Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 25, 1851, Image 4

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• • •i N T; rr ••
The Upright Ntatrof Busiztess.
There is for,
whom _feel higher respect; IMO
-ad in iraiinn; •therrfor •t he I; P . right Mum tb . f;
c maityi,.;
feel that& coilld.meriveadily• beltymertyr.,7
• than'kip.
And-lit.mothaiY.Y.Qt nt9re,9 1 4ipm 1 3 , 4.4442
at J 5 not for thq,geeereusnMatt thatAttfeet
- this .itil24,9f-#'?.PO4;;,:;Pil'E9',3"•,l, seen
to ot o - ,k„ to v ;
competed with the lofty virtues I spealtl
of ' : J!],il:l§A:f 9 ;'':‘ l , l P, TOW 'F .,,1 q 3 -Piat`r,4 ll t*
chantici—WhOljeshAia t Mitgriifie r cOt ;
nations . . Oat may do allvetp
speak' loCtio ' , '`didpitage •• wish'
there- was in,ore l of itt ;; and yeti t
exidt . with,„the avant of. the•true, lofty, un-.
bendthg , uPrightness. That not. the
rnaa•Jaen!ofovhoin.l„spehic;,Lbut_ltl ie
he who standi tunidst• all - the ~interests
and perilous exigencies frade, ; 7 :firm:
calm; disinterested . und upright., , 'lt is'
the; , who.can see another man 'e
• tress4iiiimell as his own . It is ' the man
whoie mind, hie coin sadvtintliges doei not e
blind - for %an --instant-:--who could. sit a
jud4o4pen a 'question' bet Ween himself
is, ne i g hbor, ,
...'and his, ju s t as ;safely as; the
purest magitrate upon - the. bench ,of
jestiCc. • •
Qii.l -hen , Much
,richo then: erMine—,
how fai.•nobler ihan" . e•-trairi ,mtigisteii::
al authority.46w.'atoie.'n*.ftil'" than the
• guaided, pomp of inajesiy, iS ,that
magnammtotts:and4najestiC,iruth :.Yes,
it is the'retin WhOis true— -him
' self,;-his neigbbcit':aini his God:--tiue to
his COnscience,Cod- whq . feels % that , the
slightest suggestion of.that conscience is
. more to.him than the chance: of acqutr•
ing• an hundred estates.
Death-.l3ed Scenes.
There is no place in the world like
a (kith-W. ,There is'no scene on earth
of so solefinnitiferest, and around whieh,
gathers'euch an assemblage of affecting
impressions.. The deathbed is the last
stage of human journeying to the world
of spirits—The minds of men approach
therlas r point of human travel‘ with re
ladtant dread. From the death7bed - man
takes - kislast look on earth - and earth's
objects. On -- the de - ath-bed the eye grows'
dim, the world recedes, the - vision chtui-1
ges, , and the dark, gloomy, twilight of
lifesjak evening,' settles down on all
thitige - hertilielow. - ;:The deitli - -bed is :to
the Christian the vestibule-of Heaven.—
WhilCke(littge4 • here,
_undressing for
thigraVe, and' pulling . on the garments
,iinnoorfality, the Ohristion often hears
thetrat breathing froth the stings -of an
gels",.and his ear is celestial
. .I',le,death-bed is to man without piety
and deatitilW Of religion the, dark -
hula to. the world of woe..; What pen is
graphic enough to depict the. death-bed
scenes in hdinon history ? Yet, this , last
net in life's drama-inust come hnd this
;human-history-must• -be
wijtten for each ono; Of what sort shall
' they. be ? - -
Cif/ and Su before - Purchasing elsewhere' !'
• rruiE subtdribeiiiiiitiVreeeiiing arid oenp
_ Ing at-his - .C. heap-Family Grocery and
Quennsware , StOrmin Weer; - Main" Street, Car
DON, a very•liiigeAsisOniment of all The anti-'
clps hislinei - biljiness: ' • •' •-• '
Brown Sitars' of 'the - best 'qunlity',. from 7 to 9
cents - per pontiC.Loverink's - best erashedand
pabiorized Sagard. frOm lu . to 1:2-.1.2. Cents - Per
pound, 'N.O:
.Sugtir House 'Mid 'Syrup . Midas.
SQL; of all' grades from 32 to'69-i per gallon.—
AleoTirsupply'brfteeh — gliSiiiir DPW all
kinds; wairantedpure. : SOAPS, Fancy; Cos . .'
tile; Rozin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, Pul
verized Salaratu . e, Indigo, Mould and Dipped
Oils.T' Also, a supply of fresh Hominy; cheese
front the bestDairtes always on hand. Fancy
sewing, traveling, clothes ancfmarket Baskets,
tosethenviith a - general assortment bl Chew
' Mg_ and.smoking Tobaccos, Spanish. and
COMmori do., ropes,- twines;
and Brushes brill kinds.
• ' CEDAR' WAR E.—Housekeepoie, and
• - olherifexPeeting- soon to eriiberk in the same
business, please call and examine my Stock of
Wash tubs, Wash Rubbers, Churns, Cedar
Buckets, fancy, painted and varnished Buckets,
Dreamt, ikc. ' eoc,
subscriber has just added to his already large
stocks number of white Granite, Gold Figur- .
ed; Blue, iMarble, Flowing Blue, and , Mullion.
ry Tea Sets, of 98. pieces, • Aldo, Plates and.
Dishes, - %Tumblers, Preserve, Dishes, Syrup
_ Bottles, &c. of every description end price pp,
- - that he will' be" able to ,meet the wants and
means, of - all in the toinuninity who may favor
litm with a call.• • "
i .mars! , ;J. D.' niu;nEy.T.
• , Xi1311ELBILU:•411: COAL .V.AILD.
Tag7(ilubscriber- Would' respectfully, inform
_customers and the public generally that
Re still continues the LUMBER AND COAL
BUSINESS; and that hiving lately purchased
in addition to his fernier, business facilities, the
Large and - convenient Warehouseend Coal Yard
lately, occupied by Mr. Henry Wright, opposite
the Well known Lumbar and Coal Yard of the
- the ' Rail Hoed and
.College lie ;'now more - fully:prepared
to enter& his business.. He has at thietime and
•is - keeping constantly on hand a' well selected
sistirtment or " •
of all kinds. sorts, and sizes. Likewise the
different kinds of FAMILY COAL. such' as
stove Coal of the different kinds, Lime burners
and Blacksmith's Coal, of the best quality.—
All of which ha will sell unusually low for
Cash. He will also keep constantly on hand
With all the different articles generally found
in,a well stored Warehouim. 1 - lo will, also at
afftlmes. butrintoDU.CE. aed , FLp.UR, .for
Vill:pay , the' highest, current priceS,
Being ;very
_thankful At: past fitvors, mciuld
Antief aniiiiusiy Ccotititinalitin 'of lit 'least'
a reasonable iniblia'pittronago.
' ratirl9.z • , ;SAM'I.• M -'IIIOOVERJ-i
. .
would' the :eltlione to
UniVefreel Refrigerator with' %Va.
'ter Filter, etteicha d i may be 'aeon at hie
• - •teaidance . ;'ifiiiar •in!.'oneration. and can be 'fur
niahed'ixt eity'nricee, thereby saying freight,
May 21 '5l. • G W HITHER.'
mirA %W.A.! TEA;
2.• ' lovers.of good TEA can be
I I :4 - pupplied with Jonkin's & Co's
Superior Green and Black
, Pas, either Toone or put up
- - in fourth, half or. pound
Italic packs to suit purchasers at prices ranging
50 cents up , to 8; par, pound, by calling at
.Ihp 'stoic of' [mrs] J. D. HALBERT.
„f,'X'9.the Lad M PORTER Would
respectfully inform the Ladies: that he has
fittedllP'the+ room recently occupied ;by Mies
Beteey,Korman, next door _to the.old stand sea
..,where aro , wilrfifi'd If vion. 'fiCE4etelliseortinent
.of* gitifersv ileaTelipperai front(tljeli a at
manufactories ,in ,Philadelphia, and also° lihie
.d i iiin t itiiiltePPOL:ethleh'thelenttentionis
, THE olgorlber.4eitiirtill,Weincere thnnke
'to'liisllitiroprogvouetomers -rind'lhtc publin; go
for:ihaliberal'onntoglimint". 1411. for
- extendadvAnd,deeiran-In;' , -a-i'vror 4 t 40' assureroll
that Jan?,linno)deratily onikroint stock In
I:*ll.l4iArnneMoNinqnnpotod',lv4ll(Ain -bunlnOns
X Tfkl4nlncgoAnitlnt#,(lolnjl;,:fcir Ablit'vrolll(l ho n.,
03K 1 P611,. .WY. 0111 ki ,104 0 4 1 0) A b f! 4 . 4 ;40'' 11 4,P1ii'
f!,101/1 1 at/ • •fr
4..'.nYlilninpOrlOlA earn Onto aftflOttltiOn Of?
Week:fa 40,;aPra f1e.5),0f
brindle.. 9 hin 17Ifd.andI
Water''reqUillo ' 'I
• •
otoreinzati''..o 0.
, j .1^ i 1 11,6'
' II Z I SNIfLtir atte6seoilb49
t'DElt.TAK.E ! Ri*Northeattatior st - reet;Marlislo7
I'vioaltt reaßeptfutly infdrat the'citisenli of parßslo
btindi the , Rubliel goneially Athat - onow hat on ,
) ' ) I , l `hand'h lorgeasso'rtmont of new.
'. e_, niid= oIogant , TERNITUROP
"edasfsting: ;port o 3 + eofdfi,:
.01Vntdroticts, , Card,' and , other
ler aVas, Bureaus,Sildstoade, I plabrand tancp
' Sawing Stands, &c. manuftioturercitT thd boat •
rnatertaltrand gnolity, wstranted. - ; Aden, fi.igene" -
ral assortment'of , Chairo thti lowest Vositian.B hada, tnadeo tor ardor and.totalling:
ttrotrirniy, attended to. ir.rCOEFINS made to
"ordtar at tho shortost notice. arid baying *lea"
didolfeaho'he 'will 'attend ftinorals in town or'
couptry, „04,-,l)ont forg,at tho old stand ofWm.
' C.,Cr. 'ibson,. ,N4rth, Ilsnovor street, 'a fow
doora noyth of Gimp's note].
B V.
4opt 4-1 y ' R. . SAIILE
1ei ,.9 . .V
, • • • •c d '', • • .•0 11 •T,i't •- • I,• '
• • I ,•• :•,?,,:.:. •• tk9'.•• 40, P • ;'''', 'P)
Corner .of Hoover 'and Ze.
riniffEranderiiigneillititAilWays °Oland a large
.11'j stock'of Superior 'Cabinet•Ware, in all the
Wilmot styles, which hols:prepared,,to soil at
lowest prices. ffe• invites'attenikin parlic
ularly to the PatelitiSpriV-Bottoth liedste;r4d, n'
most useful article • -which- entirely, obviates all
objections. Tlia,"VettOM'Calt, IM a untied to old
Beditetale:' They tiitvii.4iiren 'Ohara hatiefae
Lion to all who have them in use. „ ,
: 'CGEF/NS'inatle'to Order at:the shortest.,
car!' 851 •-- 1 1 v.
Extemlire Furniture Rooms.
, .
. ..•••,
I AMBS R.WBAVER.,. wombi respectfully.
LIP mall the uttention,of House Keepers•and the
public to hie, extensive-stock /of „ELEGANT
FIEJRNITURS., including Sofas, ,Wardrobes,
iCentre end othe'r Tables, Dressing and, plain
Bureaus and every otlvr article in his branch of
business. Also, now on hand .the largest'-as,
,Ifortmont of CILWIS in -Carlisle; at the lowest
„Milces." tGr,Colfins made at' the , shortest hotide
and a Hearso•pravided for funcrels.• , He belief
its a call at his establishment orr.NOrth' nano
'ter 'street, near Glass's SOTOL.
aiturd'hired out •by the: month or•year.
• Carlisle, March 20. , 1850.-1 y • • • •••
THE, subscriber „would respectfully, invite
th attention of farmers to his slsortinent
of PLOWS, now mainline.
; • • tured near Craighead's Mill
in South Middleton township,
,four miles south - 0 care.
My . assortment consists of
Withr;twis, - Stuckby's and Ball's patterns.—
The Castings will all-beground. I will, also
make 'GRAIN,'CRADLES. of the most' lin.;
Droved parterna. All' orders directed' to Wm:
L. Craighead ? Carlisle, will be attended to
with promptness, and PloWs or Cradles chilli
ered inrany — parr of the county free of charge,
WM. L. •CRAIGEIEAD. Propt,r.
DAVID STUCKEY, Ofanufater.'
.Feb.l9 Gin
;piton the north east coiner of the public
II; square in 'the row known as "Harper'S
xc ti Row." For terms, Sic,i inquire of the
• • subscriber: '
6a-no vo3l, ROB'T.
— THE - sulfscriber is'inwant ore quanfiff
BLACK OAK ft ARK, for which he will pay
$3,50 per cord for the heat quality, '
' may 7 JACOB SIMON.
THE undersigned respectfully Informs his
friends and tho !public generally, that he
has lust returned from
—,(57 -- Philadelphia, baying
r„- 12 f purchased tho most ex
~,... Yi 2 „;", termitic, as well as the
.. "k•4 9 2 7 - , cheapest' assortment of
•... a 4 j ..,•'
, . 6
.. 6 stV'N. Watches, Jewelry,
ar..c , ever hroughtito Carlisle: His stock con
sista in part of
, Gold and Mine; 'Patenl - Livii*ralches,
' Gl,ld and Meer cletatekest do.'
• _Gold andSilver.Lepin; Walaltis.•
in shoot every Variety of Waiohes at all prices.
'Ent FingeYtetteTliiTtlet
Pins, Gold and - Silver.Peneils, Gold and Silver
pens' end eases . and; Bracelets in great variety.
A .eplandidl.artial of, .Gold, : Sliver, German
and Blued Steel SPEC.'
TACLES,'which are unsurpass•
ed in qu lity by any'other article - west of Phil
adelphia, and• which can be sold at•least 10 per
cent cheaper titan in'any other establishment
in the country. 'Also a large lot of
comprising Wile, and Tea Spoons, Butter
Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles,
&c. Also, Card Crises, Porte Montiaies, Port
Folios,'Ladies-,Writiag Desks, with a great
varieyof - utherfaricy - nrineceesary ttt
=talon. A large lot or CLOCKS, assorted
patterns, which will be sold low, and warranted
,to be good:----.---. -
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired,
He invites all to call and examinable stock,
'assured that none can fail to be suited in quill.
by, quantity and rates. His articles are' cash
purchases, consequently, he eau afford to sell
lower than the same articles can be purchanelf
elsewhere: Call at the old stand, a fevt - doore
west of Burkholder's HOWL
_January 15, 1851—ly T. C ONLY-N.
. ,
A.Volco frOlehe « Bur,nt Distrlet.”
blouyer'e ; Candy Factory • Rebuilt:
THE subscriber wouldleapeet fully announce
to his friends .and the public generally, that his
Factory whiclrwas destroyed by the late fire,
has been rebuilt, and ho is' now prepared to
furnish Ahem with
ronnufactuied of the best material, which he
will sell wholesalti or retail at the ,old stand
in North Hanover street, feW doors north of
the bank,. where he has ,
just opened a general
assortment of
consisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs,
Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Pea
Isialttr, , Bo. Ho would also call attention tp.his
large assortment of
consisting of toys of Glass, Wood,•.Guns and
Chinn of endless varieties. • In connection
with the above, ho has on hand a prime lot of
consisting of Sugars, Col Tees, Teas, Molasses
Spices, Crackers, Matches, Blacking, &a.
Also, a prime lot of MARS, of the boa
brands. . , •
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to
a danereas public tor the - patronage - bestowed,
on him, and hopes by a desire to please to rr.a.
rit a eontinuanceef the same; He' would also.
return.lhanks to the .klrenten*.ind Citizen's for:
theic Worts I.6,sayet ina pro arty on the..niglit
of-tle'late eondogration
. Carlisle, ap,g1,,,: ; x:4 4 ,; ; F t , •I
'•"' uslic-01 •
'THE. subscriber „
has on .lutnd .a large and
well selected assortment .of MUSIC of ..hll,
kinds, consisting'of ttoittof,'.:Aliiraltes, Waltzes,
Polkas, de., also • instractlons'lor. Piano and,
other instrarrionta... , ',llerlinPs: Method'!,. for
)Method for the Violin, &c.
a supply of Violin and. Guitar Strings, of firm
rate quality - at oily *ices:, •”: .','; ; ,
Having; mado •an agangement with an Ira.,
porting ,and publishingOmuse Philadolphia,
"ho Will be constantly , supplicd , with- paw Music
ancrablo to'fariiish anything in that linemt short
noiice; and upon reavonablep terms.. • Music
Teachers will find it for their 'interest , to call
and examine for 'thomsolvcia . ' at the ,eorner of
'Pitt and High streets, opposite , the'llishelOn
House [ml9] „ Q. A. lIGBPARP.
' 313002E5T 1:100413!' 360011 St!
TH''E 'desiring Vtry go'od•IBOOKS will
'ray Drug; Dpolc , and Fancy;
13.tUreitMuin ,atrelt; ! tanking
,; arenaritions fut the Trude'Sales In'Norv.Yorkf
and sell'thti6 took on , hand , at unusually low
!aoeue',if called few days.l ,, Tho
work dbiv on' leirid t anairiristraoma bf tha voryi
heat 'agt,ilN: - -ei, I
• year. , ' • W
04 `,/,','!. Ji ,Aloo wan • us 0.1 Fv. /
. . , . ,
3.,no Attri&lfii:Yvlin ' eneat door, to t het P :0, , nn4
~ yop - min,bpy.l3rinka '..61i.d , 11111illo 'fit :lose thou
- city prices..,.. (May 28,'51„ , ' i t 'i.. , ,',
, .
ri.,:: A labiateri .ankother , ii 7 ,angt.::l4Ptripv ,
Lam .
4 fatatill4'Priliet• 14ilidde t '—iust s : received, tfOx
door to to iiko P.O; ' ~, DPW 28,'5 1; in'r if ?
-014k,iireP41giPPICI,PgIc' miie
A:F111;i; oigior,tinO:Nr,6f.Vl° ,gniill-d,,,h,,
, rmeride gimo 01,, ..,.,.. luLtlfri, vet cvnitic
iAltio, 1,..R4 10 p.. ! „/!s l o'4) 'gratejNy_atuo...l
-bl-.---------- I . t - . .;,.,' 4 - .„, . 1,
:,,,,,,,,,,„,.11:04,„„ ; , 1 , ! ,. ,, ..
, •i,p,, , ,. 1: - ..:04fili4 frinift , .
.. i . Boln
emu se. ao.. 1.,0
.. ,
~ '''''' . l '1" , ` T 'o' 04(1.A. 4 - al 14 at
,ifictig . 0 el
_ ii . .
, .iiiiiiii bilillig,i. '-
g:'-- i l 311 I- 140(11(0 eitAte• MAP floran - -.
1 11
Ilito 'and colore Pettineto a ,
of uhou 0010r0. ,,
i'l(A:idn'i,.eill'ailintail!gruriZi'ilnilEtafo 'to "wear: Allot . ii.1",",d,,,#,#..,/lin-4,18,-, ..--. ' * 4 • 1 1411tRy
" r4;14,4 - ' 4; - 7,0144y 2)45/) o , , i'Wt ,/ , 1/374 ; 64 `k7.` ,• :a7, 0 4 , %. , 'o. . I
rom.- RENT.
~;, t.i.a11'i.' 1, ;.. , ,Ltr,tt',.,-' ;`.....0.' , :t1F;51f.;;•. , r,.%)r-A•1,, , ,?
• '`..• • , ,__'• I ".XOglh SPrAIigi:ErUPSY r ..• ' .
:r IttiViEjaitTrataiyadtai;triabiittibtogmeaq]
A. I . .ttrarespl'itititilCaldese.glil'iT.,4spOri 4trbichl'
, 1 11#,Iti,"0 , b ee it,parch ait'i al Witbagrent,babkati, the
est•••ett3t hiaitesj - Veati:boallietiq,recottainenttl
'to t Vitiatiltbs,!Pliksialaiis;,i,Cauntyy-Alerchatital
1 ;014 bealors, as bein ffieshratbdtparinult;:otieci ,t
1 .4 •:; , ,f7L , P ,, ,'•+;•notr? ,41, : i f 9§rw:.. ~ek ; , i...',4i . , , ...4/1
141 . 16.11cOeyliqtrp , „. orboand L,'lttrpets, , '
-litina 'bent i'. de le,'„ . .
.S Odell., g r roattiPaid'Wlitiltr *
..-Thettuinentb;' , ' l •; l : l 'Eatieaaett;,'',". l " ' ':,-$ :,
P l 4 l 7 o l ll 'PaeOr., 0 5 ii'o: ' 'Perfutterii, `,3i,e;? ... ,` , - '.,
:, 1
Cod!q::,Pil—://'6oatiteci oor#ipi."'„;,;'
. .., 7 1), ' V E.STI,I Pr S ...,.: :,r . ...::
. ; .;ndigoely, . 1 % • , 7 • , :Lok:and.Cam Woode,',-:,'
,;.,ladders, . I .•':' OiF Vitriol ,- t 1,1:- - •,;• ,
unihrte•i;•; " 1 ; •• ',: • Copperas •- , P '''•,',. ,1
~ Alunt,•. ": 1 • •,, ~.. •:Lae Dy . 0..:1; , ,-*.) ; •,..-,. :••,.•
1 - ''
. 3''HH.
i'AlNTS''''''' ' l ' ' l ' ;
• ; W;etlierdl '&" BrOthai:s . i fitre • Lead; :CbTonr
'Green and .Yedliowilfaiet and Variirsh••llinabetc,
Jetsey Window. Glass,,l,inseed.„OiLmitrpen-.
'tinb, Copal arid: eon-eh Vittrlish, and, - ,Red Lead.
Ali Of which ; will- , be;•aold , at llie.,yery,loWeet:
marked, price,' -- ..Ahlo'i'll'ireiblitid - aitlandid,,' tta'
sottnent (ir • • -,,-. , -- . i ~,,- ..,-. -, •• " -`.
i .. ;. FANCY , GOCDS . , I FII.t. I •TTS', - .,' ,• ' ' . I .' ''•
. )
c o'n fiictionaiy; and initufneViiblit'othei'artieles'
i calculated for use and • Ornataaail ;ell br which`
are offered at' the lowebt'aealf prides,' :at' the,
chelip.torti'l3o6lc iind 'Fnitey Store of the; sub=
twilit or on' North' He rititiethst rat, t: ".- "* ,
, ' liay 28, .1.8.51;. , ;"• - :. ',......:V..,`,.,
i; vAi VO; : •
i °wins &74xcuianxii;
• . Itecentlyfr'oni t Phiicddpfica. ' •
.14 ESPEbTFULLY ; ii)form :The citizens Of
larlisle. and its-vicinity,'Thai=theYlnivd.
now , t'thir Mrirble Yaid. in. South Hanover
134130 fa w. doors south' of the Court' Heine,.
arid nearly opposite W-Bontz's Stere;an
elcgrint etockof•puro• • • •-,,,
-• ` 1 AMERICAN- WHITE, Jil"..4Rßa t
and are preinded . o execute, ia themoit didahed
GrfTe Stotts .41 (4!
.-. . , .
1 Door. and -Wina10t0....511.15,----Steps, E x ;
together-whit other:artielelt“.tlieirline,
and•prOmise jhat;An fineness, of -finish; chaste ,
ness; of, design and; quality 'of 'l4lm•ble; • theii.
wbritriihall•not . stirpassod by any other estab
lishment; • • ~ , • , • jo,: • .
They are also the authortied agents of. Mr
Robert Woodi of Philadelphia.: and: furl'
nigh from his manufactoryoalVvarieties of IRON .
RAILING for, the enclosing . of Grave lots andi
all other purposes, m the shortest notice and pt
Philadelphia prices. .They: will also finish or
manufacture alt kinds•af uilding 'W•Orlionicti
as Sills, Steps and Pkitfornii; &e:, it tlici short
est notice and on the most - roatignable terms. •
Having had great experienCe,. and being am-.
ployed in•the'best- shope of Philadelphia, they
.are therefore enabled to manufacture the'rnost
fashionable work; and respectfully ask a share
of the patronage of 'Carlisle and the surrounding
country. , [Carlisle, nay° 185 at
AT Aar WILT, sousurr.ia
m lIOUSANDS •of bottles-of the AMERI
CAN 'COMPOUND have been sold ditr.;
rug the past cilr;anii. was . never known - to
curl ' itt' few'daye, Of
~,a certain' deft
'catediseisc,Seminal weakness and all Aiseases
of the trinary organs. PCTione afflicted using
'this - pleasatit. and popularroniedyciateAle - artio
eiPosureots it ,leaves no 'odor on the. breath,
requires n 6 restrictions -in diet or business
contains no Mercury or 'noxious drugb itijoridui
to the syeteni, and is adapted to every ago, sex„
or condition. It is also the best remedy known.
for Fluor Albus :Whites, (feitiole complaints)
*Ail which thonsands suffer, withoutobe.know.
ledge of a remedy.. This celebrated remedy
- has long .b - eCti iis ed - - priitatelifantide
&chin and. with. unerring' success, radipally
curing ninety ninc of the -hundred cases in a
few . days. Around each ~bottle• are 'plaid and
full dlreenmce. - ' ~• • '
CAUTION -Ask -for t he AM ER 1 d'A N.
COMPOUND, and purchase nnirof,the.Agents
Pt ica6l per •battle:' Freida by S; ELLIOTT
Carlisle; J.' Wynn', litirrieburg;
Colutrirda; - hy A. Miller,tancaster; E. .Mtirrie
4r, ,Co., York. , (Janirary, 150851.
riiHE subscribers desire to inform their friends
, and the public that they have removed
MANUFACTORY' to the room nearly oppo
site their•old standiin .North • Hanover street
'and may now be found in their new and conne•
said strept,ia few doors above Leather street,
where they will continue to keep on hand a lull
assortment of every kind of „
Coppet and iro'et.lrort 'Waal. •
others. I,'heir articles arc Mantitactured by
themseives,of the best ' , inattirialS; and in point
of _finisWand clurabilitY; surpassed.—
They will also rnanulnctnro„and .repaii at the
Shortest notice till kipds of Distiiting„ilppuira(ys.
They wig. promptly'itttend ,to the laying.of
in town and country, and.on the most reusenn•
blo terms. Every branch of their business
will be carefully, attended , to with .the utmost
promptness. ,
They also keep constantly on hand a large
variety of
comprising,every .varicty ..of. .plain.rten•plato
STOVES,-elegant wood end coal air•tight
PARLOR. •STO VES, of the latest styles, '
COOKING STOVE of the ft — OW — est and most
impiovod inventions, at, various prices. which
cannot fail to, pine° every testa. They- ro
spectfully solicit on examination by the puillic
of their large and varied_ assortment of stoves.
Thankful to the public for 'favors heretofore
extended,--and being: determined to relak no
exertions to give satisfaction to their cpstom•
ars they }expo 'to merit n continuance of pa o .
high " ' est cash price will be paid for
tro r nag T e. l - 1 . 0 '
old Copper and Pewter. , .
Carlisle, March 19; 18.51-1 y •- •.
Fresh Arrival of Hardware.
~CHEAPEK .TriAN, THE, cHEArtsT. 7-
• riAvi NG just .returned Iron Now York s tc
IA Philadelphia with the bestmna Cheapest
brodahrt6Carlisle;l'w,ould resasatfully regiiosl
dealers-11'nd — Cdneamers and C11'01(101% Wove
me a call mid tea whether they cannot got more
and better. , goOds.for the same morier than at
any other place, inntown. My stock of Locks,
Latches,Boltp,flingeri,, Screws; Nails, Spikes,
Glass,. P a ints , !s c., mcomplete, and very cheap.
Carpenter's' TOMS, I linyo,,a.spiendid -assert.
mont, Also, Cabinet Maker's fools and Ma
Glass Bureau Knobs - and . • ..
SAD,LZLCRS dc,c.OACII mArams, , '
onn,have erhrything'lrf,,their lino cheaper than
eyc• , • — ••"'p•OK'SFIOEMATCV.B.,S;''''
tbt cia It ;of , Moiiiao antl•LininK
Skins, Singings, cgs, TlfromUitnCWmx; and:
tLetTer4,'Mutorttrient of . Shoenialcera Tools. 11
+aye also. a cOninleto assortinent of Ball's-Lasts,
=Main flarritiburg, which •ctirt be Mid at Ile
tidier place in town, dad at'lltill's Prices. To
gelltor,with.tin assortment of all kinds Of }MM.'
meretl'and RAM] Iron anti Steel. Of liouse.'
keeping Articles, I have Knives. F9rlte . , Spoons
Waiters, Snuffers4nil'ilt:ays; . •Tilli, Buckets;
&e.' :1 4, rA•LL
I have'the largest, Ilendeitniest and theer4
Assortment in' te , A)n." 'Antl'io all who wan(
Good:arid Cheap, HAAIIVW4III% wou,ylsaY
come a -
eeec er'Ypule '''", ";'•
- kiiie' CI OL Vinegar,
- rtysT hicoitfoil a frost' tarfol of Pura- Old 4
VinedarJof'sliporkftqaalfr,k, and' warrantO
typo fromra4t4tarapoa. ,
- 7^+.:.,t:^SU'4:f";s . w^:➢~'lt•~: ai~k-=.+' :<~ `+.4".^%nYy{i'w';'<a::~.lm..~s~:
'-') tittareertitit-
1 .,- , .
.a lAtaticrittolf;Square -1 1 ZANOIL 1 i'l
:.w,:,( .1 ,1 ..v. 4;i f.:7u l ..• :.i. , ..-`M,',' ~..:1, . ,! •,. m.v, , ,10rt
F , ,,,l7gxr,w At iir t isealmirag i c:il,44-3
•iciiiii!,4444riisl,Aliit.iii*,.`o l ;'W,V,iiiii 41.0.6 - i iiiii ,
ri l zi
ID' .. • . --, , Viy . eil?.llailPhOß', ':Var', , OP / if
.06 ',. • • ~ :' •
, Ill'ittllMl.
• , lA' N GiVtftfArgs;!iTaiti'.6,7 t 6:11 ifel it+ a, in
i ..firtAtosrood,atallogoux•end,Wabott;ca9tt
' II I v l 4 T l, o ,sl p 6 4J'Y lt iii ti 4."'ll i kO l J V C lL AC t l li f i),
f.. t tiii, l ?,Ptilf:lil;,9l'si,_-,trflP,rs l 7lo o !? lB ,;!Pol 3 lt°,ll' ,4 ,
191nartor IltdrUMOut. .' ~ ' ~ . • , if
IC: - dc G. have. recenced,,front,tho, Maryland
,I stitute the.,/yrst pr,e4ttar kir thine Pianos, in
three, successive ypere 1848, 14p,.185P.,,:r•h0 f ,
,11atia•rilito; been lion - oril 'With nitirteives tetiiiino,'
. niati froth' ill., 0 ..
a uioat' celebrate4;,artiOte,i f v,hO
'have used thete:ittS;rumente. .I',ittrtolifrom'theie
ithabliilitneit have lieeii , used at , theeoiteneki
' O6 il.andy'llarr , ..., IjOhustook . , • Bishop,..Labordei,
'iCnooli, and other c-minent, performers.. ,They,
,gharantee durabilitl f u r, five years,,undoe.good
. mire. and 'Will qtit,lttbe -, eith others 'till 'Which
mar. not give4musfaction;if,appliatition be ,ma e
within - ail . ..Month§ after. &slivery'. i ,•)•• • -en.04; , ,r.
',Their Unnufactory ; beinreonducted .on; t . he
~ most 'extensive: scale' enables them : ; to •turmsh
' ' 1 its ten men ts -at- the ,very. lo was t • pri cc s i svlictle..
sale . 'and. retail.' • Constantly. un',hancli, It.-. 1..
Efughaa! .Melodeons, ranging.from $45,t0 $200, .
;fir wliich they% arkoole agents:fee this city. ••. .
... January22 7 lBsl-Iy l -- -- -- - ,
Perfumery; FaneiSeaiScy'aper Pox
;KAtt, l o: 3 PAPToityl:
4E3 Market street, beloui , rS econti,
LEGG.t& ,P,ROMPTON, , *apufacturers
• - 1.) . rOrfunteri, Pinta Soaps: and, 'Pitney
,PatirulTozes,'reepectfukircad:".the'attention of
the Ding gists and pealerodn' Corti* and :the
C ntithOrland; Valley; 'to theft Otensive!titoolc of
Gdadev.cote'prishig' Perhimerr Pallor Sohes,
ToWtrer.4-f0 the :ewmploxiOnizTOilet; &o.
etqll'veliety:':Alaii;Afull . rind complain es •
TOrbit:pried{ 17,0n . cy Pdper" BogeS,..of °Very • de
sriothin; large ,or sms:ll,-rotind or square, made
orddr thonhortest'totico.
• - Kt"Don't , foitet.the,plaes; , lB 'Market street;
•T i litladolphia. All orders will moot wittrin'ompt
rttention.- ••,,,•• ;' • • • -janls.
Yo. 171 chre,...Jvtri.sii.k..Ekt RIIIL4D' R.
'CITE OLD S'IPAND,H ocenriet for• .snore than
41 • E undersigned would` , Most. respectfully
1 i -, announce to the-public that he is AGENT
. 'for more than twenty of thomost
AsE,*, , T.i,lT,c celebrated manufacturers of 13 OS
DELPHIA,- andeliewhere and
constantly receiving : from , them PIAN OS o
,he richest and most varied styles, of superior
,One, and of the most taperb finish, of-G. 6.1.
and 7 Octaves, Which nre warranted' equal
o any manufactured 'either in this country or
ju Europe,
Just received, also.. &further stipply of Mardi'
i ndzPerlor' .Orkans, of bountiful patterns , and
Ilia WAKERO ON is conatantlY 'supplied
with a eliaicoaelection of .SERAPHINES and,
;VIELODEONS, from:thooldest and Most ex
iensiye nuieulacteriea in-the United.Statas t. fa
!meg whien is a new styli of REED ORGAN
-taving--Garhart's patent improvements, with
~-ilt pipes in front; and - *case elegantly carved,
'.nd highly ornamental.
Tuning 'and Repa.ring•-;-Sig.';-"Stibisdin• La
Iressa, a distinguished Piane Fokie-Menufactu:
er and Organ Buildellwill aft to 'MI - Orders.
sopt4.'so • OSCAR •D 11-tAKTER.
• PEIII S I7,OZERT , DEPOT'::,... ,
. •
DON l l`4'n „deteivedi Country Merchants
and fiealesei - Who Want god and cheap
.rt,UMFRY and FANCY OAK'S should
all uipbn :JOHN 'T CLEGG, Perfainer and
Chemist, 48411arleet St., below 2(1, Philadelphia,
Who line, constantly-on hand PERFNMERY
.of 'every . - description',
wd ersi-Hair. - 0i Is; Ox. -- Marro ws; --- Colognes;
Heir Dyes, &c., &c.t - •
...100,000 persons have rend my advertisement
;n-the Figgie Ledger, hundreds' of whom 'have
nailed and. been• convinced of the advantage of
purohasing'diroct from.tho mannfacturer,
Agency :for Ferinn's..CircaaaianJtair_ Oil,
Curling Flpid; • '
I = Orders froth -any part-Of thc. - -United. - States
Will be promptly attended to.
.ntig4 . s6,ly -.. 'JOHN T CLCGG.
JrarniT - " Agit az
Pine Oil, OEunphlue 8c Medal Fluid,
acknowledgotT„' superiority 'and ntirii}i,
manufacture end'' or sale at the lowest
Wholesale prices,', by DAYJS &
at the old established tcaild of Ofe late Bewa-
whore orders by,n)o or otherwise are solicited,'
And-pronoptUtteraiert-givert,--'l l he•voice.eff-the.
public for •fillo - On yours, and the nivard of n
Silver Medal, and. complimentary .'notice by
the Franklin Tnstitate over. all competitori, is
sufficient eniderice of the oxcellencri - of
Alcohol, Pitch; Roiin,. ,and'Spir
its - of - TSzrjySaYszei- for - snlis - Wltqlpetits - nmilt
tail, at the lowest prices. ' rocrAci
iiirANUF . CTOttEßS',nod'whalegtile
in ere hi R 0 0, S, B ,AS IC T S Mid
WOOD WARE, have reititnied to the largo
store tota l ly occupied by IVlestirs. - Selisrs Da •
VIP where they have opened an extensive stock
of Eastern and 'City made pm:komp .- and
00D,WAItE, which they are, now stilling
at the limiest menufacturere prices.'
assortment, of .nristlee, Broeheo.Mat
Cordage, Ue,..
_qcinetontjg on 'hand No I_:-
'Mirth 'Third Sireet, 3 doore belowlface,.Ph
,de Iphia ' ^ j [07,'50 P.-
- Steam Iron 1101 in.
Cornir cp . /Ridge Road and Broad Street, •
WOULD call the attention of purchasers to
V V Their elegant assortment of Wrought
and 'Cast hon'AutlingOor.
Railing.: for' 'Chinches, Public and P.rivate
Buildings; Public Squares', &c:,, mother. with,
all kin"do of Milt and Ornamental Iron Work. ,
More &' Gallagher's-Book of 'ORIGINAL
DESIGNS, containing the boat selection o.
desisna that has ever been issued, will bo sent
to any poracitf,Who may wish' to make-a select
tion. [10)19,51,
• •
Si 'GORDON, •••
No. 79 Noth Minot, Baltimore.
'tintforslgned, • Agent for" thO
- Pannivlvtniiit and Ohig Line, being nen:
trairy loaatod ton the Baltimore and , SusquO
hanna Railroad, Juts Ando., arrugementa , for
Gonorq.Priduq, OnoiAlrften,upliteett,
in conneeitoirc ''" • ' AI ,
• , '"FOTI,VirAitnINa I3t..IBINESW
and reepeotregy solicits aonsigpments.of Whit-
key, Flour, Liras cad Country ., Produce gaud , .
PilY.:-Respeotrully, , .•
1, 9 aORDO'N.
Baltimore; April 2-3ess. . "
' 'N. lE.' °Hers .for Grectirios,'Salt,,&e,',' will
be pronipilyeiceuted. ,
Meeere,'Toltiigulliron - & Sone, - W. Starer &
:Sona.llTAtonite - .1., Careen &'Co„
wits* 10 Old Hoye &
Co„ tieT.)orsey, o no
Moyho,,,y, Sous,
• 'bell "& Slade, 'Robert
'Garrott !r. Sous, JRMOS George, Baltimor . O.
11 , !ettere. It'Crengle k Wheelingi- Va.
Me'mu,. H Gran; Piriaburi,
icerr, liarrioburg4
Jarpos;Cowdop'.'llllBiFq C.9turni)l4;k ,
Messrs. Attilholign.44.RtiT,!,yl4o,,,:A.
Jima' Otos:4 41wAq 13,4 tie
.; .
•. , , • ~.
• ••• . taL, 4 - a 0.,. ;"
pv.rt„,A...ND--pitoDucE•momm 'LSI°
' I
,' 3, , peitinioroldteiopposito EutawMous •
, u ,'''''i,'' ,l '',-,'PA'1,7:01,•011,P.T "P'. , 4 7 0 10
16,`C l ir i*l'llitiY t ii°4
BtP . diV. , lqtrol , 2,44 - 7 011 4: PJ.
- ' 4i, 40e,',i rig 4 Pm , 114 i l ' P ! ;,*
'the most' Oasoiict ' " , teraiii.' , " liiiid lig: 'l ll ` , /n
_l,9,rontor.o.4 l lPro..OPY-14. 1 ) 4 Y0-th°•l!# Pr A 1
; Plifi c Ol e ri i fri t 4 l / 4 W , T 54911 t " 1
, ~ ..,,0 , P ' ' , call ig .
'l ,
1 •.hltintiOlyar..= toll i strvii.llN ekntielvoksi 3i
i saritylie on ,, pretioao to'lholecWarehlikee,tiv ' n
i 1Yt , &iiv i t(4,1,4 , ,, i01.0 a ItqgtO,Eioi'loo4 01111 1 drer t a
1 f;t1,04, - ;
1 , 1 , ,, , .1 .,e . ; , o' ,7 .. 16 S. , : i iitmcin:v sh
i 4 i , - 4 -,-,,,;i:,:,:t,,ti-ogcr,p .;,,,,
I li 'm;!YATlPetiPs.!ii, : ,i '','4 : '' ff i'DllCliv'e''' ' 1
4 r1,:g t • 94 'Nk'sohlt ,#l4lb f)!LO)o r lett r r i i. '
' ; 1 r , r#P4: - , • 4 1- , • • ' ......A"" '.
.. •
e United, :,:stater liferhasamee
1 AluiultY4n,d tgliOrOomßaityk
k :
g ri uusolleited•iiitplieatiddi;for:
iLife Intierarrcel-tsgtvertl-theintOseitAtitidteatt•
and, i : griififying ;Altar iholdtfifie,WitsVist - ,1
d O sPIY- 11 PPkepsed.TY: 1 111::ilie:itisi .-artip9ppliMe-,41r,
this ssitkiSsi6 dbjectthelveVetY,, v - of,' 4
"Insurindetthtitiltitbi'sitfet, UthcridsiftlitilVlitide'',‘
',inotive to insure tnayi,bcc, , dis'appointiid. Too
Much care practised-in ttheyselection
of an office„witlOVltielf,to efTe'et,liiMcorifract.7-:
pTho choice should be regidatedt•nofiliy.present
,prid constentlargd indtteinionts;'as
tainlyjnoempatiblo *lilt - future- beneot. 'no •
pretniuthii. on..,llf&.arC
caleulOttid"feti:ths",cunir i ,"'
if . present and , proipectilie benefit's therefore ark,
gtven,.tho result oldinately, must rerrnidete,
fitigation,disappoldtment Thd'object
nimod'at by "this hifititutioif is vainitirkianditer " •
pefikty.. The ratesofprenaipiri_have_hoetvjcark , •_L
fully prepored with reference to ftuo9tionEh rm
!The cash system- of pOYnienin
adopted: Unpaid jirennuni noYti 'tonstlfutis na.
pert of •1116 assets" .of 'this eompany,Mid every
!contingency being, fortified with , Ein ample- Cop-,-
titalodicurity. stamps tne whole,system. This
feature, paramount ta, till other consideratiOna
commends the" coMpany,to' public favor.' Ex
planatory pampliloto; blanks...application pap Ors.
information; and every , facility will he cheerfully
fdrnisbed the public by Air. E. BEAT'll(,,ytho
has been duly, appointed egeid,Of this company
for Cumberland county.' Dr. ' lIINKLEY
hits rasa been appointed •!
_ .
Directors.—Stephaa R. Crawford, Ambrose
_W Thompson, .Benjamin'W Tingloy; Jacob L
Florence, Willlain'M Godwin', Paul El Goddard
Lawrence 'Johnson,' Gebioe' M'Henry, Jamee
Devereux, John -L Linlon.l;:-. • •.• •.
prpsidept.--Stppbeit R. . Crawford.... ,
' l'icrresidene.—Ambrose W. Thomlisori.l2l
- .S.'Wresary 'TS.dasurei.-=CharlesG
Aciaary.--Mannel•h4M. • •
C,OfillSei Attorizey:—l'llomas ,•'. •
Jlrdical Ercroxinera.: ;Pgulll3 Goddard, M.V.
Wijlinm PePpor, fan"?
. . . ,
THE Allen and' Elist PenUsboreugh Mutual
- Fire Inhurance - COmpany OfEumbeiland,colinty
neorporated'bY an act of Assembly, DOW' fully
organized, - and in operation under the . Manage,
ment 'of the following commiSsieners, viz
Jacob Shelly,, Wm It - GOrgne t Michael Cocic
-in, Melchoir Brenneman, ,Christiun .Stayman,
Simon Oyster; Jacob H. Coovor, Lewis ,Hyor,
IleitrY Logan , Benjamin -- II Musser ,' Jacob. Kirk, Samuel -, Prowell, Joseph'Wickersliam:
The' t ates.of insurance arenas low - and favdra
bl. as any Company of the kind in ihe'Stale.,—
Persons wishing to become members are invited
to make application to the agentei of the compa
ny, who are willing to wait upon' them. at any
' 'JACOB. SHELLY,. President
HENRY LOGAN, Vice . President:
LEWIB Ihrmi, Secretary
MltirdEL COCILLIN, Treasurer. '
Cumber/and county.—Rudolph: Martin, New
Cumberlandt C B Herman; Kingstown, flenry
Zearing, Shiremanstown,. Robert Moore and
Charles Bell, Carlisle, Isaac 'Kinsey, Mechan
icsburg. Ahl, Churchteim.
—York count/.—John. Sherrick, Lisburn, John
Bowman. Dilfaburg; Peter Wolford, Franklin
Smith s Esq., Washington S
Dover, Daniel Raffensberger i J 7. ..•
, Harrisburg.-.—,Houser &.Loehrrinn. • -'•
Membertriof the 'company having policies a..
bout to expire cal htive them received by. mak
ing-ncrilication—toYmrofihe agents.
lur—FOß' 25 CENTS !!
—By means.of the packet
Esculapiiis , or; Every one
lie own Physician ! Twen- •
ty4ofirth edition, with up-
Wards Oa hundred engra-..,
vings, showing pri,vate !Hs
eases-in- every-shopp 2 andy
form,. mid malformations:
of, the generative. sy s tem.:
The thine has now sr
ring: from secret disease
contained in this bookatily'
one may cure himself, without hindrance to bit.,
sineas, or. the-knowledge of; the most intimate
friendOnd with one tenth the usual expense. In
addition to the general routine of private disease.
it frilly explains the cause of,manhood's early da
wtth . observations on :mtirriage.- , hesidee
Fitilliefl i kaki'irdigile n fintiffiliftilt i tollllll / not by
tl:rAny peeson sending Twrerry-rrva emrrs,
enclosed inn letter, will receive one copy olthis ,
book, by mail, Or five - copies Wilthe sent for one
dollar. Address, .Dll W. YOUNG.No. .199
SPRUCE:Street, PHlLAompulA"Post-paid.
n - DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any - of
the Diseases prescribed in hig different publioa-
fons;nt his Offices, 152 SPRUCE street, every
day. between 9 and .3 o'clock, LSundays excepted. ,1
. .
1ay.17,11350. -
English and American Hardware
Cheripr-thatt-can:Lo-foxyziAle . s (de
• . Boat
rip HE eubsoriber having . just returned front
•1. the Eastern cities with a full and, .hand
_so assortment of all kinds of HARDWARE
- ofthi very boat matters and well selected, is
now opening at, the Cheap Hardware-Stand in
North Hanover street, next door to Seatt's Ho-'
lel, formerly kept by Henry GIBBS; where he,
would 'invite all that aro in wanrof good and.
cheap Hardware to , give him a call and sea and]
satisfy yourself . of the truth, as we aro deterin-;
pied to sell rd :livery small advance. • Small'
profits and quick sales are the order atilt) day
. •- To Builders, Carpenters and Others. .
Alail stock of white, mineral and :Japaned
Knobs, rocks and tontine, of every description;
price and quality:Vides and tierows, window
sash and shutter' springs, strait•neckcd. and.
harrelled Dolts, of every kind, Mill, cross cut;
and: Circular Saws, hand, panel, ripping and:
back Saws, bright, black and blue augurs, o ,
the very best makers,' Chisels, broad,pointing'
hand and chopping Axes, of differenrmakers:
hatchets, planes and plane: bits, steel and iron
squares, tiles and rasps, nails, brads and spikos.
of all sizes and warranted of the host quality. -
To. Saddlers and. Coach Makers; . •
Our stock consists of a complete aseortmetit of
articles in your lino of business. saddlery tools,
braseisilver• and Japaned mounting, carrigg_t_ .
'trininiiiige; brhad paitmag and seaming — laces
and fringes, plain - and figured • canvass, .oi
cloth, top lining cloth and serge ' lining of vari-;
nun kinds, white, rod, blue and. black patent
.latither-DaShers,..ellverLqiid- - --biasS plate; 'Mari
'Hair, rosette, hub's, fellowe, spokes; bows, 'blip ;
tic springe,irbit axles - malleable etietings,:sUc.'
' ••- To' Cabinet and Slibec.Makrr, :' - `,,'.'.
A-full etook of shoo kit and findings, boot ino-i
roccos,,French kid, straits, morocco and linipg!
and 'binding skitay.lasts, ,, taelta, - )fiegis,.ildini hters!
pinchers and Fronds morocco. kit ()revery de-i.
scription, etipofior : cop* yartlish; Japan ands'
black varnish, inalloganytuid. snapla:Yaneers,; ,
moulding, beading, rosers,,glads, mineral and
.mahogany kabba of aim Y 449;and•orrla; !
. •
..To ,Blacksiniths,'Faroners.atid Others.' .'
'HY ici'..s of assorted bar iron, vi [irritated to he'd..
the best quality.. .A splendid assortment Of bai .
and rolled iron, Imnimered, horse 'shoe; scollop,
plough,: broad an narromNire,Tolled; horseshoe.
btir, band, round and. square • iron, cast; shear,:.
spring:, English and A satirical) blister steel, Eng..;
lisp Wagon boxes; Carriage boxed in setts, an-..
yils,.vices, files,
reaps, horse oboe' nails, &c. i
1'; -, • ••• To •Ilootseheepers.• :! ' ' '
A beautiful assortment•of cheap; fancy goods&
.suelf as Waiters, traYs; plain and fancy knives •
Sind forks, hotelier knivetraiiir"rileolli, brittania' .
lanips, brass candle'sticks' Brlttainiie,tinii - silVee ,
table 'and'teit'sp . oons,' plastid batter' kniveartire.,‘,
:starving kettles, - einbothin • Wins`, 'fronand lift.: .
Wed tda and' &OM !boileiiiorOn"frinno"ind- hretid! .
pans, :'svaslitiiihr'dif,Vtubs;••alitirna,: biiidkatt4.irOn; ,1
pots; web kettles, and . liana, 'Bi.n.'% , ,- ' i:
To ,Gunsoniller,.hlarkonin ant 011iets:;'. I.
,ini, ll 9 a..9l.::Pfiii . .' ktirihhi l , Q iWnk,seticiit, plug, ; ,i
nipptttang,.,tunitt cafiori,Din4adka, gun mount.; --,,
Iv tin& gun liredelr'enaltaAli,Ctit r brays ' Ivicl -,
German silver Ornatnents, •,,N•' „v. , L. , .: . • .fl •., j
To. Pafiltisii;. ''''" 7 1 ..` a ''"'? ' a
. _
--- ATreili; Wit:, - soryvectioinw;piffeilit4 - ektf -
Milo' Letid, t eil.alOtOrpentinn,jarnishos, Ja4
,p an, ~whito( and, red,
alendiitollOwiAttt 076,0 . j
liajgrarfnUlaltiAltiViiirng, mei,lowovi n eti kiJ,-
~ if :,,,,, 1,,, Ala 'Blasters .and Markonett*, , ort - 4,.,•( ‘,
'' A goodrasdartmeritibfrdouble.xdfineitpavVder;
rotkpoiVder or eXtra . qualltycsafetY-fidtaiskod a
..filrita , And.:.bite—leakuppos-of.:4tilk , kinatt r ,'lol` y
I l lffctifW l / 1 /00 9 PIOOMMItrUKWAR4. ' 1
-thoussinivother ardoleatoo num rousq.o_tneert ;..
.a i t'vvii. 4oll 4lolaCitYreiTATOW,TOKAyo;nrtv non ,
,fithullyslit# wOler#4ll:Plh°,2lnyptta ion r j
.1010:411 .: :,91 1 °P1:: V , " v: f 1 1 1;'," - $ . lO '9.ot" i Pi l
liV i ;glfttl i rviNtalt"k 6 ii' l lelka'Aitl ' icto - 1 , -
Itavt,liyo.:pionvo6 tilyttiP r yhti#,liil ‘t.i.,','
sn lB ,o4litie,ik,,i 1 . 44 0 .0. ',:./ °VS' XV' ' .0...131
iffs. ' 0 0 1 0 6 # 1 0:07, b ,4' IVY k billAi.:*
~: '. lioY6' ' ''' '' ' '':- •'. • - '.'
AZQS"Li ^ ‘ i5,,,'.*:::.•
V ?r abeegire of
CO.LDS r •
. `32roti.ii*Otimss,naom
atirris, CROUP, AST.I3-
efferliiajo the eameneeity4ll3llsl.lj-eele.,
:Gilito - :i.,ernedy, for discuss of. the throat and
thugs, it is - not our , %is's to trifle with the Aire.
:or lieldth of the of rcted; but • frankly to lay be.
.fore ,, hem the opinions of distinguished men-and:
.some_of the evidences of its 'success, from - which;
they can jnilge for themselves. We.: sincerely
Oetithe'ourselves to make no
,wild assertions or
tithe aistiements of its e ffi cacy, nor will we hidd.
out any hope suffering humanity which facts will
not warrant. , .
Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an
inquiry from die public into all we publisli,frel..,
iiigassured they wilttind them perfebtly reliable
. .31 . 114 the medicine worthy their liest , conGdeuce,
and patronage.
Professor of - Chemistry, Mineraology,&c., Yaie
College, 'Member. of: the Lit., Hist.,Alled. Phi°.
and Scien. Societies of Ameri..ri and Europe.
"I drem the .CRERRY PECTORAL an ad=
mirable eoynposition - from some .orthe best ar-
Mel in lie Materia - Medico ; odd a' very "effect
ive remedy for the class of, diseases it is intend-:
New Haven, Ct., Nov. I , ;849. • " •
Prof 'CLEW, ELAND, of Bowdoin Cou r age; Me.
Writeit—" I haie witnessed the effects of your
CI lERRY PECTORAL' in my 'own family and
that of Myliientli, and RIO forme satisfaction tor.
state in its favor that no medicine I have ever
knoWn • boi proved • so. eminently Successful of
Curnigdiaeasei of the throat and lungs:"
Wriles;::" That he considers 'CHERRY PEG.
TORA L' the heat medicine for Pulmonary atrec
iions ever given to the public," and stolen that
beiiig' . obliged to keep the room
: our months with a - severe settled cough,necom
paniyil by.raising hlooll,tii4it sweats, and the'
ritendant symptoy of consumption, commenaed
the' use of the ll /JERRY PECTORAL' . and
had completell -ecovered.", • -
' Dr. Ayer—Dear, Sir : For two . ymirs I bad afflicted with a very-severe cougl4accompanied
be spitting of blood and profuse night sweats.—
Ry advice of my attending physician-I was
induced to use yoUr CHERRY ' PECTORAL,
and continued to do so till I - considered myself
'cured; and ascribe the effect to your preparadon.
Hamtr'eti ss. Springfield, Nov. 27.18.18.
This day appeared the above named Jatnee
Randall, and pronounced the above stalemens
true_ in every respect. ,
- - •
POILTLAND, Me. Jan. 10, INT.
Dr. Ayer; I have been long afflicted with
Astlimawhich grew; yearly worse notitlae.mi
tumn; it brought on a cough which confined me
in my chamber, anti began to assume the alarm
ing symptoms of consumption: I had tried the
best advice and the best medicine to no purpose,
until I used your CHERRY . elECT_oll.A.l. 4 mbich
lias' - CniU me, and vou may hell believe me.—
Cratefully.yours. ,
If there is any value . in the judgment of the
wise, who speak from experience, here is a med
icine worthy of the public confidence.
. . .
Sold by Dr. Rawlins, S. A. Hubbard Itt Dr- S.'
Elliott, Carlisle; Dr. Ira Day s Mechanicsburg: . J.:
H. Derran, - Neivirilleo.C. & J.. B. Mick Ship
"p6nsburg; and druggists generally.. -
Celebrated Family Medicines.
It concerns every orte,'.-Cholera can be -.Cured
•Dr. Keeler's &papallta Panacea. For
the removal and permanent cure of al
• • Diseases arising from an impure . •
'" • statirof thirEliiial and habit '
. - of body.' • •
• The Aff`Yriso Creator! hits jrnoloyiell
organized fiOdIC/11 an innate dinposaucas . to self- 1
preservation. - The vital ,powers possess the
property of resisting the influence of external
causes,`but an the BLOOD.talhe common par
bulain from whichall parts of living matte
derives its renoiating clement; and consequent,.
ly, upon Which" the War organized beings de g
Pend; it is:probitble that in cases. of accident'
er wher e .
to deprive IL of an essential property, the vital
effects of the,irlaileriyalem will be directed to
ward restalng to it that propesty. In all con
stiieticinal. and hereditary 'affections. this Said, hue under gone some. primary alteration. which
'is - the - cause - of - the eyeci it hirer,oe Which es
sentially contributed to its production. Rash"
ration to health can only. be Obtained. by if re
moval of the morbific cause through the triedi.
Arm of- , ,the , circulation, Xiid.Dr. Keelenc Santa
parilla,ie the - most powerful modifier of agent
effecting thin fluid known. See pamphlets.
lllack'woodtown, N. J. JUIEICV, 1848.
Dr. ICeeterDear Ski I , am .entirely out of
you: Panacea. • I 'was Chiled'iipon. day before
yesterday for. half a- dozen. Your medicine is
beeorinng very popular.whereXhave infrodirced
it, nod I think the more it leased the more pop
tiler it will get.' Ilispectfully•Youra,
- ' • •
IG-For detailaixertificates, &c., see circa:
lore, &c.. Price $1 per bottle,large size,6 bot
flee 05 ' •
'Among all the remedies 'before the public
this stands propminent in incipient consump.
(jai Broncliitis, Catarrhe;CoughOloareeness,
Whooping Cough, Pleurisy,. Asthma, Spitting
of Bluod, - and for all affections of the puhrumitry
organs occasioned 'by cold. Too much praise
cannot be bestowed - upon this remedy, and the
proprietor'urges every one afflicted with any of
the abase complaints to secure it at once. It
is Warranted to cure or no pay. Price only 50
Every family whether rich or poor, who wal
lies health and all its blessinge,should have this
invaluable remedy at hand. it is infinitely the
beet remedy known fur Diarzlices, Dysentery,
Cholerri.blorbus, Cholera •Infantum, Cholie,
Flatuleney',-griping cramp, - ete. - cand - for
all 11386114mq the •stomach and bowels , caused
" Thd numerous fetal's:Millais from
PhYeiCiaini 'mid - others • unsolicited 'bee given it
retnitation firuces adamant. Ea Price
25,e9ts her bottle. •
'lbis remedy is pleasant to the taste, harm.
leas •to thelpatient and nil powerful in removing
all kinds worms from, the body. It is with-,
our donbt, the cheapest and best worm destroy.
fug medicine before BUS publiii - and,vzill
ministered occording to Aireetiona,• remove
them .Withiti five or six hours alley taken.' The
dose is smell; and each - beak contains tsiiceas
much , as similar remedies. • Price only 25 cents
per bottle: • •• •
• ' ' PILS. • • ' I
Although', not reco m mended as a f.cureall," .
'yet they ere the mildest and b4ixisniedt to re -'I
- motto, Constipation, hiundice ' Dyspepsia,
bzusneals .Nervousness, ..FoulStomaeli„' Bead- I
che,'lndigestion, dtd. • ,Ulikci, other, pargathin
medillineWthey leivothe bovdelsalwiys relaxed
and conseqUalitly ere the, - propei '6 - Wichita. for
for remitted and'pereens - leadingis• - solitary life.
Pride 25 came. -- •• ,
ee1:04+144 ap plication' for
Palms* the • pheet,•Neuritliii,Veadaelie, Spe'ins
'Brtiface„,Tia,Doloicar;Eweilizage.otthnioint s ;
Eiteumutiam, Gimt, seieticct; , and f0r.411 (Bar.-
idaratwhereits'A e.sadatfire end Inbefaiient retie
•o: 0 4 otielteable.11"riiCO. twenty.five• ends Or,
Vt. , •
• l Allariiief - tbuiecelebtitted.". end - eiterilitiely ,
rueeittitedidnitil, ire; strepaied-sind.iel4-Whale
litifiPatid &MEET,
illoe Dick i isais•e; Meseta .: AIWA, titliiogena• ,- ,
4 1,ircPplihk. Madisnizabini;:_....„_tiloiLic
.EillictomltintgAm:mOd in every - a wn A mraug7t'
Abe, irmunlyi and 'Stater 1. • • , :,:q.lantrartitti , I
bifiiittof .. isti. N - 11:
.4 4 , ~., ~,,. 110 t ES Ar.r. 0,1%....-
_ . •'able And: mihi:AfrigepifitMod.-10z01iri , ...,
or orito,OIIVOICAREp4I . . I'7' , ht ' ( 1112 r2 6 i
111 4111 , 44 . ,. Awnak*Wtr-= ,
—. _ ,- ,2. ir • * I ,
r ,‘
IliAlte l 8 Fire illd'lNifeil i i* : . Ittr
: - WhOIIT
kr iiiciii h,
ft: ) 1441'1'44 '' 4ll 5.. — 4l
le r ' ' ' e '3l4l. ll
rig.o hilotohoOls know4,vehble it sooloi . ,
Rt.,11!110j1, - .:,:l ., Ein!9 ; . -. 5',4,111,,844T0N,
" VitT 0
VOONTAInZ LITII01111!.121170 MlXTuaii," "
ottxTuali." indnoei bulb '
Agent the Matey,
!tad' P a ",!!&, Pla ' 2 9 1 ? • •• • •
i -1 !, , 'fledecal the Priee•:. •
I and'utellimowntirtiele and front
this dais..
ine.eferub„ Int" Titbit pet, ofi hut lent on l 4-11l law •
1 title. t"•11'T n4anpo6-I.r.R
' -DOI . L.&B;• • • •
:The testate may net earated that the eharnotarof the khale,
dm • * ll .4rer.4llthp and s isti,e , tdoeutires„
,* L • Julie& .
wrentanotto k and the.ertel,aere_will_he7hentowed-tn:Re:-
kei this nadielni titeidektitedwitdPiiCe.'Will tit, Do+ahrse
al theiewtei I;:eirnot` hitherto madiritheeielreinoqitinte-,
With its 'inner.' the protirietoe•Winild bee to indeed, that hi.
utiela in not to be claimed : nth:6 the Wit anoint of "Bernell*
'of the day e.! it elaironfor it a [eats poirr. i_
:111 listen s. then any . ..•thr:, p . rtooratern wow befori u
siniti; And hwunisteinei quell' for, eight yews lir its nnierk
'Wile* Arian% and, broil eideethin: Oomittandeul doubt
JwOriee of inioihryarticlein • O ' •
t Notion PettutoninittY: it'd.. article hiti with great haw
at power and'eertaintr, upon' the"
liver, ram,ge,. ' •
Sad WI ether outing; %with, immer 'savior which WI! as
has( a justly high nPlall IS a remedy rat
rad all dheruee of Writ It, may binned epio who
he intelligent Pbysientri has abandoned his patient.—and A
bee dietreming diereses. more repeciilliDaoPgi r the-props
slur would . earnestly_ and. hollowly, recommend it.. At e
weeent mien it is only obtained by and the trial will pro,
• . Cheriptet 7 1 todici ,t or rho World! - •
isr Maine risk for pamphl ='.ihe spate gin them away
they oontain oyez sutwa Patel Or iiCalPf.• OA addition to fix
.6...tieeltnattar) emir:We for bouiekold nurseesv;and wide •
wSI narranrani dollars par leer to practical housekeepers.
Those-recaiPte are introaumd to mike the book' of Bel
iajw, aside 11 . 01 P its character as an ashertaing medium fa
dm medicine, the testimony. inlayer of which, in , the form--.
burrs Goes all pelts of the *inns, may be toiled upon. -
"Natighn's Vegetable Lithontriptio Mixture"—de
Greet Amezioan Remedy, now Binle in quait.bottios at •
each, mull bottles at pO'cor mob.. -N6 small:bottler' will b
braid after the primal Bloch is disposed, of:
Ilideipal Office, •Buffelo, - N. Y.; 207 Main Streei.
Bold - Wholonds and Retail by OLCOTT MaKESSON
CO., 127 Maiden Lau, New Yirk City. .
N. B.—AU letters (excepting Com agents and &alma tot
oboes be transacts business) mast be Poet paid. or no attero.c
td be firm to them. •.
5..%Y. Haversack, Carlisle,
C &. G B _Muck, Shippensburg, '
Russel & Dice, Dickinson,, - .•
I Spahr, Alechani , •sgurg,
A H Zager;•Ringatown.
.- •
1300k5,: - •
PHIADELPHIA,-and for , Safe by all the book
sellers in the United States - •
An.easy introduction : to,the study.ol Geogra
phy, designed for chikaren; nod _comp etely Er, .
Justrated: colored
The teat, the exercises theillealiations, and the
forty beautiful maps are printed one
_qoarto-volume. •
a system of 'modern 'Geography, comprising a
desci iptioa of the present" tate of the world and
its five great divisions, Embellished with nu-. •
merous eugravii:gs and illustrated by an creel
lent Atlas containing .2 8 handsome and Decorate '
colored maps. This series Of Geograplik:by :
Augustus Mitchell has been - wholly: or:partly
introduced into thepubWand 'private a' hauls
of all the principal cilierairillowearif_tho_Uni,.._
'led States; and after a full and fair trial of its
merits in these sr-Imola, it his-received an almost
universal recommendation. "; - - ,
,GEQOILA . PII7 & Aries
An ancient, ..classicat‘and sacre d :GeographY,
embellished with enkraiings , of remarkable.
esenteorreWS,Uf ancient cities; etc.; and . accem,
paned by ancient Atlas containing 12 beautiful
. •
colored niapi.
Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School
raphy, with Maps and anibelliihMenta. Mitch
ell's Key to the study of Maps. and Cairoll's
Key to Mitchell's Geography, nTe'excellent and
aronlar "bogka. and' are becommtt very , exten
sively used an the best schools of our country.
Glir ! EillE.'ll Pinar LESSON' Deed
upon the construction and analysis of sentences ;
designed as as introduction to the “Aualysis." -
• Gnamm's AsALTalrA•trentise on the times
tare of the - English language, with illustrntiont
and exercises•the use of schools, by
Samuel- S. Green, A.,111 , 14'. Principal of ,the
Phelps Grammar - School;Boston. _ •
--7-7Tfieseirooktrhtve7ah,-.04 hrlire-hrgrectifire---
they. have been published,obtaineil a very • dx,
tensive circulatimi, having, bee_ ri. introduced into
the public schools of Boston, Baltimore, : Pitts
burg, Ciocinnatti r St—Louis,. Vicksburg—and.
other cities:Jun,' clowns, and _recommended by
those'whn- havi'tried-theraiititlieit'aelionls,ns
without question theliest English Grammars
inexisteace: , • ; t • ;
PRIMARY Smoot' Rianan--Pnrt, ISt is
intended • for • beginners. It contains . lessini
linos each of the •eletnentary sounds of Abe lan.
page : The Primary;School 'Reader s , pail' "2d,
contains exercises in nrtieulatioN;nrranged, in
connection with easy: reeding Jesuit:AL," 'The
Primary- Reader;part:Sd.: is .. de:sigiled TOr:the ,
first clam in Primary tichoolti and the' lowest
class in Grarainar'Schooht.-- ' . . •
• ,7, 111 E GRANNAIt SC/10dX. 'REAnEn, iB designed
for:the middle ehiss - in ,GSvirumar Selina's, and: ,
contains: atiieulation arranged In
connection with readinglessons : -
Tee' Disrmer Seismic likenia; is design
for :the liighest -- chunies—tn:ptiblic , and—private
:tchticils;:. It cortfalast:,eacrenseiri4)4llculatiolf;,
pannes, and inOectionanf:the voice with such
rules and suggesstions asare:deemeiLuseful.
• , TnE - fasvanertra:asarian; or(a.'COttkier o
Reading on :Natural ilistoryf iSciencesindj.ite.2
mune designed for self:mils.
'Consenting of words iti:etifunina andlicafences
for oral and written exercises: It isa Coinplete
ud syntematio series.of, eseFeLes
'.in: English
Thidhietdy poptdne series otreading'binaksi
and this spelling book'rneete coy/piledMr.
m. I). Swao, of Boston,and'xidging Irina the
rapid introduction Into acion's which they have
obtained in tho Fatilerd, and. Middle States and
in many of. thr...; westeri ! , and, SoUthern States,
%rethink theyara :really better, adapted to the
wants of tenacberiand Scholars than soy - other
yet published. The publisheis lavea 'very largo
:number of reeiimmeridatiOnsfrum,publiaschool
committees, bashers suid'others feitindiy to edii ;
:One v 01,., 121 LO. tor •Iligh schools and amide. -
mies. The same work- cond....used and
-or comumn schools,
JAILVIS'E PEACT7CAL rumor:ooT, rop 'ttie use
of- schools and families, ',ll. 401,,12, pie, with
engravings.: • ,
l'auersaa PHtSIOLCIPY g Iby the. same author,ur t
-- -Fitter Boos sat - Aarruitt.Tioal; F.A. Adams,
intended fer.pritnni7 itetl,eonunort sqkeols.,
Irssons in 'inentnt nritlnnitie I plat 'secant',"
roles and exatnploifor, kande o wrutenor th
tactic, for ekiminorriail
A - Key'tct:exsiniples' 'foto
- nriteinetle;for the ate of (etchers, by the same
t. ."
thesis, RrithMetie9 TIATO ,I SCaIteII.tIiTY: high
recommendations frourteachers of -schools and
aC2 ll CMlC•;llfili . rrOitelliliallabOilti',OliKerSll . of our
collegesond from othersiMeresied in_thq42ll°
of, education in Torhnn‘seciioninphOAdom.
.T. Sc'en., al so. puhiiih4us other;, Sch Mil
'Books, which there is . room.l4' . ..elioniek4fe
here besides Licw;;;ltiedicsWrh,d o Nlo4 Ptid
'Miscellaneous BoOks;nturtheYsre fUnroteint. ordeis.fot (mOkald eserrcletiart
meat of knotriedies '•
abloserms..-- • teePL:2s,lso=-13%),
; •
. ,„ ..,.. .• •• ••. •
. 0 ., airsiciatiataluniiiicur ;• ; ;
! 4 24rrrdL .in 41 1 4111:4Xit 1.
I t --- r d F .---
natigdanati itith th e tircpriektry 41 tilikilis Vilflue
iiiiphi to ineichanta almb.Othersi:At 7'll*i:inapt law
utreniC - *loleialet vriges4 . . 1 'i ;i:4l_
_,,...trg .6 0 00 , , t.
li -- 4 02 lik''' 1 4' , '' 44-41, r- -,- SVA4O,I3VIIA RDi
))*Nlieb r
onteettegue,, JeVVee
ing. , erabbingoPjrinlexty itetkkillting, liter % •
Teetientf,kleek kick!! Andt,plyetning lifetime i
wet ninety, ell ol' which - ary.4, - the heepeue. •
ty end 'will be sold. t the lownit pikes
Juna6...' • •-• 'MS ELLIOTT'