0 • _ 71,4_ • *IS: x.,"%.4 _ • • :1s _ • - Aft t 7;: ;" - 7 7- - • 1: , - - • • • - - - _ .„ . 4i, „fantail.-.71 , 11t-tt.p. , ifritirry - t -- , -.- 7 ,loentitti-- . - fa ,;.1-fitonitztrt, 1/4..A'FAAVTIC9 ,Propricipr. dar . .... nrigEnzy, 'PrIY ICIAN 'AN I) SL: EON—gllice— .street, near the Puss Offee. 11 0 ,•;. %VIA' .'IVO •hts par,ieular ;mention to Surgical tlise,veA, an.l dist:a:ins of women and ehilarcti. lie will also give his attention every Suturally nierratig, iu his offiee, gratis, from o'• clock, to surgical eases among - lie poor. JantfArY 1851. DA. 9. C-LOODXIS, \VIII, perform oil , 4s 11 1 ,011 the A- 7 - 'Teeth that are requi roller dam preservation, such me Senlm„Pi ling, Plugging, &c, or will rest r” tliciess them, mulling; Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth t,) a fall sett. p — o nice on Pitt street, a few oora south of thb Railroad l-r•tel. Dr. L. is al eat the last ten days of eyet y month. 'DR. r. IVIILLM air ONICEOPATIIIC PITYSICIAN SUR PIGEON, AND ACCOOiMEUR; having succecsie(% tAp•pp, formerly practising phy• sician of this place, sactts tlfc payronwie the" fricnds.of his pre-decessot. and shall be happy to wen upon all who may favor him ‘fi;ll a cab. novl3.lm F. MILLER. M. I). -3-xovzonorATl-Exc . Practice, of tlfedicine, Surgery and Obstetrics Drs. A. .Rc J. TAY MAX. tell l. • 111 announce to the Citizens of Carlisle mot vicinit) hat they hove taken the elliee recently oecti• pied by I.)s. Smith, to Snodgrass's Row, and will be happy to attend_ to all who toy favor them with is call in the var.ous -branches of their profession. We ore pn p,reJ to vied pa- Gems in the'eountrp.at an y distanee. Charger: moderate. [ap9ll '➢r. VrElolBa - M BF.T.VZ, \\ ILL, perform iil opertions. upon the teeilt ihat mt.y be re• required for their preservetien. Artificial Iced] inserted, From a single tooth to an eiiiirc set, on the ntost scientific principles. Pis-eases Si the mouth and itre L ,ularities - caielully minted. OI• of—his-brother, on-North, Pitt Street, Carlisle. A CARD. W. 11ENDEL, b'tirgeon Dentist lift informs his former patrons that he has re tuned to Cp.rlisle, and will be glad to attend to all calls in the line - orhis profession. loet3l Mat. S. B. lEZLIHE'r3OII., .. . , 0 FFICIi in Nortli Hanoverstreet adjoining Mr. Wolf's store. 'Office hours, more par ticularly from 7 to 9 o'clock, A. M., and train 5 to 7 o'clock, P.M. , [junclB'sl V 571113. IWs. rErTaormo, 2'l"6R - NET - AT L-ANV-i--4-i-I-I—practice-i- JA.. the Several Courts of Cum, eritmd coon! y. OFFICE, in Main Street; in tile r non' former y occupied byL. G. Brandenury. GMORME MGM, -- IUSTICE OF THE PEACE. OF ', ic.if bis residence; corner et Main street nll,l the. Public Square, opposite" Burkholder's floicl, In addition to the duties of Justice of Pence, Will attend to all, kinds'of so tit rt; deeds, limas, mortgages, - indentures, articlea of agreement, Males, &e. Carlisle, an 8'49. fi'resii Drugs, IYledicines, in. tic. I have just received from Made'. phis and New York very extensive additions to my former stock, embra clog near! yrvery - article — M — Mcdicine now in use, together with 111111(S, OHS, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, hoops, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,- -I3ruheS of almost every description . , with an endless variety of other articles, which I sin de termined to se.l at the LILY t.ott EST prices. All Physicians, Comm y•Merchants, Pedlars nod others, are respectfully requested not to pass the ULD STAND, as they may rest assured Into every article will be sold of a good quality, and upon reasonable terms. S. ELLIOTT, Main street. Carlisle. ,4: - T.''', May 30 Plainfield - Classical Academy, FOLIC !RILES WEST OF CARLISLE. Tho ElevenlY Session mill C0111111011:02 on .110 A DAY, NOY Ejl.l3Elt ad. 1851. • y lI.S Institution has been established near ly six years, during which thne such ad dntuns umi improvements -have been mane on to render it one of the most cornmo lions tiod estav,mient in the State. In re_mrd to healchfulneis it may be men tioned that no case of serious Sickness has oc curred in the institution since it was founded.— Itn moral purity is. atteAted.,,Cy the fact that depraved associates, scenes.tif vice, and resorts dissipation hive no exisalca in -the neigh borhood, !lie course of instruction comprises all tl e 'br.MeMes revired by the merchant, profession , min or izollegian. Also, modern languages, vocal and instrumental music, &c. It i 3 the determination of the Pleprictor. the I•lnlittltiOn shall sustain The reputation it has already tacquirod for imparting thorough in strno:Mn. and inetticatina and establislidig vir taoes PrilleillkS in the minds - of the youth sub mitte I to his char ;e. reins (per Session Five Menthe) $5O 00. For catalogues .containing references, 3 , ..c•, address It k BURNS, ° Principal and, l'rop . rielor, Plainfield P. 0., Cuinbcrland County, la. Oct. 1, Itlsl 111.7"Hri'll HALL IICAMENCYC. Three miles !rest of .11arrisburg, Pa. THE Second i4sinil'of this Institution will continence on MONDAY, the 3d of November next. — li . i4 - situaied in a pleasant and licaltidul section of country, and is convenient of access from ail parts of ilia State. 'Application should tic Jamie as early , as possible. us only a limited number Call be received. \ TERMS: • ' Boarding Washing, Lodging and utit un in the English branches per MUM INSTRUUTORS David Denlinger, Principal, and teacher of Languages and Mathematics. Lemuel Simmons, Teacher of Vocal i.nd Lit strumental Music. • Amos Row, Tutor. Puy circulars containing EN parti I.lN culars, address ll• D ER,. Ilurrisbrtrg, Pa. II ~I i 0 EX S.S°RING /I:CADEIVY.W. 11118 Institutim W .. ill be i.en for_ the lei ell—, flout of students, on 'MONDAY, The .sth 'or May. All the brunettes of a sound English and Classical Ed mintier' will,be t nught,and students thoroughly qualified for entering any dose in '.llli.illege. or fitted for business lite. There will i.bertwo sessions a year, the first commencing ,o,u.the Nlonday in May, and the second , ' jigission on the first Monday in 'November', of :Pvo.sr year. Circulars will ho furnished Oil sp ,plieation in person or by letters addressed to the onbseriber nt - Newville I'. 0., Ontnherland co. W It LIN N. J.. ALLEN BROWN, A se' t. NOTZCIO. ;TITE Commiseionors of Cumberland county Ilea to it.twoper to inform tho.public.,that th0.a.171 ~ o d litetitings ofthelloartlof Commissioners Rwil he , hold olvihe Rutland .tadd fourth' Mondays of eac h Mondry at 'which time: •nsy. persons ,Intlyind. httallieSs:Wlth Raid Bonrdr:will inert them at Scirrarco•intZurliale: • • • Attu Fl • W Al. Rll. clincll LEE -AND FEEMAN ' 'a-4...r.tztnauzaz-mtLnt'a- ,A 'AVE S 21.: 4 0 • L NEW, r(IMEtF,t3T. I NYI'I'i, PA. ARE TWO TI 1 ING S.- En EORD PACOI‘.:, WIIIC1(71IATIE A NATION GREAT, ANI• PROSDEII,OUS—A FERTILE SOIL AND B MEM 4 1 1 / S CCIIMICOIO, Spiesnlid Manley Goodw,-Eleguint '4,;rfe, Nooks, die. bi;:t \V. 011.::iTIGK lied jest received Iron, the. city and Is now openings spiel:- displ.ty t•f FANCY GOODS, suitable tar the appreJtesing liolyday Season, to which ho desires bt se toe zoo:nion of his triends'aud the public lite assortment in this..linc cannot be surpassed m novelty and elegance, sad both In quaiity 11.1 price of the articles, can not tail to ple tie purchasers. It would be im possible io Pl/11111(!rnte his HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS, which eonyrise every, variety of fancy articles to the most hovel styles and exquisite shsr such Ili • Latins' Fam•v Iltb,kets, _ • • Fancy Wink - Bases, With sewing instrunt i nit Terracotta Work to recent novelty,) -Paper Al achy Goods. Elegant atithaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy ivory, i•earl and shell card cases, Port',laminates, of every variety, Gold -pensmod-poneils,-- Fancy patter wt_rights. Papmeries, with a large variety of ladies ney stotionery. Mono seals and wafers, Silt: told bead 'arson, lat rid lig whips, elegantly finished, I antic,' line cutlery, Pertarne Imakma and bags, lirit•Mes of every kind fin the toilet; Itotissers p , .rruines of the various kinds. ;110,itil tin-irtnnents, of all kinds and at all imays, t0,.110 - :r with an innumerable variety of eree..itily linisked and suitable, for ho hay pre,nri, to which lie invites Litecial at tention.. \ ), n i PNrensive and elegant annaction of HO I, I If) Al' (Uri' B 0 0 comprising the i•arious lt:n3luili and Anierkan' ANNUALS for 1851. richly embellished and illustrated POETICA T. W - 0 ft K ST; with CHILDREN'S VICTORIA L B 0 0 K. S. l'or (.1111dt-cot of all ages, than which nothing can be more appropriate or pleasing us holiday gills. His assortment of School Books- and school Stationery is also ciimplete,__and coin• pr.ses every thing used in Colleges and the Schools. Ile also closit'en-to call-the partiouler. attention of Fatuities to his elegant display oh RAMPS, (ilk/INDDUES, `See: front the extensive 'estriblishulents of Cornelius. Archer and others of Philadelphia, comorising every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, fir burning either lard, sperm ,or ethe real -oil, toe-ether with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, SE.c His assortment in this lino-is un equalled in the borough, - Also, FKUITS. FANCY C 0 N FECTLOARY--i-- N TS— P ERV ED FRUITS, &c., -in every - variety - and - urn! Forie. - es - c - trll - of - which are pure and 'fresh, such as can be confidently recommended to his friends and the little folks. His stock embraces everything the line of Fancy Gdods, with many other artidles useful invited to all and see dnrin i i, the 'holidays.- 12cineinlier the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover street. dee I S W. IMVERSTICK. $5O F'OUFLIT. DR. HUNTER W ILL lorteit Sao, if laihng to cure any case 01 ii - aroase :eh:team: come umler his care, 116 'natter how long standing or afflicting. Etthef sex are invited to this private room, 38 North SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption by other patients, Strangers and others who have been unfortunate- in the selection of a physician are invited to crill.-z= Those My have i njured themselves by solitary vice are also invited. READ AND REFLECT.- ,- -The afflicted would do well to reflect before trusting- their health, happiness. and in many cases, their Hya tt] the hands of physicians, ignorant 'of this clas -of-mit4 nil I-a y-im pees' ble-fon-onc man,to understand all the ills the human la'thily ore subject to. Every respectable physician has his peculiar branch in which he is more euc cessful than his brother professsrs, and to that he devotes most of his time and study. YEARS I) PRACTICE, exslusively de voted to the study and treatment of diseases of the sexual organs,together with ulcers upon the body. throat, nose, or legs, pains in the head or hones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregular ities. disease arising from youthful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitu tionlias herm•tie enfeebled, enables the doctor to - olli,r speedy relief to all who may place them. selves antler care.June4 . • Art-Union of Philadelphia, NCO PORA T BY Till: LEGISLATURE ' OF PEN: S YLV A NIA, or the Promotion of the ;iris of Asign in th MMZEI OFFICERS C. CAEIEY, Pre.qident ; \Vnt.Fll. Eci.LEY, Nix President ; Eniv sun' P. rrcticLi., Treasurer ; E. H. Burixii, Recording Secretary ; Geuoae W . DEWEY, Corresponding Seen fury. EVERY Member fur the year 1851, will receive for each sub:cripthl of Five Dollars, n-prit.t of 1 UNTI XGTON',: 'l'lA NA. AND HER CHILDREN," engraved by Joseph Anthow:9. Heston, and the ctoupanion. a print of HUNTING TON'S " .11E1264"S DREAM," engraved by A. 11. Ritchie, NeW York, or die choice any two jd the following four splendid engravpigs, viz: I. John Knox's Interview with 111ury Queen of &oils; p 49'1.11;1112. r!'t,rnved Uy Sartain. 2. Ruth and Boaz, pointed by Ruthermal, en graved by'Sartain. 3 Ilft rep Dream, painted by Huntiot,.o, en graved byllttchic. Christiana and hor Children, painted by Huntington, engraved by Andrews. And a copy 01 the PhilodelPhia Art Uaion Re porter, 11 monthly pannildet containing a r. port of ' the min lumens of the Imuitution, and informa tion on o,e out bjcei of the, Ftne Arts; throughout whole ‘vorld. The ART II sins of PhLlolphia awards prizes in its own Certificates, with which origindl A mart, can works of Art may be purchased in Ray par of the United states, at the option Mid selection of the pialsua who slay oldnili it prize at the Annual 1) stribm ion. which takes place on the evening 01 the last a eck ,my in every yenr., The Es. cony° Coalmine, of the Art-Union, e•hen so rennet.tod, Ft:lee t works of Art, without . charge or ompensalion, from their Free Gallery, /10 Chesnut Stre'e't, for those persons in the roam try, who May live remote from G l alleries, or public exhibitions of the Fine Arts: Subscriptions of Membership, 615,00 should be 'node as early es practicable, son') to entitle toom. hers to early numbers of the' "Reporter; "which tvi I be f:rward-rd; upon the receipt of the money to nor pa ri of the country. Kr.. 9 bseriptioni re, cited at this effice r whete the eagrtviy'g.r nod "Reporter" eon be seta. July 31) lu9l. "Spore:anon Take. Nutlet:a'? • $5O 00 • 'TOXIN amartEDEA, ' North-line! Corner of Irafitut and Second Streets, =MM=Etal tun AS ON IIANI), JUST RECEIVED, s a a complete u.4.sortment of SflOT GUAS Powder I , lasks, Game Bags, lord all other Sportitig Apparatus of the best and most ay proved patterns, He ha 9 constantly on hand SPORTING POWDER of all descriptions Percussion Caps, eltiot,' Ballot' Aloolds, Bal l' and Blank Cartridges, anti , n.general assortmimt of mato. yialn-lpr Gun )Makers, &c. Ateu PERCUSSION CAPS of n superior quality, designed intim:L.lr for IL S. It tiles.— Ati.,kipsurttneur of FISH NG TACKLE 'al• 'waYBUIV hand. AII the above, and any other articles in his line, the subscriber will sell us low us any other eidabllahnient in t lid United States. ~ In testimony •of his skill as n manufocturer, Ihe FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. in the years 010 and 1842, awarded to him TW 0 CERTI. CA'FES—and .inlho years 1844, 1841 i 1847, AB4B - and 1850,, FIVE SILVER MEIA.,S till, of which., May be seen nt his, place of , 01,18: , 204 JOHN MHO CiITRATE OF MMINESt4.4—A n ligrec ; . 1,..../—able and mild refrigerant', ;and Inamivo, or a Anil yji LIB 13A RD. , (n 1 tir26 Pure , Ciqer Vinega.r. • ti..l:Sl',iiiceived, fresh barrul • af B urn gide cr utiporior qualityond,wjyronte j . i:p n u zitn ryn . l-Z9tl , lltCia ton: •• 0 w. CARILgSLEI P_A., WEDNESDA.Y, d'TllhCCliQilCou .c. SFXIPPEd\TSBIJRG ACADEMY. t , 7. 11. STINSON, A. M., Pridhssor of Lan guages, Natural Sciences and Mathemato s. .1. OBEN, A. M., Prole.or of the Normal Department. I). A: L. LAV ERTY, Assistant. . ESS RS. I, A V ERTY &ENISLE Y 13 . 1 . respectfully Inform their friends out the public generally, that they intend to commence the' Ist Session ol their school, on the lot 'M Imlay in October, next. They in• tend to spare no pains in furnishing everything necesiary to render the accommodations_ for hoarders ample and pleaSant. • They leave OIII;aged Nl' the - Classics and IM!hee English Branches, -U- STINSON; a graduate of Priinieton College, who conies with tile 'lost unexceptionable recomniondations and references, t character and qualifications, 'Students will be prepared to enter any class in College, or for business... 'rho discipline will be mild and parsuasiVe, and it is hoped, paraina senilingtheir sons here - , will not be dis appointed in their moridand intellectual culture. There will also be ri . Normat Department, in 2.mung men, wishing to 'WepAre them so I veg(Mr Teaching, can de so, on- ihe let lest and mom approved plan. The place is noted for ite.herethfulness and the 'moral and religious character of the corn mantty. There will he two sessions a year of live months each, The \Vintbr Se . ssion ,om meneing nu the Ist Monday in ictober, and the Summer Segsien on the 2d Monday in A: pril. TERMS, Boaiding, ‘,Vasliing and ' , Tuition in filnalish branches, per session, (5 mu) 01 Latin or Greek Languages 5 00 German or Music •: ,5 0) Fur those li , drig in town and the immediate vicinity; wishing to board themselves, the terms will 14e Moderate. Fur further particulars, address, D. A. 1,. 1, 1 VERTY. S. I . ...NINLEY. Shilmensharg, Pa., septl7 Proprietors. FALL FASHIONS FOR 1851. GrI":0'R(31 , 1 KIMIIER respectfully annonn• ces to his old Patrons 110 the pollie orally thaCheVis just received the FALL_ STY_LP. OP GENTLE -IEN HATS, manufactured ,at 47; one of the best establishments in Philadelphia, to which ho invites special attention. lie has also constantly on hand a large and varied assortment of Ida own manufiteture ns well ns city made EXAMS, AMID • CAPS, suitable l'or , he sea4ptb_sminiilinLoverY sari - Op of Russia, .Benver, and Sdk lints, finished in the latest style, tai,;ether with a full assortment 61 Caps of every shape nn•l des cription, and at every price . lie pnrt.r.ul trly invites lie yltijc to call and examine his omen styu. ssortusent,'which in style, material and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in • market, and which he is able to put nt priiies lower tlinn over. Kr Re:nernber his old stand on North Hanover street, between limner's and Setter's tso"c. [nue° NEW WIMLE - S - AVE ri WETAIL Confectionary,. Fruit & Toy Store, West 311 in Siren, a feio rla is west of Burk— holde,'s Motel, in the mop . formerly occupied as a Book Store. rp lIE nn icrsigned bege leave to inform he IL citizend of Carlisle and the public in gene. rah, that he has opened a store at the above place, whore he intcride inanufacturing and keeping constantly on hand CANDIES of Every Description itis_slocitisuLLnesv..ain.LllC_lv rrants_ll4.L'a dies equal to any manufactured in the State.— His stock consists in part of ,Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Raisins, Prunes, Figs, Almonds, ling hi Ii Walnuts. Fiherts, Cocoa Nuts. Chiron, Grout! Nuts, &c. &c. Also, Mint, Lemon, Chocolate Gum, Cordial ntid other drops. Lozenges, Floured Almonds. Candy Cigars, and n variety of other candies. h%'ol OF .41;1; h 7 VDS au. h as china vases, mugs. bowls and pictores, mantel ornaments or all kinds, lions, elephants, horses, dogs,.gims, whips, Indian (tubber and other rattles; wax, iiiiiiiiiiii nad other doll heads, kid and other dolls, whist l es, harmonic Icons, dancing figures, basket and other wagons, - school haskets: - wheelbarrows; - drums - traimpets eworos, pistols, dabaster toys of all kinds, and an endless vnridy ref FANCY COCiliS Men, Women and Children. In addition to the shove he has all kinds of PER UMERY, such as Jenny Lind and other Cologne', Chrys inline. pommum, ox marrow, bear's oil, See.-- Fancy and other soaps. A prime srtirle.ofiei• gars and tobae,m on hand. He hopes by strict attention to business and small profits to merit a share of public patronage. sept 3 A S WORMIJEY.IS7 ;TALL IVIIILLIID.TIEIRTC GOODS John Stone 6' Sons, 13IPOItTEIIS AND DEALERS IN Silks, Ribbon4l. Millinery goods, No. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. fa, now prepared to offer to their contain era and Ire trade generally, a very large and handsome assortinent of Dunn& Satins, of fill colors, Corded and Plain Velvet's, of all' colols, Fancy Bonnet and Cau Ribbons, Paris Fancy. Feathers, French and A merican Flowers, &c., &c. Confining themselves exclusively to this branch of the trade, and importing the larger part of their stock enables the to offer 1111 as sortment unsurpassed in exient and variety, which will be sold at the lowest prices.. sept'3'ft Instruction in Music Et the German • Language, . • frR. C..lAy, - ,E12, respectfully announces to the citizens of Carlisle, that he is pre• pared to give instruction in Music on the Piano Forte, and also instruction in the German Lan guage.. Residence in North Pitt street, one and a half squares north of thekisilroad. F. C. Mayer has on hand , anice supply of imported and American .NILI 'IC for the, Nand, Guitar and Violin, and roe, ntmends his selec tion to the la Ihm especially,. and respectfully solicits their patronage. [B,,m a pdlt GRAIN WANT:ED! 'HEAT, RILE, CORN and OATS pur chased l)y the undersigned, and tho Xr highest market price paid in CAsn. Also, good FAMILY' FLOUR and Mill Feed of different Mode:for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at the FARMERS' MILL (formerly Good Hope West Pennehore township, Cumberland county .sept3if MARSHALL JAMES. EDWIN OLIVER r. PARK - 811 "3.4'..'r40.13.11EX1. CR. CO. • S, c, CORNER OF CALVERT & LOMBARD STS, HALTIMOBE. EIALERS in '.I in Plates; American, Eng. lielt,and Bassin Sheet Iron; Boiler and Fun Iron; Hoop mid Rod Iron; Iron Wire; Tiling; Copper; Zing. Spc;lter; l'ig and Bar Lend; Lead Pipe; Sheet Lend; Bloelt. and Bar ; Tin; Brass •Kmlles; Tinner'e Tools and Ma chines; .Simie Trimmings; American Itivele, all sizes, Tinned and Black, &c. • Mareh'26, 1051-Iypd. • ' Cigars! Cigars:!!;: A priirrt.ortielo 'iil*ciiTars Of eatiousb 'site as NOreogii; large arid . email4l an ineine, Ragah.:Jenny Lind,.,Aqiudla, P. nn teliaa nod Fortaora, juet received and,-for at - the confectionary, fruit and toy store of Carlielti,aolitlD,s . l. A.S. WORM LE , Y. COait:titiS anti W agons,, ANC:I;I'44: l ' toe`„tiffieltot !l'Oo;611 1 % ed !mit Waidria.,fie!'„cf4fieliAiiiit.,raCell'yed at tho cpurcuttjfEntry fruit end toy otoro of u npt ia S. WORMLEY.. ENtrittion, deli: cLLaucou~ SUPERIOR FRESH - GROCERIES ! Call awl Sec bkrurc Parcliasi‘kc elsewhere ! piFIE subscriber is lust receiving and uenp logln CllO , ll. FL/Mil) , Grocery en Queensware Store in West Main street, Car• lisle, a very large assortment of all the arti cles in his line at bosineSs. tlio Con i cs froml'eld cents per petal I, for good to a strictly pr.ine article. Also, Brown Sugars of the best quality,r,lrom 7 to'.) cents per pound, hovering's best druslicd and pulverized Sugars from 11l to 12 1-'2. cents per Pound, N. 0. Ramfr t I mem mid :3,.rup molas• sea al all grades from 32 to 62,5 per gallon.— Alec), a supply of fresh ground 'SPICES of.all kinds, warranted pure. SOAPS, Vancy, Itaiin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, pul verized Sataratits, Indigo„ Mould nod-Dipped Candles, Comment and - Winter Strained WM& Oils. Also, n supply of fresh Hominy, cheese from the best Dairies always on hand. , Fancy sewing, traveling, doilies and market Baskets,' together with a general assortdient of Chew ing and smoking Tobrieoos ' Spanish and half. Spanish Cigars, Common do., ropes, twines, and Brushes,,of all kinds. - -CFA) --W -A- It-E,—Housekeepers,:and others expecting -so m .to embark in the same business, please call nod examine. my stock of Wash tubs, Wash Robliers, Churna, Cedar Buckets, fancy, p tinted and earnished.Buckets, Brooms, Ike., Rt.r. GLASS AND QUE!..:NSWARG.— l'he subscriber has inlet ;vide.' zo his abeady large stock a number of white Granite, Gold Figur ad, i11361c, (lowing, Blue and Mulber• ry . Tel Sa , s„of Adm. Plates and Dishes, Tinublevs. Pr.scrvo Dishes, Syrup Bottlds, &c. of c•very de3Crip'ion and • trier' so that he will die able to meet the wants and Means of fin in the community who inay favor hlm with a coll. mnrs J I) HALBERT DAGILEIRELIMIOTYPES! JACO 13 BATE ru:yeetfully ann9tmi!es to the citizens of Carlisle that he has taken rooms in the house of Mr. Gutsliall, on Son:h Hann ver street, nearly opposite the public house of Mr, Scott, for the purpose, of delineating the "human face divine" by means of the new and beautiful urt of th., Daguerreotype. M Having , a ac t icallanWßlge. Of this truly wonderful discovery, ho feels .cunfi dent of producing in style of -pictures superior to any ever before offered in dm place. These truly beautiful moinentoes of relatives nod friends call now be obtained rit an expense so 'rifling as to place utter within the roach of all He has,just vest front New York and Phil adelphitt a large Stock-of die very best DJ - giter reotypo materials, purchased at reduced prises, and is therefore enabled to offer truthful, life like,"-expressivn and lusting likencesci at ex coodingly low prices. - An opportunity is now offered, such, as may never agt.in occur in this place, of obtain ing likenesses of Parents. children, or other _dear.frietals_ex ecurod-Ity-nran res-ow_n_p eaten and at once elegant and exact. Pictures also token. for ,rings, breast , pins, medallions, &c., equally peifect as those of a larger size. Instructions given in the art on moderate terms. All are invited to call, examine speci• mess, test our urtistical skill, and see the Da. guerreetyo of jenny Lind ! irrY" Open from 8 o'clock, A. M., to 5 o'clock P M. [anal.; nip larfSlC ! IVIUSSC ! THE subscriber having received the 'egeney of LEE & wALKEß's'Ausic invites atten tion to a large collection of the latest and most popular pieces published by that firm, compris mg Polkas, Waltzes. Marches, Quick Steps, Songs, of which will be sold at the low est cash prices at the cheap 'rook and Periodi• al store of A. M. PIPER, Agt. A _Challenge of $500: S OFFER ED by E. McCLAIN for a bet— ter article of Soup than his Patent Nlagitette, either for removing tan, sunburn, and Pimples front the skin, or for shaving. Manufactured by C. McClain, 83 North 7th- street, above Cherry, 'Philadelphia. Ahd sold by S. W. HAVERS'I'ICIa,a his Drug and Book Store, North Hanover street, Carlisle. [july2 6m Shoe Thread Warehouse. E. Lii11.14,11.513.E.E,, 24 SO UTIf CALVERT STREET, 11ALTL1101? E. Importer ofShoe :Threads, Shoe Tools ala , Findings In General,, And illanufacturer of Fashionable Lasts, 800 Tree, Bhbe , Trees, Crimping Boards; 3c. CIONSTAN rLY ON HAND all assort. meat of Shoe Threads, Galloons, IVehhing hoot Cords, Briatlas Awls, Pincers, Shou Knives,.Sparrowhills, with a lull assort• mem of Tacks, Pegs, Kits, &c. Also In store The NIAGARA JET SHOWER BAT ii, REFRIGERATORS% now construction FIRE AND THt!dF PROOF SAFES, WATER FILTERS, Very superior tsept3 6t Harrison's Columbian Ink. sitbac..t ber has on hand a• large supply 1 of the hbove ink, which, by a special to . rangement r ith the proprietor; he is able to ur. Kish to merchants and others, at the manatee turersAyholesale priees. nun S A irunßAnn.• China and'Oroekery Ware. White Crainle Slone Ware, such as Dishes Plares, 'Pea Sets, covered od uncovered dishes, bowls, • toilet and dm .ber sets, pitchers, &e., togetner with a lot ct Blue Liverpool Ware, all of the latest style aad shapes, also, all' the various articles of the hest common White and Edged Ware. The assortment includes a few plain White and Cold' Band China Tea Sels, of the host goality and style, end also ult the necessary articles or the beet k?rranite, Stogie and Slim Liverpool Ware suitable Mr any sized Dinner or Tea Sets, as may be wanted, together with a variety of Glass Ware, Includimr a lice assOrtment of , • Bar and 'Able' Tumblers,- dishes, looted and tither bowls, goblets, wino glasses, levAnades, The prices for all of Minh are fixed at the lowest trash prices.' We IRVIN.: our friends who are in vant• of articles in our lino togive nu a call. mars J W 511 R E IG - E - S - It j -1P di! Ott S.37'URDJIY; lho 18th of Octoecr, 1851, Y VIRTUE', of un order of solo Irmo the 111 Orphans'..-Court L'utoberland comity, will bo sold nt public sale at 12 o'oloolt, noun, oh the premises. the follutvrog,valnable 100 of ground, with,the impriiveintints thereon, dititst ' od in the borough of, hiceltunicsburg,,iti said county, an& being"a Mirtion of the c !tato of David IVorat, tutu of said borough, elee'd., viz: Lot No. 1.“-Bnimiled by Main street, by pro. perty'ef John Rcigle, and_ bypropertY of Sam. tic) Worst. havingiltereon erected A. • Two Story Franio ascielso with the iippurtenituces,. , cipi; ; ! ! Lot No, 2.—. Rounded by Market tiy property of Julio Rel• glo, and by Marltertitrcet, haying-thereon erect ed A. lilollNe with the appurten ances. Lot No. 3.—Bouniled by Imola of Da vid shrom, Admit 111ouolt and by the Ilegostew n road, hoeing thereon eructed ii:ano, Story Log House and a Frame stabte., The terms of sale will , per conFof. the purchase mriney to be paid when the sale is, confirriaud tho Cunt half of tkw bitlerice, the purchriawrinetei to he paid on. the' let of A 1411,1859, when purs.essiuu will be:delivered. The leeitlito,of „the ritircitetati noonoY'tn ho paid! oti.thelat. - 44040853,10111 internee Irmo! the let April; 1859 , The .p r,tid tiretiroueepy he, secured by judgment :intile and niortgagi3,-. Thc.tatieri,afilBs24O pal&bythb pun:Maier' qc Urcheeers • • JOtiN.ZEARING OPOts. ' • ...Leitheirtistruter. ' =II ijc; f p , T_aviiß, sale by mar 26 HEIBRAI6, Itgrittlifurt, ttni Ontrrtil. IIi.I•tIt :SY. WORKSHOPS,---:TO 'WHICH LET 'ME .kup I,NOWLEDGE AND FREEDOM. —Bishdpll iffy 115, 1851, Otovi Zippo Extensive Cabinet Ware-Rooms, D 013E12'1' B. SAllLEY,sueeessur to Win RA C. Gibson, CABINET•MAKEq. & U N • DERTAKEIt, Non h Hanover Carlisle, would respectfoll 'Morin the citizens - of Carlisle .am.l the 'whit.: generdlly that he now has on • hand a large a 4sortniont of new , and elegant FUR N 13 E, 'IDX. F .L... consisting in putt of Sofas, Wardrobes, Card and other Taides, Bureaus, BedsteadS,,Tplain and latim. Sewing Stands, &c. mantilla:hared., of the best materials and - Quality ivorrani ed. Also a gene :A assortment or Chairs at the lowest prices.— Venitian Blinds, made to order and repairing promptly attended - 03. - KT - COFFINS undo to order at the shortest notioe. and having n elen , 11l 119 hoe he Will ationd'fitherals in town ur country. fa - Dont fora et the old stand of Wm. C. Gibson, in North Hanover. .strect, a few doors north of Glass's Hotel. Sept 4-Iy. R. B. S-\IILEY. Corner of Hanover and I:outlier sle., Carlisle. E undersigned has always nu hand a large A. stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all the didb.rent styled, which lie is prepared to sell at Il i a lowest prices. lie invites attention partic ularly to the Patera Spring, Bottom B et Atea r l, a alit usefal nrJtcle,WhichontirelyT obviates all objection% The bottom can be et toched to old Bedsteads: They have given, entire ,satisAte• lion to all who have them in use. KT'Ut)FFIN..3 lit ide to order at the shortest notice. JACOB .ITETTER Jan . y. 22, 1851 v. • Extensive Furniture Rooms g 1E. , 3 ILYVVA.VER would reepoottul y ca;11,11c nttention of - llonse peepers and the public to his extensive stock of ELEGAN T EU It NIT ll II E. lin:hiding Sofas,. \Vardrobes, Cemre Md other Triltlbs, Drt.ssing . and plain 13 it re a u s and every otother. article in Ins branch of business. Also, nciO . on hand the largest as sortment of CII.4ISS in Carlisle, at the lowest priees...._..C.ollins._made_atilie.shortest notice and a flearse provided l'or funerals. He solic• its t call at his ...stabil:diatom-on • North Hano• vex street, near Glass's 1101'EL. N. B.—Fur ointre -hired out by the month or year. Carlisle„llarelt 20. 1850.—1 y Sr LADED S'Z'OCIE /ILE undersigned respectfully informs his IV friends and the !public generally, that he has just returned from Philadelphia, ha ving , purchased the most ex ,is <2 tensity, as' well no the cape k assortment •of i.t? e, Vatighe_s, TeNelrY, Sc., ever broughtlto Carlisle His stock con lists in part of , Gold and Silver Patent LeverWalcl4s, • Mil and Sliver deadched do. do. Gold and Silver Levine Watches. in g h at every, variety of \Vetches at ell prices Gold Guard and \ Chains... Medallions; ',Vetch KeYs, Ear Rings. Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver pens and cases and Bracelets in great variety. A splendid article of Gold. Sliver, Getman Silver, and Blued Steel SPEC• . TACLKS, which are unsurpess• ed lity by any. other iirticlo west of Phil adelphte, and which can lie sold at leas: la rer , cent cheaper. titan' any .other, establishment in the country. Also a large lot of SILVER-WARE,. -comprising_Tattle--tuld Tea—Spoons,__B.uuer Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles, .&c. Also, Card Cases, Porte Nlonnaids, Port Folios,' Ladies Writing Desks, with a great variety of other fancy urticles unnecessary to NreatiOn. A large lot of CLOCKS, unsorted patterns, which will be sold low, and warranted to be good. Watches, Clocks and JeweTry Repaired,' He invites all to cell end examine bin stock, assured that none enn fail to be suited in qua]. ay, quantity mid YRICC. His arcii2eB are rash purchases, consequently. he, ran afford' to sell lower than the sa•re articles can be purchased Miewhere. Call at the old stand, a few doors west of Burkholder's Hotel. January 15, - 1851—ty T. CON Ly A Vuice-from the ~ Burnt Vlstrlet." lUonyer's Candy Factory Rebuilt: 'THE subscriber would re:Tee:hilly announce to his friends and tbe public generally, that his Factory which wits' destroyed by the late tiro, Inv , been rebuilt, sod he is now prepared to furnish them with CHOICE CANDIES, nanahletared of the best materitd, which he sit!l wh desalt) or retail at the old stand n North Hanover street, a few doors north of he hank, where he has just opened a general tssortment of • FRUITS AND NUTS, consisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, English Walnuts, cocoa Nuts, Pea Nuts, &e. lie would also call attention to his large assortment of . I'OYS AND FANCY GOODS, consisting of toys of Glass, Wood; Gum and China, of endless varieties. In connection with tho shove, ho has on hand it prima lot of FRESH GROCERIES, consisting of_Sugars, Coffees, 'rehs, Molasses, Spices, "dreekers, Matohes, Also, a prime lot of CIGARS, of the best brands. The febscriher returns his sincere ihanks to a genechlis public for, the patronage bestowed on him, end hopes by a desire to please to n.a• Hi a continuance 01 . iha same. He would rasa return litanks to the Firemen and Citizens tdr their efforts to save his .pro arty on the . ,nigh of the late conflagration Carlisle, ap2 . P, MONYER. TUE subscriber has on hand a large and well selected assortment of MUSIC of- all k:nds, consisting of Songs, Marchos, Waltzes. Polkas, Cie.. also instructions for Piano and other instrumento. Beriiao •Mothod" for piano, “Mucus Method for tho Violin, &c. and a supply of 'Violin and Guitar Strings, of first rale quality nt city prices. Having made an arrangomem with On Mi. porting and pablishing . ltonsu in Philadelphia, he will be constantly supplied with now Mtisie and abln to furnish anything in that lino at short notice and upon reasonable terms. • Music Poachers will find it for their interest to call an-I 'examine •fir themselves 'at the corner of Pitt and High streets,.opposite • the Mansion' House [mill • .S. A. IIUBBARI). , No* a.nflPopular Sohool Book. eIOMPRIMIENSIVE SUMMARY of LI NIVERSAL lIISTORY, together whit a BIOGRIIP,IY Of DISTING U I S II E D PERSONS, to which is appended 'an epitome of Heathen Mythelogy', - Naitral . Ceneral Astronomy and Physiology:, Adopted in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. • E. S: JONES & CO, Publishers, S \V Corner of Fourth and Race, ste. Philo: 10thapl y • l l:eashers and School Committoes oddressin letters to us poia Qaid, will be furnished with copics for examination:. .Kr - A full aesortmont of Books and'Station; - cry for solo at the Lowest Prices. • , A' lA,' iiiiracitia' in deb Od tn't ho• ,Oketo of lion- Chtleahi . ;are rOqueetud 'to call 'on the auhactiboillt , liWbffi.;;W or Chorea, Toe dt, Recant:l, Lonthor Nlere,hants, in Now.Ctim—' borßol.and settle tho onmo:,syjthottwdolayi as a forthor,iodulgengeonnoot hoAivon t • . • , , It! c4p,ttoll. , . w Milliken% Stockings; . A PULL assortment of White and. Milted / - 11.► Merino Hose of all sizes for Children.— Also, Ladies Hose in groat variety just opened by G W HITNER: +CPQ• " W -- _ - Sj-q T.gg' cilcmotto. DRUGS ! DRUGS DRUG • fresh spring Supply I lIA V E just re, eived a fresh stock of Med- Glass, Oil, &.•., haying been pui chased with great care at the bust e,ty 'rouses, I can conlidesttly recommend to Fatnilie:l, Physicians, Country Men:ll - ants and Dealers, 119 being fresh and pure. • D US;S. Patent Medici n es, Herbsand EXIIaCtEI, Fine licini eels, Spires, ground and whole Instruments, lissOnces, Pure Evsen'l Oils Perfumery, &c. Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine. I) Y E-Sl' OFFS. Log.and Cam Woods, - Oil Vitriol Copperas, Lac Dye• PAINTS. - • Indigoes, Madders, Sumac Allllll, Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lend, Chrome Green'and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,, Jersey. Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and conch Varnish, and Red Lead. All of which will be sold at the ver4lowest ntarlcht price; — Also, a sortment of , FANCY GOODS, FRUITS, C , atfeutiou•try: and innumerable other articles edeniated for use and ornament, all el wl.ieh are yawed at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug Book andFancrStore of thp hub scrilmr on North Hanover street. S. W: lIAVERSTICK. May 2s. 1851. ORNADIEE , TAi, MARBLE WOR K V.V.ENS ek itxoszanns, . !Leeway from Philadelphia. IiVESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Et. Carlisle and it vicinity, that they hive now at their Marble Yard in South I lanovet street, a few doors south of the Court Douse, and nearly oPposheA Sr..'W Bentz's Store, an elegant stock of pure ..I.II.IERICAIr WHITE MARBLE, and aro prepared toe.x4tutein the most rininhed ._,. ~ ._. . Monuments, Tenths, .. ' . 'Grave Stones at all prices, dirantles, Door and Window Sills, .....,, Steps, tire., . . 10,12 - ,ether with every other article in their line, and proini-e that' in fineness of finish, chaste ness of design and quality of Myble, their work shall not be Burt - mild by any tither estab lishment. . They are also the authorized, agents of Mr Robert Wood, of Philadelphia, and will fur nishiy friar ' In tn s anufactor all varieties: of IRON e., RAILINti for the encl' Ing of Grave lots and all other, purposes, at th hortest notice and at Philadelphia prices. _The will also finish-or manufactitre all kinds of Building Work, such Irs - SilisTS - teTra - and — Platforms, :.:e., at die shut t - est notice and on the most reasonnblo terms. Having had great experience, and being em ployed in thojnet shops of Philadelphia, they are therefore enabled to manufacture the most ImMonable work, and respectfully ask a share of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding 1 country. . , ' [Unrligle, n0v61.850L WITH' WILt wou surnan! FrIIIOUSANDS of ; bottles of the AMERI CAN COMPOUND have been sold dur ing the past year;and was never known to fail of curing, ina few days, of a certain doh cite disease, Seminal weakness and all diseases of the Urinary organs. Persons afflicted using this pleasant and remedy, need fear no expr,,Ture, us it leaves no odor on the breath, requires nu restrictions in diet or business _containam4ittercury-or-noxi sus-drugs-injurious— to the system, and is adapted to every age, sex, or condition.. It is aka the best remedy known for Fluor Albus or Whites, (female e unplaints) with which thousands suffer, without the know. ledge of a remedy. This celebrated remedy has long been used w private practice of a phy sician and with unerring success, radically curing ninety-nine of the hundred cases in a few days. Around each bottle are plain and full directions. CAUTION—Ask for 'the AM ER !CAN COMPOUND, end purchase only or the Agents Price SI per bottle. For sale by S. ELLIOTT Carlisle; J. Wyeth, Harrisburg; R. Williams Colunibia: by A. Miller, Laneafiter; E.' Mauls & Co. 'fork. (January, 15,'1861. it p pis o v = ==!! riill/Esubscribers desire to inform their friends IL and the public that they have removed' their TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON N U FACTOR Y.. to the room nearly oppo site. their old stand on North Hanover street and may uo•v be Mum( in their new and cone studious manufactory on the West side said street, a few doors above Loather street. Where they continue to keep on hand a lull assortment of every kind of Tin, Copper and h9et-IrsliVa re which may .he needed' by housekeepers and others. Their articles aro manufactured by thentaelves, of the best materials, and in point al liiuiah and durability cannot be surpassed.— They will Ate manufacture end tepair at the shortest notice all kinds of Distilling Apparatus. They will promptly attend 'to .the laying of TIN ROOFING.and HOUSE SPOUTING in Own and country, and on the moat reasona• ble terms.. Every branch of their business will be carefully attended to with the utmost promptness. • • They also keep constantly on hand a large variety Of . GOAL AND WOOD STOVES,. eampriAng every variety of, plain tolt•plate STOVE 4, elannat wood and coal airtight VA12.1.011, STOVES, of the latest styles, COOKING STOVES of tho newest and most improved inventions, at various prices. which cannot foil to please every taste. They re• spectrally solicit an examination by the public of their large and varied assortment of stoves. Thankful to the public for favors heretofore extended, and being, determined to relax no exertions to, give satisfaction to their custom. era they hope to merit 41... continuance of pa.' tronage. tgrThe highest cash price will be paid for old Copper and Pewter. IVIOII.RIS &. HERSHEY. • Carlisle, March 19, 1851—ly Estate of Zary Dunlap, deo'd, y EWERS', testamentary on the estate' of p Mery Dunlap, late of the borough of New. vine, doe'd.,'lmie been issued to the subscriber residing in ‘Vestl'onneborough township.— A ll.uee.l22lindebted to said estate aro hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having chims to present them duly authenti• mod for settlement. septa/At GEORGE , SELLING OFF AT.COST ! THE subacriber.having purehnsed•tho stock or Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., of A. C. Fetter, at t Ito corner of. North Hanover and Louthor streets, informs the public that the whole of the largo and elegnnt stock will be sold out AT COST. Look out'for bargains. .• .10,'51tE, • JACOB FETTER: • Carlisle Female Seminary. THIS Institution commenced its Fall Term on the Ist of.Sontotnber,. under the' care 'ot Miss • Prisaa - •Piormi'Auansted I rby competent' tetteliere,. Instriretion in tU , litniuttges'and draining, po extra charge. . • , tatight : tg an experienced , teacher, at n extra charge. (sent3il) ' A 'CARD. To the M PORTER would respectfully Worth the Ladies, that ho has fitted op the' 'room recently occupied' by Miss Betsey Kornen, next door to the old eland on LADIES SHOE.SI'ORD.EXCLUSIVELY, Where they' will a well selected assortmont of gaiters, buskins ' tiesiblipiper4 froirr the best manufactories 'in Philadelphimmod'altio et his own make, to which their:attention is invited.. • ,Carlisle, may 7 VOLUME Lll. NO 1 ',Mtn iablJettiielltelliG. PIRET PREMIUM errand and Square PIANOS MCNABB dG GAMBLE, ltanufacturp.s, Xos. 4,.6, 8, 9 and II Eutaw ~ Street, Baltnnore, B.IA N 0 FORTES, from 6 to 7 °cloves, in in Rosewood, Mahogany and Wulnut cowl of various styles, with and without iron frames, coo:billing all tug •improvements requisite to a superior iiistrusneul. K. sr. G. have received from the Maryland Institute the jyrat premium for. their Pianos, in three successive years, 1949, 1849, 1850: They have also been honored with numerous testimo nials from all the - most - celebrated artists who have used their instruments. Pianos from their establishment have been used at the concerto I os Lind, Herz, 'Holinstock,,' Bishop, Laborde, Knoop, and other eminent performers. They guarantee durability fer five years, under good care, and will replace olth others all which mar not give satisfaction, if application be made within six Months after delivery. Their Usnufactory being condqcted on the most extensive scale enables them to furnish instill:no:its nt - ilie - verylowest prices, whole . snie• 'and retail: Constantly on hand, A. P. Hughes' Melodeons, ranging.from $45 to $2OO, for which they aro solo agents for this city. Jaboary2o-11.51-ly ATTEND TO YOUR, TEETH I Dr. J. C. NEFF, Dentist, respectfully in— forms the ladies and gentlemen of Carlisle and vicinity, that he iq prepared to perform all ope rations on the Teeth and Gums belonging to his profession, and will be happy to render his services to all_ who may require them. •• Dr: N has recently returned from the city of Philadelphia, where ho has made himself ac qusinted with all the latosNmprovements in the art; and flatters himself that be will be able to insert lull sets of teeth on the atmospheric pressure principles, or with springs, equal to any made in that city. OFFICE in High at., ono doorpost of the Post Office. Persons wish ng CO see specimens of his workmanship, will :dense call at his rooms, where they will have .tn opportunity tepee and judge for themselves. june4,lBsl-1y IVIEkNUFAC I I I OIOI% 48 Market street, beton, Second, Philaddphio. (1 LEGG & CROM PTON, Manufacturers of Perfumery. Fancy Soaps and Fancy •'eper Boxes, respectfully call the attention of le Druggists and Dealers in Carlisle and the timberland Valley. to their extensive stock o Oods. comprising Perfumery; Fancy Soaps 'owders for the complexion, Toilet, &c. &c : f every variety. Also, a full and complete as trtmoht of Fancy Paper Boxes, of every do ',rimier', large or small, round or square, made order at the shortest notice. ODD- n't - fi3rgerthe' place; 48 - Market street, I hiladelphia. All orders will meet with prompt ttention. jam). ECONOMY IS WEALTH Light .P ! Light! !Ante Oil, Camphine & Medal Fluid, r h acknowledged superiority and Purity, ,'1.5 manufactured and for sale-at the lowest ''.Vholesale prices, by DAVIS ,& HATCH, I C the old established stand of the late Benja-c 1 tin T. Davis, CAMDEN, -NEW - JERSEY, 'hero orders by mail or otherwise are solicited, nd prompt attention given. The voice of the üblic for fifteen years, and the award of a Lilver Medal, and complimentary notice by., "le Franklin Institute over all competitors, is ~ I fficient evidence of the excellence of our Oil. --.4 k o hOirPitch;entin , 7 4 b s i 7 r; - and - SPP . I , s of Turpentine, for sale Wholesale and Re ail. at the lowest prices. Loct3o FOOTS AND SHOES. THE subscriber has just received a large ;L aw, I supply of BOATS & SHOES, for Spring and Sumnier Wear, which makes his assortment- very complete. It comprises Gentlemen's French Calf Skin id Morocco Boots., Congress - Gaiters, Jack in Boots, Men's, BoYs' and Youths' Enam led Congress Boots, Calf Skin, Goat and •. ip Brogans, Morocco Boots,Slippers, &c.— Aso, Ladies' Misses and C hildren's Gaiters. t usitins, Tics and: Slippers. Every effort "will , 0 made to please the citizens 'of town and. i lentry, who are respectfully solicited to con- Imue their patronage Carlisle, tnay7 NM M PORTER SAVEI YOUR PROPERTY FOR A TRIFLE! LL persoits wishing to rescue their proper ty from fire without the aid of insurance ' mipanies, should have their roofs covered with flake's Paula Imitation Slate, or Fire and Voter Proof Paint; A root well covered with us article will last much longer than the roo npainted, and 'will render it entirely Fire and, Voter Proof. This articrOcan - behad cheap a m Hardware Store of marl9_ JOHN P. LYNE CHEAPER' THAN THE CHEAPEST nut VlNGjust returned Irons New York & LY Philadelphia with the beer and Cheapest ;Lock of HARD WARE,C UTLERY B U I LD • NG MATERIALS, PAINTS, &c., ever rough t io Carlisle, I would resqectrully request eaters "and consumers and all others to give , to a call and see whether they cannotget more nd bettor koods for the same .money than at try other place in town. My stock of Locks, ditches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes, lilless, Paints, &c., is complete and very cheap. , :arponters"Pools, I have a splendid aesort dont. Also,' Cabinet Maker's Tools and Ma ,eriels' viz :—Vaneors, Mahogany, Mineral and Glass Bureau Knobs and Varnish. • SkDDLERS & COACH MitICERS, can have everything in their line cheaper than over. . / FOR SHOEMAKERS, f have a first rate stock of Morocco and Lining. Skins, Bindings, Pegs, Phread and Wax, and. a superb assorttneni of Shoemakers Tools. I ,havealso a complete assortment orßalPs Lasts, made in Harrisburg, which can be had at: no. other place in town, and at Bull's Prices. To gether with an asao'rtmont of all kinds of Ham, 'tiered and Rolled Iron and Steel. Of House keeping Articles, I have Knives. Forks, Spoons, Waiters, Snuffers and Trays, Tub 4, Buckets, Sec. WALL PAPER • • have tho largest, Handsomest and Cheapest Assortment in town: And to all who want Good and Cheap HARDWARE, I would say come and goo for yourselves. P LYNE. raEsix GROCER3EES • • A , NEW supply w .of fresh Coffees, hiui and Brown Sugars, Sprees of all kinds, ground and unground, with all the other varieties of aGro. eery/Store, Including also a now supply. of Jen, kin's .Nc. 1 Quality of FINE GREEN & BLACK TEAR, '- in maudlin packs of qu Her, half and .pound nosh es front 50 to $l. .0 per pound,. as. also. 'ii the bulk. All just o tatted and for sale at the store of • , • • " • d • . T s quoiscfh , • Alabahter, irid ster,a 'Fai;icy •liaerips.—Lamp. Math, and ithpar 7 Adiadea.--juila 40cotved, cloor.to to the i' Q. i„ Great Bargains - rf Autuspris ,c,ifa , Pmstatsr. 'rs. order to disiirise 6P stock no W ` nu' haud, will sell a few tieserilit SXVTiottmeht„ttialisrs the • manufacturer's cash paces. Country. merchants %veald-do woll to give Me a atilt,' U Jane ,tath,'sl. 134111'10 4,HOSBARD,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers