U U Pro 2‹(.TApositor. toA.H.Li§mr., PA ir,oualt 410 Tounto jliattei-s • _ - "*q. a ET ON rr.v..Eyr.ksA- I, T.A 1 , ,—This , - popular compney of voealiatu will pay Ili- a •visit and give 'ono of their agreeable ooneerte iiithe,C.mrt 11 )U3e, on 8 I,t9r Ity eiratrit --,rdie_yar,eeu:w_dl_kirma here th,tt nothin' le necessary to - assure m' Humorous, au limes bult 'the knowledge of their iutenLion to give a eon. • . . RiSTINCiUISHEP milt „ tary Cour! of Inquiry is now in session at the Carlisle Barracks, composed : of several v• ilt •T eran,Gen. Cnbnbttttt, I.to , pelm!r . o ener" l, is .• rresident.of the Court. . Toe tither niembers • - • 1 • are COl..'PAytou, Assistant C s umtnisSitay • Grim; crab and Cul. J. L'• On.ttoscit, of tho first Regiment of Artillery, *Cul. 'l.soyltsr is a broth . or of the iqustrious an t lamented Br,isaleitt • • . • • Tnnoit, 'to whom he 'Dears n close bifiLICO. Lieut. 11..tynadier is : Judge Advoca e • of the Court. TILE COUNTY Ruio-it certitinly --verrga Han t—in, our neighbor or the, Volunteer to elVe the 4.0(1 such high praisfe as he dare for their cont s ilbutions to the recent Fair, hat in kis impulsive gallantry lie Should be care ' ful while eulogizing the 'beautiful not , to do injustice'to the practical: We think ,if he _,gives the folloiving 'extract, which we take rioui hie notice of the fair 7,4 se6tind — reffiling7. be will acknowledge that it •iS a tither tt'.ti sweeping' cotyleinuatiotr of the agyicultural department : “Ana now, stew wards is reference to the agricultural tivparttn , qa , of _thin a/pica/turf& The exhittifisin of hones was large,hut. se far,as me could judge, poor. With rho ex.. .ceptiott.ef draft hnr o cs, two Or ,. telerala saddle horses, and--we on tht cc stolli - ans,At Wits . noihing to brag of. - There' . • was a nututter of very gelid tnitles on exhibi tiun, and one pair. owned by Messrs Aid's, of . - Newnllc, attraete4l much attention, and sv,ere - the, beet on the gronnd. • Of cAttle it is. entree ly necessary ttl speak, for,. with the exception . of. thoKentaoky beifelts 'exhibi toll by Mr. Dan. lel 'Alit of New dile, there worn, none on . the - ground Worthy of note. The same may he ' said ol swinetSheep theromcre none. At is kJ tact; mid it is,: with reluctance , that wCiiiitlEC the neknowlvdpitent, that the farinerti..Jif this cotinty,..tteneralfy tpenking, appear to talurno pains whatever to ituprove their stook, and hence it is that this (eatre'of the Faiiin-Oun ted almost—ra-ti-failtire %We dokape, our ng - riotiltural friends will tliink of this"subjeet, ottid like their brethren in nearly all other couotietk-of_our. State; make on etf at. to int - -pr Otto the brood of their -horses, , cattle, sheep and, hogs” ~ • -- Why the Erist; North and West-sitles,of. the enclosure were entitely . occupied with stalls: and- probahli , not less- than two hen= dreg entries, and yet our . irelghbor thinks 'tthis.feattire of the fair. amotinted alli - iest to .failure We cfAtally Pitfin-_ourz7neigh-- bor's expression of the hop that ,itirfarmei's will t. make an-elforeto intprove"-their stuck, but to illy that the show of-Stock on VIM' oc casion deserves he credit at all,,is„to any the lens . t,•quite too sweeping a statement. • We shall not do our neighbor ihe. injustice, white taking exceptions to a purtian tof his remarks, to suppose that he. has any other than a Jriendly feeling toward the society. But it must be remembered that our County Society is in but;the.third year of its organ . izatlon, and that it is manifestly the duty of the prose to extend to it a fostering hand--: while not efraitl to blame, to _he ^yet- more willing to praise. .-(We may say., too, in par entliexisr thatithe Society on the, other hatftl, owes to the press an equally frietfdly . spirit ) - The Society has made an admirable start and is Undoubtedly - ne.ehm plhshi al; n good ..work.' If Cumberland County stock is just noiv . nut exactly what it ought •to be, it cautlot under time spur of cotnpetitioi, 4 l - o" - raphily .ast ,eriority If there is no improve- ranee t merit ip five or ten yenra later then Wo may q,ue4juil the utility of the AgrieulturtiUsevel• 131213 . The-officers of the eoeiety have' thus fit shown themselves truly° ovork . ,ing. men.. The president, Col. Paxton, is in most energetiO and efficient officer. The Tree - surer and See rotary, Mesers„Sheaffer and Watts, and the Executive Committee, are' untiring in their exertions, giving Vali:table time to promote theSticcess of tile annual, exhibitions. The —report-of-premiums - for - this - year - will - tro - fouti r l in full on the last page of to-day's paper. CLERICAL MOVEMENTS.-13.0v, J. Newlin, forinelly I"iistor of tip First Tres- byteriith Church in Car hag reeentl39Nen .elaoted President of Delaware College, tit New , ark, ,Delaware. 'Rev. Win T .Sprole, a predecessor of Mr, Newlin in the stole pastoral charge. an I late lyChaplain at the 'West_ Point Academy; we unClerstand; has been calt.Pl to the .pastoral charge of the Dutch Reformed Church, in Jer ' key City, N.,J , a large, wealthy and'flourish , . ini church: , • Rev: 0, 11. liFitny, of Dickinson CiAlege, has received a call to the Pastorship of the As,. sociatu, Reformed Church, in Fayette street, -H—Baltintore.,_w_eich_Avoikarn:_lic . lyo accepted. - U. S. • SENATOR.—T he • last - V, lunfcrr Eh mi ovzit each propose Judge Iluphurn. of for 11. S. Sett %ter. As the Detneeruts will haven mojority, at three on joint -lutllitt and can elect, the Judge cony possibty he the !unity man, unless, peradventure, Simah should "turn up" again end throw their Plans into confusion ! Nuns verf TUANKsolviNci-7DA . z. — Gov , Pollock. hneappeinted Tlun•sdug,aite 20th of Nevem.. ber,'ns n day of Ilnpildigiviag and 'praise to the giver of all good for the' blessings wo en joy-as a people. This 'anMual otisnevatMe of ono of the wady practices Of our pilgeirit tutu ers, is becoming more generally observed ihroughont-she-cottiitry:•-nn...evidence::of .the addauce of intelligence and ohristianity. Tr H EEP IT BEFORE TILE PEOPLE The tirestest Arrival of the deriien of • .1 lV 000 . D S'Al! LIZ br.DAV, -, 8 TO It E! ---- .The subset bet has just returned:ll.pin The city and Is now opening, nest door to Costamagint`te. Ilan (Into i