Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 29, 1856, Image 3

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Pro 2‹(.TApositor.
toA.H.Li§mr., PA
ir,oualt 410 Tounto jliattei-s
- "*q. a ET ON rr.v..Eyr.ksA- I, T.A 1 , ,—This
- popular compney of voealiatu will pay Ili- a
•visit and give 'ono of their agreeable ooneerte
iiithe,C.mrt 11 )U3e, on 8 I,t9r Ity eiratrit
--,rdie_yar,eeu:w_dl_kirma here th,tt nothin' le
necessary to - assure m' Humorous, au limes bult
'the knowledge of their iutenLion to give a eon.
. .
„ tary Cour! of Inquiry is now in session at the
Carlisle Barracks, composed : of several
v• ilt •T
eran,Gen. Cnbnbttttt, , pelm!r . o ener" l,
.• rresident.of the Court. . Toe tither niembers
• - • 1 • are COl..'PAytou, Assistant C s umtnisSitay • Grim;
crab and Cul. J. L'• On.ttoscit, of tho first
Regiment of Artillery, *Cul. 'l.soyltsr is a broth
or of the iqustrious an t lamented Br,isaleitt
• • . • •
Tnnoit, 'to whom he 'Dears n close
bifiLICO. Lieut. 11..tynadier is : Judge Advoca e
• of the Court.
TILE COUNTY Ruio-it certitinly
--verrga Han t—in, our neighbor or the, Volunteer
to elVe the 4.0(1 such high praisfe as he dare
for their cont s ilbutions to the recent Fair, hat
in kis impulsive gallantry lie Should be care
' ful while eulogizing the 'beautiful not , to do
injustice'to the practical: We think ,if he
_,gives the folloiving 'extract, which we take
rioui hie notice of the fair 7,4 se6tind — reffiling7.
be will acknowledge that it •iS a tither tt'.ti
sweeping' cotyleinuatiotr of the agyicultural
department :
“Ana now, stew wards is reference to the
agricultural tivparttn , qa , of
_thin a/pica/turf&
The exhittifisin of hones was large,hut.
se far,as me could judge, poor. With rho ex..
.ceptiott.ef draft hnr o cs, two Or ,.
telerala saddle horses, and--we on tht cc
stolli - ans,At Wits
. noihing to brag of. - There' .
• was a nututter of very gelid tnitles on
tiun, and one pair. owned by Messrs Aid's, of .
- Newnllc, attraete4l much attention, and sv,ere
- the, beet on the gronnd. • Of cAttle it is. entree
ly necessary ttl speak, for,. with the exception .
of. thoKentaoky beifelts 'exhibi toll by Mr. Dan.
lel 'Alit of New dile, there worn, none on
. the
- ground Worthy of note. The same may he
' said ol swinetSheep theromcre none. At is kJ
tact; mid it is,: with reluctance , that wCiiiitlEC
the neknowlvdpitent, that the farinerti..Jif this
cotinty,..tteneralfy tpenking, appear to talurno
pains whatever to ituprove their stook, and
hence it is that this (eatre'of the Faiiin-Oun
ted almost—ra-ti-failtire %We dokape, our ng
- riotiltural friends will tliink of this"subjeet,
ottid like their brethren in nearly all other
couotietk-of_our. State; make on etf at. to int
- -pr Otto the brood of their -horses, , cattle, sheep
and, hogs”
~ •
-- Why the Erist; North and West-sitles,of. the
enclosure were entitely . occupied with stalls:
probahli , not less- than two hen=
dreg entries, and yet our . irelghbor thinks
'tthis.feattire of the fair. amotinted alli - iest to
.failure We cfAtally Pitfin-_ourz7neigh--
bor's expression of the hop that ,itirfarmei's
will t. make an-elforeto intprove"-their stuck,
but to illy that the show of-Stock on VIM' oc
casion deserves he credit at all,,is„to any the
lens . t,•quite too sweeping a statement. •
We shall not do our neighbor ihe. injustice,
white taking exceptions to a purtian tof his
remarks, to suppose that he. has any other
than a Jriendly feeling toward the society.
But it must be remembered that our County
Society is in but;the.third year of its organ
. izatlon, and that it is manifestly the duty of
the prose to extend to it a fostering hand--:
while not efraitl to blame, to _he ^yet- more
willing to praise. .-(We may say., too, in par
entliexisr thatithe Society on the, other hatftl,
owes to the press an equally frietfdly . spirit ) -
The Society has made an admirable start and
is Undoubtedly - ne.ehm plhshi al; n good'
If Cumberland County stock is just noiv . nut
exactly what it ought •to be, it cautlot
under time spur of cotnpetitioi, 4 l - o" - raphily .ast
,eriority If there is no improve-
ranee t
merit ip five or ten yenra later then Wo may
q,ue4juil the utility of the AgrieulturtiUsevel•
. The-officers of the eoeiety have' thus fit
shown themselves truly° ovork . ,ing. men.. The
president, Col. Paxton, is in most energetiO
and efficient officer. The Tree - surer and See
rotary, Mesers„Sheaffer and Watts, and the
Executive Committee, are' untiring in their
exertions, giving Vali:table time to promote
theSticcess of tile annual, exhibitions. The
—report-of-premiums - for - this - year - will - tro - fouti r l
in full on the last page of to-day's paper.
J. Newlin, forinelly I"iistor of tip First Tres-
byteriith Church in Car hag reeentl39Nen
.elaoted President of Delaware College, tit New ,
ark, ,Delaware.
'Rev. Win T .Sprole, a predecessor of Mr,
Newlin in the stole pastoral charge. an I late
lyChaplain at the 'West_ Point Academy; we
unClerstand; has been calt.Pl to the .pastoral
charge of the Dutch Reformed Church, in Jer
' key City, N.,J , a large, wealthy and'flourish , .
ini church:
, • Rev: 0, 11. liFitny, of Dickinson CiAlege,
has received a call to the Pastorship of the As,.
sociatu, Reformed Church, in Fayette street,
-H—Baltintore.,_w_eich_Avoikarn:_lic . lyo accepted. -
U. S. • SENATOR.—T he • last - V, lunfcrr
Eh mi ovzit each propose Judge Iluphurn. of
for 11. S. Sett %ter. As the Detneeruts
will haven mojority, at three on joint -lutllitt
and can elect, the Judge cony possibty he the
!unity man, unless, peradventure, Simah should
"turn up" again end throw their Plans into
confusion ! Nuns verf
TUANKsolviNci-7DA . z. — Gov , Pollock.
hneappeinted Tlun•sdug,aite 20th of Nevem..
ber,'ns n day of Ilnpildigiviag and 'praise to
the giver of all good for the' blessings wo en
joy-as a people. This 'anMual otisnevatMe of
ono of the wady practices Of our pilgeirit tutu
ers, is becoming more generally observed
ihroughont-she-cottiitry:•-nn...evidence::of .the
addauce of intelligence and ohristianity.
Tr H
The tirestest Arrival of the deriien of •
.1 lV 000 . D S'Al! LIZ br.DAV, -, 8 TO It E! ----
.The subset bet has just The city and Is
now opening, nest door to Costamagint`te. Ilan (Into
i<inglnnghlio s), to North Ittuoyer •Dtrosti a splendid
assortment ofi
• „,,,,,,01,41,, g sfeeleoes, Deena tiilks, Vorslup Cloilg, Do
lAines, Ile Doges, Salt Flannels, Bibb nw, Cloths, Cos+
mow, Clialhatas, C. 111030.. rltaclno,
11,4,47,Gibve5, white and colored Carpet re, '
0 DUMMIES of alit:halo and Nista - I.IU
:Also a large stock *of •Ddr/TS AND 011.JED;Witlell he
~. mires cheap, as any house town. , •
:a t it- r i l lu o tt p e r r ic kl o
j ttga,..l legs, Soap, and pruyi . Fruittrdrop
S forget, the plaqa,. next.door lo,l4llll A ugiiiin's .
Oct •1:,11856.).
...-.. . . .. . .
'-, rrilllT :CLASSIO,AL . :AN El' - LITNittV„
L 1W IVOR .SCROOL; at .Nevivillo; .Pa.r . will* •be
.:-..-:- . -n - pened'es usteri,on-VIIPPRAYi-tlie--4s4,of,floveinher
, , nook: and eentinue tire in:intim: ifho,fernier Principal;
' W. 't. Lion, hiving retired from the employment of
. teaching. the Scheel will be carried on innierlhe,stiper..
..,, .Intbrulance awl, direetien of, the:eithscrlher, wile will
'. '-7cie drio diligence to Udvance * .tlie beef Intereate of the
~ a
- • • pirolle.conini Mod 011ie care. ,' • , ~ : ~.. „; : -..„-.':, ~
..'Pti!t3lfi—lor - i 'i'ultieu, Ansr4lng pad . 10 .46 1 12,‘V0y,
'' C0d , 41 , 2x.) . :;,',.. .- .. :: '110%11360.A.0114104'.''.-
• 'A Pliftlll3lE7l BREATlE=WBarliidy-Orgentleman
ckuild uudor the enrol) of n dlsagreeabla breath
•FLOWERS" ns ndm,Erigoo would no 4 only render It .
sweet but leave the tooth while - se alabaster? Many .
N 1140115 do i l ot know their trealh' is Bad. and the sub-
Jost is so ;lethal.° their friendi will•never mention It.
Pour a single drop of "Balm". oil yotirlooth brush and
. wash thobteetlaulght and.mer4lllgg 3 4k fifty.culi bottle
will last a year, ;• • • ~.•2•;itr.
•••• &BEAUTIFUL 003IPLEXION May oseily ho sediiir;
eil'hy•uslng the ' , Oahu bfa nousand 0lowors."1 t will
removo tan, pimples and.freeNies from tile plle, leaving .
It if a' soft and rosaatO liti& Wets Pour on two,
-nr-throiallropsAtuLwaShißelliewnlght and morning.
• BIIAVINO MADE EASY—Wate r our—filitwo nVii or threnish
In either warns or cold waiter, pon
drops Of "Balm Of 'a Thousand ylowors," rub the board
well;-aril{-It-ne1i male tt beautiful soft lather, much
farlliteting the iipersitlaitiffShoving,..-- Frio-only:Fifty
ronts. Buora COUriltUribit.s.•
W. P. FE None ganuind nIessTICIBLE CO
Oct. '1,•1850.--10,,),,,k.
FREMONT, VIE M1131.,8A I CLNIIIDATE.-11 Cal. fromont
had as many frientlS as 0.351 noting Liniment, I hu up,
') sltlou could not draw a Corporal's guard. Olr. Fie
.remarked, in Ills dispatches to Mr. Flllmnre.
transpotting horsesland eattlo , over lbw plains of
Siesivo, the Ouvornmont would sand on a lib
eCal supply of Mustang Liniment, It would safe, Wiper
con t,..0f his losses." This Is very important 'for all Tar
mors and Liverymen to know.. Tho'slustang Liniment
wonderful article for man or beast. It should al.
wayibo used 1 . 01 Sores, Swellings, .Stiff Joints; Alums;
tic Pain; &c.. -- and:for-Golds,-.Spralu
Spa i Rs, Bingham', ,te., upon horses. Bowan) of MOUM.
Lions. Th.Muotang is sold by all raspeclablo dealers
ovary Whore .' ' PONES A PARK;
Oct. 2J—lm. - ProPriet me, Now Yvi-k.
• •
Subduetlie pain and Hun from thesoverest hurtl
r scalds, lu to en sac to twenty minutes—and that- u
will the - woundswithout 'a scar; and ,effectually,
cure. i!eier , Soros —PllwitSalt Rheum—lnflammatory
ittimnatlam—Sore'and Inflamed Eyes—Gills—Wouniii
—Bruises—Old and Inveterate Sores—Scald' Head—
Corns and Ihmions—Erysipolas—Sprains"4: wellings—
Felomi—Chlllilains—Bites of Insects—Swelled and Bro.
ken Brdast—Soro Nipples—Eruptions—and, all other
Inflammatory, and cutaneous diseases, where the parts
De !ISt be incredulous about thir many disenies named
to be cured by only one thing—but reflect that the few,
but• pysitivc properties which the Dailey Salve alone
contains, :mints heretofore enumerated-400 y to tbur,
can reach not y t:i afire-non tinned die effeefy hilt
) , Query.—Do not regular brad physicians proscribe mile
met inwardly oar scores of different diseaSes
Each /six of 4.4,NuINF. D ‘1.1.1 . ' 9 Pans Crinscvm has life
on Itst Steel Plato Engraved Label with the signatures
of C.• V.,, LICK EN ER B CO.. proprietors. and 'HENRY,
11 ALLEN'. mire iffisturer. All others are counterfeit.
orderS shluld be addressed rto D. V. Cllckener &
CiL,lll Itarclay street, Neu. York. -•
throughout the_Unkt.p.l
••. _ '
\I p 0 T rE It
. .
tb.,2lst lost. by' Itcy..lorob :Fry. Mr. AMOS W .
Abit.):3E....of Illinois, to Miss MAIttIAbET It. 111)7S, of
eirlilwilauct cu.,
t Ito 25,1 lost., by tho enmu, Nr. DAVIE! SPAIIIt to
3flev"OAT II A ItINILEZLLSJAIit of Cdrlislo.'
'tho Mb Inst. by •Olu same, - Mr. PETER 'LUCA&
of Cumberland county, to' Miss JOSEPHINE NITCOL
[IMPURTIIb, FOR TIIF usdnia).].
• CMLISI,n, Wellnusdak,Octubar.2o 186 C.
FLotnt ,Supel fine, per bbl. •• $6 25
du Extra, do -; 6,60"
do 'Family • do - - , 676
- •. -do •
WurrE WiIEAT per bushel
, 'do---'
.• _ 1,1 o;
CoItN do
at En • • • do
-- CrovEns - EnD do—
Ttmornysnni) . . do - -
FLOUR AND M BAL :—The Flour market is
Otter and prices are well supported. Sales
afresh ground Flour from now wheat at $7 a
712/. Small - sales of extra and fancy brands
at s7i a 8.1.. There is little or no export,do
mond. ' Ilye,Flour is worth $3l. _Corn - Meal.
Sales of fresh ground PennsyNania at
per bbl.
Gait r.-IVheat_ is fine, end prices areltigh
er Sales of ralino new Stitt thorn and Penna . :
I•cd tit $1 56 a 1 . 57, and •$1 (.15 . a 1 70 for
white. Rye comes in slowly ; saie - S of Penn.
sylvania at,;Bo cts, exit is active, with sales
Of pritho yellow nt-G7 cents, affeitt, - Kild 66 cts
in stoic. o.its are scarce; sales of prime old
l'ennsykatiia,and Western at 47a48a. for good.
Barley is worth $1 33 a $1 88. •
•• )ROAD TOP •COAL- •• •
• 10,000 buslioN of the Celebrated Ilmad Top
Ithel Anis' Coal receiving and tOr sato by.
't 4 op. - - •W. It, MURRAY, Agent.
likINSVALLEY COAL. Broken anti re-swooned,
prepared expressly fnr f9nlly, use am( kvpt tifinalleorna.
, that I ran furnish -Tray.:hil4-6:r 4 vrtkilrltig t ) 10
Irioter I /MVO 11//i0 Oil )11111d
. 1111.1 tor ' Faill the
LUKE Ml= COAL from the mines of Lloyd, Rosier
& Co.. mot zatlA MOK N ~COAL: from the mimics of COCh.
ran. Leal t< CA, CI of which 1 will yell at. fanall r prolits
fnLo_ah, and dells - or to any pat of the borout:h.
• i t1..-11:,.t11.11tIfAl".
TaiO 00A.T. CONSUMERS.—=The sub
scriber would respootfelly invite thu attention of.
t citi - bas of Carlisle to his large. stash . of COAL, ot
curl mo -hinda; such no Cnlloj"Brol.ou,Egg,
rel(eti - ,
Nut for Lhoulatroure "frevertdo, Egg and Nut , Simne
l:in Broken, Egg and N ; all of which he will null at
reduced 'prfees from hist 'year, for cash. Thu Broken,
Egg, and Star° Coal, for family use, will he screened.—
Ily striving to please I hope to inivo a libural 04ruu
I em new prepared to supply_you with the celebrated
B eel 'Pp Coal, which Is' considered the host In the
State. Conte and. look at it. I have the Allegheny
Coal 4 111$o un hand. all of which I will sell cash.
Quick sales and short profits Is my motto—a nimble slx•
pence Is better than a, dull shllling. Please give us a
nail, one and all
ga-All °Mors left at ltlo residence in Boot street; or.
at Peter Slonyer's lupl Henry Saxtun's stores, will be
promptly ouled tti. fOotol. 1855.
N E W G. It 0 0 E It i E S !-,
J. W. lillY. .
A l • 11 Ico teleotion of groceries of every variety, In
cluding Silicas and Teas hare hada added to our ihrmor
assortmont, ttroons which innybe lad stricily_prlino
Itliy,_,J.ANA, IAtitIVRA St 31:.h.111A CJI , 11:10,
together NVII b tt several nsiriWtouout - of
11 :OW N A IVIIITA Still Mtii,
.. . .
... . . .
Incl titling Crailied. tlrsualatol. Puleech:ed. and Ctari
flea Sugar?. Atha alit at. Now Chpese, Farelra, Corn
Srarat, :II aqtard, ChoJAo te, Sc. Also Limon tiatitith(plt
Toss, it Joakhes select brand.'. . .
Itur.salA sit the lowest prices at MAIL lON HALL Cllto 7
CEItV by -
,(Oct 21) ... - J. W. EBY.
08.NUC0..- - -zOilhis weed entbraeie ,,
:inn:rand Cigars, we have pow on hand a cline°
aininkt xvhich are Cavendish fboth plain' a r e
street), pig, Congress, Plur and Flue:feast Tobacco, 'of.
cl the imp.trtations, an well as other, good brands of
.Illiars—fincY names no omit—alter which we offer at
least as .1410 In quality, If not better, than any other
asibrtinent in the market. Far solo at the tiling/Ind.
_ Oct 22, i93U. • J. W. EBY..
tDI - 13: . VAii.HY. INSTITUTE,= 7
• ... • Principal. . ' •
'rho Winter Seselon of title lnailtution oporia.on the Ist
of NOVoather. • 'rho buildings are very superior and the
tircounnutiations axcelluut. Students can pitman., anal
salves at tike institution far Collins, for practical byal
nosg, or for teaching. Penns, W. Aildrass •
S. LlMA.MaChaniesburg,:,,.....,
Oc I:,
's(lti",Tv) • ,
11 OY, 8 , I.l' A N Y.' (It 0 0 - DS ,
BASKETS' O &O. • '
Yl,..Lorgost A ssOrtyriont and Lowext
-• ' . TI N 11 II lotrowrint.,‘ : - I
has jitFt oponed--- I,
fit. - 1110 — Nisw -- . 8t0r0, -- No. -- 18 sounr
NOV Writ 8 int I : 6T, baboon s.torkut. and Chesnut. Itto.,
Philadelphia, 150 UASEd Nl.l'o'ooooB, rocolvnd by tho
lost poebetrutalttnd tho groahtst, vorkty at !fancy
Uoodo o v er ntruto;t:• , • • ,
.Toys, Salta, r.lony Boshoto,. China and AlabaitOO
! . Corifoal nary,.. L'apor Fumy , BUXUK,..So,on
, •'t'obougo Itoono t I Ipox, Tooth . •
. BruohoO,•'..
u•lthoyory-Yorlotyof Druggla to'
_Arthdon nod - 141111dt
and (lemon ttood,, , whlottho altars at tho N'oryintrost
boos arroyo, wolf asso.tod,.at $5, $10i: and $2O por
' case: - • • • 2208511,0w.:
.Inakiocetved, tint of Groin Fans of Shroht,ea' and
51ohltea - mantencturo.:• Also a flue attabrtmnut
Stmt.', a, Voddor OuttorO. - ol four .dttlerOnt.klndo, at
Aka elnuip3toedwaraStofn'
- ' II.' SAXTON..
N. W. yo())).§,:.Ag.
. . . „
CONAVA:rSaI3I I / 4 1U1N11771:10N.E1 7=
.83AP.onsiey's patio rillerFA;aP ,4- CiliviiPei /th j
'Mired 'Clioniteril Olive Basin' ' suppry:or.tli^iie
truly" excellent SiormiJitit. receirectd rur pale
)111.ifilitNIS'YKATILY 0110CEIty; • .
Che4p, , tTeh Tr!ett ngaope . here;
.qi.ile itictiliets: - . 7.,
_ _ 0,85
• 1,00
:gUNDIY impiber.2T.
JACOB SI111.0)1
- 31cit,e(((tncpu
• 110 subscriber at his old stand on North Hanover st.,
Carlisle, the sign or tint "Mammoth Nod• Coffee Eat," do- -
ircs to -call the attantlun of tho public to his largo as
artl.nent Of.B'r 0 YES" of the newest and most fluitilona
.ble style - sjrant Mg beit manitfaitorlinfitf the'
• ''•t• • country, and "iti - all - priciiiffrom Sa•to $16.•
~ ..i t. , ;: Among his l'AilLUlt - d: CIIA.SIIIEIt 5T0VE5,.31•04,1
,. 3 1•04,1 nro thu Mirror Stove, tile Arctic, Revere, Star,
,thj ' Persian, Union and ,Etna Air Tight, together
'f '
,vith othur•pattern& whiCh he Las of all sizes
wood or crud. TAlso," - tho — /Etner, - GlobeTAstar, — Albalijc -:
Slat-top antlllondluos)or.Poor„ldan's, with other COOK
ING STUVES,'comrrliirig'llid 'lama improvements lu
ifitchina_ntopLand..intinid.d_l_br.eithOld or coal.—
Also. the Dining • Room Cooking Stove—n rfew•airdilli- '
gent article, to which lie invites the particular atten
tion-of-famillus.—ltis-coaing-stoves-vanga in l:mkt...tram '
$1 to 25, with the fixtures complete. Also, NMb /Into
S'. cos of various patterns nud dilierbut pricus. .
ing Stoves, Dress Kottles, 6:c. ' Also, every article in the'
lino of Tin and Copper ,\ Vare. ..The publio-nro respect
fully'llivitod to call as he is confident with his large
stock, variety and cheapniws, of being Able to give en
tire satisfaction to Ivory purchasa. Call and see.
- 0ct.25, 1854. - • ' ..• 11I.; MOItIIIS •
-I Vis•-i . iihalegoithl - Applied-filot-takenl_to _cure Ductless
No Rheumatic' ' Neuralgic, or other can exist
. whore 011ve Tar isapplied.. Olive Tar mixed
with Mutton Tallow furmslOh " '
Ointment that cures •
Ron:Ilona, Is made to the, following gentlemen.wilo
fi ye used Oliv% Tar,,pr Oliva Tar Ointment. ' • •
tummy WEED, Esi , of the Albany...lOurnal.
WM'. D. TOWNSENDeNew York Express. .
.10IIN H. BARNARD, Esi., Boston Herald. • • .
TSAAO V..FOWLER, Postmaster, New York. •
Capt. EZRA NYE, late' f the Steamer•Pacitic.
E. A. MANCE, Eso., Chief Euglueer Rothe It. R.
C. N. BARNEY,Tres. U. S. Express Company. --
ELI Wail, Exquavw Bunko, N. Y.
• Prof. .1.1:1111S P. 111AP2S. Newark. N. •
GEORUE 7th Menne, N. Y.
-- HENRY RUSSEL, South street,' N. Y.
JOS. L. E'lltD, Slut ual.ituoefit inc. Co., 11 Wall at.
C. Y. WEIIPLI3, Secretary Manhg , tan qus. Co.,
127 Bromiway.
' .1. W.. 1 (31)11, New England Ins. Ow. 22 William st.
O. W. ENSWORTII, F.Vrivarder, 11l 'earl et. '
I!EUK, Banker. Broad st.
. „
'Roy. )V3I, JAR VIS, Jllddlotown, Conn. ,
And many othor no loos will lot fOund In our Circulars,
which ran ho hod of our Local Agonta.
CIA VC:PAR, - 50 Coots a 1191110.
OI %TENT. • - "
Fur Salo by S. W. Haver:dick, only Agont for Carllslu
Pa. Also sold al. ths Company's Depot, No. it, Stat,
street, Now )(urn, and by Druggists goncrally. .
18507-61 -
.c t it:6lF.l , ; Fiyl"lE S FUR-
C 41•° 40 0 g RN D
n.Mr-u asurtment of now mss liwLinnnLlu PUItNITU RE
and ('limits
Walnut runc Mahogany Dtesslng ildreaus; with marble
tops. •
Sallta, Tables, nild Waghstands.
Walnut Etageras and Wardrobes,
Mahogany and Walnut 'rabies of all sizes.
Frenellsisteade, Mahogany and Plain Tablr, at all
Pt:ll4,ArAdhalreon:l hocking Chairs, with velvet or
Ilalr•ttnttt Heats ;Ma 1/.11 . k H. •
N'alni,tany dug Walnut Chnit; with 13111,10n' or ramp
.• •
. •
Plain eltairs}.f nil kinds. •
. and sea this new and idegant assortment at (ho
Purniture 'looms of the suhserlbee, on Louther street.
nude tho roruer.of North•llanover. .
, . •
July 23, 1855. ,
- .
t1'.911 ARRIVAL
1: 8 s'6ov_
Tim subscriber having returned from the city would call
the attention - of his friends and 'the public to the
large and well saleeted assortment of Hardware which he
has-just receiged, consisting In part of II U 1 ',DINO MA
'VERIA L 5, nails, screws,-Lieges, IWs, bid ts, glass, puttsh..
TOOLch —edge tOOls; sans and planes a,
ovory.description,,„withdles, roeps. hammers, anvils, .te
WASS Of every, ,descriptln. ntWanallty--common
glass of different brands, whit, polished American glass,
Fretirh glow(' of all sites, double thick glass of all sizes,
groundunamelled glass,,te. ,
A general assortment of hiIIUEMAiCERS AND . KAU.
DLERS TOOLS, together with morocco. lining and bind
ing sklhrSt Shoe_threadovax, pegs, lusts,larnoss..mounto
I g, •
COACH -TRlMMlSO—ranvass (plain, enamelled. Pg.
wad a n d embossed,) potent and hman:lloC leather,
axles. springs, hole, spokei. fences, shalts, kr.
Cabinet Makers will , find a large mr,ortment of yarn..
isbehonalogany and walnut veneers,taeulding, rosettes,.
M'IILT hi 1 , 01,f SI [PAINT— A new art — lei m e — fihr makings
beautiful. white hind_ brilliant polish., for dining-rooms,
Parlora, kc. -
litON—A largo stock, comprising all hinds to f~unorsi
.1.1011. . .
. .
1111.'Iontand.s, tho old stand, East-High. Street, Car-
Pa. • • .
Atarch 21,1856.1 - , lIENTIX SAXTON.
. .. - • .
feCkel -- 6 f . " — l=.4rlltlAS, COIVEE—;
------'--__• 'ERIEVY. j_-
. Thu subscriber has Just
addeibto his former stock a general selectfon of CHOICE
UItUCERIES, as well as all the other veriety.of articles
i ti z i
i usually .. k u tt o
‘: in
nod a U K r r t ,,. .c o c u ry fi . t t o F l o :, 71 a 1 I , l l Te i llt h n le .
i' "s' 8 per lit., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverized
SugarS, of,Tine qualities; Chocolates, Spices,Dalry
Salt, and n variety of Fancy articles, all of whirls aro o,
fwed at the lowest cash-prices. We are thankful for the
former support Om; us, and Invite a further call from
our friends and customers. J. W. EBY.
Marlon Bail, Carlisle. , ..
1).• J... K F It, DRUGGIST,
tins molted his store train the former stand-to his
now building Immediately opposite, and adjoining Mr
C. lobelia Store Having made every arrangement to
preserve his Medicines fresh and pure, and, having
roplenishod.his assortment of carefully selected drugs,
the .Is now again .prepared to attend to business with
_are and' iwmptness. 111, assortment will furnish
almost every thing that linty be called for, either by the
physician. or the ihtplly. fey domestic usu. The greatest
care and procaution will be observed in the compound
ing of prescriptions and dispensing of medicines. Ills
asset Meant Of Cenrectlimarles and Fancy One& is very
general; and Will enable purellasiWg tonsil themsolVesf
—May 2,1,.13,13.
L ussart rood of Crushed ; Sifted nod Phlverlsod
Smiars of bast quality, 151 nisd - soft.Crusheil. Clarified
and other qualities constantly on hand. suitable for
prof:erelong and all other purposes—generally at OLD
Als n Pons taut xnpply of tho eltolcst Coffeoß, Teem,
Spices and otlnn• inilules In TReloty., ways on howl.—
ottentOn Is 1(1%11.0.1 0 our stock I,eforo nylog
Carll9ln.lnly 23, '35. J. W. EBY.
WAhL PAPER:—Just 'received a
splendid, st at of Paper Hangings. Window
'SluniSs and Fin:lrian' Prints, embracing all the newest
and most tippeNvud Tau designs urn neat and
_elutste..nuuLtife:prises,suelt_44 ,sonut.fial tu give satin
biutlnn. Vs, in site our friends and the public general.
Iv to Naha.' examine our esiortinoni beam purchasing
olsowhere. 11. SA TON,
march2,l • • Vast Matti Street. Carlisle.
VEIT - .NI AR - 13LE . YAR D. --Now ie
tho accepted thou, and now ta the day for
Grave Stones,
3lowurients, '
at iloiTer'S Marble- Jitird, Carlisle, Pa. Moo, Iron Rnil
log. • - pipr. 16,
131.01V8 ! PLOWS !—The subscriber
has and-is constantly keeping .an assortment of
the celebrated EAOI,E PLOWS. Also, constantly on
hand Ziegler's, Plank's,- and IlenwooWs Plows. We
have ntso a Bury Loge lot of the ilunous York Plinvion
hand. and it floe assortment. of Cultivators. - Itcrountleol ,
the old stand, East Main street, cailltile.
March 10, 1.8551 SAXTON.
VH.EW • 1.,U318 ER ' YARD !-II U
11141, it Co. having oponod n lnrio Luvla, Ya d
nt Meoh.inietitiurg, multi lava°
and others wanting Lumber to call and sec, as thoy
havo all kinds of liunibor on hand. All ordure soot to
neclianliniburg to putyitually.attondod to. _
. Juno it,
.40 60 dozen - Crass and Grain Scythes. of all snakes.
Ales a large asSaLineut of Smiths of all kinds, Lhasa
- and Urain Rakes, Ltay, Manure and. Shaking forks, by
the quantity—just reeelvod at tini Cheap hardware
Store or It. SAXTON, East Main Street, Carlisle.
I, r; i RESH. II 13 just 1 NG 1 7. --hb
inibsoribor has ro,ielved a tot of
' FRESH 1.14:41.1INCI,
of this yiar's eat,ol.. For sale at the establishad
urocery: ; ' J. 11, 11 ALlillltT, '
' pril 23,1666.) • • North Ibinver Street.
At a meeting of the Beard of Directorti, held on the sth
of March, 1.855, it was unanimously resolved that Inter
est snood the paid, on speclal deposits by the Carlisle
Deposit llank„incorporated , by the .State of Penusyl•
vault., us' follows: „ •'0
- cent.-Dor : annum for 4 monthly--
Interest ceases altos the explratiod of tho'cortificate,
unleas renewed, anti the money always paid back with
out notice. • .
Bit order "of the - Board of Directors.
- litarch - D4 - 1550.1 -- . ---- W - . - alritithilrErili Cashier.--
- Pli00111.11T0118: - ' f - ..
It'itassu Hen, - • Alstouoin'ilnanuanalf,'
. JOHN DtkLtP,
• JOUN C. DUNLAY, HENRY A. linursuaox.
This' Bank, doing lins'lnvas in the 'name, of K)%
BitflitZlßMANkAfJ. henow fully prepared to thin gen
-oral Banking Business with promptness iind fidelity,
recuivcd on Deposit and paid back on demand
without notice, Intorest paid on ;Spacial Deposits.—
PortictilaKattoution Amid to the 'collection •of Notes,
Drafts, Checks,:dal,lll any, part Of the Unitad States or
Pontlitancoe Made tO ,England, drolanii 3 OV tiO.CMItI•
p00t..,-Tba faithful and eonlidentlel qieention ofell or.'
dove entrusl:ed to theta,unki,bu relied, upon.. They will .
at ell, times bo pleased tO. give any Information dotted
In vegand to monervnattora in general: °
Tito,propriutore of th j e„lisultureindlildnally'lliblu
: , to thu'extent
other obllgutlobe of liet;rllrunnematt St 0o; .
gs.lianklng "louse, In Trout'e.llulldlnvilaln
low daors'eust of thultall Road Open
_gm boo&
11010 . 3 from o.o'oloolt in. the' morriltevluttli 4 o'clock fn
STUIIaBOII, - Oredder,
A —lntoiefit it'iluvratoof,f, paryent; Por:Owittal".
I - wilt be, paldon.lepoolardbposir bereteGme'
"Cerliele, AfarploBllo6. - ' " "
Stores' nna`Sfjnp 4
4.• • '
CPO, &CS: Il'''Oror and .0 her sta..
CP , , CARLISLE.—The undersign
ed.has always on hand a largo stock of superior Cabinet
Were, In all the different styles,'Whlch ho is pro Pared to
sell at the iowest prices. Bo invites attontion pavticu-
Idilf'ta y the RATEN't firElltitf:,llifTTOll BEDSTEAD, ft most
useful article, which 'entirely obviates all ohjectlons.
The bottom can ho attached to old Bodstaadm - Thoyhave`
given entire satisfaction to all who have thorn In use.
4qp CJITINS made to order at this shortest notice,'
L31.11t r:lt and. UNDERTAffEIt
ISOM' Ilanovor 'groat, next door to
c•t"'""'"; * !.'77.,'"
Ito would rospedailly 'inform .tho
• citizens of Carllslo rand the public getarnlly, that he
has now On ulun alsl,7 — lte • ntralaTnita&sertugurarrUl
:4•11.1111 f,Cellolating iu part of 1; ardrobes, Card and oth
er .Tahlos,..lloills,.llureaus, ifoilituads, plain and fancy
' Sofia ; cl.taPds. &c.. manufacturod of the best 'notarial'
and .prilityw'arrahted ,
' Also d konoral asoertment'of CHAIRS at' the laciest
prices. VKVITIAX Bt.nrus made, to ardor, and. ropoliing
proUiptiv ot Landed to. • .
fl , 'P INS made at the shortest notlii; and hav
ing a sdlandid hoarse he will attend funerals in town or,
couhtry. • .
lterualubor thu stand—neat-door 'to .11. Glass's'
. • , It. B. SMIL:EY. •
L.Y HIT', CAP, A'N . D! SffOE
The subscriber has Just opened' in the store-room for
merly occupied by.lleci. W. llitner, pu the corner of, the
public square, Main street, near the Market louse, and
adjoining the Jewelry Store of Wm. D. Nangle,An on
!Wig nnr and splendid fumortmont Of Fall and Winter
Olooda=comprieing the Weal styleirof . •
. .
of every variety" anti finish.
His Jfits c,insist of extra lino 'Moleskin. Bearer,-
1'64, Claret, Klissuth, Sporting' Hots, h.c. Also Straw
Rats of all vAri. tics. Thud Mitts aro manufacturod by
Ookfurd,' Morris k Co., 1 t a olio, • colobratod liatturs of
Philadelphia: ' its boo also - ovary varloty of }Limo manu
facture.- Ail those goods lig will ataniuteo to giroeittiru
satisfaction. •
Ills statdc of Shims Is made up or story varloty and
style fr.on tho elreapest b the bost'artlelo lu tho mar;
hut. and cannot full to pluanc. •
•i Ito respectfully solicits tho patronage of the , public,
feeling confident that humid soll.tho clioapust and best
goods In tho coma*, .‘. ,
. .
Sep. 17, 1855.
cIADDLE_ _AND 11AltNESS 111.AK-',
INCi. 'rho subscriber, continues to carry on. the
nboitTbirsliii 7 SW,lirtiltitn Viiliettlarriifillfeli;iff North-Ilan—
over strout. Carlisle. two doorgllortli of Leonard's corner
whore ho intends keeping on band a'grineral assortinont
lu his. line, consistingudt of ail kinds of fllenable SAD ,
DLE.ii Jirldlea, Martingales,lGlrths,_
' • . Cireingles and Ifalters,also TRUNKS,
I' ‘) ' t r a 4 A7.Vo n a l in d e sn nla d i l i e : S' - i • Th'
ii i
Th, ‘ . 1 ...... ... ii ;
, u ,
i t , l n te r tu r r e el s the most _liii AI IP . I'.".`lrs;!.',llD'lr, 4 ,.."„V.T.„dahl,otl.t
• . slmo. (hirable and pleasant saddle
' . . will do well to call and see thorn. Ile
ill, also manuesetures Ilarness, bridles,
~ . Collarn and Nl'llipn in all their vatic
Elea, ruid,cmillduntly
_believes from the-general approba•
Mon of his customers: thnt he mikes the c catest and
best gears, in all their variety of bredth, that in made in
the country.. Ile also makes all kinds of .Motranses to
order, Ids: Strikwre,C.igled 'Hair .and' Spring lklitt..
ruses. All the aim e articleiljwill be made of tin, best
'material find won manship, and with the utment dos,
. . 11 HST O THE SEASON, ' "
The subscriber line just- returned from the testers
- eltiewendis now openinttm : spierrdid - eveortment of
- . V A ht. nooDS, - .. .
which will ho sold et very inw wives. -.
A largo et,,rk of elogatit
Broclia.and 11 . 1anket Skalds.
" An imnionie assortment of the must elegant 'Fancy
and Black Silks. very dump. -
Mous dol.:tines. CitaHies. altninoda, Paramottas, and
groat variety'of-Dress Goods, 'a•ory.'handtmotli and very
Flannel, Blankets, Caradrietticamas, Cloths and Coo
-simaren.lo gecitt_varloty.„. . _ -
.11'10T8 AND 8111)ES—A Doalsiind-Slasiss
f every description, at the lowest prices. ' '
CAIIVETINI/ —A new assortment of Imperial, In
-grain. Venitian, and Him Carpets.
'filo assortment is now vory large and complete, and
all parsons In want of Imodsnine and cheap goods are 1
'respoetfullY Invited to call at linfOld Stand, East Motu
Sep. 10, 1850.) - - • CHAS 0011,11 Y.
ATE %V- (.1 0 01)S.-L-Thcr subscriber has
Li Just returnol ,from tho city And Is oponinga
lag of French Madams, Coburgs, Alpaceas, Printed
CashaterCs anti-!Ions de-Laines firms Silks in greill,
variety, Long lirocha Shawls from SIG to $2.0. French
Blanket Shawls. Catabrio anti Swiss Edgings and In.
sortings and Cambric and Swiss Collars. Merino . nod
Sulk Shirts and Draws. Dress Trimmings in great
variety with other Fancy and Staplo Comfit
nov. al, •A 5. W. ISITNER.
dos Si ttingant) 31tadjiltero---
i.t VI ING. Tho undersittodsould Inform the
eitiaami of CarilSlo that o has =do arrange
mania to do GAS FITTING and PLUMBING at short no
m a , an d on roasonable tartan. Ile has ongagod the nor
Nicol of a firsLyate' hand from Philadelphia, and 'tossup
plied himself with an extolls's° assortment of PINT
UItES, which:a:Gl enable him to lilt all orders promptly
411 work will fie warranted. Ills stock of Gas Fixtures
will be found in the room. exactly opposite Ids Tinning'
establishment on,Narthdrauovor streot, whore Ito invites
a call.
TINNING, SPOUTING, Is also preparod to
furnish, or inako to order, every article of TIN 'WARE
wad hy.hoUsolaaipers and others. He will also attend
. .
Thankful the the patenting° with whleti ho imitalceady
been.-Layered, he respectfully, eolh•lts a continuance of
the same.
Carlisle, Juno 14, '54
subscriber hna thenstinfaction of in
ran forming his old friends and patens that
establlshMent Is again In active opo,
rr tt u, new buildings honing been erected sines the late
1.0:, irons fire and the whelp establishment put In cont.
plebs working order. • Orders are therefore respectfully
solicited Ike work in his rine, whit& will be dopo with
promptness and In tho best manner.
and repaired. All kinds of Machinery in Paper Mills,
Oita Mills and. Factories repaired at short nude.): Mill
Spindles dressed and turned. .
such as Bevil Gear Four Heron Horizontal Gear
Four 11'ov:1011nd Twn Horse Powers. Ploughs, 'Corn Shal
lots and Crushers, &c. Patterns mold° to order. Iron and
Brass CASTINGS execute.] to order, if not, on band, at
the shortest notice, sorts us Cranks and 31111 Clearing,
Apur_and-lloril. AVlluels. Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Plow-
Castings. cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and . Coach Box
es, Stindles, Car Wheels. Car Chairs, In. Ito has also
on kind a large supply of Philadelphia and Troy COOK..
INtl TO YES, and is constvtly making Cooking Stoves
of various lqiproved'patterns for can] or wood, ton plate
"Itoanvils.g. thino'." Utica of Ma"
chinerY. All k i nd' sllf old Iron, 'Brass and Copper taken
in am bang° for work. .
co., OP LOCK HAVEN, PA., Insured Detached
buildinga, • Stores, Merchandise, Farm Property, and
otlier toilldinga, and their contents at moderate ratas.
• CA:PITAh S3OO,OOO—CH lItTElt reitpETUAL. -
Hon. John J. Pearce, Ilan. O. C. Harvey,
John.ll.• • 7. T. Abrams,
Cliarlus A. Hafer,. I)...l...lackmair,
. . .
Clotties Crlst,- • 'W. White, -
Peter Dickinson, • • Thos. Kitchen. -
.113 N. O. U. 11.AILVEY, Pres.
T. . Alltt.t3lS, Vice Pres.
THOMAS giTerIEN, BeCrallry. • • 9 ,, , - •
Sarnue ' l IT. Llo• d, ' - Thos. Bowman 1). I).,
A: A. Moog:110er,- - Wm. Yanderbelt,
1/. A. Mackey,
~ • \s'm. Fearen; - .
A. White, . . Dr. J. S. Crawtord,
Jamas gulggle, - A. Iltsiegmir, -
Joint W. Maynard, James A ratstrong. ,
lion. Simon Cameron, lion. Wm. Bigler.
- . WM. 0.101E9% Agent.' -
• May 15.185e-ly. - [Carlisle, Penn's.
• •
, •
• Chartor Perpetual.—sloo,ooo .Cupltpil paid ly. •Offico
16:1%'Obesuut titre&
14. tan I:I unAmos, eltbet porrusnon tor llodted, against
loss uidunirtgo by tire, ou PROPERTY owl 4PPECTI3 of every
donerlptlon, In town or Country, on•tbo must reasdnoblo
terns., - Applkatlons mode aithor personally or by•let ter,
will po promptly attended to. •, • • •• • '
• • . C. N. 8J1 , 1011E11., Preal.
The subs.vlber is agent [or the above company for
Carlisle and Its vielotty:r All epplicalloas for Insurance
Minor by mall or personally will be promptly attended
lo by ' A. L. spoNsr.r.n,
d0n.13 55. Estate Agent arid Seriveher. •
11.1.1tE • INSURANCE. , - tLEN
itANCM OdAII'ANY of Cumberland-Bounty, incorpo
rated byuli not of Assembly, le nostikilly organized, and
In operation Under the management of the Ibllosing
Daniel Dailey, AMC= It. Corgis; Miehaol 'CoCklln,
'Malcholr lireuumnan, Obristlan• Stayman,'Jobn'o. Dun.'
lap, Jacob IL' Coover. .homuf,
Mni It. Musser, Jacob, .hfutunia; ; Josepti. Miokersham,
Aluxandei Cathcart. ' , •
The rates of Insurance are as tows and ilivoiablo as any
Company of Oro:kind In Usu./State.. Persous sidablng to
become member% are incited to - mako application to the,
agent's of ;ha 'coMpany, who .410 ,srllling to upon
them at any.tbriu,' r a w ait .
DEN 36. arosstily proi
. • •
, . .
OtliiiiiilitANDOO:MV: 4l tO4 6l 6 MOrth4l4/oto •
herlandr 0.1;4' perman;'KlihtOtonal 'ltotirr , Zoaring'.
ShlrOrnanotowW - Charles;Bell, O orltelo ; pr.
Booing Orolifim;AVOst Pennohdrongit
;Imo, Ala Dowel .Frankhird; .5044 Or4ntholloutti, ISJW
dlaton; Somuol.tzipenjonan.llarortticls,7l,teclion
-Icsburg4,44lwHit .IXelohttsfultowl.tkOoorm,9h
• .YOItIL' , ..OdIfINTITOhn . ItownwnvollishOrg;
Woiford,Ywlnklin; John -13tOtth...M bp , 'ffitshingthni . ,l9",'
H. Picking: Dorort4.lV.Craftas .. • • .
. xochialaile '
MembersAtte company ho*lng volichw about to
phvo i n o balm ywngwedgiwkloCapplkattlO.WAW:
mr, of th‘lisOttii...; *. • . ••
The aubscriber Offirra for; root the ,TaireriOitand
'welLkinown as the STONE
now in' the.ocdupancy Of;Jacobiiiidi
mrl . ) slick'oKitititata on tho Walaut Bottom.
'd- Of-CarliSlO—
,.;- —Road, 4101 , 04;1ASea we
• 'Tho proptorty'honlilids of h large and
coninunhouc',at no House - and Stabling Bufficlent for
horceVitll ' ln cornphoto"Order, together with. Feed.
log Lot+, Orchard and Garden.- 'The properrj, Is abund
antly supplleUmth the hest spring,Mtiter._: ' •
Also-for-renti-n - WAGOIWILAKEIt'S SLIOP. and. Ten:
-ant:Hotogeand-Lot.''holiltioattion-for a good
cannot 'be surpassed in the State. Par terms apply
personally or by-tatter to:the enbccriber at Cerlicle, Pa
JOIL:480N Aliint E.
9 . c oboi•
That vary valuable• end well known 11USINES9
STAND situate on : the corner of. North Hanover mat
Louthor Stroots,, in tlio boroush of Carlislb how roamed
and occupied by Jaiiob Fetter, containing 30 teat front*
on Hannover street and 243 foot on -Unither street.—
, The improvemonts . .un Hannover Stuart aro a large
TfiftElliSTOßY lICI,IJSE, with' a large brick
log flulskod,lu tho'moskelekunt Manner. mot:doing 11
arooms Including the store rooni,Luildea pantries
• 9,1 andconvqnient closet arrangeMents. The STORE
ROO3l Is 33:1but In depth, fitted up in the best
,possibio 'Manner and one of the moat desirable sod long
stabfisbod buslnesalocatlons in our town. ~
Tlierq lea large twustory brick building frentimr, on
•Lotither street, with nshop attached, now occupied us
&cabinet molter shop. Also a Stable on do foot of the
lot, and other necessary ant building's. The property
In in excellent order having been recently fitted up by
the present "occupant For terms Ac.oinqulre of .
. • A. L. SPONSLED; . •
Real Estate Agent and Scrivener.
sopt 5, 1855
Situate two 'miles north of Carlisle. on 'the. Condo-.
planet Crook. adJohilng the Carlisle Water Works, '
in' the highest state pr cultivailiitl'alal under good
fence, nearly all of which Is pont and roll and wire.
' • ~.., -. • .The Irnpviveinenta are a Two•atory
t i t
. ts, -'-', - , PLASTERED,JIOUSE, a largo Dank
gitA ' ..l , Barn with othor convenient Out
1i.??..!. • i:',. buildings, n lino Orchard 9f—, ties.
i:; ~'-1 ~::, together with other frultefind aWe o
• ''' ''''''''''. '''' Water at the door. .
• The location Is an eligible nue,owingto Its proximity
to the Water,Works, from which the entire tarot can be
conveniently ttepplied with water. • •
For torms,'&c., enquire of
Sop. 24, 1556, lioel Estate Agent and Scrivener.
. • FOR SALE. .•
subScriher ofure at private solo the 'property on
. he now lives, situate lu Lowther street, in this
boroug_h, nearly opposite Bleh l usojti, Collohe. Th e
. pre
consistsof a
. .
' :and Lot of Grourid, containing ENE
•111" . 1 ~ ACRE, morn or eon.. Tho hause in new
4 tT:li ;r and in excellent order, and bas a cum
' V"' modions back building, Stabling and
other nul,houscs attached, with a Well
of water and pump. Thu grounds aro well cditivated,
coniprlsing flower plots, sbrubbery and allude trees, and
the lot - is amply Mimi with the eludeest, varieties of
fruit, eoniprlslng night kinds of full arid winter apples,
at least twenty varieties of peachis. half a dozen vatic,
ties of plums, together -with cherries; apricots, pears,•
raspberries,. Currants, gooseberries, almond and fi g
trees. ac., In adundance, all of wh ich are in tluifty
bearing condition. It Is In every respect , a desirable
property. Pomona disitosed to purchase aro requested
to callumLnxiindalo.
_ soplii 21500.1 ' CllititLES it MURRAY.
nie.velonblo-proporty-18.4tuatod in-Monroe-township,
Cumberland county, about 8 miles east of Carlisle, on
the, Yellow, Breeches - Creek. and is known as the ,
Tt contains 200 ACRES of - the best quality of LIME
STONE LANO,'nbout 20 of .which aro covered with
good Thnbor, in addition to which A llrgo quantity of
Locust is growing, and tho' , residue in .the highest pos
sible side of cultd va Oen. .
The Improve Meets are a largo TWO.STOBY BRICK
,s MANSION 110IJaf, with n' Brick
Stone guile t• H o use, '
' anduther_ronvoniont:ouLbtildiligs: - ,
Large Stone BANK BAR. with two
wrst threshing floors, '36 N
144,1 - Shed, Corn
Crib, flay house, Carriage House; &e. There ion large
ti I forse.power" permanently fixed to the barn.
Also n large Two-story FralllOTenant lions°, plastered,
and is Crainikliarn. -- A good OW:harder - Apples:And fruit
of every description A One stream or water rises with-
In 30 yards of the house, emptying into the Said cilia
immediately In front of tho house and barn.
Thin property, possesses superior advantages, and
offers rare purchasers. The buildings
are most dellghtfeily sitnafftd on•the hanks ofa-timid- 4
- rifritriktinThruditer, tho — Yellowlireechs lh'eWand
sufficiently elevated to make the scenery unsurpassed
by any place in'the centitry. School houses are in the
110111011111 W vicinity and- welntreli at Dillsburg, I hree
miles distant, 'with, a gold mad loading, to the same.
Also a Orbit Mill situated on the Yellow Breeches near
said infra, on tho adjoining property. The location it
, entirely healthy, and eligible in every point ofview.
- ,
For terms, &e., enquire of
11 . 1659 = tf.), ]torsi Estato Agent and Soar.
Thiq valuable property Is situated inalieltismon
ship,. Cumberland county, 4y, miles stnith 'of Paper
town, 1 mile from the Gettysburg road, lying between
it rindlho Oxford road, and about 4 1 ,4 miles from the
York .Springs, known as the WALTERIYER FIRM,
Ono hundred of whict are cloared and: In a good state
of cultivation, and the residue is covered with Flood
Timber, and Young Chesnut of the finest quality.,,,
• Tito Improvements ore a One and a
Mar story ,LOU NOUSE, thoroughly
a. rdpaltid, I,OOII2OLOILJIARN, Wagon
1.11. -1270.", %liedand Caw Drib h Simko House,
Dry Musa, and t other—mm.olll°M
Out-buildings. A good Apple Orchard, besides cherry,
peach, and pillar fruit trees. -
A beautiful stronnt of running water Fithln a short
distance of thin door. AboMt 4000 bushels of Lime have
been put on time Farm within the last couple of years.
The land is productive, and the fences good. •
For terms, do., enquire of
Real Estate Agout and Scrivener,
July 30, I.Bs6—tL] l'e
MONIthE momus.l
situated in -Slivor Spring township, Ounaborlsnd Ot.,
tivo miles east of Carlisle, on mho 'Mudlo Spring Road.
Ono of said farms, with Improvements, will ho mado
contain frotnllo. to 15D acres, to omit purchasers, will
which will be glivon lb or 15 acres or tho best quality c
Thnbor Land.
niprovenionts thereon nre a gdod 1,00 HOUSE .n
. Lrrge Bank-Baru. with two Threshing
•e•-• I
• Floors, • Wagon Shod, Corti' Orib, nod
. other Out-buildings; well of water at ,
••••••!4; Iho door, and a fine young Orchard of
Apples, togothor with other fruit.
'", • • The other farm will contain about
130 newel, including•ht 16 acres of Timbor. This
inlet is_ unimproved, but line a beautiful site_ for
building. •
' The fences in both' tracts taco in good condition, and
- the land in inn high state of cultivation. For terms,
tic., enquire or
'lo;lBs6—Mr.) . Real Estato Agont awl S..crlT.
Situate In Dickinson tu!9!sldp, Cumberland oouuty,
No. I. Situate ialxtut, °lnv/lair tulle west of the mono
Tavern. on the Walnut Bottom (fond, - about seven miles
west ofCarlisle,
60 of which oro . coversd with Good Timber and the real
duo is lnc hill; state of cultivation.
The itnproveutents are a largo double Two-story Promo
Guise; filled id with brick and
•1 ‘.2" - N„, • •' %v....thus-boarded kitchen at.ached;
wood hOuse, wsslt house, smoke houso
~ !Pant Ac. A double Log Baru; wagon shed,
corn crib, and carriage house. Theist
Ore two tievorlolihig Wells of Water, one at the house
and one at the turn,. add A. large cistern. . A One Or
chord of apples, toptllter with peaches, pears, cherries,
gpipos, &c.
A 800 has been Imo dividing the tract lota twoparts,
ono of which with the above 'mentioned. improvements
.will contain 113 11:1,14. Thera bra one hod a-half story
.I,dg llousttand.Stable_on_thouthos_part
No. 2. Situato in mid township, about ono mile west
of No. 1.; en the State Road loading from Gottysburg to
Newrille, and about midway botweon the Walnut Bot
tom Road snd tho Turnpike,
about 45 of. which are covered with excellent Timber,
the residue in i good state of cultivation and under
good fence. The implovements aro entirely now, and
consist of a FiLtMlt IPRATII Skt69AltO LIOUSEi,.two
stories, with a . basement; a Frame Barn; .lowed part
stone, a cistern alt, door„With other improvements.
Those properties are !handsomely situated, and oiler
thegreatest inducements te•purchasere. The land hi of
the most productive character; and the „Owationyiesira.
hie th every respect. For tunnelled further particulars
enquire of • A. 1..•
Oct. 1 1855-6 w) • • lleal Eetpto Agent and Scrly;
..701I\. D. 0011.0 AS-would infbrui the_ Public .tluit.
ho has now on hand at Ids establlslintrint, ow. Main rt.,
next door to Marlon Hall, the largest and most cons
' pieta assortment of COOK, OFNEIN '&
LOS STOVES to bo.found lu this comity.
; ,,+ . 1 4 ,_ which will bo sold at the lowest prices fur
•J l cash or approved credit: ls stork consists of
. large assortment or • n ll 'ew and highly op.
proved PATENT q9pls/N0 STOVES, ER1813031
iu thb most complete mamivirdind calculated for either
wood or coal, or .both. - , 4111::the5,olci standard ppttorns
width have stood - the test erisperlenco, may be timed
et his es abllshmont Also; h' great variety of the most
approve' and beauti.uriPAliLOß OFFICE STOVhS. In.
eluding .'number-of new styles assessing vary sopa.
riarail yenta:psi over those M31%114133 le Use. - tamides
noel IrdiSek - CapoWiTte - reepectrullyli; l l ttartalitv
call b a th ca purchasing elsewhere.. iquvos
any part of the country and, put up at the sh.wir3t nu.
tiro. Ile continues'to du oil kinds of TIN' A Ali Cii ELT
1110 N WARE, and Copper Work: slid has constinitly no
hand or will .mate to order every article required by
housekeepers' or others In this lino. Ills stock of Tin
and Copper.NV are embraces every kind of honsahold and
'kitchen utensil. Warranted equaltu the 'bast nwritillic..
Pecimns .liverant. of artlelce in his line MilY
war, be surem .3elng accommodatod to their satlatictior.
by glilng e. cull. ' prv7-1.
.1 • '
Pre.'233l . liliricet Street, above
jmportyr, , Manufacturee Snit Deader: lu , alt kinds , find
qualities or RANO V ROILS joilisullas
,E...would mill the attontion'of, ladlei and others tit
'hhilmineutio cuemrtinouLtielag.the direct Tiiipnrtetsind
Mannfacturor of all mylure.Afeotiotitlittifit
Mint-row offer 'the greatest Inducomohti tO:those Jn
..essarturent, to selectfrom.;
StorMioopers audAbit Made Moe:sail
r, mefore Durnuanltg. an My vrtiolesale, department:le
supplied to moot the demand for every article. Intho
.Ritlitte,:and at the Jowest reale MR 1 % 1 6 , 404'0 3. 0
Sop 21;181. - dui. , • 281 . Market Stoat.
Kea_ (fgtate
OF . JAMES lib •
. • ricepeceu,--Notle e lo hereby thriChetters
commentary on the . estater;OfJomes Crockett, late. of
IlOnm - T - tt ownohlp, Cumberland ',county, deceastd. haver
been granted by the ltegioter afraid aourtt,y:to the salt. ; •
_scrlbor, :the_ santo_townsktp., Allpossons ,, ;
knowing themselves; Indebted j-to -the sald'attattr are
required to make lunnedlatttpayMent, and thosahaving .
claims to pressitem to, .
02,041ELTZ,U0OVER r jr., •
Oct 22,1860,-Bqt ; . ; Executors.
L , s T - O
ATEF - A.F.A . .RAR14.7 VLEM
I:r,o,.doconsod.-rNotleule hereby gl.Tatt Eliot let
, to.x 'fadamentary on the estate of Margaret
by — the. Ifoiisfe r F7if . mid
c c oM e girt r ate ::n. subscriber. r6n t r: dI u Bald borough. All
-porsona-knohrlor themsollouriAltefLto_aahLoatatiutp,
-rag ut red to make Immediate payment, an d'tlrhao having
Oahu'. to present them for sottlomont to . •
Sep. 17;1850.
NOTlCE—Notice is 'hereby'. giien
1..1 .• that application will be Made, to tie next Leila•
lature of Pennsylvania, to alter the charter of the CO
.1 Wu Deposit Bank, located ire the Borough of Carlisle;
Cumberland county, so rut to - confer upon said Back the
rights and prlVllogne of a Bonk of issue, and to change
Ito to the Carlblo - Bank. Also ' tritncretuse the,
unite! of said Bank (which is at present seyenty.two
thuthetnd dollars, with the privilege of Increaojog the
same under its present charter to one lnindrod thousaud
dollars) to Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. •
M..BEBTE.II, • •
Whereas the Monoiable JAnnte If. GRATTAN, Presi
dent Judge of the several Courts of Common Pleas in
the counties of Cumbsrlend, Petry and Juniata, and
l'ennsYlvaniti, and Justice of several COurts of Oyer .
- mid Terminer and General Jail Delivery' in said coun
ties, and lion.Jonn 11000 and &atm Woonnuns Judges
of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery for the trial' of all' capitol end other offenders,
la the said county of Cumberland,:tY their., precepts to
zoo directed, bearing datb the 25th lay of August 1555, '
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gene
ral Jail Delivery do La holden - ArCA - IthiStE - on brIN •
DAY tho 10th of November. 1.050; at 10 o'clock lu the
:Droll, to . gontinue one week.
• NOTICE IS MEILEBY. GIYEN to the Coroner, Jtis- .
tleenof the Peace and Constables of the said_couuty of
dumberland; that they are by the said prose& com
manded to• be then and there In. thell - proper-persons,
with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations
and all other remembrances, to do them things which
to their office appertain to be done, add 'ell those Mit
are-bound-by recognlzances, to-prosecute against The -
PrieelteGt thataro er . lben_shall ho the jail of said•
cuunty,"lkre to - bilhere pininetiteTtlnWa - aiiSballilni -
Oct. 14,-185'5.. -
W.1:7" 'We' • • "" •aa :,
On and alter 3IONDAY, Octo\,or 13, 1856, Passenger
Trains will run as follows f'(Eundays excepted:
....FOR HARRISBURG: . 'a/ ---, --.
. ..
. . lst Train.' '• 1 .2d Train:
• Leavo, Chambersburr, 8.45, A. 31 L. 030, P. 31.
Bhippensburg, : 9.20, " ' 2.45, "
Now villa; 9.45, " 3.20, , " •
Carlisle -___.' - 10.25, " ' • 3.65, "
. 3h:chafed:ars, 10:55, " • 4.25, ..
At 'Harrisburg, 11.25. " - 4.52, .1
~ .
...• • .
• lit Train. . 2d Train:
Leave Harrisburg, • ' 8.45, A id .s., 1:40, P. 10
" , ochantesburs, 0.25, .". :. 230, ,_ : -
- "- M -
Carlisle, • • 10.15, " ' 2.48,
" NeW91110; '- - ' 10.50,, " , --'` 8.26, " .
...__Lh Ippensharg, __...=. 11.20 "-' 3,51, " •
- Afthambetsburg, 31.13 - . • 2.21,.."
• •
. . • .
bane Harrialmig for Philadelphia - at: 7.15 P. AL, and
1.15, 'vin Columbia. ' -- .
Leave Ilarrisburg for Pittsburg at 3.30 A.M.; 12.55 noon,
and 5.06 P. Di. • . . .
Leave Harrisburg for Baltimore, at 8.50 A. 31., and,
•at 2 P.M. ' . . . .
Cars of Dauphin kind 'Susquehanna Rail Road leave Hai , ,
risburg for Auburn, Iteading, - 6:e., daily. , - -
TENall Stations witerti4 leads aro sold, are
CENTd.LESEtt - in when piialn tho (...,itra.
1 • 0.. N. LULL, Superibtendont. "-
-Rail Road Office, Chamliersliurg, 1-.._. _ . ~ .• , . ,
Oct. 14, 1850.
, _ .
40,900. JOINT - STOOit - . \ •
of Newville; Cumberland Co:, Pa.
Grand and extensive Sale of •. •
- • - BOOM r iIi.EAL• }STATE, Ac. •
Tho iinds of the sale to be devoted toltiuidatinDlie
Debt of the Institute.
Unparalled Opportunity to buy a valuable Book, and •
Locomen Shareholder in much valuable property.- • ...
MOR3IONS,'at only,Ono Dollar per copy—Eleven Books •
for Ten Dollars. Gunnison's History Of tho Mormons is
by far the most accurate and reliable work we hitve of -
-that deluded people. In order that . every person may
become a Shareholder, (ho prim of a Book and Cortiti•
caterd Membership of tho Association will bo only $l.
The Cot tifkoite will entitle the holder to an Interest in
the following .'
• • With all netoisary Outbuildings, situated in .• ,
Cumberland Vallby, near Nowville,containing
• 125 acres.
Adjoining tho above, ce nlainigg 12$ acres.
. _ . . . .
01'50 acres each, situated In Mifflin 'township,
. Cumberland county
'0125 acres each. • . , .
2 Story and Brick Building, adjoining the ilall
ots the west.
3 111011 LY IMPROVED BUT-LOTS, • ' . 1,500
Of over 3 acres each, withiehnif a mile of Nev.
. Mile, at *5OO each, .. •• • • • - _
• LNG IN Y,.at CI per order, • • 1,300
From tho celjobrated.Facterjr°r• wm• KaiBbP &
Co., ilaltimoro.
1 Superior Moliodoon.• . . 100
2 Splaudid 'ranting Case Gold lower Watches, at
$lOO etch, ' 200
2 Splundiolllunting.Ctese.Gold.LOVorWotchea,.at_ '
587 50, ''• M.75'
5 Splendid Gold Watches, et $5O each, ' , 250
15 splendid Ladies' (told Watches, at $5O each, '5OO
10 tone. Silver Lover Watches, at $25 each, 250
12 " • " Watches, qqt s'2o each, . 240
16 superior Parlor Clockd, at $8 each, . . 120
50 " Gothic " 3 , 150
50 " Cottage " 3 'l5O
1 assailant, Family Carriage (latest style), 2OO
1 , • jtoc . kaway " . , 175
1 ' ~Ll',9o.iinggy, .
1 Ossetian; hnsing Wagon, • • • ' 100
1 superior Twoltbroultoad Wagon. 100
2 sets Spiondldibasillilver mounting), Si)
oxtm tlioatININS4 dies, ' •75
2 suporloi , Witin at' arts,'• .-,, -
,„0. . •
1 magnificent Sofa Table, ' . ' 46
2 " . Dressing Bureaus, --- 160
I splendid Secretary, • . 60.
4 Dining Tablet (extra Cherry), • 50
4 Bedsteads,7 50
2 sets Chairs, at $l6 per set, • .
3 Imported Carpets, 20 yards each, $2O per plece,' ' 60
2 Home-made Larpeta, extra, each at $2O per '
carpet, • a 40
8 Parlor Stoves, at 015 each, 120
2 Orders for Suite Black Clothes, at $3O each, ' 60
2 " Silk Drosses, $3O each, . + • 60
It ". ' Clothing, 15. 120
, .
10 " , ' Mats, . 5 . . . • 60
12 " Boots, '' 0 ' 72
12 " Gentlemen's Shoes, 413 50 each, . 42
12 .' Gaiters, 4 00 • • co
12 "- ' Ladies' Sh oals, '2 00 . 2t
100 Gold Pencils, at $2 mkt,.' '. 200
200 Gold Pons, at $1 00 each, - 1 - •• +2oo
100 Boles Assorted Perfumery, at $1 00 each, . '' 100
.40 copies well-bound Miscellatwous Books; at $1 60
each, sa
15 Laotian' Albums, at' $2 each, ' •30
500 places Popoilar Music,.
This Association is tbundad upon honest . anti Iclr
in•inciples. -Each boolipurchasar gots the onto° of ,his'
money in the hook, and en account of the gloat number
sold; becomes a sharehohler in -mush- valuable pro
perty., A tortificate will be prosontod to each book pus.
chaser, eatitling thol,holder to an Intorest•in the above ,
valuable, proporty. Allosoon as the books are al sold,
notice will bo given to the stockholders, end a canyon.
thin will bo hold in Nowvilla, at the Inatitnto's hall,
whon_a_Ponnottteo will be chosen, to whom ttte pil!.•
porty will be. delivered;TObeTdistritintlid - umong - the
shareholders. All tho witch's that cat, will be oxhibi
tett nt the Instituto's Fair; en the 12th of August:
Fruit the very, flattering manner In which this Joint
Stock Association is received and patronised, and from '-
the number of tickets already sold, it lo confidently bts
Booed that the property can Ito doilvered to the share
holders in a few months. For the character of the " Btu
SERINO LITERACY INSTITUTE," and those connected With
D. ore are permitted to : refer to the following gentle..
,W,..A. .
lloo:Jas. Pollock, Gov. of Penn's, - • '
. 5 on. Thaddims Stovens,.lancastor, . , -• 4 . '' ,
115M,Frodorick Watts, liarl'ale.....
11(n. Lem. TOMI, MOM. Con., CarlislO: •
.• BonatorWrii. U. Welsh, York. - .. • , • • -•,.. .
.• lion. Wm'. F.-Idurray,..llarrisborg. ~...._ 6 - ... : .•.•.- _
- Won. Icnaba & Co.; BaltiMore.„ . , .. .
' 'Wm, J. Shoarer:Pros. - AtVy, Comb. Co.,'Pa.
---Domiel.Shelly, Sup. Common Sehooloi. 1, ''• •-•- •
John,W. Brandt. Esq., _I ItarristinDts”
Illoyer,& Brother, . : • .• . -- , ~, •
, w,0...A11' orders for - 800 s' and Castilla:4Mb hi; mail,
should be addressed td , • • ' • • -'• • ra -
•,., , ...., • ,- . , .. •• . +.:. : Jmitgs• nracicarari, 1 )1. _.
_-_ ..: - 80;;..11 . 1g Spring Llterary,/natituto,”
' .••
,"..,.. , " I. ~ Nenovple; Coamberland . ,CO3, ptt, .
- •AGENTS WANTED, in ' , every. Tawit - add Village in
the United States, to obtain subscriptions thr.BookS, to
whom a liberal: commission will bo gluon.„ All Letters
of Inoniry, accoMpanied loy . tv Stamp'PoEstage: yam be -
' prOtptly unmoved- • ". • - .
' Samuel Megaw, Good Ifopot,E. IV, Coreidon, ghip
-ponsburgt - John - Floide'Shoplocedstowsi;;Sain'l.!:l4vere• - •-•
Aroolont Bottom; ilea. !fatten, Lees' Cross Roads; W. 31... •, J'altre:Al',' Seigleinan, ' Shlrematuttovisi t W: E. ,
Ar0rb,... 1 .' S. ilostotter, Moolianlesbarg; WM. lioalter, , '
Pap town; It. Wabtstit; Boiling Springs:. D. il il.sP.' ...
Loco t Groso,•J. J. Crawftwold. 11: Mbstigh; Raisins; • •,'•
J:11. Crisswoll, Shippenitiatre; fit: & J.,Kunkle, Green .
Sprl ;•I'etee Monitor, Wm. Iforur, Win. laottlo„ •A,. C. ' "
- Corn n; Carpals; F. Swayer. Newrille ,Dopo,l ; ,D. ' S..
Croft. Aeabtirg;,..lm. - .sL'ilekels; ShoPliorvistown i' J. S. , ..,
DavldsimiPlaintiOdt - 18. - Jentookli'soot" - 111111'ltstinaltull,":":
•Cliurelitown''. T. 0.-WiliblonsollaDlOkittliOn; Itenvy.Any-, . •
dar,...l4ifilirtlofillusbip: J..Vaoderbelt.Oakvillo; B, Mel, •• -
lingorliitougbitiowu; E. S. McOniio,',sllddlallipOniti'd. V r
P.- Erb;• ErldgepiErt,; - Lewis. Ritter; -Niglio' tOrsnabinf, ~.
David Strohm' Now Kingstowrit.Carby - .11141;:54.,.4.fit0nbi...' ,
roiS; -B. o l o roorl Bottro:PiOtaell4POljltv,. + l" .. ; +:',.,,,. , ,•:".•1 ' .".- '
'.l,t'lPYl,fit 1 0 0, .. ' ..'• ,6. L. .'. f• , i'.::'( , ....! ,, ,,';:- . ., , „ .""'..'
'fIARDEN4::',EN • Towing, a.;
• •lit -Hirian.i= ifiNion'acta rt,04.014,11.m prt sad
. IforctiPutopi,' Daft' Door Betters;Vuttip 'Drilla, At heat' .
IMllisrwfthWaShiPllrearA*elis - attnehed: — Pletrwat ----
iegßieeta , patterna'.aturetses, , 'Srituite; antt lt*pandlng :
~flarrow, .Gere's „premium, patent .11uttar ,Werkere—a
'nerrorttrle.'itOic AUK.; OVh.t- 'ailleles' to
then. proper aeiOn, ter the Oran 'ant ierdeffi:.• , .. •
4 1 PAlipusta,
:Iffirviitent .
49d:Sefktm •:"
30; tioq . Tth Ana „Violet,
■ ivirEnzAs, In and by an ii•
act of the General A
sem ly of the Uommonwetah otleuuolvanlaYllititled•
an " Aet, relating to, the elettione of this, Common.
.wealth," peseed the 2d day of duly, A.D. Me, ithrioade
the duty of tho.Sherier of - every county
Cdrnmonwegth; to give publlif notice of the: General
Eleanor:l4,old in inkoh,notice to enumenttei
1. The officers to be elected.
2. boidgeate the place at which. the election la_to_be -
I, JACOB BOWMAN ; Sheriff of the 1et 4 71 -01
Cumberland, do hereby make known end ggi VI •
lie notice to the elector, of the county of Cumberlan
that on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November neat, an
election will be held at the Rivard election dhdricts
tablished by , law In said county, at which• time •they'
named, *le : , • ,
. .
- TWENTY•SETEN, PERSON . .8 "•',...'.. " '
-for-Eleetentof-the - Prelddent-aml-Vce-Prosidentiit - tha • -
.. .
United Stites.. .
The Said election wiltbe held throughouttin, county
as follows: -, •
The election in the election district cOmposed ef the .
borough of Carlisle and the townships of North Middle.. •
ton,. South Middleton, 'Lower Dickinson, and Lower •
Frankford; will be held at the .Court House in
,tho ix:tr
ough of Carlisle. ' ' % • "-. • ' - •
The election in the'electien district composed of Loic , •
er West Pennsborough township; will be held. at the,
North School house in Plainfield. '-. . : " • ,
-- -The election in the election district composed of 811.
ver Spring township, will be heldiit iIiCOU Ile bingo of - - •
George Duoy, In Hoge:shown in said' township: . •
Tho election in .tho' election district composed of
Hampden township, will be held - at the house occupied ..
by lieury_lliukernell, in said township. ',
The election in. the election district. cempoSed of the
'township °flipper Allen' willbo held at the pubile •
house occupied by WOV. Hill:10, in Shepherdstown.
The election In the election district composed of Abe
township of Lower • Allen, will be hold at the wagon- •
maker shop of Jones Ilunchbarger, on Slate Hill.
."!•••••...The elentionin the election district composed of East •
,Peribsborough township,. will be held at the". public
house now oeccipridby.A.lluntsborger, at the West end
of the 'Harrisburg Bridge. ' , •
The eivetion f the leetion - dlstrict composedof New
Cumberland, will "held at the house formerly:, Kept
by Nygi. If. Boil, in t &borough of Now Cumberland.
The election in oho election district composed of the
Borough of Mechanicsburg, WI beheld at the public •••
house ofiolin Hoover, in bald ugh. . • . ' " • .
tr .v.k.ww.
The elehtten In the election d let' "Comaeil. of
"Monroe township, will be held at the • bite house of
Samuel Algeler, in Churehtown, in said to hip.
„ The election in the election district. compose f Up
per Dickinson township, will be held at the hence, 0f.„7
occupied by John Garman,- in said township... - '•".:, -
The-election in the election district composed of_the
borough of Newville, And too nailing of Blank], Upper
Fraukford, Upper. West Pennsborough, and that part of
Newton townshipnot included in the Leesburg efeetion •
district, will be held at,the Brick School house_hijifo.____,..
biiiiingliet hetiville • .
The election in the election district composed of .
Hopewell township will be held at the New Brick -
School House, in Newburg, in said township. -
The election lia the oleetiodistriet composed of the -
borough opShipponsburg, Shippepsburg townsliip,_and
"that part tif ' , Southampton township not included in IT
the Leesburg election district, will be held at .the
Connell House, in the borough of Shippensburg. .. .•
The election in the election district composed of tarts
of Newtonand Southampton townships, not enibraeod "
in the Newville and Shiniensburg districts, .will bo ,
held at the house fornierly occupied by William Max- "
well in Leeeburg. . •
. .
That every person except justices ofthe Peace 'who
shall hold say ofilco or appointment of profit or trust
under the United Staten or of this State, or any city or
intorpornted district, whether a commissioned officer or
'otherwien'a subordinate officer or agordovho is or - shall .
he employed under the' legislative, executive Judi- •
dory or
endepartmts ofthis 'State, or the United Stith's,
'Or of any etty . or of any incorporated district; and also
that any Member-of Congress and of the State Legisla
ture, and of the Select or Common Council of any - pity,
or commissioner of any inceroratcd. district, is .by. law-- -
incapable of holding or exerc ising at the same time the
°face or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of ariy
electjens-of - tirliCommonovealth;ond-that nainspector,
Tu,t - go, or other officer Of. - Mich - eleCtion elialllie eligible
to be there voted for.
And the said act of Assembly, entitled an act. rela
ting to the. elections of this Commonwealth, passed Jul;
2;1856, further provides as follows, to wit: ,
"That the !inspectors and. judges shall moot at the
place appointed for holding the elections of the district
to which they respectively belong, before nine o'clock
in,the morning of the Second Tuesday In October, and
each of said inspectors shill appoint ono clock; who
- shall be a qualified voter Of mid district. •
"In case the person who shall have received,the see
--owl highest - number of votes - for - Inspector - shalt - not at•
London the day of the election, then the person who
shall have received the second highest votes of vote •
at the next Preceding election, shall act as inspectortu
piece. And lams° the poison who shall have re•
coived the highest wistabctof v, tea for, inspector shall
not - attend, - the pestle elected' judge shall appoint an _
inthotor lu Ills and_in case the" person elided
judge shall hot atfffis4l then the inspector who remiss.
ed the highest number of votes shall appoint a judge In
hie place,' or If any vacancy shall continue he the board • .
for the space stone hour after the time fixed by law for
-the opening of-the election, the qualified ,otersof She -
township, weld or district for which such officer 'Shall
have been elected, present at the pinto of election, aball '
elect one of their number to fil such vacancy.- "
It shall be the duty of tho several assentors of each
district to attend at the place of holding every general, -•
epeeinl, or township election, during,•the whole time •
sattideetton in kept open, for the-purpose of. giving Ann__
_tbrmation to the inspectors and judges when called on,
in relation to the right of any personae/Meted b y them
to veto et such election, or such other - matters in „rein- •
tion to the assessments of voters as the. mid inspectors
or either of these shall from time to time require. •
" No person shall be permitted to vote at any election
as aforesaid, other than a white Beeman of the ago of -
twentyene years, or more, who snail have resided in the •
State at least one year, and in the election district
where he offers•his vote at least/pin days immediately
.preceding ouch election, and within two years -wild a
State or county tax, which-shall have been amassed at
least ten days before the election.. But' a citizen of the
United• States who has previously Men a qualifled•voter •
of this State, and removed therefrom and returned, - and
who shall have resided in the election district and paid
•times as aforesaid, shall be entitled after. maid- •
lug in this Abdo six menthe: • Provided, That" the •
white freemen, citizens of the United States, between
to onty•ono and twent)-to o years, who have resided in
an election district ruo'hil•resaid, shall be entitled to
vote although they shall not have mild taxes. • •. • .
"No person shall be permitted to vote whese name is
not contained in the list of. taxable inhabitants fur
nished by the Commissithers, unless-Pleat, he produce
a receipt for the payment within two years of a State
or county tax assessed agreeably to • the Constitution,
• -ambition, notisfectory evidence, either. au his oath seat- '
Urination, or the oath orefffrutation of soother, that he
has paid ouch a tax, or on failure to produce a receipt
,shall make oath to the payment thereof. • Second, if he
'claim a right to votaby being au elector' between the --
-ago of twentyomeand-twenty-yormS-he
pose on oath or affirmation they balms resided ha this .
State at least ono year next- before his application; and •
;nuke such proof of residence in the district as Is Moult ,
od by this act. and that hji does verily believe. from the
account given hin,oilmerto is of the age aforesaid, and
such other ovideneties is required by ,this,att;••where.
upon the stance of tba person :thus admitted to vOta •••, •
shall be Inserted alphaifetical list by the insp.- •••. ; •1:.
tors, and a nete s ailmfo.opposite thereto by Writing the
word....tim," if he slinll be iffiniitted•tto - vote by. reason,
of having paid' ;..or the word "aml," if he shall he
•irdmitted to veto hy reesSih of stnehfige,Pooll
out by the clerks, who shall make the like notes on the
lists of voters kept by them.,
. ,
" In all cases where the name of the person clairding
to vote is feund on the list furnished by the Commis.
Blotters and assessor, or his right to vote, whothorfound.
• thereon or not, la objected to by' any qualified citizen, . •
it shall be the duty ;Atha Inspectors to examine: such
person on oath as to his qualifications, and If he Cleims •
to have resided within the State for one par or mere,
' his oath shall - be sufficient proolthereof, but .
:,make proof by at least- one competent •witness ' who
shill be a qualified elector, that he has resided•Jn .the
for more thanten days next immediately pre.
ceding such election, and shall also himself swear that
his bona tide residence, In pursuance of hie lawful call
log. le In mid district, and that I e did not remove Into
• mid distildlor the purpose, of votingytherein., , '
'c. Every person qualified se afbresniff, end whit shall
make due proof, If required, of the residence and- pay-
Ment of taxes so aforesaid, shall be admitted to vtite in -
,the township, ward or district ice which' he shall re
" If any person shall provdnt or attempt to prarent •
any officer of auy election under this act from hblding
such election, or use or threaten any violence to any
finch officer, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere
with him in the execution of 'hie duty; er shalt block .
up the window, or avenue. to any • window, where the
come may bo - holding,' or shall ,rieteualy dinturliNho
pence at such election, or shall use any Intliaidatlng
-throats, threloor violence, with deidge to influence; 'un
duly or overawe eny elector, or to prevent himfrordve•
ting or to restroin the freedom of choice, Mich Modems
on conviction shall-be Ilbed In any sum 'not exceeding
five hundred dollars, and Imprisoned for 'atig.tinte -plot '
less than three nor noon; than twelve menthe, and-If it
shall be shown to Court; where the trial of such offence
shall be had, that the parser- so offending *as' not a• •
-resident of the-city,- ward,-dietrlet-or '• township where
the offence was committed; and not 'entitled to. vote.
therein, then en conviction he shall- be sentenced to
pay a finest net less than one hundred nor-•therii•then
ono thousand dollars, and be Imprisoned ,not less; than
six mouths nor more then two years,.. : 17 •
' .1f any person Or persons shall mai° any het or, wa
ger upon the result of any election 'otithidrthil °ems
motierealth, or shall offer to.make any, such; bet or we:
ger, - verbal proclamation thereof, only ,'tarry
written or printed advertisement,. challenge or invite
any person to make such bet or Wager, upon 'conviction
4,hereof ho or tlidfiloall forfeit and pay three times
amount so het or tole • ' •-3.' '-
'rlrany • person hot' by law qualified, shell finnan
' lentirseta •at any else-lien of, this •.CommediSeldth, or ,
.being of herons" qualified %hall veto out of„lie ;proper
district, or if any person knowing the went er such
shell procure suchlierson-Itivete,
the,permal offending,' shall, on •,eenvietietae•illtion • in
, arly,sum net exeeedlottthe hundred '44 1 / 4 1 3: 8 4:04 be
ltrivithithrld•faatij•leruo not - 40016g llarelktnei t na. -----
"If anjeperson shall voteat atone thinitmo 'e7 ion
rdistriet; or otherwlsefraudulently. vote more:thin nee
• op the mmeday, or shaltfrigdulently.thltlandfieliver •
to the Inspector two tleklits together,•with • the, Intent
• Illegally levote, dr shall procur e 'another toido - sti, bo•
• or they offending, shall 'on conviction'thatinetriza - any
sum not less; thanilfty nor More'„thanzllye„,liguldred..„
and be , Imprisoned , Mr any .lemn, loot lentlimn
• throe nor' more than twelve ninntliS. " . •
' "irony person not qualified to voti4ln title Contemn.
„wealth agreeably le law,. (oxoept„ll4 sok ormulipled
citlet ns„) shall appear et. tiny plethef.electiers, fog, the ,
purpose of influencing' the eitizOntrqisalliled'lttrinte,
• : ho Amnon conviction'finfolt end pay , snYturitiolic ex
: ..ceedlngenerhundred:dollaratim oloryjnekc_deitp4 and
1 ,0 innirisenod teeny term notexceedlogihretimenthin e
' ' Agreeibly to . the .provisions of.'the sixtyitlest . seetion
'of the said art; every Oenontlend Special Elebtlithhhall
happened between he ,hours of, elklit endl,Fen",l n the -
;forenoon, and shall - mmtlnue 'vellhoticldteMnit r.
' adjournment until'sevan.e'elenkin thereieVillf, hen
'boleti's shell le closed. j..•,,:j 3 ,',,,i••;-••• • .•
Alud the judges of theSMlMMOv.e.;..dlatidettP•idd,
are by the act to vuttt. l a meet set,tlite 4 . 9prt use ;;
third s day _tbe . ... 3
' o l l l oo s l ,4 lal i rbe U ll B h 4 g d4.l'firditn , Wraillen
~aud.tbere'wperibrottlin, t hings- y eQuire,d, M ah4n by
•-' O ,-:• o GP ,l iei ; •i ,. s nder, h•; and
, .•
at C 1:
0 ; 1 •
11e, • t••h if4tvhn il.Pty ef
1; 1 • d . k
• ,
; • , ;Awn vo.w.nutli about
, . . •
3 1 ' ' , ';'—.lAiltS ICLW NAVE*. '46ullo4oceititi '.;Cat e
. 41 1,4„,... tbo Attontlotior Rousoluitpoio tual. tlid blai, ~.
to bisogtanslvoutooleof elogautlWlNl , MX ,
' I ' ' tAchOing,Bo. l 4l4: •Nr,,, ar4robaNcoutta,344/V.lcs'
: -..---... Mositiktund.Walif-BUtUit*Atiididtdty.atlier...._
,:^ tlOl4 In , , bib , branclCorhalii4o-,..411u tacriebill'hud t
'i 0:limo, shoorPluuit0 , 01.4 1118 . 1 00):01 ,• '.
il l
' 10 laVost luioes:.:;AOFFlNB' madtiat Alio
.t, uotloo Ruda. Heats° urovl4calbr,hlllo4l,.: e
-Helton cal eit hleastobllstituoilt,au . Notth that- Strogi,Viscelnles'uitoter. , ; . ,.. , y:; , :t1 - 3,vsotilt -• •
.... - itilkurniture birld out b 7 110'1:n01191, slaifig t o '. ~..