31tebicines. II It. H . .0 0 F - L AND' 'S. , . • • • . CELEBRATE?) • • , • O''S B.11,"A•N T•didt. • • ,Preliared.by . . .„ • - LIVER etiMPLAINT;. - DYSPEPSiAJAUNDICD, Obecinle or Nei-ions y, Diseases of the kidneys, • f and all diseaseti arising front ttdisprdcred "' " • : . Liver or•Stonnieli. r Coustlpatiomi • : Intra4l Piles, Fulls ^• • • • . • ..neSser Blond to tho head,:; •;, , ,• Aridity cif the Stomach, Naas. "2 . . - sea, Ifosrthurn, PikustferFood ..., •ir , • •r o ji ll ess or Weight ott the,iitonnte4 . , • .; • Star Bructatienseillikingarliliattering • • .at the Pltoithe,Stentarit: Sivinuning.of , .the Iletid,'Hurried and:Dlfileult Breathing • Fluttering at Lhe !Apart; Cloaking •or sultocat. • -tingtiensistiOus.,whau inatlyln4_posture,-Dimersa -,------,- -- of Vision .- Dots weti before the Sight. legVer 'and dull ;min in- the :Bead,' Deficleitcy',of: -- Perspiration , Yellowness alfidtp_Slst it and, . Ly•iiS; Pain in the Side; Back, Chest, • J.imbs, Sic , Sudden- Eluslies :of - . , - O . oluttaitt -Imaginings Etili and great De ' pros,anh of-- ••• :Spirits., • . The propyieorin_ealling that attentiwa of the public to this pteparalion, deeps!, with a limit nit of the utmost '• Confidence in its, virtues andadaptation to the diseases for which itis.recomniended, . It Is nu, now and. untried article. but one that has stood the - test add ten yerws' trial before the American 'potpie, Mill its reputation and !sal . ° is 'unrivalled by any preparations eistant. The testimony in its. f avor tr i vets by the most promineutAnd 9vell. lumwn Physicialts,and individuals .lu-A parts - ortjla country is Immense.' • ; Pk:RANO/OiI:NTS OF TIM' LIVIR AND - 81 . 01ACR. Are sources of-insanity. Front tUserder or obstruction, • a morbid ;labia of the sympathetic anal- other, nerves folinws,aud the functions of the brain tire Impaired nutt der.inp,t; derangement there will also iirodure .-cos of the heart, skin„lungs.and.kitliwys- 'lt Is owing to.the same cause that thou Wails die flu Cholera, Bilious or Yellen- Fever, mad that most baneful disease, tiOnsumpt I - The general want of snCiess in treating diseases of liver and staMtairh, has not been a detieiency'of patholti= glcal icnnwled O. of their funetlims--but of-, suitable enuipautid that would act upOti the disease-and all the Sympathetic alectionsL_That lots heen gained in these Bitters.: anal they can bensaid by pees:ins with the • umstdelicate stomach with perfect, eati,ty-.- I , l4. th e y a t no thou .telillitate, the patient, but give strength and Increase the norimus otterg y . They can lie taken at all times, - atpl under all eircuiattftnees, No ordintu•y expo - - snee-wi 11 , prevent: theatliat lug, a_satibie ryttireet,,,. and, • :indent elf:ct ran result from atrover dose. ••• , • - If• pat lents will persevernia.the :use of this_xemealy, ‘.. and' WO it ,trimly according to directions, it Will cure the foreLtoing aliseastis in every instance, if not hatylind the:pnwer C an.tdicine; it . has caused ninny to enjoy the blicssiu.;:of renewed health; and in many desperate and abandoned cases, a perfect and rttlical eure:• • •• PtBISONS.A.DI•.tNCED IN•LIFE, ' A-ad feeling the hand of Time iveighltig heavily bpoii • then?, whit all its-attendant ills, will timid in the use of the Bit talni au biker, Lhatwill instil new life into'their • vein's; restore, In a . measure' the enee,ty and 'ardor of./ days;-build-tip . -their shrunken forms:: - and give health and, happiness to their, i'emairdag years • it is a well established fact, that fully otte.half of tilt; • f ro ,„; e i} ar ti,to of our population. are seldom in the en• v-JoYmetit of g ood. healt h. er to Use own:_e_Spression never feel well." Tlitiy,hru languid, devoid of all en - ergy, evreniely ucrt ,ous, and tiara 114 31/1Wi1te....1 . 0 • this ;Chas , ofdava Ibis, those Bitters. are einetally re• 'r psJuliar tittle 'itild - Xivigoratint' -- properties render won invaluable In snub; railee.-. - Persons visitii districts, thirrasseat annually. .'PI a\ AND-. DR, or:A N-Y 14.1 it. -OF A-, Di Itit W.? NATURE, it • - 1110 -- stint - by the tintiV, Use pr one or • 'I wo Witt, , they will MA in eau Distance take- the die '. - ease; as aie rdtters will renovate anal strengthen 'the eyed t, and earry_the bilelutflu, its natural.filiatotel.••- pvcrenti in Is better than titre,, ' T;I:e:1" : • And free remit Alcontll :;titiattlasit, arid all . injnrionr . ingredients; ;ire taste ittial !smell, mild-in. • thewespel All; ,tteeretl,me.froni the ad y, give Woo l it t t lie . .11:1111d. 'cheek, nut health. and vig.or to the fraitie.,-.. ' • e. Price 7.1 cents per bottle. • . • Prtivq.al Noi ted - ARCif Isireet; Phil'4, PA. • Sold by Onargists and•Storesateaars in every town and vills.te in tile.l.hilted St:Unit and Catamies, •and by - all Drn gists in Carlisle. I May • 31 1 , , 4 31'0 L 1 Nil.' 0 1c.,1q.. D. LatB ''~[rr':,f: s„r of -Mi11:64)7y and Survey in. the Philadel phia C•alko.;:t of no.lielue, and Acting Ptdl ssorof Mid.' acifry; oritrtif 'the °insulting Physielaviiihf the Phil adelpaisjd fosaltal,.lllockley; late metuber tif.the Nit . Donal Atismilation; metaber of tins•Pidlidel phis ki,dkeal :Society; meinberofthe C ,liozo of Philadelphia; formerly President and Protess ir of Anatomy and SurXery in Castioteti Medi cal Cal lo;,, Vertuont; anti ails,, late, grofossor t 4 An atnitiv and l'ltysltilogy in. Berkshire 'Medfield' lostitu, ant. Pittsljeld, 3lnas.• S:-caa'im• • Has lately introduced in a popular feral, several oihit.. vorite Preseriptianis roc the principal diseases gfjt is %yin, AT' elite for whh. It it is'l attended to !I.L TOCK'S Pr:GTOlt 11, SYlltri, $l. Da. Mc, IeE'BCOLD ANDOBan MLETURE—Ftir Colts;,; Coughs, Prier) 15 - • . • Dn. 4intit.ta - rata's ttr. et,. Da. .11,:ci.tsTae6'a Toxic AtTankauvit'StritUr—For Pet -rlfylng the - Blood. Price $l. • Do. .Nlo..l,lseoetett, Dystreittle: 11141e-:-For,,givlng tone to the stouveth. relieving palaisafter eating, lutartburn;; dud all 11133 . 4rneablp sYmptonts arising front Indigestion: . Prima $l.. • , Utt Metitlarottx's IttitutiAtio Mirroaf—A Purely Ve , :' • , - , getable•itehtettylor internal - Plt. 1111Q1.1.1,TOCK'S Rat:9l4TM Idsnalitxx-s-For Itheunta. • Sprains,. Swellings.' dni."Priee'to ets'. . • :Da.:3lool.txinett's'AsonkictsMixstinsr , Fer Pitt o p, Too4h• ,ache, Ileadaelte, Nouralgla,-&a l'rlee b 0 ets., Sldliastnea's Finis* AND'II4MX St.scirM—A:certniti cum for Prim OW- MCCLINTACK'ii DI.I.IIIIIIIEACORMAL-ANAL3lol.l.u.A.Pan :,'ltraterivn—A,Sate Remedy. =t, • Lt =•• • • • Da. ltittilt.twroe,a's VgoicrAnta Puno.Vrics Pitts—For r'Gdstivooess,' ffeadtsehe,•&e: Price 25:1-ts. • = ' Do. 31(1 , ,!LINSOCK'd A 4'll-mllO6 Plus—For Irregularity in the Fu =talons: of the Liver nit& Dowels—tho best idy et: PilVtuale„ Pelee 35 tot. a 110 x„ • . , • For sale hy. Dr..l. NIceI,INTOCK., at his . 3ledle i alDer:qt,. • x:117.-Corner - N 1 N'lll. and 'NI EMT St restd,.: Phil lit el - DrulNixtl , - P r . , tgrists And Dealers jjy r .mkid-' d r ," who %visit / to Agen:,s, will please address Dr. i4l - iia ifrciak; tiiuUtng te feratuw; - nair! eto f eei ouunty attd State. 11%,,A:11celso, Samuiel'.llllloti,Carlisle;,= J. IL t riswnll, Shippemsburg; Etutninger4 liautf• man,.Alachaniesburg; Joseph Dorm'', Ni,w‘llle; J, ' Zinintertnati. Alutersonbtirg; 11411heS & Fartld, Millers Own; t. C. Illootufrold;' flarriet Al. Singer, Newport; 11. F, Garttneiw, Xork Springs;.- A. J. Miller and .1. S. Nixon; chanttioralnarg; D. Alentser,, Waynesboro.;', George llergiter.aud-D. It. Jades & ' DIL AfeiIIANTOOK - eau he est - limited; without charge daily, front 10 to 12 o'clock, A. M., at.l-tia Dopot.l ,• •. 4,1 PeCatellir tt. 165.4-IY. • • . . -- - i 1 - 101 - rx 1 "•;" L . 000. The undersl 4 nedlasjust roplenitih ..- t his sleet: of ,_•• ---= ,(1 ItIXIBILIDS AND QUEENSWAIIII, and le prepared to e upplk his friends and'euetenlera with almost anything required 'in domestic use, , at, , priees • Which he hope's will proge satisfacory, Ills stock con. aisle of every yariety, of goods suitable .for town and ',country use. Ile 111114 els& on hand a generatassortment . of IIAItDWARE, such* may be needed by I:armors and , !mechanics Mr eeery,dav use., iiis stock. off , 1 , , , , i ' , WINE,S, DitANDIr.I4 AND (YritErt aoluorts • , 'fii large and embraces an extellent assertment orcholre, • , nUalite& All Versate Wholesale and; lietall,diouth . .lSast. corner of Ilanoser, and, LOuth'er atriPie, Carlisle, Pa. 1 ... ' anrceuntri YrOduce taken in excliango'fOr goods.' 110 Y. 21. 'few r— . .' ' "S'Ahltrtlb,C: lIUYETTi - DI E M 0 V A . ll.::L§litt;viti....4.iia'tiai • : e - 140 dressing Baloon.4The undersigned having're. towed to North ll:mover street, adjoining Sipe'S Fur-. ' - `niture - WertneerisOpeitekittetitinattilda saloon wriare . ' an pers6llB can reeedre a clean end easy_ahnve amt hare ' itidr bar cut'and dressed:in the 'most insblonitbleapd , eat alsite manner... ' , There 'ls sinnetblng --- sootiling In a anedithare ~' If any are diensised.to dottbt It, let. them try tab; and I will rally demonstrate the. thee. • .). la. 1 85a11 • . '. ' ..