INI El CE 8 9111 1.11.6 j 44 . - .6;;" 1111.13,AC.Li OF SC 11,Nali.—Dr.. Kolling., of. Mcchttnierdinrg, 'Cutoberland . anuMinces tMthose afflicted with PutrOcs, ula, King's Vcil and tfi diseases ti(!.ofitlillifipit:mttially \ekli Caustic or Kuiraliec . 4iCtiquplAthent with L cutting:, buritini4. - or. pant; turithfril,;(fdiforothrin or aft6.llli4nrod — try - the - Tatiro tis - 11V - ttlAtt 01 - tql.ll, of the body tlity, utay lllt, ho cart remora them witty perfect saroty, :sod in a reMarkably. ahoy!' ;1,1 110:..0 V,t,got:thlop9bion IN:11)114(A :94.1 . 11( • 111'Ality;IViiiiyi!3. until a cure is perfoctod: • • . Ifritifsmr tinrei,'Ofirtnie Complaints, Chronic, Ven'e , real .tud.,fll. other disedliit3S treated with posifi Null particulars earth° obtained by addressing in either lie hdt ..r Conn:so, post paid. Patients can be .accont tood.riat -(c ioard ob reasonable terms: .:Mochauntsburg is 1)443 nf the prettiest and healthy' • towns in' - this or' any Oho( State. -It is 8 miles from ',l,lacislrms,..m the tiolnbamfrul VaJley Jtall doud, and - nf__tho uttinut._ The "Doctor visit (mmlo in any part of the 'State When desired: • . • Ira—kind reader if you know any Minded fellow crew. .• tuce, delay, nst'to teldthoM of this treatment. • • . t.l . l3.l:llltATaf; Ci 1; V. "fii AN • .11 I T.T R S.' • I?repusrul.hy • Int. 0: 1 ictisoN. win elrurt unity it - arts , • • T.,Pittlit • t3J3I L' fAT Nt; DYSP I'S A, 4 . .1 D Chronic or Nervous Debility,.Diseases of the Kl'dheys, and all diseases taritting front It disordered • . Liver ei• z•:•tontaeLt. • • • - • --Stich as • °Cuutitiptltiuu, . • I.nviahl Full- • •ties or (flood to the (lead,,_ ,A.utilitY ,the Stonne Nnu- Di - s:Tat tor i O OO • • , F.ufliiess or-Weight on the Stomach, •- • ri . ructatlons,Shilting or Flutteri,ng at the l'it of the Stomach, Swimming of the. ilead, j.lurriuil and Dfflloult Breathing • Plyttteriox at the•ll.'‘Faht, thioaking orsi ilea-, •---,tirrrsetrim-tirths wint-n—i-ttt-r-tykti g--rtst-urer-iniu{ktFs_ . of %`ldol, IMts of wchs hetore (lie Sight, Fever ' • anti dull pa in in the ttelLd, 1)011,:joody of nosh lII' I,bo and .14yri t yalla iii Hit: :Ode, 111001, Gotta 1, zu4.l . ju. Fiusit:tt, • '• • lturnin4 in the Flesh, , • • ' tl.l:l4lnint&S of • • ' drip, iuid gi eat Dr- • • . es , i,ni , , • • • ;Twits. The proprietor lo 00111.1 A Life al•Leutiou of the pular doms 1•'01.11. Net/11401 Cho ut.w.‘st couittivacu fir Its Viand.: .Lll,l .J tor 511111111 it 1$ reco‘tion.o.l,l. . 1. 1:1 ILOW 1/101 0,, it 10 I t 1m 1 one thxl.has 1,444: t I ;4.1011r preitAr.ttt.nts.e.sttt , tt. i'llo Loll( I IL,: 1.1% oil Ity proml neat.alai wi•11 1.1) ,4 (1'0 t'oy,,i , o .4114 .004 1,11:1, of the Conn try . to la/Mono:0. . . • De:R:lNi.; I.:AIN:V.I:S ta 1,-, ANi) sTom.t(m. .atta , b•All•JOS .froni . .i's.W.ler or olitritrtinii, of.thu and othur nervy; 111 .ovs, and the functions of the hinin are imp.tired anti (lentil-god; derang„edient there Will also; produce discos vs Of tee 110.1.4 . 1, situ, ta ! ,p, and I,ll.ltiey.o. 1 t _owing • 10 the iloitio C.llii..oc teat 1.1/ itniands Ihr with 11111:,tait, or - Yello , r rer, , - th.LE 111 7..111 btturetti'tti - tunt , o, gottereilvtint offittrrtotlti critattu;il,ll,/,Fr0:7,-479rtliir • /Ivor and ;noimieli, bits not I , oen :I.T.iieluney of inittiolu. • knew led4e of, their funytions--ha 'of a.!,uli.thle that would act upon thr On& all 11 0 ,s'yiktittitiletic 11100(10(40. • 1165( it Lb CBU /11t.141:1 and they can be used lky pOr.S,lta wall the -01 ,11 delleaW SL.llll,loli With Ilio‘' in Oaf- - 11.1 , ,Ditaat ltto LteriuDent, hut' give stye:l4lll ' M illartiaral Nlu 1101'1,1)4h Call IN I.lfiall at :1.1.1 Ltattirl', and moiler all . - u , ;. 0r,./Laitry ONp,, ' 0,0110in•0V001 tits .1 s,LlOtary • nil 1.01,/ 1.11001 trati . 414-61 l• ' • pal iitat,ilttlit illa•N,11.01•0 ia 11/0 00.1 of this remedy, and uso It :-.ttictly_ace,tr,ii,l; to ,11r0,.1ti..0t., , ,•11 W4ll cure Cho 1111: riolu{ disc.islr.s la 0% 01.. i hist titre, it WO, I.o,youtl. (11;1 01 11. 1144 0.1000,1 nt.foy L I ,t.iitty too idit,tini:s of rotieged, 11,1 ttli, and ill tunny oliAnikinetl 110:Yin:Ca and rl4lSlleuru. Pr:itSONS ADV.I.NOIiEI IN LIVE. And Heeling Wel naiad of Tbsta ,Coi4i/lug ho - avily up.' toed', will/ all Its :attendiiut ,lis, will hod in the uo.e, 01 (ha 'hi t dr s „,, Eli xer Loa t will instil new lifo 'lntt; their VtIlllb; l'eStOlit . ,i II a Illeaslll%.l the on er•,:y and ardor of mere youinioi days; build up their •Nlll'llUisoll form, ~,,,i give health and liappiausS - to their ' remaining cars it is a well est:aril:died fart, that fully one.lialf of the ' female P:at. Mit 01 01l V ' pOpillittion, are guidoni-ta 0111, ~,,. ' j,oylueut of 4 i,, oil I/ eAltu, or to use L12 , 3)1 . 114'11 expressien r IkeYer fool wed." They :LVI.! languid, ...le , X.vid of all en erAy,. u.treaiely nervous, and LlaVlt 111.1.3 . ppetitif.' 4 '1'0; tilli eitISS of ill Valid:l, .L 11,1,0 1110 tors II 0 espeoiall re , ' •'e,natelided. Tooir peCUilal . 0)1110 and 11.1111gorating ' properties re , ider 0 luau 114011ultlitr in suc_lt cl4;es. .1 . 01•s•o6s Visi wag districts um•ras.;e4 MAD Ilany with 1,.1.; Vlt it AN 11 .1 , 1 Ur:. or AN 17 Fr; VEIL UL 'A itildoUs ......‘ elm E, 11 lii ii lid chat , Foy , the timely usti or one or w , h , 0 0(0, . MACY will L o`i 41(40 1 1051' 111SLMICU take the ills- - c•oe, a.; tun iiitters will' renovate Mid. St i . , , tigtliuti the - 8,) stem, and carry the bile off in Its natural , Ithtulaul. L'reeentiuti is betterthau cure.l 'il l. V AM!: BN fl itr:i.v. VEIfekAIILE :•',,,_.'... And true fr ) na A iroliolid Stintulaut, and . all , lojiirlott ingredients"; arc pleasant in 0.000 ;111d smell, mild 11' choir operatilth, will expel - all - inorbid_ _secretions Irmo the body, give 1,111011 1,1 01141 pallid cheek, ` and bealii , „ and VIVI' t, (.1111 frame. Pricels rents per bottle. ' - •' ~ • . '_ , Principal Office. No, thi Altc , ll streets ritlra, 11t.. --, , • s,,ld by Drug,ii...tA and Slurokeepoili in• oveo , ta n and vill/me in GUM United Status anti Canadas, and I y all . Druggists in Carlisle, IMay U., It/56.' . _., • • t . 1 1 1 I.A.CT • ,[IA :k1.101 . 0.1.Ti 11011 SE., '7'd460.4,1t41/VietW:mty't,Wo yott I'S a•ni by'Dic.•KINKE1 1 1:C; our4ul Third and Slretax, l'a. • ' TWENTT.TWO YEARS" Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most successful prac ‘ 0111%1 Twine Leta of all colors. The ',aoLle. prima amp, so -low the people oval help 4:- vt IL SAXTON'S Map Itardware.,Sthre, Street, Crtrlivle, June U MM. • flllAßCOAL.a.4lmircoal ;:onatantlyspri kJ tat d Pita. 11)r sale by no,. 71. 5 66. • . kiXtigiukY. 12=12 '~i~scelfnrt - coos: 1, 4 . 'IA FOg.'„SALIL,--tho citbsoriter wlll oli•Cr at public sale- on • • • _ _ THUSSDAY - , OCTOBEIt 10, • ,- ';11 o'clock. A. M., 011 tile print - 16(1S. his Farm, situated . U . Kate - All9ll - tOwnsitipTCumb7rmunty - . - on - the - State ---- leading,frtm Harrisburg t 0 Hettysl,urg. and where • • main totid.from„,llfrk ,t'tt • Sterrett's th, r , croa! , es, on e ile from Seliiihords..two froM , 3lechttoics • Ourg anti • .• ,e n a ley itairrtfed, Bove:111)11es friTiitlifsbing one from the "Yellow ‘ ,llropelits Creok, adjoining ads of Christian Hart:dee; Sairmel 'Miller, and others, . attaining 22 Acres and 120 perelies••of slate land;•all • • rnred, ui d in• a first-rate state•.of cultivation. The ImjinnottientF • -are a BRICK ‘11) ' 1101.11311' ,peed- stone and Frame . •:j • and • btiliti• tint-uilding A I Fl.ii -never-failing \yell Of Water near- the t door, with parirp in _it. A thriving • nide urciiard , of f choice fruit,' with a•varic'l,:y of l+pacb, ' terry and other' tritit'irees: hia'is a vtry• desirable ace, situated in a healthy - .neighborhood, and con --anent to-toillsi-churcheri schools, &c. Persons wishing 'to "view the property *ill ',Iola: cal thti sub;criber, r6itling otr the premises : who - wil ide auY infonjoidiun required. an • '27 is d. ARDEI , throwinn. stream of N liter '1".6 to 80:feet..rak ir ,, n Lift aid ' , Fee Pinups, Bari Dour Rolfers, Turnip 'FtWheat itttavL , :d. ).Yeut.: nl ;ritit4 patterns unit bizes, • Pqiiare and F i x'panding , tiore's premium pateut Butter Werker,--La ,N article just refeeived.. Also, all otliTc, ar tit:l6s - in tetr propyr Ratsun for the lima and garden. • PASCHALL IttilLIHS & • Intitlenttint-Itail-$4 , e , 1-Stere, 7th midi Market, Phila. July 30; UK] 1.11411 0 1_,4'RE NUE TO Jr THE L.IYiNU OF - • sec. 1. lie it inuicted and ordained .t 1.43 Town )uncil of the liiirough of Carfl&,,and it fr. lotehy - tett :ludo:A:11116(11o' the mut herty thessaine. That . hetifter it fhaU not he lawful •for any tnasoi or other_ threnistarreo and request i,wi,er of any nittlie,.or_zonbtruct ,my-i:aveinOtHin q' otreet or alley. iii tho Ithrough of earll , b.., unless to height and • breadth of 0014 payeriii.o.t' Alan have wll fi r st prey , • fixed and 5i , 10.r...1 -by f Igtil4fOrs. and a cell' iriZre-glynn-layth o lu to thartrect.; id any .111:0,1,11 otliiJ. fiers , m, la,tri,r, waking nr con .alit tiny, or assisting, ilk inakim: or r•ustruct.• . any such pavement 'without Stirli eert.iii,..ce Icin g previottily procured, *dual Lir t-. a foie of ; wenty Didiars . • • • . . . • . .. . . 511 , :...2 . 'll4fit any on,f," 7viio shall iialleinuF:y and wil dly throw Ny,atiTfroniliny /Ipso attardied t. , .A.ny wa,ti tve. upon any pOrS , III, or tipm any - .11.. n.,.. Caulai:e, agon or any. other i'lliliViV, Flual.le Hold.; 1 , a f1f,,,,f - :II 1)011.1P, for 1. , .0.11 innl'ev,,ry :-thdi "ffer,e. . - ' :ire. 4. 'flint , tho .41wItor,t4' any Cow •,ther rdttic at-shall tiAusal-t-ret.pras,lll,,--icit-th-c-isa-1--Hr-,-tryts Borough laArwevil Alk,; liffitry of S P. M.; and , • ehels. A. 74 ~ ttrffm, - ttro -- YeaT. -- F1.(3 - : - .P - 1 - lab - i - e - tr • tiff!) (4'l'll'o f.,J• e very 2,11c1a tretT•inw. • :111 , 1 Irelt:141. , !!11111,!Ta I,y chic Ord! ince shall be reetjver,able uj itrovidvil lw :h.. 62.1 See. , n ni Alio Act, of A;:sembly, ilie 1551. A. NOBLE, (Thief laugein Attest—Wm. If. WETZIIt, :!. , ccretary to Corp, itP I A NS'COURT • • SA.I.; E.. - -14-,itttttttuttt of an °HO!. o. , tirt uuherinl!d.iititi %yin sold at on '.'111111)A le, the •27t11 of Fepteuiber, IFSn, oti the pr l emi• two miles, acti.r 1 :1111701/t.ulTn, - • • ii;IX ACIIES ,LIMI'lt.:1:0S -• less„all fence, and in a •,:•.e, gtatc itnproventetiii, aro it to,,other With a izreat variety of other elieliv • 'Theretit Creo~ is it tie‘ iceil of a at...r can. • • • the-door d .. al...rede. prop•orty will br e, , l4.iffi belonging, tho.e,tate pan rk-iilltt::_alt~ciaea =- ;to_ luck, I'.:V., elicit terms will be util:: by _ . N!,:N - • A itz.u , t Atliaino•L'ater. ADDLE, ANI) 11A S '.LEI( 81111,0'11 , 1r coutirmes the A.., bust n'eFs. In all 1t,4 VAtIMIS branrhts. N rth Ilan t;tr.trt•et,. doom:North Marc Its! lit 01114 Q keeping unhand a L;•ener!ll.l,•;•rttnet..t his liiae,*cont:l•tin.4 14 111.1:S, 11rOlo , ,11it 11F, MIMI - ..,,y, i. l ...:. ;;,0,.. \ ;i , 'MO ~ •• Circinghtt and lial Vers,al , , , A.::. UN lit, traveling and saddle c,;•. A 7 . Lag:, Jill iilao. itfacturv,; the Lit . , t approved .',..`PANI SI/ S P It I 14 G StlG/1.1.:1 ever uiL,I in this country. and' thoNe iNishing Y i,iatid• ilnr,il.lo and ple:oaht do well to rail and see ozvn. .11// inantitlictarcs Ilacners. %% . 1/11A1 is ail tii.Sr vatic , s, and confidently believes fmni the ~:enera I arTth.t.a. .1 of his oust:ewers, that he makes the ne.iteat and =UM lie aim) Makes ail i of Y!tatrasset: te, EMOIE viz: Straw, Iltu:k. thir)e,/ incl Zf Th.... v • . ses.. All the ztx,ve article s the, br, t ' •terial *j;l workimaiship i and - uith the utr3r,t 4,11. t.oh. • • • 1VM.41:•11041N,.. • • f STAb'll'ORI)'S OLIVE TAli . TILE GI EI.d.::CTILICAL. Ia:3IEI3Y. • IN ilihnievlZMAT - pliPti (not tl:;01) curj•thstpcs4 of the Tlii(ol•4•ANl,3 WINOS.' • N*.,itral.,tis, or other Pain cut exiht , where Olive Tar is applied. taivo Tar jet ael. : with Mutton 'fallow forms an aintantiot thit etme,,s • • • EVEI.Y 3)ISt:.ASE OF 'IIIE StiiN. • k ma to to the following prole:nut ' , chi , ' i—e ...a • , ~.r. tw Olive"Tnr 0/utarteut. ultf,ii t y ,of the Albany,lnurnal. " W\l. It, T INV"NSEN'O, New YOrk Espress. .101I\ M. BARNA ft. Esn.. Boston 1101.'43. ISAAC Y. FOWLER, Tastinader, Neu , York. . Capt. EZItA 6;131,U-0-01u ztemuvr )-. A. ItLANCII, Esq., Chief lin ineer P.scitic G. N. UA UNE Y, Pres. flxtires Cempany. ELI CJJK, L.K•tu.t . yor J A P. -11.4. etwark: N. J. Avenue., N. Y. ' lUNN ItY,„II.TSS.Ii 50 South_'street, Y. .1:3.1. L. tilitfi r iluuetit L.'S: Co, 11 r 7.111. C. y. 1V.V1:.1P1,33, Seeretitr;t- Maultsq..ta Life /us. Co., • Broadway. - IV. JUDO, NeW linglitnii Ins Co.. 2) William U. W. fr.:,..s:StYoluit,,itirw:tra t ir, Ot I'entl'sl:. PeOli".„ Banker, 2 Druid st. ilidaletewn, Conn.. rd tivfoy tither names witt - ba feuti.l In our Circulars, Icli ciaL be him/ of our Lvsd Agents, , • üblva 'FA - - utt Cents a B•A ,•' - OILNDISILICINIIALING PLASTERS, 25 For Sale toy W. Itaverstick, dray About 1%-r Carlisle Also sold at the Cutups ny's I.kpat,,'N.t. itt, iltat, rot, New Yost, and by priwzi3ts goue s rally. August :10,18.1LL—ritu. -OTRAV GOODS.-Thu subscriber bas ' jont.returned GUm •the cltratia In cptc)Sull a ioral ainNuilatout of l+tacy and titaple GL.okis, rot skt- of Frond". .31erlreoas,. .A/pacoas, l'clatud .slicuerai awl Mods de Wont. ktesS ••1/ Ulf great . riots, Long . Mocha e/Law/s fkvai $1.6 to ,SM. ittrar.4 • maLket Shawls. 4.U.tubrio and Script Edgings arta traiad,thuabrlc aad Swine CtAlats. Merit° and (.411.41#4,andAhiotr—, Trtm.tattiza to gnat :loty with othor Fancy and .It . ap/okrioods. • no‘i. • 'N• WAY. 1 11 , OW READ I THE NEWSPAPER. • -RECORD, a collodion of Newspaper Fads and ` i s ,flat, containing a'coesplate Pat of NowapaPora hi 3 WWI Btatos, Cana.das and. Great Britain, The ,•• • . ty . raliabla work of the kind In the world. An Inv id 'le arsittaut to tho Edits r, Pooh Pradisher, and (Mn- I' .1 Advertiser. bro. 200 pp. .. , . ....basOetlF of Slit, it .wilt. ken preisall per wall, to say 1: lof the country. 14! A PROTEIXISS. ' • Publishers, No. F. 3 Dock et., Philadelphia. tWfilitors hutortl4g tlia. Om Um moth% via i iorLit reFeranci,- dad 'analog - Ortdia ;Of the popee . I I. •pald to the above alit* alit ret. rotaire deems or ..the , ', ~~.x~ ..ti • JEW MARBLE 'YARD.•—Now • the amettrdtille l and Dim le the 'AY • Grave Egtones, Matueeztti% lirHa's Yird s Citlitl44.lht. Art EC! i.„ ' (Arc /6<'4,64;116 Ell IS El lOM A S corn. (Lty (