers canbu had Dried Friilt,yreserves and Jellies, At HUYETTS, Sugar Cured Seefand Items, A 119sli . supply of LIQUORS, 011 . 5,11111t0 Lead:Le., &c., I ~. •,..... 0 TIIIS WAY ! ! !—The elieapest 5110 E STORE In the county , iihead of all ciim W an Ilion. Ladies d Oentletnen will save 55 per cent by fl purchasing- their Moots. and Shoes at the Clisir - Shoe . , Store SOUTH Wean Cornor of the publicanuaro, 1 FRESH ARRIVAL OF BOOTS and SIIOES, f I Trunks, istriceDtal Valises. f B rnn C l 4 l7:ll t adi l l i ga u ri m n br n e x l te ‘ n s stl' o e . K im and splendid assortment of • ' ' , GENTLEMEN'S AND LADIES' SIIGES., which have boon selected with care from the best man . ufiletories, and which ho ran reenmend for their su perior workmanship and finL,h, Ho has every thing In the Boot and Shoe line .sultablo for the . season, and which will 40 sold very low for rash. A great variety of Motis and Boys Gaiters, Boots, Shoes and Brogans, La dies Gaiters, Lace Boots, Buskins, 81ippers 4 Ties, Misses and Children's Shoes, at the lowest prxces. Purchasers are respectfully invited to 'call and111;0. amino our large and elegant assortment, and they wII 'find that In price, and quality it will compote will. any shoo store In the place. US.ltoparing done at the Shortest notice. All rips sowed Gratis. Don't mistake the place, cheap S. W. Corner of the public square, op. posit., If. L. Burkholders Hotel. . • - JACOB REBER, Simeossor to M. Letow. May 20, Om. T . B. KELLER'S •CHHA.P HAT CAP. BOOT AND SUOE STOUR.. We incite the attention of the public to our large tnd varied assortment of 00005. which win be sold as cheap as at any other establishment In Carlisle. We have • EVERY VARIETY OF HATA, for mon, bops and children, ninde of excellent material and of every grade and para. Also a splendid assort •ment of Straw lints, Cape; and Infiint's Hats, ready blamed. All kinds of Cloth and Glazed Cape, from go ',mite upwards. Our stock of ROOTS AND 8110 ES can not ha excelled, and wo invite our old friends and cus touters, ns troll as others, to call qnd examine our steels awe feel confident afpur ability to please. - • . All lauds of Ladies, Misses and Children's GAITERS, of the best material, constantly on hand. IL KELLER. rips sewed gratis. [April 25, 1857.; . MANTIorMANTILLAS" Just received — it large Invoice of AleutMee, most Meb'enable New - LLAS selling low, et the cheep store of CHAS. OCIILOY. .. . . . -,Jimo 10, 7857 RICE REDUCED.—The subscriber bea-th l atonic or £101.11.12r aooNnat t ° -grea tly reducedPr n lena re : .AlLarho want bargains, call at the cheap store of ------ earlalo.•Ang. 5, 1557. . . C 1149. AMMO. A.DDIA 4 1 LITA I RNESS _MAK - - Tho' eulstriber Ciintitiues to curry/oil to pbealeinntinepiUlo all Itt i*rloinetniaiichlaulnisiertnlian. oveiltreet,.Carlisle. - troslopre North pi Leonard's cornol -where he - Intende 'keeping onhitiplikzeriorel asio • rtment- In his line, earniiiting of all kinds'bf fashionable -BAIN •-r lifartinkelealolrtha, • Italtara, also R1.4 , :103i , , traveling and isaddhi Mao' toaie-:." • 11 . 1 0.1 , 'unteturen Masi' • 1115,1 q \ approved SPANILEH tei vgrc ;11111\\I SpAl NEI SADDLES D yer ,usEd.lii I Gauntry, andAthoSe ' • -ionle durable. and Obeisant' nubile will do well to call and.seethem; 06- A. also manufactures Harness, Bridlell, Col la?s Atnd I}ll.lpe in, ell- their varia. ties; anecontlibititly Wilkes from the general approba: tion of : his cuitoinertl;ilitit hemakea the neatest and -beat kbanOn' all their veric,ty of biedth, tha =Wein, the country'i .makcs , tinds'eCilletrasses to ',order; Ida: StrawOlusk,'Curlid'ilaiF.,itlid!prtnu Mat. names. All the above articleil?will'he Stable orthe bast , ' inateri a l',and!.workmanship, aly,with_the _utmost dent , , , , , yv.m..ostanN. I pREPARE FOR WINTER F • . PARLOR AVDTOORING STOVES: he subseriber'at his old sand on North Hanover at., Carilsle,,the sign of the "Mammoth Red Coffee Pot,!' de hes to callthe attention of the public to his large as ortment of STOVES, of the newest rind mosefashlenn blo styles, from the best manufactories In the country, and at all 'prices from $3 to Vt. ' Among .1 s I PARLOR & CHAMBER STOVES I are the Mirror Stove, tho Arctic, Revere, Star, r „ Persian, Union and Altnn Air Tight, together with other patterns 'which he has of all sizes for parlors' or cham hers, and calcuiatedfor burning either wood or coal. Also,.the lEtna, Globe, Astor, Albany, Flat-top and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other COOIC IRO STOVES, comprising the latest improvements in kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or coal.— Also, the Dining Roam Cooking Store—a now and ele gant article, fo which lie invites the particular atten tion of families. Ms cooking stoves range in price from 'to 25, with the fixtures complete. Also, Nine Plato St,..ves of various patterns and different prices. _ Also, ENANIELLEM AND . TINNED WARE for Cok ing Stoves. Brass Kettles, ei.e. Also,. every article In the liiliFfff - TiiiniftreoTper7iViire. The pitbile' are respect:, fully invited to rail as ho Is' confident with his large • stock, variety, and cheapness, of being able to glve3m; thesatlsfiletlrin to every purchaser,' Call au'd see. Get. 25. 1854. M. 'MORRIS =ll3= 44 .. • .?' ous FETTER'S, FUR' , . „... „ 1 ,.... .„,„ . Nik. ;AB) NITURE 'ROOMS. OW on hand a large assortment of ).- now and fashionable FURNITURE and CIIAIR 73 . Valnut and Mahogany Dressing Bureaus, wills mar ble tops. Sous, Tables, and Washstands. Walnut )That Not, anti Wardrobes. . .Mahogany and Walnut Tables of all.sizes. . French Bedsteada,„Mahogany and Plain Tables, at all prices. - Parlor and chairs, and Rocking Chairs, with velvet or haircloth seats and backs. Mahogany and Walnut Chairs with haireloth or cane seats., .- - - Plain Chairs of all kinds. - ' ' - - - - -- - - . -. - Call and see this neW and elegant assortment nt the Furniture Rooms of the subscriber,corner of Norlh Ha- nover and Louther at. . May 27, 1857 GAS FITTING AND PLUMB - ING. The undersigned would inform the 0 . , ' citizens of Carlisle that he has" made arrang• ments todoGAS FITTING and PLUMBING at short no tice,,and on reasonable terms. lie has engaged the ser 'TiCOR of a first rote hand from Philadelphia, Mid has sup plied himself with an extensive assortment of FIXT .URES, which will enablp.hint to fill all orders promptly All work will.be warranted.• Ills stock of fins - Fixttires will he found in the room exactly opposite his Tinning establishueenten North llanovorstivet, where hp invites n ' TINNING, SPOUTING, ,kc.—Ho fa also - prepared to furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN WARE used by housekeepers and others: Ile will also nth nd to SPOUTING, , HOUSE-ROOFING,. BELL HANGING; and PLUMBING. . . Thankful for the patronage trlth which he ha's already boon favored, ho respectfully solicits a continuance• of the same. - • - . . Carlisle, Juno 13,,54 CUMBERLAND' 'VALLEY It. It SIMMER ARRANGEMENT! (ZVI!. '1" l3, "",r, On and altar MONDAMuno 20th 1857, PasSonger Trains ' Will run as follyws: (Sundays excepted :) • FOIL •lIARRISBUIt(i. , • • Ist Train: - 2d Tialin • Lease Charnbersburg, 4.00. A. M. 4.00 P. 71 ,ShippenBbnro, .0.20 . 4.30 New villa, . • 0.50 " 9,50 " Carlisle, , 6.30 " 0.30 " " Mechanicsburg, 7.00 ".• • 0.00 " At Illarrltburg, 7.35 " 6.38 " LOATO Itnrrlaburg Merlianiesburg Carlisle, T. 10.20 ." " Fhipponstruri, 10.60 At Chamberabufg, '." 11.23 From and after this date; the tire from Mechanics burg to Kinwston will be 20 cents: from Kingston to Middlesex, 15 rents; from Middlesex to Carllslos Ms; from Good Hope to Alterton, 15 rents. Trains leave Ilarrittintrg for Philadelphia, at 7,75 A. 51., 7, P. N .. and 1.15, P. N., via Columbia. For Pitts burg, at 3.35, A. 51 ,17.25 .noon, and 5.15.-P. 111. For Baltimore, at 2.30 —0.30, and 1.40, P. M. Trains on the Dauphin and Susquehanna Railroad leave Ilar: rbalturg.forlteading,-Aulturnote., Pares from liarriniturg, slecitanlcsburg, Carlini° ' Sitip• ponnburg, and Chambernburg, will be ten cents lens when paid for Tickets at the Office, than when' paid in the Cars. - 0. N. LULL, Super't Railroad Office, Chamharshurg, Blaich 25,1857.-3 t. f NEWITILLE -DEI?OSIT BANK.— PROPRIETORS; AtoLander Davidson, James Meeelldlifth, Georg,' Rea,. John Waggoner ll'llim s, firarey,' L. 11. Randall, ' - John C. Brown, John Gracey, 3latiteacit. Boyd,- Abraham Grove, ' Atcheson Laughlin, , Isaac A, Quigley, John Mush, Jr., James McKeehan, Theletle Stough, John P. Rhoads. This Bank, doing business In. the_ name. of Res- Aracky,k_Co.,,ls_wimAlopitidLto_do. n_generinlinklik Business with fidelity and dispatch. Money received on deposit and paid-back on (lemma without notice. On Special Deposits, interest Is paid as follows, vizi— ! From 2to 4 months, 3 per cent. per annum.; For 4 months and upwards, 5 per cent. per non 11111 l Potn; ,Drafts, Checks &e., collected In any part or tho "t'artitlli-s, Mechanics, rind all othors fleshing a safe depository fur their annoy, will bear ittcullud, Hutt the proprietors of this Bank are I:4101MA US ;JAIME to the extent of their several estates for all the deposits and other obligations of REA, ORACEY & CO. Banking House In Main street, Newlin° Pa. 11118 b ness hours from 9A, 31., to 3 D. M. ' JOHN P. RHOADS. Nowville. June 17;1957.-3m.1 Cashier. CUMBERLAND VALLEY BANK. PROPRIETORS. • WILLIAM Ken, MELCHOIR HOOT. C. STERRETT, JOHN: DUNLAP RICHARD 1V001 , 5, JOHN S. STEHELTT, JOHN U. Dostre, It. A. STURGEON. ''Thin (tank, doing businemf in the name of Ker, Bren unman & Co., in now fully prepared to doNt gonetal Banking Business with promptness and fidelity. Money received on deposit and paid back on demand without notice. Interest paid on special deposits. — Cer• per of deposit bearing Interest at the rote of five per !cent. will be _lssued for as short a period as four nmaths. Interest on all certificates will cease at ma turity, provided, however, Motif sold certificates are renewed at any thou thereafter for another given po. Hod, they shall bear the sante tato of Interest up to the thee of renewal. Particular attention paid col. Mellon .of notes, drafts, checks, itc., Itt any part of the United States or numb's. Remittances made to England, Ireland, or Qbe Conti neut. The lidtbful and confidential execution of ell orders entrusted to theni, may be relied upon. They cull the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and all rtthers who desire a safe depositary (or tbeir names, , to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Bank .atetsowthcalm liable to the extent of their estates for all Out Depossts, and other obligations of lion, Browne. man lc Co. They have-recently removed Into their new Basking House directly opposite their former stand, In West Muiu,..Street, a few doors east of the Railroad Depot, I where Levy will nt all times be pleased to - give atty in .loVeuttiou desired In rozard to money matters In geno = , . At HUYETT'S At.IIUVETT'Sp IIUYErT'S ..-(ipenfor business from D o'clock-In the morning - null 4 o'cloeklit the evening. . . Carnal°, Slay U. 1857 FME INSURANCE.— TILE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY oral/I/ix/emd county, ineorpo. rated by an act of Assembly, In now fullytorganixecloand in operation under the monagankent' ot the following commissioners, via: Daniel Bailey, William R. Gorgas,'Miclinol Cocklin, Velcholr Bronnenion, Christian Staymin;•John C. Dun lap, Jacob It. Coover, Lowis Ht. , / Honey Logan/ Banjo min 11. Musser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wicker/ft/mu, Alexander Cathcart. The intim of insurance are no low and favor/4/10 no any Company of the kind In the State. Persons wild/Mg to become members are invited to make application tathe agents of the company, who are Willing tOwilfupon them at any, time. DEEP. 11. Aros • stn, President. HENRY Loam% Tice President. e =En, Secretary. MICHAEL COCKLIN. Treasurer. AGENTS. • *CUMBERLAND COUNTY.--Budolph Martin, N. Crum berlond; 0. B. Herman, Kingstown; Henry leering Shin/mond/mu • Charles Boll; Carlisle; Dr. J. ALI Churehtown ' • Samuel Graham, West Pennoborough James Me Dowel, Frankfort; Mode Gritllth, South Mid dloton; Samuel Clover, Benjamin Haven/tick, Meehan looburg; John Sherrlck, Lisburn; David Clover, Shop herdstown. 0 / YORK COUNTY-John Bowman, Dilinburg; Peter Wolford, Franklin; John Smith; Esq., Washington; W. 43.1PickIng. Dover; J. W. Craft, Fa-adios. • . • • HARRISBURG.—Houser & Lachman. Members of the company fuming policlos about to ex /bean a have yndby making applicaton pay 'of theagetr/s. • giv e n, ;NOTICIE. —Notice ittvitoreby - that appllcaticin ho Made to the next Lc'jls ature of Pennsylvania, to alter 'tbe'cbarter of the ar lisle Deposit Bank; located in the through of Carlisle,. Cumberland county, so as to confei upon said' bank the rights and privileges of a bank of issue. and to change Its name to the Carlisle Dank. Also, to increase the capital of said bank (which teat present seventy.two, thousand. dollars )with the privilege of increasing the iltamoundailts present , Band Dollaralto Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. DRETE6I; Cashlar. ear11.10;3111v 1. 10r.7.-4 m,. - ' ' JACOB FETTER MONIWE ➢MOItItIB 'CHANGE .OF HOURS! FOR CHAMBEICSBURG, Ist Tridn. 2d Trarn 8.80 A.M. 12.1i0 P. M 0.00 '6 1.20 , f .0.40 2.00 " 2.30 8.00 3.35 GEM H.A. STURGEON, Cashier ( ablirilistrirtitto7 LD • 111-E D 4 L.,- P,11,..11Mf1.1 3, 11i •,• iPiANO 'FONTES. " ' • , -; • VIITHAM senior partner of theilatp firth' *Keith°, Omblo di Co.; continues the manntlieture mid tatilOtifilltANlYANO SHUARE - CIANOTORTESrundor 'th'e iiti(e. of ~WILLIAM,KNABE ot CO.; • nt 'the told atand; Noe, 6ar1.7, North Eutaw strect,': opposite Euttthrlittiee,-Oaltimoree I.- L. , " • , ; ' Thankful for the eSttensith patronage received by the l ate: l lM for the k lastiflftoovii learsol: respectfully 'tog litt'e to infurro the pilibilgthat since. tho death of chie. j erfATtniftners,.llr. ljeury.fffiehle, by which" the pail- Ithavo ,parehosiki the .moire 'lnto sfoth'.of thdleisheill'iation lumber, and ottior prepared Oaterigs.bolonging to the late firm. T shall, thoreYere .'eentleue: ttie".bitSine.a at ffdr..tild d aboTri-atitlyilli,endeavernotionlylo sruitalirlho repttlatiOn, of - the latbAlortaiut:" . ;th et4Cel, 'itiffordier efferts in perfecting thealtinil Port4l.l Since the diseiription of ilia latd firtarrant-manufae:. , tuting,kideciti dna Muth'. improved The' flrst-lestHinentfinishOd according to the,now do-' 'slime) wet depdilltediri tho'Fair of'tho Maryland, limit.' tiro, held Detther,lBss; it ,toek the, blgheet lionontol , the 'thstitiitiorf,-EaVing-beettirt,tvarded-tbe: "Hold Aledal.Premiuni.'! over the unusual tunipetlthin fOurtinni Ilanoit'exhibiteff by some.of • the best mit kers of Boston, Now"Tork and paltianore t • " • At the Annual 'lndustrial Extifbitiam,itold in Or-, tober,lBs6, nod Orteber,loo; by the Mechanics', lien- tube of It (clime djirginia, my - Pianos wore also award-' eel the Highest Frond UM& Again, iit'the late Fair of the Maryland Instittito, held October, 1806, after a most 'thorough and an un usually protracted ineestigntion of the inertia of the eighteen Instruments on exhibition, from too most celebrated factories of Baltimore, New York and Eos, ton, my Phlllo9 Wore again awarded the highest honors of the Institution(' they having received the "Gold Modal Certificate," an honor only adjudged to articles ' of such stiperior merit as to defy compelltieu. fur two suceossive years. Also, at Lim Third Exhibition - of the Metropolitan Mechanic's Institute,.holdl4,Weslangion,'D. C. March . 18L7, thy' were once moreamlarded the highest hon. With regard to the • thislitferi of,iny pianos, I rontl• dently refer to the trstilifoidali I nm rnmanntly re. ceiving from Professors and Amateurs, speaking for themselves 'and others, of •the high appreciation in -avbich•my Instrument!. arealways held, and which inn -lieden.at-my-IVarerooms,—Antl-this,,ls-the-hest,-nuil most reliable assurance I can offer to Customers, spar front my own 'knowledge of-the Instruments, that In purchasing-5d my establishment, they aro. gukranteed , thu posszssion 61'a Piano, equal, if nut superior, to nuy made in Ibis country or Eunme. Ali Pianos built at.rrif Factory have full Iron Frames, tieing so construct.o as to secure' grunt additional strength, without affecting the TONE/ and therefore will stand In any climate. Pianos made to order, of any kind of wood, and with any style of finish that may badesired. The greatest car,, is bestowed upon my work, and the selection of the best materiels; and every. - .lnstrument turned out of my factory ran therefore be folly war misted ns poss'essing alt the qualities requisite fur a good Piano. All Instruments of my ninnufncture are t too gunmn teed fur live years from the any of sale Particular attention is paid to the selection of In• strumentii for dlid,ant orders, and a rniviunii or TX crinwir. grmited nt any time within six moths from the day of sale, should such Instrument not give entire satisfaction. Dratena will find it to their advatit. aka to give me a enll before nurcbasing elsewhere. frn—Constantly on Mild A fine' nssertfuent of MELO DEONS. of the best makers, atPlees from $4.5 to $200. , with single and double reeds—and also with double key.bonrds and stops, well adapted for the use, of small Churches. PIANOS exchanged, hired, nr tuned. ' -9, WM. KNABE. • The following testimonials from two of the most oml. neat Pianists fix the world, will show how my Instru menu are apprecbited. by those great Performers, who have had opportunities for testinE, the best Planes of Europa and America: Mu. W. Kiisne,.lialtlmoro: ..__Bear. Sir: I havo_great pleasure In certifying have tried your Square Harms, and find them equal, It not superior to any In this country. Among their great qualities, which distinguish them, Is the OVVIIVEN of tone, the agreeablo and 'oven touch, and voluine 'of tone. Wishing you all the success you so highly dc• serve, I am, sir, yours very truly, italtlmorg, Dec. THALBERG. -To MesS'Ss. Win. YCnnbo & Co., halthnorn: ' Gentlemen: Permit me to express you herewith may .sincere thanks tor the superbpralul.and Square Pianos whb‘h .yott hove loaned mo, and on width I have per formed nit .ily - c q ncerts. 1 eafinotlott.eongratulateyou upon the 111111,01160 progress 1111,1 illlplqvernen is you con continually mahe on your Pinuos, which, In my opin ion krank amongjhe very best Ii this country. 'With hearty wishes for your.suceess and prosperity, which you tiChly deserve by your en terptise, energy and :ICU city, 1 remain yours, very truly, July 15, 1057---ly, ' - MAURICE STRAKOSCII. a STAUFFER & ITARTAY'S c s ipiny WATCIIES AND .o.ifliolosale and Retail, nt thn " Philadelphia 'Viaeh and Jewelry Steve;' No. 90North Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia, Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled, 18 carat n • raSIT, ' ' $2B 00 • Geld Corrine, 18 - carats, 24 00 Silver Lover,. full jewelled, 12 00 'Oliver I.pin°, jewels, 0 00 Sisperlor Butirtiers,_ __._ ... _.- :- -. 7. 00- -- o.ollliiperiorles,__ .._. 7 na__ Fine Silver do. 4 50 . Gold Bra celets, 800 • Ladles' Gold Pencils,.,..„____—.. 1 00 Silver 'Ben Spoons, set,„ ti 00 . Oold Pens,' with pencils and silver bolder, 100 Gold I , loger Bings Watch •Olasses, Ike. All . goods 'arranted to Iso misfit they ore Bold for., • STAIWIER . , Successor aril Conrad. Aro-Con Ladd some Oold and Silver Lovers And Lopino still lower than the above prices. MEE LARGEST. CHAIR AND i s FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT IN • • BA LT9IORE. BALTl:mpnu, m D., W7intre la kept'al nays 011 band, or noulo to order, OTO ry atylo of French' 'I'.4'TE•A•TETES, hi Plush, Moir Cloths or Broentollo. P French Full StulTand Medallion, Parlor ARM CHAIRS In Plush, Hair, Cloth, or llroratelle. - FNocii Fkill Stuff Carved PARLORSITAIRS, In note with Plush, Hair, or Ilroratelle. SOFAS; half French blnhogany and, Walnut Parlor CI lAlitSi in - lialriCloth or Noah. - ROCKING CLlAlRS—varlous dest.,lns, In Hair, Cloth and Plush- - Stuff SprIng.LOUNGES—a largo nesertment always on hand, or any pattern nude or covered with any goods to eider. CHAMBER, SUITS-1u Walnut, complete, from $ CANE MUMS nod Rocking do.—the lergect nFeort went ready-rondo In the Veiled Statos—from $l2 a do. con O. BarOtoom, omen and Dining CHAIRS, n Oak, \Val. nut 4/P.Mahogony, with Cann, Wool or Stuffed Seats— an azzortment am bracing over 50 dozen. Wood Seat CllAlltS and SETTEES and ROCKING CllAlßS—over 100 dozen. Feather Bede, Hair and IftiNk Mattresses of every ye. riety. .Also, all • kinds of Gilt, nod Plato Yeomen fur -.Looking Glasses, &e. • A. A. MATIIIOT, 25 North Gay Strout, ':41tor10, 1857. • . Near Fayette litreet. ' • C 01.1N,TRIC, MERCITANTSI Apple llarvest of 1857 hue arrived, And if you wick telnake money, plow.° your cuttomers and Save canvassing agents (who can make one, two and oven four hundred dollars por month) from cup. plying the goods in your toWn. and county - which you ought to null, you can de it by gentling ten 'doling% fur a sample box containing six of Preit's 'Apple Searem (250,000 already sold) and Pratt's Apple Slicer, (a now, article), anti one thousand panted circulars to dintri- Mite lea your town or county. ay no doing you iviii find no trouble in ordering and selling at a very, largo profit ton, twenty or even a hundred dozen machines during thaneason. 0 • PRATT'S APPLE PARER was patented in 1853. flaying a loose bead or knife carrier SO arranged as to readily adjust Weir to the Inequalities rof the surface of apples, or other fruit, the working qualition of which havo proved so excellent and advantageous.to Ike cora triunity, that. the manufacturers,. Messrs. Sargent A, -Poster, havo already, Amon 'culled on to 'supply more than ME a million machines.• PRATT'S APPLE SLICER, made to accompany the Parer, was.patonted in 1858. It to a. email neatly con structod maeldne, Audi like its companion, the ram, does most excellent, work, cutting iu about :live second," each apple into twunty,two equal parts, leaving, with out waste, only.a email , Coro to be. removed, . A child can.readily work either Parer or Slicer at a speed of about three burfielspor..b.pr, RETAIL - PRI - MC OP EA ordore by mall or otherwise should, to meet prompt attention, he - addrosod Sep 0-18) • 817 Faapom St., Philadelphia, Pa. • !.I,grlculltival„ .. .., ~---.-. .. , .., ' ~AN.,I) ' /006.tillX,,ANA AIAOIIINF, 8110 P , ,• • ,• - • • , . . CARLISLE, PA. North Street, Olaas'allottt Tlie aulitiVribe'r stioulerOspectfully. Inform...l.FM public In, general thst ha is nowprepared..to =nut - Helms) . all kinds a. A -- gilCUlttiml linplements7 such as Pavel (leer, Milt. norie Power, Horizontal Goer, Four nod Two' Homo ,Power, also the latest Improved Hallway Chain florse.Polver and ttiarshot'Thezbencwlth Soma , tors attached. . • : • • . ' • • . Ile Invites particular Attantion:ta Mite's Patent CI& ver Huller and Cleaner. This machine will hull' and clean from three to six bushels perhubir, and Is cons!- ' dered decideill3i; the bust now In use, Also, Corn libellers, for hand or Horse power. • St•aw and Fodder Cutlers, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivitors, Hay Bakes, Grain Fans, Circular Sawa, ke., kc. Ito will also furnish to order ' IRON ANIHFIRViS CASTINGS; of every ., deserlntion; such nu Treshing Machine, Plough, Cornsholler; Collar Grates, Push Weights; also, beautifully designed hulling fur Cemetery Lots, Endo sureit, RI. PAIRING . Promptly attended to for. Romping, Mowing and Trqsh• log Machines, and oil kinds of Agricultural lmplo monts. ,--- . Caollol.;, Juno 10, 1857, Carlisle Foundry, d .. , 1 - 1":1_'-7 - . : T - - - . 1 --- 7 -7 ^ - 7--'7 ,7 7 : - - -, 1- - X -: - , ' 'P . - 1-----' -"--.- 1 1 , ----'''--7 25' 7 : : '• '" --.' .i - ''''-'-'-'- -' -- A. ..el------7-------.4- 0 f I .' • 1' - - 5 --- . .z. .t , •-, ~.4..i. ri.,4•1,./-,0-14. - A . , • , 0 , • : .-.., -*.ir,lJ; qic d , fr -.. . , ' \'' , ; 1. 4/A4 r hit ;Pr:AlLa ' s . 1 ` i , t/tik,r)PlOgV. 4.l ::;;72 , ;-,... tli.,.Arri"Ze;_f*or ' - s ' s' % 01',"70iinEgilISPIIU:t i . 4-a,-.1.17;.,.'' , 31.,:,! -, 1 4,%#,lM'''''.-1--i--:: ..'7".f..W0.•,--.-., ... ' -'. ...,,...u..;;Zfrip;_:.±"...e..„-,.‘,".... . :x INN MA C FE •'S 0 - 1); • CAR AND SASH FACTORY, East Main Street, CARLISLE. This extensive establishment is now in Complete or der and supplied with the best machinery fur executing work in , every department... The buildings • /MVO nice -been greatly enlarged this spring and stocked with the newest and most improved tools for the manufacture of • • • DOORS, WINDOW FRAMEStSASI[, Shutters,limbs, Mouldings, Drackets and all other kin - do earpenter worrk. We Invite Builders, Can. potters and others to roll rind examine our facilities for doing this 'description of work. • The best Materials —lifted and prices lOW as at any other establishment Lin the ()minty or elf,eivhere. - STEAM lINGINESIIIIILT Ti) ORDER. and repaired its heretofore. Engines have been recent ly built for W. M. Henderson A Son, in-this borough, ' It. Bryson A Co: Allen township, Alit A Brothers, NCVI , ' .ylllO, Shade k Wetzel, North Middleton, and oCierfa 'at who., establishment they may be.aeen in daily op. • oration. and to whom we ran refer for octane° of their . Superiority., • MON AND MASS CASTINGS: - • ' of overylenctiptlon; from- tit; smallest to the heaviest pieces, excepted at short' notice for-every kind of ion. eithiery. A barge Variety offitill castings now on hand. ' Two skillful Pattdret makers eoustently employed. It EFARING .promptly attended to for, Paper, Mills, Distilleries, Grief, Mills, Feetories, Ac. Turning , and Fitting Mill Spindles, &v. done in thobest style. Truer:sumo mAciimlis 'AND HORSE POWERS. such as Aluvil Gear-Four Hors', 'Powers, Horizontal • Gear Four and Two Home Powers . .. Rom Fiddlers, Crushers, iron RollerS. Plough castings, and ntlitr •ticies for banners, on.,handt.r. promptly made to order. ItURDI•.)I CAIIS BUILT; • and repered. Our fiellities for building Cars ore now more coMpleto - Olan herettifore and enables us to fur. risk thorn to transporters on the rail road on !lemma. dating terms and made of the best materials. Orders solicited and entire satisfactbniguaranteei. The long experience in the business of. the, senior partner of the firm, and the cotnpleteness of our eta. chinery In every ,inancli of the establishment warrant us in assuring the best work to all who favor. us with their eiders. The continued patiVinage of our old friends and OW public is respectfully solicited. • •• May 2C, '67-4y. F. GAIIDNEIt (ti Co. • NEW -AGRICULTURAL ' WARE - ROO3lB. ' FARMING 151PLEMENTS.' Tho subscriber, located 1n the haireuient or the Motho• dist'Clrurcli, opposite the Railroad Depot, Is new re. ceiving a variety of Farming Implements, such as PLOWS, GRAIN DRILLS, • OItAIN FANS • • CORN SIIELLERS; FARM BOILERS, Corn and Cob Orindth (Scott's Olant,) the Crescent •Crain Mill, horse Slcurcla,.llEAPEßS AND MOWERS ((Nanny's with.Woodys Improvement,) Straw Cutter ..4e.,lol..of.whlch_artuof_the_most _lmpruvudOklntLand workmanship, and will he sold on the most arcommoda-. ling torus. Farmers aro respectfully Invited to wall And acanthi° before purchasing. T.. ARMSTRONG., In_ For tho canvenionco of (armors, Moores Patent Grain Drill will be tiold at ShiromanKtown by Benjamin Clay, and at Shipponaburg by Ghrbillan Long. AuAnst 20, 1.8644,,,1y., T. J. GILA lIA M, L. McDOWELL, S. 11. DAVIDSON GRAMM McDOWELL & CO., • • GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Leavenworth City, lianaae Territory. . WILL buy, sell, and locate land in Kansas end Nebraska Teri itories, lowa and Western Missouri, buy and sell lands, loan and . Invest -- money, buy and sell drafts: dye information reiliecting cbtfutilTißitlikra - gewearagilii ash:- "--"" REFERENCES. John 11. Bretton, Esq.. Carlisle, I'n. Wm.' M. Beetein, Banker, " lion. J. H. Graham, Err, • Ker, Brenneman S Co., Bankers, Carlisle. • IVin. M. Henderson, Esq., Cai lisle. Cleorge.Sanderson Esq., Lancaster. Pn. • Dr. John A. Ahl; M. C., Nelvville, In. Win. S. - Cobean, Esq., • E. W. Clark A Co., Bankers, Philadelphia, . Hon. Michael Coeklin, Shopherdstown, Henry Heiman it Sons, 31erelmitts, Baltimore. E. L. Blake, Esq., Cashier Mercantile Bank, New York. Snyder A 3PFuriano, Real Estate Agents, 311uneapolis, Minnessota Territory. Win. Kilgore, Esq., Attorney, and Neal Estate Agent, Sterling, 111. 11. W. Meteor, Esq.; Henry city, 111. Ex•Gov..Josoph Miner, Cumberland county, Pa. W. Clark A Co., Bankers, Philadelphia. Gov. Pollock, Ilarrlsbulg, Pa.' 11%!nrch 18,1857.-Iy. - • 11 -1 4. RIVERS LOOK H THRESHING 3IACIIINES!._ 'rho subscriber desires to ii form finite's and the pub lic generally that he now hos on hand and is con stantly manufacturing Threshing Machines with I'ier pout's Patent Shaker, which are generally acknowl edged to be the best articles now in use.—Alsomvariety of - Improved Clover linnet s,'Corn - Sliellers,-Straw Cu' tern and Clank's Celebrated Now. •Ito also attends t the repairing of Agricultural Machinery in the hes manner and on reasonable tertifs. Manufactory or North Hanover Street, directly opposite the reeldene Of George Metzgoc, Esq, Sept. 2, ITARRIVARE- HARDWARE !- . lir JOHN P. LYNE k SON are now receiving their Fall Stock of, Hardware. which Is,, unusually, largo, and In connexion with their for , [err heavy stock makes It One of the largeOt nod mast varied assortments ever offered to this . pubilc. They have every thing the t tines Farmer the Ilulider, the Merchant, or the nubile, stay want In their lines, and whirl, they are selling at the very lowest prices. They oolleit a cull from the public bolero making their pur chases, no they feel confident they can offer inducements that will reward the bu..er for the trouble. Nopling thankful to a itonerinia Public 11 . r tindrfOrTner llhond patronage,-n l'lnaiDlllllleo of the same It solicited at our old stand , in North Hanover Street, Carltale. JOHN 1.: LYNE /...'SON. October 8, 1858. TO CARPENTERS, FARMERS . AND BUILDERS. t% subscribers would resectfully' announce to the public, that they ore now propared to furnish the fel. lowing descrlfra articles of LUMBER: Find, Common' and ('annul Pion, and Boards 01 all thieness Com mon Baird, and 'Pion of whi to pine; fromlock Joleo and Scantling. of all sizes and lengths; Whitt, Pine and . Yellow Pine I.:lootin g , worked; nil kinds of Poling end Plastering Laths; ('l n c and Cyprus bitinglesof all qua. titles; Shingling Lath and Striping, and Fencing Boo)ols 20 feet long. All timbers sawed to older, by hutting their bills, of all lengths and sines,(pino, oak, or hemlock.) Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings ready for use. The above will be furnished on the most rea sonable terms, and at the shortest notice. TO COA!, coNsumiins do A 1.1,, k LV:3 . h o a l ye constantly on hand al ,44V FAMILY COAL, such I.e Lykone•V • ley. Short Mountain, Trevorton, Lco cost Mountain, Lulte Fiddler, Sunbury. 41, V t 1 , 110.twro, and the Bread Top for • illackamitbs; all wo will deliver to ally part of the town ea low as n be bought at any yard In the town for math or country produce. Coal all rencrnoned and delivered clean. By ; Strict attention to busintna,.we hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. . •. • You will find our Yard In the eastern and of the ha rOugh, opposite the Ons Works.. One office hereafter will be * opt op posit°. Bents A Brothers store, In the Mace now occupied by' 'Squire Smith. • All "orders left at the office or at either of the subscribers' residences, on West Pomfret street, or at East street, will be promptly at tended to.. . . . Carlisle, Jrano'3, 1337 81IR0]I & 11OFFER. ARMERS'-‘I4OOIC AT A Tory auporlornlot'of lkigr vnirrautedl to hold a ushols nt aaper dozen; a bushels at .$4 per dozen, and bagging marlins, &e.i of the best quality can be had at thollow rholp storent • • • J. A.11.141,111.0aLi, Jr. NITINPOW7SEIATOESTiiiriIidtf; V • larreit, and Chem:mit assortment of, Window shatleican 6e had at the new store of • • ,J. A.-ItUURTOIE,Jr. ~~ ~;.'~_ ~;~~CD3ti11C5;~ pROFESSOR •• - - .11AIR RE- . , iyrci4krivii.. • "; to, no doubt } lro l woildertul , discovery of this age •af prbgrem,.thilV) l / 2 •lll'reatare permanently, grty Malmo Its teriglual r, ,Opecr. the head of the held with 'a mist ItizuflesVprOtrth,'lrernove at unman dmidruffind itchfifeetive itlfstrofulairtudittherculaimouneruitlions,. such 'AO 'scald head; eta cures*a if by magic,. nereette'et'periodlOal ,headacher,mako the - hair, soil, glossy; mid wary W.Od preserve the.Cololr perfectly, Mot • the'halr'frOM fallirig,to,extremp old age. -• ; . ; •• ' • The fello*lnglstrom trXdixtingulshed iamb:Tor the, motlicid yu'ofeladorit'' . • • - PittIYESS ; sT;inuiL, ianuaey 1,4855: -PiP# 10;4:: • j.laan. , tuu this certificate. Altar. balog •nteirly. bald - furrybang' time, And having.' tried. all, the ;hair ;resteratiVert eitant,itut having no faith In any,l.wearindnced, oirherering,o(yOurs to give.' its Iplacctit-myettlf the bands of a barter, and had any head rubbed *Wit gliod,itilittrimb, and the rlitorative then applied and Nell subbed In,Ull the scalp,was In aglow. This I repmted evertmorning, arekl In ;three week., tho young , hair appeared 'sod grew ra• pidly fratalAuguat, last tilitthe present time, antis now thick, blaek,and strong—softand pleasant to the touch; whereas, before, It was harsh and wiry, whOt tittle there wateof it, and that little watdisappearingveryrapidly. "'still gm your rentorativealMut twice a week, and shall soon Lave a good and perfect crop of hair. limy, I had road nE these things—and who has not t_ but have not peen hitherto any ease whore any person's hair WAS . rc boncfitted by any of the hair tonlesiete.,of the day:. and it,really, gives me ideasurolo record the result .of My experience. I have recommended yoisr - preMAtior, to others, and it already has a largo and generous sale throughout the Territory.. The people Atom know its effects, and have confidence Init. The supply you sent 1113, as wholesale agents for the Terrltn4i la nearly ex- Mutated, and daily Inquiries are made foe it, ~,yytot_det serve credit for your discovery, and I for Mt°, return you,iey thanks for the benefit it has done pie, for I ear tainly had despaired long ago of ever affktinganyauch result. • • ME • • [From the Editor of the Real F.state,A:dvertiser.] llosros, 27 School Street, 31srch 20;1850. DE.in Stn:—llavhm beconmprematurely_quitegniyi_l NirliiiiiiiiVECTorne six — it - Woks since; to make h trial of your Restorative. I have used toss than too bCdtles, but the gray hairs have all disappeared; and although my halr has not fully attained its original color, yet the process, f change Is granually going on, and I am in greet - hopes that in a short time my hair - still be as dark as formerly. I have also been murk giatiGed at the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which before was harsh and dry, and it has ceased to come out as for lnerly. • A. J. RUTZ l'rofessor Wood CARLYLE, Illinois, Juno 19, 1956, I havo.usod Professdr Wood's Hair Itustnratlro,' and 'have admired its wooiderfill uffiet. Sly hair was beam lug, as I thought prematurely gray; but by tho use of his • iltestoratl re," it NM resumed its original eolor,and• 1 hart, no doubt, permanent!) en. SIDNEY BREESE, re, Ex-Senator United Slates. For anle In Carlisle, - by - S. W. IIAVERSTICK, SAM I ELLIOTT, and Druggists every*here. . . • Feb. 28; 1857.—1 y. - . . • BOTTLE ONLY ONE DOTTLE OF DR. s...i . NDFORMS - Invigorator, or Liver Itamedy • Is required to cure any one troubled with Liver Com plaints; unless the most desperate of caste, when the second bottle will, with scarce a 'lngle failure, restore the patient to health and vigor. Wef.avish to call the attention of all. to Iliesei facto, that the Invigorator to compounded by a physician who has used it in his prae. nee for the *past twenty years with a slimese almost cre dulous, and that It Is entirely vegetable, being coin pooed.vcholly of gums. -- „ Some Idea of the strength' of thcse• gums may be formed when it is known tine bottle of the Invigorator contains es much strength :mono ,hundred does of Ca lomel without any of its deleterious effects. One bottlets the surest thitm'known to moorsmax the had effects of mineral poison of any kind. Only ono hello Is needed to tlinm out of the system! (lie effects of medicine idler along /Actiumn. Otto bottle taken forJaundtm removes all yelhawnesS or'unnatural color from the skin. - • ' ' Ono' dose after eating Is sit IliCient to relieve the sto mach and prevent the food fro/Waxing and scouting. Only ono dose taken-before. retiring prevents night. Ono dose taken at. night - loosona the towele gently and ettres-eNdivonssa. . . Olic 110.50 takeu after each meal will cure Dyspepsia. Onedose of.trli tea.sputmsftill _will alwase rellevt ski( 1111 . 3[1:1C110. ' • The bottle taken for .female obstruellon removes the nose of the disease, and makes a perfect cure, . Only one dose immediately relieves (hone. One dose often replaied Is.a sure cure for Cholera Illorbun and a sum preventative of Cholera, One dose takett.often will prevent the recurrence al billions attacks, while it rollers all painful feelings. .14`One or swo doses taken occasionally Is one of the best remedied for a cold vier known. .. Thousands of cases of hillamation and weakness of the lungs; hove been cured hi the Invigorator. - Ono dose Olken ashen time before eating gives vigor to the appetite and'ulakes ftiod.digest welt. - • One dose often repeated' cures : Chronic Diarrhea, in Ile worst forms, while stunintr and bowel complalids yield almost to the find dose, --One no-two-duns cures attacks coxed by worn* while for worms in childnm, there Is no surer safer and ! .speedlur -remedy in the world, an It never falls. There Is up exaggeration In theto• statements. • they 'are plalnnud'sober facts, that we can give ovlcence to prove, while all who use It are giving their unanimous testimony in Its favor. - ..L We wieh alLwho are sick and debilitated to try this remedy; and tent it thoroughly, and any who• are not benelltted by its use we should like to hear from, as we have yet to heat from, the first person who has used a bottle of invigorator without receiving benefit, for there are such astonishing medical virtuesin it, that all, no matter how long they have been affected, if their complaint arises from a deranged liver; will be benefit ted-if not-entirely -cured,. • ' - SANFORI;t4 Co. Proprietor, 315 ilroadway, Now York. • For sale by 9. ELLIOTT and S. W. IIAWEILSTICK, Carlisle, and by Diugglsts generally.' Mandl 25, 1857---ilm. A 1 1[ 1 .1tEStl S UPPL Y OF DitUGS, FRUIT AND FANCY GOODS. have just received n free], stock of MEDICINES, PA INTS, , G LASS, 011.5, Ac., which having_ been • yelectod with great earn et the best house4io Plisladelphia.' I . cm confidently recommend to FA 311 LI ES, PHYSICIANS, • COUNTRY MtatCHATNS and DEALERS, so being fresh and pure. 40 ' Drugs, Patent "Medicines, Chemicals, Instsuntimts, pure essatitlaLells, Herbs and Extracts, Spices ground and whole, Ess,mces, Perfumery, Ac, Ac. . _. Cod Liver_oll-,lSat nutted genuine_ , , _DY.E.STUFFS . .