311iLvitantoug. OUR YOUNG GENTLEMEN. WHAT THEY ARE MADE FOR, This is a very easy 'lviter to .find out; for upon three minute's acquaintance with any of them yuu may discoyer -their mental and bodily composition, notwithstanding the em phatic line of the poet Campbell, " Can hearts be read! . Alas we answer No !" Well, if we. cannot read, hearts we can nad heads without being . a practical phren- ologist every sized community, we may find a vast variety of young melbwith very curious peculia . rities, to wit: Anybody may know the "sati headed" young,gent. He looks as if his brains were marbles and continually chasing each other Orough the cavities of his cranium. This +young man is never burthenad with an on ginal idea; and ever sides with everybody else's opinion—pass him around ! The " religious minded" young man may be easily known—physiognomy rather elon gated—closely shaved face, shirt collar and neck-kerchief neat—hair tranquil—never Laughs—smiles now and then—takes down all, the texts of a Sunday, and knows noth b• about the merits of the sprmon—lan .o, gunge rather effeminate, and steps aside to avoid a worm—deal amiably with him. Here comes the " funny minded" young man. A (rollicking, boistering, dancing, whistling, fat faced fellow. Ever itching for fan, to stall - 1p -- off - tlie - cat's bruise ord. people's corns, and make horrible faces at the baby !—At a party -he's licking the - girls .or else showing ho,w to swallow the poker. He knows a verse of every comic song; and s great or good feeding., His laugh is the loudest and merriest, and there's no end to his mischief. Let him have his fling. \o body can mistake the " literary mind el" Young gentleman. Tic lilts always a book somewhere about him, and a periodical in his hat. On his table 'are papers anti pamphlets _streAvn around. He feeds on lit erature. llc is not a general talker, but if he can get a friend in company tu 'them -o7%.,,,, are the rileror St eve. the A retlJ, fief ore, Star. :,,,Itty, neraian: l'stion anti :Etna Air TOO: t.tgothtrr fi"--.._.... trith other patterns which he hos o f all ,I ye,. 1;W p 'Hors or olio miters, and calculattni for b u rn ing either woott or Coal. Alto, the ;Etna. Woke, Actor, All alit. Flat-1.01, 0011 lianilitox or Poor Man's, with other Cool:. I Nil Sr IVE!S, comprising the In teat improvaturtits lu kit , loot stoves, and intended for eithitr,Nvonti or coal.— Also. the Dining Rtxun Conking Stcre--a now roil k ^,_ cant artiele. to which he invites the particular atteo- Ulm of families. 11,i3., ciol".ing, at ivea range in laic. , Irton iilo to '25. with the fixtures eontplete. Also, Niue Pl a te Stores f.f various patterns and different pliers, Also. ENAMEI,I,I'.II A,Nit TiNNEft %YAM.: for Cook ing Stores. limas Kettles S:e. Also, el cry at tick in the line i,t• Tin o,ll.Correr Wure. 'l'llo 1,111,11 e are respect full:, Ini ittol to c.ill ,is he in eollfiilelit. Witll 111 , lane stook, variety and cheapness, of I,eing Otte to eke on- Lire g ,t,j..l4 o tjen to ere, y purchaser. fall 11.11(1 see. =MEM I( )liNElt of !Inn , OVer 31111 cw ; %It S I.l:.—The t•httot ,igtt etl hits Illway , on Irt tut 3 hrg, ktP3'): f•f• the dilkrent ha L, i t osx t ,i v i.o, :It till. 1,11V,t 1311.. N. ilv 11:Viti.ti ill tont ifui p.trtit•ti tarty to the I'lll'NT 51'31.3; Ih. - trttNt liritt•TEkh, n n a .A witidt entirely Ohl all of 11141,13 (.:11, In. At:11433J to They hate git on entire satisfaction to all %%lin have thou in use, A)i," ( - Jut:INS matte to t , rt.lt.r,,at the tthort,,t ttotke, • .1.1.C01t FETTEN. UST HE( EI VI 1) A 1"1.11 E liltoCl•:It1' sTORE of the hubseriber. M rion 11+.11, = gad.t, Bolter, Pie Ma awl l'tp.tar Star..ll. Tapioca, Sa Pearl Barley, l: tli t of Coffee. like Floor, I uhiug Powtlttr, A flew la of soporlor Tahle Oil. Tattotto Ketchup, French Nui.tortl. Bay J. IV. EIJI% r i"l \ N lON I)1 ` ;!'? PT ICS—lllose L. of viii It 110 till 7t. Jeeit aliiicted for year. wit It this ,11,4. ate, a n d r,11 , 1 have beau 118111,!, /11111g,t Natrom lyt,,ru t h e pnSlh without roller, we Fil.) to you - yehors Anti.lyN:mitie" mot you will :won Is e.uviuee , l gee :t sal erlority over prePailit 1011. IC ,0 t , 0111.1 nothy rert Meaty.: corub oratg in our a.:eril.ots. but it single ti lal Is worth mare than all. ',wear Is pt,pared tool saltl at the Drug StOl.o ofß. J. flil'outh Ilatiover tartlet, II fete (1 01 , 1 - 8 8 - nth or the ikum+, c21 , ;141,1 NG OFF AT COST. BA 11— L - 1 11.11N9! itAitf;.‘ I NS!—Tlio tinbs,wiLer Intending to relinquish Intsinosq winrs IW; iwtiro stovh. of Iltyp: , ,, 7, Slll AND A l'l'EltS, .1"r I'oST! 111 s slink I.i'i'rai O is now, motto nt' tll lwit Ina Wrials, and by the 1,0 , 4 ‘vorknion In tho cities. Those th:sirons of ' 4 6..... ' ~,,,ring !good I/ant:1111S 1140 bqt..l . 11.4 Wt, Ills oppnrt 'wily slip, as till'y may not zigaW havo tho elnuwd nr ,nouriw.... such basy,ains :IS WO 110 W Offer tlit'lll. ".: , .y S IV, surr,Dos. )1j . ..‘11)4.—A received a 1ai; ,, 0 assort ,„,.,, t NI nf ovory verity fit P•ilt`ral 11:t• amt. ei,torn nn4 C1i.4 , 1.11 ..0 r , c,lt!atett 8,4 Wit 1$ t 11 - Vol , lllg' 1.1 711• ptimpti ar., lip bast. ,111.tlity :tuft 2tritt:ltip. In.intictr..llvor.i liavltu; 11.0 rromltitr. atv.1: , 10,1 for thoir sovoral : 4 14it0 tvhor lo•l• 4“6 . 1231].. Iran :111,1(111in Multi., ,• 111:Nit'ir I , ;_l'l`lll;B..—Fritz, & Hendry, Stoll l'1111:1,1111p1113, ‘1! - TItyt, '4,1'61111.'10 !!!!p,rlors, l'ottimit‘,loll and 111111(`V.Ii 1, 4 ,1 r vi* • 1,I1,!;7 4 .1 NE .1N I) •ItET.III,---Wmufhetory 1:i MA si.ruM., eer. lEMM t.MEIIICAN ARTIS TS' I — A_ . The AlitbillCAN ARTISTS' UNION, YR./Uhl respectfully" announce to the citizemi of the United Stat , .s and the I!anadas, that for. tin, purpose of culthrating a taste the lino arts throughout the vountryi and with a {lei 01 enabling every 11 to heeou w p,,,i 4 ,,,,i n ra of Ilm4raving Bl"rile., FIRST ARTISTS OF :Hal i they have detormined,lii order to create nn ea tonsil sMe tbr their Engravings, and thus not only ON 0 up ployment to a large numher of articts and °Owls. Lu Inspire among our countrymen a Mote fur works of are present to tiv) purchasers of their ongravino, ' 2:10,000 of which are sold. 250,000 UI ri's, of the at tin• cost of $150,000. Each pucchasor of a One Dollar Engin, ing. thcrofl rc. • revolves not only an EiivraN log 11,111 y it - 01th the In uses but also a ticimt which cot Ries him to one or the Gift,. when thy aro dist rihntod. For !ICI, Dollars n finished Engra% log, I (,in drolly painted in Oil, and FIVE tIIFT TO be sent: or Flee Dollars worth of ,apleutlid Engin% lag . : can be selef tsd from thu tlrttalogne, and be sent turn mail or express. A copy , if the Cataloiate, together with a spe, noon of one of the Engravings, can bu seon at the olliee of this 1 7 :: . each Dollar sent. an Engraving act ually wort h t hot sum, and a Uhl Ti, Itet, will immediately be forwarded. The Committee believing that tint sueress of thin. (treat National Utulertni:lng %till nutteriall) promoted try the energy and enterprige of intelligent cud ',enu red:lg. Agents. hage re,ul%ed to trrat4ulth such on the liberal terms. Any person - of:thing, to heoome Ago.t. by se),(ting. (post paid 1 will eke by return of mail, a one th,l - lhorravinos. a - ill I.I"I'II'KET.." n Prorpeetus. a nit and all ta (100 110., , , t1ry Oil the 111'131 eiennlethiti of tile sale. the (lifts will le ,dared ih the liatiak of it 0131:',11 of the PCitel7.lNl.l,, n• nivrur.un'cu, due notice of o Mehl ill Le giN , ut , the United States auid till' Call/Id:1S. LIST (i 1 PO Marble hl/Ft of Wit shin, , ,,,t , m :t t :IM) V d,oilt. 00 " , •• Clay. - - - 100 110.0, 01.1 •• ~ Wel‘ster - - - 10(1 1 ,. .1)v, 00 " " t'ulhoillt - - - 1141 In.'s A. 50 tile :cant Gilt Pal iititigs.in spientlid }silt frties. size qx f ft. earn..._ ' 100 nf". Ist elegant ,011 P3lntings, itzit feet eselt 00 steel plate eid ored In oil, flame , •2ls:ui in • co:01 - - - - 10 r,,0U1 0.000 ele,:ant slo , •1 pate I ti:•s. w 1, °red in oil, of leiqi)inrttln 1 , 21 nt uent, 20x20 Ow, I - nT,OuO St 1.01 rhtte eng.rnvin , ,z . s. front 100 tlilfertont illtito!+ now In of and Awned by the Art i•t., or the Ittri.ct , 1111 t, t.) sle 1,11, 41 .11, 1 first c?:n.ql , wellin.r. :11,4 Y. City 1;...tr, • liio'lnnl 16 - I,t < N. V. ity. ent , ll 2...x10n ft. $b•••1'.1 nt 1000 22..0 , 0' 101) Sit,. et nttaillillg ion h 10,000 FT ft. in the ',llan trof \etr l't,rlt City' and c‘onntantling a niagn I Henn t vlow • of Om Hulk , n hirer and 1,61,g Is- _ 1211111 : -. %t111.1. nt. 600 i , '‘. ' ;Cr perpetual 10:0,s utcnh, u it In.ut Into re:-t. or seen, it y, $2:,11 erwk "141 • 1.0 " Iteferon.y in' reltnra G , thy U.Atttte. 1 . 1 c:( to ,t; CII, Veal I - :•tato 1 . 11, 004 01111 . 1 . 5. ith oothe) VOt•tota 141 • .7 . v, it t 1,11K4 .1i ,I•rs , 1•111y. a. 54 , 5 ay. N. V. t , I.:111•• I:nT,ravings in th, entelegue itre r , nv r• !el , rev delileiy. -t.lBl 11 , A it( ; 211N: 4 I , ', N'l' RA ( )111)J N A 121" ! -7-- ;1.:1,1," t1,.).)1).^: :11.1V tit It '.1);, , , ~ 1 h.. ‘111.:••1 0.05 10 -jtt , t I'PPI 11/Plli I fr. in tln• , it if , of N. V,' I. 1,01 1.hi1.t.1.• , . 1 151.1 , it , s th.. i-1.4, 1 ...,1. :1,1- in. ~t .. 1 .:er.;11,1 a-- .5 E111..r.1. pPf 1.11.1, .1:s 11 1\ l's=f-kit. Co .r.,1)- el ..r ln-rnuti t t..) Cr, ri klo. 11:1% in,f, inlr..l/,n4..1 fr. in •evrrdl ,s 1 thr 1.1 r )... -t imp .rtin.4 11,•11.., in Nev. 1011, I. r 1...;:..); i t 'sill ettal,l, Ili.. t. l ~..14.tr g teatcr ill.luccuso.ts .ii..l g iu• I.,• tt , 1.41, 1 2 L itv.. t... Illy P 'ld 01140111 AP, tend all ll Ii tna, t.. 1, .5 II“. II ith a ,•.1!1. I.lllp (147.1 Lc 1114 at an ) , ti.t. r ut I. la.l t. he ,Lu All Or , p al, t.., . I Illts e 1110 ( . 11 , -,;1•••,a. Ft cli , els. SAttitirtt,, (1..t10.. 1c.,.... til-hy .Ivas,. 1,, , I..:in, U,• 1 :...,..., ;1„..1ii.s, V - Th o„i,,,. e.. e t., er , 11., .- I it. the I, , r,k1...h. , It i., i.,, i , ~..i1.1., I . I 111/ . ..I, $: !i‘ on, list! f OW-1 ..1, t I 'II %.-- ( ' tall l . PlPi.. a 1:? all In vault ..f ..n, ,i, ;:o' I: 'lad ~-1...• l . VP'11•••••TN , ,s N, t 5,.ti1.1.. 1.. ..h• v. , 1:t• ..-,.,.....1.. , 1,,,i•v,', 11.1 , Ppl‘l `41:Ilil. I...trt 1...1:.. `l:., f.. all '-'I (•.‘ANIA•S 10;11.11V. ._ . _ . • I. ‘,), ," - -, it ' N 1: tV .I.' AI. i, (;( ) ( ) 1.) ;•:.___ ( )t , ) ,- 1 - 0 I; ... ' , ..1 7. .t imaiir.i;:-. Is:'' r..t.tt5•51,1 110.1; give ..f I 1i I. AND 11"I!VI'Lll. A fill 4issortaient i.f l I I.s. A Cal ars•atnietit 111 Cr , ,ittlert.g. A fill assortment of • A fill ar•sort moot of Voot.ings. A fill itsr,itnii-nt of Ladies Leese A rid a;:srkftfaeot of I) , .you,lic A tol rtin.it of en s tun a A fill assos•tivont of l'ar.innere Sham is A f a t picerit e. A fit ) ie'rfon'ni i,f Quo.. aimare. . , With a fit'.l.,:e soil intent of . I.lqcollaitc•*lts articles* :rano rally Lop in :- . l.ores. l'ureitasi•rs it ill Thol it grow th tio•ir intcrost Lt roll :ilia 4. \Thstip, iTiore pill . ah e dilort•clUt Mil WWI 1.1 .ale. roue 1.11 anti f yollr,itoi. E,rp1.21 M. Mull I: IS F ALL AND ',toe): of C 1,4 lila, m ot . droo,dit ti , Ent I kle, has just Woo reuvivoti hp A li r So if,no& UV! Ni/;-'f,/:s. at their rittutp wad o:ttensive ..CLOTIJINII .11u I'`E, in North Stuoot. 'rho prii.r , of olothing at this hou,oltal I. !won red teed to S/1,11 /l very low standard that it is nom Ju the partto of all a ho 1%1 , 11, to treat glad The a, , ,orttnont r ttaists uf 0v e r 0 ,,,,i, o f cc ery than. 1/re,,/. F'rui't. 111:(1 C////t./. a ,root arloty vosst,, Ca--klittoru PANTS. }davit nod fatio,v. Silk aunt `aria VESTS. ;toll a Poo va ri,ty of vsskriciss ants ots..r coals. Also, shirts, collars, atnek,t, youkot. itandl.oroldolk sospentlors. gloves, hosinry and all uthur at ticlea goner:lily 1:1'14 fa this liar t.t All lirt klus 5..1,1 at tuba todadli.ltniont war ranted ollat they aro repreoottud to hp. Also. a splondid to,ortinont of grads iii, the pluoo.— Sitputtino French 'and I , do.rlish CLOT II S 111111 SIMEII//: , ..0f oNany 11%1W:toil shade. satin. silk. and Vale chi vostinga, satlitotts. &v.. all of Whirll AVM I/0 /WOW I , Order at- nit , .11ortest to ttco, and ht the notttust and lvst tnai nT. All ttartlltOltt; ‘llllTallted to fit. BOYS cs.o.ris -Ist; always on hand. The p a l Aro re,peetctilly to e:111 anti tooon hie LIM ,111.1`Ii•WII , Si.rfIllt•1 IL,,f 1 L ,, f iIL thiti Ctit:ll.li,L 1111.11 t. tri Lyne's I laolst:to i•tore. orpor kV L. M1111:111011i11 . 8 *2.7—:ho. A'RNIlt.l) I.IVI "I'117`;. 61 71TEW BOOKS ! , ANI/ V,117.' • 11:111.1CATIONS . Elements of Character, by Miss l'hathllcr. . • 1.11-IVCIII ,Iv A l L'e Carey. Cranlool. by author of klary Passion and Pre.jull icy, by klys. (lore. ' e TI•mill. by t)I I 1:0,1,(1/111`, or [1i5t...11,11 I , l•tebe.t of Wff:tern t• , :iani•ot..te., Ly .lusopli Village s:,•rint , ns. by 111..v..1100. !larder, enntainfnr e.oe. btu and Oar plain short Ills..onffes On prind• pal Ilootrion.: of plailTshed by Lippin tt, (;1•;001 0 ,k1:0.. of Philadelp)llll. Sunny ‘1,11101.10, of Poreign Lamb!, by \t no, 11. 11. ?tows. 711 . 1 :.:tad 1111111:11" , If.'s. I htl•ll‘..r . ::, 1`1101.0.e4, I:F:111.1111'S aro4 t.locb•y's Mk:mines. for (1,1,01,r, pet I ..k. M. P.IPIAI. • a 0 a,. • r, volvvii tit rrnt:Ov. , 7 p.t!vot. )1,11 ,1, ,U1 , 1Wit VA td.(i! Wl:h 5.111,11 (:it „ 11'• `l . l I 111 A [ r. ' aiWrit v °Fein I . tr.:e 1(9.; f 1 11.1::z. ~I• 1 mrtadd new 4... , !(•: , LI, Fl.l • • C , i:111!1". _ 2 and ;MACKEBEIA, of the 111:1V er , lp Jti roc6ivi'd anti et the Family rovonv of fiLIA Jciii :. :2l;, Mani actu 2jorf,t Ali 1 NT, =LE IMIII 13 Oirahefpljiii: - , . " • - .I " • (,1()15 . 1.1), [ic..;tweePsor to A..Fict. ••1 Fl...;:wailit's I uldii: phi 3. 1'n1.11,1..r. and I cider in uri, A I cirri 11 , Andr, zit:out t 1 I. the, wdl or Ih,llAt, & c t , 11111] olLrr HAM _ Pinl•ll 4 . F.l; min's Gui:Lt klim, t)!uric l!opts . . Itashlents of the e .- unt.ry %tilt Le t-opulit.ll lay total It otlotett iso With latish . they tatty aids. as h I. an if ptil • chased hi ptlrb ,, ri. It:, ittl % 011 V ‘if the lart:t•st st, els iv the totted r tales. I feel rot litiolit of Rai f)itti.:, till Nt LI, Italy favor toe with a tivll tart viler : l'ealort. it: MINI- • opt 11..1 ot. the nit - •t Ii: oral to: ME Plato's to Ira. ee , 01 , ,i•i.m...i Ho,. n• for gal , '. ii• Tins :A l , 1S1:•11-1: d 111 E A' l' 11" A TC.111.:;-: , AN I) .7 L'IS'I , :I.- A.. ; KV. I`. 11 , 11.1:1.% 1.1: :tali} It t:TA IL, at. tlte •• 11:11.0 . ifkii. , ,,,,,,,:.1\ al, Ii 11.111.1 .Ic, ell V : -. tvo e. :. 21.:\ ;‘,.,.,ra,l,..,•rvit,;aNr,t.tyet It ; :: } t: i , , tl . l , :l i ;:y j i l u lat ii , ,, , l r d ," I ',..' 1.4,er .-1\u . t...11.., 1t1:1 jre, 61, ,i. r• .....1 I " • "'" I n 1 ~,t, ' - ::•'.i, 04. • . ' t Q.... 1: 1 , 1 1,e1,1,,,, 11 , t ttrat envv..., ' '.:.-1 Ve ~,.• L t -Alt. a ..., ;'-i:t or -. it tte'F: tt t t , M . :, 1i121).7P •il ler Let, I', hell ..11 . 1,, /14 it ' Iz. v Sup , ' i.r I. um tit re - ,. - (;-1,1 . . -, pecta , L, 1 . 11,4- $ll - . ar al:erta.ales. I lohl l'ara rich, . • 4: ,ti".' II“lti I'Vra.P.s. • - --: --: ' 1 in: •il‘r r Ton : : fo•,1•1.s. ,Ll. - I. ..., 64.1 , 1 Pr: 5. Is Stl: I'sl til tar:l i.ibrr 11. Is:t r. - 1 0 , 1'5.1.1 Firrrr 1:i”,:5 : , 7 1 . sosttq ta• F;S: IA al•Is l:15•5, • plain. 1'._.., rc: t Ito, i.t 1 •••,', 1.1:111 t 3.2:,: 1 I lo•r: t:.( , , it , 1 , , , , , •ft or.. .V.l E•wds was stsfied - tol,t , • Or bit I.l!tt I,lr FTA I 1 11 A I! '1 I.) V. (In E.L11.1 1:4 Id :WA tfilvvr I.l.vcrs ui.d 1.1.1 111-1, ti t, 1,1,4 ( 1( )( y N. 1 ;Iq.,Atr .1 lip- it (4. 1.1 %I 11. LIB v,4 ht.,l 111119 1•.,r,1).1c4 rkr 1, 01,111,t in 1.1:o y. ild. I c! , r.4)11 111 (I At It EVIT A l e l I.l'rl . ',A.' tcs 424, rir - rtr•rt r prrr,7 ; ‘,1;• srp r It 1, , .1 I , ;MO li t; ;;, I lA. I (II" ' bi-- art Ir e , 11, oc,ii:tl to ait r •-t 111, ,it I ti. C.i• t I rl.. Cuiti.o. timitt•,l C Fl Cif At l'tt• r jitn, t N,,,k•Are sh. • I i Lin. • 1, 1 11 EN ( II 11 - t : 12 , . r tiv, Oi I I t• p 11. N. Lt yvtl - by Ilic itivtirnl null ot Lt I :a L4l Lie. ithnll•pn ally Sl'l.. I r 10,1 ny +4l.x: j. tin :-'uth•rers v, ill he t , tlllol Elm( the n , :^t • pr• cur.• le• Li m In st nt.d ta , it e.• , V 2, dual le n T: it, Ste nnr of lI.T. In 1{,,.• 11" f. :11•,1,•!t• tl!.1111/13 !old. In: re h. I li c, I • it!t:. ;:tt , •lkOi••g t.ll , LI i altd 1, bee th.t. 1,..1,1 oil it still retnitt , It %, Hie in el wit ; 0. [OOl S - IZI. 11 1ii,1,111 - 1 , 11111/ttie to• the nul err ,:111 11.01' 11. 0 ~ • Itl 11,1,y , l'arF e.r er ten 6 r lite v, it i 1 ill it Olt. It %I n: I, ei,, 111.1,,d. ti , a.il It I, 1 1 ttilj;!. It, n 1511' ai e;tee. Fttr IP . I ILL! )11 ik.ll. r. I('`l3 II 111 !net elft :met I art ttl eta Ihilndrl pi, I. ~1,1 rt 311,1,1 ra - ters t the erra, gnu 4.nt of tlic 1,., r: %N. no.. 1%431 I lzhi Ds," zor,i :ph al 1%1, ht., sr. that 31 ii ell rrivcrr tt lAI I , lli I t, 114..1 Td I'r „ a sr t 1.1.1 t I,r tln ir tt•• ;, 1 I LI 't II :1., Ist , ~ I '1.1.11'.: 4 ' l'zlicilt Titlmhir (/\ - 1•11 ,I d 11; IL., `is '.1:ri.:011 , Fi e t., , t41 F.„ ~ ~i.,, 1; i• ~,1 6 , 1,14.. d 11. lf-;, 112 s , . to 2"mi 2.1 n suprti. r 2.1,122 g ./!Trrnl r-., 2 2124 fora It Pt t lir IL, r In) ti • pneil Vin • ,nnetis nl3ric bled. ' I t / :2 2 a 1 2 . 2•22.2 t 1. 2 4 nir c 2.2 t . /. ti 222.21 22.2•211,22 I 3ised Vvit orilt rttain 1.1.212 jul2 2 112222,r Nom] t.. t Ind r aSted 1113.1 pn...try 2. 2 oh 2.21 tit the r..12:2 time 4 Itt Le 3 init he other. It rt PI 2122121 . ..• 1., 11'2 . 121.1 122.221r2.1 belt 222/2111;222.211 to onto fe, the 2.• 10,•, INI unh , r. It h 2 1.. 2 . 2, 22.112.2r GI - urn rut Fi, anti ytroll 13112 • te, Lit noihn 122. 2 .2 . et Wrenn lle,vd et al, .11,e ate iii, , of Pr tin I , fling plot 1 , 1 the 1:22 2 Fn enrllt 22 off tie at , i f en4.l, teg, 11 1 / 4 V ell at' heat in Ever:• deli,: fit lit worn 212 21 to give rat 1 2 212221.1. n, 2 II A Es' V l2 .\ * ll LA TOE. pal wiled Octol er. 1 f•II • li.• F. t •11 , s, Rai/runt Chin, C121222n/es Co Turn j,41 , 1 , 1;11111 , }... the at lebti n t.f 1 ,, Ii‘1411:11 rtr.l :111 ,1t,,1 1 1,1 1, pt, d t?,,• ,•1" E•I, tj'atj. Cul k:s rf 7 , 111- 4 .11: . 11 Fun c le it tV.II urc~ll 1.1,15, • Al 3 a,' tUn't.t. (nra • P, and CYCLIT...: St. I'Arlor 14:(1.‘ , I:((g . hteis..t... 15 hill( ,;(1( at (1 rct:111. 1: Nll (t. 11.11 S 2. 1 , 4 rtre(-1., 1 h 1 . 01 f(c4:al attontkei pit ru 11, Irarn(ivg Laing 1(411 pkiNie tt to 1 ttr,dilivs. 1) 1.1)1)1` El).-E. NEII LAN 1.) CU' n Loh rale and retail htle'lilNG(;l.: F A i) ! 'nil I'll d )I,IN Cis'AUTO:il", AL( IL st' eppoi-I:e the Theater. Ilil i adelphia. N• ro. rnreived the Mednhawardi the Crvidal Palitee N. V., 113, in the Ur•t. ii. , lates, for (lilt. Ili—orated, and l'lnr NEW AND CIIEAP TOYS, MM. I . ll'l{l'll (4:111!:. I rarry I'. .Irtlelvt; for Cntifortlt rots. twylsts and- Ti a( 001 1 ,4 $1•1" ti1:111 CVCI . nrd ill {;renter varluty, Farry Basl.rts. titan And roditort d and Fult:tt ..1 ttotd, flora, lead, tin, Li., otor ICU totems, . Kid. nix. jointed. Odra, riving aril t d `A I irg IMP/010M.. AN , r(lttll'S. ey Ilrxt, CY/I'llt Lula (41 f.:r (.(114 t tntlet r . I circtry Cs, I til.sta t Lan I iscitit. ,Itntelr) tiirm COI44:IICF, T. Hot lint Iles and Vsrcsof Odra It lien inn Macs: matt ts Pauli}' A t tit Ins. futooty,'fit tit 1111.75 in. . ,, T.. 1 arc., :tied :tsi I:4Nss, 'I in t ;Nitta n g ovor 1 :4;111 , 11'S, C:115, Skits :11,11 Train 11 4 . A lso Cast s . • of T 0.% F,S, I ;ed. tit $lO, allf air ('arc. 'With an enillysa vitr:aLy er nen( at st ylvy of ntho. (I linpnit.•ll in the nut' 1. r at OW I e lownat. rat on by 11 . TILL !:11, lmpott, rl Nn..l Orninivrcit at. I LE/atoll.' 'n l'ilblit-11( 1 1.1-7-A A I.3yr; Li; yIN .. 3 11'1+1('IS1:,=- :fiww,rtlso. 11 ltrotkitlTr.Avoi.pl. r 1.. "'"'"" a, 1.' , " us Ov l .llo‘ lre.r.llo, iv, a:A:, tin. lintl , vti lint. 1 - .,.11,./ t r oil 10! nr, v.,- ti, I; vt.lll 'Ol .1, It !1. , in th, t I , in. tifirell..ri /lie in OF, pit 1,0 tlilaftlitreS iu I,'" tit•• lir. 11. l'el ain : • 1:11' t 111,1 Ilnt , tar rn inn! ronpl, 11 •. r..ivincil wit tii I'l Si! DI. tliitit7tt t orly il. It awl 1 lir entirely 11..w -41. ail. 1.t0.11..y 11.0 Avila.. cl : 1 11 : 1 I/... ,1 .1), 1 , 1., alit, IC 31. very n ; cnak ki00,.../1 - ref an.l lex.t. pi 1,11,1 e et t 3 - :Al 11/40.1 no•tluux 01 Itt . . . :' , 't , t 10J:ny :+001% , .. , .. trat.l4 and t , ,..t five. in ft fen • "''ri'')?.. l, I PlUittli ,, c irct.t. mall Imotc.stagesKraa 1,.) Pr.•P, Pol.au(ry, 17 .I..ll , leti'd Nircd , r"k. Marab 1-ly , , . i i vi 7 lli I