Is ttt o r . AIWITT KISSING. . . ,That : nenteit the Draw: er,•,the story of the Whiow tninbkin, of whom Dr:' Meadows. taok "so ioll when theY crossed the briti:2O. on a sleigh4ido, ,rentinds me,v writes a Down last friend, I'd one of 'onr-Maine young fellows, who thus describes bia.bnttio, nod final Victory, in a fair fight for .1 kiss of his LiWeeitleart * ,‘A.h, now; Sarah dear! givo me a' 4iss—, ip3t.knenuil be done with it' ' ' I'l theretow.' ---"Then.-I'll.-linve to takeit;_whether or no: ,chu darer • • ‘..So at it \v went,. rough and tumble.'• An twful destruction of starch now commenced. fhe . bow 01 erd'ltat was up in half of po 1m0... At the 11l It bout, smash went shirt col- air, and at tlie:-attie't.itne'some,.of the Lead .aatenings way, and-down came Sally's :tali like; a - ilutal in a tuillrdant , broke loose, :arrying awai, half la dozen: combs.. One ?lunge ol,S.ui.y"tilbow, and m a y blooming be- 3oin rrifil'u'Avitted to the cansisteucy apil form af an tato: dinner ehe had nu . _inn: to Cu;tBt. anon her neck .tackling began ,o shiver, I).[rteil at ille.teß, and away went e. itriog 01 whito boads„scampering and run . ling ruces.so_str wily you could think of about .he •fionr. Taught fair, however; 1 must tdmit ; and Whai sue could fight no• longer,_ 'or the Iva ut, ut uro.tL, she yielded handsomer y ; her taw:, ' Lthwu by her sitle--those oug, routt.t, rqc urms—ber hair.'ll'utig buck fiver the clout., her eyes were huff shut, us it the were'-LivL !two te_thuld•them Open tt Jurruute ongcr, tt,oi tu, , te uty it' plump woutit.ull tlie-air-!-- Dal you ever :deo hawk.l)o%looU a a robiu ? or a bet) ou aclo. .ertoP bo 1 nettled;. !tut! when she ;um to, out! cur up thosu unto, mot beiztid ue - aroutot u t Let:n, uud declured nfe IV . O id „loko we it 1. did iock uguiu, and hutl ;retit Amid _rau the .-risk .ver itgai); Lite uturwishu chokedohuked,me, the MIIIMtM=2= • round 4114 puts her. owu lips iu the ray of wino e‘Lry . day•uud culls iuthor John,- ad don't oyeta to make auy, , fuss about. IV at 11. That wae u, very,seusible - Tgii4, and she fakes u good. vd' too, us_[ uut. aSitattled o bay any Vi ere.' - - . ~ Quite iiiitereni, but not less satisfactory:wits tie first eoculatery experience of .Dotainie ;rown. lie , had leached Iliiiimature age of ye and lofty wituout ever having taken . part this picit:Aint mond exorcise. Oue ui his enocaks b ‘4, Th-y charming daughtur, 'and n.'n, year .ir -Dominic had found it t.rykilleasant to . cult upon her three or Jaw' Ines a week. toot, all •the neighbors said e was courting her ; and ? very likely he wto, tough he had nut the remotest suspicien•of it • Onu •Monday .evening 6o was sitting, ns Dual, by tier bikie, , whea a eudtlOn idea pop- ad into 1.-heitti „ Alias - layriird — Eic rr l'ie , kliiwn you r a long time, and I never thought of such a , dug bciore ; but atm I would like: you to • . ..y - eme ukiss. Wiilyou ?” -" Weil, kr. i l3rotru," replied she,4 m arohi lipa•iti a taunatitig way, " if you. think it Could not he v,raug, I Imre no bblmtions." " Let as ask u blessing first,l ntad.the good ; an, (dosing his eyes aini foldi g his hands. For what - we am about to ree ive,- the Lord -- •ske us thankful," ' 1 The chaste salute was thengiven and"warm returned, - ' " Oh,, Nary, that was gbodi" cried the uninie7 "I:et us 'ham another and then re ' m thanks." ' ~ , , , I Mary did netrefuse, and when the opera )nlatt beee,repeated, the Dowinio ejefult , -- "Foillih - droliture - comforts - which -yrb --have ,w eojoyeil, the I,oril be Rraised, and ,may , vibe etchatilled. to our temporal:and eternal yilisto . iy""Eayt:c that, the fervent. etition of:the nest 1 . /umiak+ '';Was• duly answe r ed; •for in twthan a Month, Mary became Mrs. Brown. And now, while•on.tbis subject, we find it ry 'fair retort, - Witteh a young lady at Sarn o. Springs rends to the Drawer. An imper tent youth • Vera' #ratising himself by hibitinglgkik .s to, *or- lAdled the K 5 1:i .•, - • • Men tiOOrtitfitiss aginOttbenittelves, And"llfri:!d;etould'k4ifia brother; But woinetk , tv'tuat to liAuto bad, T4soll3Sl'Suti , kiits Milt° °thole!: Whereupon' 41ie + s Carrie May renoilled this ply `on the baiiit'iwhietitritioPe; and left 'it !•tiow fool's IP4tiußttotti AtitOUlt,..titeMsolvss,_ _ . ' it's ;Well; that they • t strain ; • \ ,____Tb(Lbi‘ter dose Would They would nev e r k i ss again. • As al ithetiines ori poor viomou's lip Ia appiltcl4his ususeotie Ye Asset°. lase sisioug ourselves , .As woountoriotiag tee t j ui parcialitypt deatt'out by' the hand of ture. A WESTERN LAWSUIT. ,- Law. h 3 law out west. • Some years ago an.. attatehnent , ..waszAsin4-and-le.v.ii/-'-nP' on-.1.h.a -stook of ti stage coMpany • and•the'eonsequence. was very disastrous of, course.;' PasSengers were piled, up here and there,fjuk tiliere the writ found theta ;'• mails were stopptial, 'and the ylenee . wits to pay:ev,erywhere. • . s' -Jones, attorney for tho•corntireity, 'went out s throughthe Several counties of the State Where the , plunclee•• Was held 'by authority. oti the people ,Of, the- State of — = 7l," and moved (as a 'lawyer might move as the law then stood) for a dissolutiodof . the writ.". Lanyef, Jones- .went. forward swimmingly for dviltile, and knocked over 'the writs, one . after another like a rov. , of,hrielts. lie finally. reached the county of —= where. he, found•the attorneys which were engaged .mll the•other side - and thu judge, all evidentli . . expecting him, for thsy ,were pouring whiskey down the judge at a log tavern,' (a very rash: minable game in thOse days . ----hut law is law,) telling him 'funny stories;frequently...using it kind of soft soap touching hislegal ability and the high reputation which he had acquired.od. the bench. ' • . . . . .•Thus.dienekeirtind smeared, -the judge at last tookhis — ikt, dignifiedly putorrhis specs opened the . ...Iterised Statutes," ;trnd spread them out solemnly beforejtiin• and the 'llear , 4s,V -vent on. ,:•,-- .- • ' • ... - 1 . ..PIA the "tire:water",began to operate, le eyes of the judge waxed heavy; and now e tnd then _he gtive . 1). . half surge' sideways in his' seat.. Jones•raised several ohjictions to - the 'prpeeedingai and . insisted _upin points of irreg ularity. Ant_ the judge said : • ,• ' • .. k-kUuw' tut - C..31r, Jones wits right, but he cdu coutalu't truvci out out aideri the'gtaters." • . The opposite counsel at this bright ohserva 4den nodiledllicir*Liends and winked at each other •- At last Jones saw it was-of no u4o. Some six or seven times, the. jadge. totd,,,kitn "ho eoulda; travel-outside of the staters." , :Yes ! be would upon him"—there was no Utl4, er way. lie did rise upon him: 'You old bloat, " exclaimed • u've beefi_in the kee - ping•nf thole twir-petifoggers all morning -r-you ore completely pickled yitlt whiskey! 7 -yett aro so drunk yeu-doiet, know law from gospel I travel ;outside the Statute, ch ? • Ni:i - 1 - indeed you min't and if thOs'Crtwo''shysters' on the other aide could get ono mare think dawn your throat, ,you Couldn t travel at all ; outside the Matta° or anywhere else! .•• l • . • ' It is a: , singular fact that Jones had • trou Ltd, aftCr this. : 311isceffutteour. ~ . . f M IVEN•SE SOC.C.ESSII-, 0 1_ !rim CHEAPEST DIAGiAZI.N.E IN TUB VialtLil.' UALLOU'S DOLLAR MONTULY- DESI9NED FOlt liYkltY 4.slEitleAN'lltifilE.„.. - .Eucouraged by the unprecedented success which this popular meuthly has met with, stud the rspidltY,wlth. which It has.increased its cireulstion, the prepriotor bun resthved to makeit still more worthy or the, patronage .f-the-public.__That_tbdsmlntirable_work Is_ A DIIRACLD OF COFAPNESS is admitted by every ono, containing, us it does, One Ituudred Pages reading matter in each *limber, being more than any ,of the Magazines; and forming two volumes a- year - of Mx hundred pages each,. or TwolVo hundred poses of Reading Mutter per annum fur . O N 0 1, L Alt I, • . „. Ilaßon's Dollar Monthly Is printed with now tpe, mem flue white paper, anti its matter is eapefully cum piled and arranged by We hituds of thu editor out! pro. prietor, who bus been knoWn to the patine Ai vAinectud with the Boston press fur sixteen years. its papas con tain NEWS,'MISCELLANY, TALES, • ADVENTUIU POEMS, ~ • BIOURAPLimg, STORIES 0F.T11104, • SKI:1011ES, W1!1 AND HUMOUR. ao., Ao., from. the best and most popular writers of this country, WM also spiced with a .record of the notable '6vents . of thelhnes„of peso and wurßif discoveries and lenprove 4i,ents occuriug in :either hemisphere,' Birthing an'. ligreeable companion for a lelstitif moment or hour, shy -Where at home orabroad, each ifumber being chmplete iu itself No sectarian subjects aro ad u dtte - 1 to' Its • pages; there ere enough controverted It ions each, de 'voted:to its peculiar sect or - align is . Work is. In tended for 2- 4 11-E.. -111.1-1•L 1., :north or south•t,. or west, and illied.tto the brini ,cladite;ipopular - andsraphic - misclo , taffy, just alle ny fathor, brother or friend would place in the 4 , kola family circle; It is 14 all Its de pruttnents, freE itd.eriginal, and, whaVit purports to be, lho cheap , paint) In tho - world„W, • • Any person en osing ore DOLLAIMI the,proprietor, ns below; shall receive the 'Magazine fir ono year; or any versa sending us EltiAT IlUbSCriberS find moat, at, one tibie - sleidl 'receive a copy gratis. • • U. M..IIItLLOU; Publisher and Proprietor. Corner of Terment and Bromfield Streets; 'Boston. Juno 11, '5O. • • • f le 8 . 1) R N G AND- 8 I,J-M 111,11 . ' I.rwa. ,: • , HATS AND CAPSI • ' : The undersigned invites the attention of hie old Gus• tomers and the public to his new and seasonable as. sertmedt of SILK, FUR and STRAW HATS, ,CLOTH CAPS, &'h for gentlemen a•al Boys wear, of the lateit styles and best. quality. The asscrtment•,will ho found to oelbrate every sort and size of Hats and ,Cape for Alen, cloys and Children, from ,the cemmonest and. cheapest to the most stylish and fashionable, such us Oakford'e spring style of gentlemen's flats, White, Black. and limwri, Slouch Lints, with Fur Hats othis own man ufactitre,. Borg cloth cape of various.colore and prices,' with *large aasortnientiotliten'it and. Boys Straw' hats of different qualities and, prices, to suit the. PotlketX,Pf both rich and poor. Feeling confident that every= pike chaser eau be accommodated from' his extensive and varied assortment he cordially Invites 'his friends to call and examine at his old .establhdtment-0n. , ./dain .Street. • . WAL IL TROUT, t ir - USt RECRIVED—_ • Fruit' STRAWBERRIES; " • - • - • ", PINE APPLB,S, • - • • ' P, ' '-••• • .• , ... • PICKLED ONIONS, ' • • PICOGILY, : * • . ~ritusratvan -•• • TA DLit OIL, O. • • . Aare • articles warranted oval to any in market. Forinda Iner...cnr east at July lefisaal dCit r ' 4 ,lill - : ; : ,. 4.'ittil6i. ;.: ...-...._ ..:::::. .1,..,2..„...„. FM - PORTANT TO FEMAL.y,S !- - DR. OIitthISRatAN'B 7 PILLS: 4 , friaefriblifallott4ifingrodioutauiiitboset = ihaiw i t , tic r i ria:, suit of a long and extensive practlto; Ality are Mild in their (Mutation, and certaiu of. restoring torture to,ita 'primer (Manuel. lu oiery instance have these Pills Prts• ved successful—They. ittvririttYllAPPti those oi:atructious to whichbomales are liable, tatu bang ,propet channol;whereby health,is restored and the pule and 44'04 eduntouance changed to a healthy one. No female eau enjoy good he'2o unless she is regular; mid %demurer an obstruction takes place, whether horn ex." ;insure cold or any'other-eausb, the general atedlately beginu to decllne ; s and the imam such a rein , edy hats been" the cause of so' Minty contuMptions amen g young females. 'Co ladies whose health will riot merit of an increase of their family. these - pills will prove a \id aaetitsitlou, as they will'. prevent •prognancy.--- liezittach,o, pain in lite sidei palOtatioirof the heartTlon thing of food, arid di turbed . sleep 'do most always arise fop site interrUptiotccif nature; and whenever that is the case, the pills will invariably remedy Ali theft Not are the less ataracious In the cure of Leueorrhma, conimonly celled the "Whltba." . These Allis should nev. er bo'taken,diwing prognancy,rialhoy.woulti be sere to . vansirermbicarriage. 'Warranted purely Vegetable, and free from anything iniurious to lifd or LeAlth.'• _Eutiuml explicit directions accompany These pills are put up iu square that boxes. Persons residing, where, there is no agency establialied• by enclo sing One Dollar le a letter, pre-paid: to Dr. C. L. Cu Xtalt wtt;, No. 2.67,93teeek0r street, New. Nork, can have them sent to their respective addrqsivo by =all. • , Q . A DIAN ,AN . - A 1 iNESS iiiA L 3 ISO. The subscriber continues to carry . on the above business:l - 0111 its various braitelies,ln North thin over stiatet,l'arlislo.two doors North of Leottard's corner where he Intends keeping, On hand a general assortment in his line, coil:Otitis of all .kihds of fashionable SAD . IMES, Bridles . Idartin'gales, (Baits, .., ~rl , Clrcitigicsuftd ht t alters,itiso TRUNKS, • 4 ..,:.,„, . 4 t r :,. .. ,: , ,, , : iii ifis ,, i , i;s ti o l i d j i , ..- , ...„.. . :7 . 1 -7.- ' ')\, \- \\l l \ • -- .7,,',l,Lit u vro' - :i7'o -1 , ticT - L'l,` ''' - - 153 ' 1 • - (1 (1 1 1 :i .o t i - i t i t i L . ..: , -%t i l t lo It t , i t: o --8 6 - 0 -ev , C y r q - i -t i t i s n oil- . h i t til l s . - I some, dpritble and .pleastin g tsi l td i dle . .. . will do well to call and see them.' Ho a ~also, manufactures Harness, Bridles, • . Callars. and - Whips - in - all their VittiA ties, and confidently believes front the general approlia;• tion of' his Customers, that he makes the . neatest and best gears, in all their variety of I,redtit. that is made in the country. lie Men ziptlA all kinds of .Matrasses to order. viz: Straw. Bak, Curled' Hair mntl Spring Mat s:IS:IC.4. All the above art idts w ill be made of. the beet material amid workmanship, and with-the utpost des patch. • . WM. ONBOItN. - —... .. . . i 71_RAIN., _FANS, G RAIN FANS:- k J - 3 iimt tOctived i mint of (indp Fans of Shrelnes c ..and Molder's noinurixturo. Also a tine assortnnout of thy, Straw, n d Folder Cutters. of four different kinds, at the cheap Hardman! Store of - - July lk. 1856.)H. SAXTON. • .. . ----_,. . • 1) J. KIE F.; It intuGursT • halc umrnd his store from the former stator to his . tiding 0.111110:FS . Stlili, k:" . merit rement to - preserve Ins .Xedic•ines fresh Mid pure, rind replenished his Itzeewttnunt a carefully selected drubs, - he 'is -now pif.tpareti are mid prquiptilese. ills st , iortment- Will 'furnish almost every thing that-nay 14 ealied for • Nit her 1:j. the PhYs.rciAti. or thu fAiwily. for domestic use. The glvatest • e re and precaution will be observed in thu iog procr,ptiolifi and dispensing of litetliviniii;. iti;s.ittolout rd Confectionaries and Fancy , tiond's is V try gonoral, and will enable purchasers-to-milt thwusiAves. .11hy 9..3;8.50. • .. • . • DItUGS AND Cl-11;I1IIC:‘.1:S, With a Spiendhlyarloty of.. CONFECTIO.NA Ill' AND YANCI',47,OOI/S. Thu ttiolorsiituoil has just replunisle4 his stock of goods; "and as his Drugs and Chenticais, hAYtt been FO ',meted with great care, he is pre aired fi ll all ordeni prowptly . ilis Cl luwis•may rely upon the getwinunesa and polity of , every ills - stocif of CtIA Itr:CTION'A ItY-Ailltrge a iitl "Sele r eled with special reference to thu,ll6llilay's. It will afford any variety persons may desiot In fbat line. flu bus a • large d 'assortment of French, tlerluait and dotnestio Fancy Candies, all . fresil anClairthe very bust.toslityl" Ills as satment of FAStIiP„.I.II./Q0.3 is large andsulbraces al .most ueitectsarY for the Toilet/flint faintly, Ile Invitcerspecial attention to his faney' W6tk !loxes, !Adios''' . Hags,. Cologne bottles, 'Watch awl Curd Trays, Dorf ifolles,.Porttitonlea. &a, &c. •-• '.. Quick saos,'sinall' profits and strict Co_nsistunciln trade shall charac;:erlso our business, dee. it), '55. 11, .J. ICIRFFI.IIt. DRUGS ! DRUGS Ut.4S'! rfeSll StlPPLl{_l_ these Jun_ locelvedn.fresh stock-of ldedicitithcrallits, tilds; kill, le., been' uirchased with great care at the best city 4 houses; Inanconfldently recommend to Families, ~ Phielcline, country Merchants and Naler,... as be• sh tind pure,- ..., nil' IRlS—Patent Moiliclues,' Fine 'Chemicals, Instru 'illifits, pure Essential Otis, herbs and Extracts, Spf mi , ground and whole, Essences, Perfumery. ' • Cod Liver 011—warranted genuine. . E-STUFFS--lndives .Maddurs, Sumac, Alum, Log and Cam Woods, 011 Vitrif:l, Copperas: Lae Bye: . • - .PA iNTS—Wetherill Bother's Pure lead, - Chrome Ureeti and Yellow, taint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey' Window Mass Linseed 011, Wurpentlne, Copal and coach Varnish', and ited bead. All Of 'whieh will be sold at the very lowest market price. - Also, a fresh and 't•tiloinild . assortment - 'of FANCY GOODS, Fruits. Umfectlonary, and Innumerable other articles ealeulalted for use and ornament, allot which are offered at the lowest earth prices, at the cheap, Drug, Book and Fancy-Store of the subscriber on North I fan- Over street. . s.- lIAVERSTICK. .1 -1 1tESH 'DRUGS, MEDICINES . , &o* sm.-4 have just received from Philadelphia Mill • • ' NeWlrerlt - very - extenstve additions to my fernier sttkckioutbracing nearly every article arr of , Medicine now in use, , together l'alnts,'olls, Varnishes,. Turpentine,•Perfni:, P m / Soaps, Stationary. pine Cutlery, c -inglrackie r ßrusim enf-atmost,overy-tiescripii: lon, with an,endles,s variety of other articles, Arhich f iini i deteriiiinedlirignit'thwysny - LowxsT - prlces; -- All .Phyilcians, Country . Merchants, Pedlars anti oth. era,. are. respectfully requested not .to Tess the OLD STAND, as they may rest assured that every article will besoldiire gqed quality, and Upon reaso s. i t iatie lo te rr rrn e s. • .May dO. Main street. Carlisles • Iu)I3,ESEAVING SUGA IL—A general aesurt tient of Crushed, Silted and Pulverised gars of best quality, us. also soft Crushed,•Clarhied and other qualities constantly on baud, - suitable for preserving and all other purposes—generallY at Otn Pawn. .. . • • Also a constant supply of, the efirdeest Coffees, Teas, Slain and,other articles in variety always on attentionhand.— le invited to our steak before buying:elsewhere. Carllide, July J.. W.- EBY. • NI:INAT M.AUBLI4.I YAllo:—Now ' trio Oeepted thuo, and now la the day for Oraro Stones,. • . , Monumenta, . • • . -•- Sills, &c., &c., • uneffer's Markle Tard,tarllsle, Pa. Also, Iron Ban g.• [Apr. 16. 1e../nt. 1)1 EMOVAL and Iran , ji..o dressing saloon.—The undersigned hafting ne Julie ea to North Remover. 'Arne,. adjoining Sitle's Fur nit,ure Waremonis, in vitesattentian where all persons can receive a eleau and oast' shave and have . their hair cut and dressed Alto moat lashlonable and eaqultate manner. -There a something soothing-144 109..0.0ATA., if_liffire_disposed te_dolibtitdettheutirk ixte,.and - I will fully demonstrate the - - ' ..`. Ayril 0i1848.} . , , .y ILLIAU I.lhtellfSl3. •., p0RT11.4111,40F:4011N..,- . ' BIONT,—The mosteorrect likeneas (+Pei made ex ecuted In thithighest styie of Art, and printtaVott fine_ India paper, slablislied and for sale, Wholesale and -Re , till, by L. N. ItORNNTIIAL, Lithographer, N. NT cop ner leit4Land Chestnut Streets Philadelphia.,, Sze of paperri7x26, Retail priro sl. ' A liberal discount will he allowed ; those wishing to sell again.' Aug 13. • 4ip•AGENTS WANTED.4I* _WILLUMS% 311(scrlfuineou, Qrtui I.;Jtoycs. Stare 9 auk 01)op5, A A `WATCII:ES.t_ ()LOOKS / nowicn - hand - andlatma IP ad, lay ~ i o ll Main treed, opposite Alarlen 114, an tatire:yr Aa nfier and elegant stook' of 1 411E8; J.P.AVELItY, MI:DALIO,I§43, .43k:rid:Levee Wateltusi - Itunting - ttutiotiutrempelverda. ---- 81tver Leptne and qutp•tor yateltaa, a large varlet - Y. - tiold Anchors.far Lallik.'s and (tentlenten.... • ; , . . _ Medallions, a splendid assortmentfor ladies and gents. Breast Pins of every pattern, and all prices, ~ . .. Gold Chains fur Vest and fob, gold curb e t,, t i ns, •.: Finger Ridge, Cutf-pins, 'studs, Sleeve ihittent. Crosses. Drop and Ifoop7larOlirigs,7ttlarge N allay,.. . SilVer and Plated Forks,. 'Fable and Tp3l, Spoons, Totter • Kniv.le. of various styles and prices, - ' • Gold and ' iver Thimbles . , • . ..„ .. Gold,' .r and Common Spectaelmcit large assortnien t to suit all i gem, atid to .'whietv yea - dB - Vita partaciirar attention.- f. , , Port Monnaies, a laege assortment at every price; Gold• Pens, of the best make at various prices, Valley Boxes, Port Folios, Accorileons,l3pectecie. criee.s. .L:olles Card Cases, sliver tind itcari, at various prices';' • ' 11FA,Telets461d'end common; -Watch.Chnin d .----- Ai4oam a large variety of tirticles in the ItWO ne, - which - r will sollat .the lest lifices.' , . - .Alt - a cies lsnr, ranted to be' what they aro sold:for— . . ' tk•Myarticular attention paid to the REPAIRING OF YVA'fCI lES • and all work warranted. BetueniP , !tlmrkks to my old friends andr.custouters Poe fern cr patronage, I respectfully solicit a continuance of tit eli fav ( ie. litne2u • ' •••. • . ;'rilODMAr CONLY N. - . '- • CROGERY ' -C 6I E 115,-C,,,0 - s - " j Th .. TLS' . . AND VARIETY- sTo4E. The subscritor would respectfluily•inform his friends and the public generally, that'he loudest returned frrimthe city with a larm and varied assortment, of ' ...,. • tlitOCEltll:;i4,!C LASS and QUEENSAVAI:I , alie - w-f f i F1ti11,,&c...i4.. wi.ich ho offers for sale on tie Jim "' ,i 1 • _ most reasonable tOrlitS,'at his New Stori , % 1 .1!,0! corner of 11-a never streetroid the rut. . il il k. , 4 ! : lie Sanard. direal) Apfmsite the Carlisle Ve. . pligit BAETIIITCA - Ti..l:liitiiligiTi4 -- vOry - hing --- usttisli - y immOrocery. and Variety Store. - • - The:public - are invir - 41 to call and examine Ma sled! beforepurchasimx elso , hare, as he reels enuf.dentle can sell the best goods at the: lowest prices. .. - J. D..IIA.LItPIIT. • < - 611 - 6 - --; ... - " ,-.--- ...TEAY!, (.0F1'1 . "4T, 1 - 1 —f... . I ESP A l , The an line just added to his former stockii;_ notal selection s of Gib al .1: ! 0 itireElt) ES. as well NS all the ether variety. O 1 articles [l e t i ., ,o si i tt , l_ly=t iA in ,rn a d q ic ,.;: : :v; , ;;t t n,• i e . 4iv i . , , , t r i i . lti r .; , i t i: .:_ per lb:,'Prleans.,Claritied, Crushed:aMl Pulver 7111 Sugars, of tine finalities; flee'ilit N''. S Pk". hair Salt. and alvariete of Fancy articles, ail of which Sri o fared at the lowest rash mires. ti ,are thanhful for tio fermi; support Oven :is. atitt,l”ll;,,. a further co l) f irm our friends and customers. - . • - .• J. W. ~ .Y BY - , . . Maridu Ball, Carlisie. _ •''V.::. . :. f'll.llN A, G LASS .AN D. QUI:I:INS la: j-Old housekeepers nod yi min, with thr.s. nine whit are expecting to betitme lieusekerpers. eihrit ell to Intl' nti li A I.fiNli'l"S 11{(4',E . P.Nrand amine hts elegaitt nanort inert t Chlon.l3lapn find QiieenF• are nod other'nrtirlen - Tii - iTie hounekeeplovf fault 11/4 Drenchnod nil:Belt' tea sots, htavy lecndedand Mlle Granite, glided mod bine 11111111. 1114fier 'sets; el ev • cry. variety and price, bowie tool pitchers, tureens, 41 , 11. .t Mann-ware-.-metre table. nod mantel lamps, entidelebranaad other Iroope. grea *Wait V, trlli• and - tionblere f goldetr, r ' C'ed r• ire -7 talt t t ,.,. iiri and ladles, mind I.Oet e s s‘ , Let white •vranll, eerithhing. iivhd ni,•l id. ,, ' ;11 , 1 brrvmtß„F r .. Market. Mettles ?me . Le l% !1;12 7 , 1 • *!)ti choice nes..rihii.ett4 1••1.1..;1;- 41 d. :•; , .;',1•!. tie vfho. are rood of cliot, , ,A.rood , . 1,1 , tlm , :f%/ ..... t .• N 1.) you will And ._A um . :to-116%0110 Commot o ;0, ,r 04,4.• :•ek oil arid trioneee. • • _ .N 14; .. 0 W 01)8 N \V (:4 umtom ss IIAII4I4INi.t: the siffseribor has jur.t returned from New York and Philadelphia, and is now opening an intinente_rteck Ot thetnostspleuaid A. smcia .4ND 'SUMMER .001DS over brought to ParllsJe. I/ItEt , S tkatlS.-4he ladles will find a large nrsort nreitt of heanttrui dreti'goads,llf ' the neweg Ilatt9lllS. ' To& Neetilt-norketl - Toila and Flouneings. and Insertings, Iu petit vat lety. -- CABPLTINtIi.3-f.Ait.entire nenarear`ortent of trirpeti Ingrain Tenitian, and - Stair Carl , ettl. • '• nr Tit A . :S , fttill 0,1•:$;-- .1.1, ruppiy of dl. t.' :Bent Boys. &tisane', and 'Children's bites. all aiude an sixes,' Minh,' Mile --Owes her Ladies and' Silfsvi , jeol - 1/05,11..hT1C5.- . -A - • largo 'stork of illuttlitts, Chock' Tickings. &e.,14.111 - e- the Very lowest notch. . • in short, every articluLti the itry Goi.ds will 1. found In' the,•ortrueut —best quality, newest styl anti at the 101-y lowest .prices. • All In want at halt. seine and cheap goo4s will do well' to call at the el • atanol,-stand, street; April it. 18;16.1 r citAßLEg.„parov: I V I E W 00 OD e • subseribei. b just,reeelved and is now opening a large astwr mere F I 1: GOOD 3 suited to the nif.ll—plca: call and get bargains.. • CurliMe, :•'•sr..l4; '55: • M. SM.-MC:I:ASS. 4jos (til) 31i . actjitterg. G A FITT IN t ; . s; 1) Pi 1 31 I dttl hiZ /11,1 liuld t " Un of Cal thin that , I.e )1.-'• n:Mi „ im at., ntelli‘todutlAS At. nod 1.1,1,N1 HON t. nt shot t npd on reasonable tenon. lie hnl, er the f liees of a first rate timed from l d hes f plied Iflovnelf alth a), e‘te:,sif ~i 1.. tlftd...S, with], %flit onfildu him to nR .411 rdfirs 1111. All nor!. ail' la arraiited. lOs 1.4 1l) to will la foureLiu the room exactly pp , Iv hie 'Jinni est.fhlibifunint op North street, bete flu fhyit# a call, TINNING. ,SPOIITING, le also prepared furolsbror bialce to order, every article of 15 used by housekeepers and others. Ile will also ;invi te seouriNti, 11ELl s and PLO , -,Tbsinkful for the patronage with which be bait:dram' .101" - thverettilio - respeetrally - aellsits a-conthittailee- , '4os game. • „, , ---- MONROE MOR Junel4, • -.9pARLISLt FOUNDRY AND 31 ACIIINE SIDDP • The ant:scriber has the satisfaction of h r,lll4l l iifi4ll9E forming his old friends and-patrons tat • -• .• his again In Active, gip. n, new buildings having been erected sine° the .I , rw Alisn trout; fire and the whole establishment rut in cci, pier) Ivorking'order. Orders are : therefore respectful), solicited for work in his line, which' will be done promptness and the hest Mituner. ' STEAM 'ENGINES IfDILIP TO OP.DRit:. and repaired. Allitiocts of blaohinery 'in Paper, Mills, 'Grist Mills and ,Factories repaired at abort notide': Mull Spindles dressed and turned. • - ' MORSE POWERS amITIIRESHINO MACHINES. such as Devil Oear Four Morse Power,. llorizelitni Geer Pour Horse and. Two Horse powers, Ploughs, Corn Shol. Ulm end Crusherif:Ac. Patterns inside to order. Iron and State CAS'FINOS executed to order, if not on hand, at the shortest notice; inch as - Cranks anti Mill .oenrlng,. Spur and lievii..Wheels. Oudgeons for Saw' Mills, Plow Castings, Cutters; Point Shears, Wagon and Coach Pox es, Spindles. Car 'Wheels, - Car Chuine; Indralao on hand a large Supply - of Philadelphia and Trily.,..COOK , ; , !NO -BTOVRS, and is constantly making CooldurStexcli of Various improved•patturne tbr,coal - or wood, ten:Vitae Stoves, Oratet. die' 'Repairing done to . kind" Ofilda; chiriery. All kinds of old' Iron, ' Brass and Copperlaken 'U exchange ftir work. • - - .." '" roay9' • • FitANRIJN'OARDNEIL . . . _ . . -A I t R LOOK HERE! - • _ _ .TItRIMBINO mAatiblot • .; he,subscribers desire to infirm Sinners, enrl , p13141 n . gerlerallytbst they nor haveoribankerl are oenktitt 4,, , lY Marriteicturing Toro ing Machines with Pie t . Patent Shelter, which are generally acknonlislAG'olla!, Abe bAst iuileles noir in nee; , •Also•a , liskriety of Clover Milers, Corn - , libellers Salk - Straw Oritters.- ,, Tberideo-, attend to the repairing Of, Agrliuitural Merit norY In the best manner • and on reasonable , terms., . Mgmufs-c -tol7 on North Min:toyer Street, directly opposite' the • residenco of George bletsgay.Esq, ' • ' August o no, •a, . A 11M8 & PLANS. t, -11.,11itt44-clfibict-, JOSEPH - A. NEEDLES, Manufactu-, : Coarse,.:dedlum and Firm in niesh : largo, and inuall in dlinneter. • , . 1/STALI-. (MOMS Olt wurgN writig; ,of the hot izirioussizeS of inesh, from Nos: r to nu inclusive, and from one to alx`tetit'itt They are numbered 80 mini names to the liuenl Dish, , and eurtastilt. The soliseribeil also keeps - 001/o.oooy. to band . • • - • for `coal, sand ore, Hine, grain; gravel; gnanoi susoac.• sugar: /oaf,' bone,. toffee. spice, drugs,dye•stuffss &e. , • Tegiithee 'with - an •ithanement - 111;1011T -AND-A'`- . NIIALED IRON VIDE.: All .the above sold'wholosalo• and retail by :I. A. NEt.I,I•ES, • •.•• • . . I, .1 • C 1410 • rIiiMeIIANTS, and titiimlesnlu 1),3:1106,,In (1 FOREIGN &1)0.74E6T1C. LEAF fr6BA(CO. • MAminwruitimActo, 1!1- 1/0;111.,ST/C- SE(011 1 % 21 tikith. Fruut sired. 1..'llihitle11)1111t. Importers of Fine Havana Segars, of the chaired -growths' of. the Vueltivabaje. A large asfortment •Lo ' which are kept tensantlly on hand, and Mr sale•at a 7 sofall advance on cost of importation. Are - Consignments respectfully Solicited, on.Whirt, inlvances Will he made *hen desired. Special attention riven to orders Ihr_purchfiso nu com mf Simi Crory' dtatoription of,:derehan- -- disc. for aticontit r partitslivltig at a listance from this " market. ' • t-1.-8010 Ago I to• F. A. (k..(izo's colehraternerrnat , thmutpribing.thirty t, vorialts. • • April:::, 11A 111 . ; I. IN' N gulavlble • NE, AND' SVAL.IOIIr, - STORE. No 4 2 3is- ellnittNitraot, fourth thaw . above - COW O Arc (COW 41.t421Ter a larue ar.l wti I svt, pit slot of tiibollowiliwfri;slVitild desirable gonds. pritnivally t their own, iningetatio)l,„nr bought' at auction, they, are able to • sell at Abe iiii sir rii prices,•mal invile-the attentim-44-ctultr. Me chants. hotel Keepers. and fotnilles v.rnerafry. • 11011.6reen and Venitien NVilitlow Shading. -llarnsley and, Irish Linen Sheeting,•74, 94, 10-4. 114,124. • , • . • . • , _ Bolster and Pillow rativiis of Re blearbrn and all widths from to inches. • Bed Blankets of all siziis and qualitlis. • Crib And - hrd ts . of . the (idiom lm; varieties. 117: ''arses le. nett ed-iteeister.''A thumb' a, Allendale. a et all the desirable sizes, Bitrean Covers. Table CoVers, - )1 Inlow Curtain „Towels and !roweling, of every variety. Daniask - Tabli Cloths and N:arnbine,_Shirti ng Linens and Muslin. Can ;brie llsedkerritiels. Einhaolderies, Hissers, tee. - rworg. tel. Dandii4ka, 111gT101149, ..F:nbroldent4l Laee artp.l Aluslit Cart:tins, Gilt Cornices, Bands, (limps. Cord, Sze. . • Sit ,t VAN lIAIILINUEN, • Trepoiters and.Deltlerain iinau and, Iltiuse Furulsh Ink linnds. _April 30, Islsll---tlin. • • • STOVI, the..uptiorstg - tli,ii _would respectful)) , ctih thrrattet4 lion of Country Merchants and thattelu wont' of Stove • to their e Y.:teos it 4, stock of (IV - Tato - pri.•ll:ra --- greater - assortntent - IlinwTtin - beirand tt Ica; • -tlta, - --:..t.ra.dit the United t3tittcs. • , IV 11l 11;10 It an advantage to US' a cal: 'l4l . t.ittg alaoci here.. Tor 'ado Mader:de and .14• t,ta tia,ltiost. llt imtl terms. • , Nr.IIIANS & WAIINICK •,. • - N. B. Corner' .nd and -Rare SI wets, •ag .. 9tta fr..t.lio celebrated :tlai.g I it•aling t• - •ttve•,t. [April :la. I flrdt-•- , 3 B' • . 15 1 1 D- LIN B A B.'S E-P ItIC.I 'Wholesale and Behsil CASII BOOT AND SIIOE—STORE, Nu. 76 South Second St, Corner of Outer St 'The establishment ham been enlarged and hi:pewee , and is supplied with-the largest and host Retail titne iu the City, principally of his own mantillieture, with chafe.) aesortmentfroni the-test taaierti 'Atalitet n bracing Ladies, - and Childress HOOTS. SHOES ANL CAITERS . . of every deseriptiom style and quality, embracing tb , best styles and Iplalitieti hi . this or ;illy othrr market 1 'this 4TOCk cannot be. excelled for duality ayie an , 1 Cheapness. • . . Each artirie is merged at • the very lowest pcssilii , 1 prica,inan which no ilevititiou 7 wlll„be. -made. :Co OA,syn*lta, statenionts - will he rideiVii,llllld 110110 wade T 'r.jatrurt mlos.l • , . . .. z, Goodyear's Gum in . 'all ,vdristies.. Pitts Gums, f .scitrce in the market, alwatis on hand. 'I he' public i r' respectfully invited to rail. • ' • •[Aprill, 1858. I kell it S; SURVEYORS • E INEEItS AND DlLAU(lllTSMEN..supplied„wit, Isttheinatical Drawing Instruments, separate and i. cases, such IL I Dividers, Parallel Rules, ivory, Box-wm. and Paper Scales; T squares, 'Triangles, how l'on Drawing l'una, Protractors, Gunter's Saes, Tape 'Mee , urns, 31utalle 'raj)es, Surveyors Chaitat, 2 and 4 l'ole, tr' and lOU feet; Surveyor's Claalliliata, Engineer's Love! anti Transits,,Tni) et, &c. Magic Lanterns the best constrtnitlon, Scriptural Diagrams, Aitrmnica. Natural filst.irj, lluraurans, Chromatrope or. Artitich. lire:works, Itistsqvlog, Magnets, Potomac's, Ai ta.cetVral apparatus, Galvanic. apparatus and large -collet:Jinn iTf - Philosophical-Instruments, , .suitstb n 4.0,11004 atnl , b.ituols. Also; Spectacles, Spy„OlaSsa Microscopes, Thermometers, liammeters heading - Web, sea Se. Having received the agency for the sale of 1101. Elto,Ht'S SOIIOOI, ALTAR/J(4,1 am prepared furnish Teachers Iv iitt en Orrery, a Tellurian, ah urnem Frame a,lo Inch Globo, a Hemisphere (Hobe, a Bee fi, I nail $011444 a Magnet and Text Book, all packet In a bo.i4itls lock and key Or,V...'U.._lllustmted an.. prui;tc.:Liitlagues forwarded Oratisi . , • ----- • JAMES W. QUEEN, 234 Chesitut St. Philndolphla, East of 10ttt St 01-1 TRUSSES.- , -hernia; o - Rupture successfully treated,andentotert insure,• y use or the elegant trench Trusses, imported Ly tb subscriber, and made to Order expressly tor ills sales. AU glittering with Rupture will, be gratified to less: hat - the occasion . nevi-otters ticprocurekTruss_combit_ ingextreme lightness. with ease' durability and corm. oonstiSetibri;;in-llowof the-eumbroutAnd-nncort *fort:. Lie article usually gold. An ettensive assortmen,alivay - ou hand, adapted to every variety of ititptUre in adult/ and children, and ler sale at a range of, rice to 'Snit Cost of ifingitrit'ruases, $ 2 , $ 3 , $ 4 and $5; Double, $ $5, sfi, $8 and $lO. , ' • • Porgons, at a OilititllCO can have 11,,Truse sent to any a.' dress by,romitting the ainount. sending the hips:tied stating side affected. • , 101 . Salo Wholesale and Retail by the importer. • • CALEI3.II. K. cop; of Twelfth & Rico fits:, Philadelphia. , • Depot forth. Uatinines Improved Patent Body Alec, Chest klipsdniers and 'lirector Braces; Patent Shouldg llmees; - SuspengorY Bandages i-SPlotti PrePe and Sup ports. ',adios' Rooms, with cpmpete • t lady attendant - . 1108 1 V,A.RD' .AS'00141!10 . N.; •" • ' • IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ' To all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases; sus, sghtiNAL WEAKNESS; IMPOTENCE, CONORmic,. OLNEWEIICI'IIILIO, 46 ...&o. • , The fIOWAILW ASSOCIATION 'of Philadelphia, ' view of the awful destruction ofbuman life and bealti ' mused by &Masi diseases, and the deceptions which's) practised Upon the. Unfortunate victims of such disease by Queens, hate"direited theirionsulting Surgeon, as CHARITABLE 'ACT' worthy of their ' name, to giv MEDICAL. ADVICE COATIS, to all persons thus a flitted, (*l e or,Foglal9.) who apply by letter , ( poat •paid; w ith a deseription,'of their condition, (igq,'occupatiol. , habits of life; &c:,) end in extreme poverty aniEssiferin; to FORNISII-MEDICINES FREE OP CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent.lnititutiee. - established by orclatetidipwornit, lbsqhk, relief 'of tiv - sick and, distressed,antiated with. u,Virnlenirand Asir demi° diseases,ltand- Its hinds 'can ' Itised 11 : 4 7,.. 11 ° 61 h 4 41 ' purpoie.; It' has now * xastani; MOD tbi Directors have voted to advertise OMalsrfeßotbsi:' Is needless to add that the Asecialistimf.d,/ ' highest MOdleal skillottheage:_' ' • ' Address, (post.paid;) Dr.4l,l4o;l34'OßTAMixvitrlt ' lug Surgeon, Moward. AssecittlAM P4d44EPh,hll . • •By order Of thes - Dlrecteriv. • 1 " ' • • . EZRA A. ItgAIITWELL, Prelddtext. - sprit GEO. FAIIIIMULD; StsafetalT. . ii 12
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers