a== - ;,cco "A.ucrticielitcat9: MO0N1! 300tES OW ON THE SHELVES, Stand, nest door to the Pool Office, ctreet, Carlisle, = a't^ ott t,: -. :/itectainSrvt. Home it Home. y C;r1:11is or Scenery Celeariles by' Wilds, -tt Li'e rind Forest 'Frees' Reveries of a t .ittr,-,:vl Leielte, Tailor sad Poet, Yenst t , tihY sa - me author. Country Year Bonk, arinti Phases, Old District School, trial Disclosures. kinuse of the Seven' Wide, Wide' WOrld, Popular Dela ti t-Ir Retigions.—Old Red Sandstone, ..t • •-• Th.tughts of-John Foster, Dr. John t,, ::ttlt_tious Life and 'Death, Memoirs of 'cyst, 'Triumph over Death, Dr. Godmaii ti .Life of Baxter, Allion's Alarm, P, ette's Call. Jay's Morning and Evening Ex t. r •, Betty. sn's Works. Life and Works of IS •-v. Cl'ornock on'llademeration, Tracts 5 rots ron Public Prayer, 'Charlotte Elizabeth's \l" to v.nnplele, Paschal's Thoughts, Ac. Blhgraoltfcal and illiacellaiteous. -, :urn's Gibbons Roma, 6 cols, frames' Eng ' r; vo's•, McCauley's England, uniform, (1 1' Froimsaris Chronicles, Mayor s `.tlndian Wars of U. S., IliStoti ' of tile .1 v., I list oty of Wyoming, • Ninevehs Re i.tt , i s t, Morrell's History, Modern Philosophy, 11- in , infts Life ‘Vasliim.ton, Lives of Putnam, P l'ttk Dowry, Atc , Anderson's Annals Eng- I t , :t ;tittle, M isheim's Ecclesiastical History II -1 iley'tt Napoleon and Marshals, Washington tt, I In's Amer flisper's Magazine. D'e Tor,— Deniocracy - in America, Sertit'sMis ,•t•l' t +. Lem sires on Shaltspeare, Ac. X l'netrg.—W nvrrlo. 5 vols., Con f.' '. Mrtryntt, Balwer, James, An., -r., Pante, "Shakspeare. Milton, - Scott, t. Burns, Campbell, Beattie;' Collins, ,••,1 twper, Thompson, Pollock, Howitt • t't. % tut lon, Tupper, Goldsmith, Shelly, fie. ~. •t, r deceits and Gift Books in variety. All • -tit.,,,ve enumerated, Books and ninny more -n 1 Sc.t - handkomely . bound in Cloth, Gilt Ne.tilter. On hand in addition, I on Paper hound Books, 2050 Prints and En _:tit Wholesale y article in my store whether - lh the. Med • • t•. Books or Fancy Line, I will sell very r e nit,f - ' , Always as low and sometimes •'t r the city prices. Call and sec. • 11 M RAWLINS, • '."") Neat door to the P. 0. From Arrival of New Goods. i.i •111 -:scriber has just returned from the • another stork of New Fancy and • I: , IZY GOO DS,emliracing irCtiVe assort great variety of ‘ Lnilms Dress Goods, , • h• 11 1 ,. Csuimcres, Saiinotts, Kentucky Jeans • 11.‘lc of every description, Ilosiery, Gloves. which he would invite the attention of ciii7ens generally, - premising that dies:, - 'w.9l lie. es low in. price, .as the some goal-, 1,0 purchased elsewhere. G W STOVES,, STOVZ ' II ri subscriber would respectfully call the ; • , of the public to his felt assortment of V RS, consisting. of 'Parlor, Nine Flats, I nild the best Cooking Stoves :now in the • , ket, and as small proltrS and large sales is ho strictly nalteres to, greet linrgains I'6llll who parchasti at the Ocnn JOHN D GORGAS, \`‘'...“ end of Milin sirbet. opposite J. & D. 14' Forwording and Commision Hont,e. , cier29 Important to Ladies, II undersigned takes this method of in the Ladkes of Oldish.. 11101 le tenches e: 1 and mystery of . 11R — InS CUTTIN - G ntt entdely new and seient-ilieprineiplo. 1,1; es are rotinaated to call and examine tlie m and comfort ~f dresses cat by this sy'ilem. It r, ,,, sea rat at 9..1 rents each and warranted u• .. • e •tire satisfaction. For further parse • tr on Mrs. ANN Bit ACTCN EV at Mr. nppos to th e :11nrislion House—from' I . e h, A. M. to :3 o'clock, P ..r1 29 • S T inventor. - ME Oarllsl6 Deposite A : election for NINE •DIRECTORS,Iot •-ry • thecutuind yeaC, will ho held at tno I , n 4 Wiese, n n AIQNDAY, fhe 17111 day NilvenCoor next, between the bourn of 10 "'clot k, A. M., anti 2 P.M. MI - M. BEE VEM, Cash'r. NO'EXCM _L.:I - Fr:ll.S or kdolitibdration on the estate . .hiigerrh Irwin, laic of Newton township, i:mnber!ind comity, have been issued to the , ab•-•criber residing in said tOwnshill. • All per - indclitcd to said cslate will malce imme , pa) 111.11 t and those having claims ngainst t! present' them Mr settlement to M A.RY ' • ' Extea. --- Farmers ft N.qchinists Take' Notice. Til NT David ..C, Buyers, near Roxbury, FranMi.' , county, holds the patent right for minty, for 'Ai:infield's Clover II ,!Icr, - and Grover Az, Giiertrd's Cleaner at- Luhed L.; tho one, believed to be the only );,1 Fle-nto Hies all ersons against making or using these mu , m cs..w,t.titMit obtaining tho right from the ',c-eiter. M ,1 r. 310'3 Aly.-nms Carlislc,and .7,ltr Suthlt, Nltchinist, ,in Shippensburg, are rimrized-to make said machines. oct'29 DAVID C. BUYERS. tr..7, — Shippemq News insert Int, charge adv. lian)yer Buckskin Gloves ) 11...43 a3a prtunont, of the cola i,rated !Naive/ ,Buckskin- Gloves, I,lhiell will ho sold low ocr29 N W WOODS, A.g't Auditor's Notice. 'F ILE tnedersigned having been appointed an Auditor by the I)iphtins Court of Cumberland 071,aty, to marLial nod distribute the otoets to and atnnig the creditors of the estate of Mary todaw,herehy the- , a:l...rested that be nt office i., the torte of Cn::lisle, for that purpose, on .ItU rday thn Ist of Noveintier next, - when nd whom they :a ty preent their accounts. 0ct.22.2t \ ,M PP:lg ROSE, ..iton Sertcy Uei(er. CAME to the prentiocA of the subscriber, in „ .. tl Ilanipden township, ."'"i4;,„7-A.47„,-;,.7.-:-.."7",:\ Cumberland county, /..!..:;; e.+Ni o -',A\ i I a STRAY -...i*tc‘ii,,‘:AF , _:„. 1 4. She is a red brindle, L ," - . '' with a white face,.and Y" "4 is two and a halt years r.. - r.. 1 - -- 1 , ". , ' ' .:; ' .-Za , old. The 'owner•is re fOICSIOCI to COlllll forward, prove properly, pay ( hitrg,..s and take her away, or she. will he sold to ording to-law. (0cit2.231) Ts r c,- EBERLy: Rags ! Rags ! ! cash price will be paid for - clean l'a2n and entten rags, at the cheap Book. •Stere of (net 22) . A M drotice, THE undersigned having been appointed by the Court of dornmou Plena,. of Cumberland county, an auditor to marshal and distribute the assets in the hands of Matthias Bitner, executor -of-Jacob--W-ise,deeld..fo-and4iirongAlm-..credi tors.asaid'ileceased, Will meet for that - purpose at the public lionso:of David Brown, in Shiro. manstown, on Thursday, the 23t1 inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M. - GEO! SIIERBAHN, netls2t , . ' ' . Ruditor. Linehaniesburg Institute. THE Third Session of the;Mechaniesburg Initituto will con: - nonce on the Ist of October inst. For circul9e, containing, particultirs, &c. please address • F L GILLELBN; sept2lpdst Principal. JENNY LIND • • F.:X NY MN D. and .other extracts—/'mesh tP from Roussel's, together-with a splendid 08' sinllnent of Soaps and Perfuniery,. at the :Cen tral Drug Store, next door to the 'Post office: O":l7tirit IV LI NS & MeGULL C 11. Bonnet Ribbons, ike. THE subscriber has just a very largo and desirable stock of Bonnet Ribbons, very cheap. Also Velvet Ribbons for 'rimming, with a new style of Wors!ed Trimming, Braid for Lams Sacks. Also, Embroidered Sack Flannels.' oct29 G IV HITNER. • ZAGGING. , JU ST,receiverd :another bale of Yorlc' 13n 11 gig saimillo for the Farmers.. N W. WOODS, Agq tom . . . 800T5.,- , Just receivad.a large assortment of Alma and Boys Roots which bo sold low (teal -WOODS;.Ag't. . . MUS DRLAINES.—Juat recaircd a large lot or Mus De Laines. which wilt ho• sold very iiheap, Oct 29y_ 'N W 9 WOODS, Wide Silk Volvetif • JUST rneeivnd n few.pieces of Y . ard Wide sills. Velvet, for Ladies Clonlc.4 and .Ainntillos. neptt , ft :,.- - G W ~ LUTN ER,. -- -- _ Ealbialderros arid Ribboha, - Just openqd.'un assorlmentqr:lllhd.kroidOed Collars, - Edgings - nmlinsorlio&p.will i a 11.011011' of new styld Plaid Ribbons. sePt B 4' - Mr lIITNER, - REN - C4:3STIIa'S . NOTICE. I~7OTICE is hereby given to all persons ja i-A turested,Aliat the following accounts have beeti.lßed 'in this fur exatumation by the accountants therei.t.named,' and will be presen-, cod to the .Orplia its' Court of Cumberland coun ty, for coutirmuuon'and allowance Oil I . IIOIIINY, the 4th day of November, A. D. 1851, viz : ; ho - account of John Orris;ndmittistrator_ of Joseph Healetinger, lute of Frankiord town-• ship, decertJed. • ' e. The account of John Lefever;ndtninistra• for of Wm, L. Spangler,. late of DTkkinson tp. deceased. 3. The account - 0i George Kissinger, jr. tniniStrat or do borlis non with the will annexed of,(jJ.n . ga ICi3singer, late , of Dickinson town . ship, cleansed. 4. The neePount of George Sailor, administra tor with the pill a inoxod^ of Mathias Sailor, late of South MiddletOn township, deceesel. 5. The- account of George Sailor, administra tor With.the will annexed of John Klinelinc, late of S. Middleum township, deceased. t d., The riccoutit of Jacob Dorsheimer, admin istrator of Elizabeth Dorsheimer, late of the Borough of Meehaniesburg,; deceased. - -7. The account of Daniel. Whistler, adminis• trator with the annexed of Jacob North, late of Mifflin township. deceased. 8. The account of Wm. Crawfrird; Esq., ad ministrator with-the will annexed of John Mc- Farlane, late of M filin town! hip, deceased. 9. The account of Adam Sholenberger, Ex ecutor of Benjamin Shulenberger, late of Hope well township, deceased. 10. The final account of Jacob Dorsheimer, Executor of Andryw Dorsheinter, late of the borough of Mechanicsburg, deeen.oe. \VM. GOULD, Register. Register's o:Tice, Carlisle,? October 4, ISM. Prothonotary's Mottee, I V, OTICE ischekby given to all persons in— terested, that the Milowing uecounts have lieen_liled in the Prothonotary's office for exam . nation, by the accountants therein named, and will be presented in the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, for confirmation and allowance, on \Vedoeaday, the F.lth day of Nove.ntber. • A D. 1851: 1. The ae mad of Daniel Cline, Cog , nssig• nee of Maury S. Myers and wile, under is deed of voluntary assit!nment. &c. The 21,,C011111 of Daniel Cline, Cog , nssig nee of Pitilip'Eliort. sr., under a deed of vol umary assignment, &e. 3. The account a Samuel Woodburn r e questrator_of theihmoynr and Carlisle Tyrn. pike run' oompiney, d. Tho account 01 . Christian Elicrly assignee _of Daniel Heck. • J \ MES F. LAMBER'CON, - , neaS3t Prothonotary.. NEW ARRIVAL OF HARDWARE FIF,INIZY SAXTON', has just received and opened th_ largest assortment of goods in his line ever offered to the citizens of 'Cumberland counly, which will be sold at extraordinary low ra , em"rhe public is respectfully invited to all and examine his assortment of goods, which consist in part, viz:, Ts Coach Nakers sod °fliers in,want o f a good ' - Carriage, pliiin and flamed chili:ass, • Enamelled •' muslin and ' Patent leather, Plated Dashers, Damask, SAinet, bloc and drab. cloths, broad pasting and seaming laces, hubbs; lams. spokes. elliptic spring`, iron axles, conch 'varnish, moss and deer's hair, &e., Complete assortments of Sadlery tools, ja panned, brass and silver mountings, of various patterns, &q„ &e. .. • 11111.. q. ny, W,.lmit, ion.' Maple vaneers.- 3tilii4a,ty, Walnit, Minoru! and Glass knobs, coda I lime, mouldin.ls of various patients, val. soft springs, &.c.. morocco Ilning and bindbitr lasts, throad, pegs, &c. Ts Builders, Carpenters, sod others. • Bank. A complete twortment .of upright, rim and nt,rtice locks, with mineral, white and brass Mrlitare hinges, screws, wadi and shutter 4prings and bolts, gla.s, putty, paints of all co lors, oil and turpentine, alas mill, cross-cut circolar,.hand and. land sue, augurs, Chisels, ;I, 9' t as l I) intins axes;'llttchets, planes - and - plane irons, steel - and-iron-squaresi spikes, &c. To Blacknniths: Fa•lners, and others. A complete assortment of hammered and rolled•ir'on of every size: and desOiption, last, - shear; opting and blister sine!: English and A merican wag .m boxes, anvils, sdlid Thread vi ces, Ides, rSipss shoeing nails, &a. -- 1 wrll.lll parlirAllar attention to toy RS rt.nont. of waiter; min trays, and gothic s•yla,, knives and forks, butter knives, carving knives and,lorks, table steels; butcher and ham V0.1.-scissors and shears, Brittannia, German an I silver plate, table and tea spoons, brass and metal preserving kettles, smoothing irons, tabs, buckets, churns, &c. Ale., on Inoi Makes and 13uswell'a Fire and Water P.roof Paint. (Carlisle, Oct. 1.) DA.G'.U.ERREOVXPES! JACOB II Al ItIS respectfully announces to the citizens of Carlisle th.it he has taken rooms in the-house of Mr. nutshell, on South Hano ver street, nearly opposite the public hotiSe - of Mr." Scott, for the u 'mese of delineating the "human face divine" by means of the new and beautiful art of ,h, Daguerreotype_ Having thoroogri scientific and practical knowledge of this truly wonderful discovery, he feels conli _lnt of prolicing a style of pictures superior to any ever befnre offered iu this place. These truly heautifule ingmentoes of relatives and villa cin noW:be.yebtairied at en expense so rilLny no to place 'hero within the reach of all I _! his lust received from New York and Phil llelphia a large stock of the very best D nguer• reJtyoe materials, purchased at reduced prices, anti is therefore, enabled to AofThr ttatlifol, life __lik'et_exuressiva ..andlestivr-dikenesses_at ex_ ceedingly low prices. try-Nit opportunity is now offered, such as may never agt.in occur in this - place, of obtain• ing likenesses of parents, children, or other detir friends, executed by nature's own pencil, and . h,t Once elegant and exact. Pictut es nisi taken for rings, breast pilis, &e., equally perfect as those of a "larger size. , . Instructions given in the nrt on nioderate terms. -Aft are invited to mall, cktunitie specie [pens, test our artiatical skill, a,nd see the Do• fft.rrentye of Jcnny'Lind ! irr,,Onen from 8 o'clock, A. M., to 5 o'clock P M. tougG Gm rnEss-z Gnoormans! A NEW supply of iresh Coffees, White and BroWn Sugars, Spices of all, kinds, groutfd and unground, with all the other varieties of a Gro. eeryiSfere - , including 'lase a iteVi. Ithe s Na..l Quality ff FINE GREEN -& BLACK TEAS, ' in metallic packs of quarter, half and pound packages from 50 to $1,50 per pound, as also n the bulk, All.just opened and for sale nt the store of , fm1,21 J W EBY. ' ff x.mutisps .col,u)TftifAN ,TIL order titd , spose of siocli. now oil hand, - 1 h ;ivill sell a few dozen at 20 per cent below the mAnufacturer's cash prices. Ccioniry merchants %you'd do well to give me a call. Joao I 'SAII'L A HUBBARD. JUST opening a very large stock of Fall and. Winter Goods; as 1011OWS • [. Cloths, cassitneres vestings, satinctts, Ken tucky jeans, velvet cords, flannels, tichings ginghams, merinoes,-alpachas. eoburgs, mous! do,laines, s cashmeres, poplins, calicoes, sack flannels, shawls, hanclker, biers, gloves, stock ings, scarfs, veils, Irish linens, Canton lianneri, ribbons, dress trimmings, bonnets, cloth caps, silk plush; do., gum shoes, woolen yarns, cot 'ton.edgings„cotton laces, thrend stings, dd laces, Swiss'and 'scones do, black silks, bonnet do, do velvets, coral's, brushes', spices, grove ries, Ste, &c; , • • Ws only ask you to call andyou will be con : vinced that our goods are the cheapest, oct 15. , A & W BENTZ. THE subscriber hini on hand.a -large arid Well selected assortntent, or-MUSIC of all kinds, eMnsisting of Songs, Marcltda, Waltzes. Polkas. Pie,. also instructions for Piano and other insirumcnts. " Berlini's Method" for piano ; "Mans. Method for the Violin, &c. and a supply ofViolin. and ~Guitar Strin g s, of first rat° quality at chi, paces. • • . Having made an arrangement :with. an Im porting and publishing.houna in Philadelphia, he will bem9nstrintly supplied with'now MiWie and able to fdreish anything in that tine ,pi short notice and, ,uriiip reasonable jams. Mtinie 'Peaeltors will find it for their, interest to call arid examine ..for themselves.; ut the corner of Pitt and. High streets; opposite . ..the Mansian noires. • (ml9l S. A..E1U88A121)..,. 31AsItsmith's''Cual. • •.• • • b,•611. it r:a:keaide's moal, superi,k I; a ri l for main •• • • - NV 13 Willa A'ut 712. Surfkr: To Cabin,' and Shoemakers Great Bargains. ALL GOODS Mirjrgit -•.toy.t:f.l:: €,.,5,11,1....p.5.-.. IVEonaatzzaw 41007D5. • rinFIE subscriber is' est receiving et ins DAY g'-GOOD AND CARPET EMPORI1311 , 1; thelargestuerl most extensivelstrick.of _ • FALL AND. GOQDS,' - ever brought Iry Carlisle, which he will•sell on the mast accerninodating.ternis and at the low est possible terms. Among the geode receiving area very extensive assortment of BPIt; Plain, Vignre'l and Fancy Dress Silk's, mous do loinea CashrnereS, French' Merbuies, Coburg and Canton . Cloths,. Alpachus, Chintzes,. Prints, and every other variety of Dress Goode that is to be had in the eastern markets. Also CLOTH'S. Pink' and Fancy Cassimers, satin and Fancy Vestings, Sattinets, KenttiCky Jeans, Cotton Kerseys, Re. CARPETS,: r - A well selected sleek, such (13 Cotton, Rag. Vettitiam Gritthing, Stair, Hall, Ingrain, Tapes try and Imperial Carpets. Also, 150 eases of BOOTS AND' SHOES, ' of every. size and-made-in the most fashionable and durable manner. An assortment of -- FRESH. GROCERIES & SPICES; - &c. I would particularly invite the Mae to call and examine the stock before malting their purchases, as I am determined to cm Goods very low. Remember the old stand, East Main street, opposite 11. Saxtop's Hardware Store. soon C OGII.BY. G RD:AT A RRI VAL 0 lan tine, Brinter. Goof's. AT THE STORE OF THE t - UFISCRIRER THE ORE.kT MART FOR DRY-GOODS GROCERIIS. Boors & shioEs 'l'flG suils2r.ber respectfully informs hi s friends and numerous enstemer, flint lie has re turned Irom ulelp!da, with a large awl en— rind n ee ,, r i um n a1...AL1. AND WtNTEIt GOODS, consisting in part of BRO A DCLOTHS & CASSINI C,RES, battinetts, vestings, muslins, checks, tickings, flannel=, linsey, velvet cords, cravats, supen• dets, gloves. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, . silks,merinoes bombazines, figuredond plain chaTzenble pop)ines, mouslin de Lnines, ging. limns, calicoes, alpacas, shawls, gloves, hosie ry, Coburg cloths. BOYS' CAPS, a very large assortment, embracing every 'style style and quality. • ' BOO'I'S AND SHOES. An extensive variety of Men, Women and Children's Boots and Shoes, front the most col ebrated tminufatturere GROCERIES, • Of all kinds, such as sugar, volley., Molasses, Rice. &c., &c. CHOICE TEAS from the welt-known Tea dealers, Jenkins & Co. All ,vh) visit ;our establishment are tree to acknowledge.that -we are selling every tlescrip• non of Foreign and Domestitt Dry Go do. Bows And Shoes:r&c . at, astonishingly low prices.— Obr system of low prices has already attracted a large number of:neople. The, attention of all who wish.good -hargaing - is solicited, as en ra ordinary inducements can he offered so pnrehn• se-s. Don't forget. the corner imposite'Lcon. ard's old stand, North Hanover street. Butter, Eggs. Itigs and Soap, taken at mar ket price?, , N W WOODS, Agt, sep t'24 SOOTS AND .5.810 ES -qulrißaubscribar-line-jnsi.returned-fr4m-,P1i;1.. 'adelphin with a large and elegant assort ment of Ladies, aentlemen'sr --- nod - Rny's n ' lßooTs, sridEA & GAITERS, all of `,'" which have been selected . xith great care and purchased from the best et tablishments, to which* invites tho particular attention of the public and hie old' cuetamcrs. Ills assortment consists of Men's Calf, Kip, and Thick Boots, Boy's do do do • Boy's and Men's Brogans, Ladies Kid nod French Blipperr, Lathes Enamelled Gaiter Boots, Children's Shoes of all kinds. In fact his assortment comprises everything , in his line. of the-newest rind most fashionable styles, whin!' he will sell at as low rite as eitn be had anyw•hcro else in the borough. To orove this - call - and - Trycitnine ficr you'rselvos._.'l.hi charges nothing, for an,e...:antimition of hiA meek but. will show it with pleasure Ladies and Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters mann factored to Order in the bon style' nu fßemember the old Stand on North_ Ilanc ver'srcet, next door to .the I lardwaro Store of J. P. Lynn septet CORNiVIAN. taLcateines 13i7Eedicines, I - Frhah Medi - dines recently received nt Raw. Buts' old :Land, nest dear to the Post' office Main street, Carlisle. Dr. J. McCulloch, a graduate of the Univer: city of Penn,ylv mia, is no•.v a partner in tin establishment, end Will give his especial r , opt r vision to the com?nandin!. or prescriptions. All Medicines warranted pore ar•d genuine -and sold-nt-thcJow•-car rates._ Elresh_ Pinc_Di and Fluid constantly for sale. May 2E1.'51. 11 M. A VS" L NS'. NEW FALL 11-017DS! THE subscriber _has just_ r,ieeivcd a large and goiteral assortment of N E 1V 1 , A GOODS, emulating of French- - Fllerinima, Al pacas, Coburg cloths Cash.rier,-. :klitm: do !Alines, Gingfron,"„Calicoi , s with other Dross Goods. Also, Broad Cloths, Cossinwres tool Sattinets, Lon; and Square Rhasvls, Flaseels, eec., to which the attention of the citizens gene is invited. ) sem 23 . . W. MTN Sack Flannels. JUST openea a general asserFinem of. Flan nels for Ladies Sacks; of 'various, such as scar let, pink, green, blue; gray a:::(1 black, and at moderate prices, also , a variety of Long sh aw l s ol.tho Lies; falirie. G AY .11117NE,IZ WIL3.4APIES NEWVILLE, PA. r'Ii t EALERS IN HARDWARE in all. its warie l y for use and ornament. Also, Shoe Findings' Morocco, &c. Glass, Oil, Palms, Ruck. and Ride Powder, &c., Cedar Ware, Ropes, Brushes, Trunks, Baskets and Cimeh Trimmings, &c. They hav, on hand or will furnish everything in the BO OK and STA• TIONERY line. They` haVe 'fin el:eon:dye me nufactory of TIN \VAR E for. wholesale and retail. Housoand Born Spouting well and promptly 'thine. They have an extensive STOVE `Xtirehouse, where may be found the moat approved patterns of Pailor. Coal and Cook Stoves. The public attention is directed particularly to the Lancaster Keystone Cook Stove, for sale exclusively by them; the heav• lest and cheapest stove in the market. It will be borne in Mindnhat their. .C,Opk. Stoves are the cheapest offered for sale. L All other nods so d as cheap for cash, as the cheap eheaper, cheapest• INewvillc, stmt.?. t f Emile of John S. Miller, dec'd. .vro'ricE is hereby given that Letters 'Fes. j. tninentary on ihe,estate of John S. Miller late of LmVer A lien' kwitship,-decensed, bee - wartime - LI by - thelteOster — iirEciireounty to the subscriber residing in the citron township.-- All persons indebted to suit! Combo ore hereby required to sunk° iinmedinte finyttio,.l 4 end those liming debris to present them for :et tlo inent IO MICHAEL P.. HILL, sept3pdflt Executor. ()V ice. No'l' d ICE is hereby given that applirrdio will bo made to the next .Legilature,, ogre ably to the Constitution and laws of , this COm monwealtb, for an alteration in tho Charter- of the Carlisle Deposit 13tin1:, so ae to cooler on said Bank the rights and privileges or n Batik of issue, and to change the, name, of slid Batik -to • "no Farmers &. Mechatties ank of Citrlislo.'. By order of dm Hoard or Directors, WM. 11. 111.1ETEM, Cashim. Car Dep.•Bank, May 24111,1851-6m.:' • 8900TgCi. riao,ll9. ~ • ,it AM now, opening my Spring. stcdth' Of' Lt 4 dies and Gentlemen's. Boots and Shoes.'—' Also; a large lot of diloye„Misses and 'Children's SlMes: of.dho 'newest style, best quality,' and bost.or all. very cheap..,,. . • , apt C. OGILFIY. P.A.TEIV.V sirart.v.n JU,ST rec9iyed a small gualitity : of..Glenficid's Patent Starch Put .uP foul lh rippers,-and highly rocaminanilell as n perior article... Also. Potent • Siurch •'• • ' G Superior Pickling Vinegar . , ~ ',ll . lE's'Oiltiteriber has junt received 100 onl,lMto very superior eider,Vinogar, worroota p ure and .31 th . o . very',l3em:titiolity, Come and tr i It. . - sopt24 — ' :' , C W'll{TNEllt,' , zrowzol:. , . PEES honool; olantion for .biroofers of the Carlislo Elank,,wl;l hO,hehl opreeMil y. ,Ibr"oh Nlondny (17th) of NovenTher. nwit O nwoon iho hours of IU 'A M, and 2 o'olOck, P M, at,tho Bunking house -pf lha Carlisle:Deposit Brink: , • _ 0c1133t • GEO 'A LYON; Pres't, t-.)",t.0.. : (c0,' ~$:: 4.1y61i5:.,' illoinoeo;pathic - • College of 'Pennsylvania. • FilberrSireetabpve Elfueilth, 1111110 Lectures of the regular, course :,will N coninienee annually on, the - si:coNp. .rucor DAY, of Gutovr, and . continue untiLthe, first of March ensuing, Of . ices' for a full course Ol.Lectures sloo.od. Students who have attended into 'full courses nt other sell° IS •• . • 30'0d Matriculation Fee, paid only once - 5 no `Practical Anatomy ,; 10 00 Graduation Fee , 30 00, The Conitnencemuit will take , place eatly in March. • FA Ir. WALTER WILLICVON, M. D., Professor of Ma teria Medida and Toeropeutics. . " Wit.rdAm -S. Humour; W 1,1) , Professor of Ho moeopathic Institutes and the Practice of Medi- SAmUEL F " REEDLY, M. D:, - Professor ,of Rota iy and Medical CHARLES NIEDHARD, M. D., Professor ,ot Medicine. . - Jos'Era G Loomis, M.' D, Professor of 0!” metrics and thc_Dseliscri of Worden and Children. Atv.l.P E. SMALL, All D., Professor of Physiol ogy and Pathology. MArrtvw Samna, M. D., Professor of .Eheat:, 'sir.), and Toxicology. • - FRAHM SIMS, M. D., Professor of Surgery; v, I,l7lr,taraf,A. GAnntxta, s Prolekor of Anatomy. v . • - J. 13. PETIItIIIIIIIDGC, M. D., Dcnfonstraler of Anatomy. WM. A. GARDIN ER, M. D., Dcan, ' No 303 Arch Street, Philada. June 18, 1851-6 m. PRO OLADIATION. 'WHEREAS the Honorable FILEDEpICK WATTS, President Judge of the several Courts of CoMmon Pleas of the counties of Ctimbd-land, Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylva nia, and,Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in said counties. nrd Hon. John.Stuartand John Clendanic, Judges of the Court of Oyer and Perininer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of ull capital and other offenders, in the said county of Cumberland, by theirprecepts to nia directed, dated the 2ith of August, 1851, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and GenernlJail Delivery, to be holden at Car lisle 'on the 2d IIIONDAY"of Noveir.ber nest, (being the 10th day) at 10 o'clock in the Eire noon., _to continuo:two_ weeks. • ; NOTICE is therefore hereby given, to the Cosoner, Justices of the Peace, And Constables ofthe dab/ county ofCumberland, dial they are by the said precept commended to ha then and 'there in their . proper persons, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembrances, to do those things which to theirotlices appertainto be donn,und rill those that are hound by r&iognizances, to prosecute (against the prisoners that are orthen shall La in the Jail of said county. aritoliti there - to prosecute them as shall be just, DAVID SMITH, Sherfff. Carlisle, Sept 24,1951: - BOOTS 2 4 ,.. 5 ND SZIOES. THE suiscriber Ins—just received a large supply of' BOOTS & SHOES, lkiHt-1.. for Spring nYul Summer Wear, 11111 ., whidi mike; hie assortment very complete. It•comprises Omtlernen's French Call. Skin and Morocco Bo )le, Congreq s Gaiters ' Jack son Boots, Mon's, Boys' and Youths' Enna-I -cited-- Congress—B-4ms, -Calt:-Skin,....Goat, and. Biogani, Morocco Bows. S ippers, &c.-- Also. Lalltes' AliQso.; and - Ciiiitiren's -- Gaiters; 13,14 kin., Ties and Slippers. Every effort will be made to pleas, the citizens of town and country,. who are re3pectfully solicited 'to con tinue their patronage. -Carlisle, may? M PORTER. SAVZ *ROT_Tit leatOPEll7o • FO It A TRIFLE! LL oerson4 wishing to rescue their proper ty from fire without the aid of -. loser:me.: eomp.mies, should have their roofs covered v,..th Patkut Lnitation - State, or fire ant Irwer n'olf Point. A. root well covered ith this article will kill !MIA .onge'r than the yo unpainted, and will rimier it entirely Fire and .Water-Proof: art kit, con-be hod cheap a the Hardware Store of marl 9 JORN P. TYNE. Z'OTRE.4IM. . Heqd. , Quarterg, Car Bacracl..s,? • - • - - Scinsother, - IforceUer any:sslilier - oi the Ur No. GR. "tit:wise:l limit out of the Boa," and one tulle from tits Gsrris in, without a per. .mission in writing from the - Cmumanditur Offi cer. will be considered n Maerter. and $3O BEIVARD-plid tering rQprehentriork and de• livery at the Barrailtz. • 'Shia order will be published in the -News pap :re of Carfislo for the information of the citizens. By order of Col. Corms, • • W. I. MAGItiIbER, September 21, 153 1 -if Lt. & Peed .!kil t. Black - -Etc THE subscriber is nan• ofieninq a general assortinant of Long and Short Silk Pis, ltew style of Dulles Silk Gloves, Lisle Thr Gloves, Mill a Geue‘al assortment of sill:, list thretid - and cotton Ilmiety.. _ JunetB G W 111 TNER Tra! TEA.! -MEM! Tr ARRIVAL riA FROM CHIN AI—I he liners of pod ILA can he 2 ERESIL 4ppliedn‘tilt J e n' s & 4 cuperior a Giccm nd B 1 / 4 laL ?-11: TAs, lsellher loose or put up fourth,iu 11111 or pound me inn plelta to sot purchl>er at prices r Loglng from 50 coots up t 1. 3, per p mod, by calling at the store of Imrsl J HALSOR I BrAshos - Hfiushes 1. A great variety of these useful articles is ford for sale, consisting' of Whitewash, Swee - )1 ing, Painters, loth, Shaving, Hair, Teeth and Nail, Flesh and Chaining Brusheal, great variety, all of which are . cf the hest qua ty raid will be sold at the lowest prices J une 1. S Bonnets and Ribbons. WE luivo just ra - ceive - d ouphird . supply. oi thus° CIIRAP BOYIVETS 6 , ,... 130217Y2ETP.1.138 ORS to which ego invite the otter - 100n of, the Indios. 1 . 11 ay 7. A & 373 ik..• WATER PROOV. q LAKE'S Fire and Witter Proof N'AINT., .11111 which has been so extensively used' for the,,last six veers whh the •utmost success on the roofs of Houses, Steamboats, &e., not, it single instance is hewn whets it has lailed. For sale by [ntl2l 11. SAXTON To the Ladies, - JUST rechived, 0 It T ER'S S Fi 0 PI STORE, a fresh m , sortruent of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Gaiters, Jenny tin'd Ties, Bus• kins and Slippers. of .tho best quality. also see• ry. -variety-01-lanov-colored—li-rent, h Aostitia_fur.. gaiters, which will be made up tu-order. June II 185 J. Gaon and Black Teag. FROM tim store of the Messrs. Jenkins of Pliantlolphia, of tho hest qualities. anti al• ways fresh, constantly for talc by . Juno 25 J W EBY. a•Roaa_74.lns, . . JUST received n resit Iot . tif,GROCF I RIE which viill be sold very Ina' at the-old che3p Store. Dist Main Strout. . • apt C., OGILRY. IVIUSED ! 5111751C1 ! T TIE subscriber hnving received t he. agency oi. NV A LA llS1(1 invites ;men. tio'n to a large collection of rho laitfat aria moot. _popular Itieces - noldish&d by that firtni coropyiS tog :I' i olkos, Walties. ,Alarches, Stem nil of a bicb will ho sold tit the Tow ; ost-panli tha..e.heapjThok and*.Pitriodi -1.,-,rn-i)(; A. ;11.-PlPEft.'Agt: 'A ghaillense Of $50,0 • ITS OFFEREI) by E . .. McCIATN for it bet-' 7 ter article Of 1.40ip thtin his"PattintMa#netie; either for. rantovitm' unburtr' 'end l'lngileS from the richt, or for Shaving. - Manninettiretl: 6v l Mailain; S 3 ITOrth..7th .stroet; ebove - Cherry, 'And sold El A. V tIRSTIC , tr his Wait , ond"Book.iStorm Northilluovor street; fitay2 Gm tt clamp. Td the Ladlest--Wlll. A . IP.t.)ItTER. , would respectfully infdran. the: Ladies...l4ot he .11os fitted up the room rcecntlY,PPC ll Piad Itctsey Kermit': licit doirr to the old stand Aga LADIF,S STp RE. EXCLUSIVPI, ‘rltitre they will find a well' selectad ottadrfiqe4C of gniteis,'hoskins; OE4I, eli rr; fr(im tlits hest tnantifietbrids . in Philiclapiii6; and alsdo I.llls own 'make, to which their ettenlionisitwita di, '- Co - l'sle,tniny, 7 •••i' CITTItATE cor 1 1LJ 'able •nntrnilld "t6frigornrit:.".iind Ifix49v.o l , or Wale 1, , y,1.11,11111AgD. 'lnictOG • • . ' ataCrilSellientS. • -ALLEN 2311.01eyarin .pLAIN ERS. Schitylklll,Sixtli Slreet,.below Faber', Baei aide, Philadelphst CALL the attention of the trade, coatractort and others, building or remodeling, to their coma. pinto assortment of architectural rornamenA, in -the-various-styles and-orders, forinterior deco.. 'ration, in-plaster and composition. Capitals for columns and pilluto+a,-cornices, brackets, irie zes, center ilowerfl, rosetts, -mouldings; &c., executed in the best manner.. Modeling' from, original designs done ,with .accuracy at short notice. Designs furnished for ceilings, &c.— Orders from parts of the United States care• fully packedswith perfect safety. (bet 156 m) Carpets and Oil Cloths • ,CIIEAP CARPET STORE fHE subscriber being inn bye street is- un' 0 der a low rent, and very light store expem ses, Nvbich enables him to sell goods • wholesale or retail - at the lavest prices in the city, and buyers will do well to examine his assortment of beautiful IMPERIAL„ INGRAIN and V E & ITIAN%:A P ET.% of all widths .and" every viiriety; And OIL CLOTHS !rem 2 to 24. feet Av Ida for Rooms, Halls, 3 Sr.c., wlth, , r'great yen ety of low priced Ingrain Carpets, from 25 to 50 cents; and Entry and Stair Carpets from 10 to 50 centl per yard. Also, Hearth Rugs, Table Covers, Floor Baize, Cotton sod Rim Carpets, Stair Rods, &c. 'H. IL ELDRIbGE, No . . 11 , STRNWBER.R,Y 'Street, one door - above Chesnut street,'near Second, rhiluda. octBdm. Mover's ffule Manufactory I=l NO. 144 RACE STREET, (Retween rourth and rifth.opposaa Crown st • PHILADELPIIIA, W HERE the Proprietor is enabled, by in- Creased faeilities,to supply the growing demand for ❑OVER'S INIC, which its widespread rep matien.has created. . . This Inh is now so well established to the good•opinion and Confidence of the .American public, that,it is scarcely necessary to say any thing in its favor, and 'the Inannfaclurer takes this opportunity to soy that the confidence thus secured shhll not be abused. . In addition to the various kinds- of Writing Ink, he also maohlitetures .Idamanfine Cement, for tnetidino. Glass and China, as well as a su perior //ith,Dyes a trial only is necessary to insure its'future use, and a' Sealing 11 - n., well adapted for Druggists and Bottlers, at a very low;price, in large or small quantities.. Orders addressed to J OSE P II fd FIOVER, ° " l5 - - 31annfacturer. Perfumery, Fancy, Sbap FA Paper. Bo*. AZAVIUPAWMORY 4S .Market street, below Second, Philadelphia. , - '4iLEGCI & (.12.0 AI PTO N, Manufacturers J of Perfumery.. Fancy Soaps and _Fancy Paper Boxes, respectfully call the attention of the Druggist's - and Dealers in Carlisle - and — the Cumberland Valley. tcOtheir extensive Stoelvo, Goods, cunprising Perfumery; Fancy Soaps. Powders for the complexion, Toilet, &c. &e of every variety. Also, a fall and complete as sortment of Fattey.-Paper Ibexes, of ev'ery - de seription, lane or. small, round or square, niado to order at, the shortest notice. . - lr_.,rDon't Comet Ow place. 43 Market . ntreet Philadblphia. All orders will meet with prowl attention. janl EGO No U V iS 1V NETIT itAgltt: Pine Oil, Oaanhine Br.iYiedal Fluid, c h t , ' rick•rowleilged sapo4or.;ll,- - ir rind purity, inimithetned arid Inc silt. At t',ii lowest NN'holesnle prices, by DAVIS ,Sr. ni the old established limnd of the Isle 8t'717//- min. 'P. Davis, C N.:ALDEN, NESS , JEW.; CV, •rri orders by mail or otherwise are solicited, 7.:1 proisio. at nil einion given. Th.:: voice of the filicen years, 101 l the award of a NI- I tl, an') complimentary notice by I.'i tni.lin Instititt, over all competitors, is . 6.l'll.ii.idt evidence of the excellence 01 . Om Oil. Pito,l'itrpealine, Rosin., and Note_ rtti nri'm rprn , inc. fit sale Wholesale and Co. - tail. st the lowest prices. Iner3o Silyet Medals•Avrarded 7' o E. IX for I'6:fern:mil and Kum, Sottp.v, 1349 and - I SSO. • o SI . CI,ArN coliti . nues, to manufacture rdhis b Celebrated 'rut Premium Vctr . eta• Me Hair Oil, Patent :Magnetic Soap, Orris and Tealiyrry Tooth Phste, Lilly White, &c., pre pared at . S 3 North 7th itrcet,, above Cherry, Philadelphia. And sold by S. W..JTAN STLCICi at his Dian,. and Book Store, North (hoover street; Carlisle. • ' 0n1y2,1551.8m TrFV O ZrrEL , WEIZZES el CO4 - I • 0 rt. ' • , 174 - F.NgiiAt,eiam.liissibN AND Fort ‘,7t, WAILDI - N E BCH AN'fi3__ North _ Street, oppjsup the Suottehannah Ruud Depot, Baltimore.. Keep conmantly on hand for solo, Fish, Salt, Gonna, Plaistdr, eral rib:Anew; mile on coosignments. Jane 18;51. aat,pd. Hanisburg Stoan! Wood Turning and Scroll Sawing Shop, W1)11), TI.III7OSIG-in I. , r;intilies, city style and at city prices. Ever variety' a Cabinet and Carpenter work either on hand ;mile(' to order. . Bed Posts, Tdde T. , e, . waling Posts, Balastres, .Altnell Posts, Ertgott. 1 fobs, Roselis, Patients, Columns,'• Slat an Quark'? .Bunk !inn RO find or Oclago,n I Chisel llandles, 5•c.. ,-.. , . _.! r tki,, , ,,5110 p. IS in_STltAftEPlititY. ALLEY near Third Street, and As we iiitend to please i 3 our customers who want goad work done, It i; hoped the trade wil give us a call. Tan ems and Ten-Pin Balls made to _order ur re t turned. • • NV: 'O. HICK OK. narrisburg,,'April 30th, 1851-Iy. PI RST Plt EMI UM C-rand rand Square 22. - ZtT nivl4.7s:7.f`ez allaiME; 11atotj2Jetorei..1, .)Vos. .1, 9,8, 9 and l l L'ataw Street, Baltimore, Ohl. azif".l NO FORTES, froth Il to 7 octaves, in IL - in Rosewood, Mahogany and. Walnut cases of various styles, with and without iron fraines, con.bining all the improvements requis i te Ida superior instrument. . IC. & G. have, receiyed , fr om the . Maryland Institute the firsT premium for Atm Pianos, in three SUCCC-58iVe year.i, 1348, 18.19, 1850. They have also been honored with numerous teatime. Mats front all the, most celebrated artists who have ti,a their instruments. Pianos from thiiir establishment have been'used nt the concerts mo. Lind, Hem Hohnstock, Bishop, Laborde, Knoop, and other atninent performers.. They _guarantee durability fer five yearS, antler good mar not - give satisfaction,if op:die:nit:li be made within ON Miro ha after delivery. Their IJanufactory being conducted on the most extensive settle enables them to tarnish inen entente at the very ;lowest .prices, whole sale and retail. Constantly un hand, A. I'. Melodions, ranging front 845 to "6:200, for which they are sole agents for this city. Jenuiry22-1651-1y SP , risin en Take Notice 0 .1 - 6: ZDE r of Irriebittt and Second Streets, P If Et.PIIIA. ILTIAS ON lIANO, :TWIT RL GEIVED: com pl et , tts,orloo..ot of SIIOT GU NS Por.der Flus4B, Mune und all caller A: 11111;:s a the beet. and most op proved He h,la eotLnantly 'on hand `SPORTING .POWDEIt of ull deseripti,liis,. Percussion .S:itn, P,nllct, 13InnIc Cortriclgep, and rids fort; en NinkerF, ' ' • ' • Aino PP:RC:O'BI.O.N CA P. , :; df - 'gnperior nua)itsfr, deAgned exnrenoy 1 , .). 11 S. Rifles. Nn,a,tnn•iment• of 1 , 16111NG TACKL.E.,uI. 'y.thy.s do Juintl. 6ll -; • the, above. and . any - etku..;.• articles in hip Site; tbn subinnibol: will 'soil aft lawny nny ntkci• tlinTkiißnl Staten.- - hi tostiinenv ituinuftidlii44;• dib FRANICailti I N'S . I.TPUT.E. in' tliiiyenre 181(1 nod 18 , 12, nword4 TWO 4EIL'I7J• FICATMS-7-andhrthe .1 11 ./7 1813, nut!' FIV SILVER 'lmmixLs all of wliklt may be scan RI Ilia pkico 'of, bush neski. • i;." tjYt s JOHN .K.RIDER.-'' -.. VatArM.VI7 . 4I.IWSD.B:OIi MA - 1" II BA r, RE, PORN 11 '947:,g_ r pn :WV ebiined by th e bnderelguio; unit the ;bighent !parka- price Raid in Qmin.:,,AlB,o.ltood FAMILY FLOUR nncfMill Feed '.of .iiffPrent drinila fot.ealu un ,Tonnannblu.,tcrninn ' Apply at' tbn:2,A RAZE firS . ' 111 te„(fPinterly. ot, d • Ili) Wefit Penneboro.townnbip..Cambinintur cininty . 'IIIARS 'J2I 1 1 ;1 ES. .ffkicdettancoio. WZGSPIIIITC4 :Apialaritllr: Newvitt.e, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, ' Principrd,.and ProfeSsor of Mids 'ALLE INIIBRO .i Wes nod Ancien ß tLanguages.' Prolessiir of Natu ral l'hilesdphy'lnd Mathematics. .. Winter Scesinil of Alia Institution 'sal .eounnence oo the fun Monday in. November, which, with the enai , mtioni'of tote ..vdclis' vn cation nt,the time of ,the christma e will continue until the Inst. Thursday its Riot, I . After that the sePei!ms %%ill commence regularly !,!, the first Alondarsof February and isoos, end close nnthe TomsdaYs of June and 'Decent ber. Every ell dt on dub part of the proprietors which wound tend to makd the Institution worthy, of the •confidclice of the !nubile, will cheerfully be • mmle 5 arid (hey would hobo tharby a - dikeertroe people the merits of their Academy Will amt be Overlooked. I,,eated nn it, is, in the centre of the beautiful and ronsamte Cumber:and Valley, its sit• nation is'exceedingly pleasant end beautiful, while ho villnaennd snrrouvllag country is toned for hemoraLly and imelle,rnuce of Os ink dingo tn..— we! inducement svill'ho'held' out to stir dents cif the Academy to pure the ely path to 'genuine usefulness. TER.S b. - Fur the c noting term, students in the &trait Ame - miles will be charged $2 00 per month: • In the Latin and Creek Imiduages S 2 On per month: Al' terwardi the writes will be regularly as'fullows: Bearding and washing per session of five months, 835 00 Tuition in Eindi.h . 10 00 dn. do. including Latin and G,ack, 13 00 French and-Drawing, each 5 50 Vocal and, Instrumental Music, each '7 110 Instructions in the Hebrew language will he giv en II ithotit any add Moon! charge. No •• day :minders" will he received, and 110 Stlidl:111 taken for le•s than has term. Cimses in civil Engineering, will have the ad' vantages of field operation with Mu C, moss and Chain, Level and Theodolite. For those intend• ing to pursue a thorough Academic education, oe• cupying fouryeais„the course will he as follows: FIRST YEAR. Readily!, renmansbip,, ,Ge - ography, ' Histaiy, EarlisliG'raminnr, \Vatts on the Mind; Illensura• . • ila, :ad Algebra commenteJ. 1=1! Algebra completed, Geometry of Plains end Plidoiep:iy of Arithmetic, Geology, Nola' ral Philo:why, Chetniatry, Latin Grammar and Render. MEESE 'Analytical Geometry, Conic, &ciions, Differcry tial nnd,jrite2rnl Cale - 111u,, Tri.uononteirv, Botany, Rhetoric, 1%101.61 Science, Ca3ser.'olitil; Frei - ace, ( des) Greek Grammar and Reader, V= Surveying, thei'ormical and pmetienl, Navigalion, 'Philosophy, (01m.:ied's1 Asirononiy, " Puliueal Economy, Logic, Mental Philosophy, Evideneei 01 Chri,manicy, NOntral I.'heofogy,. Horace (Ars PoeticrM Persios, Homer And ‘Ve would strongly recommend to those who do 'net contemplate R CO:legbie t'r their kon's or wards, n lull Academie course, us in this ndvanced staize of intellectuarimoroveinvnt nulh ten short of 11113 will solely an American people ; and it in believed dint this Institution pos=e;' aei the citpabiloies-forimpattitts us sound and chin phite no education us ally other in the country. It KFER E NOE 3 Rey..R, McCnchren, Rey. A. Slurp, Rev. S L Harkey, Dry. J. Hannon, A. Rank-en, S. Zieek r Neseyilloc; Ihn. J. A. 11.11.cr, Rev. J. Dickey. Rev. R. l'.3ne son, Blorntifield; Hon 'W, 11. Allen. Pre-iden: of Girard College. Philielelphia 3 Dr..l. R. - Dyine, Neu:wire ; Rev T. V. Moore, Riehnion4Va. ; Rey.- Mansfield, Nea Jer. , :ey : 'Du hienlty of .ren , rson Colleac ; Jame: .n. Ce . l ether, D., Wilken.burp,, Pa. 3 Rev. S S. MeChpqr,--Rev;--Joreplt Oskurne,-Allegkeny Penn'o. 1x:11 SHIPPENSBURG ACADEDTV. J. U. S'I'INSON, A. Al., Prolessor of Lan gdagis, Nlalira,J Sciences and Muilieniaties. J. 0121 , ,N, A. M., Professor of the Normal Departnioot. D. A. L. LAVERTY, Assistant. „,t4 ESSU.S.- LA vE wr & N E Y ,Al,l weal S respectlully inform their friends and tim pnhac generally, that o_ _they intend. t CC/111:11011M the hit Session of their school, ou tile let 11 mday iii Omober, - next. They in. tend to silar'e n r nitipt in_iurnishing everything necessary to render the atmumniodations for Mmrdeis ample aild pleasant. They have engaged foe the Classics and higher. English Brunches, J ti STINSON, a graduate oi Priaiteken College, who comes with ;the most 1111C:(1:131/1 wanble recommendations and references, -- m - eharacter and qualiti oilman. -- Students will be prepared to enter any (Its; in Col:e4e, or for business. The discipline will be mild and pc - mu:islet:, and it isdlogedi parents sending their sons here, will not be die. appoid:ed. in their mural and intellectual culture. * There will also be a Normal Department, in which, young non, wishing to prepare.thcia selves for :reaching, cad do so, on the latest. mid Most amoyed phice noted for lie healthfulness end moral and religious character of the com munity. There will be two sessions a year of live Intilitlis each. The. Winter Session emu ifiriteMg an the ist Monday in 'tufa' h e :. - s ; e r "SV,s-zitri" ogtllg. l 2k.':Ytteldav , in nl I Windiing nod Tuition in branelios,Ter session, (5 - mo) 550 OD Lorin or Grer f lt Languages Gui atora usic hur olmse Lying in town and the immediate vicinity,wi.ihingto how dthenuselves, Ole terms will he inudelqie. . For l luitther 'particulars, all.d:rss, D. A... 1, I. t VERTY, i. IsLEY. Shipoensbur!j, Pa., solo 17 Proratetors A Voice trout District." Flouyer's Gandy Factory Rebuilt.. T II li. subscriber would respro lolly annoupee 4.l.lllx.lrioods_and...tite,publie. generally,Alud his Factory vI icl, wa:+ deoroydd by the late lire, hes ht en rehtiilt, end he is now prepared to furnish them with • CIIOICE CANDIES manufacturml of the I rst mattrial. which he te-i;1 sell whole.-3itle or retail at the. old stnnd in-Not Intkorcr et, a felt doors not ill ol the bank, et M.re Le Ims just opened it cricral assortment or FRUITS AND NUTS, Orangcf:, Lemons, Ral,l:lu. Figs, Mittotids, Eug:isir•Waltitit's, Cocoa .Nuts, l'en Nut 4, lie would also call attention to Lio largo absortincut of TOYS AND FANCY 900DS, consisting of toys of Glass, Wood, dum and China, oLendlesa varieties,_ In connection with the above, he has on band a prime let of 'FRESH GROCERIES; consisting of Sugars; Coffoes,.'rens, Molasses, Snions,.CrtiClcers, .Blotches, Blacking, &o.— Als.., a prime lot of CIGARS, of tho heel brands. The subscriber returns his sincere hanks to a generous public inr the 'patronage bestowed on hint, nod• hopes by ddesirb to - please to me rit a continuance of the seine. 'Ho would also return lhatihs to the Firemen and Citizens for thei.c-ollhrts-to_save_his,precerfy_on_tite_night... of'the.late conflagration Carlisle, nV2 ire 17.111,VD S i respuut 1114 infernis Iris .IL-frietp.i9 and the public generally, :lint he has lust returned from it" Z. Philadelphia, ha ving parthared the most ex• , c 7a us well ;Pa the • 3 g2,.....2:elietrpect assortment of • 4,,,,,zr0• c • i% Watches, Jewelry, .v. ever brought to Carlisle Ills stock con- Lists. in pal uf • Gold and Sliver Patent Lever ilidrhee, Gbh( and &leer detaidhed do. do. . Gold - and Silver Lepine II etches.• in sl . ,..,rtioitCry variety of Watches al all prices. Gold • Guard and ~ Vest Chains. Nle.duilions, Waieli iileYst Ear fttit'tt..Finger Rings, Brous! Pine; Guld and Silver Pencil*, Gold. and Silver pens and ,cases and Bracelets in 'great•varictly• splendid article of. Gold Silver, :Gelman and Skied Steel' SPEC, "" - T - ',.'l`, , c LES, which era unsurpasst cal in qua, lity by, any other articletvest et Phil adeltillia,' and which can linsold at least 27 1, r eon elieaftf r. titan •y any ,other eatitlitislancnt. 110 country,: ,Aittna large lut_of • ;'• OXEMMIt -W1L21.30,4 '.O ';' 01;1400)1'4 lid'-'rcti - L gplannt, i3Utier Knives,. 'Srlt. Spoons, Jrildt .iffniitesClltitribles, Sie••'4l'sco,,Gard Casas:,, Portri. Mminutes, Port Wkittng n• great. iiatiety di calierjancy'.articles .untiorcsary io ancntion•.:-`Alat:anel OLOGKS•; ascot led' patteti•ce,"%cliteli bpi Sold'lon, and %carnl led Be • ' • •• Triadic h .:Olocfc,9„aq :rove ,Repaired, invites all tqc.,alfrind. exataino•ltis stock, assured that•none v an' fail;to be.auttcd in quo!. ity, quantity , and PfaCE. Die articles' nre cash purchases, censeqttently% ho' eon ttletd .I"nmerttittn the anu'n actieles,can bcmurtitaact .01861vbcrn. the uici stand, a len ••doore , weet,of, I.ltirkholdor'e • •• January:Lb, 1851-ly T. CON LYN, Valuable School Boohe, ÜBLI SHEI) , BY yHOMA:S4COWPETII U WAITE 8,...G0.,!•25.3.111ARriEW.5TR uF.T, I'IfIADELPIIIA'; owl' for sale by all . tbebOok.- sellers in the United States.: 111 I 1' LL 'S •l' ItIMARY GEOGRAPHY, • An easy ildroductlosi to; the study of Geozia pliy, desiUned for children, and complytely, if- Ittslynted-liy---1:20--engravings-and naps. • . Mrruitmo. s s :IN'rERIVEDIATE GEOGRAPHY -4 ". text, the exercises the illustrations, and the forty li?Xtiti fel maps tire: printed-together in one • imurto volume. • • 15CHORLGROGRAPHT; k. ATLAS, a 1 system of, modern Geography, comprising a ~ dean iption of thelires'ent state of the world and ' :its. five great divisions. Embellished witii mi etei aim. en k rayi ogs and illustrated by an. excel lent Atlas containing 211 handsome and accurate colored maps. This series of Geography by S. Augustus Mitchell Milt "been - wholly or part';'i introduced into the ;while and private 'school's of all the principal cities and towns of the Uni. - StatCs ; mid after a full nod fair trial of Its merits lit these schools, it leM received au almost universal recommendation. • MITCHELL'S ANCIENT GEOGRA/1.14Y...84 .ATLAS_. - AM - ancient, ' .classical, : und sacred Geography,". embellished with engravings of remarkable events, views of -ancient cities, etc., and seem- paned by ancient Atlas containing 12 beautiful colored maps. • MITCIIBLUS ATLAS OF OUTLINE MAPS Mitchell's Biblical and Sab.batli School Geog raphy; with Maps anti embellishments. .111 itch ell's 'Key to the study of Maps. and Carroll's - Key to Mitchell's Geography, arc excellent and popular hooks, and are becoming very extent saely used in the best schools of our country. 'GREENE'S FIRST LESSON IN GRAMMAR, based upon the coustructionnud analysis of Sentences; .designed ns no introduction to the "Arialysis." ANALYSIS—A treatise on the strues tore or the English language, with illustrationt mid exercises adopted to the use of schools, by , Samuel S. Green, A. M., Principal of the - - Phelps Grammtir School, Boston. TIICSC books hive already, in the short time . they have been published , otitamed - very eensive circulation, having been introduced into the,publici schools of Boston,-Baltimore, Pitts burg, Gincitintitti, St. Louis,- Vicksburg. and other cities and towns, and reedmmended by , those who have tried them to their schools, as without question the best P,tiglisli - Grammars.., in existeTice. ' -• SWAN'S SCHOOL.READEIVS. Inc' PRIMARY SCIIOOL it EADER..—PIIrt ISt is intended for beginners:. It contains lesson .0 L .poeacUoLthe_elernentay sounds of the lan- - gnaw: The Primary School Reader, Part 2d, contains exercises iii articulation; arranged in connection with easy reading lessons. The Primary Reader, part sd, is designed for the first class in Pidinney School's, and the lowest . class.in.Crammar Schools. 'I nE GRAMMAR Scuooi. READER, is designed lor the middle class in Grammar Schools, and cootains exercises in articulation arranged in connection with readinglessous • TUT: DISTRiCT SCHOOL HEADER, is deSiFll for. the 114;11(4' classes in public and, privat •schnols. It contains exercises in articulation, pauses, and inflections or the voice with - such rules and suggesstiows- ati'me_ deemed useful. - borrauortvr. ; or a Course o Reading on Natudal History; Science and Lite, t•ature designed for schools. Tug SPELLING BOOK. Consisting of words in columns and sentences for. ore I and written exercises. It is a complete and systematic series of exerci.es in English orthography. • This highly popular series of reading books, :mil this spelling book were compiled by 111 r. II is. I). Swan, of Boston, and judging from the -rmiid-introductionditto.schools obtained in the Eastern and Middle States' and immy of the Western tord Snuttiern - Statcs; - c think they ors really better adapted to the i ants of tencliet•s and scholars than any other - .1 published. The publishers hove a Very large umber of recommendations froM ptiblic school, onimittecs, teaidiers Itial others friendly to edu • aim]. • aosT , s iiisTconr OF TILE U. STATES. One vo7 , 1.2 um for,high schodls and tic:Me d..a. The same work condEmsed and simplified eOllllllOll 50110615, vol. 1S mo. , JARVIS'S PRACTICAL Pnaniumov, for the use schools • and !Mollies, 1 vol. 12 mu. with isra Crags. -- Pa MARY PIM.IOLOGY, by (lie MUM author, 1., it, It tun. . Tin s•r : 114 ni•rizziwric, by F. A. Adonis, „coded fey primary and common schools. A RITIL.NIE'FIC., IN TWO PARTS. By the same author. l'ind first—advanced ' •ssons in mental oritlimetle ; part second-- - ilra toad ex:1111;0os fin• practice in written: with forcomninn wad high schools. A Rev to v:zamples for praeicc its written imnetic, for the use of teachers, by the same . Mine. ---- Thesc nrithinctics have secured very ,high eonimenditions front teachers of schools and sod froin•pi•olhsssrs in several of our Ilees, anti from others esled the cause _ education in various sections of the Union. 'l'. C. Ic Co., also publish molly oilier School inks, which there is not room to enumerate -- pc, besides Law., Medical, Theological and - •iscellatieou's hooks, and, they are folly. 1 0 ' 0 1. 10 .1 to answer orders for &oaks In every depart- . ~.tuLtil.knowledge. _Booksellers, School Com ' Jtees,lind Othei•s, : soulted on the most favor terms. • • (sent 25 , '50-Iy'.). ffl=Ni3 Price Reduced' 5 00 5 03 VAUGHN'S LITHONTRIPTIC MIXTURE! Largo Boltley—Only Ono Dollar,. o Proprietor of the Great American Remedy " VAOGUN' ..:OETADLE LITHONTRIPTIO induced by tie g rent solicitation of his Agents', throughout the thilto f dies and Canada, has now. • Reduced the Price ci his popular and well known article; and from this date teefortii, ho wilt put up but ono slue telly, —his gnat r' - tics: —the retail price will be - .. 0 N E DOLLAR. The public may rest assured that the character of tire Meth fi o, its strength, and curative properties weal, unarm I CHANGED, and the same core ho bestowed in pre r :ins it as heretofore. As this medicine, under its reduced price, will be purchase o those who have not hitherto matte themselves acquaint° • Its virtues, the proprietor would bog to Intimate that hi 'do isnot to be classed with the vast amount of "Remedir o the diry r," it claims for itself' a greater healing power, diseases, Man any ether ',reparation now- before to u rid; and has sustamen 'twit' for eight years by its impede o ilieal virtues, and, until this reduction, 'commanded doubt price of any otherarticle to this line. . io•rteE PstrrtcohAnhy, this articlo acts with great hem I . I' power and certainty, upon the • Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lunge, all other organs; upon the Proper ac.liou of which lifts an ells medicine has a justly high repute as rt remedy for Dropsy and Giavel, 1 rail diseases of that nature. It may be'relied upon who I • • intelligent Pllyslimn hrta'abandoneil his patlint; , -", — and fi distrelsing diseases,: more - especially DROPSY. the Prong r r would earnestly anal lunusatly recommend it. At I rent irriee it is easily obtained by all, anal the trial will pros • artiste to be tiro ' Cheapest 'Medicine in the World .77 - ;gesso ask for pamphlets— the agents give them away Dautalmarersixteen pages or - a ltcal matter , valuable tor household purposes; and whin(' 11'sare many dollars per year to praiitical housekeePers.. ' P. NIONYER:, Clime receipts aro introduced to make the book of gret t mild° firm its character as an advertising medium s li tl medicine, the lestidiony,itt favor of which, lathe form I, ere from all parts of tho country, may ho relied upon. V It Vaughn's Vegetable Litbontriptlo Mixturn't li , liAtnetrion Remedy, now for rain In quint bottles nt et li, small bottles at 50 eta each. No spoil bottles will b Is .0,1 nfler the'prment stook Is disposed of. • . Principal Mice, 13n11'alo, N. Y.; 207 Mnin Sane, - -'G.. C. VALTISIIIN.' 'old Witoln+klenntl Rotnil-by OI.COTT MoKESSON C 127 Malden Lane; Now York City. • 11.—All letters (excepting from ngenl and dealers wit A' am lie transacts lamina.) mina. to post paid, or no agentic be given to Ow. W litivefqtlCle, J C & G 13 Alt.ick; Shippensburg, ' Russel & Pine, piokinson, J Ipalfr, 13feclinni.'hqurg, Zil,ger ‘ ; ' Kingstown; . 7'. • . Coaches and'VriTagens.' • ANOTtiF,ll.k , tVtlioso.cioe Bunko Coaolo- •ntl Vtiguns, fo•chiloiOn, just recayod ut tiro Gi tiottgry, Rua owl toy. stoic Or • • S , :pi 114 p. S. ‘VORMLEY • I • 3 Fl'enlis,:'Otber lintt'on,. hand a large 'supply', (If tho , abeve by a apecial'ar t.',•;i•tnent t itli the proprietor, lityla able to CtitQ r..di to; metabanta and othera,. at, the monufao era wlic:Tyge,Rices ainn" • • . , . . ‘, ,* FULLAssdriraent-of White iitid , Mixe . ' ' i ; k. ;Merino flose , tiPal,Lsizesifor Chiltira:---ii.';' , ''''. , 1 so, Litiiiies.floon In great variety Aitstrbrianed':'' NV ,G J-IITNER . .•• .., Vuxe . sOperibi qualify, and, iyarialito,,,, 'l —. ''e'•rrviin adulteration. • ••-•'•'.ti , lt, l •li nova • ' rWII • t NEIL •, aiiscellattcons, S"A tilll3A tds Childrt‘nrq' S.Ockipgs. 111 U =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers