Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 13, 1856, Image 7

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• ARM/Mos •
Contintl , from secOnillise;
--ron.--tbe-.eubj• , nd n-her-mdignation:.ghe oar—
, • lied the letter •ere. •
- qCoumust.'write to Mnikarbt ho said
we beve,a,.bomo there:Will be gi illaee in it'for ,
• hei;7-Eibi tie'a our house, my
wife -z-we simil.nllee better' '- • •
shall wet afford it?'.-
. ,
'`Tb4-is my province, • Nellie ;-. tho :extra
trouble will yours—shall you mind it?' ; •
• Whitt :for . Margaret Sgt. no, .dear.'
The surninonswas:setitl fr ihr wro.t.e_it_to;
-gather,. and wrote it so that there, was no re
iiisting it. • • •
I.3Psio'cfock the next morning there was
a great,huatling and hammering in the o l bouse:-
- Nellie opened her'eyes, and sleepily:wonder
ed-what it might merk Presently she' dils-av
ered:Robiert-wa-gaie.L---Ak h en:l6--,W45,. at
bottom of it` nodoubt = :With` righteous
curiosity, . sho,', : jutnbed - thrust her little
white.feet into slipperti. 'flung on a, dressing
• gown and stole doW,n AEI . she openrd
' the study door, - the beloved sanctormg of her
hustiand, the mom which even•she always•ett
tere with - a sensation of awe, she was driv'e'n
bac by a cloud of dust. Returning the
__.charge she presently dis eh ed"ough ft
• ^ that the walls were disinantled, the heavy book
shelves moved, the old, disused doorway to the
garden opened, and the carpet taken up.
Robert;: Robert,' interrui ted Nellie,
qvlat...does this mean, what. tire you doing?'
Robert etnerged• from: the - interici,, dusky
_with dust and dirt. Nellie laughed at the'llg
nre be presented.
.411rbat are you dialog; ogre ?' she repeated.
; , Airanging a room for our sister,'Nellid,.be
.. sure ; you clidtxl think she - was to 'be doom
: od to herbed-room or our company - for ever,
, yvnl N No;ne ; she must haveher own lit :
•tle=q - uiet-lor,--where—no—one-511:111 - -epter
4vitliout - ( lisi - leave; — A little paint • and papei:
: - ing, a new carpet, a sera,
__J_But_your_atmdy,-Robert-- 7 yoir papers' and
books ?'
• . 'Must find afresh place,,Nalie.' .
. 'Dear, kind husband !' .
coat, — and laid her little
head lovingly' against it
'Why- you see; darling,.l can have the biti
window in the . parlor, - place a_tahle there for
my book; and be as snug ab here.
..You are too kind,. dear,' said Nellie with
tearful eyes. .
- Itobert ; .thought she was going_
_to say . more
_so..he caughtler uii_in bis arms, and ran with
her to her own ioata... - . : . .-•
~._press,yourself quickly, and come to work
Nellie,' he said, 'there Will, be great need of
were for many dais, The Italian songs were
quite forgotten, th new fashions laid aside in
oblivion ;land Car y nd her husband, if ever
they came into Nelie's noughts, were dismiss
., •
ad' with gentle pity;
• The room was nearly ready nowy looking so
*all and bright, thosis fluttering muslin'cur..
tains .once hung up; a lust touch with the dos.
' ter, a vase of fresh flowers on the' table, and
all would -ready'for._ dear_illargaret,_who_
was vitiating the journey in short stages and
would'arrive by tea-time.
•• There was a .stealthy:' knock at the door
leadigg,to thegarden._
- "Ceine in,' said Nellie.' ,
' A shaggy headwas thrust in.- -•
4 011 . come in,'Tom !' - . '
'Well Tom,', gad Robert, 'what retis?''--
And as he spoke ho gave .a . reluctant nail a
blOwthat consign'ed it fo•its fate.
Now TOrrt , was - not a ready spealser, - thongh
'a - areful loving attendant of Robert's horse,
and a most disdieet gardener of Nellie's flower
:Pleas.° air, the Squire's= objection.'
4.-:- - -:tlitrat-WlL—tat n iLy.or Tom,
'Robert turning round an .the .t.o.}k of the ladder
with a boldness that Struo,k fear to Nellie's
heart, and looking down on the m rtals be
neathhim With the aspect of a very W a nd
original cherubini of.a recklesk character. •
'Please sir, said TprU' , glancing up rather
timidly : for he did.n.ot feetassured against a
... participuted,,deseent from-his master; 'please
the..§qui oil try Me? •
'Whdt To going ?' said Nellie.
'Yes, my-dear. YOU see I hay s e'tiold the horse.
' It, doesn't want another nails Nellie, does it ?'
'Sold the horse,- Robert : .: •
, • 'Yes, my dear. - I may_ come down now,
_ . _ ~ .•
'Stec y s
ir • P sdi .- i Tom • appHyi.l
g""lis .bind
to the, adder. :
• • •
-. _ ,
Robert - lvent - on talking as he cam,. evident
ly pratending that he was.
,used to it, and not
at all nervous.'
Walking is SO much
_better for :the. health,
my'deatl, and the squire \vitt. quite anxious for
admired hm so much. Take ti-
Wiiy-Alia laitiler, Tom," will youplease? And
as for the -- gardpi, lo'i = e, I. think
airtiening ttood for, the health, -too, cml that,
i,ctween ye Call. al % , ;:iy:s
,'O'Cp :
! -but bow
Robert wears his sputa : l3les to :Oils day; but
it is observed' that every year he lives he looks
more and more over them _ at his-wifes-face.
and less upon his books. 'lt is not/surprising
to these who know what pleasanithoughts are
written there, _and what a quiet. contented
heart they raise from. — Margaret — iii a bond
-between•them . both—a Constant exercise for.
self-denial, patience and - forbearance, keeping
their souls ever pure from aellish rust and
idle indifference . ; and Nellie, having lost her
taste for Italian and the &Alone, and 'having
Once made vio_her_ mind that her husband is
the beat and handeemest_min,,,on the earth,
-has - never since - been-conirerted true:the- de=
lusion; despite well_ _aimed _efforts _ on
the part of her. slater Car And she id.einite
rigidtoo; those illiisions are half-sisters to
• . :po qtanlurs r
ierness re - wt.rennorrno
of wooden images covered with gold, it was
better tkneel among the simple' believers,
who called them angels of the Mercy Beat; for
to these only was the hidden gldry revealed.
STRIKE OFF 7119 NAMs.—Mr Higgins was a
very punctual mans in' all his transactions
through life. He amassed a large property
by.untrying industry arid punctuality; and, at
tlittadvanced age olpinety years he Inns rest
ing quietly upon his bed, and cr linly waiting
to . be called away. He had deliberately math
almost every arrangement' for the deceaseand
burial. . - . • '
Hie pulse grew fainter, and tho'ligtit,nf, (e
seemed j neOlickerink in /its socket, 'w4nli: . .4tte
of hie eons obagrred—
'Father, lydw will piobabiy live Ant' q, day
or two; ie it not well for you-to name .your
bearers?' • - -
'To be sure, my son;' said the dying man,
it is poll thought °rand I do it now.'
Ile-gase a list of sixi...the usual numberyand
sonlCtiaek exhaulted - Upon his Rillo7._ •
- A - gleaterof Ahem ht-Trassed-over.:lrisTmith
ed faceliki ti ray, of liglit, - "and ho ri lliod
'My son, read me that list. Is the
Wiggins there ?!.. • .
. .
'nen strikenit off,' said be emphatically,
for be never was punctual—was noSver. any
where in, season—and •ho might detain- the
procession a Whole hour
:MENTAL eONFECTION ARY:—FiCtion i 8 like
jelly Juid sweatmeats--nice to impart oc-,
casional relish to•the drybread of facts, =but
Unwholesome and, clogging, when:eaten. oxen
-si - Igo_persons-are---4uite-so- xrealt--bodied
as those who cram themselves with' the dahr
ties referred to; and none , are so shall9w min
ded and cold hearted as those who expend all'
their mental activity tind - sympathy • on ',th e '
mock personages of.4firitvelist.
, .
. f t ."l- - s — Freeklom of \ speceli is the di:AS - test ter
ioi o r ty i i tint ? because
,it • is something' they
can neither Tolltro . l nor evounter.
pt'' `;%l !MVO Sto111:1 0 1:3
Jo - I,vtowcr;
~ ,
. ,
eft. _
11 -3
A very strange Ihing:;18 taste. e les
eyes at that rodnient 7 —and threver afterwards
'—that. quiet .rd. fashioned lain, in his speota.- .
- tes , an &his 'W'orking
sorriest hero :that ever nxisted. Thu oh?thith
a,n _ •
d love only a thousand times ' stronger than.
. ! *e., riming her eyes,. as . 1 ehe throw .her
annharoundith and niurthuredshow unworthy
z,lie..felt to MareLishie.viould
1 id-in-her-ariiiinel—inii•ilen l -mi• 'lloVett.'.
' — stopped her =with his kisies. = — lie , needed , no
:Her faott. was still hid agaiiiii his -1
shou)der when Toni came-.baek . , and — olie kept
it'theiw to hide her tears.; '. '..:-.-: '._
'Well, •Toni; you need inotAlorget 'the old
plhoe, you know Aensiou'llave"a new one.'•
, 'Bryour *aid the ° wOrtlik - fellOw
with 'great .emphasis 'on the first ward,-.'l'll
give n f look in , at'Zliesure•flowers from tilxlo.o
time.' . . •
Tom ; and 'what's more if ever 'go,
couriihi AnniOlhforiiii of Q a
Ncorckt, here Arst fora flower to put in your 11
ton hole,.why I hope irtirry Long*will out, you
ye, sir, I'm sure,' said' Tom' with a
grim smile, 'if I make so 'hold. Not. as I'M
,afraid•o' the Ilices'o'him.' ,
,• •
Robed-held 'gut his hand to his faithful ser
vant. Torn took Oespectfully and 'shook it
r - c - iiith - lyT 'NO turned, aronnd - and ' ex.: -
tended hers; but Tom could not stand it any
longer. ,He . bolted out of the room, and
hiding himself behind the . stable door, blub-,
bored like a .
Robert told one of his loneit.itiories after
tea that night,- .when they sat. beside Margaret
in her pleasant little , roOm ;sandhi) bad' scarce.-
ly begun it when Nellie, quietly stole'ller,httpd
into his and so startled'him_be almost forgot
what,he was-talking-about. But be soon grew
aceustome.d :and Weed sit - became
habit tlintlie,could never - telj• a tale well
u4ot last.
-•— N
- . - 14t4:40.40-...77:0*;04i,t*,:;: . :
A '§l,Oiti'iii,::ilio..;go.:
• - •
It is.a• Well known feat, that Om
.ladieB lire
alloidii3;'li -- 0 . ,,00DY.-!ttiOn#l,rliled._ f - 1 eie ty.
and common • croy t tijiffit, to. ta4 the lead of the
' men every - leap Yelo4:4• 4 end,
• •
-p«,sed i -to-lio.--so-far.—as--tepopAhe,tqn
- without; being considered rude or forward,—, -
Although the right and, privilege . is conceded
to theAladies,:we seldotii hear of , them:taking
advantage of it ""
owever, one case, - _in *hie
.trelady_did av n ail herself of the 'privilegetr - o
leap Year; did occur in this eity'on - New Year'S
day. .We will relate the particulars; but not
give the real natnea, for the' reason' that the
parties ilre residents of this eity, and, might
riot relish =the idda of having' the priftey of
their deniestic affairs
. broueit before . ' the.
. .
• There is 'a-
certain 'fashionable. bearding
houSe - in - this c4; , (yre•Will' hicati it ein•Third
) where it very.Tianlsetue. young "widow
Arding. WidoW.
'who•hriff . ii . fortune - 4:solue $30,000,
left 'her by. her.. deceased
,husini*Ni. : and no
children. .Thred yoUng Clerks, (weilWill - naine
therriSmith,'Brown,,and•jones,) who forme' y:
boarded at - this boarding hotien,:ealled 40n:
the landlady on.liew :Year's day. The Widow
Cheerly . was in the room, and saw-the young:
gents'approaching. She inotnedititily , dressed .
hiarself arri.ty - ,!, - called_ the
landla:(1" and itniuiredthe.numes of thi.youpg
.The landlady informed her, whdn, she
inten.d;ta•lismo one of those
.young men for, a, huaband.' The lan.dlady
smiled incredulously, and then'vent dOwn to
the parlor to receive her visiters. ; , The widew_
followed immediately, and Wit:lnint.Waitinifdr_
an introductien,:approebedSmithand,said—
. , Will,you consent- to beConie.•
The, your man:. bltitetl, nfid wa very mu th
.confused at beariug tbe quegtion from windy,
'never before ,eet!, but be finally
suc atammering out— • • _
'Owing to theshortness of our acquaintance,
(very shorsOlaViiig never seen tlio lady bernee,)
-and Anether. person having
. 81410 Nighe clairnsr
upon - Iny -affeetioi4, yott — wilfTplenib'elouse
• .
'Certalnly, skid the ieideff, -milli.
pleasure, as I did not-notieelhiejiontletOn,''
addles - ship .before isike - V(l6
or else. fwould _have proposed to : l3l93first - ;;--
YOUlrifirry.nie,•l4 . l.lroliar _ •
11,' said Brown, 'the ico is now brojce.
I would have been :a .married man years ago.
if I could havii upistered courage' enough co
,pop Abo,ifuitstion; but-AS you have.tak,n_
vantage of leap year, Arid romovod
W001 . i. - /AriltioacoSus atdurtlithiiiktut44! , ::
soon-as you please.' - ,
qiighi'off,'..-remarked the ividolik. 'Land=
7111 please send for mycbsuubi, ik`nd
7iith - efrAiVdMrWelititicarivarcl7 l-I— ' ,- -.7
E The necessary rtrtiolea wore sent for; and
Mr.l BrOwn, with Ills tnten e. tinging gine • -
fully on his a , started for the residence of
thip pastpr o the liontman'A Church. When
the minist was about to Unite the couple, in
the bon of . wedlock. _they .gave hien their
names, and each heard the others namefor
the first time. Everything trent ones 'merry
as a niarraige bell,' with the .noiv married
couple all that'day. - .
Next - nit - truing, - y,hen- Brown 'awoke, the
effects of . the numerous drinks of the day
praVious having now, entirely worn
be.gaul to •refleot. lie becaine serious, -- Ile
theigh.t_ha was in rather ¢ bad scrape—out .of
einploylne - iit,, in• tiro ..middle of ; winter, vary
little money, and tk'wlte depending on him.for
support. • While revolving the subject over in'
his mind, and not being able to decide. what
holed better do—run otfor cotalinitSuicida—
his wifei - aweke;; - 4my:Aear,i-said-slnr,--.llave-,
ion auy,6bjections to. colleefiniafew
Ile stalled, thinking.: that sho-supposed he
he'd .. soMo Money coming Rim,.and that site
desired him to collect 'little money,' for her
benefit and muttered, rather Burl !Na, I
that's is any
do not that, my dear. • Get up atlit
go to my bureau drawer; and there
,you will
6turbills to the amount of $5OO, for rent:aline
thei*, and accept the money.froo me as a New
Year's gift.' k • •
Brown le;apod'fyona. the bas . carcoly
senses,/t - fiat ho had 'distinctly under-.
stood his wifo, and (lion' rushed to the buieitn
•arrdlii'6l4l6llnd the bills.
• When we saw Brownlie.Was , out:collecting
hisbills= feutrd it vor-y_ easy jobi .l r-and heard
- hi tn. expatiating- upon;- the •benefits - of --matri- 1
mony--St. Liniistlfe";7llLl:::,
F 4 • - ,
AT;11,§1.171,F, OF RAI, fir 18,55.
- • ..oi , ..ottat.:'speosuily , annolirt' cos to hie
old Patrons and the'puhlle generally - that he has just re_
TSAI'S, inantireetured et olio p 1 tlielfOst eitablisli
' mentsin risilatielplite,.te-Wbiell•lie invitee-menial
. .
Ito lio also rongtantly' on pandit ha.rgy nd,vnrlcd AN
s••tddnent of lite own untutiftettun 8$ wets M; eitS • acid! ,
113 ts atut . Copt . F , oltablq tbr the 5q41 , 301,, 11
41111StrIg 11Yely
V i 0..)" ot litoveer, 15tedertt4n and :'llk Itatg• Ila
it-hyd tlie•lntest Ay)°, together with tt. lull tutsorttrrent
'of_ CM'S vf. eS et) fh3po
,41uscy . Iptiou, and nt,t.rfitey
prl: r. liu pirvt)•nuluely invites itte public to 611 wikt
t•litv••f , *"l aI , Y- '•'•t••
" ;!•i tt. p V 2.;:,• •• 10' : , 1 . •(,) ;u1 I
1 1 .1 11 '• •' 1 i •
.1 r. td tionty . .t".44lJ;t,
~ g ;
. _ .
.~ :': J^~ .i j
tr-trollco, kw!, -"; •
.!..itdres alt 4
. ..
~•••'•-*te ; ',-
..—"p FANct.JLWEI,itI' , .4 e.
r-:".-I•livelow •
on hand and tot ssts,tt
,tuy.•u.itt .lesud on.Atiht , Stroet, oliposite r Alsiion.l4ll-, at
ani 'rely now and Olegint. Stock of,:••• : • 4 . • '3 . .
4. l old , Lover-iVatelwat,thitutirwarkbopenreasw;.*itrerrio:- - -
Slivui Lepino and'Quartor Watehes, a large variety: '
Gold Authors fcmladidtf and•Gotitlemen. -. ".- -••
Sledalliona,. a arileudid assortment for ladies and gents:
Oreast l it 'l i z' o fof vory pattern; and'all prices, r ..
Gold Cludhsfo VoSt and fob, gold curb chains, ' -
..rtarr- , ntF7lns,o3tsicb., SttwmarlinthoraFr--- - . --
Crosses. - Drop and lloop Ear-Itibifs; a la•rge viwilety.
14--Plittetb-f - forkw,-7-Ta-ble-atitverßwtter
- I,Cuivesi-kerof-i , etriousaki , les and-pitces,
. • i.. -
Gold and Silver Thimbh0,.......... _ , •. , . _ ,
tiold,-Silv er anti Colninoni,Spictablei, a 10134 nssortmen t
, .to suit all,. gek ) and to we invite particular
'. -attention:. ; 4 - .....
.. f ,
Port Monnalea4liargeASSOrtment at every Price,. '
Gold Pens, Of the best ,- make at vdrious prices,.. • _-
Fancy Boxes. Port Folios, Accordeons, Spectacle caves;.
'Ladies Card Casei, Silver and pearl, at various prieek, -
bracelets, gold-and common; Watch Chains ditto.„”
"Also a large variety of articles' In the Jewelry-line,
Which I will sell at the lowest prices. All, articics:vrar
ranted to 14 what they are sold for. ' -
.:0!) Particular attention paid to the Ia:PM - RING OP.
WATCIIES and all' work, warrgwted. - _ Returning - thanks
to. my old fi:ionds and custotum for formorpatrimage,
I respectfully solicit a continuance of thole favors.••
juno:th - • - . • - ----,- T11031. , tS CONIJN.
N. HAN'ECII & Co. have Opened-nod now of
' I for for sale at their Store 'on West High Street,
oue jdoor west of the Gotel formerly kept by C: Stough,
111.1 entire 1107 stock of,lteadOlinte Clothing
'Also, Cloths, Cassimeied and Vesting's: , which will be
mach-np in the best style and on reasonable tertns:
Shirts; Shirt Collars, Gloves, llosieryi Suspenderii, , SAtin
'and Summer Stocks. Ifandkerehiefs, iieWeid;
styles and litst manufacture kept emistantly 'band.
'onlidef4 of their ability to please, they respectfully so-,
'Celt the public patronage.• •
wm. li. .TROUT, deSires to inform his old friends.
that he has removed to his tnt.wii:Siirblistment (Clllllo'
' street, near, the Railroad Depot.,!„Sne is mow Jopetiing a
large and elegant assortment of ,the FALL, sTyLE
OF HATS, just received from. PhiladelplOg._m hick
, - the.gentlemen of Ciirllsleare requested to tiell and
exainlne. lie has - alsb a large tissortment pf Silk. Fur
and ,Slotach.llats of) his own manufacture. got:yip In the
best style and at .Various ets prices, the excellence and 6nibh:
m-whieh ho will }warrant. llbrstock be is cindblent on;
ly needs to ho examined to be approved. Also, tatty*
supply of Men's, Iloy's and Children's CAI'S. of„Cloth
and Fur, and of every- ariety Of style and 'price jiii - re,
calved from Philadelphia. Let all who want,* list Or
_Cap give 111111.4 call, as they may. be. sumo( being suit
ed to their own valet-action.
• .
v ,-
A :
c. , s„9,;;; _______ ,_,,: .-;..---. OR TIFF: .1‘11.T.41,1.0N_
• „ .
, 40 ~ ,,q ....-_,..---- I ,ni ito,‘ ret•elytTig my I:nl I
' . 'O7 - -- -'' - git, •'k . of ' l' . ll'l. It II oe`silllN(N
c • AM
,--, which stliTass hi. style, Quality
• : ond.prien-y—thirt--have.-1-syer ,
beep exhllieted In Carlisle, I respectfully solicit a call
from personel nt of. Paper
as llmmhmsofany de 'serfp-
, ,
ilon's I'lini count 1 \ y__:wiortment for surpiulslwy,
in the norauKin and styli - niuL & but row s
valoinAhnsity. lon pal& of the public to roll andi;*.
:,,,utni, my misortmant befOro purchaslnr.thrl nun confi
dent My chaste doolgini cannot f)II to. Omsk+ the most
fastidious. -- , .IOIIN P. LYN}.,
- , ' . ....... •
West altleof Icorth Hanovec:Strect i -
The subscrilhor,would respectfully Inform 111Si:1-lends ennill.o.
the., publV . ionerally, that he lins.j vast . ret urn - ed risme : lli e -'
city lidtli a -largo and:varied assortintnt of_ .
ffitocEnms, GLASS and CiIIEKNS-WAItE. 16-• -
PIS 11, Ac.,d„ whiehltre - otters for. sale on the , .. - A, :
most: •rearinilifblo. terms, at his -New Store. i SI '-
corner of North Ilnuoyer street and the PIG- ' , : F .' ''
lie ligunie, directly opPosltii . the Carlfslo De. . .
,poalt. Bank. Ills' stock Oiiihrases overyllilu§A9K) . 4.
Inn Grocery and. VarieWPOE . n. 4. •-''•
7' • -The-puldle are Invited to-. end exiligf i n l eL.
•btff6enptirelinitraniiinitifetf,llAWroolii eon la to ei,.. '
J. •D;11 - A - LIIEBT. - - - -' '
... . .....
i •
tkiecMi •
- ss .]
a or lave just received front the eh, • 7 1 1 1 ,7
opening In the room adjoining Bents d Br° J.,
eey-complete-iisehrtment-of-Groterimit - !,$)
and all the various kinds of SPICES at ,Ita r 9l" -
auch as Mims, Diied Ile f, Bologna Sat.,rt •
piece or hound. Also e gs,
erel,Shad, Co4.llsh and a great varlet)
of articles not neroasary to enumerate.
we will reeei‘e our rte.ulitr supplies
ntEsll vEntreißLEs
tmaoon-itte-tlicy appear In the city nutrkt4s, to all 01
Nvittch We invite the attention of tho -tuhflc. its, W tie
tend to - scll - nt tht Tory loiyeat prices fd. Cash or Colin,
try Produce. 11A KIC EF,It & MULLIN.
a BING - 11A I\.f, D
2 . Cu., 2711"ilarl,et Street,
hud phi dolphin. Cars leiiimiaith plaeos Ettspaml - -Weir,
;my Week, TueadayWand Fridays. All hminess
iiiitruid to Bingham'. Davis & Co., at tidoled to'
eptness, wriother DI sales, pr. dna.; or freight. "
A:11. BA RNlTZJislaitli strept,
elite:rod into this arrangement, and wlli nttrud pr nrpr
ly to all buSiness entrnstO to him,. 7 , taitro ni.
The mileirilrar
added to lifs. forrno n s'elertion
K-nuns, 3911.11 Oa_ other vrtrietTaf artl
P , VT \ usually • il_lll:3ll 7 roFer ,
vreeir—rit 2 1 i!, nrid 14 rent,.
Odessa. Clarifie 1. C111)411'11 all(C.Pllll.rri...!'
11;1:4 of line qualltfe; Choo , date
Salt, and a VAriety of Fancy artleler, all of which are o„
fore(' at the lowest rash prigs. N'Ve aro thankful far the
former Aupport . giVbil UN; and lourito a further marrow
our friends and euntOniers. '.. • . J. W. EllY .
Al - M . lOll 11311, C/IrliShl.
R E•
• i+
p - REsERvING SUGNE:4---A general
assortment of Clruslul, 'Sifted rind Pulverised
I , ltg . nrs . of be'st quality, nn also Soft eyuSited,
and" other qualities constantly qn Land , FU it able foC
preservint;_:and-all .purposes- , -generally at Otn
Ala n eonstant supply of the eholvegt CoffeeF, Tenn,
Itu.l railer nrtieheOn variety_Rtynys op lutrul.— .
iitteiViou is invited tq our sto!:.k beforq buying Otii:m
vlisle; 'July '25, '55, .1.,1V. EBY.
..) WARE—OId housekeepers and • young, with tilos
also irk , are elimAing to become housekerpertt, are in tilt
ad to i•alt,itt • I.IA FAAI I IN (1110(10IY mid ex
oolitic his ekgaut assOrtMent of. t I im, fi lass an 11 Queen o.
Waro,3ll other articles In the lioiMeheoping Ilse, sucl+
as French and Englkii left sets. heavy banded and pit iii
White ill:Mite, gilded and blue plain, Molnar sets of ev
- ary yariet,y and pricu, howls and.pitchers, tut-tams. dit•b•
es, Ste. Adlass-ware--eentro tolls rind iiiiitiferlamprt. -
Candelabiiii , Mid .otlitir lainpgcginat carlfyitiblq and bar
tatiiihrers, gottiT474, .(te. Fruit - and pri.Carci."ditthrr:in -- Ytt ,-
tr -- tvalikiTiffhtit Out r ..I;iitr Ih. butt
Itrtvber,—;:trecui tt,
white wat.ll,•Neruhbing, handmtkd thee hruthmt. dm.tort.,
'brooms, &r.. Narita, clotheOlnAra,kelling latsitt;ts-.
elinleti ass..;:alinciit of 'flibacco and Segars.
ho who ato rpnct chelce‘brands Segars and try thc
Prlncipeg, liiigaliiis:Sieffaiinis and other culai varlet !cp . ,
Pmd pin will ilivil'thom of unimpeachable lu:dity, Gls„
per Span lA.and Coinuiof- `Aogtic: N . with choies•_torull and
- •
. .
vtR, H '
••,W - 07% kl'-•;? t ) , (1.. It L151.1 . ..,--11, t.),itn
al hna rilways tin htziL(l a larl..zo t'aq itiat.
}Vote. in ita thn ditformtt style;. NV 11 i, , 11 )11..' prrp..r, t••
s(.lllit Ito ittfti p r o , 11.1
ono ; B} . o-1!
it , ‘ Cltt anti ,hi.-l;
'l'l3- 1 vn 1. ai, t' • " . .
, l I. •
Instruments of every descriptipm
.Exclusive agent for the 'sale of gallet,•Davis & _co.
:Patent Suspension Bridge -Callan and oilier PIANOS,
Gilbert's •Boudoir Pianos,-Melodeons, Martin's Zinit/uo
'intim :Violin " glieePlilusic; 741 usic gook 6; iil e. . '
iteSide,ts 4 "the , ,id r untrY•,supplied by mall iii
otherivise yr' li music they may wish, as low as it pur
chased in person. giving , . one of tir,e' largest stocks it
the United Stites, I feel confident of pAtisfyinst•lf nil'
may favor me with a call nr order. • ' -
--Dealers in Music supplied hn.the mostlii•eral terms. let, Ilegonibliand Pianos for sale.: - . "
.. •• May 20,1853-1:.
ph la —IVA V. -411d:-,Iew el t
--Number 90 lk;ortit-Second- Street, LI,I
•••;‘, ner of Quarry, Philadelphia!' lloli
Lever Watches. full jewelled, 18 cat
• ut eases, • i - - -• • $2 O •
. Gold Lepine,lB carat Cases? •- 24
si Ivor ••• jewels • • 9I • '
. • (11) NItitIt' . ;• Silver Lever, fuli'jevi . elled, •12 t .
Superior Quartlifics, ' - - - 7 tn•
Gold Spectacles, .: 7 p'• ••• •••
Fitie a Silser S'pectacles, .„ • - ' • •"1
• 3
Ladles' Gold Pendia,. • • - . - - •3 r •••.,
Silver Ten Spoons. set,' - • - • •ii 1 -
Gold Pens. with Patten and Silver Holder.• - 1 I.
Gold Finger Rings 37,k4 .cents to f8:-. Mars;
plain, 1234centa,- atent.f&N,-Lunet- 25;ptlieLortzlth
in proportii,iii. - -: 11 goods- whrrauted to ho what they a. 2
sold for. '
• , • , STA }TER k
. Oit hand, some Gold and S lver Levers and LiPin•
it!) t . lower then tile above prices, . • •
A l lll 4 ti' (31,115', 'COCK • —l, at t •
• 0 Pr6fessor of Anatomy, and gingery in the Pli;Ladsj .
Pliirs,Colle - Medicine, and Acting Prpfeesor (.41'41i1
wifery; one of the Consulting PRysielami of the Hi
• .adelphia llospital;ll.lpekley; late" Member of the Is; •
thinal Medical Assoclation•, meniber •of the 'Ainslie •
phis Medical Society:: ineuiLec of the"Metlieesehirurir,
cal College of- Philadelphia; formerly President ans. , '
Profs. :pw of Anatomy and Surgcry in Castleton Medi ,
cal „College, Vermont and aiAlste.PrOfecsor of Ai. •
&bar): anti Physiology. in Berk ehlre
'V hs; Pittsfield, Mass. - &co •
'- 'i-lhtro•lntely introtiuged in a populiii forinoeVernl ot-hi-----
goi•fte prescriptions for the principal diseases ofahi
• climate. The sinmeof-enels• chicle will imply the .
.oast ne• which-if - is intended tO i.e used,-
McCirnxt,enla . I),CT4)IIAL STYLLT, $l.
1411.MCCLIN.T9CK'S L i OLD AND ( 4 0111111311ITURI—FOr Cold/-
. Coughs. &e., Price - 25 cts.. •' •-
ACTII-11.1. AND 1190 PING ,COLIIIr Maui •
Are . , Price f.a) etc.
'Dn. 51cetisioetr's TONIC ALTZKNATIVI STlltr- , For
-rifying ehrs Blood. Trice sl.._ • „ . _
":Dit. MCCLINTOCK'S Dyspeptic giving terse
tn'the stomach, relieving-NON if After eating, heartku-n.
and all illSigenclililii - y - Mptems 'easing Irvin '
....... ......
Alit. 31cCmrindex's ItncVnavni.Mixrumx- 7 A tunely
getable Remedy forintennid use. Price 50 cia.. .
Drs. Mt CLINTOCK'S ItlllitlfATlC LiNnalvi—For Itbi!urtia
tlettu, &c." Pried 50 ctn.. •
Dc. 'lll7;Cr.t Anonrsx Mama—Pon Paine, Tooth
ache; headache, - Price 50 etc;
Do. MCCLIkTOCK'S Farm - ern Aar,. SpEctricA certalu
'cure for all Intecurltterfts; - PriemsL - -
Do. 3ICCUNTocK's In - sutunasiCoantsb attn CLIOLIRA
sErmv.t- , --A Safe Remedy.
Allt, o 4cetireromr.'n VEOLTADLI POROATITS PILLS--cos
tottiveness, headache; &c. Price 25 etc. • • - • .
lirtlarieuTretliium ettbeLiver beacLit, -
or PM made; Price 25 etc. at bOX.
'For cale-by Dr; J. McCLINTOCE - , at his Aledleal . Depot.
N. \);
.Carper NINTH and FILBERT Streets, Philadeb
Jobla; arid all Druggists. 1....-uggiate and Dealers iu Ale4l•
dries who wisil to- be Agenls, will . please, address Dr.
- 31 - cSllsettichinif neferenceomme:of Post Oilice,----
7iTMcre sale by W.'A. Kelain. Samuel Carlisle
J. 11 Criswell. Shlppensbunr; Fmulinger & Co.. L. Eauff...
echaniffiburg; Joseph lierccits; — NewTllle;7 7 l,-11----.
Zimmerman . Andersonburg.; llaines & l'ertig, 111111 es k.
town: A. C. Klink, Now Bloomfield; Ilariiet 31. Singer. •
Newport; (Buettner, York Springs; A.j. 31111er and
S. Nixon. Charnbersburgf:,ll. 31entzer, Waynesboro.;
deorge Bergner end D: Jones &'Co., Harrisburg;_,_
141,31cCLINTOCK can be consulted, without charge . •
daily, from 10 to ]2 o'clock, A. 31., at hls Depot.
December ti, 104-13..
ATATCII - EEi!' MATCBES !!-JOll-Y- ..-
y v __DONNELLI, manufacturer and Inventor of SAFE '
-No. Inti .;s:ortit FillatTlOAreet (above Bate) PHU:ADEL
FIIIA: Matches hay i og'herome !min dispensztlile . iticlt ,
in hou.sekeepino, the subsealber , aftgat-grezit as Ake of
;time and 1116110.3111114(4 lit litTer - ttr the Pu is an ar- '
zticle at once combining Utility and Cheapnes , 'lite in•
viz nt,Or knowing the danger apprehended on aCeOullt. 0' ..
the Ilintsey manner In which Matches are ge , nei.any
packed in paper, has by. the aid of 'Sew Stettin Machinery
of his own invention, sticazeded in getting, up a SAEF4 - T•
,11 . 001) - 130.X; this box h
far preferable, Inia - much that it occupies no more rez.rt,
lieu the old round' wood box,
,aud 'contains et lewd
Two liundred per Cent. more :klatches, which to Shipper. . -
Is considerable advantage; It is, entirely new., and . scz ore •.
main el ni.,jeturP and,, l .l.lltaneouf, col:61 4 141 0 n, di s pel s
all danger Do tizinporfation by tutgins ot liallroad, Ream
boat or any idler inekte of COOVOyltliCe. .
, .
' 'these Nl:itches are packed so !ilk - one.gross or more. .
narbo Aippeirn aiTirpirtliftliTi-Woffil—iiitlfferffd—
safety. They are the most . desirable article for Home
eozoZniiiption, and the 'Southern and western markt% . -
that have ever been.invented.
DMALIiIIS and : 4 111.1:PERS, will 19 well t 9 call an
cisainine for thetuFelves.
tyk,.These matches, aro b 5 auperiot
to anything horotoftro offered to the Public.. •
1(11I\ 140XN1:1,1X- •
Philp: Deer 4, 1854.
FRI.INC.H.:. TRUSSES Wei°luno• less
' 4 ounces, for the cure of II ernia orlt up tut.
acknowledged by the highest niedleal authorities of Phil. ,
'adelphia, incomparably superior to any other in use.—
Sufferers will lr,gretilieti to learn that the, oceasieu non
_eiVra'o:pro6nro not :oily,theligiu4n_and.llloht
as tin e a rahl Tr limy' other.' In lieu of the cuntbrouit
aint'uncouttlirtoble ttitlelesuAntlly sold. Thortris nO dii
lculty, attending the; tittingrttpd when tin' red ineat
- edit will retain its poi.ltiun without elunign.
• Persons nt a distanee itnabbe-to • k•all on the suliseribet,
fall have the 'fruas 'sent to any - address, reinittin*
flee \ dollars for the single Truss, or telt for the dtinble—
Adtli ines.2ore4rdiiiiilLtubtipa, at ti stAtini: side it'ffeeted; •
It wi l.lfo extlThnged to snit if nht tilting. by returi;ine
' at one, unsoiled. For sale only by the importer, • •
• N.14.-o,u,
CornerTwelttivind Race stroets, PliblatilL4 l o oo O •
/ler Ea, •rtainiring the b . enellt - of
portersvowing --to the- deranyeinent of the Tntilrii n 1 (id!. •
winn,•fitiling of, Or .Vdinb,::l7oeni,,lianyamrA.
kii,t4TATtfiliiii - lin z
competent - andthat n eapialenetal, lA s or .sill in at,
t , ndanre at,tllo - 1100)ila. (set. apart f9r_their.'exViusiva
use) No. 11,4 . TWiaa',ll.l st duos below linee; — •
July 26,,,'54. • • , • • • i
A T_TEN'rION prrlcs-:—. Those
'ypi; who luivelx.ellittllieteit fur yeitriewitlythb
tothersouivi,tlisease; and ho have every Nostkini• before the iiithfic wejiriy
to you try" KieiTer's AittillytlielitieP 4184 you 'lrillsoon
1.. v tie cif its Jevat.'stily. , ettiricp.iiio, , ,r,i" vory. °the*
hrolt:u•ltinn. I\'e , ' , 1,11.1 is'lt vfNitiNeti.i.;
ors in :I‘ , :ert ions, l•iit ft
iTiTII7 ores
`. 'lli IN I^l`llloitY iv prepnel'a stnd 1d at t IP ? I'r "
Sforii,vl h 64. r uth ;Ihtunver sibieet
r I . l ' I ° 4
01 : C O R N
. • •
I ,•,
J AC. 1.3 1, t;'t I
I _
w.gousALE,., the "11011,
Ide4--- - --
Ica I