,PIANO) . ! tiIE,4IDPW4,O:'PRGANS . ,:4IID : II.IIGAN . 11.APP#ONPVIS ) ' .. .. ..'ti:010 1 . 4340 - 41....: , 41011.T - iiosi .1101, .oal4rait. ......:-::::., J,uly 22,18579-LB,r New ,Elbuertisements . . RESOLUTION • • Yroposiug A;,,e;idv - th to the Constitution-of • the Commonwealth- • • _ItESOTAVED by the Senate and House _ ____. -- . • of Itepresentstlies of the • 'ol3ltnenwerilikt Of Non. sylvanls in ilenural Assambly root: Thal the following in - emendents /IN proposed to the Constitution orthe Commonwealth, in neverdan'e with the provisions of • - the tooth article thereof, ' ... VIRST AMENDMittiT. ," - There - shall - halm - additions' -article' to mild -ionstitm Um:, to be designated es article eleven, on follows: • Itlf=ll • ON PUBLIC, "EBTS. • SECTION 1. The qtato npy contraq.Oehtii, to stippl) casual tltilinJus tollitiluroA lig revenues nrVi auoroxpuil- ses not otherwise provided lei; but the it-,,iregate.a. mutter of such debts direct and cohtlogent. whether '1.1141-11/ •re..art, of tlgenenil 'monthly, or at di Iforont' perltsl. of time, shall never ex• coed seven:htiortrad nfty tit 'usenet dollars, and the •-- money arl-ing fro it-the creation-of sucit•debt,shall be. applied to tad pillpoflo Tor Which It was obtained. or to repapthe debts so contracted, and to nu other putpose iiwitatever . • Sectios 2._ Itrattilitlim to the above Molted lower, floe state may emit mot debts to repel Invasion, suppress in - surreetlon. defend the state ar-hr to redeem the present outstanding indebtedness - of tier state: but the 'annoy tithing from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it 'was raised. or to ropey such debts, nitd to no other purrs's°, whatever. • dicriox-3, Exempt-the debts :thee., specified,-in sec- Chung one nod t too of this article, no debt whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of the state. heersoit 4. provide for thupayment of the present ' debt, and atiradditional debt contractpd as aforoatild, the legislature shall. at its first session, after thb • thin of tills. Amendment, create a sinking fund, which .shall Ito itallicient - to pay the ;lemming Interest on sub dad, and iw II UM to reduce the principal thereat by is RUM not loss then twoqiuodred - and fifty thousand dol. bars:. Which. sinking fund shall.censist ofthe nut annual peons of the public.works, front time to time owned • by the st ate, or the proceeds of the sale of tile same, or any part thereof, and Of the Income -or proceeds of, sale of sticks - owned by ti:state. together with oilier hinds. - orresotirceti, that nay i be 'des!. totted by law.' 'The x, tit shtick, fund may he Increased, from thno to time, by assigning to it any part of the taxelt. or other revenues of the kite. not required-far the ordinary and current expenses orgoVernmeut, and unless in rase of war. in. 173Sidn in-Insurrection, no part of the sold sinking fund aliall be used 'Sr applied otherwise, than In extinguish. moist of the public debt, until the utuount of such debt is red - lima-I'olov the sous uffive millions of dollars. "Stainex Is, 'f he credit of the commonwealth shall In an'' , manlier. or event, be pl Aged. or loaned to, any indlldnal, company; corporation, or association; door sholl`thu commonwealth hereafter becomo a joint owner or stockholder, in any company, association, or corm). ration. • SECTION a Thu commonwealth shall not assume' the deht. - or air part thereof' of any county, city. horothrh, townstbip;_nor orany corporation. or association; On. Mons su.:ll til - Eti , P - bacm ellitnictedlir°nab - IWO - cc state ti repel invasion, suppross domestic insurreetion. defend itsalf in tuna , if war. tw' to assiot the state in the discharge of any portion of its present Indebtedness. Scerfosi Z. Tho . le4islature shall nut authorize any county. boron4h. township. or incorporated tlis trlct. by virtue ufa uto of its ritiAous. or otliorwrso3q bocuote-n sorkh.iidur its may compluy, uss,iatiln, or corp-trati-ip ;or to oht.Lii‘ mlney fir. or loan-Its. Credit to, any corpirati to, assoda LI al, institution, or party., I= There shill be en additional article to saki constltu ties, to be deslgoited as article XII, as follows: OF NEW COUNTIES • No county shall be divided bye line cutting tfr over et c,tenth of its ppuistion,(eit her to forma new county or otherwise,) with Jut the exprens assent of such .1111- by, bye vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new count.y be established, containing less than four hun dred spare miles. . . Et= From' suction ton of the first ertirle of the const II u tiro,, strike out tho words, of the city of Philadolphia' and of edd; county respect] tidy ;" from s,adrou• o' taloa articlo, strl/e out tho words, '• of Philadelphia end of the several counties;' from suctliinsuven, same nal• cid, strike out tho words, "neither Om city of Philadel phia nor nay`' and losolt In llou thorooftho words, -and /;" and strike out .•• section four, same article," and. In lieu thoroof inset the following: nBHOII.IN 4. In tho b yoar ono thousand night hundred and sixty-four, god lu every soreadlr yoanthernalter, reProesntativen to • he-number of ono hundred shall Le apportioned and, distributed equally, throughout the state ' by districts, in proportim to the number of tax. gado inhabitants In tho second parte thereof: oXcept . that any county containing at least three thousand live hundred taxables, may be allowed a separate repealer. , tatlon; but no more than throe counties shall beJnlnedi Altd no county shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any city containing a sufficient number of Maddest to entitle Mtn et least- two representatives. shall Wive -a separate• represenlatiom assigned it, and shall be divided into 'convenient districts of cortilAuans territory. of egtsil taxable population no near en stay be. • •' - ''.faach of which districts shall elect one representative." At tin) cad of section novas, same article, insert those vverdi, lrheClty of Philadelphia' shall be divided Into dlittrists.' of ,enntlgPflns. torKtiryLot as nearly equal hn taxable palulati as ioselble; but no ward shall' litrdi vide] in - tiurforrnation - thersof"--- -The Legislature, nt l ji tlrsirsession.after the nil %thou of this amendment, shall divide: the cily of phflndol phta lute senatorial and representative districts, fn the manner above provided; such districts to remain us clmogud until tile apportionment In thetyear one thou , sand eight hundred and sixty-fitur. , • • • • FOURTH AMENDMENT- _These shall be au additionalr section to the first arts el° of Bald eonstltutl.m, which Shall be numbered mid rend as tbllome • SiXTION '26.—Thu Lorislature shell have the power to alter. revoke, or MM!, any charter et , titiorpiratien hereafter conferred by, or and any apeclakor general law, whenever In their .oplulon It may be Injurious to the eltidner of the Comnonweallh: In such manner however that no Injustice shah be done to the eorpore tors, - In BENATZ, Matvh 2 7,1687. Roanlead. .That this, resolution pass. On the fair' Amendment, 3 . 114 . 11 24, 'nays 7; nn tau aecond .nmend meet. year 23, nays 8; 'OD the third amendment. yea 24, nap( 4; on tho forth ananaluient, yeas 22. moll 4. [Extract limn the Journal:] • • 11710. It. 11.15117118L1t. Clerk. Lt Tite HOUbt or Repar.srvinurvi,. , ' April 29, 1847. Reaolsed, That Oda reaulntlon ,papa. On the Brat amendment, yeas 78, nags 12; On the almond amend meat, yens 57, nays at; an the thlrj arnendleent, yea. 72, nays 22: on the fourth amendment, yeas 83, nays [Eitraet from the' ournal.] • ' JACO]; ZIEOLEIt, Ylle'd In . Baerota' ry's °Mee, May 2, 1887. • • , • ~ A. 0. C 1,1111187,. • • 71ocrataiy of the.CoMmonwealtly. . , SECRETARY'S 0/110E, ; ,• • IllltBlBooll,o, Jlluo 18b7. • PIO.BOBTLVANIA, 08, - •• 1 do certify that the &faro' ond ',tonguing fa a tru , and correct copY,ol.tlio - original itcaolution proposint. amendments -to the 'Coluditiition, of ilia Common woalth," with Elio cote In cub brafiCh o f tho'Legieli, Euro upon tho.ditni paseago tharauftaitaiiiiadja friurpth, ortgluala on•file In tide office. '~I - -have'llereait~y eat h1mi,..12141111-manTps''VntilsiTg e Sectetajgre Office; thede„retitlyeer • . •Socretitiof the Po merriwiselth:,': , . ' • I.s, '4044 Mizell:27,l6n. 'Kk 4 -TegaU t t r i t Y . 1 1 T94.4 ,4 114 amoridineutsto tha cobs}4 7 . .foosin tilik'ectriiciimenith !wing Under 4)64,5104w On the qmstion . •• . • • . • 'MAUL* Senate &pawl° Ifielltaakatournent The Feaa anntuays werettaUenlcOcen Ir. trf the'phrol!', elnne orthe Conatltntionotild : Yate—Thaiere:, Brown'. '.llreanie, - Ifoltey, Fottor, , Flenniken, Frazer: :Jordnn,; Knni, laiu4neb. Lewlm, Myer. StgleldiSellere. Shuman; Stnele. Stranb,-Wohoh, ,WlikinniklFtlght. and. Taggotti Speaker-2i. _ NAYS-3tassrr.grabl, Cresswell, Finney, Gregg,. her. ale.'Penroso eon SnciPierT. ' ' the 'motion wattletarsnine r S In alie nifiraeliti;e.- •On the '--A 1 'WM tib a jO g . WO OA" 1006641011(44,41,411 ENE .. _ , .. _ „-•_,,aohn. H! Rhee P - AT THE FIIIINITURE ROOMS OF A. B. EWING , ' NEST HAIN STREET,-)CAWSLE,_PA. The-year-nod nays-wore-taken agreeably to Munro - visions of the Coned tutiOn, and were no follow,_yisz_., --- Yrne-frMellsrs:Brinieic Browne. CrosswoL. Ely,Evana: Fetter Finney, 'Flenniken, Ingraham, Jonlan. Knox{ Laubarl. Lewis, liver, SelleraShuman, Souther, Steele', Straub, .Welsh. "Wright, and Taggart, Spea er-23; Nvvs—Mesars.' Coffey, Crablr, Frazer, Gregg, Harris. 1{ Winger, Penrose rind ' • . So the question' Wsz determined in the affirmative. On the question, ' • -',' • Will oho Semite agree to the third nmendment 'The yeas and nays were taketingrecebly to the prey!• slon of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz. :- ' YEve—Moisrs.lin•wer. Browne. Crobb, Cresswell, Ely Byrom, Flenniken, Frew, Llngrant. Jordan, Klilinger, K nos. Leubach:l.ewls, MyerTScolield, Sellerff,Shuntan, Soother, Steele,. Straub, Weloh,.Wilkins and Wright —nl•••• • ". •- '' • - - Nonr , —Mensra: Coffey:Gregg, Iforlis and Penrose—A.•--. • So,the question _wasiktormixed lit the - - On the question- ) - - Will the Senate agree to tile fourth ationflment? The %ens and nays were taken' agreeably to the pro visions of the Cnislitution, said ir, re en follown, viz: . Brewer.- Browne. COM , , Cresowth, Ely, Evans. Flenniken. Preset, I n•Jram,Sillitiger,ttma, Laubarh, Lowls.'3lyer. 'Scofield, Sellers. Shuman. South er. tit4l, Riau!), Welsh, {Wilkins and Wrh;ht-2.1 . So' the question was determined in the affirmative., -- •_- Ix The House or-itzettesrxr.vrms, •. A mil 20, 18M. . . The revolution proposing amendments to the Coosa. I on of the Commonwealth being under consideration, Oft the question, Will the House egret, zo the tint amendment.? The yeas and imp were taken egr.nmbly to' he pros!. ninny of the C and Wore as follow, viz.: Ycvs—Messrs. Anderson,' Arthur, Bathhouse, Ball. ! Beck, Bishop. flower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, (heaver, Crawford. Diekey, Ent. Eyster. Fennell!, Foster. Ilibl.neY. Milian. Hamel, Harper, Heins, Ithotsind. 11111. 11111eges 1101 nom (Berks.) Innee,Jecobs; .I,•nkins, Muir, Johnson, liaulTmath' Kerr, Knight, Lelsenring. Lougaker, Lovett, Mannar, 31eugle. 31cCab moot, Mollonin; .3karheod. Mumma, Musselmon, NI rho's, Niebolson,,Nuneina•her, Pitoreon. Peters,' Petri. Purcell, Ramsay, (Philadelphia.) Ramsey,- :(York) .lienmer,. Rend. Roberts. Rupp, 'Shaw, Sloan," Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (Centre.) Stevenson- Tam, Veil. Venvoorlds, Vickers. Voeghloy, Walter. W,;stlons,k, Wharton, Willld.on. Witiferow,• Wright,' Zimmerninn and Gets, Spenhe'r-78. . 31 - virs-41essrs. Rocklin. Benson, Bock, llamllten, thy, coek. Moo. Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Lebo, St I uthern, Thor, Warner and Wiutrotle-12-•-. • • the q uestion was determined 111 the atilmative. On the question, • - Wilt the House agree to the second amendment I' The yoas and nays more taken agreeably to the pros! sinus of the Conetitutlon,nod were no follow, sin.: Yrvs—Uessrx. Anderson, Bathhouse, Ball, Beck, !Maw. Calhoun, Campbell, Carly, lint, remold, Poker, Fden, Minot, Harper' Heins, Illestand. llolf it; - (Beets) IlottselLeMer, e, Innen, Jehk ns oho, Mannar), Kouffmfin,.Kithrld. Leisett.fing. Leuze. ker; Lovett, Menem. 3laugle, Mel !vain Moorhead., Mus selmatt..Niehols, Nicholson. Nunemaciter, Pearsall, Pe ters. Pettit: in. Pow Dell, Purcell, Ile alsoy. (Philedelphin,) Ramsey, (York.) lionmer,.,lftherls, Rupp, Shaw. Shinn. Tolan." Vail, Voeghley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zinunertitaft. and Gets, Speaker-47; Nnls-3lessrs. Arthur. Augustine, Backus, Benson, _lllehop,_llrown,_Cha_m_CicavM,_tha wford,- Eyeler,ft Hr bmey; Hamilton; lbs. o k; Hine; Hoffman; (Lehr nom) Jacobs. Kerr, Lebo; 31cColutont, !dunning (load; •Sinitli. CC:nubile.) Smith. (Cent.e,), Stevenson. Strait. ern. Thorn, Lanyoorhis. Vickers. Wregonseller, Warner Whitnadl..Witherow and Wright-34. So the question was determined ici.the effinnetive. Ilu,the qUefolon. W.ll the House agree to the third amendment I Thd,yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro vislons'of the Constitution, and reruns follows, viz: , Voss—Messrs. Anderson. Backhonee, Rail. Beck, Renam. Bower Bmwri, Calhoun. Campbell, Chose, Clem ♦ tr, Crawford, DiCkey, Ent, Pa stet, F2tisil.i. Poste:Wits. honey, Henna, Beeper, Heine, Illestand, 11111, Ifellegns, ihdrumu, (Iterksy) Roffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie lanes, Jacobs. Johns, Johnst,, Kauffman. lire. Leto, Longaker. Lovett, 31enenr, Mangle, Weal. meld ; Moorhead. 31unitna, NI tiliselmon. Minors. Nichol non, Nunemecher, Pearaon, Peters, Putrik'n, Parnell; Purcell, Ramsey, tYorkf) Reamer, }teed, Rupp, Shalt, Sloan, Smith. (Cambrin.) Switb. (Centre,) Stevenson, To l".f 11, Veil, Venv,mrllls; Vickers, Voegliley,Wagouseller. Westbrook. Williston, Withernw, Wright, Zimmerman and Gets. Xpenkr--72. • Nnlfs--Masrs. Arthur,- Aughstine. Peek us: Bishop) Carty, Dock, lioneeck, Knight; Leisettrlng; Mellynitt, Paufsey, (Philadelphia., noberts, Struthers, Thorn, Welter, limner, Who, ton, Win trodo—:22, So the qudot inn was determined in the aftirmdtive. On the question, Will the House agree to the fourth 'amendment ? The yens and nays were taken agreeably to the provi• ninon of the Cmostitualon, arid were as follow, via.: Peps—Mass. Anderson, Arthur, tinckhouse. Rail, Beck. Benison, Bishop, Bower. Brown, Calhoun, Camp. bell, Carty. Chore, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Bye. ter, FlCusold. Footer, Gliders. Unmet, Hamar, Iklns, Hilleges. Hoffman (Berke ' ) lioff• nano, (Lobanon.) - Ilousekeeper,'lmbrie. Hums, Juan, Jenkinn, Johan, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr. Lebo, Leh searing, Lougalter,Lovntt,3lnnear,Mougle.3leCalmont, Mellvain. Mumma, .filusselinan, Nichols, Nicholson, •Nunionathes,...panreon. Peters, Petfikln, .Pownall, Par; •eell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia-) Ramsey. (York,) Wainer, - Reed. Roberta. Rupp, Shaw, Sloan,-Suilth, (Cambria.) Smith, (Centre.) Stevenson; Tobin,. Vel.l, — Vanvoothis Vickers. Vileghley..Wegonseller, Walter.•{Varner, West brook, Wharton. Williston, Witherow, Zimmerman an Gots, Speaker—Dl • • - Nvre-310ftsrit. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Strntliala Thorn. IVintrode :Ind "Wright-7. - -So-thaquastioa was determined-in-the attlantithre' Swum:wen o►noe, llmusnuncr, June 22, 1807 PENNSYLVANIA, 68.. I do certify that the above and foregoing is • true and correct•eopy of tho• " Yeas" and "Gaye" taken on' the'tmdutlen proposing amendments to I.lmConstigut Lion of Ilia iliputomvealtii. es the same appears op thy Journals of the two Houses of the General Aisenably of this Commonwealth Mr the smien of , 1857; arlimeaa my ham and the seal of said office. (..1 this twent,second day of June, o l ip thousand Lglit hundred and ilfty seven.. A (4,01.1RY1N,. Secretary of the Ctimmonwealtb.; • Carlisle, July 1, 1051.—:Sinos...' • 11A1LVEF,41'.4410140; rtitAND lit11.01)NOEUVI Grand fillteett. ort will he hektet Eta. whon.l 23 oolll . extlllbeellikria•4tell.sttet fleeltivete: (lift f9a 4 evOji Tiolket, rahilk gill 4 trove DO mutate. pipe 6t tiCkets, (hue Dollar:4 „ ,„ atraND MUSICAL 'ENTERTAINMENT w111;be , lyon by the ICeyetnne Crunet ticontithOlbehanbniburg 14ring band; and otberi.• - r t' • Every, ticket idle Concert, itad ‘cilltnye one ober. Itittscllatetbattonnralfts,,,-,7. Application, for . ttokieliecanttintiati tof m4ll;tor erle.o• - tt , Y.' ', ll / 1 7. 0 11 1 ,3,111411KItIV:Secreivri....e , Jnne211:1,857573t.. • , 1•. , • ; . ..P.LOUGHWlLtstilitgiiT Va rietyconsisting of Pinuty;-Blakers,. Peeksbill. side ilirbigan and Htiir Plough~ with wroPielt }heron, nlso expanding. eultivatdrs,. e Ith tool and reversible teeth, 'Held tionljlairden . nws;ermilkun Rollers, bay, straw aud - faddertuttrrs, with a large rosertment:ofjter , tiqulliwal - Tools; at. sledesale and ' ' . ' „ • • P.I§OIIALL NOAH'S CO; • Thiplomen4sid 001 storpAh tud BONA. 31. y 23, , ta.. - rblindelplrO YS IC I AN; . : 7 6eryiiiiii y of age, bating' lost hie 'Father. two Brothel*, • tiiug Soti4lPLaw;l 4 6.olzioril And' Niereii,by. that .CoiciumerioN,-And sulTariug with - n bliiisettivdstertuined' to otsit' the , Fast Indies,' flllt aid JaPsOi•orhero ho 'discovered a Parive.vraeirs• uut eitiraiN CURB Pa. Colds,. Coughs, nniehitia: Co.N Debility AAA • Ain hma' Him Caugh' eak cured immediately i • l ie, returned, enred , Dis 11114..• nese, erbn Inherited the 414eribe. and In ofigueetietrwitti• 'WS tudreniuployect Kin their praettee,nlning thou. spinds of &sea constdersd ,hopel OSS . by others: - For the . ,iµ 'el reiettlug'as, wiartyof life suirsrtnk,lollimb& Init4 an - tioluilblik he liedsniting , the lieeiltsl 'whA w)4l/ It for 10 eahtil•Xot It to paythe‘pestihre,rind'thi Orinttni/. , 'Addnuts. Dr. - ,lltien, Int Spring et;, Et. Nicholas-Hetet, • •," • • - 'IVOTAcEt-7Tlija giyp;:iiptiao:ihiit: . •?rni auughcii; 808 A N UTZ, m i hnc. und - rt tinei to return: All tiOrlOtlO aro horoby cautioned ...not; to credit ,tter. or•nn,y 9thor poreon, nt. my iictiv9t • T 4111.04 V PO data lunette e?tOkaated bt,tityiolf., a 7. ,ilindbillei_noaqioiOcAt . titt.: 1 20 -WITZIESSES; or, TILE FOR-- GER CONVICTED. JOHN DYE. is the Atatkor. 110 has had ton years experi once as a 13aultur and Publisher, and au • • 1) % ther . . A . A BEVIES Vl ^QE pROAD po/J VAIVIkC where, for ten surceaxive niXhtn, iP-Wer 50;00, people greeted hint with,itounds'oi Appian.° while he exhibited the manlier in which 4:mutte r, .feitera execute their Frauds, and the Ffircb t and •-• Shm test 5.1. e an of Dote-Dug them.' ' 0 Bank Nale'En ' raven; all tali that he is the pr'eateal Judge of Paper 111:ney .0 lift - dated Discovefy of the Present„ - -Centeryrfor— •-•-•••-• • - dating contafkit gnit gots!' • Deerrildog every Genuine 11111 in Exiateuro. and,. • exhibiting at a glance etery'Counterfult in Circu • Palau II -- Arranged'no admimbly. that-, I§ EASY AND , DETECTION N. 0 STA 4 .o_llo Index tri-examitiel No pares AO-hunt - up - But no simplified and arranged, that the Merchant Banker and Businteis Man can see AT 111LANCI: 0 • . • ENOLTSII,FRENCII AND (IEILMAN.-. , -- Thus each may read the same in his own*Native Tongue.:. ~.g> Kest Perfect - Rank Note List Phb , lished: • . • • • ree Also, ntist of All the l'rivale Bankers hiAtife. rlca,_ A Completetiummary'o- the Finance Of En. • rope and America will ho published In' each itl .—l Alion. together with nll hnportant NEWS OF_ TII DAY. Also, A SEItIES 7 OI 'A'AI.ES, from an old Manuscript 'found In the ,East.- It furnishes the to meet complete history .of 0111EVAI, 'LIFE, scilbing the Most:Perplexing Positions In which Wl' thu Ladies and fientle!nen of that cou n try have been on often found. These Stories will _ threughont the whole y no, and will prove the moot entertaining ever offered to the. Public. 4.3- Furnished Weekly -to subscribers only, 'oh - $1 a year. All letters must be addressed to JOHN S.'.DY E. Hanker; Pnldislaer and ProPriuters, 70 Wall et., N. Y. May 27.-1057, • • CARLISLE. FOUNDRY, , irit • =it 11ACUENE SIM A. CAR Env: MY end I2lU4aMli BABII FACTORY! ; East Mate Urea,' CARLISLE. This extensive establishment is now In Complete or and suppled with the best machinery for eseruting work In every, depsrtinont. 'rho buildings have also been greatly enlarged this spring unit strorlted with the newest and most improved tools for the manulacture DOORS, WINDOW•FRAMRS. SASH, Shutters. Blinds Mouldings. Brackets and All other itrilda_ofSarintut ' ef_tunirk,___Wrt_tuyttetirriliters. Car. penterannd others to call and examine our 1101'11es - for doing. this description of work. • The lout Materials used and Driers as low as at any other chteLlirlanent lu the County or elsewhere. BTIIAM ENGINES BUILT TO OItDEIL and repaired an beretelbte.,Eneines have belM recent ly built IM-W. llondeison A yon, In Ibis lmrough,- It. Bryson & Co. Allen township, Ahl A Pry there, New vino, Shade & Wetzel. , North Nilddleteo, and otaern, at whme establishment they may be seen In daily bp. erattomand to whom we can refer for evidence df Mob. /sup. i ,rlty. " " " IRON AND.BRASS CASTINGS'. of every description; from the smallest to.theligalest' pieces, dxerutod at short notice for every kind of nig chlnery. 'A !ergo variety of mill castings now on hand Two skillful Pattern makers constantly emplo3 ed.— REPARING promptly attended to for Paper Mills, Distilleries, Grist Mills, Factories. &e. Turning and Fitting Mill Spindles. Le. done ill the best style. • THRESHINO MACHINES AND IiORS.IN POWERS. such as Devil Hear Four flora, Powers, Horizontal Hoar Four and Two Horse Pourers. Corn Shelters, Crushers o ltkiiiHollers. Plough castings, and other ar ticles for farmers, on hand or promptly made tti order. BURDEN CARS BUILT, and repered. Our Civilities Pie building Cars are now more complete than beretotore and enables us to fur nish them to transperters on the rail road on eIT-6nive dating terms sod mad., of thii best materials. ••01dure solicited andentlre natisfactien annotation!. Thu long experience in the businyna,of the senior partner of 1110 firm, cud the complarnestrbef,eor ma chicory In every branch of the establishment wamint, us in assuring the ben work to all dim favor us with their orders. The continued patronage of,our'old friends and the public is respectfully solicited: Mar 2e, r. GARDNER 0. 'Co. 1,1)11,: WM. I. HOPFS Otill EBTA . BUSHED PRIVATE lIOSPITAL - is rem oved to the Bastable Areede, opposite (north) the . Poet Moo Eyrircese, N, Y. where he will Introduce-to the nOtico of thnsetittllsted with . , PRIVATE AND SYPILILIC DISEASES, The French • system of cure. Thls chun of complaints he hem made and Intends to make a epoch' Ity, and the knowledge he hAs • • Or THE "NEW 9IFTIIOD. . , at-treatment-now-1u -opurntion-fu-Francu• he -- Ilmpltaie of *ls country. WllnaLts hhu in saying that irithoufa . SURE. QUICK' AND PEWIANENT REMEDY. 11 Itlyo thousand patients cured annually. The, roma. dles,cmployed by Dr. W. E. llorr..aro free from offensive taste or eum.l--conteln no tnert•ury and' require no ;hinge of dlot, business or plueure. , • •• ' ,AT A bIaTANCIii. May be, cured '6t homo, stat Ind their ease, and ad droning. a letter to Dr 'WM. E. HUFF, Recollect the nameand pitrrt N, R.—Ladled-1n wont.? a pleasant and safe remedy SW,ltTeg, ularitica,jobstructions, de,. can obtain DICDU3IAS' FRENFiI FS>IAI,h .610,N2111..Y PILLS. 'at the Doctor's the 'instable Amide. - Married' i situations should not use them. For relst in sout a ne s,st.wllllons with each box; Print:Rl, pent by mull to all.parts of the unrid. Dr, K. Hoyt in the only agent In the Unitod States, Also', for' solo at the Doctor's