k" . l)e illarkets. PIIILADELKIIA• MARtika: i • . Monday, August 14 There is no change in the Flour market; the stook is very mush reduced, but On:demand is confined to the wants of the home trade, at $8 50aand $9 for common and good retailing and• .25410 per bbl. for extra and fano!? family brands. • Rye Flour remains quiet, 11415 00 per bbl. Corn Meal••---About 800 bbls Penn'a Meal have been disposed of at $3 37i a58..50 per bbl., the latter for fresh ground. Graia—Wheat continues plenty and dull, at pregious quoted rates ; some 6000a6000.bu5., 'windy new Southern, oold at - 100a165 cents for rods, and. Mali° cetne for white, as in quality. Rye, is wanted at . 100a105 cents ; some small lotit brought rather more. Cord is in moderate demand; a sale of 4000 bushels Venn's yellow, slightly heated, was made oh Saturday evening at 80 cents in store, and about.4ooo bushels good Delaware, in lots, to day; at 79a80 cents, afloat. Outs are in good demand, with further sales of 8000a4000 bus. Southern at 381189 cents per bushel, mostly at the former rate. • libyarriagcs On the 27 ult., by the Rev. S. L. M. Cantor, Mr. Wu. 11. °nom to Mitt ANNA E. LIPPARD, both of this borough. MeatilS. Suddenly, on the 10th inst., Mrs. J ENETT C. er,a/iOt of the late Christian Iluturich, aged abbot sixty tive years. On Thursday the 10th inst., WiLnun Flex, infant son of Dr. Collins, President of Dick inson College, nged 11 =Stabs 'x)i.rti.scmctits. vALuzunam FILRME FOR SALE. -On FRIDA the 16th of September, 1854'. vs/ILL be sold at pnblic sale at the late re- V i ltt eidetic° of John Chisnell, deceased,in Dickinson twp., Cumberland comity, by virtue .of the last will and testament of said deceased, the MANSION FARM, containing 75 acres, strict metisuro, of first rate Limestone Land, ing.mostly on the on the north side e r r the stlow Brood - la's Creek. 'The im• provements ore a twt, story Lag DWELLING HOUSE, weather. boarded and plastired inside, Log NV qt f Barn, corn crib anti wagon shed, noring house, &.c., with a never biting well of watsr at the door. Alao, atohe same time and place will be sold Three'Lots 01 MO N TAIN LAN U, two of ' 16 acres and one one of 5 acres; well covered with first rate Chestnut Timber, These lots are easy of access, and within two miles of the Earn'. I erms of sale, ono half on the first day or April, IRi5, (tad the balance in two equal annual payments without interest. Sale to eotn• — menee - at -- 10 - a'rlbekT - A.311.;0n Said duy, when attendance will be giverf.by atte,l6l JOHN T. GREEN, Ex'r. MrLairaster Examiner copy and send bill to Jlais-offire.- - manna FOR SALE, infiE, subscriber o ff ers for sale his Farm, 1 situated in Silvet Sp ing township, Cumb. county, about two miles north east of the vil lags ,of. Hogestown, and about five miles north .ot Mechanicsburg, on the north side of the Cannoduguinet creek, adming lands of Henry .E yult nail the said creek on the south, Benja min Eberly en the east, Jacob Demmy on the north and west.- It contains 2293 acres neat measure of the black elate kind ; about 160 acres are cleared and in a high state of chin vation. Over 3000 bushels of lime have been 7puton the land in a few years past, and about 400 panne! of new post and rail fence ha. been mades the Farm is well supplied .Aith water. has an excellent farm to raise stock, and well - ; - adapted for all kinds of - Grain ; the remainder is well timbered, alid may nearly all be cleared and cultivated. -Also, a . great number of locust traes dispersed through the fields.. The improvements Ire a gond t wo story DWELLING HOUSE, -, , 1 17V, weather boarded and pointed. A new Bank Barn, with wagon shed and corn crib attached, a new Tenant linuse, and other out-buildings. There is also a spring .or.excellent water near the house, end a good - bearing orchard of various kinds of fruit. Persons desirous of purchasing a Farm of this ichid, will do well to call upon the subscri. 'her, residing near the Fairview Iron works,two mile above the Harrisburg bridge, near the riv tr. or upon Samuel Eshelman residing on the Farm. 'Phe Pirm will he °Tiered nt private sale un til the 16th of September, and if no 311 d, it will then he exposed to public sale on 'that day, at one o'cloelc in the afternoon. aug.l6-st. FREDERICK MAY. Brigade Inspectors Orders, The uniformed members attached to each -company oforganized volunteers, are hereby or .dered, to meet at their company quarters in the bo.vnds of the tat Bet. 15th Reg. and on Mon day the 21st day of Aug. 1834, between ten and six o'clock' to elect a Captain, First and Sec and Lieut. of each ompany. The Captain of each company will appoint two officers or mem bers to hold said election who shut be severally sworn or affirmed to conduct said election fairly and impartially and to make a true and correct Return thereof to the undersigned' within ten days thOreafter. SAM'L CROP e Aur , 9. (31) Bri. Insp. lot ttri. 15. h Ree. LOOK HERE! 44 + Great 33argain Offered THE subscriber in eoose , plence of illhealth. offers his entire B I'OCK OF LIA RD • WARE to any person or persons wishing to enter into the Hardware Business, He having so resolVed in quitting the business, will give a barg'ain, basides his influence and custom. Any one desirouft of getting into this business will do welt to cell soon, and if not disposed of by the Ist of October neat ho will then coinmence selling nif at coat at the old and well known stand, North Hanover St., next door to Charles Maglaughlin's Ho tal .aug. 9,'54, JACOB .SENER VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. *TIRE STORE P ft - OPETY now occupied by me is also for sale. Any per son wishing to purchase a First Rate n Property, and one of the beet Busi- II II news Stands in the borough . of Carlisle 1. 1 • iurre a elfaikee. the above proper ty ,is not sold at isrivate sale, by the Ist Tues day in Jaanary4court week) it will then be ef fete(' at publiosale 'on that day, and possession gi'ven on the lit day of April next, 1855. For Luther information inquire of the subscriber, Ang. 9, 'st, JACOB SENER. 91 - All - that are indebted to the subscriber 'either: by note o• book accounts, will call and se,ttle them itinedirvely. J SEN ER. NOTICE TO dIINOTEES & OTHERS, TION - TO — BIB.DS. TIiB undersigned, Wherein it to be to the in.lerest.of the agrieulturists , to encourage the :growth and. increase of Birds, hereby notify - gunners and all others not to enter their pro mimes to shoot or otherwise desky them.— Any person known to violate this notice will be treated as a trespasser. Jahn Nable,,Wm., Moore ; Samuel Zug, e It. Craighead. John.Royer, Benjamin Royer, T. B. Craighead, J. W. Craighead, W. L. Craighead, Ales. Young. Alfred .Moore, R. Given, Jacob niftier, W. B. Mullin, Thomas Brothel, John Zugdr., Samuel Woddburn, Mathew Moore, S. N., Divan, Jaoob Wolf, John Nomminger,jr. Jeremiah Noffeinger, E, N. Waokley,Philip Breolibilli Samuel Givjo. (Aug. 9-..11t MA:VELUM Llottli/VEM. irdie goneiableihri,Judge of the Court of Heneritl'Ouarter Seesioti of the Peace of uutnbuilaruf county, at,August Session, A. DV; 104, ' Tlte petition of .iosepb ,Merkel .spectlully rapreseine,• that "your - pbtiiionei• is provided with thenecoesuryroilinsiieskirketip inV a hobse of Public rStitertaininunt,'nuthe house lately occupied an such by Jundthan Dif fenderler, in E. 'W. Carlielev Your petitioueri Iherefore, prays your Honors m , grautlilin a. L.icttsefor, ibo same the onsaiug year, corn— ane,lleing an tile fourth'llionday of August 44,1.14,4 y holind he Will ever pray, JO.SEPHOIHHKEL.' We tlia Uhdateignad ailliona 'die) Borough of Carlisle, paist•Ward, in the comity of Cum." berlatid," - drieertify.that we; arewoll'aeginrinte4 with the.ahOve named , Josejih•Altirkel, that ho isolgoodfropuio.lur honeary.atid trimperaneo, end is well OrriVided with [moan room and con- veitioneas for the ) aceontinodation of airangera Ind travegors, sod' tlisr.sitsir "Ins or :Town is "",sarv_t-,1 swim/1041e the public 4110030- (11.min' itraoierS'and. ' fl. MaCat:they, Gut, ,rsrd rgossni.' ' ,i Haar. Floog'or. ;Joss!, , 41PORdaro .1 BM - New lbutrtisantitt. anawovamt. E. ntrawLAND dt CO'S WHOLES4,I,E 'ANfr RETAIL. Looking (nails and Picture Franke - . AANIUFACTOrtr. l'f2G ARCH .ST. oporleite'the Theater E. N. Jr. Co: r'ecei'ved the. only Prizr Medal awarded at the Crystal Palace exhibition, N,Y. 185.3, in the U. S., for Gilt, Docoiatod, Mantel and Pier Glasses.'.fogn., l6 . •- Estate .Isl°T of'Geo: 13a1c9r dec'd. ICE is hereby givep that letters of ad_ mimstration,..with the will annxted, on the 'estate of George Baker,•late' of Silver Spring Cemberland county, dec'd., have been granted l ythe Register of said county to the subucnber residing in .Haninden township All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estataro requited to make inv me diate payment and those having claims to present them, for settlement to aug 16-41] SAMUEL EBERLY, Adm'r WE are requeited to announce Mr. AI,,FREE S. SENER, of Carlisle, as a candidate for Register strthe ensuing election. [may 17. MO the Voters of Cumberland County._ Fellow' Citizens •—Through the per,na stone of many.of my friends, I oiler myself as a candidate for the office of Register, subject to the decision of the Whig county onvention HENRY A. THRUSH, Shippensburg, June 4, '54-3m. We aro authorized to state that SAMUEL S. SNYDER, of Newburg, will be a candidate for the offioo of Clerk of the Courts and Recordo'r, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention. We are requested to etate that J. S IIos• TETTER, of 'Mechanicsburg, will be a candidate for the office of 'Prothonotary, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention. Public Sale. On SATURDAY; the 2d of , September, '54. I will expose to public sale at the late real• dente of Henry Richebaugh, deceased; in Franktorti township, in pursuance or the directions of his will, a certain Tract of Land adjoining thb Mansion farm of the said dee'd; containing, about 26 acres, be the sante, more or less, nearly all or which is cleared and un— der fence but without buildings. Also, at the same bane and place, a LOT OF GROIT N D in the same township tit ' , rim It ford. containing About Two acres, he the sante, more or les-, and which also adjoins the sank Mansion Farm Terms will he trade known on (lay of sale by SAMUEL DILLER. August 9, 1854. SMACEXERS, THE Diretors of Dickinson district will meet at Cumberland Hall, on Thursday, the 17th inst., fur the purpose of appointive FOUR• TEEN TEACHERS, to take charge of the Common Schools ul said district fur the ensu• ing term. The county Superintendent expects to attend on aid day, for the purpose of exam• ining .Teachers, and giving the necessary cer tificates of their otittlili.sati.ins. By order of the Beard, Ana,i;9. '54.1 .1 ACOLI LEFE - VER, See' . SHERIFF'S SALES. Y virtue of sundry writs of Venditiani Ex-- ponai issued ant of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland 11:Minty:and to me atreeL ed,l will expo-e to sale by public vendee out• cry, at the Court 'loose in the Borough of Carlisle, on THURSDAY, the 17th day of August, - 1854, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow ing described Real Estate, viz: A Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing 2u/ feet in_font-and -149 feet in depth more or less, bounded on the east , by Williunt Sellers, and on the north by W'l- IMm Sellers, on the south by Chapel Alley mid on the west by Hanover Street,,having thereon erected '2 two story Brick Houses, &c. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of Geo. A. Leichg. Also, a tract of Land, situate in Mifflin tp., Comb. count y. containing 8 acres more'or less, bounded on the north by Jamie of John Dunlee. on the west by lands of Robert :Middleton, on the oast by 'l'. C. Schuler, on the south by James Harlin, having thereon erected o two story frame weatherbo irded House two story bacltbuilding, shop, iog burn. &c. Seized and taken in execution as the property of William Witfiad. Also, a Lot of Ground situate in the borough of Carlisle. containing 80 feet in front and 149 feet in depth more or less, bounded on the west by East Street, on the south by an alley, on the e tot by EJward Showers sot on" the north by Robert S. Alcorn • having thereon erected a two story frame douse, Mime back beadily', wash house, frame stable, and other nut hous es. Also, a Lot of Ground situate in borough of Cartide, containing SU feet in' front and 110 in depth more or less, bounded 011 the south by street, on the east by lot of Peter Spahr. on tto west by lot of William R. Gorges and Lice Morrow, on the north by Chapel alley. haring thereon erected a two story triune woo therdaardol tljOo,lrane bock bedding, frame stable and other out buildings, &c. Seized and taken w executionlas the property of William Breese. Also, a. Lot of Ground situate in Shiremans town, in the tosviteltio of Hampdon, county of Cuthberland, contatnlng 180 Met in front and •468 feat in.depth more or less, bounded on the west by Catharine Rupp on the north by Strock,s allay, on itmema by Warner's alley, on the soneW by Slam Street, having thereon erected a two story brick and frame weather boarded House, and a two story frame weath orboarded shop, frame barn, and other out buildings. • Also, a Lot of Ground situate in Shiro manstown, Lower Allen township, containing one-fourth Ulan acre more or less, bounded on the north by nth, Street, on the west 'by at , alley, on the south by Oak alley, on the east by lot of W. 1.) , Shoop, Esq. Also, a Lot of• Ground situate in Shiro matisiown, Lower Allen township, containing three‘fourths of an acre morelor less, bounded 011 the south by Second Streal l on the west by on alley, on the 4orili by' Oak iilrey, on the east by lot of .ml oth ltt, Smith, &e. Seized amid taken in execution as the pimperty of Goo. tiocker. Also, a Lot of Ground situate in East Penns- bozo township, in the town of Fairview, con taining 54 feet in front and 108 . feet in depth inure "or loss, bounded on die north by lot of William Bnoks 011 tho west by Main Street, on the south by an alley or street GO feet, wide and on the east by an alley, having thereon erected a two story Ironic weather boarded House, frame buck building, frame stable arid other out houses. Also, o, Lot of Ground sitnnte in East Penns ., boro township, in the town of Fairview, con. taining 54 feet in front and 108 feet in 'depth more or less, bounded on the north by read leading to Pratte' Mill,•on the west by an al ley, on the south by Patrick Ryne, on the oast by Main Street. having thereon er,cted a two story tramp weatherbparded llmieeifranie back building,' frame stlahlo and other out houses, Seized and taktin int,exectrtion no the property of Goorgo Motu and Jacob Moltz, with natio') to tenants ill possession. Also, n Lot of Ground situate In the boroug% - of.Slatpecnsburgypart — of — a lot 'No. 80, in tho general plan of said borough, bounded on the north by ICiog Street, on the east by a lot of John Gish, on the south by an alley, on the west by lot ofthe heirs Of IV m.•Rtiesol, doe'd containing 41 footin front and 157 h. in depth more or less, having thereon erected a two stbry Brick liouso; brick back building. wash Imam, stable atir other out houses. Seized and. taken in execution as the , property of Am tlipny F. Wolf. • Also, a Lot of Ground situate in West Penne boro township, Cumberland 'county, containimr. thrce-fourthoof an acre more or lose bounded on the own by Jacob Bellzhoover, on the snuth by Wm. Welsh. on dm: west: by Mrs. Juc'oW arofen rho north by George Zinn,-,jr., hiving thereon orec:ml a doulslo' two story lionse,part brick and part IoT Weatherbotaded black.solith shop, frame stable, and °thereat houstne-' Also, a Ltit,,of Ground situate inWeat Penns:. horn township, Climb. county,eontnining ooh acre morn or loss. hounded on the east by Mrs., Jaeott, on, the ankh by Wm Welsh:on • the Lwest by Wm. Forousrm, and north by George inn, Jr. Saiz :d'and taken in execution as the Property of 37lotior Shannon. . •: • a,traat, of,Land situato in East Penns:- horn townsleps,Cumh. ;county, containing 24 ' acres more or_ines, bounded. mc,the north, by, John Lontx. on the wost.,lsy John and Philip Loa ta..oa :the:south by lands of, Benjamin Bowman and,on this east by. Public road,having thereon erected a two story loame wonthor- Loardod Honse, frame' barn..4c. • Seized and taken in execution aD the property of Barnard Glass, „. • • ; Alsootlo't pf 'flietted 'ellunite ; lit :Um bori, Sinxii of .oarllslei pontaining-140.f00t, in front, 'and I 40.feot. in, depth more ordossdliousded oti the oast by lot of• Jnonb,•Z•tg, en. tho south:by!, lot. of.. Wm. Drone:L:on: the. nor .h:: by: Mnin., street, on .the, iyoot tly , rl:ast Slrrpiti hosing, thereon ereoted a two story stone liontici stone: hick Imildinx, , log stable,Tramo ton pin alley:, blailcsmith' shop, &c., Ito. !Seized and ta.' k wren:llion as; ' the property of Robtirt Alcorn, ant all to be said by me :it ,• .„ • JOSEPII'MOD ALMOND, qIIO96,'IIIOEFIdE, , ; i` - 44;i5Ce110(13115:. 7 NOTXCE . . . , fOETICE, C.V.M,P.to.' July '270854. p hereby given thnt.nn election will beheld I on Al ON DAY, the 4th day of September llext i at the public house e 1 'Jacob Redeecker, Dickinson .town4hip, CatTtb. t bboilty, between hours of it) o'ciuCk A M algid 4 P At, for the plirpose. of 'electing THIRTEEN' DIREC. TUSR b manage the basilicas of the Cumber land Volley Mutual Protection Company, for the term of one year. JOHN T. GREEN, Aaanst 4 4 -5 w • Secretary, 11 Tmacza.uns.lXTAlLll2lol2.. , 'run Board of Soho',al - Directors of Monroe LL township will , meet at the School House in Churetitown, the 81st of August, at 9 o'clock A. M., for - the purpose of contracting .with Yoachere to take charge of the schools of said district. 'All applicants for said schools are re. ouni;ted to meet the Board on said day. 'rite county, Superintendant will also be present for the purpose of examining Teadhers. ' By Order of the Board. SAMUEL PLANK, July 26,-'54-4tpd. Sect'y. HOUSE AM LOT FOR SALE. THI?, two Story FRAME HOUSE and Lot of'Ground inSouth [fano.' • " ver street, now occupied by Charles ir 0 Barnitz, immediately opposite Bent'a Store, is offered at private sale. For lemma enquito of the subserther, Attorney for the owner. nOv9's3tfi R. M. HENDERSON. 13 TEACHERS WANTED THE Board of School Directors of West Pennsbnro twp., will meet at Mt. Rock, on WEDNESDAY, the 16th of August, et 9 o'clock A. M , for the purpose of contracting with Teachers to take charge of the schools of said district. All applicants for said schools, are requested to meet the Board on said day. The county Superintendent will also be present for ',he purpose of examining teachers. By order of the Board. WM, G. DAVIDSON, Sec's. July 16, '54-3t York, Dillsburg & Greencastle Rail Road THE commissioners named in the net incor porating the York, Dillsburg, and Greencastle Railroad Company give notice that they will open hooks tOr the xurpose of receiving -sub scriptions to the.capital etch of said Railroad 'Company, in accordance. with the provisions of the 'general net regulating rail roads, at the following named times and places: In York at the public house of Thomas \letzel, on the Ist, 2,1 and 3d, of August; at Dillsburg on the 4th, sth and 7th; nt Papeilowu on the Bth, 9th and dOth; at Centreville on the 14th, 15th And 15th; at Shippensburg on the 17111, 18th and 10th; and at Greencastle on the 21st, 22d and 231 of August. By order of the C01.01:69- ioners. Dillsburg, Jaly 79, 1854. - • 47IVI:011 CiETSE. E undersigned having ,lately opened the Union Hotel, on Nest Main street, neat door to Rhond's wareliouFe, invites the publie and traveries to give tint a call. The house Is perlectly: new, and the rooms large, airy and comfortable, Exery effort will he made to please all who patronize the Union, and the proprietor pledges luinNelf toleave nothing un done'to make his guests eomfortable i