lia ISE tittt A Story for the Young. clock on my parlor mantel- ccc. A very pretty little deck it is, ith a gilt frame, and a ; ;lass ease to coy / it. Almost . every one who sees it, says, iVhat a Rretty clock 1" But it has one eat defect—it will not run; and, there re as a clock, it is perfectly useless.-.--: tough it is very pretty, it is a bad clock, cause it never tells what time it is. Now my bad clock is like a great many rsons in the world. Just as my clock es not answer the purpose for which:lt ts wade—that is, to keep time—so ma persous do not answer the purpose for rich they were made. What did God ike us for ? "Why," you will say, "he ule us that we alight love him and serve ni." Well, then, if we do not love xl and serve him, we do not answer the trpose foewhich he, made us. We may , like the clock very pretty, and be ry kind and very obliging; but if we not answer the purpose for .whichtOod ide us, we are just like the clock—bad. ipso of my readers who live in the coun, y, and have seen au apple-tree in full ussum, know what a beautiful sight it Butt suppose it only bore blossoms, id did not produce fruit, you would say is a bad apple tree. And so it is.— verything is bad, and every person is bad, and every boy and girl is bad, if ey clu nutliuswer4impurpose fur which oil made them. God did not make us play and amuse ourselves, but also that might do his will. Maybe some of our readers will say, [low can I do God's will Y" I will tell 'u. It is U od's will that you obey your irents. It is his will that you always yto do what is right. It is his will that al pray and read your Bible. And it is ed's will, my dear young friends, that iu believe in Jesus Christ, trust in him r the pardon of your sins, and pray for sly Spirit. Now be sure that you y to be not like the clock, which though is very pretty, is a bad one, because it ,es nut answer the purpose fur which it a made. Let every one, therefore, ask mself the question, "do I answer the apse for which God made me?" Jigricufturd. . CARLISLE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. the subscriber has the satisfaction of in e *t. .erming his old friends and patrons that Jis establi.shwent is a,;ain In active Ope -1 u, not. uuudiugs having been erected since the late t tr,us tire and the wind° cstablishment put in ven t,' working order- Orders are therefiwo respectfully ichej lbr work in his line, which will be done with ,tuptuwai and lu the best manner. STEAM I.:MANES 11121.1.1f0 ORDER .1 repaired. All kinds of Machinery . its Paper Mills, tat Mills and Factories repaired at short notice. Mill bialys dressed and turned. _ _ _ IORBE POWERS and THRESHING MACHINES .1.1 as Iteril (11.%r Four Homo Power, Horizontal Gear ar Horse and Two Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn Shel s-and Crushers, &e. Patterns 'node to order. Iron and ass CASTINGS executed to order, if not on hand. at shortest notice such us Cranks and 31ill Gearing, ur and Burn Wltuels, Gudgeons for Saw alllls, Plow Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and Cuarh Box- Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Chairs, Jee. Ho has also hand a large supply of Philadelphia and Troy COOK- Ci STOVES, mil is constantly making Cooking Stores various ilitproVEd patterns for coal or wood, tun Oats ,ves, Unites, kc. Repairing done to all kinds or Ma ;nery. All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper taken exchange Sir Work. lap.) FRANKLIN GARDNER. 1 RAIN DRILLS FOR 1855. jr MOOR'S VAUNT GRAIN a $E1•`I) PLANTER. r planting Wheat, Ryo, Oats, IndistiCorn; Timothy- Lim. Tito operation of this machine has been high• satisfactory and surressful whorover Introduced and and Notwithstanding the groat companion id the tnufacturo and varied inventions of this important ricultural implement, "Moore's Patent" continues to nutaiu its superiority over all others now known to e farmer. Its principal points recommending It are, let. Its du- Atty., 'A: , its perfect shuplicity of construction. Bd. u easy limier of regulating the to sow any •i red quantity of grain to thu acre. 4.111.. Thu exact :. with which it distributes the scud, operating e •illy well on uneven orsliding grounds as on the le -1 surface. 50. Thu easy draught, being about 25 pur it. loss than any other seeding machine now in use. rho undersigned bogs leave to inform the thrillers of ouberland r'ounty, that he is authorised by the man ndurer to tell the above drill. All orders will be nuptly attended to and full satisfactidir - - given, by iling•upon, or writing to meatCariLslo. Sen.(' In your deco At 13144 8 'es - 1011 N SIIELLERS COltN SHELLER& 4 „, (3 s ubscriber haying in the last low years framed 'wards of a hundred and forty Corn Shelters fin` Hou— ipcoads, wishes tu inform the Fanners of Cumberland unty. that he Is prepared to fraino them anuiv....l will. ,ke Corm or Wood . in pay fur Framing, and will in ire ilia , machines to run well. My shop Is at tho 'oral end, of .West . street, iLlIg .21—'241 ARIIIII RS LOOK. .H ERE! TIERESIIING'MACIIIN ES! .11, 0 m ibßeribers desbro to Mithrtn.faraters and public terri ally that they now have on band and are constant ,y t anufaeluring Threshing Machines with Plerpout's Pa at Shaker, which aro gonoraily aeknowledgdd to ho the ost articles now in use. Also a variety of. Clover 110 ers, Corn Shollors and Straw Cutters. They also sal dto the •repairing of Agricultural Maelfnery in lb, , eet Utanner, and un reasonable terms. Mauwbr r Nor/ h Ilannover Stroet, directly opiaisite the neo ofbleorge Motzgar, Esq.., • . ,„ .i , ust 8 Tai. AIIItIMS & PLANK, Job Priuting promptly exboilte,” 111 cb c . 1113 PiNIII 11118' SC N MAKE IPUPSIINI AEP IS' IS? I I -hell:4011'o whole pleasure, all the joys of souse, Lie in three wOrdd—llealth, Peace, and Competence. (Pope.) But when we have pains, affliction or anguish of (.41s eaH" ' , is not our pleasure, our joy, and oily happiness thereby destroyedt 11 by let our sick fellowbeing suf fer ? Does not Christ say : -With the saute measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you againl"—Mat. 7, 11.- -Who is a wise man and endowed with knowledge a mong you, let him show out of n good conversation his works with meekness - and' wisdom."--James 4, 13. SUM; Eta' AND MINIIICINE.—Doctor. P. C. CABO DER, Surgeon .and Physician,, who is Botanist and Physiologist, aud Is Graduate of our best Medical Colle• ges, sod has made himself acquainted with all the t iiri ',us systems of Medical Science..and with the recent discoveries and improvements in the various depart ments of the Healing Arts, Iltithfully attends to orders Sr Surgical and Modica/ Aid. and whose modicines are all made or composed strictly in accordance with the Sciences of Pathology, Botany,Alydropathy and Physi ology; am/ whose utedichies are all composod of whole some roots, plaits, and hydropa thy, good in all. diseases, and to whom the :ffliicted are invited to apply timely. Ills Character by Respectable Neighbors, Ac. Copy of a letter from the Itov. C. H. Lui abseil to Mr. 11. IL Etter, of tlu Warm Spa up,. Revecte.l !- low me to liztrodueo to your friendly notice. Dr. GD:b— OCR of New York. I have knovi n Dr. C. tor sixteen yoars, lie has thin(' bus.iiiess fur mo with sobriety. hon esty and with accuracy; therefore I do belieNe I, itt to be perfoelly :, , ther, honest and trustworthy. Any favors you omy see proper to confer en him, will be highly up predated by his numerous friends, and by none more highly than your sincere friend and humble servaht. Laudishurg, Pa., July 15th, 1851. Copy of a letter from George Spahr, lisq., County Treasurer..-1 do certify that thu medical adviee o 1 Dr. P. C. Cardder has sorpossrd any other uhinh I hove hitherto had in the cure id . net ere fever In my thmlly.- 1 would I herefore recommend him to such pemoss tt hu may ha :tlllietud with aforesaid disenAo or ot hens Illooinfield, A ilgust 26th, ISfil OIL CARL/14AI Owing well a/apt:aut.) It Olt the re cent Prench disr , .t cries, tt ilia their uttt and etc 11,0110 S of LreaLliletiL, and Llie t.pently /111,1 eerLaili roolettit s auti curet ll.r lA% et . l uniplaints, bysen Ler.) era 31.01 . 1.11, .101 all ComplailltS of lb , Mutt uls uud L^Lill.ll - I,etilt,lies luf the pre/ clithati and cure of Asia t ill Late/era.. lotutectius fur ail that ateleets and ills eesesof the th.nerat ite and repr,oluetile eow,o- Lily In wen and Womieli; hulUeLlle , furolusaiiit) ; certain and Lonely cores tor all Coll.,:liiptiolis. 11111,01c0ce, Stec. July. /la! A, edereal. Metes,. i ll ail taro' aupprou status and otle - r teolaie took: Juts. Al! three remedies einatiale In , w the 111,4 Job,,, scivilee 01 . I.lotaliy 0 . , di opatily eon/awed, hut he A.'ll•) "lleal all Itialiller ol 5 . 1e1,1105s and nil inalliter N L.. "IL IS for 1.1e.111;ig LII.ILL coititaen uteth the : - alharitara.—Luke. le, e. , to 'tilt chill ••Pri.lve till Llongs. halal last that whirl' IS gout!. "lbe.s.lbutiatts. ;., 21. - let us I pe o ire el 1.1 ug up o hat we sllOll/t1 lay Wit ihr trait h. liar there Is that sett, reth lull )el aWI I our.' it, I LIM W If 111/01,1eLa 111,-e1,.01/L /L 1, uu, Lli." Proverbs, li. 2A. 'flat dttleretit titelleines null t beir directions ti ill bat sent to the a1.1112Le.1 111 ally dire.-tum by Mali or express. Address Or. t'. C. l AI; bl),Carlls/e. UW1 , 4.1 . 1:11.1/ Ly, 19t., poll pahl. a ...LI the tev cl ai,Va)s ace ruijen,yltig the letter, 111111 the ardor, LugeLller 1,11,1114 - tle,ol . llltioll it, the btellugs amt the symitttum- ui the e..tultutt athieted I mlused. It Is 1.1.110 Ay :1.1;111 of .numeal m mutt the Belts anal the int t t ,es, o 1 ,-tire wily, it nit LI t er. ...t -iler 011111103 4 that mine' of Medici lies . entirety made or C011111.,,0d Oi 1i ill./t`NOIIIO itin4 I'laute, lin II) iic , ipatii), gist it, all diseases, oh/ rekoll', :111(1 a'lli , h eau /11., sped) arid certain reateti,es al./1 tilreS lot - all 'mower of meatless MAI all manlier et disease, - aud tt !deb sur pass: all ether Dlt'lliCa I 1111,LUS it. pot lit of good,o•ss, bo youtl all bounds e.uttparis in. td• lit h 11. t., As et street. Eastsble urea' arid below t lie terian Chureit Cal lisle, Pa. Testimonials treat 1111111e1 , 1IS rerSolis of the highest respectability in this nod the attj“ining euunties, give alallvllLie eVidullear 01 the goodness or Cardiler S character, and eau 6e Seel, al his tatice. N. B. The It/Meted can revel% e supeunr 111,11ellieS aIICI the ,Ilreell, , ilS fur Ihetr list by the 1,151; rut urn ui Man ur express. 11 ililerrloll.l 100 41,11,1. or richt s requeAt,l, Dr. Li. will elided Vollr LO :100.111111101130.1 applicariLS as tar as lie caul. The / 1 0i . tor sl,O-41;_s LllO lilt 11511 :Jul the der mal' Languages, etc. t .11/1/. 17, 1,551./ /31POltTANT TO FEMALES: CII IIESEMAN'S PILLS. ice combination of ingredients - In these t ills is the re sult of a long and extensive practice; they urn mild in their operation, and curtain of restoring nature to its proper channel. In every instance have these rills pro ved successful. They Invariably open those obstructionS to which Females are Inane, and bring nature into its proper . Chatinel, whereby health is restored and the pale and deathly countonance changed to a lavdttly one. No female can enjoy good health unless she is regular; and whenever an ebstruction takes place, whether front ex posure, cold or any other cause ' the general health im "lnedlately begins to decline, and the want et such a rem edy hms been the cause of so 11131,y consumptions ;tmong young females. To duties %rims. health will not rermit of en MereaSe Of their Mildly, thine pills will prove a cal ualde as t h ey Dill pro, leadaehe. pain in the site. palpitation of the heart, loa thing of bad, and di t itreed sleep do most al Wayti arhe from she interroptioli of oat Ore; and uheuet er that 12. the MR?. the pills will inVaraibly remedy all them us its. Norare the le,S allleavioll. /1J tLo cure of Leucurrinta, conanonly called the -- Whites." The,e pills should nev er be taken during pregnancy, as 1.115) II mild be sure to muse a miscarriage- Warranted egetable, free front anything ininrious to I itd or health. Fultiod explicit direetions necoimiany each lox. These pills are put op in square flat boxes. Persons resisting where there is nu agency established. by enclm sing One Dollar in a letter, (lib to Dr. 1.. at kN, No. 267, lileecker street, New V :rk, eau have them sent to their respective 14,1.11 . e5:di1l l.y kmil. QTOVES ! STOVES !! STOVES !!! j Join.; D. ooitoAs would I nform .tho puhue that he hes now on ham.) at Ills o,tabli , htnent. WI. 319.1 n :it., ueXt door to Marlon Ball, the largost and most corn- plete assortment of COOK, 081 ICE At. PAR—: .ffirS 1.011. STOVES to be Puind in this county, , ...',.' which will bo sold at the . lowest prices tbr t „ - 7. cash or approved credit. He, stock tiontdsi, of ~ . a lame assortment of new and 11414 up- I -- proved PATENT (100KINti STol;l<tinisheti „,.41 In the most complete manner. and caleuhrtlal for either wood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns which have stood the test of experience, may be JOund at his establishment. Aliso, a great variety (.1 the most approved awl I.eautiful PA Iti.,t (II OFFICE ,STOV.L:3, it, eluding a number of new styles. possessing very sup. rim . advalita , t . es over ti e heretotore in use. Families and honselteepers arc respectfully invited to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivereA tO any pail of the country and put up at the shortest no tice. Ho continues to do all kinds of TIN AND ;iIIEET IRON WARE, and Copper Work, and. has Callstautly on hand or will make to order every artiela required by housekeepers or others In thlti lino. ' Ills stock of Ti;; and Clipper Ware embraces every kind of household and kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the best nianufar- Lured. Persons In want at' articles in his line may al ways be sure of bring accommodated to their satist'action by giving him a cull.. , I novl-1854. J. AILMSTItONO pREPARE FOR WINTER! • • .PA it 'Alt AND COOKING STOVES. The subscriber at his old stand ou North /lanovin' st., Carlisle, the sign of the 'Mammoth lied Collet, Pot." de. ~Iroslo- c oli. t hemt tenth))) of the pub%) to his large as sortment of 5T01124, of the newest. and vast fashiona- ble styles, from the hest manuilictorlea in the , I'l l . country. nod at all prices from $5 to $l5. 4f4 . ':. Among his PARLOR ,t) CHAMBER STOVES it ; , , 7 aru.thu Mirror Stove, the Arctic, Revere, Star, .; A Persian; Union and Atha. Air 1 Olt, together ' s • with other potterna which ho has of all sizes 61 7 fur parlors or ehandiers,and calculated fur burning either W1)(111 or coal.' Also, the IF,tint, Globe, Aker; Albany, Plat-top and Ilaudbox. or Poor Mon's, with other COOK ING STOVES, Comprising the latest Improvements In kitchen stores, and intended for either wood °renal.-- Abs., the Dining Roma CoOliing Stove—:} new and ele gant article, to which he Invites Clio particular Mtn)). lion of families. His (molting stoves range in price from $lll to 25, with the tl torus conipleto. Also. Nine Plate i.itos es Of varions patterns and dint:rent prices. ~ Also, ENAMELI,ETI AND TINNED 11.1)(1•Hl. Cool:- ing Stevt):l,llv-ass Kettles, 4.c: Also; every artielo it, the line of Tin.and Copper Ware. The public are respect fully call as he Is confident with his large stock, variety, and cheapness, of being able to give on tire satistizetlon to ovv.iy purchaser. Call and see. ' Oct, 25,1884. . . I& 310.111 US: .JOSETLI WEAVER. s . tou: ~~~3~1~~ TURN P. LYNE—Wholesale and Re ti tail deafer in American, Englisk and German HARDWARE, Oils, Paints, .1.c., 3lechanica, builders and the public generally, who are'in want of Hardware eaily kind, are invited to call in and . 11iexamine my unusindly larg stock or •' goods, which I am selling at very low prices. • dust stop in; it will only detain you a very few minutes to be cons Diced that what everybody says —that Lyn's is decidedly the place to.get good goods at law prices—must be true. ISNE'.'S Hardware ;;dere, West Side North Hanover street. R SII ARRI AX ! rfir WAR E IIIINYR STON..V .k The subscrioer having returned from the city would call the attention of his friends and the public generally to the large and 1%01 selected assortment of Hardware I , Lich he has just received, consisting in part of 111.711.DINti MA TERIALS, nails, screws, hinges, locks, bults,glass, putty, paints, oils, A:c. TOOLS,—edge tools; saws and planes o. every description, with files, rasps, haturners, &c. A general assortment ul 6110101 AK EltS ‘.10;1 . 1 SAD DLERS TOOLS ' together with morocco, lining and bind ing skins, shoe thread, wax, pSgs, lasts. harness mount ing, saddletrees, COACH T1IMMIVI—C:111V11SS (plain. enamelled. fig. ured and embossed,) patent and enamelled leather. axles. springs. hubs. spokes, felines, shuts, ()Millet Mahers will find a large assortment of varn ishes. malmeany and walnut veneers, moulding, rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair. Thu stork of Iron is lnrire and well selected. compris ing nil the kinds in general II SO. as hammered mid rolled iron of nil size, flat, har and hand iron. ioniol..square and 01111 iron, h..r5i...-shoo lii and nail rids, with n largo lot of mist and spring steel, English and American hlls ter stool..te. 11. LIIiNJIACII housekeepers and those about commencing Will tied It to their advantage, to call and examine our eutlery.brit tatlia and idatrd wan, pain. kettles. cedar ware, baskets. In addition to the above we 11:IVP ITCVIVed a splendid assortment of WALL IA I F 11. malting the stock emu. pinto, and at such prices at cannot tail to give satisfac tion. We ill \ ite 1111 friends tO it will their own advantaite. Remember the old stand, East High Street. Carlisle, Pa. Ott. 12. es.;:l. HENRY SAXTON. V Sl' I TIR ES!! :1 , 11.111 VAL OF AllD - W A , suliscrilier having returned from the city has just maimed for the Fall trade it large mid Well selected stock 1,1 . fl:r04:11 and domi-itie Hardware. embracing egerything usually Mum! In that hoe of bu sinoss. The attention of triends and the ruldic generall3 is respectfully directed to the assortment on hold. lis t:airing them that goods of all kinds hill he iadd [or cash at a core small ad% once iin manulhet urers prices. lie member the old stand. l.:ast Main : , treet. Carlisle. I'm Aug :M. - it. SA NTON. 11A lil)WAlll.',.—)lammoth Spring .Irii‘al at Ll NE'S on Mrthllnu i e r :-truut. a horn (lat. pultlie Iwinz ,nory varirty of Ilar4lware, Paints, t:4:. at the Lon gi.ict.:s. Call ill, mu can modate a ow linwe. 1{E1,311.101, !)'S GEXUINE 1 1 11 - I , A lilt 110N.N-11F.I.:I1130L 1 / 6 MUMS .it A F. D CoMPOUND FLUID E.VERACT For illsea, of the ithbider and h iditcy , . Secret Itiseases. .Strlet ores, eakite,sl,, ail ell of the sex mil Organs, 0 lather 111 Mille or 1 • tail:110, 111.1.11 Itatel cause theymay have originated, and tio matter of him lung staildnig. If pita have contracted the terrible disease which, once seated in the 5 . t stool, Will surely go dawn from one generation to another, undermining the constitution and sapping the Nery vital fluids of life lb., lint trust yoursett in the hands of n 110 t up et CO day in a city likeabk. and till the papers v. ith glaring Otis, hoods, too moll calculated to deceive the young, and those not acquainted with their tricks. You vanilla In! 100 Careful iti the selection of a remedy in theSe MSC,. Thu Fluid Extract. huclnn has Levu iiruluounciul by eminent pltysteians the greatest, reined) over kn. n‘ D.— it in n tncdn lie porfeetly ple3milit ill lie taste and very innocent in ItD action, mid yet en thorough that it. :111111- White!, o cety pat tide of the rank acid poi, mous I iros of this tireadlul ileiellenl; and. unlike other reutedles, does out dry up the disease iu the blood. Constitutional OChllity, brought on by self-abuse, a most terrible disease, which has anat s aims 44 the human race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of 'parents, and blighting in the bud the glorious ambition of many a noble youth, can be cured by this luthiliblu : Remedy. And its :t' medicine which mast benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the contined and despairing Invalid, no equal is to be found acting both as a Cure and preventive. lIELMDC/LD'S'lllli; II TX CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT S A lISAPA RILLA, For Purif iMg the blood, remo., Mg all diseases arising from excess of Mercury. exposure and imprudence in life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an Impure state of the Blood. 1111,1 the only reliable and etTeetnal 1./Jetta remedy fir the cure of Seri dula, Stilt dthettel, dealt Dead. Ulcerations ol the 'Throat and Legs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, 'fetter, Pimples ou the lace, aud oil .Scaly Eruptions' ol the Skim Thin article is now prescrilsxl by some of the most distingublied physieium in the elm at ry.and has pried more efficient in practice than any preparation el Sarsa parilla 3,1. offered to the public. Several runes ut (if dory Syphilis. MercurPil and Semfulous diseases hats' entirely revel eyed hr the ilicurable eards of our Public Institutions which had for many years resisted every mode of treatment that could be let ised. These cases furnish striking examples ct the salutary effects of this medicines in arresting s: nee of the must inveterate diseases, after the glands were destroyld, and the bones already affected. NOTlM—Lettors from responsible Physicians and Pro.: tessera of sUN oral Media I Colleges, and certificates o. cures from patients will be found accompanying Loth Preparations. Pmern, Fluid Extract of Iluchu, $1 per bottle, or 1, for ;5. " Sarsaparilla, " ta 0101:11 in to tor<ugth to one gallon of Spiv of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sidd by 11. T. lIELM(ILD, Chemist, 203 'Chestnut Street, near the Ulrard House, Philadelphia. To be had Druegkts and Dealers everywhere. All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive iummdlate attention. July 25,'55. rgio 0 T H WASH.—Beautiful 'Whit j_ Troth Ilanlthy limns mid a Snort Bra:al—All wit aro desirous of obtaining them benefits should nst , ZEit )IAN'S CELEBRATED TOOT/I This didiQiuus article cotoldnes so many meritorious qualities that it ins now become n standard favorit4 with tho eitizunS u. 'OIV YOrli. I ihnlelphia and Baltimore. Dontlsts pre scrlbo It in their practice meet successfully. and from every source thu mint nattering laudations are awarded Inflamed and bleeding. gums are Immediately banefit• tai by Its use; its gullet; upon them. is mild, s.sdhing and elics•ti vo. it eh:all:A.44 00 teeth FO thoroughly, that they are made to rival pearl In whiteness. and diffuses through the mouth sue); a delightful freshness that the breath Is rendered Ilxquio WV sweet. it disinfects those impurities whirl; tend to amid. aS a eOll. sequeneit, when these are removed the teeth must al ways remain sound. newt the following from 1)r. J. A. Carman; Sir F. 7Amimn—Sir: itavin¢ used and recommended your Tooth Warth in my practice for some time, 1 find it the most effectual Dentritice in use, and therefore recom mend it to the public. . . Pr. J. A. CARMAN', Dentist, . Harrisburg, Pa. Bead the following testimony: ZERMAN—Ihvir l•dr: I have fully tested the molts of your valuable Tooth, and can, without, hesita tion, nuccaninend it as the best that has come under my notice during nn experience as 'Dentist of more than six teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hardens irritated (Innis, and imparts a - delichms fragmnoo to tho Breath. Prom the mouths of titan win make use of It, however, It will certainly speak for itself. 01 : 0 - P. SelitrlAS, Burgeon Dentist, ' , 279, P , outh Tenth at., Philadelphia. It is used and recomtnended by all the eminent Dent ists in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other gities whore it has ken introduced. All should give it a trial. ! Propitivil only I,y FrflllrlS Vernian. Drei;f:.rist. and to,ia and ref Ai IJY /1 1 / 1 1101 ths•illeinaer, J. lierron, ! 11111inins, Shipiii4nalitirg, and by all DriiggiStsiit onlY 25 cents per bottle. .13grA11 kinds of Printing done cheap *.t AaV4 Parbulo.4,, 31inicines. luebici tics, • .1k il i OS T IMPOiITANT TO THE LADTEs.—Dr. Geisaner's celebrated )iENS'IItEL rit.i.:3_ lave neon long and widely known as invariably certain in removing any stoppage, irregularity, or sup pression of the menses. 7 , 1 n the _Female llospitals in ViennaentriA.and Ilerliti, they have entirely supersedrd the we of all other I one- Wes; because, where a cure is attainable, by nualienad agencies, they a'e certain of success. Their astenishing ellicaey would Ito almost incredible, If not vouched for by Indubitabh testimony. in numerous ima II !Wl'Spro ducing returns of the monthly perkd alter all hope had been abandoned. In every case, from whatever cause the obstruction may arise. as also to prevent pregnancy where the health will not admit of increase of family, they are always efficient: for NA Lich reason they must lint I e used during pregnancy though alway mild, healthy, safe and certain in their effects. Married ladies will find particular InstYuctlons in the directions, In which are stated In various symptoms by w hid] the causes of the suppression may bedotorminetl. Price, One Dollar per ISDN, containing explicit direc tions. • Each box will be signed by Pr. IL G. GEISSYER. Principal Office. 1127, 1 :, Liberty Strict. New-York City. Responsible agebts is ill Ire a ilpf.tillud for their Nilo as SOOll as practicable. In the mean time, all orders are to he ailares,cii to Pr. li. 11. ann. 1 1'i I il.,rty New-York City. or Co box 2.tro; N. Y. Post lace. and box will be,Rent by return mail. as they arc put up in soiled tfriVelepes, and ran be sent 'n ills t4e sttletcst pri vacy to any part of the United t..plates. rAcTioN To LAPIES As various nut Only ineffective but injui ious cum pounds purporting to he '•Ftm.• 1.0 Put.., - under all Lind , of names as "Nos LS," -etirl.a -Gouq.N. PH.T.s," ;•rtatioDicAL PILLS, " &r. are attrir.pted to i.e pat ned off upon the credulous or unwary. it L only neeessary for ladles to he on their L711:111 aptil*t the at tempted Imposlin.n, and in all caws'', here there I , no authorized agent for the sale of ••1)”. f;11, , :s1:1CY 11Y srn Pn.i.s." to order direct him by malt, b) IV turn of a Welt n box will be sent. July 25. '55. . B. :%1A 11 CI SI 'S CELE / BRAT ED C‘Tnoi.ICON, TIIE Cl'itE OE SUITI:EINi; - FEMALES. It stall& pre.etninent fnr Its curative \crt. ill nil the dis. eases f,r wldeli it IS 1,, to usually called 11:- 11 ALE LE f'Olll . l.A I N'lt 4 . tlf these are Pralapsus I tort. or Itionh. lust Allins or IN hites: rhronie In thitaina,hin tont theemtimi nt the 11 einh; I mineiltal I I utilt.r• 1 , 1 , Plituful F.iippref.sel. A. I rre: , ..lllstr alt their aceompanlng evils, (Calmer eN.,pted.) im matter boo so vet, or of lo.w long shiti.lit)!:. This° has ilvser tutu intraduced by empty pure and nii,representatims. hor is it intended that its present popularity :Mall Le nurtained by any medium lint its merits and the appro• Lotion of tlits public NoTlt`F. Ttl 'FIIE T:l\l 7 ()llTl'N.l'rlt FEMAI,E. • I feel it a duty incumbent upon myself to declare Publl , lv the great blessing Dr. 3larcliisEs 'Uterine Cm thidicoii has ',ivied to me. For two years my health was miseraid,.; I ~,n s a l u „ s t. I' walk. Ili) si chins pronounced my ease killing lit the womb. exten sive ulcerations, commencing with gu. allots. The pains. h•rit+tlion. I.r.sti•ation. 4 - i...rendered life a louden. In this miserable cnditbai, Dr. F. P. Newland reeein mended Dr. Marehisi's Uterine Catholicou. After tab hug four bottles 1 Mid myself In perfect health. Grati tude Mr toy restorutla•n makes me ardently desire that all my sex, alike until tunate, may thud cute relief Irons this inestimable 11101,171 C. IILIZA wrn A. NEW - LAND, \o. 18 West-st., Utica, N. Y. The above statement 1 know to be true. s • F. I'. NEWIAND, M: D.,- Utica; N. Y. I haNn no hesitation In saying, lir, MareLisls Uterine Catholicon is invalualde In 'amine diseases aenertilly I hate used it In Flu“r Ibus, A menori hoa. Prolap•us Lit, , rl. and In cases of extensive ulceration of the vagina nd us nth: i. It Is worthy or the notke of the Faculty. JOHN C. ORRICK, M. D.. Baltimore, Md. Let all interested .call and obtain a pamphlet (free) containing ample pr4..of, from the nu st re4pcctal sourcos. of the Isniefielal results of Its use; togothe with letters from highly experienced Physiolans, whr have used It in their practice, and speak from timir.own eLt.ervations. AZeli..f. KIEFFER, Druggist, South Hanover street, sole Agent for Carlisle. Pa. J. D. MARCIIISI A CO., Proprietors, Central Depot, 304 Brenda ay, N. Y. January 24, 1.855-Cut • VARTER'S SPANISH' MIXTURE. 'PILE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD.—Not a particle of Mercury in it. An inthilible remedy f. Scrofula, Ring's Evil, lib minim han. Ohst i oat e Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches. Chrollie Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or 'fetter, Scald Ilea.l, Enlargement and Pain of the Hones and .hints, StubOrn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders. Lumbago, Spinal Complaints and all diseases al ishig fnan Mjudicious use of Mercury, ImprudouCc In Life, or Impurity of the 1310. A. irl,This great alterative medicine and Purifier of - the Mood, is new used by themand . s ,f grateful patients in all partft of the l' ite4t Rates. who testify daily to the remarkal le cures perihrined by the greatest of all mcdl. e ines, .CARTER'S SPANISH 'YIIXTUItr.." Neuralgia. Rheumatism, scrofula, Eruptions vii the Skin I.m:rins e:the, Fevers, Ulcers. Old Sores. Affections of Li:E., Kidneys DiseaAes of the Throat, Female Complaints, Palm; and A chine of the liens and Joints. are very spkilly put to flight by 'mat; this greabaud rontedy. For all (11 , e,t,ve of the liked, nothing has yet been found to 430/1111 , 1lre to it. It cleanses the system of all im purities, tietS g oily and efficiently on the Liver and Kid neys, at mug' /HMS l/10 Keestiou, gives tone to the titt.m ach, makes the skin clear and healthy-, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by disnaso or broken down by the caresses of youth, to Its pristiuo vivr and strength. For the Ladies it Is 111COMParaly hotter than ail the cislnetics ever used. A few dices of CAVTIVB SPANIFII MIXITIIE will remove all SallOW»lliti Of couiranxion, bring the roses Mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and tntprovo the general health in a remarkable de gme leveed all the inedicines evorlumd The large nundcr of certificates which a n have reetty.-: ed from from persons from all tarts of the United Stato., Is the bast evidence that there Is no Humbug about it. The, press, hotel-keepers; magistrates, physieku.s.„ and Public mat, well known to the community. all,add their testimony* to the %\ondorfululTects of this tiIIEAT EMU) PU RIF] ER. Call on the Atmyr, and got a Circular and Almanac, and road the wonderful cures this truly greatwa of all )ledirines luni perferined. l'one genuine 'unless sipled lIENNrIT & BEERS, Pro prietors, No. 3, Pearl street, Riehmond, Vu. to %Omni all orders for supplies and torench-s must be addirs.sod. A nil for sale by S. Elliott, W. Ilaverstick, ( iu lido; Ira Day, •Merlianicsburg; J. It. I lerron, Now rifle; J. C. Attie, fihipponsburg, and by dealers in modicinols ovory , where.: • rnESEIVVING SUGAR.—A' neral pu•riment tf Rru lnt1 1 MINA and i'ili'vujsva siv.rars of j e t quality, ilr• also Soft Ovu.:l:t+l.Cll,l.lCt,l 1111,1 other qualitivs ro, , tautly yulta' , l ,, to plu,-,,rfina, Also a constant supply of the eheleest Coffees, Teas ; Spires and otter artleles Su variety tawny); cm.• at tent ion is Invited to our stock before buying elsewhere. Carlisle, July • J. W., It la. Alcbithics. COMPLAINT, 'toyspepr iii .laundice, - Chronic or Nervous debility. I Jew- cs the iiidneys, and all diseases arising from a disorder(' Liver or :,tointich, such as Constipation, Inward fulness of Wood to the head, acidity of .the stoma, 1 licarthurn;disgust fOr food, fulness or weight I. the stomach, sour eructatione, sinking or li,uttering a the pit of the stomach, swimming of the head, hUrrio and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, ehokiu or snit waling sensations when in d lying posture, dint mesa of vision, dots or "webs before the sight, fever am dull pain In the head, dein:kmy of perspiration, yellom miss of the skin 11111.1 eves, pain in the side, back, elms! &e., sudden flushes of bent, burning in the float constant Imaginings of evil, and great depression of spa Its, can be effectually cured by Da. /loorkvivYS`Ct.l.l MUTED (.3ERMAN 13P1TIVHS, prepared by Dn. C. la .lAuKsos, No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not_excelled,. equalled, by ally other preparation in the United state! as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful phys clans/Imila il ed. These hitters are worthy the attention of Invalids.— Possesslag great virtues in the rectification of dietree of the; Liver and lesser glands, exercising the ne t searching powers in weakness and- littera - Ins , if the d. gestivo organs, they are withal safe, certain and pleas ant. TESTIMONY FRoNI PYNNSYLV.VNTA .1. 1). Spring. I.ln-eyi ille. Pa.. April !I, 1514, says, " eau get ,ertltif.ate* ft.i. your G4Tinnn flit tars In this t irinity If y.qt wish them. A lady purl has iuc 1.1.1111, of it this week, .t.iys that it IR by the I est 111411,1,e she et Pl' knew, having dnno her and bar daughter ramp ti. S. li. w•cccti. llecifardk Store, Somerset co, l'a., mug. 15, 1;,:I. ~ s, am nn n •h attached to - rem. Ilerucan Bitters, having used two bottles of it, which I procure from S. Klotz. Your agent et Somerset, aced found great relief frrin it in disease of the Liver. I tied• it lea great effect on 41 1 ). lunge. strengthening eicrilmigorntir, g them, which, as I n o t a puhlie speaker. is it great help to Dr. f lrs, No 'v ton ThOnilt an, Pa., May,..1',..V1. said: •' Lair used myself half a dozen bottles of yopr Certnen Ifit boa . for Lit or t iniiplaint and likea!`F; Of it nem' character. r , •sulting trout the abuse 01 fit( rr to y. 1 tt t pnicou,•d and afllleted ttith spasms front the use cf tit latter arliele. (;(4-11.:, Bitter® Ts the fist tinni of ultra any relief. I has e also given CA artiele to many 1% ,!.I . lltil . t. with the !est salutary ti sults. I think as enuic titer' Let ties till cute fur." .1. ('. YIPIM,'2. 1):1111.11111. Iht., writes Nlav tn,'?; n 1 wusnlhirtri with ()einem! Ilclllily.lntestinal NI end liens nod Costiveness, for w hich 1 used many difivret remedies without relief. 1 lit Inst used your Ilootinod Dernin't bitters. I n ok n few - bottles neyerding to d reetions nod wns e , noinletely Cured. •I have not been t healthy for ten )camas I hale Leon since I took yul l iitl ie. w 1.1,1) is sliest The•o Mt tors are F.NTIRELY VEWITIIII.F. rdivnya Etrengi" (mini,: the s) stem :not never or , strating it. gold by dealers in medicine and aterelneopera ever where, nod by Samuel Elliott. ti. It, erstick nod W. Cali ft ma 11. Carlisle; Ein I n ger t'r Co.. 111 echa irsburt :Snyder s Diehl, :Nes burg, sod by Dealyta iu Medlyint generally. Noy, '22, 1"54-ly DOCTOR YOUR SELF-PRIVATELY cents, by moans of the poci El .ESCULAPIUS Ere[ tino 1(1S 1 / PIiYSICIAN The thirty-siN th Edit ion, aft one hundred engravings. she% lint PH% ate Inst,C, :std :.a i;Jrniatlons of the Genet:al costae[, in every shape a o form: to which Is added Treatise on the Diseases of males. intended fir the use lemafes 01:1 V : I see page 'IVO log of the hiAliest importatt if , 1113rrit'd people, or those co vormi, 31. 11., lii of tile 12 oil ersity of Pennsylvania. Niember of the it.o al tiolle,, , m of Surgeons. buion, and lionmary 3lembs of the Philadelphia Medical society. The t arious tern of Secret iliseas.,. Seminal Weakness, liiseases of a Prostrate illand.lmpotency. solitary habits of youth. at faithfully des,ribed, aid all the receipts given Itt OM language. The chapters 1111 self abuse and &main Weakness is worthy of particular attention, and short} be read by every one. Young men who have been ut fortunate in contlacting disease, previems to placic yourselves under the cafe of any dteter, no matter win 1118 prutemions may be, get a copy of this truly valuab work. Sea Captains and persons going to pea should posse Dr. You it '4 O S Treatise on Mimi the Pocket ..Esculal us, or Every one Ills own Physician. Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of tl Alsculapins to his child. It may save him from an ear grave. het no young man or woman enter Into the s cret obligations td married Life without readlugthe pm. et !Eseulapins. Let no one suffering from a hackie', cough. pain in the side, restless nights, nervous and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and giv4 up by their physician, be another moment without co suiting the 2Esculapins. Have the married or the &snit to blt married any impediment, read this tru useful Book. as it has Icon the limns of Nl.Ving tho minds of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws death. Upwards of a3l ILLIIIN copies of thiscelelant. work has been sr Id hi this country and Eun y o since 1 33. when the edition was issued. Jig" Any person sending TWENTY-PIVE rents e closed in it letter. will receive one copy of this book I mail: or five copies will be sent tier ;1. Address I WILLIAM. YIN N .No. Spruce street, Philode/phi Post paid. Twenty years practice In the city of Philadelphia et r. taiule entitles Dr. Young to the confidence of the 'et ticted, and lie may be consulted on any of the disease b deveribed In his olifTerent publications. at his ofilm 151, Spruce street, every day between and 3o'clock. Sun days excepted) :12111 persons at any distance can consult 1)r. Young by letter. ion min. .A. FE—S PEE D V—S IRE !—S o 11l e. w•. 2. I.lllNil FOR TOUR OWN PENEFITIII A Medi clue Xlis.pted to gerwral use. greatly 'superior to other+ uud within the tueann or every individual. 100 I'l 1:1,S 1.9 r twenty-five oentril No extortion In price—no pobott whatever. Tewxsesn's Ilk:ALT!! fully merit tbegtrzt reputatiotithey have acquired. They are called for from all parts of the laud, because tia:r AXE ALL THAT SIANY CIAILI 71 BE. IV ILA T THEY WII.I. DO--'They purify the bitxxl,they dense the System of I tumors, they cure Dyspepsia rind ludige...tion, they create an Appetite, they cure, :Sick lieadache,ldariness and Low Sprits, they arre,t Fevers, they pron, , te a healthy action ..f the Liver, they are u sure, cure for eostiveneset end 1131,itual Itunitipatie,r, they are highly ellica,ions Lr Fontale Complaints, they strengthen n0..1 giso tone to the System. 'They are list Faintly Medicine hnown. It is an arintts inquiry, how one medicine can 'cure sc many dnlercut complaints. Thefo'PiUs, however, are so compounded .'t curative materials that persons flavour.. ly to TitY. TIIOI and the answer will be found ln a to stoma is'ay and an invigorated constitution. Each Iktx contains Pills, at the astonishingly low prlee of 2.5 cents. }7r cry iu tividnai should have them• }'or sale by the lb . m...h:ts and I , terokeepent ppm:ldly N. A. PALMV3...e 7: litoniartun, et, AMIRACLE OF. .9C,IJOICII-7.1)r. C. L. 1{4,11i11 . 4, Merimuier,burg, Cumberland cola H ty; 31ww , ow-e., to thco:o afllh.ted with Tuin".l. Wens, Cancers, Is.;is plan; Lupus, Dinka or Marks, E•sli 31: uht. King's anA all diSeAttl. that hare hems usually treated With 01%10 le or litchi, ho can rOITIOVO them out cwttlug..burnll,4 or pain; neither Chloroform of Ether is adualoiAore;t to the • patient. Tt is no nutto nn what with IV the bn,ly they may he, ho eau remov e. theca with perfect.; mlety, and. In a remarkahly;short • time. ho Miner Vegetaidepoison is applied, edict nc utenoy o luiral until a ruse is poribeted. ; • ; ;: 1. Prolapsus Utoti, Female Complaints, Cliro,nls, Vetia real and uli other discuses treated with }issitlmatteceics. hail partimlars can los ciTtalcsal by addressing Ira either English or German, past paid. ;Patients can ;l as nekijuki uusieted with Word on reasmachle.terms. 2.locltatiirshurg is ono t...r tits imittegt Ana !milli,' ttrr, - ns in this or may lithe. It is ,S utiles from ltarriglittrg, tm thit Ctlintxtrt.tnd itee3,-itittt itersss,il)lo from all parts of tlw ; ilnion. The Doctor trill ruses In any rat or OW ELnitiYwhit.n dtadto4:'' ' l ' '} ' yrl,Kind reader if yott ,know any aillirted ftljp‘rttrlp , i tury, delay not to tell thorn of this trierthtrnt ' • NEW SPRING G ()OI)S.—Tho sub sinii•or Is now 4realuir A lattAniad itatieral nuu+t of TS11)1'.11.:i GOODS, oonoiglity,t or Bildt arvi , Crloril lll , "Atoofks'. :Mutts tin taint*. and ElY:fish I.rozfis... ltis , / 11 Zqn.l , ll 1111 leti goodski , toosr, n i'n11;1118011.niont i Ana: ' 11 ,, iory, ;Inv et Ran dhercklois, nlso Unglish ntnP,llnic STRAW RONNETS4334mitit,- , Itthbotigi , Potttiott VAIWR4 with tho usual variety of Br - inte 6c) , odlint , Elvderatll4* c t s • - •'l,'/;OiDORGIIiW.111TN„„ M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers