11 - :: Ell , „AND ,4POSITQE, - ; ,f 4 CAILL:t.I,2I3, P. A. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1851 THE LARGEST -AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER JN • CLIDrI3ERL AND C OVNT • • nting—• Two Dollars a pea?, or One:Dollar rind • Fifty Cents, if paid pone'l ually in... 1 1,11;071er.. - ,$ l,i,S if ,paid within the 14ar, .* .. i ,r -,W.'ll , Er .N PATE TICKET. . . ~ . . rort GOVERNOR : ' ' • VVILLIA 11-F . JOHNSTO N, . ;T-- Of.Alizatany C'e.mily.: — 0.., .1 , 0:: CANAL COM3IrSSIONER : JOHN STRMIIM - O f Lancaster County._ ...._....• • rot) Tr" , c. ,, 73”---- .... ..... St , nnnih if pniCii : Itr i cutAnD tu O'OILBR, 11 - estmoieland. , JIHUAI - V.• comr.,ic," Montour. ' . G . b. ir 11,411113ER5, Franklin. Wit• . lill. MIMIEDITFI, Philadelphia.. - i'Vli r ;pi,liAllf - SP.S.S . UI.•;:!Stm - cpteltaiiira; — : —7— -STANDING COMMITTEE RIEETING. Pursuant to notice giveialio4nembers of the Whig Standing .Committee oT Cumberland county Met inSarlisle, on Monday the 4th of August, list.- for , the purpose of appointing the time of holding the County Convention.— The President bei%tbsent, WM. P. SHOOT . , Esq. was appointed' resident pro tem, and J. BOIOIEIIOEII, Secretary. • On motion, Reso/vod, That the 'Whigs of Cumherland.be.requeeted to meet in the seve ral wards, _boroughs and townships at their respective places of holding delegate elections, on SATURDAY the 23d day of August, . be tween the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock, P: M. in the boroughs and wards, and between the hours of o end 7 o'clock in the townships, for the purpose of electing Two Delegaieq to rep resent each of s'4id - wards, boroughs and, town= ships in a County Convention, to be held in Caruso on 'MONDAY the 25th of August, at 10 o'clock,A. M. to nominate candidates to be supported by the Whigs of Cumberland 'coun ty at the ensuing general ,Cumberland Resolved, That the County Committee rec ommend to tbe.Whigs..of_Cumberland.county, to theetin general COUNTY MEETING in Car ligeFon-the-evening-of-the-Conventiorr,--fm- the 'purpose of ratifying the nominations of the Convention. . - Resolved, Thal Messrs. E.l3eatty, J. Bom berger, and joSeph blosser, ba appointed.a Committee to - procure speakers for said Mee ting. . Resolved, That these proceedings be signed by the officers and published in•the Whig pa pers of the county' • •IYr D. SIIOOP, President T. 13 . 0 x 13E110 nn:Seer'yl WHIG COUNTY MEETINGI JoiIICSTON_AND_STItOH2I The Whigs of Cumberland County are re . quested to assemble in GENERAL COUNTY MEETING„on_ . AteaddiiAV, 9 ll,,t, for the purpose of ratifying the nominations for 'Governor, Canal Commissioner and Su premo- Jnilges, made .by' the Whig State Con vention, and to confirm the nominations for County Officers to be Made by the Whig °aun ty Convention on the same day. A - -general Rally of the friends of JOHN STON and STROHM is earnestly desired.— Como out in your strength and demonstrate by your numbers.that you have the will and the power to curry your candidates in triumph ! Come, with the spirit of 1110 and 1848, and Victory will crown nor wilt oe,deltvered by CHARLES B. PENROSE, Esq., of Philadolphia, JOHN C; KUNKEL, Esq., of Harrisburg ' and if not prevented by other engagements the Hon. JOHN STROHM, the old Lancaster County Farmer anti Whi ,, Candidate for Canal Commissioner, •mill ho present and address the •People. - Rally! Whigs! By order of the - —COUNTY COMMITTEE. APg_`,29,3851. HERALD FOR THE CAMPAIGN I CUMULATE THE DOCUMENTS ! a large number of names sent us as, subscriz bersfor, the Campaign. IVe have riot offered our paper in:tbis Way, as our 'terms ,for the whole year are very cheap, ..but nevertheless WO'vrill cheerfully send the Mksld from now until after the election for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS `.to each itibieriber for the campaign. There are hundreds of Whigs in the county sfitget , 'nowt.per:and`who consequently, never becomeinterested in the support of Our ticket. App ;Whir (striito the cads() good service by lintini,.'ont.sueh Whigs, and inducing them to tipo2; the Herald even fqr'the campai 6,,54u5, their nines, friends. , A GRAND RALLY) .;:lVe,hopo to see a grand rally of the friends of JOHNSTON And STROHM at the Whig County meeting on Monday evening next..--? The speaking will be of the best character, as our friends may be assured;, when we mention that :addresses will be delivered by our old ,•. townsman, CleAnLns B. Prmnoss, Esq. and Jonn 9..KumzEL, Esq. the gifted and eloquent •Representative of Dauphin county. The old Lancaster county Farmer, the Hon. •JOll.ll Samo*H'as,nlso given assurance that he will make every, effort to• bo present. • Lot every township then send a large delegation to the meeting arid lot us open the, campaign with 014 Vigor,and spirit which is the sure harbin get:Of Victory. Rally, Whigs! Rally! Far mers and,Tax 7 Payers! If you want taxes di-. mini . .sited :and the Reduction of the State DelMoteadily 'continued as •eommeneed by Gov. Jelltatoyeni,yotanaust rally• to the work! , Our opponentsercastraining over nerve for the de-. feat of ,131 oy. Johnston amlthoy must be checked arid defeated by the Seine spirit- and energy which led us to .sLICGOBS in,IB4JI! THE JHONET. ITARICET The tariff of 1840 `which is rapidly prostra ting the manufacturing ieteroii,s t is, also pro ducing ite legitimate effects im,tim monied ,af fairs of the, The I?hiladelphia papers • say that the stringency in the ; money market continues, mid the hest I') riper is offered at one cent per month. One failure after soothes'oe curs, and from all the preseist indications the prospeets,for a change for, the better are,gloo- Jai: Nor can we learn sof a b4ter or improved 'state of. affairs in ether commercial Nor is . It. any wonder when twenty millions of ‘16149:8 in' specie sent , idEuiope rh,t , • 0,4„c,./11sfx,snonk'to payfor articles which, lie.estmaisufisetur4in this country! , • 2 10 ,44.PAilde..ceT.Fi9a0m4.- , ,,Tho,ftearqship, 13. # ' # , 'f4?:fi ' f it hf9i 1 ,4°:*0;10, 3-3 , 6 •4 ii: . 09„ p asa g fi 'th l plaliciik44';i*lli,)s3F.:fidiOri'ttfy. .h 6 . l ,.k!.flii'ilit.tiiii. o 4o**.if:oo 6 :oi.iii444. , t0 , 1A1 , 00450,1°.W.50,41044 , i, IsagEttail'Oci . r,,bokmacrl OrciAll , uiti , 'Ap4i4o.4 . A* 6 1 6 t:ki*41444C40*.4 . 1 1 ,!i..04; - .tii ;,f -trgio46 l ll) 04,115 !« p!,it - 013 . S!' ,ei*Agi', o, :,t 1441 :f il* ,66l. 4 o .Tilipiiopiri,, - )OW:YLto: • • i- Wliiiii9*,ct .i.s:- ,. 04.? : :,. ? x0ii30,: 9 • 1 -: -- •.-=.4:d ~ , i'uperiority,: i lif v. _.. -- - , lr.fron3 hot. ... JOHAfq3COX xmopmuli 0 or: Johnston spciirenf'llrio* on -Tho'after noon otrtlio pkiiinsti:to n large and' Onthusi- BEd o'gathOri ng :of ; ,lirs.frietido;, Ilis,spe l ech.iraa ondof 'ltimcn,bleat‘ effoitS.. , Tho "I iie GazeitC' given us n brief report of it, and aro sh3ll fad room for an astract" nest ',molt.' Gov. John: atop fearlessly meets over charge Mode by Lfs oPponenti, antl paYs his rokmets in , Severe but deserved terms to the itttaglcrecently made upon him b 3 tho old Federalist, Jambs chanan. The Governor wildaddress meetings the 31st in' Washington, on tlie 22d in Brownsvilie, antdon the 3f3th hi Greensburg. Ile is gaining troops of friends wherever lie goes; and r - election may be considered cPrlain—provided Tno winos OF ri:NNSYLVANIA TiflMt: 'DUTY! To the Il'higs of Cumbeidand county we would say, Arise froth your lethargy l Imitate 'the conduct of"your - trobledondur, who is " iifthe front of tith battie," an rally round him who, to use his own language, "will be glad to hail as companions in arms. in 0.13 gitirthus attuki' of Tenth ar.;. l . :ustice, the active and faithful 7.l..asts who WITIIOUT FEAR Colly4l - On CONTEIth EAI.2SI:STLY FOR TUE RIGHT!" The watch fires bnin brightly in the }Vest! - The cry is RALLY and - OsivAnn to VIOTORY I, The day of election approaches. In aboift two months we shall be called upon to deposite our vote for Governor, Judges of the Supreme Court, Judges of the JutliciA i districts and their as'Ociates, Stale Senators;' Members of the Legislature, and ceuuty officers generally!. Are the Whigs making ready t ;, 9, discharge this an duty, with the requisite zeal d unaniingy ? Are they aware that victory or defeat depends upontheigeffkft ? A fall' cote is iilways Whig, victory, while a failure to-poll the entire, Whig vote, is generally, if not always, attend ed with defeat. The Whigs, as a party, arc generally hard to stir out, mostly from the cause that, being so often defeated by their own indolence, they think it of little use to try. But let them look at facts and dispel this delusion. Whenever the Whigs have made 'an effort, and Como out in their strength in this State, they have, al chicved a victory, and shown that they arc a majority rf the votes of this State. To the hike- . -warm -and indolent we thereforeany,-stir ;your solves, mud secure the prize of victory as -you did in 1848, by a bold and triumphant effort TAXATION ANIS TILE OPPOSITION The Locofocos of Lehigh county, at slate •countyitneeting, passed is series of resolutions, in ono of which they said, lireseiit taxes were too heavy to be Larne." And who impo sed these'taxesl- They were saddled oli'the people during.,,the administration of those two prominent Locofocos, -Gov. Porter - sod Gov. Shunk! I Why should members of the.Oppo complain of heavy tares? They are sustained, and for years have been sustaining, -the very party thrmigh whose extravagance and recklessness our public debt was made, and our present taxes were imposed. If the Whigs of the State 1 1-2.alticomplainef onerous taxes,--they. might le_cscused, .for they not been instrumental in making the debt, al though they have been yd.) , instrumental in in paying part of it off. As long as men vote the•Locofoco ticket, and thereby try to electto office the men who made our debt, and impos ed our taxes, they should not compltunif they .groan under the burthens their• folly hug been instrumental in imposing. ONE CAIJSr.: LPL , ' v a w.a.ar_x."3 iro uru iadebtecl to the West Chester Regie ter 6. Ezaminct fur the fullol‘hig facts. ltestd them; ull who hate corrri,loll A collector'o office has existed in Parkes burg for several years. LaFt spring, the then Collector having held the office for the usual peiquil was rcmoyed, and smother from Colum bia county appointhd in his stead. A sr.w or rice, that of Cargo Inspector was created, and notorious fact that there is no more use for a. cargo. inspector at Parkesburg, than there is for a fifth wheel to a - wagon, and we have been unable to hear °fatly one, who has ever known a cargo hi have been inspected at that place.— .The Cargo Inspector performs the duties of the Collector, leaving the latter to regulate the de mocracy of the county. If our demoora‘ie friends choose to Submit to the dictation of this man, whose only recommendation appears to be his.vaunted boast that he" nominated Mr. Canal Commissioner 'Morrison, we certainly have no objection, but we do object to his re ceiving over a thou.ianil dollarsannually .frow the ,Stale while reneleeing it no net rice.'' —We have had A Turr. WonurNa Www;!—Governor John ston, during his'Western tour; has sPolicn at _Kittanning, Clarion, Franklin, Warren, Erie, Meadville, Mercer, Butler, and Beaver. To morrow he is to be at Pittsburg, to attend -the Scott Convention of Western Pennsylvania.; after which he will proceed- to Washington, Pa., and thence throtigh the Southern tier of counties, on his way eastward. The Kittan ning Free Press states that "immense crowds of his follow-citizens of all parties gather a round him wherever he goes, and listen with delight to the 'account of his stewardship' which. he renders them with that plain good sense, and with that manly and impressive el oquence for which he is distinguished. If half we hear be true, continues the Free -Tress, Gov. Johnston is playiq havoc with Col. Big ler's prospects." • ktkli—A now United Stat!'s Army Uniform has been adopted, which is to be strictly-en forced. All officers are to wear a frock coat of dark blue cloth, the skirts to extend from two-thirds to three-fourths of We distance from the top of the hip to the bend of the, knee; Single-breasted for capffiins, nud lieutenants; double-breasted fur all other,gradeS: The uni form coat of all enlisted men is to be a single breasted frock pf dark , blue cloth. The collar , and, cuff's of the artillery are required to he of searTet ; infantry, light or Baxouy blue; rifle . men, medium or emerald greens and dragoons, orange . coloyed. ! Tho cape for all officers and enlisted mcd,fireko'he of dark blue cloth, he ! cerdingke pattern, and so ornamented and va 2 . Hod in trimMings as to defffite" . rank and the ! several branchea of service. Feathers give placo'to pomPone Commissioned officers May wear the'old ufiiform until the that of Janua.: ry next::: The articles of - the, old, uniform, ar . ready Manufactured for enlisted men, to lie is sued until exhausted,'but•will-bo first altered so far as practicable, to coriespOild' with the now pattern. !! The 'Locolocos are very fearful of .the rc-oleotion of, Gov: Johnston, end-now charge that he, cannot constitutionally r i p-elected This, says the ,Ilailrishurg . Ainrricati; iNnmus ing.. Governor. Johnston has been in office a ! bout throe years, and when- his present, term expires, -will .have ' been , there ,'Aliout three. ypare•niut. a. half . gonstitUtion says a Man may, bc , Goiernar - ,yeari ,put, of nine; und-yot. governor, ,JolinsOn _With 'three Years . land six rmintliti re-oleeted ,nonsense: islpuorility , diluted. • .No • respectable'lawier: in rennsYlvania venture to say; study the third' Beaton of second the fourteenth section, the:same, artlolo,% Mul not. rise from UM' iniestigation t h o 'nab* objection rhTle_iitouSi-44.lict 9,12..04.1+1,116' atikotion of,,any.intelljgcnt • I=i2:l nx : Illgli~Yinudoil Doings , of the 17c3rti , corn.. 'Poispro/e 9.tinn*der6a. 1. - The,Abp•rOpricition . htli..ofthe last session . ufthe..l , ,egislatU'rc; appropriated; $175,000 to the North Branch - , - Canal, $175,000 toionttls the avoidanoe,of,,the Pianos on the Westcri, slope of ~.t.beAllegi?eny. Portage . rai:road,- . and, and $OB,OOO to the Philadelphia and Columbia' railway. - 'Relative' to this; we take the folloW ing from .the West Chester,./?c,giWer and Exam . - Its 'senior 'Editor was do attpritite mem ber of tho last I..Cgishittil' . e • tiud' is' ftilly ac quainted with all the circumstances attendant. upon, the grant of these appropriations. Ile say's: "We havo been assured - Oda the Cannr-Com miAsioners, although denied by:the'Legialadire the authority, or the means to do co, have, urdg Ihisite OWN RESPONSIBILITY, entered into•eon teacts'uptiiftlie-thitt-greatAlivishin-SJ6FWhiCh heavy appropriations were mad% FOR A FAR CIRCATER AMOUNT OF WORK THAN THEY WERE ,\A"FIIURIZEO BY I,AW TO LET, OR CAN ILAVI.: T.UE ih:ANS TO PAC FOR ! ! Relying upon the action of the next Legislature, they will have ,incur red before the close of the season, A DEBT OF MUCII MORE DIAN A QUARTER OF A MILLION' . OF DOLLARS. On the North Drench Canal, the' incurred cannot fall much short of four hundred and fifty thousand dollars.; on die Columbia railroad, there will have been - incurred liabilities to the amount of ono hundred and fifty thousand dol lars at least, and wo suspect a far larger a mount; while on the Allegheny Pnrtnge; 'foci` hundred thousand dollars will not'cover the a mount of work ,contracted for. It will thus be seen, that in reality, a MILLION OF DOL LAIIS Olt MORE WILL, BE EXPENDED BY THE CANAL COMMISSIONER'S, or that lin- - bilities to that amount be inciteascrl during the present year. All thia is iin. , addition to the ordinary and extraordinary repalra of the Every citizen of the c'eunitomscalth is inter voted, deeply interested in this queition. We nsk our readers to notico what is.chnignd_in the above extract by n gentleinun of character And extensive means of information. 119 says tho Canal Commissioners have transcended the authority given them by the Legiala;ttio so far that they have contracted for work to the a -mount of_nearly,,,if not quite; ONE MILLION OF DOLLARS ! ! ! No want•to know, says the Harrisburg A merican, witcie these monstrous invasions or Law and Constitution are to stop:. The. Law and the Constitution have' been basely violated by...the Canal Board in the. appointments of. Wiiiiam Brindle and Timothy res, w io were mem ers ofJ.lfe - agislature at the time of their appointment. Second. l t d 'law has been violated and the State Trolls Cry robbed by the Canal Board granting MEE TICKETS to traveling Thin/. The State line been swindled out of at least $39,001) by the Canal Commissioners sellint(t t t , piece of railroad for 515, 000 wliich theysal lastj'yinter-they could sell for $50,- 000, and which originally cost the State :$300,000 ! _Youth. Their 'public officers publicly bolist that instead of attending to their duties they wilfluse their positions to carry -the State this fall for William Bigler, and thus ensure theim selves a contihaanf the Liniou,' indicate that the wheat crop of the iikikkeut year will kakihe _heaviest _oiler - Ju:en from:the earth in .the Western. Stakes. -la Ohio the erdyi is 1 :VeOYitiVge and cue. in New York,•lndiantkiiid vield is also very, large, and the - wheat of Ow hest quality. in Michigan, itniticulnny, tho yield exceeds anything ever known,.even in; \ lillti 0.0'0000.nm.; jority foi9ligler..irlicereqturpl - nic?!.' • Our friend 'y It , ops•thrs reotypod, sal • but. thtt..biet , ,wakltl. it *tin O 9 published hofore ottbot,itutlitg for 'title:lc:4." tho words "Lottistintite%ittiti .0 CUES and llutler.?, Now '1 , 44t, .woqinow you . do not comniirtliii sly of betting, on oleolions, but still your frienClS:noi. to Us slcveiycd by -your.. ploOsant guseolualo. 'Governor Johustott will out of Phil stielphia comity wi th 'IA' In veer insjoi:lty thOn Any'utio over luiferu rodoivetlin - ox „ pt l'aylor an& Police° thisitotir .11.17t0, , nnd,gipo'our'lest respects alr,...inquiring, - ' trill Nil 110 , N, Aug., 4 . — ' l tecPcniqvittjo viatica, of this county, 3 emordoy,oleot.o4 egitto 4.6 Oie:.ltli of March CouvelitiotOncl , lo estytuita "them, by a.xoto(f.p u.. 0.0 ends 'l'or fl o rteritticuoy. • . . ..';ncia o The grtigt of Titian eattot t y hav , e nopt.4 . inat , e , .llltT;•Joiteptt cl:ti3e,k,!teiTtetiiitetkt Juitti4 laf the ilition nntl'Mit liu district, mid Nur,Ntitt , froiit."tl Video; •i} =I MINE BEIN -~, tl.l =I