Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 16, 1854, Image 3

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    k" . l)e illarkets.
i • . Monday, August 14
There is no change in the Flour market; the
stook is very mush reduced, but On:demand
is confined to the wants of the home trade, at
$8 50aand $9 for common and good retailing
and• .25410 per bbl. for extra and
fano!? family brands. • Rye Flour remains quiet,
11415 00 per bbl. Corn Meal••---About 800 bbls
Penn'a Meal have been disposed of at $3 37i
a58..50 per bbl., the latter for fresh ground.
Graia—Wheat continues plenty and dull, at
pregious quoted rates ; some 6000a6000.bu5.,
'windy new Southern, oold at - 100a165 cents
for rods, and. Mali° cetne for white, as in
quality. Rye, is wanted at . 100a105 cents ;
some small lotit brought rather more. Cord is
in moderate demand; a sale of 4000 bushels
Venn's yellow, slightly heated, was made oh
Saturday evening at 80 cents in store, and
about.4ooo bushels good Delaware, in lots, to
day; at 79a80 cents, afloat. Outs are in good
demand, with further sales of 8000a4000 bus.
Southern at 381189 cents per bushel, mostly at
the former rate. •
On the 27 ult., by the Rev. S. L. M. Cantor,
Mr. Wu. 11. °nom to Mitt ANNA E. LIPPARD,
both of this borough.
Suddenly, on the 10th inst., Mrs. J ENETT C.
er,a/iOt of the late Christian Iluturich, aged
abbot sixty tive years.
On Thursday the 10th inst., WiLnun Flex,
infant son of Dr. Collins, President of Dick
inson College, nged 11 =Stabs
vALuzunam FILRME
-On FRIDA the 16th of September, 1854'.
vs/ILL be sold at pnblic sale at the late re-
i ltt eidetic° of John Chisnell, deceased,in
Dickinson twp., Cumberland comity, by virtue
.of the last will and testament of said deceased,
the MANSION FARM, containing 75 acres,
strict metisuro, of first rate Limestone Land,
ing.mostly on the on the north side e r r the
stlow Brood - la's Creek. 'The im•
provements ore a twt, story Lag
boarded and plastired inside, Log NV qt f
Barn, corn crib anti wagon shed,
noring house, &.c., with a never biting well of
watsr at the door.
Alao, atohe same time and place will be sold
Three'Lots 01 MO N TAIN LAN U, two of
' 16 acres and one one of 5 acres; well covered
with first rate Chestnut Timber, These lots
are easy of access, and within two miles of the
Earn'. I erms of sale, ono half on the first day
or April, IRi5, (tad the balance in two equal
annual payments without interest. Sale to eotn•
— menee - at -- 10 - a'rlbekT - A.311.;0n Said duy, when
attendance will be
atte,l6l JOHN T. GREEN, Ex'r.
MrLairaster Examiner copy and send bill
to Jlais-offire.- -
manna FOR SALE,
infiE, subscriber o ff ers for sale his Farm,
1 situated in Silvet Sp ing township, Cumb.
county, about two miles north east of the vil
lags ,of. Hogestown, and about five miles north
.ot Mechanicsburg, on the north side of the
Cannoduguinet creek, adming lands of Henry
.E yult nail the said creek on the south, Benja
min Eberly en the east, Jacob Demmy on the
north and west.- It contains 2293 acres neat
measure of the black elate kind ; about 160
acres are cleared and in a high state of chin
vation. Over 3000 bushels of lime have been
7puton the land in a few years past, and about
400 panne! of new post and rail fence ha. been
mades the Farm is well supplied .Aith water.
has an excellent farm to raise stock, and well
- ; - adapted for all kinds of - Grain ; the remainder
is well timbered, alid may nearly all be cleared
and cultivated. -Also, a . great number of locust
traes dispersed through the fields..
The improvements Ire a gond t wo
story DWELLING HOUSE, -, , 1 17V,
weather boarded and pointed. A
new Bank Barn, with wagon shed
and corn crib attached, a new Tenant linuse,
and other out-buildings. There is also a spring
.or.excellent water near the house, end a good
- bearing orchard of various kinds of fruit.
Persons desirous of purchasing a Farm of
this ichid, will do well to call upon the subscri.
'her, residing near the Fairview Iron works,two
mile above the Harrisburg bridge, near the
riv tr. or upon Samuel Eshelman residing on
the Farm.
'Phe Pirm will he °Tiered nt private sale un
til the 16th of September, and if no
311 d, it will then he exposed to public sale on
'that day, at one o'cloelc in the afternoon.
aug.l6-st. FREDERICK MAY.
Brigade Inspectors Orders,
The uniformed members attached to each
-company oforganized volunteers, are hereby or
.dered, to meet at their company quarters in the
bo.vnds of the tat Bet. 15th Reg. and on Mon
day the 21st day of Aug. 1834, between ten and
six o'clock' to elect a Captain, First and Sec
and Lieut. of each ompany. The Captain of
each company will appoint two officers or mem
bers to hold said election who shut be severally
sworn or affirmed to conduct said election fairly
and impartially and to make a true and correct
Return thereof to the undersigned' within ten
days thOreafter. SAM'L CROP
e Aur , 9. (31) Bri. Insp. lot ttri. 15. h Ree.
44 + Great 33argain Offered
THE subscriber in eoose , plence of illhealth.
offers his entire B I'OCK OF LIA RD •
WARE to any person or persons wishing to
enter into the Hardware Business, He having
so resolVed in quitting the business, will give a
barg'ain, basides his influence and custom. Any
one desirouft of getting into this business will
do welt to cell soon, and if not disposed of by
the Ist of October neat ho will then coinmence
selling nif at coat at the old and well known
stand, North Hanover St., next door to Charles
Maglaughlin's Ho tal
.aug. 9,'54,
*TIRE STORE P ft - OPETY now occupied
by me is also for sale. Any per
son wishing to purchase a First Rate n
Property, and one of the beet Busi- II II
news Stands in the borough . of Carlisle 1. 1 •
iurre a elfaikee. the above proper
ty ,is not sold at isrivate sale, by the Ist Tues
day in Jaanary4court week) it will then be ef
fete(' at publiosale 'on that day, and possession
gi'ven on the lit day of April next, 1855. For
Luther information inquire of the subscriber,
Ang. 9, 'st, JACOB SENER.
91 - All - that are indebted to the subscriber
'either: by note o• book accounts, will call and
se,ttle them itinedirvely. J SEN ER.
TIiB undersigned, Wherein it to be to the
in.lerest.of the agrieulturists , to encourage the
:growth and. increase of Birds, hereby notify
- gunners and all others not to enter their pro
mimes to shoot or otherwise desky them.—
Any person known to violate this notice will
be treated as a trespasser.
Jahn Nable,,Wm., Moore ; Samuel Zug, e It.
Craighead. John.Royer, Benjamin Royer, T. B.
Craighead, J. W. Craighead, W. L. Craighead,
Ales. Young. Alfred .Moore, R. Given, Jacob
niftier, W. B. Mullin, Thomas Brothel, John
Zugdr., Samuel Woddburn, Mathew Moore,
S. N., Divan, Jaoob Wolf, John Nomminger,jr.
Jeremiah Noffeinger, E, N. Waokley,Philip
Breolibilli Samuel Givjo. (Aug. 9-..11t
irdie goneiableihri,Judge of the Court
of Heneritl'Ouarter Seesioti of the Peace
of uutnbuilaruf county, at,August Session, A.
DV; 104, ' Tlte petition of .iosepb ,Merkel
.spectlully rapreseine,• that "your - pbtiiionei• is
provided with thenecoesuryroilinsiieskirketip
inV a hobse of Public rStitertaininunt,'nuthe
house lately occupied an such by Jundthan Dif
fenderler, in E. 'W. Carlielev Your petitioueri
Iherefore, prays your Honors m , grautlilin a.
L.icttsefor, ibo same the onsaiug year, corn—
ane,lleing an tile fourth'llionday of August
44,1.14,4 y holind he Will ever pray,
We tlia Uhdateignad ailliona 'die) Borough
of Carlisle, paist•Ward, in the comity of Cum."
berlatid," - drieertify.that we; arewoll'aeginrinte4
with the.ahOve named , Josejih•Altirkel, that ho
isolgoodfropuio.lur honeary.atid trimperaneo,
end is well OrriVided with [moan room and con-
veitioneas for the ) aceontinodation of airangera
Ind travegors, sod' tlisr.sitsir "Ins or :Town is
"",sarv_t-,1 swim/1041e the public 4110030-
(11.min' itraoierS'and. '
fl. MaCat:they, Gut,
,rsrd rgossni.' '
,i Haar.
Floog'or. ;Joss!, ,
- New lbutrtisantitt.
E. ntrawLAND dt CO'S
Looking (nails and Picture Franke
l'f2G ARCH .ST. oporleite'the Theater
E. N. Jr. Co: r'ecei'ved the. only Prizr Medal
awarded at the Crystal Palace exhibition, N,Y.
185.3, in the U. S., for Gilt, Docoiatod, Mantel
and Pier Glasses.'.fogn., l6 .
.Isl°T of'Geo: 13a1c9r dec'd.
ICE is hereby givep that letters of ad_
mimstration,..with the will annxted, on
the 'estate of George Baker,•late' of Silver
Spring Cemberland county, dec'd.,
have been granted l ythe Register of said
county to the subucnber residing in .Haninden
township All persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estataro requited to make inv
me diate payment and those having claims to
present them, for settlement to
aug 16-41] SAMUEL EBERLY, Adm'r
WE are requeited to announce Mr. AI,,FREE
S. SENER, of Carlisle, as a candidate for
Register strthe ensuing election. [may 17.
MO the Voters of Cumberland County._
Fellow' Citizens •—Through the per,na
stone of many.of my friends, I oiler myself as
a candidate for the office of Register, subject
to the decision of the Whig county onvention
Shippensburg, June 4, '54-3m.
We aro authorized to state that SAMUEL S.
SNYDER, of Newburg, will be a candidate for
the offioo of Clerk of the Courts and Recordo'r,
subject to the decision of the Whig County
We are requested to etate that J. S IIos•
TETTER, of 'Mechanicsburg, will be a candidate
for the office of 'Prothonotary, subject to the
decision of the Whig County Convention.
Public Sale.
On SATURDAY; the 2d of , September, '54.
will expose to public sale at the late real•
dente of Henry Richebaugh, deceased;
in Franktorti township, in pursuance or the
directions of his will, a certain Tract of Land
adjoining thb Mansion farm of the said dee'd;
containing, about 26 acres, be the sante, more
or less, nearly all or which is cleared and un—
der fence but without buildings.
Also, at the same bane and place, a LOT
OF GROIT N D in the same township tit ' , rim It
ford. containing About Two acres, he the sante,
more or les-, and which also adjoins the sank
Mansion Farm Terms will he trade known
on (lay of sale by SAMUEL DILLER.
August 9, 1854.
THE Diretors of Dickinson district will meet
at Cumberland Hall, on Thursday, the 17th
inst., fur the purpose of appointive FOUR•
TEEN TEACHERS, to take charge of the
Common Schools ul said district fur the ensu•
ing term. The county Superintendent expects
to attend on aid day, for the purpose of exam•
ining .Teachers, and giving the necessary cer
tificates of their otittlili.sati.ins.
By order of the Beard,
Ana,i;9. '54.1 .1 ACOLI LEFE - VER, See' .
Y virtue of sundry writs of Venditiani Ex--
ponai issued ant of the Court of Common
Pleas of Cumberland 11:Minty:and to me atreeL
ed,l will expo-e to sale by public vendee out•
cry, at the Court 'loose in the Borough of
Carlisle, on THURSDAY, the 17th day of
August, - 1854, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow
ing described Real Estate, viz:
A Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of
Carlisle, containing 2u/ feet in_font-and -149
feet in depth more or less, bounded on the east ,
by Williunt Sellers, and on the north by W'l-
IMm Sellers, on the south by Chapel Alley mid
on the west by Hanover Street,,having thereon
erected '2 two story Brick Houses, &c. Seized
and taken iu execution as the property of Geo.
A. Leichg.
Also, a tract of Land, situate in Mifflin tp.,
Comb. count y. containing 8 acres more'or less,
bounded on the north by Jamie of John Dunlee.
on the west by lands of Robert :Middleton,
on the oast by 'l'. C. Schuler, on the south by
James Harlin, having thereon erected o two
story frame weatherbo irded House two story
bacltbuilding, shop, iog burn. &c. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of William
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in the borough
of Carlisle. containing 80 feet in front and 149
feet in depth more or less, bounded on the west
by East Street, on the south by an alley, on the
e tot by EJward Showers sot on" the north by
Robert S. Alcorn • having thereon erected a
two story frame douse, Mime back beadily',
wash house, frame stable, and other nut hous
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in borough of
Cartide, containing SU feet in' front and 110 in
depth more or less, bounded 011 the south by
street, on the east by lot of Peter Spahr.
on tto west by lot of William R. Gorges and
Lice Morrow, on the north by Chapel alley.
haring thereon erected a two story triune woo
therdaardol tljOo,lrane bock bedding, frame
stable and other out buildings, &c. Seized and
taken w executionlas the property of William
Also, a. Lot of Ground situate in Shiremans
town, in the tosviteltio of Hampdon, county of
Cuthberland, contatnlng 180 Met in front and
•468 feat in.depth more or less, bounded on the
west by Catharine Rupp on the north by
Strock,s allay, on itmema by Warner's alley,
on the soneW by Slam Street, having thereon
erected a two story brick and frame weather
boarded House, and a two story frame weath
orboarded shop, frame barn, and other out
buildings. •
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in Shiro
manstown, Lower Allen township, containing
one-fourth Ulan acre more or less, bounded on
the north by nth, Street, on the west 'by at ,
alley, on the south by Oak alley, on the east
by lot of W. 1.) , Shoop, Esq.
Also, a Lot of• Ground situate in Shiro
matisiown, Lower Allen township, containing
three‘fourths of an acre morelor less, bounded
011 the south by Second Streal l on the west by
on alley, on the 4orili by' Oak iilrey, on the
east by lot of .ml oth ltt, Smith, &e. Seized
amid taken in execution as the pimperty of Goo.
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in East Penns-
bozo township, in the town of Fairview, con
taining 54 feet in front and 108 . feet in depth
inure "or loss, bounded on die north by lot of
William Bnoks 011 tho west by Main Street,
on the south by an alley or street GO feet,
wide and on the east by an alley, having
thereon erected a two story Ironic weather
boarded House, frame buck building, frame
stable arid other out houses.
Also, o, Lot of Ground sitnnte in East Penns
boro township, in the town of Fairview, con.
taining 54 feet in front and 108 feet in 'depth
more or less, bounded on the north by read
leading to Pratte' Mill,•on the west by an al
ley, on the south by Patrick Ryne, on the
oast by Main Street. having thereon er,cted a
two story tramp weatherbparded llmieeifranie
back building,' frame stlahlo and other out
houses, Seized and taktin int,exectrtion no the
property of Goorgo Motu and Jacob Moltz,
with natio') to tenants ill possession.
Also, n Lot of Ground situate In the boroug%
- of.Slatpecnsburgypart — of — a lot 'No. 80, in tho
general plan of said borough, bounded on the
north by ICiog Street, on the east by a lot of
John Gish, on the south by an alley, on the
west by lot ofthe heirs Of IV m.•Rtiesol, doe'd
containing 41 footin front and 157 h. in depth
more or less, having thereon erected a two
stbry Brick liouso; brick back building. wash
Imam, stable atir other out houses. Seized
and. taken in execution as the , property of Am
tlipny F. Wolf. •
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in West Penne
boro township, Cumberland 'county, containimr.
thrce-fourthoof an acre more or lose bounded
on the own by Jacob Bellzhoover, on the
snuth by Wm. Welsh. on dm: west: by Mrs.
Juc'oW arofen rho north by George Zinn,-,jr.,
hiving thereon orec:ml a doulslo' two story
lionse,part brick and part IoT Weatherbotaded
black.solith shop, frame stable, and °thereat
Also, a Ltit,,of Ground situate inWeat Penns:.
horn township, Climb. county,eontnining ooh
acre morn or loss. hounded on the east by Mrs.,
Jaeott, on, the ankh by Wm Welsh:on • the
Lwest by Wm. Forousrm, and north by George
inn, Jr. Saiz :d'and taken in execution as
the Property of 37lotior Shannon. . •: •
a,traat, of,Land situato in East Penns:-
horn townsleps,Cumh. ;county, containing 24
' acres more or_ines, bounded. mc,the north, by,
John Lontx. on the wost.,lsy John and Philip
Loa ta..oa :the:south by lands of, Benjamin
Bowman and,on this east by. Public road,having
thereon erected a two story loame wonthor-
Loardod Honse, frame' barn..4c. • Seized and
taken in execution aD the property of Barnard
Glass, „. • • ;
Alsootlo't pf 'flietted 'ellunite ; lit :Um bori,
Sinxii of .oarllslei pontaining-140.f00t, in front,
'and I 40.feot. in, depth more ordossdliousded oti
the oast by lot of• Jnonb,•Z•tg, en. tho south:by!,
lot. of.. Wm. Drone:L:on: the. nor .h:: by: Mnin.,
street, on .the, iyoot tly , rl:ast Slrrpiti hosing,
thereon ereoted a two story stone liontici stone:
hick Imildinx, , log stable,Tramo ton pin alley:,
blailcsmith' shop, &c., Ito. !Seized and ta.'
k wren:llion as; ' the property of Robtirt
Alcorn, ant all to be said by me :it ,• .„ •
; i`
- 44;i5Ce110(13115:. 7
. .
. , fOETICE, C.V.M,'
July '270854.
p hereby given thnt.nn election will beheld
I on Al ON DAY, the 4th day of September
llext i at the public house e 1 'Jacob Redeecker,
Dickinson .town4hip, CatTtb. t bboilty, between
hours of it) o'ciuCk A M algid 4 P At, for the
plirpose. of 'electing THIRTEEN' DIREC.
TUSR b manage the basilicas of the Cumber
land Volley Mutual Protection Company, for
the term of one year.
Aaanst 4 4 -5 w • Secretary,
11 Tmacza.uns.lXTAlLll2lol2..
'run Board of Soho',al - Directors of Monroe
LL township will , meet at the School House
in Churetitown, the 81st of August, at 9 o'clock
A. M., for - the purpose of contracting .with
Yoachere to take charge of the schools of said
district. 'All applicants for said schools are re.
ouni;ted to meet the Board on said day. 'rite
county, Superintendant will also be present for
the purpose of examining Teadhers.
' By Order of the Board.
July 26,-'54-4tpd. Sect'y.
and Lot of'Ground inSouth [fano.' • "
ver street, now occupied by Charles ir 0
Barnitz, immediately opposite Bent'a
Store, is offered at private sale. For
lemma enquito of the subserther, Attorney for
the owner.
nOv9's3tfi R. M. HENDERSON.
THE Board of School Directors of West
Pennsbnro twp., will meet at Mt. Rock, on
WEDNESDAY, the 16th of August, et 9 o'clock
A. M , for the purpose of contracting with
Teachers to take charge of the schools of said
district. All applicants for said schools, are
requested to meet the Board on said day. The
county Superintendent will also be present for
',he purpose of examining teachers.
By order of the Board.
July 16, '54-3t
York, Dillsburg & Greencastle Rail
THE commissioners named in the net incor
porating the York, Dillsburg, and Greencastle
Railroad Company give notice that they will
open hooks tOr the xurpose of receiving -sub
scriptions to etch of said Railroad
'Company, in accordance. with the provisions
of the 'general net regulating rail roads, at the
following named times and places: In York
at the public house of Thomas \letzel, on the
Ist, 2,1 and 3d, of August; at Dillsburg on the
4th, sth and 7th; nt Papeilowu on the Bth,
9th and dOth; at Centreville on the 14th, 15th
And 15th; at Shippensburg on the 17111, 18th
and 10th; and at Greencastle on the 21st, 22d
and 231 of August. By order of the C01.01:69-
Dillsburg, Jaly 79, 1854. - •
47IVI:011 CiETSE.
E undersigned having
,lately opened the
Union Hotel, on Nest Main street, neat
door to Rhond's wareliouFe, invites the publie
and traveries to give tint a call. The house Is
perlectly: new, and the rooms large, airy and
comfortable, Exery effort will he made to
please all who patronize the Union, and the
proprietor pledges luinNelf toleave nothing un
done'to make his guests eomfortable
i<rBtabiin g tor 40 head of horses
July !2-3mpd
DON N [l:TS—Just received a kw English
13Dunstable Bonnets, also a small lot of Satin',
Straw Do and (Abel qualities, for sale cheap.
G. W. 111 INEIL
EVIBROIDERIES—Now opening ti very
full :Ism - intent of L ice and muslin iinder
sieves and collars of various qualities. Swis and
Lambrie Edging and Insertings al all qualities
with a great varie.y of desirable goods lor the
season. . G. W. HrI'NER.
LMITS—A full assortment of Black
Lace }tits, Gloves, Lore Points &c., just
received by G. W. /11l N ER.
IMINS- Just opened - a-great variety of hand
some•Seanish. Chinese and Ivory Fans ,&e
Also Dress trimmings in soriety.
opened a small invoice of Children's Straw
i'Flats, and melts and boys' Braid flats.
LISL E . T RE ID HOSE.—Just received a
few dozen Laites' Lisle Thread Stockings, a'
very desirable article for hot weather, with a
general assortment of Host and Half Hose of
vnrioas kinds, also a lull assortment of Lisle
Thread, Cotton and Silk Gloves.
HAIR STOCKS.—Just received Black and
Coloreirflair Sioiiks for E/Miner wear, Lawn
Silk and Batiste Cravats, to which we invite
the attimtion of the gentlemen.
LINEN SHEETING.—Linen and 'Cotton
Sheeting - , Turkish and 6lectric Towels for the
bath, also a lull assortment of linen towelling,
tOls 'lot ha, napkins, &c , tor slient..
July 19 1851) GEO W HITNER'S.
ELIXIR has acquired a
lust celebrity for the cure of all discuses
a . sinTiel from severe colds. and its efficacy has
been attested and approved'by hundreds of our
most respectable citizens. 111 every,mstrinee
immediate relief has been given, as tliefollot,t.
Mg certificate from those Jinve tried it bears
testimony. Manufactured and for sole by
w e the undersigned do eertily that we hove
es ed Ca . :toiler's preparation, for Consumption,
COlds, Disenses of the Lungs,. Liver, &0., and
having experienced immediate relief therefrom
would recommend it to all afflicted in that way,
'rhos II Skiles, Mrs M Gould,
R IT MeCoy, L
Peter Monver, II S Ilaeltett„
Joseph Lobnch, N. W. Woods.
Carlisle. April 25, 1554-1 y
4,7rew Grocery and Variety
- .
rgl HE subscriber would respectfully inform
.111. his friends and the pulic generally that lie
has lust returned from the cltics with
rt n large anal varied • assortment of
i t hl GR tiCE RI MB, GLASS end
,vhiell lie oilers for sale on the most
reasonable terms, aa his NEW - STORE. cor
ner of North Hanover at. and the
Public Square, directly opposite
the Carlisle Depotit Bank. His
stock embraces everything unit
ally kept in a Grocery and Va-
rimy Store. •
The public are invited to call and examine
hie stock before purchasing elqwhere,ns he feels
confident he can sell the best goods at .0e low
est prices.
April-5, '54
Corn She Hers.
LER, •cidedly the bout and cheapest now in
use. Farmers are requested to cull and e:am
ine it at the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Shop,
or at Saxton's hardware Store, Fur sale at tea
enable prices by
Aug2-3rn) GAADNER & 13120 WN.
Carlisle Gas, and Water Company,
rgIEIF.: eighth instalment or five dollars per
share is nowdue and payable. The nimh
insta'ment of.tive dollars per share is payable
on the lOilt day or August next. As the de•
mends upon" the Company• are. very - Weary,
Stoalcholdere are particularly requested to dull
and matte payment immediately to
JalyQp,l/154'. W. aI.:I3'BET 11, Tr..
N. GREEN,. •
• TTortimy AT :LAW, has smiled in
fikceltuniealttirg, for the practice of his pro
lebsiO 4
n. All kinds of Legal Wriiing,,Collec
tions. Court business, &c., promptly attended
to. 011ie apposite Dri,Long a
August 2d 1853-6 m. ,
:... E41:2173d5T.
N the bougglis and townehipa where it will
ho inconvenient for the'Srliool Directors to
meet at school haulms for • the examination of
cachers,:they will confer a favor by procuring
a Bleak SHELLY. ; •
July 26,1 . clountip,tioptr i of Coin. Schools.:
ya•th 9 best, make constantly on hond'ond
'for mile at dm Carlisle Foundry and..llla-
Atig2 3stii BROWN'
' • •Save your -Old Zeta ,
4JASU paid forIOLDVIETAL, such 'us
~c'tippin• limos iittil- IroN tit the • Cntliale
I , 'Gi'ttidty,und Machipo Flinp; , . •••, •• .:., 6. •
Augl - 73m1 ~f - GARDN ELL &, .BROW N.
1N0:,4: ; ',2t „I:WM[3 CI( It'E navy,
L grnpAnat teedvdd, and fur sale ai: the
Fantilybc4totwiiiV D f, ; . kV:ll . .lf A . MS,
.I%yeatitylain Street..,-
.111.A.11.1.0 N : 4 113LA.H - TiA 14
A G. G IC EE baying ialti3h the - Da-
Axe guorreou rooms on'Adarion Hall, known
ns rk. IJ. Tublf t s•Gollery,,desires !o infortri the
Li dies' tied Genileingwof carlisio that, he is
prepared to take Likenesses , in' the most mipe•
rtdr stYle . of .the art, such as ,will fully sustain ,
,he.reputation of tWs popular establishment.'
rooms are large. pleasantly,, situated and
codtfortably. tarnished.. lie is provided with
the inost,puworful and perfect instrument for
taking pictures and warrants satisfaction in
all asses. A fall supply it cases or ovary v
riety.of style a
and size, plain and
constantly on hand. Engravings, Paint•
inns, &c., aecuratolv copied and duplicates ta
ken of original Hitt:noses. Likeneses taken of
sick or deue used persona. Pricesmoacraie e nd
satisfaction given in all cases.' flThe public is
invite s ! to call the Alorion Hall Daguerrean
RuoinB and examine the numerous speuimons.
iguerremyces inserted in Lockets,
Bra tit Pius. triage Rings, Pencil llaads, &c.
. Carlisle, June 14, '54.
EsutEs to inform hni old friends that ho
has removed to his now ostaillishment on
High street, near the Rail Road. Depot, and is
now opening a large and elegant assort4nt of
just received from Philadelphia, whichthe gen
.tlerneu of Carlisle are requested to call and ex
amino. Ile Ins alio a lame assortment of Silk,
Fur and Slouch fiats of his own manufacture,
got up in the best style and at various prices,
the excellence and finish of which he will war•
rant Hie stock he is confident only needs to
be examined to be appruveal. frrAlso a large
slimily of Men's, 13oys' and Children's CADS,
of Cloth and Fur and of every variety of style
and price ju,t received from Philadelphia. Let
all who warn a flit or Cap give him a call, as
they mcv be sure of being suited to their own
satisfaction. Mar 22, 1831. ^
New Clothing E3t3.blishment 1
"I'HE undersigned respectfully announces to
his ohl &leads and the pahlt • generally, OM he
hna re•cemineneed the CLOTHING BUSI
NI:ISS in all its vaiions branehes.'and In k s Jest
openei, fresh city, at "Leonard's Cor
ner," North Hauover street, a well selected
assortment of
embracing every variety, st vie end finish, and at
prices corresponding to the times and .quality.
fle has also on hand it stlpdrior stock of
&c, of every style suitahle for Spring and Sum
mer wear, and which he will make to order on
term; which cannot fail to please. Ilia stock
also embeacts of Alettlhirts,-Col_
hare, Cravats, Gloves and tlesiery ; in short.
every article pertaining to gentlemen's wear.—
Ile respectfully invites the public to call and I
examine his goods—. . N. IiANTGI.I,
• Apl 26,1854
In East High Street,' Carlisle, Pa.
oKTE have just received a large and hand
'96Y some assortment of Spring:and Suminei.
Goods—my second supply for the season—
•eltich hove been bought for cash at astonish.
ingly low prices
aloes de Baia 123 cents"worthai,
Lawns, (fast color) 6 12,
do do 214,
Barrage dc Laines 6 12,
do 12 25,
Mishits 6 Col
l3arruizes 31,
Black Silks 62 87,
100 " 1,25,
Stockings 6 12,
131 k Gls:Omen:l WO " 150,
with a large arid general assort men t of ladies'
I3arage, debege, and ourage delains,
1 t.viis, black nod fine}, sillts of every descrip
tion and quality, black alpacas of high lustre,
lilac hombnznies of IA superior quality, and a
good alsorinient of Mourning Coors.
I) 0 NIES PIGS, 1)0 Ml Si'lCs
Bleached nal unbleached muslinS, shootings
i'roin Ito 3 yds syjd chocks, Glasgow and flue
French gingliarn`4, tit:kings, damask t9we's and
table cloths, impalas, red, yellow and white
woollen flsimols. shrouding flannel, btc.
Cambric aid wins ruffling. edging and insert
ng, lisle, in: ditto and llorentine lace, French
w irks 1 collars, d r an-ler•sleeves, do spencer
no) c irPi, m i truing c.)lltrs,blaek laced. veils of
nll styles. A very handsome astortinent of
Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons..
Bo its and Sir met a Bills lower than ever.—
II tying now the largest a ro:1 cheapest stock of
New Goo Is in the catnip, I sin determined to
give 11111 who will favor as with a call, great
bargains, 0-tur old friends and customers are
inviod to call. May 24,1854,
SPAIN% AND surdnvazzat.
1854] Style s
: of Hats! [1854
EORGE KELLER respectfully announ.
4 1.31 - ces to his old Patrons and the Rublic gen.
e rally that he has just received the
MEN'S HATS, manufactured at
....rf i g me of the best establishments- - m
'hiladelphia, to whits he invites
special attention,
lie has also constantly on hand a large and
varied assortment of his own manufacture as
well as city made
suitable for he season,nomprishig ever); vari
eyt of Russia, Beaver, I‘Joles'tin and Silk Hum,
finished in the latest sty le, together with a full
assortment of Caps of every shape arid des
cription, and nt every price He particularly
invites the public to call and examine his exten
sive assorto.ent, which in style, mnterial rind
finish,qmnnot be surpassed by-any in market,
and which he is able to put at priced lower than
over. 07Itemember his old stand on Noith
Hanover street between 'Ltumer's and Senor's
ewe. 2.i. 1854
IlletSl.l of you who have been aillictedifor
years with this bother,orne disease, and
who hive boon using almost
,overy Nostrum
belare the public without relief; wo say to you
try ,'iThe,:hors Antidvspeptio" and you will
soon Ge convinced of its great superiority over
every other preparation. We could give you
in my certificates ooro')Orating our assertions,
be' a single trial is worth move than all, This
" Tio dy is 1,0,..,1 an I sold at ihe•Drug Sto-e
of B. J. ICEIFFEI2, South Hanover st • et, a
few doors ninth of the Court House, Carlisle..
Juhe '2l, '54.
3011 N P. Llnizza, • .
'Wholesale nn,l Retail. Dealer in Amer
icani English - And-Gerrnan-lIAREI=
WARE, Qils, Paints, &c,, &c. i IANICS , builders and the pubic gen
.lVA:orally, who are in want of hardware of
any kind, are inyituil to , call In and examine My,
unitmally Jorge stock of gop.4, whioh ion
selling nt. very low prices. J,u§i. s (mint it will
only, detain you n vary fewruinutee to be Coif.
vitmcil that whit everybody: says',-tha(
in deebieilly thel)l.lco to gel,good goods at low
p4icea—unust be tine,
I,YRE'S'llardwar;o Store,
West Sido Noith Hanover' street,
May 10,1851. , Car
.LOOK OUT .11‘1 TiarEl
kJ. rhea, &c. are malting their iipuenratice..-7
You know the remedy., 11. you nave any ro.,
gard for the welfare of yourselves, your ,widc„
or your children, supply. yourselves with, ~,
Deocherts Diat,chless Cordial,
otherwise ',bide the ()onset:prim:ea malting from
abigoted adherence to' old :quackery. , This
•rMatehless Remedy" can bo had,tii the Drug
Store-of H.J. KINFFER-,
South: ljfinever stroot,.a .I()W doomsotak of
the Court'Honan, Carlisle.. ' May 17.
fish, rph. , ,
:Q. 1, 2& 3 MACH:I4IRM'. - svliola • hnl
and' (miter:ldpi Lnlso.Wldro Vjali, alio a
fine adtiolo of SAPI-ON VI P UT" rrom . the
tho,Lakea and firai
market, in etora,and for mile Iq..tlorlabsordrer.
N. W. Cornarplorkot Sfittare. Pnriisia; .• ;
, . •0 LINLYIgRT,
. , Watiq .
A . VERY-,largo Icq.qC WALL. VA:opt'd.
every:e4clo aq.daalgara;,prfeali,rl.ll4;l4.
from6.conta upwar(ll4,l; Tliqminak,Onaapa,,c)
afall ameortment 0f,;9961,9911,,5ntin, Silyerait,
and Gilt,Papore, all .431.,w1:114,
at, • _I
t STRAW . WA* VD.'
The, sulmerMni pay en'sl? for ,9,1710,,,,
of qnv 'Middlessx. ' Farmers
Avill:iind it ,to: their ititere.o.k- to sc,R, ;Irk, titeri'v:!;
, and.purciitise whet: mdnureta,. . •
' , ! Agent.-
Spring . StAile of hats Ifie Caps
il•-'_-= • =`--Z - ': ' ' ts7--7 ' . .
- ••. - •""4 - ,t_ - ,,; ,, .1,54 - M 2 - :-.' , 1-"f:ff-' Fr"
,•'-'• Eil? ---- - • •
g .... . t . : „. ~...#.- i•.•,, :3E- • 2
Attention Dyspeptics i
zawy 11.ELEIV TS.
7 INt N TS;:one c tliird cheaper than
L 4 While Lead, and ,free trent. all puisonofie
itn; greatli'onliirged iheir Works unpin: proved
the, quality of their products, are prepared. to
execute:orders for Weir superior' Points,Dry,,
and ground' irCOil, in 'asserted lineages of from
stti to sdo 'pounds. Also—dry', to' barrels 61 000
pounds each. • Their White Zinc, which is
sold dry or ground' in oil, is warranted pure
and unsnrpased-tor body end. uniform
ness. A snedrod of preparation has recently
been discovered which enables the Company to
warrant their Paints to keep fresh and' gust in
he kegs for any reasonable time, In this re
speot, trieir Paints will be superior to tiny mho'.
in' the market. 'liner Brown . Zinc Paint.
'which is Bolden low price, and which can only
.be, made Boni the Zinc ores from Now Jersey,
is now well known tin its' protective qualities
wherifipplied to iron or other mown° surfaces.
'their Stonecolor Paints possesses all the pro•
pertios of the 'Brown, arid is of an agreeable
cobir for p ti mini. Cottages, Depots, Out-buil
dings, Bridges, etc.
Dealers supplied on liberal terms by their
Wholesale' Paint Deallrs and Importers.
all2-sm. N ‘Vcor.inth & iillarket•sts..
Agriculturalimplement & Seed Stare
r 111 E subscribers oiler for sale a large variety
-ol Agricultural Implemonia, among which
see the celebrated EAGLE PLO W.. Prouty
Plow, Rodger's Subsoil Plow, Corn Shellers,
Straw and Hay Cutters, Corn Fodder Cutters
and Grinders, Farmers' Bailers, approved Cul
tivators, Road Scrapers, &c.
BOYER lkt. HALL, • ',••
Agricultural Implement and Seed Store,
mar Harrisburg, Pm
G it.A. T I S!
Just Published—A new Discovery in Medicine;
AFEW words on the Rational Treatment,
without Metlienie, Spermatorrhea, or local
weakness, nervous debility, low spirits, lassi•
tilde, we tkness of the limbs and hack, indispo
sition and incapacity for study and labor, dull
ness of apprehrson, loss of memory, aversion
to society, bye of solitude. timidity, self (lib
trust, dizzineAs• hem•he, involuntary discharges.
pains in the side, affection of the eyes. pimples
on the tack, sexual and other infirmities in mats
From the French of Dr. B. De Lancey.
The imoortant fact that these alarming com ,
plaints [nay easily ho removed wrruouT MEDI'
.CINE, is in this small tract, clearly demon•irn%
ted, and the entirely new and highly successlal
treatment. us adopted by the Author, fully ex.
gained, by 1111e311% or whichlevery one is enabled
to cure himself perfectly and at the least possi
ble cost, avoiding thereby all the advertized
nostrums of the day.
Dent to any_address, gratis and post free, in
s sealed envelope, ity rerouting (post paid) two
postage stamps to Dr,B.DeLaney,l7 Lispenard
Street, New York. (roar I tv
'nil. Surgeons' Bandage Institute
ItCAIU VED to No. 4 - Ninth street,
( 41/470. 7 sixth store ahoy? Alorket. B C.
EVER E rrI"S Patent Gradunling
Pressure_LlALlSS,-for-the-ettre—of—R u pt ure ;
Sholder Braces, Supporters, Biastio Stockings,
Suspensory, Hemorrhoidal, end Brindages for
defortrottes. Jan. 11-Iyr.
Extensive Furiiitureßoo-ms
- prA min It. WEAVER Would respectfully
el call the attention of lE.:msg . keeperd and the
public to his extensive stock of E1,E13 ANT
FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre and other Tables, Dressing and plain
Bureaus and every °tirr article in his branch of
business. Also. now on heed the largest as
sortment of CH A IRS in Carlisle, at the lowest
prices. Iglt - Ceflins made at the shortest notic
and a Hearse provided for funerals. He sniic•
its t (call at his establishment on Myth Hance
ver street. near Glass's It ()TEL. N. B.—Fur
niture hired out by the month or year
Carlisle . 1 4nreh 20.
Great attraction.
EHAVE just received my Spring stock of
PAPER lIA INGS, whirl; surpass in
Style, Quality and Pri ,, e any that linai ever
been exitibired in Carlisle. I respectfully so
a call from persons in want of Paper Hang
ings or any description, as I an confident my
assortmen. far surpasses any in the borough;
and in style and price has but few rivals in the
city. • - , only ask of the public to call and ex
muffle my assortment„ before purchasing. as I
ant confident my chaste designs cannot fun to
please the most fastidious.
West Side of North Hanover• Street,
Carlisle, Pa.
Cheap IPalehe s dr Jewelry.
WI at the " Philadelphia Watch
and Jewelry Store," .N.untber
96 North Second Street, corner
4 •
... of Quarry, Philadelphia.
0 )
~........,,co Gold Lever , Watt hes, lull
.101 t olvirAUtt-, jewelled, 18 carat cases, 820,00
Gold Lept.,e. I 8 carat cases, $24 00
Silver de jewels, ' 900
Sliver Lever, full jwelled, 12 00
Superior Quartiers 7 00
Gold Spectacles, 7 00
Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 so
Gold Bracelets, 3 00
Ladies' Cold Pencils, 1 00
Silver Too Spoons, set, 5 00
Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00
Gold Finger Rings 373 . cents to $8 ; Watch
Glasses, plain, 121 cents; Patent, IBi ; Lunet,
25; other articles in proportion. Al goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
sept7ly S;tcces.eorx to 0. Conhid.
On hind, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepines,still lower thar.......i anove prices. ,
Fresh Arritralsbf Hardware
THE' subscriber having_retnrned-from the
City, has Jost opened for the Spring
trnde a large and wall selected stock of HARD
IVARE, foreign and domestic, embracing ev•
i!rything usually found in that.line of busintss•
The attention of 'friends and thepublic gene r•
ally is respectfully thrum i to the assortfitent
on hand, assuring them that goods of all kinds
will be sold for cash at a very small advance on
manufacturers pri,lna.
I* - IZ.cinembot the old stand—East Main et.,
Carlisle, Pa.
1000 TONS No. 1 -7
DEB U RG'S Original and Genuine warramed
of an periOr quality, the - cheapest mann l'o ih the
world: Farmers and dealers attpplied•af low
500 barrels extra quali,y Land Plaster, so
°clod espresely for its fertilizing quarity.l
login bushels of same in bulk.
1,000 barrels Calcined Plaster.
finn do Casting.
100 do Dentist.
This article we offer in confidence to onrcus
-tamers - as - ential-to-nny -- impartedimnd-farsupu
rior to mast in the market• '
5000 bags of this superior' Gunnofor sale at
the lowest market rates. Also, Patagonian
Guano, Ppudratte, GrounclChareoal, &o. &o,
the Steam Plaster Mills junction of York
venue, Crown nod Callowhill streets, Phila.
' Plainfield Classical Academy
Near Carlisle, Pa.
MBE Ifth Sensinntwill commence MAY Is
A retired and benlthfol location, with titer:
ough instruction in the various,doparitnents of
a Chissical'or Mercantile rdnention.
Terms—Board and Tuition (per '
• 8,4140 10., . . • - • 800 00
For Catalogueswith full information address
• It: IC.. 13 URNS,
t '` . " Principal & Provrielor.
' 'Climb Co pa
'HIVE .a
;YEL L Aic.xitivrsr .
. .
. Three ;nice, TY:esi of Harrisburg,
;THE' SEVENTH SESSION of , thiellour,
99 ishing Institution commence on
.MONDAY, the let tiny of MAY next, .IThe ad
vantages which it Ands, it is believed, are.orii ,
,supepor character,and, parents and guardians
'are, solicited to ioquiro Into its merha,before
'ernding their scorn' or wards , :elsewhere.. , It is
invOlably'sltiisidd; this instraCtere pro 01 corn
pe•enCand experienced menu the course erin
structlon Is extinialiro and,thordu,. l, h, - and spechil
ottentitin le paid to the comfort and health of
Paystlidents.! , ` ,
• , Tema.
' Boarding, Washing, Lodging, and :
Tuition in English, and_ Vocal Mu.. ,
sic,.per-an (5 montlis); - $65'00
Xmltruetion in Ancient or Alodprn,,.
Langueges:„ . :paoll,,qo
Tostrum'ental 00
For,Cireulai.e and othdr,.informationsaddrees
-r,t : D..BENLIN.GER,
/wird Flarrielnirgt Pa.
. .
! „..„.
'4., - ._,P4, .:11.4krip r iktuApitpp:l3zEire: -
AFRESII' !orrivn I 'of* iiiinr Cared.llA,MS
,' "int ,PAT Tip, ngEr,, J. o ,:i,aived, from.
le iiripqll'ip3 0 ; r..,k, „hia . iii•WM.LlAMS'niiii.V .
llctoorY Wuro v ittOoat Main Strout, , • .. 1. ~,:
', • - . - . 2.'.. 1 . K:1-' .'2 , .,.. , - 2, :, t.,
- Iva%
C. E. B. I D A. 77 Xs,
DaGue,RlitE 0 * YI P S
HAS the pleasure to inform - the citizens of
! Carlisle,and.viciiiity, that he has. taken rooms
over the store oflleigrz & BROTHERS, and is
prepared to exeoute COLORED DAOHERRE
°TYPES by au ENTIRELY NEW rnocEsi4, known
to none other, superior to any thing' over be
fore exhibited in this eountry.• By this pro-
Cese pititures possess a depth of tone not info
lerior td any in the world. and yet they pos
sess all the BEAUTY OF LIGHT' AND SHADE that
can be found in the finest steel engravings.
kir.'Davis•Will remain in this place alew
week.4,.during which time all who wish a perfect
likeness of themselves• or family, will do well
to improve the opportunity. The people of
this vicinity are invited to mile ono and all,
THEMSELVES, and see if th'est th gs_are-F(6
.This process is original with Mr. . ,and has
never before been offered in this place:\
Pictures put up with preservers, and war
ranted never to fade. Miniatures set in look.
ets, brunet-pins, finger-rings, &c. Operating
hours,, from 8 A. M., to li o'clock, P. M.
gerPictures taken in all kinds of weatlier. — Ui
Dark dresses are most suitablejor ibiguero
otypee.. Children should be brought en a clear
day, between the limas of 10 and 2 o'clock.
OtiTAnstructions given in the art.-55a
Carlisle, August 3, 1854.
_ -
Davis' new and beautiful Daguorrean sa
loon, No. 14 Filth street, over Leslie's store,
was opened yesterday fur the first time. Hun
dreds of ladies and gentlemen visited the sa
loon, and were delighted with the convenient
arrangements throughout. The fact is, this
establishment is the most convenient and fine
ly furnished in the Union, while Mr. Davis'
pictures aro the admiratioi3 of the art. We
advise our friends to call and examine the
specimens at the gallery without
DAGUERREAN Itoolas.—The art of transfer.
ring the features in the shortest possible
space of time, thrtiugh the medium of the da
guerreotype, has been brought to great perfec
tion at the present time, and we presume the
art has reached to no higher degree of excel
lence than in our city. We were so impressed
yesterday, upon visiting Davis' Daguerrean
rooms, on the upper side of Filth street, a few
doors from Main street, which are fitted up in
the most luxuriant style. There we saw quite
a variety of the specimens of the art suspend
ed against the,
walls, among which we recog
nized familiar faces, looking as natural and
lifelike almost as -the originals. Now when
duplicates of one's self are so easily supplied,
it would seem to be a duty we owe our friends,
should we leave' them, to present them . with
our semblance, for then we should be sure to
be remembere i d—it would be unpleasant to
hiliinkwe ilii — aird Ee forgotten. We would,
therefore, roe mmend those who contemplate
absenting themselves to s the kind services of
Mr. Davie j . of Fifth street,—Cin Enquirer.-- -
We had the pleasure of inspecting tamer the
most beautiful family groops we have ever
seen, at Davis' Daguerrean gallery, No. 14
Filth street, yesterday. Mr. 1). gives porde
a:or attention to the taking of groups and
children, and in these, as in fact in all his pic
tures, is eminently succesA'al. Ills time is
wholly devoted to his beautiful art, and by
close attention and study, he has been able to
make many improvements. Give him a cull.—
Cin. Nonpareil. I
"Leaves have their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at the north winds
And stars to set; but all—
Thou host all seasons for thy own, 0 death!"
How soon some loved ono may be snatched
away- you know not. Get "a daguerreotype
from that excellent artist, Davis; No. 14 Fifth
street—it will be a life like; almost a living
memorial.—CM. Sun.
There is much .talk again about Hiliotype
and other projected improvements in Photog
raphy, but the simple fact is. that nothing lies
been brought to light as yet, which can com
pare with Mr. Davis' beautiful deguerrootypes,
in clearness of outline, accuracy of expression,
or delicacy of tone and color. Call at No. 14
Fifth street, and see his specimens and judge
for yourselves.—Cin
It is a well-known fact, that Mr. Davis' da
guerreotype,s are equal to any in the world,
the beautiful specimens exhibited in his galle
ry are evidences of his skill in the art. We
were present and witnessed the operation of
taking 'ma likeness of a child, performed by
Nlr. Davis, at his gallery, No, 14 Fifth street.
Parents anxious to secure a good likeness of
their chi'dren will find Mr. Davis an excellent
hand to take them ; he always succeeds admi
rably.—Cin, Citizen
All who visit Davis' splendid gallery, on
Fifth street, No. 14, are inclined to repeat
their visits. IVe do not wonder at this, Mr.
Davis knows how to give a rteous reeepti
to visitors, as well ad to • them good on
tures.—Cin. Gazelle. pie-
For the Cure of Hernia or Rupture.
A CM.N WLED GED by the highest medi
tS. cal authorities of Philadelphia, it - mein pat a
bly superior to app other in use: Sufferers Will
be gratified to lethot that the occasion now offers
to procure not only the lightest and most easy;
but as durable htTrussas any other, in lieu of
the Cumbrous and uncomfm table article usu
ally sold. There is no difficulty attending the
fitting, ancliwhen the pad is locs-ted,it will retain"
its position without change.
Persons at a distance unable to call on the
•subsertber, i can have the Truss sent to any ad
dress, by remitting five dollars !be the single
Truss, ar tb n lor the double—with measure
round the hips, slid stating side affected. It
will fib exchanged to suit if not fitting, by re -
turning at once, unsoiled. For sole only byl
the, Importer, CALEB U. NEEDLES,
Cor..Zwellth St Race Streets, Philadelphia,
In7LAntes-, requiring the benefit of Meehen•
cal Supports, owing to the derangement of the
Internal Orons.indveing lolling of the Womb,
Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous and
Spi^al,Wenkness, are informed that a compe;
tent and experienced LADY %Yabe in attendance
nt the Rooms,ket apart for tlieirexclusive use)
,No. 114. T tV ELFTII St. let door below Race.
July 26, •
Estate of Christian Walter, dec'd.
o'cicE is hereby given that letters of
.administration'on the estate of Christian
Walter, late of East Pennsboi'd. twp., Cumb.
co., dec'd , have been grunted by the Register
of snitl county to the subscriber residing in the
same township. All persons indebted to said
estate ore required to melte immediatspayinent
and those 'having claims it) present them for
• Aditi'x
Jtily•PA, '54-Gt
111 subscriber having been appointed by
the Governor Scaler of Weights, end
I%leasures for Cumberland Bounty, attend
to! he duties of said appointment. Persons
who buy or sell by weight o. measure will be
maid(' upon to have their weights and measures
adjusted, and persons refusing to, have them
adjusted are notified not , to use them under
penalty of Ilfe ' WM. M. MATER,
. scaler or Weights and Measures.
Lower Allen two•, July :26,
MS hereby given that applioatiOn will be made
tn) the next '.o,o6rialature, agreeably to the
'constitution and laws of , the•eommonw-alth of
Pennsylvania, for an nhoration in the charter of
the Carlisle Deposit Bunk, sons tctcortfer upon
said Blink 'the rights and privile'ges Or a honk
of issue, and to change the' nerae•tolhat alba
PATILISLE BANK.: 11180 to, increase the dapiird
stock One hundred eucLefifty i titousend : dollars,
if practicable. '
By ordor of the rhird - ni Directors,
Jana 29, 1854 7 -6 , Cashier;,,,
ESPVCTFULLY '.offere life 'proressiOnti
perviree to tho'cltlecnenr CarlieleUnd aur:
ronntling 'country: N
Office end residence in Sputh ihrlOOT street,
Wrectlp•oopoaite to " Volunteer Office."
.•Cntlislo,-Apl 20, 1853
. • . . .
Mt: ' , 4
T'' w •
A: ,• 9 N.P Y. will werna.
rvt, pr9.l - np!tv
Dfil'e4lo the roSm, Ifirjnerly OecAnied by
Esq.; 149011,.11andvor SF; ,Cnrllple ;
A priV r , o:,
• , 6.
•''stalt ja ,, itxErrEtzt, •
WErP 13 in North,rfa:lnverrikroor n.djoinigg
,%1/ 0 117, 3 , s t or! ,,, office Woure, mOre rmr 7
'tiotriiirjy from 7 9, xi s olook,
s.tb, 7 o'clock. P.M..
,Cc . c 4 .qlO
Town Property POrSalle:
THE subscriber Were, at private sale a tOT
of ORO UN D Waste on Put street;liaiwcen
'Main and Pundit:it streets tyllis boroukilt, con
taining 27 feet ' front, and 70 faerin dellth•
Tnertils a cellar on the lot, the' house
having been destroyed'in the fire of last tall.—
F.n. terms enquire 01 the undersigned. '
.. ,
'On TUESDAY, the 26th of September, 1864.
vrILL be sold at public sale a first rate
1 , SLATE 1. ARM, late the property,. of
Michael Miller, dee'd.,.situate tn Nosth Mid
dlotoe township, Cumb.,co., near Middlesex,
on the road from Middlesex to Sterrot's cup,
about three 111110 S east of Carlisle and hail a
mile north of the .11arrishurg turnpike. It lies,' the Canedoguinet Creek and. adoins
lards of Sam'l. Sadler, &intl. Bear and others.
Thi Farm *i_oetain: about!. 0 N li:41 U NDR ED
D FIFTEEN acres, of Wilith SIJOUt filteeli
n us are Thither Land, and port of it. is flee
. emlow tand fur hay mid pasture. There, is
430 upon the farm a young thriving'Orehard.
The improvements arc s good , ~ „.„....,,
two MarY LOG ilo USE and ~t 't '--
Kitchen with a pump nt the ':!k irt.- • • , l
a new Bank Barn, &c, .5,r, i;
AU ii. , o ,1 p. , :5-4
, at,thesaine time and place • ' ' - ,
a Tract of MO li N TAIN LAND, containi ng,
about . 3s acres, situate in Carroll twV., Perry'
county: - For further information inquire oil his
undersigned, living in North Middleton town.
ship. Terms made known merle) , of sale by
Aug 9, 1854
At Public Sale, ---•
On FfITDAY. the 2'2d of September, 1854.
TILE Heirs of Joseph 'Witmer, late of Norte
Middleton twp. dee'd„ will sell at„publie stile,
on the pietnis .5, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a first
rate LI %IESTONE FARM, in Southampton
township, Cumberland county. This•
situated on the Carlisle and Cliambershurg
tut tnic°, about two miles east of Shippensburg
and was formerly the u operty of Johnson Wit.
liainson. It .contains 148 acres, about 25 of is very fine timber Land. The whole
tract is under good Mitre and in a high 'state of
cultivation. Tnere is also an Orchard of choice
and thriving knit trees. The im-
proVements.are a large two stool :." tii ;
11 RICE II 0 USE,. with haeltbuil. , U
i' V
'''‘'':4: .
ding, brick wash house, a good .l' `',! `.."
1 1 .
Brick Barn, &c. Also tr,Tenant i* '.- '".?
lintre and stable. These are two wells of wa
ter convenient to the buildings. '
Ths widow's dower can remain in the property
or will be released, as the purchaser may, u ish,
For further upon Joseph Wit
mer, who resides on the premi , es. Terms will
be made known on day of sale by
And other Heirs of Joseph Witmer, dec'd.
Ang 9, 185 , 1.
KY — Carlisle Volunteer and ShippenSburg
News copy till sale,
TOwn Property For Sale,
THE undersigned will' offer at public' Cale,
at the Court I,lpuse o-CSATUI2.I).AN--the
26th - et August, at 2 o'clock, P. M., the follow:
iug imitierty,,situute in the luitough of Car
lisle, viz:—
No. I—A double two story
..„ g,, Stone DWII.
:/,.? situate on Bedford street, with
.. 7 ! 4
hack buildin wash home and
~t 1,...
" i"'
cistern, adjoin g.
nig property 91 T.
Busier. The lot is 110 feet deep,
N. :2—ls a two story DIVKLLING , HOUSE
wealherboarded, with a never-failing well of
water no .r the door. The two properties will
be sold separately or together as may suit pur-
Terms will be made known-on said day by
July 137 W M., M. PEN V OSE.
Court 'Proclamation.
WHEREAS the Honorable J. H. G . 11,1
President • Judge of the several
Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of
Cumbe-land;Perry and ~ inniate, in Pernisylva
nia, and Justice of the Sacral Courts of Oyer
and Terininer and General Sail Delivery in
said counties, and lion. John .Rupp and Sam
uel Woodburn, edges of the Court of Oyer and
Perminer and General Jail -Dulive , y for-the
trial of all capital and other offenders,in the
said county of Cninberland,by their precepts to
me directed, dated the 11th of April, 1h54.
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and Generuiiail Delivery, to lie holden at Car.
lisle, on the sth MONDAY of August, 1854,
(being the 28th day) at IS o'clock in the aro
norm, to continue ono Week. •
NOTICE is therefore hereby given,to the
Coroner. Justices of the Pence and Constables
of the said County of Combed .nd: that' they
are by the said precept commanded to be then
and there in their proper persona, with their
lolls, records. inqmsittons, examinations end
all other remembrances, to du those things
which to their offices appertain to be done, and
all IlleSo that arc bound by recognizonces, to
proseeuto.agninst the prisoners (hut are or then
0)01 +be in the Jailof said county, are to bo
th6re-to preseente them as sit oil be jest.,
Jun. 25, 1854.
.g . pursuance of the.last Teatiuncnt
$ of J.icob 'f{nisley, dee'd, late, of - SOutfitinip
tun township, i'rattlilin county, will be offered.
at Private sale, the farm of the said deed.
situated in said township, four miles west of
Smpoensburg and ono mile oast of Orrsiow'n.
The Fain contains about 112 acres of thu
best quality of , hinestone land, at propor
tion of thriving tirhber, and the balance in a
high state of cultivation. , '
Thu improvements are a largo -
.. •
Rank Barn. NVagen Shed and !N ,
Corn Cribs, &c., all in good re•
pair, a well of never fading water and ti cistern''
at the. door. Also, two Orchards•ef choice.
1, fruit, &e.. This farm is pleasantly situated ona
mile frill the thriving v.llage of ,Orrstown.
where good stores and met battles of all kinds
are le.vited. For plea3antness of, location and
richness of the toil, the farm ia believed to ho
ono of the' best m the eastern end of Franklin
county. If tt should not be sold Vetere the.
20th day of September next,it will then he sold
at public outcry at I o'clock, P. M. •
Persons wishing to view the. property will "
please call ore the 'svbScrilier living near the ,
Exachtor of Jacob I{nieley, dec'd.
Branch 41illo, June 14, 'h4.
rwitlE subscriber offers at prtte sale two
tracts of Land adjoining, sit lilted in Lur.
gnu twp ., Franklin co., 6 ules'north of Ship.; •
.ponsburg - and 3 west of Newbdrg: Said tract '!
consists of 13. 3 / a cres each, Slate land tinder ti
high-state' of
are a Two Story LOG HOUSE'
Log Barn on each ,farm, also a
vCorn-crib anti the necossatly out • iF. - C
buildings , and excellent Orchard
on each lium, and water convoni•
eat to the dwel in;Ts, Both farina arecCovered young thriving 'rinibi.r. ' • •
,• Also a tract of TIMBER. LAND, contnin- 7,
ino 16jacres, situated in Letterlceney twp, •I
Franklin co., within ;one' mile of.R.oiburyi..
S tid 'Timber is. ofr; a attperinr ,, qutilitY. , ;The
farms will be soldlow,• as• the subscriber- in- ;
tends leaving for; the west. ~( 0•For further ;
Plrticu'ars, call on the, subsarjber residing on;.:
the-premises. • 1, .
' july;l9, '54.-4wl ,PETER CLIPPINGEB.,
• .
On SATURDAY Aug' u t tt 26 - 1854. •
bo sold at public eale on the propel..
ties. a tot of Ground situated in Kings.., t
town, Cumberland county - , at present' , in , •the'.. :
oeettpaney of W. Wambaugh, containing ; ,
feet in front and 180 feet in depth, bounded an- -
the north he :Num Hie, on the east by 100 of
Ohniel'Shmdle, on the south - tiy en hlleV'"arid
on the Wees•lty lot of John Cooper,
having thefoon otrected n T•W'O. •
largo brick Shop,,Carriago-hlitme
end other' oet-bniblines, and -a; •
Cistern An indisputable title "will be made
and possession given On the first of' April nekt.i •'
Sale tdeonimonee ar2 ialelook;
Bay, when terins Wlll•lirrinadit' kinmi'n by 7),
J ily 16 'B4' ''''• ABR.AHAItti'M Y 101 2 1; "••
- .
evrial?,.'fit 'hereby' given' that the'CTME; !
tifltltdiND VA LEY.'SAV,INPSINSTI: . :
''r otrioII: located at Cuthherland
two lownahhi. Cinnhoiland rottnty;'bvill male
tipnhratltin `to thivri4t Legislature Of the Clint.
.fnomvdalth bf T.orinivlvama'fot•iin ht r of hoot'. •
poration; With lt'etroital'of'norhae thatiThliiibi
more than Thirty Thousand Dollars' for.tho'nur.
rose of re(iiiivinh''dpspovira o 'mooey''tim h
andry'and on . intores.„ and Of mahloo lonOti and
digcaurita: suOh'olhr4 hvivilegeeds,'nve nail*
ollv arantOd to Tn*i
of thbilkiidovEd W‘t.'GALid kIATIT;
L : 'BE • Sei'Y .
7p). 0. 1 / 4 40,1