, 3/eill Fitfifications. .41 MMENS SUCCESSM TLIE,CLI RAREST MADAME /N TII It WORLD. .11 Al, OU'S DOLLA It M. 0 N It r. IMNIONED FUR EVERY AMERICIN ROME Enrouragud by the unpro, °dap hal success with this ,Ripular mouth!) has met witb, a , ni the e:PiaitY with wiTtri) it Liss iiivreased it. eirculat 1,11. th" 111,111+ . L01 . 11:1S TUtillivotil to walte It still inuro wortii.r ef Paixemige of tha public. That this ad lair:tide ,u,rk is A m PNESS is admitted by every olio, lilt/ 4. an it. (toes One liandrea page, , • 1•.1 lit/:;i ,1 luore than any ma:.:aziwes. am: laritiiilLr, tut 1 . 011/nieS a }'oar ul MX baud red 1 , 3,40 S o,o•It, nr Twat% e tiiimired page,. of readia; matter pot :nllllllll, fur lI NL I. A It) o llALLne's Doti.An MuNiit ,printed With new typo. upon line white paper, and its hi:lifer Is carefully roll!. piled and arranged by the hands of the editor and pro prietor, Who has teem known to the public no eon uceird With the Boston press for sixteen years. Its pages con tain HEMS, TALES, POEMS, ifTolilEs TUE SE'. SKRTeIIES, MIS -- CE1.1,151, A OVEN reltrlq, nioORAPIIIES, WIT AND latiMUM, from the best and most popular writers of the country. It is :Os spired witli a record o f the mutable events of Chi times, of peace and war, of discoveries, and Improvo tueutsuecurrina in either hemisphere, forming an agreea ble companion for a leisure Moment ur Iritir, anywhere, sit home or abroad, eaeh number Wink: complete iii ilselt. No secretarial subjects :ire :id:flitted into its pages: Ihe re are enothgb controversial publications, each do votoCaad its peculiar sect tic ri lue. This work is in tended for THE 3111,140 N, north or south, east, or west, and is tilled to the lain' cyst' Montt) with chaste. popular and graphic tniseel• /any, just such an any.fitlter. rot her io friend would place in the litiiils of a family eirele. It is in all its de partments, fresh and original, aad. what it purports to be, the cheapest ina,tacine in the werld. Any tiers nt e nolosi ntt ON F: , 1.01.1, lit iti tits proprietor, as below, shall receive lb. , 1:14:14ilie or any person sending' its tai; t h... and 1:P.110 watts., at one talus, shall recta tit a..eopy p..ti is. M. M. !Lk l'uldi•her Corner of Tremont and ilrointleld Streets, llithdon. Nov. 2S, COSMOPOLITAN litT i) ut.\Ynta~ re L,r the ne,•ott,l kutitral 1'L.11,..•ti.,ti of this Ito, 311,1 pr i pri.Li 11,01 tit 1,1 Liter:trip,. mitt Art, 1,150 1,0.11 111/1 . 10 01/ the 111014 ex- Am , 114 tiir• ii ro is thy I.:sr-Wiled kil:N:I.1 CI:11'111% •. . t,ri,4.1111111) 1 . 1,11 , 1 11 I I , 111 1.1,11i1; Lna rie. •I I w.lnn .o; of ANIL:I:It AN Alll, and Ilt t.,, Ann rj,•.,., b..on issnyti t,n many M . diN:IA•,I,•M• I A awe,- e.t.a A rliA, alt. eIII r. II LI 1 I ./II • Lair till ,1 jor.hin .Li ins. AM mg; t aro ••• by tam groAL,,,L :-.•1),M .r,—Rutty I'v' ,, tlEa;:ttlE NVASIIIN,IT.IN, The rather BEN.I aN :it AN Id N. 'I he 1.11:1 ..npuer. DAN I e.:, WEB-Irk:lt. The Statesman. A spurial agent has .:slted Ents.po iii wade oreft: and; judielaus seleetaans ut fereao works ot .Irt, bath iu Bronze and :\larld::: Statuary and Choice l'aintilds.s. The wit ;le (.Irinin4 :. la: za; and saluala.: aleotani: Paintings ainl Zntattiary, to lie dlSCribtited FUEL thu rmuu , ,eni of tile A, s a:datann Jrn the Year. t)F pavilion!. ,a is orastitutes any 11110 a mea •” Luis kss .L1..1 I.i I I /Ile tII 111 , I an,l As. • 110:01. in tit. dihtAlll:l..ll ul Lilt' rlatu.tll :1,1 file Lit.eraLure isstiod I I Sllll,oll' l ol , 1•...11N1A.a 111 CIO 1./1111.1iag .11 .LiLnly trl.ol. Ktilokt•il.•kOr. i rah tilt n, , ;0d0.1 • S 1,1.11 B alit! PO, sIS 111%111.: 11,1 . 111,1111'1,Hr; aro wolit.led Ln a.:y five .11. Ito' ono )oar anti L., 510 to tit I , in the arst,,burt. , tt. 'ft,„ „,•t ti, • s,tit, ul mem her Ship, atv Lt , Li/C 11111,11:0.1: ,O Art lot tug year THE ADVA \ TAG :•••I'A I EED, by bozo:Mug Ellis Ass iCialitin, are -Ist. All person , re el, e Lite t 1 tt rifte.of their :mit seriptious at the start. in the shape of Nitwit lig .:ttat,,aallie Literature. tlaolt mambo' s I< e • ntriholing towards purehasi 01.1iett IVorits of .Irt, with are to he distributed thalltsel and are al Lilo sa Ile 1. Artists .if the ..nun try, disbursing thoui , :tuits tit dollars throu.4ll its agency. hors in remitting funds for membership, will please 4ive their pestooftioe aildross in full, stalult; the m , 31,11 0105 a Ish the Muil.klZilie Lt. 1,11111111m0t.. mid hate the letter ro:istered at the Post-Office to preriint Ms•: Luc wit whch, a l.l ttt- goOpts. II Optut i[desired, l Will 'ho lor‘rurtled LI, any part of t he eountry. 1•u iso ilOYlUlleell use qa-caZilleS al naiol•Oturs u i, will ols Sumo CI. 1t .ny this .1.; nriauuu, they recei the Fitta. Tin kl.f ill the all IlUal all at the state price they 110 W pay tor the Maga/jilt., illustr.tte4l Cataloguos glving full des,rill (Sun. s.•ut 011 appli C3LI,, Fur M01111..1,124, addre,s C. L. DERIS I", Actuary, C. A. A. At either of the principal offices -litielcerboelier Ma;;./tee" otllee, 344 Broadway. N. Or, Western. office, Jai Water btreet,.tiandu.st.y a 1. tier. S ATI It DAY EV N N 1 ) ()S'r EsTA BLIsiI Ell A 1.30 sT 401. 1,21. rios r.t:N hly)(11) A ~I) 'J0,11011! In issuin.r their Prospectus fir the proprietors of the Punt take it. Mr granted, that the pular: :is al reody tolerably well a...la:tinted with the I.ll.tra,t , r of a 1 0 , thor thit h.O sown strong during the sitoriss , and ausishisie ri it V Is: heir s shit. t ass ? . si l US it 11,11/Ai/Is 111 11111,11.11 .n IV/Will,' pave - t tio tunilr eirele, which soall 10. t sils amts..., but a 1. ., i11541.11.•t , :111 , 1 11”..s• a ho To areonipli-li this ohoe d. the best :irs ivies are solessted In, It tHreiso ao.I .1 ono-tio ssori4istals art isles of all 111-LVII'LI , Chasts 'ter procured. La p sssilslo. bset.srs, fis sti Is' esssi,slis L sods: tho w :s , t 110 NV, ,, sltly \e,\':;.ll tin „rid: a:tctehc~ of Lit',-. Asti esit ore :sod .01 or s e sl , AN,/ I," up ui ICrl'ulllll ~1 Ihe / ISL 11,1: )13!'ll1.1 sous 11,11'.., 5 11, I..pd are mole le I Atallll . 4 it lid int snit itssos i s Ise essos,a,stly found is the I.not. ' , sa t th e *l aud 00 nutria a „id:•0 range—it has Ilya I ties tyhirh doli.stst in the Is osmsssu , and lively. the h e . astitisttive p setosal. file , faculties al, stunt hive their appropri.ste else they lessowe enfeebled. and. at; a cons: s 510116., LILO lilt-fleet 14.1,1110, narrow and s id e d, and is not stints, IS toke an enlorgoil and getter,sos view of homon natureits destilsy. 'fuss:di:4 theso heaven-Implanted eravings of our mental heing. 111. vote a fair prop 'llion ui the Pest to ricTION, rou'rEY and UCH OIL. • Among ether euntributors in the first t wo of the above Departments, are several el' the most gifted a riters to the land. 'We also draw freely from for Helloes and Pont , ry upon the best verbally:its in ibis country and tireat Britain. We design roniiin•neing a New Story by Mils. Suer ttwoar it, author of "The Deserted IV " 51iriant," .ke., in our first paper of January next. NOTICES OF 'l'lll , . RS: 4 . This is one of the few large papas filled with life sod', thought, Instead of itunburing trash. Its manageineut . is Marlteti by liberality, courOsy, ability and tact. It employs the best literary talent, and spares no pains er expense. As a fautily paper, one of literary and general intelligence, we cordially recoittmend it.—Cayuga Chief, Auburn, N. Y. We have heretofore spoken in high terms of the me rits of the Post. as one of the best papers on lour ex /change list, antl we regard it as one of the best literary pipers to he found anywhere. Its editorials are Sr tlyn with ability, and take a liberal, independent and vont vrehensive view of men and thint,N.-.-Star and Advert'. titer, Wrightsville, 150. It Is deservedly one of the most popular public flair nalp in the United States, rombining_as It dues, in a lit e rary point of view, till the interest of the best maga sines, with a vast amount of general intelligence.— Republican, Litchfield, Ct. TEICSIS (Cash in adivitnee)—Simile copy, $2 it year. 4 e npics, - - - - • - $4,00 8 (t opics, and ono to getter-op of Club, - 1 0. 0 0 IL:copies, and rota togrttor.upofCluub,- Iron 21e(111111S:and onetn getter-up of Club, - • 20.00 c 111'1,E N'l.llllEltS sent gratis to any one. when 101111•SIIIII. Address, utways post-paid. LEACON PE'f EPSON. wo. 58 South Third Stmt., Plaid('lphia Sliecellancou9, - ~. ....-.4„ ' I TZP ((..., -N./--...„ r, : , -, • s ' 1 ~ . ‘ 1 ; `ei .', `‘.,•';' 'i 11, ( • ,\ 1 ‘ . , j , 1):• • ;'-' 51 N4 .,.. -i. rik .: ,* t 1 ,....b..„ - . 44 i, .\:,: ~ : • V' g , ,',; 4,J,41.‘ . 4 . . . ... i ls, , -,_--_ -- .. ",', , , '. _. ".-7' , . i .,' .•• -...171:-;.; ~•,;:' -- ~ ' ' , i 4. 4 • -,-- qI!/- A. • r . :: '. I '. /.; ,i"), l' --.- ' `i.i ? ' 1 1 *t k i_ , ..,;L 1- - ,. , . i .,..: , pi?, 13 --.-- ‘:•:t:;...';.;-,.,,,:..•.__...,...4t.t„, '44 I 4 ET US It E.I.SON TO( ;- ETII I.: ::.. not.ww A v . s vii.i.s. NV II V AR E WK. SIC K ? It bac teen the lot of the human rmse to he welshed down by disease and suiferiti.t. 1101,1,011 .1 S'S are specially adapted to the relief of the \V IZ IR, toe NERI'OI , B, the Iiti:LICATE, and the INFIItAI, of all climes. a,re,, sexes, ;tll4l eonstituliw,s. way personally superintends the, manufacture of his medicines In the pll)tell States, and otters them Lo a free and intlightetiiiit people. as the best remedy the world ever gaW Ibr the Celll , ,Val of distim.e. I't;ItIFY THE Itl,,101) Theso thiunus I s ars ex'presidy e iul in operate Oil the stoat:tell. the liver. the knlurt s, the the sltiii. slid ally dorritittriniiiit iu their dttnetidus, lourifying the blood. tinuit.tin of hrs.:mil thus ruling 311 its tl)rnr,. E= Nearly half the human Lava taken the.° It has liven proved Itt all parts the that no thing has been llnnid equal to thunl iu eastisiil dis.iriters ut the liver. dyspepsia, and stiiiinteli rally. They 0 0 , 11 trice :1 Itt.9lthy twir t.n thrsu iirgans, hoaecer• nitwit deranged, and whim all. other means hay(' fiiilea. GENERAL DEBILITY. 11.1. 3littly Of the Most. despotic tioverlitmolts site opotied their l'itstodi Floti,s to the liar that they may [weenie the sitellicillo of the Learned C.dieAt.s admit Llt it t •i Ili• it tip• 1.4,1 remedy ever known for pers ot, ordelleate. or Whore t system lists beet impaired., a, its ills ig .rating in..pert it, tie ver fall to relief. 1.:11.1 I. I.; II Pl, A I NTS. 11,1,11.•.1,1.1 a.l • .a1p..11111., “I 1{.."1.1:• a •II: I Illtl 1 U•latic li la•at • II; 1.0" atl alt.! W.. , 1 , •.1 , I Al,' 311.1 11 . 1,•..1tI 111 1111, I /•I "mll.'ll. I,1 • 1111 •, 111 , 1,1,11,11 . % 4 • 1 • 111 Ill L. 1.1 Li, • I I .0../1110( I 11,. 111111,,, •111.1:, I.t . t . " N young kn. I, eittriut 116: th•ine. It r' t1•1.•••r• 31141 1 , -7111,1t ,. . 11 , .11thi .• .It all 1.01•i..1.. it. ni 1.% • 4,1, IL , al. thr th.. 1.1 hell I , ( . 1/11.11,11 .i.l :i4t•N :I,i I 1.1 , lain nit I. ut it 111=1 I=l .1“11111,1 1101 , 111;y I; H•S ../. nul Iz.o •wrlis riwt.tio Dir.t,st•s Ile, I , •11 , I 11.ikt , i1”11 lit 1)% .111,1.1 lullu;u.:t Li i• !liiilllllllllt lirllll,y \ euerval Ifectlotis ,btld at tht• c ot Professor llottoit kr I,atte, Neve :trallit. 1. titcl ,u. all rt....poet:oth. Dru,4..cist. nmi Uralrr. ttf tlinttiztuttit the united States. and tlit...ivillzed ht boxes. at cents, tt'.4. t•.•ots..ttici =I. excl., 44) - Own: i, 3 1 , 01”Itt.'1,1 . 1 , • ~tying Iv Itt!:111.: thy 1ar:27.9 . sizes. N. It. Dirtst•tioli , tho till, of patients in .•1 11 L.,\ . IME 6100 mi ! : N ATE, tit out 4111,1 lore•el, n ihe is% e:le1. It IN I, l itll l llololo. L.. ,',AN//1.101 TassE .1.1.1)0, to '001.•oI tbele being ittklt,l au•l the tying bta.t., false IMO/111,N end Spur/.u, e -1.11111.1.01,11, 11,111 010 d/•.1.i :111/1 11111. 'eon .1, of I n if wit/I:11'1110M Sr) lire ill Phi 1 .1011.1.111 111.111 01,.11.11'e, ho in,o of t:10 010.10• oof Ida, of the -4.1t0. :11.51w anti tivol.l thew. I lig 0•111,1 MO to 11l onty attllhrs w.trth Itt •t. %fixture, I,•tr.tet.. I nviporat lug l.lmxirk. 1 ..1 , 1131, without boleti 010013iV014 by 1111, 1•01,00,11 Led 1111 d ‘0.11.g1:1!011.tOti e .• / •.tunts of ://. 0 11 . . DiNOllSOr and their vow-, 'tient-vs, 1001111:111.1 11) Ads Orti,olllolltS. Rooks, 1111.1 111,,i001 fuss ro coipts 311.1 wrong, :tat leo otott.ti nod Iboreill. to 11101,111 , 0 sulTeritigH, and alarm anti frizittott the un thinking, the in ire ~ally to loSt/ol't b//el, I Wilit•ll 10 111/11, oVidellt, being S/11.1 10., than Cunt 14 print i 111.! 1111.1 ad, 00I1,1111e 1-1111% ille 11/11 11,0 (Al nun hundred lb/1- bl,, to Foreign ttii.l t. Qu t.• 1,;"." ‘viTii.)ur t't ItED, haring sunered tnu.ll and Jon. --though the time I.d ettnnot 1 , 0 recalled, nor the tummy fired vii paid Ind were defrauded )11, pot ran 1.0 t•111.••1. .t1.1.•1 lent. long idatnline, ) ,, ur Ile a iw. betimes; ltela)... ara .litti e fer ..'fine Tune •,Ivett t• ,ties earned. - YOU \if 1 Olt 0111 -mile. married, or, contemplating marri.Cgi.......T....hvg iron. Self- Uut.o or it. 0 uno•Thon...s. i.tnie. int; front an v y ether Catlin , . aolo,t^, and I. 111 whatet or their Ni to Ili at.. tilt It 'nor refy and in In.. laddy's .6fll turd seeress. ,1 iith kind .10.1 t•111 , •10111 at t e i t ddi.o... at Dr_ l'ifl \ 1.. I I>l 1111.1. 1 . 1:E1 \I1.! I) \ I: TWII . SANI) 1 1 01.1. \ Ic wty.red the C.llowlng v/11111.14 be ratlict-ed, that An. N. B. 1.1.:11/V, i No. 114 North Fot, : , tn.et, :thole Itavg, Is tbe only regul.tr l'lfssiciao I eadios In Philadel phia! Bradottio the I:lll‘ersit) of I...nlN..iv:mi.'. of 1 , 41. (t,Neot)-t,‘,, eng.unl in the treatment .4 ,to• rotor Doliottle Dko,•'s of hot h sexes; :-elt•A ha, .to.l a.l 1 . \ v00,ne. , : It - 1,411141m., .1111 ,itufllons of Female,: and whi. h ht tt ill I.•••• enet•tlially, than our other. under forieit of tr, TII 11.;:,.%N1) 1.1.:11)1" to , re pit wilt.. and ..tire , them t.,0, than ill a hi.rti , ll/1 lil , Vtl. 1,1114'd ur ni lint,unc. P 11111.1,11001 t.,1111th11 . .1. 9114 t... .. • t 1.1 • 1 ....•tab10 I'hy<l..l.to.. In Inv Nw,. Th.r -,-1111.1., Air I II ilrl Pro'. 0.1 , lii. kit.. DisTAN nitn hare ritlee , ..ary ;lit VIVO and 111,110i110 rent them by until or °then% lee, to any part of the United State,. , :1 1 i tiff n des• • riptinu of their east, i,oneloslinf a reaSell - Ode feel by letter to lin. N. 11. LEIll5", No. 111 North roulau Street, above Itaeo, N. 11.—Letters of I miltiry or Information 10,1.1, iox• ropt from p.itionts) Ln roeolvv nt tontion, must poritain E It, iu ,oliFiderpajou of time and truu..l,lo nu kworlit4 and iiitormat foil Oyu!. A tut' t 1415. 1555. 1 - OS. B. BUSSIEIt, 27 S. Wharvcs, f below Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Wholesale Healer in FosKnot ASI, Doursrio FRUIT, NUTS, &c.. Would I%tii the attention DI C. untry Merchants and idhers, to the following list of thirsts, kept constantly •itli hand. :ill of which ho ogees for sale at the lowest unirket prices, in lots to suit Pnrehnsers, viz: I , lal VV.—Raisins, Currants, Figs. Dates, Citron, Tam arind,. Prunes, Oranges, heinous. Preset res. .. N UTS.—Altuonds, Filberts, Walnuts, Cream Nuts. Pecan Nuts, Uround Nuts , Shelled ,thuonds, Cocoa Nuts. N u ts. Shelled I; round Nuts, French Chestnuts. ' '''' SUNDRlES.—Chocolato, Sardillit., Split Peas. Pi no Apples Cheese, Syrups, Ito's() Water, Peach Water, As. sorted Extracts. Liquorice. Rook Candy, Ilum lin.ps, Nilo...amid. Vormleuill, Beans, ilrecti (linger, Salad all. Calmly Seed, Hemp Seed, Pearl Barley, Presmwedl Wa ger, Fig Paste, Jujube Pastoi Ketchups and rialleoq, ()MOs Mid Capers, A sssrted Pickets, Jellies and Joins, Fire Works and Fire Crackers, Spleed . Oysters anti hob store, &e., &e. Country Merchants are requested to call and purr chase their goods at first hands and make a great saving thereby. Oct.l :1, IS:.:, _. ~ GOAL v , et e 4000 TONS LITKENS oaa tOw Vl%Puy, Dauphin and Tine ()rove 4..zp '- ' l .7' N,ut v or Limo Coal. Lrkens VoileY,Pitt.,ton`and :31tantokin stove C oa l, A150,),..t quality 10nel:smith Coal. Al,'.. 1.11.\111E1l of all kinds and best eyuros , Sltinvlps. lii of ,:'sirs kill Ip. vl4 unusually low. FrfonLi‘; call and lunNo for yoursolvp. nug 29 U' . A.. M. 11001111 t ! ,TSuilip4 ilkjirlal.ito4 ftlebitineS. APPIN ESS ! HAPPINESS ! WHAT CAN MAKE US HAPPY? -Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of Kens°, Lie iii three words--I lea Ith, l'eaue, and l'onipetehee. But when We Icnu II:1111S. till ieLion angel:Al n 1 dis w.f. ..1.11 . 1;11 . 11,11re, uur Ply. and iali • tliore• , ... .1. NI, 11 . i lel ' , III' stets In,: sill : 101, 11.4. ‘ • 1111 , 1 : "St 1 ,:111142 15;;:11 1,: - ~ .1 tk snap 1,1 1111 , 11.:. lel ill lo .t •ii•-• 1 \ N I -D t, r. . 1 1:1)- 1)1 - A:. vc... •oi siel:111, el,i w 11.,1.•1 Pist suit ,s tlruJu.ttr ~ i 'tle.l 1..1 111:1,10 h im.rll n • int . tilltiSl t‘lt,ll 1111 the tlt,', - , lits t9,..t0z:1S I :111.1 Wall the l'eeeilt .11..s,Vvi,es ail I i 11111 1 ,15 111111.1 a, in t Ile Varilltj, dtytnrl uu•nLnni 11. I 1e.,1104 Lo 1 , 11/.4 , I :trill 10.11.•31 .11.1. nii,l inv,livit,e, are ail mast,. or tll, Ilt d...patli) and : and 1111 Sire :LI I 0,111 01 .1,1, s lithe istrta... ptaut , . itliti in all And ,Lltu.l.,d m'e lln 11.titt L , . apply tiuuap. Ilia 1.5 11,,p,•talde Cf.py of a I..c..i . tr.itu t 11. I,,inhach to Nr• 11. 11. i.L1er...1 Oa: 11 trw :v.111,4,.1-low low (•%1:1)- Der. 411 .N. 11% 101.1. I 1,110,11 Dr. C L e year... Ile 11, I with ~1.1 kt). 1,11- ,1) itli thorviore I do Ltild e hltu te , w.rt 11 . \ .kny ii or, yoli Way See 111,1 per to 1,111 . 01 . 011 hint. w ill he 1ti..411 ly ap• proviated humorous triend, mud I,y won. tr JO.Ol 13 than )nor frolhO and Itthul.le sorNunto C. 11. 1.1r.N1.1.1t 13th, n(.l It , . lor Irolt i;•• •1. .. 4 11:111r, ( . ..111Ity Tri.U1,1,11 . 01 . .-- I .1 tits Lll.ll. (I 1.• 111t,11,Z11 21411 it 4. t•I l'. C. Carkl.l..l* j, "''ii 1111) 111•1' \VIII. It I 113 hit h.•rt ore lg., t-r I Ivrlttlil llif•reL.l , 1 , ... , 111111 , 1111 11111, 1.. ,111.11 May 1,0 illlll. I,d '0 all 111.11111111,1,.. ‘u,:,l , t 2.lth. Isr.l l'110 , 1 1 1 . :1: 1,111,4, ,k ell s ith II tl• ..1•;11. re,eln •111.1 lIIe 111111 ailtl etire, ”1111.11111.1%, 111 . 41,1 =I - 11,11 ,L,l 1 . 1111 '.t 1,, l', 11 mall, of all 111111 MI 1 It:, 1 t I,•t. tl .111. t .11 1. 1 li/.•1 0 • it- lil.ll. .t•I I.k t 1131.. to I, IL 10 , iti.•1.11. I .2 r. AI/11 thei, di! 4. , 1., , 01s 1,1 i 1/t. .0111. b 1 t 11.• .1.0.1 1., .111) 111:111 \ I. I L.\ 1;01.4,1;.1,31 . 1,.e.t 111111,01•i:11Ill t• 1•1111- ty. • Ir.: 441 :1111.1,.:‘,..0;,11,.,1,,11,, Lli.• litter. 'I II••. L 1.:,..111or Slth ,I,••••• 1111:1., ‘.. II”. ,Lint• 1111 , 1 , •.11. Ow 11 , 50,, t lie • 11 111 , h 1 1 1. 1 .11 .1 t• .11 11 t.l vs 11111 1 1.." I I 01.1 I; I, 311,1 104/10.1! r.:l I:1.1 1., .111.! .01 IA I ./Lel 1•1 • .1,. , 111.11 tit • .-II ; 1 .,,.. 1 , , ,y. 111 1 ,1.11.1 I I tIlt• I,lj I. 111'.1 I'll.l. t. tt r, aint 1.• II hi• • 111 • EMI N. I; r I.)•• 1,3,1 . 11.• II 111.•ir 11 , 0 1%, 111, 1.1-i I , :i/5 ~ 1 111111 1,1,, I'l,ol DV. 1.•1•. l I 1.1 1, 110 l'lll . PO. l , n nluane 1.0.• {1.I• Llllll 1.11 l'k)11. lANT TU .k I nit. t'.1.,1:11.\ I nit. 0,1111111:IL i.. 1: 1 ittAretliente in the:, I tlle is Lilo stiltttf a 1..11A tint c<tettnl .4 prltt.i. we: they nue will :Itid tt ..1 rostorlin: I..tL L. , ILs 1it...1).4r .A1:1 , 11101. lu ovvry instance have these l'ltle kiivartahl . n, ,spot, tL ,st• tow Wel t l'olinAles lieu habit., and hying nature int. its praper rltaa tint, whereby he.tlth is restnnisal aunt the pale :tint deathly ...al IlL1•11:l I. eV eh:1:1V...1 Lit :t heals by oust. \n 11,111.L.t..•:1.11 o. I.y gaud 11.,111.11 u tiles, site is rtJg LI :111d livito,er nlnstrurtvinin tntkven plave, tvlinnther from vs. pnneurv, cnnini nun any ether cause. the gentnral health ha inionliatel) to drrljne, an,l 01 stilt a rein. (41) Ita. 1.1411 Lilt. cause nil Sin LILA .1) r, n.sunlpti..n.;unnnn 1.1.1t0.: 0111 lio.L 1 . 1.1.111iL 1.1 au 11101taSt...1 1 . .111111 I.IIIS V. ill pr.c . it lid, Lc ltu.iLbnt. its th.•y tt II! 1.1 . Ilondnrtc, p.till in th.. Side, palptnu iuu .11 nilit• heart. hin t - Ilint.4 • I 11.11.1..51 steep d.. mist alttays ari,• 10.111 She tuterrupLtnu wh.j(Jett•r Glut In Li t ° IL, pills in iii lIIN 3.131.1) rnniunnnly thn•rt \..r :urn Ow Ives allicanannus in Linn clan. ..1 111 t. -N1 kites." 'llien.n• pills 5i1,111.1 11.• N 1.11,11 during prevnainn thvy . ,,nntild to eute Ln au., iiiis-arriago. 11 arranntn•nl nyznntalnle. err Innan .nn thing iniurinntis to 111,1 nun litatltti. 4 ullainl nn‘pi a n111,41..11. an•nsninpain) 4.:11t Inc. pille are put up in ...luny° Hat lenses. Pers..its is hero tinnan• k inn a..!'vnic) vn•talnlislin I. In) viin-1n0..in4 ..in4 D“llar iii a 'letter, pro-p tint, In Dr. ('I'I Ssi.- N... 121.7 3 street'. Net, Yuri., Call have tlivni Nola. Co I lunir,rennivoctii.e anittro,neit 11 ) I E I I 1 , , ) \ I.\;'l' I.; 11 ! .I , A !molt Nfl r77 t'.)()l I\4l, S'IOVES. l'he ,Ill.erile•r at his old Lli Calikle, of t he ••laintliu 11 1:44.1 (.4,1r., :ffi..•01,01..1* ilo,11111111,• ort !non t ul STIIN ES. of the 110,s e,t and fashttm ble .ti the host inautinuctortes in the coon t rx . anal at all_nriccx t. , .\imn. t I Pk P 1 I'll I l itl It ter '44 • 11 • ot p luich he has of all 11 r Ino.lo , ts ur ,•11111ibur,,:111.i o.loliated ter hut .•ithet Wee.l ~1 eetil. Al", the Web°. Flat-top and Ilmollcix or Poor ..Nlan's. with other Omit. I>u Sim . its, ontilpri;•lng 1 ho', latest lummox eineuits in kit, heir hitounlcil 6)1. either timid or coal.— Al s o. the pining Room 1 . “01:1111g Stove—a new al licit). to whiell he ill \ HA'S thi) particular atten. Lien liflli.oolll,ing StliVt.ti range in price l'roin Flu to 25, M ill' the fixtures compliuto. Also. Nino Plate .-tares ,46 various pattern, mut flillerent prices. Also. ENA31E1141.1 . :11 ANI) 'FINNED fin• Cook inn Staves, lirass Kettle:. ke. Alt.''. every article In the line or 'Fin and Copper Ware. The public are respoet• folly hi% lied to call to) he is confident trill. his large shill:. indef.,* and cheapness. of being Able to give 4)11 tire satisfaction to ex cry' purchaser. and see. (wt.:if,. 185.1. NI. Nl.llllllB QT(.II"I.',S ! ES !! S'.I'OV.ES !!! ):y ,I))11:); 1). (;)Att).ks would laOrin liit3 public (.118.t. he Inn , tIONV oa hnnd at l il , tillinSlllllollt, on Nlain next door to )tarion lIaII, tint -lament nud nwst 1.11111. . .. plete assortment of COOK. OFFICE & PA R- P. I,olt STOVES to be found In this connty, 0 ,... • ' : .. , C, ' C. ' ..i l lil i w " a i l l ) l pr l o l %t s l '),l: t i vt i l i i t t. 4 i l li lis i n srA t e l , l i i i i i . s 4 i . s s ts ti , ' , r i : C - a large assortment of new and highly' ap pr,,‘,.,l PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished In the most complete manner, and calculated for either wood or roil, or both. All the oh! standard patterns which ime stood the test of ex pvionee, may he found at his , - ;stahlisliment. Also, a groat variety of the mo s t approved and be:intim] PARLOR OFFICE STOVES, In eluding.a number of new styles. possessing very supe dor advantages over those heretofore in use. Families a'w.l honsekerpows too respectfully invited to give Will a call before purchasin'g,-elSowlwre, Stoveu ( 1,,ii,,,,,,,,,d to any part .of the country and put up at the shortest no t,i,. ii, c ontinue!, to do all kinds of TIN AND 511 EE r IRON WARE, find Copper Work, and has constantly on hand or will Make to order every article required by housekeeper's or others in this lino. Pin stock of Tin and Copper Ware outhouse s every kind of household and kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the hest manufne. lured. Poisons In want of articles in his line may m, wAys be .it re of lasing areollllllothltrd to their HP tisfaetion lay giving /111 U II Calk,: . I pr0v1...180 alt.! 11l 11:1• .•I • 11.•.1.1 0 1111, .•. i• , ‘‘llll ri hi .1! I 1.1,T 1.11.1 t. II I, IL I I lEEE itouc SL Cri.in-warc. 11 ELMI3OI,I)';3 GEN UINE .PIIE -1_ PARATIONS.-EI2%IBOLVS. lIIMILY CON CRATED For disertfin of the Bladder 2111(1 1111111. 1 3 . 82 Seeret ;•:t rict 111,S. ‘1 oal.int..,t.s. and all dist•a,t, ul the :-exyal Int , tll..r in ,%1:111. nr Vvinnalit. frwin ‘v ha trot Ow) uutj hale t.rijinal.,l,atn,l int, matter hng.taintling. It ) 1.11 hate enntraeled the terrible diseaste re t• seated in t lie S‘ 5i1 . 111.. ill surely r.f. den In 1 . 1,111 ;milthels, 1111fl , •r111111111,'.'l ct,llStiillll , ll the Neu sit al Paid. nt lit, do net tiifit ) .ifirsen in line hands et l;tvieSs. stai t up et 01) yin ill II , its lifie this. and till the I.llrol'S nu Mt ;...:11t1 . 111g LIIII Nll . ll In the y~nni4. mini I, 4. 11 . 111ilinted tcith I heir triets. Yifii etinnet ton e a r end in the seleetinit ol II remedy iti these The Fluid Extraet Hindu] has been 1.1,1i1.1111,141 ipy 4,1111111,111 ',hp:L.ll9ls the greatest reified) ,tor 1,4 0 1 , 1, - 1f inn 1111 , th taste. and eery 11111 , 1,111 ill its :11111.11. and yet sc. tlifirough that it anni hilate, e‘ery I nn th•le ruin tank and 11..k1.11,11S tires nt' this dreadful disease: and. unlike ether remedies. 41 , es wit dry up the disease in the I.ified. lamitzlit 011 Tow , t tcrrildo di.ease. 1,10111 hae1.1 .4, 11,111. th , lo,ll'th , the 1111111 fill sacs In 1111tit111,19 grilll . N. thus Llaslw4 1111• 11:11,110,1111,1 hiil2.lltlllLr in Ihr) . 11111hi• ;: 10 ri ,11 /Slllllhiti o ll 44 . :111 , 111' yOlllll. VIM he Clll , h) thiS liihatlllkh . 1:1•01,1y. And as n 1114 . flicilli • tilt h mint lam,tit vvorylusly.frian Ills simply ,li•limite to ILr ,mll . meil amd despairim,z; ill% slid. ill. clual is Lit lie Mlimi act lug Guth as a l'iare and 'wet tmtive. lIELM 1116111. Y CONCENTVATED l'(t N 1.1.1 . 11) 1:\'1'I1 Al"' 1::,A1'.11t11.1„N. For Vuritl int:. the 11l ied. reninvini , iii disen.e , g fri.tu 141 )'. oapi 1•111•11 and imprudence in etu:stitittiettal arkiiitii frt to an impure state the Ith.ed. and tine .-el at d ell', I nal kit., tt tented , . ti.r the elite 441 :111 nlll'lllll. 1•1.1:1111 ii. 11% et . t he . 1 ht. nl •."1 Pah.. and Si, the Unties tier. the Fat,. and all Scalp Erupt hair. t lie oni , art i now ,re , tirll,ett Tat , I , l* the /114:111-'114,11 , 11 ,14•1:1-11 p , 111 111.• 4,1111i1. :11.41 ha , 41 111:41 , 11111 , 1:1111 111 111.110111, t11:111 :un 311.1.1.:11:11i.11 reit et • ilt.l'llll,. , 'the mild I,v "'' 1131, ,1.111114, et eurial ad n thsea , e , La? , iti in, tit ALI° mar& I I • 111' 11,04 1 1' 111,1111111•-11 , , 11:1 , 11 11:141 ,:line i‘;‘,. } . 1,1.10..41 14•1.1 l 114,1 , . 11,••1:111-4:4I 11,11 4-4 ~141 14, '11:1•,1• 1,4•, r l lr l. l'' , '1 , 14 11'1Z :4X:1111j11: • :4%1110 salutary tilleet a et ti.ik YIP' 114 1444' , 111 :111.1. , 111,4' lII.' the Il'a •-t ?lin• t'1.11.11 , mere ,h•+tr'-t Id. and 11:e I'4 1 , :1114• 441 .:"4•441' 'l4 1 —L,9t or, frrill restiev , il.l, ni• - r••It•••• 1,11 ieti I will kt• 1 111'11 :1,1•414,1141,11(1 111 r 1-4 I'l'l4 ••411' 1 • ri.uIII 11.. 11 111., =lll " •• rtiv of l'1 , 0:11,1 ,•1.1 ht 11. T. 111.1.\t, tl.,•(;irar l 11. T. , he 11,1 of I , rilvtzist , :mfl Deniers er3 .k 1; !elf, dirt.ct 1,1 to the Propriotor or A t .:eut revel% r _ ''._ ko ..., .0 4 -.. ~. .- 41 , , ......g.„, ~...„„ 0,.... cs • ~.....„. • i1 41 , - **.7':.0": , ?.'4' . , 1" 4 ',..1 ,-; 5,, , " i.,..1-4.-- '4,,,, , v . - - _.:.• - • ..)A. ~,s e.y., r. 4 .,i ) ,,..1,tc-c,•,:y,q ~ Z- - .- - - . 4.-.i....ie k. . :11,14, , t4i- , ) ~ .r i , l b tIP.3Ii - • r - ..i;i.... ~. 4j.....- - -EK' . ~.t Ai DIS.,,C ei..e.. - „4 .• - - .1?6, v .‘ 4 ' .'tc:/y:i„,yz.::rM • q i"..,w7' ... p 63. - ' . - ""*" - 1. 4 4 :6' i ... .13 . .;;,!`, .•' l fr ' „.6 . ~..._,..0 1F- 4,\1 . , ~1R.,4 y ,.., ,, , ,4 1 %, -,4 , 14...i. ...f...,-- , ''' -, ' ..•.:44 , Pciiviso.b. -.. ; ~...tt„ CIA lITEICS SPANISH 1 INT Pit E. •-; Tu I.: GREAT PUIZIIILI: OF 1111 - ; 111,1101).---Not a part i •I , • ,if lere•tire in it,. A n inlidlilile remedy fel Scl , ltil3. King's Eva. Itheutitatisitt,idistinateCutatieido. illl'llpti. 11 , . Pimples or Pustule,: on the Fare. Blot. hes. Boil.. Clinitile Sore Eyes, Mug, Worm or Totter, Scald I lead. Liilargenient and Pain iir the ihines ;Lod •liiintg. St II I..rt I riel , l'S. S vphilit Iv Disorders. I.tilid.a . go, ;Tina' Complaint.. and all disease , : arising front nut injuilicll-11, use Id MereUry, I JUJU udenee Ili Life, or Impurity of the lii,,, it. arena alterative nledleitic and Purifier of the Ill..!. is uua used by lliousatnls of grateful patients fu all letrts of the United :states, t•ho testify (tally to tlie C111 . 1 . s per tot tiled by th • greatest of all iedi• IITEII•:. SPA \l,-11 111 I tit P.'• 1\ our:data. Itheutuatisin, :-Cl.l.ltila. en :1,111. Fes or, l'hirs. atld Sores, Athiet ions at the I li.eases of the Throat, Female t•ioupfaiiit.. arid . ..mi.!' ut llie Pones :mil are i , 1•1.N . speedily put light It) using' this great atill itiestimalde renitt. For a ll id the 111 ant, ilothiott lin. y et 1,1• II 1;011111 1,11,1111.31 U 1 „ It. I I t'll,tll,t'S it,l• t , 41 . 111 t.t . tll: iue 1 , 111 it t , gent the Lain rand Is id the Pio , stioii. Oise. tune tct the t`lt tit 11. 111:11, , the v6lu 4•11.:r and healthy. and restore. the ', , tod it noun. eidecTled by disease or 1JE , .61•1111..M II I.N the ,f ~nth. to, its pristine vigor and strehitt h. For Ihp I.ailim• it Is litroutpalahl that. all the mmmil., I, el' 11,111. A Ilew dose, a I kl. I {ICS I! II ‘IIXIt 1:F. Still rlut,nl all Stillol,lll.SS 1.1 .•.11i111.. ;$ tin. rosm: mantling to the 1111,1.. ;111.. i • • I itnp,...11. I 111 . ....71•Ilerti 114,1111 111 ara n..• , . apd all rho o'i 11.. aid 411 111111•., its hick rd Ir , .ni Irifn hp I i it i• tlm 1 , , , t 1.1 that thel Iluwl II Tho press. I,lel.keepels, mat:Asir:dos, ph I PUN,' I ktn.tcll to the r , nntuun itt tlI mud Ii it h Ulf' vlleel, of thin 11111:A'r 111,i 4 , 11 I'l /; 1 . 1 kit. I rit the .4.111:NT. and grt 3 Circular and Alulaunr. mill 04 :Id 1110 W. 11.1141111 rums this tl illy greatest of all Nle.vitie, has pet - 11 1 11111A. unless sirnell 11F.NNETT k 11F1:1*. Pcarl strevt. at. to 111 111 1.,•.101,-11,11041.1-.111, and_ .agaurri,s iuu,t 1 v n•ldres.,,ll. A l l f.l l . sale.h% S. S. 1%. 11.tl en.t 1 A.: HO, 1 1 , ., ) . %I, . .1. 11. \ i , 14.• .1. k aaid I.) dealer. 111uti lidi cr , •ry horo. 1%1 I lA('Lli; OF S('l EN('F,.-1)r. c. Mechanicsl.ures. Cittilberlund county: Pa.. illlllOllllOl, to t.11 , F1 . IUI ro \Vens. (`titicers. Polypus, Lupus. Nittles or Marks, Set „I' tile. Minis hN'ti :1111 . 1 ail lit-tat<vs that hate Leon usually I re:amd Willi Cattstie or Knife. he van rinse t wit it out cutting, burning or pain; neither l'lllort.frtil of Ether Is tollitinktered to the patient. It is no inettet on what part of the body they nut) let, he ran rune Nt thin with perfect safety, nod in a reznarlmbly short lime. No Mineral of egetable poison i s ft iq t tiod, toil tit money required until a cure is ProlA polls Uteri, dentate (, emplaitsts, bronie. s r. real allit all Other litStetrtlh treated with fsedtive rite,,ss Full particultirs can be obtained by addressite.• 111 elth, English or German. post paid. Patients can be ac.seu moth:tell with Board On reasonable tortes. Mechanicsburg is one the prettiest and healthy towns in this or any other State. It is S miles (min Ilarrisburg, on the Cuntisumnd Valley Pail Road, and accessible front all parts of the Union, 'Fite Doctne . will visit cases in any part of the State when desired. r,ll.liltid reader if you know any afflicted fellow ems Lure, delay not to tell them of this treatmetit• ik_fa 11. FRANCISCUS, )i.ourkurrurtnt. ov COVPON LA PSi . Wadding, Tit. Tay, Car'rat Chain. Cotton LAMP, GAMMA?. AND FLUID WICKS. r- I AM NOW lIICEI.VING lepele my , spring stock of PAPER. 11A NtaNGS which Is the largei.t and moNt varind assortment ever opened In Carlisin. to which I invite the early attention (tithe puhlin, as I intend selling at prices which cannot tail to please the closest - pui'chaOqr. mrtreh2B 0 JOHN P. LYN L. -- • A I{COA.L.—('h.roal constantly on nmt forgab3 by ittiv. 21.'55. . 11.111.1R1LAY, Ag't. iJfIC itiuc~ COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU =1 frtll . s td rill at this LoWeSt eaSh PrlmbN at No ,et abovf, sac"nd, North sida, l'h fladolphia . 311-ehicines. T lAIPORTANT TO THIS M lielsaner's celebrated MENSTRUL nave been long and widely kiiiiNvn ati itiviiciaiay certain in removing any stoppage, irregularity. or Nut, rresai,in of the IlieliSeS. Iu the Feinide 111.splials iii Vietimi. 'fell hi, ife.t e elitirely , supeisetled the Use et all Ihef .cllll` 1.1.,.:1115e. it here ft cure is fittainal.le t:fedief the} are et sttechs. '1 hell :Ist. I.l•l.ing mild he ftlinffst iheredible. if net Ne.. Led 11 r 11l 1 1 :1111.iffif.le testiuunit, huffier, to uriss pre. I fel rol Ns Id the 1110111111 y peri,l utter all le e 1 ! I; 111,111 . 111 filed. 'ii lii eiery rl.lllll whatever 1•311S11 MO 1;1,11 Ur( ;1 . I: " Ir, ; l ' 11100; It :(11.11 1,1; pre,eht preo.shf y it. ii.e Le/1 tlt 1111 11.1 admit. .it 11.1.151. 1.1 huuili. 1.1. 1 •.‘ .1:,1111. lilt r %%Welt reaol.ll they must not I 11 Or. 11 duihlulrl.t alit ay mild, heftltlQ. site and certain 111 11111i1 Itllll,lll. %hulled hultru o fll find Imrtic , uhtr iuFtruotfut.n iu t he Wilifil 111'1' ,11:1•1,41,-. I.y " the alibi, suiTre,:slon may he di toi iL,uu ki Price, tn.e Dollar per lios, containing explicit dL cc =I Ett.dit I.en signed 1.3 11r. R. Ii.1:1.1s-Ntu. PHI! , ipal ufhre. I,ihort3 :!ttreet. Nes,-1. , 11; 1 ill ‘4ll La Ilppeintt.l 1 r then sale Illeall (31110, ull ~ r ders met addren.+,•d lA. Dr. It. ti. I.lbert) '" 1 " 7 '“ utty. ti, Loc 21:.10 N. 1. 1, nt ,X t, iil toe nowt by return wall, as the, ure put nl{ l i. .1111 Is , ill, lhr ,ttiet,.st pr. I Icy to any part of the II t,ited. I= At , , ari.tutt juvlierti‘c but injuriou• cut:- it mid,. purpwrting Lu I,y millet :11 , 1.11 It. ''rnuturt, nv — IIO.N I - r.u.vm: PILL," • 111 , aLlvtoptt•tl to j • 111.11 tllO I 1 .1. (11/1,1 , or ttri,:ll,. t toy t•••tt.tr) tot Lc nn thoit. ;nitrod tt;.itin:t tile :it :11' , 1 it all (.:1•1•, akin, I iied 1.. r Ilie h.tik• I 0:11 , 1 t 1.3 , 1.1111 S, Lir h U I API( sill lay brut. MIME Slr , r,. Gr~.rs IMElliffililill .111e1,:til. If I isi•ury.; I. 1.. I lr,r1:• 11,11 , 11. A. :•tem :-.l,o•lffir. t LI v E it Cl ))11 ) 1,.11N11', 1) \-,1,0p- : J.,,,,ti.,.. ( lin.iii • I,t• •,,,, , u, it, liii[7:. ,' . , d 1..... 4%1.1.i..,....11111 Ail .11 , 0.1+0.. :11 ki 11:: 11 . 1.111 :i 11 , rd. , 1,1,,r P., - :-1. , 111..11. •1i.41 rt, I ~t.-1.11.ti .11. 11.11..... i 1. .. r1.14••S .4 I 1...1i It/ I I 11.! 1111,1. 4..111A1 . 1 4 lII,' `I.. 1.... I 11111, ... h.•. 11 1 i 1113. 111....•11`1. 1. 1' I. "C. 1k.:1.1,, . 1 ~•.:.1 I :. Lb , ,t-iii.o h. :-. to' .•i'llt Litild,. , il./..i1)- ~ I I lilt , 1 II g .1 I ll,' lii " 1 i 11 ' Nt , '111 , 1 , 1 , . ~, lIIIIIIiIIIZ i•I the 11,1,1. I,uu ti, n:1,1 .11!11.•ull, I !e;11.11ii,2. hut .44111 g, :a lb, 1.:111. .1,•1,,i, .., •.; 1...11111.z •••,-.1(1-1, 1 , 1.1.• ii 1 , , a 1 Ili;. 1.,..111, ,ill .1. t. h t•I t• I hi...LH ..1. 6,11,1111 lh tilt . 11,1.1, lil'io4 1011 Q h••••• t ..N vs. 141111 in the 3.• k. k hi -1 II 111, tkk . 1111•114, Lest. I 111 . 1111, iu III!' I n . . t/I I!%i], and ttrtiat .t. et -I a it.. ~t t II cri 11..1 , 11 I I iil( , lTl•.iJ 1 .1.101.0. MITEL: - , ',reputed 1) li. C. \,p. 1211 .Ir. It street. rhilattelithia. Their power ttver the above _diseases is tatttexrellett; equalled, It, :u: :abet prepatat oat in the t it ilea:tato: 11 the I . llresq at test. 111 1111111) . eat-es after skilful ph) s elm. , had These hitters are worthy the attention of inv i dia,c.- resse,sll, ,teen Si! LW'S ill tIll• rectllls lit i td . dii W., of the lii ;1,1 le , ser ;111111.1s. t he not St•. 1,1111 1 .. - I • io V•1::}.1.' •• • • • 111111 nih, to 1., el thl . e tsithal ,ortain and) T.E`TI7.I4INr 11;t I. if. 1.:1, • t. tt Soollte pit Cc, t t'..".lt,s t I . p.tlr I !11, it I i 14•111. . pur, 11,4 t... 1110 kit t.l +I) I hat. it Lin It, I dit• 1.,.•1 kiwi% , 11.11 lug ..dol datt,:liter unlrh g•••.d. B. ,•,). pa a ",, , •"1 AM 1111101 IttAttrili.tt tti t.iur • t., ling u•••••il t ,•I it. whip h l pi,•••1,12 isurt.z. your itg. , •iit at f. turn it inn Id, 1•1. I t,• groal.,•lirrt till 1.131 t,, St I engtheilittit and inns iiterat in g Lll,ll, Willt•11. ins 111111 a 11111 , i to. spot her. tau ;4,at tit'll• to VS% , 11 Ilati;iltim. Pa.. \lay. " hare used inyst.ll half a. itozeit bottles your t.tutit.it for Leer awl 4i 1••••;,.e... 1,1 41 chn ratter, ri . Stultin tlii • p tiq ”ii . it And anti , Lit • r, f IMA., to le. The I o•..111:111 bit ter, iN the 1.• Gout whip li I ..14.tintat ;11.... article to trinity tlys!ieliti.s. with Ilea meet alllts. I thud, as !IMO, 010 l bOtt O ill .1. 4'. tlt' I , 3liphin. writer. 11,}1 5,'5 'I %VAS atilkteil with twherti flees avid Costiveness. for NI hie!' I used malty clifferet remedies without relief. lat last lined pall 11.K.Iland German Bitters. I took a fu Sr. bottles at•eortfittg to t reel i 'tt, and wits v..1111110(.1) chreil. I 11,LVI. alt twin healthy for ion years as I hare bel,ll shire I took yo. lii tt.•'s w hich is about too. yt•ai ago, The... V Di LIABLE. Itl N ays atrengt ening 111, ',stem /.r It. Enid by dealers in meth. me :11141 st,n.k..liers eSer h ere . and hr ti u,•l l.ili It. S. 11. liaverst null I NV. Caullulan. Carlisle: Luting, A: Snyder , Mehl, Newburg. ill 1111..) Pealen, iu Mediciu. =IEI9 REM "11 . )( , )(:'1' . () i ll ,11 V .I VI - I.t ,• 414 r ' f i.. il .:t '.. •1" ct : llt.s,bs liwa 11, ~1 - o w 1., vt ~ Li iI..MIL LANUS, , si. 1.i., 4' . . . I,c, A “tit• III: , UN I'M :sll'l.lN ,V, 1.1,.. t hi, tv,i \th I,elitittli ,it ,:''' ..l is 'i'' \ \ L 7: ,I . 1.11111 irl . .i en!: i .. . 1 , i 11i.:5..,a,, ,, , 1 11. -• • ..-i !-!?: - /-1, 1 71 1,,.., prhati, Di,,,ii...,,, : ,,,, m i ., .y . . ••.. ,:',Ye ,, ...‘ f.;. , 0 tin II iittiq ~/ the c4.her• • k. •ti :,... . i,.. 4 1 .s. m, in i•% I•ry sIVII, a. V% it ti ' ,ins . ' , t 1 , 1 . 111. t../ 111111• II IS ttildo.4l X t e t , ,41. Y, # t i,, , ,k,i,1 , MI the lii.i t ts,s i,I I , ~., A . ti i ir„ ... .. •.s: .„,. -i'. it] 11, .., littosidt,l Ispr thllluso r7:ir toluttie, otily. owe 7.a.ztt 1110) 1111; .1 OW 1,/,:11e,t IlliplltlAGl I. 111,11,1 lior, Th., , tz. t hitt, or) tomillttitiz Ittarriap , . By. \1 m. Vt.l.,ii i >l. b .. i,,,,f„,, . 1 tl ,„ i n 5 5,1 1) „1 p5.,,,, ,, 1512.ia, tl. , ittt,..it the 14., si t i',,ii i • %, --I e. i i rst ,ti st i si 1,11.1.... itti.l I iiii i ,, mrt At, int. 01 OA , ' l ' ili! 01 , t ,pliia ‘l,ll si .., . f.., It: ~„ s, „, 5 .., „ uf ~,,reL 1.11,12“, e, l',V.lti.l,l_l V ~.,1.11,,, Di.,......... ...:. 41 . . t r •1i.1tt .1 . 1, .1.111:1)..t....1.- 111 11 . , hil,ii, , q ~,,,11, ;,, rut 1,:“:;, .I.•,: P,..1. •u. , 1 ti I It, It. 1.,,t, 1 , 11 on in 1 1, 1 1.01:.:11,,i . . Th.. ..11..1 , b., , ••• 1 1 . 0 . 5,, : 1 1..1 :" ,. /Ilil..; 11 o.li, .11.55 i.e it ttrtit ill tot't i..li Lit att.,,lit-11, filtd ettotti It, r.,:t.1 h i t es oly mu , . 1 .11N,: utott , l i ,i tat t. 1,,,,,, u , 6,41111:1t... , in rottlractittg ,li,,,tet., previttne ti , idttrtr yotir,oll., ,3"rtnr, ii pretensions Ino hr, taut a et,py of Oaf. Ltvjy e.tuv it Seal 01141111 S and pennons going to ,e;i sho u ld D r. v„ uu. o, Treatise on Marriage, the Pisliet us, or EVOI'y nor Ins own illy.idlllll. Uu 1,1 on rather be aAtim.,l to-present a copyof tr to his child. It tots Ss, 0111111 flint Oa t p at , grave, I,ot nn yoiing lean or woman enter into th, cret old/ gLitious of . nnwried life without moil lig the Is vt -Ea C141.1.0.14i. 1,1 110 noo sulirriug from at lout ore cart f a h. 1 , 3111 ill the side. rrsti,ss ui.lt s, 11411 taus 1 . , li t , and Li ce witatl.) Lrtiu of DyNovi.tir tiaaSatiffils. and revs up I/1' tll,ll' physician. be mother nintnont mithout ru 'the .V.S(.lll.ipillY. 11;11"0 tho tnarried or 1.110 als.ut. to be married any impediment. rend this ire u e rcul as it has teen the u n ions of saving tho aand. of uuthrtiinute rtisitures from the yen: jaws den th. Upwards of.a copies of ibis relebrith worl: has been sold in this country.sual Lurnre silt. l white the first eilitien was (smiled. Any person TWENTY.FIIII cent.., closed in a letter, will raiatiVe over rtiroy or this 1 . „„,,, or list copies will Ise sent tfer $l. !Wilms.", I 11'11.1.1 A M YOUNti, :No. n 2 zipeuce street , Phi3adelphi Piet. 'firevity yearn practice In the kity of Philadelphia err Ctinly entitles Ur. Young to tho confidence of the it. del ed. and he may he consulted on Roy of the diseamt• de4cribeil in his dillerent *publications. nthis office. Fgrnce street. every t h ey hetween.o and 30'elork, Fan. days exceptedl and person's nt any distance can-consult Dr. Young liy letter, POST Stilt. ILICF.,I,VED AT THE FAM ty ILY GlioCliltY STORE , of the tabecriber, n Ma tim )tail, A ',tow 'supply of fresh iVaier Crackers, Stla. Untter. Nle and Sugar Bultcuit, Carina, Corn Starch, Tapiera, Satm Pearl Barley, Extract of Coffee, Rico Floor, flaking Powder, Auk A new let I , l' supurinr Tata° Ult. Pickles, 'Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, Th o Kura. Ate. gi . .11.61 6. H. 4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers