Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 03, 1857, Image 4

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ukßEßlANOnykf;titylt; R
-7"4". ` • " ••
. Z."
• . . .
• - • • •
• .
• Oci'itinfitlitii;o2 . ol4loA - 44 4 4;i 1 ;inii 1861 , Passenger
• 'idlt
iThitinbin - 4V0ii; . _.4.60.4:44." 4
4: . 30 31.
--05 , 443hippenabArg,-- , -,---5.20,—:--1! • ',5.00:
+q • , Carlisle '
• • 0:30': : 6.10 . "'.•
, Mochlininsbuigi,.' 6.40
AVliirrlsburg, •
•;- •,• 1.35 . ".. 7.16
. „
FOR CiliitoEllBlll.ll[o,
• Laird itarristMtg, • • 8.40' A. AL •
-• - Darlhde, - r • •
Neuritic, 1 0 . 35
-• ". Shipponaburg, •-- 11.02 ,1 - "
Itt - Chambersburt, . • • 11.41 - "
•'. Ifi‘ini and Mier •ttili - date; the fare front. Mechanicr
birg , to K:Mgateti will bb 10 6ttits - : from Kingston to
. Middlesex , lb centg; from. Middlesex to'Carlisie, 15 cis;
from flood hope to Alterton, 15 cents.. • •
'trains leave Ilatrisburg fur Philadelphia; at 7,65, A.
M.; 730; P• M., and 1.15 I'. M., Will Columbia.: For Pitts.
burg; 3.55, A,,"51., 12.65 • noon; and 9. 26 I'. M.• -FOr
'llaltiniort, at 2.30 —450, A,, Al., and 1.45, P. M. Trains
- tnithe Dauphin and-Susquohanna itallegad leave liar.
•rliborg for Reading, Auburp,
Payee from Ilarrisburg, 3lechanicsburg, Carlisle, Ship ,
• peFfiburgoind Chambersburn, will be ton canto lest;
when paid for y lckets at the Qffice, than . when paid In
thb Cars. ' . • , 'O. N. T.ULL 4 dupar't,
• Railroad - Dillon, Chambersburg,
' , Diarch.25,1367.—.3t. • J
e nubseriber at hie old stand on North Hanover at.,
Carlisle, tho sign of the "Mamicloth Red Coffee Pot," dcl .
fres to call the attention of the , public to his large as.
ortment of STOVES, of the newest and .most fashions.
• -1110 styles,from_thelmt _manufactoriesiulho
.'country, and at al`` pikes from 8,3 to $15.-
"arethe Mirror Stove, the Aretic, Rovere,"Star;
Persian," Union and lEtna Air Tight, together
with otherpatteins ,which he has of.allelses
for parlors ornhateinirs.and calculated for burning either
' wood or. coal. Aim, the 'Stmt. Glob.' ' . 4or, Albany,
;71st-tap and Bapdbox or Peoiliran's.-yrith ether COOK
ING STOVES, coteptising the latest Wit ,ivements in
kltoheif stOvei; end intend...l for with,:. • ...xxl or coal.
Also, the Dining Room Cooking Stove—le new nudele
. gent article, to which 'he Invites the particular atten
tion-of familles,• His cooking stoves range in price from
$1 "8) 25, witif_tho fixtures complete. Also, Nine Plate
Si Ares of various patterns and different prices.
log Staves, Brass Kettles; Also,s!ve . ry artiele,in the
.:71introf Tin andttopper - Wiiii.: -public are respect.
fully invited to call as he is confident with his (large
stook, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en;
tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see.
vet. 25, 1854. • 81. MORRIS
. . PARIS k KNTORT, Late of I'hilndolpbiu,
aper Hangings, Mouse, Sign, and Decorative Pointer.,
Imitator. of Wood and Marble, chalking° all others to
compote with them in the various branches of tho *MI
• .•
Having fitted up our store for
) SASE: the exclusive sale of WALT.
' :•••n " PA PFII9 0 RUN It S. FIRE
• tiotk • I l• •---•.•—.-•••• • • •
Aim.— CURTAINS, SHADES, &c., w.
- respectfully lufifeTtlcepublic-td an-examination of our
stoch,tremi.which_we.are _confident of giving. otalre_sa,
. tisfaction to all who favour us with a call. - Our goods •
having been selected with care - Irem the 'first manufac
tures in Philadelphia, will be furuished pt the lowest
prices. All orders for Taper Banging or PainUng
promptly and personally attended to and executed
workmanlike manner.' . • • '
J;W:PARIS. Practical Paper Banger. •
• W.F. KNlGllT,Tractical (louse k Sign Painter.
• South Hanover street, next door to Ilannon's
Carlisle, Pa. - • ,
, April 8,,1857,-6m, _ .
-A—R-P .E 3
a SONS;Mar,onlellell t efiesinut Street ; below 6th,
Pb Indelpbla. ,
Would call tho nitentlon of the pOblie tb the - Isrgo and"
varied anfioitinont of • - - •
which they aro soiling very cheap for Cash or City Ao.
eeptances, wholesale and ratan..•
March 11, 1857. •
EN. Corner SIXTH •nnd ARCH Streotn, PHILADEI.
PHIA.; offers for sale a large annortment of _
at prices ranging fro Six Ceuta per piece upwards, of
choice patterns,- comprising • . • •
Cheap Satin Papers,. • . Fire Decondive Papdrs",
Fire Beard Prints • Floe Geld Papers,
_Borders and Mo uldings, Fine Setiii Paper,
• Marble Papers; Oak Paper's,
Sir Now Styles Window Curtains. In great variety'
Dealers supplied on roost - favorable terms. ,
March 4,1857. • •
OF 1867.
Fashionable Silks, brew Spring Shawls,
Silk Robes; (Flounced,) , British & Frpnch 'Chintzes,
Black Stilts, (extrargloss,) LaVriaand Lawn Rohde,
Spring Dress Goods, Shawls, of newest Fashion,
Staple Linen Goods, Llankids, Quilts, ',mask flithle
Cloths, Napkins, Ac.
Oentiornons Wear and full stock of goods for Bus
Clothing. Bargains, dolly received from New 'York And
Philadelphia Auctions
Wholesale buyers ere invited to give us en early call.
- 4th and. Arch streets, Philadelphia.
Air Terms Nett Cash, and prices low.
March. 4, 1857.-3 mos.
. .
N"S'A WMIL L.—The under
signed would Inform the public ilk bpi= Ico
ate d a Saw MllLthree'miles from Mount the
road to Laurel Forge. and Is now prepared to saw ell the
various cites of YELLQW PINE OAK and CHESTNUT
THIRFiIt, which are usually wanted. He is also pre
pared, to saw and furnish Chestnut and Pius 8111 N.
TILES to prder. Also, PLASTERING LATHS. Those
desiring these articles are roquested 'to send In their
orders. S. N. DIVEN.
Papertown, March 4.-43 mu 4.
J. W. EBY. • • •
A choice eelectlon of Groceries of ovary varlet) , , 16.
—ilbding-Spleeraud-Tem-have-beetradded-to our-former
aussrttnent, among` which may bo had strictly prime
JAVA, LAtigYRA. 1110011 A COFF
together with a general. assortment of ••
8R0WN...4 :MUTE SUGARS,. - • •
Including Crushed, Granulated, Pulverized, and Chub
Bed Sugars. Also• alot of Now Cheese,. Fareira, Corn
Starch; Mustard, Chocolate, ke. Also Green and Black
Tear t ol Jenkln's select brand. .
For sale at the lowestpricesat 'MARION BALI, GRO
CERY by - (Oct 21) „ • -.J. W.• EBY.- •
Jut recolecil a of cheap and - desirable
geode. the lastest Paris fashion of our own Importation,'
also from 'Auction end Importers, whit h we offer much
below the usual prices. .
• - . ... -.
Bonnet Ribbons, all widths. MersolOnes:
Vance and Crape, do. Florences. • , ' .
Black Velvet, - - do. - English Crapes.
Plain Satin; do. - ' Aerophano do.
Plain Menem, •- ' French do.'
91.p.a0 Silks. . - ' Bonnet Lawns.
' It do sor, • Tarlsiou,•white & col.
Oral` Afrique, - Joined Blonde. -
Black tiro do Rhines, , . , Illusions and Nate.
lilgck Diodes,. ''' Ruches and Quillirigs.
Black Bombsines, Crown Linings,
Oil Silks, act.i ect. - . t , • I , ' . .
EttibrOlderice. Gloves, Mitts, and Loki - floods, '
----- Af-Nii.l.o%,South SECOND Street, Second Dry Hoods
- Mord below , Spruce, I'HILADELPIIIA.
mAy 6, 1857.3 mos. ..
. _ . . .
F. S. C. fIUYETT'S • '
Shad ondllickore! of dyfpriot grides, ;
Balmon,'SCAlO Fish-and4hlte
. . •
At ituy orrs.
Caddeb;.Saltand Pickled liarrlog.•
• "" - • 1 . • ":. )13 iitlY3:
Cliaeaciaitd Criekens canbe'lteldi "" -
'Dried Ifileit;,Djeneniee ml 4 ••
At 11.17YD1T5....
Sugar Cured Beef and - Titi3cu
A tV:eiay_4lo.7:iistl4Ql7oitp;,
:..LYNN -;cimAr
The.Ohlfiiiire iiiitiested to call and examine our trod
beronSmaklug their- purphaiia,fUl WO are selling goods
• at tWlidwitt Prices,' - We "hasp eipry:thlinr you, may,
want in out ltnp,.nsdJn el:tell - quantities that We can
supply, all ',Vile- witty - Aver, us with their
Carpehteriii: Cabinet Mdkers;'‘Vagonanil Coach Atakora,:
will. flnd laud:and complete'
assortmedt, L er eloodi! leaded, teem, atCaudi P,rices _ as
will tie sure - 04de* .:TItIC -
• rk FON
• . - •.. ,Forthpatieverxtiee s t, Carlisle
am tat of single Ehroess for $l2O esab, If taareliesed,Sti
or 11.64=Y^Wasi. atatahnualeavlag for
The yresa 'pubs Itt Newark, In-the .best
manner, and- has • been in.uss but ,, three ~ dare:, ,T he
Hama wealnadtattliew.llrunarrle_k by the
beat milker% oia ttbas Newt:aid sarno longiliotttant
Theymay_be seen at prof, Marshall's residence.
Apri,l4) 4861.1"
. .
VA Mitt; TON
- 4112NEIVAToLEY;g0h. Ain't!
. so. 'F'Oiiilaraietr. ; DAT Anil OLEAN "duving:
winter ipealipt• st, l oo:dh:b4n4„anAl, tor 31 94 h e.
mum ylrivat , coitaini4 BoYA,
Co.rtutel b ANOKiN COAL from the_pfpgtg 0t.*, , c17
ran, Peal & Co.. itlra-*VI .14;14 p br ro4tP;
noT,I rgis. • -yr.iaattranst. •
- ' ,:..4 i, • ~...',, ' •• 1.. , -.4 , : i. ,\-...-- ,' -,:-....,,,
.**loo 3 74,lll.*ltyogOit:
A,. .., f ,acia - CIAMICILIMIL'., ,
04;2 1 ,01 , 4N,M*111mOMMOVJNN ,
SU% ant cape Elan poi:mots. COM. klowersa,M t vm...
' • MI an . - - +At At,tmEss, elms, ertupaiw - . lry
ie. • Tony Afimtn r..... "P-twaskista,CoirmoW
Vs , Mt:47,11 1 7. a 1wi 11 1C4 0 1 3Z 1 1 h !•1 41 # 41 ; 114 . ' 4
.• .
. . .
• , •A . A. 1 -if EFfi:Mi!'-oftifri'%;:tSl7r-CY:'.
t, ;....: konii4imuNi.rv-mtrtittirr'toisproW i -t
. -1,-. . , .„ ,
- I. Ala, itiNltiaitcpitt - g , Wat.fakoxionit, I
.t 131intter , Poiiiel400;001} - OapltaittialitiiiPollfea
:• . - • C10835,•.—$ Cheinitf a tleit: '. • - • - '
di t t
' • Jamul Inatutarma;elthe'r Voitionentorllmlted, agape!
, losamr damage:by fire, on enenzat , and 74114+110t ever'',
t Al osmiptleno•ln towtvotOonntry,on.theltibet - 'reartihnlibi
' .. termat—tkpplleatlatiii — midoottherperannally.orrby-lottor;-
*lll be promptly attingotl t 0. ., t..- , ~:, tr.... , A• If t ,-, . :
, • ::,- - - • ~.-:.• • -, 1-.O. , N.:BANbICER;Pres'i; -
:The enhaeribir la agent for the , aitivb companylb:
~ 'Oarllstannilltifilelolty. , tAll.applicatlone for Inset neo
1..,._ either by‘nutatirl'ifilnmiutllit. will' be promptly atle ed
• to by . •:•,-, - '!' . --. • • .• -. A. - . 1. gPONtiLlelti , tt
L _,..due.l2,!,66....lteaLEatate.Agent , tmd,t3elsoliti
. .
Id Train
1.10 P.ll
2.56 "
3.25 •f.
• .
AND,-CAST • DIDOSBORCI •111C111.111; • rifts-. IN::
jiu ItAX94 OMPANY of Cumberland County,tincorpo:
re4o4 12,y an act of 4inewably; now fully, organized} and
in Operation . findOr the' management of .tho following
, 'conuissionors, via:, •
• ,Daulel' Bailoy„ ,
Gorges, Michael • Cocklin,
• NfOicholillienneman,Christian Staytuan, John C. Dian
! laprJacoßLl. Coover, Lewis Ilyei; llenrY Logan, Bonin
. min H. Musser , Jacob Mumma,. Joseph. Wickersham,
Jklekandes Cathcart. . .• .
. The rates ofiwjuranco are as low•andfavorable as any
CoMpany of the kind ip the State. Persons vilshing to
become mombere are Inyitcd• to make apphaftlen to the
, agents of the companjl• whozare • willing , to watt upon
, . •• ' , • . 11 - ILISSEIL president. ••
HENRY LCIJA.Ni Vlco,kresident: •• ••• •
„. • ; •• LIMBS MYER, Secretary.
-MICHAELGOCKLIB, , Trowiurer,* - •• -"
". Berland 11.• Ilernian," - Kingstown; Henry .7.O . lirlifg
• Shirenlanstown• ; Charles -Bell, Carlisle; Dr. .1. Ahl
ChurchtOwn ; Samuel. Gralno, Vest • Penneborough
James Mc Dowel, Fmnkford; Mode Griffith, South Mid
• dieton ; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Haverstick, lirechen
• icshurg; John Shenrick,•Lfsbuni; David Coover, Shop.
• • YORK COUNTY.--John Bowman ; Dilishurg; Peter
14olford, Franklin; John 13Mith,bliq., Waehingt. n;"
Picking, Dover; J. W. Craft, Faradime, • •
Jt'Leclunim." '
Members of the cusua having policies about tr ex
nirean o have ' • yndby . n a6h y noppin,roc
pay: of the aart^a
•••• Tin, stare of the ;Alliseriber, le in receipt, and the
• ehelires are now nopplied - with a henclaoind iolortion of
. and Amounted fanny ware; such - as Inkstands; haskets,
Vases, Coffee cups, Jewell boxes, Toy Tea and Dinner
setts, China dolls In v.arloty, - aud_a variely,of.other
art Ides allifelinniteelbrtha
OROCERIBS .AN D SPICES every variety, 'fresh - and of beet quality have just.
been added to our former stock. '
of very line quality. In small, Racks . also' on. hand,
Cnitiants, Citron and other goods adapted to the mason
o variety, constantly In store and for sale by
Carlisle. Dec. 10, 'lO. . J. W. EDV. •
are now receiving their Fall 7.1. ock of Ilanlware..which
Is ununually. large, and in 'connexion with their Mi.'
'new heavy stock makon it ode. of the largest and most
varied annortmeuts ever offeied to thin public. They
have every thing that the Farmer, the Builder, the
31erchant, or public, may want in their lines, and
- which - they me 'seinen- at - tho vorlionost yrlcdi. They
mliclt a call from the public before, making their pur
chasm ns they feel confident they can offerinducamout
that 1,111 rowarff - lite,buier fur the trouble.
.l e elflig thankful-to a geemous public forlhoir.former
liberal patronage, a continuance of the, same It salience
at oucold stand In North Hanover Street, Carlisle..
October 8;1858
CAS FITTING AND. 1 1 1.1.141113
I lug ING.-rThe undersigned would Inform MI
Limns-of-Carlisle- that-he-hatt-naubs'arrange
to do GAS PITTING and PLUMBING , at ehort,no
an d on reasonable terms. lie has ongagedlite err
VIM]; of a first rate hand from Philadelphia, ana bits au p
piled himsnif with an extensile assorlntent of PINT
Ufi.ES, whirh will enable him to fill all orders promptly
All work will be warnuitod. Ms stock of Gas Fixtures
will be foundln tho room exactly ppposite bis Tinning
establishment on North Hanover street, whore ho Invites
a call.
TINNING, SPOUTING,..4c.-110 is abut prepired to
furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN WARE
used by bousekeepors and others. lie will ales, attend_
- Thankful for the patronage with which he basaiready
berm favored, he respectfully solicits a continuance of
the same.
Carlisle, :huh 14; '54.
)DOTS AND SHOES. - A large.arid
complot.i assorttnotit of Boots and Shoes of every
sty ri, and ftwilloki. Ladies fine Morocco Slippers, Boots.
(lectors, Sm.; Alisses andLClslidrons ditto; Min, and
Boys ditto. Just - received Ands:um opening At the cheap
etoro_of - , .
. . .
Ly INO. The subscriber continues to carry on the
&been business In all its various brandies, in North Ilan.
over street, Caribile.two doors North of Leenard'ucornel
where he Intends keeping ou hand a general assortment
in_ Ids line, consisting of all. kinds of fashionable SAD
LILES, Bridles, Martingale., (Ardis.
Clrcinglen and halters, also TRUNKS,
\‘:•,•••1\\ k, traveling and saddle . IN, - ••••••,7111, .
, vl .O 1,., , bags, Ile also man- . • ~- , 1. , :9 "
4 1 uliteturos the most till,i, 1.11
I( 11 111 c oll TUTir id a a t i r dADA 'ti ;Ea lm i ß eio C w eLi Iri se n wishing at til it+ i'
- 4 1 r ' some, durable and pleasant saddle
will do well to call see them. lie 1
._____ a .also,manuactures liarstess._Bridles, I
• , - Collars and Whips In all their aerie•
tie's, and confidently believes from the general approba•
Mon of his customers, that ho makes the neatest and
best gears, In all their variety qT brodth, that Is made in
the country. He also makes 1,11 klnds.of Diatrasses to
Order, vh: Straw, Rusk, Curled . Hair and Sprlngldat.
tenses. 'All the above article. will be ouido of thorcTit
material and workmanship, and, with the Utmost deli
patch.WM. OSBORN.
• A
large assortment of new and - genulne Flower,
Field and ,Uartlen- Seeds, in every variety, at wholesale
and -retail, embracing all the now and desirable kinds,
carefully put up In papers Air tha . retail trade, on 'tun
.plied In bulk Chingse Sustir Cane, Seed, Japan, Peas;
onge, latii, - liiilotitie., - &II7AIiFiTA - efie -
ment.of fine Flower Seeds-20 varieties in fancy boxes;
for $l. Clean 'Clover, 'Tinrothy, Orehard Orass, lips
prase, - Herd Grass, fine, Lawn prase Seed. kc. .
Agricultural Implement and Seed Store, N. ii. comer of
7th and Market streets, Fhiladelphla.
March al 1857.
1 .
—JAMES R. WEAVER' would resoecfeulty cal
c ...
vo the attention of Houswkeepers and the pubil
to his ostensive stock of elegant FURNITURE
Including s Sofas, Wardrobes,Centreond Tables
V Dressing and Plain , Bureaus, and every other
article in his branch of business. Also now on hand
the largest assortment of CHAIRS in Car.'sle; at - -
the lowest prices. AOFFINS mode' at the short
est notice and a Mario provided for funerals. He
elicits a call at his establishment, on North Han
street, near Glasse's Hotel. ' '
vflarFurnlture hiredlout by-the month or year.. '
TINDOW. ,by le,. and
nil other Min, of Ilanka, Monroe, and Jackson
.Window Glass, en& and Double Thick and Mutant°
• Plate.
• having an extensive stock. and daily receiving large
quantities..we can furnish with the greatest prompt
nose and the lnwest wholesale prices, the above en pe,
rlerkrands of Window Blass. • • ~ • . • • .
•.. • • - , • • 'RIOITARDS & 'BROTHERS,
• ' Manufacturers.__
• S. W. cor. Front and Arch streets. Philo
Iarge and milected;vissqtment of AgrieW
torsi and ilorticoltuml implement'. etobraelag every
,tblug needed by the Farmer op .Gardener 'Plows of
great variety and of different sizes, Delog .the largest ,
nh I best assortment-river - 00'00.d In Philadelphia. Bur
rows, Cultivators, Horse Hoes, Lima Spreaders', An, &c;
• ,
kc ; • ,-,- • r moms.a,eo,.
I • ' Cdr. 7tti and MarlxeCittiek t. rlAlla. :
bfrireli 11 185 T:•• •
M r :U.SV 14. "- .litdirttif t 146
Eleli ; Prindietie 'of tlnhusaili highly?ipprorred tnd
lhaproved Iron Cdniare,Bran Darter, the Premium Ma
. chine hir
7 1 04 Queen Street (18th Ward ad
Etnelligterinsid - 0111&. - ,: ' ~ •
i SunC.L-Ilsyclocid Street ; below 'Brent, ,
81111 Stonee,Mlll !rime. Elniutt-Machinee;
, lent Mill Sushi' Portable 81111 d, Stretched Deltitug,. , -
nt nod Soreeu Wire: •
cl op •Nrru,AE - Roups..
al fasldonabliFinaP,v.---
t ' ant at nanienr , - - ... -
. i , ,
• . a:Jatans6i--11 ,", .:- , . °Bui.e4wa, lylp! natty
',.UAand 11183tiat'OlianY,DTOR5 ' " .-- ';'• • ,-' ''' ''
'to g „. d*Aibi1ti.4.4,.....,...- ...,....,! „---.
~: f.„ tite. .1%,010. wanletViin irteeti..L-t0.,,,,;•ii,..14.
, 111,1 ,,, d Wal.Tii!TatCliiiilll.4l,'•'"'"'
' ..
' itY.
- r -- 'i r
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-F''- ' '''' - - re,' trinilit i 'flilfi;MT ,-.-
4. , ' V.r/"......J1',- efiaeet4tina V 9.. r.. ,- ..^:.-'' • '''
' ne
..a• pnilee'A re.
watjt&nd 1( 4 -a h h".l.,:doth pr. ea
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~.:,,,,,,.!.,": % FI.X
" ..3tb°L4llo!,Ft . . , ...!-
f all itinde . " iii.-6-metmen't AT , I .°E,
, •riain Chair' °,.....1 henew - and alage , •,..,,„0,,, y, irir . q., ;
1-_ , mr,nd - atie .. ~ar (4,,orabacetber r e?" ''''''7 r„...i..... . • i,_„,
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",..., .:AWOrrattitiitrrieiiiedesavai;sing /tient , liant'•
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t In n p ll ti p:t au rte d 'nf itio th tnor n 7 4 nt. n tri en ,
'.'r.littiole Worldi.ticnni Abe earnest Sactiothepttnie,...E4 time ;.
by 8. 0 . .. Goornucu.. Mater Pirlei.) olanantlf Ixrandjinnt.
I t rallols , llltniteatn&-4r1ce.88.:4014-only:t i r-Asonitt;
I '.'pr42l 7 lt i r ifzemerstam4k..4sai.,. , ..4 7 .
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• ' 2 : •
rot. epi uso
ILLFA!RH , ErEillOW•ttorrie o y
xAm i ,- , ..oakedirrimarn: SttetitiCarlitle,Ta.—
Artlusineas entrusted- to lam will be promptl'i :at.
VLA -22 enileii: on; *ditto; .ilOoo..)W,iiiiinnk,ilt-rawr64l'a
Ortniarnaieli: AI; ‘bPsln e B , s Pn4P B ltit g° birn
:fk:PO9IIO,_IY; I,lPeinden ; f:.:? ; c• 1, • ,[Aprillk.o.
InoEspt Main, Btrot,;;lirobeintesbilig;.N.
•Wllt attandAti ikorillellim with
.ble profession. , 114:11r210P.5q.,711
• -
j_litnnover stCopt two Itooro frothlVoPioi,dthrptio' IPP
store. offlOWththes.'ouirirpOrtletilarly froth 'T. to D'd'cldck;
o'othek; , •
. lies resumed the .tiraetiee'otalt
Centre Square, west side, near the' letist'Presyyter,lan
• - April 8, 1857.!•+
~ •
TAO Orbit f'S
ALI and Residence East Main Streot,thltddoor' Blow
the Market House, Calls In town and couhty promptly
_Carllnle,•Tan. 2,4856. . •
South Ilannvor *Arcot; Filmy,
ookt door to J,he 7-
tt,.. -- 1911Tbe r- Tibiceift - rnihrOitlritti,7l,lMile - WTOTITtaiI
otouoh month. " .„ !bb
DENTIST; from the 'BM
-1111. timbre .t ollego'brDentel -Surgery.- -
• I,o:Offbie et the resldehee of hlspother, test boutbiu
street, three doors. below Dedlbrd. ' Reference—Dr. Uoo
&Bretz-- - - - '
A U. G U S TX. S' M. ''S AW . y .g. it.,
, . . ~. ATTORNEY, AT LAW., ~:. , • :
whet with Judge ilepbutu, ea,ltztet 3'4u-street. MI
businese Intruetd , , to Me cate;will deuremptly attend , :
May 26, 1657. • . .
. . ,
ky;tkk.--i..l6:BPONSLEltie'ltri g inter of Cumber
and- cotinty.•will mrefulla atimd to the transaction - 6
all each business its may be o trOeted , to , himi ouch ae
writing of Deeds lifer:gages -Contracts, dm-Ile will
also devote•hisatteation—o the yroettringof-Landlrar
rautM Pensions, acne-well -as_ the_ .purchase and sole
of Real Estate, negotiations, of loaue, O.- 13(#.00ke On -
West Ulgh Street: Ibriberly °envied,
-Esgr near the libithodlyt :Myrrh. - • ;
s N y.p,Eg:, t s 6. 111 'FABIAN E .
MINNEAPOEIS, ofipealte Stimpension hrldge,'Falle
of St, Anthony, Illtnnemeta Veirltory,
tall: buy and sell lands, negotiate hang, locate-land'
warrant,, In blintsexota,lona, nod
rompoothig the country, by lettei or otherwlee, promptly
answered.. ••
, DEFERENCE& ~ • • t
Alex. Ilatesey; Ez-GoverileCc'
lion. H. IS.L.ItIce, Delegate to Oongrose, Allniiestda;
-GovrPollock,-llarrisburg: '
James R. Steele & Co., Philadelphia. • •7 • -
lon. Frederick Watts, Carlisle,
A. Brady Sharpe, Esq., - •
CI Magoon, Now York, - • ••• • • • '
Robert Walsh, Now Orloalas,
James It. Irvine, Esq., Newvllle, • '
Hon. J. S. Black, Penn'a., • , •
lion: J . It: " • ' '
J. 11, Good,lTrifde,'Epringlield, Ohio, • • •
Gen. o.•AtOhony, ,• • " •
- JAB - Cartahoc - Req. St. Louie,... •
Wm. Wilson, Esq., 'Baltimore, Nd.,'
. . Yright - T,Chariesto • ' •
IVllson',.Philadelphis. • • -
30.000 Acres of UrlmprovOd Land for Sale,,at from $2
to $lO per acre; also Improved Farms, r Fats for sale
In St. Foul, St. Anthony, and alt: towns on.theldlnntr
sutra river. .
gs.Particralar attention given to thn Loaning of
Money, and Entering Land Warrants. 'Address,
March 16, 1856:—ly:1 Ter.!L
, E h & Tll,O ZS 0 N
ilaye'opened. nn St.Josepli, Mo.,.for_thePur,7
chase and sale of heal Skate. puying 'and sellitig I and
Warrants, entering Land on Time, Suryojdog and Nap-
TOWl39,'Location of Warrants and milking invest
monts far n9n-residimte, paying . of Taxes,'and all bud.
news pertaining - OA General Land Agoney- in bliesourl,
Kansas, Nelfraski,
on - Second Strout, North of A. T. Deattiteo
- -4417 , 30,
MONROE monuis
MT.. D Y.
MALE AIVD y A C Li' PtlY. = -
An English and Classical School, Landisburi ' Pa.
- Teo Second or winter session of this - InstitutiOn will
open on the second Tuesday of January, 1857. • •
4he usual English an4Claistcal branches, adoßed by
our first grade Academics, still be taught.. No paloawill
be Spired to make thorough, pmctical, id moral echo.
Thewillafie of 400:inhabitants, situated In the midst
majtallc hill end mountain scenery, three miles' die
laskikascm the "Warm 'Springs," Is, healtty and quiet,
suiThilently remote from the irregulorittesOflirge towns,
and yet iu daily connection, via Newport and Penney'.
vania Itailroad,iwith_the.prlnclpal citign In the stake.
Terms per quarter, $3,5434, $O, according to the grade
of studies.: Music. Stench and Oermart, - $5 extra.
hooks at city prices Boarding for ladies in select fat:ot
itis—at prices from $1 50 to $2 50 per week.
• Tor further particulars
, , ddresaelther, .
• 'lles : T.
s. 4,wour, "
oARLIBLE,. Twentieth. Session (five
months) will commence. on May sth. A; new build;
ing hoe been' erected containing Gymnasium, Muelc,
Room, /to. • ' •
With incriasedfacilities for instruction andatopli
ccummodations,_Pan Institiltionz_ptesanta_gr, t u.
ducementa to parents who desire the physical and
mental improvement of their sons.
Terms per Session, .$O5 00. For circulais with full
Information, address it. It. !WRNS, _
~ Principal and Proprietor,
Plainfield. Cumberiand_co.. Pa.
April 9.1856.
The subscriber. lima Just retiirncd_from , lhe Eastern
elites, and would.caß the attention of his friends
:the public generally to the large and well•Solected as , •
sortment of lIARDWAIIE which ho Las now on hand;.
consisting in part of DUILDMG MATERIALS, such tia
• Nikita. Screws, Ilinges,,Bolts, Locks, Glass of every de-, icription and quality, such an Common,White, polished
American, French,Enamelled and Doublethink of all
slam, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c., &c. , •
TOOLS—lncluding, Edge Tools of every deicripilnn, '
Paws. Planes, Erato and Ditto ;Augurs Squares, Clutsges,
Niles, Hasps,
liaminets, Vices, Anvil, Screw Platen,*
_lslaclunnitluillellows. , &c., . • • -
Shoemakers 410 Saddlors will find a Isiige assortment
of ToOls of every desciiplicn: together with 'Ladles' and',
Oentlinhen hfororsco Lining, Binding, Patant and
French' Calf Slane, Shoe Thread, Ai la; Wax, Pegs, Lasts,
Ihirueas Mounting, yollarro, Glrthing, Whipstock, Deer
-hair;:Sadale Tines; Az. • ' .! • , .1
`Also. Coach Makers Tools anlfTritimbi - if or all
Shch ea nubs, Spokes, Yellow, Shafts. Bowe, Floor Cloth,
Canvass, Cloth, .Dannisle, Bring, Lace, , MOSS,
Spring Dolts, &91 • •
Cabinet .Makers iissorttnent - nr.Viti- -
nisiis. Oak, Walnut;and MatioganyYoneers,.Enuhs. of
411 -kinds and, sizes, Mouldings, Rivets, Irak .Cloth,
Plush, Curled.llair Chair and Sofa Sponge,Ac i ,
llonsekeeperi will also, find a largo assortinont .of
nivsicand Yorks, Dratinnia, Alban and 'Sitter Plated.
Table , and Tea •Spooricf, CoVanstlcise. Weiltoys,; ShOvela,
and Tongs, Iron And. Eras4Metths„Psns, together,
Ce,darviare of all 'kinda, such as Tubs, Buckets,
Lhurtis.Ac. •
cultivators, Hoes, Slinvols, hakes, Forks, Chailts,;&O. , , •
a -large.stork,,comprising all .kinds In gen:Znp
liso.whish I sin solllngtit clq.wholeZale
Remember the Gig staull,,hAst.Malu street, Cornelis,'
• •
. .
•FV: ).1:1AZ •
,- • ARRITAL tIF 'PALL GOODS_ FOR' 18•56. - t • •
The subsellber Just Vipetied stern:rig= feet
Inerly °templed bj Chip: Nl 7 ::llltner, bn the Corner of the'
nutille itifutrily?dairrideset,Lnear the'Binket !footle, 'end
Store of ft D: lleinkle. tn . en.
Only fray, land splendlOissortmentriflFell , kudlThitort•
goods,recnoprining IDs infest styles Or•
; 111ATSp04.1'S, BOOTS AND
Of iiery
WS' /lets '..00,011t,..nt.. sit ra tine flldeloskinilhakys i . ,'
I '. lined; Clitret,Kosafftli,.Sporting 1114te t• A ‘ c,_, ;Alevi,Str,evr;
Rats °roll varktles. '• These Rats ere,niannThetnied by
atkr9rd,,:axbrxii:a eq,;, mid; qtlAtr. ieleMuted Ratters of
19111adelphle; ' Ite his al& every yernity.ofla,ine Anna*?
f i letun f r-..lll.vhsvogoodele_w_illguaralateelligltelintirC
satisictlon: . ,
Ills stook. of ininte - -„iin;' - cir,iiv - ei t Y, - Tairety
style fronethe.cliespests tiv the -best•aillelein , inesnarr;
ket„ end cennot,thil to y1aa5c....,,.0. , :r
rcepectfpily solicits the patronage4:oo•l:94 l o l o, ,
',:feclhnreonlldeut,titst.he cab sell theoabestoastnniddleflt•
• 1.•"",c,
••------.. -
,'.I L -
VrREAT.';, - ,A.V i TIiACTIONj-:-. 1 .4::Y:.(t.;-
' ibrEt i'i'c k ;abkreetpeellUllYtnibrm 14:14t . fainii o
Ilele and the put*. generally ' that ho lee ropur
. elaased that rejtknomiPAGLIERAEAN GALLERY, in
-Nel9:lECßAG„ . fgrueily'octiiplFll by Geo:IL Hoffer. The' 1
-Gallery le now on the second Indeed of the third' floor.
T li - WlllialtigisThrliferdeentlibrttlilld6ily peopldlWW 1
t cilafelliti itS.A.TedFitorto.o.Ll PIO *t—m_ Al 1aq.".3 1.4 01 ft 1
11 too , up py polterlim stilopanqi,Wee.wllt' 4 Ilitorrltl
;Welt Alum ,olottalzar,mr . , - Ttieip.aaratui
!qaortiforth.ti VOW IdGity. 'llfro ^ ii,lo.‘4',Api;miteGely ,
'dot AM t.4•NR9O4lO.riVriA - OrKosYi:lvbl4 l 1
qevuitge %to 34 ne haSpeelpt of 't elateetalyhle.orto,m, I
oPdottiOtAtted;'.o l l4,7oo l.. lli lhOr tilits o 'Of ACII
rt.iiiioWP - anji o O r titerl44 6 rAl Jul ,Abbi *lid
Ve-eit illy Pt. aAre It/OS:1410 /1/110A0
:a a "
s , kitrii49llti,u 1 9:, fittrhiluirta4rtAr
tOitttu ui Vta t it,crie . 511p 1 124= - :
rroettr . • sAttellsetorr^. wIW 'beiretidGmlllrecr - of • charge. - 1
Ap e . V lTA:tql l itV . •4 l t,t,tftttli l tlardiatl g iZ
ATifttifthllMeatl ihd t odemineba kfaiiiiile;Wbe , '
.4 .et the'KwW;)petillikepr,4lo4 , lltatiludger..fe Ihttatiii
'..! Ivei , ;‘'':.' .;',;' • .- 1 "P"'.1t, 7 ! • ;'?: - :'‘'('? t '',.-';', ''...'',!`.2.4'.'-'e
. imalks#lj= i4,24.1*
. •
W, ( l'4 IOARLA
t t 6, )11i)
_„ 4 ,
Adapted , ir oi.torlintioht isp ‘ epp emk r .
itatiel'A4Tatc PeTbriabletnrir'Slie 1 0,t
Ihtlf '
HOWPfrOPitiitallifitAANC , ClundP'
SlifogilfrioaßDinfirti illa#;; l ErrioV.:iiWd 16difer
iftiVafrot, 'SU
11*' P#,l6r#FttiOd.O.P
Ind ITOOttly ' • ;
- ~ • •-I, V PA•frOnitate t fOitgit4 4144.'" •
•nnikM rlset stzio '11417215;".55."
•f• ,•:'• ," ,' • ;
• •
!1/": 0 - (41,0111 cD8'(47 1 :PAcii6):131 1 kOadnli;neat ilOstol, Pe
- ~„
1.4 4 YA1M irkßit
Ix • `,
:Whonsubstribbts dcalre to , Inliate'llumets ,
generally-that- they onw•haietln hand tintriti'e einultant
ThieshinleAlachliteti With' Pjerpont'it
Patent!!Shalter,trhictigte gent erally,ficlincwledged fo,bel
the tteitArtiales.niartlistnial-41sttalvarletyof-Ctortie,
S.littillanteCorti:-Shilllenleand43tvateAtuttirni. , - - -They ; ', l l
oaten( 41.1 the repalriug
! ot Agricultural Mach nifty' In
,thoheit an
Sou hi
reasonable terms. nnufac ,
!tory oiMarthilannoter Street, gireetty,oppealte the,
'resident.° of tieerge'sgeitl,Kag. ' •
I. A Do.; - '
!pa t'4.lolPiltS.;-I—The subspiiberliqs
*aor j
nin i t •i s t of
v l i ar A d V ka M re
&to b t rrdugh h t
M to i th o i t s h pl e a ' l te: 16
#adjustreselved•Bo dos. Dames With and ~ drlthoutpdt.
asteningn, , litntultkiteel: honks ranging its Onlin'froin
.44 to $1.60.:, -Also 300'ept•straightenn *whit link brnee
chains from .6040 0125...- Dome triads traces of nil kinds,'
pits) a lot of spread. %fifth; 'breast, butti Oriyingleltek
and lo g ' chains—alio a very latge lot of - plmbs: I'oo4,
spades, hoes; ken.und in pant everything and •bov
thing wanted hy-the.Farntera- , - ,
Ito ember the old standEastillaln it. Carlisle.• -
Blare. ••••.' 11. SAXTON . ;
. ,
• .E.ANKEK HEED CUTTERS, .inanuien:(ll.ceihi .
RIGG & SARGENT, No. 410 Market Ftreot;
• ,— Thiccutter is superior to any now.ln use , tbr.atiehgt)i
durability, and aimplialty of conatitictiouritontsTaat
or, and Is the only saffiabarpening Stramand Coin
Stalk Cutter everglade. It has but' ONE STRAIGII3 . '
WE. whlelt agy,neraon. can grlncland not with. cis..
but in ordinary moo, Is ground In• the machine. ThbM.'
mends have already been sold, and the demand Is daily
increasing. In most cases an• examination' la sufficient
to convince one Of 'its suffigiority. No one after a abort
trial would port with it for pny °Gm. All sizes of tha •
above coustantty.on Lane and for-sale by—
•• - '• Ji I'. LYM. • '
net 1' ~ M -Agent- f oreffilild county:
otter Toi ,tale 40,00'harrelintyatilr
(Manufactured flail , the night -toll Of. Nevi 'York City,)
in lots to auk purchasers '
_ .
This article (greatly. Im proved within the last 'tiro
years) hoe been to the' market for eighteen' yeard, and
still defies compialikt; • tis a anonym° to Corn or gnrdou
vegetables" being Cheaper and more powerful then any
-other, and-at.the mine timerfreelkti - dheiiireettblebblor.
Two barrels will manure an acre ol• corn in the hill.
will once twataltds In !abor t will , muse •it to mine up
quicker, - kr - groirlbster, ripen earlier, cud will tering .1C
larger - crop. MI poor groimd 'then' any other fertiliser.
and leralm a prevenintive of the cut-worm; - also, it does
not Injure the seed to be pot In con Pact with It.
—l'he L. M..C,0. point to their long Standing reputation,
and the - large capital (6100,000) invested be their bust
• ness, aer•a-gnaragtee that the-article they bake .tel e l
always bettor ouch quality es to-command a ready yak.' •
Prlce.ln Ithiladelphicas follows
- Ono barrell66.bblsl •- • • • - V?. 00,
Five "•: lo 12,". —•-. • e• MK
the'reteltionri. 7 . 6 pia' Barrel for ittiljtuihtfthYper,
10 tavroln . '
Xar' A Pamp.lelitteonialnifig every Inietniatitrit 4 rtilt
be sent (free) to any une'applylog'for the same. -
Orderer are requested early In advance, to ayold'disav'•
potntmenk--Meldiessa. • • e • •
e• • , PAPCIIALL .1110R11114 & CO.,'Ationta, '
• Cor. Placket and 7th streets, yhllndelphhoPa.
Yeb..18,1667.-3m.' '• • ' •
TST V 8 Sl - 1-•
VIE 0 UPEN:f3I - 404j01N IN TRH WORLD.
Enconrigeetirtherunprecedented surcrso whichthin
popular moritblykula met vithi and the rapidity with ,
which Ithasinereased Its - circulation, the propriotor has
Inwood to utake it still . more worthy of the patronage
of the putdlery That this admirable work la • ••••''
k - kfIiIACLM Oy 13111 , APNEM I - '
is - admitted qy every one, containing, an it' doea, One
Hundred Pages oftmading matter in each number, being
more than, zdzy of the $ W Magazines, and. forming two
volumes a pair of lila hundred ,pageq..isch, Or. Twelve
!lumina pagigrof IleadingJtEtter. per annum kir
' ON DO kVA it 14-
lialloife Dollar klonthly le prlpitia . •nith now type,
npon fine ulti r kei paper, and its platter la miliefully coin
piled and arranged by the hands of tho editor;
prietor, who Dal. been known to the imblir as commuted
with,theatosion premi for sixteen years. Its' pagee ion...
. .
• NtWa.
- .POE3IB, • • 11100ItAPIIIES,
WIT ANDIII.I3.IOIt. Ac., /kb.,
from the best'dull most' pepular writera of this country.
It is oleo epiced with,a record of the notable events of
the them of levee end war, of - dincoserles and Improy . a.
merits oectulng.lin 'either hemisphere, foifiling en
agropekle oion for arlelsore =anent oihour, any-,
whore, et hoe r
to itself. abroad, each number being dOmpleist
iCo eeetarie Veublecte are admitted. Into he pages;,'
there-nee e ugh controvetsal publicetione emit' de•
vqted to its ler sect or clique. This work Is in.
tonded'for '
.• - .• , :•A'IfE . MILLI 0 N.
north or oteutb, Cast or meet, and is filled to the .bylni,
eacti.inofith , ink Chaste, popular and graphic mieelth
fairy, just. such al 'any.fa thor, brother , or' friend 'would,
place in bands of a family clrclo.l jt, is In all Ils
Ll:.the fitnl;.-
mf an g d ii ° 4 l 4 I l a n% b n o
tilwribda. !t2lityirts to,
Any person,encloaing one DOLIAII to thoproprlotor,'as
below;shalfrecolvelho Magazine. for ono year, or any,
pep . .. sending UP Malin subscribers and motif nOttetia,
at one-time shall•recolvo a copy gratis. -••-• • •
lIALI,OU, Publisher and Prupilitor...
Crirner of Tsrmout Streets, Boatini.„ •
• idging snit •Sht set , Plows. fir, Corn and'
*Manes, •• Expanding , Cultlvotontr 'with
' • Striel TeethlorAvartons.ptatcrus, - Meld And
Gordon llarrotre,'lland Pious, 'Resolving Horse Hakes;
patent Scythe Squabs and ficytbea,Alinglish: Lawn.
_Scythes stiperlor
Forks, math- a4pe it .and IltclattA•eStnpletej.sild,:idlt other .
artlcleelhetstiol.ttidritirdnii. •
..." .`.ll P.' t;, PitSCIIAIfiISMDHU7B':A'CA.
~ • •,11.1t ;tnd nerket•Streets./1t1t5,.,,,
irsupplr of !lIEESet3 ,
G• , 11.6811,411:kflok fi,VANI4; containi,ng '46 to 11.0.
pat centi , Plin6Pbatn Lim!, and 8 par'ennt ' Atnnionla,
mannacturedfrain Colutnblan . 'and 'Pdruiiiin 6.inno;
and - enntalntd InAiigrof about' 16011 Ini"attira
and for tale; int lots' to anti Piitetaiatii, by ' ' ••••!,,
- 11101A1103 k 611LLE11".•
'Agents nrYbilade ! plila.
• • •;,..!...• • !•;:y - • ' • - 92 Snug' • FactBi'
• I,'atiipliletti,;wlyi ! !!lll,olilini"at'll26c4fico ! b 161316:
E ;
• • 4 •••ie:' 6114', .la..Noriti'
a rea k ,3 1" 4 1a0 9 .44F4'.*4 1, 0 1 4, 4 , ,! o ! ,l 4'llidayia. the.
, palate! hps aro 120 a• pciripal to. irtaamfas,lyra,,W,
ItlaittOcry,m4,,lmplialain*at„v„ari9aa }Ada,
'sualiainar-tap(pra',.'XieaAand Lager Treabertilqut)E.-,
era or. dilfrallii4 Janda; clarpr„Shallorail'odderptAbiri,;,
Seratrefiteariq Cora Bhellerii and Trona taqr,
• °n P 114,, 1P A NOWlEPV# l o, l7 'attfa ded - ka ' -TtrEs
sonablc". • . §l,l
tt" py,
i1abr.1 1, 37, 1 84V 367 .11 . , • -
ytthAieltitt (1013, .(IVIAT
4 -,_46311041140r-Pioitig,=:Wlle.t.,--BliikiiirA'ee Te
su -
with rotikbVetteris.
Cpltl , reta&i, 'with.' &kelp eilir Ito*errelbld
Tooth', Field aod'OOrderi'llaricrtiA'Ceit Iron
dtollere. Itay4lllll4* vid , Toddei-,GlitreiW; %a . ergo , . J.
'aseertmptt• OrtOit(cilltOraf.Toiae,"itabak ,, lide end tot. .4"..
rement Out poi& 5f0ii,71 . 111044,114iik,
y 06,181,640
~ lontriifsL)l.otviiJitixocitagt: ~ , i i A 1470:,.,, o..4g r ,Q,Ar t ....:501.E,4 1 ,0.... ; .
.0;4 , y ))4'..
', ;,• ...e ' IntF.ll.B.?Anw feIOWERS,i,.. , :::%::I•=c ~..-.;., •,,, ~.... ' ''.- Ala ' nlloi' , t pleCruinleablirg "urtm . nerliAd .
" . Oi nn' l ''4 !";P e°tlBs7o4.llalith 'i ' l l '' - • •••',,..`,:'..- ' ' ' ll TIP Zaii.anuounonitio fhoe.Allllcted lirlth-Turoi.i:.
Seen ImOrovemeole Millar, r •
.: . ;:f i l•i - i1.;.,,5-..„' viy; 'coo. , c oncorm,JP4yrob ,Lapyks,, bliplomprlVer)thipcp
:autttexr-ta, .lifteimareg_Vitgrador /Milk 1.% k., r .`: t ,p . langswkiill . Airql all dfogiulop•tttt hwro . 'peoll iiquayi.
a 14. 1 4 1 . 1,14 I .. o b lo 4 6llll 'Ntiqg 4 ' - • -..,• 4.1 ti,sdvlth•Cauttio - or - linlf:o,hointif rhEtifArd thelllwltb
:Soy moor vricoolbrialolbj.,, , r,rr. , ., r , - - 't -, ;ti , . ..-.1.. t.-- , .. t•onttliig, blurriftig , nr - Vain I•iieltlior•Mciolb,l*.i*
.4 : 1 , - I;:Ll.P.ithcit4l.l4l_,Mol . llßA4 'ii. r eVi L,.,- .. ~ .:.,..,. r, 4the,r Is p . ,drattili!tek
. .6 , , , !•ilh',? , patAm , ,e,c , . 7to, grfinjettoi
~ .
Implement end Sood•storo, ruc,!indld . v tt P 101,,, :'4 onorluitpaA,or the
,blxl7 -thoptioty! bo; hoimiril rallin.e'
May. 0 4. 8 , 60 i1 ,- ,' . ..;fi`P'''..ll"l" , . , t''''. '", • , '. , t , ' , 4'.. , 'I Tenir , iikh - Z Perric . "earetY, and'. Inc,, regOark4bl 4 lr,ol,4l, ,
.‘, . • ' ' . 1
' ' " .. ' • ' "' ' '''-'' r , :l me. No lilinimai ot Vegetablepoison Is applied, twain
•. -•-• ~".. • • .. • ~ .• -• • ~ - , • .•
1 'F arlll ' H°Rl-"fr " 1 ' 'P n4' F 4,1111196 '' ' ' 9 4F1: 1 1:11:371" 3 4 . "4* ititiZ . iiii ,%-
9 11.161.11,:•Eli .liiirfplic'P9l.l4t,!::. f :. 'res lau 111 'or aliisFes. - g frosited *0 ! _PectOtAaftelil
I r k 'S k i grep r idg'iihdro !ty.,ASlOrtedrtart h ri
~ ':',..1 t u fr..- - tioih ir ii va - til,;,',Aitaii c t*, irt Xiiolther,
•• ~,„ ..,;:"A 3 C 6 4# 6 041 1 .7 Nrt o,ll 4o-tiii:4o . • rjuk "' iff i tiglfaiartlia 3 / 4 344111A414:" P r enta:mii, ' -144e6 0 .
..,...„4-r i t ...,,,i,.,,,,,,,„„„ * ..„,.,,,,,,„,„.„2.4. 4.
...-„,,,--,,,.,.., .................,, 0v 5.„,,.,,...,,,,...4.,,,.,. 7
51. -, .. 4r ,„,.- ki k..—toil__,,,,,,,__ ~.,,.,.111actipillegbitrn-ls.ailei,cl,l,l24btviteiWiiiia ngiilltro:
'reasi . ~, o , i or t ml, m,„_b.12,...k#1 . 4042., ,, ,,y, 7 „mp.f. i,., , ,,,t0,„6 wilifior'ciegiV'othti;'sbife.,,44- 1 1 'Who. 110.,
i tt,
1 '''
' - I ' V. i . A l t ..;'''.'.. iT . ;: ' ; . 2 79 " 1 ' .. 3111 " g"' A 161' 5 1." 64 7 t 5 ff 1 70* . • ; : '. : ; ; '; i -, l '. '; —.....,°` i rr i1b i 7,...-%°,,,.'" ' i t tj.:,a.' Clim - I " w iirru n t ilit' l '.%; 4l l7, - Th i4 e 1i n.... 116 1, 4 ... : ,4"1 7
: 1,4.11 - °T./".RIPII..!.iO.*A.I.kin. 3.1V01 47 !":*4.. 1 .1' 11 ..!1 '',7iirciiseiril43ir`pei r a,litboriltiF4'imlgitio7).'j.l7.' '.
:.:. ,' •-,, ;,-. ..- .„:',7 - 42; ,:," ' .7 - A1e11:•14 1 1.0400P01A1,441 , 7 7411 3,' , actil:l'''..*!;.,.
1 ',l.- '? . I *.iiiso.l 4 ;,VA:tilitillifOZ: . o)..Yt , I ';'. 4 , M , 113. 4",'''iT i n. , 754 1 .4 1 ‘1.1!. 14 : 4',..;,,,..,,,, ‘,,. ; 17 :-:.: f . r . 1 , 1 tt
i l f
v , ;, n ' ; ; r ig/ 1 6 ‘gP v iV,, , ,r,j . ifliPivir!'"4 6 o !ill' , , THslPiiiikt 't2iir-t42o' VNirligli4c 4 l , 4;'''
I . )
.13 , unpritrorM 'Stoel. Vl' % a -,...,:. ...„' , ~ , f , ~ , t . .
P li Pt i iFiiii - dApi t tign fla tcopaiiy• *awl. —, ',..11:0043. ,1• ttlfhtz T wisi...o4o i,i,,..
do4kri NOW!. !,,q'pinini; ,771.4 Mt. t...- 1..., - , 4 :1,1,,, , ,,,i i t.•
„i : ~;it 4 . ...,-. . 4 ,,..- 4 -4. 1 ::- ) .; v4 i :it .,.
I:: !/_ll ll 90 66 ... 8 . .4 , 4 , 1 ' ai'4 . ..#ll*.it
,4& : i4,41r,,K , '
.1 . , t. 4 .41,:,•ja1, ,a,.., :.14,4intt .4,04.101:14,10064.0,. .1
.;„., : :17.::1•.:tqfetMi4r..,, , ,.' , . - . :.•
..- ' •
. .
. ;.,, 0.4 i •„, - .1 _' -: ~, .r..-• , - ..
' - , - ;.. ------ ,.,7, - $74uP,FEit• -- . ,- 4;114 - groyArs
- i• - • - . - - I1: olulApr , *. i.'ibittg Ali t braiirsi,itiut — .
- 6. ‘ . ' liiiiiitAii it4dllOfali . . liribo3ltibitiaopillit"
. 4!4i•! , ' Cto,/e!F.r stiki;?:Nis.'oci ,T.,ii{o . o*P4Mrt,.
`.'6iirior 6t' tkuerry; thtledulphie; ~, ..,. :;,.. -..,01izi0
I: 101,'Ltxdrk•tichwpo Iviilmoo t - wo
.. -
.' •:''i' , 4 4 . - F. 77,.., ; ;..,, : ~,.. ~. „, 1. gsas,oo.
-4 " - trotirLerb Ile; 18 rat e , .' •t• , ''•1..".',. ~ ,-- ~ , 2 4 .00
.. 'Silitli: .I,6viiy;trulifihrbiled i- '••• •' '• • ' ',.1.1 00
I, ' 'Ellverltiploo,',Jowithe . ~...' „'..' ,'s --S-,. ~•• . . 9,0
Superior Quait,htfir; t. ''';',-- •" -- '''' , 7 00
--- 'Clohtlipeethelee, , ;:+ l o ,74 ; ,,, :t• - • - • , ' - ' - •' - '7f - 00
. de. ~ ~, .t , ...,,. 7 .3 ~, -,;• .F :..', '1? , *6Q,
.71, 4aulleetiold Pontile,, ) ...,:,.i .. ' Iv . ;,'. ~ • z , •1:00 .
•• • fillver. Ten•Spoonn, set. ',,,- 5 . •• , '..... ,3, • ''‘,..- 600 •
Gold.PensOtith,pthicile andhltreiholder, ..". 1 '1;00..
~,, G old..Fluger iting,LAVatetrOlnases, .4e:0 , 411,00de
_ werrentedto , be whet they nr‘sold furr.^. , , ..-- • • .."••,
anliBover3 4 ovors.and Lopnl
, t .
-• • • -
, • E 1.) , 8174, c 0 • '
...lmporissovopsl,llantsfosturoisimf CLOAKS sod: MAN.
TILLI.I3; 04114 striot, (ts foss doors ANIVO 7th,
-- . lscith 1 1 146',)'Plilltidelphia; (In connection with 0151/ROE
BULPIN, 361Isnoodwoy Ils-It4,4bolorgOst niontsfecturer
' of those goods its ihe'Unito4 ,stoters.) . hog to pall the at.
• '•l o intien 'or Wi.eielile itistall buyers - to..tlieirlorge
and Varied Otocs:. of OLOAKS,:TALMAS, fei•:the
foil model I Thule esilleetlon - cortilirlsos an
Lono.tmont Of all-the Iciest 'Pidgin's.. ,Ilovoltles in :Volsci.
• Moire Antique, Cloth', yloSsf 8111 f; 4n,, Ae. • Isbile.the fo•
oUillei alTotddd tiy: eisnactia with :ffis ]urgent
,lopme4of thOse,goosfs.rlti :gook,
<rintibialherito g'ustriitstee tio l ter - valsle than lo plaints.
'slaolsisoihellt to the Market . o EO.I3IIIsPIN4
174 cticittut Strpfit 4i to
V7 - ';VV - IV - 11 - 01Air:8 :7 A. - 1ITY::;11. - Tra .
„ •
. 81'+7 VEER THOMAS, No. , 20.4Sinift , deeenid - .Street
PhliadOlphia,•linportea, kisuntheturer, and. Dealer In
- -DU ilUs• MKDICINK B 4I I IEdICAL:4:AfiID2rI;, - -"
°psi - Colors: .Whito land:,Yropehtind
• America.* matt.; 0111sii,f1Ings
Drushee. •InStruineuttb . Ormbd Epires„Whain
• ° _,lmplces.andrill other articits-Usuallyhept• brDruggisie, --
, including libeaxlritlEgo,lilum, Shellac, l'otash, Ac. •
• All °niers, by mail or'.ottiorirbio, promptly attended,,,Country imAchnntaaro incited' to dill aniteXandne
..ourarock bofore,p,urchaaing elsewhere: , Ariprlacsia tent
Ortho itiarc'es pr railroad statirins, 'Prices-Lon
,Coarso,. Medium WO 'Fine In 'mesh :f
,• • • :.;;intornailkidiamater. - •
^ ""Nrirrvcr. , ch,rrlri on WOVEN WIRE, •
tha_bost.quallties. Notion's alien of meilvlinin•Nae.l -
'fin 'inclusive, nod from , ono to mix feat ip width.
They ore munberixiso many IT:smelter tholineal,inch,
sinlaut to suit. • ' • ' • - '
• „,
The subscriber also keeps consinntly cn'hand • •
for, coal, sand ore, lime, groin, gravel julapn, Shinn
'tiptoe, salt, bone, coffee), spice, 'drugs. dyantulfss fie
, ' Together with, an nisorroont of IDIOM' 'AND' 'AN.
HEALED WIRE, "All the abose!sold wholesale
and total] by • J. NEEDLED,; • .'
• ••• • " "G 1 Front:Stied Chill;•
Utini) 4;1866 -4y
Q •ITEITS - itl VA•N • !ILL..
• 0 ... ,t; -
euteiiribors baiinkrianoieel to their- e. •
• • • '., NEW ANp SPACIOUS STORE,: ,
• • iNro;PO clitignut street; fOurtb iliforkboio •• ,
Aro 'hor..Lpreteired to offeea largo and well aolegtedlwock ,
- Of the freab and desimbisi gin* peintipallyof
Mein. oiln hn'pprtistion, - . or. bought at auclibri,•*hieh
' they:are to • sell at this Importer's :prioveresid
•'rifith . they .cordially lurite the attention of:Cousitss;•
'AI orchants, ijutel•lioaporg,kndlausillos generally: •
lh.Orf,Clioon and ,Voilltlios:Windoir.D.hadligelf: •.•
• cud Ideh Mien .16.bootiog; 10$i
•Borstor and Pillow Linens of eiveral'oboke;bleathork
••isiid viidthafrour 381.0 Ai ;
•ttlauKoteof all Shea nod qualities: - •
• ••`.' 146:14-Bradisrillerr .
:Xhil(QEllititot: the followhigcsistrieticO hri*a - eifettikii
Kheited:litegbteri - Aihatnbra,•All9rid4lW,Alfl
tancastor, of nil the desirable:BlE6k • • '
• , Bureku Doren:, 'fable Corers,Vl'indow Curtain
' Tavola, anti .Toweling eyery variety, Daidaik Tablk,'
Rhirting•Linensiatid Aluallu. Cater
• brierilanAkorchleili, Einbaolderles, Brom-
MOreens, Enbroidorod Lace and. Munlin
Cul-bilis:a, Gilt Cornices, Bands, Oimps. Cord: &e,
• r • 811E1 1 PA1iD A- VAN fIAtILINGEN;
Is=era and Doldons its Linea lad 'll - 086 !Winlehr
Apr11110 . ,•1856-0m. • ' • •
Itl3 A R'S N%-},..,R4
.1 . ' Wholesale and Real'
•-. N , .' 16 South Second St., Corner.oll2lartiir.St.
ThvAstabilikinalit 'has &ion enlarged and improved
and le empplled with th
of e largtot,lipa ',WM. Retail Stockin the City, principallyhle own manuPictruro,-with n'
rhpice allsOttnient from the test Eastern ktaiket m
bracing' Ladles,' Oenia'; and Children's..
•, HOTS, SUM - AND °mons.
. e ioiciiosriiption,. style and' quality, embracing the
at etylehtlifiLiiiiallties la this, or any other market
t hie 'stook runnel; be 'otee!led for Quality Style add'
• Each ar,tlile; Is .marked at the very hornet • possible
' prleo, Wont whleli'n4 deviation will 'ha made. No. On.
ravagna statements wlll,be_needod, and none made to
effect, mica.
: .obodydar'll anal 'ln all Tarletles2`atrntai: - no
entree In thwtoarket, always on hand. The public Is
espoctiully Invited to call. , , [Aptll 11 1858.
, .
EVANS'. FIRE & ItEF phoOF 'sAyEst
or tnerchants,•lawybrs,' Ihrineni, and others, haring
Books, Papers, or other valuables, to preserve. than'
MIRK or • .-
Day and. Naivelra (Robb's) PANK LOCKS. '
A Catko.-*The giro 1 Srsfa;V . that preserfed our
dionks, Papers, to., during tho groat Piro at ilart'o
Buildings, wan purchased of OLIVER EVANS, 619. dud
Et., Philadelphia. GETZ d BUCK:
EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigeratorefor cooling
and preserving 'mate, butter, Wilik,..water, and all
, articles for culinary purposes.
WATER FILTERS for purifying brackish or, muddy'
water, whether alketed by mine, lb:acetone,
.mnrl, or
othe'r' causue; mil be tool aeparato or attached to {ho
Refrigerator:l,l,mM' it min tIV of ice cooling tho. whole
n the mintiest weather. , '
PORTA BLE'SIIOWER' ItATIIS,,for the use of whra
• - WATER COOLERS, ( . 4 Hotels; Stores, and ilwelptigg:
: STORE - TRUCKS, for moving Loxes; balespdc; '
• SEAL 'PRESSES, Copying d 0.,. Druggist do. " -
'.. 1. • Nor W Sandi Saoird St.,'.( 2 doors lielONY . Chcaru - t,
grs I.•=i
/!pz ti
I .1
5;17. , 4
7:.r„,t.P..- 5
'w9 •
° 6111
(0 or v ,
tzp. 13'
6.1 2 '
mv 0
111E 0N RR x I x, NG ,r ' n S oo rA BA T I.. .11 . 1,7n;:e .0 11: 01 A ,,,,, M 1. 2:2- t ;
: • .- ".. - •.,I , 9 wdor.,Proof.Lodipywhich. very
-I:eiti - i r - - '''T"' alyi^l o 4l.separnte Iledals . at ,the„
„,,,,,*.- • ~f , , ~ 4 . World,. lair,hopdon,lBsl,,and
_ •,.1 4 ,1 ,,, , , ,; .,,,.. ,.... at—the .World's. , 1 , 411 r,, New
. i ' ' -:. 1 . : Jerk... 04 3. and '4.i,,. The meliscri-.
1, -',,‘• 4.30 S M., ..,. - ,,,V.z , hers are.the vele rannufocturvirst.
ra • f l . :2.573 ~ and P,relSrloters .in Ohio State ,of
i, 4 1 . '..' • •-• A. • ;T - 4 } q '
.1 MI6 swore unoqualled -Bares find
4^ ;it al l e : ,- „;I:s1 449c 1 W The ,:reputaition Mr.the.,
.' .:1' . A . , t . ,.,:, Reuel° 9.leirtne's e l re . ”. tewory:. l
1,4,-., :t I ..f,*,,.. e.ide,..aret for ant e a thirtem.
: , , ,,,zre' years the mercantile community
'''''''''. '''''' • _bare_wltnessed-and..boree teat!,
~ any to le r , risme, rawer; Bmm:int ;wealth*. ,'lllures.
, M•then-11,91M of - these Pares haVeebeen artiutllY sold,. and;
' over Two neeveir.l, l !*,,e passed 3riumphantly throgie
~.:.: Accidental &rec.,' ct r pub)l4 Ow Atlssured ttuttmll Safes
, manufacte . s*al by holsubsorilearee este4nestroledy Pentane
!re tee'd4;till Nib' equal; bqt.lurniany,raspecte even
. ricf,'W:therie whhakheie boon AO .seTerelyArled . byt,tine.
er , ! , Yaw. trill,lorgeklbelr aertices la the. huriling•iiti ttie.
"I'iliiiine eadairelhdaiient," New York.; and id ;the /limit
1.. a ire in Strvelierry etrag,t,44 - 7thmherge tire hest July,
' , sl . the Fire 'at Filth and' cheapest: ate:, .in..thet city c,ll.
i :111:16 11 1::: I G n im .h rd icli ilQ t:::Sa nn co d s '
qt . W . . , , ,, x7 .l :r i er t : i o t a lie n , t 4 l:::
. - nowledeeed . ch4SslOON,-, where. ;Many :Mbar, moullties ,
Welled. - . -- • . ', ,'.i,e,",. _,WANNEJ.,4 , CO.,v -••••,'-,
-ntBm l
rsAmiltAxilmit lUtinix,',-- ,, ,,
---' . IVAl,NirD.Btrear,4Viltadelplas..,
Chilled Iron thsfeeierwfth. Powder kepot.Loaket , manm , ,
~feritured expretudy , frer Banka,,hrekers.;•Jewellori, and
L. o hem. requiring:severity, tram .. **nes. , .11. ink: Walla;
_I. QOM, rk &e. O band AP.A.'utpdt 4a 401*A 'AIL the most”
, c ,l ,9 l •PTAted. , 4rlgifor 4410..00 inanurtcturereelakeMz: ...t ..
-. ll 4. o m4.'hillAke.fiareig,V,.;Cialamtniterso - ,,rand"."..tipur.
ffZiatieliii" of other."maltersauive, - been :takahein-pertuley
r 4cAtiibk4sitemilt k ito , mace.ut,•llhKreviceisi. ,s 7 •:.•.gibl,:tt,
-" e
-11;7:‘ : 1-V4F;;TPRA.IVQ7AND- 1 1;01QA -7 4S
-21 SjITTII - FRONTSTIMET. Piiil4.lolTlA;'." • -,
• _-- • .77,vr
TO BO; - ACCo, - m A Nup A crfn Iftoil A cca
- Ifave constantly oti.hand and for insfeloW all kinds of
Ainrrlcan and Spanish Leaf .Tobabcosji - Olectod with
special reforence to Dianfactuiers' Use.
All articles sold warranted to ;14 as Apiesitited, and
every-opportunity afforded foreliktiiinktloh...•.
Purchaners at a diat t ance ran %send ; tb'elt.: Orders end
erly,vipon _being. as fottliNllreerTed if-tin:dr goods
were pirlociedliilerepui---(Apra a;,18613-Iy.
..••••• '
bla •
0, )
g 0 P., 3 1 ; , -- t ,
•o (7 , aR.
- --
• 3 " Cll
- •
grgirrN - G"P OF rIVIr Ttli
I 'li. E. Corner Third and Chemiut Streets, .P 1111% .,, •
s2fl ad! V.000:".__ ; ••••
I ._._Aloney,lll received nn depoait.-dally.. the-amouni•diri
Iponited is entered We. Depoeit Bookend . given to the
Dtpusitor;isr. - if preferrod:e certificate ' •
' All anima large and aninll aye' received, • and 'the
atmountl paid baelcon demapdr - srithnut notice - .7" - • • ,
Interest ls paid et , the rate: of me' PtHTErl7:,'66fi ,
tnenclng ft'om the daY!.of deposit. and reaping. fourteen
days previous to the withdrawal of the money: ! • • ' •
Cs,..the first day nthinuary;emir year, the interest
of eni-13 deposit in paid to tied depealtor, or added twill ,
p•ineipah. !nthe may pillar. • ' ' '
The Company have non • upwards of B,oO9ueposetiTif
in. thc•citt Of Philadelphia '. • !- • •-•
• Any adltlonal Information will b 0 gtfpuli: addressing'
the TaxAivara. . ; z
Stephen B. Crawfbrd:•Preift.
• lawtonee .TobOnon,'Vice 1K:.
Ambrose 0. Thompson,
•Bellismin. l l4 Tingley.
Jacob U. Florence,
SOM. 12
Vlii7;toinit'by the 9 taic 'J'o . ntiliylviinft‘ in 1655
: Rua doot abos'eFecnnirSet; - I . biltidelph la.
IterelceaPepowlle in sums ef, e One Dollar :moll-upward s'
hoof itlrchutsea of the Conintstult-nctud-allewrlnterest
at thitrute of Ilse , per cent per annum.' • Moneyjii paid
back oif demand. 4'ir Office' open "fioni.R:curtll.
5 o'clock, and on Monday and Saturday
-until 9 *lock,.
In the. , Cienlng..• '•. • .:, • ,
This Institution will be tonnd convintiOnt - and safe
place of deposit tbr•Farnmili n0.9010;7! rileing,lnialniss:„
OomAud with - out
norprOvlptyl ncitictrbeing roquitid. ' ..
—"Edmund A. Ekihdeti• •11994 Job It. Tynan,
Stilwell &Bisholri'
' Jamie kl4lleret,, • • Robert Morris, ~ •
' , • fidnard L. Clarks.: '
Jactib Sheets; •` ' • Cant: John Oaliether y
n. • ..
JoaSph --t Richard o."Stritesttrk,
Ettivard 11. TrottOrt ,, ...:: Shippen,jr.
F t Vinellneon,-•, ;Wm P. Jenks,
T 9nckater, ' E. •
Treettrer;-41TAS.' 'M. MORRIS.
• : • Secretary—JAMES B. PRINGLE'. :.
Aret.Tho Chtrter prOldowthdt no utenager, oMeer or
agent shall,-dlikictly tor Indirectly, :.bortow - any- Intsnpy,
front 'the SoCiety. 0ct17,1856-ly „
ilia street, soutlowett corner of Third street;
phla. ' lucorVorated by - the Mtate of 'Pentssylvanhe hi
Flyover cont. Interest Is glvon, and the wile Is al.
ways paid baik whetityna • Is called for, - without the
necessity of giving notice fo'nit beforehand. • '
l'eoplo who have large sums put their money In this
Saving Fund, on account of the superior safety and eon-
YelliOnCo It affords, but any sum, /ergo or small, to 11).
- unis Saving Fund_ has a very-large amount of-Mort
gages Ground:Bents and.uther first clam invßistmouts
for the security of Psppaitont, Ihe ruler prevent any
Director, or Officer from using or Loin wing the money.
The Office is' open to reeds° and- pay money wilily
day, treat 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the
evening, and on' Mooday and Thursday evening, till 9
reoPle who bare inohoy to put In, ere fool to cell
t tho aloe for further Infertuatlon. •
' • ' 111 NItV L. BENNER, ProeltleJt.
• a AVALPJ.IIRED, - Beicrotctry.- , . ' .
E N'O H • Ti USSE or
AltiptUreitucconfullittodtod.ltudcoinfort Ininrod.;
by ueo of the elogart ' Yrench 'rue impoited: by' the nuintorittii, , and utxdo to Ortbir expressly foritlx
thot,,,tho oectudou now ottani ki,procure a 'Crum notabbn ,
lug Oxtyoute 'lightness: with 'woe; dOntblllty and correct of. the ountbrousoond uncomforta;,
blO arttebt uxually oxbnextreatoorOnon alunyo
on!band, hdakjott to nonry. vorleirol Ituittnre,lnadUlto
and'obildrinn anilltww4o'at orang e otprice to Xlitt 4111:'
Cott 'of SI nob "rroinyx,.s2,-s3;ti and :s S'i,
eon basun' Tiiiint pint tp jitnind•
thin; by ronAttintr the'ol64llllC - sonofiig mOttoutitaround.
Ibe 1111litrorin xtatln4 Ode allboded•• •
Foi Sabi Whobtotalti and 'Befall bi,the inipoiler; •-
W. air. ofjj'weiftiviiieee ,
reniibrii4 . IPatetit Iladv Brecei'
Chest Expanitere, E.see . ghoilldFr,
Ith ' , Buspetisory-111killinges; ' Spirted AD d'euri : ,
ityoms; - vr,lth iSoupetprit
ti '!AS 8.0 C..t
••• ' • '
.Z!ni”.!4T4,1 1 -tlir 13P!"1.di!ic•z!Ae8;PI:'
liaiiN*A . umgy+pEo,4,9Nogll4. o „,
111 1 4 K tc.,:%4e: ~ .. ....:' .....,: f .,
Itfi - "A SOOl'ATivbriirl'hiis4o;filii:ll*
awful deetruckletk or.hulugullfa scut Viola
.._ _ . y sexual dlianiesiaud'the deeeStlons which at.
prietisOd uptskthe unturtnnalialclltnn of suehlibstese,
by Quacks: luive cliteated their. nsultiustlurgeon, nee
-111 EDICAIL ADVICE GRATIS,. to ill persons thtut ALS:
IllStea.(ldale of-VOlngdlYtknnridY,by lettor,(poO:psls4).
with a ddieilptilta Of 1 'Or 'oNictitlbn i Ogs. oectusitiOn . „
'habits of II fii.. acjilid lareXtreutelcaSSerty•alid '8011:014'
toiNUILYISII , IIfODIOINES4IikE Orell Allan. , i , •
The. lloirgu* A'sstielallorils aliendifolinit;llfstit,uttoni;
ea tabilalled • by !pedal ernlintknarltlfbrAher , rdllet drithe
. sick - end diattnriOdildllkind ifithi: *Virulent, ankEix.
detuleAlsetiseNopct ils.ftivlit (*II Its, usekforsthet,
' Id alf 41,'filatpitus ,of to, eado, * , ~
r obs t a,....- - i 4 eta tbi abc.`o.*l It ,
1 ,ted,.. Ne va voted o /die
LIN niledienn, to;a44: that t e r mp,ip5t....„140..,,
blghniellfenllol 4011 nee o'n n.:,,,,, ~,.. ~ _
4iddrennapcnpplidAPO . ;111Ar,111101‘, 90;04.- 0
In ShrlibbbiTlbiverd:Abdelitliat Midi:4ola; ft. ,- A
y..074 1 ,t0r.44,4?1met0r5i,...1 ,, , , , , .) - ,71 Ir,f7T - 1. , , , ,), ,,, , v: t
--,- - '4: i,lt : , ....i,li.-7L - ;;ZRAiD , III I AUTIVNI4IhRfeaIdeitt.O. ,
pill 311. e ,401,4 1 1 . 4X 0 ,441tXCLITOb•Seatetstv., ~ , , , , r ,
.peroey rpiipelony
• ,all4cpl i ut AlulKa.lothirt.lare.stock , ar.,oomhot,
•!Umr aneb , , LYMn I / 4 :ava Iles iiirak4r , sge
N .1 1, 44 , 14UntrigileIllviittonv *Pi 41114, , Xf.u.t4bitutre
.alni:lso;:allnlkv4 ttimui 44,100,
nc.* -07,140
Evfa, and 4 , taTa fur Polar non , nil aannteadvh:
or atliAil'i^ o 2l l l4 l ,in Vi) 0 , 1 4? turfa,Aillroild Ninon
, a ; Ina tvle rt . dt t
4%. ..tivttAt . BLit 4 13 4117114 ';ot t
;t--&-rvii , c 4 orpoix , woi - th ,,, ;l 4 :nitA ,
I ;411c1t, 0per14,1•14 kAn l l w
Ft4tlV - " Tt; t kn d ,1 14 . 1 4, 4 ,.0 -14,J;havf,
l tkt
(111,100 ftita..tat 01g,4 4 4 4 p
kkwleimika plvtkeq t • •
we i r trritewkii,tepAgooAstotelottu „
r't 'vf. , 44 , 45g,1 410 / 44141,44 00-
! 49010wn. A 4"
• 2 "; ‘;' '
6E 144
.......... z. , • ,
,_,..L__.l.:27:ilefifirelilir,-- ..'--
•---"------ U.M.SACHSDN 31111,AD1 99-Par.
etnellYttire !-• • '
. • „. -
.LlVEltr.l3olflrrotlST; DTSPFIPBI .
Chronic, or., kie'Scims.rarbllity, bisefhece.
•t. and altdiseases apleing from ,a dlsok e ,„ ...
• i ' Liver or Ettomich;:. - • ii. ,
ljtichba r
i•', '. •i. :' ' Conntipatloh, '' '‘l' • '
-r,. . , A t r i i e d s i s ty o r o pi o h o e d s t w o I n te , l h fra lc ii :. . ; „
•:1 T"iiiei;lieerthuiti, Disgust for Food;
L 1- . Fulliresp yr.:Weight on' the.,Stcunarkf '
' • • '• &Ur Finctationn,kinking orbintiering., .
; abilyellt ittliAktoniacb,OPOliribilbrof:7;
• the Heed, Flurried:end Difficult itreething •
. • : Flyttering:ut; the ;Heart, Citosking oi.suffoio , '
.. ting Fetisitione.when In a lying. postnrc Mennen
' of Vishen: Debi if wets beitire the Fight,-Femer--.
_____rand-dull4-Mdttin-the head: - Ihlefeiley of ".
• Perspiration. Xelicierness of the Skin and ,:',' •
Esc., Pain in, the Side, Pack,., Chest,,,i r • , ..' '
- . :` • Littihs; 'Ac , ,
.1 Bidden Flushes 'of. ]lest, Burning In the Flesl4•• ". • . ;
' ,-Conntant Itnntelningto•ot:= • •
,16:r11,Tand grant De, : -,,'•-, ,-, , '.
The prnprietorcin calling,the atientlon 'of.tie pithily
te this „pri . ipitliin, does so - Wittoa feellugor the utninet
confidence its shines And adeptatlop, to the diseases
fobwhieh t islecommendedc- - - , '" , -1 , •"`":":in`:7-fr: .!.
. ' "fig no hie* end Untried nrticle, hut one that Ins
stood thelest ore ton-yeatObial before the American
,peside,..and its Aeputation Mid sale „is. surriiiilled b 7
;any sindlutponpdrationl'onnilit: 'The imetinfonthinlts
&tor given by thEC'enost , :pfottilhent and well 'known
Physicians and individetkill , In ill partite!' the country -
-Is Immense.— - ~ -
...i- • • I ...., 'Li ,t_f...... - ..--,-r---, -r
Are senress e rlesinltY, ,i' dordpr oreitisitretioh,,
thinerb lietkifi'cif the , W,jimpatlietie lend 'Ottiir nerves '
_and the functions of the Main Pre Impititeirbwd"
dettingedtiderariietnent'thire lilitelab.prOduco•filicau,•:,
. es of the, heart, Akin, !Wig& endkjdneys. , )1, , b, 4 . 00,4
Mile teitn&einso' filet; thousibile• die:. with t` hoirrai '
'Billons or Follow Fitter„,,and that howl hareiful direweeii
--The generwl,wanroridectisiti.treating alsiesesititthes'
' flier anirittunach':liiiii nob Veen a dellpieucy of pettish-,
; glad knowledge of .their finftiotsi-, Tlittb;iiit birttitablei
compound that would act 'upon t . cs ili . ii n easi nod all the
• sympathetic, ntrectiOns. Thatihe hs -gained in then
'litters : and they can •he used by.; persona • n ith r . th
;most delicate Stomnch withverfece wifetp-air. thri iiti
no time' debilitate 'the ;patient, but gire etreligth and
' Inc:renew thnnercoun 'energy,. ,_ They 412 ebetiikon it all!
timed, bud under all cirentostinces., No Ordinary expo.
.psure , ,will prevent .thbin bating:a minter,' effect, and'
;no had erect can result from an overdose. c ; ., •, -
: "Ifpntients will ponieferti in the: vie of tiiiirreiMil(y,' •
end `use it strictly according tchdlrectiotni;:it -will cure; -,
;the, foiegning•diseneecirreserY intitaricei• if not i eyed
'the power ofniedielne; it bow enured many. to 'enjoy,
the blessing" of rentuted-heilth, and in many dcieratrp
and abandoned cases. aperfect mid ridlcul cure, ':•..-, -"'
ti",;•..;;. t ,-PERSONS AliVANCEP•lFilillihti. - • •
'them; with
the hind of, Thine weighing heavily upon
- thaw with all. Ita attendant ille•,• will hod in the-use of.:
the - liters an Elixer that will Instil new life into their;
"restore; fn"ii • nieitsure the energy and 'eider of
outbrul days; build „up„,.their. shrunken forme.'
, e.ihealth .end 'happiness' Li' tliiir Ceiniiining.
• . •Win.•sl. Go r dwln' t , k;
• =Paul B. Oriddard.
• • Jimeit DaTerptu,
- • Oust.. Rtglimh, -
Sertetnry and 'maser,,7
..- Teller and lntiriveter, -
• .
Stet, that fully MIIf lif - th'e .
Portion of our.populatlon,Ure seldom In the en-'
it orient( health. nr to bee their own expreseion
rfeel-well."' They are languid, deed(' or all elt:
ixtraniely nerveue, and have no - appetite. To
se ateinva lids,- thane Jitters are - etquielally re
.The-k- peculiar, tonic and-invigorating
It, renttar themiliialuabliein
lee visiting dlykl.dits the,l/aseeit,'lennually • with--
AND, itaVklioilrllllt - rigWilik- OP! A" D 1 LIOUS
tE, will find that by, - -the timely
~use of Amer or
,lett, they vrill nevi - none Instance take' the ells.
4 the Illtters will.tenowateand
._atiengtben the.
end carry the bile off IV liexiaturat
lon Is better that - , cute.
is from AJeaholle Ftlintlene, and - all 'toil:a - lota
into; are pleneant in taste endtrend Int'
btratittn,-wlll.4aPel-Vitlpalnrhid-ketTettoita rernx
), glee bloom
we IS vents per bottle. i - °
etrineli n 1 Onkel. 116, 06 MlCH'etieet, Phll'a,:ri.'
, Sold by twa•.'Strifeltiliipors In - every- town --
ltn'rillegOOTheilhited33tateslad Carindas, 'Aria' by! .
ell DmigglehfOx'Cer/leJe.. 047 . 15,1850. • - •
:44 fshed.txrenty ttio•yeini ego hy.DIU
corner of Third and Union Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Expert halfeninunderedatr—lica ,111 dIlt --- /UCCO.fIII prof ,
- titif:AlifF in the cure of all dlsemitis of a private nature;
Manhood's dul,lllty , 'all ah limpediment to marriage; •
-nervous And sexuai itilseaeos of the skin,
nod those eriiing from abuse of mercury: . • •
Thernis an evil habit sometimes indulged in by. boys ,,
In solitude ollen-growing Won. to' manhood;
and which. ' if not relbrwed In due tlme,not only begets
serious obstacles to metrltininial- happiness, but gives
ri a series o r protracted, xbilana, deyastat ing
Affeetieno. - • - • ' •
Few of these who . gire this 'parnicicrus practice
are annrcrof the consequences, nutti they hr
ud the ne
TOW SylittAr. Phlltiered, fool dtranite and 11110CtOlth table -
sensations and vagup l ears'in the mind. Vice pages 27.
28; 29, - of Wilt "Relf•l'reeetAration.".
The • unfortunate: thug affected becornli feeble, is
unable to.labor with accustomed , visictricilto applichle
mind to Sfutlif bin step Is tardy'and weak: he - is
irresphife, and'engages,,ccren Ili his
,sports with iI4II ,
energy than inniel. .-• ••. ' • •
If he emu lched° himielf before the practice had dents' l"
Its 'Worst; and. enter matrimony, his .marrlago, is, on. ,
trultful E afid his sense tells Him that this is dosed - by
his early 'bellied. These are considerations which should
Awaken the attention of all who are similarly sitneted
can Mee (by stating their case' explicitly, 'together
drllh ail their symptoms. per letter, enclosing a remit."'
tatice)Ar. K.'s medicine, appropriated accordingly.
Forwarded to any part. of-the United •States, and
secure'rrom, DANIAtiE, and CURIOSITY . , by mall or
press.: : .
A Vigorous Life or a Premature Death, hinkelln
golf - Preservation—Orlycente.
--Lotterroontalning ibatvalue lu . glenigis; *lll eu.nie
a copy per return of wall.. : • •
. Free GIFT to all. • •
" • - 111-811:A1tY 12.ELIEVIRD. •
" Viturit'a Ouldti,"adse* and populai work s foil
valuable advice anti impressive warning, - alike calculi .
ted to prevent , years of misery and sate tAminuids of
liresils distributed vilthent Ching!, nneforwarded by
prepallL to any Post Office In - the United :Stites
on recoltinnsin,order enclosing two postage.atAyors,...
—They never did dd - pore than give temgorar;y
rot of; dog they never will! lt in because they don. t
t.meh.thsbeellue-of the diar•vr - , Tho-estuse-ot-ttll-tigua-v-;
and blilittue diseases la the alpoltilicrie poiden railed
&Havant be Malaria. hentialize, this' poison by lie co--
TVIIAL dierinid muised by It divappen:
'at once. Rhoden'. Vevey and Ague litre is thin antidote—
be haldria,'and'tnoredver it in a peiteetly,hpthieva med
icine: ' The vertinckate Af the . veldbrated - rhentivi, J. It.
of flew-York, to thin effect, ie attached to eve
ry liottle I , theretoief. if it zdeee',Vo., good, it.tan ' do no
.'ls Ix Mho than raw be said Of Quinine, Anionic, or
any.other.toulo in.exintenee,.as their use is- ruinous' to •
the* Constitution Unit bringe on imm3 U}:, which
never allows a person to ,Jeeiperfectly well for ;
moment. In IllustratiOn of ibosEfruthiLl annex 1,11111
eatrinds,frorou totter just zerelvelfr from a Physician: .
Utoluttourr, Wire, March 17,11G0.
,-JAB. A. 1111fiADS. gwv:kcs:puriTof 2d inst., -
le at baud. 'the Cure Arched lite and. the
difficulty Ili getting any one It wrii greatly
Increased from the feet !bat a remedy 'bed boon' intro-
&iced which was pairing' in feta' with the as ~
Irving ietterihan.using'QUlnine—not knowing, •l pre.
some, that the remedy .thoY used to escape taking
nine contained the Wail • I'ISELF t
remedy (known an - lwrtilitiegTorde,") could in
variably BREA li, en.Ague,'but it dirlbot 'Cure it, as it
, would often colthni wittinihNect•eigori..Thts one '
,cUrniitiitair I downed in jhUr favor, it }could, institute '
a test"Coreiparlson between it au4 your CUIIE. The
Ariwingia'the result;'•" 7". • - . ••, -
-,Threix persons _took your "Cure," all of which. were
niseicof }even". 'of many
,Weeks standing. They had tried Quinhlo and other •
'remedies, occaskinally missing it'rblll; but it was (as in
- ,the'friliffdtriliir of -nthet.and,seWerer -
iftetoeiritfirdifetitga"radical Cure7of.-1111•15feirortheire—,
et seep, I Vta r zitni y , Anrithey' - air Cunt had a chill
; duce: In all three of these eases tbidth'i`Tonir
bkdilicett_thscid,:and-would, lefore.statrd, Week the
chi l i,
hilt after a period or ; two had. elapsed. nould
think• there sellithe no difficulty, -now In .gbrlng to
yOur,•`pure" theoraulage ground of any other reined, ..;
'new in use bere: - .te:;•itc.'
xind'A'cutrx IJURIf.,Or Al 4 lllDifpl
TOSIALAIII A, the outy Itorntlesit,ndliedy'lk_faXletence
*equally eriitallvarifillityigivWx,:its-a!goin." ;
it:whin you reel Alio ebillre. owning' on `atirtymi, will -
, iipier - hove it,.lfule One. ', • -•,-
. .
,' - `ll Ti ie
e.Alrpr eole'by gaia'lnruggiatil generally.
NOW tit.EADVAl.t.E'N'till's . l , AVE f jt - '
1 r ' atECOlao, 11, ;ookle,etion]LociN'amilkt tier',Vi4ta . .and, • ,
solo . 11 B,,contaldholl a, tokiidetO.liat,t• fetlSPapatillt. ~,
the,th;Ped States ; aid Great , liiitaist,
..The. !
only:rellablo work of tbakind-ht the _world: .-AW Intel; ', '
Wilde assistant to thaltdittr, t7oo)o.'nkilatter, andhln-' :
0 1 49 v cel i r 3 . 14 - "ite• - ilt.t: '-' ... .c.-: .- - iii,ciitan. ''
::-.04rt07 i bP,,,,,,tr i ... - •. • 3 10 4 teion4incitti, 7 '
i .... 7 ,', publiibiii, It o.:8 - etotwk , et.; Philad labia. •
It/pEdltorwlueerting,the abote..threa.niantla....wilit. :
Vettorild reterance, and sanding wpies, of, - tho,papor, : ,
'i) rd•tothytAbov.elldrtyie,..Wllfroetdte449P.if,thlP-r•
N.RAVSF4IIq3, - - 1),(41WA-131:}ro'
".;,R§ T x;•' 'bilv E te 8011.9 'did - atilt .be furnished of
,-, •• r : AdfhOTe4 aatittnretion and finish.; Their ,
ti ~,,. ;.„,trittdirg,appitratua li:pae - pllm., and Waif "'•
t .
3131i3m;riln;adv loge aver` all:,other, toillal .. _
- it MitikeflOtilofitet.O.t;iti noir. Odom"; theupplea
'!' 'ArkiKt.4l4gtittitt 'A a a or a, raptdly rerotriWg
titabilitut retainittftlTU 13 30 • fine pulp, which
044 1 .itEM J U ltkßlM,SYNt at sl_,,it.,...,..Fr l i s r i .ii
Rif. he pomace Arai coarse. ~.—_,,,„_..,..r .
bc..„,greatly. Improved .aad strenatnenetaiw.FT... , ~,,...:3
ter l ed,by atretwriotat ,
. 3 Tr, end the whole home li ttAh
~ •,.
"lbw , ' h t '
5 If 'lt itradajtekttPittittiafti''Pri"s* 3f 1' ht .
' Awe worked oylead to the, eaten .9{.
~.,. j e g
; 411 T 81 . $ a -dA P '''' - it:tiiidittiii7i tiV,,7''-
. • ~:_,.., -... .../W 3 c T , .
,-•,-) ~...:: i.,•••- , ..
..... •. - .-•,:Lapleineoktvilieed totsti.',„ . ,;
' 8 4. 24 4 rif i lW :''- ; ir...t 4 , 7,14f 11 14,MF...°14./Pgft i.., !
A., 9.L1 AP liter*S.l.ll . r
, , . 17,0 ”ISPrilem&stitluvAbil!let 04 •F 't -
? "I tit a cttitl . iti:V i b i lt Ilalr,,Vrzt T,
,: 4 7X4itot,ototekin.rtwoompaunoth iinsortmbilt• -
mill*•jOicaa Aro ebo coriluwvat. Also,* lam* *ark ti or
% 11 }krf4 11 g 8 .# 1 aP, Frye.iretta i 14*, 'f - '''..,
i- t o . .
el it
Its . ** cest, earlale.
tr, 01,"4, KitY4gfoiipthel ilVillltih;44l/lo* W8t. 1414,018 '
-0-i-, , - . tr.+ , f • . 7 t 4,.. t.. 4 -
Jr'r b:44f . ,, 14 4 ‘ IJ ill fAJt,' Yf A 1,1).--.
Aa Aim ~ .vittem nruak, J Aktlittlni b.. ~,
esulamibete offer for 'We* iarge and web MEl** ~ '
8 tarliMA - ',, ,'" , f
..rn,` tiley , LuNlVlßL'erilloOLES; &ik, 1 , Y " ' t
itiVrBjdOli t iWlii3t .4144010 1 eatan VaVfOrl, l a
4 lir/1409*"1:4114441'Ve4a4Vp.11
IA •
IX %.
P l us.