—Indigoes,-31atidererSuurao,,41uny—Log, and Cain Woods, Oil Vitriol, corpora, J.,,, Dye, • • PAlNTS—Wetherill A Brother's Pure 'Lead; Chrome, Green end Yellow, Paint and Varnishßrushes, Jegocy Window Glass. Linseed Oil, Turpentine Copal aodloach lithlsh, end Itett'Lead, All of which will be sold at the very lowest market price. . Also. 1 fresh and Splendid assortment of FANCY GOOD:, Fruity, Confectionary, and innumerable other articles calculated for use and ornaritent all of which are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug. Book and Fancy St no of the subscriber on North Hatt. Per street.. HOVER'S TAQUID HAIR' DYE! The filllowing fneni that eminent Physician of Philettlelpels, Dr. lirileckle, added to the testimony or PmfessotAlootti. only <mention what is evidenced by thousands who hove used Ilevcit's bre. , , “Glit.tni) itow, CllEsmrT STltrf,l . • Philadelphia, December :41853. ) In regard to norms limn Dm, I can state unhesi tatingly, that it eOutalits no dolotorioun Ingredients. and luny ho used with Extant SAFETY, and with the UT MOO Co:MM.:WE and success." W. D. BRINCKLE, A. D. MOVERS WRITING A;UIINDELIIILE INKS, Are so-well mid Widely kilowli, no to require Po eulogy of their merits, it Is only necessary to say, that the -steady rind increa.sing demand, glvtli the best evidence that thoy maintain their character .for superiority which distinguished them when first introduced, years ago. -• Orders, addreased Oo tbe.3lanufactory, No. 416 RACE street, itboto FOURTiI, (old INn. 1444.Ebiladelpbta, will revolve prompt attention by .1096111 E. HOVER, 31anu6rturer. PLANK c„siTATE AGRICULTUIIAL EXHI-, JIIITIO:V,—The Pennsylvania State Agricultural :today will hold Its 81:VENTII ANNUAL EXIIIBL TIDY aty 111 LA DELIfil lA, (Powel b;n (yen t•ds,) on the 29th owl 30th of Sententber and lot and 2d clays of Cctober next. The usual reduction on passenger fare and free passage forstock, will ho furnished by the Railroad CompanlA Tho .Ilooks of entry will 100 open at Philadelphia . o and alter the let of September. ' Sept. 3,-1557.-5t • 1/0117 C. WALKER, Ser. ryo 131.1ILDEltS.—Proposals for the -- - erectirerePan - ENUIME - IlliUSElo rthe Fire re Union empany will be received by the undersigned until 4 o'clock P, M.'on Saturday the 19th lust Plans and specific:aliens can ho seen by.calling upon E. Commun. A. KERB, W. W. DALE, E. COR N MAN, P. AIONIT.It. .111. MORRIS,- Trustees. • Sept. 0,1557.-2 t. .. • . . . • FAMILY • il coAL.---1,000 A ir, fl -,..• , -; Tons Lykon's. Valley 4' i: 011114 .. • COAL, broken and re. i , ,;k , screpped, prepared ex - ---. .. ' ..--,..„, . fressly for ftutilyuse t _ - and kept maws roes", ~ 7. 9 that I can furnish it moo and a .R.Ol all reasons of tbo year. I have chill on band and for sale the BLACK, DIAMOND „COAL, front the Bali imord Conipany 31Ines. This Coal hendutimbly calculated for Lumens Bloom and Collar Furnaces; all of which I will sell at small profits Are cash, and deliver,to any part of the borough. August I, 1857. • • W. B. 51UR11,Alt. TACOII Burry. • -A. IL Ram& OTICE is hereby given that I have this day rtasoeinted with me, as a partner In the Forwarding, Comiaission mid Grain Bovineari,-. way son 'ALBERT K. BIIES M, and that the above boldness will be hereafter conducted under 'the name 41.1. RIIIIE3I A SUN, •. J. GUMMI. _.,- - • . N. H.-111gboak Cash pilnei far PRODUCE In aU klub, FLOUR, WHEAT, RILE, OATS, dr. Salt, Master, de. always on hand and for sato. . . . - ..• ' Collide May 1 i, 1857—W. . 'PORTABLE CIDER MILLS. •• ..71. ,, Z1) , ;:" ICRAUSERE 'PATENT, for'llaqd or Ilona •I ' Pciwer, the best In -use; WHEELER'S horse Powers and-Threshers, Improred 2_ " Oraln Yann•, PENNOCKIS Wheat Drills; COOPER'S Lime and guano . Spreaders; the' most'ap• purred Hay and Fodder Cutters; .BIOTT'S Rollers, lirindstones ready hung, with a general assortment Agricultural and Horticultural Implements. PASCUALL MORRIS Implement and Seed Mora ' Seventh k Market. Phila. =l= r :— ..o l , l: 4 hl:t t e tb : o u b d 1' Mittln^cjua• • t:rx. . • Yoursihastily, • ti .1. W. BOND, Firm of Bond kfielloy, Druggists, St. Paul .Itospectfully yours; D. C. M. RUPP, = ~ 7 ~..,';t ~. liscclid~irD~S..; 111 /FIRE E PANTY row OPIC.I • tintss JUNGLE la lOINCI I • • • end will be nt his; Old Ilmd, Quarters' North Ilanover'stract, during tha 'Christmas and New Year's 'festivities, with one of the largest assortments bf • CONFECTIONARIES. . Ever Pff.rvd in Wit ' Candy ,Toys and Frrilts, Jelly (likes, Bon Bons, aunt ChoOlato and Fruit Drops, Bose, 'Vanilla, and: Burnt re `Almonds; Fnch' and•explodlog Secrets de. Also-all the common varieties, • of the latait..himortatlonautteh as .Ortures,lazoons,-- Ralslna;Figs - ,Trueiis; Currsp24,.Citron, soft seta , Paper , shelled Almond% Filberts, Cream. Cocos, and. Ground lints. In connettion-wlth the-above an extendre as 'soiturentlif . . TOTS AND FANCY GOODS • 4 e'er). quality and price, consisting in pert of Fine' Wax„kld, china, ,crylog and other Dolls. Sewing and Card Baskets, Fancy Boxes, Plower Tams, Motto Cups, Tea Setts, Basks', Drures,Gates, Air Pistols, Accordeons, llarmonicans, Trumpet*. Chessmen of bone and - wood; 'Dobtinees, lotto and other gamem- Fancy Soaps, - ,flair Oils hod, Port Illonales,Ac. .Ife have also a line lot of FAMlLTonockutw e s, such as pulverised, crushed and Munn Sugars; of every grade, Coffee, Molasses, Starch, Green and Sink Teas, Spices, Initter,soda,Suga r, Hater and other Crackers, cheese„ de. • The subscriber returns his sincere. thanks to I gener ous public for the patronai, , o heretofbre bestowed on biro, and hopes, lay a destra to please, to merit a continuance of the mod. , P. MONTER. , Carlisle, Dec.lo. 1850. • lIARIGN HALL AGAINST THE :WORLD FOR GOOD DAGUERREOTYPES AND jitAIIONTTPES.. --AL C. mumbox would respeetrully announce Loth° citizens of Carlisle and the Publicgon erally, tbat ho has taken the Daguerrean Gallery in Marlon hall, (lately rsvcipled by A. 0. Rect.) Having secured the services of Mr. D. C. Neagly, be is prepared to accommodate all these who desire GOOD - PICTURES of themselvelvor . families. t. •• • • "tail - These Rooins have been fitted up to a superior style on the 2nd Instead of the Od floor all heretofore; and are Intended to be a pednatient •locatlim, .conse. quently none but Pecflict Pictures will be allowed to leave the Balmy: All pictures not perfectly satisfactory, will beretalcert, ree - orebarge. .• • . ... • - Pictures copied from old Daguerreotypes or Portraltiq; alit inserted itt,.4ickets, lireastpins, Fingehrings, ke. ifid - INSTRTMONS given on reasonable terms. All ire Invited to mai and examine our. specimens. and then judge for themselves. July 2, 1857-3 m. O. D. BRANDON.. • N ' Irclly--m.e„A", TA,L...... . • South Honorer Street two doors North of Bentz & Timer. Store, llan just retomed Iron, Philadelph*, witd,a, Nib mock of Cloths l'aosimeres, Veatingo de, dre. Anita ahle tor Spring and Summer wear, which he hiprepa . .Ell to . inake up to order promptly, and- on ,recoonabler terms., . ' ' • Also - on land CHEAP READY-MAW.: CLCOMITING . ;; together iih stocks, collars, handkerchiefs sesd - othere articles usually found In a Gentlemans Xsuniabling Store. Goods bought elsewhere will also be =lops meows. WATCIIES, AND JEWELAY. 