Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 11, 1851, Image 4

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    541ic.e0gi'11ct404.1`0 . 6 . 4,..
'• -From the AmaricanfifeseoLtger.
. ( Ile lr able to eavejo the uttermost."
. .
The utterninst—,upon tha skirts .
bf rite tht host of life,
Who share not, on the heights of power,
• Its gloty,.or Its strife, •
• They bare the burden and the toll,
Nor banner lilt, nor plume,
Yet there's an Eye that maths thent,all -
t • Amid their rayless gloom.
The intermost—the lost in sin,
Tile lost, whom m n condemn . ,
And banish from t h e realm of hope,
lie eareth even for them
He listorreM at their prlson•gate
Forprayer,'or, contrite sigh;
lie.knocketh long, he knocketh tam,
Even When; Is no reply. ; ;
,The recedes,
• • Eveir to the !Meet sand
- 7 - 0 - ftlme's :nest frail and brittle giase,
' • He still doth Yvaiting stand:
He bendeth o'er the dying_umn,
ihrthe - nhrzed'ayeii - ilim
He cornett% to the uttermost,
flint all may trust in him.
Youthful Piety.
Thero 'are difficulties; but ninny a
young man has overcome them. Moses
was a yo'ung man with like passions with
yourselves t but sec what is said of him
in scripture "By faith Moses, when
he was come to years, refused to be cal.'
led the son of Pharoah's daughter; choos•
ing rather to suffer affliction with the
people, of God than to enjoy the pleas
ure of sin for a seasdn ; esteeming the
reproach of Christ greater riches than
'the treasures of Egypt ; for he had fes-'
pect unto the recompense of thb reward."
(Deb. xz. 24-26.) Daniel was a. young
man when lid began to serve God in Ba- ,
bylon. He was surrounded by tempta
tions of. every kind. He had few with
him, and, many againSt him; Yet Den
iers life was so blameless and consist
ent that even his enemies could find no
fault in him except "concerning
of his God."- (Dan. - vr. 5 - .) And - these
ars not solitary cases. There is a cloud
of witnesses whom I could name. Time'
would - fail. me if I were to tell you of
young. Isaac, young , Joseph, young Josh-
Ae' ua, young Samuel, young David, young
olomon, young Abijah, young Obadiah,
young Josiah, young Timothy. 'Khese
were norliffg 2 'elsTit men, With hearts
naturally like your own. They too had
obstacles to contend with, lusts to morti
fy, trials to endure, hard places to fill,
Lice 'any of yourselves. - But young as
they were, they all found it possible to
serve God.—ltev. J. C. Ryle.
How Near is Heaven.
Christians sometimes (says an intelli
gent Writer) look far away to the blissful
- seats of their destined rest. But that
rest is not far off. The clouds that hide
shining .world--are , -thin; they are
transient, and soon will obscure no more._
- The joifincy_ maylend this_liour ;- one-
Short step may place the Christian in the
world of light. One dark hour may
hang upon him • but' the morning comes,
and no shade, behind it. Day, bright,
peaceful and eternal, succeeds. A pang
' may wound for a moment, and then it
flies forever away. ' A conflict, sharp
and-painful, may continue fora night,
but victory, eternal victory ensues. How
soon ! 0, how 'soon the Christian's
cares are o'er; - his struggling soul at rest,
his eyes sufrused . no more with tears
Near at hand is the'land of his pursuit,—
Hope cheets. How glorious the object
that hope embraces; how holy its spirit'.
Who, can contemplate the home our
heavenly Father is fitting for his chil
dren, and not feel his soul athirst for is
enjoyments and employments ? Well,
thosd delights, that 'nippy clime, those
ever verdant plains, are not far distant.
When the celebrated Patrick Henry, of
Virginia, was near the close of life and ..
--in-feehle - hoalttri - heliildifirliiiiir on the
Bible,- and addressing an old friend who
was with him-.-" Here is a book," said
he, " worth . More than all others ever
....p.rinte,d.;_yetmy-mieforturre- - never - I
to have read it. with proper attention and
feeling till lately."
About the same time he wrote his
datightei—J. I hear it said that. the De
ists have claimed me: The thought
gives"me more pain than the appellation
of tory ; for I consider• religion of infi
nitely higher importance than politics.;
and l-find much cause to reproach myself
that I- hive lived so long and given no
decided and public proof of my being a
Christian."—Boston Journal:
SplendidFaney Goode, Elegant
Gift Boohe, &c. &c.
W. HAVERSTICK has just _received
from the city midis now oponinga splen
did display of FAIWY, GOODS, suitable for
the approaching Holyday Season, to which he
desires to cell inc attention of his friends and
the public. His assortment in this line cannot
ho surpassed in novelty and elegance, rindboth inquaiity nod price of the articles, can
not fail to please purchasers. It would be im
possibleto enumerate his
whioh comprise every variety of fancy articles
of the most novel styles and exquisite finish,
such as
Ladies' Fancy Baskets,
Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instrunete
Terracotta Work (a recent novelty,)
Papor,Mache Goods,
Elegant alabaster 'and porcelain ink-stands
and trays . , •
Fancy ivory, , pearl and shell card cases,
Fort Monnaies, of every varielY, •
Gold pens and pencils,
Fancy paperweights, ,
Papoteries, with a largo varioty of ladies
fancy atotionery,.
Motto seals and wafers,
• Silk and bead purses, - ,
Ladies' riding whips, ologantly finished;
Ladies' fine cutlery,
Perfume baskets and bags,
I- Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
Roussol'sperfumps of the various kinds,
Musicalinstruments, of all kinds and nt:al
. prices, together with an innumerable variety o
nrtieles elegantly finished and suitable for' ho
lyday Presents, to which ho invites special at
Also, an extensive and elegant collectjon of
Comprising the various English and American
ANNUALS for' 1851, richly embellished .and
,illustrated POETICAL W 0 RIC 81, with
- for children .of all ages, than which nothing
Can bo more appropnate,or pleasing as holiday ,
gicta t His assortment of School Books and
:School Stationery is also complete, and - corn.
' Prises every thing used in Colleges and tins
Schools. Ho alio desires to .call the
. attention of-Families to his elegant die:Oilyof
from the ostensive establishments of,Corfieliiisr:
Archer and others of Philadolphia. - ecitnerising•
every style- of Parlor',
Lentils, for burping either-lard, opernt.otethe,
—"real-oily ingather - witif - FICAVer Vases, Fancy
'Scree* &e. His assortment in this line is un.
. equalled m the borough:, Also,
in every 04164 , and , nt all'pricea,.all of which
!crq-pure end. Credit; such as can be confidently
, ..teenonitendo ro Ade, ( F innan - end the little folke.
' ,lll 4Ock -- 11 1 441 1. 943. aVerything in. die lino di
'Fancy "igkisopii!r4h.inany oiler artidhia
to hsutieke:opere;vvhich the:Ratite arC bepooially
iriViecili topell.and tfrie klitruig the
llomeinborihabld Stand; nearly opposite. the
•: ! Banlt'pn Norilalnnoieratteet. • 0
Vg - R., 01 excellent artacip ,
l'ffor solo
xt6nidve•ba Wet :Ware-Rooms,
. ()BEET B. .S WILEY, successor to Wm.
1~, Gibson, CLBINET-MAKEB &UN , '
D Ell-TAKER, North Hanover street, Carlisle,'
would respectfully inform the citizons of Carlisle
and the public generally,' that he, now handri
• hand a largo assortment of new
and elegant FURNITUREe
consisting in part of Sofas,
• • Wardrobes, Card and other
Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads'' , plain and fancy
Sowing Stands, &ci manufactured of the best
'materials and (futility warranted. Also a gene
ral assortment of Chairs at the lowest prices.—
Vonitian Blinds, made to ordor and repairing
prciminiy. httondett to. .1)* - '6OFFINS made to :
ord'oKat the shortest notice. end' having a splen-i
did Hearse he will attend' funerals in town
country. igr Dont forget the old stand of Wail
C. Gibson, .in North Hanover Street;' a few
doors north of Glass's Hotel.
Sept 1-Iy. R. 13. SMILEY.
Ofiv ,
Cornersof Hanover and Loather ale., Carlisle.
rir4HE undersigned has always ott hand a large
stock of superior Cabinet Artire. in all the
diatunt styles, which ho is prepared to sell at
the lowest prices. Ho invites attention panic•
ularly to the Patent Sppring•Botioin Bedstead, a
most useful arttclevwhich entirely obviates all
objections. The bottom can be attached to old
Bedsteads. They have given entire satisfac•
tton to all who have' them in use.
Irir CO Fljlisl S made to order at the sliditat
Car!late, Jan'y. ‘n, 1851.—1 v. .
Extensive Furniture Rooms
1 - VIES R.WEAVER would respectfully
0 call the attention of House Keepers and the'
public to hie extensive stock of ELEGANT
FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre and other 'Fables, Dressing and plain
73ureaus and every other article in his branch of
business. Also, now on hand the largest akt
sortment of CIfAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest
prices. 11:7•Cotlins made at the shortest notice
and a Hearse provided for funqrals. lie solic
its a call at his establishment on North Hano
ver street, near Glass's HOTEL. N. B.—Fur
future biredMut by the month or year.
Carlisle, March 20, 18.50.--ly
rAnIVZEIVS Enzponztrtal
HE subscriber would respectfully Mvite
tho aftontion of [armors to his assortment
•- - of PLOWS, now insimfae.
♦ tuned nenr Craighead's Mill
-- • in South Middleton
• township,
.e.r.. 5 . • four miles gouth of Carlisle.
My assortment consists of
Withrow's, Stucltey's,-and _ Ball's_patterns.--
lfo Castings will al[he
grouhd• I will also
make - GRAIN CRADLES. of the most im
proved patterns: All orders directed to Wm.
L. Craighead. Carlisle, will be attended to
with promptness, and Plows or Cradles deliy
eredin any part of the county free of- charge.
Feb.l9 6m .
roz. RENT.
t on the north cast corner of the public
i f r,
111 sqUare in the row - known as "Harper'S
if ROW." For terms, &e., inquire of the
6aTmvo3 I ROB" - B. IRVIN E.
THE subscriber is in want of a quantity of
JELACK• OAK BARK, for' which he Will pay
13,50 por cord for the bust quality:
A, s;purrrinD stoca.
T .
FIE undersigned respectfully infOrms his
friends and the !public
. generally, that he
~.., . has just returned from
, 4,,,.
• •ief , If— Philadelphia, having
•i; . .!. 1 s --..... purchased the most ox
tiM ( e t 1 .., - ?-'''''4..• tensive, as well as the
k - s,"• ,' 9 ''' . ' I s r ' ' ' ,- .7;,..:,.. cheapest assortment of
'4 "' 8 ~ •., •:•z-s:
"--` ' 7 6 -' ;Vet- Watches, Jewelry,
&e., ever hroughtLto Carlisle. Ilis stock cum.
sists impart of .
Gold and Silver Patent Lever. Watches;
Glad and,Saver detatetted do.-- do.
Gold and Silver Lepino Watches. • -*
in simrt every variety of Watohes at alt prices:
Gold Guard and Vest Chains. •Medatlions,
Watch Keys, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast
Pins, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver
pens and cases and Bracelets in great iariety.
A splendid 'article of Gold, Sliver, German
.Silver, and Blued Steel SPEC
TACLES, which arc unsurpass•
ed in ()up lily by any other article west of Phil
adelphia, and which can be sold at least 2U Ater
cent cheaper than in any other establishment
in the country. Also a largo lot of
comprising Table and Tea Spoons, Butter
Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles,
Br.e. Also, Card Cases. Porte Monn odes, Port
Folios, Ladies Writing Desks, with a great
variety of other fancy, articles unnecessary_ jp.
tifilllll6ll. A — largc lot Of C - L — OCKS, assorted
patterns, which will bo sold low, and warranted
to be good.
Watches, Clocks and Javan,' Repaired, .
. Ile invites all to call and examine his stock,
assured that none can - '-n suited in qual
ity, trinlitity'and rtur qicles are cash
purchases; consequoni ' afford 'to sell
lowar than , the•saire. I be purchased
elsewhere. Call at tl id, a few doors
west of Burkholder's .
January 15, 1851—ly T. CaNLYN.
A Voice from the « Burnt District."
Iffouyer's Candy Factory Rebuilt
THE subscriber would respectfully'announce
to his friends and tho public generally, that his
Factory which wan destroyed by the late fire,
has been rebuilt, and Ito is now prepared to
furnish them with
Manufactured of the bek material, which ho
will sell wholesale or retail at the old stand
in North Hanover street; a few doors north of
the bank, where ho has just opened a genoral
assortment of
consisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs,
Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Pea
Nuts, Sec. tawould also call attention to his
large asscrtment of
consigting or toys o Glass, Wood, Gum and
ri j,
China, of endless *odes. In connection
with the above, I ell is on hand a prime lot of
consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Tens, Molasses,
Spices, Crackers, Matchee, Blacking, dtc.—
Alm., a prime lot of CIGARS, of the. beet
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to
a generous public for the ptitronage bestowed
on hint, and hopes by a desire to please to me
rit a continuance of the same. Ho would also
return Blanks to the Firemen and Citizens for
their efforts to save his pro orty on the night
of the late conflagration -
Carlisle, apt P. AIONYER.
THE subscriber has on hand a large and
well selected assortmont of MUSIC of all
kinds, consisting ol,iSongs, Marches, Waltzes;
Polkas, &c., also instructions for Piano and
other instruments.- " Berfini's Method" for
piano, "Mazas Method for the Violin, &c.'ond
a supply of Violin and Guitar Strings, of first
ram quality at' city prices. •
Having made an arrangement with an im-,
and publishing house in Philadelphia,
he will he constantly supplied with new Music
and ablq to:furnish anything in that lino at short
notice and upon reasonable tams. Music
Teachers will find it for their interest to call
.and examine for themselves at the corner of
Pitt and High streets, opposite the Mansion
House [rn l 9] S. A. HUBBARD.
DOORS! BOOZER 3300 . 11.131
HOSE desiring Very good BOOKS will
please call at my Drug, Book and Fancy
Store,, Main • etrerit,.•Carlislo: .L! am making
preparations for the'Trade Sales in Newl York,
andwilhell - tho - trocicrortunnlin untpuallylow
prices if called for within a few days. The
workanow on, hand comprise pone:lel the very
best extant. •
mar- • M RAWLINS.
Books and Misia.
CAI,L at Rawlina' next door tothoT 0, and
you can buy Booha and Mai& at loos than
orgy ;vices. (M y - 28,'51. • . •
". • '\ Turquoise •
Alabantor,,and other Fancy 'l4atripa."Lanta
Meta and pfrpor 'ehaddae—j mw
junk "oed; neat
!o•the (May 28'81'
A RNOLDS.vvitting.fluid, a very au
+ 14. nuerior Ink for solo H t!OHARD'v,
p'tii.:oll;:',:'P - ....:-.!!).i34)5.
DRUGS I''' . DRUGS . : ._.:I)RUGBI
'•• - -
Pre* Apringli:apply
y rrAvEjuisi . r . eceived a fresh Mock
jein'o3, Paints„ Glass; 'Oil, :&d.;' :which
hating been.. purchased milli 'great' Mire.-at'llte
beer mty houses, I can ,cpnfidently.:reCominend
to' Families, Physicians, Country, lylcrchalita
and Dealers, as being fresh and pure.
Herbs and Extracts,
Spices, ground and whole
Essences, -
Perfumery, &c. -
Warranted Genuine.
Putout Medi'eines,
Fine Mimi mils,
Puro lieson'l Oila
Coil Liver Oil
Log apdCam„Woods,
Al Vitriol
Lac Dye?
Wetherill & Brothel's Pure Leath Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Window - Glass; Oil; Tuipan
tine, Copal and coach Varnish, an - Elled Load.
All of which will he gold at the 'yery lowest
market Also,a fresh and ,splendid .as
sortmcnt of
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
calculated for lite and ornament;
are ofibredat the lowest cash prices, at the
cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of .the sub•
scriber on North Hanover street.
May 28. 1851.
Reeently'fram Philadelphia.
lESPEtTFULLY inform the citizen's of
Carlisle and its vieinify,.that they have
now at their Marble • South Hanover
street, a few doors south of the Court House,
and nearly 'opposite A.& W Bentz's Store, an
eleganvineelc of pure. •
and aro prepared to execute in themost finished
style •
difonuments, 'Tombs,
Grave Stones at all prices, Mantles,
Door and Window Sills, Steps,
_t_ezether with ev.ory_other . artiele in iheir line,
and promise — that in fineness of finish, chaste
ness of 'design and quality of 111srble, their
work shall not be surpassed by any other estab
They are- also the authorized - agents of Mr
Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. and will fur
nish from his manufactory . all varieties ofIRON.
RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots and'
all other aura , ..-- shortest notice and at
Phila, hey titao
f Itacling,Work,such
as Sills, ..eps am, _ tonna, at the short
est notice and on thornost reasonable terns.
Having had groat experience,-and beind ern.
ployed hi the best shops of Philadelphia, they
are therefore enabled to nianufacture the roost
fashionable work, and respectfully risk a share
of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding
country. r [Carlisle, nov6 1850 t
War W r.CI I. XI I S. !
ITIHOUSANDS of bottles of the AMERI
CAN COMPOUND have been sold dur
ing the, past year, and was never known to,
fail of curing, in a few days, of a certain deli
cate disease, Seminal weakness and all diseases
of the Urinary organs. Persons afflicted using
this pleasant and popularremedy, need learns
exPosure,as it leaires no odor on the breath,
requires no restrictions in - diet or butiiness—.,
contains no Morcury - oi noxious drugs injurious
to the system, and is adapted to every age, sex,
or condition. It is also the best remedy known,
for Fluor Albite or Whites, (female complaints)
with which thousands suffer, without the know
ledge of a remedy. This celebrated_remedy
has long been used in private practice of a phy
sidian and with unerring success, radically
coring ninety.rlino of the hundred cases in a
few days. Aqound each bottle are plain and
full directions.
CAUTION—Ask for the AM ER IC A N
COMPOUND, and purchase only of the Agents
Pi MeV per bottle. For sale by S. ELLIOTT
Carlisle; J. Wyeth, litariaburg; R. Williams
Cohimbia; by A. Miller, Lancastir; E. Morrie
& Co., York.' (Janbary, 15; 1851;
stovn WA:II . E 1100MS . AND TIN 11,1**-
_ .
IoIIIE subscribers desire to inform their friends
and the public that they have removed
MANUFACTORY' to the room nearly oppo
site their old stand on North Hanover street
and may now be found in their new and com
modious manufactory on the West side of the
said street, a few doors above Louther street,
where their 1; i ill continue to keep on hand a tuft
assortment of every-kind of- .
Tht, Copper and Sheet-Iron Wan:
which may be needed by housekeepers and
others. Their articles aro manufactured by
themselves, of the best materials, and in- point
.of -finish -and-durability-eannotim-surposoodr --
Tiny will also manufacture and repair at the
shortest notice all kinds of Distittivi&.Appqratits.
They will promptly attend to thelaying of
in town and country, and on the most muerte;
ble terms, Every branch of their business
will bo carefully attended to with the utmost
They also keep constantly on hand a large
variety of
comprising every variety of plain ten-plate
STOVES, elegant wood and coal air-tight
PARLOR STOVES. of the latest styles,
COOKING STOVES of the newest and most
improved inventions, at 'various prices. which
cannot fail to . please every taste. They re•
spectfully solicit an examination by.the public
of their largo find varied assortment of stoves.
Thankful to the public for favors heretofore.
extended, and being determined to relax no
exertions to give satisfaction to custom
ers, they Kopp to merit a continuance bf pa
fr:r•The highest cash price will be paid for
.old Copper and Pewter.
Carlisle, March 19, 1851-ly
Fresh Arrival of Hardware.
FIAVING just returned from Nord York be
Philadelphia with the best ano Cheapest
brought to Carlisle, I would resocctfully retinas:
dealers_ and consumers, and all others to give
mo a call and sec whether they cannot got more
and baiter' goods for the same ,money titan at
any other pinto in town. My stock of 'Locks,
Latches, Bolts, Hin ges ,
. Screws, Nails, Spikes ;
Glass, Paints, & c. ,conaploto and vory cheap.
Carpontors"roos, I havo -a splendid assort.
rant. Also, Cabinet Makor's Tools and Met.
viz t—Vaneero, Mahogany, Mineral and
Glass Bureau Knobs and-Varnish.
- • • • - • •
can have everything in their lino cheaper than.
ever. .
I have a first rate stock of Morocco and Lining
Skins, Bindings, Pegs, Thread and Wax, and
a superb assortment of Shoemakers Tools. I
have also a complete assortment ofßall'a Lasts,
made in Harrisburg, which can be had at no
other place in town, and, at Bull's Prices. To
gather with en assortment of all kinds of Ham
mered and Rolled Iron and Steel. Of House
keeping Articles, nave Knivos. Forks, Spoons,
Waiters, Snuffers and Trays, Tubs, Buckets,
I have. the largest, Handsomest and Cheapok
Assortment in town. And to all who want
Good and Cheap HARD WARE, I would say
come and see for. yourselves.
.„. 0 .°1 3 P, 3 r i P LYNE.
. . •
huranittirgLas dc : 2'41:411,330L13;
HAVING decided to quit tbe, bushiest', I
propose to sell my stock, at Very low
Cos. It embraces the . newest and most desire.
tie styles. You 'are to call and ozam•
ins. - lI. , HICHA:RDSON, • '
mr26.2m No MI-Market st.
• . • wo Milliners.
JUST receiyed, anothor .lot ,ofßontiof
Frames of the latest style.
: Mao, Sonnet silkat
Si l k and Satin Lielrigs of various colors.
deel/ '- W
, . .
FULIt assortrit' Mit of fßOPESjust.rceolv o
by tho subscriber: • Also,,G lass ,Tabeti'td
ig ming Hods for sale cheap by
suptt , H. SAXTON
', l ( .o:t'i..oo:ei:i.o.oiielo.
l rand , and aquaro tIALATOEL.
IfflaufaCiur'erw,Weit. Eutaw
; .71.14
F0Kt.49 1 -fiCim`6 to 7 octaves, in
higtociwaildiltiahogany and Walnut cases
darcous*yletOrgith and without iron Cronies,
onibining all BO improvemente, requisite to a
uporior instrument. . .
K. &' G; hays - reeelyed: from the,.Maryland
: mstitute thejyrst . .premium for their Pianos, in
(!ireesuccossivo years, 1848, 1849, 1850. They ,
ave alee'been honored' with numerous teatime.
late from all the moat Celebrated • ortists who
ave used their instruments. - Pianos from their
itnblishnient.havo been used at the 'concerts
? 'Lind; Herz, 'Hohnstock, Bishop, Laborde,
- 0 050, and other eminent performers. :They
uarantoo durability for five years, under geed
are. and' Will replace rich others all 'which
1 , ) tat not . give satisfaction, if application be made
ilthin Br( Months after delivery . d
' Their' Unnufactory being conducted on the
oast extensive scale enables them to tarnish
quitruments at tho vorylowest prices, whole•
t ile and retail. , Constantly en hand, A. P.
Ito:ghee' Melodeons, ranging from $45 to $2OO,
i itwhich they are solo agents for this city.
January 224851-1 yi
Jerflunery, Fancy Soap & raper Box
48 .Market street, below Second, Philadelphia
i rj LEGG & CROMPTON, Manufacturers
L.) of Perfainery."Fancy Soaps and Fancy
L'aperßoxes, respectfully call the attention of
10 Druggists and -Dealers in Carliele.and the
lumberlandYalley, te , their extensive stock of
~)nods, comprising Perfumery; Fancy Soaps,
'owders forthe complexion, Toilet, &c. &c
, 1 every variety. Also, afull and complete, as
vrtgiont of Fancy Paper Boxes, of every 'do
largeor small, round or square, made•the shortest notice.
rDon't forgot the place, 48 Market street,
!hiladelphia. All orders will meet with prompt
,qention. • janls
11E OLD STAND,_occupied for—more Mon
• one 7 third Of a century by G. Ti'illig,'Esg:l
E Undersigned would most respectfully
announce to the publict.hat ho is AGENT
i-- for more - than twenty of the most
't, , celebrated manufacturers of HOS
DELPHIA, and elsewhere ; and..
constantly receiving from'thom PIANOS o
tde richest and most ve_dotislyles,,,ef_superior_
aTfdT3 of the most superb finisii, of 6. 6+, 6,1-,
il).,•and 7 .ootaves, which are warranted equal
Ili any manufactured either in this country or
,h Europa.
Just received, also, raurther supply of Church
td Parldr- Organs,- of benntiful - patterns and
ne toads: - •
-Ifis..WARERO OM is- do - faintly supplied
tith a choico selection of SERAPIIINES and
LELODEONS, from the oldest and most cx•
t nsimm . anuhictories in tilt; United States; a
long wlimn is a new style of REED ORGAN
- wing' Carhart' s s patent improvements, with
ilt pipes in front, and case elegantly carved,
nd highly ornamental.
'Putting and Repairing—Sig. Salvador La
.11rassa, a distinguished Piano Forte Manufactu
rar and Organ Builder, will attend to all orders.
sopt4/50 OSCAR - C - B CARTER.
ri k ONT bo deceived. Country. Morchitnts
;Jr and Dealers who want good• and cheap
all upon JOHN T CLEGG, Perfumer and
• rhemisc 48 Market St., below 2d; Philadelphi,a
has-constantly on hand PERFUMERY
ad FANCY SOAPS of every description,
rowdeis, Hair. Oils, Ox Marrows,. Celognes,
;lair Dyes, &c., &e..‘
- 100,000 persons haye read my advertisement
11 the Public Ledger, hundreds.of,whom have
ailed and been convinced Of the advantage of
I , urchasing direct from the manafacturer,
Agency for Ferran's Circassian Hair
i)urling Fluid, &c.
Orders from any part. of the United States
'viii be promptly attended' to.
aug4'oo,ly • .JOHN T • CLEGG.
..ILikht Light Ligh 1!
?ine 011,.0amphine 8c Medal Fluid,
TIF acknowledged suneriority and purity,
1.5 manufactured and for sale at the lowest
Wholesale prices, bye DAVIS & HATcti,
:a the old established stand of the late Benia
nit!. T. Pavia, CAMDEN, NEW JERSBY,
shore driers by mail or otherwise are solicited,
rid.proinpt attention given. • The voido of the
'Altaic for. fifteen_yeare,_and,,the_award-of-a
i3ilver Medal, and complimentary notice' by
the Franklin Institute over all, competitors, is
ufficient evidence of •the excellence of our Oil.
Alcohol, Pitch, TurPneinc, Rosin, and S.Eir
its of nrpentine, for sale Wholesale' and Re.
J. OIL Rowe,
caji - ANDFACTURERS and wholesale deaI
.VoOrt WARE, have removed to the largo
tore lately occupied by Messrs.. Seller* Co: .Da.
it where they have opened an extensive Stock
.1 Eastern and City made BROOMS and
00D WARE, Which they are now selling
• t the lowest manufacturers prices.
full aestittment of Bristles, Birches, .111 at
,",orilage, Etc. `constantly on hand No I.
, loithjliird Street, 3 doors below Race, Ph
• delphiu j D' . 17,' 5 0 P.
Steam Iron Railing.!
Corner ofßidge Road and Broad Street,
WOULD.caII the attention of purchasers to
V their elegant assortment of Wrought
CaSt Iron Railing for
Railing for Chuirches, Public and Privato
Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with
111 kinds of Plain and Ornamental Iron Wolk..
1 .1.0r0 '& Gallagher's 'Book of ORIGINAL
9ESIGNS, containing the best selection a
ilesigns that has ever been issued, will bo sent
o any person who may wish to make a select
ion. " 1j0b19.51
No. 78 Noth•Strect.-Baltimor c.
1111 HE undersigned, Agent for the
. Pennsylvania and Ohio Lino, boingcon.
rally' !heated ion the Baltimore and Susquo•
canna Railroad, One ;made arrangements for
ransacting a•
Genorixl Produce Commislon Ituatuess,
in connection
uid resoectfullysolicits consignments of ‘Vbis.
coy, Flour, Gram, and Country Produce gone.
ally. Respectfully,
Baltiniore; April 2-3mISP.
N. B:', Orders for Groceries, Salt, &c.,"will
bo promptly.exeputed.
Messrs. - John Sullivan & Sons, -W.-Starr &
SonsiThomas J. Carson & Co.,.John M'Cul.
logh & Co. & Wilson, David _Hays &
Co., tivali..Keighler & Dorsey,- -Miller and
Mayhew, Trumbull, Doll & Slade,. Robert
Garrotric Sons, James George, Baltimore.
Messrs. R. Cningle Sc Co Wheeling, Va .
Messrs. Clark & Thaw, H Graff, Pittaburg,
Mr.l. W. Kerr, Harriaburg 7 f,?
Jainos Cowden, Esq., Colturib,i . d.
Messrs. Muihollan do Ray, Blairsville,
Maim: P. A Br. S Small, York.. , .
• • - . _
11fesete. Jamee Sod & Co., Lowis & Bailor
ELQUIII. AND PRODUCE. 00,1411411510 N
_AMR craw-Ts,
345BaltlinoreSte, opposite Eutaw House,
ll , #otEtiteirwhole attention to , the Sale
Flour; Grata arid , Seeda, , Whiokey, Bac
p tt,
LaNkßuiter,' Woof s ONO 'Fruit, egtb., on'
the most reasonable , terms. • .Purposing•soon
th remove where:they, will have the. bee ;°('Rail
Road track connecting vvlth the ‘ ausqUebanna
.Rood, they,. no*. leilpectfellY, solicit consign•
manta over that road, and Will ,thomeelvoe pay
drayngOan Trodttho' , Warialio,uso, when
rocolyol in lots of a largo, car load or more at a
41‘searli David BloWiirt 0 ., 1m0 , 0
Mr. John 1
D. Early; ' • ' ' • —""
Mr. Upton. WashabaOglii-Dhatobaraburg.
1.0..21upd .
Jitonianet tompanic,
The United States Life Insurance
Annuity and Tiist Company.
. .
h arter 'Perpetual—bcpitai • I
yinHE - constant, unsolicited ,ppplicotion for
Life Insurance; giVes the. moat abundat
and gratifying proof 'that the public mind is
deeply impressed with the Jost imperlaned of
this subject. The great. object, however, of
Insurance should be safety, otherwise the whole
motive to Madre niny be disappointed. Too '
much care Cannot bo"practised in the selection
of an office with whic h to, effect the eontract.--
Tbe choice should be regulated not by present
and constant large indueemente;lts this, is cer
tainly incompatible ;With - futhfe betielts. The
premiums on life are, calculMed.for , thefriture,
if present and prospective benefits therefore are
given, the reault'ultimatelymitst terminate in
litigation, diSappointment anilfuin; The object
nimed , et by this institution is stability 'hod per
petraty. The rates of premium have been care ,
prepared-with-referenetrto-fluctutitimiii:= 7
The cash system of payments has also been
adopted.-- Unpaid premium mites constitute no
part of the assets of this company, and every
contingency being fortified with an ample cap•
iftd, security' stamps toe whole system. This
feature, para Mount to all. other considerations,
commends the company to public favor. , Ex
planatory pamphlets, blanks. application papers
information,antlevery facility will be. cheerfully
furnished tho public by Mr. E. BEATTY, who
has been duly appointed agent of this company
for Cumberland county. Dr. H HINICLLY
has also been appointed Medical ExaMiner.
Directors.—Stopli9u It. Crawford, Ambrose
W Thompson, Benjamin W Tingley, Jacob L
Florence, William Al Godwin, Paul B Goddard
Lawrence Johnson, George AV Veary, James
Deverewc, John L Linton.:
President.—Stephen It. Crawford.
Nee- Presideql .—Ambrose W. Thompson.
Seermarynensirrer.--.-Charles G Imlay.
Acinary.—Manuel Eyre.
Cor.nsel .9tiorney.—Thomns
.111 Wien,. Examiners. Paullß Goddard, M.D.
William Popper„ M. D. raug7 ly
THE Allen and East Petinsborough Mutual
Fire Insunince Company of Cumberland county
neorporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully
organized, and in operation under the manage
ment of the foliowingcommissioners,Nizr
Jacob Shelly, Wm R Gdrgas, Michael Cock
! in, Molchoir Brennerhan, Christian Stayman,
Simon Oyster, Jacob H Coover, 'Lewis Elyer,
Henry Logan, Benjamin II Musser, Jacob
Kirk, Samuel Prowell ; Joseph - Wickersham:
. The rates of insurance are 'as low and favors
, bl° us any Company of the kind in the State.—
Per Sons wishing to become members are invited
to make application to the agents of the 'compa
, ny, who are willing to wait upon them aLany
JACOB SHELLY, ; President
HENRY LOGAN, Vice President.
Lswis 111. -ER, Secretary
MaasEr. 6ociu.l.N, Treasurer.
Cumberland count o. —Rudolph Martin, New
Cumberland, C B ilerman, Kingston:tr . , Henry
Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and
Charles Bell, Carlisle. Isaac Kinsey, Mechan
icsburg. Dr. J. Ahl, ChureMown.
York tounty.—John Sherriek ' Liitburn,-John
Bowman, Dillsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin
John Smith, Esq., Washington, W S Picking,
Dover, Daniel BalTensberger, J W Craft.
Horrisbara.—Houtler & Leaman. -
Members m l the. company Yaving policies a
bout to expire can have them renewed by mak•
inn application to any
—FOR .25' CENTS !!
—By means of the pocket
7:sculapius, or, Every one
is own Physician ! Tweu
(-fonrth edition, with up.
rards of a hundred engra
ingS, showing private dis
:saes in every shape and
wm, and Malformations
r the generative system.
The time has now Ar
!ring from secret disease
.:entrained in this book any
one may cure-himself, without hindrance to bu
siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate
friend; and with one tenth the usual expense. In
l addition to the general routine of private disease
it fully , .51,k :ins LI.. zu nzuazc......14.04 , c, <0.4 7 'au
cline, wttli observations on. marringe—besidee
'many other lieVilligetliellt W.IIC I lit wo uld 110 E by
proper to enumerate in the public prints.
0::f Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CF.NTB,
enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this
book, by mail, or five envies will be sent for one
dollar. Address, '‘DR. W. YOUNG,No. 152
alIr`DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of
Hie Diseases prescribed in his different publioa
ions, at his OfliceB,ls2 SPRUCE street, every
day between 9 and 3 o'clozk, (Sundays excepted.
May 1,1050. •
English and American Hardware
Cheaper than can bejound this side of the
V HE subscriber having just - returned from
the Eastern cities with a full and Inind•
some assortment of all kinds of HARDWARE
of the very best makers and well' selected, is
now opening at the Cheap Hardware Stand in
North Hanover street, next door to Scott's Ho
tel, formerly kept by Henry .Glass, where he
would invite all that aro in want of good and
cheap Hardware to give him a call and see and
satisfy yourself of the truth, as we aro determ
ined to sell at a very small advance. Small
profits and quick sales are the order of the day
To Builders, Carpenters and Others.
A full stock ot white, mineral and Japaned
Knobs, locks and latches, of. every description
price and Apathy, hinges and screws, window
sash and shutter. springs, strait-necked and
barrelled Bolts, ot every kind, mill, 'cross cut
and circular Saws, hand, panel, ripping and
back Saws, bright, black and blue augurs, o
the very best makers, Chisels, broad,pointing
hand and chopping Axes, of different makers
hatchets,planes and plane bits, steel and iron
squares, files and rasps, nails, brads and spikes
of all sizes and warranted of the best quality.
To Saddlers and Coach Makers,
Our stock consists-of a completo,msortmont of
articles in your line of business, saddlery tools,
brass, silver and lapaned mounting, carriage
trimmings, broad pasteing and seaming laces
and Singes, plain and figured canvass, of
cloth top lining cloth — and - serge" lining of
ous Itinds;white, rod, blue and black. patent
loather Dashers, silver and - brass plate Deer
Hair; rosette, hubs, fellows, spokes, bows, slip
tic springs, iron Woe malleable castings, Sze.
- To Cabinet and Shoe .blakers,
A full stock of shoo kit and findings, boot mo
roccos, French kid, straits, morocco and lining
and binding skins, lasts, tacks, pegs, hammers
pinchers and French morocco, kit of every de
scription, superior copal varnish; Japan and
black varnish, mahogany and maple Vanoers,
moulding, beading, resets, glass, mineral and
mahogany knobs of every sizo and style.
To Blacksmiths, Farmers and Others.
10"im.s of assorted bar iron, it arranted to be of
the beSt qualtty....A splendid assortment of-bar
and rolled n, hammered, horse shoo, scollop,
plough, broad an narrow tire, rolled, Worse shoe
bar, band, round and square iron, cast; shear,
spring, English and American blister steel, Eng.
lisp Wagon boxes, Carriage boxes in setts, an
oils, vices, files, rasps. horse shoe nails..&e.
To Housekeepers.
A beautiful assortmentof cheap fancy goods,
such as waiters, trays, plain and fancy knives
and forks, butcher knives and stools, brittapia
lamps, brass candle, sticks, Brittannia and silver
table and ten spoons, plated butter knives, pro.
serving kettles,smoothip iron
irons, iron and tin
ned tea and oval boilers, frying and bread
pans, washboards, tubs,'"eburns, buckets, iron
pots, wash kettles, and stew pans,. &c.
Gunsmiths, Afarksmen and Others.
Rifle and Gun Burro's, tone action, plug,
nipple and back action Gun Locke, gun mount•
ing and gun breech"cocica, shout brass and
Gorman utinr_ornamentehAc---
, „ . -To Painters. ,
A fresh lot of Wetherill's pure nod extra
White Load, oil and turpentine, varnishes, in'
pan, white and red' lend, Yellow and Green
paint, ground in oil, whiting, yellow ochre, &c.
To V;mlers and 4 ./Ifarksinen.
A good assortment or double .refined powder'
rock powder of extra miatity, eafeity4use, shot,
flints and bar lead, repos of all,kinds, for
threshing machines' and. , ;Woll ; .digter and a
ihousand other articles triti,Mumprouti•fo insert,
all wo ask is to give us a call, and we pro' con.
fident you will find a good aesortment of Haid••
warp nod cheaper than can .bo found in any
other House this side 'of the oast. Give us n
call ip all we ask, ac the old and well known;
liardware Stand 'formerly kept by Lowle Hai.;
lan r in- North Hanover street, next. ,- door to.
Scott Hotel, formerly kept by Henry Glass...
_ _
Vor•the Cure of •
in offering to the community. this justly eele
_rated—retiamly—for—diseases—tirtlie throat and
togs, it is not our wish to trifle with the Olive
. r health of "the afflicted, but frankly to lay be.
ire them the opinions of distin;mished men and
-me or the evidences of its success,, from which
'icy can judge for themselves. We sincerely
ledge must:lves to mane no wild assertions or
dse statements of its 'efficacy, nor will we hold
uthny hope suffering humanity which facts will
of waiVant.
Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an
.equity from the public into all we publish,fcch
ig assured they will find them perfectly reliable
nil the medicine worthy their best confidence,
ncl patronage."
'rofessor or Chemistry, Mineraology, Yale
,;ollege, Member of the Lit., Ilist.,Med. P 11.10:
ad &len. Societies of Ainerien and Europe.
0 1. deem the CIIERITY PECTORAL an atl!
•nirable composition from Some of the best ar
ides in he Materia Medica add. very effect
: ce remedy for the clam of ;liseases it is intend
, if to cure."
Now Ilaven, Cl., Nov.' 1,124.9.
Prof, CLEVELAND, ol; Bowdoin College, Me.
Arches—" have witnessed the effect's of your
• CHERRY PECTORAL' in my own tinnily and
•hat of my friends, and it gives me satisfaction tor
date In its favor that no medicine I have ever
;norm has proved so "mninently tfuecessful of
umng diseases of the throat and lungs."
Writes That be considers'CLlEßßY PEC-
I'ORAL' the best medicine for.Pulmounry afrec
.ions ever given to the public . ," and slates that
.his daughter being obliged to keep the room
bur months with a severe settled cough, %mom
tnied-by,ra ising of blood, night sweats, and the
hesitant symptoms of consumption, - commetraed
he use of the 'CHERRY PECTORAL' and
lad completely recovered."
Dr. Ayer—Dear Sir: For two yeatla I Wag
Iffikted with a - very severe cough, accompanied
ruse night sweats.-
3y the advice of my attending physician I was
educed to use your CHERRY PECTORAL,
,nd continued to do so till 1 considered myself
.atred, and ascribe the etre et to your preparation.
Hamm'en ss. Springfield, Nov. V. 1818.
This day-appeared the above named Qnincs
Randall, and pronounced the above statemens
true_in every respect.
PuiertAND,llle. Jim. 10, 1847.
Dr. Ayer; I have been long _afflicted with
Asthma which grew yearly worse until last au,
tunm, it brought on a cough which confined MC
in my chamber, soil began to assume the alarm
ing symptoms of consumption. I had tried the
best advice nod the best medicine to no purpose,
until I used your CHERRY PECTORAL, which
has cured me and you may well believe me.—
' - Cratellilly yours.
3. I). priELtis.
If there is any value in the joilginetit of the
wise, who speak from experience,. here ins med
icine worthyof the public confidence. -
PHEMOIED DV J. C. MIMES, enclutsr, 'Aqua,
Sold by Dr. Rawlins, S. A. Hubbard & Dr. S
Rlliott;Carlisle; Dr. "Ira Day, Mechanicsburg;
I. Herron, Newville; J. C. & J. 11. Altick Ship
tiensburg; and druggists generally.
elebrated Family Medicines.
It concerns every one. Cholera - can be cured
Dr. Keeler's Sarsaparilla
. Panacea- For
the removal and permanent cure of al
Diseases arising from an impure
state of the Blood and*.habit '
of body. •
The All-wise Creator hoe implanted in all
organised bodies an innate disposition to self
preservation. Thu vital powers possess the
property of resisting the influence of external
causes, but as the BLOOD is tiro common par
bulum from which all parts of living matte
derives its renovating elements, and' consequent.
ly, upon which tiro life of organized beings do
pend, it is probable that in cases of accident'
or where artificial means have been employed'
to deprive it of on eskoothfl_propertyollezital
-effectii-firtlie-WITOIe-s-y-siem will be directed to.
ward restoring to it that prope'sty. In all con
stitutional-and hereditary alleations, this flnid
has undergone Borne primary alteration, which
is the cause of the special disease, or which es
-- sentirllyeentributedto"its produetton. Rests
ration to health can only be obtained by a re;
moral of the morbtfic cause through the medi .
unt'of the circulation, and Dr. Reelor'a Serie
parilla, is the most powerful modifier of agent
effecting this fluid known. Seo pamphlets.
- Blackwoodtown, N. J., June 6, 1848.
Dr. Keeler—Dear. Sir: I am entirely out of
your Panacea. I was called ujipn day before
medicine for haifa dozen. You edicine le ,
becoming very popular where I:ha itlfroduced
it, and I think the more it is used the more pop
ular it will get. Respectfully yours,
D:Fur details, certificates, &e., sec circus
lars, &c. Price $1 per bottle, largo size, 6 but
'Des $5
, Among all -the remedies . before the public
'this stands pre-eminent in incipient consump
tion, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness,
Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting
of Blood, and for all affections of the pulmonary
organs occasioned by cold. Too much praise
cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and the
proprietor urges every one afflicted with any of
the above complaints to secure it stance. It
is warranted to cure or no pay.- Price only 50
Every family 'Whether rich or poor, who val
ues health and all its blessings, should have this
',invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the
best remedy known for Dinah:Ea, Dysentery,
- Cholera Mo t• bus, Cholera' - Infantum, Choke,
Flatulency, griping pains, cramp, etc., and for
all diseases of the stomach and bowels 'cauSed.
- 14 - Teething. The numerous testimonials from i
Physicians and others unsolicited has given it
a reputation as firm as - tt4amatit. pr Price
25 cents per bottle. -
This remedy is pleasant to the taste, harm.
Iced to the patient and all powerful in removing
all kinds of worms 'from the body. his with
out doubt, the cheapest and beet worm destroy
ing medicine before the public, end' will Wad
ministered according to directions, remove
them within five or six Slurs after taken. The
dose is small, and each bottle contains twice as
much as similar remedies. Price only 25 cents
per bottle.
Although not recommended as a "cure ell,;'
-yet they ere illo mildest and best remedy tore.
move Constipation, Jaundice,' Dyspepsia, Bil
iousness, Nervousness, Foul Stomach, Head•
ache,lndigestion, etc. Unite other purgative
friedeines they leave-the bowelsalways relaxed
and consequently are the proper medicine for
for females and persona leading a solitary life.
Pries 25 cents.
- A justly celelwated external application for
Paine of the Chest, Neuralgia, Headache, Spells
Bruises, 'Pie Doloreux, Swellings of the Joints,
Rheumatism, Gaut, aciatiaa' and. for all disar•
derre,'tvherain a sedative and risbefuelent rome.
fly is applicable. Price twenty,fivo cents per
_...—AlLot_the-above-colebralcd-ti itd - extb r-is-tliely
tried medicines, are prepared and' r:O14 Whole
' sale and Retail, at 294 AIARICET b - PREET i
, •
. For - stile .by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle •A. G.
Miller, "Dieltinaoni Metiers. Altick,,,Slappens.
' .burg, J. F. Spahr, Mechanicsburg, M. Ditner,
Shiaemanalupfn, and in every town through:nit
the county arir/State,.• .-, (January 14, 1851
OF MAGNESIA:-An'agreo• -
C :able and mild' refrigeraht and laxa!iva,
or sale by iIUBBARD. (alar26
, 'ITEM de WATER rytOOr. ' -
11.1S.0.1.1'0.Firb.end NAJNIi,
Which hos,beon, so extoosively.usedlfor
t to last silt yoare with the utmost success on
the roofs of -Houses, Steamboats, 'tic., not it
single instance is known where it hes Wed...
For sale by. tttll2] li. SAvroN
-Aftsreitancnto - ;
Price Reduced !
tammonalummo marnmam
Largo Itottlos —Only Ono DoOan.
nu t Proprietor of the Greet American Remedy. t.' VAUOIIp'
argent tolicltations of his Agents, throughout the Unite
elate' and amide, hes now
• Reduced the Prim
if his popularand well known article; and from tide dale
wmesforth. he will .put up but. one sise only,—his Q 1283
sottletv;*the retail mine will be
The public mai reit cared that the oharaotet of the Medi
its strength, and °unify.) Pan:tonics war. zaxat•
.INdiIARUND, and the 1111110 CAN rill_be_bestowod-itt-pxy 7 , -
70Mteit ai heretofOre._
4. this medicine, under Its reduced Price, will he Purchtu3s
I/ tboso Who have-not hitherto made thermicen acquaint."
crithua Armee, tho proprietor would beg to intimate that hi
vide is not to ho claseed with the root amount of "Remedle
of the day ;" it claims for itself a neater Aialing'Power,
al diseases, than any eater Preparation now before
world and has sustain. 'WU* for yams by Its superit
medical rhinos. and, Midi this reduniton, tiomninadod doubt
/to price of any other article lathis
- . .
NOTIOII P.s.wrictnalivr, tlde article nets with groat tun
in power and certainty, upon tho
Blood, Livei,,S.idnoyn, Lunn •
.a all other organs, upon the proper nation of whiiiit Illb no
width depend.
nig medicine has a teeth high repute as a remedy for
Dropsy and Gravel,
win &scum of that nation. It may be relied upon who
he intelligent physiatan has abandoned his patient,—and f,
Lees distrewing diwases; more especially.Dnoris, the prop'
key would eammtly and honestly recommend it. At t
*meant price it is eastly obtained by all, and the trial will picis
the article to be. UM
Cheapest Idedloino in the World:
Cam' flews ark for pamphlets...the Keats giro them away
they captain over sixteen pagr of receipts, (In addition to fu
medical matter) valuable for household purpoise, and whte
will mei many dollars per peer to practical botleekeetaar.
There receipts are introduced to make the book of gni
value, aside from its character as nil aborting medium fi
the medicine, the testimony in favor of which, in the form
letters from all ports of the eountrY, map he relied neon.
Cam'!' Va Vegetable Lithonttiptio Mixture " —th
Great American Remedy, now for quart bottles m
each, small-bottles et- soistr mob. No mull betties will b
issued after the present stook Is diapond of.
Principal Office, Buffalo, N. Y., N 7 Main Street,
Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT'IIIeKESSON 1
'CO., I27Maidon Lane, New York City.
N. B.—All letters (excepting from agents and dealers wit
whim he traumata business) must ba post pall, or no atlantic
HI be given to them.
S W Llaverstlek, Carlisle,
G Altick,Fikipp.ensburg,___,_.„,,_..._,_
Russel Ere Dico, Dickinson,
k Spahr, Mechanisaqurg,
A II Zagor, Kingstown.
Valilable" Sehoot Books,
PHIADELPHIA, and for sale by.all the boot
sellers in the United States :
An easy introduction to the study of Ceugi..-
pliy, designed for children,' and completely il
lustrated by 120 engravings and 14 colored
The text, the exercises the illustrations, and the
forty beautiful maps are printed together in one
quarto volume. . SCHOOL-GEOCHATHY BE — ATLAIL;
a system of modern Geography, comprising a
dem iption of the present state of the world and
its five great divisions. Embellished with nu
merous engravings and illustrated by an' excel
lent Atlas containing 28 handsome and accurate
coltired maps. This series of Geography by S.
Augustus Mitchell has been wholly or partly
introduced into the publici. and private' schools
of all the principal. cities and towns of the Uni
ted States; and after a full and fair, trial of its
merits in these schools, alias received an almost
universal recommendation.-
An ancient, classical and sacred Geography,
embellished with engravings of remarkable
events, Views of ancient cities, etc., and accom
paned by ancient Atlas containing 12 beautiful
colored maps.
Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath SchoolGeog
raptly, with Maps and einbellishments,. Mitch
ell's Key to the study of Maps. and Carroll's
Key . to Mitchell's Geography, are excellent and
popular books, and are becoming very exten
sively used in the best schools of our country.
Upon.the construction and analysis of sentences;
.designed ns na introduction to the "Analysis." -
GREENE'S ARALYsis—A treat se on the struts
Lure of the English language, with illustrationt
and exercises adapted to the use bf schools, by
Samuel S. Green, A. M., Principal of the
Phelps Grammar School, Boston.
These books hive already in the sitorLtimr
n" very ..lx
tensive eirculation,having been introduced into
the public: schools of Boston, Baltimore, Pitts
burg, Ginciiimitti, St. Louis, Vicksburg. and
other cities and towns, and recommended by
those who have tried - them
ia_theit_uatoolo,.as --
"a question the best English Grammars
in existence.
'kite PRIMARY SCHOOL ItEADEß — Plireltit is
intended• for beginners. It Contains - a lesson
noel each of the elementary sounds of the lan
.guage The Primary School Render,. part 2,1.
cont4ins exercises- in articulation, arranged in
connection with easy-reading lessons. The
Primary Reader, part 911, is designed for the
first class in Primary Schools, and the ) lowest
class in Grammar Schools.
for the middle class in Grammar Schools, and
sontaing exercises in articulation arranged in
connection with reading lessons •
for the highest classes in -public and private
schools. It contains exercises in articulation,
pauses, and iiiflectious of the voice with suclr
ruled and suggesstions as are deemed useful.
Reading on Natural History; Science and Litc.
rature designed for schools.
Consisting of words in columns and sentences
.for oral and written exercises. It iS II complete
and systematio series of in Eliglish
This highly popular series of reading books,
and this spelling book were compiled by Mr.
lym. D. Swan, of Boston and judging from tile
rapid introduction into sc hools which they have
obtained in the Eastern and Middle States and
in many of the Western and States,
we think they are really better led to the
wants of teachers and 'scholars di i. any mi me
yet published. The publisheiT lim e very large
number of. recommendntions-froin 1,10,1 M -school
committees, teachers and others frimii:l) to edu.
One vol., 12 no for high schools and. sok.-
mies. The same work condansed and simplified
or common schools, 1 vol. 18 mo.
of schools and families, 1 vot. 12 mo. with
enimeny PIJIbSoLOOY, by the same • author, 1.
vol. 18
Finer Boot ix AniTitucTie, by P.A. Adams,
intended far primary and common achoola.
By the same:author: Part first—advanced
lessons in mental arithmetic ; part second—'
rules and examples for practice in written artth
metic, for common and high schools.
A Key to
.exminples for practice in written
arithmetic, for the use of teachers, by the same
These . strithmetics have - secured very high
recommendations from teachers of schools and
academies, and from professors in several of our
colleges, and from others interested in the caese.
of edneation In various sections of the Union-
T. C. 44 Co. ' also publish many other School
pooks,,whieli there is not room to enumerate:
here; besides Law, Medical, Theologhuil and
Aliscellancous Books, and they aro lullg Prsl 4 •
red to answer orders for hooks In every depart—
ment of knowledge. Booksellers, School Com
mittees, and others, supplied on the moot favor..
'able terms. . (sept :25, '5O-Iy.)
'clarraZlUMMiT33. ze^2lcararD
,• . • ,
- Harrison's Columbian Ink.
vOsa•thor htt on hind a largo slisoly
of the above ink, whirl', by a special ar
rangerneat proprietor, he Wat t le to fur-,
•nish to merrlninte and others ,at tire-
turere wholesale -
aw:,/ , :S A lIETIBA•RD.
. '
' ' ' Brushes ! Brushes"[
A great variety of these useful astiefes
fared for sale, consisting of Whitowash,Swent
ing', Scrubbing, Painters, loth, ShaiittY,..liir„..
Tooth and Nail, 'Flesh and - Gmaining Drattireet
groat variety, all of which are of the bast (lai—
ty and will bo sold at theft - most prises
June 6. ELIACY T "r •