&man ilbaNigg.' GOO IS 'PASSING B. Whore the gentle &Hamlet. flow, . Where the morning dew-drops glow, Where the zephyr wing their flight, 'ln the cool.and welcome night; Whispering through the fragrant grove, To the heart that "God Is love;" Where the light clouds eklm,the sky, Worship God le passing by 1" ...Hoary forrest,.rugged rock, flooring torrents, earthquake shock, . And when thundsr rends the sky, 'Tremble! " God Is passing by I" ' RE PpECTION. Thp Past—where i■ it 7 IChas flat!. The Finurel It may, never come. Our friends deprined'l With Wariest!. thirselvesl Fast hastening to the tomb. What are earth's Joys 1 The dews of .morn. Its honors 7 Oceans wreathing foam, Where's pence 7 In trials meekly borne."' And joy? In Heaven, the Christian's home t o Our Own Consequence. BY REV. ALBERT BARNES. --We-think—of-our — own - consliquenee-; our talents; our attainments. We think of the mourners who will g ather around us with broken hearts. We think of the solerim, sad procession that will go withUs to the tomb :—forgetting how -seldom it is that the hearts of any con siderable proportion in ti funeral proces. siori are serious and • solemn at all, or care anything about the dead, We look at our own,,affairs and press them -for ward as if the world had no interest so great that they may not be required to yield to our conyCnience. Now, how *contrary' is all this to truth and reality, it is hardly necessary to at tempt to . Show. Few will care about it when we die.; and the world at large care-nothing, and_ know nothing a bout it.- A very little circle of friends will be affected—as a little circle of we . - ter is agitated when a drop of water falls into the ocean. At the centre of that small circle of friends, there will be:sotne deep emotion, and some tears of geh uine grief will he shed ; at a very little dig tance,.the emotion will be fainter and feebler ; at a - point but a little more re mote there will be none, arid soon, very soon, all the agitation there will have Aled..away, as When the little• drops of rain fall into the ocean— • The gay will laugh. When thou art gone, the solemn brood of care Plod on, and each one as before will share Ilia favorite phut= , tiny car. A few friends will go and bury us; and Then - arey will wny turn a — to their ""own concerns, forgetful that we are sleeping in the grave. Affection will rear a stbne, and plant a few flowers over the grave —but the hand that reared the stone or planted the flowers will soon become un 'able lo cut the letters deeper as they be come obliterated, or to cultivate the ,flow. ers—and in a brief periol the little hil lock will be smoothed down, and the stone will fall and neither friend nor' the stranger will be concerned to nslc which one of the forgotten millions of the earth w'att buried thgre. Not" Old Mortality!" will go to kt• again those -effaced words which told our name, and the time of our birth and of our death.- Every vestige that we- ever lived upon the earth will have vanished away. All -the little memorials of our remembrance • —the lock of hair encased-in gold, or the portrait that hung in our dwelling, will cease to halie the slightest value to any living being, nor will- even momen-', 'wry curiosity be excited ..to know who wore that harr,•or, whose countenance is delineated there. • .On my greasy grave, l'he men of future times will comic,. tread, And read my name upon the sculptured stone; Nor will the sound familiar to their ears Recall my vanished momory.--H. Kielce Witprn G IVTari's adamantine heart will not 'be softened until steeped in the blood of `Christ. If thou hat not the'blood of Christ at the root of thy profession thy profession waher. ip_._ntALone_ sin_ -will destroy a soul. • 1 The guilt of one sin is a greater mis ery than the burden (If a thousand cros• ses. .....The_comfort-of .a.Christian lieth not in bis own fulness, but in Christ's. He that bath slight thoughts of sin, never had great thoughts of God. Faith :makes us draw all our comforts from a fountain that will never fail. They only are wise, who are ;vise to salvation. . No man dare nslc of God so much as , he-is ready•to give. 44 1 4 ;Si 4*;111.ine!2t4:2); MliE subscriber linvingjust returned from the East, offers to the-public a more am ;pie fAnd complete assortment of goods in his line, than ever proViously offered, nod respect fully solicits dealers and others to give him a call, when he will show them goods at aston• ;ishingly To Builders, darpeniecs and Others. His stock- cornprises - a full - assortment of lLocka and Latches of every description, flin tea and Screws, Window Springs and Bolts of various kinds,Window Glass, Putty, Paints of all colors, Oils, Turpentine, arc., &c.— • Also, Mill, cross-cut and Circular Saws, Hand Panne], Ripping and Back Saws, Augurs, Chi. sola r Broad, Hand and Chopping Axes,•llatch. ots, Planes and Plane thus; Steel and Iron Squares, Files and Rasps, Nail Brads and .Spikes of all sizes. . To Saillirs and Aloch ..111Okers. A complete assortment of Saddlery Tools, Silver, Brass and Jammed Inoikilting,.C4' irriage trimmings, Broad pasting and 'seaming Lace, -plain_and figured' Canvass, Drab 'Cloths, •Rati nett, Serge and Buoram, MoSn and Deer flair patent an enamelled Leather, Lamps and Da, utters, Also, Dubbs, Fellows and Spokes, Bliptic springs, Iron Axles, MallableCtistings, To Cabbie! end Shoe Makers. • Mrctoolc , embraeos a complete assortment - .31-gonds in your line, Mrfroccos, !hung and binding Shills, tests, Thread, Rep by the barrel or smaller-quantity, Tools legs every de. seriplion, &e.• Curled (lair, flair Cloth, Var nish, Mahogany and Maple 'Veneers, Mould , ings and.Rosetts, Sole Springs, Glass, Mallet.. any, Mineral and Veneered Knobs'of all sizes. To Blacksmiths, Farmers, and Others; who may be in want of good Iron. Ho offers a , full assortment "of Hammered,. Horse Shoo, Scollop, Plough, broad and nar row Tire Iron. Also,- Rolled' Horse Sloe, 'Bar.,Pand, Round; Square, Tire, Hoop and Sheet -Iron, Nail Rids, Russia Sheet Iron, Cast, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel,.English and American Wagoh anti Carriage flaxen, Anvils, Vices, Piles mid Rasps, Horse SIM° Hallos. 110 liouseOperi and those about entering the Ala= , frimonial Sfrie .1 would, invite attention to my beautiful- as vortment..Ol waiters and 'l'rays, pinin and Go-. 'thin style, knives and forks, Butcher Knives, Scissors andShearo,.Brittannia,GOlntan Silver, and Silver Plate, Table and Toa Spoons, Brass and EmeraldPreservirig Kettles, smooth ing, Irons, Hollow-ware, Tubs, Buckets, Chnrds' Oils, Paints and Dye Stuffs, Fire and Water Proof Paint. actaOr HENRY, SA XT ON. marierican Oil. -, • GUST received a frOsli Butmly of American Oil. Fot sale liy A C FETTER, 0c12.3 ' No 148 Northlfanoverae, • . MI NETS JUST ' new stipply or tile, !Atm style of B 0 Sick Flannel% . JUST received a general assortment of Col, ,ored Flannels for Ladien Sacks, to wnt—Bladt 'Gray, Blue, Red, Green, Pink anti Changes able. Also, -White Woolen and 'Cotton Flon• in great variety, G 'W MTI`N F:R• Olors Zipaps Extensive Dabinet Waze-Rooms, OBERT B: SMILEY, successor to Wm. JAII, C. Gibson, CABINET-MAKER &UN- InaTAKER, North Ilanover street, Carlisle, •would tospectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally- that , he now has on hand a large assortment of new. ~ V P.4.0!"•- • N- rind - elegant FURNITURE, consisting in, part of Sofas, Wardrobes, Card and other Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy Sewing Stands,-&c. manufactured of the best Materials and quality warranted. Also a gene. ral assortment of-Chairs at the lowest prices.— Venitian Blinds, made to order and repairing promptiy attended to. ;Y:1 - 00FFINS made to order at the shortest notice. and having a splen• did hearse he will attend funerals in town or co./wry. •gr-Dont forget the old stand of Wm. C. Gibson, in North Hanover street, a few doors north of Glass's Hotel. • • Sept 4-Iy. R. B. SMILEY. 17 ‘ 0 114 CPS' NPS - VS') - Corner - of - Ilanoner and - I:anther Its. , Carlisle. E undersigned has always im hand a largo IL stock of superior Cabinet Ware, in all the dilliireMt styles, which he is prepared to sell at the lowest prices, He invites attention partic ularly to the Patent iS'pring-Botteni Bedstead, a Most useful article, which entirely obviates all objections. The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given ontire satisfac• non to all who have them in use. IrTCOFFINS made to order at the shortest notice. JACOB FETTER Carlisle, 22, 1851 v. Extensive' Furniture Rooms TAMES R.WEAVER ,tvould respectfully call the attention of House Keepers and the public to his extensive stuck of ELEGANT FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables*, Dressing and plain Bureaus and every oth?r article in his branch of business.- Also, now on hand the largest - as- - sort ment of C ELI IRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prices. KT - Coffins:made at the shortest notkce and a Hoarse provided fur funerals. He &oho. its a call at his establishment on North Hano ver street, near Glass's HOTEL. N. B.—Fur idiom hired out by the montlror year. - Carlisle, March 20. 1850.—1 y rAnivnows Erakonartatal ry I LIPI subscriber would- respectfully inviM the attention of farmers to his assortment Of PLOWS, now mainline tured near Craighead's Mill South Middleton township, four mike ,soulh_of...Carlisle. My 'assortment consists of Withrow's, Stuakey's and pall's patterns.— The Castings will all bo ground. I will also make GRAIN CRADLBS. of the most im proved patterns. All urArs directed to Wm. L. Craighead, Carlisle, will be attended to wit li, pro ni ptness,.!and. Plows, or—L.:radios-deliv— ered in any part-of t h e county free of charge. WM. L. CRAJGHEAD, propi,r. DAVID STUCKEY, .. 7 11Minfacer Feb.l9 6m srLrNnzro .15COCR ! irffillE undersigned respectfully informs his A friends and the `public generally, that be /s r.: has just returned from Philadelphia, haying • purchased the most ex• tensive, as well as the <4, cheapest assortment of -A,"9? • Watches, Jewelry, &c., -- ever brought to Carlisle ills stock eon. slate in part of Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches, GLIB and Saver Matched do. do. Gold and Silver Lepine Watches. in short every variety; of Watches at all prices. Gold — Guard and Vest Chains. Medallions, Watch keys, Ear Rings, Finger MITS . , Breast Pins, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver pens and cases and Bracelets. in great variety. 'A splendid article of Gold, Silver, Germae and Blued Steel SPEC• TACLES, which are unsurpass ad in pi p lily by any other article west of Phil adelphia, and Which can be sold at least 20 rer cent choaper than in any other establishment in the country. Also a large lot of SILVEIR-WAREI, comprising Table and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Srlt Spooris, Fruit Knives; Thimbles, &c. Also, Card Cases, Porte Monnaies, Port Folios, Ladies NV thing Desks, with a great variety of other faticy articles unnecessary to mention. A largo lot of CVCKS, assorted patterns, which will be sold low, and warranted to be good. Watches, Clocks and Jitnelry'Vepaired, Ho invites 'rill to call and examine his stock, assured that none can fail to be Salted in qual ity, quantity and PRICE. His articles are cash purchases, consequently, he can afford to sell Tower than the since articles can be purchased elsewhere. Call at the old stand, a few doors --west-of- L urleiraldet'sr - Horei: January' 15, 1851-1 y T. CONLYN. China and Crockery Ware White Granite Slone Ware, such as Dishes-,-Blares, -Tea Sets ; covered nd uncovered dishes, bowls, toilet and clis .ber sets,.pitchers,&e., togetner with a lot o Blue Liecrpon/ Were, all of the latest style and shapes, also, all the various articles of the hest common While and Edged ram The assortment includes a few plain ' White and Gehl Band Chinn Tea Se!c, of the best quality und• style, and also 'all the necessary articles of ttre heSt dranito, fitone and Blue Liverpool Ware suitable for any sized Dinner or Tea Sets, as may ho wanted, together with a variety of ,Glass. Ware, including a fine assortment bf Bar and Table Tumblers, dishes, (Voted and other bowls, goblets, wine glasses, lemonades, lamps, &c. The prices for all of which are fixed at the lowest cash prices. We invite bur friends who arc in want of articles in our lino to give us a call. mars - J A Volce trout the ,6 Burnt Diitrlct.” Illonyerle Candy Faetoxy, Rebuilt: TFIh subscriber : would respectfully announce to his friends and tho public generatly;4ltatfild Factory which was destroyed by the laic fire, has been rebuilt, and ho is now prepared to furnish them with C I-10ICE CANDIES, manufactured Of the beat material, which he will sell wholesale or retail at the old stand in North.llanover street, , a few doors north of the bank, Wherd he has just opened.a general Assortment. of FRUITS AND NUTS, Consisting of Oranges, Lemon; Raisins, Figs, Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Pea Nuts, See. Ile would also call attention to his largo assortment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, ..' consisting' or a toys of Glans, Wood, Gum and China, of endless varieties. :In connection with the above, he has on band a primo lot of FRESH GROCERIES, consisting of Sugars, Coffees, teas, Molasses; Spices, Crackers; Matches,' Blacking,*e.— Aleu, a prime lot of CIGARS, of the best brands. Tho subscriber returns his sineere thanks to rugenerous public for the patronago bestowed on hint, and hopes by a dealro to phrao•to me rit a continuance or the same: lie would also return Thanks to the Firetnon and Citizens for their efforts to save his property on the;niglit of the Info conflagration 1102 • P. AfONYER. rort RENT. SEVERAL two story BRICK HOUSES on tho north east corner ortho public square in the row known as "Hsrpir's Row." For terms, eke.; inquire of the subscriber. pg- mv o 3 1 •ROB'.T. IRVINE. ' TPA I TEA! TEA LAT EBT AR RiPV A t • _ FROM CHINA!--The • 71 "X' lovers of good %TEA can be 5 FRESH supplied with Jonkiti's & Co's rEgs. Superior Green •ssul Black .. Teas, -either loose , ot put up n fourth, half or pound 'me. tattle packs to suicpurchriaers at pricesi,rang tng froth 50 coots up to $1 per pound, by oalling at the 'store of deal] J, D. 'TALBERT. moostinApoics...Boonsl---- -1111110SErdaiiin o kary - good ,BOOICS • will please - calVatNnylDrug, Book .end Fancy —Store,--Main Making preparations for,the'Tratle Sales in NEON York,. — and will sell theitoek on hand at unusnol•ly.low pikes if called for Within a - few days.' ;The works now on hand comprise some of the'sery bent extsnt, ..;filloctloligotti. DRUGS! DRUGS ! DRUGS 1 . , Fresh Sprnag Supply 1 }AVEI just.received afresh stock of lifed• leines, Paints, Glass, Oil, &c, which having been. purchased with great -ca,re at the hest city houses, I enn_confidentlir-reebmmend to Families, Physicians, Country. Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh and ' DRUGS. - • Patent Medicines, Herbs and Extracts, • Fine !mini cals ; Spices, ground and whole Instruments, - Essences, Pure Essen". Oils. Perfumery, di c. k Cod Liver Oil—Warranted. Genuine. DYE-STUFFS.. Log rind Cam Weeds, - Oil Vitriol • Cbpperns, Lac Dye -- PAINTS. . • . Indigoes, Madders, Sumac Alum, Wetherill & Brother's l'ure Lend, Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Windoiv Glass, linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and couch Varnisk,nnd Red Lead. All - nrwhielt -Will — be sold at the y lowest market price, Also,a fresn and. splendid as sortment of FANCY GOADS, FRUITS, Confectionary, and innumerable other articles calculated for use and ornament, all of _wl.ich are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug Book and Ferry - Store of the sub• scriber on North Hanover et' iiet. S. W, HAVFiRSTMK May 22. 1850. ;; 1. ; r ; 1+ ;; ; 0 OWIZINS de. ItICIIARDS, Recentlyfroni Philadelphia. ESPEcTF LLY inform the citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity, that (hey have now nt their Marble Yard in South Hanover street, a few doors south of the, Court House, k annearly opposite A & W Bentz's Store, an elegant stock of pure -- .11.1.1ERICAY WHITE MoIRBLE, and aro prepared to execute in the:mat finished style .71fonttments,, Tombs, Grave Stones al all prices, Arantles, Door and Dindoto Silts , Steps, Sf c., .together with every other article in their lino, •and promise that in fineness of finish, chaste ness of design and quaky of 11Firble, their work shall not be surpassed by any other estab lishment.- They aro also ;the authorized agents of 31ifr Robert Wood, of Ehiladelphia. and will fur nish from his manufactory all varieties of IRON RAILING for the enclosing of_Grave_lots and elf litlier purposes, at the 61151.105 t notice and at Philadelphia prices. They will also finish or manufacture.all kinds of I3uilding _Work, such as Sills, Steps and Platforms„&c., at the short est notice and on the most,reasonrible terms. Having had'great experience, and being em ployed_ju_the_best_shops_nf—Ehiladelphia, they arc ilterefore enabled to manufacture the most fashionable work-, and respectfully ask a share of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding country. [Carlisle, nov6 1850 t WEIVS ViTILL SOU SUrrral rwthousops of bottles of tha AMERI CAN COMPOUND have been sold dur ing the past year, and, my trt ,neVer known to fail of curing, in a Pew days, of a certain'delt cate disease, Seminal weakness and• all diseases of the Urinary organs. Persons afflicted using this pleasant and popular remedy,'need fear no exposure, as it leaves no odor on the breath, requires no restrictions. in diet or. business— contains no Mercury or noxious drugs injurio - us to the system, and is adapted to every age, sex,. or condition. It is sloe the best rented' , knoWn for Fluor Albin; or 'Whites, (female ccmPlaluts) with - which thousands stiffer, Without the know ledge Of n remedy. This celebrated remedy has !wig been used in Private - practice of a phy sieinn..and with unerring - success, radically Miring ninety nine of the hundred cases in a few duo. , Around 'each .bottle are plain and full directions. • . , CAETION—Ask for, the AM ER IC A N COMPOUND, and purchase only of tho Agents Price $1 per bottle. For sale by S. ELLIOTT CarlisleoA. Wyeth, Harrisburg; IL 'Williams Columbia by A. Miller, Lancaster; E. Morrie & Co., York, - (January, IS, 1851. iLlinzovAxa .STOVE WAREROOMS AND TIN MAN 115FACTORY• rgIITE subscribers desire to inform their friends andzttlie public that they have removed their TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON .MANUFACTORY" to the room nearly oppo Bite theiv'old stand on North Hanover street and may,now be found .theiLne.W. and. cow MOO:bus manufactory on the West side of the said street, a few doors above Louther street, where they will continue to keep on hand a tull assortment of every kind of , TlR,_ Copper nu (LS Itnet4ro4 _Ware I which may be needed by housekeepers and others. 'Their articles ere manufactured by themselves, of the best materials, and in point of finish and durability cannot be surpassed.— They will also manufacture and repaitviat the, shortest notice all kinds of Apparizt us% will They . promptly attend to the laying of TIN ROOFING and HOUSE SPOUTING in town and country, and on the most reasona• blo terms. Every branch of their business will be 'carefully attended to with the utmost promptness. They also teep constantly on hand a large variety of COAL AND WOOD STOVES, ' comprising every' variety of plain ten-plate STOVES, elegant wood and coal air-tight PA RLOR STO VES, of the latest styles, COOKING STOVES of the newest and most improved, inventions, at various prices. which cannot fail to plerise,every• taste. They re• spectfullynolicit an examination by tlie public of their large and - varied assortment of stoves. Thankful to the public for favors heretofore extended, and heilfg determined to relax no exertions to give satisfaction to their custom• ers they hope to merit a continuance of pa. tronoge. 7 Tho 'highest cash price will'be paid for old Copper fled • MORRIS & HERSHEY. - Carlisle, March 19, 1851-1 y _ Fresh Arrival of Hardware. EAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. i N a g l itA i s i t a traosnt and N . .o a r p lt& o st Stock of HARD WA R E,C U TL ER Y BU)LD IN G MATERIALS, PAINTS, &c., ever brought to Carlislo,-I would retufectfally rogues) dealers and. consumers and.all others to give. -mc e - call and see Whether they cannot get more and better goods for the same money than at , any•other Offen in town. My stock of Locks, Latches, Bolts, ' lllinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes, Glass, Paints,&c. is complete and iiory cheap; Carpentera' Tools, I have a splendal assort.: ment. Also, Cabinet Maker'uTools and Ma terials, viz :—Vanecra, Mahogany, Mineral and Glass Bureau Knobs and Varnish. S4DDLORS St COACH MAKERS, eon have evorything•in their lino cheaper than ever. . • FOR SIMENAKER.S, I have n first rate'stoelc of Morocim and Lining Skins, Bintlings,,Pegs, Thread and Wax, an t. a superb assortment of Shoonialcors Tools. I ,havealso a complete assortment ofßall's Lasts, made in Harrisburg, which can.bo had at no other place in town, and' at Ball's Prices. To gether whit an assortment of all kinds of Ham mered and Rolled Iron ond Steel. Of House !taping Articles, , l have Knives. Forks, Spoons; Walters, Snuffers and Trays, Tubs, Buckets, &c. WALL PAPER I have the . largest, handsomest and Clietmost Assortment in town. And to all who want Good and Cheap HARD WARE, I . wciulditay come end owforlourselvesi • oettlo I P LYME. vivxnntiritAs SELLING OFF •CIICAP. rig A - VINO' decided to quit iho business, I El propose to sell my stook at very low, pri• cos. It embraces the 'newest and moss desira ble styles. You .are invited to call and oxtail. ins. WM. 11. RICHARDSON,. mr26-2in No 104 Market in. Philnda. • = ' - To - • . J Si' received another lot of Boone' Frames of ilto latesustyle. Alao,'Bonnot 6ilkst Satip . 'lidoings of.various colors. . daoll W HITNER. "i'..FLlbriissovtnient of .110PES jitst reccivod AL by the oubaor94er: A ko, Muss- fur !Amin Rode for solc.obeop• by Ili. SAXTON • ot)2 .. lop;rti . sepi.eiitd. 'FIRST PREMIUM • Grand and Satan) VIA OS. • . doGA.MEME, ata?4l;f4turers, .YO5. 4,G, 8, 9, 4 vid 11 Eutpzu 'Street, Balttmore, .711 t), gafAISIO FORTES, from 6 to 7 octaves, in in Rosewood, Mahogany . and Walnut cases of various styles, with and without iron frames, combining all. the-improvements , requisite to a superior nutriment.. & G. have 'received from the. Maryland Institute this,A . 'rat premium for their Pianos, in three successive years, 184, 1849, 1850. They have also'been; honored with numerous teatime. nials from all the finest celebrated artists who have used their instruments. Pianos front their establishment have been used at the concerts, os Lind, Hera, Holinatock, BiShop,'Laborde, /Omen; and ether eminent performers. They guarantee durability for, five years, under good care. and will replace with others all which mat' not give satisfaction, if application he made within lux Months after delivery. Their Canufactory being conducted on the most "extensive scale enables ihem to Furnish instruments at ..the very lowest prices, whole sale and retail. Constantly on hand, A. P. Hughes' Melodeons, ranging from $45 to $2OO, for which they aro solo agents for this city. • January 22-1851-11) Perfumery, Fancy Soap & Paper Box saarrup.avrovir. 48 Xarkei bdour Second; Philadelphia. i n LEGG & CROM PTON, Manufacturers WC) of Perfumery. Fancy - and Fancy Paper Boxes, respectfully„call the attention of the . Druggists and Dealers in Carlisle and the Cumberland Valley. to their extensive stock of Goods. comprising Perfumery; Fancy Soaps PoUrders for the complexion, Toilet, &c. of every variety. Also, a full and complete as sortment of Fancy Paper Boxes, of every de scription, large or small, round or square, Made to order M - the shortest notice. i:7 - Don' .r. forget the place, 48 Market street, - Philadelphia. — All orderswill meet with prompt attention. janls THE Allen and East Pennsborough Mutual PIANE„ FORTE W-AREROOMS, Fire Insurance Cali - ninny of Cumberland county ncorporated by . an act of Assembly, is now fully. No. 171 CHESNUT STREET, E THILIB' .9. organized, and in operat ion under the manage- THE OLD STAND, occupied for more Mon ment of the following commissioners, viz: - Jacob Shelly, Wm R Gorges, Muihael Cook= one-third of a century by G. liqUig, Esq. , in,- Melehoir _Brenneman, Christian Stayman, MITE undersined would most respectfully—rsim" Oyster, Jacob If Coovor, Lewis flyer, -11.. , announce t o rte public that he is AG ENT . heavy Logan, Benjamin 11 Mnsser, Jacob for mere titan twenty of the most Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Jospeh Wickersham. The rates of insurance areeisas low hod favera g'.._,__.., . 1 4 celebrated manufacturers of BUS- ii i if 4" - i TON, NEW YO Rl{, FILILA- bl' Its any Company of the hind in the State.— ~.i. DELF.HIA, and else - where ; anti Persons wishing to becomemernbers are-invited is-constantly receiving from them - PIANOS . 0 to make, application to the agents of the contpa the richest and most varied styles, of superior ny, who are willing to wait upon them at any tone, and al. the most superb finish, of C,..04., 61, t i me . 6s, and 7 Octaves, which ate warranted equal to.nny manufactured either in this country or in Europe. Just received, also, alurther simply of - Clinrc, and - Parlor — Oigemei - df beatififiil patterns am fine tones, His WARERO OM is constantly supplied with a choice selection of SERAPMNES and MELODEONS, from the oldest and most cx• tensive manufactories in the United States; a• mong whicn is a new style of REED ORGAN having Carhart's patent improvements, with gilt pima in front, and case elegantly carved, and highly ornamental. Tuning and Repa.ring—Sig. Salvador La Grams, a distinguished Piano Forte Manufactu rer and Organ Builder, will attend to all orders. sopt4,'so OSCAR C B CARTER. PERFUMERY DEPOT. DON'T,be deceived.- Country 'Merchants and bealero who want pod and cheap I'EFUMEHY and.FANCY SOAPS should enil upon JOHN T CLEGG, Perfumer' awl ClMMist, 48 Market St., below 2d,-Philadelphia. who has constantly on hand PERFUMBRY and FANCY SOAPS of every description, PowderS,'Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognes, Hair Dyck 46., .188,thepersons have read my advertisement in the Public Ledger, hundreds of whom have ;sailed and been convinced of the advantage of purchasing direct from the 'manalacturer, Agency for Ferran's Circassian Hair Oil, Curling Fluid, &e. . - Orders from any part of the United States will be promptly attended to. atig4'so,ly JOHN T CLEGG. ECONOMY IS WEALTH _Light .! Pine 011, Camphine & Medal Fluid, i re , acknowledged superiority and purity, 41.. Y manufactured and for sale'nt the lowest Wholesale prices, by DAVIS & HATCH, at the old established stand of the 11110./Icl/fa roilEfft-DtratirDA:lUD EN NE YE lt where orders by mail or otherwise are solicited, and prompt attention given. The voice of the • public for fifteen years, nn.i. the award of a Silver Medal, and cotnplimentary notice by the-Franklin-Institute--over all - ccrmperitors, - is sufficient - evidence - of - tiff excellence of our Oil. Alcohol, Pitch, Turpentine, Rosin, and S p ir its of Turpentine, for sale Wholesale and e tail, at the lowest prices. [oct3o .111:-.1towo, itur AN.UFACT,URERS and wholesale deal ers in BROOM S, 13 AS K E .T S and WOOD—WARE, have removed to the large store lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers & Da. vi, where they have opened an extenSive stock of Eastern ;and City made BROOMS and k. OOD WARE, which they are pow selling ta'the lowest manufacturers prices. Cfull assortment.of Bristles, Brushes, Mat Cordake, &c.. constantly on hand No I North Third Street, 3 doors below Race, Ph del phia jtyl7,'sU P. Steam 'iron Railing. MORE & GALLAGNER, Corner of Ridge Road and Broad Street, PHILADELPHIA. IogrOULD call-the attention of purchasers to V: V their elegant assortment of Wrought and Custlion Railing-tar CEMETERIES, • BALCONIES, ' , VERANDAS, Railing for Churches, Public and Private Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with _ all kinds of Plain and Ornamental Iron Work. More & Gallagher's Book of ORIGINAL DESIGNS, containing the best selection o designs that has Over been issued, will be sent to any persan_who may wish to make a, select lion. • t1eb19.51. L. S. GORDON, PRODUCE, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, No. 78 Noth Street, Baltimore. 11111 HE undersigned, Agent for the - A. Pennsylvania and Ohio Line, being con.. tinily located on the' Baltimore and Susque. henna Railroad, Om 'tad° arrangerrients for transacting a ~ Gentirar Produce Commision Business, 11 connection wit- FORWARDING, BUSINESS. and respectfuily . solicits consignments of Irey,ylour, Gram, and Country. Produce gene rank. "Respectfully, L S GORDON. Baltimore, April 2-3mfSs. • • 4. 13. Orders for Groceries, Salt, &e„ - wit .be promptly executed., • REFERENCES. Messrs. John Sullivan & Sons, W. Stahr & Sons trhomas J. Carson & Co., John M'Cul lagh & Co., Wylio & Wilson,' David Hafts •& Co., Duvall, Keighlor & Dorsey, Miller and Mayhow, Turnbull, Dall & Slade, Robert Garrott 3.t.Sous, James George, Baltimore. Messrs It Cranglo & Co. Wheeling', Vs . Messrs. Clark e'rhaw. H Grail; Pillaburg. Mr. J. W. Kerr, Harrisburg. James Cowden, Esq., Columbia. • Messrs. Muihpllnu & Ray, Blairsville. Messrs. P. A Rs S Small, York. • !Hamra. James Steel & Co.,,Lowis & Butler Philadelphia, - • MaErZSIIL & CO., ELOUR AND PRODUCE COAIMISION ;.MERCHANTS, • ' 305 Baltimore St., opposite Eutaw Renee, • _ _ BALTIMORE. " • ;D EVOTE their whole attention to the solo Pour, Graitt,owl Seeds, Whiskey, Bacon, lard, Bolter, Wool, Dried, Fruit, &c., &c. on, the moat roationable ,terms. Purposing seen, to remove wheao thoy,•will. hive the use of ftnil ....Rend.track eon:Manua with .thp ,Susquelianna Road, they - IV respectfully solicit consign ; manta over.that road, and will themselves pay drayage on . s.roduco to their Writelionse,•when • - •recelycd in dote of a large, car- load or more at a 'time. ' '.; • TZIEFERANCE:3: Mospire. David Siowort & Op.. Bonimore - Mr. John Early., , Mr. Upton Washabangl>!ClionberPliorg. op2-Smpd. Jitenraner . (toinßanieS. Tho ,United Stati;i7Lrfe - IninCe Annuityond Must bompany. hurler Perpetual—Capital $25;000 4 "--! ash Sysh2n. mHE conantut,',uhsolicited application for LifelUsurance, gives the' most almndath and : gr atifying proof that ."the .public mind is deeply impressed yith the I est importance of this subject. The great object, however, of Insurance should be sap y, otherwise the whole motive to insure may, be disappointed. Too much cars =min be practised in the selection of an office with which to effect the contract.— The choice should be regulated not by present encl .- constant large inducements, es this, is cer tainly incompatible with future benefits. The premiums on life are calculated for. thc future, if present and prospective benefits therefore are given, the revs It ultimately, intisd icrmisiatedn disappointment and rain. The object aimed at by this institution is , gability and per putout. The rates of premium have been care• fully prepared with reference to fluctuations.— The cash systerh of payments has also been adopted. Unpaid,prernium times conTstitute no part-of the assets of this company, and every contingency being' fortified with an ample cop• ital, security stamps tie whole,system. This feature, paramount to all other considerations, commends the complwy to public favor. Ex pi:Denary pamphlets, Llanks. application papers information, and,vory facility will be cheerlullY furnished the pubiic by Mr. E. BEAWY, who has been.duly appointed agent of this company for Cumberland, county. Dr. II lIINKLEV . has also been afipointed Medical Examiner. Directors,—Stephen R.'Crawford, Ambrose W Thompson, Benjamin W Tingley, .Tacob L Florence, William M Godwin, Paul 13 Goddard tliwrence Johnson, George M'llenrye James Deyereux,.b. , llo 1, Linton._ „ fa ,. President,—titephen R. Crawford. , . Hex- PPcsaent .—Ambroso W. Thompson.' Secretary & nensr:rer.—Charles U ./czunry.—Manuel Eyre. Cardtsei E.r .quorney,—Thonins Balch. Of 'dicta E.varninera.. Paul B Gochlill0; M.D. William Pepper, M. D . • fnug7 ly ri1123 INSURANCZ JACOB SITELLY, President. RENRY 'LOGAN, Vier President. Ltwis Hlrn , Sepretnr. ..:1111aLit Goc-a 1 N --Tream-rer. 0ct17'49. AGENTS. Comb',land count q.—Ruthllilf Martin, New Cumberland, C 13 Ferman, Kingstown, Henry' Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and Charles Rcll, Carlisle, Isaac Kinsey, Mechan icsburg. Ahl, Cimrchtown. York count p.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John Bowman, Ddlsburg., Peter %Volford, Franklin John Smith, Esq., Washington, W S Picking, Dover, Daniel Baffensberger,_J__W_Craft, Harrisbu7.—lloviser & Lochman. Membeti tof the company having policies n bout to expire can have them renewed by inak• ing application to oily of the agents. DOCTOR YOURSELF 113 1 —FOR e 5 CENTS !! , F-13y Means of the pocket . F ! setilapius, or, Every one lie own Physician t'Twen y-fonrth edition, with lip mrds of a hundred engra ings, 6howing private dia :rises in every shape and brm, and malformations if the generative system, tY WAIN OUNG, The time has now Ar cing from secret disease M VICTIM OF QATACI:F.III7 ny the - prescript , Joutainettin this book any one may cure himself, without hindrance to bu siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend,!,and with one tenth Mc usual expense. In Rdthition to the genet's' routine of private disease it Folly esplains the cause of manhood's early do cline, wtth observations on marriage=besidee many other derangements which'it would no t by proper to enumerate in the public pri rts, ...„KrAny persod scathing "VW ENTY•FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a,letter, will receive one Copy of this book, by mail, or five copies Will lie sent for one dollar. Address, "DR. W. YOUNG No, 152 SPRUCE Street, Pill LADLEPIIIA" /VA-pith], aarITFI. YOUNG eau be consulted on any q of ihe Diseases prescribed in his different pdblioq ions,at~his Offices, 152 SPRUCE.: street, every day between 2 and 3 o'cloA, (Sundays'eteepted May I, 1050. SUPERIOR FRESH GROCERIES! Call and See befare Purchasing elsewhere rip.HE subteriber ia just receiving and oenp -1 ing, et hie Cheap Family . Grocery and Quee ware -Storein West -M. atir st reel ;Car, - lisle, a very large assortment of all the arti cles in his line of business. Rio Cone from 12 to 14 cents per pound, for good to a.. strictly prime article. Also, Brown Sugars of the best 'quality, from 7 to 9 cents per poand, Lovering's best crushed and pulverized Sugars from 10 to 12 1-2 cents per pound, N. 0. Sugar House and Syrup Molas ses of all grades from 30 to 00j per ga110n..... Also, a supply of fresh ground SPICES of all kinds, warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy, Rozin and Country Sonps.r6hoeolate, pul verized Sataratus, Indigo, Mould and Dipped Candles, Common and Winter Strained Whale Oils. Also, a supply of fresh Hominy, cheese from the best Dairies always on hand. Fancy sewing, traveling, clothes and market Baskets; together with a general assortment of Chew ing and smoking Tobaccos, Spanish and half- Spanish Cigars, Common do., ropes, twines, and Brushes of 'all kinds. CEDAR WA R , E.—Housekeepers, and others expecting soon to embark in the same business, please call_and examine my stock of Wash tubs, Wash Rubbers, Churns, Cedar :Buckets, fancy, painted and Varnished Buckets, Brooms, &c., &c. GLASS AND QUEENSWARE.—The subscriber has just added to his aheady large stock a number of whit' Granite, Gold Figur ed,l3lue, Marble, Plowing Blue and Mulber ry Tea Sets, of 4 pieces. Also. Plates slid Dishes',Pzieeri;Cllishes, Syrup Bottles, &c. of every description and -price so that lie will be able to meet the wants-end means of all in the community who moylavor htm with a call. murs D HALBERT. rztiesn anocnitxrar A NEW supply of fresh Coffees, White and Brown Sugars, Spices of all hinds, ground and ung,round,- with.all the other variotickof a Oro• corxiStore t including also a new supplY , of Jeiz, kin's NO. I Quality of • FINE GREEN & .13EACICTEAS, in metallic packs of quarter, half and pound vacknges from 50 to $1,50 per pound, 08 also n the bulk. All just ripened and. for solo at the store of [ml2] J W EBY. Patent Starch Polish, • leljOß giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, Mils. line, Collars, ke., and prevents' dust from slicking to• Linens, &e. It contains nothing injurious. Just received by - dcctl • , G W • HIT.NER. BOOTS & SIL'OES. JUST received a laro nasortment of Mon Women Und.Childrenls Boots and Shoes, %Va. is' Double Soled Bualzins and Jenny Lind Shoes, which I can sell very cheep. . 10m23 N W WOODS, Ag't. • SALT. • 1. 25 SACKS OF SALT receitiilig and for 811,3 cheap at the Warn house of dealt) 'NV 13, MURRAY, Ag't. re k . 11.. SWIZZIEt, • No. S Jllhrket Street, near the Bridge, IIAItRISI3URG. EALEIL IN TIN Nl5 O l R S MLA". .14! CLONES, 1-IAN, TOQLS, moat 1 . ram tile eat cuLetmted Eastern lanufactorfb§:" to- Furnished at Manulitaitir. a prices,4ta traars-3tit Ohildren's Stockings. A assoremen, of Whito, and Mixed Merino Hose of all sixes for Children.— Also,.Ladies Hose in treat variety just opened by , MTN RIC. Brushes Brushes! A groat variety of these useful nriiefea is ,lbredfor sale, conaisting of Whitewash, Sweell fferulthing, Painters, loth, Shaving, Hair. Teeth and• Nail, Plush and Grainio4 - 111rushea it great Variety, till of ot Veil arc cf the best qua ty and will be sold at the lowest prieeS mune.G.• • t INS EI,LIO'T'T • ' telicluc~. GREAT GOUGE' REMEDY'. :Vk.. , 6 - ) g 41 AT)I4s, 04. d. 1 t ' ,--. '. , ';' - ..z:?: 1-• .1 - 'i 4 DJ 1.1,t ---r - • i , fk .. _ CHERRY ICECTORA.L. . For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, 1108 RSDN.DSS, •BROI7- 13120 UP, I TITROOPING-COUGH AUNT CONSUDIPTIOBT. In offering to the coinmunity tills Justly celc twitted remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, it is not one wish to trifle with the dive or health of the afflicted, but .frankly -to- lay he: fore *ltem The Oplllloll3 or distinluislted men awl some orthe evidences of its success, from which they can judge for themselves. We sincerely pledge out selves to Mahe 110 Willi aSSC.I . iiOIIS or lithe statements hi its efficacy, nor will we hold out any hope suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. Many proofs are here given, and we Solicit an inquit y lefini the public into till we publish,feel lug assured they will lied them perfectly reliable and the medicine worthy their best confidence, and patronage. FROM BENJ. SILLIMAI3. M. D., 1,. L. D. Ue. Professor of Chemistry, M ineraology,&e., A7le Colltu , e, Member of the Lit., Dist., Med. Phi°. and Semen. Societies of America and Europe. deetn t 1 a CRERRY PECTORAL an ad mirable conlposition from some -of the best or inlet in he Materia' McAllen add a very (Area ire remedy for the class of Ilea, it is intend ed to cure." New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1,1 . 849. Prof. CLEVELAND, of Bowdon College u Me. Writes—" I have witnessed the effects of your 'CIIHRRY PECTORAL' in my own family and dint of my friends, and it gives me satisfaction tor state in its favor that no medicine I have ever known has proved so nininently successful of curing diseases of the throat and lungs." REV. DII..kSGOOD Writes—"Thal he consTilers'CßEßßV PEG. TORA I_,! the best tuedieine for Pulmonary alfee tions ever given to the public," and gimes that "his daughter being obliged to keep the room four montlisiw till a seYere settled cough, accom panied by raising of tlood,night sweats, and their: attendant symptoms of consumption, commenced the use of-tile 'CIIERRY PECTORAL' and had completely recovered." HEAR Tlllll PATIENi Dr. Ayer—Dear Fn.: For two years I was afflicted with a very severe cough, accotppanied bo spitting of blood and profuse night sweats.— By the advise of my attending physician I was induced to tine your CHERRY PECTORAL, nod continued to do so till I considered myself cur", and ascribe theeffl eL to y our .p re pa ra..i ou. JAMES RANDALL. Damn 'en ss. Springrich', Nov o . 27. 4848. This day appeared the above named James II:Mil:di, and pronounced the above Staten - tens true in every respect. 1.012.1 , 1NZ0 NowroN, Justice. TIIII REMEDY TIIAT CURES. PORTLAND, MC. Jan. 10, 1847. Dr. Ayer; I have been long afflicted with Asthma which grew yearly worse until last au, tuinsi, it brought on a cough winch confined toe in my chamber, and began to assume thc.alArtrp t . iug symptems 61cOatrinption. I had tried the best advice am/ the best medicine to nopurpose, mitil 1 used your CHERRY PECTORAL. which has cured Me, and you may well believe me.. , •— Cratefully yours. J. I). PIIELPA. If there is any value in the judgment of the wise, who speak from experience, here . is a med icine worthy of the public, confidence. 1;1!!=!RMII A YRES, il I:311 ST, LOI:LL = Sold 1)r. Rau9ins, S. A. Hubbard & Dr. S. Elliot:, Carlisle; Dr. Ir: Day, MeelinicOurg.• H. Herron; Newwille; J. C. & J. B. Altielt Sep pensburg; nnd druggists generally. ' • EIKELER'S iielebsated Family Medicines. N - A, 0 • It concerns every one. Cholera can be cured Dr. heeler's Sarsaparilla Panacea. For , the removal and permanent cure of hl • Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood and habit of body. The All-wise Creator has implanted in all organized -bodies an innate- disposition to self preservation. 'The vital powers posses. the property of resisting the influence of external causes, but as the BLOOD Is the common par bulutn front which all parts of 'living matte derives its renovating elements, and consEqbent --ly-,-upon-which-theirfe-of-mrgattlaud beingTs - de,• pond, it is probable that in cases of accident, or where artificial means have been employed to deprive it of an essential property, the vital effects of the whole system will be directed to. ---wtrd-rostorinrrtrir-tiscitpriipeety—Ttill[dini stituti end and hereditary a flections, this fluid has undergone some primary alteration, which is the cause of the suecial disease, or which es sentially contributed to its production. Rest() ration to health can only be obtained by a re moral' tirthe morbifie cause through the medi um. of the circulation, and Dr. Keeler's Sarsa parilla, is the most powerful modifier of agent effecting this fluid known. Seri pamphlets. - 111aelcwoodtown, N. J., June 6, 1848. Dr. Reeler—Dear Sir: I nm entirely out of your Panacea. I was called upon day before yesterday for half a dozen. Your medicine is becoming very popular where I:have introduced it, and I think the more ii-is used the more pop ular it will got. Respectfully yours, WM. PARETAM, 111. For details, certificates &c., see circus Jars, &c. Price $l-per bottle, large size, 6 bot tles $5 DR. KEELER'S COUGH SYRUP. Amore all the remedies before tho public this stands pre.entinent in incipient consump tarn, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, and for all affections of this pulmonst y organs occasioned by cold. Too much praise cannot be bestowed iijion this remedy, and - the .1 proprietor urges every one afflicted Gill] any of the above complaints to secure it et once. It • is warranted to cure or no pay. Price only 50 . cents. DR. KEELER'S CORDIAL AND CARMI NATIVE Every family whether rich ur poor, who,val tics health_ and all its blessings, should have this invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the beet remedy known for Diarrhcce, Dysentery, Cholera filorbus, Cholera Infuntum, Cholic, Flatt4lcncy, griping panty, crarnp,,etc., and for . all liiiiVOSCB of the Stomach aridliOtvili caused by Teething. The nurturer's testimonials Rhin Physicians and others unsolicited has given it' a reputation as firm as adamant. Rrr Price 25 cents per bottle. DR. KEELER'S VERMIFUGE SYRUP. This remedy is pleasant to the taste, harm• less to the patient and all powerful in removing till kinds olyoritie from the - body. It is with out doubt, the cheapest and best worm destroy ing medicine before the public, end will Wad. ministered, according to Crections, remove them within five or silt hours after Wien. The dose is small, and, each bottle•contains twice as much as similar remedies. Price only 25 cents' per bottle. DR. KEELER'S LIVER AND SANATIVE PILLS. • Although not recommended as a 'Will yet they ore the mildest and hest remedy to re.: move Corstipation, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bil jousness, Nervousness, Foul Stomach, Head• ache, Indigestion, etc, Ulike other purgative medicines they leave the howelsalways relaxed and consequently are the proper medicine for for females end person's leading u solitary life. ! Price 2b emits. , KEELEII'd RIMUMATIC LOTION A justly celebrated external application for Pained' the Cheat, Neuralgia, llcsdacbe, Spr'ne Etruisea; 'Pic Dolorous, Swellings of the'Joints, Rheumatism, Gout, sciatica and for _all disor ders wherein a sedative and rubefacient !mine. dyTo applicable. Price twenty.five cents per bottle. All of the above celebrated and extensively used tnedietnes L are prepared and sold Whole sale apdßclail, 99A MARKET STREET, Philadelphia.. Fur sale by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle ; Miller ' Dickinson; Messrs. Altick, Shippens , burg, I. F. Spahr, Muchanizsbnrg, M. Bitner, Shitternanstown, and in every town throughout the cuunty.and State. AJanuary,l4. 1851 CiTit ATE . OF MAG-N-Fe‘lA.—An ag,r . ee. able n” , l reryigeral baud laxanye, cr a du by IIUIIEIARD. triline26 srx q Cl ek WATER PROOF. • . T, NICI2S Fire and Water Proof PAIXT, Rl' which has , been so extensively used for the be ale rears with the utmost sucrose on the roollv -of Houses, Steamboats, &Al, not a single instance is known whet() it has killed,— rip . sale by ml2] ..\XTQN, .I,l(lEicAtalteoug: -Reduced _ • VAUGHN'S . , LITHONTRIPIM MIXTURE! Large Bottles—Only One Dollar. • Phu Proprietor of tho Great AOIeriCILTI Remedy " VAUOIIII' VI:OIITAEILE LITIWNTRIPTICWIXTIME." induced by ti. argent solicitations .of his Agents, throughout the Unites litattai and Canada, has now Reduced tho Price pf bils popular and well known'ardelo; and:frorn thia.data w rne .r o nh, h e will pot up but one Blare only,--bbi goal -tba retail pries will be ONE DOLLAR Tho public may rest enured that the character or the Meth sine, it. strength, and curative proportion ,WILL RI AI JXCUANGIXD, and the Immo ease will ho bestowed in pro ming it or heretofore. As this medicine, under its rodaceil price, ed it be purchase sy those Who bnvortot-hitherto-mado-thernseirmr acquaints, - with Ds virtues, tile proprietor would beg to intimate that hi vticle is not to be classed with the vast amount of " Itemcdi, of the day ;" it claims, for itself a greater healing , power, i sli diseares, than any other preparation" non before fb world; and has sustainea gaol( for eight Y... 147 is auperit medical iirtum, and, until this reduction, commanded doulil ho price of any other article lit this line. v 'Narice Pon r ,O OL~gLY thiS article ads with great hoe sir power and certainty, upon the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lunge, end all other organs, upon the proper as of which rewalth depend. This medicine has a justly high repute as acoined/ for • - Dropsy ma - Gravel, • and all disease. of that nature. It may be rolled apost whe die intelligent phyeittan has abandoned his patient, —and fi Item diatmsaing diseases; more especially DROPSY, the propt Nor would earnestly and honestly recommend it. At 'resent pricejt is easily obtained by all, and tho trial will pros the article to r ba the Cheapest Medicine in the World! theyPlate:l ask for P.M oblate the agents give themaway they oontain over siztimn page. of receipts. (in addition to fu medical mower) valuable for household purposes, end wide . will save many-dollars Per year to practical itilieekieicie. These receipts are introducal to make the book of gnu value, aside from it. character as an air/musing motile,. 11 the medicino, the testimony in favor of which, in the form letter, from all parts of the tmentry; may be renal upon. i*s• Vanglin's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture ii great American Remedy; row for sale in quart bout. si $ each, small bottles at 50 cis each. No small bottles will 6 issued eller the present dock is disposed of. Principal Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 207 Main Street, 0. C. VAT/OFM. Sold \Walesalo and'Ratail by OLCOTT MCKESSON CO., 127 *Fabian Lane„ Nov York City. • N. B.—All lotto,” (excepting from agents and denim wit raborriho transacts buainces) must be poet paid, 'ar no atlantic all be given To Timm. - 8 W finverstlck, C & G 13 A kick, Shippensburg, Russel & Dice, Dickinson, . F Spahr, 11lachanio6qurg, A II Zager, Kipgatown. Octft Valuable SblifYorßooks, 11111.1BIASIIP,D BY . TI - 10 - MAS,COWPETH 13: WAITE& GO., 253 :11ARKET STREIIT, PIIIADELPHIA, and for sale by all the book sellers in the United States .4111'CHELL'S PRIMARY GEMRAPIIY, An easy introduction to the study nl Geogra phy, designed for children, and completely il lustrated by 120 engravings and 14 colored maps. MtTrItELL'S INTERMEDIATE G MGR ArTIY— T - he text, the exercises the illustrations, and the forty beautiful maps are printed together ia one quarto yolume. 'Alvrepita.'s SCHOOL GEOGRAPIIY & r 1 TUB-, n system of 'Modern Geography, comprising a desm iption of the present state of the world and its five great:divisions. Embellished with nu merous em,raving? and .illuStrated by tin excel lent Atlas containing 128 listothomc and accurate colored maps. This.series of Geography by S. Augustus Mitchell has been wholly or portly introduced into the public, and private schools of all the, principal cities and towns of the Uni ted States; and after a full and fair trial of ifs merits in these schools, it has received an almost universal recommendation. r • MITCHELL'S ANCIENT ,GEOGNATHY 8: ATI AS An ancient, classical and sacred Geography, embellished with engravings of remarkable events, views of ancient cities, etc., and accom- Paned by ancient Atlas tont.aning 12 beautiful colored maps. MITCHELL'S ATLAS OF OUTLINE MAPS Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Geo, raptly, with Maps and embellishments. INlticrk ell's Key__ to the stmly of Mama. and Carroll's Key to Mitchell's Geography, are excellent and popu l ar b oo k s , and are becoming" very exten sively used in the best schools of our country. GHEENE'SYIIIST LESSON IN GIL6IIIIAII, based upon the construction and analysis of se:Metiers; designed ns as introduction to the "Anal 3 sit."- . • °BEENE'S ANALYSIS—A treat'se on the 6trucs turn of the English language, with illustrationt aud—exerc-isea via:sided-to-the-use of-schools; by, Samuel S. Green, A. M., l't incited of the Grammar School, Bston. - These books hive already in the short time they have been published, obtained a very. ,x -tensive circulatiop,havinKlseen introduced onroiton, Baltimore, burg, Cincitmatti, — St• Louis, Vicksburg. anif' other cities and towna, and recommended Lr those who have tried them inntheir schools, as without question the best English Grammars in existence. SCHOOL ['HE 'PRIMARY SCIIOOI. HEAM:ll—Purr ISt is intendetl4or beginners. It contains a lesson upon (lob -of the elementary sounds or the lan guage The Primary School Reader, part ‘2O, contain a exercises in articulation, arranged in •ootinection with easy reading lessons, -.The Primary Header, part 3d, is de.tigned for the first crass in Primary Schools, nod the lowest class in Crammar Schist-As; .1 rte Senuot, READr.a, is designed for the middle class-in Grammar Schools, slid contains exercises in articulation arranged in connection with rending lessons Tim DisTa'ter SCIIDOL ItEADER is design lop the highest classes in public and pris ate schools. It contains exercises in nrtieulaliuu, pauses, nod inflections of the voice with such rules nal stiggessti pus ns are.deemed useful. THE INSTIIIICTIVF. ICIA111:11 ; or n Course o Reading on Slatural History; Science nod Lite rat u•C designed for schools. . THE SPELLING BOOR. Consisting of words in columns, and scut cores for oral and written exercises. Icia a complete and systematicseries of exerci.es in English orthography. -This series' of reading books, and this spelling book - were compiled by Mr. Vt m. I). Swan, of Boston', and judging from. Abe rapid introduction into schools-which they have obtained in the Eastern and .Middle States and in many of the. Western • and Soldliern States; ire think they am; really better adapted to the wants of teachers and scholars than any other yet pot lisheil. The publishers have n very large number of reeotnmendations from public school committees, teachers and others friendly to edu • cation, F'ROST'S HISTORY OF THR.U:STAI'ES. One vol , - high . schools and nenile mien. The same work conthinsed and simplified or common schools, 1 VOL 18 me., JARVIS'S PRACTICAL PHISIOVOGY ' for the u s e of schools and lantilies, 1 .vol.. I 2 me. with enernvings. PuntAnv PiIItrIOLOGY, by the awe author, vol. 18 nna. I'zasr 11001 Ili-A iliv'tturrtc, by F. A. 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