77 -- I have just received from Now:York ea lama, supply , of Gold and sliver Hunting. lfiatielles, or thm latest styles,'and very find void SA, vast, enyll, a n d nick chains; medalions, de. In short,, every milder kept by watr:i makers: also a new aapply of nagley'w Gold rens. all sixes. Thopublie is.vespactfally invltedl to call and examine for themselvax • .Aug. 26, 1807] W-D../LITAIICILE. 411 —Lemon" Mille& receiving a.* DM' - • August 5, 1857., 11 - 11 liuntur. BOOTS D A-nother ip large asportmerit or - Meyer eoarse . sod Fine lkwts, Ladle' Morroeo Boots and Shoes_ Misses :null Chß , drerk:s Boots and Shoes. Gum Overshoes cal Blrcalo. EorkilieS, very low prkes. De, riX . - • The aubscriber hai just - received - Trona Pfiiradrlphia. Lawns, Calinors, Lliacos, Skirting and other goals suitable to trio season. • Joky 22, 1857. ' fIEO. ItITNER, aft tiom-- • TILT IN G FE isiALII • COLLEGE • - 31 ECIIAN.ICOLUILU, PA. This Institution designed for the liberal education-'-- of YoungLadies,gas been in operation one year with the most gratifying results. It is now established on a firm basis, and its patronage already extends over pine -sister states. - During the Last winter, it was erected a rolleAe pro.' per, by the Legislature Of Pennsylvanialwith power to' confer degrees, and endriwed with-all the rights and. • privileges of the most Wvored Female Institutions. - It is located on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, mid way between Harrisburg and Carlisle In the most fee tile and lemutiful_portion_of_the iailey r and Is In Close preilialty to one "(the most moral, healthy, and order. prising towns in the ••- .. • - It - is central, "and easy of acreis.• Students leaving ' Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia In the morning train for ihrrishurg, willarrive at ilechanie.sburg in Buie for.dinner. The edifice is large and commodious,. surrnunded by double verandas, and will accommodate about one bun- dred boarders. In its construction, IC combines all the modern tinprovernents for the promotionef health, com fort, and ernvenienee. In three respects physicians pronounce it unrivalled. The Chambers are large and neatly furnished. Each has its registers for heat and ventilation. Incur TWO BUDVITS ocev Iry TOO B.OIE BOOM. The Bath rooms, are at all times supplied with warm ,and cold water. . The Grounds are ample, and well arranged for recrea tion, and the various calisthenic eiercises—r , so essential to health, graceful movement and symmetry . of ---The.-Faculty-of Instruttionlieffirielit and experi enced. In the COLLEGIATE DErARTMICIT the course of study Is of a high grade comprehending all the subjects belong ing to a Classic:d, Polite end Christian Education. In the l'aneansroux Dn . :MOM:IT pupils will be care fully instructed In tbo-se branches forming the basis of a thorough English Education. Sgssiose.—First melon—From Ist September to the aith of January. Second Session—From Ist February to the Ist ofJuly. Tserriox—Duriug July and August. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS; PAYARLE IN ADVANCE. Roanling, Washing, Furnished Rooms, Fuel, and Light, - - - $6O 00 Tcruwi—Collegiate Department,- .• 4 " First Class 12 00 No extra charge for Ancient Languages. Mi.7‘..to—Piano and Guitar, - - 20 00 Vocal Music, - - -* •- 2 00 Modern Languages. • - - - - 10 00 Painting, Drawing and other Ornamental Branches, at the usual rates. Textlnoka furnished at City prices. For further particulars address. Rer. - A. O. 11ARLAiT, A. M., -.- • ' President. . • , • REFERENCES: . The Faculty of Dickinson Cedlege, Carlisle, Pa. • Rev. R. D. - Charubers, Carlisle, Pa. . . William 11. !Cullen, Esq., o • • Rev. Dr. T. Daugherty. *Rev. C. - Graham, Bloomfield. William 11, Allen, President of Girard College, Phila. James,lL Esq. Clement CLa , k, Esq. • Mar: Andrew Manshlra., ra eJanies B. Graham. Graharntors, *Rev. C. F. Steever, Mechanicsburg, Pa. *h. Day, 1111. D., a P. 11. Loam. 31. D.,' • eiL Zug. Esq., *Jelin John Vanuevecr, D. D.. .Easton, Pa, . *David Coover,-Esq., Shepherdstewn, Pa. - - George W. Meek, Pinegrora Milk. I'a. - - Leal Merkel, Esq., Shiremanstown, Pa. - B. Hurst. Esq., Dillsberg; Pa. •Dill A. Smith, Esq.. Pittsburg. Pa. John Tandercer, D. D., Easton, IS. Ills Excellency. Peter F. Causey, Milked, Del.. Ilex. J. It, Lotiand. Seerctary.of State, n Rev. T. P.3laNdloy. *George. S. Adkins, Esq. a eSaumel Sharp. Esq. - Prot no. E. Sadler. Wilmington, lion. :atmuel M. Harrington, Dover, a Eon. C. S. Laytim, Georgetown, William Marshall; 31. D. o 11 .n. John B. Stadler. Bridgeville, a *William S. Goldin, Esq., Federalsburg, bid. Rev. John A. time, Bvitimore, 31d. • *Jacob ShoiL Esq., Lanmsier, Ohio. I.o.ante D. Evans; Esq., Morgantown. V. Alexander Burgess, D.D., Portland, Maine. John kklerande, D. D., Rochester, N. Y. • Sullivan 'Weston, D. D., N. Y, S. F. Itainl, D,P.S; Stnithsoulan Institute, Wilahinginti - Jacob ihipley, Dap, Lockport, Thinols. TRGSTICES OP TEE COLLEGE. elra Day, M.D., Mechanicsburg, Pi: P.M. Long, M. D., eS.olornon P. Gorgas, Esq, eEpi calm Zug. Esq, a. .0 *John Beige!, ER,. • John Brandt, Eaq., Reheat Bryson. Baq., ilarrisburg, Pt, • J. IL Comae; Esq., S.hepiterdsluwn, Pa s *David °saver, Esq., 'Col. G. S. Adkins, 31Ufivd; - • ratters ig the College. 'June ::1.-3toes ' CIARLISLE FEMALE SEMINARY:. The s uest scholastic year of this Seminary will commence on Tuesday, September lat. The Sesolaerris a boarding and day school conducted by experienced and competent teachers. It la - retired, healthy and pleasant, and the amiss of instrucitoni embraces the elemenaary and hitaier EngilaW.Mgether with the ancient and modern languages, music, vocal • • and Instrumental. and the various ornamental branch es Vacation daring July and August._ _ tarot.' tarot.' further Inhumation apply,' to iho principal, CHAS. CLARK, at the Seminary In West Loather St, near the Gerinsu Reformed Church. ,REYE ' RENHORR.. 0. P. WING. 0.1 X• Rea. DAVID STRREMT,• Rea. W.'W: - RELLS.• Rev. J. R. AIORSIL• • . Rev. A. IL KREMER, • Rev: JACOB WRY. J. U. PARKER, Emq.* • RICUARD PARKER, Esq.* CARY W. AUL. Esq.* • Patrani of the &Hainan.. - ' 6-11. rIUDSON , RIVER INSTITUTI t I, Z attth FiXALZ. • Board mei Telt I e itt:te s p, ...e, Term mem. September IStb. elemtenwe I epl • Ilit wit ID 11,t.0. Mask. pointing and At•qteen L e ~ , ,„,:,,, Ad , drew* tbe reir. Atone,. klark.•.A.M,.. pri,, r i,i . • • Aug. 24, 1837.-2 m z . - • . . ' . TERNIZr R. KS()171;:li, 111. If 1•41 e.. • . . . I ..Ca a lair icortirt,to iltitri-iten.....z./Sa.tibtk....._lla_atil—...,- 11 1. t.'ntelacvia - on'tteirllAillirtliar a r ae,tl alaluite.n..ad . .i:n. Innernii pawn in 3wnl 1111411 f., ,Sntintart.ry at... 1.11ea am ' ,11 ..tt.4. aa to MP I•illity to...g.lptsath l: action: -- ' •:11,ntr• at...Vattloi flout: . _ .. : CHAR. ORILBY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers