Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 22, 1857, Image 3

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    ,PIANO) . ! tiIE,4IDPW4,O:'PRGANS . ,:4IID : II.IIGAN
' .. ..
..'ti:010 1 . 4340 - 41....: , 41011.T - iiosi .1101, .oal4rait. ......:-::::.,
J,uly 22,18579-LB,r
New ,Elbuertisements
Yroposiug A;,,e;idv - th to the Constitution-of
• the Commonwealth- •
_ItESOTAVED by the Senate and House
_ ____.
-- . • of Itepresentstlies of the • 'ol3ltnenwerilikt Of Non.
sylvanls in ilenural Assambly root: Thal the following
- emendents /IN proposed to the Constitution orthe
Commonwealth, in neverdan'e with the provisions of
• - the tooth article thereof, ' ...
There - shall - halm - additions' -article' to mild -ionstitm
Um:, to be designated es article eleven, on follows: •
SECTION 1. The qtato npy contraq.Oehtii, to stippl)
casual tltilinJus tollitiluroA lig revenues nrVi auoroxpuil-
ses not otherwise provided lei; but the it-,,iregate.a.
mutter of such debts direct and cohtlogent. whether
'1.1141-11/ •, of tlgenenil
'monthly, or at di Iforont' perltsl. of time, shall never ex•
coed seven:htiortrad nfty tit 'usenet dollars, and the
•-- money arl-ing fro it-the creation-of sucit•debt,shall be.
applied to tad pillpoflo Tor Which It was obtained. or to
repapthe debts so contracted, and to nu other putpose
. • Sectios 2._
Itrattilitlim to the above Molted lower, floe
state may emit mot debts to repel Invasion, suppress in
- surreetlon. defend the state ar-hr to redeem the
present outstanding indebtedness - of tier state: but the
'annoy tithing from the contracting of such debts, shall
be applied to the purpose for which it 'was raised. or to
ropey such debts, nitd to no other purrs's°, whatever. •
dicriox-3, Exempt-the debts :thee., specified,-in sec-
Chung one nod t too of this article, no debt whatever shall
be created by, or on behalf of the state.
heersoit 4. provide for thupayment of the present
' debt, and atiradditional debt contractpd as aforoatild,
the legislature shall. at its first session, after thb
• thin of tills. Amendment, create a sinking fund, which
.shall Ito itallicient - to pay the ;lemming Interest on sub
dad, and iw II UM to reduce the principal thereat by is
RUM not loss then twoqiuodred - and fifty thousand dol.
bars:. Which. sinking fund shall.censist ofthe nut annual
peons of the, front time to time owned •
by the st ate, or the proceeds of the sale of tile same, or
any part thereof, and Of the Income -or proceeds of, sale
of sticks - owned by ti:state. together with oilier hinds.
- orresotirceti, that nay i be 'des!. totted by law.' 'The x, tit
shtick, fund may he Increased, from thno to time, by
assigning to it any part of the taxelt. or other revenues
of the kite. not required-far the ordinary and current
expenses orgoVernmeut, and unless in rase of war. in.
173Sidn in-Insurrection, no part of the sold sinking fund
aliall be used 'Sr applied otherwise, than In extinguish.
moist of the public debt, until the utuount of such debt
is red - lima-I'olov the sous uffive millions of dollars.
"Stainex Is, 'f he credit of the commonwealth shall
In an'' , manlier. or event, be pl Aged. or loaned to, any
indlldnal, company; corporation, or association; door
sholl`thu commonwealth hereafter becomo a joint owner
or stockholder, in any company, association, or corm).
ration. •
SECTION a Thu commonwealth shall not assume' the
deht. - or air part thereof' of any county, city. horothrh,
townstbip;_nor orany corporation. or association; On.
Mons su.:ll til - Eti , P - bacm ellitnictedlir°nab - IWO - cc
state ti repel invasion, suppross domestic insurreetion.
defend itsalf in tuna , if war. tw' to assiot the state in the
discharge of any portion of its present Indebtedness.
Scerfosi Z. Tho . le4islature shall nut authorize any
county. boron4h. township. or incorporated
trlct. by virtue ufa uto of its ritiAous. or otliorwrso3q
bocuote-n sorkh.iidur its may compluy, uss,iatiln, or
corp-trati-ip ;or to oht.Lii‘ mlney fir. or loan-Its. Credit
to, any corpirati to, assoda LI al, institution, or party.,
There shill be en additional article to saki constltu
ties, to be deslgoited as article XII, as follows:
No county shall be divided bye line cutting tfr over
et c,tenth of its ppuistion,(eit her to forma new county
or otherwise,) with Jut the exprens assent of such .1111-
by, bye vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new
count.y be established, containing less than four hun
dred spare miles. . .
From' suction ton of the first ertirle of the const II u
tiro,, strike out tho words, of the city of Philadolphia'
and of edd; county respect] tidy ;" from s,adrou• o'
taloa articlo, strl/e out tho words, '• of Philadelphia end
of the several counties;' from suctliinsuven, same nal•
cid, strike out tho words, "neither Om city of Philadel
phia nor nay`' and losolt In llou thorooftho words, -and
/;" and strike out .•• section four, same article," and.
In lieu thoroof inset the following:
nBHOII.IN 4. In tho b yoar ono thousand night hundred
and sixty-four, god lu every soreadlr yoanthernalter,
reProesntativen to • he-number of ono hundred shall Le
apportioned and, distributed equally, throughout the
state ' by districts, in proportim to the number of tax.
gado inhabitants In tho second parte thereof: oXcept .
that any county containing at least three thousand live
hundred taxables, may be allowed a separate repealer. ,
tatlon; but no more than throe counties shall beJnlnedi
Altd no county shall be divided, in the formation of a
district. Any city containing a sufficient number of
Maddest to entitle Mtn et least- two representatives.
shall Wive -a separate• represenlatiom assigned it, and
shall be divided into 'convenient districts of cortilAuans
territory. of egtsil taxable population no near en stay be.
• •' - ''.faach of which districts shall elect one representative."
At tin) cad of section novas, same article, insert those
vverdi, lrheClty of Philadelphia' shall be divided Into
dlittrists.' of ,enntlgPflns. torKtiryLot
as nearly equal hn
taxable palulati as ioselble; but
no ward shall' litrdi vide] in - tiurforrnation - thersof"---
-The Legislature, nt l ji tlrsirsession.after the nil %thou
of this amendment, shall divide: the cily of
phta lute senatorial and representative districts, fn the
manner above provided; such districts to remain us
clmogud until tile apportionment In thetyear one thou ,
sand eight hundred and sixty-fitur.
_These shall be au additionalr section to the first arts
el° of Bald eonstltutl.m, which Shall be numbered mid
rend as tbllome
• SiXTION '26.—Thu Lorislature shell have the power to
alter. revoke, or MM!, any charter et , titiorpiratien
hereafter conferred by, or and any apeclakor general
law, whenever In their .oplulon It may be Injurious to
the eltidner of the Comnonweallh: In such manner
however that no Injustice shah be done to the eorpore
tors, -
In BENATZ, Matvh 2 7,1687.
Roanlead. .That this, resolution pass. On the fair'
Amendment, 3 . 114 . 11 24, 'nays 7; nn tau aecond .nmend
meet. year 23, nays 8; 'OD the third amendment. yea
24, nap( 4; on tho forth ananaluient, yeas 22. moll 4.
[Extract limn the Journal:] •
• 11710. It. 11.15117118L1t. Clerk.
Lt Tite HOUbt or Repar.srvinurvi,.
, ' April 29, 1847.
Reaolsed, That Oda reaulntlon
,papa. On the Brat
amendment, yeas 78, nags 12; On the almond amend
meat, yens 57, nays at; an the thlrj arnendleent, yea.
72, nays 22: on the fourth amendment, yeas 83, nays
[Eitraet from the' ournal.] •
Ylle'd In . Baerota' ry's °Mee, May 2, 1887. • •
, • ~ A. 0. C 1,1111187,. • •
71ocrataiy of the.CoMmonwealtly.
. , SECRETARY'S 0/110E, ; ,•
• IllltBlBooll,o, Jlluo 18b7. •
1 do certify that the &faro' ond ',tonguing fa a tru ,
and correct copY,ol.tlio - original itcaolution proposint.
amendments -to the 'Coluditiition, of ilia Common
woalth," with Elio cote In cub brafiCh o f tho'Legieli,
Euro upon tho.ditni paseago tharauftaitaiiiiadja friurpth,
ortgluala on•file In tide office.
'~I - -have'llereait~y eat
e Sectetajgre Office; thede„retitlyeer
• . •Socretitiof the Po merriwiselth:,':
, .
' • I.s, '4044 Mizell:27,l6n.
'Kk 4 -TegaU t t r i t Y . 1 1 T94.4 ,4 114 amoridineutsto tha cobs}4 7 .
.foosin tilik'ectriiciimenith !wing Under 4)64,5104w
On the qmstion . •• . • • .
• 'MAUL* Senate &pawl° Ifielltaakatournent
The Feaa anntuays werettaUenlcOcen Ir. trf the'phrol!',
elnne orthe Conatltntionotild :
Yate—Thaiere:, Brown'. '.llreanie, - Ifoltey,
Fottor, , Flenniken, Frazer: :Jordnn,;
Knni, laiu4neb. Lewlm, Myer. StgleldiSellere. Shuman;
Stnele. Stranb,-Wohoh, ,WlikinniklFtlght. and. Taggotti
Speaker-2i. _
NAYS-3tassrr.grabl, Cresswell, Finney, Gregg,. her.
ale.'Penroso eon SnciPierT. ' '
the 'motion wattletarsnine r S In alie nifiraeliti;e.-
•On the '--A 1
'WM tib a jO g . WO OA" 1006641011(44,41,411
.. _ ,
_ „-•_,,aohn. H! Rhee P -
The-year-nod nays-wore-taken agreeably to Munro -
visions of the Coned tutiOn, and were no follow,_yisz_.,
--- Yrne-frMellsrs:Brinieic Browne. CrosswoL. Ely,Evana:
Fetter Finney, 'Flenniken, Ingraham, Jonlan. Knox{
Laubarl. Lewis, liver, SelleraShuman, Souther, Steele',
Straub, .Welsh. "Wright, and Taggart, Spea
Nvvs—Mesars.' Coffey, Crablr, Frazer, Gregg, Harris.
1{ Winger, Penrose rind ' • .
So the question' Wsz determined in the affirmative.
On the question, ' • -',' •
Will oho Semite agree to the third nmendment
'The yeas and nays were taketingrecebly to the prey!•
slon of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz. :-
' YEve—Moisrs.lin•wer. Browne. Crobb, Cresswell, Ely
Byrom, Flenniken, Frew, Llngrant. Jordan, Klilinger,
K nos. Leubach:l.ewls, MyerTScolield, Sellerff,Shuntan,
Soother, Steele,. Straub, Weloh,.Wilkins and Wright
—nl•••• • ". •- '' •
- - Nonr , —Mensra: Coffey:Gregg, Iforlis and Penrose—A.•--.
• So,the question _wasiktormixed lit the -
On the question- ) - -
Will the Senate agree to tile fourth ationflment?
The %ens and nays were taken' agreeably to the pro
visions of the Cnislitution, said ir, re en follown, viz:
. Brewer.- Browne. COM , , Cresowth,
Ely, Evans. Flenniken. Preset, I n•Jram,Sillitiger,ttma,
Laubarh, Lowls.'3lyer. 'Scofield, Sellers. Shuman. South
er. tit4l, Riau!), Welsh, {Wilkins and Wrh;ht-2.1
. So' the question was determined in the affirmative.,
-- •_- Ix The House or-itzettesrxr.vrms,
•. A mil 20, 18M.
. .
The revolution proposing amendments to the Coosa.
I on of the Commonwealth being under consideration,
Oft the question,
Will the House egret, zo the tint amendment.?
The yeas and imp were taken egr.nmbly to' he pros!.
ninny of the C and Wore as follow, viz.:
Ycvs—Messrs. Anderson,' Arthur, Bathhouse, Ball.
! Beck, Bishop. flower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase,
(heaver, Crawford. Diekey, Ent. Eyster. Fennell!, Foster.
Ilibl.neY. Milian. Hamel, Harper, Heins, Ithotsind.
11111. 11111eges 1101 nom (Berks.) Innee,Jecobs;
.I,•nkins, Muir, Johnson, liaulTmath' Kerr, Knight,
Lelsenring. Lougaker, Lovett, Mannar, 31eugle. 31cCab
moot, Mollonin;
.3karheod. Mumma, Musselmon, NI
rho's, Niebolson,,Nuneina•her, Pitoreon. Peters,' Petri.
Purcell, Ramsay, (Philadelphia.) Ramsey,-
:(York) .lienmer,. Rend. Roberts. Rupp, 'Shaw, Sloan,"
Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (Centre.) Stevenson- Tam,
Veil. Venvoorlds, Vickers. Voeghloy, Walter. W,;stlons,k,
Wharton, Willld.on. Witiferow,• Wright,' Zimmerninn
and Gets, Spenhe'r-78.
. 31 - virs-41essrs. Rocklin. Benson, Bock, llamllten, thy,
coek. Moo. Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Lebo, St I uthern, Thor,
Warner and Wiutrotle-12-•-. • •
the q uestion was determined 111 the atilmative.
On the question, • -
Wilt the House agree to the second amendment I'
The yoas and nays more taken agreeably to the pros!
sinus of the Conetitutlon,nod were no follow, sin.:
Yrvs—Uessrx. Anderson, Bathhouse, Ball, Beck,
!Maw. Calhoun, Campbell, Carly, lint, remold, Poker,
Fden, Minot, Harper' Heins, Illestand. llolf
- (Beets) IlottselLeMer, e, Innen, Jehk ns
oho, Mannar), Kouffmfin,.Kithrld. Leisett.fing. Leuze.
ker; Lovett, Menem. 3laugle, Mel !vain Moorhead., Mus
selmatt..Niehols, Nicholson. Nunemaciter, Pearsall, Pe
ters. Pettit: in. Pow Dell, Purcell, Ile alsoy. (Philedelphin,)
Ramsey, (York.) lionmer,.,lftherls, Rupp, Shaw. Shinn.
Tolan." Vail, Voeghley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton,
Zinunertitaft. and Gets, Speaker-47;
Nnls-3lessrs. Arthur. Augustine, Backus, Benson,
_lllehop,_llrown,_Cha_m_CicavM,_tha wford,- Eyeler,ft Hr
bmey; Hamilton; lbs. o k; Hine; Hoffman; (Lehr
nom) Jacobs. Kerr, Lebo; 31cColutont, !dunning (load;
•Sinitli. CC:nubile.) Smith. (Cent.e,), Stevenson. Strait.
ern. Thorn, Lanyoorhis. Vickers. Wregonseller, Warner
Whitnadl..Witherow and Wright-34.
So the question was determined ici.the effinnetive.
Ilu,the qUefolon.
W.ll the House agree to the third amendment I
Thd,yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro
vislons'of the Constitution, and reruns follows, viz:
, Voss—Messrs. Anderson. Backhonee, Rail. Beck,
Renam. Bower Bmwri, Calhoun. Campbell, Chose, Clem
♦ tr, Crawford, DiCkey, Ent, Pa stet, F2tisil.i. Poste:Wits.
honey, Henna, Beeper, Heine, Illestand, 11111, Ifellegns,
ihdrumu, (Iterksy) Roffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper,
Imbrie lanes, Jacobs. Johns, Johnst,, Kauffman.
lire. Leto, Longaker. Lovett, 31enenr, Mangle, Weal.
meld ; Moorhead. 31unitna, NI tiliselmon. Minors. Nichol
non, Nunemecher, Pearaon, Peters, Putrik'n, Parnell;
Purcell, Ramsey, tYorkf) Reamer, }teed, Rupp, Shalt,
Sloan, Smith. (Cambrin.) Switb. (Centre,) Stevenson,
To l".f 11, Veil, Venv,mrllls; Vickers, Voegliley,Wagouseller.
Westbrook. Williston, Withernw, Wright, Zimmerman
and Gets. Xpenkr--72. •
Nnlfs--Masrs. Arthur,- Aughstine. Peek us: Bishop)
Carty, Dock, lioneeck,
Knight; Leisettrlng; Mellynitt, Paufsey, (Philadelphia.,
noberts, Struthers, Thorn, Welter, limner, Who, ton,
Win trodo—:22,
So the qudot inn was determined in the aftirmdtive.
On the question,
Will the House agree to the fourth 'amendment ?
The yens and nays were taken agreeably to the provi•
ninon of the Cmostitualon, arid were as follow, via.:
Peps—Mass. Anderson, Arthur, tinckhouse. Rail,
Beck. Benison, Bishop, Bower. Brown, Calhoun, Camp.
bell, Carty. Chore, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Bye.
ter, FlCusold. Footer, Gliders. Unmet, Hamar,
Iklns, Hilleges. Hoffman (Berke ' ) lioff•
nano, (Lobanon.) - Ilousekeeper,'lmbrie. Hums, Juan,
Jenkinn, Johan, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr. Lebo, Leh
searing, Lougalter,Lovntt,3lnnear,Mougle.3leCalmont,
Mellvain. Mumma, .filusselinan, Nichols, Nicholson,
•Nunionathes,...panreon. Peters, Petfikln, .Pownall, Par;
•eell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia-) Ramsey. (York,) Wainer, -
Reed. Roberta. Rupp, Shaw, Sloan,-Suilth, (Cambria.)
Smith, (Centre.) Stevenson; Tobin,. Vel.l, — Vanvoothis
Vickers. Vileghley..Wegonseller, Walter.•{Varner, West
brook, Wharton. Williston, Witherow, Zimmerman an
Gots, Speaker—Dl • • -
Nvre-310ftsrit. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Strntliala
Thorn. IVintrode :Ind "Wright-7. -
-So-thaquastioa was determined-in-the attlantithre'
Swum:wen o►noe,
llmusnuncr, June 22, 1807
I do certify that the above and foregoing is • true
and correct•eopy of tho• " Yeas" and "Gaye" taken on'
the'tmdutlen proposing amendments to I.lmConstigut
Lion of Ilia iliputomvealtii. es the same appears op thy
Journals of the two Houses of the General Aisenably
of this Commonwealth Mr the smien of , 1857;
arlimeaa my ham and the seal of said office.
(..1 this twent,second day of June, o l ip thousand
Lglit hundred and ilfty seven.. A (4,01.1RY1N,.
Secretary of the Ctimmonwealtb.;
• Carlisle, July 1, 1051.—:Sinos...' •
rtitAND lit11.01)NOEUVI Grand fillteett.
ort will he hektet
Eta. whon.l 23 oolll . extlllbeellikria•4tell.sttet fleeltivete:
(lift f9a 4 evOji Tiolket, rahilk gill 4 trove DO mutate.
pipe 6t tiCkets, (hue Dollar:4
„ ,„
lyon by the ICeyetnne Crunet ticontithOlbehanbniburg
14ring band; and otberi.• - r t' •
Every, ticket idle Concert,
itad ‘cilltnye one ober. Itittscllatetbattonnralfts,,,-,7.
Application, for . ttokieliecanttintiati tof m4ll;tor
erle.o• - tt , Y.' ', ll / 1 7. 0 11 1 ,3,111411KItIV:Secreivri....e ,
Jnne211:1,857573t.. • , 1•. , • ;
. ..P.LOUGHWlLtstilitgiiT Va
rietyconsisting of Pinuty;-Blakers,.
Peeksbill. side
ilirbigan and Htiir Plough~ with wroPielt
}heron, nlso expanding. eultivatdrs,. e Ith
tool and reversible teeth, 'Held tionljlairden
. nws;ermilkun Rollers, bay, straw aud - faddertuttrrs,
with a large rosertment:ofjter , tiqulliwal - Tools; at.
sledesale and ' ' .
' „ • • P.I§OIIALL NOAH'S CO; •
Thiplomen4sid 001 storpAh tud BONA.
31. y 23, , ta.. - rblindelplrO
YS IC I AN; . : 7 6eryiiiiii
y of age, bating' lost hie 'Father. two Brothel*,
• tiiug Soti4lPLaw;l 4 6.olzioril And' Niereii,by. that
.CoiciumerioN,-And sulTariug with - n
bliiisettivdstertuined' to otsit' the , Fast Indies,'
flllt aid JaPsOi•orhero ho 'discovered a Parive.vraeirs•
uut eitiraiN CURB Pa. Colds,. Coughs, nniehitia: Co.N
Debility AAA • Ain hma' Him Caugh'
eak cured immediately i • l ie, returned, enred , Dis 11114..•
nese, erbn Inherited the 414eribe. and In ofigueetietrwitti•
'WS tudreniuployect Kin their praettee,nlning thou.
spinds of &sea constdersd ,hopel OSS . by others: - For the .
,iµ 'el reiettlug'as, wiartyof life suirsrtnk,lollimb&
Init4 an - tioluilblik he liedsniting , the lieeiltsl 'whA
w)4l/ It for 10 eahtil•Xot It to paythe‘pestihre,rind'thi
Orinttni/. , 'Addnuts. Dr. - ,lltien, Int Spring et;, Et. Nicholas-Hetet, • •,"
• • -
'IVOTAcEt-7Tlija giyp;:iiptiao:ihiit:
. •?rni auughcii; 808 A N UTZ, m i
und - rt tinei to return: All tiOrlOtlO aro horoby cautioned
...not; to credit
,tter. or•nn,y 9thor poreon, nt. my iictiv9t •
T 4111.04 V PO data lunette e?tOkaated bt,tityiolf.,
a 7.
,ilindbillei_noaqioiOcAt . titt.:
JOHN DYE. is the Atatkor.
110 has had ton years experi
once as a 13aultur and Publisher, and au
• •
1) % ther . .
Vl ^QE
where, for ten surceaxive niXhtn, iP-Wer 50;00,
people greeted hint with,itounds'oi Appian.°
while he exhibited the manlier in which 4:mutte
r, .feitera execute their Frauds, and the Ffircb t and
•-• Shm test 5.1. e an of Dote-Dug them.' '
0 Bank Nale'En ' raven; all tali that he is the
pr'eateal Judge of Paper 111:ney
.0 lift - dated Discovefy of the Present„
- -Centeryrfor— •-•-•••-• • -
dating contafkit gnit gots!'
• Deerrildog every Genuine 11111 in Exiateuro. and,.
• exhibiting at a glance etery'Counterfult in Circu
• Palau II -- Arranged'no admimbly. that-,
0 STA 4
.o_llo Index tri-examitiel No pares AO-hunt - up
- But no simplified and arranged, that the Merchant
Banker and Businteis Man can see AT 111LANCI:
0 • .
Thus each may read the same in
his own*Native Tongue.:.
~.g> Kest Perfect - Rank Note List Phb ,
lished: • . • •
ree Also, ntist of All the l'rivale Bankers hiAtife.
rlca,_ A Completetiummary'o- the Finance Of En.
• rope and America will ho published In' each itl
Alion. together with nll hnportant NEWS OF_ TII
DAY. Also, A SEItIES 7 OI 'A'AI.ES, from an old
Manuscript 'found In the ,East.- It furnishes the
to meet complete history .of 0111EVAI, 'LIFE,
scilbing the Most:Perplexing Positions In which
Wl' thu Ladies and fientle!nen of that cou n try have
been on often found. These Stories will
_ threughont the whole y no, and will prove the
moot entertaining ever offered to the. Public.
4.3- Furnished Weekly -to subscribers only, 'oh
- $1 a year. All letters must be addressed to
JOHN S.'.DY E. Hanker;
Pnldislaer and ProPriuters, 70 Wall et., N. Y.
May 27.-1057, •
, irit •
A. CAR Env: MY end
; East Mate Urea,' CARLISLE.
This extensive establishment is now In Complete or
and suppled with the best machinery for eseruting
work In every, depsrtinont. 'rho buildings have also
been greatly enlarged this spring unit strorlted with the
newest and most improved tools for the manulacture
Shutters. Blinds Mouldings. Brackets and All other
itrilda_ofSarintut ' ef_tunirk,___Wrt_tuyttetirriliters. Car.
penterannd others to call and examine our 1101'11es - for
doing. this description of work. • The lout Materials
used and Driers as low as at any other chteLlirlanent lu
the County or elsewhere.
and repaired an beretelbte.,Eneines have belM recent
ly built IM-W. llondeison A yon, In Ibis lmrough,-
It. Bryson & Co. Allen township, Ahl A Pry there, New
vino, Shade & Wetzel. , North Nilddleteo, and otaern,
at whme establishment they may be seen In daily bp.
erattomand to whom we can refer for evidence df Mob.
/sup. i ,rlty.
" " "
of every description; from the smallest to.theligalest'
pieces, dxerutod at short notice for every kind of nig
chlnery. 'A !ergo variety of mill castings now on hand
Two skillful Pattern makers constantly emplo3 ed.—
REPARING promptly attended to for Paper Mills,
Distilleries, Grist Mills, Factories. &e. Turning and
Fitting Mill Spindles. Le. done ill the best style. •
such as Devil Hear Four flora, Powers, Horizontal
Hoar Four and Two Horse Pourers. Corn Shelters,
Crushers o ltkiiiHollers. Plough castings, and other ar
ticles for farmers, on hand or promptly made tti order.
and repered. Our Civilities Pie building Cars are now
more complete than beretotore and enables us to fur
nish them to transperters on the rail road on eIT-6nive
dating terms sod mad., of thii best materials. ••01dure
solicited andentlre natisfactien annotation!.
Thu long experience in the businyna,of the senior
partner of 1110 firm, cud the complarnestrbef,eor ma
chicory In every branch of the establishment wamint,
us in assuring the ben work to all dim favor us
with their orders. The continued patronage of,our'old
friends and the public is respectfully solicited:
Mar 2e, r. GARDNER 0. 'Co.
1,1)11,: WM. I. HOPFS Otill EBTA
is rem oved to the Bastable Areede, opposite (north) the
. Poet Moo Eyrircese, N, Y. where he will Introduce-to
the nOtico of thnsetittllsted with
The French • system of cure. Thls chun of complaints
he hem made and Intends to make a epoch' Ity, and the
knowledge he hAs
. ,
at-treatment-now-1u -opurntion-fu-Francu• he --
Ilmpltaie of
*ls country. WllnaLts hhu in saying that
irithoufa .
Itlyo thousand patients cured annually. The, roma.
dles,cmployed by Dr. W. E. llorr..aro free from offensive
taste or eum.l--conteln no tnert•ury and' require no
;hinge of dlot, business or plueure. , •
•• '
May be, cured '6t homo, stat Ind their ease, and ad
droning. a letter to Dr 'WM. E. HUFF, Recollect the
nameand pitrrt
N, R.—Ladled-1n wont.? a pleasant and safe remedy
SW,ltTeg, ularitica,jobstructions, de,. can obtain
'at the Doctor's the 'instable Amide. - Married'
i situations should not use them. For
relst in sout a ne s,st.wllllons with each box; Print:Rl, pent by
mull to of the unrid. Dr, K. Hoyt in the
only agent In the Unitod States, Also', for' solo at the
Doctor's <MU; the Female ilotecting fueleumeut. an
- utthilling,preventative of conception; iftinvaluable to
such u through ' some physleel confornialion or defor
mity are inmpacitatod.air snfo reprodurtion. Orders
from anypart of the United States, enclosing SE, will
secure Vle return of the, Instrument. And ail other in
stntumots of a private nature. fur remelt. uses, can ibe
had nt the Doctor'ar2co iferneinber,that Dr. ttitu: E.
lloyt is the only pormanelly establlshid and responal
ble physician In centur hew' York. that•treats prised.;
dimer.. and bin peactlee extends tbranith every State
In the ttrilim,• Remember the plaadittstable Arcade.
Ofile ' e hnyri3OA 6f, Sundaystwm 2WI6p. M. AU
cures warranted, r 110 pay, R
• • • • • • • '
,AN D • /3UILlin It GOODE% • •
At the Not , Storer, Corner of tiorth Laborer artdi
The modersiiital . r °turps thanks for the attaliihme,
hestewed upon lilm luethe public. and at the me Time
respeelfullyttiumunees that bolas Aid returned from
Philadelphia. and tanOw.6pening a Now lora Subiteer
.1)11X.tiCI1)S nod bitinnitni En, immi s ri nf r.
follawe. nod ls,dptprnilaedio sell at the low
est Cask prices. ' . ' , ,
stiunti; Dzioilljltqlut:Clatlileg. , Aljuicfts; Pe Leiner, De
ileges. latitree._topllos_ Lawits,-.Barages, Printable,
/Riding. French nud
unsiery;Oollers, Itendkvrelden., • : •.• . . '
8110,VLB AND JUANTILLitti of every stile and ipip•
.Cloths, cris ,
almerei, Veidluns, Flannels,. hitudies; Thiclngs, Stripes'
CiteerA. Calicoes, , Cottousdes.- Linens:, Showings, De.
lams, .nl4OBllB. DrDle, din*illes Quiltkcolarnd and
white Cirpot A t c,„ . ,• ,
• splint ent . otUoinnurra. UV% Chls4toirrur and .! •
iiupertiVot.or.Fresh`. •-•
reds: iCkireti:Tiiiutt., oliueme, .111ce,
Until* seleeted my, entirestikk with the gseittitit,eatt,,
abil the Merest non Piiiers.l can asaii4my trlieds,aud., •
!the pµhll.lreifereliy, that will-Aural . trippower t e r : ,
blithe my establishment: hinwiu ONADAIJAIt,
TItUS YOU BABOAINN.P , ' Thom), whollish to purtosie.
'7#lll thadiftatheli , Mirinittii4wto: cult atikiniamlue my. ,
slocirbethiapnritMeing.' ; '•• , . • '
Will 'Oak &We'll kiliesCtileirlat tbr Duttarill4iiii;
SoLip., and IMed ' • •7 • '• 0
. , .l..A.Outexclr, Jr.
CarUpleiJuiy 1;1861: r
- - ,
w:vic 1 i v ; . .1. : -n....4.-,
.41.. r,....!:.-..-..• :,,,f,r-.4:::
Just. completed. by for the larment'nuil cheapest As.
sediment of Boys' Clothing. suitable fur Spring end
Hummer that eau be found in Carlisle, consisting pi
Coats, Punts and Vests of all nisei and qualities, to
which constant additions will be made during the son.
Also,,a full assortment of Shirts, Collars, BOSOM
ernVail. Pocket handkerchief', , Sumpentlots, Stocks
Won's hosiery and Umbrellas,
Just recelveal t a large assortment of Kick and .Fancy
Cokred Cloths, nick bnesbin and Fancy Casslnterns,
Vestlogs and a groat variety of now and fashionable
GaAs Gar Pants and Vests. which will ho made up to
order, on the most reasonable terms,
Tho subseribers hopo,. by strict attention to business,
and on&avoring to ploaso customers, to receive a con.
"- noel of publid patronage.
These Sprloge. wfilie, open for the reception
tore, on the 20,th' Instant. Situated six miles
south Of 'Carlisle, Penneylvania, at the gorge. In the
scaith Pima tho
beautiful-Mountain-Creeks he - locatiotrituneurpassed,
for good water. pure nor, plea Hint drl vex, and mot. etiady
walks. Front the top of the eliouidain,.theris Is a 'plum.
did view of the beautiful Cumberland Volley. and the
goyim,' adjoining countiSs. — Those who era fond o 1
gunning and fishing, ran herr find , ainuPement. A
daily communication with Carlisle, enables Visitor? to
receive their lottery in a few hounu '
Benton's Abriginent of the Debates of Clink:ass,
Vol. 11 lobe complete In 15 Vols. • '
• • cloth; 3,00, Pbp.,.3,60 per set.,
'Benton's Thirty Years irilhe Senate,. , 5,00
Barilett's Narrative of Expierationirin Texas, Nev '
' 4,30
'yclopellin of Sermons," ~ • . 2,5 p
layard's,Nineral-New 'Ed. ComPletii,' . e • 4,00
Cyclopeala of Practical Receipts, 1.50
Morse's Generni•Atlas of the 'World. - 0,00
Wrapping Paper for asle'at . • ' • ' •
• . SIIRYUCK. TAYLOR k. 531121113.
Baud 80103 for sale at
'111.11tY001C; TAYLOR .
ilanon,tblodoons, &c.. for Sakiat. _
• • tiIIItYO9K.'TAYpOH,'& galiTg'Fr
Porto Folloa, YritlnKDeaka . to., fur
Piet arcs and Pictifre Frames !Or_ stile at
4ilnak Bunke Utah ifies i fiar nitro •
, • . ,811ItTOOK, TAY7.O4 le,B3llTite.
71 " lilub:l36"latreigricu-,.
pissolariqcw ....0g,,,.,T4#7.p.i!13,--..
. •-" -.. , 011it..' - • ~
41 0 .0 Pir s i n n,e t ri ' li . is bI• r tilt?'
i t,fll4wap w i zig lxj .. o 4l !be ui, ,tT yn ifai i, t , b y e im und u.t.o t tl,
c w o m tdo b rz t li ti te v 2th wi l l ii ith aitil
ye t.7 l T i r sr auU n A r ß l Tco xio tT r,
the bi k ,Aine ' s " Ow °111 ... '-8 . 4 „ 4 , 11. ::::" . 1(4p. - itaiiiNsobri,':
~ I,:goir,u)tpw,„ :'., ,'.
,'. :s'eviyllle:fr ,4' ,. lB 6fil*,: . •: , 'tl. : ',
. iii '"...-- NOLT ---7- ii i.O . 4,..i . L t. i d il ti e; A :u ta . lia it o: o lp F ilg ll O_ B e i d on li Ts , atir ..4 in x i
SUltEd for tho.raudty. of Cumberlind• hVbi the
I ntiqa that all pet
Idtb day Oc -41014B0 ; lier Org -* ". 4 cm t 'will'
mop having' boalpdas ititit:')49l !L2 4 .,,f_.. P16 1 ,7_,.. , _
Id"sf:' " "4"°l -k i n tir TillildniiitOrtier::s7:
wlßl,t,bui, - Otimb:CoWP4l; *--.
dons 0,,1M.-44.*
.AT NAuoLit.i.'buseP 4z*Ermirerfolit4 .: : ; -:
A large sailpli'of;Vitob*Jeweleyaltirpit.iii:kylotok:
; -7
If jou waGt td ielecicfrolo'the', ; ,.;
lirgest ifockbfflLOCKNWatobio,
Jewelry, Oftvig: F101:443V,ar°,!
log .and ppen Case Watches to, ral , fielt,Faiicial And
• ' At NAVGLE*.
Fine and Cheap 'Jeiielry of every si t ylip'Auid qulity
setttror.litling piece an wanted,
DesseCard - liasketsiTl3llver, - Cnnii6; ',Sugar,. &N I
r taeketerSllver, - ons,
and CrianiSpcione, ' '
At NeugLEIL:
/Ilia' 'Pearl; Lava, cntal,'Camee,Golantoeb,Bieeale,Flel•
routine; Mosaic, Jet Bun and abuts gotta cheap •
"At NA1101,E13..,
Diamond Breaatpins and Fingerlt6y" ' ••• ' - •
• ~,g, . . At NAUGLE'S. • ,
.Gold :Gusting Case, E dit Day Leiers; Gold flunt,
lug CaseiDuplext ,tiold•lluutlng t Chtonometetai •,' '
• ', At GAGGLE'S.
. •
Bagley's best quality of Gold Pencils; Ditto Gold
Pens and Silver !folders,
. •
At NAUGLE'B.t.•. , .. , ..,„
Silver mind Platdd • Tea ' Se te, Casts, Cups, T . ossi
tasks; ritchors, , trins, Ttireeds,.Tea Hells,
__ • ,
• • - . • At,NAUGLE'S. •
. „ .
'Gold , Nerk, Vest. Curb;- Fob, abd'.ehatlain 'Chains;
Gold Bmeeleta, Lesko's, Thimble, Cmsses, Charms,. ,
' • . . . At,NAUBILB43.
French Titne . Pleees to run threaSeUilibur Wee it, •• •
Gold Sleeve, Vest,Fliar, and Shlytßtads of ;ill stiles,
and quality, ' • - ''..._" ' '
Al--NAUGLE.S.. ..
. . . , ..
Plated Forks, Spoons, 'Knives, Napkin Rings, Slifer.
Thimbles, Shields,
FlutivalarAccorecruhlduidellexas-4ilina varliiff, — „,
- At r tIAUGLE7B:. ---,
Ladles!_Portraonalos. Pearl and •Leather„ Plain and
Fancy Travelling Bags, verr nice alylei;ebeop
- -
• - •• - • • Al-NAU0148,,, -
If you want to lave your Wateletput In good re
pair and warranted, take them to
If you want to get a Cheip Clock, you can get It.
It you wantyour, Silver ware nontlyntorked nt ohorl
notice, rall • 1 - ' •
All goods warranted no represerkted,,or the money re
funded, •
• .
•.. . .
Persona that want, bargains are Invited te rail •
, .... i
.. At
- AlNt..—The subscriber has Just returned from
Now York and Philadelphia. and Is novuopeiting an Jm
-menu, stock of the handsomest and cheapest Dry Owls
ever hr ught to Cumberland county.
for the Ladloo—a full floe ormagialleenlBllko,
Berge Robes, Ducals, Do Lelnes' ' Lawn Robee,
Lliwollne, Ottoman, Plaids, ke., ac. ,
- - - - •
Au immence assortmout of elegant French worked
Collars, .Undorslcoros, Handkerchiefs, Flouncing, Edg
ings and Insertings, boughtlrom the importers in Now
York, and will he !mitt at prices to defy all coMpontiv.
-A large stock - oflionnets, - lllbbona and - FloWefireit - very
. .
iv prices. . •
A ,now . lot of Cloths and Cassimeres, 'very handsome
and Tory cheap. •
,Irleli Linens, itfusl Ins, Choc 0, T chinas, Ligon Checks,
Cotiuhades, Pants Stull for Men mid Boyd in great ea
-duty, together with all other kinds of goo is too nun/e•
roue to particutarlEe,
' All my old FrfohilLiptil Cilstinnets...audthitpublie-in
general are reAith , anilexnudno
Meek before purchasing, and they will be certain to got
tortod bargains and nave money, at the Old Staud,..klast
Main Street.
Carlisle, April 8. 1857. • •
N •
next door to Maglsucbltn'e Hotel; and you Will find
,large assertinukt i,f - Laidies'floskds, consisting of Jibe
L. FiTZM D id ,; o ll o . l g u e m ,,, S A l i ik rn S e .;2 ,,, lurtp ,t e ., s, h _E v era lid ia ds n_Ll e o k th ,, s . „ l. lbA n
tuns, Ranch, Manchester, Eariston, Chemin:lg Plug
• hams, Calicoes, Fine French Worked Collars, Itibbtins,
Hosiery: Gloves. Sr., &c.
DOMESTICS.—WooIen Twilled Flannels,.•
Ticking, Bags and Bag lug, Cotton Flannels,Osimborgs,
Minh, CMighani, Table Draper, Cheeksrithlto and col,
orod Cerpet Chain, Ac.
DI Shawls and Blankets we have all sorts, often and
For gentlemen we have Fine Trench ',Black Cloths,
Black and'Fancy Cassimeresiaid_Doeskina, Bath. Vest- -
Ings, Tweeds, Satlnetts, Velvet Cent, Kuntur,ky Jeans.
As for men's, women's and children's BOLAS& Blume,
we defy competition. "-
~ Also, a very shperior lot f Grocerles;"ilucli -- air Coffee,
Rim, Spices, to.
Our stock tuullesen selected with the'grtlitest tiro as
to price and quality, and, we ere detelinined to sill at'
very small advances. 'MONO wishing - to purchase Rill
'and that no ere - selling as cheap--If ;let "CMuiporXt'han'
ally house hi town; 0041 Choy Wrlfflnd It -"to. their ad.
ventage to give us a call. -
Ilutter„Eggs, Rags, Soup and Dried _Fruit. taken at.
Market prices.
N.-W. 'WOODS, /Vt.
DAn't forget, the place, next door to 31aglalichlin'p
North Honorer at., opposite Maglatighlin's Hotel.
The proprietors of this popular Clothing Establish
ment. resp,ctfully announce that they Lena Just re
ceived an immense stork of Clothing and piled goods,
which they will soil at time lowest prices.
for Mon mind Boys, composed of every description of now
goods, selected with the greatest care. and•lnnan in the
latest style and taste of fashion, and*warrauted to
ipreve the aline as represented at the time of purchase.
Observe that every article of Clothing, sold by the
p`roprieturs of this establishment may be relied upon
ha beilig-well selected.
Among his extensive assortment:may be found Fine
Black and Blue nosy style Dross and Frock Costa Mall.
Ixt tho Intent fashions of French and English Cloths.
• New style Dullness Coats. of Black, Blue, Brown.
Olive and Green Cloths; and Plain and Fancy Cass'
Vests In endletoty, of Plain and Koney Silks,
Satins„Cassimeres, pronadines. - Merseilles,
Fine Black F,'onrim 'Doeskin and Fenci Se/.,'
Rants, Plain Light-Colored Caesium° Pants--Spring
Al.ll I.lBf 7
O'Brien, G retain • •-•• •
Theme Buckler.
henry :Buy; Baltimore..
A. 11. Barnitz.4.o.l., --
Itelthemen /4 Hayward, •
1 Plan.
W. S. Crunpbell,.Bt. Lawrence potel,. ;
lion. Fred k Waite, ,l - •
Bre. J. B. Murert,
J.. IL Parker; Esq.,
Col. Ches. A. Dirty.
June, 1 7, 1 A 5 7.--2 meJ
J08:31r. PATTON O
potrandon `atetu Tom.
notalklvihCirldatirenderfurdiOtitiry of Olin&
Hof PrlOtet ! 'flielt )011 - restore permanently, gray hair - to
Ate !original Colont_covtr the head - of the , bald, 'with - a
. most luitulaittgrowth, retraireet, mice all dandruff and
itching, cure all scrofula; aud ether cutaneous eruptiolia,
r. scald. Maid, etc: It - will cure, as if by. magic,
.nervciug or periodical headache; make the hair soft,
',itiesaY..and leafy, and preserve the color perfectly, and.
_the hair from failhig,.to 'extreme old age. -- ..
I. trona; gudistlngulalted membe r of the
medical profession:, ' • ' •: • ' .
• „
Br. PAIN January 1,1855..
. .
• , •
~ • Dud bia:—Lboidieltad, I send' v et s this' eertificate.
Atte.. being nearly bald Ibr, a long time, and having
tried all the hair reitoratives extant, cud having no
iny4-wasluducedrolfheartng olyFurj to give
it le. trial. pieced myself t le the hands of a barber,
and, had my, head.rnbbed•trilh a good still' bruata,.and
,he restorative then app./PA/Rid dOlrubbentle;Alll the
scalp was in aglow: This I repeated 'every mandnird, lid'
In three weeks the young hely rinpeared and grew ra
'.; from August last till the present time, end le now'
io7nlck, black, and stiongs—soft an d pleasant to the tough;
'Whereas, before, it was Mail and wirl d what little there
was of It, and that little was dime ng very rapidly.
I still cue your reetoratlveabouttw ce a - week, and admit
*soma have a goottand perfect crop of hair. Now; I And
'read of these things—and'who has not 1 but have not,
Wan hitherto any mule where any.peraon's hair' was, re,
ddlybidaiated by any of the hair tonics, etc.,of thedayt
nctitrealli-airus me pleasure to record the 'result of
Iny experience. 'I haye recommended your preparation
;to others, and it already has triarge and generous sale
throughout the Territory. The people hem know Ito
enacts, mid have conlidonceln . fit..• The supply you sent
vrholesale agents Ibr the Territory, Is nearly ei
haugted, and pally Inquirloo are made ter It. You de
serve_ credit for your discovery,. and I for one, return
you my thanks for. the keneht it has done me: forl cer
tainly had despaired long ago of ever affectien any such
Yours hastily,-
. .
• - .. .. • J. W. BOND,
lirat of Bond .Kelley, Druggists, Bt. Paul
(From the Editor orthelleil Es
".. . Boston, 27 School Street, bi.rc,1120,185Q.
T Dsas Bp.:-1110,vIng hocoineprematureJy quite pity; I
warilidUcediemeifx weeks since; td make a 'trial of
your Restorative. 1 have used less than two bottles,
but the gray hairs have all disappeared; and although
my hair has not fully•attained its original color, yet the •
'process of change is gran ually going onTitifd - J - 11i
'great Itopes that in a abort time my hair will be as dark
as fermerit. 1 haie also• been much- gratified at the -
healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which before .
!MS harsh and dry, and it has ceased to come out as for-,,
Respoctfully yours,
.• Pr , C. Prt.',lollV,
Profbisai Wood
CARLYLE, Illinois, Juno 10, 1800
have usod Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, - and
have admired-Ks wonderful elhalt. My hair was becom
ing, as I thought prematurely gray, but by the use of
his 'llestnrative,” it has resuined Itakorklual•color,anit —
I have no doubt; permanently so.'
, • Ex-Senator United Stator. . •
• For sale In Carlisle, by 8. W. lIAVERSTICE, SAM L
ELLIOTT, and Druggists everywhere.
P. 1 1 .11 (I'
IV P IIO 2I LEL N LE T {V . A A II I E N I D IOUS U- E7 L : A 88
rner of Tenth and Market Streets. 011teoln .Second
story, PhPadelphln.
We inVito attention to our enlarged stork of Drugs,
Paints, 011 s, Varnishes, &c., selected expressly for our
sales. and comprising one of the finest assortments In
the United St rtes, which we offer at low prices, for cash
.or approved credit. - •
W I 3 .51A NU PACTIiIIE very extensively':
„L.- Premium-Pure White - Lead.•(best,)
Kensington Pure Whito Load. -
Pearl Snow White Lead, • , •
." Wien° Montague" Fretteli Zinc; (best)
Pure Snow White American Zinc. •
Philadelphia Snow White Zinc.
• Sliver!sl'instir Fire and Weatherproof Paints`,
Chrome Greens, Yellows, and colors gouerally.
AGIINTB FOR: • - • •
I „ Perter's superior Alkaline Window Olnsn
Gettilink-Erench-Plottr - OtasC - fivarranted.)
The New Jersey Zluc ConinanyN products,.
---- Tilden rdid - NephOiv's Now York Varnishes,
• Brooklyn Premium Pure White Leadi - .
'Hampden Permanent tireiins, .
,Pure - Ohlo Cataiikba Brandy, &e., &c., ' .
French nod English Plate Glass,
' 'French and English Cylinder Glass, ' •
Colored and Engraved Window Glass, -
Daguerreotype . : -
Hammered Plate Ibr Floors and Skylights, -
. Drugs. Chemicals, Perfumery, Am, '
Druggists' Articles generally.'
Painters' Tools of all_ dencript ions,
Hydraulic and Ronan Cement, •
, Calcined slid Land Plater.
Paper Maker's Clay, Satin White, &r.. kc.
& CO.
Wceor; of Tenth and 51arkefTf, 'vets,
FactOry. Junction York Avenue, Crow nand Callon It
. In putting these maclibuis into the market 'for the
harvest 1/f pit?. 1 have the Lest grounds ti.r. belching
they will moot an extensive sale, and prove ss entirely
•satliditctOry to the Carolers or cumberlaud county as
they have proviel [torah• fore. Up to 'this then their
lens not been another tiombiritd - Resplog and - Mowing"
%chine madatbrit hes succeeded to an extent that
will warrant a manufacturer In building, or'a farmer in
b. jinx. it for a conitined ntheldli Wiltllll the Alailtiy
-Marline us made by Wood has been Fai.ateczasful ter
hall pus wows, Reaping and Mowing. that in sections
where they have been used, awl; I.lty-in-as -well
eA:Lolltilied as that of any other implement used by
the tumor, , •
, •
' After tin; experionce and contests of the Inst harvest,
-we demo It only um:emery to refer those wishing to buy
a Combined Machine to the following persons who used
Matty's Murillo° lu cutting their cr o ps lest year, via:
-, Pred'lcr - iVatts, Esq., John - Nuble, - Itilllem - Itenv - Ayre.
limn-Bradley, Jt•sepit"A Stuart, James Stuart, bdwerd
W; 11'eakley, Peter Louck, William Moore, Christian
Mire. Willimmeearker, James Ural/aim - Robert Bryson,
Samuel Allen Solomon Hoke, Jous d ltudy. John H
Woodburn and John Eclord.
- - .
With each machine . will he-furnished-two scythe',
two extra guards. two extra sections, one extra pinion
anti wr-nrh. All the bearings of Journals will be coca
in' dotted. The shoes, gtutnhnuicriThiCOltig will beef the
ho t Salisbury Iron. The machine is warranted raps.
Me of cutting from ton .to twelve acres of grass or grain
per day ilia workmanlike manner.
. . . .
. . .
Prim of Combined 3laeldne, nt Carllple, 0140. ' '
Tlntie Machinex can bo had at Sintlim's Warelnittiso,
In Morliankabunt; by aßldylng to 11. W. Irillf at th ,
Railroad Depot. .
May 20,1857—tf. - Agout for W. A. Wood.
, See yon 'meteor Co m et Basking,
Fierce along its pathway dashing,
Nations psha while ever nearer
Speeds the giant —nol Wog dearer
Than are lhdes the flowers of June,
, • It will nweop fair earth to ruin.
Ere we drop the tragic curtain,
. • We would layOU )now for certain,
That the firm of BENTS k 11110Tilltat
Are ahead Mine other.
We have silks, that poet never
Seen, when he wrote "ladles ever`
Loveliest are, with little dressing;"
• Wo would change his mind we're guessing.
' Then to suit-the suinnior Weather
.",We 'have dresses light as ether,
I.nrest URENARINES-11.11trAlEs,
Sou should hear the ladles praises! •
alley snip, ..tunr did you evert"
rfdrs. So-sono I tweets." '
Carpets in h. fight colors gliiirinit;
Robes In graceful liminees flowing,.
And for hearls with anguish liven
For come loved one passed to heaven
We h-ve sombre crapes, revealing .
• Every shadthht.nounded feeling. •-• '
For those, freshest hours
Would bend thole steps to Hymens Lower „.
We've richest draperies that w 1.1,1 vie,
'_{Pith n intern robe In purity;
IthiilY - flowern,Wh6ie rosy
— lllOllO many , own 11116
And-yet, to swell the east-Dianne)
' May 20,'57,.
WILLIMe Ken, .11•••,1 lIRNIIIMAN,
A MOT. C. StelatEri, •
RICHARD \ VOnefl, .10110 tiTERLETT,, •
&OLIN O. DUNLVY, • 11. A. Srunorox
This Dank, doing business In tho nettle of Ker, Brett
comae Is 110111 fully prepared to do a general
. Daubing Business with promptoesa and fidelity.
Mousy received on deposit awl , paid Jack on demaod
without notice. " Ir.tcrest pgidou ppbalil Ctrs
lilleates of deposit bearing it. tei cat at the rate of fve
per coot. will be loaned for . to short a period ea lour
months. Interest on all certificutee will eealle at ma,
'nutty. provided, however; that If bald certificates are • any time thereafter for another given nib
riod, they shall bear the imam rate of interest up to the
time of renewal. Particular attention paid to the col
lection of. otee. ,
drafts, cheeks, de., in any part of the
United State', or Camino,
Reinittent remade to England, Ireland, or the Cent
.nent. " The faithful and 'eontidential . exsention of alt
orders entrusted to them, may be relied „upon,
They call the attention of Farmers; Mechanics 'and, ,
all 'there who desire a ante depository fortheir !mines,
to the undeniable feet, that the proprietors of this Bank
'ate INDIVPDOAtLY 110101.0,th° ester t of their estates for
all the Deposats; and other oblintions Cl 'Ker, Ermine. ,
They have reeently removed into their new hawking
. directly opposite their former mend; do Vett
Main f trout, n.fuvr doors cast of the Behind Depot,
whore they will at all times he pleasied to glee any In
formation debired Itbregard to money. 'matters In gene.
Open tnr ,buelnera hom 9 o'clock.itt the morning.nulll
4 o'clock In the evening.
.' • ", . ' STUROlSol4;caehler.
, _
We levite the attention of the our large
'end verlelleseortmentotl:looThil:mbleli will i.e . aold as
'oheap?tia at.a.hy other, tistabllahmeet Calhole: We
. . .
for men, lma And'fbibtreis, made or incOtent material. ,'
:and °revery grade and prim. , Also a'nEklundtd arsert,
m°at of Knew , Hate, Canis and. Xridi , ,t'C..h)da,.; ready,
All kinds of Cloth and.Glatiid qame:'lnka '24
coati Our. alai& of hdlY.thAND',lgohd can. ,
.. tad • be eicedukand7le Invite otirairfrleats &Atka
tbinerii;a4 !slat ottlerN to all anil'acanala`c.a.ridoclg
air weleel eoptidat,ar our abliltrttres4ao.'
Linda 'or Lidlea'idteees — and Gh Idrege . GAl T &Bß,~_
• et thelan+Mitc‘rbd; Oundarttay on' hand. , '•
ripe 'dined gratlo. :A:ankh 29, JAW'.
!4,114 letieeataettnnentary op thephitate nt..Taueo.`
rT viun, l'ee'd..'tata. of the borough erCarllele,havebeal '-f.
- •tialka.payalaut.,. and, ihme demands. . ,
giro,roqueated, to-:'
I agatinltM,Betaie, nth make knedenabe..unke
'dolky to— .• " JOHN ' I
Jane.,17th.'3867,-;-61..) - haunter.
. . .
R E S 'l'.o
' EitioT) — veILL - HOSkOOMPANYV,,
oarxr , raptrc*im
. ..• . ,
.The Good tip 'lose company, respectfully lnforie ihe
pubic that they tbrmedaJoint Stock dasociation,
for the purpose of securing sufficient fends to . purche
a Vire.itngine :and :Wee. They have precureq a large
.ruoortmentof Elegant Engravings, which they-will-Sell
at one &War each, the o purchasvr of an: Engraviiigitill
receive with it a - ticket, which- will. give the hold,er
.thereof an oPportunity, to • draw ono, of the annex e d
splendid gilts, tolhe list of which we would invite at
tention.. No better cheneennesever offered than the
present, as the purchaser not only gets an enslaving,
but our scheme is sofull of giftrthat innwery ela tick
ets:lod' there musthe drawn: two gifts,,to-wit.:—There
will. be fiiit IMO Engravings sold,-and the gifts will
amount to 8292:. • •
. . •
1 Splendid New Brick Meuse, 9 donee 011 Pitt' •• . '
'2,,5t., now occupied by•John.,ldoll, Esq., and ''.
occupied by Daniel Roller, • , $4,000
1 Sploadid Rbiso Wood , Blano, .•. , . . 400
1 Splendid Melodeon, 160
1 11untirg Cue Gold Watch,. . --' . - .125
1 Sett Silver Ware, .
1 Hunting Case Gold Watcb,.• ' • ' 100
,1 Ladles' • do. • 100
~1 Sett China Warn,.
.• .., • . 100
2 Gentlemen's Gold Wetches, ( at $l5 each,) •.• MB
2 Ladles'
1 Welnut Sofit, • • ,
I : Bedstead, . ,I .. ,„- ....,.. ' • 76
2 gentleman's Sliver Wetches. ( (a t $7O each,) . 140
. 4 do. - ~. • do. .. at $5O each.) . 200
2 . do. . Gold Watches, at 050 each,) . 100
10. do. • Silver do. (at $26 rack) . 250
2 Setts Jewellry, (at $25 each,), • • . '• IA
. • 1 Gold Bracelet, • • •
3 Gold Bracelets; (at 1 . 15 each,j • • 46
4 Gold Bracelet!. (at $lO each,)
. 16 Ladles' Breastpins, (at $lO each,)lo ?Mr Ear.Dinlat $lO each&
10 dn.. :• . at $5 each,)
10 Breastpins, (at each,) '•,
10 Oold Rings, (at $5 each,) , :.• .
100 choke books,rt $5 hchl • ;
100 do. ' at,
100 Gold PPncilea. ats2 - esch - , -
100 Gold Ringo, (at $2 each,). -
100 Albums, (at $2 clach,) _.,
100 Gold Rings, (at el
~ N,,)
500 Roan, (at sl,each.) . •
100 Ladles' Collars, (at $l-en-h,)
1,000 Engravings, Ott $1 each) "
1,000 Pieces of Music, (at 25 a. each,)
As soon 'an the shares are all - sold, the property
be drawn, and notice will be given to that effect.
For the object and design of the above as well as the
enterprise of the parties eondactlng mut forming the
aenoelat on we would refer to the following named gen
Carllsle.—J. D. Parker Esq.. U. 11enderson, Esq.,
'lames it. Smith, Esq. ' West Penrasborough.—lfen. J.
A. Ahl. 151. C. -
Agents wanted In every town and village In the State . ,
-Ti had - of-the-tenoning periond In Cr' Lingle:"
Charles Ogllby u Dry Goods Store, Samuel Elliot, Drug
Store; P. - Arnold Store. J. D. Halbert, Dreoery,Store;
thrums Conlyn, , Jeweiryr - Stotefilenry Pistol:aril/We
ware Store; Steiner & Ilmthers, Clothing Store; o:ln
bra, Grocery Store; W. D. A. Naugle, Jewelry Store.
Persona ncinhirig'-to become Agents Will make applica
tion either by letter or , personally to
Secretary;Carllale, Pa.
3 fRY Oth, /EB-t..-4Ti—nos
.... .
A .
. ..A . whose sands of life have nearly run out, die.
covere while In the East Indies, a certain cure for
Consumption, Aiithma, lir c uchitis, Coughs, Colds,
and General .Debility.i The remedy was discovered
by him when his only chiliDU daughter, Was given
up to die: lie had beard much of the wonderful resto
-ranee and-lwaling-iqualitlea ef-preparatlonsinwilellittru
the Erik, India ifeinp.-and the-thought occurnid to him
that he might make a remedy for his child. tie' stu
died hard, and-succeeded In realltinis, his wishes. Ills
ithlld.wisig cured. and Is noW alive and well. Ile has
since iidmlnistered.the wonderful remedy tAhousands
of sufferers In' ll parts of the world, and he has , never
failed In makinK them completely healthyand happy.
Wishing ti, dons much goo.l cc pvoeible, be willsend_te
such_o_f_his_afilicted-filler-cedngwas-reqUitil-ihis re.
colM, with full'Aild explicit 'directions for making It
up.iind.successfully-uanis it.-AIO requires suchhppli:
- cant to enclose. him one shilling—three eants.,to be co.
turned us.poiltage on the receipt', and the remainder to
bo applied to payment of this advertisement.
, . - Address,
Dr. If. J.tiilES, No, 19 Grand et., Jersey City, k. J..
N. D.—Dr. 11. :lames has neither office nor agent In
Now York. as some have-pretended and advertised.
The receipt, Is sent frorque PLACE but No.lo Occur!
street, Jiirsey City, N. J. .
May ,27,, 107.—din.
~ _ . . .
.; A. K. lluzsw.
OTICE is hereby given that I haN;e
this day associated--with me, as a partner in the
Forwarding, • Commission and Grain Business. My son
LIIEBT K. lIREE3I,aud that the above Business will
be hereafter conducted under the namo of J. IMEEM
A SoN, • J. IMEEsII.
N. li.—.llbthest Cash prices for PRODUCE or all kl.uts,
FLOUR, WiIKAT, ItYE, OATS, ac.. Salt, Plaster, I,c. -
always on hand and for sale,
' Carlisle. Icy 1 a lffaytf. .
'l3outh . llanover Street two doors North of limit, & Dro's
(toro, lion Just returned from Philadelphia, with a
filii stork of Cloths Caselmores, Vesting.; &e, &c. sulta
&dile for Spring and Summer wear, which he Is props ed
to make up to order promptly, and on reasouable
together wlib stocks, cellars, handkerchief:li and .other
articles - usually Ibutid In 4 . oehtlumaris Furnishing
Bond s botight elsowhoro will also La' mapo to mnasuito
or. usual. . . '
---- • - •
I The subscriber, located In the basement of the Moth°.
eetvlng. a variety of krarialite Imptemente, such as
Corn and Cob Orinders (Scott's Olantj the Crescent
(train Mill, Horse Shovels, REAPERS AND DIOWEI'S
(51auny's with Wood's Improvement.) Straw Cult. r
de, all of whielime of the most improied kind
workmanship, and will be sold on the most accommosa
tlng terms., karmerivarce respectfully invited to • eall
and examine before pnrclutalng.. '
For tho tonvoniento of fermata, Moore's Patent
Grain Drill will bn sold at Shlrontanstown by •Datt)amln
Clay, and at Bhlpputtsburg by Chrlittjan Long.
-- A ti.not 2 , 1,
_ _
- 1_1( 0 THIS WAY ! ! !—The cheapest
s 110 r. ,TORN in the county, ahead of all Compc
tato.. Ladles and Gentlemen will save 26 per rant by
purchasing their Boots and Shoes at the Cues. Shoe
Store SOUTH WEOT Corner of the publics pare,
MESE ARRIVAL OF BOOT and 5110523 • ,
.aid splendid assortment of
which have boon Selected with care from the best man
ufactories, and which ho Mn recomend for' their su.
parlor Workmanship and Ito has every thing in
the Boot and Shoe line suitable for the 60416311 • and
which will be sold very low for cash. A great variety of
illen's and Boys Gaiters, Bootadahoes and Brogans, La
dle,' (Miters, Loco Boots, Buskins, Slippers, Ties, Misses
and Children's Shoes. at the lowest prices.
- Purchasers are tespectfully invited to tall and-ex
amino our large and elegant assortment, and they.will
find that and quality it slit compote cilia any
shoe store in the place. IMltepariug done at the
shortest notice. All rips sowed Gratis. Don't mistake
the piece, clump S. W. Corner of the public square, op
posits 11. L. Burklaulders natal. • •
May 20, Om
Lear . entearth L'tly, Kansas-Territory.
Wr.LL:bTi - y 7 ,
Kansas and Nebraska Territories, lowa and
Western Missouri, buy and Bell lands,Jeenand Invest
money. buy and sell dratta,givo Information respecting ,
the country, and do a general ageney,business.
John Ix Bretton, Eeq.. Carlisle, Pa. ,
' Win. M. Bente:lL Banker, "
Mu. J. 11, Graham,
Ker. Drennotaan & Co.:llarikers
Wm. M. llondorson, Esq:, Carllelb. • •
Ouargo Sanderson, Esq., Laura:Mir. Pp. ,
Dr. John A. Ahl, M: C., Nelvellle, VII.
Win. S. Coboan, Esq., "
E. W; Clark & Co., ilankers,•TbiladelPhD4
lion: 31Ieluud Ceeklin, Sbepherdstown, Pa.
Uonry Itetnurn A Buns, Mereheuts, Dalt**.
E. L.Tlake:Eeq.,!Cashler Mercantile Perak, New York.
Snyder d M'Earlane, Real Estate Minsnispolls,
Illunessida Territory.. • • ' •
Wm. Kilgore. Esq., Attorney end Agog &date Agtat,
By rung, Ill'
, •
li. W. Meteor. Erg., Henry -
EE,Gov. Joseph Miner. Cumber/arid cant),
ROW. Clark & Oa, Hankers. Rtatitteipth,„:,
Gnv. Pollock. Ilarrlabusg, Pa. , • .
John McDowell: at Rents d'lltotherir,,,4r/hdltirlh
• March IS , , • • •
011 1 / 14 tiOR CP lifitrltS!
On and after MON DAY,Juno2othl BG7, l Paaaiingar Train,
„ will run A1(14019; (Supdayp Ankeeptild t) .
. LIAURIODURO:— • ' , '
•as T 11110: 24 Vlrallrl
LOATO ChaMbCrlbllit, W . ' 4.ft m
2151ppotisbnor, ' • 5.20 •-" • 4.50" •
Nowvllls, • 6.50 ".• • 4;58 •
.". Carllsle, 0.30 - 6,50
• " Jlechonlesburg,' ' 700 •4 8 - opo'
AE'liurrlaburg; -
_- ‘•
• • ,7 * o.llB'
• • • • ' 'train., 241 Train: . '
Haraibury • 8.80 A.ll, - moo
Bitsclutnicabb,rg . 0.00 4.20
• 0W14% . • . 0.40 2.00 4 f
• J.: Newylue,' " 10.20 . • 220 '"
Thlppensbqvili 30.611
At Chamberabult4gl„4, 11.28
. /hem and ertailblo ,{14114 tba
thing to tones Xtrige ill be 20 conta Einasion to
Vents; 'ftinti 31Iddlogea 2601uftwila
h•ona Good Hopi toAltertonilernOtiCi+ ,
•Vann narrisbOrtot' ViuladielOblif;at 700, Ai
M.; 7. P Id;fand'l.l6, Pi.: 3 l.'4ll l l , Colittehti. , llor
0425: - & - ili ;124e - noon; and 6.111: P.. 14 - Not
Dalumote; at . 2.80,0.30,4,1 d, and 1.40, - P. ?dz..Trill a
on the Dannbln and Sunquebanna Hafired4 2 .leste.
:1111 , btAl; tbr4Uadtaft: Auburn, • .;
~Bared from llartlabmw; 3feekenlcsburg,Toliale;dhlii.
ienahnrai and- Chaniberebusv.,. will :be tan - cents' less
when paid littalokets at Oftloe, than when paid In
...11alltuad.00100. - 61;giinhonlinwg,1
- Marsh 20, 1847,0 t . ,..,, •.. !• ,
gex„,Paney Printing done here.
1 \
. ..
' VE I O,IO,et:L,F.A-1. : 41,-,LA . N . itS7:
ID .
traeti L:
40 .:Z ON:E lin at. .ANID7A.:° ' ' : v i ll P : al l ai. :° ; dB E lt -r6B 7 l llll A L. Ll "L n O lL g E a t, ' 4°' 'o lL iedi f n -i t' A ° :6 l l . l E: d fi ' *
.._ ....,,,,„„,.. Pininto Liairst,.;'' ;''. '
t-"-" , .' at'Low Balsa of Interest... :'• '. •
' Thin) ) elide were grunted by tilt. anymirdent..bratd :-
.In..thcerniatincllonrof thleLinid , ,Tind-are- among- the -
ched. andinctst fertile hi the world. They extend from
Northstastand Northerest, through the middlctuf the -
State, t: the extreme South, and include every variety
of climatetisuCpngluotlons Round between those pant!. '
lets of latitude. Thonortharn portion le chieflypranis. -
interspersed with find groves, and in the middle' a r tul` :
&When( sections timber predominates alternating
with beautifulprairiedaudropenings---r---7 ..
~, :,
T - Thirelledite le more healthy, m il d and - nllmble, thin
any other part of this count ry --the air. is 'pure and
anteing, while filing streams and springs of excellent
water abound. _... ' ..
Bituminous Coal is extonsirelymined, and smiptire a. i
chnivand , desirable fuol, , being furnished at r any ,
`points at $2 to $4 per ton—and wood can; be had at the
same rate per cord. • • . ,
.. , .
Building • stone of excellent unality aini abOuids
which can be procdred for little m ore than thnexponso • :
of transportatidn.„ - , .
The great fertlls*.of these tenth( ' which are all ark '
rich mould Atm tiro to live. feet deep, and gently nill ,
ing,—their nontiguity to this llotid, by which ever: fa- ~
Oily. le Itirnlthed for : travel and trannportation, h• •
the .•'
, principal : Markete North, South ', East, West; and the I
economy With whieh they ran be cultivated, rot der
. them the mull valuable Investment !hidden -Wound: T .
and preseienhelpodtfavorable opportunity, for pee'v'e, :!'
of :Industrious habits. and tonsil means, to (wound a .'
comfortable independence In a Low years.. • • -• , ;
Chicago:le 'now the greatest -grain market • In, the
world—add tke &ditty and -economy' with Whirl, the .
productrefilline lands can be transported to that nutr: .
bet, make thorn m uch room profitable at th 6 p, hie. .
coked, than those more remote at, goverifitient rates.--
,t •
as the additional cost of transportation is a perpe:nal :,,..
taxon the latter, which must be bor,ne by the producer,
In the reduce d p r ice i ho receives for hls grain, ... • '
The Till le Met—mid — whom the final payrn ~:t.:
1- ieeds are executed by_the Trtistees appoil It .1-'• — -
b rew,.. the- State, andler
Thom the title hi vested, to , the ,
purchasers, which convey- to them. absolute title,. - in- -
-Fee Pimple, fraiand : Cloar, of every lucunabmuceditil 6r e .
mortgage: . '
The Priem( are from to $80; Interest only Slu r relit '
Twenty per cent. %ell, be deducted from the creCit ..-
, .- price for cash
' Those who purchasebit Item credits giro notes pat nide
In 2.3,4,0 and it years offer Jett., and era required be ;
improve ono-tenth anneany for five years, no as to 1::,, a
one:Ludt' the land under cultivation, at the and of that
Competent Sorrayers will accompany those who lehli
to examine these:Lauds, free: or chargq, and aid them,
In making selecUens. -'
The Lands remaining unsold aro as rich and valunt,h,
as those which have been disposed of
- Will be sent to any one who will enclose" fifty cents. In ' .
• Postage Stamps, and Rooks or Pamphlets, rentshinit ,_:
numerotis instances 'of summand , farming, slgnea by
nteribid - and well-known Sermon living ith p, igh- •
bo' lintrot.tbe hallroad /ands, throughout the e e.• -
al 48 1e;chilt.of fencing, price of cattle; expense of Intr..'
vesting, hreshing, etc.,—or any other informatb n---: 4.
will he cheerfully. given on application, either person:
ally br by letter, In English, French. or °omen ad.
dressed to. .
- • • Lind Conandifinner Of the Illinois Central R.) .00
_ ... -,
itiii. Office In I ll inois Central Railroad Depot, %Nage
_ 200
1,134% ) I
260 I
--••••••- CARLISLE; - PA ,
• • -North Stied, eail-of Glass's - Hotel.
The subscribers would respectfully- inform the public
in general that they, aro now prepared to ma a.,et Ore
all kinds .of Agricultural implements, such , !...e, I
Geer, Four, Horse Dower, Hon'. 'Utah ;nor, Four • 1
Two Homo Power, also the lat•ot' im Sat'•. ay.
Cliain flame Powerand Overshot Mesh s with Pe,
• tins attached,' -
We invite particular attention*, !Ate's Pateet , No•
our Huller and Cleaner. This note Ina will ited
clean from three toals bushel,' per tour .'cod is c,bal
dered decidedly; the best now • tn use
Also, Corn Sheller!, for. bander Horie rower. SI ow
and Fodder Cutrire, Plbuglos, Ha• rows, Holtivatnl, -
Hay Rakep, Grain_ Fans, Circular Sawa, Au, Ac. - •
We will also furnish to order
of every description; such es Treshing Machies,
Cornsheller, Cellar' Orates, Each Weights; a
beautifully designed Balling for Cemetery Lots,
euree, &r. &c.
Prouty!ly attended to for Brat - dug, 3lowinartud Ttr. tt
In Machines, aid all kluda of Agrieultural 11111.. e
morns. •
"Carlblo;Jinie 10,1867,--Onion
Institution,. designed tbr the liberal °ducali w.
of Young,
• Ladisa, has•-been iu oporution one year w Bre
the most gratifying results. It is now established o. a.
firm basis, and Hs .patronage already extends over
sister litotes.
—During-the last - winterot - was - created' a college 1 ,, •
per, by the Legislature of Peunsylvanin- with power •,,.
confer degrees, and endowed with all the rights a. .1.
privileges of the most'favored Female infititutlena.
It is located on the Cumberland Valley Railroad re's"
way between Harrisburg and Carlisle, in the must t r.
file and beautiful portion of the valley, and is in sine
proximity to one of the most moral, healthy, and ens.,.
prising towns in tho State. '
It tO central, and easy of access. Students leavt-
Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia In the month g.,.
train: tbr Harrisburg, will arrive at Mechanicsburg
time for dloner.
The edifice is large and commodious, annuli:tuba '
double verandas, and will secernimodate about one ho'.,
rders. In its cnostructien-,lt
tiadorn improvements for the promotion of hiwlthow
- fort, and convenienee. In these respects physictit a •
pronounce IL unrivalled. The Chambers are hurl a. ,
neatly furnished. , i , aeb has Its register' fbr heat 111 •1
ventilation. thlLT'llis STUDENTd Occur? SUE SAYE anew. '
The Bath rooms, are at ail times Supplied with wase.
and cold water.
The Grounds are ample, and well arranged-Mr recrea
tion and the various calisthenic exercises—moment!. t
to health, graceful movement and symmetry of for=
The Faculty of. Instruction is efficient and '
In the COLIMIIATA DEPARTIa..N, the course of study is
of a high grade, comprehending all the subjectsheres,
lug to a Clissical, Polite and Christian hducatlen.
In the Pareartarazt DiPANSIIVNT pupils will be CAR..
folly instructedintl ,-- m brancheifeuistdg the basis tf •
a thorough English Mae* tlan;
dxea~toxp.-37rst Ist September' to the
80th ot.lainuary.
&toad EicaalOa—Proaa /Ono* to tbo • '
'VacanoS—Dnirtug aad Appall.
Baarliiag, WoblogS, Yuri:dished J;ooms, Fuia and
Light, • • • • • . •.• $OO 0"
T1T03:4-0014eglataDekartinent, • • 20
. M. I..eraw
Proihtory 13epartutek t _i • 14 00
That chum:
,14 Q(1 • •".
/.10 extra ahartai tbr kinked Liiguegex '• • ..
td eero-•Platto 'kw! Quttar, • • - • •go ex
' , Loden; herlgYedel,• •*, • • • • •14,0 0 .
relating,.Drawing . faux etaerQyulateutalikanabeel,....,..
; .
Text•booltertiretebrallit - Citirkeee. ; • ' ' 1
Tor further parikuldii addrera. ' • • •
Rev. A. O. MARIAM A. Ah.
The Faculty of Dleklusou CoUsk Carlisle, Ps.
ltiT. R. D. Chaco**, Quite*. Is. • •
WIDIam D. Mullen, Eau.,
atgy, Dr.'''.Daughertr,- " .. •
*R o y. 0. iiraham, Bloom801d,• , -
wllliam it. Allen. Priaddeut of ()Irani - epilog% Db,llA.
James 11.31(00110Y, Eta.
ciilmv A t Clark. Esq. 't t • "*.
ROV..ffludreir alauship. :•••,. . .-..--".
' *James D. Graham. Orqbamtim, Pa. •
*ROT. V. Y. Itteeser,•hlechaalesburg, Pa.
*lra Dal, M. D.„ • • .
P. H. Loo t;, 11. D.. '' l . 4,
*E. Zug 0. 111 . .., - .‘ v t
Jo e l hn '4 ' 411478er, D. D. tutors, pa. •
illayhl. Dwyer, Daq.,latepltardstowcy Pa.
Goma W. Mak', pin•frrovsk mu* p.... .
,Y , ol.llerkel,Essla Oblroomuotontsta- - •
~ J ; D. purse, E.q , Thilsbarg, pa. •
-ADM A. tholth,, hag., l'lttsbmg, Pa. •
'John yaudayear.l). D:,•Eastan, N.- 7 ;
-Ins Exeelicooy, Pater D. annoy,' alliftutti Do.
Hen. J. ILLortud.Dpretary of State; • "
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