Little ,folko. AcHIL WS PRAYER. SWeeter than the songs of thituheS, When the winds are low; • • Brighter than the spring-time blushes, _Reddening out of snow. Were the voice and cheek st, fair Of the little child - tit lir4er... Like a white lamb of the inead4w, Climbing through the light; Like a priestess In the shadow Of the temple bright, Seeni'd she, saying, " iloly One, Thine, and not my will ho done" IT IS ONLY A CENT. ": . iirow, my little lad, don't spend that cent for Cfl tidy." "Whi• didn't my father give it to me?" "Certainly he did, but that is no reason why you should spend it. If 'you run over to the candy shop and buy a roll, in five min utes you will be no better off for having the money: Now save your money (and Your healtWand put it in,a box." "But kis only a cent." "A hulidiTalpylicm make 'a dollar, and if you never save the cents you 'will never be worth a dollar:: "But papa gave me this to enjoy it. I-do not want to lay it nK , "Well, I will tell yoa how to enjoy it: Not by throwing it away for unwholesome sweet meats but keep it until you have six, and then go to the baker's and buy a nice loaf of bread-2' "Why, .what do I want with bread ? Moth er gives me all I need." • Stoup a moment-and--I will tell - you. A Poor old widow lives down the alley below your house, and all she has to live upon is what kind neighbors tiring id." - - "Oh, I know who you mean. Old Widow Drown. Mother has sent me there a great many times." ' "Well do you take your loaf of bread and get your mother to put a white napkin round it, and then carry it round to her house and say—"llere, Mrs. Brown ; is a present from U little boy,. will you please accept it." "Well, I'll do it 1 I know just what she will 84y. She will cry, and put her bands upon My head, say—" God bless you my little boy I" And I shall feel so happy! I wish I had the money now! But I won't spend a cent until i get it. . - • "Then you will, indeed, enjoy your money. rt, is more blessed," Jesus says f ."to give than receive." ONLY ONE BRICK UPON ANOTHER. Edwin was looking at a large building which• they were putting up just opposite his father's house. Ile watched the workmen from aday to day, as they carried up. the bricks and mortar, and then placed them in their proper order. His father said to him, "my son, you seem to be very much taken up With the bricklay ers ; pray what might you be thinking about? Have yon any notion of learning the trade?" "No, sir," said Edwin, smiling but I was thinking what a little thing a brick is, and yet that great house is built by only laying One brick on another." "Very true, my son. Never forget it.— Just so it is with all his great works. All your learning is only one little lesson added to another. If a man could walk all around the globe, it would be only putting one foot before the other: Your whole life will be made of one little moment after another.— Drop added tg drop makes an ocean." "Learn from this not to despiselittle things. Lea also not to be' discouraged 'by'great labor; the greatest labor becomes easy if di vided into parts. You could not jump over ii mountain, but step after step takes you to the other side. Do not Tear, therefore, to at tempt . great things. Always remember that the whole of yonder lofty edifice is only-14e bra& upon another." ebucation. 13)LAIINFIELD Clas . sical Academy, near Carlisle, Pa .The 18th Sessloryvill commence MAY &retired and healthful lodation, with thorough instruction In the various departments of a Classical or Vereantlie education. Terms—Board and Tuition (per session) $60.00.. Ear Catalogues with hill information address K.,,BEIRNS, , • Principal and Proprietor. Plainfield, Cumberland county, l'a., , • • ••WHITE HALL A'cademy three miles • West of littrrlsbrim,' Pa'.—The Seventh Session Cr this flourishing Institution will commence on MON tholet day of MAY next The advantages which It affords, It Is believed, are of a superior character; and partinte atui ituardians are solicited to Inquire into its Merits befcro sending their sons or, wards elsewhere. It lefoYorably Eituntott;. the Instructors are all competent 'and experienciidmen; the 'course of instruction Is ox. lonely° And. thorough, and special attention le pall to the comfort and health of the students. Torins-qloarding. Washing, Lodging and Tuition' In 'English, and Voeal llfusla;Oer session (5 months) $55.00, lystructiou In Ancient or Modern Languages,oacit $5; Instrumental 3lusic $lO.. • For Circulars and other Intbraiation address -• 'D. DIMLING ' • • . liarrisburg. Pa, . . VOUNGI LAI)IES SELECT. SCHOOL Carlisle, Pm The Fall term of this Fehool will commeneo mf MONDAY. the 4th of September, nud con- Thine eleven weeks. Tuition from Fire to Ten dollars, according to the st miles pursued. Far further infbrunt tion enquire of the principal, Airs: J. F. DOWNINU. Carlisle, Aug. 23-3 t. tu6[ica Ii i s." VOLUME TEN OF THE SCIEN Tl rc AM :RICAN" commences on' the 16th of Sep. tember. It is chiefly devoted to the advancement of the interests of limmAxtes. tsysNroas, 311NUPACTURIODI AND Falun:as, end is edited by men, practically skilled in the arts and relences. Probably no other Journal' of the same character is so extem.ively circulated; or 'se genet*. ally esteemed' for its practical ability. Nearly all 'Valuable Patents whirls issue weekly from the Talent Office are Illustrated with revings, and the claims of all the'Patents arepublished regularly In its columns as they are issued. thus mating it a perfect SmExiqric' AND WOIIANIOXL ENCYCLOPEDIA of Information upon the stilkjects of Ilechanicaklmprovements, Chemistry. Engi neeering and the Sciences generally. It IS published weekly in quarto form suitable for binding, and each volume contains Four Hundred and Sixteen Pages of Reading Matter, Several hundred Engravings; with a full and complete index. ItO circulation on, the last Yolumo exceeded 2:1010 copies per week, and he practi cal receipts in one volume are worth to any fluidly much more than the subscription price. The following, CASH Palms are offered by the Publish ers for the fourteen largest lists of subacribers sent in by the Ist of January. 1855: $lOO will be given for the largest list; $75 Sro the' second; $65 for the third; $5 5 for the fourth: $5O for the fifth: $45 for the sixth; 510 seventh; $35 for the eighth; $lO Mr the ninth; $25 fir the tenth: $2O for the eleventh; $l5 for the twelfth; $lO for-the thirteenth; and $5 for the fourteenth. , The rash will he paid to the order of the successful competi tor immediately alter the lot of January 1855. nuns :—.ono copy, ono year. $2; ono copy, six months, $1 ; five copies, six months, $1: ten copies, six months, $5; ten copies, twelve months. $l5; fifteen copies. twelve months, $22; twenty copies, twelve months, $2B in advance. . . No, number of subscriptions abni , o twenty ran he ta ken at less thnn cavil. Names can be sont to at different times and freni different Post Offices. . • Siutthent and Western moody taken Tor subferiptlons. Letters should to directed, post-paid, to AiUNN .L• Co., 128 'Fulton street N. Ail-Messrs. JIL YN & CO. aro extensively eneaged In procuring patent for now inventions. and will advise inventors, without rharge,'ln regard to the novelty of their improvements. ]Avg. 30, 1554.-3 w MPORTANT WORK. o,* PENN- I_ SYLVANIA. No Pennsylvanian shenld be without It. Eicht thousand copies sold! Every Farmer and 'every citizen should have a copy. BoivEN'S Plerost sKcrcif 1194 jg OF PrsNsrlX NI Or. Its Scenery, Internal Improvements. Resources and Agriculture. popularly descritstd. 11l vstrated with over 2.0 . 11 Beautiful Engra V. and accompanied by Barnes' Large Map of the State, carefully colored. Eighth' Edition, Revised. cor rOet,A anti I tnprovod. One Volume. Sea., with ever ItOn pa„ esand handsomely bound. mail, tiu,.free of -expenSe. It is impracticable in so short a space as this to give aft adequate idea of the varietyof subject. and the etc teut of research which this Volume contains. Tito wh'ilo field has been carefully explored. And no de -partment however Intricate has been ,passed.over, but treated until the subject has been math , perfectly clean and hatelli4iitle to the simplest mind:, indeed one of the groat peculiarities of the Book is its freedom fetan dry detail, and statistics, (so common to works of this cberacter,) which no doubt 's One of the causes of its very great popularity. I The Agriculture or the Suite Is a prominent topic In the work, and all its parts receives his earnest attention, not merely speculitting on t h e results of husbandry, but sear:hing and findim; how the .greatest miVantage cnn lie g tined from the best sources. Every Fanner should read and study his remarks. and also those who depend , on the Farmer for the necessaries of life: for all should miderstrind something of the meant by which . these necessaries are produced.. Cities. Towns and Villages are described and, dwelt upon,-the charactaristics of the ixtiiple panted out, and the various improvements in progress tie proWcted of - the deeply interesting sketches In the work is that on the Wyeinlng Valley: . the via id and startling interest thrown around that devoted spot, is dwelt upon . with beautiful pathos and feeling. mei the leading events in - the tragic part enacted there in (vie.- Intionary - times, pointed out n master hand. Added to this Is Campbell's always beautiful Gertrude of Wyo. ming. the merit of which It is unnecessary to speak about. A vivid and truthful description of the grand and majestic Scenery of the Old Keystone State, is also a prominent subject in the Volume. Nothing can exceed the grandeur nud beauty of Pennsylvania's Romantic Mlle. and well does the author -understand the subject with which ho deals. The Press throuehout the State have, with united voice. pronounced it the Best Popular liftk ever written on the State. and without a single exceptlem have re .ommeuded the work in the highest terms. The ninny flattering notices bestowed upon it will be collected to g-ther and published, inn future circular. Accompany ing every volume is Ilarne's• Large Map of the Slate, mefolly colcred.—the Intent and besti . Map published 1111 , 1 seperately at...que Dollar, and is un doubtedly the only correct I.lie The price of •theLkx.t. is placed at the lowest. rate for which it meld be manufactured, and the execution of it in every respect is alike beautiful and substantial.— Independently of the fine map, It is'a remarkably:cheap work; but that accompanying it, the publisher lins•no hesitation in pronouncing it - the cheapest Book publish ed I The Publisher has gone to great expenlo in pnblishine the Rook in proper style. 'rho engravings are beautl fnlly executed; the typo large and clear; and the paper of or fine texture; while the binding is at the same time tasty' nd durable, and having done his part Well. he ,Subrults the work to. the examination of the people. i!onfldently recommending-It to the attention of these interested in the Pennsylvania liallrond Company. Rending liailmarl Company, Sunbury and Erie Railroad ompauy. Norristown and other railroads in. the k, 2 tate In the Schuylkill and Lehigh Navigation -Comrade, in the Lehigh and all other Coal Companies. tlirouglOalt Penntylvania, to all engaged in mining and. 'lemur:lc. turing Coal and Iron, tri every Farmer and every citizen of the - great State , of Pennsylvania, he submits this splendid volume, and respectfully solicits their prtrnm age. Agents will rail upon the citizens for their subscrip tion, and in cases wheco no agent has called, any person wishing it, will hate it sent free of expense, by remit ting the amount to the Publisher. Invariable Price &the Work: Embossed Masan, , - - . $ . l 00 • 41 , " gilt edges mid side , - 250 '' Morocco, marbled edge -, . - 2 25 " turkey Morocco, extra_ .- . . _ 400 . . Atrir Agonts wanted in every. County in the State.— Any person desiring an Agency please address the Pub lisher immediately.• - • 851ITIT;Publiahor, 195 Chesnut ; Street, Philtkdolphin sept 6-54 3itsurance. • I INSURANCE. -THE ALLEN •. AND EAST PENNSHORO MUTUAL FIRE IN. ,SUEANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, ineorpo "rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and In operation under tho management of the following commissioners, viz: Daniel Bailey, William R. Dorgan', 'Michael Cocklin, Me'choir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, ,iohn C. Ann 14p, Jacob IT. Coover, LAMA Byer, Henry Miran, Benin. min it. Mumer, Jacob Blutnma, Joseph Wickersham, Alexandoe Cathcart. The'rates Of finturanee aro as low and favorable as any Company, of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are Invited to make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. BENJ.: IL MOSBER, President. ' ILitikatY LOGAN, Vice President. usurer. ENE% 'fieeretary. MICItwsyCOCRLIN, Treasurer. - MEE@ . . CUMBERLAND 001JNTY,--Itudolph Martin; N. Cum beeland; C. B. Berman, Kingstown; 'Henry Tearing, Shiremanstown ; Charles Bell, Carlinle ; Dr. J. • Ahl, eburehtown ; Samuel Graham, Wont Pennshorough ; James Ma Dowel, Frankford; Veda OrltTith, Sbuth Mid dleton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Rayerntick, • Meehan lesbnr4 ; John Sherriok t Lisburn; David 'Coover, Shop. lierdstown. YORK COVNTY.—John Bowman, Dilisburg; Peter Wolford, Pronklin; John Smith. Esq., Waohingtou; W, 8. Picking, Dover; 4W. Craft, Parizdise. • & ibochman. • Mutt:Mors of the cordfmny having policies about to ex- On can havo • thOm renewed by making application to any of the.agents. • CARLISLE HERALD 1300 K &JOB PRINTING . MICR, IY THE REAR OF THE CQURT HOITHE •• , • Every description of Book and Job Printing exectlyid on tho shortest notice and on reasonable terms. • Zip:tisk (jr,ratO., 31Zcaicines. . . TOO TII WiS —B ea u t iful ite T c ou, llenitbytimes and a Sweet Dmith--,-.1.11 who are desirous of obtaining theselamefits should use 7.P.11.• MAN'S OEI,I :DILATED TOOTH, WARN.- This delicious article combines so many meritorious qualities shat it has new become n standard favorite with the citizens of New , -York. Philadelphia and 13altimot ihMtists par SiTiN3 their -practice mist succ,sfully, and from every source most' flattering landatiediS are-awarded it. Inflamed and bleeding gums are immediately bene6 t t•ti by its use; its actiod upon them is 11111 d, !inothing and effective. It cleanses the teeth so thendighly. that they Ore made to rival pearl in IT Ilitoness, and diffilses the mouth - F 1 1 ,1171 delightful freshness that the I breath is reidient d exquisitely sweet. di, disinfects those i+npurities wblch trod to produce 'decay, and. as a con sequence. when these are removed the teeth mud al ways remain sound. Read the following from Dr. J. A. Carman : - Mr. P. Zerman—Fir: Having used and recommended ,nilr• Tooth Wash in mv,practice for sonic time, 1 find it the tnCst effectual DenteHice in use, and therefore recom mend it to the public. Dr. J. A. CARMAN, Dentist, Harrisburg, Pa. Read the following testimony: Mit. 7,eit MAN—Dear Sir: I have Hilly tested the merits of your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita tion, recommend it as the best that has come under my notice during an experience as Dentist of niers than sir teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hardens irritated Gums. and Imparts n delicious fragrance to the treath. From the mouths of those who make use of it, however, it will.eerinhily speak for itself. Gee. P.-SclureLY,,Surgeon Dentist, ~;tu, South Tenth et., Philadelphia. IV is used and recommended by all the eminent Dent ists In New York, Philadelphia, Hrißimer°, and other cities where It has been hAroduced. All sbotald give it a trial. Ai" - Prepared only by Francis 'Lerman, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia. and sold wholesale and retail by Samuel Elliott, Carlisle. J. Dorsbeimer, Mechanicsburg, J. Herron. J. C. Williams, Shlppeusburg, and by all Druggists at only 12,5 cents per bottle.' FPLII4IPSY Can he Cured. take's VEU KTABLIE Com pousp, fur the cure of EN -I.i.PNY or FiTs 1 14 perflrminG more wonderful roves then any other medicine yet knowo or before the puldh:.-- Pltif:l: Fl VE MILLI ItS A BOTTLE. • The proprii tor has in his prissei-sion numerous certifi cates, narrating the astonishing arid miraculous curia effected I this medieinc. and directs attention to the fdluitlugoulc,toassure those who are sounfortunutr to he nth reted with the tortilde iliseasu regal ri. incurable, that ',AKL I S preparation is ALMOST INr kl.l - IN ITS ChM From MrS. lins.ks, widow cd . 'Ma], ,Inc Brooks, late of Couneaut, CosNritr„ Feb. 3,1 O i 3. Mr. Z. IAKE—Sir: Pleaso send me another bottle of Fit Medieine, as I do not like to be without it on hand. 'When 1 eounnenced giving_ the teedirino to my son Ed gar, he, had sin one to three tits per day. lifts now taken the medicine over live montlismiud has had, I think, lint two fits in that time. and those very light.— Ills body and mind urn very .miudi Improved; and by the blessing of OA, I feel flint ihv medicine will.restere his body and mind to their wonted activity. Ilels 2'i %ears old, and' has had fits over 112 years, width have Leen veryfrequent, and very destructive to his consti t uthin and mind. hundreds of dollars have been es ponied for medicine to " cum: viva," but •nnthing has relieved him until he used your medlidne. liespeetfully yours, if 11( f7t. earn :Judson Landon, County Superintendent of the Ashtabula County infirmary. - KINGSVILLE, 1111 a• Mr. 7.. LAUF-Sir: Please send a few mere bottles of your Fit 7ledllne:" 1 may not need it. hut think saf er to keep it on hand. Your medicine hmsdonewooder.... I gave It to Miss _Jane belano; she has , had fits Mr 2tl years, brought on by havitig the weasels when but four years old: which could not ho brought out to the surface. After taking the medicine a few days, 811 E HAS, A FI!!Z COOP OP MIIISP.I-q; and hint hod no fits since. She had fits or symptoms almost daily. She and her father concur with me fit saying that we believe the medicine has or will-work a perfect cure. 1 also gave the medicine to Miss lane Henderson and Arts Corby, who have had fits almost daily, for a number of years. Their fits have ceased, and I believe the modligne will - have the desired effect. Much money has been expended by the friends of the above patients far doctoring, all to no purpose.— The cure was left fir your medicine to perti,rea, and 1 can cheerfully recommend It ns n valuable discovery...L. Respectfully yours, JUDSON LAN DON, Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmary. Prepared and sold at advilwiale by Z. LAKE, Conneaut, Ohio. It. F. WELLICii i travating agent. 'Solid by S. W. Haverstick. Carlisle; E. 11.Thomac, chanksburg; D. W. liniss, Harrisburg. -,Oct. 5-Iyl 4arbtoctre. •1 - Olio P. LYNE—Wholesale and !Re tail' dealer In American, English and German lARDWAItE, Ale., b.. Meeloinics,huildurs and the public Fen ally, Who are in want of Hardware ot any laud; are invited to call in and , s"7: eironine•my unusually lan; stock of goods, - which I am selling at very low . pr ens. ust stop in; It will only detain you a very few minutes to he convinced that what everybody Mly.ti t LYtis is decidedly the place to get goc.d goods at law prices—must be Ulm INN.F.'S Hardware Role, •. West Side North Hanover street. HA it LOOK Mitt: !-A thlitAr lisnosny Oretniw. Thu subscriber In vonsiquence of ill-henith, offers hl en• tire st4clt - Of It ARE to :illy person or porsuns wish ing to enter into the Hardware business. 11W having so resolved In quitting the business, will give n bar:sin, besides his Influence and custom, Any one de,h,us o f getting into this business will do well to call soon, if not disposed; of by, the lst of October next, he will then continence selling olf,at, pet at the old and well !:nowt stand, North Iliaolicr street, next d4or to Charles Itlaglaughlin's Hotel'.., • Ft ti - . - 4 1 .1tESTI ARRIVAL • , WAR IfEiiiYß SAXTON. The subsixiber having returned firm the city would call the zittentlon of his friends and the public generally to the large and well sehreted assortment of hardware which be has just rticeived, consisting in part of BMW Al A- T Elti A LS, nails, screws ; hinges, locks, bolts, glass; putty, pllntri, oils; &c. TOOLS,—edge tools; sews and planes of every desCription, with files, humps, baniniers, anvils, Le. A 'general assortment of 6110 l INIA KERS AND SAD DLERS TOOLS, together witkinerocce, lining and Lind- Ing skins, shoe thread; wax, pegs, lasts, harness mount lug; saddletrees, &e. , 00Aell TitlAl3llNG—canvass (plain) enamelled, fig ured and embensed,) patent and enamelled leather, axles, springs; hubs, spokes, fcilocs. sha ft s,' &c., &c. Cabinet ! takers will find a large assortment of varn ishes, maltogany and walnut Jeneers, moulding, rosettes, ' , hair cloth, curled hair, &c. The stock of Iron is large and well selectod compile 'lug all the kinds In general use, as haminered and rolled Iron of all sizes, flat, lar and band inm round, square and oral iron, horse-shoe iron-and nail ivids, with A large lot of cast and ipriug, steel, English and American Lila'. for steel, &e. Ilousekeepers and those about commencing will fled it to their adeanta call and examine our cutlery, brit tania and plat mns, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, Ac. • In addition to the a re 'we have received a splendid assortment of WALL .PAPER, making the stock corn• pieta, and at such prices as cannot fall to give :withrfac• tion. We Invite all friends to call, knowing it will bete their own advantage'. Remember the old stand, East Iligh btreet, Carlisle, Ea. Oct. 12, ' unthar F REsH ARRIVAL 01? H WAR ARP- E.—The subscriber haling returned from tho city bas just opened fur the Fall trade a large, and well selected stock ef foreign and .domestic Hardware, embracing everything usually found in that lino of bu siness: The attention of friends and the public generally is respectfully directed to the assortment on hand, ns suring them that goods of all kinds will be sold ler cash at a very small advance on manufacturers prices. IGr member tho old stand, East Main Street, Carlisle, Pa.. Aug 30, ISSI. . U. SAXTON. rriAKE NOTICE.—That all persons about commulonclng Ifousokeeplng and ethers iu want of thorn, ran got supplo with Knives and Foiku, Spouts, Ladlos, 31111 s, Pons, Kettles, Sad-Irons, le., On tin, lowiwit rotes by ' ROGII.A. LONG SHAWLS--Just racoWed a few Long and Square Drneila Shawls. an silo. by U. W. 1111.E,11.. 9[ I I.Ih3.GREATEST DISCOVERY OF TTIE AG E—Farmert, Families and others, ran pur- Chtl9o no remedy equal to Dr. TOMAS' Venetian, Lini ment, for 'Dysentery, Croup. Chronic Itheurnatisin Ouinsey, :Iyre Thrilitt,,T.k:thache, en 1 4 1oltness, ,Cutt• Burns, Swelllng.t, Old Sorts. Niusquitii btes, Insect Stlugs, Palns in Alor. bind s s Chest, If it doer not all , fellrf. the money will refund M—all that it asked, Is i trial. and according to direction+.ho article Is an Eugllsli renn , dy, afid was b y AN in. lA' . King of Eng,lamt, and eortihed to by him, an a onto P r Itheumath , ni, when in el) thing else recommended Lv his physicians had failed. tit or loran ()Oa of bottle; have bren sold if. the Unit , ed sthtcs, without a single failure. and families have stated that it was a orth $lO per I , Otio. they r ever would be without it. in ens.. of Croup, as It is fol . certalt. as it Is arohij,, cures Toothache in three minutes: I leminche .alf nn 11...1ir t and ChOlcrll, when filq take en.'in a few hours. It perfectly innocent to take in ternally, and IMP the recommendation of many of the most eminent Physicians in the United Slat( f. Price, IS and 50 rents. Dr. Tobias has also put up a Liniment tr pint bottles. Ivhirli Is warranted—Amamr and better than any other. fl.r the cure of Colic, Galls. Swellings, old Sorcii.,Uuts, Druiseti : ticratehes, Cracked Heel, ac.-- Price, fin cents. Dr. Trlbillll could Min dozen newspapers with the rer- Utica Lea and letters leeeived. relating to the w(nderful cores accomplished by his Idnituent.hut riles - Wert; that warranting It Is sufficient. 1114 nny person who does not obtnin relief, need not pay f)r it. Iliere has teen so Much worthless medicine sold to the public..h•Cir To bias wishrs Ids artirlo to rest on its own merits, end it be gives the Ind nO of the money reeeived, then he asks the patronage of the public. not Oberwbe. Dn. TOMAS' (Mice, 210 CItF,ENWICII Street, Now York. , For sale by A. Smith, Seventh and Chestnut f treets: Pratt I: Son. 1:12 N. I , econd rtieet ; It. Callender. S. 'third street, and by the Druggists thmngliout the -United States. CTILE attEAT PUBIFIEIt OF TILE n mullein of Merenry in It. An 'of:11111.1e remedy 64114111 a. King':; E ii, l betimatb4n, i )I , st innto Cutaneou .Eruptions. PtiFttiles on the Nitre, ilk trll,l 114114 ' Chi ffille ;Sere Eyes, Bing NVorm or Tetter. real, Wend, Enlar;ement :not Pain of the PCIIIPS rni l Jehity SluLont Clorrs, :•`y OAHU,: Disorders, Eumhago, ComplainhOand nil ties arising from an ir•judiriom 111 , 13 I.f 31orvury, Inimutleinii in lac, or Impurity of th. Blood. - ThLs valuable Medicine, which has become celebrate(' for the number of c:stracrdinary cures effected through, its agency, has intitMed the pn.prieters. at the urgent request of their friends. to offer it to the nubile, whirl, I they do-with the utmost confidence In Its virtues and wotiderfulsstrative.poperties. The follow inpcertificate Selected from a large number, are however. Stronger to., thnony than the mere word of the proprietors; and arc all from gentlemen well known in their localities undo?,, the hi4hest respectahility, many of them residing In th, I; c o city df Richmond, Vs. E . BUYDEI' . i, i',11., of the r.,change i ,fletel, Richmond kno n every where, MYR be has aeon the Meairine call ed CVterrit's - Seastsit !limiest: adthinistered In over hundred rases, in nearly all the diseases fur which it is recommended with the most astonishingly good results. Ile says it, is the most uxtruordinary medicine he has odes seen. AGUi AIM FEVER—Great Cure.-11 herei,y certify that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the moat rodent description. I had several Ph) sicians,,took large quantities of .Quinine, Mercury, and 1 believe all the Tonics advertised, but all without any permanent relief At hart I tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two betties Of which effeetually cured tury ant 1 am happy to say I lin V e had neither Chills or Fever hillec. I consider it the hest Tonic in the world, and the only medicine thatesee readied my ruse. Ji 111 N LONti DEN. 1 Heaver dam. near Richmond Virginia. 41, 11. LUCK, ESQ... now. in the city of ilichnuand.and far many years in the Post Office. has su-h contdencoin ling the ~astouu s ling etlicaey of Carter's S.panish ' Mixture. that he.fnt4 bought 11pWardS•Of 50 Ixattles which ho has given away o theadlicted. Mr. Luck says he has nev er-known it to fail when taken arvordlng to directions. Dr. MINA. ii,',,,,a,practising physician, and formerly of tho City Hotel it city of 'Richmond, says he has wit nessed; In a num‘wr of instances, the effects of Car tees Spanish Mixture, which were 111 . 0 st truly surpr . lr Mg,. Ile says In a case of Consumption, dependent m the Liver, the good effects were wonderful Indeed. , SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the tirm Drinker A Mor vie, Richmond; was cured of Liver Complaint 'of Fr year standing by the use of two bottles of Carter's Npanist.' Mixture., . . GREAT CURE OE SCROFCLAHThe Editors of the Richmond Republican had a servant employed In their press roan cured of violent Scrofula combined with Rheumatism. which entirely tilsiiided him from'work.— Two bottles of Carter's E3lumish Mixture. made a perfect rare of him, and the editors to a public . notice say they •• cheerfully rmounnend it to ull %he are attlictea with one Lliscaso of the blood." STILL. ANOTIIFit CIIRE OP SCROFULA---1 hod a verY valuable boy cured of Sen•fuln by Carter's Spanish ,iixture. tx , nsider It. truly a 'valuable medicine. JAMES M. TAYLOR, Conductor On the It. F, .4 P. It. It. CO. - Richmond, Mr. John Thompson. residing In the city of Rich-, mend, wea cured by three bottles of Carter', Spanish Mixture of Salt Rheum. which lie.hrid 'nearly 20 years. and which all the physicians of, the city would . ot cure, Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant In the city of Richmond, Va.,.tind hilt cure is moat remarkable. —Pinelpal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE & Co, No. 83 Mahlon Lane, Now York. T: DYOTT ete. SONS, No. 132, North 2d et., Phila delphia. BENNETT Sc BEERS, No. 1 MAW et., Richmond, Vo.• And for sale by S. Elliott, S. W. 'laver:dick. earflap, • Ira Day. Mochaulcaburs;,,S. 11. Iforcon, Newrillb; J. C Altlc, hfppouaburg, and by doalora In medicines every Irbdre. • . lIAVE you a colds?—Gallohor's' Elixir has *ciliate - tic' ti Plat_ calobrity for tho cure of all diseasee arising from severe colds, and Its efficacy hen heort.attested'und approved by hundreds of•our MOM re spectable citizens. lu overylnatance immediate relief line berrr,given, aa,tho following certificate from . those who have tried it bears testimony. Manufactured and fur sale by ^. JAMES CIALLOITER, Agent. Wo the undersigned do certify that we hero used gal loher's preparation for Consumption, golds, Diseasea of the Lungs, Liver, &c., and having experienced immedt; ate relief therefrom would to all atilleted In that way. Thee: Hklles,, Mrs. M. Gould., It. IL McCoy, E.• Wolf. Peter Monyer, H. S. llacicott, Joseph Lotrich, N. W. Woods. Carlisle, April 2.5,1854-1 y T HE WONDER OF THE AGE • !- For the curt; of Saitrheum, Chilblains, Common Sores, Chapped or Cracked Hnuds, Burns or Scalds, Cute or Wounds, Piles, Inflammation .I . 'oo Breast. bites of insects, Sore Lips, Pimples on the Fnce, and Wanking Out and Sores on Children, and all disc/mos of the Skin, This Ointment will aura the Saltrheum and I'dirhs,'or Chapped hands, quicker and surer than any other medb clues of the kind before the public. ti; To substantiate the above, I can give hundreds 6 . fre'l 4 .r Uneaten; hut I consider it no vine. as (any pert:6n can de the same; if they have friends. fl r evon li, worthless fir tlele)-1 udy soleiy on the merits of the Ointment for the public patronage. . N. 11.—A shiff,lo hoz of tbls Ohntnent will 1;90, any Meteleamith's, Farmer's, Sailor'::, or 1 1 b.schattlete1iitiltto, let them chap or (Tack over so lad. mound and Jill goval a 0 11. Ing order all a inter. Prypared .and sold by • , 310NRON TjJt EL, Naugatuck, Conn. Sold also by tine principal Drugglate,nutt Country Mw' chants. Poled 25 coutis per box. • Nov. 16, 1853-1 y ' .11. SAXTON ~lZc~icincs. 311ebicines.- mitt ant" yjappittess ea flat *ono nub'gittudyttio of gftlittimt. Dr. C. L. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN kND ACCOUCHEUR, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Dr. - Kumma announces to tho afflicted that lie Is a regular graduate of the best Medical College In the United States, and; during many years of very extensive practice, has been familiar with. every form of disease, and succeeded in' curing the most hopeless cases, even when abindoned by, tho regular faculty. His perfilet knowledge of the hu. man system enables bimto adapt the means to4he end, so as to produce the most astonishing results. The alarming prevalence of disease, and the often Impeifect medical treatment of the present day, has Induced him to make known Ma NEVER-FAILING nEuEnnts, that those that mourn may rejoice, and the o afflicted leap for joy. ALL, no matter what their disease may be, can rest assured of finding relief, and therefore shadd not delay Ili moment. Write disease and symptoms full and plain, and _you can_receive. an answer by return mail (free) stating the medicine required and the price of it. Address, C. L. Ksumso, M. D. Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. N. I3.—The Doctor will attend patients at eny distanoe, wlion,requirod. • II V E K (1)1111)LAIN'r Dy , pepqin. .mgindire. Chronic 1r _Nervous debility, l . i , ease of the Kidn-ys, and all tlismses ariAng from o ‘l,4+-stored I.iv..r Or stomacli, such :in Constipation inwarFl piled, ruh.est; of blood to the bead. acidity cf the :I , .inach, heartburn, disgust Pr food, fulness eight-in the stomach, sour eructations, sinking Or nut( ering`at the pit ,-of the stomach, SNI illlllllllg Ortho 11,...,4. Iturrled and diMetilt breathing. iltittering'at the heart; choking or suffocating sensations when lu a-lying p--tlll,, dm. ncss of Ih:ion, ibis or webs ,beftire the_slytht. I*os-et' and dull pain in ,the head, deficiency of perspiration, yellow. tress Or the shin and eves, paiti in the side. hick, chest, limbs. ac., sudden lltn - hps. of heat, burning in the flea', constant ittinlnlngs of evil; end great depreh‘b of spbr its, can be effectually cured 117 pp. lloort.t CELE BRATED (LERMAN prepared by 'big. C. M. JACKV".I4, No. 1'2.0 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their ',ewer ever the above diseases In not r tiled, ff equalled. by any other preparation in the Ftatea, as the cures attest, In tunny cases after skilful phyrk• clans bad filled. These Litter* are worthy the attention of invalids,— PoSsessing great virtues in the rettifteation (4' diseasnit of the Liver end termer glands, exercising tho neat Einarching 'powcrF In weakness and affections , :r the di. gestivo organs, they are w ithal safe,. certain and' plea*. ant. Mond and ho convinced. Testimony of the highert character! lion. Gin. STROUP, Judge of the District C.coirt In Perry county, Pa.. Nov. azild: Your " German Bitters" has teen in use in our place over a year past, and to the astonishment of many has performed. wonders. We may notice n few im stances , that have come under our own immediate no tice :—almost ovdrY person who has stopped at the hotel of iVtu. Lackey, one yearelitoe. predicted from his ema cLated. muntenance and debility, that hu mull not live much longer. Ile was unable to attend to Its Lusi egar , and for the greater part of the time confuted to It Isroom We recommended hint to try the Gertuanfittters; Ito did artd to the surprise of all his friends he is now able to attend usual business and perform lammed 131 or. The case of Henry Asper, a stone 1111114011:' WIIOIII 110 (nc 511pi..”.. , 1 would ever recover from the debility of his ryi tem, but was looked upon as fast approaching the gravel tookleight or nine bottles of the Bitters during the la s t winter, and this smumer ho has been (to the svi prise of all who knew his case) following his trade. - TliF - case of William Murphy is no less astonishing. He too web 53 far reducedns to.induee the general belief tlud the alone would be his only remedy. Mr. Lackey recom mended him to try the hroothunls Berman Bitters; he is now apparently a well man, and able to do a bard day's _work. We could mention many other curs of a shri4r character. If it were necessary. 1 myself derived much benefit front their use. I have given considerable of it 'away, not for your benefit alone, buttm relieve suffering hatintuity. and let me assure you I ant pleased to see the happy, result. To the afflicted wt .. 3slyrtry them fairly and I will warrant milerl These hitters are worthy the attention of invalids. possessing great power in the resteratbn of n healthy action of the liver and the lesser glands, giving tone to the stomach and nervous system, and bringing the sys tem generally to a high state of health. Elliott. For sale by S. W. Havehrtiek and S. l Carlisle; Irsthay, Mechanicsburg; J. H. Herron, Newville; J. S. Attic, shlppensburg, and by dealers in medicines every where. OCTOR YOUR • SELF—I'MVATELY, 25 cents, by means of the POCK- Er JESCULAPIUS, or Eve , Ono lIIS 'OWN PIINSICIAN I Tho thirty-sixth Edition, with ouo hundred engraN ings, shoW- Mg I'A - sato Diseases and nal formations of the Gonemtlie System, in .every shape, and form: to which Is added a Trcatiso on the Diseases' f Pe. nudes, intended for the use of females only, (eeo Mire IMO bso- Mg of the highest Imvu - tanial to married yoepl_e, or those oon • . 111. D., U rnduate t_ttuversity 01 ,nsylvania, Member of the Roy al College of Surgeons,'London s .and llonomry Member of tit Philadelphia Medtcal,society. The.variatio forma of Secret diseases, fieminal Weakness: Mimeses of the Prostrate Mend. Impriericy.oolltars habits of youth-are faithfully described, and all the receipts given in plain language. ,The, chapters on self abuse, and ''emlnal Weakness is worthy of particular attention, and should. be read by'every ono. Young men who have been as fortunate in, contracting ,tilsedio, previous to placing Yourselveetinder the'eire ut'an* doctor, no vnatterwhat his pretensions 'nay . he, got a copy of this truly valuable e work. • ' Sea Captains and persons going to Sea ,should possess Dr. Young's treatiseon: Marriage, the•Potket .lErteulaki• us, or Every one Ills own Physician. •IZir Let no father be ashameill to present a tip); of the Xsculaplus to Ma child.: It may, earohlin from an early grave. Let no young man hr woman• enter into the (se cret obligations of married life without reeding tho po4k et Atscultipitut: 'Let no one ufferlig fam a hacknied cough, rittlu in the side, restless nights, nervous feelings and the whole train of Dyepeptic sensations, anti given oft by Aheir physician, tte another moment without cop suiting the ‘itsculapids.' Dere the nuutted or thaw' about to he, married' any, impediment, react this truly useful Div*. as it has'been the means of laving thou rands of unfOrtunnto tercaturoy, from the• very jaws of death: Upwaids of tiIdILLION copies of this celebrated '`work has lamtn sold in•this country, rind Europe auto I& 38, when the first edition was Issued. • • - • Di' Any person atooding "IWPiNTY-FIVE cents ere closed in A letter, will i•eeelve one copy of this book by mall; or' five envies will le rent Lor gl. Address lb-. WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 152 Fp t•ueit4 t reo t, rbtliWelp*a. Post ,ptild. T‘Vonte years practice in the cr talnly entitles Dr. Young to th and ho may ho mnsuited described in his different pubil , Spruce street., every day hot , • day excepted) and persons Dr. _tanine v by letter, Poet • M <dclpliltt n`t`
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers