Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 22, 1854, Image 3

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On tbal4lll diy.f s tio'ltleii.l . ,'Eviins, Mr
.4A➢ATAL DILLER tCOM1131: WN ' 24 . A31141A dnifgh
tor .of. Mr David Shtrabarger, of Waat
PennobarodaviiiNl4 Ounibeiland
. . .
On the 2d inst hy the Rev. L.• C. Priee,
GEottais MILLER of York ; Miss NANO
CUAFMAN of Ctiinhoo, •
On tho Bth inot:b.,,y-thO - Itev,-Robert.MClth ,
ren d r Tuomos . C. to Mks ItEnoccA
J. MoOinuttt, both'of • illestt'onnaboro town
ohip, ,
, On the 14tb, by.the Rev A. Owen, JO
eseg.hßitypt to Mies. CATIIAttINE RATIIYAN
both of' this county.
on the 16th inst. by the Rev. A. - H.Firetner
tuntain„botit. of the vicinity of Carliele..
On the 28th ult.. Mrs. MAILY.TANE CORNIVAI!
wife of Mr. — Levi . ConinuM of this borough,
aged about twenty one years, ,
In this borough, on Friday the3d inst., Mr.
WILLIAM GLANCZY, in the • 76th year of his
age: •
In Placer county, California, on the Bth of:
January last, Air. MATifias IlexrmAti, former
ly of Shippensburg,,aged about 30, years.
On Tuesday. the 14th inst., in Fitly , ,• Han.
cook county, Ohio, of Pafalysis, PATHARINE
ANN, wife of Peter II: Lechler, foraierly of this
place. The deceased tesftled for 'tbany,years
in Carlisle,cluring which tlme atieTaa univer
sally beloved, and esteettied for ; her general
kindness of heart and her -many christian .vir
tees. She ,wattati affectionate wife, a kind
parent and a sincere. friend, And although her
distressed , faraily , and friends deeply lament
liar loas;'yet they mourn, not without hope—
ever ready. to- extend a helping hand to -those
in distress; she bad for a long Sine-previous
to her•detth,heen the child of affliction which
she bore with that fortitude and patience which
always oharaeterizes , the true follower- of
Clilist.• - ;, • • A.
At her residence near lingestoWn, after 'a
shOrt illness, on the 20th .of February last,
year o 1 . her age. . The ..doceased has been a
member of the Silver Spring Church, for more
than forty years: = We know in whom she be
lieved. Though the is nb moro to be a com
fort in ber' house on earth; she has . gone to
ocoupy'a highat;atation in the house not made
with bands above. She alabps:iiii Jesus, and
onjbe resurrection morning may we great her,
again when the mortal shall have put on'im:
mortality. - . ' • '
, Nctu a.buirtistinento
- r ---- -Kentucky
THE subscriber infortar the public that lio
will have in a few days a lot. of- KENTUCKY
MULES; large size, and cheaper than venally
sold.. Those wanting Mules are requested to
call.and examine,them.
tuba' • - ;. SAWL. ENSMINGER.
rattlinNrw moons,
TEE isolloviineNow Books have just bean
received et the cheap Bbok store of the sub
The Orinnel•Aretlo Expedition, by. Dr. Kane.
The Barelaye of Boston, by Mrs. H. o.• Otis.•
Marie Vordse, by Emilie Corkin. , • '
The Earriplightere,. a nevrand 'popular 'Hovel.
CarGotten' Castle, a Tale of the'desuits.. '
The - Miser's Heir; by P.,Hamilton Myers.
Kate plarendon, by Emerson Bennet.
Haps and Mishaps in Bennie, by Grace Green
The Old-Brewery; or Scenes in New York.
The Potipher Papers, or Our Best Society.•
A. M. PIPER, Ag't.
Estate of: Christian . Wisler, 'sr., dec.
Vonciren, herebyi'Ven that letters of ad
ministration-on;-the estate of Christian
tVi g eler, late of—Harnpden township, Cumber.
land county,' dec., have been issued, by the
Register()) said county to the subscriber, resi•
ding in.thh same township. AU persons huv
ing clairue4igninst tsid estate are requested to
present them for settlement. and thoeeindobed
to make immediate payment to
' mdrest - •
Estate-of Jacob Spangler dnc
NOTICkI is hereby given 'that letters testa
mentary on the estate or lueob. Spangler, late
of South Middleton township, deo ? have been
granted to the subscriber, residing in the same
township.. All persons indebted to said estaie
are required to maker immediate payment, and
those'having claims to present them.for settle•
MOM to • -- JACOB MTN ER,-
mar326t Ex'r
Boat° of Henry Baker, deed
NOTICE ie herpby given that letters testa
mentary on the estate of Henry Beilter.llate of
Newton. township, Cumberland county, dec'd,
haiie been granted by the Register of said
county to the subscriber, residing in New's,'lle
in said county, All persons knowing them.
solves indebted to said estate are required to
make immed,ate 'payment, and those having
claims to present them for settlement
imar226tpd _ Eer.
FIRST. AR maim or
In East High Strew, Carlisle, Pa.
wE have just - received a large' and .hand.
come assortment af•Spiing and Summer
Goods, consisting of she latest styles.of Ladies',
Borage, mous debege,- and Mirage delains,
lawns, black andlimcy silks of ovary desclip
dun and quality, black- alpacas of high lustre,
bloc: bombazines of n superior qualify, and a
good assortment of Mourning Goods.
Bleached and unbleached muslins; &loadings
from I•to '3 yde wide. checks, Glasgow and fine
French ginghame, ticking, damask towe/s and
cloths,-napkins, rod, yellow and while •
woollen flannels, shrouding flannel, Ike.
Cambric and Swiaarufflingf edgfng andinsert.
ng, lisle, mantilla and florentine lace,. French
worked cellars. do•under.slceves, do. Spencer,
on naffs, mourning millare,b lack laced veils of
all styles, • A very' handsome assortment of
Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons. •
With a large and handsome variety of Dry'
Goode and .Groneilea in 'general. always
had on the lowest terms at "Ogilby's Empn•
rium:" ,'• Mai
1854] - -StylegCof 1 L1854
j rt FORGE 4.81,1;ER, reepeetktfly armour':
VlNces ,to•biOold•Patrons.and the , public gen.,
orally ,that he .Ifuejust received the
'nue of the beat. establishments in
Philadelphia,, to. -which
special attention. .„
He has also constantly on bawl a- large and
varied assortment. of his ovin. manufacture as
well as city made
suitable for. he seasonotomprising every vari•
ay' or Russia, Deaver, Moleskin and Silklitits,
finished in the- latest style, together with a full
assortment-of' Caps jif every shape and .des
cription, and at every price ' He particularly
inVitee thdpuldie to call and examine his bitten
sive asflortivent, which in style; material and
finish; cannot be -surpassed by any in • Market,'
and which he is able to put at prices lower than
over. CO-Remember his old stand on-North '
linnover street, between Humor's and Sener's
store. ' 'fiVbiriSli,BB, 1854. .
,Spritig• Styleorlirfas 4rfilps
~,,- ,
.• .
~.„,,,j r ., . .,, : ;,-,......---
t''' - . ' '' ~, .**-.
. .. ,
' ..VITIVI„ IL , TROUT *, . •
pigy.stitEs to inforrnAle 'old friends that -he
• hnieremoved to his new .establishenent on
la street, near the Roil Road Depot, cod le ,
now opening 'a largo and elegant assortment of
) just, received from' Philadelphia - , which - the gen.
tleaien , of Carlisle are reaSssiedro call and ex.
amine,. , h to al .1,1 o,,large, asoortntent Of 'Silk,
.F.dr, and Slouch 'Hats of hirr ewrrnianalacture,
'of up 'Kate , beet various.; pri c e s ,.
the excellence 'titid fintehil - Whieh'lle , will war;
rent, Hie stock he itcConfident 'oitlynneeda to
• be examined .lo bit'approved.- 'er . Afect rtrlargei
supply of Mon'at Boyslairtl-Chililreri*GAPH;'•
of Cloth and For and Of rtvkiry. vaiiMy of , atylw
and price ,Juoeroceived from Philadelphla;' , Le r
all who Want a flat cir,chri t .gito , him.a 'dall, , ,nu.
they nlat "be attire of 'being apite'd to 1 heir' own
eatieftict Oil: . . .: -. . Miat'. l .2l3, 1531, , 1
. ... ~. , .. . , . ..
Poor . House Statement, for. ili3s3;'
Fols,lliroctors of the Poor and of the Holise6l:.Eultilny.melit,-nf•Grn
u. 2.
herlattd &nity,. in.accotint•ivitti said county, from. the Ist. day-of
' . :January, to the, 31st day of December, 1859; inclusive,
•.. . ,
To'amolint received trout County •
freasurer ;• • . $5OOO 00 •
do remaining in the hands of J,
Squicr, Treact., last settle.
do received of James Menden
in; fan-hides arid skins' 116 38,1
do do tiir use of-4 1 m. 11,3 inn 117 50
do do of R. Snodgrass, fen 'aeo
do do of WoOdward:Si, Schmidt .65
. for Cloverseed 76 82
do' do of C. Mriglauhlin, '
use of Smith 62 25
do ' do • 'orG• C Saunderson,'
. • - •for 'nee Knettle 50 00
•do do JohtrLamtbli •, for use, 74 00
• -forialloiv • 45 00
do do Perry county, for tho
, support of. sundry pau
pers, , • , 33 17
do do James Walkdr; for use
T. Walker 20 00
do Jim, Dunbar, 'for use 10 00
do do York coutity.fot. the • •
support of sundry ' •
'paupers ' 5 25
do do for Indentures ..3 00
-do do for Sundries. .. 2 70
. ..,.... .
JACOII SQUIER Fig., , Treasurar of. the Poor House and House of Employ
ment of Cumberland county, in account. Verth the Diredtors of ,
said Institutipn, from the Ist day of January, to the 31st
.- • . ; ,•day of December, 1,853, inclusive, viz: -, • :
DR.- CR.
. •
. ..
Cash received from County Treas. $6OOO 00 By payment ofpirector'S orders. $6,154 402.
do do 'from J. Loliaoh,Stew'd. IBy balance in hands of frees
frost different sources ' I .urer
inthtbited in the fore-
..ri going statement, ', 681 OM
do remaining in hand's of
Treasurer at last set
- dement
7 head of horses, 13 mitch cows. 17 head of steers, 2 bolls, 20 head of stock fiogs, 4 pigs, 7
slime', 26 sheep and 2 calves.
Beef, Pork, Mtitto'n and Veal, fattened and killed on the Farm in 1853
25 beeves, average weight, 587 pounds (14,6751b5) 31 hogs, average weight, 238 pounds, 17,378
'her ‘27 - aheep.toierago weight,43'pounds,(l,l6l lbs) 11 Calves, overage 60 pounds, (660 lbe)naking
in .all 23,874 , lbs. -
Farming Utensils on the Farm lst'of January, 1854
I bronco and 1 narrow wheeled wagon, 1 new stone wagon, 1 wagon bed, 1 paiV of wood ladders. '4
pair of hay ladders, I as t and gears, 1 tilbury and harness, 4 plows. 4 harrows,.s double shovel
plows, 3 single shovel plows, I threshieg machine and horso power, 1 flittering mull rolling
screen, 1 corn shallot', 1 ground roller. 2 cutting boxes, 3 grind stones, - 2 log chains, 31 cow
.maitisism mitt t; lit Laird, ti a tit it lid tg i 400.1'3, k:troonters tools, I sett orblacksrrith
mats I Intl it uut ca'itt Igo kdi le. 5 gritor. cradles, IS mowing
scythes,4 mattocks, 5 crowbars, 6 shovels, 1 sett boring tools for blastifig, and a Variety of 'spades
forks, rakes, corn hoes, stone hammers, sledges, axes,..mawls, wedges,
Schedule• showing the proceeds of the Farm for 1853
724 bashelsof wheat, 19 of rye, 1400 of corn, 608 of oats, 484 of potatoes, 3. of timothy seed, 2of
cheer sped, 9 of Ewan beans, 10 of bunch beans and peas, 30 of onions, 1 of little onionF„l6 of par.
snips, 35 of beeta,2o o f turnips, 3000 heads of cabbage, 616 dozen cucumbers, 43 loads of hay, 10 of
cornlbdder, 2 barrels of eider and 20 bushels of winter apples. . _
Manufactured and made in the House and Shop
159 shirts and chemise, 99 frocke, 39 pettiooatet 5 caps, 72 aprons, 17 bolsters, 50 pillow cases, 7
sanbonnats, 38:Acrns, 40 pairs of stockings ,knitted; 21 pure footed 11 towels. 6 chafha,ls, 38
comfOrts, 10 pairs of drawers; 160 pounds of hard snap; 28 barrels of soft tom). In the Carpenter's
Shoo—mnde 23 coffins, sled, 3 large gate 2 small gates, 1 'oatton ladder, 6 rocking cradles,
woodhox For the office. 6 washing machines; also cut 75 cords of we id, made 250 rails, quarried
stone for and male 21 rods of stone fence, put up a' porch at tenant house, and done $3O worth of
Number of paupers in the Institution Ist of Sanuerk, 1853, of which 9.3 were cohl, 108
Number ndmitred up to the 31st Dec. '53, of which 15 were cad nind 9 born in
in the House
Making the whole number through the year, .
Of which 17 died, 6 children bound out, ll eloped and 148 wera discharged
Leaving the number of pauper/3in the Poor House Ist Jan; 1854, of which 19 aro colored. 106
Out dour paupers supported at public expense through the year 11
Whole number remaining chargeable nt the end of the year
Of thbite remaining in the Poor House 31st Dneetnher, 1853, there aro—
les6o of which 8 are colored
Females 40 of which 6 are colored
And 11 out door confilers
• Therelire as near mecan be ascertained 13 undo). 5 yeart.4 from sto 10. 15 from 10 to 20, 10
frtmt 2o to 30/ 17 from 30 to 40, 5 from 40 'to 50, 9 from 50 to 60,19 from 60 to 70, 6 from 70 to 80,
1 from6o,to 90 end 1 from 90, to 100,
Li tali:Mimi to the abovo 304 transient peppers or travellers have betth supported for short
periods without - regular ortlere:
:: We the Directors of t he 'Poor and of the Howe of Employment of Cumberland county, do cer
tify that the aboye and foregoing statement to• contain n- just and true exhibit of the Inatantion,
r derin. the. period Wove etated„neeording tolte best of our knowledge,. Given under our ,Lands
this 31st day of December, A. D., 1853 GEORGE. SHEAFFEII '
GEORGE 'BRINDLE, Directors.' •
.. .
• . ' . JOHN C. BROWN,
• . . ,
. .
We the undersigned -Auditors of Cumberland Comity; elected, appointed and sivorn -according
to law, having examined the accounts and vouchers of the Directors .of the Poor end House of
Employment of the said county, from the let day of January io the Met day of December, A. D.,
1853, do certify that we lind'a balance in the the hands of Jacob Squint, Esq., Treasurer, of - Six
Hundred and Fifty one Dollars. and Thirty nine and 'a half cents. -Given:under our hands this
I,2th day of January, A. D. 1854. _ SAMUEL M EGAW . ) .
. . . .
. . . ,
I .
_ __G-riat.attraction.
L.HAV just received' my Spring timer of
14. PAPER which surpass . M .
Stylci4.Qutility find Price any that has ever
• boon exhibited - ill flarliele. I respectfully se
.a call froM, persons in Went,of Paper Hang:
inge,of any description, as I am confident my
assertmeni far surpasses any in the boiough
audio style, and price hap but few rivals in the
I only Mik4of the public to call and ex
• amine my .neeortment holore purchasing; as I
am confident' my chitin designs cannot fail to
pleaso the moat fastidious..• • 4 •
4. , • 4
West Side of Norris Hanover Street, ,
Mat 22 Carlisle, Pa..
. .
IN; ettherribere nro , nnvi pr-pared to exhihit
nt their Splendid NO" Establielttnent just
Potitpleted on the site olihrir former'siend,
• No. 41 Sourr'Sicorip .STREET',
nn' , entieo' new rind beautiful' arca' of Straw;
Parley and Silk Bonnets and. Plata,. Flowers,
dce i and Panama; Pnlm'and Summer Hate fur
Gantletneni which our old'. patrons, Alerahante
and' Milliners generally, aro.innited to exaniine
cardidently promising thorn, in extent, in curie.
IP Junin:illy, anti ip stylos, *stock unequalled.
110?.Ordere carefully and Orenwily executed.
iny2 . 2.73m. ..THOMAS. WHITE & 'CO.
. ,
Etat', , :.A.CAMIRIVE3r.
Thrie miler West of iirirrisburg, •
Fran SEVENTH 'SESSION of MIS' flour-,
iiiliing Institution will commence 'on
111.91sTDAY: the loftier of M-AYnont, The atf7.
vantages Which it anorde, it is beliuyed.Momfa
superior ,charac t er, and parerit . s,and,nuardiatts'
111 . 0 solicited, to. inquiro
,itier r ito before
e,ndieg:their sone or;wiirds nlsemiltere.
'tSvOrably situated; the inatfuetoreAke oil corn
'pri!lint and experienced 'Mani ihe•notirsif of in-
situation is extensive and . thereinth, and 'special
.attention Is' paid - td' tht. comfort and health of
Vie students. ,;:• • •; • ;
,13,nardingi, Mashing. d 1-,.9111 1
in nglish, V o c al' a Mu.• •
sia,'net sassinnr(s rnapihaLv • ",., - $65 00
I9,stracticin'in'Anciancoi Modern •
Liingyages: each;.s 00
InsiNmantal Wain, • - - 10 00
•1 0 0i...Circulara and othor information addresii.
, m ar s •• klustrisburaj'a.
'-'::-_-,. : •. ''
_:, ,C [?;,.:
Yfayment of interesten dower in
, • favor, of Air t<Obrien; on land pur.
~ clutend,4ll,/ McDowell in,1842 ,
Cash for grocorina, . morchnedizot
, crothing,, bedding, dac„: included: •
For aback . ~
ant .
Shaemisking, tailoring ' baiting •
Support bf out door paupers -
Stone controls 2. years
- Support of paupers at Lunatic Hess
pttal 'at iltirrisburg , , 231 75
Flour, grinding, &c, -, 245 81g.
Black smithing, including, one now
wagon .... - ' 140 74
ForLbather . 171 32
Out door funeral expenses, , 90 Id
Constables'fees,in removing paupers '.:6 . 2 75
Materials, &.c I for use of finnan anti
Farm '' . • • • . • ' • 77,63 k
For Hardwrre • : • , 85,28 i
Manufacturing satinett 39 983 ,
For Lnmber ' . ' ' '47 62
Fclr•Plaster and grinding 57 50
Freight on groceries and lumber 34 76}
For out door medical. aid ' 30 75
For sheet iron and repairing m priL ••
etoves• - --- 36 - 71ry
For tin and copper ware, and men- • F'Y't
ding. , 24 34i -
For saddlery • : '' ' • ' • 17 40
F tit ,Carpenter work •, ' . 21 0 0
For one conking stove and castings 27 67 , •
For printing and attitionary 12 58
Car fare •and travelling expenses 9 88
For sundries , . 138
Joseph • Lohach, ,salary, (hireling's
. wages included) 0011
Dr W W Dale, salary for one year , 100 00
Lemuel - Todd; Esq., attorney, sal
ary for ono year , 30 00
Jacob 'Snider, Eaq„ Treasuaer, sala, • . .
cry for ono year .40 00'
Skiles Woodburn, Esq., extra pay as
' Direnio - . 41 00
Onorge Sbealle, Esq.' 'in do 00
aeorge Brindle. Esq. de i do ^l9 50,
Bicluneo in'hand of Trensuter , , 651 39}
124 7211
sB,Bos so!
124 721
$6,805 80 : I
Stock on Farm Ist January, 1834
linke •
. — Piilrled Herring
Mackerel; No: 1; ?, 3,
Cod fish! •
The above has been &ideated 'with strict ref
oret to family Use and tc.r sale low. Also
11 1 0.11311.000 --
Fig Lent—mild and agreeable
'"'Yellow Bank Fine Cut, - '''''
Cavendish—of fine quality,
‘Ctingresti, Grigiett mid :Rabe/genie.
' , Twist; Sic. , •
. Yara, La bunter, brands,(irnp'd)
. La Joseffitia and Plantation
• Sixes, Half Spanish and Commdn,"
All the aboye,artiolca on hand at the Family
Grocery. . • J. G. WILLIAMS.
. DEB U RGtS Original and. Genuine warranted. ,
~ of auperior_quality, the cheapest tinware in the .
world... Farmers arid dealers supplied at low ,
• prices. ,
ItIXTRA QUALITY LAND PLASTERnSOOO burrolu extra qualLy Land,Plastor s ad
loctod expressly for its qualtty. s.
10,000 busliela of same •in bulk. •, . .
I ,000 barrols,Caleined Plaster. '
' "5110'' do,
~ Casting.
, • 100. do Dentist.
'Phis:article we offer in confidence to our ens':
turners as equal to any: itnported.and.far 'sopa ,
rior to masrin the market.
5000 bogs oC. ibis siMerlai“Guiiiiii for sate at
the , . lowest. market rates; Also; Patagonian
Duane, Pendrette, Ground Charronl,Aa. &e;
.p. FRP:NUII & CO.
• At the Steam Plaster Millsjunetionol York
'Ave,e, Croem aneCallOw,hl , K•streets, Phila.
.ser . m.pot. slti.w.litlLll.: 4 'l.::'
- ..." DIBAR P4rEnToWN,llipice.Co,..s',
''.• SIXIMP,
70N INU,E,to supply .I,,urrlLier•ol al) kinds
13r ,
/: at "the nhoneet nt ttee i Kad on terms lower ,
than: can be had oleew.horo. , '-Ail order. tiiranteil '
,to E. , FlASKElLit.,',Papertown,. or ATM. ..13,.
~ 8r4 1 11•10URt Jr„ GarlisW, .will- he preirnol). ;
attended to : .• • - ' lfFeb29lY
•••,- , - • •
$6 805 80+
- - . WALL
A.vE r4e.,,ltt 'of WALL 'PAPER of
luir avory shadria it& , priceis, ranging
from 6 see aw up w' ar de.- The . sirock•.consists of
a full assortment. of., Common, Sal Jai : Silvered
andOift Papers, of: which. will;ba sold IoW
at ' SAXTO NS.
arpontfiris •aird . XittildOra - firitilrivited - to
assortment . 01•Links,-,Latch-.
es,'BOlta, - ingerl,'.SereWC'elleee, Puity, Oil,
Paints; &c. - All fof Sale cheap at •
• rrearl3 "•••• SAXTON'S:,
WAKE: NO . ( 1,0 POiotis
about eornmencing,Houeekeeping and Oi
-1 ere in 'want -oft tile', can get .supplied ; with
Knives and. Poricii, S1)010,, Ladles,. Coffee
,Pans; Kettles, Sad &c,
lowest rains by
mar "13 - " SAXTON. -
.•. . , ,
Sohn Stohe Sons .
No. 45 South Second StrCet,'
. .
ye now in - Store, of their, own importation, a
large and hhndsome nattoriment 'of
S,I !: •- • FLOWKIIS, '
and evcry article suitable •ro till Millinery
Trade, to which constant addition made
throughoutl the season, thereby enabling them
to (Afar .thwlargest and most - desirable selection
oreftialSif in, their line to be found in the City.
...Phila. March 13, 1854-12n1 ,
, $3B 91
2182 441
301 0:
09 -8;
27 88 '
.3urraps LAPPELL,
CoinOr of 4th and.ArahStreoto,. Phila
Have this sedson enlarged dick establishment,
which cochlea them to offer a much [urger
Munk of DRY GOODS lar'the intim:thin of
Couincy Buyers. In the ttitiortment 'always be
fonmieu (till line of
Black Sake, ' .1 Staple Linen,Goode,
Fancy do. . ',, I- do Cotton do, ,
. In.lia do . do Muslin du
Black Goode, Drees.Gooda. ,
Crape Shawls. Sbawle, all kinds.
Scarce anadesirrilile Gorida con always be
obtained by applying to . Eysealt Lundell. -
Terms, Nett cwih; and prices low according
ly. litI•Good country money received. '
' Mardh 13,1%,54—thit
$6,805 806
Notice t) Fisherman and Gunners
loU a a hereby notified,"ilint we the under
signed Farmers of North Middleton twp.
will not pormit any' person-to Fish or Gun'ot
. .
our premises:
cliursTimst cLE.PFER, •
Mixrch 13 1854, .
. ,
651 39
AgrigultOral•lmplement Bt_Seed Store
IHE subscribers offer for sale a,large variety
jIL- of AgriCultural Implements, among which
are the celebrated EAGLE PLOW. PAO) ,
Plow; Rodger's Subsoil Plow, Corn Shellers,
Straw and Hay Cutters, Corn Fodder Cutters
and Grinders, Farmers' Boilers, approVed Cul
tivators, Road Scrapers, &c.
Agricultural Implement and Seed Store,*
mar 11 Harrisburg, Pa.
THE aithscrihers:are.prepared io receive or.
SEEDS, of the chniceht varieties andtwarrin
led to be pure and genuine:' %mong which are
Golden Ore"on Corn Stowell Evegreen Corn,
Roanoke Ileammoth Corn; Adams Early and
White-Flint, Orchard Herd: Timothy and Clo•
ver Seed, and , every variety of Flower and Gar
den Seeds. • Catalogues ,fivnished when re•
gauged,. BOYER & EIALL,
Agricultural Implernunt"and Scud Store,
mac 11 - Harrisburg: Pa.
•.. •
irtH subscriber, Agent for the Mann
.-gore of 'the PfIILARLEP.IIIA' HOUSE
OF .R.EF U E. itt.autliolittA roccivs
cations from Formers,Nicchaniss ir others who
..may wish to have children. either white or col.
ored; indentured to them Cs apprentices. • .The
ages will vary from seven to twenty years. In
all cases where, the applicant is not known to
the Indenturing Committeemr the Agent, satis,.
faCtory references to.persons:residin4 in the
City, will be required.
Office of the linens of Refuge, N• E. Corner
of Arch and 7th stmt., Philadelphia..
March 1854—lin • -
hard are, -hardware.
H E subscriber wishes to draw the ;mon
..a.non of the public to heir own interests,
watch they may consult to good advantage - by
examining the elegant end complete assort
moot of hardware of every description; which
he is now reeeiviudat Ins uld stand on North
_ .
Efanover street. .
Wo .havo a large supply of springs,. hubs,
bands, laces, curtains, and 'fluor oil cloths and
drab' cloths, of different qualliik - in fact every
thing iu your In). . .
We offer complete setts of veneers, knobs and
mouldings of walnut and mahogany, to sui
[Kith the taste ancrthe-puras, • -
to ep lendid ussor , ment of 'tools in , ..your, 114
as also It complete stock of building ninie . rials,
each as locks, hinges; screws, latches, glass,
paints, oils, varnishes, turpentine,. &c and va
rious carpenters tools cheaper ,han over, ne
has been acknowledged by a carpenter •who
has seen them.
cannot do wrongin giving us fur a sup—
ply of hammered, rolled, slit and , other iron
generally used, as also cast, shetir American
and English blister steel, &c. &c. • ,
will also consult their interests by looking at
our cheap shovels, forks. trace chains, liame , ,
and every other article Atom ':a muffle to a
plough,to suit them in price and gustily:
are also invited to :examine the quantity and
quality now
,on hand of cedar ware, tubs,
churns, buckets, oils, such a'slish; sperm and
flaxseed oils, which will be sold at the loweSt
'cash' prices. I would-also call attention to my
splendid assortment 'of WALL 'PAPERS,
pre•entingl a numberlesi variety of Patterns at
prices from 6 cts. upwards., Remeniber there
is no..mistalte-here, as' all articles will be sole
it the lowesteash prices- at the old and well
kn,,wn • stand_rsi North Hanover street, East
sic°, betwebe McGlaughlin's Hotel and Roll,
or's lint Store. JACOB SE - 3ER.
march ill - • ,
JENKINS , Reat Braml of.Tpas, Green and
Black, in metallic paelcages, also in' hulk and
la original packages. A large , and general aa,
eortment of the beat WHITE, I ItONSTON E
AND iGR A:NITE .vv Arm with ti variety of
Glass Ware, and.Contmon Ware of every', de,
aeription, in Reatoili, otilorivike to stilt the' put-,
ohaao'r, logother'with • • • -•
and a vartqty,of 'Fancy. Waro always in
it toro•
and for sale mtlia:"Family'Giocery" of
- Juno 8:1853. " J,'W. EBY.
.• • . .
• Till.: subscriber ie now,hrwing made upn lot
of Fashions* and,Subonntial Clothing.which';
he will:sell se C11(311p it not Oen* thop utiy es
tahlishment in tho bprouili: , Thclai.o6k Will.
. .
, .. . .
consist of ,
OV OATS; " •, .
Vino P "SS C A r r:Z
..'• PANTAT:4 I ONS,
- • , VESTING.% &c
Tho Clothing will be made out of none but
the best quality, of good'', cut out by an expe 7 i
'lanced and good cutter, and the work, got up
in'thecheef manner and bk the beat of hands—i'
We hale now on hind diet of choice Clething,
and all we salt Wfor - purchnscis to givli no a
call arid - they will be'pleassd•with the work and
prides ; Ataho:old Stand on' East Main Street,
Jart.lBl• .• r CHARLES. °MIRY.
, . .
... Fresh Arrival of Hardware.. , .
FIE, subseribor liaving , .retrirnad friinz .the
' '.' City;''haa'jaat banned 'fdr-:thit'' Spring'
trade a largo ind:weltaelent(itritteoh: of i 7 R D.'-
MAUD, fitruitcn and `d9rneatin t ..gmbiacifig Ovv .
erything'ugually found in'that .line'of ..hualnees;';
The 3nanlion of friends - and .tha.:publxn donee.'
ally la .xoapaeffully,diractai:l4i, the „apartment
on tumid; paauring,theut . , thnt,,gooda of 'elf *lode
will be tinld kr, c r i'l?° ,3...Ys , 7) , ,,4niall,itflyattce'on:.
in'anufacturara prEfee. - '2" • '
03'Ramombor the old stand—:Eaac Main at,':.
Qarlial,..._,,_ t .
' inai a ' • ' ' ' ' - ' ' 'lld Isf gr trAjcifoN
itcal a Lb
111 Y 4irt uti of: sand t3iY tViilo:7ol „Wend
Saponascissued out. of iho Court of
Comm nit Plops of Cumberland ,Mitinty,
me directed; M:publie Qutidue or
outcry at the , Court .11ouse:vi the borough
Carlisle; on ERMA:Y. the.tilm-51ay_41 1 .%ar . 44;
1804, - .MIO o'oLock A. M., thwfolloving;d9l9o".
bid real estate,tvizt—. , - •,.t.:
A, Tract of Land. situatejn Pickirison
township,. Cumbetland,,county, mantmning 1!0
ACRES more' or leas, boundod on the northhy
Thuds of Adorn Cooye- and Ciavid 'Duth; 'on
thewest;hgShriver, tho' south - by
lands'Ol Jahn Thrush and on the Mat bylands
of T. C. Miller, having thereon erected a'two
story WEATFIER.BOAR Et 11011 SE, Kitch
en, - Log Rare, &C. Seized and taken in mead. the property gf Thorium S Wilson,
john Stockton %and- Mary Jane his wife,. late
Mary Jena Wilson right;orthe said Mary,
M Wilson , Alekaticlat .Wilson in right
olGhialato....ife Ann D "w ilition.nov , dead' and
James G Wilson. ,
Also , a Tract of Land,situate iu Dick-
Mean 'township.. Containing ,20 ACRES : more
or less, bonnded on. the,' west by 1' C,Miller,
on the north by T-C Miller, on theenst by land
of of Dr. W C Chambers and on the south by
Henry Shank and John Lefever. having itire
on eracted , anne story LOG HOUSE, dar..-
Also'a Tract of Mountain Land., situ
ate in Dickinson township, containing 20 lieres
more or less,liounded• on the tiorth'by T. C.
Miller, east by Martin Shank, south and west
by heel), Keller. Seized and taken in execu
tion ns die property of Jaen 'l3'yler.'• ' • -
Also a Tract of Land,Uituatein Dick,
.insen township. containing 90 ACRES more or
less , bounded on the west by lands of T C'Mil•
ler. on the north hy T C Miller. east 'by T C
Miller and , on the south by landior Martin
Claittly..loving thereon erected n'two story
LOG HOUSE, Kitchen; Log: Berm Seized
nod taken in execution as the property of John
Miller. -..
• • •
Also•' a Lot Of Ground; the
town ef'•Centroville, Dickinson township, con
taining ONE ACRE more or less, bounded by
Jot of Mrs Shaffner on the west, Mr:Beeteni
on the smite, John Mehnfry on theeast,•ancf
the Walnut Bottom road on the north, hating
thereon erected a• two story HOUSE' part
brick and part log, ,Sr..e. Seized and ,taken in
oxecntion es thoproperty of Benjamin Shoff.
ner, and Mho be sold by me.
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle,
March 1, 1854. S
S'herifl s Sale.
BY virtue.of a writ of Venditioni Ex
rionaa issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Cumberland county, and to me directed, I
will expose to public rendhe or outcry. at the
Court .House in, the bureu'gh of Carlisle, on
PRID AY the 7th of April. at 10 o'clock, A.
M. the following described real estate, vizt
A Lot of Ground. sitiinte in the her
ough of Carlisle; containing 140 feet, in front
and 110 feet,in 'depth more or less. Bounded
on the east by lot of 'Jacob Zug on" the south
by-lot of Wm Breeze, on the north hyrMain,st.
andlon the West by East having thereon
erected?, two story Stone House, atone boa. ,
building,-Log Stable,-frame ten pin al
blacksmith shop, &c.
Seized and taken in eiteeminn as the Inver
tv of Bober! S. Alcorn, and to be gold by me.
Sheriff's Office, Car
lisle, Mar 15, 1854. 5 J. McDARMOND,
Pa(liable Real .state
fe:undersiglied executors of Ole estate of It.
13. Stevensono:lee'd, offer at private 'sale,
the lollowing real estme, in West Fennsboro
twit, Curnberladd county, late the property of
Richard B. Stevenson, late of the borough . of
Carlisle, dec'd, viz: -
All that FARM situate in West Pennsbare
township. aforesaid, about one mile from the
bore gh of Newville, bounded by !Midi of J.
McCulloch. W Laughlin tied others, and •
more 07 lees. The land is first rate limestone
land, to goOd cultivation and well fenced, 95'
acres of whiati are clear and th e rent in timber.
The improvements are a large double stone end
brick' Dwelling HOUSE, two • ,
atones highi,'alarge and intbstan
nal STONE BARN, dgood well '4AV
of Limestone Water, and cisterns
for rein water. -There is 6n .tho
orchard el well - selected fruit trees.
Also. a lot of WOODLAND that has been
used with this farm, situate.about one-fouriliol
a mile from the Doubling Gap Springs, tindad'..
Joining thai property, containing about 22 acres.
Persons wishing to examine the farm condo so
by calling on - Mr:Long, the tenant on thOriins.
Terms made easy to purchasers. Possession
and a good title will be given on the Ist of A
Es'rs of R. B Stevenson.
Dscember7. 1854.
ALL that valuable property situate on the
north west corner of centre Square,
in the boroughtif Carlisle, known as n
Bretent's Row The Main build= :MI
ing is now occupied by-IL L. Burk.. 1 5.11;-:a:
holder as a hotel. The-balance of -'------
the'propar.y is rented for offices, shops, &c.—
This is one of the very. best properties tor busi
ness in •tlio -borough, and to capitalists offers
great indueetnents for investment.
„The pay
ment if desired will be made Yeti , eissi.
Also, n very comfortable • two story DWEL'
LING FIOUSI.I. on the east and-of Main St.,
adjoining . priiperty of Andrew Mimes, Esq• and
noCedcdupied by Mr. Davld Greer.' Thelot is
421 feet fropt by 240 :in depth, and contains a
number of choice fruit trees. The property is
in good order, and has a cistern, smoke house
bake oven. stable, &c. on:the lot. For partic
ulars enquire of
TEIF, im Story FRAME HoESE. •-•
ml Lot of Ground in 4,Sduth Llano.
vor street,. now occupied by Charles I s ■
Barnita f immediately opposite 'Bent 'z I I
Store, is offered at private sale. For
,tortes enquito of the subscriber, Attorney fut•
the owner. -
novs'h3tfi . it: M. HP,NDERSON.'
Phil. Sirgeons!. Ilandage Institute
<PIIIREMOVED to No. 4, Ninth street,
sixth store above Market. . B C.
. I) I3VE R ETTI"S Patent Graduating
Pressure TRUSS; for the cure .of Rothe ;
Sholder Braces, Supporters, Plastic Stoukitigs,
Suspensory,. Hemorrhoidal, -- end Bandages for
deferpit!ins. „lnn. 11—lyr.
, .
Java and Maracaibo Coffeei i Green SOO/
Roasted .d 0.,. Orleans and ClarafiedN. l
Brown Sugars, Fulvcrizei, Crixdfied,Vridl
Loaf do, Solt Crumbed (presorving) do.
Rice, Farina and Corn Starch. Brom.
Genoa, Chocolate, Vanilla Boan,
Mace., Citron, with Spines of oirory..kind,eu
• Spernri, Mould, AdninantihoZnadlea,
Orleans and Sugar H Syrgg Molassee
Lovering% finevt genii& Syrup; 4t,":4!
irr A fresh assortment MAIL the above erti.
aloe, and a general supply of ether .ertieles
ueually kept by us,nll just opened and for isle
et our new. store rooms.
• ':'Jane S. 1853. -Li. W. EB P.
Just Published—A new.Discoverylalitedldne
AFirm wows on the Rational' TrOatmen't;
Withbut Medicine, Spermatorrh Ili'or local
weakness, nervous debility.' low` Op rite, lam&
rude; weaknoss of rho limbs and bac „,tiallapo
sition and'incapacity for study and labor, dull.
nets of apPrehenson, loss of memory,- aversion
to' soaioy, love of. solitude. • timidity, self dis
trust. dizziness, heache,lnvoluittary discharges.
pains 'in the 'side, a ff ection of the eyes ; pimple
on the fate, sexual . and other infirmities in man..
~.. From. the French of Dr. B. Dotnncey;
:Tho:,lmporta nt. feet theCthepe alarming com.
plaints may .easily ha - renicivcff,wiTtioux, 14,6D1,
,onvE;Fs in' dile small tract p chiarly .demonklrro
tad, and, the and - highly'sueVessful
treatment; ea adopted by the - Autikoe t tuilrox•
opined, by 'means:of whichlevery one Is enabled
10 cure huneell perfectly-and at the 'least iiossi
ble.colts.:.,avoiding‘ 14'1)11 all, the. advertmed
u ostrams of the'day. ', ''' '' I
, 'Sent . aanty'address, ,, gratie sind,PUBCfr,CS;IL in ,
ti sealed - Mu/elope; by remitting (post Paid) two
podtage , Stamns to-Dr, D. DeLottney; or.lio* 109
Brobdway• Post Office,, New lritrk.' , ' e fmnrl'• I y
„ - ~.. .....
IiRKP.E 8 i6elotiratOLYbrk; , Plolughe,con"
gigh,tly on also , :firhighoad's. find
' ing . ke foreile'at" ,
;,., •1 SAXTON'S:
I:cpt for sad Ohnin. Apply to '
Feb 1.541) ?,:' E. M. RIDDLE. Jr.
"mat - anti elt4er oit •
• ' B u"ilaiitklie -rireddeee-of the
11,10 abou t the- 6th - , 1
) 9'HErEP;onewhita... lasi/
other black' :They' haini — notcliea
ill the tiara but no oilier mrirke. : Tho'awner is
r flioated:tri'etinniforwitid - airidiktilltPelf7;Prxr
charges and tabe.thent4way.
mB3tpd- = c„ -.XOI-11,1.:8110PP.
NOTICE, is hereby gireit.tO all,personA in
terestedfluti tho folloitAg accounts have
boon, tberProthotiotery's Dtfico for ex-
Amination, by the account ,therein named and
presented to the Clourt of pominott Pleas
cif, Cumberland county,. for_ confirmation and
Allowance, onyednesday thonth day of April,
A. D. 1854.. .
Ist. , Trust account- of Professor, James W.
-Marshall,- Comthittee of the •pew3on and es
•tate of Richard B. Stevenson, now deceased.
2d. Trust account of Professor James W.. Ma
r. shall,' enn3mittee' Of the person and estate
. 'of-Joseph' Stevenson declared an habitual
' drunkard, who is'new deceased'; -the same'
being-the final account of eaid.Connittee..
' March 8, GEO. ZIEN,
: • Estate-of 'Daniel Leckey, dec.
NTOTICE is hereby'given that letters testa.
/I mentary on the estate of Daniel. Lackey,
late of Frankford township, Cumberland Court.
ty. &teemed, have been granted by the Regis.
ter of said county to the subseriber,:residing in
the: same township, All persons' knowing
themselves indebted to said estate aro required
to make immediatepayment, and those having
claims to:present- them-,for settlernent to
• mart 36t , • "Ex'r.
Estate of .Mary 4. Bituef
vorricE is hereby giveu that Letters Testa-.
inelitary on the rietate„of Mary- A. Bitner,
late of Lower . Allen township, Cumberland co.
dee,d., have , been granted by tho Register of,
said county, to the subseriter, residing the
same township. All persons knowing them
selves indebted' to said mita° are required to .
make immediate payment and thciee having
claim, to present them for setildment
• March 8.-6 W " Exec r.
Estate of Peter Jaeohy;dee'd
IVOTICE . is h.zreby given that'll:ellen; Testa
mentari to the estate of Peter Jacoby,
to of Mdflin,township, Cumberland county,
deceased, have been theftegisterol
said county to the subscriber, reeidiug in the
same township. All persons knowing them
!mitres indebted to said estate are required to
make immediate pepment and' thpae having
claims to present them for settlement to
' March 8-6 w. , . Ez'r.
Estate of Henry Rickabaugh, dee'd.
AT O=E is hereby giveri that Leiters Tea.
tamentary on the estate of Henry Rieke
bangh ; late of Franklord township, Cumberland
county,.dec, have been granted by the. Register
of said county, to the subscriber. residing in
West P:ennsboro township. All persona
ed to said estate are required to make inunedi l
ato . payment, and..those hav,ing claims to pre•
sent them for settleinent to
marl Executor.
_. Estate , of Alicliael
Vo Tie g is hereby giYed that "ieliersetests
-1.11. mentary on the estate of Michael 'Miller,
late or North Middleton township, dee!d, have
been granted to the subscriber, residing in the
same town-hip:
.Ali peraens
against mid estate are requestedth present them
for settlement; ante those indebted to make im
mediate payment to •
'Feb 22 pd • 'Lleder
Estate of itev. Martin Wolf, dec'd.
OTICE is hereby giten that leiters ad-
IA ministration on the estate of Rev. Martin
Wolf, late of Hamilton county, Ohio, deceased,
gase,been grautdd by. - the Register of ',Climber.
let.d county, Prr.;to the undersigned, residue
ioSouth, Middleton-township,'Cumb. county.
All persons indebted, to said estate use required
to make iin.cediate,paymeitt, and those having
claims to present them to,
FebnOt - - - Adm'ir;
Estate. Of: '11 , 486%. Ann- Eberly; dee'd.
ivo.rLF,E iti4licruby'giien that Were of ad.
.1.11 'ministration on the Ustate'Of Mr.' Ann En
erly,,;kito of West Pennennro io.4nehip, dec'd.,•
have boon granted n'y thiVegister of said goon
fy to the.subscriblir,residllig in Mechanicsburg
111, Foirsoiie having clainis against Said estate
ire requested to present them for settlement,
and-those indebtedito 'make immediate pay.
E6ls6tlid " Ad'm. •
In ilia Cotut Of:Conidin . ,Plecis of Cum:
Elizabeth Traub, by her No. 32 . Augget
'next friend George Spun- Term, 185 3 .
gei4urg ,
. . .
fohn Traub. our
Divorce. •
Same party No. Nov. limit 18.53
• VIS Alias Subpoana
Same Sur Divorce.
The said Subpattut and alias Sitbprona having
trecn issued out of said Court, and proof made
that the said John Troub, the defendant, could.
not be found in the skid, courtly of Cumber-.
land. Now the midi John lTratib the defen
dant is hereby notified and required to appear
°nth° first day of the next-April term—Mon
day the Ifith of ,April next—to answer the said
Complaint. JOS. MoDARMOIstD,',.
Mar 1 1854 Sheriff .
In the. Court of. Common Pleas of Cum,
berlinul County. •
Sophia Ries, of the bor•'''.: • •
ough (Oar by-her I - Nl , .3,Noiember
next frilnd Gee. Foland I Term 1853.
va • • t:
7 • t+4.9 • Subprona_ •
SPotor RiCo. •1 eur Divorce
• •
Sanie party }NO. 2,7anuarY "Perm.
vs • "alias autpwna -
Same ' • tow Divoreel .
The said eubpoenavand alba eubpena having
been issued out of said Court, and proof made .
that the saidlPeter Itice the_ defendent,could -
not be bound in the said county of Cumberland.
• Now the said Pater Rice, the detendenr. is
hereby notified and requirdd to appear on the
next April Term—Monday the toth of April
next—to answer the acid complaint. i .
Marl 9w . • Sheriff:
Court Proclamation: •
WHIEREAS the lionoreble;
AM. President Judge of the seven/
Courts of
,Common Pleas of
.counties or
Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, In Pennsylve
nia,and Jingle° of the soot:trot Courts of Oyer
and Torminer and General Jail ;Delivery in
slid Counties. ord Hon. John Rupp 'and Sam
uel Woodbern;J odgpsofthe Court ofOyer and
Terminer and_ Dreamt! Jail Delivery for the
trial of all ca pita I.and 'other offondere,in the
said county ofCumherland,by theirprecepts to
modireeted,'datittthe 10th of January, 1854;
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer'
' sad OcineralJ ai I DeliverY , to he holden of Car
lisle, on the 2tl mcommy of April, 1854,
(bOing ,the 10th day) at 10 o'clonk in the litre
noon, to continuo two weeks. •
NOTlCE , iirtherefore hereby givin;to the.
'Coroner: jostled@ of the. Peace and Constable*
or, the said .County of Comfier) md: that they
are'lly the, said 'prepept,commindeid: to be then
and there ia their proper ,persons, with their
rolls, records, inrittieltions, exarninationsand
all, other remembranies, to do those things_
which to their offices appertain to be done, and
all those That: are !bound by recognizances,,to
•prosecute 'against the priSoners that aro or thou
Chtilt..ho . in the Jill of said 'comity, ale to be
liters to:piiiiiieuto them as shaltbe Wet. •
/hang: .
SUFZIPep. ambit; C a rlielo, C'
Feb:15,1854., ( • -
":0340171EIRSZIELVL • -
2On bushels prime Ohio and Pennsylvi
Vol' CLOVER SIRED for sale by .
Agricultural ~mptemedc and Seed Store.'
• - Harrisburg; po.
, . ,
, .
A FABs . arrival of Burp, ,Ciireil aphis
and DRIED • DKEF. • jnill recoil/nil , Trani
Cincinnati and for solo at WILLIAMS! Vanity
GrOcory Diarni.inlireiit. Main Bina, , , t • ',,
TELVALtait I.lCrAm ;it . ..het:lW. even that I intend , to
a pply the ensuing term of - the Courtier
*Quarter Sessions, of Cumberland county, for a
Ilicemo3 to keep.a - public house at the stand,l
' • 'A INTES A. DI
tac k ,We
dur occupy as such in Meehanicab ‘ ul.....
of 'the boron et. •
•• Idechinicattrid 6fizen • • •
certify that -we are. wett-it.
" ,-- --.nty of Cumerland. u
nink:e 'named .1 A 'Mel*, that'hw-i., of good
.With t he''
gepate for honesty-and temperance.and,is won-,
provided with 'house rpum and.conveniencen for
rho accommodation Of strangeps'and travelleri
sad tnat such Inni-andTavevn in tweet:spry. to.:
accommodate the public and entertain suangers
and travellers.
- -
Daniel Urieh, Philip Uhler; georgh Singiser,
Benjamin How, Adam' Hauck, John. , Hozer,
Simon Arnold, Jacob Hartztline, Wm Miller,,
R Wilson, Joel Harting, JOhn Hoover, John
lluey, Samuel Gariter,'Adenn-Sidrar.
1uf4143-t;ll , ,'*ll , (9
11\TCITICS is hereby given that I intend to.
II apply at the ensuing term of the Court of
.Quarter Sessions of ,Cumberland 'county, for a
License to keen ,a public house in the stand now
occupied by. Frederick Zericher. being, an old
stand, in Newton township. mid County.
We'thei undersigned citizens of the township
of NeWton. lJumb. county, do certify that we
are well acqUainted with the above named
Henry Hursh, that he is of good repute for hon.'
esty and temperance, and is well provided-with
house room and conveniences for the accom
modation of strangers and travellers, and that
such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accommo
date the public and entertain strahgers.
T A McKinney, David It Baker, Dewitt J
.Pislee, J W Vanderbelt, Joseph Kissinger, D
Wescheffer, Joel Bricker, John Weetheffer, D'
Myers, Samuel Green, HenrY Harder, David.
Waggoner, Daniel Kindig, Jacob Landis.
• NOTICE ia._bertiby given that I intend to
apply at theensuipg term of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of Cumberland connty for a License
to keep a public house in the house I now oc
cupy as Boa in the borough of Carlisle,
A We the undersigned citizens of the borough
of Carlisle, West Ward, in the county of Cr m:
becloud, do certil thatwo are wolf-acquaintsd
,with the above named Henry Glass, that he:is
of good repute for honesty and temperanc..,'
and is well provided with house and convenien:•
sea for the accommodation. of " s trangers and
travellers. and that such Inn or T avern is nect
essary to aocoinmodate the pUblic And entertain
strangers and travellers.
C G Stough, George Bendel, George L.
Murray, Jos W Patten, R A Noble, Thon as
Conlyn, John Noble..l R Egbert, S A Gould,
11 I. Burkholder, • J K Boyer, J C Neff
NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to
apply at the ensuing term of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Corn berland county, for a
License to keep a public house in the house 1
now. occupy ,ria such, in Shiremanstovn, said
We the undersi g ned citizens of Lewer Allen
township, in the county of Cumberland, do
certify—that we - are welt - acquainted wiltz - 1 he
said 'David Bollinger, that he is of good repute
for honesty and temperance, and is well provi•
dsd with house room and Conveniences' for the
accommodation of strangers and travellers and
that such Inti or Tavern is necessary for, the
accommodation of the public and to entertain
strangers and travellers. -
Isaac Go9hart, Wm B Reeser, Jonathan
Brabaker,,John Sheely, jr, Jeremiah Nissley,
Jacob Lone, John Bheely, sr, H Rupp, J cob
Bates, Daiid•Wise, F Long, F,N Reicher
NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to
apply at the ensuing term of the Court of
Quarter Sessions cht Cumberland county for a
License to 'seep a public house in the house I
now occupy as such, in North Middleton
Cumberland county.
m 8
We the undersigned citizens of the township
of North Middleton, in the county of Cumber
land, decertify that we are well acquainted with
the above named J C Beecher, teat he is of
good repute for honesty and• temperance, and is
well provided with house roam and convenient
ces for the entenainment - col strangers and tray,,
tilers, and that such litn - or - Tavertris necessary
to accommodate the public and entertain stran
David Nailer, M F Swiger, Jacob' Wagoner,
Jacob Line, John K Beidfer, M Wynkeop, J •
Knell- Conrad Mordotf, J It -- 11 - einlinerlanb -
Gutehall. Adam Gtlaugh, Christopher Orris,
Levi•Mordorf. Daniel Miller. -
NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to
apply at the ensuing Term of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county for a
License to keep a public hoese in the. house I
.eccupy as such, in Wormleysburg, East
Ponnaboro twp, Comb. conntv.
We the undersigned citizens of the township
of East Pennsboro, do certify that we are well
acquainted with the 'above named Alex. Wills,
that he is of good repute for honesty and tern
perinea, andle well provided with house room
and the conveniences forthe accommedetion of
strangers end travellers, and 'that such Inn or
Taitern is necessary to accommodate the public
and to entertain strangers and ttavollcra.
' ' George Mann, David Eichelbarger, David
Brown, Samuel Fish, Daniel Needhammer,
Michael Free, Jones Eichelbarger, Martin,
'freezer, John P Boyer, Jacob Ebersol, Jacob
Beniger, Joseph Martin.
NOTICE ishereby given that . 1 intend to
apply at the ensuing term of the Colin of
Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county for a
License to keep a public house et the 6tand I
now occupy as. such in Mifflin township, at
White Sulpher Springs;
We the undersigned citizens of Mifflin twp.;
county of. Cumberland, do certify that we are
well acqoainted with the above-named Scott
Ccyle, that he is of good repute for honesty and
temperance, and is well provided with house
room and conveniences for the' accomm odation
of strangers and travellers and that such Inn..
and Tavern is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers k.
A. M. Middleton, Jacob Gees, Nathaniel G.
Brown, Wm., Henn, John Finkbiner,- Jacob
Bowman*. James Harlan.. George — Nnettle,
Daniel Daelhouren. Wm. McDonald, William
Hoover. George. Asper. •
Exteniive Furniture Rooms:.
TAMES' R.WEAVER would respectfully
call the attention Of House Keepers and the
public to his extensive stock Of ELEGANT
FURNITURE. including Sofas,: Wardrobes,
Centre and other. Tablbs, Dressing and' plain
Bureaus and devbryothar article in his branch of
'business. Alit°, now on hand the largest 'as
sortment of MIA IRS in Carlisle , u at the lowest
prices. 01 - Coffins made at the shortest node
and a Hearse provided for funerals. lie Belie.
its a call at his establishment on Ninth liancp
vor street, near Glass's It 0 TEL.
niture hired out by the month or yeOr
Carlisle„March 20. 1850 1 4
Dollard. Premium tie Jr' Hair.
Inventor of the Celebnited Gossamer Ventilating
Wig and Mint& Band - Toußaces. •
Instructions to enabledadles and Gentlemen-.
to Mettaure their heads with accuracy -
For Wigs, inches Toupees bt scalps, inches
No 1 The round of No I From forebead•to
the head . back as far as bald
2 From forehead; 2 Over forehead as car
over the head to liS•rtquired .
the neck 9 Over the crown of the
S From ear to ear . ' head '
over the top , , , .
.4 From ear to ear -
round the forehead . . _.. .
R DOLLARD has always. ready- for Rik a
spiv:nil stock of Gents* Wigs, Toupees, Ladies*
Atifiga„ elf Wigs, Frizots, Braids, Curls, &o,
beautifully'rnamdactored, arid Ati cheap as , any
establishment in the Union -,. : . • . , . :
Dollards Ilerbanium extract or Lustre us
Tonic, prepared from South American, H er b s
and Ro ts. the most successful article" ever pro
duced for preserving the hair from filling out
or changing color, restoring and preserving it in
a healthy and luxuriant state - Among other tea
eons why Dollard's hair cutting ton maintains"'
its immense popularity is the fact . at -his rro tin
is appied to every bead of haircut at his' mina,
Nehmen', consequently it is kept in better prea•-
ervation than under any koown application It
being thus practically tested tve thousands; .offers
the greatest guarantee ofits effica c y;
Sold wholesale and 'retairat his Old. Fshibllsh •
mein 171 Chestnut street opposite the State
Heine, Philadelphia. ••.••••
R Dollard has at least discovered the" net plus
nitre, of •LIAIR DYB and Rani:lances it for sale
'with perfect Confidence in its• surpasstug every
"liking of the kind now in. use It colors the'
either black or brown. (as inaPhe desired)" anw
is, used without injoty to the hair or 'Skin . ..Wier
by stain or otherwise, can be:washed 'off in ten
minutes' alter application,, - .WithanCdetricting
from its efficacy Persons stalling the city ars
invited .to give him. .c4ll
' Letters addressed: to DOLLARD IV'
Chestnut strnd. Yhiladdpbias Will peeelveriitten.
tips. • , • ;.4#'25.