PaAREZEID, On tbal4lll diy.f s tio'ltleii.l . ,'Eviins, Mr .4A➢ATAL DILLER tCOM1131: WN ' 24 . A31141A dnifgh tor .of. Mr David Shtrabarger, of Waat PennobarodaviiiNl4 Ounibeiland . . . On the 2d inst hy the Rev. L.• C. Priee, GEottais MILLER of York ; Miss NANO CUAFMAN of Ctiinhoo, • On tho Bth inot:b.,,y-thO - Itev,-Robert.MClth , M ren d r Tuomos . C. to Mks ItEnoccA J. MoOinuttt, both'of • illestt'onnaboro town ohip, , , On the 14tb, by.the Rev A. Owen, JO eseg.hßitypt to Mies. CATIIAttINE RATIIYAN both of' this county. on the 16th inst. by the Rev. A. - H.Firetner Mr BENJAMIN DAY, to Mies ELIZABSTII ENS tuntain„botit. of the vicinity of Carliele.. DIED, On the 28th ult.. Mrs. MAILY.TANE CORNIVAI! wife of Mr. — Levi . ConinuM of this borough, aged about twenty one years, , In this borough, on Friday the3d inst., Mr. WILLIAM GLANCZY, in the • 76th year of his age: • In Placer county, California, on the Bth of: January last, Air. MATifias IlexrmAti, former ly of Shippensburg,,aged about 30, years. On Tuesday. the 14th inst., in Fitly , ,• Han. cook county, Ohio, of Pafalysis, PATHARINE ANN, wife of Peter II: Lechler, foraierly of this place. The deceased tesftled for 'tbany,years in Carlisle,cluring which tlme atieTaa univer sally beloved, and esteettied for ; her general kindness of heart and her -many christian .vir tees. She ,wattati affectionate wife, a kind parent and a sincere. friend, And although her distressed , faraily , and friends deeply lament liar loas;'yet they mourn, not without hope— ever ready. to- extend a helping hand to -those in distress; she bad for a long Sine-previous to her•detth,heen the child of affliction which she bore with that fortitude and patience which always oharaeterizes , the true follower- of Clilist.• - ;, • • A. At her residence near lingestoWn, after 'a shOrt illness, on the 20th .of February last, Mrs. NANCY MCKINNEY TIIONPSON, ip the'B2d year o 1 . her age. . The ..doceased has been a member of the Silver Spring Church, for more than forty years: = We know in whom she be lieved. Though the is nb moro to be a com fort in ber' house on earth; she has . gone to ocoupy'a highat;atation in the house not made with bands above. She alabps:iiii Jesus, and onjbe resurrection morning may we great her, again when the mortal shall have put on'im: mortality. - . ' • ' , Nctu a.buirtistinento - r ---- -Kentucky THE subscriber infortar the public that lio will have in a few days a lot. of- KENTUCKY MULES; large size, and cheaper than venally sold.. Those wanting Mules are requested to call.and examine,them. tuba' • - ;. SAWL. ENSMINGER. rattlinNrw moons, TEE isolloviineNow Books have just bean received et the cheap Bbok store of the sub scriber. The Orinnel•Aretlo Expedition, by. Dr. Kane. The Barelaye of Boston, by Mrs. H. o.• Otis.• Marie Vordse, by Emilie Corkin. , • ' The Earriplightere,. a nevrand 'popular 'Hovel. CarGotten' Castle, a Tale of the'desuits.. ' The - Miser's Heir; by P.,Hamilton Myers. Kate plarendon, by Emerson Bennet. Haps and Mishaps in Bennie, by Grace Green wood. The Old-Brewery; or Scenes in New York. The Potipher Papers, or Our Best Society.• A. M. PIPER, Ag't. • Estate of: Christian . Wisler, 'sr., dec. Vonciren, herebyi'Ven that letters of ad ministration-on;-the estate of Christian tVi g eler, late of—Harnpden township, Cumber. land county,' dec., have been issued, by the Register()) said county to the subscriber, resi• ding in.thh same township. AU persons huv ing clairue4igninst tsid estate are requested to present them for settlement. and thoeeindobed to make immediate payment to CHRISTIAN , WISLER,Ir,; , ' mdrest - • Estate-of Jacob Spangler dnc NOTICkI is hereby given 'that letters testa mentary on the estate or lueob. Spangler, late of South Middleton township, deo ? have been granted to the subscriber, residing in the same township.. All persons indebted to said estaie are required to maker immediate payment, and those'having claims to present them.for settle• MOM to • -- JACOB MTN ER,- mar326t Ex'r Boat° of Henry Baker, deed NOTICE ie herpby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of Henry Beilter.llate of Newton. township, Cumberland county, dec'd, haiie been granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber, residing in New's,'lle in said county, All persons knowing them. solves indebted to said estate are required to make immed,ate 'payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement THOMAS A. McKINNEY, imar226tpd _ Eer. FIRST. AR maim or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, At CHARLES O:AILBYPS, In East High Strew, Carlisle, Pa. wE have just - received a large' and .hand. come assortment af•Spiing and Summer Goods, consisting of she latest styles.of Ladies', 'DRESS GOOD% Borage, mous debege,- and Mirage delains, lawns, black andlimcy silks of ovary desclip dun and quality, black- alpacas of high lustre, bloc: bombazines of n superior qualify, and a good assortment of Mourning Goods. DOMESTICS, DOMESTICS. Bleached and unbleached muslins; &loadings from I•to '3 yde wide. checks, Glasgow and fine French ginghame, ticking, damask towe/s and cloths,-napkins, rod, yellow and while • woollen flannels, shrouding flannel, Ike. - EMBROIDERIES' AND LACES, Cambric and Swiaarufflingf edgfng andinsert. ng, lisle, mantilla and florentine lace,. French worked cellars. do•under.slceves, do. Spencer, on naffs, mourning millare,b lack laced veils of all styles, • A very' handsome assortment of Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons. • With a large and handsome variety of Dry' Goode and .Groneilea in 'general. always had on the lowest terms at "Ogilby's Empn• rium:" ,'• Mai SPRING AND ..131TAMER 1854] - -StylegCof 1 L1854 j rt FORGE 4.81,1;ER, reepeetktfly armour': VlNces ,to•biOold•Patrons.and the , public gen., orally ,that he .Ifuejust received the SPRINGP n GENTLE el 'nue of the beat. establishments in Philadelphia,, to. -which ~110.4tlyites special attention. .„ He has also constantly on bawl a- large and varied assortment. of his ovin. manufacture as well as city made HATS AND CATS, • suitable for. he seasonotomprising every vari• ay' or Russia, Deaver, Moleskin and Silklitits, finished in the- latest style, together with a full assortment-of' Caps jif every shape and .des cription, and at every price ' He particularly inVitee thdpuldie to call and examine his bitten sive asflortivent, which in style; material and finish; cannot be -surpassed by any in • Market,' and which he is able to put at prices lower than over. CO-Remember his old stand on-North ' linnover street, between Humor's and Sener's store. ' 'fiVbiriSli,BB, 1854. . ,Spritig• Styleorlirfas 4rfilps 1 --... ~,,- , , ~.....,,,... .• . ~.„,,,j r ., . .,, : ;,-,......--- t''' - . ' '' ~, .**-. . .. , ' ..VITIVI„ IL , TROUT *, . • pigy.stitEs to inforrnAle 'old friends that -he • hnieremoved to his new .establishenent on la street, near the Roil Road Depot, cod le , now opening 'a largo and elegant assortment of SPRING STYLE OF IIATR.i , ...:; , ) just, received from' Philadelphia - , which - the gen. tleaien , of Carlisle are reaSssiedro call and ex. amine,. , h to al .1,1 o,,large, asoortntent Of 'Silk, .F.dr, and Slouch 'Hats of hirr ewrrnianalacture, 'of up 'Kate , beet various.; pri c e s ,. the excellence 'titid fintehil - Whieh'lle , will war; rent, Hie stock he itcConfident 'oitlynneeda to • be examined .lo bit'approved.- 'er . Afect rtrlargei supply of Mon'at Boyslairtl-Chililreri*GAPH;'• of Cloth and For and Of rtvkiry. vaiiMy of , atylw and price ,Juoeroceived from Philadelphla;' , Le r all who Want a flat cir,chri t .gito , him.a 'dall, , ,nu. they nlat "be attire of 'being apite'd to 1 heir' own eatieftict Oil: . . .: -. . Miat'. l .2l3, 1531, , 1 . ... ~. , .. . , . .. Poor . House Statement, for. ili3s3;' GEORGE OF.ORGE BRINDLE,i'an - d': JOHN G: BROWN, Fols,lliroctors of the Poor and of the Holise6l:.Eultilny.melit,-nf•Grn u. 2. herlattd &nity,. in.accotint•ivitti said county, from. the Ist. day-of ' . :January, to the, 31st day of December, 1859; inclusive, •.. . , • To'amolint received trout County • freasurer ;• • . $5OOO 00 • • do remaining in the hands of J, Squicr, Treact., last settle. mast do received of James Menden in; fan-hides arid skins' 116 38,1 do do tiir use of-4 1 m. 11,3 inn 117 50 do do of R. Snodgrass, fen 'aeo do do of WoOdward:Si, Schmidt .65 .0D ' . for Cloverseed 76 82 • do' do of C. Mriglauhlin, ' F) use of Smith 62 25 • do ' do • 'orG• C Saunderson,' . • - •for 'nee Knettle 50 00 •do do JohtrLamtbli •, for use, 74 00 • -forialloiv • 45 00 do do Perry county, for tho , support of. sundry pau pers, , • , 33 17 do do James Walkdr; for use T. Walker 20 00 do Jim, Dunbar, 'for use 10 00 do do York coutity.fot. the • • support of sundry ' • 'paupers ' 5 25 do do for Indentures ..3 00 -do do for Sundries. .. 2 70 . . ..,.... . JACOII SQUIER Fig., , Treasurar of. the Poor House and House of Employ ment of Cumberland county, in account. Verth the Diredtors of , said Institutipn, from the Ist day of January, to the 31st .- • . ; ,•day of December, 1,853, inclusive, viz: -, • : DR.- CR. . • . .. Cash received from County Treas. $6OOO 00 By payment ofpirector'S orders. $6,154 402. do do 'from J. Loliaoh,Stew'd. IBy balance in hands of frees frost different sources ' I .urer inthtbited in the fore- ..ri going statement, ', 681 OM do remaining in hand's of Treasurer at last set - dement 7 head of horses, 13 mitch cows. 17 head of steers, 2 bolls, 20 head of stock fiogs, 4 pigs, 7 slime', 26 sheep and 2 calves. Beef, Pork, Mtitto'n and Veal, fattened and killed on the Farm in 1853 • 25 beeves, average weight, 587 pounds (14,6751b5) 31 hogs, average weight, 238 pounds, 17,378 'her ‘27 - aheep.toierago weight,43'pounds,(l,l6l lbs) 11 Calves, overage 60 pounds, (660 lbe)naking in .all 23,874 , lbs. - Farming Utensils on the Farm lst'of January, 1854 I bronco and 1 narrow wheeled wagon, 1 new stone wagon, 1 wagon bed, 1 paiV of wood ladders. '4 pair of hay ladders, I as t and gears, 1 tilbury and harness, 4 plows. 4 harrows,.s double shovel plows, 3 single shovel plows, I threshieg machine and horso power, 1 flittering mull rolling screen, 1 corn shallot', 1 ground roller. 2 cutting boxes, 3 grind stones, - 2 log chains, 31 cow .maitisism mitt t; lit Laird, ti a tit it lid tg i 400.1'3, k:troonters tools, I sett orblacksrrith mats I Intl it uut ca'itt Igo kdi le. 5 gritor. cradles, IS mowing scythes,4 mattocks, 5 crowbars, 6 shovels, 1 sett boring tools for blastifig, and a Variety of 'spades forks, rakes, corn hoes, stone hammers, sledges, axes,..mawls, wedges, Schedule• showing the proceeds of the Farm for 1853 724 bashelsof wheat, 19 of rye, 1400 of corn, 608 of oats, 484 of potatoes, 3. of timothy seed, 2of cheer sped, 9 of Ewan beans, 10 of bunch beans and peas, 30 of onions, 1 of little onionF„l6 of par. snips, 35 of beeta,2o o f turnips, 3000 heads of cabbage, 616 dozen cucumbers, 43 loads of hay, 10 of cornlbdder, 2 barrels of eider and 20 bushels of winter apples. . _ Manufactured and made in the House and Shop 159 shirts and chemise, 99 frocke, 39 pettiooatet 5 caps, 72 aprons, 17 bolsters, 50 pillow cases, 7 sanbonnats, 38:Acrns, 40 pairs of stockings ,knitted; 21 pure footed 11 towels. 6 chafha,ls, 38 comfOrts, 10 pairs of drawers; 160 pounds of hard snap; 28 barrels of soft tom). In the Carpenter's Shoo—mnde 23 coffins, sled, 3 large gate 2 small gates, 1 'oatton ladder, 6 rocking cradles, woodhox For the office. 6 washing machines; also cut 75 cords of we id, made 250 rails, quarried stone for and male 21 rods of stone fence, put up a' porch at tenant house, and done $3O worth of blackemithing. Number of paupers in the Institution Ist of Sanuerk, 1853, of which 9.3 were cohl, 108 Number ndmitred up to the 31st Dec. '53, of which 15 were cad nind 9 born in in the House Making the whole number through the year, . Of which 17 died, 6 children bound out, ll eloped and 148 wera discharged Leaving the number of pauper/3in the Poor House Ist Jan; 1854, of which 19 aro colored. 106 Out dour paupers supported at public expense through the year 11 Whole number remaining chargeable nt the end of the year Of thbite remaining in the Poor House 31st Dneetnher, 1853, there aro— les6o of which 8 are colored Females 40 of which 6 are colored And 11 out door confilers 117 • Therelire as near mecan be ascertained 13 undo). 5 yeart.4 from sto 10. 15 from 10 to 20, 10 frtmt 2o to 30/ 17 from 30 to 40, 5 from 40 'to 50, 9 from 50 to 60,19 from 60 to 70, 6 from 70 to 80, 1 from6o,to 90 end 1 from 90, to 100, Li tali:Mimi to the abovo 304 transient peppers or travellers have betth supported for short periods without - regular ortlere: :: We the Directors of t he 'Poor and of the Howe of Employment of Cumberland county, do cer tify that the aboye and foregoing statement to• contain n- just and true exhibit of the Inatantion, r derin. the. period Wove etated„neeording tolte best of our knowledge,. Given under our ,Lands this 31st day of December, A. D., 1853 GEORGE. SHEAFFEII ' GEORGE 'BRINDLE, Directors.' • .. . • . ' . JOHN C. BROWN, • . . , . . • We the undersigned -Auditors of Cumberland Comity; elected, appointed and sivorn -according to law, having examined the accounts and vouchers of the Directors .of the Poor end House of Employment of the said county, from the let day of January io the Met day of December, A. D., 1853, do certify that we lind'a balance in the the hands of Jacob Squint, Esq., Treasurer, of - Six Hundred and Fifty one Dollars. and Thirty nine and 'a half cents. -Given:under our hands this I,2th day of January, A. D. 1854. _ SAMUEL M EGAW . ) . P. QUIGLEY. _. Aud. itors. . . . . . . . , ' - J. B, DRAWBAUGII, I . WALL PAPER F3R THE . MILLION. _ __G-riat.attraction. L.HAV just received' my Spring timer of 14. PAPER which surpass . M . Stylci4.Qutility find Price any that has ever • boon exhibited - ill flarliele. I respectfully se .a call froM, persons in Went,of Paper Hang: inge,of any description, as I am confident my assertmeni far surpasses any in the boiough audio style, and price hap but few rivals in the I only Mik4of the public to call and ex • amine my .neeortment holore purchasing; as I am confident' my chitin designs cannot fail to pleaso the moat fastidious..• • 4 • 4. , • 4 I,YIsTE, West Side of Norris Hanover Street, , Mat 22 Carlisle, Pa.. ' GOODS-.SPRING 1854, . . IN; ettherribere nro , nnvi pr-pared to exhihit nt their Splendid NO" Establielttnent just Potitpleted on the site olihrir former'siend, • No. 41 Sourr'Sicorip .STREET', PHILADELPHIA', * , • PHILADELPHIA', nn' , entieo' new rind beautiful' arca' of Straw; Parley and Silk Bonnets and. Plata,. Flowers, dce i and Panama; Pnlm'and Summer Hate fur Gantletneni which our old'. patrons, Alerahante and' Milliners generally, aro.innited to exaniine cardidently promising thorn, in extent, in curie. IP Junin:illy, anti ip stylos, *stock unequalled. 110?.Ordere carefully and Orenwily executed. iny2 . 2.73m. ..THOMAS. WHITE & 'CO. . , Etat', , :.A.CAMIRIVE3r. Thrie miler West of iirirrisburg, • Fran SEVENTH 'SESSION of MIS' flour-, iiiliing Institution will commence 'on 111.91sTDAY: the loftier of M-AYnont, The atf7. vantages Which it anorde, it is beliuyed.Momfa superior ,charac t er, and parerit . s,and,nuardiatts' 111 . 0 solicited, to. inquiro ,itier r ito before e,ndieg:their sone or;wiirds nlsemiltere. 'tSvOrably situated; the inatfuetoreAke oil corn 'pri!lint and experienced 'Mani ihe•notirsif of in- situation is extensive and . thereinth, and 'special .attention Is' paid - td' tht. comfort and health of Vie students. ,;:• • •; • ; ,13,nardingi, Mashing. d 1-,.9111 1 TnitionE in nglish, V o c al' a Mu.• • sia,'net sassinnr(s rnapihaLv • ",., - $65 00 I9,stracticin'in'Anciancoi Modern • Liingyages: each;.s 00 InsiNmantal Wain, • - - 10 00 •1 0 0i...Circulara and othor information addresii. D. DENT . iNUEIt; , m ar s •• klustrisburaj'a. __ '-'::-_-,. : •. '' _:, ,C [?;,.: Yfayment of interesten dower in , • favor, of Air t