Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 15, 1856, Image 3

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1.11.6 j 44 . - .6;;"
1111.13,AC.Li OF SC 11,Nali.—Dr..
Kolling., of. Mcchttnierdinrg, 'Cutoberland .
anuMinces tMthose afflicted with PutrOcs,
ula, King's Vcil and tfi diseases ti(!.ofitlillifipit:mttially
\ekli Caustic or Kuiraliec . 4iCtiquplAthent with
L cutting:, buritini4. - or. pant; turithfril,;(fdiforothrin or
aft6.llli4nrod — try - the - Tatiro tis - 11V - ttlAtt 01 -
tql.ll, of the body tlity, utay lllt, ho cart remora
them witty perfect saroty, :sod in a reMarkably. ahoy!'
;1,1 110:..0 V,t,got:thlop9bion IN:11)114(A :94.1 . 11(
• 111'Ality;IViiiiyi!3. until a cure is perfoctod: • • .
Ifritifsmr tinrei,'Ofirtnie Complaints, Chronic, Ven'e
, real .tud.,fll. other disedliit3S treated with posifi
Null particulars earth° obtained by addressing in either
lie hdt ..r Conn:so, post paid. Patients can be .accont
tood.riat -(c ioard ob reasonable terms:
.:Mochauntsburg is 1)443 nf the prettiest and healthy'
• towns in' - this or' any Oho( State. -It is 8 miles from
',l,lacislrms,..m the tiolnbamfrul VaJley Jtall doud, and
- nf__tho uttinut._ The "Doctor
visit (mmlo in any part of the 'State When desired: •
. • Ira—kind reader if you know any Minded fellow crew.
tuce, delay, nst'to teldthoM of this treatment. • • .
t.l . l3.l:llltATaf;
Ci 1; V. "fii AN • .11 I T.T R S.' •
I?repusrul.hy •
Int. 0: 1 ictisoN.
win elrurt unity it - arts , •
T.,Pittlit • t3J3I L' fAT Nt; DYSP I'S A, 4 . .1 D
Chronic or Nervous Debility,.Diseases of the Kl'dheys,
and all diseases taritting front It disordered • .
Liver ei• z•:•tontaeLt. •
• • - • --Stich as
• °Cuutitiptltiuu, . •
I.nviahl Full- •
•ties or (flood to the (lead,,_
,A.utilitY ,the Stonne Nnu-
Di - s:Tat tor i O OO •
• , F.ufliiess or-Weight on the Stomach, •-
• ri . ructatlons,Shilting or Flutteri,ng
at the l'it of the Stomach, Swimming of
the. ilead, j.lurriuil and Dfflloult Breathing •
Plyttteriox at the•ll.'‘Faht, thioaking orsi ilea-,
•---,tirrrsetrim-tirths wint-n—i-ttt-r-tykti g--rtst-urer-iniu{ktFs_
. of %`ldol, IMts of wchs hetore (lie Sight, Fever '
• anti dull pa in in the ttelLd, 1)011,:joody of
nosh lII' I,bo and
.14yri t yalla iii Hit: :Ode, 111001, Gotta 1,
zu4.l . ju. Fiusit:tt,
• '• • lturnin4 in the Flesh, , •
• ' tl.l:l4lnint&S of • •
' drip, iuid gi eat Dr- •
• . es , i,ni
, , •
• ;Twits.
The proprietor lo 00111.1 A Life al•Leutiou of the pular
doms 1•'01.11. Net/11401 Cho ut.w.‘st
couittivacu fir Its Viand.: .Lll,l .J
tor 511111111 it 1$ reco‘tion.o.l,l. .
1. 1:1 ILOW 1/101 0,, it 10 I t 1m 1 one thxl.has
1,444: t I
;4.1011r preitAr.ttt.nts.e.sttt , tt. i'llo Loll( I IL,:
1.1% oil Ity proml neat.alai wi•11 1.1) ,4 (1'0
t'oy,,i , o .4114 .004 1,11:1, of the Conn try .
to la/Mono:0. .
• De:R:lNi.; I.:AIN:V.I:S ta 1,-, ANi) sTom.t(m.
.atta , b•All•JOS .froni . .i's.W.ler or olitritrtinii,
of.thu and othur nervy;
111 .ovs, and the functions of the hinin are imp.tired anti
(lentil-god; derang„edient there Will also; produce discos
vs Of tee 110.1.4 . 1, situ, ta ! ,p, and I,ll.ltiey.o. 1 t _owing
• 10 the iloitio C.llii..oc teat 1.1/ itniands Ihr with
11111:,tait, or - Yello , r rer, , - th.LE 111 7..111 btturetti'tti - tunt , o,
gottereilvtint offittrrtotlti critattu;il,ll,/,Fr0:7,-479rtliir
• /Ivor and ;noimieli, bits not I , oen :I.T.iieluney of inittiolu.
• knew led4e of, their funytions--ha 'of a.!,uli.thle that would act upon thr On& all 11 0
,s'yiktittitiletic 11100(10(40. • 1165( it Lb CBU
/11t.141:1 and they can be used lky pOr.S,lta wall the
-01 ,11 delleaW SL.llll,loli With Ilio‘' in
Oaf- -
11.1 , ,Ditaat
ltto LteriuDent, hut' give stye:l4lll ' M
illartiaral Nlu 1101'1,1)4h Call IN I.lfiall at :1.1.1
Ltattirl', and moiler all . - u , ;. 0r,./Laitry ONp,, '
0,0110in•0V001 tits .1 s,LlOtary
• nil 1.01,/ 1.11001 trati .
414-61 l• ' •
pal iitat,ilttlit illa•N,11.01•0 ia 11/0 00.1 of this remedy,
and uso It :-.ttictly_ace,tr,ii,l; to ,11r0,.1ti..0t., , ,•11 W4ll cure
Cho 1111: riolu{ disc.islr.s la 0% 01.. i hist titre, it WO, I.o,youtl.
(11;1 01 11. 1144 0.1000,1 nt.foy L I ,t.iitty
too idit,tini:s of rotieged, 11,1 ttli, and ill tunny
oliAnikinetl 110:Yin:Ca and rl4lSlleuru.
And Heeling Wel naiad of Tbsta ,Coi4i/lug ho - avily up.'
toed', will/ all Its :attendiiut ,lis, will hod in the uo.e, 01
(ha 'hi t dr s „,, Eli xer Loa t will instil new lifo 'lntt; their
VtIlllb; l'eStOlit . ,i II a Illeaslll%.l the on er•,:y and ardor of
mere youinioi days; build up their •Nlll'llUisoll form,
~,,,i give health and liappiausS - to their ' remaining
it is a well est:aril:died fart, that fully one.lialf of the '
female P:at. Mit 01 01l V ' pOpillittion, are guidoni-ta 0111, ~,,.
' j,oylueut of 4 i,, oil I/ eAltu, or to use L12 , 3)1 . 114'11 expressien
r IkeYer fool wed." They :LVI.! languid, ...le , X.vid of all en
erAy,. u.treaiely nervous, and LlaVlt 111.1.3 . ppetitif.' 4 '1'0;
tilli eitISS of ill Valid:l, .L 11,1,0 1110 tors II 0 espeoiall re , '
•'e,natelided. Tooir peCUilal . 0)1110 and 11.1111gorating '
properties re , ider 0 luau 114011ultlitr in suc_lt cl4;es.
.1 . 01•s•o6s Visi wag districts um•ras.;e4 MAD Ilany with
1,.1.; Vlt it AN 11 .1 , 1 Ur:. or AN 17 Fr; VEIL UL 'A itildoUs
......‘ elm E, 11 lii ii lid chat , Foy , the timely usti or one or
w , h , 0 0(0, . MACY will L o`i 41(40 1 1051' 111SLMICU take the ills- -
c•oe, a.; tun iiitters will' renovate Mid. St i . , , tigtliuti the
- 8,) stem, and carry the bile off in Its natural , Ithtulaul.
L'reeentiuti is betterthau cure.l
'il l. V AM!: BN fl itr:i.v. VEIfekAIILE :•',,,_.'...
And true fr ) na A iroliolid Stintulaut, and . all , lojiirlott
ingredients"; arc pleasant in 0.000 ;111d smell, mild 11'
choir operatilth, will expel - all - inorbid_ _secretions Irmo
the body, give 1,111011 1,1 01141 pallid cheek, ` and bealii , „
and VIVI' t, (.1111 frame.
Pricels rents per bottle. ' - •' ~ • . '_ ,
Principal Office. No, thi Altc , ll streets ritlra, 11t.. --, , •
s,,ld by Drug,ii...tA and Slurokeepoili in• oveo , ta n
and vill/me in GUM United Status anti Canadas, and I y
all . Druggists in Carlisle, IMay U., It/56.'
. _., •
• t . 1 1 1 I.A.CT •
,[IA :k1.101 . 0.1.Ti 11011 SE.,
'7'd460.4,1t41/VietW:mty't,Wo yott I'S a•ni by'Dic.•KINKE1 1 1:C;
our4ul Third and Slretax, l'a.
Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most successful prac
<Rimier in the cure of all diseases of a private cloture;
mammal s debility, es an impediment to marriage;
- • nervous and sexual infirmities; disease:3,ot the 'skin.
those. arising from abuse of mercury.
-There is an evil habit by boys
in solitude, often.growilig.up with drum t)tuatitteed;
• .and which, if not reformed itt duo timeolet, 'wets
(serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives
rise to a series of protracted, limidious; and devastating
affections. -
lOW' of thoso who give this pernicious practice
are aware of the consequences, until they find the nor;
vows system shattered, feel strange and unaccoutitable
' • vionsatiOns ciud.vague,fears in the mind: (::ice pages . 47,
2'3;0, of Dr. lii.ts-boolCou .• Self Preservation."
• The unfortuuato.• thus affected. becomes feeble, - is
• mnable to labor-with accustomed vigor, or to Apply, ills
iniud to study; his step is tardy and weak: ho m dull,
Irresolute, aud engages ; ev•?n iu hie sportS with less
energy than - •
If its einancipste himself before the practice has done
its worst, said •enter matritaony, his_marriage, Is
,trititful,'and his sense tells hint that this is cause/icy
his early follies.; The:more considerations which should
~, awaken the attention of all who are similarly situated.
Can Wive . (by statiug
,thelr case explicitly, together
_wide e-A their symptoms, per letter, enclosing a remit
' ranee) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated. accordingly.
-Forwarded to any part of the United States, and
, eto*ret Trent DAMAOR and CURIOSITY, by Wall
. AEADI YOUTH AND .1AN11001)11
AVigOrokie Idfo or a premature Death, liinkalin on
• Self-Preservation—Only 2 cents. ,
. LeitAirs containing that value In §tauips i will ensure
4% copy per return of Lunn.
• ' LIBAT/8 J OIiATIB I I GliATl§i l I
A Brea ink"/' to all. ;
.• -'24ItILY
. -
4 ‘ Natures Gitidtf," .4 now and pOitulay work, full of
"valuable advice and impressive warnliigiallko ealettla•
prevont yeara ofsnissi c and save thousands of,
lives, is distributed without go, and forwarded by
_ _ klall,,,prepaitt, to any Post Wilco in the United titates
en re covlng an ofder.eneloSitnt, Ewo poitage stamps.
' IitONT-- The
hoist correct ilkoneseevor made; ox
' oantvd highest 'stale of Art, and printed on flue
'lndia paper, published and for sale, Wholesale and Ite•
tall, by L... IiOSENVIAL, Lithographer, N. W. eor•
' • ner Pllth and Cheatatit Streets Pbtladolpbbt. :Size of
naper, 17:26. Retell poke $l. A liberal (Haman% will
be allowed those wishing to Fell again.
Apo ArAouliTs WA5TED.:.114.....,.
being misled and iler(UVvti, by
the'lylitg beasts;;false prouinais; , and , sjutriouS recom
mendations (frm the d. ii :I t o ( indonovn) of
mid Natiyo,givick4; WbOtal. til4lll are liaore in Pada
delphia than eleeW here . , IRA:love of the el eldeuey.of,the
laVsof the-State.' Citizens Ituoiv :6111 avi.jd thous.`.` •'
tried one to twenty dollars:worth of .Quack
Nfixtbres,*xtractil; Invigorating Bit
cffect--:-Int‘ ing luau demi ed pvi'"
represented and - exaggCraterr , areotints lOis'e, •
'Secret •Diseases and their eunsetittentTs, publisln4 i o n
Ad YerllSolllClits. Hooks. &e. , . :tort' Cable re-,,adsive
.. ....
........ thereiti t purpesely
to inerease'sulierliigs, atid.alain
thinking, the more easily to lis.tort large fees. (whiehis,
more evident. being sold,for lesS than rest •oe printing'
anti advertising)- 7 having paid live to ont.thultdred del
1,t1% , CO 'Foreign and Native Quaeks,
having outlet :I much and long—thugh the tune ipst
rannot be-rera/led, tior'the money recovered •you paid -
atid.w:-re den-nude :I of. yet you eaulie eured, however
bad, long Ida:piing Pr aallieting your rase, liy - Dr,Liany..
.• It wise, kdinms; Deloys flrWciallolll. l
10. " '
is )coney: saved ii. Money earned." '
' • I'OENO \I EN ibt OTHEItzi,
Single, married, dor con teniplat lug
,ittarriage, suffering
froui Self-Abuse or its uonsoquenees, or suffering from
- any - other- :muses, -defects.-or : .lei-eases,-and
whatever; their diseases or situatinii.c may honorably
rely and confldd itt Dr, Leidy's skill - and success. Ac
commodations, if required. with kind dila etheient at
tentliriee. at Ds. LEIDY'S PRI N'ATE HOSPITAL.
IS 311011'1:Y AND MA, PREVAIL! "
• ' • •- ONE THOUSAND Dco,L'A its •
is waged:lite following canuOt be contrddieted, iaamely; .
—No:A 1.4-Nort ItirounT -St re4,-alm co Racer
phia, Graduate of the of Pennsylvania - 03
IS:l3...(twenty-two . years) eNclusibely , in the
treatment of - Trig. in Delicate of both .R3X.ON,
;cif-iitUtie alai/ its ; Weakness
Mid nal,illty li•re:xnlaritt.s and other
disease! or situations of Feniale,-; and which he will
CO , in lo. s linm end lea: re,traiot, more elfectually.
than Lilly (Altur. wider forft.qt df -
_ (iN);.1•11,111,.1.,:h
. .
- 1/i*. l,!..111/Y Ivo , : in , we — pationtri. mid etires'tlaptn too,
t ha a all aLlvio !kin!, 10o , :tor, 4 , ,, e.ti1,..1. or o,,•wiso. hi
Philadelphia roailAntol;1 1 1.nirproi.tly rer,a•.s, to Proti!s.
50i*,.01 , 1 isc.spe,qll.l. Plly,i..i .t o :,., wan) . of wiona :otlNtilt.
Iti.ta in critleal ms , s, and yeA . pod.d.h.: Citizens. 'Slot.-
'ellantA and 11. , : , ..21 Pr.,priet , ws, Ai -Lulus known skip, co.
diatxtion and unotimlieled e-a.....4g.
, Li•TA_XLE..IIII.; •
n bare herosvary a•li la, and luudi.iue nent thrntLys
mail or other, ko. I o part%of the Unitai .;•tatt,,, hi:: a til!scripti, , la of till!ie.C.l..:F o , jlol.tiitlg a roAstm
ttblo fort) by, 'otter to :N;-. 11. IX.ID.Y,
N. 114 North FialltTit Stroot. •
A writqls,
fI 1 - (;) N 1 C, 8 AV 0 N "r U
—Thoy ucvar dl.l dc.., tram
. tttnip..;:iis'
• •
and they worn win: It is I,e cling -
totioli tam CAVS}. 01 ale a5..1.1511. - The eV.IBlt tor ;11/ --. 211'11e
and Win nil poi,ll
lit -- 011 co. --,- 1111 I. , evei• anti - A is tIIIS :1111111AL ,
un...1 - 111..ruovur it 114irmlbss mod
cortiticat..: or tut viloilali.t :
11 1 1.10111,, .4' N.• l'ork : attamlls , l
rs t I : 1/ i gti.rd r it Call
,TlAis f= ni ao Llrtit c.ot 10.• s 'hi .11svalt:4n.
any .atirr can' , lll ex.6.Lefitta.., :6 ;11 , 1i 1/- , 1 P rUi;1“1/.: 10
c..11-4ittllbll t.PU 1)1;.%/It U
'uorer tl,l ,ws a iwrs,;tl to tu..l 1. , t le, %yell 1.4 . 11
tuto.neitt. trout; ,1 : 1 )/eN
~'Learn Erato a letter ji6; - . 1%!,..eiVr.1
Emq.—lle 4r t'lrt riot:
it... 1: haw/. 'rho lure 4rlivel late 1 ISL guar. And the
tti.IIVIIILS 1j141,1 , .yt11 ., 1/ ASA I L r , AS grva Liy
b11:11`.1; , ...1 trona can 7:4,1, that a ro.tici.c had Linn intro
titiota. Welt g 1 .0 1 ,711...! 3:11.1,V0r WI LI.) pl 17,11:
11,7N4 b , fticr tli.lll I.liTillg 11M/17N...711 , a , i.:11 , 0 - 71,:g, I loh•-
bey ti.sea to ct.4ctittit taking t4lll.
117110 t' , 1174171/1.4.7 I.7ll,,Dialti I 7Z,1.A.r
%sis remedy 1,k11014 t. ae • Shalt Irs 'runic.") Would in.
variably ,listnA ii.' All Aguo, but it did :Mt Curt 4t..ts it
wouht often return with • 'rills one dr
cuiustauce 1 deemed in your I.tv6r, it /could institute
A tint, lAILLIASII it and your VC sal. The 1,1..
loVvitig lathe Jesuit ;
'Faroe imrsons link your "Curo,' all of which were
camis • •• Quotidian Intermit tant Fever," of many
weeks standing. They bad tried Quinine and other
remedies, occasionally wised:if, u chill, but it was its in
all, such eases.lSlowly veztring them, out, and le)
foUntlati. aof other ,im.l coverer maladies. 1 did
~ succeed in etfeoting.a. radical vitro of all three of these
eases with your remedy, and they 114111 hot had a.rhill
since. lit all three of these cases the , f0111l."
iintl I;una used,liiid',4Litell, - bralc the
chill, but, after a period or tofu had elapsed it ivuitld.
thluk there will be no . difficulty tow in giving . to
l'eur "Cure" tiro vantage ground of any other remedy
' how In use here. tee, ere. BUQKNE:II,
RHODES' r. 4 V hilt and At; Ur: :it:, or ANTI thin:
TO )l AI..IItIA, the only harmless remedy in existence
is equally 'eartailleiS a PRIWILN tier; its MM." Titlic
it when you feel the chills cowing 'Quoi' you will
never /vivo a ,in;le one. .
N. • JAAINS . A. Al/91)1:S,Prlirlutur,
_ • •Provikleui,A, R. I.
Yeur sole Ly W. A. a n d lirug6ias gouttrally
July 2. 1h5.1..,
fIik.NCER -0 li.ltll.Y.—(.3aucer4
I! "
.Whitti Slcclllug, Sr.,
cured IritlwutSurgic.l pptirdtlyn ----._'•••""" .
Jilt., I.OI.INSIM4tiIIY.;
. .
yl...Dr. L's Pennilet (2nd edition) oil the Treattnent
and 121110 of Caneere, Tuntors..t.c.', will he aunt to any
addrtsh ,free) on receipt ; of a p , ..,tage fitanip. Unice No.
118 . 3.,11Velnut Street, Philadelphia. (fop,3y stl -3m.
f I PO •
RTANT 'l'o 1 VER 1 01) -
ForOIM last throe years I hay° howl engaged hi a
imslimss known onlY to tllYseif% antlfnuillzlfAtivlAY few
other's, \claim] hare ingtrumed 11 , r the-suMor Von
,each, which has aroragud_ mu at the rate or!.:1,000
$5,00n per annum; and, having made araugoinunts
tai go to Litrope • ill the Fall, to o:a:via thu Rime busl•
ness, i an;, willing to give full instructions in.thu art to
.any, persons in the United . States pr Canada*, whov;ill.
romit me the sum of $l. I anchiduced, from the sue.
coss 1 have been footed with. and the many thankful
acknowledgements 1 have received friiin those whom I
have.instructea, and whn are making from
at, It, to give any person an opportunity to engage in
this business, which is easy, pleasant, and very profita
ble, at a small post. There is positively No ilumoo in
the inattett lrefereueux of the la3st class can be given its
regardsits character, and 1 can refeito persnus Whom 1
have instructed, who will testify that they are making
froin $5 to lITID per day at tha salad. .It. Is abut - Incas in
which either '
can engage, and with perfoct oasp
ma"..e.t.,,yery handt.
*ow) income. Several tams in partS of Now
York State, Pennsylvania and Maryland, whea. 1 have
Instructed, are now making from S 3 to $6 per day at
a ORNERAL nusmas, and but a dollar or two la re.
quired to start it. Upon receipt o $l,l will haute•
diately send to the applicant sprint delrcular contain.
lug fullihdructlous iu the art,, whic can Lo perfect',
Anderstood at ono&
„ -
In the month of May last, I sent my advertisement
to the editor of the heading Gazette and Deniocret,”
Reading, Pa., prid„also sant him one of my circulars' of
,4tin its receipt, and oda' careful exathine,
Am, be inserted the editorial in his:paper: '•
" We call to gm advertisement of dlr. A. T.
Persona, of New York, heeded" latrearsar. ro .Evativ
neer," which will be found in another column.
hes sent us one of his circulars,- alluded-to l‘rthe- ad
vertisement, and on examination we dud li, as he says
It is, no humbug, but a light,. easy and honorable bust
Hess: and ono that maybe-made° profitable-on it very
trifling Capital."
All letters must be addressed to A. T.TATISONS, 3,8.5
Ilroadway, New York.' [Jun, 25-Im.
.9,c.--The. undersigned has boon appont.teet au
agent for supplying SiOUGIAINOS of any design, or Pat-
AO3llO for buildings; at much less rate-tluin they can
bo made here—so , said •by our most experienced me
chanics. Narch 20 3 , 60) 11XNRY 8.4.XT0N
$lOOO ! $l,UuO
tot 1ii . 0.7-:1*O the Ait- • ' a
Ara. UILO'6"
Ot to STIt N
. .
)tral4,.. t , •
jil 't~lelpijfilt_
i, l'otent , !,
" Ito wder Proof ittt.s. ifliol
ids) ,4t the: Woritfs..P . air. i‘ew
atuFpittprietoia, lit thin Stete of.
:the aboym.uliequadredlt;ttles.ilpli
I,(IASA '." he kin id' the,
gei u I lariat_ t•• Nire"is
ide. anti. for the ,fast thirteet t ,
yeatk the tnitiatittne
aila '1)6 1 116 leFtl-
moor to their; :4),:i'F.II..FAII.ItiI; ii1.4)111)(If M!ire
thitul Sold. and.
over •trwo ..11 0 ;meld; plisstd. vi itn 4.11(111 tly throup,lr
atteider.tal Itt•gs. The •puldi...ttre assured that 'all Fati•s
unututlytured by the.ttut•seri. rt. :414 . .: not todY 09iram .
_teitd_tcOm_fully_taittal,Jott Intin: 2 l'usVo:ll' yen tqll ,o
rior. to 'these whleti-litde beim so severely tried' hy.lire
Few will tor,tet their ecrvieeo in the I,llMilig of yhe
t`Tritntue estaddishment,". New York. and' tit the Ortait ,
Fire in : 4 iritwl. , .try street, nt Pm large lire last July,
in the• Fire 'at Fifth and Cht:suut sts., In the city. of
l'hildelphia, In which these . Safes come forth the Oc
knewledged CIiAMVION, when uutny miter seeuritle.
fiQlvrd:. • •. • FillltElt t CO, _ •
flitl tt RING
rt (1 5 7 1 .71 1 77; a 1
i -tj
1 ,
~..LAki i 4
firkklAiß3lo l'. - •
k l i ' , 4;4`'`' 4 • l 'IP,/
4,Li___ pw
WPf, •gr o I Nip i -
. .
lvAr,su'r strok..
Chilled Iron Snfes,willi l'oe'der Proof Locks, 1111171;1;
facture& expressly for Thinks, Brokers, Jewellers, and
others requiring :security from rogues. Panli•l'atills;
Dom's. fie. ins 'hand and imule- to order: All the most
celebrated Lord:Rd:or Fair - a t, ma no NH rers' prices. ------
second hand "Safes." "l•Falanianders" and "Iron
Chests"..of other makers,_linve been taken In part pay
moot for Ilerrines for sae at half twice. , nol•
- •
... , . .
. •
. .
~, . . •
~,.;-, • . • ro
- to - ' 170,.... - ÷tt'.'.l.4_r P..
`../ t,,it' ' . 1.-1
••••1 ' 't• ,''l - t, r.,„
. • ' ,I.;V:kl , ' ;4', 4ti . " . :::•.‘
F-4 i i ..',.; ! ••". i .• • ..;,, t. 1 ,,,
~, t- . • . n
\A• • • -P I
• • ' •
0 ...
;.•,..,... ~,.,,,," 'i ~:',.,•,,,, . f ' 0
'44 . ~,., , ') 1 e' • '..,"
.t \ • • ~- .., i . , :f , ..,., • ."' • : , '.
'4 I
.://..' .... `,ALv;'../..:1-1 .. •
A ki , j_ ii - : , r,lfil - V, 6l4 'V:c,ii , ' '. ' • *
r'er' ,- :•.: . ..:" '..7 . -; ' , X, , ~',,,a•k•••:,,,
E N ' S \T IN ( ' 4 - t;
- cl,:t 6iv , n.l I; CLe m.t,.•,f in
01 , 4.1(2E, t„;
• \
Ite,:•eiveA Dcp. , lts'ill :' !ii”, ~ r t)ne 1).•;lar ntvi itjhvara 4
it,.iii all via,e-•.• ul- the er.llt:llllitily, ard All. 1% S i;.te.l'et t.
at the rate ,1 liVq., ) , ..r veat per alltilltil. Ml , lieS 11'11.,1
tack MI delilaittl:
_P.; '..ollive (qwtt A p 12,.. tr,a 11 until
lit it
-L 4....1(..k.-Itti.l wt )14,iik1,t , -and,-;Slitul,:my uutli 9 oeli,ek
. . .
itt thel,l,lll4li. _ ,
11/6 illstittlll'oll *Mire round it t,,i i vc? : l 4 •nt a uf i F , a f t ,
,1 i i,,,,,,ii4++1404-riiiir-Furiw.,:..s-:Lai,l_l;i_a:.//4:._Lii;:u."
In l'hilo , letplila. -'-livp ,,-pttid - .NF.t .1ot:1a tl,l.%*itilotit,
Illry predk6.l, I.lelji 0 being I.Nrliet t.l: . .
..Sfittaer, 1111). .101, It,
: 4 1fitvq , 11 111Flfdp,
.Ittio. , /L)l'..rot,. ; ' ::.P, , Let t'.%1C.,1i?. , . - - - .
.14111 ii )I,Cal,l':,', Eci , witid L. I".:u''. •
- JA.,,,,i) zilti.d.:,... .... - *Capt..l, la:4 4.,.iii.i,!/er . ,
.1(6,1,11 ), - - .1(411) I: I, ...,
.1,..,./,1,1 It; M. 341., - ahL.hard.G, zzt.t tel.tiry,
--- I:ifirnm - 111. 'i rnt.t,.ri ----- - -11 , -hrill,t-t-hip;41:::-..lic. '
47, Fr. 11,1.0,1 Vzo..ii, --- Iriff: 1'....fiii.,.,c --
Tla nu.., 0.1 , 1 4, i) rkl:Or 1•. I't-t!lt.
Pre•itlent--1 , 1;.1N4 E
. -
• Tre31. , 1 n•t—ell AS. , '.' , 1 4 Yo..)1:10:S
Set . retry—.l.l:4l:: 4 iS. 1.1:1S61.1%.
!3,T1/o Chart , r pro% idrt. GL it 110 I:l.iliarvr,"l;i, tor or
dirorliy or iloiir,otty, Lure, w any lok , ovy
frard :,orarty.
.1)111.1a DELI'III4 AD V EICN T.
1; VA N;,* Fllt 1; x '11111:1' Pal offit , 1
,oe niereintotn, lawyers, tio.,uers owl others ; haling
liou;oi, rapers, yr alive valualjel, to preserve Lana
.61:10 ~t lON ". . . ' •
Lay auil (llubb's) LUNE'. LOCKS.
A Citak—'l'be ^ k Ire Prima' that i t ret•erved our
Book:, rupers, &e., during 2uu 'rout
purelia-sed 01OLIN• '.EVAN:i,
' •
E{'.l\s' l'retuium Veutilateti Itetair.,..ratorsii..r cooling
and iireervitui Jaeatsi, hurter, milk,. water, Awl all
artiekea 46/.. culmary . purpases.
fl hatb 1 . 1. w vitrifying bra;•1:161/ or muddy
water, w hether .. affected ny tntn., lauw.stone, marl, it
other Ca be has avyarate a.r attached to the
Reirigenttor,--ct'nUlnii qtlaytlty 01 lcu cocatau; the whuae
iu tho waruzeStll anther.
. .
poi:TABLE .14119‘1, I.IATIIS,'Itr the ute of wars
or cold water.'EittX/i)LEILS, for hotels. ;Stores it int Dwelling.;
tatuti.; TECChS, for . iiiiisiug Loam, I,l;le t i A . ..e.
SEAL I'itESSL:,., timing do., Druggist du. '
tiLll eat LVANe.:
No. GI South ....zeeoud 6t., ('L doors below Ches4ut.
Marcia t,, lz,ti—ly. (/..Stablislled ill 1535..)
our,(i. OR . N Elt.:of
cob,- • v UN ef Louther ste.
Av entlersigi•
ud hitstdwayS on hang :1 hirge stork of-superler
Ware, in all the different styles, which he is prepared to
sell at the lowest prices. Ile invites attentiimpartleu•
larly. to the l'aTaicr Simia4 ,lie'rrent .most
useful ucUcle, which uptirely obviates all ohjeotions.—
The bottom ern be Mauled ti 1.6111 Bedsteads. They La,
given entire satisfaction to who have them In use. '
Aro- . coFFINii made to order sit the shortest notice. •
M I tICEit and UNDhitTAlsEll .r
'unto ilemOver street, nest door to
tllass's Il itel. ;€
HO would. respectfully inforni the. • '
eitiauns el 'Carlisle cud the public generally, that hi
has now on hand u lard and elegantasSertment of FUR
tiITUBB, edusisting in part ofNtartirobus,Card and oth•
ur Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain 'mid nine.) ,
Sewing Stands, sa, manufactured of the be material
'mud quality warranted.
Ariotilfonend assortment of CIIAIRS at the lowest
prices,. LNITLAN 11/41d0 to order, aud repairing
promptly attended to. ' •
CfiFFINS made at the shortest notice; and bac
ug u spieudid'huarse he will attend tunerals - in - ,town or
country. •
Reuunntier,the stand7- - noxt • - door to it. Glass'E
!rote/. IL R. SICILEY,
. ..Ug —JAMEB IL AFT.AVER would reanocfeally call
i ...,z
:, , ° the attention of ifousc-keepers and the public
to his extensive stock of elegant FURNITURE,
' including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and Tables,
''' Droning and Plain Bureaus, and every other
'Melo in his branch of business- Also now on band
she targest assortment of CifklitB in Carlisle, at •
the lowest prima. AOFFINS mute' at the short•
est notice and a Reuse provided for funerals. ile
solicits a call at his estatlisinnent, on North /fan
voer street, near Glossa's' notel• -.'. ••. , "
,t Furniture hired oiatini,the month - or year.
60 donee Grass'and Greta Scythes, of all inakee.
ALSO a large assortment of Snatha of all kinds, Crass
and Grain Rakes, Iraq, Idanuro and Shaking .Forks, by
the quantity Just ref:MI . O,IM . the Cheap hardware
'Store of IL §A4! N, East Win Street, Carllale.
—. . . P
, ITH TARLETANS.-- - -A lOt of
N_J IF% bi Tttiletan, for coTeririg atanttellere wad
kicturo Frimos, for si te cheap by '
Jig's III.JJ ' ` , , 1:40, 1W; MINNA
- • ..
• ~ ,. --T1)1,10br 4341 •
AVIN D. OP 'llll7. U. .S
• L'S'SIJI:kNer, A NYI)ViN 'C'O3li"Y.
S. 11;'Correr trlth hr, - situt
t • lilovey is•receivett nn Alept•eit, Wily. , tlttfamtAlllt de.,, •
positrll, cu ter* (.1 Ikts.elt took and givell to 1,11(••
• Dutiositor, or, if prefalted**.ti certificate, will Ita 'ghat, .
_._ • tr tai4erfre . loot - , ortil ? ere receivnd,ttrith-tite--
attempt pr.h.ll.ectr:ra dematta.trithout'imtlce.
intereet is Odd at the yeti*. of FIVE 1.13.: CI .NT. :
friltr Lai drpotit. aitfr ceitsititt tall teen '•
dot's pref tom to the eithditt.V.:li.,(3i 1.4(1
CIIP rt , t , I,IIIS
. otltitlUfirSim yetN e tile:titterer t '
'or cat•l*-M • rt,tt itititid to Ihe dernsiter; meartVtlecl to the ,
may HlStlor. t' • • St.":
The Compeny Ittrim now nue - arils of I.(oll4eposi curs
lit the'ciq ‘..l' litid,lpittlt , ntr•Tj.. , • ••• , • . •
Any ;el i tiettal pr,forteathot lithlressing ,
the Thi.ASt•nre. "• •• • • -.• • •, • .
, ' ' Pill ECTOSS.
Stephen It. Pit's't.••
s- r
'' Ambrose°. Thompsrm,'
—ltenjaniiit ,
' Jacobi!, 'Florence, ' • ; , ,
•1•1',1 N FILE. 'recast:ter,
1. - itt,Antit. , Teller atd Interpettrr, •
Sept. 12 0 55.-I.y. .
0 --
it-E , Ar.-Excil-.1 - mv.,. N. T! •
kr.exos.._.A.TsaLmEu:!itEnzis_ ritvEx • A WAYI-- -
JoilS NIAIti , JJ, 11/I,SO:SIC, TEMPLE CLIESI9.IT 0 . ,,_
trtmve izerent..h, l'hiludelplifti, respectfully Informs the
palictluit he is I)repereil to tseihe the rellewhig
. SPLENDID OFFEit. , ' ,r
. 1•Al1 lA' Martin ka riky Co:ti colelirnted PLANOS,
and frIVENTy W. k Crt.'s Pit10111:;.` , 1 31E1,0 ,
PEONS ct ill be placed - Ail the liande of
,ft eiinunit tee of
gentlemen. to be by them dislributed among the boldeis
of my certifillites.. •
To oioli purchaser or my, Popular MI.IOP, terti.firlite
i•Atitilug 111,, t. tiler to an interest in
.!\ I'l .l NO :1 1 1 ',10:\ 1.1 yl I.Li to be distifised of liy
the Commit Ice •fia the 1 eon! those.] certi;.,,
c i tes hen (INN:11411 SAND DI
c. I' person
1 4 , 11ar will nor, , ilit ieceive in. and the valve of money •
paithelee; Lilt will lifit e seemed. to 1.1111 till inil.l-1.,
eL-mm^Ji other re - rtifichte_hohlerti. Ia.4IVC ells.
j - tri ct ir - rliFt ri tarth - in F - Nli i — b
t rep thiti,n; 61;01 the 20-- •
I I• 13111 a and . 21011,1011e(ing,IM: t(4l.
• l'arLieobr ...ttt...otion is 111\1;1,11 to that feht,tre
fq.lll a hirh calls for a disposal or the itistettlitolts trheu
1,010(m certificate' , lvt - s.ll.t.en issioni,thugyvoitlinv the
‘,:vttious tivltty.timl"prolvd , ll , ,ils/tiippititalunt attend
iuq curtalti svheities tiosi• 14'11110 the
Ntosie may 10; - heleet.t..(l from Any efltire stork,
areiy ent•dogrtti in the United tate
o r d el s forward,' . I.y. mid' will • her faithfully and
_ .
Erf,a ty,R
It.-- - --l'onstAltiv •'nli:tzuln ni)lefulid nssortineilt of -
Pint , ',., fi ,, iii tiii , •..o.!lirate.l vtititnrt , ries iiltgirdnii f,
' 4;14k.:-:,-(4-A4l-fflyy4-.141.01-4.24iiith0i , 14,.... 1,--11 . ...-441.14- : -
.:Vti'.'hniftrii:ct7ir. - 1:13• - ..( - '51Titiztr.r; -- Krrd - Ittitruntr",t - eft., c t' ,
Nev. T.,1.1;. Also, C;" - W, T 1.4; - ,i : - r, - ,. - ,`,s - rrf , :iiiiiiiff -- :%:Plii",: -
j i'..:Q is. to 141 lIIId at thu lONVOSt /110 1.11lr:ICULLII 01'..0 ITIC . I . S.__ .'l
- .
I T UM:RI-tile following-fromffoday7fir.nuniaLl,Edltoiq •
. .
l',6;11 - f.St A t,ltr,tzik Co.'s fh.sYrt'l'atTs. - . 7 -We are so well
pleated with - the tnktruntents n rn y that
we hare determined- to 11 hialrtnnentatoutseltes. that .
ts. ht turnishinsithScrit.i , rt. ~theri; with an
ti. le that.tte ran rtudinnend anti oarrant. 'there is
-- al - wry - a difficulty. n.ttviii.dttig plirchamt-pf=p1:1.1:44..
; I rely (1111;V111,111 - 0110 reetallitiVilda•
I , bons they rei-el‘e from inanutaeturers, alio MO 'MIA"-
estod, of COIIII , O, In the anlu o f thatt own inanufacture.
Ntl‘V. are net intereAed In' the matter in any nay,
e x ce pt so far as tic nee that thosi; mho patronize ; , ttr
nitnok - p.lnell he well served with the 1 cot pinitos Itintle.
Fir n net t t prkes sect CClV4:l',4ltlAilirlt amounts me will,
irloi hatl , r, F.aranted for one rear. the treh.tht to .14.
s plit) I , s y the pirs,ms entering. iStt annex a letter re
ed ft otti, a guilt lonian In Vlygluia, to whicni we sent
in, of theßs
A. unit r, Sir-1 have great plrasnie
In acknowledging the rceeipt of the Piano yortp which
you were <o greet us , to order for toy nife frrin n‘cualloan
ttray.'s. It tsar delayed ftir,soute tinte at Winchester:
but 1 ant happy to say that it calm, in exrellent eaedi
tion. We alto decidedly ploastal with the illtrtaravid.
Thel ronewo , al is oft iiitutiful duality: the cane is plain
(we like it the 'better for itk•the touch hi very easy for
a new lest runteid, :Intl the torte Is lino ' clear and tweet.
Allltholutre tried it, aolinire•lt and Ficzlt Ili Pm highest
terms IV its. UleillAVUes and sweetneFs of tone'. — We
deeply rey,ret, that we did not order the , Attztehtnent:'
we mutt hare it yet. -
...We Are deeply indebted Co you for your agency In
prociiptig f6r US So good an . custrilNeUt. lie ploitmfd ttt
rerelVe 01. r acknowledginenta. your ittt: sect.,
dec. 5, 155, 4 1). "
I I': OF. TILE. NATION.FI? .. II tcy - y Nr
nut-fitr,:t..,,;uth.wesl mr tier A f
Inedrporated 'by the St. _ _
to of l'enni,yl”tila itt
1841.. ,
Fire per tent. intemst is given, and the tnottey iF eil•
ways paid tack whenever it Is, celled for, without the
tecevsity of giving tialte for it befiuvluind.
_Veople who have largo auras put their money in this.
S.s.ving - Fund, on amount of the superior siaty atui, ten
venietwe it atfor‘le, but any sum, large or lanai!, ld re-
This S l aving Fund has a very largo amount of 3lort.
gages, C*(...inui Rents and other tirat,' , Oass investments
for the Securog..ollicpotitora. The. rules prevent tiny
Dlmctor or Meer from USIIIIrt or p9m. a Inc! the money.
The Mice la open to receive etid pay money every
day, front 9 o'clock in the morning T o'clock In the
evening, and on Monday 'and Thursday evening, till.
o'clock. •
Isec.ple allo have money to put In, are t Invited to call
at the oftice fornirther Information.
•ItENLLY L.lti7NNliit President:
ROUT. Bi3LFItI Ittllt, Vice ['resident
.WIA, J, itEED, Secretary.
OctAcr 1;1865.
lust rereived, one of thifltateat anort.
meat! of FLY SSTS ever trought to
tbia place, rolorlvtluX of 400 t 4(14 " 1/en l • a>‘
0111%1 Twine Leta of all colors. The ',aoLle.
prima amp, so -low the people oval help 4:-
vt IL SAXTON'S Map Itardware.,Sthre,
Street, Crtrlivle, June U MM. •
flllAßCOAL.a.4lmircoal ;:onatantlyspri
kJ tat d Pita. 11)r sale by
no,. 71. 5 66. • . kiXtigiukY.
'~i~scelfnrt - coos:
1, 4 . 'IA FOg.'„SALIL,--tho citbsoriter
wlll oli•Cr at public sale- on • • • _ _
THUSSDAY - , OCTOBEIt 10, • ,-
';11 o'clock. A. M., 011 tile print - 16(1S. his Farm, situated .
U . Kate - All9ll - tOwnsitipTCumb7rmunty - . - on - the - State ----
leading,frtm Harrisburg t 0 Hettysl,urg. and where • •
main totid.from„,llfrk ,t'tt • Sterrett's th, r , croa! , es, on e
ile from Seliiihords..two froM , 3lechttoics • Ourg anti •
.• ,e n a ley itairrtfed, Bove:111)11es friTiitlifsbing
one from the "Yellow ‘ ,llropelits Creok, adjoining
ads of Christian Hart:dee; Sairmel 'Miller, and others,
. attaining 22 Acres and 120 perelies••of slate land;•all
• • rnred, ui d in• a first-rate state•.of cultivation. The
ImjinnottientF •
-are a BRICK
‘11) ' 1101.11311' ,peed- stone and Frame
. •:j • and • btiliti• tint-uilding A
I Fl.ii -never-failing \yell Of Water near- the
t door, with parirp in
_it. A thriving
• nide urciiard , of f choice fruit,' with a•varic'l,:y of l+pacb,
' terry and other' tritit'irees: hia'is a vtry• desirable
ace, situated in a healthy - .neighborhood, and con
--anent to-toillsi-churcheri schools, &c.
Persons wishing 'to "view the property *ill ',Iola: cal
thti sub;criber, r6itling otr the premises : who - wil
ide auY infonjoidiun required.
an • '27 is d.
ARDEI , throwinn.
stream of N liter '1".6 to 80:feet..rak ir ,, n Lift aid
' , Fee Pinups, Bari Dour Rolfers, Turnip 'FtWheat
itttavL , :d. ).Yeut.: nl
;ritit4 patterns unit bizes, • Pqiiare and F i x'panding
, tiore's premium pateut Butter Werker,--La
,N article just refeeived.. Also, all otliTc, ar tit:l6s - in
tetr propyr Ratsun for the lima and garden. •
Intitlenttint-Itail-$4 , e , 1-Stere,
7th midi Market, Phila.
July 30; UK]
1.11411 0 1_,4'RE NUE TO
sec. 1. lie it inuicted and ordained .t 1.43 Town
)uncil of the liiirough of Carfl&,,and it fr. lotehy
- tett :ludo:A:11116(11o' the mut herty thessaine. That .
hetifter it fhaU not he lawful •for any tnasoi or other_
threnistarreo and request i,wi,er of any
nittlie,.or_zonbtruct ,my-i:aveinOtHin
q' otreet or alley. iii tho Ithrough of earll , b.., unless
to height and • breadth of 0014 payeriii.o.t' Alan have
wll fi r st prey , • fixed and 5i , 10.r...1 -by f
Igtil4fOrs. and a cell' iriZre-glynn-layth o lu to thartrect.;
id any
.111:0,1,11 otliiJ. fiers , m, la,tri,r, waking nr con
.alit tiny, or assisting, ilk inakim: or r•ustruct.• .
any such pavement 'without Stirli eert.iii,..ce Icin g
previottily procured, *dual Lir t-. a foie of ;
wenty Didiars . • • •
. . . • . .. . .
511 , :...2 . 'll4fit any on,f," 7viio shall iialleinuF:y and wil
dly throw Ny,atiTfroniliny /Ipso attardied t. , .A.ny wa,ti
tve. upon any pOrS , III, or tipm any -
.11.. n.,.. Caulai:e,
agon or any. other i'lliliViV, Flual.le Hold.; 1 , a f1f,,,,f -
:II 1)011.1P, for 1. , .0.11 innl'ev,,ry :-thdi "ffer,e. . - '
:ire. 4. 'flint , tho .41wItor,t4' any Cow •,ther rdttic
at-shall tiAusal-t-ret.pras,lll,,--icit-th-c-isa-1--Hr-,-tryts
Borough laArwevil Alk,; liffitry of S P. M.; and ,
• ehels. A. 74 ~ ttrffm, - ttro -- YeaT. -- F1.(3 - : - .P - 1 - lab - i - e - tr
• tiff!) (4'l'll'o f.,J• e very 2,11c1a tretT•inw. •
:111 , 1 Irelt:141. , !!11111,!Ta I,y chic Ord!
ince shall be reetjver,able uj itrovidvil lw :h.. 62.1 See.
, n ni Alio Act, of A;:sembly, ilie
A. NOBLE, (Thief laugein
Attest—Wm. If. WETZIIt, :!. , ccretary to Corp,
itP I A NS'COURT • • SA.I.; E..
- -14-,itttttttuttt of an °HO!. o. , tirt
uuherinl!d.iititi %yin sold at on
'.'111111)A le, the •27t11 of Fepteuiber, IFSn, oti the pr l emi•
two miles, acti.r 1 :1111701/t.ulTn, -
• • ii;IX ACIIES
,LIMI'lt.:1:0S -• less„all fence, and in a •,:•.e, gtatc
itnproventetiii, aro it
to,,other With a izreat variety of other elieliv •
'Theretit Creo~ is it tie‘ iceil of a at...r can. • • •
the-door d .. al...rede.
prop•orty will br e, , l4.iffi belonging, tho.e,tate
pan rk-iilltt::_alt~ciaea =- ;to_
luck, I'.:V., elicit terms will be util:: by _ .
N!,:N - •
A itz.u , t Atliaino•L'ater.
81111,0'11 , 1r coutirmes the
A.., bust n'eFs. In all 1t,4 VAtIMIS branrhts. N rth Ilan
t;tr.trt•et,. doom:North
Marc Its! lit 01114 Q keeping unhand a L;•ener!ll.l,•;•rttnet..t
his liiae,*cont:l•tin.4 14
111.1:S, 11rOlo , ,11it 11F,
- ..,,y,
i. l
...:. ;;,0,.. \ ;i ,
~ ••
Circinghtt and lial Vers,al , , , A.::. UN lit,
traveling and saddle c,;•. A 7 .
Lag:, Jill
itfacturv,; the Lit . , t
approved .',..`PANI SI/
S P It I 14 G StlG/1.1.:1 ever uiL,I in this
country. and' thoNe iNishing Y i,iatid•
ilnr,il.lo and ple:oaht
do well to rail and see ozvn. .11//
inantitlictarcs Ilacners.
%% . 1/11A1 is ail tii.Sr vatic ,
s, and confidently believes fmni the ~:enera I arTth.t.a.
.1 of his oust:ewers, that he makes the ne.iteat and
lie aim) Makes ail i of Y!tatrasset: te,
viz: Straw, Iltu:k. thir)e,/ incl Zf Th.... v
. ses.. All the ztx,ve article s the, br, t
' •terial *j;l workimaiship i and - uith the utr3r,t 4,11.
t.oh. • • • 1VM.41:•11041N,..
• •
IN ilihnievlZMAT - pliPti (not tl:;01) curj•thstpcs4
of the Tlii(ol•4•ANl,3 WINOS.' •
N*.,itral.,tis, or other Pain cut exiht
, where Olive Tar is applied. taivo Tar jet ael.
: with Mutton 'fallow forms an
aintantiot thit etme,,s • •
• k ma to to the following prole:nut ' , chi , '
i—e ...a • , ~.r. tw Olive"Tnr 0/utarteut.
ultf,ii t y ,of the Albany,lnurnal. "
W\l. It, T INV"NSEN'O, New YOrk Espress.
.101I\ M. BARNA ft. Esn.. Boston 1101.'43.
ISAAC Y. FOWLER, Tastinader, Neu , York.
. Capt. EZItA 6;131,U-0-01u ztemuvr
)-. A. ItLANCII, Esq., Chief lin ineer P.scitic
G. N. UA UNE Y, Pres. flxtires Cempany.
ELI CJJK, L.K•tu.t . yor
J A P. -11.4. etwark: N. J.
Avenue., N. Y. '
lUNN ItY,„II.TSS.Ii 50 South_'street, Y.
.1:3.1. L. tilitfi r iluuetit L.'S: Co, 11 r 7.111.
C. y. 1V.V1:.1P1,33, Seeretitr;t- Maultsq..ta Life /us. Co.,
• Broadway. -
IV. JUDO, NeW linglitnii Ins Co.. 2) William
U. W. fr.:,..s:StYoluit,,itirw:tra t ir, Ot I'entl'sl:.
PeOli".„ Banker, 2 Druid st.
ilidaletewn, Conn..
rd tivfoy tither names witt - ba feuti.l In our Circulars,
Icli ciaL be him/ of our Lvsd Agents, , •
üblva 'FA - - utt Cents a B•A
,•' -
For Sale toy W. Itaverstick, dray About 1%-r Carlisle
Also sold at the Cutups ny's I.kpat,,'N.t. itt, iltat,
rot, New Yost, and by priwzi3ts goue s rally.
August :10,18.1LL—ritu.
-OTRAV GOODS.-Thu subscriber bas '
jont.returned GUm •the cltratia In cptc)Sull a
ioral ainNuilatout of l+tacy and titaple GL.okis, rot skt-
of Frond". .31erlreoas,. .A/pacoas, l'clatud
.slicuerai awl Mods de Wont. ktesS ••1/ Ulf great
. riots, Long . Mocha e/Law/s fkvai $1.6 to ,SM. ittrar.4 •
maLket Shawls. 4.U.tubrio and Script Edgings arta
traiad,thuabrlc aad Swine CtAlats. Merit° and
(.411.41#4,andAhiotr—, Trtm.tattiza to gnat
:loty with othor Fancy and .It . ap/okrioods.
• no‘i. • 'N• WAY.
1 11 ,
• -RECORD, a collodion of Newspaper Fads and
` i s ,flat, containing a'coesplate Pat of NowapaPora hi
3 WWI Btatos, Cana.das and. Great Britain, The ,•• • .
ty . raliabla work of the kind In the world. An Inv id
'le arsittaut to tho Edits r, Pooh Pradisher, and (Mn-
I' .1 Advertiser. bro. 200 pp. .. , .
....basOetlF of Slit, it .wilt. ken preisall per wall, to say
1: lof the country. 14! A PROTEIXISS. ' •
Publishers, No. F. 3 Dock et., Philadelphia.
tWfilitors hutortl4g tlia. Om Um moth% via
i iorLit reFeranci,- dad 'analog - Ortdia ;Of the popee .
I. •pald to the above alit* alit
ret. rotaire deems or ..the , ',
the amettrdtille l and Dim le the 'AY
• Grave Egtones,
lirHa's Yird s Citlitl44.lht. Art EC!
i.„ ' (Arc /6<'4,64;116
lOM A S corn.
(Lty (