Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 24, 1855, Image 5
311iLvitantoug. OUR YOUNG GENTLEMEN. WHAT THEY ARE MADE FOR, This is a very easy 'lviter to .find out; for upon three minute's acquaintance with any of them yuu may discoyer -their mental and bodily composition, notwithstanding the em phatic line of the poet Campbell, " Can hearts be read! . Alas we answer No !" Well, if we. cannot read, hearts we can nad heads without being . a practical phren- ologist every sized community, we may find a vast variety of young melbwith very curious peculia . rities, to wit: Anybody may know the "sati headed" young,gent. He looks as if his brains were marbles and continually chasing each other Orough the cavities of his cranium. This +young man is never burthenad with an on ginal idea; and ever sides with everybody else's opinion—pass him around ! The " religious minded" young man may be easily known—physiognomy rather elon gated—closely shaved face, shirt collar and neck-kerchief neat—hair tranquil—never Laughs—smiles now and then—takes down all, the texts of a Sunday, and knows noth b• about the merits of the sprmon—lan .o, gunge rather effeminate, and steps aside to avoid a worm—deal amiably with him. Here comes the " funny minded" young man. A (rollicking, boistering, dancing, whistling, fat faced fellow. Ever itching for fan, to stall - 1p -- off - tlie - cat's bruise ord. people's corns, and make horrible faces at the baby !—At a party -he's licking the - girls .or else showing ho,w to swallow the poker. He knows a verse of every comic song; and s great or good feeding., His laugh is the loudest and merriest, and there's no end to his mischief. Let him have his fling. \o body can mistake the " literary mind el" Young gentleman. Tic lilts always a book somewhere about him, and a periodical in his hat. On his table 'are papers anti pamphlets _streAvn around. He feeds on lit erature. llc is not a general talker, but if he can get a friend in company tu 'them -o<then he warms on the merits of his favorite authors. I fe's nu hand at making an extempore speech, and his writing does not flow with original ease, - from the fact of nnxiotv to imitate the style of the classic writers. Bury him in Aibrary. The " blowing" young man 'is heard from in CV, Everything he has a hand in the best of its kind. lie is ae qtainted with the " biggest bugs" and inti mate with the most beautiful ladies. Every thing pertaining to him and his, is of a su perlative nature. He tells how he _walked the farthest, danced, the longest, rode the fastest, kissed the greatest number of ladies, nn I was the best shot. His tailor is the best and his hoot maker cannot be equaled.— For the sake of being superlatyiein all things hell admit that be,is the greatest ass! his ears grow I" You are surely acquainted with the "bash ful" young gentleman, rather tall and deli• cate looking, has a timid voice, and startles if he hears himself speak above a whisper,. lie is always, ready to blush and afraid to he sem near a woman I He sits quietly in some corner and never has confides cc in himself to broach a topic. In a quadrille part,, he ig in awful trepidation for fear Of doing some thing wrong, and-is terified at the careless ,antics of funny young gentleman. Perhaps after wondering fur a long spell of silence to know what to say to his !air partner, he may ask hel if she's "fund of swimming!" and on getting . a blunt negative, holds his tongue fJrever after I Have tperq'on hint. - The " about town 4 young gentleman is s3ldom seen in ladies society. He is sonic what hairy. about the face, dresses in alarm ing patterns, big buttoned coats and fancy colored vests. lie's great at whistling end " toddies,•while his cigar is , ever in his month. A jolly haul 'oath adds• emphasis to his lan guage, and Slang expressions arc his great delight. He designates a woman as a " pet ticoat,l and the men as ",Basks." Ills watch is a "turnip" his la.t a "tile" and his boots are " kickers." . He knows all the fhst horses, last saloons, theatrical and fighting men and \maim, and introduces, himsellas "one Of y tn." Give him rope.enoughl " The poetical young gentleman is a fa• vorite with candy eating,sehool girls. . His hair is, heig, t;ometimes parted ice the middle his collar a la Byron, and his hands gener ally very neat with rentainder of.dreir,i ralier carcle. Evelthing suggests a poetical to 1.;1,1 in : implil moments,' his 0,.11- -- ch - r - h - ITTFOie _trots to his locks. 110 can compose sonnets to it ladio's too-nail Mr. Choa'e c toss examined him strictly and psrticularly as to what, the inducements were. —or lines on the death of a frozen frog; while in an ode to. the moon, he is all testa, tic He has, always 8 pie eof his own to read or repeat for you v , perhaps, if he noticed ybu gape and yaN would compo e a stanza on the loss of breath. His favorite 'ladies are called by him the "souls of poe try," and any thing harsh or out of tune shocks his nerves. Let him win the lays I Lest' we might be considered a tedious young gentleman, we shall continue the cat alogue on some other day. WOMAN From the lips of woman, every infant hears the first accents of afiection, and re ceives the first lessons of duty on tenderness and love. For the approbation of woman, the grown-up youth will undertake the boldest .enterprise and brave every difficulty of stAdy, danger, Mal even death itself'. To the happiness of woman, the man of ma turer years_ will devote the best energies of his mind and body; and from the soothing and affectionate regards of minium, the man who is become venerable by years, derives chief consolation in life's decline. Who, then, shall say that the one-half of the hu man race, and they confessedly the mostvir tabus and the most amiable, may nut be en trusted with an intelligence and an influence equal to our own? To theM, when sorrow afflicts us, we consign half our sufferings, and they cheerfully relieve us by lightening: them. When joy delights, we give the half of our pleasures, and they as readily consent to share them. They lessen, by their syin pathy, the, pangs. of. all our priVations, and they increase, by their participation,. the eestacy of all our delights. They deserve. therefore, the full enjoyment of every pi% loge that it is in our power to confer on them. , ANiTDOTE OF MB. Cno.CTE.—At the trial of the salvage case or the h a rk Missouri, at BostOn, last week; the case in which a part of the cargo IV£IS CIIIIWZACd, by the masters '„of the two vessels on the coast 'of Sumatra, one of the masters was examined as a wit. ness; and disclosed the plan of embezzle meat. and staled the inducements that were offered to him by the other master. lie said he objected at first, arid told his comrade they would be found out and convicted, but was overborne by the assurances givi a him. The witnei,ls had the appi'airance of holdbig back a little, but at last he said : • "Well, Sir, he told we that if we were found out, he could gee Mr. Choate to defend us, and he would get us off if we were caught with fly! money 1 . 0 (Mr boots. " 4 It W:l9 mit five ,minutes niir ten that it re quired to bring the audience back to a sober countenance. The counsel on theofher paid a tribute, in his closing argument, to the genies of Mr. Choate, the fame of which extending to the antipodes, was relied upon as stronger titan the law and the evidence.— E,•en /ay DoN'T G ET MA MI I ED.—Less than two yews since, a lady and gentleman, residents of a Reighboring town, were engaged to be mar ried. When the time for the union arrived, however, the filir one proved false, and refus ed to fulfil her part of the obligation. Since Cie!) they both come to this city ; Nvlloro the en gagement was renewed, and the lady was promising hr rself the bliss of a bride. Last Sunday was the appointed time for the twain to become one flesh ; and the church the place of the ceremony. Alter services in the meriting, more than fifty persong waited to witness the scene, and the priest was atAlte altar, when the man quietly; remarking to the lady—" Before I wanted to get married and you sacked mo, and now von wait to . get mardcd and I do the satne :l 7-101 the house to the no small anut2ement of all par ties, anti the great disappointment of the spectators present to say nothing of the lady. Ncirburyport. 7L'rft/(1. Bow' TO 00" or SOW ' BOSOMS.—We Orte 11011,11alios espresiiiig a wish to knew what process the gloss 011 rieW bosoms, etc., is produced, and in order to gratify.thein, we subjoin the following reeipe; " Take two ounces of fine white gum ara ble powder—put it in a pitcher, and pour on a pint or more of hoiling2water, according to the degree of strength you desire--and then having coveted it, let it. stand all night --in the morning pour it; carehtlly fNal the dre g :; into a clean bottle, cork it mid krep ! it loi. use. A titbit:l)oollrd It gum water stirred into a pint of starch made in the n,mal manner, will give a IWIN'a, 91thOr wtiitc or prh?.ed, a newne3s, when nothi ng else cal restore them after they have")) eon Xib4lnle•for hout;t , •keepera—The smallest possible waste, without L— N t • ' earl - foie . :Ityttill':':::: FACTS ABOUT TII E: UNITED STATES. The United States are composed of thirty on and nine Teritovies. , They contain n population of 25,000,000 of whom 21,000,000 are white. The extent of sen-coastls 12,660 miles. - The le'ngtly of its ten principal rivers is 20,000 miles. The surface of the five great lakes is 90,• 000 square miles. • The number of miles of railway in opera tion is 20,000, which cost $600,000,000. The length of its canals is 5,900 miles. it contains the longest railways on the globe—the Illinois Central—which is 731 miles. The annual value of its agricultural pro ductions is $200,000,000. • Its most valuable production is Indian corn, which yields annually $40,000,000. The aiNount of registered and enrolled tonnage is 4,407,0 . 10 tons. • The amount of capital invested in manu factures is $600,000,000. The ninoimt of its foreign itripc<ts in 1853, was $267,91 . 8,147, and of its exports, $230,- 971,157. . The annual amount of its internal trade is $600,000,000. The annual value of the products of labor (other than agricultural) is $1,300,000,009. The annual value of the incomes of their inhabitants is-$1,0011,000;990. The value a its farms aud live stock is ‘ 1 1 : '5,000,000. , Its mines of gold, copper, lead, and iron are amen: , the richest in tin' world. TheNallto-of the-goltl produced ii!,100, 001).000. surface of its Coal fields is 138,131 square miles., Its receipts Car customs, lands; ikr., ii 1832, *as $5 . 1,472,27 , 1, audits expenditures $.13,3-13,263. IVithin her borders arc 80,000 schools, (, 660 :1.-n(11 , 11[6 es, 231 colleges, nod 13,501,. chioches. 1 A I'l;S' Sl' I' Elt l'11( )S I'll AT E (1I ~_ mltE.— A -ii, sul.s•-ribers etr., Att.:lo • in Mika.. pl9:t it e. the :tl,vt• ti•rtlll,r. N , Ilitil 114, ) t'l.ll Italy t,..t.t. lit Ile last three )ear,', • EltriN 4 , 1 , 101.• 6. , 1ie1ii .4 1 ilei tII ,11)/111) SS 111 1•0 IiIIIIIi•ti. \1.'. , , 1 . ; , t• t•:,10 t•t,t relllN iftli Gl 1 Vrltillellt 1; lla II N.. 1. I' t,V1111.1. Nr.itztzis: .e c.... A•zri.•tilt oral 11 ar , 11, iii, ~,d :e...t ,tt,.. - ,e, :.: 1.. 01W 7th ;lint Market 41:t e 1.,.. l'hilade!tillta. i .I.Jet::, . 11, A I 1 ) l',A S 11. M Elt ES, Sck..—The sub f ,rii,, , r Iris juat l'iritt4 ft I itricty of Plalth, ata. 44,1ttiti,, lit reit tie , I pri.Ts. . ,av 15 O. W. lIIT N EH. pll E P.lll E FOR IV 1 N'l' E N ! pA Rum .% \ D c.).uirSi; :".T. /V 1:, 4 . I . lw ... , 11.••ril , er at hi , '4l .tand ...ii N.rtli Ilarttn . , 4t. Carikle. the ,1,,5tl .if the "m•awinoth Re.l 04,, l'ot," kl, ire, to call tho at t,liti.,l er the roli.• t , , hi.: 1:1,-re 11., .ortilli'llt tST it I.:: , , if t In! nets I, t an.l nit faphi..ll. 4 tie o:. leq, fro., lit - best neonif., t,,, i t , in iii e atoll,. and at all rice , from ,i", to 015. p, ' , Lk:, A t o,,i,tc Id, pA R 1,.. IR ,t CII ~ \ I DER ST, IV Es >7%.,,,, are the rileror St eve. the A retlJ, fief ore, Star. :,,,Itty, neraian: l'stion anti :Etna Air TOO: t.tgothtrr fi"--.._.... trith other patterns which he hos o f all ,I ye,. 1;W p 'Hors or olio miters, and calculattni for b u rn ing either woott or Coal. Alto, the ;Etna. Woke, Actor, All alit. Flat-1.01, 0011 lianilitox or Poor Man's, with other Cool:. I Nil Sr IVE!S, comprising the In teat improvaturtits lu kit , loot stoves, and intended for eithitr,Nvonti or coal.— Also. the Dining Rtxun Conking Stcre--a now roil k ^,_ cant artiele. to which he invites the particular atteo- Ulm of families. 11,i3., ciol".ing, at ivea range in laic. , Irton iilo to '25. with the fixtures eontplete. Also, Niue Pl a te Stores f.f various patterns and different pliers, Also. ENAMEI,I,I'.II A,Nit TiNNEft %YAM.: for Cook ing Stores. limas Kettles S:e. Also, el cry at tick in the line i,t• Tin o,ll.Correr Wure. 'l'llo 1,111,11 e are respect full:, Ini ittol to c.ill ,is he in eollfiilelit. Witll 111 , lane stook, variety and cheapness, of I,eing Otte to eke on- Lire g ,t,j..l4 o tjen to ere, y purchaser. fall 11.11(1 see. =MEM I( )liNElt of !Inn , OVer 31111 cw ; %It S I.l:.—The t•httot ,igtt etl hits Illway , on Irt tut 3 hrg, ktP3'): f•f• the dilkrent ha L, i t osx t ,i v i.o, :It till. 1,11V,t 1311.. N. ilv 11:Viti.ti ill tont ifui p.trtit•ti tarty to the I'lll'NT 51'31.3; Ih. - trttNt liritt•TEkh, n n a .A witidt entirely Ohl all of 11141,13 (.:11, In. At:11433J to They hate git on entire satisfaction to all %%lin have thou in use, A)i," ( - Jut:INS matte to t ,,,at the tthort,,t ttotke, • .1.1.C01t FETTEN. UST HE( EI VI 1) A 1"1.11 E liltoCl•:It1' sTORE of the hubseriber. M rion 11+.11, = gad.t, Bolter, Pie Ma awl l'tp.tar Star..ll. Tapioca, Sa Pearl Barley, l: tli t of Coffee. like Floor, I uhiug Powtlttr, A flew la of soporlor Tahle Oil. Tattotto Ketchup, French Nui.tortl. Bay J. IV. EIJI% r i"l \ N lON I)1 ` ;!'? PT ICS—lllose L. of viii It 110 till 7t. Jeeit aliiicted for year. wit It this ,11,4. ate, a n d r,11 , 1 have beau 118111,!, /11111g,t Natrom lyt,,ru t h e pnSlh without roller, we Fil.) to you - yehors Anti.lyN:mitie" mot you will :won Is e.uviuee , l gee :t sal erlority over prePailit 1011. IC ,0 t , 0111.1 nothy rert Meaty.: corub oratg in our a.:eril.ots. but it single ti lal Is worth mare than all. ',wear Is pt,pared tool saltl at the Drug StOl.o ofß. J. flil'outh Ilatiover tartlet, II fete (1 01 , 1 - 8 8 - nth or the ikum+, c21 , ;141,1 NG OFF AT COST. BA 11— L - 1 11.11N9! itAitf;.‘ I NS!—Tlio tinbs,wiLer Intending to relinquish Intsinosq winrs IW; iwtiro stovh. of Iltyp: , ,, 7, Slll AND A l'l'EltS, .1"r I'oST! 111 s slink I.i'i'rai O is now, motto nt' tll lwit Ina Wrials, and by the 1,0 , 4 ‘vorknion In tho cities. Those th:sirons of ' 4 6..... ' ~,,,ring !good I/ant:1111S 1140 bqt..l . 11.4 Wt, Ills oppnrt 'wily slip, as till'y may not zigaW havo tho elnuwd nr ,nouriw.... such basy,ains :IS WO 110 W Offer tlit'lll. ".: , .y S IV, surr,Dos. )1j . ..‘11)4.—A received a 1ai; ,, 0 assort ,„,.,, t NI nf ovory verity fit P•ilt`ral 11:t• amt. ei,torn nn4 C1i.4 , 1.11 ..0 r , c,lt!atett 8,4 Wit 1$ t 11 - Vol , lllg' 1.1 711• ptimpti ar., lip bast. ,111.tlity :tuft 2tritt:ltip. In.intictr..llvor.i liavltu; 11.0 rromltitr. atv.1: , 10,1 for thoir sovoral : 4 14it0 tvhor lo•l• 4“6 . 1231].. Iran :111,1(111in Multi., ,• 111:Nit'ir I , ;_l'l`lll;B..—Fritz, & Hendry, Stoll l'1111:1,1111p1113, ‘1! - TItyt, '4,1'61111.'10 !!!!p,rlors, l'ottimit‘,loll and 111111(`V.Ii 1, 4 ,1 r vi* • 1,I1,!;7 4 .1 NE .1N I) •ItET.III,---Wmufhetory 1:i MA si.ruM., eer. lEMM t.MEIIICAN ARTIS TS' I — A_ . The AlitbillCAN ARTISTS' UNION, YR./Uhl respectfully" announce to the citizemi of the United Stat , .s and the I!anadas, that for. tin, purpose of culthrating a taste the lino arts throughout the vountryi and with a {lei 01 enabling every 11 to heeou w p,,,i 4 ,,,,i n ra of Ilm4raving Bl"rile., FIRST ARTISTS OF :Hal i they have detormined,lii order to create nn ea tonsil sMe tbr their Engravings, and thus not only ON 0 up ployment to a large numher of articts and °Owls. Lu Inspire among our countrymen a Mote fur works of are present to tiv) purchasers of their ongravino, ' 2:10,000 of which are sold. 250,000 UI ri's, of the at tin• cost of $150,000. Each pucchasor of a One Dollar Engin, ing. thcrofl rc. • revolves not only an EiivraN log 11,111 y it - 01th the In uses but also a ticimt which cot Ries him to one or the Gift,. when thy aro dist rihntod. For !ICI, Dollars n finished Engra% log, I (,in drolly painted in Oil, and FIVE tIIFT TO be sent: or Flee Dollars worth of ,apleutlid Engin% lag . : can be selef tsd from thu tlrttalogne, and be sent turn mail or express. A copy , if the Cataloiate, together with a spe, noon of one of the Engravings, can bu seon at the olliee of this 1 7 :: . each Dollar sent. an Engraving act ually wort h t hot sum, and a Uhl Ti, Itet, will immediately be forwarded. The Committee believing that tint sueress of thin. (treat National Utulertni:lng %till nutteriall) promoted try the energy and enterprige of intelligent cud ',enu red:lg. Agents. hage re,ul%ed to trrat4ulth such on the liberal terms. Any person - of:thing, to heoome Ago.t. by se),(ting. (post paid 1 will eke by return of mail, a one th,l - lhorravinos. a - ill I.I"I'II'KET.." n Prorpeetus. a nit and all ta (100 110., , , t1ry Oil the 111'131 eiennlethiti of tile sale. the (lifts will le ,dared ih the liatiak of it 0131:',11 of the PCitel7.lNl.l,, n• nivrur.un'cu, due notice of o Mehl ill Le giN , ut , the United States auid till' Call/Id:1S. LIST (i 1 PO Marble hl/Ft of Wit shin, , ,,,t , m :t t :IM) V d,oilt. 00 " , •• Clay. - - - 100 110.0, 01.1 •• ~ Wel‘ster - - - 10(1 1 ,. .1)v, 00 " " t'ulhoillt - - - 1141 In.'s A. 50 tile :cant Gilt Pal spientlid }silt frties. size qx f ft. earn..._ ' 100 nf". Ist elegant ,011 P3lntings, itzit feet eselt 00 steel plate eid ored In oil, flame , •2ls:ui in • co:01 - - - - 10 r,,0U1 0.000 ele,:ant slo , •1 pate I ti:•s. w 1, °red in oil, of leiqi)inrttln 1 , 21 nt uent, 20x20 Ow, I - nT,OuO St 1.01 rhtte eng.rnvin , ,z . s. front 100 tlilfertont illtito!+ now In of and Awned by the Art i•t., or the Ittri.ct , 1111 t, t.) sle 1,11, 41 .11, 1 first c?:n.ql , wellin.r. :11,4 Y. City 1;, • liio'lnnl 16 - I,t < N. V. ity. ent , ll 2...x10n ft. $b•••1'.1 nt 1000 22..0 , 0' 101) Sit,. et nttaillillg ion h 10,000 FT ft. in the ',llan trof \etr l't,rlt City' and c‘onntantling a niagn I Henn t vlow • of Om Hulk , n hirer and 1,61,g Is- _ 1211111 : -. %t111.1. nt. 600 i , '‘. ' ;Cr perpetual 10:0,s utcnh, u it In.ut Into re:-t. or seen, it y, $2:,11 erwk "141 • 1.0 " Iteferon.y in' reltnra G , thy U.Atttte. 1 . 1 c:( to ,t; CII, Veal I - :•tato 1 . 11, 004 01111 . 1 . 5. ith oothe) VOt•tota 141 • .7 . v, it t 1,11K4 .1i ,I•rs , 1•111y. a. 54 , 5 ay. N. V. t , I.:111•• I:nT,ravings in th, entelegue itre r , nv r• !el , rev delileiy. -t.lBl 11 , A it( ; 211N: 4 I , ', N'l' RA ( )111)J N A 121" ! -7-- ;1.:1,1," t1,.).)1).^: :11.1V tit It '.1);, , , ~ 1 h.. ‘111.:••1 0.05 10 -jtt , t I'PPI 11/Plli I fr. in tln• , it if , of N. V,' I. 1,01 1.hi1.t.1.• , . 1 151.1 , it , s th.. i-1.4, 1 ...,1. :1,1- in. ~t .. 1 .:er.;11,1 a-- .5 E111..r.1. pPf 1.11.1, .1:s 11 1\ l's=f-kit. Co .r.,1)- el ..r ln-rnuti t t..) Cr, ri klo. 11:1% in,f, inlr..l/,n4..1 fr. in •evrrdl ,s 1 thr 1.1 r )... -t imp .rtin.4 11,•11.., in Nev. 1011, I. r 1...;:..); i t 'sill ettal,l, Ili.. t. l g teatcr ill.luccuso.ts .ii..l g iu• I.,• tt , 1.41, 1 2 L itv.. t... Illy P 'ld 01140111 AP, tend all ll Ii tna, t.. 1, .5 II“. II ith a ,•.1!1. I.lllp (147.1 Lc 1114 at an ) , ti.t. r ut I. la.l t. he ,Lu All Or , p al, t.., . I Illts e 1110 ( . 11 , -,;1•••,a. Ft cli , els. SAttitirtt,, (1..t10.. 1c.,.... til-hy .Ivas,. 1,, , I..:in, U,• 1 :...,..., ;1„..1ii.s, V - Th o„i,,,. e.. e t., er , 11., .- I it. the I, , r,k1...h. , It i., i.,, i , ~..i1.1., I . I 111/ . ..I, $: !i‘ on, list! f OW-1 ..1, t I 'II %.-- ( ' tall l . PlPi.. a 1:? all In vault ..f ..n, ,i, ;:o' I: 'lad ~-1...• l . VP'11•••••TN , ,s N, t 5,.ti1.1.. 1.. ..h• v. , 1:t• ..-,.,.....1.. , 1,,,i•v,', 11.1 , Ppl‘l `41:Ilil. I...trt 1...1:.. `l:., f.. all '-'I (•.‘ANIA•S 10;11.11V. ._ . _ . • I. ‘,), ," - -, it ' N 1: tV .I.' AI. i, (;( ) ( ) 1.) ;•:.___ ( )t , ) ,- 1 - 0 I; ... ' , ..1 7. .t imaiir.i;:-. Is:'' r..t.tt5•51,1 110.1; give ..f I 1i I. AND 11"I!VI'Lll. A fill 4issortaient i.f l I I.s. A Cal ars•atnietit 111 Cr , ,ittlert.g. A fill assortment of • A fill ar•sort moot of Voot.ings. A fill itsr,itnii-nt of Ladies Leese A rid a;:srkftfaeot of I) , .you,lic A tol of en s tun a A fill assos•tivont of l'ar.innere Sham is A f a t picerit e. A fit ) ie'rfon'ni i,f Quo.. aimare. . , With a fit'.l.,:e soil intent of . I.lqcollaitc•*lts articles* :rano rally Lop in :- . l.ores. l'ureitasi•rs it ill Thol it grow th tio•ir intcrost Lt roll :ilia 4. \Thstip, iTiore pill . ah e dilort•clUt Mil WWI 1.1 .ale. roue 1.11 anti f yollr,itoi. E,rp1.21 M. Mull I: IS F ALL AND ',toe): of C 1,4 lila, m ot . droo,dit ti , Ent I kle, has just Woo reuvivoti hp A li r So if,no& UV! Ni/;-'f,/:s. at their rittutp wad o:ttensive ..CLOTIJINII .11u I'`E, in North Stuoot. 'rho prii.r , of olothing at this hou,oltal I. !won red teed to S/1,11 /l very low standard that it is nom Ju the partto of all a ho 1%1 , 11, to treat glad The a, , ,orttnont r ttaists uf 0v e r 0 ,,,,i, o f cc ery than. 1/re,,/. F'rui't. 111:(1 C////t./. a ,root arloty vosst,, Ca--klittoru PANTS. }davit nod fatio,v. Silk aunt `aria VESTS. ;toll a Poo va ri,ty of vsskriciss ants ots..r coals. Also, shirts, collars, atnek,t, youkot. itandl.oroldolk sospentlors. gloves, hosinry and all uthur at ticlea goner:lily 1:1'14 fa this liar t.t All lirt klus 5..1,1 at tuba todadli.ltniont war ranted ollat they aro repreoottud to hp. Also. a splondid to,ortinont of grads iii, the pluoo.— Sitputtino French 'and I , do.rlish CLOT II S 111111 SIMEII//: , ..0f oNany 11%1W:toil shade. satin. silk. and Vale chi vostinga, satlitotts. &v.. all of Whirll AVM I/0 /WOW I , Order at- nit , .11ortest to ttco, and ht the notttust and lvst tnai nT. All ttartlltOltt; ‘llllTallted to fit. BOYS cs.o.ris -Ist; always on hand. The p a l Aro re,peetctilly to e:111 anti tooon hie LIM ,111.1`Ii•WII , Si.rfIllt•1 IL,,f 1 L ,, f iIL thiti,L 1111.11 t. tri Lyne's I laolst:to i•tore. orpor kV L. M1111:111011i11 . 8 *2.7—:ho. A'RNIlt.l) I.IVI "I'117`;. 61 71TEW BOOKS ! , ANI/ V,117.' • 11:111.1CATIONS . Elements of Character, by Miss l'hathllcr. . • 1.11-IVCIII ,Iv A l L'e Carey. Cranlool. by author of klary Passion and Pre.jull icy, by klys. (lore. ' e TI•mill. by t)I I 1:0,1,(1/111`, or [1i5t...11,11 I , l•tebe.t of Wff:tern t• , :iani•ot..te., Ly .lusopli Village s:,•rint , ns. by 111..v..1100. !larder, enntainfnr e.oe. btu and Oar plain short Ills..onffes On prind• pal Ilootrion.: of plailTshed by Lippin tt, (;1•;001 0 ,k1:0.. of Philadelp)llll. Sunny ‘1,11101.10, of Poreign Lamb!, by \t no, 11. 11. ?tows. 711 . 1 :.:tad 1111111:11" , If.'s. I htl•ll‘..r . ::, 1`1101.0.e4, I:F:111.1111'S aro4 t.locb•y's Mk:mines. for (1,1,01,r, pet I ..k. M. P.IPIAI. • a 0 a,. • r, volvvii tit rrnt:Ov. , 7 p.t!vot. )1,11 ,1, ,U1 , 1Wit VA td.(i! Wl:h 5.111,11 (:it „ 11'• `l . l I 111 A [ r. ' aiWrit v °Fein I . tr.:e 1(9.; f 1 11.1::z. ~I• 1 mrtadd new 4... , !(•: , LI, Fl.l • • C , i:111!1". _ 2 and ;MACKEBEIA, of the 111:1V er , lp Jti roc6ivi'd anti et the Family rovonv of fiLIA Jciii :. :2l;, Mani actu 2jorf,t Ali 1 NT, =LE IMIII 13 Oirahefpljiii: - , . " • - .I " • (,1()15 . 1.1), [ic..;tweePsor to A..Fict. ••1 Fl...;:wailit's I uldii: phi 3. 1'n1.11,1..r. and I cider in uri, A I cirri 11 , Andr, zit:out t 1 I. the, wdl or Ih,llAt, & c t , 11111] olLrr HAM _ Pinl•ll 4 . F.l; min's Gui:Lt klim, t)!uric l!opts . . Itashlents of the e .- unt.ry %tilt Le t-opulit.ll lay total It otlotett iso With latish . they tatty aids. as h I. an if ptil • chased hi ptlrb ,, ri. It:, ittl % 011 V ‘if the lart:t•st st, els iv the totted r tales. I feel rot litiolit of Rai f)itti.:, till Nt LI, Italy favor toe with a tivll tart viler : l'ealort. it: MINI- • opt 11..1 ot. the nit - •t Ii: oral to: ME Plato's to Ira. ee , 01 , ,i•i.m...i Ho,. n• for gal , '. ii• Tins :A l , 1S1:•11-1: d 111 E A' l' 11" A TC.111.:;-: , AN I) .7 L'IS'I , :I.- A.. ; KV. I`. 11 , 11.1:1.% 1.1: :tali} It t:TA IL, at. tlte •• 11:11.0 . ifkii. , ,,,,,,,:.1\ al, Ii 11.111.1 .Ic, ell V : -. tvo e. :. 21.:\ ;‘,.,.,ra,l,..,•rvit,;aNr,t.tyet It ; :: } t: i , , tl . l , :l i ;:y j i l u lat ii , ,, , l r d ," I ',..' 1.4,er .-1\u . t...11.., 1t1:1 jre, 61, ,i. r• .....1 I " • "'" I n 1 ~,t, ' - ::•'.i, 04. • . ' t Q.... 1: 1 , 1 1,e1,1,,,, 11 , t ttrat envv..., ' '.:.-1 Ve ~,.• L t -Alt. a ..., ;'-i:t or -. it tte'F: tt t t , M . :, 1i121).7P •il ler Let, I', hell ..11 . 1,, /14 it ' Iz. v Sup , ' i.r I. um tit re - ,. - (;-1,1 . . -, pecta , L, 1 . 11,4- $ll - . ar al:erta.ales. I lohl l'ara rich, . • 4: ,ti".' II“lti I'Vra.P.s. • - --: --: ' 1 in: •il‘r r Ton : : fo•,1•1.s. ,Ll. - I. ..., 64.1 , 1 Pr: 5. Is Stl: I'sl til tar:l i.ibrr 11. Is:t r. - 1 0 , 1'5.1.1 Firrrr 1:i”,:5 : , 7 1 . sosttq ta• F;S: IA al•Is l:15•5, • plain. 1'._.., rc: t Ito, i.t 1 •••,', 1.1:111 t 3.2:,: 1 I lo•r: t:.( , , it , 1 , , , , , •ft or.. .V.l E•wds was stsfied - tol,t , • Or bit I.l!tt I,lr FTA I 1 11 A I! '1 I.) V. (In E.L11.1 1:4 Id :WA tfilvvr I.l.vcrs ui.d 1.1.1 111-1, ti t, 1,1,4 ( 1( )( y N. 1 ;Iq.,Atr .1 lip- it (4. 1.1 %I 11. LIB v,4 ht.,l 111119 1•.,r,1).1c4 rkr 1, 01,111,t in 1.1:o y. ild. I c! , r.4)11 111 (I At It EVIT A l e l I.l'rl . ',A.' tcs 424, rir - rtr•rt r prrr,7 ; ‘,1;• srp r It 1, , .1 I , ;MO li t; ;;, I lA. I (II" ' bi-- art Ir e , 11, oc,ii:tl to ait r •-t 111, ,it I ti. C.i• t I rl.. Cuiti.o. timitt•,l C Fl Cif At l'tt• r jitn, t N,,,k•Are sh. • I i Lin. • 1, 1 11 EN ( II 11 - t : 12 , . r tiv, Oi I I t• p 11. N. Lt yvtl - by Ilic itivtirnl null ot Lt I :a L4l Lie. ithnll•pn ally Sl'l.. I r 10,1 ny +4l.x: j. tin :-'uth•rers v, ill he t , tlllol Elm( the n , :^t • pr• cur.• le• Li m In st nt.d ta , it e.• , V 2, dual le n T: it, Ste nnr of lI.T. In 1{,,.• 11" f. :11•,1,•!t• tl!.1111/13 !old. In: re h. I li c, I • it!t:. ;:tt , •lkOi••g t.ll , LI i altd 1, bee th.t. 1,..1,1 oil it still retnitt , It %, Hie in el wit ; 0. [OOl S - IZI. 11 1ii,1,111 - 1 , 11111/ttie to• the nul err ,:111 11.01' 11. 0 ~ • Itl 11,1,y , l'arF e.r er ten 6 r lite v, it i 1 ill it Olt. It %I n: I, ei,, 111.1,,d. ti , It I, 1 1 ttilj;!. It, n 1511' ai e;tee. Fttr IP . I ILL! )11 ik.ll. r. I('`l3 II 111 !net elft :met I art ttl eta Ihilndrl pi, I. ~1,1 rt 311,1,1 ra - ters t the erra, gnu 4.nt of tlic 1,., r: %N. no.. 1%431 I lzhi Ds," zor,i :ph al 1%1, ht., sr. that 31 ii ell rrivcrr tt lAI I , lli I t, 114..1 Td I'r „ a sr t 1.1.1 t I,r tln ir tt•• ;, 1 I LI 't II :1., Ist , ~ I '1.1.11'.: 4 ' l'zlicilt Titlmhir (/\ - 1•11 ,I d 11; IL., `is '.1:ri.:011 , Fi e t., , t41 F.„ ~ ~i.,, 1; i• ~,1 6 , 1,14.. d 11. lf-;, 112 s , . to 2"mi 2.1 n suprti. r 2.1,122 g ./!Trrnl r-., 2 2124 fora It Pt t lir IL, r In) ti • pneil Vin • ,nnetis nl3ric bled. ' I t / :2 2 a 1 2 . 2•22.2 t 1. 2 4 nir c 2.2 t . /. ti 222.21 22.2•211,22 I 3ised Vvit orilt rttain 1.1.212 jul2 2 112222,r Nom] t.. t Ind r aSted 1113.1 pn...try 2. 2 oh 2.21 tit the r..12:2 time 4 Itt Le 3 init he other. It rt PI 2122121 . ..• 1., 11'2 . 121.1 122.221r2.1 belt 222/2111;222.211 to onto fe, the 2.• 10,•, INI unh , r. It h 2 1.. 2 . 2, 22.112.2r GI - urn rut Fi, anti ytroll 13112 • te, Lit noihn 122. 2 .2 . et Wrenn lle,vd et al, .11,e ate iii, , of Pr tin I , fling plot 1 , 1 the 1:22 2 Fn enrllt 22 off tie at , i f en4.l, teg, 11 1 / 4 V ell at' heat in Ever:• deli,: fit lit worn 212 21 to give rat 1 2 212221.1. n, 2 II A Es' V l2 .\ * ll LA TOE. pal wiled Octol er. 1 f•II • li.• F. t •11 , s, Rai/runt Chin, C121222n/es Co Turn j,41 , 1 , 1;11111 , }... the at lebti n t.f 1 ,, Ii‘1411:11 rtr.l :111 ,1t,,1 1 1,1 1, pt, d t?,,• ,•1" E•I, tj'atj. Cul k:s rf 7 , 111- 4 .11: . 11 Fun c le it tV.II urc~ll 1.1,15, • Al 3 a,' tUn't.t. (nra • P, and CYCLIT...: St. I'Arlor 14:(1.‘ , I:((g . hteis..t... 15 hill( ,;(1( at (1 rct:111. 1: Nll (t. 11.11 S 2. 1 , 4 rtre(-1., 1 h 1 . 01 f(c4:al attontkei pit ru 11, Irarn(ivg Laing 1(411 pkiNie tt to 1 ttr,dilivs. 1) 1.1)1)1` El).-E. NEII LAN 1.) CU' n Loh rale and retail htle'lilNG(;l.: F A i) ! 'nil I'll d )I,IN Cis'AUTO:il", AL( IL st' eppoi-I:e the Theater. Ilil i adelphia. N• ro. rnreived the Mednhawardi the Crvidal Palitee N. V., 113, in the Ur•t. ii. , lates, for (lilt. Ili—orated, and l'lnr NEW AND CIIEAP TOYS, MM. I . ll'l{l'll (4:111!:. I rarry I'. .Irtlelvt; for Cntifortlt rots. twylsts and- Ti a( 001 1 ,4 $1•1" ti1:111 CVCI . nrd ill {;renter varluty, Farry Basl.rts. titan And roditort d and Fult:tt ..1 ttotd, flora, lead, tin, Li., otor ICU totems, . Kid. nix. jointed. Odra, riving aril t d `A I irg IMP/010M.. AN , r(lttll'S. ey Ilrxt, CY/I'llt Lula (41 f.:r (.(114 t tntlet r . I circtry Cs, I til.sta t Lan I iscitit. ,Itntelr) tiirm COI44:IICF, T. Hot lint Iles and Vsrcsof Odra It lien inn Macs: matt ts Pauli}' A t tit Ins. futooty,'fit tit 1111.75 in. . ,, T.. 1 arc., :tied :tsi I:4Nss, 'I in t ;Nitta n g ovor 1 :4;111 , 11'S, C:115, Skits :11,11 Train 11 4 . A lso Cast s . • of T 0.% F,S, I ;ed. tit $lO, allf air ('arc. 'With an enillysa vitr:aLy er nen( at st ylvy of ntho. (I linpnit.•ll in the nut' 1. r at OW I e lownat. rat on by 11 . TILL !:11, lmpott, rl Nn..l Orninivrcit at. I LE/atoll.' 'n l'ilblit-11( 1 1.1-7-A A I.3yr; Li; yIN .. 3 11'1+1('IS1:,=- :fiww,rtlso. 11 r 1.. "'"'"" a, 1.' , " us Ov l .llo‘ lre.r.llo, iv, a:A:, tin. lintl , vti lint. 1 - .,.11,./ t r oil 10! nr, v.,- ti, I; vt.lll 'Ol .1, It !1. , in th, t I , in. tifirell..ri /lie in OF, pit 1,0 tlilaftlitreS iu I,'" tit•• lir. 11. l'el ain : • 1:11' t 111,1 Ilnt , tar rn inn! ronpl, 11 •. r..ivincil wit tii I'l Si! DI. tliitit7tt t orly il. It awl 1 lir entirely 11..w -41. ail. 1.t0.11..y 11.0 Avila.. cl : 1 11 : 1 I/... ,1 .1), 1 , 1., alit, IC 31. very n ; cnak ki00,.../1 - ref an.l lex.t. pi 1,11,1 e et t 3 - :Al 11/40.1 no•tluux 01 Itt . . . :' , 't , t 10J:ny :+001% , .. , .. trat.l4 and t , ,..t five. in ft fen • "''ri'')?.. l, I PlUittli ,, c irct.t. mall Imotc.stagesKraa 1,.) Pr.•P,, 17 .I..ll , leti'd Nircd , r"k. Marab 1-ly , , . i i vi 7 lli I