gumming at •w. , CKINGRESSII9IIAL .PRIICESEDING I O. LATER TROMI,±OIOFE:" INTELLIGACE FRAM CALIFORNIA. iliattrigutg. FIRES, FRESHETS, 'RIOTS, .4a. • e VVeditesday; May 3. . In the State Legislature, yesterday,:the bill authorizing 'the -- Cleveland; -Painesville- and Ashtabula Railroad Company to extend s their road to Erie passed the House. As passed by the Muse, the bill'only reserves to the State the power te•tax•the 'company under the gen eral law allowing a tax on all the railroads,in thelitati----As - the bilt-originally- passed•the Senate,' ht•Aletved to, the State, the, power to impoie a tax on all passengers and freight visaing Over the road. 'tossed te'the aliment of $45,000 were sus tained ict • consequence of the late stoma on Lake Michigan. Six more dead bodies, sup posed to, be those of German emigrants, wore placed up yesterday on the - beadh at Absecotn, the victims of the recent awful shipwreck.— The:Scientific Association in session at Wash, ington, D...Q., has, determined to meet at Prov idence, August, 16th, 1856. Dr. Torrey has been elected President. A packer in Wash ington; who was engaged inTneking for two members of Congress, has been detected in selling their franks at fifty cents per hut:tired. A 'claim agent had bought a lot,•and enclosed eleVen hundred circulars free through the poet • office. ''The fraud^ was exposed, but subse. qUentlYwas oornpromilleed: The ;Prohibit - ft - Sr I t iquorLaw municipal ticket has been success fpl• at the chimer election in Wilmington, Del., over the regtilar Whig ticket. 'Much daniage has been done to-property along the valley of the Delaware river, by the freshet. Great, qbalatittes of lumber have been swept away.— BantaAllreti recent victory' in Mexico appears tiv he only Ober a body of 800 of the rebels, not under the immediate command of Alvarez ' but . his Lieutenant, Villareal, who retired and joined the main army of the insurgents, when he htid given Santa Ana sufficient trouble . Count Boulbon is at length proved to he still plotting a Trench , descent upon Sonbra, and ' all,tho particulars of his plan are exposed.— The Mexican government is said to be about to demand of the United States the return of five negroes, kidnapped from Mexico, and now held in slavery at Lafayette, La. . . Last Saturday's, storm has created a tremen-, dous freshet in the Connecticut river, the wa ter having risen thirty feet in a brief space of tinie, averfloodzig• nil the adjacent' towns, fil ling the streets, surrounding houses, and cans immeace.destruction of property..,,,Th.e. railroads have suffered largely, The Croton Dain'hie not been swept away, and so New York city is not menaced with a short supply of water. The works 'are much damaged, but the dais is safe: a In Congress, yesterday, the S'enate receded from its amendments to the Military Academy bill,•witiolf the House had objected to. The Indian Appropriation bill Wfilip, amended and eptborately discussed. In 'the House, Mr. Richardson gave notice that early next week litiintends to call the attention of the House to-the'Nebtliska-Kanstts bill, and also that the' friends of the bill intend' to resort to every fair, parliamentary means of bringing this cluestion to the consideration of the House.— Wheeler offered a•retiolution directing the Secretary-of-the-Navy - to--send - one, - two, or pore sailing ',easels, with three months' pro visions. and clothing for four hundred men, in tieiiroh for the, missing steamship_ City of Glas gow;' itnd if here are no' governmOnt vessels at his .disposal; authorizing him to charter or freight suitable vessels for the purpose. But Itlr. Letcher objected, and therefore the reso lution could not be received. Mr. Richardson repOrted 'a bill toOdmit Oregon as ti-State. A Inestiagelvas-received from Preeident Pierce, communicating information respecting the case of the Rev, John Cook Richmond. . , In the State Legislature, yesterday, the Sonata adopted the report of the Committee of Conference in reference to tho Pitt: burg had 'Erie Railroad bill, considered and post poned the bill supplementary to the act for the sale of the Main Line, passed a bill apr propriating $15,000 to repair breaches on the Delaware Division, and received 'a message from•the Governor, announcing that the bill authorizing the District ,of Spring Garden to 'ettbsoribo to toe stock of the Hompfield Rail- ' road , had bebome a law by lapse of time with oht his Bignitturo.' Vetoes of the-bills char __AZtring_thk.Donegal, Datanadtia,..AllentawaancL MounrPleasant Deposit-Batiks, were received from the Gevernor, and sustained by the Sen ate. ''' In' the House; the conference report on the ' Pittsburg and Erie Road bill was adopted, the Cumberland' Valley Savings Bank charter was rejected, and, a motion-to take up a bill incor porating the Philadelphia Deposite Bank was negatived.' 'A bill passed to incorporate the Bank of Warren. • .. ,The.Ward.excitereent at the West grows in, tense. A public meeting at Madison hid., bas.passed a resolution, requesting the leffer ebn'..Gati Agrioultiiral .. Seoiety to withdraw the invitation they had extended to ilohn J . ...Crittenden to deliver the address at their next,onnual fair. The Ward family have left Louisville. Yesterday," in the Connecticut Legislature, Ifen•ry Dutton', Whig, -wes t. elected Governor, and the rent of the State offices were filled vile Whigs., A severe storm and ; flood. at Boston have Submerged all the lowlands, and caused a landslide on the Worcester Railroad! 13even or• eight' vessels' aro reported to have been foutuLenclosed i 44 the ice off Ashy Bay, ; Caps Breton,. 'Several had been boarded, by ,parties from the shore and found to 'bb aan mlnlCongress, yesterday, the Senate received e i ntettage from President Pierce, transmitting !th,e,oot t• esperide . ne . e on the subjeot Of passen ers On, iimigtlant vessels. Resolutions' were asta ealling•for information as to the Stocks ainti securities,redeemed•hy tilia Secretary of sheTrposury since March, 1863, end also. for .the,report 9f the North ; Pacific Exploring Ex '.'itilditional copies Of the 'veto mes sage, and the reports of the Director' of the ' Mint were ordered to be printed. A long .da tide then . onstiod'upen the Piesident'a veto of the bill donating hinds , for the,benellt of the 'lndigent. Insane. The Democratic. Senators were all of the some way of thinking, as the • . Iprositientt,atleast nll id them'who.eipreased ; the pint ! j,d i504 4 41i, 13 .d inns, Iwhether i the doctrine ottffb vet9.APPIWo to the Homestead Ail). A,enotion .to postpone the itia4ter t until Monday next,was adopted. • • • to tiho.Tlouno, the bill 'to establish the officio letStirVeibi, General •Of titaff,"and gruntingltuiffe 4 to, aetual Settler's in that te'rritorY, - wria taken up, and, on'inetitir, of hir.`Dieneyi . were reatriotod to actual white 'settlers. Mr. Bern hlidel, 'the reprtsentativo of, the territory, 11:10v9,410.:etrike out the ,proviso prohibiting toy porton from ,*eosiving tbq benefits of the sit Who hat, 0%14 have. More than Ono Wife. qinistibit lilting &Anita 'ensued.' "' ' lillThe New York !Crystal Palacio re-opened .I.eaterday,under its new auspiope- , The, Ger,' !wee jury, in, the ..Brondway fire,case,'has returned 'a Verdted; eettatiring 'the arChitects, Ibbilderslind 'owneril.of 'the bootie 'where rthe Will. foil:': ,The., Canadian 'Parliament ; Build:- 144 Xit.QOP.boit,„, l 49T be4R'