- WILLIAM I.IJDOESS. I: 4 8 lA. AS ; no - vv. prp supply country Blotalutntt itithwnetilt yet tifitzturek T rioes. , H. BANTON: IE2 11111 '" ` tiPII~F= It has been the lot of the 'human race to ha wolghed downl.)3* disease and . sulTering,. , lIOLLOIt.AY*B are specialjy_attap tea_ to_.thd:_rellef- -the -,IVEA he Nt.7,lti'tittS, the' DELICATE, and , the INFIRM; of all cliics, ages, Sexes; anct , oonetitutlena. •I'refeasar linlln •way pirtionally - supertutentle the manufacture ofhis medicines In the*. United Stateg, and . tillers 'then) t(1,8 'ace 'and; frullytkton6d people, as,the.' best, roan:dr:the 'world oVer siw for the removal oldiseaz4e. MESH PILLS - In:ll4Yr MR BL OM). themfaitunui it Lam expressly-combining, operates an tbo stninach, - t,he liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the Airy, mid the bowels, correcting:. -any dertli4tonent in their (Unctions; purifying Abe' blood, very fountain . of tbue curing disease in alVits forms. AND LIVER -COMPI;AINTS. !MMIIE! Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills. thing.htta been timed equal to them in easim * of disorders or the liver, dysimpsia,und stomach complaints gene- Irtily. They soon give A healthy teneto these organs,. _however inurh•deranged,"and when all other mitanoe? have felled. ' - . GENERAL DEBILITY— lEL HEALTH.. 3fany of the most 'despotic Cover:Line:its havempenod their Custom Houses to the introduction of these Nils, that they may.diecome - the - mcdicineof the Masses.— Learned College:: :admit that, this medicine is the best remedy over knoWn for persons of deHeate,or where the syStem has been impairedos its invlgoiatingproperPoir ilover fill to alThrd toilet F'OIALE CiI3J pr., A N TS. • Nfi — tonaiile.yotfg' or old; shoidd he 'without this celebrated medicine. It Corrects Mid • regulates the munthlreourses at - alr-perlods. -acting -In -many acses like a charm. It is ais : the best tind.safest meditino that can he giVen. to Children of all ages, and for amy complediai consequently no family should be - with out it; ItOLLOCAT'S PILLS ARI: IDE lIUST REMEDY KNOWN IN TIIL *011.1:1. , FOll THE FOLLOWINU DISEA.I3f'o: Asthma ' Debility Worms of all. F. 01:„. Coughs b'enufle Coin- S teno .. and Gravel ColdS -•pJeliuts., Secondary A Symp- Chest Diseases •'ltead toms ••'•”. • • Cora eSs I•ndlgest 101 l .I ti ward Weakness Dyspepsia Influenza Liver Complaints DArrii o I . I n [lamination L , ,,, , ,, of Spirits Dlropsy - Venereal Attertions.Pilew 4.s .. Sold Staiffilikories of Profess:yr 'llef,towAY.- 80 - Alahlen„lyane, Nov I'..erk; and NI Strand, Iyondert . .by , all .respectahle: Druggists and Dealers of Medleine, through tut the United States, ant the ' du-hoses. at '25 cents, r,':f!,.l rents. and $1 each. trer Der;e-is Collead eta bia £4 . 1114 7 " tiy litri.fyyr 'Yqi.eff.• S. 11;;Direet ion! for the guidance of patients In every disordhr itre affixed te`each box. ti est - ' • , iftb. ~.. ~.uulitnAt....l ' utishe, iiritptimiur i l'iMpteit'-iie:Pd . Auletv.-•miAtitr y ftFetches, Boils, Chronic+ 'riore."o`yes, .111144torni;'or: 'letter, :kelt' lies& linlargeinintititt-:Phitt Ottilb Ildnee'linti Joints, althorn t.illeerti,t,tkyphillein:lPhinidersifittlibego, lipi uni Complaints and nirdiseitiecirlejni.t !bout in, i 11.1;1411Mo UN use of .Itierouryi ItiVettnleutieln'ldib,,.dr-rntintrity of the Ditto& .: ,'“-„,. • • .• . : ~..1,,, ',:Aw,Nti 01e;l'hiii great niteratite. medicine min :gamier ' I Blood” ismoiV,Thsodjiy . thousautts - of,;greteftil petit , iill 'paris'of ' fho;,,filiterd' States, WWI testify &till' tliii. retired:Mile nitres tieiliirtned ll.tbd . .W&ernet or i11i; . 1 4 0 4i -: einem. "C.tltd enli "it't.:il'ANlSll 3in('llUtZ." - Neu . 0-4, It • tatistif;: riornin, Urn pl trine lePtlie4 4 k I ti, Liver-1)1s. i ? , . so, Feversi. Leers, 910 Stires,.Blrertin4sif the lildneis DiseitsriCot. the'Vhrout,',Fiiiintlii Tintwit eints• l'allw- !Ill*. ''..o..liieg.of thfil.blitia iiiiiii •alifte;nre flw - y - siei - idlly pal te.lllght bk,uehli; thlaltileat'afAiseist7luable remedy...P . ' • inir . ili -(1184/lees 'Of rtha! Blond; teithing• 1n • s (..t ' Vern; ftntrelo aeeipare tolt-.. -41t - ri4neee.tlibliyistani of eat), purities, sees-gently atititnih - ciee,tlY - oii.the LiVeritiii Kid , tinitg;etrengtheiv..the It!griaclop*,,itivi.4 . tone, to the Stiktr: !tett,. undies the slcin'eleat• stud. heatfityi,iind restores the I pAiwit4.o•th.Oritioll'ell iiy (.11g4,'•heil er - I.A •ek ea di.wil by I lie. moo.:0 - _Wy.0111,,tifo..1.1.6 prt,oixtsi:Tiriroti,kirtingvi, -,/, ...;'.14.?1-the Nadler It'lii intioni'parit ii , bett4;that, all OW; 'tifinittfOlifevor4iFlLZ,- A; fois;-.. Aqua , of Caltrinvs 80,1.114 i! Virruall .wlll;retntive all SlV<WllCAM.ofiximpioxionTprlui,. the rises iniutittig•to• tit'b -• cheek, Kite' :elltatinitY bi the sten",:h:itd Windt-en thi'difibint hifilt it sime reniirlutbl e lief" groeil*.yand all:t4b mod IlAties eveir heard 0f..1, mii.fkrge umiplyr - ,iirre4l,loiw,ti§.ivtili'li we hive reettie.„l eil frOMgriiit perisoliii;rning hli'nerti bf the 'United li tatec Is l l ,w 11,040.1p4oiltifiyo.fierWp gumbaiabOut II.'• 'rile preNi t lliotel4Leve •wlegie,trate . e;,..l43„Yt•ielaps, and • nubile mee; , wolllZireth:. Aire eolnlaileny, all rind thu. ; testimony to thiiii4el4r ' if f OticoftVatiliKAT It!Agn), 1 Pu itrn rat: ' ...i.t.k.V. ,, ,.`F-i4-!" ..-, '.. :r:- ti , , ' '' . - : ...:- e4ii, ~ 0 lue .44 . 4: k ti4,74, # _•ciicotar *4 ; -altaanee,:r. and reed the WeVieoWiNtaa. *Ma triily . greateit of al Idotileinem lee polka.' 5f ,i,l.•••••:•• : _*.' , •• 4 . i.: . . ,, eLi,:2• - :_ !• -*it nine genuine nu ee l a eet:AF4l. p'l7l , B}M.o, Prow r prietiiii,' , No:l), Pearl - 'art ,. ' ":"-itlat 'T' .tto,:NAL;iniili t • onloicrortoopildicapiti 1 q Lbw - iemittN Atittfor Rile by it:'.itili •-'1•V", ..- Ye de . ol•lfs - , Ira flty ,-310 ehrutirebtitgi. 4 1- .g Viil k i - PV I I I PTteI-' . Altic, Shippeasburg, end b Ott e lit. medicines eyel.y. where. - . , '• . - s - , i I f-,E;r 4 ; , i':*! -, i 1 N.4 . •. •„ • , .‘, IMPORTANT TO FEN:44S • . •,Dit.,‘ 0 . 0 govkitSlVP/LliSk The cottibinatio of ingrodionticiin Atiaa iviositz t ch eult ofit long !Ad extensive prakirtet*Aggnird. their operation,and certain of restoriktnati— proper channel.l Li cu•ha vod invariably open tl to.which Females are. liable, • and brh Proper chatriel,'Whoyeby health Is rest, and deathly countenance changed to a female can enforgOod health unless ab whenever anobstruotion:takes place, ,posure, cold or any other cause, the, tgt randiately' begins to decline; and the wa edy, line been-the cause of an many youteg fotnalmi. To ladies whose healtd efee.increase of their tinnily. these pill table aclulxitlon, as they prem. ileadethe, Pan'in the aide; palpitation ,thing.ef feed.,4 nil di tur t jx,td OP.* .from th e interruption.o nature; and v the taxa, the pillsltiVaHably remee Nor ro the less *Reagens ,in the. cllrt connitenry called the' 'Mites." Theie pr,be titen duringp,rtinancy t sa t hex. 'cause'sinbicarriage. • Viarranted ingot fr'OS from anythiug!niurlouatodlifli hi'l ,expl frit directions accomny - .,, These pine : are pUt up i n sAnhilt`l)pie*:".iffsenis, i•liere there nelvgimeY.,,4B nets 'slug Ono Dollar in a letter, pre-paid: 62,D,r41t. ilms; ,MIN; N0..21.17; Bleeckerstreet, Nine Teriterlin hive them soot to thou respective.addroysive c:311. • . ..._,, rro 1.0;:orEN frvait, BUT.LDERS, .. . , . . .x. .te.---Thit undor4lgued bag -bpolt — a - FliZ;ii,i,nt All 'agout, for supplylog AI ULOINUS,i)raUYAoIgn,. or "P - -toros4or, butl,sli}i4o4,.at a sough.lq. :into tha Ca u Choy n' 'he taxdo hero—mb thud •by our ; melt oxpeilmieml r 1- . obiriaa. Ehlt‘roll 26 '56) ~ =Kitt" 8i1.,X9' II x • ' 7, 3tOtiicio.''. A'3i IL . {v.l~ .B TC K t ear4le *t.4l4t '' .. '" . •')ithicties' . • - • • .. . I Ar, .E R. COMPLAL.NT . .Dyspe.p tilt . ... ' . isurldl ri, Cht4inic or - IleirbitS detilitY,Pleselled the Kidney,yand till difio46o4,loeing :front , a disordrsi? Liver- or':!..'temacii, Inielf as Coestfpation;inWaril iffir.- ..1111n1, , ,"of..1.d0Oftitti.'..tho.:116,Q;;:icidit,si,. o ffixiii - ...7,iiimail;.: nansist,'lis..4.rtburh, disgust for Died, fulneSs or weigiklifiZ . the :stomach; sour eruqtatiOnti,.fdriking,-er fluttering 3._ Ithfqllt of the - stomach, wluiining,of the head;hurrlei and dillecelt r breatiilngcfluttering at - the ifeart r (clif , liill: ..oriiilfi.6.tting sensations when in a lying lan4tire,. obi ness.tr vision, dots: or. webs =before tiny. sightifey,er ifny 'dull pain in the head,=deliciency ofperspoutioiL; lillov -nese of the s,kin- and eyes ; pain in' ille.rlde. back,- cliest - Ilfabs, S:c., sudden flushes or heat, larroing is till, toil. ceitstan't finaginlngs of evil, and great d:aire..sirl.. of spit Its, can be effectually cured by Dit. 1100r1.;.x..,',, 01.1.2 IIitAT.P.3.I•LIEII3IAN BrITEILS; ' prepared by lie. C. )i --.lxogsa*,,No. J'26 Arch Stri3et;,Phila - delplfra. ~ : .. ' • : -,' 'their power aver the alxivesidiscase!t is not excelled.. equalled, by any other preparation inAbe.Unitiffitatrt ' I A as the cure attest, in many , oases_ after -skilful plus' clans had- lied— ...- .. ------ .. , . . _'These itters ere 'Worthy the , attention of 171i/ends, .Possessing great virtues in the rectification of disease. of . and leaser glands, exercising the • woe' scarclffog Pnwers in weakness and affections of the di gestive organs, they are withal - safe; certain tind 'picas ant. • • , , , , , . — ThSTIMONI I , ltW - PENNSYLVANIA. " •• D. Spring . , Ltmeyville, Pa.,, April 6, MU,' SayS, " e . att get you somemood certificates for your; German Bit tern in thiS vicinity If you wish them: A lady-much:ls Ing Seine of it this week; says that Is by the . the'best' medicine she ever knew, having-done lir and her daughter nitwit good, kc. S. 11. Lawson, Denfardlt 'Store,. 3emersel_ro,Pa.,..stlig, It, 1853, says, 4•1 - iiin !Midi attached to your I Germau !titters: having used-two but tles - ot which I procure from SAiurtz. your agent, - at Sonierseti - and •found great, relief from it in disease of the Liver. ' 1 *find .it has great. ofieMt on my:lung*. strengthening andinvigointie g them e which, as am u: a public speaker, is a great-help to sne.' , _ Dr,les,•New ten Hamilton,, I!a., Illay,.l9fil, said: " have used myself half .a dozen bottles:of your llermar Bittern for Liver - Pomplaint MUd of ar nerve( character, resulti ng_ troll:011ie abuse of mercury. Iws polaoned anti attlicttak,witli. - spastna from the use of tit latter artitEle.. The . Uenifal Bitters Itithe - first attic: Dom which 1 obtained any relief. 1 have also givett fl -ft Welt , .to dyNteittics,.wl th--t he • s nost - aalutery r stilts: 1 think as many more btittlet will cure me." . J: C. Young, Ett,1.,.0f Dauphim l'a., writes May 5.'5. "I was afflicted With General Debility; ItiteStizial "%your ness and COstivenoss, for which I uselrniany 'differet remedies without relief. , Int last tiseti your litiothrn - tierimm Maori& I took 4 few bottleS according to.t realm's; and, was coMpletely cured. 1 have not been healthy for ten years as I.havi been ...since I took pi, Bitters, which is about one year apt:" • . -. ' These Bitters art , ' ENI ZRELY VXl.7x - rArtt.e.nlwayfi Et rengt ;Ming the system and never prostrating it.., ---Mold by-dealers in inedicitio-S1141• storatketipprs-ever:.. witeeeond by Samind Elliott, S. \V. liaverstick and I'. W. Cauffman, Carlisle; Etainger & Co., sleclinniesituri Snyder & Diehl, Newburg, and by.Bettlerslieale:dicini _. generally. . t- N0v.22,1851-13% ' . i \ si i . - r — ag . ' ";,..Z:\; . ,, , A • - AFEL.ICTEB . . . ...- ~t ? 4 . ' • 4 4( ... - •UNFORTUNATI:. ' . • ' 6 1 . ;. , ;'• ~ :' , Cut out and preserve the fed ! ... . "41.:', ; : f . lowing card. It is. paeticularly • -.. _ inipartant to - ST/t.t.S(iYitS ANI , • TitIVEI.I.rI:B,- to .prevent their • being; misled and deceived by (belying lexaSts, falso4iromises, and spurious_xeconn • mentlations (froth the 4eaii and, ith known, of -Forelgh and Native:Quack.N.2stf:whotti there - are - Innre - I,llr l'illi:P - • delphia than elsewhere, lieeauso fir the efeeekiry'el the ,laws of the State. Cit Itensknow iwd.Aveid them. - navies tried one to, twetitY•didlin: worth of - gAiark 31ixtUro,i, Ey:l...lets; luvltturatiiitr...t,lixir......Cortilalt. , -.111t.L tors, iie.,Ailtlituit IlliPet.- , basing beetiAleetive.l by lids repeeseuted and exaketerlited ueeeitilts. 01l &dr-Abuse, liecret.:.Pisess - 05.. - _ - _zuld_Alicir-cluixequeneeli, -- published- In= Adverti-seluent: , . .Ib , elcs, A:e., an , t misled by false 're ._cellts and wrong advice contained tliereiti le p,sely. to There Ase milreri igs, Ind obi rut aunt frighten the‘it ibillkillgthhe inure tiasi ty to nature large . raps, ( which is mute evident, being sold for less than co ,, r of 'whiting tied nAvertisimr)—having paid live to one hatintred dot , lays to Foreign anti .N i ative Quacks, . . - ‘qTllol.ll' .having suffered 'match luid •Itont—citungh the. time lost cannot IN! yethiledl. nor tile tummy ImMVellid you paid -Ind -Were . don . aiMeti et; SM. 'you -tan I'e mired, bowurer 1n1.,-long stasullem or athitting. you r eithe, by Dr. I.UOV. ..- he w ins. betiLlilei; I lire I.lmmermis." ; a . -- "Time rs 31oher; rimo.waved is - .Mciley eargitti2: . , . l'01;.g:i ji EN :11t oTlikaiS, 2 gOo. nuirelcd, or contemplati M t marriage. suffering • i Celf-.4.bure. or its toilsettuentes, or cohering front " :o . ther gmuser..gletotts, oc , dogcarts , . an y d •L , 11... D , 1 H , S y , ' 44,14' their ilhaesstejt or 14W:03011N Ma helletilli , 'Ty and conildo in Dr. Leidy 'a Flail. and allege:tr. .ege li ' unnodationr, ((required, with kind and onicientja tend:glom, at iht: LEIDY'S DitIVATFAIOSPITA L. Is ta,I4)ITY AND WILIA,PREVAILI ONIi'IIIOUSAND DOLLARS Is waged the' foll4wing cannot be contradicted, naincly; DR. N. B. LEIDY, 111 yortlk FOURTII StrOet, Itaett . Is the only itigular Physician residing in 1'1111:00- ~ i lila, tir,iiiiitii of the li Ws orsity of 1 . ...UW.3'111111H, 0 , ."w. (t ( renty-t wo years) catbird' sly engaged iii the • 1 ' ‘,.., pient-nt-Socrot- or-Deticato-Disesa , sixf-both-sesex,- ; .. ••jArdise and itS consequences; (n,, ,, ilic Weakness Alikllgability ; Noxiousness; Irrog,ularftios and other dise (i ifes or Situations oi Peniales; fin,' which lie. ill cureikliss thin , and leis restraint, wore effectually; ' • iduotttryttlier, - unden forfeit iit ----- . -- 7 -- -- ir ie • . ONE TiliiihiAND DOLLARS: : • , . Dr.'lX• '11", has more' patients. and cures Thoth too, it 4.i f than alf Ix Airing Doctors, so called .or otherwise.; in Plillittlel ~frefol.ined, and Proudly !idlers; to l'rofes- sor r y MOO ' etablii.P.hysiclans, unii:Of w hunt :6 r :4lX:tilt • hut ini•cr t. (tit Cases, and respectaldfx Citizens, Mer 7 1 chants sii • girl Proprietors, as to his known skill, ro• ,pittation andiznparallulod success. ' ' . '',,, ,' • : Ititte .DISTANT PATIENTS ,caniitftro• 'ry fidilisiand Inefliclui stpat dhoti' by inail or iitti t ii, to any Vart of the United•Statesf; SATAllg* ti4S. OiElfl of: their eases (enclosing a rea.son- able fee) T .:to. ~ _. Da. N. Ili LEIDY,. .. '-• -:- .`0...t1, 4411. POIJItTII litreet, alxive Race, • , _. • .: ' 'Philadelliia. , A ugnstl4,-ItfltS.:_: .. - : . .-'. . . -'• ~ .. • . . :47 - mitt. - 7"l:: , ar 7 6 - ,f- - - ITr. ~..' ' ,d' L. 40117„ of Mechaoicsburg, Cumberland connty; lit:,ainuwV nes .to those afflictial with Tuin ,. .a l vuus. Cancers:Mire, ; Lupus, Molts ,or Marks, Sri ~t r nia.liing' Evil an ail disoasos !bat have Leon usual!) 1 tial,ed witl CatatiVor Kiii,fo,llo Can 'remove them with. , 111 , ,euttitt . burVing ` or pain ;* neither Chloroform of k eller, is*ltitiniktered to' the patient. it is no - mettet i MI .what...pa' - . the body they may be, he can renter* theta-whit- act-Safety, and.. Itt_a_remarliably _short t r . iiine.•;liit Oral of Vegetable poison Is applied, and nt titilnerre4Mred tintila-cutb la porfected.: ~ . , . . , A'roliti, ..k.litorl„, Eeteale Complaints, Chronic, Vane • c ",* other /Wean% treated with posltife sueeess t. . . s yi. ; • lit.etrs can he obtained by' addressing IMelthei ii . ' lei ()email, post . paid:: Patienta can be aeeem thodit4 with Moire{ on, rgaVIYINg tuna& .. Me'clutnlcsburg is one. of the, prettiest and health) tlrus in . this, or . siny'othe'i, :gate. it iii 8 miles Prom , I rr - . Valley Rill itoadrand ma. The Doctor *ID risen,desired. 'attlicted fellow eras ' treatment • the Insporter. ' ~ .A .2SEEPAORN kleare..Starridladelidda.... • Depottir Dr. panning,Winiiroke , d eaten!, Addy Ifi zeo; Cluadaapaadets and -grantor 'Braciakr PateltA,laaki e r nrriCOS; . 81}SpOTW Ory . 6audagnr.4 - : Spinal "'rep§ mid!Flip pr,r4. I,adiee Itocpa, Otlf4l l l),rtiePt 4'4 4t.tandan‘s, nprll 11. ' 1 4 t - r1 ,1 .V . ha s I- 1.11 -‘ ,jllisti Tecilli - eil and ; 4. now (epenina &100, asseit, kt of_ s Vllf-SlI.,(10(,)Ml sidted'Ao .11 ,sim eson . -.-pleasti cldi alutl , ,i,of bargains. ' ' ' ' -1 , ' - • ' Carlisle, N0v.14 'a. • • ' .. k.SNODOPASS. ; /11, , .0:•:''•ANDIIKELODEONfi (31.VEN AWAYI -3(111$. MAEONIC TEMPLE:-CIIESNivr. itboVe Seventh, Philadelphia - , respectfully informs, the public that be is prepared to make the following" - • . • .-:9PLIODJD. OFEER. ; • ' • •-' • = TlVENtilloardumiti - Orftrh - Co-. 2 scolehrnted-PIANO and TIVEN'III• Eiek.& Co.'s 1 . 111411 0 4 will be placed in the hands of a committee of gentlemen. to be by theiiidiSliibuted.among the holiiers • of my certificates: ' To pach - ; purchaistir of my Popular Music; n certifleate .will be presented. entitling the holder to an Interest in 70',".4.E-PlANtralid-ON.K•III,IWDEON%fcrbe-disposifil'olliy -3103•COMInittifirfiir the =liefrefit of those holding certifi cates when ONE TUOOSAND DCILLA BS' wortliofiltitsic shall have been sold. so that each person investing One Dellar•vall not only ieeeive ,In,iind the raluelof.nioney• paid out, but wlll lu.ve 'secured to Idm an'intereilt. in ' common ,with other Certificate holders, ld tip. above Ws.: tribution: 'The succeeding diStributions will be. con- ; -tinned, subject to the same regulatlon,'until the 20 'melodeons Aro tilat ributed. • • ' Particular attention Ic Invited to that feature of this plan.whicb. calls foza dis,pesatof 'Abe lostrumentslo.loll but 1000 certificates have been issued, thus avoiding the ye: adieus delay and probable 'disappointment attend-' ing certain sebethes no* before the publie..,' tnay be selected front my entire .stock, which comprises e'vety,Qatalogue in thedinited States. ' Orders tbrwarded by mail will be 'faithfully and prtiniptty attended. to. • N. It—Constantly on hand a splendid assortment of Piamis, from the celebrated manufactOries of Boardman. Gray & CO.. Albany; Jacidy Chu:kering & A.l‘ ) Lalld & Ce,, of Boston: Ely R= :Manger, anti' Bennett & Co.. of New _York.—Also,--tt.-W.-Fisk . ..t , Co:' . .v• - •Prcratutts rtt dcone, to be had at the lowest manuilicuturees prices. . • . . (Tirqui Oodpy?s )Sut;teal I,:c 80, enStAN;GDAY d Co.'n PIANO Fears,—Wean, so well . pleased with the instrument - A made by this firm that ' we have deterrdined to be InStruinentrit ourselve4. that Is, in furnishing our subscribers ant others with an article that we ram - recommend and waiTiftit. There Is always a difficulty attending the purchase of pianos, because persons cannot rely fully upon the recomipenda• time they receive from manufacturers, who are Inter-' ,ekt.e.,11.. of:A:name, Lt the.rakotthelLown,nninpftelnrp,_ Now. we are not ipteresti‘d In the matter in AM' way, • except. rts,i_to Hee tlo...thesn who patronize our'''' "lied;" shall lie well scrviat with the best pianos made. For a 114 of prices see coder, nt whlcleam I onnts we nlll send Pianos, warranted 1; - ;r oat year, the freight to he paid„by the persons ordering.— We annex a hlterre eelveil from a gentleman tri ° Virgin* to whormwe_sent_ one of these Pianes:..... • •• "1.. A. tiooxv, Esq.=-Dear Sir—T have great-pleasure in acknowledging the Toreipt of. the Kano Forte which you wore so good as to order for my wife-from Hoard:Am bray's.. It was delayed for some time at Winchester,: but I nut happy to say that, it came in exeellent'condi tion.. We are derialedly Ipleas , al with the instrument: The rose Wood is of a beautiful quality: the ease is-plain (we like it-the better for it); the touch is very 'easy frr ilk-new Instrument, and the Mono is tirm.clear and sweet. OM have tried It and speak in thehlithrst: totals' a its Mellrhviress - and-inteotness.ot [tile. We deeply regret. that we did 'not order Elie 'Attachment:'. we must 'havelt yet. "Wer:Are,-deeply-inilebted r:i ,you for yougen:7 in , proruring for its so good ow instrument. Ile plear,ed 41 rereive - oor arknowledgm:ititi:. 'Your out. servt.,: -deo. razor t • •incorporated ti State' of r:tunsylvania in . Five pen.cent. interest is given, and t b inono3 - is n!. ways paid hack• Whenever it is fir, t the necessity of giving notlcs for it beforehand. • • People who have large sums purtheir Money in this . Fuod,'en areount of the superior safety and roll; l'e " 1 nienewit nifords,•hut,any ,sutti,tarin, or smal 'l4 Cel'l'ed. . ' Thegl Saving Fund has kvery large amount of Mort gages, Groilhut itentaand other fist class investments for the security. f Depositors. The rules prevent any Director or Officer *ping* cftWor borti wing the motley. ' r the OilftM is open to rerolve• and par money every day, from fl o'clock in the Morning till T o'clonit iu the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evening, till o'clock. . People who havo•ntoney to put In, are Invited to call at th e Oillee*R3f - eurther lotonuation. • • ' I.:RENNER, l'rci&fehi.- . • ROM% SELFRIDGE, Vico Fre.litiont. • 1Y11.: J. ILEEIii-Socretiry. * Octoher.il. 1855. : St Airl G FIJ N or . Tui; U. ',INSURANCE, .Ik.NNurry & TRUST COMFY. • S. E. Corner Third and Chmnut Streets, :Oatt'lTA $250, 4 m. "VG Money is received on deposit daily. :the =donut de posited is entered in a, Deposit Bonk and' then tithe Depositor; or, irproferiod, a certificate trill Le All sums large and Istt. , received, and the amount paid hack on demand, with notice. • • Interest Is paid at' the rate of irts/P cta - r., curt, meneing from, the day of depoSit, and erasing fluirteen days previous to the withdrawal of the money. en the firstrtay ef.lionutry, in each year, the interest of oath deposit Is paid _ to the depositor, or added to the , p: as hi! may prefer, , The Company have now upward§ of ~I,Widcpwitoni, In the city Of PlilLtdelphia ttlene. Any aditional information will be given b; addrminit the,TatAautunt, - •i - • - iiink&ross. • • ' - Stephen it: Crawford,' Prns't,• Wm. M, Godwin, Lawrence Johnson, Vhxs Pt. Raul 11. Goddard. ' . Amhrese 0. Thompson, . 'Geo. Blellensy,' WO:train NV, Tingley, . , James Dere:tux, • :iamb L. Flomnoe„. • - • Gust. English, PLINY FISE. - Secretary and Treasurer; - : • Tot*Andjut..bilieixtr Sept:l2 te - • a or i i adect t nrort insured, ics; I pitrort ed - by the .soy itirlais tales. bO . gratified to learn aro a Truss etanbin debility and earreet tuietantorta -70 assortmetr always /tupture,ln adults of prier to suit id DoUblo; ruRIC IT Ull4 . ..FOR ~4414 1 3.7 7 y 4 • ji Snliscriber,ilvlugin NoithThinover'siieei, is thq l'ilV4 l . l Iloidafiegittc, Dire . Thoo. fear .Icore above' Mr. GlaW lintel;94lters s4 , Prieite Sale d numbernieseellmt exid,epell-randenrtitits AlnAiritultd cheap for rash, below'enet ! nriees, toed' Std'a, trni Divans. Dressing Duiro34 With marble aud,glam, one , Fancy Table, one whAt-Noc, Musk:land. OM and' sea • Alm ,*. MAU:I4 SIUMALET. 'nua,setA to any . Ifilttlessoio around JTARDWAREI HARDWARE HARDWARE "TimtAltok§v ,71 o,lltr P.l , ONP.kaoPlytehelreetle inuVr. Ift Arnerlinn,Alernuin ilanluare, .itrnelJutleo , ;. 4c:. iilkftet kbeltttoutiatiotnechiit?.i, Witnert, P l4l / 4 1 public generally, to our unusnally large istocle;curitilent that ue are grxxis Olt ITIOTO tIAGOV.I.VIO ternAllnatt any other horse in the count• " ,y, k[Aprit '3; VI. I 01)itabtiplita. $X,A1 . .1. ; • • •• • In 'that Or) , iptoreSting and oprioua . , reoontly publishi,d by Gould kiliusOlp,.__enti. Xiiowlidge ia Power mnuy atatilingiling trationAnre-gtven' at the minute operations of the Industry,of the age.. Tile following selec tion will astonish 'some of - Our readers, Who will scarcely:credit the facilitate sinAfe Mau .ufacturer of dolls, shou:d: 'give an order for dell'a,eyesitapuntiog to two, thousand dollars. ••The upplicntion of machinery,or 'of peat- , liar. - Wen tiflo 010/108 - . of - *Fork stick tif.- - parantly trifling articles as•pine, needles', but and trinkets,:rmy appear of' tenet% I3ut let it be retnembered,, that tits . mtinueattiute -of nittCh articles. furnishes em ployment to , many.thonsands of our fellow countrymen ; 'and enabling us to _supply _other. nations - vvith - --these - praots, - afierde Us the' .means of receiving aril ley' of . more intrinsic • • worth in exchange. -111-1853 the - Euglith 'ex- • ports of • hardirere •aitil cutlery amounted to more than time millions,.atida half sterling. NO r ititit - iloT9friadfattiinmetilitHid therefore of general consumption, wbethei•li, borer's spaffe or a child'ti, n arble," qs "of no importance in a commercial point 7 -of of view. 'The wooden figures 'of horses. and sheep that may be ought for ale*, cents,'in the toy shops, furnish employMent to cut them.: during-the-long winter nights, - .tc; a large - tion of-the-peasantry peasant, cuts a piece of white wood into a boy' or a cottage, as beitytendieg his:herd on. the side ofa mountain. _ Those become consider able article, of export.' , In the town of 'Sota eberg, near the forest•of 1;11641a, Germany, • foie thousard inhabitants aro principallY_em ployed-in flys toy trade, and alsO find einpfoy ,ent7for-the _ "Mr. ,Oyler, :eat, manufacturer cf Birminghaffi, some' years ago , addressing a CoMmittee,of: ellouse,o -.o4ninons . upon the supject . . is trinkets, said---•On ‘nartiret journey to London:a respectable looking than iu the city asked me if I .could supply Lim with doll's eyes; and I was ..ftiolish - 4, enough ' to feel half offended. I:thought it derogatory - to.my new digs as maitufactUrer-to 'Make dars'.eyes; and I was foolish 'enough to- feel_ offended He look me into a rooni twiceasivide and perhaps the length of thisroom, (one if tie ld4•sc - -oiiiii for Committees of c_ommons,) and we had_ just room to walk between stacks, from the 'floor to the ceiling, • of parts of dolls: • Ile said : .These.are - only legs and arias, the trunks are But I . saw endugh to convince me that he wanted a great . many eyes, and.•ss the article appeared' quite in my own line of bitsineo, I said that [- would take anorder'by Way of eiperiment;--, and he 'showed tr severopecimens.. I cop itid.the;6rder.'-ilt'Ordereilvtirious'quautitre-s,-,- and Of various quantities, and of carious sixes and qualities. Od< returning to my hotel, I found, that the order 'amounted -to upwards of . two thousand dollars.' Mr. Osier • tens this story to show the portance of trifles. The making Of doll's eyes afforded ‘subaistenee•to . marly ingenious' work. mon in glass toys i and in the same day, the, most minute, and and apparently insigniqnt articteslrrgetierai r iise, when rendered cheap by chemical science or machinery, Produces a return of many thousand pounds, tfid Sets in motion !shim and - Lahore . rs.' Without Lhaici. . - elute' and the machinery, whtolt render tn ar ticle cheip, the . Jaborerswould have etnplby,•for the article would not lime been coneutned. -What u pretty , ariiele iii a Com . - mon tobacco pipe, tie Willett millions are used It is tuade cheap' and . beautiful in a mould-L•a mactainet fur copying pipes..fllrthe pipe .itai made without the mould, andether.contrivan coe, it would cost a shilling iitsteecit4f a cent ; the tobaooo tuttitker wettki to without his pipe, and the pipemaketavithon't itisemployment. A ViLt.A.c.i: or •Wonuii.L--Tlio 'count appears id the Atigisluirgtazettez—LThe village of Madame,. shied is' 'about siity ksig fish wiles - from Itutschueil, in Wallachia, of fers at the- present', intiinont,...a_tariousrethoo-_ grahicalisiugularity, haviog 'been inhabited by worsen ouly ! for the. last thirty soars , one veriod, rossiale popniation amou nted to 2000. , 'Thal - idles did not rive as warriors, !ike theviinar.ons of old; hut avoided all in tercourse' with men; and dr:ive ankir trim their . territories all who appeared with Matrimonial iutentions, settleinent.is,now supposed:to . be .on,.the'',ilrlWa4. at least no ruyra recruits are roade fOnithe . disappointed or the to r e-croSied, and the aienibera of thlt population, tiro rapidly eon) ug, • • Lis ur ' if yon: Would' 'leaTnto bow, watch . ' vieskit in s tal 'tci ginitlomati -of •,A.nerro*minded' soul ean no:Lmote eland upright in .thet presence of. 41 mooepbig thatihn din throw *e.Oeinereet "over the moon. ENr/0/9#•r7S7oßS7Rl~ateiys that Vic. llerbe!t, fit. C. trouiCaliforniw,' who killed, the waltor„Keating, at Willard'a hotel in Wail: ington, has..gleeit to the widow of th01e,,, , w4 tt,'i2iiiilouie; aettit d neon 66,4. tilindikti„n, nuitiWndlitWvided fer the ':edneatiOW' her . ohildrett: E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers