Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 20, 1851, Image 2

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    11 - :: Ell , „AND ,4POSITQE,
,f 4
CAILL:t.I,2I3, P. A.
nting—• Two Dollars a pea?, or One:Dollar rind
• Fifty Cents, if paid pone'l ually in... 1 1,11;071er..
- ,$ l,i,S if ,paid within the 14ar,
.* ..
i ,r
-,W.'ll , Er
. .
~ . . rort GOVERNOR : ' '
. ;T-- Of.Alizatany C'e.mily.:
— 0..,
- O f Lancaster County._
...._....• •
rot) Tr" , c. ,, 73”----
.... ..... St , nnnih if pniCii :
Itr i cutAnD tu O'OILBR, 11 - estmoieland.
, JIHUAI - V.• comr.,ic," Montour. '
G . b. ir 11,411113ER5, Franklin.
Wit• . lill. MIMIEDITFI, Philadelphia..
- i'Vli r ;pi,liAllf - SP.S.S . UI.•;:!Stm - cpteltaiiira; — : —7—
Pursuant to notice giveialio4nembers of the
Whig Standing .Committee oT Cumberland
county Met inSarlisle, on Monday the 4th of
August, list.- for , the purpose of appointing
the time of holding the County Convention.—
The President bei%tbsent, WM. P. SHOOT . ,
Esq. was appointed' resident pro tem, and J.
BOIOIEIIOEII, Secretary. •
On motion, Reso/vod, That the 'Whigs of to meet in the seve
ral wards,
_boroughs and townships at their
respective places of holding delegate elections,
on SATURDAY the 23d day of August, . be
tween the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock, P: M. in
the boroughs and wards, and between the
hours of o end 7 o'clock in the townships, for
the purpose of electing Two Delegaieq to rep
resent each of s'4id - wards, boroughs and, town=
ships in a County Convention, to be held in
Caruso on 'MONDAY the 25th of August, at
10 o'clock,A. M. to nominate candidates to be
supported by the Whigs of Cumberland 'coun
ty at the ensuing general
Resolved, That the County Committee rec
ommend to tbe.Whigs..of_Cumberland.county,
to theetin general COUNTY MEETING in Car
the 'purpose of ratifying the nominations of
the Convention.
. -
Resolved, Thal Messrs. E.l3eatty, J. Bom
berger, and joSeph blosser, ba appointed.a
Committee to - procure speakers for said Mee
ting. .
Resolved, That these proceedings be signed
by the officers and published in•the Whig pa
pers of the county' •
•IYr D. SIIOOP, President
T. 13 . 0 x 13E110 nn:Seer'yl
The Whigs of Cumberland County are re
. quested to assemble in GENERAL COUNTY
AteaddiiAV, 9 ll,,t,
for the purpose of ratifying the nominations
for 'Governor, Canal Commissioner and Su
premo- Jnilges, made
.by' the Whig State Con
vention, and to confirm the nominations for
County Officers to be Made by the Whig °aun
ty Convention on the same day.
A - -general Rally of the friends of JOHN
STON and STROHM is earnestly desired.—
Como out in your strength and demonstrate by
your numbers.that you have the will and the
power to curry your candidates in triumph !
Come, with the spirit of 1110 and 1848, and
Victory will crown nor
wilt oe,deltvered by CHARLES B. PENROSE,
Esq., of Philadolphia, JOHN C; KUNKEL,
Esq., of Harrisburg
' and if not prevented by
other engagements the Hon. JOHN STROHM,
the old Lancaster County Farmer anti Whi ,,
Candidate for Canal Commissioner, •mill ho
present and address the •People. - Rally!
Whigs! By order of the
a large number of names sent us as, subscriz
bersfor, the Campaign. IVe have riot offered
our paper in:tbis Way, as our 'terms ,for the
whole year are very cheap,
..but nevertheless
WO'vrill cheerfully send the Mksld from now
until after the election for TWENTY-FIVE
CENTS `.to each itibieriber for the campaign.
There are hundreds of Whigs in the county
sfitget , 'nowt.per:and`who consequently, never
becomeinterested in the support of Our ticket.
App ;Whir (striito the cads() good service by
lintini,.'ont.sueh Whigs, and inducing them to
tipo2; the Herald even fqr'the campai
6,,54u5, their nines, friends. ,
.;:lVe,hopo to see a grand rally of the friends
of JOHNSTON And STROHM at the Whig
County meeting on Monday evening next..--?
The speaking will be of the best character, as
our friends may be assured;, when we mention
that :addresses will be delivered by our old
townsman, CleAnLns B. Prmnoss, Esq. and
Jonn 9..KumzEL, Esq. the gifted and eloquent
•Representative of Dauphin county. The old
Lancaster county Farmer, the Hon. •JOll.ll
Samo*H'as,nlso given assurance that he will
make every, effort to• bo present. • Lot every
township then send a large delegation to the
meeting arid lot us open the, campaign with
014 Vigor,and spirit which is the sure harbin
get:Of Victory. Rally, Whigs! Rally! Far
mers and,Tax 7 Payers! If you want taxes di-.
mini . .sited :and the Reduction of the State
DelMoteadily 'continued as •eommeneed by Gov.
Jelltatoyeni,yotanaust rally• to the work! , Our
opponentsercastraining over nerve for the de-.
feat of ,131 oy. Johnston amlthoy must be checked
arid defeated by the Seine spirit- and energy
which led us to
The tariff of 1840 `which is rapidly prostra
ting the manufacturing ieteroii,s t is, also pro
ducing ite legitimate effects im,tim monied ,af
fairs of the, The I?hiladelphia papers
• say that the stringency in the ; money market
continues, mid the hest I') riper is offered at one
cent per month. One failure after soothes'oe
curs, and from all the preseist indications the
prospeets,for a change for, the better are,gloo-
Jai: Nor can we learn sof a b4ter or improved
'state of. affairs in ether commercial
Nor is
. It. any wonder when twenty millions of
‘16149:8 in' specie sent , idEuiope rh,t
, •
0,4„c,./11sfx,snonk'to payfor articles which,
lie.estmaisufisetur4in this country!
, •
2 10 ,44.PAilde..ceT.Fi9a0m4.- , ,,Tho,ftearqship,
13. # ' # , 'f4?:fi ' f it hf9i 1 ,4°:*0;10, 3-3 , 6 •4 ii: . 09„
p asa g fi 'th l plaliciik44';i*lli,)s3F.:fidiOri'ttfy.
.h 6 . l ,.k!.flii'ilit.tiiii. o 4o**.if:oo 6 :oi.iii444.
, t0 , 1A1 , 00450,1°.W.50,41044 , i,
IsagEttail'Oci . r,,bokmacrl OrciAll , uiti , 'Ap4i4o.4
. A* 6 1 6 t:ki*41444C40*.4 . 1 1 ,!i..04; - .tii ;,f
-trgio46 l ll) 04,115 !« p!,it - 013 . S!' ,ei*Agi', o, :,t
1441 :f il* ,66l. 4 o .Tilipiiopiri,, - )OW:YLto:
• • i- Wliiiii9*,ct .i.s:- ,. 04.? : :,. ? x0ii30,: 9 • 1
-: -- •.-=.4:d ~ , i'uperiority,: i lif v.
-- - , lr.fron3 hot.
JOHAfq3COX xmopmuli
0 or: Johnston spciirenf'llrio* on -Tho'after
noon otrtlio pkiiinsti:to n large and' Onthusi-
BEd o'gathOri ng :of ; ,lirs.frietido;, Ilis,spe l ech.iraa
ondof 'ltimcn,bleat‘ effoitS.. , Tho "I iie GazeitC'
given us n brief report of it, and aro sh3ll fad
room for an astract" nest ',molt.' Gov. John:
atop fearlessly meets over charge Mode by
Lfs oPponenti, antl paYs his rokmets in , Severe
but deserved terms to the itttaglcrecently made
upon him b 3 tho old Federalist, Jambs
The Governor wildaddress meetings the
31st in' Washington, on tlie 22d in Brownsvilie,
antdon the 3f3th hi Greensburg. Ile is gaining
troops of friends wherever lie goes; and r -
election may be considered cPrlain—provided
Tno winos OF ri:NNSYLVANIA TiflMt: 'DUTY!
To the Il'higs of Cumbeidand county we would
say, Arise froth your lethargy l Imitate 'the
conduct of"your - trobledondur, who is " iifthe
front of tith battie," an rally round him who,
to use his own language, "will be glad to hail
as companions in arms. in 0.13 gitirthus attuki'
of Tenth ar.;. l . :ustice, the active and faithful
7.l..asts who WITIIOUT FEAR Colly4l - On CONTEIth
fires bnin brightly in the }Vest! - The cry is
RALLY and - OsivAnn to VIOTORY
The day of election approaches. In aboift
two months we shall be called upon to deposite
our vote for Governor, Judges of the Supreme
Court, Judges of the JutliciA i districts and
their as'Ociates, Stale Senators;' Members of
the Legislature, and ceuuty officers generally!.
Are the Whigs making ready t ;, 9, discharge this
duty, with the requisite zeal d unaniingy ?
Are they aware that victory or defeat depends
upontheigeffkft ? A fall' cote is iilways
Whig, victory, while a failure to-poll the entire,
Whig vote, is generally, if not always, attend
ed with defeat.
The Whigs, as a party, arc generally hard
to stir out, mostly from the cause that, being
so often defeated by their own indolence, they
think it of little use to try. But let them look
at facts and dispel this delusion. Whenever
the Whigs have made 'an effort, and Como out
in their strength in this State, they have, al
chicved a victory, and shown that they arc a
majority rf the votes of this State. To the hike- .
-warm -and indolent we thereforeany,-stir ;your
solves, mud secure the prize of victory as -you
did in 1848, by a bold and triumphant effort
The Locofocos of Lehigh county, at slate
•countyitneeting, passed is series of resolutions,
in ono of which they said, lireseiit taxes
were too heavy to be Larne." And who impo
sed these'taxesl- They were saddled oli'the
people during.,,the administration of those two
prominent Locofocos, -Gov. Porter - sod Gov.
Shunk! I Why should members of the.Oppo
complain of heavy tares? They are
sustained, and for years have been sustaining,
-the very party thrmigh whose extravagance
and recklessness our public debt was made,
and our present taxes were imposed. If the
Whigs of the State 1 1-2.alticomplainef onerous
taxes,--they. might le_cscused, .for they
not been instrumental in making the debt, al
though they have been yd.) , instrumental in
in paying part of it off. As long as men vote
the•Locofoco ticket, and thereby try to electto
office the men who made our debt, and impos
ed our taxes, they should not compltunif they
.groan under the burthens their• folly hug been
instrumental in imposing.
ONE CAIJSr.: LPL , ' v a w.a.ar_x."3
iro uru iadebtecl to the West Chester Regie
ter 6. Ezaminct fur the fullol‘hig facts. ltestd
them; ull who hate corrri,loll
A collector'o office has existed in Parkes
burg for several years. LaFt spring, the then
Collector having held the office for the usual
peiquil was rcmoyed, and smother from Colum
bia county appointhd in his stead. A sr.w or
rice, that of Cargo Inspector was created, and
notorious fact that there is no more use for a.
cargo. inspector at Parkesburg, than there is
for a fifth wheel to a - wagon, and we have been
unable to hear °fatly one, who has ever known
a cargo hi have been inspected at that place.—
.The Cargo Inspector performs the duties of the
Collector, leaving the latter to regulate the de
mocracy of the county. If our demoora‘ie
friends choose to Submit to the dictation of this
man, whose only recommendation appears to
be his.vaunted boast that he" nominated Mr.
Canal Commissioner 'Morrison, we certainly
have no objection, but we do object to his re
ceiving over a thou.ianil dollarsannually
.frow the
,Stale while reneleeing it no net rice.''
—We have had
A Turr. WonurNa Www;!—Governor John
ston, during his'Western tour; has sPolicn at
_Kittanning, Clarion, Franklin, Warren, Erie,
Meadville, Mercer, Butler, and Beaver. To
morrow he is to be at Pittsburg, to attend -the
Scott Convention of Western Pennsylvania.;
after which he will proceed- to Washington,
Pa., and thence throtigh the Southern tier of
counties, on his way eastward. The Kittan
ning Free Press states that "immense crowds
of his follow-citizens of all parties gather a
round him wherever he goes, and listen with
delight to the 'account of his stewardship'
which. he renders them with that plain good
sense, and with that manly and impressive el
oquence for which he is distinguished. If half
we hear be true, continues the Free -Tress,
Gov. Johnston is playiq havoc with Col. Big
ler's prospects." •
ktkli—A now United Stat!'s Army Uniform
has been adopted, which is to be strictly-en
forced. All officers are to wear a frock coat
of dark blue cloth, the skirts to extend from
two-thirds to three-fourths of We distance from
the top of the hip to the bend of the, knee;
Single-breasted for capffiins, nud lieutenants;
double-breasted fur all other,gradeS: The uni
form coat of all enlisted men is to be a single
breasted frock pf dark , blue cloth. The collar
, and, cuff's of the artillery are required to he of
searTet ; infantry, light or Baxouy blue; rifle
men, medium or emerald greens and dragoons,
. coloyed. ! Tho cape for all officers and
enlisted mcd,fireko'he of dark blue cloth, he
! cerdingke pattern, and so ornamented and va 2 .
Hod in trimMings as to defffite" . rank and the
! several branchea of service. Feathers give
placo'to pomPone Commissioned officers May
wear the'old ufiiform until the that of Janua.:
ry next::: The articles of - the, old, uniform, ar
. ready Manufactured for enlisted men, to lie is
sued until exhausted,'but•will-bo first altered
so far as practicable, to coriespOild' with the
now pattern.
The 'Locolocos are very fearful of .the
rc-oleotion of, Gov: Johnston, end-now charge
that he, cannot constitutionally r i p-elected
This, says the
,Ilailrishurg . Ainrricati; iNnmus
ing.. Governor. Johnston has been in office a
! bout throe years, and when- his present, term
expires, -will .have ' been , there ,'Aliout three.
ypare•niut. a. half . gonstitUtion says a
Man may, bc , Goiernar - ,yeari ,put, of nine;
und-yot. governor, ,JolinsOn
_With 'three Years .
land six rmintliti re-oleeted
,nonsense: islpuorility , diluted. • .No
• respectable'lawier: in rennsYlvania
venture to say; study the third' Beaton of
second the
fourteenth section, the:same, artlolo,% Mul not.
rise from UM' iniestigation t h o
'nab* objection rhTle_iitouSi-44.lict 9,12..04.1+1,116'
atikotion of,,any.intelljgcnt •
nx :
Illgli~Yinudoil Doings , of the 17c3rti , corn..
9.tinn*der6a. 1.
The,Abp•rOpricition . htli..ofthe last session .
ufthe..l , ,egislatU'rc; appropriated; $175,000 to
the North Branch - , - Canal, $175,000 toionttls
the avoidanoe,of,,the Pianos on the Westcri,
slope of ~.t.beAllegi?eny. Portage . rai:road,- . and,
and $OB,OOO to the Philadelphia and Columbia'
railway. - 'Relative' to this; we take the folloW
ing from .the West Chester,./?c,giWer and Exam . -
Its 'senior 'Editor was do attpritite mem
ber of tho last I..Cgishittil' . e • tiud' is' ftilly ac
quainted with all the circumstances attendant.
upon, the grant of these appropriations. Ile
"We havo been assured - Oda the Cannr-Com
miAsioners, although denied by:the'Legialadire
the authority, or the means to do co, have, urdg
Ihisite OWN RESPONSIBILITY, entered into•eon
heavy appropriations were mad% FOR A FAR
ih:ANS TO PAC FOR ! ! Relying upon the action
of the next Legislature, they will have ,incur
red before the close of the season,
Drench Canal, the' incurred cannot
fall much short of four hundred and fifty
thousand dollars.; on die Columbia railroad,
there will have been - incurred liabilities to the
amount of ono hundred and fifty thousand dol
lars at least, and wo suspect a far larger a
mount; while on the Allegheny Pnrtnge; 'foci`
hundred thousand dollars will not'cover the a
mount of work ,contracted for. It will thus
be seen, that in reality, a MILLION OF DOL
bilities to that amount be inciteascrl during
the present year. All thia is iin. , addition to the
ordinary and extraordinary repalra of the
Every citizen of the c'eunitomscalth is inter
voted, deeply interested in this queition. We
nsk our readers to notico what is.chnignd_in
the above extract by n gentleinun of character
And extensive means of information. 119 says
tho Canal Commissioners have transcended the
authority given them by the Legiala;ttio so far
that they have contracted for work to the a
-mount of_nearly,,,if not quite; ONE MILLION
No want•to know, says the Harrisburg A
merican, witcie these monstrous invasions or
Law and Constitution are to stop:.
The. Law and the Constitution have'
been basely violated by...the Canal Board in the.
appointments of. Wiiiiam Brindle and Timothy
res, w io were mem ers ofJ.lfe - agislature at
the time of their appointment.
Second. l t d 'law has been violated and the
State Trolls Cry robbed by the Canal Board
granting MEE TICKETS to traveling
Thin/. The State line been swindled out of
at least $39,001) by the Canal Commissioners
sellint(t t t , piece of railroad for 515, 000 wliich
theysal lastj'yinter-they could sell for $50,-
000, and which originally cost the State
:$300,000 !
_Youth. Their 'public officers publicly bolist
that instead of attending to their duties they
wilfluse their positions to carry -the State this
fall for William Bigler, and thus ensure theim
selves a contihaan<c of 17unilcr zrilhout fear of
. h flh. The Canal Coinmissloners have (lur
ing the ehtirc :Mini/ICI', ALI, been absent from
their posts in pursuit o' . pleasure or politics,
altketigh the law of 1830 says, they "shall
devol.e their WHOM: time and attention, hy per
sonal examination, to the gefieral and especiql_
superintendence" and reppaii•s=of au; public
works, finished audin progress.": •
Sixth. Whilst they have been absent, their
- 1-IGI7. 114, made out estimates of money. re
quired to repair a breach in thn ranot, sod
without Me approval 1!1* the mcn dreier? to have
eliaVrie nj thi.i Department, has 1111 AWN AND EX
rn.N.PEJD LATWE AMOUNT or nin rxort.n's MO
Seventh. Whilo.they have been absent, and
when they could nut possibly have had a mee
ting, the fare on dm Philadelphia and Colum
reduced at rcimrticular period to accommodate
Certain ponficians who were holding a meeting
on .the route of the road.
Eiy They-hove created many neto and
entirely unnecessary ?Flees, and for political ends
solely, have aripointedttiany now officers, Ivho
erosive tannn sm,smarnid peybon no labor!
Ninth. The Canal Commissioners in viola
tion of a positive law now upon the Statute
are compelling laborers on the Nora' Branch
canal to receive, be phyment of their elaiuts, the
depreciated SMALL NOTES the banks of other
States ! And
Tenth. We have here the proof that the
Canal Commissioners, to accomplish a political
purpose this fall, have entered into large„con
tracts for work not authorized by - the Legisla
ture; so that before the next Legislature
meets, they Will have incurred a "DEBT'OF
M 1 LION 01' DOLLMIS! N All of which
is exclusive, of the large amounts asked by,
and gien to, ylie Canal Commissioners, to
keep up 'and mice tiipairs on the lines now in
:exiidence ! !
Thus it is, Tax-payers of Pr'qnsvlvitnia, that
your money is spent, SQUANDERED
SENT !__Thus it iithat these corrupt Locofuco
officers are daily seeking to eripploothe 'Tress
nry, and rnr.vr THE PAYNENT or TILE ruauto
DEBT or GOY. JOHNSTON! With diflioulties
Buell ,these,
,he, has beau ,contending ever
sinee'ho was elected to office. ,They have cm
barrasised hint. but ha has noverthcleas,. under
these unfavorably circumstances, swept out of
THE STATE DEBT. What .users would •he
have done if we had had iiinneat Canal•Consmis-:
sinners in office, mlio.wotild hare managed the
,publio, works with economy, who Would. have
discouraged Peculation, and who would have
had but onnobject, slid that the nohle ,one of
rescuing Peansylvanla-from, the - difficulties - in-.
to'Which LocefobonOungels and I.Ocnrserl,lnli
cars had led her? . nn-kfxnr, Wt. Y. JOHN
Canal Coromia'aiener..Eleet w-Whig,Legislaturc;
Give Whig party au , opportunity, to rcacti
t I )."i , UtrO"CO M/ 1 40TQINi 11q4Ully
And,the day : will not be hoc distant when
lion after Million cf:the Brceent debtovill gred-'
ually disappear, until wo remember it not, ex,
cant us an avidence•of the reeklessness of 14 ,
cofonoiain. • "i‘• ;: •
, .
On tho other handi , imPiniSo ydu oledt
Governcirt•Seth. Clover • Canal. Commis
sioner, and a Locofoco Legislature, ". You close
?he door to'invelytigatioO, • You pay'a proniitint
upon villtiiny. • , Pluitil'orerfi wsdooino in
their moor of clinic,. The peoplo's substaneo.
will bi;etitou•out,•iind. the, people !therrisebies
continue, as now, the .ottbjeot's of .
,TAXATION, which will continually, be
demitrided-tO'finnl .Others 'oharaeteis
lit theni . tor'6lEoo of:Trost:, •
. .
.rOrk Gitzdtte 'ilxot 'in
hinny pnitd '` oP"thdt ontintiontirbiloltiOOf cinin
no . ocriOnnly injurodbr; (tyBiigf;t;tiii
01i444 'mir'o:'ccy 'smell
Avn.tuar a
Tlie'LocotoMM , i li b fft•their
eiples; they allude? .can
:ll4: be . t' o' Barilts,'s4s the Barrislnuz
, yfcd.President Dailies,
Judgo'liTihiits's, and many other '.tiederallieido
f6cos, ir,Oted 'for aIL S. Bank, and Win. Big
ler, :when . 14 the Legiplatizro 4 voted very free
ly, for 'the nootptii,ati oite T. : B rinks. .1',./C3O facts
a' irb urn ale.
They cannot ba.'iu flivor of thO'
,Linbilityelattge Bank, elMriers, for William
,Bigler, tiglien, rn . the Senate.of 'the State voted
AGAINST the Individual Liability.. This :fact
proved by the' Journal. — 4
They cannot be in favor of Reform of. Abu
lies, for William Bigler, in three successive
sessions of the Legislature, oted'AtIAINST
giving the 4 Publie Priuting .. te the Inivest bid
reducing- this—itera- of ' ex
pens° to tbe State! I !
They cannot honestly.. be in favor of the
Comiireniise,'for r thCir paity in the South is a man opposed to it, and in parts of
the North, where it is convenient and politic,
they.talm equally . strong ground rtyaihst the
They are generally united in hostility to
Protection to' American Labor, and in favor of
the-rechiction of wages to tlfb Buchan - an stan
dard of TEN CENTS - A — DAY; --- And they are
universally united in an all-pervading affection
for the spoils of office—the fivc loaves nudtwo
iishes.• 'These last bra what Locofocos must
menu when they talk.about their principles.'
They hate beerton both sides of all other sub
jects, but on this cue of spoils they have - 111-
Nl' VS been- united; The Plunder from the
Treasury :ripply proves this fact. -
The t'hiladelPhia /,,rt/gcr, a Free trade
gsn; an article rclatitig, to the .depreiCsed
state'of manufactures, and agriculture in this
country, attributes all the blame to 4' paper
money," instead of foreign pauper labor com
ing in competition' with the labor of out' own
country. It says:
"Panic has 'followed panic—revulion has
succeeded . royulsion-apaseas hale shocked
trade—credit has been cOni.ulsed—an I the
whole social,fabric has often tottered on the
brink of:annrehy—and still the delusiod of pa-.
per Money_ hips been clung to its a II:IC2014, be
cause it enhances In•ires - of everything; dices
_lrigh_prices_crippie,d_indus. 4 4:y, by allowing—th
' cheap labor of foreign lands to supply, us with
every,"speciee of Manufactured go6ds.
-create the evil that palsies our own industry,
end then 'cry out for wore of the same evil—
and a tax en our• neighbor, to .make up for
n what loss we may. sustain by "'paper." If
one thousand dollars will be required per diem,
on the paper. system, to pay the wages of a'
factory that could bo worked for one hundred
dollm's a day on the speck IgunHand that di trey
once is' caused by limo high prices engenacrod
- -by excessive- issues--of-paper-money—whicir
breaks down the factory—who is to blame?
the Country „the government, or the "paper
_ money?"
• Such is the logic of the leeofoco advocates of
Free Trade. They go Air malting money . scarce
eo .that the wages. of the poor and laboripf;
men, shall be reduced from one dollar per day,
to TEN CENTS I'L•'T. DAY - -the Federal Bu
..chunan standard !---Tho-Ledger-openly
cotes this. The labor of our factories, it says
should be reduced NINETY PER CENT; or,
where tbey.noili pay one thousand dollm•s per
day,.thcy should only pay ONE lICaDIIID
DOLLARS'. That would "spread. blessings
and'benefits over our • country." Yes, 'the
blessing of hopeless and squalid pOcerty to the
working-man, 'and the "benefit" -of cheap
fabrics and cheap labor - to the rich I The
4, blessing" of making the rich •richer,-rind
the poorpocer." • .This is a matter for the se
rious consideration of every American. The'
effect of the introduction of foreign fabrics,
free of duty, upon wages' herO must strike
them with awe, for the inevitable result must
end will be to reduce the wages of labor to the
standard of Europe,. which is, as the Ledger
recommends, about 10 cents per_day._
The Opposition last-winter.ondersed the,po
litical course 'of Itichard- BrodheridTby elect
ing hiM Unitid'Stnibs Senator. Pennsylvani
ans! remember that Richard Brodhead on the
13th of May, MIS, voted AGAINST a 'props
to give increased pay to the sdhliers who
periled their lives in defence of their country.
And remember that John Strohm, whom the
Locofocos are now denouncing for his votes, vo
ted IN FAVOR of this Increased Pay, and
sustained the army by voting supplies at all
times, from tho boiluning to the end of the
Let the people further remember that in
1847,-it-was proposed to appropriate $500,000
to be expended-in relieving the wants of the
wounded soldiers who Innded- on their return
from Mexico at New Orleans, or any other
port on our coast; that not a single Whig dis
graced himself, and his partrfriends, by Op
posing so humane a
,project, that this same
Richard Brodhead, , .with sixty other Locofocos,
voted against this appropyietim of money to
feed the hungry, attend the sic!., and soothe
the last hours of •the', dying soldier, who had
lost his health in thili s 'aervice of Ids .country
and was returning
. fram Anlmspitittle shrty,
hoping to reach his home, and when dying; to
be surrounded by those he loved! These are
the facts which the Record -exhibits. When
ever, therefore, any, Locofeco is heard boasting
of the friendship his party have always exhib
ited tcward, , the soldier, remind him that the
proposition' to increase the pay of thq soldiers
—for which John Strohm voted—and the prop-
Coition to slfor%l tho means of showing a Na
tion's gratitude to those - who'rished their lives
nt the call of their country—Lfer which
AS'ii:olan Voted—were, both violently opposed by
a large number of prominent, Imebfoce Con
Choose lietweea those who ACT i n 'a fele iully
Way to-the soldier:and those who cho . nothing ,
but PROFESS lilriendshiPl •
• ,
Tho Lancask,r rntelqgcncer, an especial organ
of .11 - Ir.-,,Buotiati r an ~.-den onnces the Krystons.
and other Cass rpers, nntlyentls:tlicin;eut
tho party.: Tinizarno is now coercion witix the;
Wood n 'parthd , pittniph nt
, entio'n by the tiontinattott of,
, 11r. Buohnnau,,ht reaorveth
o fo: ; hitnsolf, 0t,,n11
Ur. Bigler, for..which lid la
rota. seouro that object_boioit*
1;1811. llnv
,Ing o
.tho lteaqiug..Cot
'BitSfor,atitt Cloy
to ortyri,,thoSto
nOir strving, ty:l
a doubt;.
I c h o ono to tho
ti9rnitis,tio4 is, oer-
presents Arr, B
vention;', as its..
tant thou is it 'that Uosbould
How imp'
presses or plane,theni hi such,
oStrox their influence hi a rii
leet! tivhilo ho availa himself of
oir labors far his 'nominees for,
at Fommisoloner:'
is a:learned politician ! and
't... r sohool of 'Polk, 'Dallas and
epatrol the. weaker. and do
stubborn of, the 'woollen to in'
success.. •
Bilonoe the, Gas
ripoeition otsto
lions! poiftt or
the benerdOr t
itno loatile4tn.t
tho ov
Vvitte number of,
Fiidi;iiiriC(l lin' the nisi India
grenttheity 11;iee *Oro lost.,
I Belli:4l3(in valuable
hundred passengers, was
sland , of'iCne,y; 14t11
e—leandred ., and ~s etentylhve
• 15nonnul,
elaipwrOoks luti
' Tho:,ollip
Oargo aii(Flou
of Juno; arid
paszoogtitti iitel4
• • iln,iness -
it`a North franov,er Street, ,
has just opened,, as will be - Sectsbyhis• card,
the fall stAc .of .Geriticinan'ti •Hats,:as iniro
tlneed liy thalendink
,estn,blishiients of Phita"
Tho' anuoUncernent is of interest to
all who tiliprecialo the importance of 'en ele
gant bat Cs an artielo of dress.: Mr. Ireller is
n veteran M. his Jlno and his reputatioiLlas
gpirrn o lvith ids years. , "
pc:e•Tho attention of parents'lS directed to
the 'curd-of Prof. Smiler, who lois; beeonisLthm
Principal of the pentalif .Wcsleyan College, at ,
Wilmington, Del. -The institution-1s one of
high reputation and Prof. Sudler's 'connection
with it Vic think will he regn•ded • iy its pa
trons as.a valuable acquisition.
-----Doubihirs•unr) Spt • iif s.
. Too season, which is uo* Omit olosing at
the various' watering places, has been a most
successful - One in every respect at Doubling
Cap Strings in 'this county.. It has been If
profitable one'wo trust , to the proprietor, Mr. •
Coyle, and the general voice attests the high
satisfaction which has been afforded to visiters.
We.learned is few days sine's that the number
of visiters this season has been about seven
hundred, a fact which shows the wide reputa
tion the .-- Doubling - Gap-SpringslutiT 'already ,
attained. When it is considered that it is but
three yours since these Springs were opened ,
to the public with proper• 'accommodations, by
Mr. Coyle, and glen only as, a rather hazard.
ous experiment, his success must he regarded.
n's flattering in the highest degree. Doubling
Cap Springs have now•nu established reputa
tion, and with the additionaLimprovements the
Proprietor inrs'in view, may be exp'ected to
rapidly grow in popular favor during conung - .
sen Sons.
The number of visitors to the various places
of summer. roost t in- CuMberland county, has
been unusually large this season. ' . .At the Car
lisle Springy, kept by Mr. Cornman;,4here has
liven n large and- agreealde company through
out the Season. AV the Call Bowl Hotel in
Nelvville, kept I,y Mr... John Wilkins, famous
for sumptuous catering to the appetites of 14 . 3
guests, there have also been rt large number
of visitors enjoying rural rotiremerd and the
hounteons entertainment so elegantly prepared
by its unassuming lantilerd. - -
1)•i n-141 ok-la son
- Jiyh-srat-on
Our friends in Dickinson we learn met in
large number, ..a Saturday night last, aiid
took the initlab ry t-teps tr.ward forming .a
4 'lllll. TI.W.IAS Lee, Esq., a veteran
in the Whig eau-e, presided, and after a : series
of well-expressed resalutions had been adoptl
- the meking was addressed by' our friend
R. df. HtiaTer.,qt, Esq., whose speech was re
ceived with enthusiasm. :tnother meeting is
to be held on Saturday evening next, to com
plete the organization of the Club. Every
Whig in Dickinson Isllollld enrol hinisilf in the
rimks of the Club, and every township in the
.county shonldlnitnle tlie example or Diekin
-son--in forming a Club. Young Whigs! Stir
yourselves. give your services to the great
cause and show thatjou frilly appreciate the
Privileged'of :having - a voice nucTnvoteln the
government of 'which you arc Is part.'
The new Postage Law went into: operation
on the Ist of July: All mail subscribers to
the autm - sm; Ilvic u.n after that':ate will pay
postage as follows:
In Cumberland county, postage :aim
• Under 50 miles, 2p cents a year.
Over 50 and under 200, ,i 0
200 and under 1000, (10 "
" (000 nml • under 2000, SO "
" 2000, and 'under • 4001,, ;th)
As the HeTale? is now tinnily ~:he cheap
est papers that can be procured, we hope to
have a large accession of new si ',.icribers to
receive their paper,: by mail; and r t au induce
!tient to our friends in _and out of the county
to interest themselves in the matter, we will,
from-this- date,- furnish tt-copy—for-one—year
gratis to any person who will. procure Rix I,zere
.subscriber 4 and pay ti.l.(he caste 0;1,14/or eachy
in advance. Our present subscribers,, by men
tioning these terms tel their - neighlicirs',Who - do
not-take the paper, will confer a favor on us
which we will cheerfully reciprocate whenever'
in our,power.
- Internaiic.nal 2layazine.: ?or Anglia,.
commences a new volume, and appears with new
type' and other improvements. The leading
article, and quite appropriate to the senon, is
descriptive of the principal Watering-Places,
with fifteen very faithful engravings. Biogra
phies of Ite,v. Calvin Colton, and Noah Web:
the great lexicographer, arc also given,
with graphic portraits. The additional con
tents are Inacie up of original 'prose and poctir:
cal peicea by eminent American authors, and
judicious selections from the principal foreign
We regard IMO no altogether the
beat number of the let, inatimal which has yet
appeared, and one thai will be " hard to heat."
!New York Broad
-way, :;;;., a year. it may b: had (25 cent, 0
inunb;:r, fr;:e of P.,5t43) at Mr. Piper's Berk
; . ..lh,re, Main ,Areet.
jihe .!,ner;c<in
The Au a , t'number of this valuable journal of
art. e h outaini a fine etching of " Dietrich
N•del:ertmelter tolling stories to clildren,"
spirited wood engraving of " lyashington at
Trenton;Tand several'OthCr illustationS. The
literary matter consists of a. variety of inter
estin::; articles relative to the - Vine-Arts in Ett
r,ipe. and Arnerlea, and the coneorna of the A
tnerican art-Union, in,particular. Eaelt mem
ber of the Institution . for the • present....year, is .
farnishCd with a copy of the Banctiq,,friic' of
elnirge, from the date his sul;scription is .paid
<l, . . . •
Gutley',v Leo Book Fur September has
sic full plate engravings, besides : music, gar
den "decorations; oestuutes of allnationtc-tatr
mery in thd oltllinglish stylte, morning dress
and cottage furttiture 2 -in.all twenty in nutu
bet; lho literary contributions are from the
best pens. • The postage en this bountiful meg-.
azinn is now,..but two coats for:any : distance un
dersoQ 100. It can be bought free of pits-
M . ge, ?5 cents a number, at 111 r., Book
More on Main . strect. . , .
ner -.Merry' s , Nuscyne , for August, has its pa,
pit well stored w.ith 'engravings •and inattor,
all of that ..useful 'character :whicli him ever '
distinguishetl,the writings of Peter Parley.--
It is a magazine which cannot fail to interest
.the little folks. S. 'DAIWA & Co: publishers,
Now York—sl per annum . , '
ToutNas' VnoLT.keLti EiFrnrst.i.,Etrrins
—This Invaluable Vegetable compound, we are
glad to find, says,.tho N. 1 7 ,,, TnLuile, Is rapid- -
ly : :getling :int& general use families.. Its •
healing:qualities, as, an apti-dyspoptioruedi
cino, isn ow almost overywhorostiolmcvlodged,
,its st i le to all
who :Itaie :not yet .ayalled::"llletnsolves of its
tioliefi6:';.ftE4k.eircultirs, Containing the.Cor
tiftcates of lteratulablo 'Cures and the ldgh
estimation in which this Medicine iA hahl by
the public press, can, he I t ad of tip Agents . . ;
A 22 NOLL street,
V:;, Alp
. 80241. ':,Poltkizi e . !trlislo . by Si ELLIOTT,:
4 . .%.4 ) r.fq, 5 , 0 c5 1 . 143 .•,Par' 6 04., ••.:••
A letter from Ilarrisburg let he Ledycr,'ud... -- ,
. 4 erdate,of the 1501 hist., motions ;several
toed or , crime there, one .being'tin
• tternp to : another for ha assault and
..atter4;andalliird for ha attempt at rape by:
, en the person of ty White girl; 'N . )
atitica ac given. A new.volunteer company,,
:filch has adoptad .the old continental, uniform,
ad the name of the'Thitlonal Guard, has been
])e. Mills, who has been'in'prison
seduction of t‘Co sisters, and whose
, ,irra has 'nearly aspired, is an
tags of sconsumptron. The enclosure. for the
ecommodation - of the State Agricultural Fair,
thick is to be lield in 08tober, will be erected
the farm of David Hummel, about a mile
lorth of Rarrisburg, on the backs of the
,Msquehanna. The capitol building is :unCler•
fOingextensiNeicpairs. The Senate and Reuse
. Thitiliber are covered with tine wall`paper, and
' he: exterior of the building is improved by a
oat of White paint. Ond of the workmen
aged in painting the Capitol, Was killed en
aturdaylast. Ile was on a ladder which they
,ere drawing up to Lable him to point part
• f the inner side of the dome, when he tomtits
:dance and fell through to the rotunda—a
islet= of 06 or 70 feet. Ile :Was so much
tech injured,that he died during the night,—
. le•Was - a young mnu, without faintly, nod
Womelsdorf, Berks county
. The news from'Tennessee ie Indeed gloriousa.
n 42 comities heard front there has beeM'a
.et gain for Campbell, the Whigewndidatefor
;oversee, of 2:381. As reg:1111:4 •the
are, the Whigs, as fu• US heard from, have a
et .gain of - one - stetsber in the Senate roil three
t the Douse. The Nashville Banner thus
ruins up 1.1,ie result: ° ,
No doubt WO have elected a Whig Governor,
Whig P.gislature on joint ballot, a Whig
l 'enate, and in all prob:ibility a Whig iioll6ll Of
ieinwentath es.
lientucky Election
Our accounts by th:til giro tic
and undificlul, fern c3t;tlMl is the
I;tatc, of the Tote for'"; ,volm , n-, in lrhich Pow-
II the T,ocon , co fvr 11;1 , 3
sitajority of U-11. At the prt,iottH
',moll 1 ci'.; 1,1 the
'71116i litre aro (71 . Mial return:, t,,,,ltts -INT.
emancipation. c•mdidate, has 2909
1:•:.Irly all_ of which ore aubtl'acted from
he Whir strenzth. It )611 tans lie seen that
r 781 r. Dicon has been defeated, it has been
.a . ,used by thp-opptisition of the emancipation
ks to his ultra course in the s consiilmtional
convention. 111 r. Thopy. the Whig candi
date for Lieutenant Governer,orlio represent
_Kd thexthey
_mrtion of the_party, is trium
phantly elected by about now majority. In
both fir:lnches of the Legislature the Whigs
have majorities; the Senate standing twenty
Whig , . to 9,:..itecn Locorocos, and the blouse 51
Whigs to 4u Ldeofocos, so far as heard from.
ty Comcntion.yesterday, is as follows. It is
a regular Old Bunker ticket—the Young De
leder:key, with their veteran leaders in Dickin
son, South Middleton, &o.; baring been most
remor - selessly slaughtered. The ticket we
think is a weak one, and is so regarded by
our opponents if we may judge from the many
bitter expr..:.sions of dissatisfaction we heard
among the outsiders yeSterday:
.I,,,mriate Ker, of West
Pemislmr,i, and John Cleudenin, of Silver
mldy.—J. 11(;n1mm, of Clu•lislc, and
John C. Dunlap, of Lower -Allen township.
• /',,e/1.:74._10ry..-.-John. I'. Rhoads, of Hope
well: --
Cortrt:.—Samuel lartiu of South
M iddletpu.
I.' , ,ii.ctrr.-11enryll.$. 'Ritter, of
W n. Gracey, of .Fran
Direc:or.-C;coro shaeflcr, of North Mid
Ntc,Claw, of Mifflin
No nomination was Made for Presidenfdudge -
Vut conferees were appointed, C(msisting of
'7llEssrs. William Ilan, GeOyu 11. .It/clier and
Michael Holcomb, who are instructed to sup
port James It. Graham, Esq. J.
Accr.l , r ' Tar. CnAt.r.rscr..—The Demos-.
racy of California have nominated Col. John
Bigler us their candidate for Governui., have
appointed, a committee to offer a OfIALLENGE to
the 1/entocraey of Pennsylvania, asfollows:
4.'1. v .. Democrats oftalifornia propose to
pres ot the '6'6llms:rats of Pentwylvattin with
":1 spl - Ailid Painter, enshrr.itlered Isith Cali•
"rondo gold, the whole to he worth not loss
"than sl',ooo, providdd California throws a
"less majority for Col. John,
.itt proportion to
"the number or voto. east, thanPennsylvaniu
dt,:4 for lieu. Volitntetr.
The Dento,.rntic Slate Central Cottintit'.ee iu
behalf i,f Demoerally of Penna}'le:urin • nc
copt the chnllenge, uu.i nerve to preNeitt to th
1/mll;N:racy of CRurorribl, the of 'the 'timer:
which were carried in the Locaoco -Iroccs!iiuns
of 1 t4l I, hnv inft iiu-erilw.l on it in blitelc',ly
IN•s; • • I).1 1,1,At4, ana Iha T.l. 0
lt; !! . ll tht, s.tiuo time, thor )14
.3,ntt to Col. 21 . 61114 a wo7 ki,v cane matte
tine of the fragments of u. o lialtimnre
form, r:hieh was des:r •yekl by a pulitival (`,l7\
quake in 18-18'! - • QUIP/.
.e.tsut iflan named Patrick
Rearne . t,.engaged in lining the • ,! : .tack of Col
aol's furnae , , on Wedite. , alay of last it - ea,.
;lipped fuel Cell into the fir e hvnc a th,
distance.of.l 5 fret. Several' workmen were
immediately attractedto the !Tot, and he WITH
•taken from his perilous situation touch burn
ed about the face, neck and Lauds, nod con
veyed to his hoarding house in, the vicinity,
where lie suffered the greatest agony, and lin-,
gored on until-4 o'clock on Thursday after
noon, when ho died. 'ilia Norristown lierald
WWl: • '
"While KOarneY was in the "fiery furnace;'!,
and a red-hot. wall within fife Act of 'hip .on
all sides was literally roasting ldin alive, he
displayed telieroism ohnost romantic in its en
durance.'While the pf`iiiollH adore 111111 were
excited, and were'deliming.the hest means' of
extricating him Ye was Clllll nod; self-posses
sed and directed them in that way they sh6ubl
act. 'At In suggestion a ladder woo procured,
and 'When a person engaged hi efforts' nip his
suggested that water should be poured
upon him, he reminded them of the danger
whieliWould httend 'it,' and 'the uggraliation
which it would ho to his then ,sufferings.' Af
toFtheladder'was put down ; he ascended it
without assistance, the skin from his hands
adhuring,to each round as he touched' them,—
On reaching the top, and directions linvhig
boon given to send for a "Physieiab, he Mold
'them there was no use, that he was seriously
injured he knew he must die. He was con
veyed. home and after about twelve hours teri
Able suffering he expired.'.... • • :
ti-Z7lllt:,'l3iglor is 0ut..mn64 . -some otuinP:
npecolles. , ln 1818 oy,',.folin4toli did th,T'sitma
thing. At time the Alid4kittdait,' aria
other loep loco papeis„deriotineed bis"aotwaf no
improper end uinlignifed; am( 'OliaracterliOd
his onncluotl:ai that of tt:::" trayelling , "
grinder: 4 ' ':At thin dine we' hear, ne,:attolt de:.!
.nbtlig•:" all tidnga
t' ? `oill:m c ii;',',l'taeltiOoohat;o&nair'slloit, quietly
' , •
1 : .cALw0n.7.!,114.,
The nicanlzh'ip Ne'w
s.'`ork. on the i 2 thinst:,..briil:; doles
froni'Califerain,pna $6'09 1 ,090 in gall (I,t.
. „
Lynch Law, more or 163, is establiyhed in
all parts of Cnlifarrin. lin sfucrarritior i ,
ryorille, Stockton and elonwhere, the citizens'
hittie'fttlt tlionselvcs cmopelleit tit act 'in their
own behalf,—the laws having pre tcd so•u4ter
ly inadequate in themselves:, awl their Amin
is(ration by 'the prorilSrly constituted authori
ties so lax.. Aupther. exrietitien !,,,a been ina , le
by order of the Vigilance . Committee et', Snit,
Francisco. The victim was n.innn by the name
of Sturirt,, Who confer:sett that he had been guil
ty of murder. The committee a:hewed him fwo
hone , after sentence,^ . to •prepriro.fordettplzuitti
the - 11er.: Minas was seir nntl won
clinched with the prisonerlitiViirthe allotted
lii the interim, the four Inindreci' inirmbers
in the Committee Room ant 'like statues on
their scats—not a *word was. uttered, not a
Found seas heard to break the solemn stillness,
So profound scar the silence preserved that
the dropping of a'pin could have been heard,
Gravity sot:upon every countenance; for all
doubtless felt the awful. extremity
_to which
they were forced. Col..Stevensou went out
and addressed the citizens assembled, stating
'briefly the evidence in :the case,.the confession
of the prisoner and the sentence that had been
'passed upon hint, and rut the question to the
~vote whether they mconirl approve the course
the-Committee had decided upon. Almost is
unanimous Yoko ofs-ifprroval Tr:,:; the response.
At the exidration of the two hourr4 of grace;
tire'prisener wan daMiteld out holing, tiMuteM
b ..; walked .two ahrea...r, arm in arm, ns to' a
f?eral, to tne_place :of c::cention. __-..% Olin own
request lic; Vie! , not bli6.:foh.le , L • Wit,tk In, Wx:i
1:1111Witta int , . eternity, lice, chi ,sea his eyes rind,
, cl:-, , ,,, ,, ILis l!nn(13 ! .1.: , :);.;;ing f-r ;ionic)
time in; '':as tal:VII tow;,, and tire arrtimeit:,,
04' t !iv town. took charge of the WAy, nil a
. 113 - • of inquest summoned ivilo a - ;:tuvii, ver
' dr..: in accordance a ith,the Their..
chArg,ed U. UrAna_ Ju:y,
btit intirdoriTs, ncytiln,4 roul the C:::.: . •;1;
1111 , 1-- elTit-tl4l
\(nrur lircuhsui, li
all good ciifzcn::: to-Nrithdvaw from the
asoejations of a
-4/H Cab:fia.niu thinks - the
Comritittee will soon ?id the e;t.
yillains•who haN s e, so long intuited
zatioo3 of to similar character are daily „Laing :
ing Up throUghout the country. - Tho Vigpanee
Committee of Sonorn,nppcnr to have Leen very
busy lately. The. /Tenth/ speaks in high terms
of their actionp. Their wcoltly.record shotiCel
the conviction and punishinentof six persons
by whipping and banishment. A Spanish wo
manl.,as hung 1,4 Downnevillo, in Sacraments .
.114, for murdering 44ifu_named_,Ciinnua,..
on thF 7th inot
The effects of the Into fireare yet
hniuse nee lieffigin 'construct - ed.
AlreatlY the burnt. district is thickly dotted
With good niul subsOntin't edifices. The 'news
from the mining districts cOelitined favorable.
For the " Herald.
voter. OI oLninciciivsorr
PurSnant to notice given a largo pndentliu
shistic assemblage of the friends of
STO.N and STROIIM, met at the public,lionso
of Victor Shannon, on Saturday evening, -the
intik inst., to take nicasulis for forming a
JOHNSTON - CLUB for said township. On mo
tion, THOMAS LEE, Esq . :, was called to the
chpir, IVILLLtfe LINE, jr., appointed yice Pres
ident, and Dr. 1). C. Grier, Secretary.
The following resolutions were then, reported
by the committee and unanimously adopted :
En BASH Hs - the - initerentrightalf frocnfeti
to assemble together for the purpose of inves
tigating and discussing subjects relative to tho
`general welfare, therefore
Resolved, That the professions end the prac
ticeof Whig,,party, have ever been promo
tive of the public good, and consequently en
tities it In the ardent support of every well
wisherof the country.
Re:llred, Tina is e will give our cordial and
united support to the whole ticket settled by
the Whig Convention, held at Lanm:ter iu
June hitit,, knowing it to be composed of men
who will be the true exponents of 'Whig prin
ciples, men in whose talents and. integrity the
public place implicit confideneU; whose former
services are a sure txuarantee for their future
conduct. •
• .M , aarnl, That we will be active and vigilant
in promoting the •enceestf - of the Whig ticket,
and use all honorablcaml reasonable means to
have every Whig at the pulls on the play of the
general eleetion.
.71csolved, That as citizens cud tax-payers,
we are in favor of rctreneliment and (TIME:111y
in the expe:elitur, of the public money; find
therefore advocate the ro-election of .our pres
ent worthy ifl,llM P. JOHN
;iTR;',;, that he may matuiT, and ,!.Irry cut the
wise and illtlielottu 'tte has
lacr!Aofore reconmonded and prrtiatly corn
inenec,l,:the salutary
,intluenco Cr 0.• , , Itas
ntreAds bck , ll no - rrltsi t,iy
That hi Oft that !•,-, much
neelled iu It.fe ientna[;ement of tl,c ).'
of thin Stpte. tl. c elect:ton of t n .
county F:.rmer, 301!N STP.t'it!'e I,
C'onunissioney ; is hill
interu•ts oY rho ur
.Iftev or,,the
at,ly ddvessed
C: "-' re
ta. , 11. , :S rca tett • '
1 , 1:111 - 80. 14% O111.10;tike tide ;
which was well received, end thu, inetth...vlni—
journed to Inept again at the 1::111:0 ci,
Saturday ovening‘, - the .2,41 Inst.; .to c';:inplcte
the cut:ll'll'4;okm of the Only,
It, plc
( ' i
I t
.(Sijiiil hy'llie ))cerr.)
Tun --Wituivr. Cifut. or 1851.--The ;Torts
from the \minus groin growing ptirts>f the
Liniou,' indicate that the wheat crop of the
iikikkeut year will kakihe
_heaviest _oiler - Ju:en
from:the earth in .the Western. Stakes. -la
Ohio the erdyi is 1 :VeOYitiVge and cue. in
New York,•lndiantkiiid vield is
also very, large, and the - wheat of Ow hest
quality. in Michigan, itniticulnny, tho yield
exceeds anything ever known,.even in; \ lillti
jority foi9ligler..irlicereqturpl - nic?!.' •
Our friend 'y It , ops•thrs
reotypod, sal • but. thtt..biet , ,wakltl. it *tin O 9
published hofore ottbot,itutlitg for 'title:lc:4." tho
words "Lottistintite%ittiti .0 CUES and llutler.?,
Now '1 , 44t, .woqinow you . do not comniirtliii
sly of betting, on oleolions, but still your
frienClS:noi. to Us slcveiycd by -your.. ploOsant
guseolualo. 'Governor Johustott will out of
Phil stielphia comity wi th 'IA' In veer insjoi:lty
thOn Any'utio over luiferu rodoivetlin - ox „ pt
l'aylor an& Police° thisitotir .11.17t0, ,
nnd,gipo'our'lest respects alr,...inquiring,
- '
trill Nil 110 , N, Aug., 4 . — ' l tecPcniqvittjo
viatica, of this county, 3 emordoy,oleot.o4
egitto 4.6 Oie:.ltli of March CouvelitiotOncl , lo
estytuita "them, by a.xoto(f.p
u.. 0.0 ends 'l'or fl o rteritticuoy. •
. .
..';ncia o The grtigt of Titian eattot t y hav , e nopt.4 .
inat , e , .llltT;•Joiteptt cl:ti3e,k,!teiTtetiiitetkt Juitti4
laf the ilition nntl'Mit liu district, mid Nur,Ntitt ,
froiit."tl Video;
-~, tl.l