II 0! • • •i N T; rr •• The Upright Ntatrof Busiztess. There is for, whom _feel higher respect; IMO -ad in iraiinn; •therrfor •t he I; P . right Mum tb . f; c maityi,.; feel that& coilld.meriveadily• beltymertyr.,7 • than'kip. And-lit.mothaiY.Y.Qt nt9re,9 1 4ipm 1 3 , 4.4442 at J 5 not for thq,geeereusnMatt thatAttfeet - this .itil24,9f-#'?.PO4;;,:;Pil'E9',3"•,l, seen to ot o - ,k„ to v ; competed with the lofty virtues I spealtl of ' : J!],il:l§A:f 9 ;'':‘ l , l P, TOW 'F .,,1 q 3 -Piat`r,4 ll t* chantici—WhOljeshAia t Mitgriifie r cOt ; nations . . Oat may do allvetp speak' loCtio ' , '`didpitage •• wish' there- was in,ore l of itt ;; and yeti t exidt . with,„the avant of. the•true, lofty, un-. bendthg , uPrightness. That not. the rnaa•Jaen!ofovhoin.l„spehic;,Lbut_ltl ie he who standi tunidst• all - the ~interests and perilous exigencies frade, ; 7 :firm: calm; disinterested . und upright., , 'lt is' rMOC the; , who.can see another man 'e • tress4iiiimell as his own . It is ' the man whoie mind, hie coin sadvtintliges doei not e blind - for %an --instant-:--who could. sit a jud4o4pen a 'question' bet Ween himself is, ne i g hbor, , ...'and his, ju s t as ;safely as; the • purest magitrate upon - the. bench ,of • jestiCc. • • Qii.l -hen , Much ,richo then: erMine—, how fai.•nobler ihan" . e•-trairi ,mtigisteii:: al authority.46w.'atoie.'n*.ftil'" than the • guaided, pomp of inajesiy, iS ,that magnammtotts:and4najestiC,iruth :.Yes, it is the'retin WhOis true—:rue-.to -him ' self,;-his neigbbcit':aini his God:--tiue to his COnscience,Cod- whq . feels % that , the slightest suggestion of.that conscience is . more to.him than the chance: of acqutr• „ ing• an hundred estates. Death-.l3ed Scenes. There is no place in the world like a (kith-W. ,There is'no scene on earth of so solefinnitiferest, and around whieh, gathers'euch an assemblage of affecting impressions.. The deathbed is the last stage of human journeying to the world of spirits—The minds of men approach therlas r point of human travel‘ with re ladtant dread. From the death7bed - man takes - kislast look on earth - and earth's objects. On -- the de - ath-bed the eye grows' dim, the world recedes, the - vision chtui-1 ges, , and the dark, gloomy, twilight of lifesjak evening,' settles down on all thitige - hertilielow. - ;:The deitli - -bed is :to the Christian the vestibule-of Heaven.— WhilCke(littge4 • here, _undressing for thigraVe, and' pulling . on the garments of ,iinnoorfality, the Ohristion often hears thetrat breathing froth the stings -of an gels",.and his ear is celestial . .I',le,death-bed is to man without piety • and deatitilW Of religion the, dark - hula to. the world of woe..; What pen is graphic enough to depict the. death-bed scenes in hdinon history ? Yet, this , last net in life's drama-inust come hnd this ;human-history-must• -be wijtten for each ono; Of what sort shall ' they. be ? - - SUPERIOR- - FRESH GROCERIEST . Cif/ and Su before - Purchasing elsewhere' !' • rruiE subtdribeiiiiiitiVreeeiiing arid oenp _ Ing at-his - .C. heap-Family Grocery and Quennsware , StOrmin Weer; - Main" Street, Car .. DON, a very•liiigeAsisOniment of all The anti-' clps hislinei - biljiness: ' • •' •-• ' Brown Sitars' of 'the - best 'qunlity',. from 7 to 9 cents - per pontiC.Loverink's - best erashedand pabiorized Sagard. frOm lu . to 1:2-.1.2. Cents - Per pound, 'N.O: .Sugtir House 'Mid 'Syrup . Midas. SQL; of all' grades from 32 to'69-i per gallon.— AleoTirsupply'brfteeh — gliSiiiir DPW all kinds; wairantedpure. : SOAPS, Fancy; Cos . .' tile; Rozin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, Pul verized Salaratu . e, Indigo, Mould and Dipped Candles,-Coinnion-and.Winter-Sirained-W-hale- Oils.T' Also, a supply of fresh Hominy; cheese front the bestDairtes always on hand. Fancy sewing, traveling, clothes ancfmarket Baskets, tosethenviith a - general assortment bl Chew ' Mg_ and.smoking Tobaccos, Spanish. and COMmori do., ropes,- twines; and Brushes brill kinds. • ' CEDAR' WAR E.—Housekeepoie, and • - olherifexPeeting- soon to eriiberk in the same business, please call and examine my Stock of Wash tubs, Wash Rubbers, Churns, Cedar Buckets, fancy, painted and varnished Buckets, Dreamt, ikc. ' eoc, - -GLASS AND: QUEENSWARE.—The subscriber has just added to his already large stocks number of white Granite, Gold Figur- . ed; Blue, iMarble, Flowing Blue, and , Mullion. ry Tea Sets, of 98. pieces, • Aldo, Plates and. Dishes, - %Tumblers, Preserve, Dishes, Syrup _ Bottles, &c. of every description end price pp, - - that he will' be" able to ,meet the wants and means, of - all in the toinuninity who may favor litm with a call.• • " i .mars! , ;J. D.' niu;nEy.T. EXTENSIV..E • , Xi1311ELBILU:•411: COAL .V.AILD. Tag7(ilubscriber- Would' respectfully, inform _customers and the public generally that Re still continues the LUMBER AND COAL BUSINESS; and that hiving lately purchased in addition to his fernier, business facilities, the Large and - convenient Warehouseend Coal Yard lately, occupied by Mr. Henry Wright, opposite the Well known Lumbar and Coal Yard of the - the ' Rail Hoed and .College lie ;'now more - fully:prepared to enter& his business.. He has at thietime and •is - keeping constantly on hand a' well selected sistirtment or " • ' 'SEASONED LUMBER; of all kinds. sorts, and sizes. Likewise the different kinds of FAMILY COAL. such' as stove Coal of the different kinds, Lime burners and Blacksmith's Coal, of the best quality.— All of which ha will sell unusually low for Cash. He will also keep constantly on hand -' PLASTER. SAL P, FISH, &c. With all the different articles generally found in,a well stored Warehouim. 1 - lo will, also at afftlmes. butrintoDU.CE. aed , FLp.UR, .for Vill:pay , the' highest, current priceS, Being ;very _thankful At: past fitvors, mciuld Antief aniiiiusiy Ccotititinalitin 'of lit 'least' a reasonable iniblia'pittronago. ' ratirl9.z • , ;SAM'I.• M -'IIIOOVERJ-i . . would' the :eltlione to UniVefreel Refrigerator with' %Va. 'ter Filter, etteicha d i may be 'aeon at hie • - •teaidance . ;'ifiiiar •in!.'oneration. and can be 'fur niahed'ixt eity'nricee, thereby saying freight, May 21 '5l. • G W HITHER.' mirA %W.A.! TEA; r ATEST AR RI V La FROM CHINA!—The 2.• ' lovers.of good TEA can be I I :4 - pupplied with Jonkin's & Co's Superior Green and Black , , Pas, either Toone or put up - - in fourth, half or. pound Italic packs to suit purchasers at prices ranging 50 cents up , to 8; par, pound, by calling at .Ihp 'stoic of' [mrs] J. D. HALBERT. A CA D. „f,'X'9.the Lad M PORTER Would respectfully inform the Ladies: that he has fittedllP'the+ room recently occupied ;by Mies Beteey,Korman, next door _to the.old stand sea LADIES pIXOE ST,DRE. EXCLUSIVELY;” ..,where aro , wilrfifi'd If vion. 'fiCE4etelliseortinent .of* gitifersv ileaTelipperai front(tljeli a at manufactories ,in ,Philadelphia, and also° lihie .d i iiin t itiiiltePPOL:ethleh'thelenttentionis ..,.1c;9110,14;4.11,00t7: , , THE olgorlber.4eitiirtill,Weincere thnnke 'to'liisllitiroprogvouetomers -rind'lhtc publin; go -4i for:ihaliberal'onntoglimint". 1411. for - extendadvAnd,deeiran-In;' , -a-i'vror 4 t 40' assureroll that Jan?,linno)deratily onikroint stock In I:*ll.l4iArnneMoNinqnnpotod',lv4ll(Ain -bunlnOns X Tfkl4nlncgoAnitlnt#,(lolnjl;,:fcir Ablit'vrolll(l ho n., 03K 1 P611,. .WY. 0111 ki ,104 0 4 1 0) A b f! 4 . 4 ;40'' 11 4,P1ii' f!,101/1 1 at/ • •fr 4..'.nYlilninpOrlOlA earn Onto aftflOttltiOn Of? Week:fa 40,;aPra f1e.5),0f brindle.. 9 hin 17Ifd.andI Water''reqUillo ' 'I SAXTON.' 1 • • MEE • otoreinzati''..o 0. ....,.qitengive,,Aftbinekwpfi!#FigniAi , j .1^ i 1 11,6' ' II Z I SNIfLtir atte6seoilb49 C. Gibson, CAterNIMILIEVICEII. & UN. t'DElt.TAK.E ! Ri*Northeattatior st - reet;Marlislo7 I'vioaltt reaßeptfutly infdrat the'citisenli of parßslo btindi the , Rubliel goneially Athat - onow hat on , ) ' ) I , l `hand'h lorgeasso'rtmont of new. '. e_, niid= oIogant , TERNITUROP "edasfsting: ;port o 3 + eofdfi,: .01Vntdroticts, , Card,' and , other ler aVas, Bureaus,Sildstoade, I plabrand tancp ' Sawing Stands, &c. manuftioturercitT thd boat • rnatertaltrand gnolity, wstranted. - ; Aden, fi.igene" - ral assortment'of , Chairo thti lowest Vositian.B hada, tnadeo tor ardor and.totalling: ttrotrirniy, attended to. ir.rCOEFINS made to "ordtar at tho shortost notice. arid baying *lea" didolfeaho'he 'will 'attend ftinorals in town or' couptry, „04,-,l)ont forg,at tho old stand ofWm. ' C.,Cr. 'ibson,. ,N4rth, Ilsnovor street, 'a fow doora noyth of Gimp's note]. B V. 4opt 4-1 y ' R. . SAIILE 1ei ,.9 . .V , • • • •c d '', • • .•0 11 •T,i't •- • I,• ' • • I ,•• :•,?,,:.:. •• tk9'.•• 40, P • ;'''', 'P) Corner .of Hoover 'and Ze. riniffEranderiiigneillititAilWays °Oland a large .11'j stock'of Superior 'Cabinet•Ware, in all the Wilmot styles, which hols:prepared,,to soil at lowest prices. ffe• invites'attenikin parlic ularly to the PatelitiSpriV-Bottoth liedste;r4d, n' most useful article • -which- entirely, obviates all objections. Tlia,"VettOM'Calt, IM a untied to old Beditetale:' They tiitvii.4iiren 'Ohara hatiefae Lion to all who have them in use. „ , : 'CGEF/NS'inatle'to Order at:the shortest., ~TACO.I3 FEITTER car!' 851 •-- 1 1 v. . Extemlire Furniture Rooms. , . . ..•••, I AMBS R.WBAVER.,. wombi respectfully. LIP mall the uttention,of House Keepers•and the public to hie, extensive-stock /of „ELEGANT FIEJRNITURS., including Sofas, ,Wardrobes, iCentre end othe'r Tables, Dressing and, plain Bureaus and every otlvr article in his branch of business. Also, now on hand .the largest'-as, ,Ifortmont of CILWIS in -Carlisle; at the lowest „Milces." tGr,Colfins made at' the , shortest hotide and a Hearso•pravided for funcrels.• , He belief its a call at his establishment orr.NOrth' nano 'ter 'street, near Glass's SOTOL. aiturd'hired out •by the: month or•year. • Carlisle, March 20. , 1850.-1 y • • • ••• rAnivIEnis,EPACrORIU,TVEI THE, subscriber „would respectfully, invite th attention of farmers to his slsortinent of PLOWS, now mainline. ; • • tured near Craighead's Mill in South Middleton township, ,four miles south - 0 care. My . assortment consists of Withr;twis, - Stuckby's and Ball's patterns.— The Castings will all-beground. I will, also - make 'GRAIN,'CRADLES. of the most' lin.; Droved parterna. All' orders directed' to Wm: L. Craighead ? Carlisle, will be attended to with promptness, and PloWs or Cradles chilli ered inrany — parr of the county free of charge, WM. L. •CRAIGEIEAD. Propt,r. DAVID STUCKEY, Ofanufater.' .Feb.l9 Gin SEVERAL ! two story BRICK HOUSES ;piton the north east coiner of the public II; square in 'the row known as "Harper'S xc ti Row." For terms, Sic,i inquire of the • • subscriber: ' 6a-no vo3l, ROB'T. — THE - sulfscriber is'inwant ore quanfiff BLACK OAK ft ARK, for which he will pay $3,50 per cord for the heat quality, ' ' may 7 JACOB SIMON. A SPLFNDID ZTOC2L! THE undersigned respectfully Informs his friends and tho !public generally, that he has lust returned from —,(57 -- Philadelphia, baying r„- 12 f purchased tho most ex ~,... Yi 2 „;", termitic, as well as the .. "k•4 9 2 7 - , cheapest' assortment of •... a 4 j ..,•' .....") , . 6 .. 6 stV'N. Watches, Jewelry, ar..c , ever hroughtito Carlisle: His stock con sista in part of , Gold and Mine; 'Patenl - Livii*ralches, ' Gl,ld and Meer cletatekest do.' • _Gold andSilver.Lepin; Walaltis.• in shoot every Variety of Waiohes at all prices. 'Ent FingeYtetteTliiTtlet Pins, Gold and - Silver.Peneils, Gold and Silver pens' end eases . and; Bracelets in great variety. A .eplandidl.artial of, .Gold, : Sliver, German Silver, and Blued Steel SPEC.' TACLES,'which are unsurpass• ed in qu lity by any'other article - west of Phil adelphia, and• which can be sold at•least 10 per cent cheaper titan in'any other establishment in the country. 'Also a large lot of • • comprising Wile, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles, &c. Also, Card Crises, Porte Montiaies, Port Folios,'Ladies-,Writiag Desks, with a great varieyof - utherfaricy - nrineceesary ttt - =talon. A large lot or CLOCKS, assorted patterns, which will be sold low, and warranted ,to be good:----.---. - Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired, He invites all to call and examinable stock, 'assured that none can fail to be suited in quill. by, quantity and rates. His articles are' cash purchases, consequently, he eau afford to sell lower than the same articles can be purchanelf elsewhere: Call at the old stand, a fevt - doore west of Burkholder's HOWL _January 15, 1851—ly T. C ONLY-N. . , A.Volco frOlehe « Bur,nt Distrlet.” blouyer'e ; Candy Factory • Rebuilt: THE subscriber wouldleapeet fully announce to his friends .and the public generally, that his Factory whiclrwas destroyed by the late fire, has been rebuilt, and ho is' now prepared to furnish Ahem with CHOICE CANDIES, ronnufactuied of the best material, which he will sell wholesalti or retail at the ,old stand in North Hanover street, feW doors north of the bank,. where he has , just opened a general assortment of FRUITS' AND NUTS, consisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Pea Isialttr, , Bo. Ho would also call attention tp.his large assortment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, consisting of toys of Glass, Wood,•.Guns and Chinn of endless varieties. • In connection with the above, ho has on hand a prime lot of FRESH GROCERIES, consisting of Sugars, Col Tees, Teas, Molasses Spices, Crackers, Matches, Blacking, &a. Also, a prime lot of MARS, of the boa brands. . , • The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a danereas public tor the - patronage - bestowed, on him, and hopes by a desire to please to rr.a. rit a eontinuanceef the same; He' would also. return.lhanks to the .klrenten*.ind Citizen's for: theic Worts I.6,sayet ina pro arty on the..niglit of-tle'late eondogration „. . Carlisle, ap,g1,,,: ; x:4 4 ,; ; F t , •I '•"' uslic-01 • , 'THE. subscriber „ has on .lutnd .a large and well selected assortment .of MUSIC of ..hll, kinds, consisting'of ttoittof,'.:Aliiraltes, Waltzes, Polkas, de., also • instractlons'lor. Piano and, other instrarrionta... , ',llerlinPs: Method'!,. for )Method for the Violin, &c. a supply of Violin and. Guitar Strings, of firm rate quality - at oily *ices:, •”: .','; ; , Having; mado •an agangement with an Ira., porting ,and publishingOmuse Philadolphia, "ho Will be constantly , supplicd , with- paw Music ancrablo to'fariiish anything in that linemt short noiice; and upon reavonablep terms.. • Music Teachers will find it for their 'interest , to call and examine for 'thomsolvcia . ' at the ,eorner of 'Pitt and High streets, opposite , the'llishelOn House [ml9] „ Q. A. lIGBPARP. ' 313002E5T 1:100413!' 360011 St! TH''E 'desiring Vtry go'od•IBOOKS will 'ray Drug; Dpolc , and Fancy; 13.tUreitMuin ,atrelt; ! tanking ,; arenaritions fut the Trude'Sales In'Norv.Yorkf and sell'thti6 took on , hand , at unusually low !aoeue',if called few days.l ,, Tho work dbiv on' leirid t anairiristraoma bf tha voryi heat 'agt,ilN: - -ei, I • year. , ' • W r RAVVLrNS. 04 `,/,','!. Ji ,Aloo wan • us 0.1 Fv. / . . , . , 3.,no Attri&lfii:Yvlin ' eneat door, to t het P :0, , nn4 ~ yop - min,bpy.l3rinka '..61i.d , 11111illo 'fit :lose thou - city prices..,.. (May 28,'51„ , ' i t 'i.. , ,', , . .... ~, ri.,:: A labiateri .ankother , ii 7 ,angt.::l4Ptripv , Lam . 4 fatatill4'Priliet• 14ilidde t '—iust s : received, tfOx n' door to to iiko P.O; ' ~, DPW 28,'5 1; in'r if ? -014k,iireP41giPPICI,PgIc' miie A:F111;i; oigior,tinO:Nr,6f.Vl° ,gniill-d,,,h,, , rmeride gimo 01,, ..,.,.. luLtlfri, vet cvnitic iAltio, 1,..R4 10 p.. ! „/!s l o'4) 'gratejNy_atuo...l -bl-.---------- I . t - . .;,.,' 4 - .„, . 1, :,,,,,,,,,,„,.11:04,„„ ; , 1 , ! ,. ,, .. of , •i,p,, , ,. 1: - ..:04fili4 frinift , . .. i . Boln emu se. ao.. 1.,0 .. , ~ '''''' . l '1" , ` T 'o' 04(1.A. 4 - al 14 at ,ifictig . 0 el _ ii . . ,et , .iiiiiiii bilillig,i. '- g:'-- i l 311 I- 140(11(0 eitAte• MAP floran - -. 1 11 Ilito 'and colore Pettineto a , of uhou 0010r0. ,, i'l(A:idn'i,.eill'ailintail!gruriZi'ilnilEtafo 'to "wear: Allot . ii.1",",d,,,#,#..,/lin-4,18,-, ..--. ' * 4 • 1 1411tRy " r4;14,4 - ' 4; - 7,0144y 2)45/) o , , i'Wt ,/ , 1/374 ; 64 `k7.` ,• :a7, 0 4 , %. , 'o. . I rom.- RENT. WANTED =I .7DICITGSI*. MOS r , ~;, t.i.a11'i.' 1, ;.. , ,Ltr,tt',.,-' ;`.....0.' , :t1F;51f.;;•. , r,.%)r-A•1,, , ,? • '`..• • , ,__'• I ".XOglh SPrAIigi:ErUPSY r ..• ' . :r IttiViEjaitTrataiyadtai;triabiittibtogmeaq] A. I . .ttrarespl'itititilCaldese.glil'iT.,4spOri 4trbichl' , 1 11#,Iti,"0 , b ee it,parch ait'i al Witbagrent,babkati, the est•••ett3t hiaitesj - Veati:boallietiq,recottainenttl 'to t Vitiatiltbs,!Pliksialaiis;,i,Cauntyy-Alerchatital 1 ;014 bealors, as bein ffieshratbdtparinult;:otieci ,t 1 .4 •:; , ,f7L , P ,, ,'•+;•notr? ,41, : i f 9§rw:.. ~ek ; , i...',4i . , , ...4/1 141 . 16.11cOeyliqtrp , „. orboand L,'lttrpets, , ' ~ -litina 'bent i'. de le,'„ . . .S Odell., g r roattiPaid'Wlitiltr * 1. ..-Thettuinentb;' , ' l •; l : l 'Eatieaaett;,'',". l " ' ':,-$ :, P l 4 l 7 o l ll 'PaeOr., 0 5 ii'o: ' 'Perfutterii, `,3i,e;? ... ,` , - '., :, 1 Cod 7...it!q::,Pil—://'6oatiteci oor#ipi."'„;,;' . .., 7 1), ' V E.STI,I Pr S ...,.: :,r . ...:: . ; .;ndigoely, . 1 % • , 7 • , :Lok:and.Cam Woode,',-:,' ,;.,ladders, . I .•':' OiF Vitriol ,- t 1,1:- - •,;• , unihrte•i;•; " 1 ; •• ',: • Copperas •- , P '''•,',. ,1 ~ Alunt,•. ": 1 • •,, ~.. •:Lae Dy . 0..:1; , ,-*.) ; •,..-,. :••,.• 1 - '' . 3''HH. i'AlNTS''''''' ' l ' ' l ' ; • ; W;etlierdl '&" BrOthai:s . i fitre • Lead; :CbTonr 'Green and .Yedliowilfaiet and Variirsh••llinabetc, Jetsey Window. Glass,,l,inseed.„OiLmitrpen-. 'tinb, Copal arid: eon-eh Vittrlish, and, - ,Red Lead. Ali Of which ; will- , be;•aold , at llie.,yery,loWeet: marked, price,' -- ..Ahlo'i'll'ireiblitid - aitlandid,,' tta' sottnent (ir • • -,,-. , -- . i ~,,- ..,-. -, •• " -`. i .. ;. FANCY , GOCDS . , I FII.t. I •TTS', - .,' ,• ' ' . I .' ''• . ) c o'n fiictionaiy; and initufneViiblit'othei'artieles' i calculated for use and • Ornataaail ;ell br which` are offered at' the lowebt'aealf prides,' :at' the, chelip.torti'l3o6lc iind 'Fnitey Store of the; sub= twilit or on' North' He rititiethst rat, t: ".- "* , S. W. lIAVERSTI.Cff.' , ' liay 28, .1.8.51;. , ;"• - :. ',......:V..,`,., i; vAi VO; : • i °wins &74xcuianxii; • . Itecentlyfr'oni t Phiicddpfica. ' • . .14 ESPEbTFULLY ; ii)form :The citizens Of larlisle. and its-vicinity,'Thai=theYlnivd. now , t'thir Mrirble Yaid. in. South Hanover 134130 fa w. doors south' of the Court' Heine,. arid nearly opposite W-Bontz's Stere;an elcgrint etockof•puro• • • •-,,, -• ` 1 AMERICAN- WHITE, Jil"..4Rßa t and are preinded . o execute, ia themoit didahed • GrfTe Stotts .41 (4! .-. . , . 1 Door. and -Wina10t0....511.15,----Steps, E x ; together-whit other:artielelt“.tlieirline, and•prOmise jhat;An fineness, of -finish; chaste , ness; of, design and; quality 'of 'l4lm•ble; • theii. wbritriihall•not . stirpassod by any other estab lishment; • • ~ , • , • jo,: • . They are also the authortied agents of. Mr Robert Woodi of Philadelphia.: and: furl' nigh from his manufactoryoalVvarieties of IRON . RAILING for, the enclosing . of Grave lots andi all other purposes, m the shortest notice and pt Philadelphia prices. .They: will also finish or manufacture alt kinds•af uilding 'W•Orlionicti as Sills, Steps and Pkitfornii; &e:, it tlici short est notice and on the most - roatignable terms. • Having had great experienCe,. and being am-. ployed in•the'best- shope of Philadelphia, they .are therefore enabled to manufacture the'rnost fashionable work; and respectfully ask a share of the patronage of 'Carlisle and the surrounding country. , [Carlisle, nay° 185 at AT Aar WILT, sousurr.ia m lIOUSANDS •of bottles-of the AMERI it- CAN 'COMPOUND have been sold ditr.; rug the past cilr;anii. was . never known - to fail'ofh curl ' itt' few'daye, Of ~,a certain' deft 'catediseisc,Seminal weakness and all Aiseases of the trinary organs. PCTione afflicted using 'this - pleasatit. and popularroniedyciateAle - artio eiPosureots it ,leaves no 'odor on the. breath, requires n 6 restrictions -in diet or business contains no Mercury or 'noxious drugb itijoridui to the syeteni, and is adapted to every ago, sex„ or condition. It is also the best remedy known. for Fluor Albus :Whites, (feitiole complaints) *Ail which thonsands suffer, withoutobe.know. ledge of a remedy.. This celebrated remedy - has long .b - eCti iis ed - - priitatelifantide &chin and. with. unerring' success, radipally curing ninety ninc of the -hundred cases in a few . days. Around each ~bottle• are 'plaid and full dlreenmce. - ' ~• • ' CAUTION -Ask -for t he AM ER 1 d'A N. COMPOUND, and purchase nnirof,the.Agents Pt ica6l per •battle:' Freida by S; ELLIOTT Carlisle; J.' Wynn', litirrieburg; Colutrirda; - hy A. Miller,tancaster; E. .Mtirrie 4r, ,Co., York. , (Janirary, 150851. STOVE WARDROOMS AND TIN MANr ; ~ I.IPACTORY. riiHE subscribers desire to inform their friends , and the public that they have removed their TIN, COPVER AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY' to the room nearly oppo site their•old standiin .North • Hanover street 'and may now be found in their new and conne• ,mo.diatfa_umnuftietarry._onilm—W_estlaide-af-the said strept,ia few doors above Leather street, where they will continue to keep on hand a lull assortment of every kind of „ Coppet and iro'et.lrort 'Waal. • i.which....may—lie_licedeil_hyitousekeepers_.and others. I,'heir articles arc Mantitactured by themseives,of the best ' , inattirialS; and in point of _finisWand clurabilitY;cannet.be surpassed.— They will also rnanulnctnro„and .repaii at the Shortest notice till kipds of Distiiting„ilppuira(ys. They wig. promptly'itttend ,to the laying.of TIN ROOFING and HOUSE .SPOUTING in town and country, and.on the most reusenn• blo terms. Every branch of their business will be carefully, attended , to with .the utmost • promptness. , They also keep constantly on hand a large variety of •COAL AND WOOD- STOVES,' comprising,every .varicty ..of. .plain.rten•plato STOVES,-elegant wood end coal air•tight PARLOR. •STO VES, of the latest styles, ' COOKING STOVE of the ft — OW — est and most impiovod inventions, at, various prices. which cannot fail to, pine° every testa. They- ro spectfully solicit on examination by the puillic of their large and varied_ assortment of stoves. Thankful to the public for 'favors heretofore extended,--and being: determined to relak no exertions to give satisfaction to their cpstom• ars they }expo 'to merit n continuance of pa o . high " ' est cash price will be paid for tro r nag T e. l - 1 . 0 ' old Copper and Pewter. , . •...• MORRIS &-HERSHEY... Carlisle, March 19; 18.51-1 y •- •. Fresh Arrival of Hardware. ~CHEAPEK .TriAN, THE, cHEArtsT. 7- . • riAvi NG just .returned Iron Now York s tc IA Philadelphia with the bestmna Cheapest Stock of HARDWAREX UTKERY BUILD ING MATERIIALS', PAINTS; ever brodahrt6Carlisle;l'w,ould resasatfully regiiosl dealers-11'nd — Cdneamers and C11'01(101% Wove me a call mid tea whether they cannot got more and better. , goOds.for the same morier than at any other place, inntown. My stock of Locks, Latches,Boltp,flingeri,, Screws; Nails, Spikes, Glass,. P a ints , !s c., mcomplete, and very cheap. Carpenter's' TOMS, I linyo,,a.spiendid -assert. mont, Also, Cabinet Maker's fools and Ma Glass Bureau Knobs - and . • .. SAD,LZLCRS dc,c.OACII mArams, , ' onn,have erhrything'lrf,,their lino cheaper than eyc• , • — ••"'p•OK'SFIOEMATCV.B.,S;'''' tbt cia It ;of , Moiiiao antl•LininK ,P Skins, Singings, cgs, TlfromUitnCWmx; and: tLetTer4,'Mutorttrient of . Shoenialcera Tools. 11 +aye also. a cOninleto assortinent of Ball's-Lasts, =Main flarritiburg, which •ctirt be Mid at Ile tidier place in town, dad at'lltill's Prices. To gelltor,with.tin assortment of all kinds Of }MM.' meretl'and RAM] Iron anti Steel. Of liouse.' keeping Articles, I have Knives. F9rlte . , Spoons Waiters, Snuffers4nil'ilt:ays; . •Tilli, Buckets; &e.' :1 4, rA•LL I have'the largest, Ilendeitniest and theer4 Assortment in' te , A)n." 'Antl'io all who wan( Good:arid Cheap, HAAIIVW4III% wou,ylsaY come a - eeec er'Ypule '''", ";'• ".' ..„ - kiiie' CI OL Vinegar, - rtysT hicoitfoil a frost' tarfol of Pura- Old 4 VinedarJof'sliporkftqaalfr,k, and' warrantO typo fromra4t4tarapoa. , (;) - 7^+.:.,t:^SU'4:f";s . w^:➢~'lt•~: ai~k-=.+' :<~ `+.4".^%nYy{i'w';'