Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 06, 1856, Image 6

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Xtirnltr.os Rtpartment.
33one Manure.
: Bone Manuro, inTrigland,i is consid
.- ere& one of the're.o§thealth_y_and efficient.
.fertilizqrs known. t lia4,,,been in use
there•from the : eatlieSt - trines, it being
related that 'a..Welsir, kin.- in .the- sth
c.'fiftii:K: 4 slaughterod an itimenua
bet. ofltomans,whese bones were after-
Wards . used-in build, a , prison,
and:Crumbling tb - the earth- enriched The
land, so that it-bore astonishing' crops of
wheat and barley for manyyears. Whe
ther. - the- record ,be true
man, „soldiers' bones thirteen hundred
years age or not, the fact bas . been: no
ticed on all battle - fields for centuries,
. ' even down to- the Crimean • campaign.
British farmers more than others; use
bones to enrich their . _lands, and they
have colketed them front many battle
fields of . continental - Europe for such
purposes, not forgetting even Waterloo,
.for the last remains-of the -soldiers that
- . fell there, contributing so muchto ..EpL.
. up, and scattered .in dust, bushel. to the
acre, to contribute also to Englands gran-_
• ' Some writers estimatethat slo.o6o ii _
-- 7:ooo4orthrof bonealitite,lJeen imported
into. England in a single year; and as
this has-been—going---on:. largely:Jot—at
least eighty yeati tack; it has in - ti great
measure prod - need the fertility of
lisp fields. Greatquantities are ittipor- '
ted from Germany, 'the English saying -
that - one ton of German bona dust, SaVG3
the importation of ten tons 'Gerinito'
13ut mot- from °Germany mime,
. • but from' all Oils of 'Europe, and I from
South America tind the -. United 'States,
--have-they--been-an-Artiele-cif-trade. - They
,are especially 'adapted to light and sandy
soils, - and the
.Pertna nen ey of their effects
which are pereeptible - Tor_seven or . eight
years, are vastly better than ,guano.'
• ..'Bones are a• great acquisition 0 - any,
country - where they can be prooured; but
we have failed to put; 'them to their best
'Uses... Everybody knows they are 'of
some value; no gardener - or farmer would .
waste, theM, ,, and, their effeets'are wit
nessed around th wands of trees • and
'Vines wl.ere they aie In,deed
he trees and vines know their value bet
tor oftentimes than `theagriculturists,
and they will shoot their roots great
distances'to.reaeli..theth, • and from the
main roots will send numerous - little
sucker's around to feed upon, and all-orb
thein ; but - they are ""seldom, piilvdiiied
and properly prepared for the soil ;
in the cities and towns - they are thrown
away in tbns,las of no account. • •
LIGIITNING:.—According to Mr. Mcr-
riam, no case of loss of life by lightning
has ever occurred in T a railroad — ear; a
steamboat, ocean ateatue, iron skip, -iron
( house, or warehouse filled•Oh bar iron,.
or in vessel having lightning rodeon
duetors, or in a house. having lightning
rod.cunductors, - . With' the exception .of
--the case at Little Prairie, 'Wisconsin.
These facts are Sufficient to dispel 'the
very general beliaf that wetal3 are 'A
- gerous, from a supposed attraction for
lightning.St hOt ts hare • hnerf i
_use , morc
,than years, railroad : ears
inoriTtlin thirty, and iron ships mid iron
buildings more than twenty. years. Mil
lions on millions of persons have, during
that, time,, been in - steamboats, railroad'
cars, iron ships iron buildings and, in
vessels and buildings furnished with
naetalie conductors during thunder storms,
and their exemption during.. go, long,
period is the most convincing testimony
in favor protection 'that can .be de
sired. Persons who suffer frinn fear du
'ring thunder storms may, therecore, rest
in safety and confidence - if they can reach
a railroad car, steamhont,. iron 'stip or
iron house, or a building or vesselqur
nished with metalie.Conductors.
The ships'of the line and frigates. of
the United.' States Navy_ are, fifroished
with ; nonduotors made of Ave-sixteenths
of an inch'iron wire, 411 d, sloops of war
of one fourth in diameter iron wire. • .
Rods frit dwellingsor lmildings t
of of 1 wire in a single
piece, cost less than one . cent per foot,
l ess than one dollar for d'rod one bun- .
Bred feet.long, `'Any'mechanic of ordi
.capacity. Can put up a . ro 4„ - ,Glass
insulators can be had of.' th'e :hardware
and glassware dealers:: for about twelve
shall* a dozen. ,
Seed is a seed; but it is a good deal, more
thtin .a:seedr It is u history, Sid it is
.readY: for- 'another history., :whuls
summer bl-wmpped_uik_in r .that i ..pea, A
whole summer is wrought tolforrn that
bean. whole summer spent its- time
about `‘ It—mine-Tier*
Joni -at ear
small as a needle. It stood: tremulous
and yellow for weeks , it waked apace in
June, it rusticated., in July, it -stood u 12,1
the noblest of all the-gras see in August, ' 1
4 ) 11
width .a many-fringed band:of flowers'.
ts: ari,:end_w_ithfilittlo2u_by car at its
bre t, with silken' hir' . hanging. down'
i .ombed yet • untangled, and spotted
- andlowdered With , pollen: . . Thie is the'
,time to.wander in the corp ! . You are'
7Elad --- ' ' -7*.--1,----t..-
linden at six — siepa.': It is'a pet iorest
Nople. ride poa'and wagons roll 7: within
fe — w•reds ofyou, • and unseeingare unseein .
and unseen. The wind comes in gentle
puffs; and. sets all the pliant. sword leaves
a-quake.' Little birds that - do not. know
that you. arc there, fly in and
hand reach, but 'at - it glande, seeing
their-naistake; fly - as. if . the tassel was
hot and hurned . their feet! We see . all
flint, in tl•ose 'barrels of Tuscarora 6"
in that• white flint corn; and -in' that yard-
Joni; car'of flint, 7 4l. W. BEECH
i j hers rroperffnilyinform their friends and the pub
. Ibt generally that they have removed their BOOT AND,
110 E mattulketory to the . b.tore-room hi North
Hanover street, recently occupied by ilir.Shuch
• titan, two below recently
Drug St o re,
j and immeditttetrupposite Moniees Confection
,ttry where they are prepr - e - di ttTlilakittlets - rnd7S.hwes
to measure in- every'varlety, with a good:assortment of
stook. and competent workmen. They Will ,spare noel
fort to give satisfaction, 3. & O..TA.YLOIt. . -
— Carlisle. April
. 16, 1854---11 ... -
. .
---11-26aciL:-#;tat;' l - - -% tg.! • t
'r amp
No. 118 North Street, Baltimore, MfL,
Would inform the public that they have entered into
the Miro() business, and will payparticular attention to
the sake at'
and Cocain a' I r notmcsgenoral,.:., .
nud will malt proceeds of sales Ori:arab*: eQat,iftn
,niMits solicited. " . CitalLLEs tiL, SLA,tILE.
.1. - 1, - 110Si1lllift; •
fork Co tirief
j ' a ' . •
April 21, 1556-3ni. •
rrio C_ RP ENT RS, "
undersigned ban beon pntila iAnt an
nice nt-for-Su pply ing--3101.1-lAti IS -of nuy-desigrncor-Pot
terns fir buildings, at a- much less rate than they can.
he made here—so said by our most PAPorlencud mr•
clinnies. [March 26,'5n] • IiENItY_SAXTON
- 1
subscriber has-last
. .roceived a lot of
of this year's catch. For ardent _the eoablishoit
Cin.lcery. - • • J. D. IiAMLILT,
-- prU k 3, 1535.) Nortlrllatiorer Street.
S 1 Y
T iaubscrlber has )ust n toned in the Atommorn for
wetly oecupled-by Geo. W. Illtuer..ou the corner. f the
putilie square, Main street, noAr the Market Mouse, and
adjoining the Jewillry Store of Wm. D. Naugle, an on
Hrely uaw and splendid assortmenj of
of every variety and•finish. •
jils !fats •couslst 'of extra tine Moleskin, Bearer,
Pearl, Claret, Kossuth, Sporting finis, kir. Also Straw
lints of :all verities. These lints are manufactured by
thtltford. Morris lc Co,„ and oche celebrated hattere of
Ylsl Indelphin. •• ilo has ale.) every-varlets of h •tno manu
facture: . All these goods Ito will guarantee to give entire
- Fatimfactlon. . . ' -
Ills stock of Shoes Is made up of every ,variety and
style from the . chentiest to the best article in the mar;
ket. noa Canliot fail to please.
lie respectfully solicits the patronage of the public.
Xonticiont that he can - geld the cheapest and bast
goods In the cotusty
;Linn 19. isin'a
ATO . It I.; • f,T 11 A NCES !-
w. 11114 A1111 , .111 , Cr to tho publin.generally
Iv. It'll. Lb., int..n.l owning nu extensive Lumber
Yard lot New Cututherianul..tiliz Spring, 'when) they In
tend tot koop 3.11 kinds And qualities of River Lumber,
end also the th"y hovo on and non - eborit one hun
l_. dred_thousaud. hot 'of dry hoards. &mil:dank/4_ (Pine and.
InneoFkl .. , 1' differont qualitlea, which they , offer - to
the public rm frowned° terms . ...
don di), 1830—dm .
. -
—A large and select rework:neat of theabove; war
ranted genuine,und embracing many hundred choice'
varieties, for sale .wholesale and retail. Ouunt,* dealers
'supplied at aalberal discount.
. t'ASCIIALL, monnis Jt . CO..
Agricultural Wareheuse and Seed Store,
Mar 26,'56] Cur. 7th and Market sta.. Phila.
yhA. It ALE R K - HERE.!
e subscribers desire to inform farmers and public
Ummally that they now hereon hand and are constant
4 .y manufacturing Threshing Machines with Plerpones
eatent Shaker, which are generally acknowledged to be
he best articles now in use.---Also a variety of Clover
Own SheUers and Straw. Cutters. They also
Vitoria to the repairing of Agricultural Mac-Viler, In
:he best manner and on reasonable terms. AlinuGur
tory.on North liannoror Btreet,
,directly opposite the
- residence, of George Aietsgsr, Esq. •
A ague': a - tio; A 811.1148 A PLANE.
NEW...- MARBLE YARD:---Now is
the accepted thae,`and now la the day for
• • Orate Stolle", • • •
Monuments, ..
• ' 8111 a;
atlroffienlitarble - Yard; thnititcPC - Ahevlcon - Bair
tog. ' 16-13nt,
sD BNIOV Shaving; andMr
Lt, dressing SafooM—The nodirelgoed Laving re,
caved toNortli• Hanover_ street, adjoining Sine's lirera:,
• iture Warsoooms, invitesattention-lohissaloonothere
al porsontican really° at glean and easy'slums and have
---Mittutirent and drassed in-she most fashionable And --
e marin e r, Theee• Is' something soothing in a
Had shave ,•ifaily are disposed - to doubt it, let them try
o, and T will fully dotuonstrutn.the
' 'Aytil 1850.] LURGESS. '
. . ,
• -,. - ~. . . . . . . ,
-. j..... pAnu,§l,E,,. v q ... h Tharl*ontioth Session (Aye
months) will comiionci . on 'May btli: 'A - iieW 'build
Wail hitivaiied faellities" for instruction and ample
accoMmodatiOns,. MIS Institution prusonts great , in
ducements to parents • who desiro the physical and'
--ntal in. at ••----- --' -
Inental Improvement of their sons.
Torttls . lor Session,: $O5 00.. For e reulrtokvilth full
Informatleh, address . • IL lt,I1111010:,
Aprll 9;13 5 6
• .
T Y Thred miles west of ilarrisiturg Thoeloventh
suss ono -thlianstittition—Will continence on Monday,
,tite-Othof-Maytuer.t:,--earent - a-:acid-auardlans_are re
- speetfully requirsted tolnquire into the merits of the
Institution. The location is retired Oman t,and health
ful, and the course of inatructintLeathraees the Ordintt
-47 and higher icranclies pf an English Education. tt.i.
.gether with the Latin, Greek, Frytnett; and Lierznatv him::
guars- and vocal and- itlfitplollollltAl ' muble, Tering,
.carding; vashilngi - and - Puition-in - the - Englitili-brauch - -
VI. and vocal mush: ptir session (21 weeks) sfiu,ol l .. . leer
circular containing particulars addritsa.
. .
' March, 12, 185(I.] - I larriShurg, I's.
.7411. and 511t8: CLARE, who ha:robed' for several
. years engaged In teaching,respoctfully announce to the
.citizens of-Carlini° and vicinity, that on the let of Sole
toolbar, 18:03, they will commence the second session, in
Leuther Street, near thellernilin Reformed Church, of
' The Institution will be bath a boarding and day.
School, in which all the InunchUti necessary for the cum
plete education ply' mug Ittslies will be taught. :. As
et Abe highest — aliSlacter-fer qualitleations 'and
'morality will be employed in accordailee with the „ ants
ofothe Institlitien. The government-will be conducted
on strictly Christian principles, - while seetarlanisin win
,he as-rigidly' excluded.
The Principals Hatter themselves that.theirlong and
successful experience aS tvacheis. as testified ,by the 1
recommendations lu th'eir pessessienottil -unable them,
to establish an Institution of the highest character for
yohng ladies. They aro fully persuathid - that such an
Institution will be sustained here the dtizells and
neighboring . country, and. hope that, their confidence
may nut lie disappointed. ,'"
The Scholastic year will consist of four terms (eleven
neekA enehl. beginning on September 1 and ending on
second Wednesday-In July, .
• TriltDl6 Ptilt QUARTER 111 wool's). .
ih"ariling,_inooluoling fuel; lights, and
' tuition in English branches, .. • 835 no
',.... Primary Department, •, - -..- -.- ' li 110
,L.".. a4ligher English. • -;-- -- - - - 8 toe
' Ancient and Modern Loolignagrfi, each, ".- Z, Oli
Ortiumt , qtal biatielles at prolv l ir4-'s elinrgv,
Ku Qedur - Non Ca. .abseuve utter tmtntuve, except in
en.qii prtotracted
FRED'K. wArts, - W
c. P. ING
.1. 13. l'AltliElt, Esi.; •• .A. • 11.
JAMES 11/0111:1'01i,lisq., - " .1.10.313 11 - 10', •
Emq. , • • " .1:131011
1)r..8. 11. riIEFFEIL. ‘• 13. 3111)1386.
- Roy. Air. STEI3I3IXT. A
Mar.-19, 1856-1 year.
Z 49/
remove.] to the now nod spadow: Ilan. No. 99 nad
lot wAi.yi )101:8 :int/it-T. Ilitithoore.3ld.
ctirmottu..lo,PrlmelpaLaud. Led ur6' upon 3I remit _
tilo _ .•
E. in charge of Irrlteug Departmeo
G. IV. KLNIP, instructor. Gnlculatluns nud
. Lknocin te In (took I<nrping Demartmou t. :
Teacher In Book goOtilo,, .
T. ‘Vtuim4:4, Lecturer tut CoounerelnlLmo...
Thre....years have not yet elapsed since the establish
. amid of this instittitinn,during which time upwards of
tight hundred students Imre both in. attendance; tee!).
resenting 'Wady every State . in the thiloit.) among
whom, art 'lumbers hi Baltimore end uisewhere wcupy.
ing prominent positions as business. mon and accguut
BOOK KEEPIEO.--The Principal has the ittmostcon
Ildeuce lo.asauring the public that after an OXIIOI lance 0
fourteen years In.q,p,allfylng young men tbr the Count
lug Roma and other important stations, and an eaten:
sive acquaint:wee with the management of busioess
books of every description, (amisted an ho is by twopisc:
entitle accoutitats,) the course of training in this de
partment is eminently practical •nd well adapted'
the various pursuits of COMUIerCe and Trade, Including
udividual, Partnership, Mercantile, Manufacturing,
Commission, Exchange, !tanking, Shipping. Steamboat•
Ing, Compound Vompsiny operations, tc. .
PENMANSUIP.—The exorcises 'voter this bead are
freo, easy and graceful, combining rapidity of oxei•utiou
with beauty of•constructluu, thus enabling the student
10-write an elegant busliniax haud,on completion of the
bearings aro taught . by the most netmnite and expedb
Wits method. ' •
Daily lectures aro delivered upon the Science of At.:
counts, Mercantile Customs, ka, these in connection
with a series of leatures on Commercial Law, are of the
highest importance to all aspiring to occupy prominent
positions iu the business community.
The time necessary for an industriouk student to
complete the course, varies from 8 to 12 weeks. There
being no vacation, applicants can enter at any buou„,
and attend both day and evening. EkanDuations are
h ,Id at stated periods, and diplomas awarded tol iso
who graduate. For terms, etc., write And have a A
lar forwarded by mall. jOct. 3,
Siorv.i.. auk pi)opi.
The subscriber has just returned from the city.
atid is now opening, next door to Chas. - .Maglauchlln's
hotel, in Sinai IlanorM* street., a splendid assortment
of newaind cheap Intr - 0001hi, comprising Bonnets.
Cloths. Ots.4lineres, (litmliants, Lawns, CalLmes.
Hut;:inft, Checks. Tichinits, Hosiery, Ulovos.
'Witte 'and colorettCtirpot Chain, Sc.,
- tatOefiltdVtd-alljkinstsrand-Dest-quality,--Alao,-a
krgo stock a superior BOUTS AND SLIDES. ' All of
whicti-he will sell as eltiaip as soy house is town.
Butter, Eggs, Rags, Soup and Dried Fruit taken at
Market prices. • • , N. W..WOODS, Ag't.
l~trlWe, April 10,..1856„ • r .
I "" r , h 'FALL . NOTICE.-
1150. 1 " . Pie undersigned has just relilonish
eil wenn: . . •
snd is pteparod to supply his friends and kus tomere.wit h.
almost - anything' - required In_ dbmaitio , use, st prices
which ho hopes will prove satisfactory. I Ilia stock-i int.
sista of !nosy variety of goodaispitablii.for lawn and
couirliny two: fie has alsoon hand a general assortment,
ofifAiLDWAllX,aualt its may tierneodo4 by farmers and
mechanics for every day use. Ills stool( of • •
Is large and embraces , an excellent assortment of choice
qualitcs. All for ale Wholesale and Sete% South East
corner of armorer and Lowther stmota, Carlisle, ka,
grsrCountry Psuluce taken, in excluinge for goods;
nor. 21, 15. . 'SAMU*I.O. Itunsw.
DF-4610 - VAL..DRY GU f ODS,
AA, The suliserlberlas remove/Wester° to the house
recoutlp occupied .by Dr. IL-W. Cauffmau, nest door to
Charles biaglaughlta!s_ liotelorbere he , has a genentt
and will be happrto have his friends 'Aind cu s t o m ers
come and see him. Thankful for past Rivors; he hopes
by strict attention
,hUiltniolo. to merit .a share Of
, pul?lio , patronaite. -
-AprS a r iateq-- - WooDgiAgt''.
of you whetutyabcien,affilcted for yearawith this
be °nom disease, and who have been - using almost
every Nostrum before th e public Without relief, re say
to you try "Kieffer's Antitlyspeptic" and you vrlllsOon
NI convinced of Its great :Superiority over every other
- Preparattoo.- - We could give you Inaby-rertificaten-orob:
orating our assertions, but a single, trial Is worth more. -
than all, ThLi remedy Is prepared , bud - sld at the Drug ,
Store of 11, J. Kt 111;TElt, Sriith Hanover street - a thy ,
deor.istiuth of the Cl.urt se, Carlisle. - •
eaufnicin- '
. ..
i I.A,ItLISL.I!I . : DEJOSIT ' BAND:- '.
1„) -,..- FIVE PER , CSIST, 4 : . ."
At a rndeting"of tho Wird o m
r Direeto.held on tho tab;
of 111areh r i$5 . Itmas nnanimeuslynielv_ed_thatiriSbrL
est ethoudlYti , Pidd fin special deposits by. the ,Carlisle.
Deposit Dank, incorporated' by the, ',State, of.Penusyb
'rank; as follows:.. u . •,. , .
4 per cent. per annum for_ 4.inoutbs,
. . .
Interest coascs - aftOr tbo expiration of tho carat) catr,-
unless renewed, and the mouoy always paid back-with
out notice. .. ,- • , , • . •
• By ortiorof the Board of Directors. " '
March 11, 1850.] r„ : ' .W. - 51. ilitlitTlN.Cluiblor.:
Domer C. 671:128i1i . , 41011N.I.IUNLAIY" •
Wooni, :Ion S. ISTLIILTT, • "
" JOHN ILINRY A. S'rer.orotc.
This Dank', 'doing .business •in the 'mane of .1f Blt,
DILENNEMAN t CU. Is now fully.protiarod to doe gen.
-cud llanking r ilusiness with promptescs and fidelity.•
7 - I;itoneyleceiTiaii t and faila back on demand'
without notico. Interest mild ou ripecisi Depositk
Particular attention paid - - to the collection oi Nbgvs.
Drafts, tatecks, in any part Of the Uuitcd bletes or
Canadas .
Remittances made to England, Ireland (it. the Conti
neut. The faithful and confidential execution of all or
ders entrusted to them, may be relied upon. '1 h0y..0 ill
at all times be pleased to •gite any information desired
in regard to moneynatzsitocuni:Cal.
The proprietors of th illdh iduoliy
to the extent of their tstates for •all the titipt.sjts and
other obligations of Her, Brenneman & (II ; • •
• IKSJllinkitig Douse in Trout's Building. Main Rivet.
u few doors east of the Bail Bond 1/epot. Upon
lives from 9 o'clock in the morning 'until 4 in
the evening. - •Xll. A. STUIttk.IA , N. Cashier.
N. A —lnterest ut the rate of G pc7?t-Cut. per itt.nuniii
will he paidon Spcvial deptsits hen:tofu u. .
31arch IS. 11,50.
stop: St, -titin-wcar.
. The subset - Ow nihis old stand on -Non-th IlanciVef
C.Nrlisle, the Sign ofthe "blanunoth'.Red Colleu Pot," dc
lies to call thoattentieh . orthe public to his lar,4i3 LLS
or t enta sTuv o f the nett est and must itodiimm•
blo styles. from the best 'manufactories in the
euwitry, and at ail prices from to
• Aniougiiii: I'Altia.)l:4t CHAMBER •,,,,TOVES
57,,! aro the Mirror:7l.evethe'Arctic,ltevore . 'tar Union - RIM Atun Air Ti ght, together
With other patterns which ho has of oil iii, , .,s
for parlors or chambors.ronfealettiated
wood or coal. Also, the /Etna. 9101,0, Astor, Albany,
Flat-top and Bandbox ur Poor :hint's, wit Lkother COOK
emnprishig; the latest , iinproi . einei:ts In
kitchen stoves, atm intumbul fur Other wood or cual:
Also the, Inning .
,I min - m
0 g W ove—a ne 1111 ele
gant:article. to which he in ites . the particular . atten•
tien or fatiiiiies: iii. cooking:t.o% price,frein
$1 ti) ith the natures VO/111 1 / 1 1 , . / 1/$O. ;\ int. - Mate .
S . vll4 of various patterns niid dliftsrent prices.
• A A :il 1.3..L.K1) 'AND TINNED 1.1 . Alt F. Tor Cook
ing Sterns, Brass Kettles, At , . Also, usury article in the
line of 'tin and (Ripper Were. -The public are respect
fully invited to call as:he is enntaient with Ilifir.ittril
?dock, variety aid cheapness. of Laing 11 1 / 1 e to give: cif
tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Calf and . Fee.
. ( wt.. 2ci. 1;354.. M. moititig
JIM'S D. ("MOAN would inform the•• public that
ho him now on hand at 'his establishment, on Main
next doOr to Marion /1/11/, the largest and—rnost"coni
- plotC ussortmont 'of OUR; Obrler t PAP-.
• Link tiTtitES to be found in this comity , ,
_ _widen Ito sold_ ot the •lowest price c,
cash or ,ipproved,eredit. ills steel: consists Of
s a-barge- asiertmont of now and highly op
proved PA TliisiT COOK Nlk STOVE., ttnishetl
in the most complete manner. and 'ealculated Ow either
wood or coal, or bath. All the old standard patterns
o filch here stood the tted of experience, many - be Mond
lit latc.s ablishinent. - Also. a great railety of the most
approvr and bettutimi PARLOR . STOO.B. In
(quaint; number of new 'styles, possessing very supe
rior advantages near those heisitotive in use. reclines
and houselieeperteure respectfully inyited to give hint ii
call boron, .purchasing elsewhere. ,Stoves deliiered to
any part of tho country and put up at the shortest no
tice. ilationtinues to do all kinds of TIN AND NIIKET
IRON WAKE, and Copper Work, and hint constantly on
'Minn or, will
.mako to order every article required by
housolteepora or others in this lino. Ills stock of Tin
and Copper Ware embraces seury kind of household anti
kitchen utensil, warranted cows' to blitt best manufac.
tared. Persons in want of articles In his - line may al
ways be suroot .eing accommodated to their satisfaction
by giving Irani it call. jonyl-b
y-y CO., OF LOOK HAVEN . , PA.. insures Detached
buildings, :Aorta,- Marchandiztv• Farm - Property, and
other buildings. and their coldnts at modes t,• rates.
Diagms. .
Mon. John J. Pearce, ' ' Hon. 0. C. Harvey; '
John B. Hall, •-: - T. T. Abrams,
Charles A. Mayer, D. J. Jackman, • -
Charles Crist. W. White. '
Pater Dickinson, ----Thos. liitchop;- -- - ---`•••-•
• . • ' HON. 0.0. HARVEY, Pres. • •
. T. C. AIIILLICi i . Vire Pres. •
THOMAS KITCAZY, Secretary. . 4
REYEULNCES. ' ''''' 4 • ,
Samuel 11. Lim t 1; ' Thos. Bowman , D.
A. A. Wimigarilner, . .W in, Vanderhelt.
L. A. Mackey . Wm. Fewnin, .' ''
A. White, , - . Dr. J. S. Crawford,
James Quiggle. ' A. Updeiralf, . ,
Jain W. Maynard, James Armstrong,.
liOu. Simon Cameron, . ' lion. .... Bigler. • •
WM. O. IIItEEM, Agent, •
May 15. 1850-Iy. • . [Carl islo, •Pontia.
(I't Altl i I $ .L.E AG.E N C I',
• OF l'il;1•1fxr1.1`;liA.
ChArt.,:r Perpt4tual..--s3oo,twirCapits:l :aid• In. Office
1t:316 efiii.ihut
, •
. - Al.vnt - ImomANcivelthorptvrnnitithiprr
loss or d,:tumize by fire,on f,r,FYI'M of evory
description. In town or t'oun try, On tilu most oason'abb,
tortns. licntlnuFmhdobltlwrpers.lnsllyorbyletter,
will be promptly attended . to. •
C. N. CAlicK.En, Preset.
The subscriber is agent for the above Company for
Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications for insurance
either by mail or personally will ho. promptly attended
to by,A PON S LER, (
--tlec.2, '55. - Beal Estate Agent and Bcriveuer.-
ointECN-Q.ISIPANT of Cumberland'coituty, liteorpo,
rated' by an act of Assembly; land* Dilly organised, and
in operation under the management of the following
commissioners, vie:
4.4401 Dailey, William R." Gorge*, illiclusel,Cocitlin,
bleichoir Dreaming!, Cbriatia4 StSiltian, Johto. Dun
lap, Jacob U. °Myer, Lewis 'llyer, Henry Loge ; Denia
l:Wu H. Musser,Jacob Uumma Joseph Wickortdmiu,
Alitrandet Cath cart:
• The rates of nsuraneo Ain m low and farorible as any
Company of the &Ind in tho State.. Persons wishing to
become mornbein are'insited to-make appltestion to the
spouts of the company, who are willing to, wait upon
thburat any time.
BKNJ. 11..31085ER, President.
. LOBBY LOON, Vic* President..'
• • . LSW/8 YER, Elicretary.'
MICHAEL COOKIAN, Treasurer -• •
• -- - 00MIIRKLANIMBINTY.—Audolpli ife.r" 0104 otim •
beriand; 0. B. Berman, Kingstown; Henry—Zearing,
Shiremanstown • Marks , Bell; Carlisle 'Dr: 4. Ahl
Graham, West DenusborOugh
Jalzleg - Alo Down), Frankfordi'Mode•Oriffith, South Mid
dietont enamel Coosa.; lionjamin.Raverstiek, lieettan
, loststrg;•Johrf.fiherroki Zdtburr9 ,Dasid Cooler, Shep=
herdstown. • '
TOM •0017KTZ 1, 4ohn Bowman, Dlltiburg; 'Peter
Wolfordi lhanklini_John findth, Km., Washington; W.
4..W.',0 11 ( 4 .4 1, • • • •
WA.looslll.iitg.—lfotnlor & I.oohnnin. ,• •
I , 46mber , ef the m o ven) . hmlug, policies 'abliut to °s
pit* 0. have them fon!woil: making application to
nay,.°fib° agetig. • ' . ' , . •
ti • -
-300 -Self adjusting Ilak,...Elovaturs' with tial4rictiOn
• illillifit.,roPallocle,.• .
200 liiilependent Tootli, Hay, and'Grain Nakoth
300 Ploughs.:varlous sizes andrpatterns. „ •
bpo Cultivators, or Hoe, Ilarrowei, various patterns.
200- Ilarroies various, slxesand pattorns. •
100 Boy Str;vw 4 =l - flortwstilt, In:utters: -
-a° n eti din g 's Patent Power Corn :-.ltellersand Cleaners.
.300 Landreth's Excelsior Hand Corn 'Sheller?, Nos. 1,2;
3, and 4. : • , . • . r. _
The above are'all manufactured at 'our Steam *arks,
1- )iristol, Pa. The.worlunanthyand material are: of un- '
surpas cad-quality. . - • • ' t • .
lilll.lls will .profit •Ity an examination and comparison
.other'implexitetits in market. . - • • .
.50 Stacy's Patent Grain '
rWE eiderl - Mills-and-Press. , • —•--.-
Nits A: • Dunham's improved Ca Motion, Heaping
and Slowing Machines,. of wlzic4 m
have 'the sole
agency in Philadelphian'
Agricultural anti Horticultural ;Implements :Ina'
Tools- Garden and Flower Feeilsin 'great' variety-- , --Foi•-:
-347. • D. LANDRETH & SON,
Nos:'2l and 23 S. Sixth St, Phillidelphia.,
May 28, 1850--3 in. • • •
_o& PEN:socK's CEtEIIItATEir - Vi lIHAT
Ad - opted also for sowing awls. gram; seeds * and: .
gunito. Kr.iuser's - Portlible eider hlllir-the test •
iu the inarhet.
Norse Power's Mad Thresher's. I.lrne aud.Gunno
-t•preader's," haniel's•Siny,.,€?tnnvend 'Fodder Luttor.
Little Want Corn and Cob hllll, Spain's Atmespberie•
u rn. ' The libel Superior nipleta en t s tit all other's,
Slr :he useyif the farmer or gardner, for sale Wholesale
and Retail by
• ..,I'AECIIALL, CO.;'
Aerirulturah Warelcure and Scud ',.iithre, corner 7th
Tani 31arlitt•-streets,-I'hiladelphia. July
us 42-B:—Sou th --,- Si - x - t - 11 -- Stteet
AtiItI(I.7I.TUTI AI, 1)1P1.F.311.NT
._ _ _
Alia)p.lcii ~.. ssitGENT, N 0.410 MalketStreet...fida r .• -
-- 21 1:it- , -uttcrls superl..r-to any -now Ilmare ; fir strenetlC
du rahility:end simpli:dtfaNconatructitin ; it cuts fest •
er, aril is the Only selfsharpe.iing Hay; Straw and Corn-.
tcit. Cutter ever Wade: It lsas hut ON} STItAIGIIT
cIi:NII.:P.:. wlikil tflly person cal grind nod set with CAN,
Let in en inary rase. is gronn 'n the nutcblive. Thai -
sande li:T) -,- airead lieen s -sol and the deand Is da i . y
inercosing. ost eases i i 'exainiontfon lit kitilidi N ~ '
I, 9demand
to convince one of its superiority. ' No one after a slieit
trial would ilea with it for any lithei.: All sizes of the
also 'e constantly CM 'Wild sod for Mit. by
J. P. - LYRE, .
' Sole Agent for Cutuberlatid county: '
c'; ; o' .1
Tlitt LITTLE GIANT, though hut :recently introdurOt
friaa the WEST, now stands-vitt.tmit ENT as Om, most
Si rt.u, Ervicimq.; and.popular Farm Alm of thonge.
ur MANEYACTORIES are probably . th'e only ottes in the
dovoted to..making Wardle
.therefore. T . , OKSeFF superior adistntallei in proparing.such
an admixture of metals, as best . adapted to Making a
St a rng amtdurable article.
ho Urne titAxr has been awarded the First Prom'.
mr.attho.princlplo Fairs of the :Wren; as the most
.coniphito and convenient 11111 now in use.
!These :Nats a re not only guaranteed superior. -to all
others in their construction and' quality of material,
but in the amount and quality of work they perform
tvi-,4 an y g li cti pwer: and liarrpiteti lir, all Lases to
soil; ur the pun hasti-nioney tofu titled on return of the
7 ._ , e,r ore egerettio_Fanneriand_the_trado_conapieto,
at $32 and $36, for No. 1; No. 2 and No.. 3, and $2
I.rdfor swaopa.- , Warranted t6 -- grind troy', 8 to '1.5
la.sbela per hour accorillpg to 61ZO. .
This Mru is a most cumplide_Mid -important article
tor VhintOrs, Farmers and others, havin2 honwpower
or other conveniencesibr.running a bolt. They'
worked advantageousls , with one, two or mor a,
whorpver. spe Of_fAlm,four r , ,roix:hund .reVolu,
lions Minute can be obtained upori al3 ihchpuilay r
with a 4141tich belt. , , , • ' . ,
These Altus are adapted-to any kind of work, grind
ing roars° Iced from corn, oats, kc., or fine meal ikon
cOru, wheat or rye; and.corn A cob in - the 'must Baths.
factory manner,
and with a vast Paling of power, over..'
lilt - other mills, the Cob being cut with aharp east stool.
• The dext-premiurn was Awarded Ahese kilns, at the
late Fairs of New Jersey; yeransylvania, and the bldus .
trial Exhibition at BoAon. •
. The Nimble,olaut Weighs about SOO pounds, cieeispy..
Lu g a space of 30 inelies.equara, - It Is'pecullarly Ming,e
strong., and durable: requiring no skill to run lt r or 'he
koep it idorder. - • ,
. • „
.Thei are offered complete,, ready for iiitachling the
belt, ut liAb; with Cut, ateolcohattar , „lusenta,SW, War. .
mated to give the moat perkeot radial/triton. . ,
• Please cs.ll'at .the Little Ohtnt 'Works, and, , witirat
thbir operation. Manufactured by '
Cor. 17th k Coatis Bt.
_Feb. 13. Smo•-•pd. " ,
. . „
fraNwArs GENUINE RoNkr„ ,
1,;,) SOAP.—Oonway'S pure pale&
.Somp.--Vonway's Ire; '.
proved Chemical Olive 'Soap. A fall....imptilyjor flume,
truly excellent Soaps just received and !be ' lade' at -
Pirllsle; Nov. 21, NS'. - ,
NEW GOODg.--The,
1,1 iLut reeelved from Philadelphia - a large *nark.
went of seasonable good!, verlOoh will be ,.. oap
T vppo.slto the, It. Dopotvearllsloss•
Yob. 200656
T. Itriptol, Pa. ,
Bristol, Pa