New 3bucTtisitneuts. HA ....NESS' 'ARP SADDEMIIII. 9 AFFW SNTTS of double and single harness, Also 'esddles and bridles, for Sole c 1.04 En• quire at this 'Arlen. STOREICEEFER WANTED. A.YOUNG MAN 16 or 18 rears age, who (j can come well tecomended; Is wanted in the grocery business in taus tiro. One from the mmor ry .preferred: Enquire at this alum .31.. IYOZ'iC~! XTOTICE is r hereby given that the CUM• 1.1 BERLAND VALEY SAVINGS INSTI TT_ITION, located arCumberlandliall,in Dick inson Cumberlant: county, will matte applitiation to tne next Legislature of the Coin monVicalth of Pennsylvania for an act of !neer porat inni with a capital of not less than Ten nor more than Thirty 'Vlionearld Dollars, far the ear pose of receiving desposits of money both Iran - snory and on titterer', and of malting Wang and discounts, wit such °that.' privileges as are usu ally granted to Savings Institutions. By order of the Directors. %VAL GALBREATH, :ireas. D. L. BEELM A N See'y (jo 28 pd) )NNE , Pe—Juo. received is few English jillatinstable Bonnets, also a small lot of Satin, Straw Do and mho/ gualities, for sale 111 cheaEp, • G. W. FINR.. 10 MB ROIDERIES-7Now opening a very 14` nsortment of Lose and muslinmndcr slaves and collars of various qualities. Swis and Cambric Edging and Insertings at all qualities with n great variety of desirable goods or the season« G. W.IIITNER. y AC '.. MITS—A 111'1 assortment td Black I.4l,iitts Nits, Gloves, I t ace Points &e., just received by G. VV. HIT N VIANS-- Just opened at great variely_ol hand ir some Spanish. Chinese and Ivory Fans ,&c, Also Dress trimmings ins:misty. • G. NV, ;HITHER. 'TEACHERS WANT'S). Tvo Bo ad. of School Directors of the bor roo.4li of Mechanicsburg, will receive wines implications from Teachers, until the 15th of July, for their Sehoold, No,. I, 2 , 5,. 4, for tit t ses4ion commencing on' the Ist of Sep tent')er, end to continuo nine months, except SJIto it Na. 2 . which will he (or 6 months. SALARIES—No. I, $I 1 per month; No. 2, $l2; No 3, 25; and No. 4 .93°. HENRY G. RUPP, Sect' y. Juno 21, '54 State and County Tax for 1854. AN abatement of five per cent., will he nl• lowad on State and Conn , y Tax, if paid to the undersigned on or bernro the 17th July, 1954. eller that titne'the whole amount will he re guti•ed, and nll `persons are hereby notified to p ty their 'taxon on or before the 6th day &Sep tember-next., as the law requires the Collector to p ty the fall arnotint of his. Duplicate within three mantha from the date thereol. Jog. C. TiwArl'SON , Carlislr,u t e 21, 'sl.—Si. Colluder. Brigid() Inspectors Orders. IN accordance with the 14th section of the 11:1ilitin laws of the State of Peon'a., passed the 17th Any -of -.Or-14 , 184,9, An election will be held at the Court House. iii the horointh of Carlisle, on Monday, the td day of July,l A 54. beiwein the hours of 10 o'cloelc, A M. and 6 P M of said day, -Mr one Maj. General, to command the 15th division, which is compos ed of Cumberland, Franlein and Perry counties Brigade. Regimental, Batalion and Company Officers will be punctual in attentbrmsnitl elec tion. 'e;' I iSANIIJI . II.. CROP. . . Juno 21 CLOTHING ,A , T COST. TITS sithaarili3r has art assortment or fash ionabla and well malln CLOTHING, which will be sold off at cost for cash. The stock consists of Cloth and Cashmarett Coats, Linen and Gingham, do Tweed and Jean, do Ilia:wills, Silk and Satin Vestina. . _ Cassirners, Jean's and Cold pantnionnsi Linen and Cottonnde ' do with all kinds Clothing usually (nand in a cloth ing sturo.• (month •g to relinquish this branch 01 my htlainess,great bargains can be had hi , calling soon at the cheap store of CI-lA.S. OWLUY. CARPETING k few planes jest reeived from nnerlen and Balling very low. "CLIA.S. OGILBY. June 21„.54. To the Heirs and Leal liepresenta tive'g of Pftert Graham, late of the corn of Cumberland dee'd. AKE NOTICE that by virtue of a writ of ') Krtitionand Yaluation issued out al the p i :pimps Court of Cdtnberland county, and to me directed, I will hold an inquest to divide, part or value the real-estate of said deceased, on the protnises, on TUESDAY, the Bth day of Auguwt, D. 1854, at 10 o'clock, A. Al., when and - where. you may ,attend if you think proper. JOSEPH. INIeDARAIOND, Srheiffs Sheriff. Juno 14, 's4,—Gt. . 5- GAS FITTING dc.3'.TILITIiII3ING.. m lIE undersigned would inform the citizens of Carlisle that he has made arritnoeineats to•do GAS. FITTING and PLUMBING at abort notice, and on readonable terms,' He has engaged the services of n first rata bend from Philadelphia, and has supplied himself with on extendve assortment of Fix . ruitEs, which will elahle hint tip! all orders promnily, All wortw; ll ,ldi warranted. Ills stock of Gab Fie• tares will be found in the room exactly oppsite A hi s "Pi. ,sing 'establishment on North - Hanover street, wit,re he invites a call. • I . TINNING, SPOUTING;4c, • • He is also propel-01 to furnielt.i or make to, or der, every article or TIN-WARE ustd by housekeepers and-others. He will also attend, , to SPOUTINH,HOUSE•ROOFING;BELL HANGINI4;'and PLUMBING: ... Thankful' for the patronage With which ho has already been raiored; he,respeetfullyysolietts a t eontinunnee,on the same?, ,••{ , MONROE MORRIS,, Carlisle, June 14, '54. „.. ABLE FA R VALU--, . FOR SALE • - - IN pursuance of the last_ Will and 'Peeiament A or Jacob Knisloy;.don'i, late of'Soinliernp ton township, Franklin ccunty, will'be oilers] at private sale, the Farm •Ol the said dee'd. situated in said imirnehm, four melee '‘vest of Shipperieburg and one mile east of Orrstown, The Farm conteies abbut 112 — acres ol_frot IMst quality . of litheeMner land, a gond • propor tion of thriving timber,4ind-the balance iii a high state of cultivation);.• '•• - '.. • The improvements are alarge .• ,:., ' [ T W 0-S %Olt Y Blt I:Cr K ~,, . c.b., DWELLI1s1.0 .1 '.11101ISIE; Stone ?-Pq Bank. •Barm Wagon''Shed had'' . • ..,:c: tit .4` , .:"'"' . .... horn Cribs': .I.r.e.', all in good re. ''-- . • --"' • pair, Oven of never failing water and'a cistern at the door. Aleb; two 'Orchards of choice fruit, &a. This farm.le plessantlyeittinted one • mils from the.thriving village or : Orratown, , 1 whore-good sinres and.•met titmice of .all..kincle are Im:wed. For pleasantness of location and richness of the coil, the Mira is believed to be one of the beat in the eastern end of Poulain county. lf if shiMid not be ,sold.' before the 20th day of September 'next,it will therbbo sold at publimoutery al.! o'clock, P. M. . . Persons wishing' to. view' the. property. will pfe!buf call on the subscriber living. near Abu Mime. • , DAVID sp'ENCRR... • -.-,, : • • I4xecutor of Jacob littirloy, dee?d. Branch Mills, June 14, '54. • , ~ uta.sniivol l ozrztomr.L. C. 1121.44T0U011-having.takenthe' Wia tetilfotel,M..ll4ely kopt , by• Mr. H.L. Burkhol, topeconrwidnte hie Kenai gt . ldthe . Every effort will be t 6 give . . ftlll eatieciwltibn" iivallne they fp.,Vpv, ¢4w with ; their Titrd , wage.! mod orate. O. 1854, •IVIIL/TAR'Ir NOTICE ',lq thq galJaot,Voltin!ooro of cumborlaog l ,Por rpnrol COPPtietc My old friends and haroesrin'arms,l 'ins had the 'honor to .servo my, country from the Division-that has miitied se much military re- , nenvin ttlie - ,yrar of 1812, :I.Md I have netv been cloivelYJ engaged asqt Mffilary -officer and - pri. , iativlor upwards of forty, years, have just ..nniaritmt aswof-lifiirteen yeitra service and Not tro•i'uelf qualified to Oom-, mond the, Division which ,I hate spent lhd hot, part Of My . life.l6.. Itho of gallant Milltaii i iirathore to:confer tfie tonere of n Major :Generalren.tkettndereigne r (4 at the ensuing election, on .Mondgy the pd of July, 1854. • • EDWARD.ARMOR. • Brigadier' den:lrizi, coatmandiag 'Fat Brigade, 150 h. DM. olroto ; •• , : Juno 7,'•81v • *.e.Tlip'FrUnklin And Perry county , .paporp; irmr , Bt. ‘. •. - , ozzar.on • „, ,k,Lot Ol• Cho 411. 1 n4 W ide : “L l i...o l. liquit kindo 'for sold 7 on fdaa4onble lereno. Liquor ntittlorei and tavern ketpera will find. it to their ntit44l,Ao csuanitip otot:lt.;;'., A Poi) , 3 49 1 1 .101 IN McCARTN'EY. . PateDt Ventilating Furnace, • rrEIFI subscriber would call )11:onlittention of parties renuinng adestrabie Furtmee to Chilson's Celebrated Warming and Ventilating Apparu us. ' • • The methanol' eI this torment is now known, having been introduced duri,g the pun} five years 11110 about 1.500 public buildingaitni more than 1)000 . private il,:veditigi; this toget Mir with the Minutiae increase of sales every year is the belt evidence that • can be adduced oh its 'euee riority over all other furnaces. By the use of Chilsoh's Furnace, you secure the tulloiaing vantages: Face VENTILATION• Puss- AIR— rite heating surfaces being at a temperature that will trot dissecate the air. .EcosomicAl. Usk or Feu.. • GREAT DURABILITY—Befog made entirely of Cast Iron, riot liable to .rust;:willreiniire no repairs during a Inetime—it is easily managed, and will not expose the h Aiilding in which it Its placed to'cianger from fire, like the other ttir- Hanes. . • We have the testimonials of hundreds of the most scientific men to attest 10 the truth of the above statement, all of whom pronounce it to be d e ciuthlty the best farintem yet , invented for producing a pure and healthy atmosphere. We names ot a lei,/ well known. herewith annex the and eminent professors, who have used them: and kindly furnished us their names l us refer ences: • Prof John S Hart • Prof Parker Prorl:Nbrton Pres Wm ft Allen Prof Parsons. Prof Dina Prof B Silliman Prof Ripley We .have intiodueed this season five new sizes, so that all parties stay avail themselves of this great improvement at a very moderate cost. - - We are- now-prepared-to-furnish-an-up paratus to warm a single room, or the largest building in the country. , No. 1 Portal) e: Complete, $ 25 2 do du 33 3 do do 4 ' tie for brickwork 44 5 :" . do. do 60 3 Extra Radiator, (with Bars and ' 'French Plutes,) g 70 • 3 do do do 80 5 do do do 107 6' do do do 134 This No. 6,is the largest and most powerful Furnace!matte in this country, aid is admiruhly adapted for Churches apd other large doss buildings. We continueqn sell the npperat us at the same Prila as whim first introduced, live. years ago. Although the present high price of Iron has e.ensed their cost :5 per cent, owing to their great weight, will we ore enabled by the great inereasa orsales to furnish the article at the lowest possible price. One foundry alone, Mews Warn:elt & Leilirandt, have contracted to (Irish us with suo tons of Furnaces this season, sn'that we are now prepared to furnish hen wholesale or retail. We superintend the erection or all Furnaces. when required, and warrant them ;mall cases. _ _ AII:I'_ROP°LITAN l OOKING RANGE. W e have tiled the most complete Cooking Range that has yet been introduced, to which we call the attention of nil wit t mny wish to secure the most perlecitind desirable cooking apparatus ever invented. EVER aso N'S PAT. VENTILATOR. We are th 1 only Agents in Pennsylvania for the m melee:mai and tole o. this Ventilator, which is nsknowledced to he the only perfect Ventilator ever made ler correcting the draught in smelt y ehimnies; nod forventilaiing buildings of all kinds. As there are n great many jinni, lions of this valuable article now offered for sale, parties will hi tarot 11 t, examine that It his the: E•reerson Badge 'warbled. PAT. REGIA;TER , I AND VENTILATORS We have the targost and most complete on. eawnens of flat Air Registers and Ven.ilntors to hi form lin iluNted States. Parties who wish to pitre'lase. Miter private etc or wholesale, will find t greatly to their a dvan. tage iii examine their slock. Britmdo inspector lVa h ivs always liami 1111 assort • menu of :hese hr.unifill mantles, in exact hul ls out of Fininitial], Spanish. Galway, and other rare inaridas. For Anthracite and Ilimmint,lis coal. Also tin entire new• pattern ofthe low down Grate, mode from Om - English Patterns, and entirely new in this country. SOLE AGENTS For the English Encaustic Fl' oring Tile, Gam— kirk Giiimney- Tops. and Terra Cotta Orna ments, such ns Garden Vases, Cc. Persons oh cut butl.ling would do well - o.ex- amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere: Visituts. whether purchasing or not. are cordi. ally welcomed to nir extensive Wnreronms, and where we-should be happy' Jo furnish any information respecting any ol our goods that may he desired. A hook on \Vtirming nod Va itilatilq can he hel fframitotisly at our store, either personally or by letter S. cC. 1I ARRISON, Varmint an.l Ventilatint! N arelloneo, - 144 Walnut at, below Sixth, May 31 7-41 P D4GUER.Z.2IIIIN ROOIVIS. . G. ICE ng Da guerreon rooms in Alarion flail, known as .1. B. Tuhlit's Gdlery,drsires •o lin the Ladies and Gnu In non of Ca'rlia , e that he is pre erred to (alio Likenesses in the must supe• rior sty is or the art, such as will fully sustain ,he reputation of th.s popular establishment. His miens are large.• pleasantly situated and comfortably furnished. He is pr)vidod with tho trio.,t powerful and perfect instrument liar takin4 pictUres and warrants satisfaction in all A full' suoply 01 causes Or every va.- r,jety ef style and size, plain,and ornamental, kept constitutly_on hand—,_Kpg,ravings,, Paint• lags, 0000rrioMv cli6iod and duplicates to:. lien of original iiltintriSes. Likenesee 'taken of sick or deceased persona , Prieeir month:ate and satistnction given' ih all eases. The public is invited to call a' the Marine Itill'Elagnertenn Rooms and examine the numerous epecimons. try-f) iguerreotynes inserted in Lockets, 13reli , PPM. Rings, Pencil Elands, &c Cerliclei Juno 14, '54. • Plainfield•Olassical Academy, Near, Carlisle, Pa: • • • , 1 ifith Seisinit ivifFt;iitilinence MAY In. 11, A rotiyed ittutlioalthlal location, witli.thor• ou.e;11 inmruct ion the various dopartment4 of ft• Alturitt;lo cdttnattolt. '• 'for.n.3 —Board and 'Tuition (tier - ar l goiut,t). - - • '- - • $(0"00 F'or Catubrjacs ‘9ith lull i nfui•mnt ion nddroie R. K. 111.11kfskS, - & ' Plai tfieli, Comb, Go.. Pa. 1117.73.11L'M 33ALZ ACADEMY'. Three'mile, Weil of Harrisburg, Pa. rip HE SEVENTH SESSION of tins flour- JL isbing Institution up' commence, ,on 17NOAY, the Ist ilt9 of MA y next,,,The ed.- ye lieges which 11 holiCVCool o ' Orli ri Junior ,character, and parent's and kplardiatis are solicited to impure into' its merits before sending their sons or wards elsewhere: ]his luvorably situ:lied; the instructors we, all Cent pirent. and experieneed soon; the , eothse of in= &initiation Hinctensive and thariinl'lr4iited special attetitiOn is paid to the_ comfort , and heahluot ' the students. • . . •• „ , • • ••1 : " ; Terms. •: • floarding,• Washing, Lodging, and Tuition in English, and Voettt blu sic," per session. (5 months), • •. sss iv inortictioul. in Ancient orictodeFii Langungtis.,eatilt, en Instrumental Music, -to 00 ' For Circulars and rth'i'r. inforrnatidneddeosis D: OPINIA NGER," e , -; • • . " Harrisburg:Pa. NOW 'GOODS:; I .! !Mr, sobnerilier hanlost, opened nn' nrnM JL, innin of ,„91 ',/trVp HAW LS; and n-vnrie ,s'istr•i•ps:'thibilis • • • •••',I i• • !•,••• nP . I. 5 '&4 - Flo'. 'W. MTN ER, • FRESH HAMS A D DRIED DER. A_ FRESH' nerival ilf•Sugar • Cured HAMS and DRIED 11LCF. juet r q eatved' fro m 'ijinr6ininoindd.lo. ha 16 at IV I LIAA ill 8! Family 'Grocery 'State, In IViiatlllldiolltreat, . • . NEW: PUBLICATIONS. • .TEAT,c,AND.THE , ,OTELER„,by.E. L. Ohnrtriter:, , LIFE AND, ITS .21I;11S, ft GrBMbe & Ce. MISSfI.ESiIIt'S;NEW,IWcLIE,IIOb ~•,•.: ' 'A CATON LOCK O.',AIL TILE DODD FANIILY ~ by -Eporlps :BEHIND TilE • 508NE,..11 Lnfly; - ; TEE :STAR:CHAS:IDEA, by ,A,like l vqr,th,,, FILANK LESLIE'S....P.4IBIIION:3„ , it „t GRAFIAM'S •PUTNAM'S ) --AND (101)EVSItItiguziiiOr , ' Nevr Yerle Priperti:forrilals at PIPER'S ' 'Chtialf RoOkiind peripdimil , Store;: WOVNIftIIV Street, • " - Opitosito liarion' Hall: ,~uiytCl~QliCDlla. czczLsOws MEE= OPEN . C;RATF,S Al N IA Summer laisorts. gate4conia , (Sweeny's) Cold Springs ADAMS CO.,•PA,. 41ht se SMings. situated on the South Min, a abort distance from the pike leading front Chamherahitrg ti, Getty'Ansg, Pn,vejll be openedjor vjeittirs on the 15111 of JUNE next. Laege ,tnid,conntiodions huilding‘, ini•luding ex. ;entice Bath Utilises luti;'hot•tnid cold plunges; hone been erected. ,TIM grounds have beett' much intproved and every - Obit 'Model° ren• der these springs wpoptilar place of restirt: An effiCient •and obliging Manager "will have the general eaperintendence t while the beat see-- vents thee:n:l9ld alffirds have Veen engaged.— th i . 3 Table.will be furnished with all the deli , caries of the'inarkeis, and nothini . letf undone to 'render thiii.ot,n FAVORITE RESORT worthy the patronage of the public. Persons leaving WaThington, Baltimore or Philacii4pliiri in the morning trains will ,arrive. at Charpliersburg in time to take the coaches, for. tact ; For further particulars add! cis , •S CAIICItARDS.. May 24 3 . m Chambertiliiirg; Pa. WHITS SULPHUR, A,N,U CHALYBEATB ~IPII.XISTOS.; AT 'DOUBLING GAP; . Those Springs nro in Cumberland Cohnty, 12 miles west of Carlisle, and are now - open for the. reception - of visitors. The vntunbte improvements which ,have been mode since last Season, and the recent discovery of the Chalybeats Spring, add greatly tS thelpduee meets presented for the prOsent season, ' ANALY§IS OF THE WHIT! 133.7LPHOWAND011AL - ,VBEATE BFRINOS. The odor of Sulphusetted Hydrogen, per ceived at some ,distance from the Springs, im parts to this water the pecUlinr properties of Sulpinir Springs Bulble lifts ingredient; - 1 Clod that the water contains Carbonate of So da and of Magnesia, tilauber's'B.llt; Epsom . Salt, and Coalition . Salt; ingredients which give it nn increased value. After removing the excess of carbonic said which it contains, it gives nn alkaline reaction. , The Chalyhente water readily yields a pre cipitate after ebullition or oektinued exposure line expelled the excess of carbonic acid. Be side the bioarbonatei-tif excess_ which is its chief characteristic, it also contains EpoOm Suit, Common Salt, and Carbonate of Magnesia. Respectfully Yours, JAS. C. BOOTH CERTIFICATE OF PiIYSICIANS. Having examined the elements flat enter into the composifinn of tho White Sulphur and Chalybento Springs, of Doubling Dap, as ex hibited in their analysis by Prof: Booth of the Mint, a practised and competent chemist, are authorized to say, that they possess all the sanative properties of similar medical 'waters in the various diseases for the relief of which their use has been recommended by Physic ians. N. L. HATFIELD,'M. D. ^. R. If. TOWNSEND. If. D. 11ENRY If ARTSBORN. M. D. Philad'a, Mar. 28, 1854. [June 7,2 m PERRY COUNTY WARM SPRINGS, 1-X. EX. EILHEMR, Propriciot, 'WISHES to:infurm Ins former Visitors ! and the Public in general, that he will be ready to receive Visitors on and alter the sth of ,June. Ile desires also to say, that he has lefgely proved his flour°, and the Grounds around.— Ile has erected an additional Bathing House, seuarate from. the other Bathing House. connect ed with which there is it large Plunge Pool, expressly for the use of Ladies. With these; and the,ot her neprovemenns - made this Season, he feels sattefied that he can give move general satisfaction and comfort to hie Visiters . thara any Season hitherto: and hopes ro receive n chore of the Public Patronage, By moderate charges and scant (unquiet] tc business, it will be his effort to please those who will favor hfin witfi a Ifs %Vomit! mecommend all those who desire to hpend the sihison at the Srsixiss, to call upon the Rrhlences whose names accompany this Circular. 'chore is no place its the State that affisrds such delightful Bisihisigs us the Water which flows SO C l / 1 110OSly from Ilia WAIISI (Simms - is. which is at the loot of Quaker Hill: and for .its medicinnal fluent ses, none are equal to,it except the Wnrm Springs of Virginia.— There are several other Springs close, by, no two of which sire alike in the lempernture of their water. Shercinn's Creek isdelighitul (or stilling upon. having n fine 1,11:10dine.... covered With the oaks of Ihe (-rest. A Summer— house is erected upon. the Island. Pisgah Alountiiin,some four or five hund.lmd feet his h,is In Coot of the house, with Shortcuts's Creek (levying sit its base. From the summit of this mountain there is commanded an extensive view of rich and linnet] scenery, the surround ing- country being ithving the most pictu.esque trt the State: Among the many nttroictiens of the Worm Springs ; slime are numerous Flinch' and romantic summer roads. ranking very Tien sant drives. Horses and Vehicles nre always on hat 41. Persons leaving Philadelphia, or , Baltimore, in the meriting train to Dancantion, nn {lle~Cen 11 allrited,l.l maw; north•west ol Illterisbitrg; and there inkirts n coach, which Is olwatta It, readiness, naive at the Spring's about' o'- cloek—Bie" fare tteiriVhit - T01:1 - 0 — : -. 1 . 11cAttinith leaves the Springs every morning for rhniean that peratnts can reach either el the above ( . .litles in the evening. 'A ll comm n men t inns for the Springs should he addressed, 'fluNciNittme P.O.for thetlittringe," and they will arrive daily, on and after the Inth of June. . , 'Krl3athing free of charge to Boarders. June-1-4,1854. STOVES! STOViiS ! STOVES I JOHN, D. GORGAS, - ' vir 6 . ULD infpcmthe public that ho has now V.V. , on hand at , his eitablishariont, °Oink) street, nekt door to Marion Hall, the lurgest nd most complete assoctuMnt of COOK, OFFICE & PAILI.OUH STOVES to ho found in this county,Ashich will he at the la. vest prices fur cash or approyed credit. h is stock consists of a large 1.1850111110111. and highly approved PATENT COOKING STOVES, - Finished in the moat complete' manner, and calculated for either wood or coal. or both. All the old standard patterns, which have stood the test of. CA perinnoconßy bp found at his cont.. Huhn - lent. AI,o n great variety of the ; most atp-_ proved and beautiful . " PARLOR AND OFFICE STO VCS, Including aMturiber, of new stylea;poesessing' very superior advanimmi ever these heretolore in use. -Families nil iMusekeepers are respect., fully invited 'Co give him a call-lb'efore purcha sing elsewhere: 'Stoves deliyered to any part el the cOnitty and Put up at the shertest entice. lie continues to do al. ,kinds of , :TIN AND- SliliET,lll.os WARE'. Ir“ and Copper worts . , and fins constaittly'on hand er will Make eyt'ry article Initrsekeeprra or °theta in this line, 'fife &Melt . . of Tin and Capper- ware embraces every 'kind or household and •kitchen utensil, warranted' equal to the , best manufactured.. Persons in want of articlesin his line' may always be sure Of hiking hudomnilated iuithvir sittisfaction b'y uivldg him IiCC/1 . 11. „ [ o .o! 9 spring Stininter Clothing. . • S2 I .I3IITZIL 11.1RO'.T dz. Co., •• 'their pld'iitand• ON MAIN ST.. the, coloner,store hy'the Market House, 'have ; jubt•receiyed their lspritia and Sunitner lot' CLOTHIN G,. anti now ofIc.•• [totha---pahlie the largest. and ',mos( entelnhip. iseleeted .tuoelc.. in this section of country. They [have been ,very‘earehil malting,thetr spice ltion to • ray strict attention :to tho.;tittality,a,, thp tnatelittla, and to, the unalness.,,diarnbillty, fashion of. the', worktrianshij)i and theft,. entire stock thay.thprefore, eon recoinmend.-7 It conwrisett t, • • „ • ;. • * Stick and Fro‘elt Coluthi •" , . „ Dretts,and 131181110P3 Canto;: , • .; Overcoats arid l'ea Jacltehi. • , :Alm? PANTS and VESTS' , . . of every.dapkabl.q atilo• and q u ality, toguiber ,wnb.,a.largo enpplir a• - 7 Gtntlennen's Furnishing Lindqrshirik,:Praweie.• Iloaq, •PUH-Y. StOoka' and C.avals, Ilitndkorehli n ife. Suspon.- dere Gloves;;Unitirellini, • . jr....i.floraops. went of the above do, well ti), cult 5 1 101 1 , [ llll, exandaa, tba inipifti if And ,taricaivO,f,ilici g0ad13,..,;:e, be arnalea named abovo,,vyAlibe aord.a4tonitkbingly . clioab; ria we arb . Aatoraonod 1 . 9 dofy:a4 cotaneunon t , and tbasaj who rani,' ! want- , oheap. and . good ;climbing , 0 . 11,46...we1 . 1 to, call .and onamina nA(.l,,prinos,v(our goods belove.pnre.bnpingelso , ,14141',43'.7-411L ' • lib* ,• A A . , eteatner-'lolo,iiratiO,". Wirt ii fin itoveistrect, totlem „with 'mock of HA RDWA It M. direct Irom. , the , maps. Otileteifeti, Weals for• Sale, wholmiale,or 'retaij. - . 'Country rnerehantd wtill do.well to redid ati've wasell thentgloodi int w.verydinsalliath: wanne qn ally wholesale .prices, andwe.ese. dekqnhinJil,io sell at Very small ptefits. (Rye eit'if mill and . t am persuaded yOU will not leave, without putbil I:Ara gepdvfit the ! night ,mark.! Old §ttaid, Nortti Hanover street, Carliele,y - - MiV17): 11 -+. JACOf I :BE ER. gores & ,Sliopo. Glitha, Glass and Queensware. OLD housekeepers and young, with those also wan aro expeatingio beemno houShkeep- 1 ore,.eire invited An. nt • .__•• 11,11.13 Kit r'S FrOLILY GIICYCEILY and examine his elegaai, aesdrtment of China, Glass and Qnaditsware, and other neticles in the . hauselteepin. line, such as' French. apd Eaz ish-tea SUB, he'azy battled and plat n, ' -.Wean Granite, gilded and.blne do, ; „If Dialer sate of evory,,varisey, an , 13 )4 . 3 an I pitchers, turfeens,.diahes, &C, '.Glass-Wa .e—aentra table and mantel, Itlinps, C sores an {,other' tennis, greai Variety, Tabla - and baratithblsis;geblets;' F •itit 'end Press 'ye dish in, variety: Cal tr. ware'—ii6s, dliarns. bowls, ' B sitar prints and ladles. meal bitelteta, &c. Brpshassweiming, white, wash, scrubbing, .11. te l I and shoo brushes, ringtera, brooms, &c. M tricot, .clothos and trgvollinalmsketa .4133 , 1 0 1 1 )6:4- es,sorerntlnx ot Tobacco and'Se t.lrq: ball 'ye wii r ar'ilfon4 olciAolco ii,rtinds of Solg-tri 41;1 try the Prliri"pya. ReGpline, St . f- Innonis 'other 0414 , 1 yirteties, Pnd' You will fi 11 them oh half Solitoill and. Common_ SeErer...wilh Seogitnd Chewing tobacco. , • :t The,. Sprigg. of • ISS4a WILL boat 010 , 1lorliblo one in the annals of our Borough—for the LARGE4T Si' 0 C K - , handl tmeit. cheapest and best OlYi aro aim , selling t•IE , rapidly at Bentz , St, Brothers cheap store. Our stock consists of Bareges, THAIICS. Lawns.; trege ; de Lane, Ginejams, Du, Bneos, Alpacime; &mt. Mathias, Chucks, TickingA. Diapers. bcd. B toneti, Ribbon, Parasols", flats for fiurrimer, Glovas, Hosiery, Laces,' Edgings, •Spning Franck Worked Collars,' TrimmHes; _Cloths, _Cassimere; yostings andeummitr. stuffs for Nion mt l B )y's wear, together with a groat many other G tads not mentioned hare, but on examination our stock will be found. to ht the largest in Cumberland county and be sold very Ins-. April 1•2,'54. BENTZ' & ROT= Ft S' Spring ,Styie'of i&tts Pe Caps 47p.. • .s.-. 4"; WHIC, t. TAOTIT, DESIR 0a to inform his old friends,tWat he ha 3 ro.noved to his now itelal,lishinent on Hign street, nett- the Rail Road Oepbt, and is no .v.opening a large and elegant assortment of the 'SPRING STYLE OF HATS, j.ast received from Philadelphia, which the gen . - tle ilea of C Irlinl are requested to call and 'ex. tni re. Ff i 1113 alit, a lar , e aisortment of Fur and Slouch flats of his own manufacture, .r d got up inite hest style. and nt various prices', the' excellence and illicit of which he will war rant flh sto he is confident only needs to be oxveille Ito he approved. Irt Also a large vtprly at Min's, 13 rya' and Childrdn's CAPS; of Cloth an 1 Fur and of every variety or style to I oeice rosrived from Philadelphia. Lei all who want n Flat or Cep give him n call, us - thityoicii tieinure'lif boinq ;tilted to their own satisfaction. Mar 22, 18:31. Fresh Drugs, illedipineP &e. --- • I have just received from Philadel phia and New York very extensive . Or additions to my former stock, umbra' mpg nearly every article of Medicine now in use, toge.aer with Points, "ills, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, spops, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing '!Trickle,- 13rulres of almost every description, With eniclss'Variety of other articles, which I am di,- terrnined to sell at the VERY Lower- prices. All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars and others, ardrespectfully requested not to pass the 0 LI.; STAND, as they may rest assured that every article will be sold of a good quality, and upon reasonable terms. ' = S. ELLIOTT, Mav 30 Main street_ J. 11. ytl3tBfi 13A1VG11.1LNS I BARG-A/NS!! a, At Weise and Campbell's New and Cheap Stor - 68. - Ir. corner of Hano ver Louther streets. . WE now feel a pleasure in announcing that we have inst received a sjilendid - and — choico as. sorturcat of Spring and Summer Goods, which, we will off ir at each • prices as cannot fail to ulchs The stock consists of DRESS GOODS, 131'14:: Fincy Dress Silks, Foalgrfls, Organdie'S, Brilliants, 1,01W,19, Jnconetts, Isol',cues. &c„ LACES AND EMBROIDERIES A. 111•114.11 n Int nF S tu,rs tloclerileeve's Cnll•vs• Ruillings, Edgings. Ingerlingsitnotirn i," nnllu•a ,c , cl , .rsltt.,,,d , t,tnn roldored linen caln3rtu It.tuloreniefg. &c, D ESTICS ginGliams, cheeks, tielcings, \laslins, jeans, ;,-,-suir and fl canals. C 1.0 TII &e., &e. a han-lsorne lot ol dts, casaimersand 1, eating 13 0 ISr . N Tg , a l 5r.43 ass irtrnaut of Ladies an I Misses Prc nett Inca, gas Lamar's, Leh rods, tripoli, braid an' stra S Bun nati, ‘tisses liitmlsolno Plata. all of whi c h will Gs a at unusually low prices. lIA'l s titan, leghorn, china pearl, stmalt3 and 101,11 leaf . !OS. Um— brellas Look01;-glael.906 very cheap. BOOTS A-ND. SHOES. • • 'We ni•lidins 7 ili6ii 'and' 4 rgniters nt . gtently rodunad - prices, as we intend this branch of ourbaxinass.• •dia , GROCERIES, &C.; Sr.e. Rio and laVa Coffee. rotated eotree, 'brown end white Sugar,,Loverings Syrup Molasses, 'roue, Spices, tv.c. Our shielt,:tor variety and cheapness, is e rr. tainly not surpassed by any in the ilosntry.- 7 who wish t ) ouches() ertle:es of sups- . riot. quality, et reasonable ~prices, should not laillo,eivo us a esti, , (A.piil 5, '54.1 Attention Dyspepties I 1.1 ISI . of you Who'hoye beep' afflicted for yoiirk with this biulteriomo disease, nod who'hVio'bitiiu . Using; - obi-in:it': •niver'r No - strum' belore tho p,ubliu without 'reliel; the any to 'you try " li to there XiitiirlyAde)tlit" itud you will' 10:1n he convinced of its greiiit superiority: over, every other Pri'cuatiirtion. 'We (weld give 'you' tu 1 w ,cifrrifi !rttAi e4rifiorating Our assortiiins, - hitt is worth more t hoe' all, This ce;naiy is wool , " i and sold at the Drug Store' of ft. J. KEIFFER, loth fintiovor etretit,.a fittiiidoore south of the Court Houle, Cetrliele. Juno HAVE YOU A COLD ' 1 AIXO [MR.'S ELlxt An.' hoinired n lug celebrity for the cure of all disenSee nrisintr fr6m'aevoro• colds, 'aid iis , ”ffiency'has been , utiested nothiporoved Ittindreile 'of our 171051 , r4pectable citizens. In. every .inntnnce immedetto relief 1114 been given, n 9 the (ellen • init ,mrillionte from those have •itied it bears te ei tn my, vtanittnrt urCd and for flak by JAMES GA LLOLIER. Agent. •• W o .the.ittidereigned do certily that we have itse:l•Ga lolier'e, preparation for, Cdoshrotition, Col 13, Dijoaitee of the LllllO, Liver, Satt.' arid having experionticd immediate relief therefrom ' would recom 'tend it to ail afflicted in that way • . l'hon 11 Skilea, Aire- M Gould, • • It II McCoy, , • • 'R .L Wolf, • Peter Monyer'. H S 'Hackett. . , . Jpsnph' holvich, W. Wooga, Gi'hide, Ap - ri I tric. 1851--1 y G. 11; COLZI, 0•12 N GY AT will AltriP4 promptly to all. business entruetntl,to hjm. Office' in tho , room 'formerly, occtipid !him Irvine," Esq,, North Itanoyer St ~parlial9.• April 10 0 1852. , , , GLOVED. SEED. rt bnshels.'nrinie Oldiritna Penneylva' 1-Iain'CLOVER•VI;D for Sale by , : , 11 iBOY.ERIA 11ALI,;. • •,i • lAgriadEnuni Imp!whew and Send•Stoylb --- marl) -• Harrisburg, Pn. • ••itk - r . 0!11,• Szi , 3 MA CIQIit F.E4/. , iir.whats;itfalf `'.l.7l4;tind•ganrtbribbls,;•Lakei Otto • fini.laidible of 43 istfiNl.ON, • TILO.O from, tbp t liakeg . and for then first , time brotigid.:tp . thin rdioloit yl i &word and , fdr 'yule by ;Itllo adbynriber; pre;, Ptill.arl i • ,„ 41.13.dt 5g iA•LIft.,T•,:•,• "IVO WAut , df. , -Poinphalm ''cAkthirorV WAd zinu awl wooden , Tubbing, , for ••cliaaVat ibe bld StanCtlicintk, , ttatiaverstreet JAOOO..OSENEIL"), - - - F AL 4 _,FArmit 145 At 'A PER o ~'fnvn~jt it d' o find in!lignicatifiridos ranging' • ' fro* 6 'rentanownitra; Tne-atodhloonsistsint , aiaiittniont , hr'ecnntilonv'Sniini iSilvtireil and Gilt Papprs„all which , ha , sold )() .lO ' 11 SAXTONg. t • otui airve ..ZiNO razWaes. ZINC PAINT S,-unarldril cheaper than Whitcr'Lead, and free•froni all poi:nions qualitiee--The New Jerzy inc Company lug greallk.onlarged their Works and inipoived the quality of their , products, are, prepared to, exectde orderri for their', superior Panics, Dry, and,grotind in Oil, in assorted paengem of from 25 to 500 pounds. Also—dry, in barrels or 200 pounds each. ; Their l White Zinc, which is 8014 .dry or groundin oil, is warranted pore and .nneurpseed 'for hodi end uinform tress. A method of preparation hire'recellOY‘ Been discovered'which'enables theigompany4o.. warrant their ?pints. to keep ,iresh and, soil in the . kegiffortiriy reasMiable In n tlils re. „ sPect, tneir, Paints.will,he superior to,ank other in the market. ' l'hier : Brown Zinc' Paint. which is soldat n low price,and-whichiCan only he made, Irmo the Zino pros front N eW Jefsepr is now well'known.for.its, protective ; qualities when,applied ,te,trorr.or other racitelicieurlseee., Their * Stonccolor,Paints.pOsseasesi.all the pro. perties of the Brown,. and is of on agreeable cap r.lnr iflinting'Ciantiges•„ Deimos, Out-hail. diner!, Bridges, eta. • Dealers supplied inn, liberal 'terms ,by their Aoonts. . • P.BENCH 1 1 / 4 . Wholesale Paini Derillre and Importers. all2-75m. N W 'Cur. mill , k Marketists. . . Agricultural Implement. Ex - Send Stub' rirRHE subscribers offer for sato a large - variety of Agricultural Implantable, among which ore the celebrated GAG LE PLO W„ Prouty Pluw, R.odger's.Subsoil Plow, Corn Shelters, Sire r and flay Cutters, 'Corn Fodder Cutters andlOtinders, Partners' Boilers, approved Culr tivators, Road Scrapers, &o. • BOYER :tr. HALL, • 'Agricultural Implement and Seed Store, mar I) .•:' • • Ainrrisburg, Ps. , T 1 - 5! , • • • . Just Publlshed-A new DiscoVeryi in . :Medicine; A FRW woids on the Rational Treatment, withrint Metlieine,'Sparmatorilitin, or local wordiness, nervous debility, low :spirits, lassi• tads; weillttiess of the limbs and hack, indispo sition and incapacity for study and labor, dull ness or apprehenson, less of memory, aversion to sociiry,love "of- solitude'. timidity, trust, dizziness.liesolie, involuntary. discharges. pains in the aide, affection of th,, eyes, pimples on the (ace, sexual, and, other infirmities in nipti From the French of Dr. 11:DeLaneei Tho 'atomism fact:that these alarming corn , plaints may easily ha. removed wrrnotrr MEDI ergE, is in thiesm di tract, clearly demon,tra ted,and the.entire!y new end highly successitil treatment., no adomed the Author, ex plained, by meaps of wilioh!OveFy one is mdded- . to cure himself perfectly and at the least possi ble nest, avoiding thereby all the 'advertized nostrums of the day. Sent to env al tress, gratis and .post free, in sealed 'envelope, liy remitting (poet naid) twn postage stamps to Dr,l3.DeLaney,t7 Lispenard Streel','New York. • Surkeons' bandage Institute • REMO VED to No. 4 Ninth etreetr ,sixth store obove Market. B C. EVERE Prrti Peieni Graduating Pressure TRUSS, ler the cure .of Rupture; Sho!der.Braces. Supporters,•Elastie_.atoeltings, Suspensory. Itentorrhoidul, end Banduzee ior defornm:es. Jnn. I1—I)r. cto , zurizra! cLoTscxxv The Largest_ 'and Crieupest Clothing A RNOLD & LIVING TON have not a: their store the largest and best assortinent orready made Clothing to be found in'Carlitai; Which they are able to sell at less than eitylpri ces, and lower t bait the goods can be' bong it at any other store in the place. The clothing , wo sell our own manufacture and not bought ready-made. We never haveio deal .in dama ged goods. We buy good. sonntlimaterinLand. nothing else. We' warrant every lilting we sell to he well made.and to give entire attisraetton. We have now on 'hand SPRING .& SU NIIIER CLOTHING of all stiles and qualities, and at prices to suit, embracing blue; black and fancy broadcloth and linen dress, frock and sack_ COATS, cloth cassimere and linen pantaloons, cloth;,satin and fancy vests of all sizes and descriptions, togeth wit a large aasartment of Cravats,Ties, Stocks, Shirts landlterchiefs,Glnves. Suspenders, &c. &e., (horning a variety snch as is seldom of fered. Measures taken and clothing made to order. I= • Don't forgot thostond in North Hanover at., next floor to Ifyse's Ilardward store, and di rectly opposite Nlnglaughlir's hotel. - A-112-Al OLD- 1 / 4 . LIVINGSTON. Carliste, April 19. 1854.-3 m. Extensive Furniture Rooms TAMES R.WEAYER would resrectlultY eP call the attention ht llouse Keepers 'and the public to'bis i'todk 'of ELEGANT FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables ; Dreasing and plain Bureaus and every othlr article in his branch ot business. Also. now.on hand the largest as sortment of 1. - ' 4 II 1 IRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prices. 0:7 - Coffins made at the shortest natio and a Hearse provided for Inners's. He s o li e . its e call at his establishment on North Hance vor-st reek; near -Glass , s-i--(ITEL. NAl.—For nintre hired nut by the month or year ' Carlisle, March 20: 1850.—1 y WALL PAPER I! 1R THE MILLION. Great Ottraetion, IHAVE just received my Spring stock of PAPER HAN CH N which surpass in Style; QualitY - find Pries' nay that has ever b een e xhibi t ed ' tjespectfultY n gall•from matins in Want'of Putter Hang• in¢s'of anY'clescription, ni I 'an'.' , Confident my aiisortrata. far surpasses any in itiO borough ; and in 'Mtyle rind priCe' has but few rivals i n th e city: . ' 1 'only ask of the public to . call 'and ex•' amine my assortment l•efore' purchasing, na I am confident my chaste designs 'cannot fail to please' the most' fastidious. JOHN P. LYNE, \Witt Sitle'of North Hanover 'Street, Mar 22 . Carlisle. Pa...! EhOp greditches4,4cieetru. . .. ' W (1 OLE§A . I.I3 and •RETAIL ) 0 ...."at , .thii !...111.iladelphin ‘Vatch (114—Jewelry Store," Number 1• ( .\ , 96 N opts Secand.,Streeticorpor A ~._,,rot.q.iiiirry.lluladelphia. oi i,..-•,5•„.._ 'Gold Lever Wntelies; , (011 0 `. N•( I •-• jiewel,led, 18 enrat cases; $'20,00 .pold L'01 , ;., 18 Mirat easp4, ~,,d . $24 00' .Si litpi'db"'.je`Wells, '- •• ii• • 9OO ' Silver Lever, ,full . jwelled,, , 12 - 001 :superior Qualifiers i.' • 4., • • ' 'i , 00 ' i -Geld Spectacles, • 1 ' • • 7 'OO • FtneiStiver Speetdcles, ' . . 1 60 . Gold Bracelets. . • . ~ , .. is .00,1 , Golrl,repoils,•• ' • Silver 'red Spoons, s6t, ..k5,. 60. Gold Tons wri snd.Silverll'oldeK 100 Ga7ld ring' r 'reins in ;, ,Wat,elt Glasses; 'plalii32/ cents I,Pnti:nt, 18C; Lilnet; 20 ;`iither nrtiolen proportion:' ;All -mb:ile warranted to he Mint they are nold•for.' ;' ' • • •,;: ; ..•; •STAiIIrFE4 Et.oIIARIAY,I . * • • so otni Successors to 0, • Cotirtrarl - an Wild., Sarno Gold'and Silveil,evers and Lepines,atill lower Gino anove-Wiees.,;:' . ; Frdsh Afrival.of.Hardware. , - riHE, subscriber haiing returned from the ! ..•••Cli3F, h'an' - just opened lot' the Spring ," r•n largd and well scleuted•stock °CHARD \VASE, foreign and domestic, embracing:cc ci'ything upualiy•funnd in, that lino of businetne 'trite Ittemion•of friends and the : public goner:. ally ,isjespoctfully,diroctOto the, assortment g ha on hand, assurin,them• that' doods.of all 'kinds 'elill - he - tiold for cash pi a very,, small advande on triaduracitireta primi.' • '' ' ' ' ' ' 00-Remember ths Old 'Siarid-- , Etist - Itrain:c:t 4 ;Carlisle, Ph. •.',,, ~', ,;• • ,„• •.•• i 1 that. e'l . ' ~, , - t ; •lIRNItY, SAXTON . . ... . . , .. ' . vsrA.nrizzat•;!:. : - ,T. - ..,' , ic A RPENTORS,lCShinehmakentiMaggen• I .: ; ,1 Miakore; Coach-makers, Shoo•makern.atjd !Mechanical genes ally, :tyke are inw.aint of good rrooL.s,:o.calk , kt./499'4. witerayea'citll Or: Ways he supplied with a lull Itict, ofi ettpnrier Poole from_tho_ best, manufactories. ' Warren en at in)coe,lprrer, than over was heard . 01 gal ~, to, ..:.,,,,:, ~,„ .. :.• ... -I CM N. N. LY tt'gi'.'_ T We t Side,Noith . Hanover streetX rilitEg 'NO rigE e —That hlrOTiblis nbout coin monciiiolOitaacoeinng and nth. ,era in want of theni,,' cap get atiiiptind with' !Knivaii arida Porky; • St l ona,.. Ladibb,! Coffee, Pana; , 'Kettlos'iliaatb..lrons,' &ed. , at thO low Teton by- 1, ' • ; roar t 9 : 1 SAXTON. . „Great.. Au? I for, liargains.trg, l t AT the New and Cheap, Stote.Of WMBI3 IV, ic*IVI'P BELL'. ' arh \leallink • " , aff'ii rtinaiie of Clialiirigrds — filid sinue dif idtin,a ht . Vtantli'Oid need prictke. • Jan 21 . . , NEVI7—GOODEL; . EmbiiiriGiii , :hitipailiEoLviiii - Trom Phil. st„„Zrlphirr id , ilnierPfAumnrirnen't°f:!'l ) id(ll3.oS.niidllPtf)e!niA§iiiwhich, , Yol l 4 ft nld very ehe3ll nt herije%V`etArP t , PGit t , ,xl9„,qfit4 . tip rt Hotel RIO .ri tthav , oPilf?all f -I)Y'sVtottl: AIAAGAItO7,..9I\TODG X. 9. • uptment. Sinte in Carlislq! I ltniqitltS PPPintS° Is° Unb Ot in gt terli of afflicti6n. ' IYr"C L KELLTNG;' ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN `AND ACCOUCHEUR; Noolittiaiogiburg, , • Dr. Ksmaxa announces to the afflicted that he in a. regular graduate of, the best Medical-College In the United StateS; and,Auring Meny,years 'of very extensive practice, .has been' familiar with' every form of diseatie, and succeeded Meeting the most hopeless cases, even when abandoned by the regular, faculty.: His Perfe . et knowledge of the hu man 'Systole enables him to adapt the meaneto the. iniVio as to produce the Most astoniehing results.' The alarming Prevalence of disease, and the often .imperfect Medical treatment of the preheat day,has induced him to make known nsa NEVER-FAILING REMEDIES', that those that mourn may rejoice, and the afflicted leap. for joy. ALL, no matter what their 'disease maybe, can rest assured'of finding relief, and thereforeshould not:delay a moment. Write disease and symptoms full and.plain,-and you-can receive, an answer by return mailf(free) stating the medicine required.and the :pries of iL Address, C. L. KELT:JED, D:, Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. ' N.D.—The Doctor will attend patients et my distance, when required. ZIA C &I' New Clothing Establishment! . THE u ndersigned respectfully announces to his ohl friends and the public generally, that he has re-commenced ,ho CLOTH EN G HSI NKSS in all its vat ions branches. mid has Just opened. fle' from the city; at "Leonetti:a Cor ner." North Hanover street, a well stitected assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING. embracing evory variety, In ylr mid finish; and, at inier's, corresponding to the tunes and quality. He has also on hand a superior stock of CLOTHS. CASSIMER ES, V ESTINGS, &lc, of every style suitable for Spring and Slim mar. wpar. and w,hich he will make to order on terms which :.ennniit. fail :to please. His stock also embraces nitric rot of Men's Shirts,'Cor tars, Crnvitts, Gloves and' Hosiery ; in short. every article pertaining to gentlemen's wear.— He invites the minim to call and examine..his goads. , . 111)1 '26,1854 ' NEW GOODS-PRICES REDUCED At CHARLES in EaVt' Iligh Street, Carlisle, Pa. WE, have just received a ,large and hand- some assortment of Spring:and Summer ' lOciods-,•+my second supply for,, the season— .Mish have-been bought for cash at astonish ingly low iirices, Mous de Rego 123 cents"wortlilti, Lawrie, (fast color) 6 12, do do it t 20, Barrcge de,Laines • 6_. " 12, do 1 2 25, Mishits 6 8, Barraizes 3t3 " 3l, Black Silks 62 87, do 100 " 1,25, Stockings • 6 12, 131 k Casaimero " 150, with a large and general assortmen t of ladies' DRESS.. GOODS, flarage, mous debege, and enrage detains, lawns, black and fancy silks of every descrip tion and quality, black alpacas of high lustre, blear bombazines of a superior quality, and a good assortment of Mourning Goons. DO.MESTJCS, DOMESTICS Bleached and unbleached mindins, aheetings from Ito 3 yds wide. chec ks, Glasgow and floe French ginghams , tickings, drtmasklow&s and table cloths, napkins, red, yellow and white woollen flannels. shrouding flannel, Sm.` EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Cambric and Swiss ruining. edging and insert, lig, lisle, ineehlin and Aloretitine lace, French I worked collars, do under•sleeves, do spencer I and cuffs, lawn-Misr, collars,black laced veils of all styles. A very handsome assortment of 'Bonnets and.- Bonnet Ri , ,bons. , Boots and Shoes a little lower than ever,— Having now the largest sad .cheapeat stock of New Goods iMthe °minty, .I am determined to give all who will. fi4or 119 with, a call, great bargains, Ooor old friends and Customers are invited to call. - May 24,-1854. . - PRI-Dra---AN-9D—SuTAIVIEXt.,--- 1851 j StylOs of Hats! [1859 EO,RGE KELLER respectfully 4unoun: Ulf cos to his old Patrons and the public gen. , • entity, that he has just• received the AlirSP RING STYLE. OF GENTLE • MEN'S HATS, manufactured at one of the hest establishments in firt...=-•`o Philadelphia, to whicv he invites • . special attention. • . He has also constantly on hand a huge and varied. assortment of his own manufacture as well as city, made HATS AND CAPS, •. Suitable for ho-seasen,eomprislng every, yeti? eyi otßussia, Beaver, Moleskin and , Silk.Hats, , finished in the latest etylminizother with a lull assortment of 'Caps Of evoiy 'shape:and: 'deal cription, and 'at every pricat. He partimdarly invites the public to call and examine his eaten, ante assortments in 'style, material ;Ind finish olanntit—ha witnessed hy'ilny in market, and'whichtto is able to put-at prices loWer then ever. , Krltememher 'his old stand on North Hanover street, between Homer's and'Senerts sto•e. 14 1.854. Nails, Iron. Taint, &c Tlll subscrilier has just peeeiied'loo keg 11. of NAILS,' for sale at reduccd:prices.-7 yAlso 10 lons'ot hammered Bnr Iron. Black. smith's Will do, W6ll call. 'Also a Inr'go tot 'Ol White Lead, Zinc Pnints, Turpentine, G less' hod' Potte: Soperior COO Vor• nish, &.e. Also just rereived n large stock' a 1100Innd's and New York make ciCF,lliptic, Snri'o6. 01l `fir , sale cljeriji ht dte .Obi q'tand,' Nord4llanover ! Map 17 " JACOB'SENER. ' 1 V4II.IVILBS: . rilliDeulispritior informs the pub- I lie that lie has constantly on hand a variety of choice youno , l,o-: • • 01..)$T.TUKE'S, from • ten to fifteen • feet. •high,ivliich 'were raised from' the r seed, they,'are all dl tlid 'yellow locusts offers thpm at modeime prices, at hie nursery, 'situated inliamptlen township, Cumb.' county, about 5 Miles west of Harrisburg, on the turn- , pike. ' Cell end examine for yourselves:. .• F0622.10wpd1.R , EBERLY. 1-- Al4ll, Oarlisle,Vemale Seminary. . . lt/riSSES PAINE• will commence' the SI'MMER SESSION of their Seminary :on the second Monday in April; in ti new and tmmtnedmus school room, next door •to Mr: •Leonartre,.NorthatenovorAteeet.. Instruction in tne languages ant cawing, no extra charge: ' •—• • • Mustc..l:lglit by inexperienced tencher,at an•eximeharent- • • .•• Atteptatft. Scythes,' Spythes; ecythes. JUST' received it largo int of 'SCYTHE'S, 01' . superior .tirtifida; to whieh,lll6. attention Vti Cradle Makers 'and Fainters is invited. 'Litt niteoLiart. 01 Familia. ticalso....solndlotto air great,varjety of Fainting ,Utensils.of the i vaiy, host antics.. .P,loughtpf farnittiliedtvfil n a ainall milting:ft an a it - yipriatwitfnine:lnaltes at naanniaettiress priees...,;.oo a appnilil,nrk eta, ofPiturity w!delt wariant;to,maki.rnors hotter in lass:time than any, other chain in asp; ' T ry it. • , •.1 „ , 10 . 01 ; P. ,LYN lianover street ' LOOK.0117:1N TUBE 1 1 1ft 110LEItA t o4M.OR1 , U g. ..Dyeatery„ Ainr- NJ rhett; tltcl'eye tanking-their e6nertranee.— area knost the rerriedit.. Arjtotr , tiive any re• keret ;fat; thh . 'WO I iilp ' 01 , yoitrealttect,:yourt:witd: br•tyrrut-efilldrOitotionlytvitureelvectoc,itht. , ..) 1 Se echer'siMatchlesst COOl4l , ' thoryrice nhislic.theconaes(te,nese r esulting t r nii - 1 bigoted adherence to old quackery.. This .N ol tobvs_ ti R.,med,.' CBll 1,513 lin chi k the ' I ? r % idre or -. '', -- It I KIEVIT.II, , South tifitnritiei-lcireet,ta fo wt &iota Couth tal ) 1110 gtalt../io l ll' , ; *l PArlio 9. 67r - . 9 '.NZ4YE'tt,I.IT /7 I tiaiiiiihiers !SIMI Builders •tireViiiitid rio It. 2 exhiBin6 thelpatiortrintint'.nflbattke,' Latc4 . l 4, Pa' fi llalta,',liitiadet•Setqwa" 4 3huityrulty,.oitt ra pig: &c.MAIII:6? 'Cale cheap lit ...1 -1. t) . t t . -crikt'll :;' " 11 ' t ''..' •it'-' -VAXIC•III4.B..ii - Legal nub ' Otl)er Noticed. Estate of Andrew Sensernan, IikTUTICE is - neieby gitien that lettere urn& I.N - ministration oh the eqataorAndrew Sen sation, late of East Pentieboro twp, comb co., dcceaftd, have been granted'itiy the, Register of said county to' the enbectiber, reSidingin Mechanicsburg, All,prrsons, indebted to said euate are. rcq ilrqd to make iminediate payment, and thoselmsing,claime to itresent them to 'JACOB , SENSEMAN,' • AdminietratorAll June 76w . . ~ Estate of" Sitillittl - Alltihilliiit l igh,rd'e. ' WO CV:lt:is hdrithy given ' that I eters of ad, , i .I.N. Ministration on•the e'strite of imen - Augh.: inhaugh, late of North, 'Middleton .tvit - p, Curnb.,t °thin& c unry, deceased, h tve be n grinned by the Register of said coir , ty to. the stitic'eciliFy, . siding, in the same toriship. All persons in-' dehipd to said estate are required to -make inn: mediate Payment, and' those having claims to presant thorn for settlement to EL IZABILTII.AUGHINBAUGH t , may 80 Adm'v. , , , ~ Estate of Maria E. Selig', dec.- isi OTKIE is berbby given that letters of ad. ministration, will annexed, of_ Maria Sthith, late of llnmpden t Wp," Comb. county, doeihised, have !teen . granted by the ltegiiter of siiii,eounty to Aim einisorMer, resi ding in' the a.timr Mwnship. Ali persons havin g • churns against said estate are required to pre. sent the a for settlement, and thobe•indebted to• make immediate payment' to DAVID SHOPP, Ser. Moy 24 fit 'Estate of 'John Heys, dee. x.:-rottC; F, is hOrebi , fiiVell that' Miters of ad miois!ration- on the:atoto of John nays, late iCrtertichtra._township._dee.,have "been. urantel to the suhSeritter, resitting in South Mtddleton.towtythip, Cittnherlthill enuntit:: Al! persims lode m1(1,1143 said ....state ore required.,to sok!: lin ne hate, _those having claintri to present thew ni ' JOHN STITART. Administrator. , May 10 Estate of James Barton, dec. • iikTO 19 hereby given that lett ire of ad ll"mirtistration no the estate of James Bur ton, late 01' Lower Allen tow nship. eintiber. land county, deceased, hwy(' been granted b) the Register o, said eolinty,to the subscriher„ r..itiltng in the same township. All persona havingelaims azattist said estate are required ,to present tiwin for settle'ment, and these in debted to make immediate paymeni to • , ISAAC. BARTON, Adm'r. May 3-6 w Town Property For Sale, riIHF.I unde rsigned offers'for sale the follow t lug property, situate in the borough of Carlisle, viz:— No. ' I—A double Iwo story rut , • ~,,., ~.. Stone DWELLING HOUSE, *74 ,' ' situate on , Bedford street. with :lOW .1. ~..', .. ~ . . ''. hack building.' wash home and .-'-'"''. cistern, adjoining property, ok, T. BOtiter.• The lot ht 122 feet deep; No. 2—ls a two story DWELLING HOUSE weitherboarded, with, a never-failing well of water no ir the dam:, The two Properties will be sold serdratoly or together as may suit' pur chasers. No. 3—A TOWN LOT containing Five Acres, on the Harrishurg turnpike, opposite Foland's Point House. For terms finely' to May 3tll, WM. M. PEN,: OSE. HOUSE AIR LOT FOR SALE. . THE twn Story FRAME HOUSE and Lot of Groutid in South Hallo. - ver street, now occupied by Chalks 4or Barnitz, immediately opposite Bent'z 4 Store. is ethics.) at private sale. - For *. time enquire of the subscriber, Attorney for the owner. novv's3lfl R. M. HENDERSON. riousns r0:, , .. 1, SALE THE two Brick two etdry ELLING HOUSES'', with basetrodu stories,. . belonging to and adjoin i n g th e m, t!1! E. Church, near rite /tail Lad De -7..?,.•• pot, are for vale. They 'w,jll he „otrered'at private vale until the let of August nett, when if not sold they_ will be ollerod..d'eualie • sole Iltl the pre m ISCS; on or before the tat of Septentbertc,•reallar,_ The property can be seeh and nay oilier in fermmon had. on reference to either of the . unthirsigneid. CH ARLES BELL, • ,I, WORTHINGTON,, JW EBY. Carlisle. May 24, 1854 ROBERT B. SMILWW, ABIN El: MAKER AND UN DE RTA KER North IfanoverStreet, and nest duo/. to Gintra's THE undersigned woiild respectfully inform the,en izens of Carlisle and the public getter alli„ that he nowlias nn hand a largo and els , - gant assortment of FUR. NITITTIM, in part of Wardrobes, Card and oilier Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsiclaqs„.4lsin and fancy Sen , iii*Si an ls. &c. iiitimMotuierd of the beet material and quality, , yftrranted.• • • _ a'!;renaral ri.fl . cinont rITAIns at the' lowest prunes. V .I .. lliiids made td order, and repair ing premtnly itaiendadto._ . 197Coilins nvtde atAlto &mites', no' ice, and: havinga splendid beariZ he will attend funer-!' als in •own or country. a:r Itootember thp, stpnd— next door to IL npy2l It. .11tlitaT .P. LIfitITE, • • Wholesale and •Reinil l), iller' in Amer 'icnn,. English and German HARP NVARE, Oils. Yaint.i. &o. • ak/VICIINNI lin , ller,tind the public, I.V.11:0911.y,;- , v1i, are' in w tilt of flartl,V . are•'of any ton ar'e - l.tia.,!. I ILI in and exanitti'e my soy* g00.w.11 0, sellto; at, very lo,y_;),:i ;ca. ,%i. ust,st o p in ; L it will. only detain yo'n . a. very few. minutes , l.l-lietoa.: , vineed tli it wit tt .evorylindy i s plien to Oat Good goads at low tr»e. ' .• • -LYNl3'S'l7ii'iiwnri3 Store, West Side Nol . th'llailever strc44,' r • C jslol IME . SE4AII. - PI AVU . VAO Tony Sam N. Arm§trplag, Infortes the citizen& of Curti:de thlit he has opendd an estribiihnicnt' for the .;ale,ol Per eign dill' Domestic SEGA RS 'on West - Main - ` - street, ilireetly oppo,ite the R. 12. Depot. wheta ho will keep onnataiitiv en nand SE:GARS. • • - " 13 A 0 C 0 , A N 1i..8114 F F beet varieties. his various broads' of Imtuiriod.segara cannot he surpassed in audits, The lovers of fragrant sekarnaitd wvra wood" are invited to give hint a 'Also a large .assortiMint of canes, iratibiellas, bte. U 11 BE R • , • •-• '6 Ile 'also Continues' tlie, atrober..l3nabiebsa l on the corner of Wept anti' Poniiroi streets, rherd may alwaVs he found 'a :u6beral variety of Lumber, at the lowest market prices'. 1 • April 26: 1854.+. .. ; .. : • •,(!• to . cmzi . EA,UTI yI) Witt t,t Teeth, tiehlthit dupe B and h Sweet, who are deliitou, 01 Oht cluing these hem:dile 'should 'use r ICILLEBRA'I'FID Too' iti . . AvAstf. l Thia dolfetiitia torious has 'now become o sten, ' ;ard litvurite.witlt the citizen.) of New y"rk, phihidelphin and Italttintire. I.)tintists pre. acritie 'in t hair. r'rectieumiti,f (root evory.aotirce the must 11 ; fttoiing,litti'dittlotte are'awardell it. ' alid ‘ filiteding 'gftypti, nre , fy ho'holitiod fts,iise ; Its ',mil.;upen't ho tii IS Mi tij. . l ! ' 9. l : lll •l'g and P!li.lPtiv,o'r. cleatlfles tea titeroeghly, tltat they nre made Lind dilfthq't;througli ,inouth..such frcaliiiiika 'that rtl'Ae'' toteatli ii'rithddred fectestycle.,f,ufpurities Itieb. tent! to r pid,dptits doiiny,:aq#, as a c9netofttillicti, %obeli Meet) pyg remoipu: the teeth niust alweyaiveldiffeolf,hd. l Iteiid the following from Dr. "f.3arintini— ::,lVllr..ri:Zerpip..n7iFi linvillgoseq,a,n,d. re. cnet.iieridoirkiic TeetliWriehin ititr,Prildtiee find it the Inhat efftietiml‘f,tentififtp - id nab; iindilitircfdto reeernm'eittl'ili le 1H pitEft•L ' • 19titrisl)tittivPti: 1 "‘ • 'Rood the followltid:leatinitd.yll , :IA MB ZiailAff‘Lfinee'fdl'i I hnvotially lefted fife 'tit'erita'nf ToQtli ", nib:fend Whit fititifl, l Veptneuttildle. , :tua ;I,fie best thrill Ilea e:6roeiinhietn s y pn. etteqiettlip ' tte;lfefittiit'.:#f stateett edify's. •"ft eletiftea aonifies and hur Adult, iinrita'fe'd f ti rote, find impor a „a..cleffejouß fiiigraniti ,l td ',the greatly:' - From the iflontill of ii',"lfoweve'r' it" will coP f t., Onto': 4 ctiiitett.'Sttrgennilfetirial;'''' ,o " ';''.',79,'S'Euttli Tenth street It'ia 9 ttsed and y all the eml: 'ear Do'ntiaia to New ',time/re; other .; . a,. Whet:Cit. liaa.l)tilfe - iff.' ,troditeed:.-"Alrfslloeld•ltivrYit'n'trisil."/ T...iit:T; Pita oriel 4;,Frnneii(Zetnirirt; PrllW giat'aud :111114.'0 sate end' rptailik.iSaintowhililllkitti,-Qufliide,J: /1107ahliilller. ',11 , ' kr , 111 rflyVire,.4.r,l andAzyt,:all, flihsgmi bi 4 :1 Y,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers