541ic.e0gi'11ct404.1`0 . 6 . 4,.. =ME '• -From the AmaricanfifeseoLtger. rIIE MtEMI • • . ( Ile lr able to eavejo the uttermost." . . The utterninst—,upon tha skirts . bf rite tht host of life, Who share not, on the heights of power, • Its gloty,.or Its strife, • • They bare the burden and the toll, Nor banner lilt, nor plume, Yet there's an Eye that maths thent,all - t • Amid their rayless gloom. The intermost—the lost in sin, Tile lost, whom m n condemn . , And banish from t h e realm of hope, lie eareth even for them He listorreM at their prlson•gate Forprayer,'or, contrite sigh; lie.knocketh long, he knocketh tam, Even When; Is no reply. ; ; . ,The recedes, • • Eveir to the !Meet sand - 7 - 0 - ftlme's :nest frail and brittle giase, ' • He still doth Yvaiting stand: He bendeth o'er the dying_umn, ihrthe - nhrzed'ayeii - ilim He cornett% to the uttermost, flint all may trust in him. Youthful Piety. Thero 'are difficulties; but ninny a young man has overcome them. Moses was a yo'ung man with like passions with yourselves t but sec what is said of him in scripture "By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be cal.' led the son of Pharoah's daughter; choos• ing rather to suffer affliction with the people, of God than to enjoy the pleas ure of sin for a seasdn ; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than 'the treasures of Egypt ; for he had fes-' pect unto the recompense of thb reward." (Deb. xz. 24-26.) Daniel was a. young man when lid began to serve God in Ba- , bylon. He was surrounded by tempta tions of. every kind. He had few with him, and, many againSt him; Yet Den iers life was so blameless and consist ent that even his enemies could find no fault in him except "concerning the.law of his God."- (Dan. - vr. 5 - .) And - these ars not solitary cases. There is a cloud of witnesses whom I could name. Time' would - fail. me if I were to tell you of young. Isaac, young , Joseph, young Josh- Ae' ua, young Samuel, young David, young olomon, young Abijah, young Obadiah, young Josiah, young Timothy. 'Khese were norliffg 2 'elsTit men, With hearts naturally like your own. They too had obstacles to contend with, lusts to morti fy, trials to endure, hard places to fill, Lice 'any of yourselves. - But young as they were, they all found it possible to serve God.—ltev. J. C. Ryle. How Near is Heaven. Christians sometimes (says an intelli gent Writer) look far away to the blissful - seats of their destined rest. But that rest is not far off. The clouds that hide shining .world--are , -thin; they are transient, and soon will obscure no more._ - The joifincy_ maylend this_liour ;- one- Short step may place the Christian in the world of light. One dark hour may hang upon him • but' the morning comes, and no shade, behind it. Day, bright, peaceful and eternal, succeeds. A pang ' may wound for a moment, and then it flies forever away. ' A conflict, sharp and-painful, may continue fora night, but victory, eternal victory ensues. How soon ! 0, how 'soon the Christian's cares are o'er; - his struggling soul at rest, his eyes sufrused . no more with tears Near at hand is the'land of his pursuit,— Hope cheets. How glorious the object that hope embraces; how holy its spirit'. Who, can contemplate the home our heavenly Father is fitting for his chil dren, and not feel his soul athirst for is enjoyments and employments ? Well, thosd delights, that 'nippy clime, those ever verdant plains, are not far distant. ANECDOTE OF., PATRICK HENRY...-. When the celebrated Patrick Henry, of Virginia, was near the close of life and .. --in-feehle - hoalttri - heliildifirliiiiir on the Bible,- and addressing an old friend who was with him-.-" Here is a book," said he, " worth . More than all others ever ....p.rinte,d.;_yetmy-mieforturre- - never - I to have read it. with proper attention and feeling till lately." About the same time he wrote his datightei—J. I hear it said that. the De ists have claimed me: The thought gives"me more pain than the appellation of tory ; for I consider• religion of infi nitely higher importance than politics.; and l-find much cause to reproach myself that I- hive lived so long and given no decided and public proof of my being a Christian."—Boston Journal: FO TE MEOLIMAYS" SplendidFaney Goode, Elegant Gift Boohe, &c. &c. W. HAVERSTICK has just _received from the city midis now oponinga splen did display of FAIWY, GOODS, suitable for the approaching Holyday Season, to which he desires to cell inc attention of his friends and the public. His assortment in this line cannot ho surpassed in novelty and elegance, rindboth inquaiity nod price of the articles, can not fail to please purchasers. It would be im possibleto enumerate his HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS, whioh comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most novel styles and exquisite finish, such as Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instrunete Terracotta Work (a recent novelty,) Papor,Mache Goods, Elegant alabaster 'and porcelain ink-stands and trays . , • Fancy ivory, , pearl and shell card cases, Fort Monnaies, of every varielY, • Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paperweights, , Papoteries, with a largo varioty of ladies fancy atotionery,. Motto seals and wafers, • Silk and bead purses, - , Ladies' riding whips, ologantly finished; Ladies' fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, I- Brushes of every kind for the toilet, Roussol'sperfumps of the various kinds, Musicalinstruments, of all kinds and nt:al . prices, together with an innumerable variety o nrtieles elegantly finished and suitable for' ho lyday Presents, to which ho invites special at tontion. Also, an extensive and elegant collectjon of fiIOLIDAY GIFT BOORS.t Comprising the various English and American ANNUALS for' 1851, richly embellished .and ,illustrated POETICAL W 0 RIC 81, with C 1 fILDREN'S PICTORIAL B 0 OIC S, - for children .of all ages, than which nothing Can bo more appropnate,or pleasing as holiday , gicta t His assortment of School Books and :School Stationery is also complete, and - corn. ' Prises every thing used in Colleges and tins Schools. Ho alio desires to .call the ,particular . attention of-Families to his elegant die:Oilyof LAMPS; GIRA NUCLEI% tire: , • from the ostensive establishments of,Corfieliiisr: Archer and others of Philadolphia. - ecitnerising• every style- of Parlor', Lentils, for burping either-lard, opernt.otethe, —"real-oily ingather - witif - FICAVer Vases, Fancy 'Scree* &e. His assortment in this line is un. . equalled m the borough:, Also, FANCY CONFECTIOARY—.- NUTS—PRESERVEI3 - FRUITS, &a, • in every 04164 , and , nt all'pricea,.all of which !crq-pure end. Credit; such as can be confidently , ..teenonitendo ro Ade, ( F innan - end the little folke. ' ,lll 4Ock -- 11 1 441 1. 943. aVerything in. die lino di 'Fancy "igkisopii!r4h.inany oiler artidhia ueoful to hsutieke:opere;vvhich the:Ratite arC bepooially iriViecili topell.and tfrie klitruig the llomeinborihabld Stand; nearly opposite. the •: ! Banlt'pn Norilalnnoieratteet. • 0 deal W. TJAYERSTICK: Vg - R., 01 excellent artacip , l'ffor solo mar2G Iltuterfitgc,; xt6nidve•ba Wet :Ware-Rooms, . ()BEET B. .S WILEY, successor to Wm. 1~, Gibson, CLBINET-MAKEB &UN , ' D Ell-TAKER, North Hanover street, Carlisle,' would respectfully inform the citizons of Carlisle and the public generally,' that he, now handri • hand a largo assortment of new and elegant FURNITUREe consisting in part of Sofas, • • Wardrobes, Card and other Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads'' , plain and fancy Sowing Stands, &ci manufactured of the best 'materials and (futility warranted. Also a gene ral assortment of Chairs at the lowest prices.— Vonitian Blinds, made to ordor and repairing prciminiy. httondett to. .1)* - '6OFFINS made to : ord'oKat the shortest notice. end' having a splen-i did Hearse he will attend' funerals in town country. igr Dont forget the old stand of Wail C. Gibson, .in North Hanover Street;' a few doors north of Glass's Hotel. Sept 1-Iy. R. 13. SMILEY. Ofiv , wro7. Cornersof Hanover and Loather ale., Carlisle. rir4HE undersigned has always ott hand a large stock of superior Cabinet Artire. in all the diatunt styles, which ho is prepared to sell at the lowest prices. Ho invites attention panic• ularly to the Patent Sppring•Botioin Bedstead, a most useful arttclevwhich entirely obviates all objections. The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given entire satisfac• tton to all who have' them in use. Irir CO Fljlisl S made to order at the sliditat notice., JACOB FF.TTER Car!late, Jan'y. ‘n, 1851.—1 v. . Extensive Furniture Rooms 1 - VIES R.WEAVER would respectfully 0 call the attention of House Keepers and the' public to hie extensive stock of ELEGANT FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other 'Fables, Dressing and plain 73ureaus and every other article in his branch of business. Also, now on hand the largest akt sortment of CIfAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prices. 11:7•Cotlins made at the shortest notice and a Hearse provided for funqrals. lie solic its a call at his establishment on North Hano ver street, near Glass's HOTEL. N. B.—Fur future biredMut by the month or year. Carlisle, March 20, 18.50.--ly rAnIVZEIVS Enzponztrtal HE subscriber would respectfully Mvite T tho aftontion of [armors to his assortment •- - of PLOWS, now insimfae. ♦ tuned nenr Craighead's Mill -- • in South Middleton • township, .e.r.. 5 . • four miles gouth of Carlisle. My assortment consists of Withrow's, Stucltey's,-and _ Ball's_patterns.-- lfo Castings will al[he grouhd• I will also make - GRAIN CRADLES. of the most im proved patterns: All orders directed to Wm. L. Craighead. Carlisle, will be attended to with promptness, and Plows or Cradles deliy eredin any part of the county free of- charge. WM. L. CRAIGHEAD, Propbr. DAVID STUCKEY; Mahnfiteer Feb.l9 6m . roz. RENT. SEVERAL two story BRICK HOUSES t on the north cast corner of the public i f r, 111 sqUare in the row - known as "Harper'S if ROW." For terms, &e., inquire of the subscriber. 6aTmvo3 I ROB" - B. IRVIN E. WANTED! THE subscriber is in want of a quantity of JELACK• OAK BARK, for' which he Will pay 13,50 por cord for the bust quality: may 7 JAOOB--SIIROM. A, s;purrrinD stoca. T . FIE undersigned respectfully infOrms his friends and the !public . generally, that he ~.., . has just returned from , 4,,,. • •ief , If— Philadelphia, having •i; . .!. 1 s --..... purchased the most ox tiM ( e t 1 .., - ?-'''''4..• tensive, as well as the k - s,"• ,' 9 ''' . ' I s r ' ' ' ,- .7;,..:,.. cheapest assortment of '4 "' 8 ~ •., •:•z-s: "--` ' 7 6 -' ;Vet- Watches, Jewelry, &e., ever hroughtLto Carlisle. Ilis stock cum. sists impart of . Gold and Silver Patent Lever. Watches; Glad and,Saver detatetted do.-- do. Gold and Silver Lepino Watches. • -* in simrt every variety of Watohes at alt prices: Gold Guard and Vest Chains. •Medatlions, Watch Keys, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver pens and cases and Bracelets in great iariety. A splendid 'article of Gold, Sliver, German .Silver, and Blued Steel SPEC TACLES, which arc unsurpass• ed in ()up lily by any other article west of Phil adelphia, and which can be sold at least 2U Ater cent cheaper than in any other establishment in the country. Also a largo lot of SXLVER-Wilar, comprising Table and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles, Br.e. Also, Card Cases. Porte Monn odes, Port Folios, Ladies Writing Desks, with a great variety of other fancy, articles unnecessary_ jp. tifilllll6ll. A — largc lot Of C - L — OCKS, assorted patterns, which will bo sold low, and warranted to be good. Watches, Clocks and Javan,' Repaired, . . Ile invites all to call and examine his stock, assured that none can - '-n suited in qual ity, trinlitity'and rtur qicles are cash purchases; consequoni ' afford 'to sell lowar than , the•saire. I be purchased elsewhere. Call at tl id, a few doors west of Burkholder's . January 15, 1851—ly T. CaNLYN. A Voice from the « Burnt District." Iffouyer's Candy Factory Rebuilt THE subscriber would respectfully'announce to his friends and tho public generally, that his Factory which wan destroyed by the late fire, has been rebuilt, and Ito is now prepared to furnish them with CHOICE . CANDIES, Manufactured of the bek material, which ho will sell wholesale or retail at the old stand in North Hanover street; a few doors north of the bank, where ho has just opened a genoral assortment of • FRUITS AND NUTS, consisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Pea Nuts, Sec. tawould also call attention to his large asscrtment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, consigting or toys o Glass, Wood, Gum and ri j, China, of endless *odes. In connection with the above, I ell is on hand a prime lot of - - FRESH GROCERIES, consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Tens, Molasses, Spices, Crackers, Matchee, Blacking, dtc.— Alm., a prime lot of CIGARS, of the. beet brands. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a generous public for the ptitronage bestowed on hint, and hopes by a desire to please to me rit a continuance of the same. Ho would also return Blanks to the Firemen and Citizens for their efforts to save his pro orty on the night of the late conflagration - Carlisle, apt P. AIONYER. Ca. THE subscriber has on hand a large and well selected assortmont of MUSIC of all kinds, consisting ol,iSongs, Marches, Waltzes; Polkas, &c., also instructions for Piano and other instruments.- " Berfini's Method" for piano, "Mazas Method for the Violin, &c.'ond a supply of Violin and Guitar Strings, of first ram quality at' city prices. • Having made an arrangement with an im-, he and publishing house in Philadelphia, he will he constantly supplied with new Music and ablq to:furnish anything in that lino at short notice and upon reasonable tams. Music Teachers will find it for their interest to call .and examine for themselves at the corner of Pitt and High streets, opposite the Mansion House [rn l 9] S. A. HUBBARD. DOORS! BOOZER 3300 . 11.131 HOSE desiring Very good BOOKS will T please call at my Drug, Book and Fancy Store,, Main • etrerit,.•Carlislo: .L! am making preparations for the'Trade Sales in Newl York, andwilhell - tho - trocicrortunnlin untpuallylow prices if called for within a few days. The workanow on, hand comprise pone:lel the very best extant. • mar- • M RAWLINS. Books and Misia. CAI,L at Rawlina' next door tothoT 0, and you can buy Booha and Mai& at loos than orgy ;vices. (M y - 28,'51. • . • ". • '\ Turquoise • Alabantor,,and other Fancy 'l4atripa."Lanta Meta and pfrpor 'ehaddae—j mw junk "oed; neat door Meta, !o•the (May 28'81' A RNOLDS.vvitting.fluid, a very au + 14. nuerior Ink for solo H t!OHARD'v, p'tii.:oll;:',:'P - ....:-.!!).i34)5. DRUGS I''' . DRUGS . : ._.:I)RUGBI '•• - - Pre* Apringli:apply .! y rrAvEjuisi . r . eceived a fresh Mock jein'o3, Paints„ Glass; 'Oil, :&d.;' :which hating been.. purchased milli 'great' Mire.-at'llte beer mty houses, I can ,cpnfidently.:reCominend to' Families, Physicians, Country, lylcrchalita and Dealers, as being fresh and pure. • DRUGS. Herbs and Extracts, Spices, ground and whole Essences, - Perfumery, &c. - Warranted Genuine. Putout Medi'eines, Fine Mimi mils, Instruments, Puro lieson'l Oila Coil Liver Oil STUFFS. Log apdCam„Woods, Al Vitriol Copperas, Lac Dye? INTS. • ME Sumac Alum,. Wetherill & Brothel's Pure Leath Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window - Glass; Oil; Tuipan tine, Copal and coach Varnish, an - Elled Load. All of which will he gold at the 'yery lowest market Also,a fresh and ,splendid .as sortmcnt of FANCY GOODS, FRUITS, Confectionary, and innumerable other articles calculated for lite and ornament; are ofibredat the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of .the sub• scriber on North Hanover street. S. W. HAVERSTICK. May 28. 1851. ORNAMENTAL MARBLE WORM. OWENS