13 El Xtirnltr.os Rtpartment. 33one Manure. : Bone Manuro, inTrigland,i is consid .- ere& one of the're.o§thealth_y_and efficient. .fertilizqrs known. t lia4,,,been in use there•from the : eatlieSt - trines, it being related that 'a..Welsir, kin.- in .the- sth c.'fiftii:K: 4 slaughterod an itimenua bet. ofltomans,whese bones were after- Wards . used-in cement.to build, a , prison, and:Crumbling tb - the earth- enriched The land, so that it-bore astonishing' crops of wheat and barley for manyyears. Whe ther. - the- record ,be true ,regarding, man, „soldiers' bones thirteen hundred years age or not, the fact bas . been: no ticed on all battle - fields for centuries, . ' even down to- the Crimean • campaign. British farmers more than others; use bones to enrich their . _lands, and they have colketed them front many battle fields of . continental - Europe for such purposes, not forgetting even Waterloo, .for the last remains-of the -soldiers that - . fell there, contributing so muchto ..EpL. glory,Jumehce4gatheed,,greutn.L. . up, and scattered .in dust, bushel. to the acre, to contribute also to Englands gran-_ naries.. • ' Some writers estimatethat slo.o6o ii _ -- 7:ooo4orthrof bonealitite,lJeen imported into. England in a single year; and as this has-been—going---on:. largely:Jot—at least eighty yeati tack; it has in - ti great measure prod - need the fertility of lisp fields. Greatquantities are ittipor- ' ted from Germany, 'the English saying - that - one ton of German bona dust, SaVG3 the importation of ten tons 'Gerinito' 13ut mot- from °Germany mime, . • but from' all Oils of 'Europe, and I from South America tind the -. United 'States, --have-they--been-an-Artiele-cif-trade. - They ,are especially 'adapted to light and sandy soils, - and the .Pertna nen ey of their effects which are pereeptible - Tor_seven or . eight years, are vastly better than ,guano.' • ..'Bones are a• great acquisition 0 - any, country - where they can be prooured; but we have failed to put; 'them to their best 'Uses... Everybody knows they are 'of some value; no gardener - or farmer would . waste, theM, ,, and, their effeets'are wit nessed around th wands of trees • and 'Vines wl.ere they aie In,deed he trees and vines know their value bet tor oftentimes than `theagriculturists, and they will shoot their roots great distances'to.reaeli..theth, • and from the main roots will send numerous - little sucker's around to feed upon, and all-orb thein ; but - they are ""seldom, piilvdiiied and properly prepared for the soil ; .and in the cities and towns - they are thrown away in tbns,las of no account. • • LIGIITNING:.—According to Mr. Mcr- riam, no case of loss of life by lightning has ever occurred in T a railroad — ear; a steamboat, ocean ateatue, iron skip, -iron ( house, or warehouse filled•Oh bar iron,. or in vessel having lightning rodeon duetors, or in a house. having lightning rod.cunductors, - . With' the exception .of --the case at Little Prairie, 'Wisconsin. These facts are Sufficient to dispel 'the very general beliaf that wetal3 are 'A -lan - gerous, from a supposed attraction for lightning.St hOt ts hare • hnerf i , _use , morc ,than years, railroad : ears inoriTtlin thirty, and iron ships mid iron buildings more than twenty. years. Mil lions on millions of persons have, during that, time,, been in - steamboats, railroad' cars, iron ships iron buildings and, in vessels and buildings furnished with naetalie conductors during thunder storms, and their exemption during.. go, long, period period is the most convincing testimony in favor protection 'that can .be de sired. Persons who suffer frinn fear du 'ring thunder storms may, therecore, rest in safety and confidence - if they can reach a railroad car, steamhont,. iron 'stip or iron house, or a building or vesselqur nished with metalie.Conductors. The ships'of the line and frigates. of the United.' States Navy_ are, fifroished with ; nonduotors made of Ave-sixteenths of an inch'iron wire, 411 d, sloops of war of one fourth in diameter iron wire. • . Rods frit dwellingsor Oths.tr lmildings t of of 1 wire in a single piece, cost less than one . cent per foot, l ess than one dollar for d'rod one bun- . Bred feet.long, `'Any'mechanic of ordi nary .capacity. Can put up a . ro 4„ - ,Glass insulators can be had of.' th'e :hardware and glassware dealers:: for about twelve shall* a dozen. , IME SLIORT CRAPTES oYSEF 4 PB.--TrUO, a Seed is a seed; but it is a good deal, more thtin .a:seedr It is u history, Sid it is .readY: for- 'another history., :whuls summer bl-wmpped_uik_in r .that i ..pea, A whole summer is wrought tolforrn that bean. whole summer spent its- time about `‘ It—mine-Tier* Joni -at ear small as a needle. It stood: tremulous and yellow for weeks , it waked apace in June, it rusticated., in July, it -stood u 12,1 the noblest of all the-gras see in August, ' 1 4 ) 11 width .a many-fringed band:of flowers'. ..on ts: ari,:end_w_ithfilittlo2u_by car at its bre t, with silken' hir' . hanging. down' i .ombed yet • untangled, and spotted - andlowdered With , pollen: . . Thie is the' ,time to.wander in the corp ! . You are' 7Elad --- ' ' -7*.--1,----t..- eb linden at six — siepa.': It is'a pet iorest Nople. ride poa'and wagons roll 7: within fe — w•reds ofyou, • and unseeingare unseein . and unseen. The wind comes in gentle puffs; and. sets all the pliant. sword leaves a-quake.' Little birds that - do not. know that you. arc there, fly in and hand reach, but 'at - it glande, seeing their-naistake; fly - as. if . the tassel was hot and hurned . their feet! We see . all flint, in tl•ose 'barrels of Tuscarora 6" in that• white flint corn; and -in' that yard- Joni; car'of flint, 7 4l. W. BEECH ER. 311isceffancous. DOOTS ANI) SHOESI—The eubseri i j hers rroperffnilyinform their friends and the pub . Ibt generally that they have removed their BOOT AND, 110 E mattulketory to the . b.tore-room hi North Hanover street, recently occupied by ilir.Shuch • titan, two below recently Drug St o re, j and immeditttetrupposite Moniees Confection ,ttry where they are prepr - e - di ttTlilakittlets - rnd7S.hwes to measure in- every'varlety, with a good:assortment of stook. and competent workmen. They Will ,spare noel fort to give satisfaction, 3. & O..TA.YLOIt. . - — Carlisle. April . 16, 1854---11 ... - . . ---11-26aciL:-#;tat;' l - - -% tg.! • t 'r amp AV. ..1. SLAGLItI_k CO.. PRODUCE AND COMMISSION ...11BBCIIANTS. No. 118 North Street, Baltimore, MfL, Would inform the public that they have entered into the Miro() business, and will payparticular attention to the sake at' FLOdit, DRAIN OF ALL CLOVER 8111111- IFTOIpE.ST and Cocain a' I r notmcsgenoral,.:., . nud will malt proceeds of sales Ori:arab*: eQat,iftn ,niMits solicited. " . CitalLLEs tiL, SLA,tILE. .1. - 1, - 110Si1lllift; • fork Co tirief j ' a ' . • April 21, 1556-3ni. • rrio C_ RP ENT RS, " . undersigned ban beon pntila iAnt an nice nt-for-Su pply ing--3101.1-lAti IS -of nuy-desigrncor-Pot terns fir buildings, at a- much less rate than they can. he made here—so said by our most PAPorlencud mr• clinnies. [March 26,'5n] • IiENItY_SAXTON iFREAH' H E It RING I—The - - 1 subscriber has-last . .roceived a lot of SUPERIOR FRESII 'HERRING, - .. of this year's catch. For ardent _the eoablishoit Cin.lcery. - • • J. D. IiAMLILT, -- prU k 3, 1535.) Nortlrllatiorer Street. NTEW- HAT, 'CAP, AND' SHOE S 1 Y T iaubscrlber has )ust n toned in the Atommorn for wetly oecupled-by Geo. W. Illtuer..ou the corner. f the putilie square, Main street, noAr the Market Mouse, and adjoining the Jewillry Store of Wm. D. Naugle, an on Hrely uaw and splendid assortmenj of HATS, CAPS, HOOTS SHOPS,. of every variety and•finish. • jils !fats •couslst 'of extra tine Moleskin, Bearer, Pearl, Claret, Kossuth, Sporting finis, kir. Also Straw lints of :all verities. These lints are manufactured by thtltford. Morris lc Co,„ and oche celebrated hattere of Ylsl Indelphin. •• ilo has ale.) every-varlets of h •tno manu facture: . All these goods Ito will guarantee to give entire - Fatimfactlon. . . ' - Ills stock of Shoes Is made up of every ,variety and style from the . chentiest to the best article in the mar; ket. noa Canliot fail to please. lie respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. Xonticiont that he can - geld the cheapest and bast goods In the cotusty ;Linn 19. isin'a ATO . It I.; • f,T 11 A NCES !- It.' MARTIN & RON, w. 11114 A1111 , .111 , Cr to tho publin.generally Iv. It'll. Lb., int..n.l owning nu extensive Lumber Yard lot New Cututherianul..tiliz Spring, 'when) they In tend tot koop 3.11 kinds And qualities of River Lumber, end also the th"y hovo on and non - eborit one hun l_. dred_thousaud. hot 'of dry hoards. &mil:dank/4_ (Pine and. InneoFkl .. , 1' differont qualitlea, which they , offer - to the public rm frowned° terms . ... ' don di), 1830—dm . . - GARDEN — AND FLOAVEIt SEEDS; —A large and select rework:neat of theabove; war ranted genuine,und embracing many hundred choice' varieties, for sale .wholesale and retail. Ouunt,* dealers 'supplied at aalberal discount. . t'ASCIIALL, monnis Jt . CO.. Agricultural Wareheuse and Seed Store, Mar 26,'56] Cur. 7th and Market sta.. Phila. yhA. It ALE R K - HERE.! ' TMRBBIIING MACiIINESI • e subscribers desire to inform farmers and public Ummally that they now hereon hand and are constant 4 .y manufacturing Threshing Machines with Plerpones eatent Shaker, which are generally acknowledged to be he best articles now in use.---Also a variety of Clover Own SheUers and Straw. Cutters. They also Vitoria to the repairing of Agricultural Mac-Viler, In :he best manner and on reasonable terms. AlinuGur tory.on North liannoror Btreet, ,directly opposite the - residence, of George Aietsgsr, Esq. • A ague': a - tio; A 811.1148 A PLANE. NEW...- MARBLE YARD:---Now is the accepted thae,`and now la the day for • • Orate Stolle", • • • Monuments, .. • ' 8111 a; atlroffienlitarble - Yard; thnititcPC - Ahevlcon - Bair tog. ' 16-13nt, sD BNIOV Shaving; andMr t Lt, dressing SafooM—The nodirelgoed Laving re, •,. caved toNortli• Hanover_ street, adjoining Sine's lirera:, • iture Warsoooms, invitesattention-lohissaloonothere al porsontican really° at glean and easy'slums and have ---Mittutirent and drassed in-she most fashionable And -- e marin e r, Theee• Is' something soothing in a Had shave ,•ifaily are disposed - to doubt it, let them try o, and T will fully dotuonstrutn.the ' 'Aytil 1850.] LURGESS. ' _ . . , • -,. - ~. . . . . . . , DLAINFtELD ' ACADEMY.—Near -. j..... pAnu,§l,E,,. v q ... h Tharl*ontioth Session (Aye months) will comiionci . on 'May btli: 'A - iieW 'build ing-has-lieen-orected-amtalning—pyntinialein.,llllusio- Wail hitivaiied faellities" for instruction and ample accoMmodatiOns,. MIS Institution prusonts great , in ducements to parents • who desiro the physical and' --ntal in. -.lt at ••----- --' - Inental Improvement of their sons. Torttls . lor Session,: $O5 00.. For e reulrtokvilth full Informatleh, address . • IL lt,I1111010:, Aprll 9;13 5 6 • • . W HITS' 'HALL . ACADEMY.- T Y Thred miles west of ilarrisiturg Thoeloventh - suss ono -thlianstittition—Will continence on Monday, ,tite-Othof-Maytuer.t:,--earent - a-:acid-auardlans_are re - speetfully requirsted tolnquire into the merits of the Institution. The location is retired Oman t,and health ful, and the course of inatructintLeathraees the Ordintt -47 and higher icranclies pf an English Education. tt.i. .gether with the Latin, Greek, Frytnett; and Lierznatv him:: guars- and vocal and- itlfitplollollltAl ' muble, Tering, .carding; vashilngi - and - Puition-in - the - Englitili-brauch - - VI. and vocal mush: ptir session (21 weeks) sfiu,ol l .. . leer circular containing particulars addritsa. D. PENLINGER. . . ' March, 12, 185(I.] - I larriShurg, I's. CARLISLE FEMALE SEMINA RY: .7411. and 511t8: CLARE, who ha:robed' for several . years engaged In teaching,respoctfully announce to the .citizens of-Carlini° and vicinity, that on the let of Sole toolbar, 18:03, they will commence the second session, in Leuther Street, near thellernilin Reformed Church, of their . : SEMINA '7 - PQR YOADIES: - A UNO L ' The Institution will be bath a boarding and day. School, in which all the InunchUti necessary for the cum plete education ply' mug Ittslies will be taught. :. As et Abe highest — aliSlacter-fer qualitleations 'and 'morality will be employed in accordailee with the „ ants ofothe Institlitien. The government-will be conducted on strictly Christian principles, - while seetarlanisin win ,he as-rigidly' excluded. The Principals Hatter themselves that.theirlong and successful experience aS tvacheis. as testified ,by the 1 recommendations lu th'eir pessessienottil -unable them, to establish an Institution of the highest character for yohng ladies. They aro fully persuathid - that such an Institution will be sustained here to.jo the dtizells and neighboring . country, and. hope that, their confidence may nut lie disappointed. ,'" The Scholastic year will consist of four terms (eleven neekA enehl. beginning on September 1 and ending on second Wednesday-In July, . • TriltDl6 Ptilt QUARTER 111 wool's). . ih"ariling,_inooluoling fuel; lights, and ' tuition in English branches, .. • 835 no ',.... Primary Department, •, - -..- -.- ' li 110 ,L.".. a4ligher English. • -;-- -- - - - 8 toe ' Ancient and Modern Loolignagrfi, each, ".- Z, Oli Ortiumt , qtal biatielles at prolv l ir4-'s elinrgv, Ku Qedur - Non Ca. .abseuve utter tmtntuve, except in en.qii prtotracted FRED'K. wArts, - W c. P. ING .1. 13. l'AltliElt, Esi.; •• .A. • 11. JAMES 11/0111:1'01i,lisq., - " .1.10.313 11 - 10', • Emq. , • • " .1:131011 1)r..8. 11. riIEFFEIL. ‘• 13. 3111)1386. - Roy. Air. STEI3I3IXT. A Mar.-19, 1856-1 year. Z 49/ •COLLEGE, remove.] to the now nod spadow: Ilan. No. 99 nad lot wAi.yi )101:8 :int/it-T. Ilitithoore.3ld. ctirmottu..lo,PrlmelpaLaud. Led ur6' upon 3I remit _ tilo _ .• E. in charge of Irrlteug Departmeo G. IV. KLNIP, instructor. Gnlculatluns nud . Lknocin te In (took I