, dittgfeirciiit ukßEßlANOnykf;titylt; R C -7"4". ` • " •• . Z." • . . . • - • • • • . • Oci'itinfitlitii;o2 . ol4loA - 44 4 4;i 1 ;inii 1861 , Passenger (84124aye,entipte4.:) • 'idlt • '"' iThitinbin - 4V0ii; . _.4.60.4:44." 4 4: . 30 31. --05 , 443hippenabArg,-- , -,---5.20,—:--1! • ',5.00: +q • , Carlisle ' • • 0:30': : 6.10 . "'.• , Mochlininsbuigi,.' 6.40 AVliirrlsburg, • •;- •,• 1.35 . ".. 7.16 . „ FOR CiliitoEllBlll.ll[o, • Laird itarristMtg, • • 8.40' A. AL • -• - Darlhde, - r • • Neuritic, 1 0 . 35 -• ". Shipponaburg, •-- 11.02 ,1 - " Itt - Chambersburt, . • • 11.41 - " FARES •'. Ifi‘ini and Mier •ttili - date; the fare front. Mechanicr birg , to K:Mgateti will bb 10 6ttits - : from Kingston to . Middlesex , lb centg; from. Middlesex to'Carlisie, 15 cis; from flood hope to Alterton, 15 cents.. • • 'trains leave Ilatrisburg fur Philadelphia; at 7,65, A. M.; 730; P• M., and 1.15 I'. M., Will Columbia.: For Pitts. burg; 3.55, A,,"51., 12.65 • noon; and 9. 26 I'. M.• -FOr 'llaltiniort, at 2.30 —450, A,, Al., and 1.45, P. M. Trains - tnithe Dauphin and-Susquohanna itallegad leave liar. •rliborg for Reading, Auburp, Payee from Ilarrisburg, 3lechanicsburg, Carlisle, Ship , • peFfiburgoind Chambersburn, will be ton canto lest; when paid for y lckets at the Qffice, than . when paid In thb Cars. ' . • , 'O. N. T.ULL 4 dupar't, • Railroad - Dillon, Chambersburg, ' , Diarch.25,1367.—.3t. • J • • • PARLOR/ AND COOKING , STOVES: ~ e nubseriber at hie old stand on North Hanover at., Carlisle, tho sign of the "Mamicloth Red Coffee Pot," dcl . fres to call the attention of the , public to his large as. ortment of STOVES, of the newest and .most fashions. • -1110 styles,from_thelmt _manufactoriesiulho .'country, and at al`` pikes from 8,3 to $15.- i Among his PARLOR & CHAMBER, STOVES "arethe Mirror Stove, the Aretic, Rovere,"Star; Persian," Union and lEtna Air Tight, together with otherpatteins ,which he has of.allelses for parlors ornhateinirs.and calculated for burning either ' wood or. coal. Aim, the 'Stmt. Glob.' ' . 4or, Albany, ;71st-tap and Bapdbox or Peoiliran's.-yrith ether COOK ING STOVES, coteptising the latest Wit ,ivements in kltoheif stOvei; end intend...l for with,:. • ...xxl or coal. Also, the Dining Room Cooking Stove—le new nudele . gent article, to which 'he Invites the particular atten tion-of familles,• His cooking stoves range in price from $1 "8) 25, witif_tho fixtures complete. Also, Nine Plate Si Ares of various patterns and different prices. Also, ENAMELLED AND. TINNED 'VC ARE for Cook-. log Staves, Brass Kettles; Also,s!ve . ry artiele,in the .:71introf Tin andttopper - Wiiii.: -public are respect. fully invited to call as he is confident with his (large stook, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en; tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see. vet. 25, 1854. • 81. MORRIS . FIRM !-NEW GOODS 1,-- . . PARIS k KNTORT, Late of I'hilndolpbiu, aper Hangings, Mouse, Sign, and Decorative Pointer., Imitator. of Wood and Marble, chalking° all others to compote with them in the various branches of tho *MI CM=l:l • .• Having fitted up our store for ) SASE: the exclusive sale of WALT. ' :•••n " PA PFII9 0 RUN It S. FIRE • tiotk • I l• •---•.•—.-•••• • • • ... BOARD PRINT 8, WINDOW Aim.— CURTAINS, SHADES, &c., w. - respectfully lufifeTtlcepublic-td an-examination of our stoch,tremi.which_we.are _confident of giving. otalre_sa, . tisfaction to all who favour us with a call. - Our goods • having been selected with care - Irem the 'first manufac tures in Philadelphia, will be furuished pt the lowest prices. All orders for Taper Banging or PainUng promptly and personally attended to and executed workmanlike manner.' . • • ' J;W:PARIS. Practical Paper Banger. • • W.F. KNlGllT,Tractical (louse k Sign Painter. • South Hanover street, next door to Ilannon's Carlisle, Pa. - • , , April 8,,1857,-6m, _ . -A—R-P .E 3 a SONS;Mar,onlellell t efiesinut Street ; below 6th, Pb Indelpbla. , Would call tho nitentlon of the pOblie tb the - Isrgo and" varied anfioitinont of • - - • CARPETS, OIL CLOTIISiNATTISOA, he.; which they aro soiling very cheap for Cash or City Ao. eeptances, wholesale and ratan..• March 11, 1857. • pAPER HANGING WAREIIOUSE J,E.VANMET.EI4 - EN. Corner SIXTH •nnd ARCH Streotn, PHILADEI. PHIA.; offers for sale a large annortment of _ --OVALL PACERS, • at prices ranging fro Six Ceuta per piece upwards, of choice patterns,- comprising • . • • Cheap Satin Papers,. • . Fire Decondive Papdrs", Fire Beard Prints • Floe Geld Papers, _Borders and Mo uldings, Fine Setiii Paper, • Marble Papers; Oak Paper's, Sir Now Styles Window Curtains. In great variety' Dealers supplied on roost - favorable terms. , March 4,1857. • • NEW GOOD.S. FOR SPRING OF 1867. Fashionable Silks, brew Spring Shawls, Silk Robes; (Flounced,) , British & Frpnch 'Chintzes, Black Stilts, (extrargloss,) LaVriaand Lawn Rohde, Spring Dress Goods, Shawls, of newest Fashion, Staple Linen Goods, Llankids, Quilts, ',mask flithle Cloths, Napkins, Ac. Oentiornons Wear and full stock of goods for Bus Clothing. Bargains, dolly received from New 'York And Philadelphia Auctions Wholesale buyers ere invited to give us en early call. EYRE & LAN,DELL, - 4th and. Arch streets, Philadelphia. Air Terms Nett Cash, and prices low. March. 4, 1857.-3 mos. . . N"S'A WMIL L.—The under signed would Inform the public ilk bpi= Ico ate d a Saw MllLthree'miles from Mount the road to Laurel Forge. and Is now prepared to saw ell the various cites of YELLQW PINE OAK and CHESTNUT THIRFiIt, which are usually wanted. He is also pre pared, to saw and furnish Chestnut and Pius 8111 N. TILES to prder. Also, PLASTERING LATHS. Those desiring these articles are roquested 'to send In their orders. S. N. DIVEN. Papertown, March 4.-43 mu 4. NEW GR.OOERIES!- . J. W. EBY. • • • A choice eelectlon of Groceries of ovary varlet) , , 16. —ilbding-Spleeraud-Tem-have-beetradded-to our-former aussrttnent, among` which may bo had strictly prime JAVA, LAtigYRA. 1110011 A COFF together with a general. assortment of •• 8R0WN...4 :MUTE SUGARS,. - • • Including Crushed, Granulated, Pulverized, and Chub Bed Sugars. Also• alot of Now Cheese,. Fareira, Corn Starch; Mustard, Chocolate, ke. Also Green and Black Tear t ol Jenkln's select brand. . For sale at the lowestpricesat 'MARION BALI, GRO CERY by - (Oct 21) „ • -.J. W.• EBY.- • • N i TARIitIRTON'S BONNET MA TERIALS FOR SPRING, TRADE.' • TO - 114TANERS, MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. ' Jut recolecil a full.supply of cheap and - desirable geode. the lastest Paris fashion of our own Importation,' also from 'Auction end Importers, whit h we offer much below the usual prices. . • - . ... -. Bonnet Ribbons, all widths. MersolOnes: Vance and Crape, do. Florences. • , ' . Black Velvet, - - do. - English Crapes. Plain Satin; do. - ' Aerophano do. Plain Menem, •- ' French do.' 91.p.a0 Silks. . - ' Bonnet Lawns. ' It do sor, • Tarlsiou,•white & col. Oral` Afrique, - Joined Blonde. - Black tiro do Rhines, , . , Illusions and Nate. lilgck Diodes,. ''' Ruches and Quillirigs. Black Bombsines, Crown Linings, Oil Silks, act.i ect. - . t , • I , ' . . EttibrOlderice. Gloves, Mitts, and Loki - floods, ' ' . ... WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. - - ----- Af-Nii.l.o%,South SECOND Street, Second Dry Hoods - Mord below , Spruce, I'HILADELPIIIA. mAy 6, 1857.3 mos. .. . _ . . . ERIES!- F. S. C. fIUYETT'S • ' Shad ondllickore! of dyfpriot grides, ; . •At IIUYETTI3, Balmon,'SCAlO Fish-and4hlte . . • At ituy orrs. Caddeb;.Saltand Pickled liarrlog.• • "" - • 1 . • ":. )13 iitlY3: Cliaeaciaitd Criekens canbe'lteldi "" - . ' At ITUYETT'S. 'Dried Ifileit;,Djeneniee ml 4 •• imczrra... ;At At 11.17YD1T5.... Sugar Cured Beef and - Titi3cu A tV:eiay_4lo.7:iistl4Ql7oitp;, TirrailDWA RIO I: f.IIARDWAREI-L' SP,RINCI ARRIVAL AT JOIIIS. P. :..LYNN - scie..is;cimAr The.Ohlfiiiire iiiitiested to call and examine our trod beronSmaklug their- purphaiia,fUl WO are selling goods • at tWlidwitt Prices,' - We "hasp eipry:thlinr you, may, want in out ltnp,.nsdJn el:tell - quantities that We can supply, all ',Vile- witty - Aver, us with their ,patronage Carpehteriii: Cabinet Mdkers;'‘Vagonanil Coach Atakora,: —..Palnl•ndlhoxiiinkeyezDiesksmit,ldaarifezbiAibora.,, will. flnd laud:and complete' assortmedt, L er eloodi! leaded, teem, atCaudi P,rices _ as will tie sure - 04de* .:TItIC - • rk FON • . - •.. ,Forthpatieverxtiee s t, Carlisle --yAIVIILVIT'AMAGE AND HAA-, arresatlyXariiiip am tat of single Ehroess for $l2O esab, If taareliesed,Sti or 11.64=Y^Wasi. atatahnualeavlag for The yresa 'pubs Itt Newark, In-the .best manner, and- has • been in.uss but ,, three ~ dare:, ,T he Hama wealnadtattliew.llrunarrle_k by ..one the beat milker% oia ttbas Newt:aid sarno longiliotttant Theymay_be seen at prof, Marshall's residence. Apri,l4) 4861.1" . . VA Mitt; TON - 4112NEIVAToLEY;g0h. Ain't! . so. 'F'Oiiilaraietr. ; DAT Anil OLEAN "duving: winter ipealipt• st, l oo:dh:b4n4„anAl, tor 31 94 h e. mum ylrivat , coitaini4 BoYA, Co.rtutel b ANOKiN COAL from the_pfpgtg 0t.*, , c17 ran, Peal & Co.. itlra-*VI .14;14 p br ro4tP; 4, eajth.tiagelpfetfa*Xperegos.Dorottaft. noT,I rgis. • -yr.iaattranst. • - ' ,:..4 i, • ~...',, ' •• 1.. , -.4 , : i. ,\-...-- ,' -,:-....,,, .**loo 3 74,lll.*ltyogOit: A,. .., f ,acia - CIAMICILIMIL'., , 04;2 1 ,01 , 4N,M*111mOMMOVJNN , SU% ant cape Elan poi:mots. COM. klowersa,M t vm... ' • MI an . - - +At At,tmEss, elms, ertupaiw - . lry ie. • Tony Afimtn r..... "P-twaskista,CoirmoW Vs , Mt:47,11 1 7. a 1wi 11 1C4 0 1 3Z 1 1 h !•1 41 # 41 ; 114 . ' 4 .• . . . . • , •A . A. 1 -if EFfi:Mi!'-oftifri'%;:tSl7r-CY:'. t, ;....: konii4imuNi.rv-mtrtittirr'toisproW i -t . -1,-. . , .„ , - I. Ala, itiNltiaitcpitt - g , Wat.fakoxionit, I .t 131intter , Poiiiel400;001} - OapltaittialitiiiPollfea :• . - • C10835,•.—$ Cheinitf a tleit: '. • - • - ' di t t ' • Jamul Inatutarma;elthe'r Voitionentorllmlted, agape! , losamr damage:by fire, on enenzat , and 74114+110t ever'', t Al osmiptleno•ln towtvotOonntry,on.theltibet - 'reartihnlibi ' .. termat—tkpplleatlatiii — midoottherperannally.orrby-lottor;- *lll be promptly attingotl t 0. ., t..- , ~:, tr.... , A• If t ,-, . : , • ::,- - - • ~.-:.• • -, 1-.O. , N.:BANbICER;Pres'i; - :The enhaeribir la agent for the , aitivb companylb: ~ 'Oarllstannilltifilelolty. , tAll.applicatlone for Inset neo 1..,._ either by‘nutatirl'ifilnmiutllit. will' be promptly atle ed • to by . •:•,-, - '!' . --. • • .• -. A. - . 1. gPONtiLlelti , tt L _,..due.l2,!,66....lteaLEatate.Agent , tmd,t3elsoliti . . ES Id Train 1.10 P.ll 2.56 " 3.25 •f. 4.00•" • . Tp LILFI (INS UkANCE. AND,-CAST • DIDOSBORCI •111C111.111; • rifts-. IN:: jiu ItAX94 OMPANY of Cumberland County,tincorpo: re4o4 12,y an act of 4inewably; now fully, organized} and in Operation . findOr the' management of .tho following , 'conuissionors, via:, • • ,Daulel' Bailoy„ , Gorges, Michael • Cocklin, • NfOicholillienneman,Christian Staytuan, John C. Dian ! laprJacoßLl. Coover, Lewis Ilyei; llenrY Logan, Bonin . min H. Musser , Jacob Mumma,. Joseph. Wickersham, Jklekandes Cathcart. . .• . . The rates ofiwjuranco are as low•andfavorable as any CoMpany of the kind ip the State. Persons vilshing to become mombere are Inyitcd• to make apphaftlen to the , agents of the companjl• whozare • willing , to watt upon , . •• ' , • . 11 - ILISSEIL president. •• HENRY LCIJA.Ni Vlco,kresident: •• ••• • „. • ; •• LIMBS MYER, Secretary. -MICHAELGOCKLIB, , Trowiurer,* - •• -" um_ ". Berland 11.• Ilernian," - Kingstown; Henry .7.O . lirlifg • Shirenlanstown• ; Charles -Bell, Carlisle; Dr. .1. Ahl ChurchtOwn ; Samuel. Gralno, Vest • Penneborough James Mc Dowel, Fmnkford; Mode Griffith, South Mid • dieton ; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Haverstick, lirechen • icshurg; John Shenrick,•Lfsbuni; David Coover, Shop. • • YORK COUNTY.--John Bowman ; Dilishurg; Peter 14olford, Franklin; John 13Mith,bliq., Waehingt. n;" Picking, Dover; J. W. Craft, Faradime, • • Jt'Leclunim." ' Members of the cusua having policies about tr ex nirean o have ' • yndby . n a6h y noppin,roc pay: of the aart^a • ,:,CIIRTSTMAS - AND:NEW :YEAR. •••• Tin, stare of the ;Alliseriber, le in receipt, and the • ehelires are now nopplied - with a henclaoind iolortion of ' • FRENCH 'CHINA, . and Amounted fanny ware; such - as Inkstands; haskets, Vases, Coffee cups, Jewell boxes, Toy Tea and Dinner setts, China dolls In v.arloty, - aud_a variely,of.other art Ides allifelinniteelbrtha OROCERIBS .AN D SPICES ..in every variety, 'fresh - and of beet quality have just. been added to our former stock. ' .._-. • :NEW BETHLELIE.II-BUCKWHEAT, of very line quality. In small, Racks . also' on. hand, .CRANBmtniss, RAISINS, Cnitiants, Citron and other goods adapted to the mason o variety, constantly In store and for sale by Carlisle. Dec. 10, 'lO. . J. W. EDV. • HARDWARE r