Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 10, 1854, Image 2

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    gumming at
•w. ,
VVeditesday; May 3.
. In the State Legislature, yesterday,:the bill
authorizing 'the -- Cleveland; -Painesville- and
Ashtabula Railroad Company to extend s their
road to Erie passed the House. As passed by
the Muse, the bill'only reserves to the State
the power te•tax•the 'company under the gen
eral law allowing a tax on all the railroads,in
thelitati----As - the bilt-originally- passed•the
Senate,' ht•Aletved to, the State, the, power to
impoie a tax on all passengers and freight
visaing Over the road.
'tossed te'the aliment of $45,000 were sus
tained ict • consequence of the late stoma on
Lake Michigan. Six more dead bodies, sup
posed to, be those of German emigrants, wore
placed up yesterday on the - beadh at Absecotn,
the victims of the recent awful shipwreck.—
The:Scientific Association in session at Wash,
ington, D...Q., has, determined to meet at Prov
idence, August, 16th, 1856. Dr. Torrey has
been elected President. A packer in Wash
ington; who was engaged inTneking for two
members of Congress, has been detected in
selling their franks at fifty cents per hut:tired.
A 'claim agent had bought a lot,•and enclosed
eleVen hundred circulars free through the poet
• office. ''The fraud^ was exposed, but subse.
qUentlYwas oornpromilleed: The ;Prohibit - ft - Sr
I t iquorLaw municipal ticket has been success
fpl• at the chimer election in Wilmington, Del.,
over the regtilar Whig ticket. 'Much daniage
has been done to-property along the valley of
the Delaware river, by the freshet. Great,
qbalatittes of lumber have been swept away.—
BantaAllreti recent victory' in Mexico appears
tiv he only Ober a body of 800 of the rebels, not
under the immediate command of Alvarez '
. his Lieutenant, Villareal, who retired and
joined the main army of the insurgents, when
he htid given Santa Ana sufficient trouble
. Count Boulbon is at length proved to he still
plotting a Trench , descent upon Sonbra, and
' all,tho particulars of his plan are exposed.—
The Mexican government is said to be about to
demand of the United States the return of
five negroes, kidnapped from Mexico, and now
held in slavery at Lafayette, La. . .
Last Saturday's, storm has created a tremen-,
dous freshet in the Connecticut river, the wa
ter having risen thirty feet in a brief space of
tinie, averfloodzig• nil the adjacent' towns, fil
ling the streets, surrounding houses, and cans immeace.destruction of property..,,,Th.e.
railroads have suffered largely, The Croton
Dain'hie not been swept away, and so New
York city is not menaced with a short supply
of water. The works 'are much damaged, but
the dais is safe: a
In Congress, yesterday, the S'enate receded
from its amendments to the Military Academy
bill,•witiolf the House had objected to. The
Indian Appropriation bill Wfilip, amended and
eptborately discussed. In 'the House, Mr.
Richardson gave notice that early next week
litiintends to call the attention of the House
to-the'Nebtliska-Kanstts bill, and also that the'
friends of the bill intend' to resort to every
fair, parliamentary means of bringing this
cluestion to the consideration of the House.—
Wheeler offered a•retiolution directing the
Secretary-of-the-Navy - to--send - one, - two, or
pore sailing ',easels, with three months' pro
visions. and clothing for four hundred men,
tieiiroh for the, missing steamship_ City of Glas
gow;' itnd if here are no' governmOnt vessels
at his .disposal; authorizing him to charter or
freight suitable vessels for the purpose. But
Itlr. Letcher objected, and therefore the reso
lution could not be received. Mr. Richardson
repOrted 'a bill toOdmit Oregon as ti-State. A
Inestiagelvas-received from Preeident Pierce,
communicating information respecting the case
of the Rev, John Cook Richmond. .
, In the State Legislature, yesterday, the
Sonata adopted the report of the Committee
of Conference in reference to tho Pitt: burg
had 'Erie Railroad bill, considered and post
poned the bill supplementary to the act for
the sale of the Main Line, passed a bill apr
propriating $15,000 to repair breaches on the
Delaware Division, and received 'a message
from•the Governor, announcing that the bill
authorizing the District ,of Spring Garden to
'ettbsoribo to toe stock of the Hompfield Rail- '
road , had bebome a law by lapse of time with
oht his Bignitturo.' Vetoes of the-bills char
__AZtring_thk.Donegal, Datanadtia,..AllentawaancL
MounrPleasant Deposit-Batiks, were received
from the Gevernor, and sustained by the Sen
''' In' the House; the conference report on the
' Pittsburg and Erie Road bill was adopted, the
Cumberland' Valley Savings Bank charter was
rejected, and, a motion-to take up a bill incor
porating the Philadelphia Deposite Bank was
negatived.' 'A bill passed to incorporate the
Bank of Warren. • ..
,The.Ward.excitereent at the West grows in,
tense. A public meeting at Madison hid.,
bas.passed a resolution, requesting the leffer
ebn'..Gati Agrioultiiral .. Seoiety to
withdraw the invitation they had extended to
ilohn J . ...Crittenden to deliver the address at
their next,onnual fair. The Ward family have
left Louisville.
Yesterday," in the Connecticut Legislature,
Ifen•ry Dutton', Whig, -wes t. elected Governor,
and the rent of the State offices were filled
vile Whigs., A severe storm and ; flood. at
Boston have Submerged all the lowlands, and
caused a landslide on the Worcester Railroad!
13even or• eight' vessels' aro reported to have
been foutuLenclosed i 44 the ice off Ashy Bay,
; Caps Breton,. 'Several had been boarded, by
,parties from the shore and found to 'bb aan
mlnlCongress, yesterday, the Senate received
e i ntettage from President Pierce, transmitting
!th,e,oot t• esperide . ne . e on the subjeot Of passen
ers On, iimigtlant vessels. Resolutions' were
asta ealling•for information as to the Stocks
ainti securities,redeemed•hy tilia Secretary of
sheTrposury since March, 1863, end also. for
.the,report 9f the North ; Pacific Exploring Ex
'.'itilditional copies Of the 'veto mes
sage, and the reports of the Director' of the
' Mint were ordered to be printed. A long .da
tide then . onstiod'upen the Piesident'a veto of
the bill donating hinds , for the,benellt of the
'lndigent. Insane. The Democratic. Senators
were all of the some way of thinking, as the
• . Iprositientt,atleast nll id them'who.eipreased
; the pint ! j,d i504 4 41i, 13 .d inns,
Iwhether i the doctrine ottffb vet9.APPIWo to the
Homestead Ail). A,enotion .to postpone the
itia4ter t until Monday next,was adopted. • • •
to tiho.Tlouno, the bill 'to establish the officio
letStirVeibi, General •Of titaff,"and gruntingltuiffe 4 to, aetual Settler's in that te'rritorY, - wria
taken up, and, on'inetitir, of hir.`Dieneyi . were
reatriotod to actual white 'settlers. Mr. Bern
hlidel, 'the reprtsentativo of, the territory,
11:10v9,410.:etrike out the ,proviso prohibiting
toy porton from ,*eosiving tbq benefits of the
sit Who hat, 0%14 have. More than Ono Wife.
qinistibit lilting &Anita 'ensued.' "' '
lillThe New York !Crystal Palacio re-opened
.I.eaterday,under its new auspiope- , The, Ger,'
!wee jury, in, the ..Brondway fire,case,'has
returned 'a Verdted; eettatiring 'the arChitects,
Ibbilderslind 'owneril.of 'the bootie 'where rthe
Will. foil:': ,The., Canadian 'Parliament ; Build:-
144 Xit.QOP.boit,„, l 49T be4R'<t•
tuw , i , li:', r; ~$ ,J Saturday, Dilay•6.,:
' ~ I n•Ciongressi? y estorday, , th a Bo us e ,resumed ,
es, dikausPicin of, ilw bill establishing the otkeet
Of SrirveydrG:Mietal So the territory of litail,'
tindPgiVing donations of land's toilotual seitltits,
sthem,the -natation b,eing Upon., the• motion to;
'strike out the proviso which, proyenta polyge.'
obits from benefltting„ by the enaorment:—
lkia, was, Ja c committee, and. the rsult .was
filetd bail was laid "
aside; icl:be `repotted,
Ntit'h 'a Viielitinilendatted that itlitiould not peed.
orheitillt:tet , providit %for thc admisilon'of Ore,-
, Fobitsit:,.Eitatoottaet,talten ., :up,,bukm.,cm*.,
, •
qa. .71 3 ... ~ ~,.• ....,,.. 1 ; .. t.,4•1• rf
Li e enate, yesterdaY, Ati p,ivite '3i:dal.;
4 dei'''"iitrtlitiiik 'up; 'tiittaity-tbieilotills , 'Wore!
*silted, twenty.four , postponidolour vrkieetett,i
klind,seventetta VI a, oopsidisrad .butyxotoPolgO'
411P11,,,,..,.,,, ~,
lirge, fire, roke 'oat, at cltamesburk.
14iterday,'iyitioh:deetrOyed a number orh!olio.
ilit; 71:h •J ~_. .:...,, , l, ,
In the Statti,,l,egislature,fyesie.4.9Yot , .11 1 9i 1
bill to, charter , the Donegal Depoidte Bank,
Illik a clause making the stockholders lag
1 -0 pO.tioyex esVulo aqt jo °Dustup Gip J0 : sonoo.
.-oq 'tome/um-mit ,fq pactie 'Oa atuanqd
postind,pne poonp6.oui etreOeiquirlfieripis
In the Renee, yesterday; the Senate bilk,ap
proOriating.sl6,ooo4o repair, damages on'the
Dela Ware Division of the. Sttite Canals was;
,paesed, t The' bill relative tp cenutteriesswas
Alebatetkat length, and postponed indefffittely.`
' enable.Courtsto vacate lanes, alloys;
roads and highways when they_ become useless,
13y the arrival of the steamehip — AfrfoiVat'
New York, we• have later intelligence front
Eu6)po...A declaration nrofwering to.the En
glish and French declaration of war, has been
issued by Russia. - The official joUrtial'ala
mates that the substance of the famous secret
'correspondence-was communicated-cm-Russia
and Austria some time back. The two latter
power's .hav'e 'ilignifdla 'treaty of alliance, , and
the English and French governments have
signed and ratified also a treaty of alliance to
reference to the pending war. Several impor
tant decrees have been published in reference
te.sla,ves_in_apain at
_the, soggpAign,pf the
British Minister. Mr. Soule has not succeed
ed in arranging the Black Warrior difficulty,
hut had made hie demOnds for redress •in a
high tone. A -end account is given of the in
efficient*, of the Turkish army under Omar
Facia. The British icruisore have captured,
in all, seine ten merchant Vessels.
'The.LiVerpool agents of the steamship City
of Glasgow do not give her up. They suppose
her to he fast in the ice near Newfoundland,
and say her provisions were sufficient to last
sixty, or seventy days.
The first election by ballot in the city of St.
• John, N. 8., took piece en Tuesday last, and
. resulted in the success of• the Temperance
candidate for Mayor, .
In Congress , on Saturday, the Senate not
--beingdis sessioni-the-House- met--but-dill-both—
. init. Mr. Washburn, of Maine, presented
the resolutions of the Legislature of that
State, asking indemnity
,for lands taken to
carry into effect the treaty of Washington;
and Mr. into.
of Michighh,' reported a
bill to aid. Minnesota in conetruoting a railroad
in that- territ ry, but an adjournment took
place before an action was had upon it.
A steam bell r on board the tow-boat Penn
sylvania, plying on the Delaware river, ex
ploded on Priday night, near liordentown,
while the steamer was towing down "sixteeb
empty coal boats. Five men and nine horses
were killed, a man and a boy are missing, a
tenth horse leaped overboard and was drowned,
and several men were badly 'molded. •
At Washington the friends and opponents of
the repeal of the Missouri Compromise are
preparing for a grout litruggle in the Ilouse of
Representatives this week on that question,
and both, sides have already chalked out a
programme of action.
In the State Legislature, the two houses
disagreed - on the bill )(dative to private claims,
and the matter was referred to a joint commit-,
tee Of - oonfeience. The House passed a nutn
ber of private bills, postponed indefinitely the
charter of the Donegal Deposito Bank, and
passed through a second reading a bill to re
charter,. tjte Honesdale Bank.
A carnpreheneive sohetne to throw 20,000
emigrants from the free States into the terri
tories of Nebraska and Kansas. has been ma
tured at the Wqroester (Mass.) Convention,
and a committee appointed to carry it into
effect by raising funds to aid emigr ts.
Tuesday, 'May 9.
In the U. S. House of Repr. sent tives, yes
terday, according to previous otice, Mr.
Richardson moved to go into Committee to
take up the...Nebraska-Kansas bill, and. the
motion prevailed by a rota of )00 Teas to 88
nays. The House then went into Committee,
Mr. Olds in the chair, and laid aside all 'the
bills standing ahead of the Nebraska bill on
the calendar, ,seventeen in number. This
measure was then considered, and Mr. Rich
ardson offered a substitute, being, - the Senate
hill without the amendment. The debate was
then commenced by Messrs. Hibbard and Lyon,
alter whose speeoltes.the House adjourned.
In the Semite, yesterday, Mr, Douglass
preSented a remonstrance against the, Nebras
ka bill, signed by five hundred clergymen cf
the northwestern States. Upon the phraseol
ogy of this memorial and the circumstances
connected with its adoPtion and presentation,
Mr. Douglas made a set speech . , accusing thorn
of acting with duplicity. The Homestead bill
was taken up and postponed. t.
In the State Legislature, yesterday, the
Senate received and adopted the report of the
Committee of Conterenoe on the private claim
bill,c l oncuried in the house amendments to
Friday, May 5
the supplementary Militia, bill, and adopted
the report of a Committee of Conference on
the - bill to•regulate the hour of factory labor.
As this latter bill now stands et:Mated, it ap
plies to all kinds of manufacturing..astabliah
!Bents. A conference report woe also received
istinks - gencral'aisproprlatiotrbill, - and - adolittni
by both Houses, the section increasing the
salaries of the Governor, Judges of the Courts,
eto., being omitted. . Senate concurred in the
House amendments to the bill relative to let
ters of attorney, fees of notaries, &0., and• tie
the b1;1 relative to estates in entail. .Amotion
to consider the bill relative to the assessment
anti eollection of taxes was, rejected. A bill
reititiVe to the 'Ate - 6f Ender iSchuylkill
county was altered so as to refe,r to the Zwhole
State and paseed.
In the House; the bill from the Semite rola-
tive to the sale of liquors, was anion - Lied and
ppesed. Tlas is the awn° bill, spoken of ,in
the Senate proceedings, and -the Senate eon!
stirred in the Couseamendments. Ityrevents
any person from selling malt liquors - without
license from the Court of Quarter Sessions,
in the sal:nu-manner as tavern likeness are ob.
tained, apd , r9bitii43 any person frem proqur.
ins license to soil spirituous liquor s hi' the
quart or lose measure, - pei,oil's at,
aro retailors ,Of.;foreign and domestic, goods,
_wares, and morebandizo, ontitled to be classed
9c l eal to the 'Oth class, and .have been thus
regularly classed 'by : mercantile' appraisers.
Violaters of the'net are subject to'the same
penalties as' the keepers ofunlioensed tippling
houses. The not does nog apply to the brew
ers of. omit liquors, nor the, rectifiers of spar. ituous liquors for pdiolessle purposes. The
operation of the nieasuro commences immeL
A large portion of the long bridge across the
otonme river at Washington, D., C., was de
etroyed by fire on Sunday. A: fanatical street
preacher at Chelsea, Mass., has caused a riot,'
'at first partially suppressed by the police and
firemen,. but, subsequently, renewed, between
the Irish and Americans, and 'ending, in the
mobbing of u Catholic olidich; and several
persons being injured. It, • •
An arrival at Now Orleans brings inter newe
kola , San • Francisco dates are ,te
thetyith ult. The 'seed-monthly shipments of
gold . oaetward amounted to • three millions of
dollars; •Theateatuehip Star of - the Weithas
arrived at New York, with $1,116,947, in geld
,board ,1 on freight, and , IRBOO,OOO in ,the
betide of pens,ongere. In Sacriimenta city, the
obarteraleatitmhns been carried by the Whigs.
Indhin.troublos continue on'Pitt and'McCloud
rivers, and . / 4.11, meet. ,bettle, fifteen passage'
pf9re killed., . The mines continue to yield very
lurgely',:caueing a grant rush to the' ciligings.
itt,Sen Frinciseo'the Mexibar, Consul' bits
been indicted for a *Wien of :the neutrality
lawn. Sonora, filliloster,;,, has
been sentenced to,pay, a, fine of $1090,, and
Emery, Who'ploaded guilty to tile 'seine charge,
iviie sentenced "to 'pay a ''sitellar''ffne. An
earthquake was feltat Plan ,- Franaisee.:on the
10th ult. The ship Challenge batlJloteq.w,it4
800, emigrants on board, after giving bonds,
Poftieri of 'the U. 8. bonded 'warehduse`ba4
broken dtlai'witli•th'e weight kit goods'PJ The
brnnoh War , commenced operatienceuithe,B4
ult. at Ban Framing % The daily., deposits
MFISe,d .about $86.00b. Walker., end ...his
band' baits left'a.;oritip California,' and' 'gone
Overlithd: to Teictie " "". ' 3.'
hodording , to reporta,'M pro
paring revolutionary attetapt , in Bwopo
rioon tho peopor rtime ,may tarriirmi , We
May; theirldok for lECostigth
hata , and 'tither revolutkdaryitaahions. ~B ut
we.havoMo doubt the Philadelphia putblioi 'no
adiat May ;b6theohatigpaiutdreaa, wil
atill , botitlttdo to .provido , tbeaidolvea 10th:cloth
log lista Itookhill; Fo'WlloOteatiohoap :mad ~ e la.
gent clothing Novo, No. 111 Cheatallt.atriot,
corner of FiUnklhi Pii i. . • .
../i4.),A► I' !,
rioem. theq : day& ttMre; it;aPthmil
started for 'Nashville.
NE. 1 ARGEST-416 cithAki tIVA/SPAPER
Terms—Two Dollars alectr s .or-One-Dollar-and
Fifty Cents, if: paid , punctually .11(1varIce.
• sl'76 paateithiu the Yeai. ' '
♦JAMES' roLtocii,
Monday May S.
In pursuance of the directions of the late
'Whig State Coneention, I have selected the
following gentlemen to compose the State Cen
tral Committee for the present year: „- •
trerlind. GrCurtin. — of Clnitre - Co., Chairman,
GOn. William Lorimer, Allegheny
Col C. 0 Loomis,
Fredrick Lening, Philadelphia. .
Joseph B. Myers,
Hon. Wm. B. Reed; "
Stephen Miller, Dauphin
John Covode, Westmoreland
• Tlio. E. Franklin, Lancaster
Han: H. N. Fuller, Lucerne
11. D. Maxwell, Northampton
L. A. Mackey, Clinton
David Taggart, Northumberland Co.
Chairnian Whig &ate Convention.
An not, intended to establish the "Farmers
High School of Pennsylvania," has been pas
sed by the Legislature. By its provisions the
President and Vice Presidents of the Penn
sylvania State - Agricultural Society and the
Presidents of , tbe several County Agricultural
Societies, which .4all at any time have been
organized more thah ono year, shall be ex-of
ficio members of and constitute the Board of
Trustees" who shall meet qt Harrisburg, on
the seizond Tuesday of June, and proceed to
dim organization of the Institution and select
a site most eligible within, the Common
wealth for its location, where they shall pur
chase or obtain by gift, grant or otherwise, a
tract of land containing at least two hundred
acres upon which they shall procure such im
srovemeuts and alterations to be made, or will
procure an Institution properly adapted to
the instruction of yhuth in the art of Farming,
The persons designated by this law, are re
quested to meet at the otlice of the State Ag
ricultural Society, at llarrisburg, on Tuesday
the lath of June, 1854.
President P. S. Agricultural Society
Carlisle, May sth, 1854.
.The Legislature woe to adjourn to-day, and
we trust not to be disappointed in the expec
tation of its doing so. The course of Mr.
McKee; of this county, has been most extraor
dinary in relation to Banks, for which even
the Volunteer has been obliged to give him a
rasping. Built don't matter much as he goes
into retiremetit.nevcir to emerge again. Mo
ser, as we before mentioned, voted egaiust
selling the Main Line, for which the Democrat
endeavors to justify biin. L 'But the people
wont, if they think still as they did-when they
gave over 2000 mnjority for the sale. •
We learn from the legislative proceedings of
Monday that a new liquor law passed both
liousos on ticat day, and only needs the sig
nature of tho Governor to become a law.. It
was introduced originally to tipiii - yid Schuyl
kill 'county, and afterwards amended to' apply
to'thewholo 'state::
" It prohibits after its plissage any Pereens
from selling beer, ale, porter, or other malt li
quors, without nlicense from the Court Of Quar
ter essions, to be procured in the some man licensee for taverns are now obtained.
It also prohibits any person from obtainibg a
license for the sale of opinions liquors by the
quart or otherwise, unless qty., persons so up
plyineehall be retailers of foreign cjid-domes•
tic &oda, wares and merchandise, and entitled
to be, 'olaseed equal* to the fourteenth
and to have been thus regularly classed by the
mercantile appraisers.
All persons violating this act are subjected
to the eaine penalties ns thoilb prescribed
against the keepers;of unlicensed tipplingtou:-
ses; but the not is .not to apply to brewers of
malt liquors, or manufacturers or rectifiers .
of liquors for wholesale purposes. The not
goes into' effect immediately upon being:signed
by the Governor.
The Ilarrisburg,./Teraid states that at, the
municipal election in LaneaSter °Di on Teee- n
day last,,tWO
n gentlemen who were not ime n wri
as candidates were elected School Director's by
about siz liundre4 majority over, two regularly
uominaled candidates op 4.3Unieti ticket; the
defc:aifitleandidatesnro Cotholies, and rpoeired
only about sovemty ; 'OuAof seven hundrod votes
,polled! The successful oandidotes warp astoo•
billed at this u n nexpected !esiti t, and cannot le
countfo! it. Dike the rest of the Oommu n o n ity
ahoy "4friory Nothing" about it., , n
~Onsturr's, Maons(rin.. 7 -Tlle illustrations.of
tho,May, number of this old and popular, visi T
tor are very . find, and tho .literary contribu
tiona ..exceediugly good. Headley's Lifo of
•.)Yatittington ,(illuotrated) , is oontinued, nod, we
not say,- increases in interest in every Autober ;
1 . 48, style qf :writing. AS elegant ! and ; iraPassiqu l
ed, ond,,nOteirably "kloulatesi t in tho,prosent
vrark,-,4 keep up, that revorenoq for tho
of dtia
„Country, so proper:to ho ipheerre4 by
!hos° mho , 'been , hynofitted try his,noblo
894'0900 to, hie coup thOY.Vieritsg,innikii
vented, Who, otitor olontribntor4.,Oliwqg ?thorn
are Noal; , Carolina Chperobro",,Trault
.Egrosteri.&q„ into all, won. Itripwn And! labia
writers... Qeorge r Grahatu r Publisher, No,
4.oA,Chpaknu4 imeo,,,V,lttlyttlqlphii!..,„Tectqa, $8
• TUN ,filoisoLttiti,--Governor.:Bigr
ler has elgtiod the bill' for)thnhale of the Troia
Line of 'the , pnblio *orkfo Tho Pennsylvania
'Railroad , Comptinsrif ielvas etterm'eed' at one
timei-nould :he ' , prominent Idddori:but• at a
spear& - meeting. hold imr , the9 , 24th•ult. , , , they
resolved . not • to •purotmee , at 'ton millions:—
Other bidders, hoelever, ivill , dotibtletur,'obme
for Ward'; for • the railroa4 although a.• losing
vitfairtot *the $ tateVis a be irabln investment,
tinit not a•detie ono, •nt the •mhilmula &lad Ili
'e'd; ty - the••Logieliture••• • •'''• • - •I • , •,1,• ,„ '
1t , ,t`
uilteeltliti. 'Patt'ettituf;;•t'tq'.,, rotliod,
ttoto,Al4 , Hottilibutt Ziliardiikutindria s'uoaoe..
dedliktititkiptititLlVllll4to&C'oP oLWe IsrotoOitio.the,
now odttot to tho rails.. • • '
70 4 •
pit • • '
.1417 .10, 186 t
of Northumberland
of Allegheny
of lifontgomor.r.-
.. Veto Nessages from , the President of the U.
S. have riot been so oommoia lately as he Hen.
Jueltson's'day,trid President Pierce has dolly:.
° r e d himself of one,'probabli , to show that he
1 8' the veritable Young Hickory. He returned
, - ,to tke Senate last week with.bia . vetoi the bill
—, .. ,.
making- an - appropriation - of - publio-lands for
ii - the . betrefit• of .the indigent insane: -He takie
the broad ground that Congress. has no right
• .
to pass a bill:granting landelor elocersynary
ohjerA: He 'can seo'no difference botteion.nP-
preprinting ion millions out of the treasury
—god granting ten-millions in lands: • -Tho-Con
stitution,,allows, of noithor, in, his eriinion. 7
,Thepublio lands Pim bo granted; as he thinlis;
.only for such purpOses as will enhance the
Public domain.. TheriotM i nds, alternate seq-
Sons, may be granted for railroads, because it
will enhance the value of the remaining lands;
Thegovernment, in thismase, only does what
any prudent land holder would do. The Pres
ideut's objections extend to all charitable pur
poses; md within their scope may come the
-. Homestead Bill, the object of which is to give
laud to the landless, and promote agriCulture.
So, before the veto, falls the Bennett land bill,
which gives land to,the States for educational
purposes and inteinal improvementri. , . There
is nothing in the message that entirely richt- .
des a grantof lands for o railroad to the Pa=
Mile, it, the lands be granted in alternate aeo•
tions' along the lin rof the road. The landhol.
dors interest•covers this case.
After the message was read, a discussion
-nose-on-a-tnotimi to-print,- °venter
Brown. of Miss., dis4ected the message, and
very ably replied to its objections.
We learn from the Bradford Argui, that a
meeting of the Democracy of Brae ford county,
opposed to the. Nebraska bill, was held at To
wanda, on Tuesday last, at whioh,Gol. Gordon
F. 11.1asOn l , formerly State Senator, presided,
and which was addressed by lion. David
mot, who ‘said not to have ,neglected in his
speech to rap the knuckles of the dodging gem
tlemon upon the Democratic) ticket for Gover.
nor of Pennsylvania.
When Judge Wilmot had concluded his
speech, ho offered a paper--in enlister& an
address, or declaration of principles, to the
democracy of the State—which was passed by
the meeting unanimously. In his speech and
paper both, the Judge boldly declared the Ne
braska question to be an issue, and one that
would overthrow the democracy in every free
State in the Union, that attempted to back its
passage as ayarty question. The address cal
led upon our State Representatives to pass im
mediately the anti-Nebraska resolutions, which
have for some time been pending before that
body ; and its ease of its refusal to pass them,
then the Democraby of Am. ..State are culled
upon to meet in convention, to take such ac
tion thereon as the exigency of the case s may
In the House of Representatives, an Tues
day, Mr. Richardson, Chairtrien of the Com
mittee on Territories, gave notice that it was
hie intention to endeavor to get tli Nebraska
Bill before the House this week, and in order
to do so its friends should resort to such par
liarnentery appliances as might be recessnry.
This timely notice should put the friends of
Freedom on their guard. Every true man
should be at his poet from thitj time on. Opin
ions vary as to, the prospeots of the bill—its
friends maintaining 'their ability to 'carry it ,
through, and its opponents generally feeling
confident of their ability to strangle it.
ger - The effurt was made on Monday, and
we regret to say was successful.
Louis Republican has some further particulars
of Lieut. Davidson's severe engagement with
the Apache Indians in- New Mexico. The
bottle lasted three Lours, and Liitit. D. .having
lost two,thirds of his command, was forced to
retire, 'fighting his way over two miles, and
with the disadvantage of having the wounded
to carry with him. Lieut. .Thividson received
an arrow Wham], not very severe, in a hand to
hOnd conffict. Surgeon Mrigruder, Was also
rouoded elightly. Tiie•Republican adds:
"The victory was a dearly bought one to
the Indians, as about fifty of them were killed,
and nothing but their vast superiority in ELM
hero gave them the triumph. Rverything.was
safe st Cantonment 13nrgwin, near Taos, there
being fifty odd men there. It' was expected
that the whole of the general's disposable
. ..forctrwould be sent out against the enemy."
A letter dated taos,March 31, says ;
" They commenced lfiring upon us, every
shot taking effect either upon the Iliirtiee or
men._lt was a sad sight to see so many'inen
tailing, dead by My side. -We w'eo in so bad
a place that the Indians hail great advantage
of ue; had we stopped three minutes longer,
not a Man would have been saved. The
wounded In the hospital. A Mexiban
Whdin I met in-Tabs to-ilny told me that he
wri4 - at the plea of action yesterday afternoon,.
tinily:mooted sixty dead Indian bodice.. .
BlEtie and Thompson, with a few
troops and a largo number of iildxicans, staff
ed last night to bring in_the dead bodies, Mid
to attack the Indians; if they could be found:"
—A letter from'onb - of the party of American
traveliers in the Holy. Land, gives a in'elani.
°holy account ,121 t the present condition of
'affaiis there. Tha Turkish troops having.been
withdrawn to fight the Russians, anarchy, dis
' order and violence of all kinds are prevailing.
'Many of'tho inhabitants havii taken refuge in
the' walled' 'towns, and the peasants, as they
work in the fields, have with them their arms
.loaded-for an encounter. Bands , of Bedouin
robbers traverse the country., every direc
tion, and.the party -to .whlch ,tbe writer, was
:atitiobed, 'was attacked, ,and one., of theta
.woundlid. Thus, .while.• Burope ,is
,about. to
:plunge into a war; originating in top question
as to the'control of: the :Holy "'Moos, the,•in
ltilbitants of that-region pro.left,at the mercy
'of the spoiler. case,it isatated w that
.forty men and twit. women, were.tuessaored by
'a party of Bedouiti.vagabonds. -. • , :
Wfiiirekbitoroont in Itentuolty still
dontit:wee; anti aid Valieto arirtlietr rho
proooetilogo of inVitinittiLn meatuitie. '
,' . tOit'tiliO dour' jUri , had thiOn'buirnict itt
nnll '11 , 4'3446 boilito i o !1
circulation requesting'too lim t. .Critters
don to tonign"iiio nontin 'the 114 SonntO.
houi4ifle,litieinfOonttiiiiiiiOus are iniiiiimudei
partioulurly ,by thoJatrios, to erect a . inotiu-,
Mint rootooiy of 'Prof. Vutlor. Tll4
olTtieinlOY; itiYot
il . bSat
F.• *tint ittO' t&l'tiluitted'inurdliier-thot
”inooont — ond intorOoling young • rann,Ati;Wolro
onyei snodo hie 'Ammo° frour tine city by orOsto
ing tito,rlVor . at o l,otrorpOOFillo,ifront; tflttnop to
jr i tibro,proporiitione Wore matte
-: to tarn; him oat Iro'tleatintio'o4 oil
giro iittioef•
1 ere eold , - , and; when lust soon, he yap at
,Corkuoltort,!: :),, ;1 .;
MiynTha Rbadingt Gazette! line .onterod,upori
iltst,efteeniti•lyanr, , under the' wHofouis,
4sinttement'..a. Urn Ars, ile urlebing.tatni
excellent paper. "
• ;
The last nutnlier of the Pottsville EmpOitum
a reading Bigler paper, uses tO
gunge under
,its editorial head,' n refrirtfac to
the lion. Pollock,, our . . candidati for
out' papor`of April 60,• wo published
statement'tlint* had 'voted in COfit'
,Arose against granting supplies - to the army in .
Mexico. Upon- examinntion , wo. find this to-he
incorrect—that on the contrary, upon most
questions 'which ontno. before the Ilouse•rela
ting, to the 'Oki and the army, that gentlenan's
found rechided on the democratic side.
We had seen the same statement in several
.papers nomination; . and
considered our authority good, and 'thus -it
found its ww in, our columns..: Upon discovt
ering the error we cheerfully make the cor
rection. We would not knowingly so slander
the characterlor Mr Pollock even if we were.
aura itivatithe only way to secure his defeat."
We .truarthat some of our democratic co
temporaries in this neighborhood, who hay,o
published the same unfoundedstatements, wil
profit by the, above exnynple ; and no longer
permit their columns to be filled with wilful
and malicious slanders of the character of lUr.
CITABIDERSIIOIIO, May 5.—A fire broke out
in the rear of the building owned by Judge
Chambers, near Diamond street, at 2 o'clock
this'afternoon, and before it could be checked,
twelve lisibbins were consumed-rind much dam
age done to Other property. Whilst the efforts
of the firemen and--citizens were directed to
-the-extinguishment-of-the-fire-at dudge-Charn—
hers' premises, several stables took fire
tnneously from the sparks across Main street,
leaving the intermediatc dwellings uninjured.
The flames spread quickly and followed, the
coon's of an alley, bUrning all the stables
except two for the space of ten squares, from
Main.street to the Franklin railroad. Messrs.
Eberly & Getts, and Mood's stables took fire
about the same time, and being near the Court
House, it was with difficulty the building was
saved, being several times on fire. A number
of dwellings on the north side of Market
street caught fire, but were extinguished be
fore much damage was doi'o.
RlOT.—Boston, May S.—Yester
day, Orr, alias the Angel Gabriel, colnmenoed
preaching in the open air at East Boston,
against Popery. The police interfered, when
his friends cnried him in a oaring° to Chelsea,
tvliCre he commended' prjnehing ngairt. A
ot ensued. which was firmly suppressed by the
police and firemen, but not until several per-
Sons were injured. The riot was renewed in
the evening between the Irish and some Amer
icans, rind after a seVere conflict
,the former
were driven from the ground. The Ameri
cans subsequently attaokei the. Catholic
Church, smashing in the windows, tearing the
cross from ;he steeple, and doing other dam
age. The tnilitary"were then celled out, and
the riot act read by the Sheriff, when the riot
ers dispersed. Several parties were more or
less injured, atia a boy was shot in the leg.
Times has private adviceS from London, that
the revolutionary committees there have effem
organizations fora revolutionary outbreak in
all the continental countries, so soon ns active
hostilities between Russia and the allied pow
ers renders peace improbable. As an outbreak
in Poland, however, it is said, is not likely to'
displease the Westerlt cabinets, a democratic
rising is to take place immediately throughout
Prussian Poland, aml`particularly in Warsaw.
This Outbreak, the_ informant of the Times
says, has probably ere this, taken place.
SUIT rot DAMAGES,—Mr. Alfred Dutch, of
the Chicago Commercial Advertiser, obtained
a judgment for $lOOO against certain parties
at the last tem of the Circuit. Court, for de
stroying his office when acting, under fa legal
process of distress for rent. He has anether
suit at this term of the Court, against:the same
and - other parties,. for a. conspiracy Wdelliroy
the paper and ruin him ; hp has laid his darn
ogee at $lOO,OOO. The defendants aro men of
high standing and wealth., .
NEXT GoviPnon Or 'New Yonrc.—The pres
ent indications are . that'Gov. Horlitio Seymour
will be the candidate of the " Sorts" and the
Anti-Maine Law men for Governor of New
York.,at the Fall election; that Greene C. Bron
son will be the candidate of the "Hards;" that
Christopher ;Morgan will be the candidate of
Whigs, andshould he not he acceptable to the
•'Jlaine Law men," thrit Horace Grecly will be
the "'Maine Law" candidate. •
NAriEE'S FLEET.—Reporte from the har
bors of (he'll:00c, brought biit by the it.'friCa,
show that the movements of the British fleet
under Sir Charles Napier, were seriously im
peded by the pt4sence of ice in that jiea. 'No
action of inlportonce can, most probably, take
'place in the Gulf of Finland towat'd St. Po
,tersburgh before the 10th of the present
month, and perhaps not sooner than the 25th.
THE STKAItIEIt CITY Of GLA80019.7-411 OR At , .
6010 OR the missing Thatner City of Glasgow,
the N. Y. Courier expresses _ the eonviotiop
that she has foundered ,among the ice; ~The
Courier thinks the Glasgow, with 447 ponies on
board,must havp encountered the same fipld of
ice with which the Collins steamy Baltic Itsd
on, her outward passage, so fearful , a struggle
about the Oth of March in lat. 40, 10n.47.,.,
LY4IOII LAW,IN TENNEEIBgE.—A poor vvretsh,
a grippe, who hired himself to,,act as hang
man at a react execution of a aluve,in Frank•
lin,Parich,.Tenn., was horribly 'ilynohed,by a
mob on the ensuing night—beaten, knocked
down, stamped - and . jumped upon, jarred, and
feathered, and finally deprived of ono of his
ears. Scion' arrests !fay() since taken piano:
leVated that lit the Colin of Inquiry, DOD]
time 01000 held' in - New York, to inquire into
the oonduot'of Cot. 'Gates' tbo steamer San
Franclinui,"bas beesidoeided opting him, and
finale has teen direoted to. transfer tho 00l
ors of regiment So lliobilioor next in corp.
mond: '• •
• regt,.Now gold pieeesi' of life denomination
,of agi have just been.iseued from the Allrit s at
,Philadelphia. They are,saidto be beautifully :
ozeoutedo .The front has an Indian head .wisp
a leathered .orowl),,with .the l words United:
States of, Jimeries"• around it., , The reverse'
bps the:, worda'...:Thtee -Dollars!! ; within ,a
wreath" or wheat, &o. • ' "
LOQIUNO , BElllapPlNNTerrahe Now YOryerti
wero reminded tho fixed foot, that war er n :
tato in: :Europa , by 'the , the Cititarti
Steamoldp , Afrieuordtioh , oeme Au port, heavily;
pampa, twittt port, holes livened; ready for., an
attack *but the liussiona, I/, r, . I
Tito, HolUdayaburg. Stan clord,,
13 ming Oa dolma, of, Go!,,•Biglqr for,,ro ! qtro4 :
, ttor,, praises 41m ,for-big Pprdott. q ors 0 ,
to difettil ita,tityprito.
',, , VP)otilnillib Co 6,i.ittf3gaffet,g:
Condlolon and FutUre
The annual Catalogue, ok,pleitinsea,dollege,
wliloh.has just bethiliatffehe'd, exhibits a - niese
...flatteriag report of its present situation. A
now era has, in fact, commenced in the history
of t.hip venerable institution. Never before
. .
has ite roll of-students been so.large, hiad the
• ••
vartous'olasses so full. i The; Ctiiiilogae gives
the number of students no follows: •
Seniors, - . -
Sophomores, • - 33
Freshmen, - 4 gy
Preparatory Department, -
Last year the number of Under-Graduates
. was 116, and the number in Gin Preparatory
Department 40, making 166. in all.. 'The in
crease of Students this year is therefore nearly
one hundred! But a still greater increase of
Students may be confidently bolted for during
the next two or three years.' Thwondowment
plan will go into effect aethe beginning of the
nest term in September, and under the new
scholarship system the number of - students
will probably era icing reach five. hundred.—
Such at least is the expectation, and in view
of this gretinCrease it is the intentlon of the
Trustees to provide hew and extensive build
tagrfiirth-e-accommodatMn - 61 — the,giudent7,
which we learn will be erected during the
coming year.
With its rapidly advancing prosperity Dick.
inson College maintains its exalted character
among the educational institutions of the
country. The members of the Faculty are
gentlemen of high reputation and experience
in their several departnients. The course of
study embraces a wide range. 'The resources
of the College, in its Libraries,•Cabinets of
Natural History, Philosophical Apparatus, &c.
those important, auxiliaries in the work of ed
ucation, are valuable and extensive: linden
the able administration of President COLLINS ' ,
the discipline of the institution has, been ad
mirably maintained during the recent sessions,
and as far as our knowledge extends the de
viations from, correct personal deportment and
good order on the part of the students have
been but few and far helween.
We'are glad to be able'to make a statement
offaCts so gratifying in relation to the prO.
gross of Dickinson College, for with its pros-
perity the interests of our community are in
timately connected The proirliss- of the
College contributes to the growth'of our bor
Stanzas Elegiac
One of our young feminine friends is plunged
in grief. The causd of her sadness Akti'touch
ingly reveals in the subjoined stanza's. We
publish her tribute to the lost and add our
, For the Herald
Old Mike is dond that good old horse,
I ne'er shall drive him more;
He used to look quite aprx.ond gay,
When brought up to the door.
And when behind him in the ehaieo,
Dear con, and I had place,
So gently he would trotlalong,
lie never broke a trace.
But now'ho's gone where h'oreee go,
That never did a wrong, •
And mid Dick's left for me to drive,
Bill he's not halt so strong.
If horses in the spheres still feed,
As rapping spirits say,
Mav old Mike never want for oats,
. Nor the very best of hay.
No lamentittions I'll record
For . him 00 gently kind,
Autong the millions still, on hoof,
His like no one can find.
ano oIF De
Our readers were informed iu our last of
"the serious injury sustained by Mr. ADAM
Otwtra, who resided about two' Miles east of
this place. We have.sinoe learned that ho is
'dead, having survived about ten.minutes after
ho was taken up His foot was nilenaught to
the to irruP as We statel 11114 Week, but n the
plough gears, ho being on his jyny.fromllie
field. Ho was dragged °veva, heif ti,milo and
was terribly rnangle&l„,Ale,Jell.ves a family to ,
mourn his death.—Sti. News. •
LOOK' TO IT.—The Democratic Union nt Har
risburg soya: "If Judge Campbell - and Col.
Forney wish to realize any prbfits, political or
pecuniary,- put of their nowspaperinvestmetit,
they must ficleot persons above the grade of
'idiots to take eharge,of them. We give .the'm
this advice gratis."
X-O`"A Whig triumph, has occurred in the
city of Cinoinnsti;nll'the judges of the Suiie
ridr Cciiirtjust cleated heiiig Whigs. Cidoin
dad hoe alvays liiih j ertd been a Eitropg
orntio cityAhtit the • Cnii r nent worth °Nile Whig
eandidaioi in this iti'st'atica caused; theirsde-
THE Itatratous
Anus religious soeietlas hold anniversa
ries in New York this week. The city is iil
ready full of olergyinen and otkars iniinediately
interested from all parts of thd country.
mob at Peru, Illinois, lately clo
,atroyed, worth of liquor, owned by a
lUr, Baron, by herinkholea in the easkEi. ;At
Lasolie, Illinois, $51:10 worth was simllarly
Cryettalyil,la, Ne York, Was ro
jpp.qgmratoil nu Thursday, iindce the nusiqes
9f P. T. / 3 ernu!p. ):19 i rncq (11•C'ely, 4 "niidOthern.
!glib ,affalFphosed oti
~ 1 101 great eclat. •
fleßry, 1.',901, yrns run
oypr: (Fa p
. ..„: .•
by. oypyFa aro snit( t o
. bov9 q - apurr9di-lt 11,or qp,cthrkge,
..,441-111o,u!ao Tvho.otook to !Lpolot has got!
.iine;•confunipqati 'pt.! .spici(nß,lll?9sl.—see :
,tpt3,o9rt . itif , 4o Pf..Y[F.,iguplay,Jl. ,
,Rouyl..yeatA propr.ketp! I , 'Ar j m9rp it 041,;
prAcirAolpoVArg, l aut 149 t 49
,itkohmottd, Tai ' ;.O , I' ,
Dr., Job hli ego; the ;el ty °g - .tqchrrlPP ll, :
though A . r9gulAs,p,byl t iolau, -Pug. 9F, ourio
Pcisod. tPFI I .4 ho l oo l l h d 9 u !l pk l ell ' 49 , ° '. r as ;
0b1ig94,4, eay !het, ito, goo d egeote the,oa Be
; or Nr.,..4p,cepey, rpro, , wonAerrel,ipcji,. .
Ile bed b O 9P .rd°sl l '.
And tried ig.da,t,,qt , ..tlit?” quits*. 11 !q 1 ,9 1 ' 4 "
.was :; e9 thq,,y,Fgo of; ileepMr,„
. vve)l:,4l,th
gri).orrhelo l 9
OY I PI r e r9 r Aka 'P 910 1 91 i t° ,•141 1. 4 1. 1 U ) 1 .:"91 1 1 111Y ,
,il e4 ik t leg a sP. PRUP'OI t IT Jl l/ . 1 .011 1 1
* * *Se, advertieemeut..
f" cg-inarticts.,
' • I MON Did fitniB 1864.
.Ptotint AND. Mkett:—There is very little
Ancliemedt in the Market, but holders are_firtn
in'their /flews: Abend 10190:,bblo!have been
disposed of in,nmull 10N-including standard
bran is at $8 76, extra $9, and 100 bbls choice
middlinge.nt 'The..demand.for
home use is also limited withib the above
range.of prices. . Corn Meal and Rye Flour
are butilttlelhqulred for, and'held at previous
OOP/Mons; '.‘without
Gnmw.—The're is rather more IVhent offer
ing, and the demand is less active. About
800'bUshele prhne - Jersey'Fdd "bimught, 210e';
Pennsylvania white is offered nt 2200 without
sals to any extent. Rye iemearee nud in re
quest at a material advance. Some small lots
wet's , picked up at ltise,loso, and 1000 bus,
sold at,14.6m, Corn .is unsettled and lower,
with salmi of 405000 bus. mostly Southern
yellow at 86080e r including slot of White; en
terms not public. Oats—No sales.
MONDAY, May 'B, 1854.
FLOUR AND MEAL—There were sales to-day
"of 800 bhls Howard street Flour at $8 60 7?
hhl; also, 400 bhls City Milk at $8 ripiv bbl.
Holders are firm, but there is not much din-
Poottko to purcheao• Supply moderate and
receipts light, We tooth Rye' Flour of $5 60
@5.68, ontifitry bOrn Meal $3 . 81, end. ally
do. $4.%1 bbl,
• GRAIN AND SEEDS:—The supply of Grain
is light. About 4,009 bushels of Wheat of
fored, and small sales of pond to prime - red at
05(2 - 0i z,do, white at $2 111e2 15 11
bifebel. InferFdr lets 2to 15 (woo less. Corn
—About 10.000 bushels offered, and sales of
jdol , s . a I
xed.aL72(fi.;.73-aents %I—bushel: Rye—No
sales. Oats•=Al36l34:looo bushels offered, and
sale of Maryland'at 54®55 cents bushel.
Cloverseed h 4 62,104 87, Tiniothy $3@,3 25,
and Flaxseed *1 37% , 1 bushel. •
. •
Arcw abbcrt enicnts
vikAsalrezwori. aow.m.
0 . G. sTOGGG having taken the "Washing
ton Hotel," Intefnept by Mr. H. L. Burkhol.,
der, is prepared to accommodate his Mends
and the public genehilly. Every effort will he
made to give foil satisfaction:to silah he may
favor him wits their patronage. Terms mod
erate. [Carlisle, May 10. 1854.
On FRIDAY; the 19th cloy of May,
WILL be sold at public sale, lit
,the Into
residence of John Hays, deed. , in,Friinkford
township, the following peisonaproperty,
Four Florens, two Mules, four setts of horse
Gears, four Wagons, one Tilbury, two fresh
Cows and some Young Crttle, Threshing Ma.
PICAI7B, liarrow,s, Shovel Plows, Culti
vators, &c, Also, liouschtitd and Kitchen
Furniture, such as Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads,
first:rate Bedding, a large lot of Floor and
Stair Carpeting. Also, Wheat, Rye and Outs
in the ground—will be sold by the
.ucre. Rye
and Corn bp 'the bushel: 113 Fitt Flogs in the
pens, 50 Stock Huge, 'hod other articles too
numerous to mention. Stile to commence at
9 o'clock. 'A. M., when tertnii 'will be mdde
known by JOHN ; STUART,
May lOts Muer.
, In gccoufit with the borough of Carlisle.
R EC 'ill'TS.
Of ftirmer Trenpurer
Of Collector fo' '52
Of do '63
Of J if Blatt., Chief Burgess, for.
fines and 'licenses -
Of Wm II Miller, Fry., for stone
Of Jos Stuart, Iligh Constable, for
water. rent and licenses
For rents of outer stalls at Market
For rent of inner stalls at Market
Balance due the,Borough $3711 Sq.
E Beatty, for printing, in 1852,
L Todd, Esq, Agt, intorest on
a borough bond
Simon Smith, for blacksmith work
fur borough
i,o Callin,"jr,;John Thompson ond
othsrs - oltmtion exp's for '53
- Jv,39llrett, - f6,4llaiiksfllltil ng
J Il Blair CH Bur, for having the
poor children of th 6 borough
vaccinated • 30 00
it'm M Biddle, Esq, for prof. services 10 00
J B Bretton forprinting 20 :75
B Mathews his salary for '62 20 00
.A Eerr, Strect • Commissioner 395 30
,J Stuart. salary os high constable , 105 00
I Stuart for, removipg nuts arose . 8 70
'J K Boyer for printiiig 1 00
James Dunbar and Son salary as
Janitor to Council
G. S Searight salary-att-clerk,to
G S Searight for extra -services
George Meta-hart for repairs done
Market house- 2. 50
'J McKean for erecting Imyseales 85 00
IV & J Meteor for paving North street 430 -00
IV Rilily for duplicate of '53 10 00
ItlMollen for laying pavement around
' Market IlAnse Square ' • 410 67
E Beatty for printing 41 50__
JohnHAtmon, for supper to patrol, 2 00
.1 E Bonham, EA, for prof services 10 09
James London for stationary 2 45
11 Ititter, Irene of Cumb FireCo ; ,40 00
Roborr McCartney" for serving warrant
and subpoena
win Miller for repairing pumps
P 51onyer,
,Treas of Uni?,n Fire Co
G, W Sheeler interest on hoe bond
IV 1-1 Esq for prof: services
Samuel Elliott: for Ethereal oil
'John N Armstrong faiilumber
Chief Burgess to discharge the costs
• of a criminal prosecution against:
• Peter & Wm. Spahr z ,
Wm Line, street regulator. :
C lotion' for sundries fordue of Council. 2 76-
Henry (3111E123:f0r lumber • 8.25
Jaceb Spa. :glee, street regulator 1 400
Stitnliol Martin for'taxing bill ' • 55:
Hen'ry Saiton; 'sundries for, boronit nse '9' 07
F. Watts for getting bor. bonds printed. • .10'. 0 0
S W Haverstiolt for stationary 1 81
Christina Stayuain 'foe. stone 13' 00
Win Parks - for stone 15,79
County CoramlsSioners 'two' yearo
.; room rent'and fuel - „IA 00
Daniel Eckelitsalary as Trensurer ;50.00
Wm 'gamer for store
1 1 ;,Cortiman for printing
Jacob Planner one quart.Cra calory ati
'Janitor - . 4 /SO
Paid oh bordugh nottfrideern4 17'22
„_ •- -
Ths.above nfid foregoing account of. , Ltattlel
&YOH. B9romicli...TrPlPl?rer",:,haytuKbeea.ex .. l
mined by us, and found to' 'ha ooriSOCriiiit
true, we hove, peen''' . anti approved of the
some, mul 40-0 bcilabee• au Alio borough of
V. 876 , BU?,. ' - , 4,.'`' ,, . • . • '-' :' , -..i::,
' •
Apl i'7,).854]
gilower and Gardqn aeedq.
rie wpr.S o odel i i,fAtie"Ohole‘eat
Ajf kio,dp, from; three of 'Oe !wilt ,eelobretod
,Somlerneq nod FlOrsete of .the colitatry,luo
received and for isele,et, !ho . ahonp more elf_
8. Sy,: H4v.g.fts.ricK.„•
c. Aprlll2; 1.1354,;“;:r l','••
• .attrei (Manic° fig:Bargains
IfinE aetighee or - George Kee:so:
?letieief;_ctilitehitiwp;quhfb, , ,empsy,, - ;efierii
nt piivate sale die 'ON R-Fr ALA exceileet
sle.ek or . stoio Goo& ..ho will dispose of
theiii , iiiihdratomholtilosale,o'riloAeili cheap for,
Cidelf.' , Call•an(l4.7iiinfiivv-Iferr‘yourrielf ,
Witt 0096 , 1140 i , ,apert
,l= n iantspAriszopHAVVVi and a vatic.
$ 104 85
600 00
1582 55
il 00
45 00
10 50
66 61
13_ , , 74
' $2686 8.
2188 Hi
$l2 CO
8 69
22 00
13 60
80- 00
2 76
5 (10
125 00
5 (10
•1 30
45 15
6 00
4. on
6.13. , ,C0LW ‘...
Borough Auditors.