Ell El 10 • ARM/Mos • Contintl , from secOnillise; --ron.--tbe-.eubj• , nd n-her-mdignation:.ghe oar— , • lied the letter •ere. • - qCoumust.'write to Mnikarbt ho said we beve,a,.bomo there:Will be gi illaee in it'for , • hei;7-Eibi tie'a our house, my wife -z-we simil.nllee better for.it.' '- • • =-7-1-Detir--Robert, shall wet afford it?'.- . , '`Tb4-is my province, • Nellie ;-. tho :extra trouble will yours—shall you mind it?' ; • • Whitt :for . Margaret Sgt. no, .dear.' The surninonswas:setitl fr ihr wro.t.e_it_to; -gather,. and wrote it so that there, was no re iiisting it. • • • I.3Psio'cfock the next morning there was a great,huatling and hammering in the o l bouse:- - Nellie opened her'eyes, and sleepily:wonder ed-what it might merk Presently she' dils-av ered:Robiert-wa-gaie.L---Ak h en:l6--,W45,. at bottom of it` nodoubt = :With` righteous curiosity, . sho,', : jutnbed - thrust her little white.feet into slipperti. 'flung on a, dressing • gown and stole doW,n AEI . she openrd ' the study door, - the beloved sanctormg of her hustiand, the mom which even•she always•ett : tere with - a sensation of awe, she was driv'e'n bac by a cloud of dust. Returning the __.charge she presently dis eh ed t.hr"ough ft • ^ that the walls were disinantled, the heavy book shelves moved, the old, disused doorway to the garden opened, and the carpet taken up. •- Robert;: Robert,' interrui ted Nellie, qvlat...does this mean, what. tire you doing?' Robert etnerged• from: the - interici,, dusky _with dust and dirt. Nellie laughed at the'llg - nre be presented. .411rbat are you dialog; ogre ?' she repeated. ; , Airanging a room for our sister,'Nellid,.be .. sure ; you clidtxl think she - was to 'be doom : od to herbed-room or our company - for ever, • , yvnl N No;ne ; she must haveher own lit : •tle=q - uiet-lor,--where—no—one-511:111 - -epter 4vitliout - ( lisi - leave; — A little paint • and papei: : - ing, a new carpet, a sera, __J_But_your_atmdy,-Robert-- 7 yoir papers' and books ?' • . 'Must find afresh place,,Nalie.' . . 'Dear, kind husband !' . coat, — and laid her little head lovingly' against it 'Why- you see; darling,.l can have the biti window in the . parlor, - place a_tahle there for my book; and be as snug ab here. ..You are too kind,. dear,' said Nellie with ' - tearful eyes. . - Itobert ; .thought she was going_ _to say . more _so..he caughtler uii_in bis arms, and ran with her to her own ioata... - . : . .-• ~._press,yourself quickly, and come to work Nellie,' he said, 'there Will, be great need of So-there-was-ineeedi-WO-bisy-eutkut:ljthey were for many dais, The Italian songs were quite forgotten, th new fashions laid aside in oblivion ;land Car y nd her husband, if ever they came into Nelie's noughts, were dismiss ., • ad' with gentle pity; • The room was nearly ready nowy looking so *all and bright, thosis fluttering muslin'cur.. tains .once hung up; a lust touch with the dos. ' ter, a vase of fresh flowers on the' table, and all would -ready'for._ dear_illargaret,_who_ was vitiating the journey in short stages and would'arrive by tea-time. •• There was a .stealthy:' knock at the door leadigg,to thegarden._ - "Ceine in,' said Nellie.' , ' A shaggy headwas thrust in.- -• 4 011 . come in,'Tom !' - . ' 'Well Tom,', gad Robert, 'what retis?''-- And as he spoke ho gave .a . reluctant nail a blOwthat consign'ed it fo•its fate. Now TOrrt , was - not a ready spealser, - thongh 'a - areful loving attendant of Robert's horse, and a most disdieet gardener of Nellie's flower :Pleas.° air, the Squire's= objection.' wi 4.-:- - -:tlitrat-WlL—tat n iLy.or Tom, 'Robert turning round an .the .t.o.}k of the ladder with a boldness that Struo,k fear to Nellie's heart, and looking down on the m rtals be neathhim With the aspect of a very W a nd original cherubini of.a recklesk character. • 'Please sir, said TprU' , glancing up rather timidly : for he did.n.ot feetassured against a ... participuted,,deseent from-his master; 'please the..§qui oil try Me? • 'Whdt To going ?' said Nellie. 'Yes, my-dear. YOU see I hay s e'tiold the horse. ' It, doesn't want another nails Nellie, does it ?' 'Sold the horse,- Robert : .: • , • 'Yes, my dear. - I may_ come down now, _ . _ ~ .• 'Stec y s ir • P sdi .- i Tom • appHyi.l g""lis .bind to the, adder. : • • • -. _ , Robert - lvent - on talking as he cam,. evident ly pratending that he was. ,used to it, and not at all nervous.' Walking is SO much _better for :the. health, my'deatl, and the squire \vitt. quite anxious for admired hm so much. Take ti- Wiiy-Alia laitiler, Tom," will youplease? And as for the -- gardpi, lo'i = e, I. think airtiening ttood for, the health, -too, cml that, l i,ctween ye Call. al % , ;:iy:s ,'O'Cp : LN.i. ! -but bow Robert wears his sputa : l3les to :Oils day; but it is observed' that every year he lives he looks more and more over them _ at his-wifes-face. and less upon his books. 'lt is not/surprising to these who know what pleasanithoughts are written there, _and what a quiet. contented heart they raise from. — Margaret — iii a bond -between•them . both—a Constant exercise for. self-denial, patience and - forbearance, keeping their souls ever pure from aellish rust and idle indifference . ; and Nellie, having lost her • taste for Italian and the &Alone, and 'having Once made vio_her_ mind that her husband is the beat and handeemest_min,,,on the earth, -has - never since - been-conirerted true:the- de= lusion; despite well_ _aimed _efforts _ on the part of her. slater Car And she id.einite rigidtoo; those illiisions are half-sisters to -Fsithvarofifirtjhe • . :po qtanlurs r ierness re - wt.rennorrno of wooden images covered with gold, it was better tkneel among the simple' believers, who called them angels of the Mercy Beat; for to these only was the hidden gldry revealed. STRIKE OFF 7119 NAMs.—Mr Higgins was a very punctual mans in' all his transactions through life. He amassed a large property by.untrying industry arid punctuality; and, at tlittadvanced age olpinety years he Inns rest ing quietly upon his bed, and cr linly waiting to . be called away. He had deliberately math almost every arrangement' for the deceaseand burial. . - . • ' Hie pulse grew fainter, and tho'ligtit,nf, (e seemed j neOlickerink in /its socket, 'w4nli: . .4tte of hie eons obagrred— 'Father, lydw will piobabiy live Ant' q, day or two; ie it not well for you-to name .your bearers?' • - - 'To be sure, my son;' said the dying man, it is poll thought °rand I do it now.' Ile-gase a list of sixi...the usual numberyand sonlCtiaek exhaulted - Upon his Rillo7._ • - A - gleaterof Ahem ht-Trassed-over.:lrisTmith MII ed faceliki ti ray, of liglit, - "and ho ri lliod _once EOM 'My son, read me that list. Is the Wiggins there ?!.. • . . . 'nen strikenit off,' said be emphatically, for be never was punctual—was noSver. any where in, season—and •ho might detain- the procession a Whole hour :MENTAL eONFECTION ARY:—FiCtion i 8 like jelly Juid sweatmeats--nice to impart oc-, casional relish to•the drybread of facts, =but Unwholesome and, clogging, when:eaten. oxen -si - Igo_persons-are---4uite-so- xrealt--bodied as those who cram themselves with' the dahr ties referred to; and none , are so shall9w min ded and cold hearted as those who expend all' their mental activity tind - sympathy • on ',th e ' mock personages of.4firitvelist. , . . f t ."l- - s — Freeklom of \ speceli is the di:AS - test ter ioi o r ty i i tint ? because ,it • is something' they can neither Tolltro . l nor evounter. •- pt'' `;%l !MVO Sto111:1 0 1:3 Jo - I,vtowcr; ~ , . , EIII • eft. _ 11 -3 A very strange Ihing:;18 taste. e les eyes at that rodnient 7 —and threver afterwards '—that. quiet .rd. fashioned lain, in his speota.- . - tes , an &his 'W'orking sorriest hero :that ever nxisted. Thu oh?thith • a,n _ • d love only a thousand times ' stronger than. . ! *e., riming her eyes,. as . 1 ehe throw .her annharoundith and niurthuredshow unworthy z,lie..felt to MareLishie.viould 1 id-in-her-ariiiinel—inii•ilen l -mi• 'lloVett.'. ' — stopped her =with his kisies. = — lie , needed , no :Her faott. was still hid agaiiiii his -1 shou)der when Toni came-.baek . , and — olie kept it'theiw to hide her tears.; '. '..:-.-: '._ 'Well, •Toni; you need inotAlorget 'the old plhoe, you know Aensiou'llave"a new one.'• , 'Bryour *aid the ° wOrtlik - fellOw with 'great .emphasis 'on the first ward,-.'l'll give n f look in , at'Zliesure•flowers from tilxlo.o time.' . . • Tom ; and 'what's more if ever 'go, couriihi AnniOlhforiiii of Q a Ncorckt, here Arst fora flower to put in your 11 ton hole,.why I hope irtirry Long*will out, you out.' ye, sir, I'm sure,' said' Tom' with a grim smile, 'if I make so 'hold. Not. as I'M ,afraid•o' the Ilices'o'him.' , ,• • Robed-held 'gut his hand to his faithful ser vant. Torn took Oespectfully and 'shook it r - c - iiith - lyT 'NO turned, aronnd - and ' ex.: - tended hers; but Tom could not stand it any longer. ,He . bolted out of the room, and hiding himself behind the . stable door, blub-, bored like a . Robert told one of his loneit.itiories after tea that night,- .when they sat. beside Margaret in her pleasant little , roOm ;sandhi) bad' scarce.- ly begun it when Nellie, quietly stole'ller,httpd into his and so startled'him_be almost forgot what,he was-talking-about. But be soon grew aceustome.d :and Weed sit - became habit tlintlie,could never - telj• a tale well u4ot last. -•— N father.' - . - 14t4:40.40-...77:0*;04i,t*,:;: . : BM A '§l,Oiti'iii,::ilio..;go.: 111 • - • It is.a• Well known feat, that Om .ladieB lire alloidii3;'li -- 0 . ,,00DY.-!ttiOn#l,rliled._ f - 1 eie ty. and common • croy t tijiffit, to. ta4 the lead of the ' men every - leap Yelo4:4• 4 end, • • -p«,sed i -to-lio.--so-far.—as--tepopAhe,tqn - without; being considered rude or forward,—, - Although the right and, privilege . is conceded to theAladies,:we seldotii hear of , them:taking advantage of it "" owever, one case, - _in *hie .trelady_did av n ail herself of the 'privilegetr - o leap Year; did occur in this eity'on - New Year'S day. .We will relate the particulars; but not give the real natnea, for the' reason' that the parties ilre residents of this eity, and, might riot relish =the idda of having' the priftey of their deniestic affairs . broueit before . ' the. . . • There is 'a- certain 'fashionable. bearding houSe - in - this c4; , (yre•Will' hicati it ein•Third „.„„ ) where it very.Tianlsetue. young "widow Arding. WidoW. 'who•hriff . ii . fortune - 4:solue $30,000, left 'her by. her.. deceased ,husini*Ni. : and no children. .Thred yoUng Clerks, (weilWill - naine therriSmith,'Brown,,and•jones,) who forme' y: boarded at - this boarding hotien,:ealled 40n: the landlady on.liew :Year's day. The Widow Cheerly . was in the room, and saw-the young: gents'approaching. She inotnedititily , dressed . hiarself arri.ty - ,!, - called_ the landla:(1" and itniuiredthe.numes of thi.youpg gents:, .The landlady informed her, whdn, she inten.d;ta•lismo one of those .young men for, a, huaband.' The lan.dlady smiled incredulously, and then'vent dOwn to the parlor to receive her visiters. ; , The widew_ followed immediately, and Wit:lnint.Waitinifdr_ • an introductien,:approebedSmithand,said— . , Will,you consent- to beConie.• myhuSband?' The, your man:. bltitetl, nfid wa very mu th .confused at beariug tbe quegtion from windy, 'never before ,eet!, but be finally suc ceeded.in atammering out— • • _ 'Owing to theshortness of our acquaintance, (very shorsOlaViiig never seen tlio lady bernee,) -and Anether. person having . 81410 Nighe clairnsr upon - Iny -affeetioi4, yott — wilfTplenib'elouse • . • 'Certalnly, skid the ieideff, -milli. pleasure, as I did not-notieelhiejiontletOn,'' addles - ship .before isike - V(l6 or else. fwould _have proposed to : l3l93first - ;;-- YOUlrifirry.nie,•l4 . l.lroliar _ • 11,' said Brown, 'the ico is now brojce. I would have been :a .married man years ago. if I could havii upistered courage' enough co ,pop Abo,ifuitstion; but-AS you have.tak,n_ vantage of leap year, Arid romovod W001 . i. - /AriltioacoSus atdurtlithiiiktut44! , :: soon-as you please.' - , qiighi'off,'..-remarked the ividolik. 'Land= 7111 please send for mycbsuubi, ik`nd 7iith - efrAiVdMrWelititicarivarcl7 l-I— ' ,- -.7 E The necessary rtrtiolea wore sent for; and Mr.l BrOwn, with Ills tnten e. tinging gine • - fully on his a , started for the residence of thip pastpr o the liontman'A Church. When the minist was about to Unite the couple, in the bon of . wedlock. _they .gave hien their names, and each heard the others namefor the first time. Everything trent ones 'merry as a niarraige bell,' with the .noiv married couple all that'day. - . Next - nit - truing, - y,hen- Brown 'awoke, the effects of . the numerous drinks of the day praVious having now, entirely worn be.gaul to •refleot. lie becaine serious, -- Ile theigh.t_ha was in rather ¢ bad scrape—out .of einploylne - iit,, in• tiro ..middle of ; winter, vary little money, and tk'wlte depending on him.for support. • While revolving the subject over in' his mind, and not being able to decide. what holed better do—run otfor cotalinitSuicida— his wifei - aweke;; - 4my:Aear,i-said-slnr,--.llave-, ion auy,6bjections to. colleefiniafew Ile stalled, thinking.: that sho-supposed he he'd .. soMo Money coming Rim,.and that site desired him to collect 'little money,' for her benefit and muttered, rather Burl !Na, I that's is any mean mo.' do not that, my dear. • Get up atlit go to my bureau drawer; and there ,you will 6turbills to the amount of $5OO, for rent:aline thei*, and accept the money.froo me as a New Year's gift.' k • • Brown le;apod'fyona. the bas . carcoly senses,/t - fiat ho had 'distinctly under-. stood his wifo, and (lion' rushed to the buieitn •arrdlii'6l4l6llnd the bills. • When we saw Brownlie.Was , out:collecting hisbills= feutrd it vor-y_ easy jobi .l r-and heard - hi tn. expatiating- upon;- the •benefits - of --matri- 1 mony--St. Liniistlfe";7llLl:::, F 4 • - , —•L AT;11,§1.171,F, OF RAI, fir 18,55. - • ..oi , ..ottat.: KELLE.4.io'speosuily , annolirt' cos to hie old Patrons and the'puhlle generally - that he has just re_ MIT'S -the FALL STYLE OT'' 0 ENTLEMEN'S TSAI'S, inantireetured et olio p 1 tlielfOst eitablisli ' mentsin risilatielplite,.te-Wbiell•lie invitee-menial atOsition. . . Ito lio also rongtantly' on pandit ha.rgy nd,vnrlcd AN s••tddnent of lite own untutiftettun 8$ wets M; eitS • acid! , 113 ts atut . Copt . F , oltablq tbr the 5q41 , 301,, 11 41111StrIg 11Yely V i 0..)" ot litoveer, 15tedertt4n and :'llk Itatg• Ila it-hyd tlie•lntest Ay)°, together with tt. lull tutsorttrrent 'of_ CM'S vf. eS et) fh3po ,41uscy . Iptiou, and nt,t.rfitey prl: r. liu pirvt)•nuluely invites itte public to 611 wikt stYlf'o.nuito t•litv••f , *"l aI , Y- '•'•t•• " ;!•i tt. p V 2.;:,• •• 10' : , 1 . •(,) ;u1 I 1 1 .1 11 '• •' 1 i • .1 r. td tionty . .t".44lJ;t, ~ g ; . _ . • • .~ :': J^~ .i j tr-trollco, kw!, -"; • .!..itdres alt 4 . .. t•• ~•••'•-*te ; ',- WATCH E S T CLOGS ! , ..—"p FANct.JLWEI,itI' , .4 e. r-:".-I•livelow • on hand and tot ssts,tt ,tuy.•u.itt .lesud on.Atiht , Stroet, oliposite r Alsiion.l4ll-, at ani 'rely now and Olegint. Stock of,:••• : • 4 . • '3 . . • WATCHES, JP;WELRY; MEDALIONS,"I2K.•• .: 4. l old , Lover-iVatelwat,thitutirwarkbopenreasw;.*itrerrio:- - - Slivui Lepino and'Quartor Watehes, a large variety: ' Gold Authors fcmladidtf and•Gotitlemen. -. ".- -•• Sledalliona,. a arileudid assortment for ladies and gents: Oreast l it 'l i z' o fof vory pattern; and'all prices, r .. Gold Cludhsfo VoSt and fob, gold curb chains, ' - ..rtarr- , ntF7lns,o3tsicb., SttwmarlinthoraFr--- - . -- Crosses. - Drop and lloop Ear-Itibifs; a la•rge viwilety. 14--Plittetb-f - forkw,-7-Ta-ble-atitverßwtter - I,Cuivesi-kerof-i , etriousaki , les and-pitces, . • i.. - Gold and Silver Thimbh0,.......... _ , •. , . _ , tiold,-Silv er anti Colninoni,Spictablei, a 10134 nssortmen t , .to suit all,. gek ) and to we invite particular ~ '. -attention:. ; 4 - ..... .. f , Port Monnalea4liargeASSOrtment at every Price,. ' Gold Pens, Of the best ,- make at vdrious prices,.. • _- Fancy Boxes. Port Folios, Accordeons, Spectacle caves;. 'Ladies Card Casei, Silver and pearl, at various prieek, - bracelets, gold-and common; Watch Chains ditto.„” "Also a large variety of articles' In the Jewelry-line, Which I will sell at the lowest prices. All, articics:vrar ranted to 14 what they are sold for. ' - .:0!) Particular attention paid to the Ia:PM - RING OP. WATCIIES and all' work, warrgwted. - _ Returning - thanks to. my old fi:ionds and custotum for formorpatrimage, I respectfully solicit a continuance of thole favors.•• juno:th - • - . • - ----,- T11031. , tS CONIJN. CLOTH.INGA CLOTHING N. HAN'ECII & Co. have Opened-nod now of ' I for for sale at their Store 'on West High Street, oue jdoor west of the Gotel formerly kept by C: Stough, 111.1 entire 1107 stock of,lteadOlinte Clothing FOR MEN ANI) BOYS WEAIt. 'Also, Cloths, Cassimeied and Vesting's: , which will be mach-np in the best style and on reasonable tertns: Shirts; Shirt Collars, Gloves, llosieryi Suspenderii, , SAtin 'and Summer Stocks. Ifandkerehiefs, iieWeid; styles and litst manufacture kept emistantly 'band. 'onlidef4 of their ability to please, they respectfully so-, 'Celt the public patronage.• • "TALL ,STYLN:OI.4 FATS 3 lb. wm. li. .TROUT, deSires to inform his old friends. that he has removed to his tnt.wii:Siirblistment (Clllllo' ' street, near, the Railroad Depot.,!„Sne is mow Jopetiing a large and elegant assortment of ,the FALL, sTyLE OF HATS, just received from. PhiladelplOg._m hick , - the.gentlemen of Ciirllsleare requested to tiell and exainlne. lie has - alsb a large tissortment pf Silk. Fur and ,Slotach.llats of) his own manufacture. got:yip In the best style and at .Various ets prices, the excellence and 6nibh: m-whieh ho will }warrant. llbrstock be is cindblent on; ly needs to ho examined to be approved. Also, tatty* supply of Men's, Iloy's and Children's CAI'S. of„Cloth and Fur, and of every- ariety Of style and 'price jiii - re, calved from Philadelphia. Let all who want,* list Or _Cap give 111111.4 call, as they may. be. sumo( being suit ed to their own valet-action. • . v ,- A : c. , s„9,;;; _______ ,_,,: .-;..---. OR TIFF: .1‘11.T.41,1.0N_ • „ . , 40 ~ ,,q ....-_,..---- I ,ni ito,‘ ret•elytTig my I:nl I ' . 'O7 - -- -'' - git, •'k . of ' l' . ll'l. It II oe`silllN(N c • AM ,--, which stliTass hi. style, Quality .s.. • : ond.prien-y—thirt--have.-1-syer , beep exhllieted In Carlisle, I respectfully solicit a call from personel nt of. Paper as llmmhmsofany de 'serfp- , , ilon's I'lini count 1 \ y__:wiortment for surpiulslwy, d' in the norauKin and styli - niuL & prlrrs.ls but row s valoinAhnsity. lon pal& of the public to roll andi;*. :,,,utni, my misortmant befOro purchaslnr.thrl nun confi dent My chaste doolgini cannot f)II to. Omsk+ the most fastidious. -- , .IOIIN P. LYN}., - , ' . ....... • West altleof Icorth Hanovec:Strect i - Ca INEW: GROCERY , ..I_ AND VARIETY ST(11)E. j The subscrilhor,would respectfully Inform 111Si:1-lends ennill.o. the., publV . ionerally, that he lins.j vast . ret urn - ed risme : lli e -' city lidtli a -largo and:varied assortintnt of_ . ffitocEnms, GLASS and CiIIEKNS-WAItE. 16-• - , PIS 11, Ac.,d„ whiehltre - otters for. sale on the , .. - A, : most: •rearinilifblo. terms, at his -New Store. i SI '- corner of North Ilnuoyer street and the PIG- ' , : F .' '' pi 1, lie ligunie, directly opPosltii . the Carlfslo De. . . ,poalt. Bank. Ills' stock Oiiihrases overyllilu§A9K) . 4. Inn Grocery and. VarieWPOE . n. 4. •-''• 7' • -The-puldle are Invited to-. end exiligf i n l eL. •btff6enptirelinitraniiinitifetf,llAWroolii eon la to ei,.. ' Zell J. •D;11 - A - LIIEBT. - - - -' ' ... . ..... mu gREEN GROORRY, kiTORE. i • tkiecMi • - ss .] TeigreirteFrobritrthErvittpmir-of,ear. a or lave just received front the eh, • 7 1 1 1 ,7 opening In the room adjoining Bents d Br° J., eey-complete-iisehrtment-of-Groterimit - !,$) COFFEE*I3IIOAIt, TEAS, „ and all the various kinds of SPICES at ,Ita r 9l" - auch as Mims, Diied Ile f, Bologna Sat.,rt • piece or hound. Also e gs, erel,Shad, Co4.llsh and a great varlet) of articles not neroasary to enumerate. we will reeei‘e our rte.ulitr supplies ntEsll vEntreißLEs tmaoon-itte-tlicy appear In the city nutrkt4s, to all 01 Nvittch We invite the attention of tho -tuhflc. its, W tie tend to - scll - nt tht Tory loiyeat prices fd. Cash or Colin, try Produce. 11A KIC EF,It & MULLIN. a BING - 11A I\.f, D 2 . Cu., 2711"ilarl,et Street, ; Al FOR JACOB RHEE.7O - ,..CARIJFI,E. hud phi dolphin. Cars leiiimiaith plaeos Ettspaml - -Weir, ;my Week, TueadayWand Fridays. All hminess iiiitruid to Bingham'. Davis & Co., at tidoled to' eptness, wriother DI sales, pr. dna.; or freight. " A:11. BA RNlTZJislaitli strept, elite:rod into this arrangement, and wlli nttrud pr nrpr ly to all buSiness entrnstO to him,. 7 , taitro ni. The mileirilrar added to lifs. forrno n s'elertion K-nuns, 3911.11 Oa_ other vrtrietTaf artl P , VT \ usually • il_lll:3ll 7 roFer , vreeir—rit 2 1 i!, nrid 14 rent,. Odessa. Clarifie 1. C111)411'11 all(C.Pllll.rri...!' 11;1:4 of line qualltfe; Choo , date Salt, and a VAriety of Fancy artleler, all of which are o„ fore(' at the lowest rash prigs. N'Ve aro thankful far the former Aupport . giVbil UN; and lourito a further marrow our friends and euntOniers. '.. • . J. W. EllY . Al - M . lOll 11311, C/IrliShl. R E• w • i+ p - REsERvING SUGNE:4---A general assortment of Clruslul, 'Sifted rind Pulverised I , ltg . nrs . of be'st quality, nn also Soft eyuSited, and" other qualities constantly qn Land , FU it able foC preservint;_:and-all .purposes- , -generally at Otn Ala n eonstant supply of the eholvegt CoffeeF, Tenn, Itu.l railer nrtieheOn variety_Rtynys op lutrul.— . iitteiViou is invited tq our sto!:.k beforq buying Otii:m vlisle; 'July '25, '55, .1.,1V. EBY. • inGITNA,,, GLASS ..) WARE—OId housekeepers and • young, with tilos also irk , are elimAing to become housekerpertt, are in tilt ad to i•alt,itt • I.IA FAAI I IN (1110(10IY mid ex oolitic his ekgaut assOrtMent of. t I im, fi lass an 11 Queen o. Waro,3ll other articles In the lioiMeheoping Ilse, sucl+ as French and Englkii left sets. heavy banded and pit iii White ill:Mite, gilded and blue plain, Molnar sets of ev - ary yariet,y and pricu, howls and.pitchers, tut-tams. dit•b• es, Ste. Adlass-ware--eentro tolls rind iiiiitiferlamprt. - Candelabiiii , Mid .otlitir lainpgcginat carlfyitiblq and bar tatiiihrers, gottiT474, .(te. Fruit - and pri.Carci."ditthrr:in -- Ytt ,- tr -- tvalikiTiffhtit Out r ..I;iitr Ih. butt Itrtvber,—;:trecui tt, white wat.ll,•Neruhbing, handmtkd thee hruthmt. dm.tort., 'brooms, &r.. Narita, clotheOlnAra,kelling latsitt;ts-. elinleti ass..;:alinciit of 'flibacco and Segars. ho who ato rpnct chelce‘brands Segars and try thc Prlncipeg, liiigaliiis:Sieffaiinis and other culai varlet !cp . , Pmd pin will ilivil'thom of unimpeachable lu:dity, Gls„ per Span lA.and Coinuiof- `Aogtic: N . with choies•_torull and - • tolgwe9. . . vtR, H ' ••,W - 07% kl'-•;? t ) , (1.. It L151.1 . ..,--11, t.),itn I.li al hna rilways tin htziL(l a larl..zo t'aq itiat. }Vote. in ita thn ditformtt style;. NV 11 i, , 11 )11..' prrp..r, t•• s(.lllit Ito ittfti p r o , 11.1 ono ; B} . o-1! it , ‘ Cltt anti ,hi.-l; 'l'l3- 1 vn 1. ai, t' • " . . , l I. • //1111 an, Instruments of every descriptipm .Exclusive agent for the 'sale of gallet,•Davis & _co. :Patent Suspension Bridge -Callan and oilier PIANOS, Gilbert's •Boudoir Pianos,-Melodeons, Martin's Zinit/uo 'intim :Violin " glieePlilusic; 741 usic gook 6; iil e. . ' iteSide,ts 4 "the , ,id r untrY• will..be,supplied by mall iii l otherivise yr' li music they may wish, as low as it pur chased in person. giving , . one of tir,e' largest stocks it the United Stites, I feel confident of pAtisfyinst•lf nil' may favor me with a call nr order. • ' - --Dealers in Music supplied hn.the mostlii•eral terms. Pinfios.to let, Ilegonibliand Pianos for sale.: - . " .. •• May 20,1853-1:. ph la —IVA V. -411d:-,Iew el t --Number 90 lk;ortit-Second- Street, LI,I •••;‘, ner of Quarry, Philadelphia!' lloli Lever Watches. full jewelled, 18 cat • ut eases, • i - - -• • $2 O • . Gold Lepine,lB carat Cases? •- 24 si Ivor ••• jewels • • 9I • ' . • (11) NItitIt' . ;• Silver Lever, fuli'jevi . elled, •12 t . Superior Quartlifics, ' - - - 7 tn• Gold Spectacles, .: 7 p'• ••• ••• Fitie a Silser S'pectacles, .„ • - ' • •"1 • 3 Ladles' Gold Pendia,. • • - . - - •3 r •••., Silver Ten Spoons. set,' - • - • •ii 1 - Gold Pens. with Patten and Silver Holder.• - 1 I. Gold Finger Rings 37,k4 .cents to f8:-. Mars; plain, 1234centa,- atent.f&N,-Lunet- 25;ptlieLortzlth in proportii,iii. - -: 11 goods- whrrauted to ho what they a. 2 sold for. ' • , • , STA }TER k . Oit hand, some Gold and S lver Levers and LiPin• it!) t . lower then tile above prices, . • • • A l lll 4 ti' (31,115', 'COCK • —l, at t • • 0 Pr6fessor of Anatomy, and gingery in the Pli;Ladsj . Pliirs,Colle - gr.gf Medicine, and Acting Prpfeesor (.41'41i1 wifery; one of the Consulting PRysielami of the Hi • .adelphia llospital;ll.lpekley; late" Member of the Is; • thinal Medical Assoclation•, meniber •of the 'Ainslie • phis Medical Society:: ineuiLec of the"Metlieesehirurir, '‘. cal College of- Philadelphia; formerly President ans. , ' Profs. :pw of Anatomy and Surgcry in Castleton Medi , cal „College, Vermont and aiAlste.PrOfecsor of Ai. • &bar): anti Physiology. in Berk ehlre 'V hs; Pittsfield, Mass. - &co • '- 'i-lhtro•lntely introtiuged in a populiii forinoeVernl ot-hi----- goi•fte prescriptions for the principal diseases ofahi • climate. The sinmeof-enels• chicle will imply the . .oast ne• which-if - is intended tO i.e used,- McCirnxt,enla . I),CT4)IIAL STYLLT, $l. 1411.MCCLIN.T9CK'S L i OLD AND ( 4 0111111311ITURI—FOr Cold/- . Coughs. &e., Price - 25 cts.. •' •- ACTII-11.1. AND 1190 PING ,COLIIIr Maui • Are . , Price f.a) etc. 'Dn. 51cetisioetr's TONIC ALTZKNATIVI STlltr- , For -rifying ehrs Blood. Trice sl.._ • „ . _ ":Dit. MCCLINTOCK'S Dyspeptic giving terse tn'the stomach, relieving-NON if After eating, heartku-n. and all illSigenclililii - y - Mptems 'easing Irvin ' ....... ...... Alit. 31cCmrindex's ItncVnavni.Mixrumx- 7 A tunely •. getable Remedy forintennid use. Price 50 cia.. . Drs. Mt CLINTOCK'S ItlllitlfATlC LiNnalvi—For Itbi!urtia tlettu, &c." Pried 50 ctn.. • Dc. 'lll7;Cr.t Anonrsx Mama—Pon Paine, Tooth ache; headache, - Price 50 etc; Do. MCCLIkTOCK'S Farm - ern Aar,. SpEctricA certalu _ 'cure for all Intecurltterfts; - PriemsL - - Do. 3ICCUNTocK's In - sutunasiCoantsb attn CLIOLIRA sErmv.t- , --A Safe Remedy. Allt, o 4cetireromr.'n VEOLTADLI POROATITS PILLS--cos tottiveness, headache; &c. Price 25 etc. • • - • . Do. MCCLIVOCK'S lirtlarieuTretliium ettbeLiver beacLit, - or PM made; Price 25 etc. at bOX. 'For cale-by Dr; J. McCLINTOCE - , at his Aledleal . Depot. N. \); .Carper NINTH and FILBERT Streets, Philadeb Jobla; arid all Druggists. 1....-uggiate and Dealers iu Ale4l• dries who wisil to- be Agenls, will . please, address Dr. - 31 - cSllsettichinif neferenceomme:of Post Oilice,---- . rr7nt.y..aud,Sto 7iTMcre sale by W.'A. Kelain. Samuel Carlisle J. 11 Criswell. Shlppensbunr; Fmulinger & Co.. L. Eauff... echaniffiburg; Joseph lierccits; — NewTllle;7 7 l,-11----. ' Zimmerman . Andersonburg.; llaines & l'ertig, 111111 es k. town: A. C. Klink, Now Bloomfield; Ilariiet 31. Singer. • Newport; (Buettner, York Springs; A.j. 31111er and S. Nixon. Charnbersburgf:,ll. 31entzer, Waynesboro.; deorge Bergner end D: Jones &'Co., Harrisburg;_,_ 141,31cCLINTOCK can be consulted, without charge . • daily, from 10 to ]2 o'clock, A. 31., at hls Depot. December ti, 104-13.. ATATCII - EEi!' MATCBES !!-JOll-Y- ..- y v __DONNELLI, manufacturer and Inventor of SAFE ' TF I'ATENT SQUARE.O FRIGHT WOO.P.IIOX MATCII.II: -No. Inti .;s:ortit FillatTlOAreet (above Bate) PHU:ADEL FIIIA: Matches hay i og'herome !min dispensztlile . iticlt , in hou.sekeepino, the subsealber , aftgat-grezit as Ake of i ;time and 1116110.3111114(4 lit litTer - ttr the Pu is an ar- ' zticle at once combining Utility and Cheapnes , 'lite in• viz nt,Or knowing the danger apprehended on aCeOullt. 0' .. the Ilintsey manner In which Matches are ge , nei.any packed in paper, has by. the aid of 'Sew Stettin Machinery of his own invention, sticazeded in getting, up a SAEF4 - T• PATENT SQUAIVE UPRIGHT ,11 . 001) - 130.X; this box h far preferable, Inia - much that it occupies no more rez.rt, lieu the old round' wood box, ,aud 'contains et lewd Two liundred per Cent. more :klatches, which to Shipper. . - Is considerable advantage; It is, entirely new., and . scz ore •. main el ni.,jeturP and,, l .l.lltaneouf, col:61 4 141 0 n, di s pel s all danger Do tizinporfation by tutgins ot liallroad, Ream boat or any idler inekte of COOVOyltliCe. . , . ' 'these Nl:itches are packed so !ilk - one.gross or more. . narbo Aippeirn aiTirpirtliftliTi-Woffil—iiitlfferffd— ._ safety. They are the most . desirable article for Home eozoZniiiption, and the 'Southern and western markt% . - that have ever been.invented. DMALIiIIS and : 4 111.1:PERS, will 19 well t 9 call an cisainine for thetuFelves. tyk,.These matches, aro IVAIIRANTED.to b 5 auperiot to anything horotoftro offered to the Public.. • 1(11I\ 140XN1:1,1X- • Philp: Deer 4, 1854. FRI.INC.H.:. TRUSSES Wei°luno• less ' 4 ounces, for the cure of II ernia orlt up tut. acknowledged by the highest niedleal authorities of Phil. , 'adelphia, incomparably superior to any other in use.— Sufferers will lr,gretilieti to learn that the, oceasieu non _eiVra'o:pro6nro not :oily,theligiu4n_and.llloht as tin e a rahl Tr limy' other.' In lieu of the cuntbrouit aint'uncouttlirtoble ttitlelesuAntlly sold. Thortris nO dii lculty, attending the; tittingrttpd when tin' red ineat - edit will retain its poi.ltiun without elunign. • Persons nt a distanee itnabbe-to • k•all on the suliseribet, fall have the 'fruas 'sent to any - address, reinittin* flee \ dollars for the single Truss, or telt for the dtinble— Adtli ines.2ore4rdiiiiilLtubtipa, at ti stAtini: side it'ffeeted; • It wi l.lfo extlThnged to snit if nht tilting. by returi;ine ' at one, unsoiled. For sale only by the importer, • • • N.14.-o,u, CornerTwelttivind Race stroets, PliblatilL4 l o oo O • /ler Ea, •rtainiring the b . enellt - of portersvowing --to the- deranyeinent of the Tntilrii n 1 (id!. • winn, twinn.ing•fitiling of, Or .Vdinb,::l7oeni,,lianyamrA. kii,t4TATtfiliiii - lin z competent - andthat n eapialenetal, lA s or .sill in at, t , ndanre at,tllo - 1100)ila. (set. apart f9r_their.'exViusiva -. use) No. 11,4 . TWiaa',ll.l st duos below linee; — • July 26,,,'54. • • , • • • i A T_TEN'rION prrlcs-:—. Those 'ypi; who luivelx.ellittllieteit fur yeitriewitlythb tothersouivi,tlisease; and ho have every Nostkini• before the iiithfic wejiriy to you try" KieiTer's AittillytlielitieP 4184 you 'lrillsoon 1.. v tie cif its Jevat.'stily. , ettiricp.iiio, , ,r,i" vory. °the* hrolt:u•ltinn. I\'e , ' , 1,11.1 is'lt vfNitiNeti.i.; ors in :I‘ , :ert ions, l•iit ft iTiTII7 ores `. 'lli IN I^l`llloitY iv prepnel'a stnd 1d at t IP ? I'r " Sforii,vl h 64. r uth ;Ihtunver sibieet r I . l ' I ° 4 01 : C O R N . • • I ,•, J AC. 1.3 1, t;'t I I _ p4itabtlyb,lst. :MEAT W AMI JEW EL w.gousALE ntT.A.nr,., the "11011, kJ II MONI =I Qt• Ide4--- - -- Ica I