Eurnornug. GOING WEST TO SETTLE OR, RIG FIGHTS, STEAMBOAT EXPLOSIONS AND ,TURIZY BLIZZARDS I Dan Hubbins went offost, one 9 11, to sec how things looked, preparatory tiC selecting a location to settle: DA was t i he Undevel -, ; ed genius, full blooded Yankee, brisk and , industrious As an. educated flea ; he wasn ' tt afraid of 'work i he had an intentive'faculty, was good humored, always of a lively turn, but lived almost too near a finished town for man of his duplicated grandcanon and spreading ambition, to flourish. Dan got up one morning with his plans for the flaw.' manufactured to order. ( Jerosh; says be to his wife, `l've been cal kelatin' that this tawti - Nion't fit me, no how 1' 'Sakes,' was Jerusha's exclamation, 'haow yeou do talk, Danl.' Talk!' Dan responds, rushing fist one foot then 'tother pinto his boots ; 'l'm going West to settle l" 'Sakes yeou be 1 idy haow yon du talk. Who in sin owes yeou any thing aout there Dan'l ?' ,'Owes me anything, humph I They say the world owes every feller a livin', but if any feller nits it withaout rootin' around ..ome Ire missed a figger.' Aml then Dan went into a state of more definite elucidation fu his full fledged real zatit ns of a down East wife and mother. Ale_packed virt an extra-dickey ; &c,'s-in-thn , never-to-be-forgottea' valor valise carried h 3 every perantbulating Yankee, from the Pc nobscot to the interstices of the Russian rail way baggage crates going to Moscow, ant found behind the bar of a Rocky Monntaiz Tavern. Dan heard the good report of . 0160 ; he -avert direct there, but a week's travel - scetned to settle a conviction in his mind, that when people lived on valley corn, it might go agin his wife's grain. Corn pork was not so bad, corn bread endurable, but to go an entire 'bill of fare' of corn puddings, corn rakes; corn coffee and corn whiskey, with 'corn, shuck' feather beds, rather eornfuunded Dan's calculations, and so he progressed on to In diana: There things were a little behind O hio ; corn luxuries were 'too numerous to mention,'but the people had a way oftaking corn tea a little to strong, talking politics and swearing, in a manner that gave Dan's mor al compunctions a twist contrary to hi's ideas of what was doing things on a square ; so he moved his boots a few pegs farther. At the fi'rst Tavern that hove in sight, af ter reaching Illinois, early one morning, Dan halted, and not seeing any face visible but that of an ugly dog, - with a pair of leaden look ing, deep sunk eyes, mouth to match, and a figure indicative of the poor beast's twili t , brought up on' cracker kegs, the hoops pro trading almost through the skin in forty acute angles all over his body, Dan sung out— 'Hollow any body to hum 7' A door open ed and the bullet head of a buck nigger ap peared. r says Dan, 'Doctor, who keeps shop here !' 'Wha-wha-wha mass Jeems do, ginerally , but you see dis is his day to shake, and gor ry he's gone at 'cm!' • 'Shake?' echoes Dan, 'that's a darned pooty idee, to; what does he shake?' 'Oll, well you see, boss, dey's hab de•do-de ager round h-be-here, a little, dey duz. 'Agy, ch ? Well is the landlady around ?' 'N n no, sah, missus she's got 'cm too ! 'Who keeps house—kin I git anything to eat ?' • r 'Dunno, sah, you see Sally she's not got ober her shake des tree days ; Polly she jigs going to shake dis morning ; but . if you will come see what I can raise for you. Ilse got to shake myself like de debble in, 'bout five minutes, and days coming on now on now and the darkcys teeth really began to chatter a double jointed staccato. 'WOl,' says Dan, as he follow sha ker ; 'this is a pooty country—a feller would shake himself out of a first rate constitution, or a bran splinter new pair of hoots in three months ; I gess I will travel out of this State 'pooty cverlastin' In the course of his travel next day, Dan encolniteied a schoolhouse ; seventeen of' the scholars and the twister were enjoying a mu .shake, and were too feeble to run, or it was probable , they would have followed the the balance of the school, which run oft' to the hazel bushes and ' hid, crying as they ran— • `Good Goody l run boys, run, here conies a stranger L' And along the road Dan Ilubbing encoun tered the shakers—men shook, women shook, children and dogs shook, until they were as thin as raiNy ni as yeller as saffron or :31110• lied shad. But 9 few days put Pan 'tother side of the river, and the hill's and pleasant valleys, with the broad Mississippi alongside of (he great State of Missouri, inspired our Yankee friend with a . belief that the far off fabled country of milk and honey was there. 'Pulling up before a tavern of rude con struction, but with a broad sign-board 'swing ing overhead, emblazoned with a red faced, goggle-eyed hero, in yelloW ochrete paulctts, and the chapeau not unlike half of a water melon, supposed to represent the hero of ma ny battles, one General Jackson; added thereto was the ever Welcome informatiA to the way-worn • traveller=--entertainment for plan and beast. I)an got'off his critter and walked in; he was met by the very frightful looking landlord, but was warmly welcomed, and at once offered the hospitalities of a huge jug of/Whiskey and a tin cup. Ilyip yourself, stranger ; great stuff this, I to 11 you for keepin' the chol'ry off your sto mach; try a nipper!' Won't drink; myself,' says Dan, but, Squire if you'll stir up some grub—l calculate Pm about as hollow as a will stow away some of your fodder equal to a greased saw `Grub 7' says the old hard-head of a land lord—'Grub 7' `Grub,' responded the Yankee, traveler, you've grub plenty, haven't you?' `I reckon not, stranger.' 'Why life everlastin', what in sin do you ive on ?' 'Oh w ell, whi,slicx, principally!' 'Don't you raise corn about here V `Nobody to raise it, stranger.' 'Everinstill', why . , where is all the, fi lks?' 'Died olr this fall most on, 'em, with the Cbol'n !' `With what, Cholerve ? Squire, guess I'll take a taste of the stuff you're sampling out of the tin cup,' and having wet his Avhiale and some what quieted his nerves, Dan's at tention was attracted to a large log, about the size of a big bellied man, standing near the tire-place, and so hacked up thatit rivet ed the Yankees attention. ''Spose we take a game, stranger?' says tile landlord, coming from behind the bar. with a pair of. knives savagerons•lookitag e nough to make an honest man's hair frizzle. `'A game of what 7' says Dan, eying the knives. Thuckin' the bow-ee is what we call it— fhvorite ganie about this settlement: some of our follows can chuck a bow-e in the crack at thirty paces like a shot I A couple of theM fough a dooill in this room, last sum mer, and one of them split the other clean open , at fifteen paces, just as clean as ever you saw a shad I Stand up there 'by the log, stranger, I'll bet the licker I kin slit the crown of your hat, without hitting your head at fifteen paces!' T 'calkelate you wont,' says I)an, as the andlord began to swing his bowie. Squire s business of any sort good areound liere ie added. `Stranger, the principal business is curin' the cholera ; that's done by whiskey; fight in'ohat's done with the how-c; running for Congress, that's done by bottom.' 'Well, squire, I come out west to find a place to settle,' says Dan, 'but. I guess I'll wait till things improve. 0,1ti,0 corn grub was a leetle tough ; Indiany's a beetle too po litical, and full of cursin' and swearin' ; Illi nois is shook to the centre with the agy, but they dont begin to be as hard on health as Missouri chol'ry and bowie knife practice.— I've got one More question, squire, to ask— stint this a leetle the darndest place for ter keyThuzzards in the land of the livin'?' Af ter looking out up and down the river, every where, the buzzards being numerous, says the, landlord— `Well, buzzards are pooty thick around to day. I guess we'll have a steamboat explo sion or big fight afore noon to-morrow : them buzzards being around being aller3 a mighty sure sign!' It took just ten clays, fast travelling, for Dan Hubbins to get home. .Tho West has improved since that day, and D n has set tled, at last, in the west. He t to torn and tries Ohio. ONE OF THE TENANTS.—"Jemmy, get some kindlings and make a fire." "Please, sir, I can't, Mr. Murphy used the Ipst bannister yesterday." "The bannisters gone; then go on the roof, and see what virtue there is in them shingles." Exit .1 em my. - In a week afterwards, Mr. O'Neil wants n reduction of "rint'—eause why. The floors lake." , Queer people, these exotics. 1165..-... An Irishman being in church where tho collection appiratos resembled election boxes, on its .I)eing handed to him, whispered. in the carrier's ear that be was not naturaliz .ed, and could not. vote. 4garliole gerctib. PSCAPE FROM THE "SISTERHOOD" AT Rm. mirsituno r llfn.—We find the following state ment in the Frederick (Md.) Examiner. If it•be true, it is a matter widen should, and •no doubt will, be legally inquired into: kiss Josephine Buckley, a novice, who had not completed her probation, esca'ped from the Sisterhood at Emmitsburg, about three o'clock on, the morning of the 10th instant. She is the daughter of Joseph Bunkley, Esq., of Norfolk, Va., a Protestant,. who took her under his protection •through this city, on Wednesday last, on their way home. The circumstances of Miss Bunkley's unlawful detention and escape therefrom, as detailed to several of our citizens by her father, were as follov: Sitiee becoming a novice she _teas bet oing duty at St. Jo seph's Seminary as _leacher of music, &cl. for the last ten months. Some months since, however, she repented of her connection with the Sisterhood, expressed a desire to return to her home, and wrote to her fiLther to that effect. The letter was torn up before her eyes, - and she was compelled to write in a different strain, declaring her satisfaction and contentment with her situation. This last mentioned letter deceived her father; while the deception was confirmed by haying all his letters to his daughter re turned unopened. Aware, at length, that she was a prisoner,Miss Binikley determined to escape, and on the morning above named, succeeded in effecting her liberty, by climb ing through a sash over a door, and thence _into . , the yard. Ifer movements were over .heard by the watchman, whx)sc vigilance she eluded by'conce: ling herself behind a tree• -As soon as the vatchman ,turned away she tied—cilone cc Aranger, in the night, and dressed in her novice's habit and black cap, this poor terrified girl escaped over the rough country, ten weary miles, to Creagerstown, where, on inquiring for the stage house, she . was-directed to Stevens Hotel. She imme diately made known the circumstances of her case to Mr. Chas, Stevens, the landlord, and demanded his protection, which was promptly accorded, and' in Miss Grimes, a -r*liitive_of Mr. Stevens, she found n fnithful and gentle confidant and friend. Her next step was to write to her father, who, upon receipt of her letter, came without a mo ment's delay to her rescue. Miss B. is about 18 years of age, a very accomplished and benutitlil young lady, speaking several lan. guages, and a superior raaician. YELLOW FUER STonY.—The following a musing incident is related by a correspondent: A gentleman from the country who had been in Port Gibson some time during the first week of the epidemic and was riding home at a pretty smart gait, was brought up by a man running out of his house and in quiring: "Say, have you got the rale yellow fever in town ?" "01i; yes. The,e's no doubt about that, I reetion," was the answer. "And it is a fact, they've got the, quaran tine 'long with it? I'll swar it's bad enough to have one disease, without Lavin' another to help it-likng!" This filled the gentleman on the road "too full for utterance," and putting the switch to his horse, he was off to make the woods re sound with his pent tip laughter. Reaching his destinittion he mast tell it to a friend, a plain, honest-hearted man, who, however, had neglected the "rudiments." The incident was too good to keep and so he related it. "Ilaw, law, haw!" roared honest ffohn.— "Why, dod tiara the all fired fool's soul to thunder, didn't he know that the quarantine was nothing but the black vomit?" This last brick floored the news-bringer, and he rolled. J.,ife is a lemonade made up of diffe rent ingredients—fortune, that's the water— mis6rtune, that's the lemon—and good for tune, which is the sugar. It is rather pleas ant when jhe ingredients tire not dispropor tionately mixed; but it is an unpleasant dose when the lemon is excessive, or the supera bundant NCuie'r makes it insipid, or a large quantity of hweeteniug makes it mawkish and pall upor. the appetite. 11Egs.A genius has invented an India rub ber ladder - . The only, objection to the ar rangement is that you climb all day without getting up any. But what of that? The same objection will apply to a thousand other things. - Mi.,Left—the young man to whom 'the world owes a living, the gentleman with whom he boarded not being willing to take the indebtedness of the world on .his should ers. • .Mredniogne: Well, sir. What does h-a-i-r spell? Boy:• I don't know. Pod.. What have you got On your head? Boy, (scratching): Guess its a muskqeter bite; it itches like thunder. • e MISNOMERS.—Every body has heard of the gentleman who described his country seat as having a "Lemonade" in front, a " Porto 'rico" to each Wing a " Pizarro" in the rear. with an "Anecdote' by which the water•was conveyed into a "Resurrection" in the "Erie." If we had ever heard of that gentleman's having taken up his residence south of Ma son and Dixon's line, We 'should have nodouht that lie was identical with the one who, as 'a Louisiana correspondent narrates, has thus announced: some contemplated architectural / n prove in en ts : "I contend," said he, among other pus ilanimous' things, to put a •I)iselosare' around that field, plant a 'Harbor' in the middle, and cut a 'Revenue' np to tn. door. And then when I have built a 'Perdition' to my house, I shall be able to receive my friends in a 'hostile' manner." ifil A lA. STYLE OF' HATS for 1854. 1 GEORGE KELLER respectfully announces to his old Patrons and the ptiblir generally that ho has just se 4ceived the FALL STILE OF OENTLEMEN'S I I AT:3, manufactured at one of tho best establish• meats in Philadelphia, to which ho Invites special attention. He has also constantly On hand n large and varied as sortment of his own mantilheture as well as city made Hats and Clips. suitable for the sensnn, Oanprising every variety of lIIISSIa. Beaver, Moleskin and. Silk Hats, fin+ Isld•d in the latest stYle, together with it full assortment of CAI'S of every shape and description, and at every price. lie particularly Invites the public to call and ex alai no his exoensivo assertment, which In style, mate rial and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market, and which he is able to put at prices lower than ever. Itemember'his old stand on North Hanover street, be t wenn humor's and Senors-stores. lALL STYLE OF HATS & CAPS. W3l. U. TROUT, desires to inform his old friends t. mit he has removed to his new establishment on High street, near the Railroad , Depot, and is now opening a rlarge and elegant assortment of the FALL STYLE 6L Id , HATS, just receive d from Philadelphia, which gentlemen of Carlisle are requosted to mill and examine. , Ile has also It large' assorttnent of Silk, Fur 'and Slouch Hats ne his owl) Mail lifllCt ore, got up in the host style and at various mires: the excellence and finish 01 which he will warrant. Ills stock he is confident on ly 111,1 IS to If. examined to I e approved. Also, a large supply of Men's. Boy's and rhildren's CAPS. of ( I.•th Andliur—and,of r evory—varlet!,%-of-style-and-prieojust-r,- colved from Philadelphia. Let all who want a list nr Cap giro him a call. as they may Le sure of being suit ed to their own satistitrth,n. • • CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE--old h,•usokee l wra and young, N 1 it h this Ilk, w ho are expecting to become housekeepers. are i ill it ed to call at HALBERT'S FA Ml LY IC El.Y . and es amine his elegant assortment Of t'hlnn. Blass mid Queebs ware and other articles In the housekeeping 11 no. such as French and English tea sots, heavy banded and plain, ‘Vhitai Granite, gilded end blue plain, Dinner sets of ev ery variety and price. bowls anti pitchers, tureens, dish es. . tilass-warts---eantra table and mantel hunt., Candelabras and other lamps, great rarity, table and bar tumblers, goblets, it:a. Fruit and preserve dishes. In va riety. I 'etiar-wara—tuts, buckets, churns, bowls, but ter prints and ladies, meal buckets. &r. Brushes—sn roping, white wash, scrubbing, hand and shoe brushes, dusters, brooms, d . r. Market. clothes and travelling baskets. Also a eludee assortment of 'rotate° and Segall.. Cali ye who are fond of ..heire brands of Segars and try the Pfinelpes, Regalias, StelTanonis and otherCula and you will find them of ii - ifiWiPatehatile quality. Also half Spanish anti Common Sews, with choice snuff and chewing tobacco. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! The sub scriber Is now having made up a lot of Fashionable and_Snlstantlal ('lc thing which he will sell as cheap if not cheaper than any ustablithment in - the torough.— The stock will consist of Ol' E It COATS, 0 Fine 1) RESS COATS , SACK COATS, PAN T A LOONS, ESTINOS,A c. The Cli)thing will be made out of none tut the best quality of goods; cut out by an experienced and pod cutter, and the work got up in the Lest manner and by the hest of hands. We have now on hand ait of choice Clthing, and all we ask is fur purchasers to give us a call and they will bo pleased with the work and prices. At the old stand on East Male street. Jan CI IA it LES 00.11.13 Y. 1 - 4 1 01 t Tin MILLION • • slitu ~~6ttlAhYßh ~m ss ; stock of PAPER HArtllNtii, Ana which surpass' in style, quality •" " •"` -✓ and price any that . have ever 1113011 exhibeted lu Carlisle. 1 respectfully solicit n call from persons in want of Paper Ifaimings army descrip tion, as I am confident by assortment, far surpass. s any in the Borough; and In style and prices has but few ri• vats in the city. I only ask of the public to call 11111.1 ex amine my amortnlant before purchasing, as I am midi, dent my chaste designs cannot fail to please the im st fastidious. .1011 S P. lAN K., West side of North Hanover :41.rect, 00K OUT IN TlME:—('lmlera _A 4,,bus, Dysentery, Diarrlura, &c., iliA! 111,1.1 d 1114 f li. thelr appearane. You know' the remetty. If you have any mgard for the \ - 1 4 olifare lif yourself, your wile. or y, , iir children, supply yourselves with BEECHER'S ISIATCIL LESS CORDIAL, otherwise abide the ronsequenee no. stating. from a bigoted adhereitee to old quackery, This •• l‘latehless Remedy" can be had at the Drug Store of 11..1. K 1 EFFEII. Routh Hanover street, a few doors south of the Court House, Carlisle, pOOTS AND 110 ES. The subserib ,p or has now on heed a very extensive and well en lectod stock of It I) 0 T s and S 11 U 1: S. N which he will sell at unusually low prio eo. Purchased (non wholesale. dealers. at low rates, lot can offer such induce-. e:“.: !mitts to purehasers as will make it their totems'. Is it HO has every artlele In the Beet and Shoe line—for Ladies or tlentlemens wear—he thorefure deems it unnecessary tr. particularize. Pertions desiring good and cheap goods tie invit ed to givo him a call. . PCitire - ZNEW GROCERY ER1E.5_43.1 AND VARIETY STOI4:. 'rho subscriber would respectfully inform his friends/lllli thu 11111Ine gonerally, that he Intl.:just returned to in the city with it large and I :tried assortment of ( bitoC 1•1ItI ES, GLASS and QVEENR•W Ali Fl. lox 1 l i Htill, ke., &., which he offers for sale on the Ziall , r , , , most reasonable Aeons. at his New titore 11, IA t . 1 corner of North Hanover street and tits PII! ' 0 I lie Square. directly opposite the Carlisle Ile. p6sit Dank. Ills snide embrases mouthing usually in a Grocery and Variety store. • , The public tarn invited to call and examine his st ark he foro pu M 11191114; elsewhere, its lie feels confident.he can sell the best goods tit the lowest prices.. AVIS & CULIN, Dealers in Lamps, LANTERNS AND CHANDELIERS, N. E. eornor mirth and Cherry tits., Philudelphia.—Baying enured luttl improved their store, and having the largest a,,sort moat of Lamps in Philadelphia, they are now prepared to furnish.Camphino, Phut 011, Ilurning'Fluid, Ethereal 011, Phosgene Oas and Lard (41. Lamps, Lanterns 01 all patents, Fancy Hotel and 11311 Lamps, Chandeliers, Oinuntoles and Candelabras, and Britt:nth' Leaps, at the manufacturers lowest prices. (Hass Lainps by the package, at a small advance tom-auction prices. Jleing largo MANUFACTURERS. of Pinot 011, Burning' Fluid. Ethereal 011. Alcohol and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, they can furnish these articles at such prices that Mei , chants'will find it to their rtdvan lose to low. OM he f,ro going elsewhere; If you Wll bargains. Ai a, the Safety Fluid Lamp for sale. October 6, FRESTI HAMS AND ER It ED BE A fresh arrival of Sugar Cured HAMS and DItIED BEEF, just recelv(4l from Cludenatl ttuil for tQL 1 u at W ILLIA IM , Faulliy tirocery Store, In West Main ,street Tti ST 11 14ICE IVE D. prime lot of th.reol..brat , l,l ArEvr w mn, lilt i; I=R. l Cur- Thl.; art iele fully urrint:,iik, 11.• ropit..rcion or beill . ; the 1.0,4 eettele ter et • efet. lor ~11t, et • • n (AHEAD WATCHES AND JEWE I, vi RI, IVIIOLESALE and RETAIL, at the "Milt , delpida Watch and Jewelry Storo, IP! --- .. N ne u r ni t e f r Q 9 ic i a N rr o ;, th l ' S II7I al; t ' !l pli t i r a e . et • G c :.1 4 -•; .4 k) ~...1 ) Lever Watches, full jewellial, 15 eel at eases, - - - 120 II • 61 . ~ , ! ::.. Gold Lephie,lB carat cases, 21 0 <1 4 . -- -.",t:-:.: " • ..Silver " jewels, 9 it ,•• CCU ON 12A7). , • Silver Lever, full jewelled, l'' 0 Superior Quartiers, . . - - - 7 0 Gold Spectaeles, - - - -1 7 ( Fine Silver Spectacles, Gold Itracelets, - - . t? f • Ladies' Gold Pencils, - - Silver Tea Spoons, set, - - • - • 5 Gold Pais, u ili Pencil and Silver Holder. - I t Gold Finger flings :573,4 rents to t..S; Watch (1 plain, 12 , 4 rents, Patent iS9.I, !moot 25; other artlcl, In proportion: All goods warranted to he what they to sold STAITFEIt & HARLEY, hand. some Ohl end Silver Lovers aneLepine still lower than the above. prices. • I( ) ()() TONS NO. 1 Super•Phosphal oF mm Original tool nine warranted of Superior quality, the cheapest mart. In the u.•i Id. Farmers and dealers supplied at low efIS • gr.\ LITY LAND CLASTER-5000 tri quality Land Plaster, selected expressly fur its f•rt izing yu.mliti : Mute 1 usbels of same In hulk: I N rots Calcined Plaster; 500 larrola Casting: lA.rts Dentict. ppAtltylAN tily0;0--Thls article We offer In ..‘o d on , to our CM , t111111•IS as oqual tO any Imports d,m supl•rior t , , mast in the mart et. takal hags of this superior Guano for sale at the I market rate, Also, Patagonian Guano, Pt. ud,,tt Oreund Charetut, C. FIZEYCH S 0. At the Steam Plaster 31111); junction of York Avellt. Crown and Callewhill streets, Philadelphia. - FRENCH TRUSSES, Weighing' Ic. than IP 4 ounces, fin- the cure of Hernia or kupt acknowledgedby the highest medical authorities of Ph adelphia, itthomparably superior to any other in use. Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the °cession n, offers to procure not °illy the highest and most easy, b 1 as durable a Truss as any other, in lieu of the, unibro, and uncomfortable article usually fold. There is no d lenity attending the fitting, and w hen theepad Is hoc; ed it will retain its position without change. Persons at a distance unable to call On the subseril can have the Truss sent to any address, by remittii five dollars foi- the single Truss, or ten fbr the donl le with measure round the hips, at .stating side afferic It will be exellaoged to suit if not fitting, by returvil at once, unsoiled. For sale only by the Importer. &Er Lxoir.s, requiring the benefit of Mochimical :u porters, owing to the derangement of the Inter alt: gnus, inducing billing of the Womb, l'oca), Puinemat Dyspeptic, Nervous and Rpinal Weakness!,arre hind in, that a competent and experienced LAM will tendance at the Lo tots, feet apart fir their exelusi. use) N. 111 TWELFTH 't., let door below It ace. J u ly 2n, ) IIAYES' Patent Tubular Oven "II"{ Alit RANGE, various sl os, tosuit Families l' el log Houses alai 1144,11.. ill want of a superior Cooking Apparatus are I vited to call at our Warehouse and examine this I arn For durability, economy and simplicity in (penal. xi stands unrivaled. It has a perfect but air vent fiat h•n and meats I•nked in this oven will retain their juice nt flavor equal to that roasted before an open fire. Mes and pt..try cooked nt the Sallie time without one are. lug the other. It will supply sufficient healed air heat additional rooms for the coldest weather. It has: descending or return - fines, and is equally well adapt to bituminous or common hard coal. The steam vs' over the lolling part of the flange carries off the sten and scent of cooking. as well as heat in summer. Every Lange sold Nvitrranted to give stitlizi'actioti, or the purchnger. • HAYES' VENTILATOR. Potential October. IF4B, Public Halls, Factories, hallrhod Cars, ChJumbos, Flu‘ Ships. Steamers, Ac. Pure air is a Sul ject el:timing the attention of eve individual, ned nil buildings should be proNidtd the proper means of ventilation. Alen, a ilOWer,ftli ~ 113!INO AND VENTII..OINO Y 1 m•( for I)welling,s, SThool Houses, Cliurtbes, Mtn:, eu.r. Factotios, A large assortment of Mkt. Ilan and Conking Nov, Parlor Oratea, ltegiNiors, Wholo.ale and retail. • RAND & HAYES, 82 North l4ixth street, I hila. 4) PersonZil attention Wen to *arming and vou lathw both int die and in irate buildings. NE IV LAN I) & (11' wholesale antbretall LOOKING GLASS AND P 1 TtlltE FRAME 31ANUFAt TORY, N 0.126 ARCII tztret opposite the Theater, Philadelphia. I'. N. Az Co.' revolved the only Prize Medal. awarded the Crystal Palace exhibition. N. Y., 11.3.5 Z.;, in the Unit States, for Deeorztted, Mantel and liar 14,'11' AND CIIE AP TOYS, DOLL: imd (lennan 'Fancy aut , ds, Articles for Confeetioners,.Drugghda and Tobaceonle 1..1%er than over and in greater variety, P.lney llas)ett,plain embroidered and painted, reps or IK•d, 'Lira, lead, tin, &e., over leo 'edema, WilX, tat•Al, chi nit, crying and dressed Dolls, DoII Beads nits teeth, moving oye s , &e,, 117. SIT ELTMN Ilarmoniens, Acrordtunig,lira:, Jewsluirrs, Trun - pe: Fnncy 110,:cs, Corttets, Bonbon rapers, for Conti Monet's, Alabaster Jewelry Boxes, Inkstands, Watchstands, Biscuit Figures, Inks. JeWelry Boxes, CologneS. Toilet Bottles and Vases of china, Bohemian Gloss, k. Druggists Fane';',l Articles, Perfumery, Teeth Brushes, 'fed it and Snuff Boxes, SeAar Cases, Tin Full, German Pipes of china, Re., over NU patorns, Marbles, PereuSsiou Caps, Slates and Pencils, Also Cases of Toys, weirassorted, at vo, s'2o and $ per Case. With an endless variety of newest styles of Fancy Goo imported in the latest Packetsand for sale at the vo lowest rates by W. TILLEit, importer. ntl—pd No. 1 Commerce st. Philadelphia. J. D. TIALBEIZT (1 RATIIS !—just, Published—A no . X DISCOVERY IN MEDICIN E.—A few words On t' Rational Treatment, trlthout Medicine, 'Sperm:do:7ln or local weai,ness nervous debility, low liph Ds. lassit ut weakness or the ilmbs and lack, Indisposition and int parity for study mad labor„Aitliness of apprehenslo loss ..f 1111.111Ory, 111 . 19 A. n to Wociety. love or solitude, I 111 loij Iy, self di , trust. tllzzlness, headache, Invol mita. discharges; Mai in the side, tgfeetion of the eyes, ph pies on the nee, sexual and other Infirmities In MUD. Vrtent the French of Dr. It. Debanevy: The important titct Md. these alarming complain may easily be removed wurnotcr 3ft:DICINE, Is in th be all/ tract :dearly demonstrated, and the entirely neiv at highly successful treatment. as adopted 13 the Mali( fully explahleilby.ineatis of which uyery one is enahl4 to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible eoi involding thereby all the advertised nostrums of tl Clay. Sent to any address. gratis and Ipost free. In a seal , enyel,pe„ by ccalitt ins . li' St p'.idl 11:0 1001 a;,, m a u l to , pc. 11. 1,1.:in ,, y, 17 1.1,1 ett,,i (1 stiect, Yien, '3!,-) I-I;:, . , . FoilaberpOia. CALKS 11. NEEDLIS, Corner Twelfth end Rare streets. Phil :141(4i hi li
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