Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 16, 1851, Image 4

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—E)ite - Mtve cabinet
• .
la - 01.3.Ei1..T 11. .I%lll.tEl'ir,aucc'essotto Wm. • .
.C„I3ibson,,CARINET-MAKEIt &,UN.,
I.III,TAR R,'North annoyer otreetr,•Carlisle;,,'
woiildienriee'tftillYiriforin'Abe eitizensof CarliShr
'and the.publi,: generally that ho non has on
'''''''' " .' Mind a largo atisortmont arum
.... 1 2 'I, .. , ' ' ''''' , V and elegant ,rURNITURE,
`"?...'-'-... • ' .....,,, consisting. in part: .of Softts„
v ' Wardrobes, Card• and 'other •:,
Talilos,Jtureaus„ Bddstends, plain ancl.faiiey;:.•
Sewing Stands, &c. manufactured of Clip best : ',
materials and quality warranted.. *AlsoA,gene
ral'issortment of Chairs - at the 'Oast Priaci.- 7 .
Vooithm. Blinds, made to order and repairing'
ProMPtiY 'tit to.'' Kr:COFFINS made to
order at the shorlest,notice. and having n spier' , •
diti..Neurse.lte..will attet;d4urterals in town or '
counit y.,../.'o"Dont forgei tile Old.stand of Wm.
C.' Gibson, - inlgorth'llartovitr4treat, a few
doors norih.OV.Gltiss's .11otar:t... ~ -.‘...,
Sept 4-1y:-. - - 1, '''', ! • — rit 11..iiIIMY.
• , .
'cl;E, 1'
COrner of anew aiz - sts • au ;
nlidr:Thl - gife - infitirtiliVitys on ll:itWit - Inm
stock of superior Cobinet Ware. in all the
dilie'reat'JitYMS, which he Is, prepared to sell at 7
'the lowest Oleos. He invitop attention peptic the rdiellt Spring' . ..l3oaorn •13edsteall , a
moatnisefal ttriicle which - bntirely obviates till
objections. Tile bottom can be'attached to old
ned;itanis.. They have given entire satisfac•
stun to all who baye them in lice. - ,
?J - HOFFINS - Mado to order at the shortest
Carlisle, Thu y. , • -
Extensive Furniture Rooms
T ,
AME'S-RAVE:kV ER would radpctlully:
call the' attention of House. Keepers and the
public'io his extensive stock. of ELEGANT•
FURNITURE: including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Cenifeand other Tables; Dressing and - ,plain
Borealis and every , .oth3r article in his branch of
Invihicsg. ; • ow on-hand the latest as ,
serkMagt• of rin,lltS carlislo, at the loWest
prices...-oflins.made_at the shortest notice
and u !louse provided 10 lanekals. Hd solic•
its a, at.his establishment on North Ilime
ver:Shieet, !Mar t Glass's HOTEL. N.13.-Fur
nitrfro,hirecl out by the 'month or year.
Carlisle,iNlatell 20, 1850.-1 y
.• r.eirizimarvs nraponguzami
rivHE-subscriberr-Would -respectfully.- invite
•therattention al fathers to ha usscirtment
_ of' PLOWS, now, manning
4.- .1 tured. near - Craighead's Mill
• in South.Middlaton township,
• f u ITIIiCEI south of Carhals.
! • `I- •
" My r
assortment consists of
Withrtitv's, _Stlichey!s _and Ball's patterns.—.
'rite-Castings will all hei cromid. I will also
make GRAIN CRADLES. of the most im
proved patterns. All, urgers dimmed to Wm.
L. Craighead. Earlialo,; will ho, attended to
with proniptnens, and Ploms'oi_ Cradles' deliv
ered in any part of.the'county.Tree of charge.
• . CRAIGHEAD, , Pcopt,r. •
• t DAVID , STU CR:EY, Jtraitufizeer
; Febtls ' ' •
splErrnali STOCE!
/SHE undeisignod respectfully informs hie
A. friends and the public generally, 'that he .
",...* bee just returned from
. '. - . . Philadelphia, having
. .
4... )
:. 'ii . 4 b 7-'......,....,TA\p1ite11i1vd• - ,4,110 . 1114:41i'ir: - . - _
, . . A ! . . , 4"fri,.: • fol s peivo, as well ati the
. „9 ' " ii-Zn . : e .- chairws t assottrildnt of
.. 4,41: , ,_ _ ..,:tri , , , e-.`
h: , " - - - ii^es,'„il-• • ii.i s Al';' , .. Watelies, loweifty,'„
eistsin part 9f - --- -- - .. .
Gold and Sittier Patent Lever Watches,
t -47-pi and Stli'er delatuhed' 41s.' - do, ,
in short every variety ol Watches nt all prices.
Gold Guard and Vest - Chains, Aledailions,
Witt•_ll Neyi,'Eai Rings; Finger Rings, Breast
Pins, Gold,and Shyer Pontius; Gold and Silver
pens and cases. and' Bracelets in gr6at.voriefy.
A splendid • article of Go:d, Sl'ter, Germnn
and Skied- Steel SPEC-_
y hip ar,e_unstgpits.:
ed in .go.;-Oity by arty other ; rtiefe vVest ul.Ylitl
and Whirl, run Ine sold at least <o Per
cent cheaper than in any Oilier estaldishment
iu the country. Abn n lariw lot :or
• ---- ZZE.AVIM-127.01.311.21,'
compri!iing Table a,,d L"pi:ous, nutter
,Se It Sp , lons, Fruit KniVes; Thin' hies,
A iso, Curd Cases. Pore Monnaies, Port
'Lattik•Wlitinir Desks, with a great
variety of other fumy aroclet, unnecessary ,to
mention. A large lot of CLOCKS, a,-sorted
patients, which will. be sold low, and warranted
1 0 be good. ,
Watches, Clocks and ../etiletry Repaired,
He iiiviiesiall to call and CXEIMIDO iris stock,
assured that none can fail to bo autt,ed in qual
ity, quantity and PRICE. His articles are cash
purchases, consequently, ho can alibrd to sail
lower titan the *nitre articles can . be purchased
elsewhere-_ _Call at_the_ekLatand,_afew_doors
west of,Hurkholder's-Hotel.
January 15,.185171y - T. -CONUYN.
- -~i►ina`-a~~- rC ocfcery - W-ars~ ~'
• IVhite Granite Stone Ware,
such as•Dishes_Plares, Tea Sets, covered and
uncovered dishes, bowls, toilet and chamber
sets,' pitchers, die., - togetner with, a lot of
Liverpohl Ware, .
ell_ottlio-JatehtsWle_arkd.,liimpas, also, all the
varimrs articles of the best common
IVidte and Editil Ware.
Thdassortradafneludes a few plain
„White and Gold: Band"Chind Tca
of the best quality I,nd style, and also nil 'the
necessary articles el the best Granite, 2tone
and Blue Liverpool Ware suitable for tiny sized
• - )ironer or Tett Sets,
as may be - wanted, together with a .variety of
Glasa •Ware, inaluding, a fine aesertment of
. Bar and Table Tumblers, •
dishes, footed and other bowls ) goblets, wine
glasses, lemonades, lamps, &v. The prices
for all of which are fixed at the lowest cash
priceet We invite our friendlovlio are tlt want
of articles ut our lino to give as a call:
mars .l .W EBY.
Boots, Shoes anaGaiter.s. '
Fillll.. M. PORTER' invites the attention o
i " the public to hiri large and complete ai•
sortmentrof B 9 TS, SHOES & GAITERS
just received from Philadelphia, including a vs.
riety of now styles.. His experience in the Shoe
business, enables him to selceewerk of theliest
mateHaLs and workmanship, which will bo sold
at the lowest -cash price end wurrentei. •
inr Customer work attended to - a. usual.
•r i sr..— on tho north east corner of the public
J--gi &Puled id 'the known".ni."Herper'n
Porrerme inquire of the
6n4 nivo3 1 .' .
Brushes! Brushes
A greet .var . iety Of these useful '- articles "
fered for sale, cOnsiating of Whitewash, Swee'3l
ing, Seritlibing;Paintera;l6lll; ShaVing, noir,
Teeth and•Nad, Fleah and Graining Bruallee in,
great variety, all of which are of :the beat qua
ty and, will be sold at the lowest prices -
June - 6. •• S -ELLII-YrT
VIEMI di, 'WATERT. moor;
BLAKE'S Fire and 'Wate r Proof PAINT,
which hatvbeen so extensively used for
the last_abi years' with Mc utmost success on
the roofs of Houses, Steamboats, eic:, not a
single insitinsb wtiino it has tailed.—
For sole by , ' fml2] H: SAXTON,
To =Canners.
JUST rooolyed . anolhor. :lot of. Bonne'
Sillt Satin Linings.ol.varioua colors:
tlecll , • , ' lIITNEIt.
A cim ; SACKS. CP'. S A 1.7- reneiving and
I,Gi2) for 9.on.chonit,:w . ,,iti.,‘lira House Of' -
- W.13 ( A I ,IIIIIAY. Ag't, -
Aro..B,4 4 rket ,Street, near k'ridge, ;*
r I V tkkal s III IIH : : : i (S0 0 1 141 "
tom the .00 T euretett+, battgri,;
ManutatitorOsi.7,7lFurnisll.34 .
, (It ,
Pr.i(81.3.44'.: ;-(in.ao44at
TEA X" , .TI 3A I: TEA l•
, . .
... T , AT EST' AR R'I . V . 'At:
-- sz. l m . l -"'' 'ILI 'FltbM CIIINAIIie •
I r 0 • 11? lovers of•quotl TEA can be
. 1 . 1%.ii ~. F&ESB lupp et l r iaw 7 lBV e o c i i :lt m ir i t;s : , : la ß lo c ' t e t •
q, ? Tir ' Ag p iu • rl i e P an, either loose ,or put up,
'''''" "'"" ...'-• in fourtit; - htill'orpOund' rite.'
tahht'pache'tei bifit irurchnElrießt'pi.ices" riingtog
Worn . liCrcento.uo to ei per pound; - by calling nt- - ,
the Beare of . , [' LD. IIALBERT.-,
t.--Stint.tx y t --01)ip4i-,,-,f
LHAVE just received' h •fresh- stock ,61,Med , .
.. icinas; Paints, Glash,•.Oili &c., -"which
having, been; n ;Spurchased with great ;care .at.the
hest-city-houses;reatu confidently' recommend
to Families, 'Physiciane,:ioountry :Merchants
and•Dealers,.as.:heinl freehand pare. • :-•;-..:•:•.
' Patent Medicines,: .Hhrbsand Extracts, •
Fine hembeale, :: Spices,ground and whole
Instruments, ...).'
• Essences,• - :,• . .-
Pure,Essen"." -- dile Perfumery, &e.
Cod Liver Oil—Mill-anted Geri7iine: . V
1 - - - - DYE-STUFF:, . • •
~ . .,1 . :-. Log and Cam Woods,
Madders , : Oil. Vitriol . V.
Sumac ' . ,- - • Copperas,. ...
' Alum,.,; : '-' :' -: Lae Dye* : '
/ 7 7- .' , .. ,
: -- •:"• : : ' ' .1 3 11 [NTS, .
~ - •
Wetherill & Brother's: Pure Lead, Chrome
Ginn and Yellow, - Paiiit and liarnishilrhshes;.
Jersey Window Glasei Linseed, Oil, Turpen
tine, Copal and coach , Varnish, and Red Lead.
All'af which' will be' sold at the very, lowest
markst price? 'Also, a fresh arid splendid', re
sunniest of
• • F_ASD.Y_GD_OD3,_IIB.I.H_TS,:,_I...___.
Confectionary, and inntimerable•other' articles
edeulated for use and • ornament, all of wl.ich
are'eliercd at the.: loWest cash prices, at-the
plibap DritL , Bonk and Fanci - Store of the•sub
scriber',on North Hanover street.
•-. ‘:' . .S. W. HAVERSTICK.
May 22,. 1R.59. . . '
FIR ; Ey. Amity At; - 0 le
voarrnlys slaom,
-•-• street, near the Thin Road Depot,
OMPRISING Men's, Boy's and Youth',
. 1 1_1' Calf, Kip.and coarse Boots and Brogans,
wlttelt are warranted to' be of the best quality,
Ladies- Gaiters, Buskins and 'French Ties,
Missei and Childrens.hoots and shoes in great
variety.- Also; nn ole.ant assortment of .GUM
SHOES and BOOTS, with all the :late im
provements and warranted perfect. Having
nurehaied' these gunr shoes from the agents,*
mantifimpaer, lam authorized toectes
NET Miin in place of any that prOverlefeciive
in securing..-
Having ri taiga stock pf trench -Calf Skins,
Morocco, hid, &c., and good workmen, every
at tentiolf is - given to customer work as usual.
septlE WM. M. 'PORTER.
Fresh Arriva 1 of a-,
MA * l4 ‘ I TW 1 • -- -
04 c t,,, 7 - '' i t *,,:x : - .14 ?.9 A , ;: • „I,
• , Ago : __. , . t k yo -0-
..., ,4 - '''''' - a ;.,,,•,..--, --.r e ‘ . „ I& _...._,
E.AVING:just returned from Nev York&
.Philadelphirt with the hest rine Cheapest
brought to I,svnuldreseectfully mines?
dealers and consumers and all ME - is to giVe
me n call and see Whether they cannot get more
and better goods for the - same ;money than at
any other place id town. My stock of Locks,
Latches, Bolts. Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes,
Glass, Paints, /Re. ' ns
complete and very cheap.
Carpenters!. Tools, I haVe. a spland.d assort.
meat. Also, Cabinet Mtiker'S Toola - rthil Ma
serials, Va n(41'137 Alabo.gany, Mineral and
Glass Bureau h: nobs and Varnish.
can have everything in their line cheaper than
I have a first rate stock of - Nforocco and Lining
Skins, Bindihga, Pegs, Thread and Wax, and
a_superb. assortment of Shoemakers -Tools:
havealso a coniplete assorttnent•ofßall's Lasts,
made in Ilarrishurg, which can he had - at no
other place in town, and, at Ball's Prices. To
gether with an assortment of all hinds of Ham
mered-and-Rolled Iron end Steel. Of Ilouse
keeping Articles, I have Knives. Porks,'Spoons,"
Waiters,'Snu&rs and Trays, Tups,"Buckets,
have-the--lerge.ti-Handsomest—and - Cheapept
•As, ; :ortritent town. - And to all who.want
G'od and Cheap HARDWARE, I would say
come and see for yourselves. _
oet3o - I P LANE
Harrison's Colitinbian
1.111 ss'isfi they has On hand a large supply
a. of the above ink, which, by a special tir
r6 ononie vuh te propri cthr, - Ita de able to fur
to inerehirifs and others, at the manutat•
Aurora wholesale prices.
norll „ S A 111111111ARb.
Fresh Cranberries,
HA VE Just been received,-as also a lot 0
ne w FARINA and HOMINY, and ler sale b
i. arlisle. Dec. 25;50, , J. W. EB Y.
New rail Goods.
:It the Oteop - Store corner nj — lianover and Eon.,
titer streets. opposite Butner's Prorery Store
l'he_undersi , med most
respectfully_ informs
fils—filends.annhe_pubtin_grally, that_ ha_
has just returned from Philadelphia with swell
selected assortment of FALL GOODS t put.
chased at the lowest, prices, and Nyhich he is
determined to sell at small profits.: among teem
may be found CLOTHS, CASSIMLRES,
VESTINCS, Sattinots, Velvet Cords, Ken
tucky Jeans, &c.
-- ITADIES—DRF.SS , GO - 0-DS; - consisting, - in
part of Black Silks, Cashmeres, Mouselin de
Lollies, Alpacas, Cuburgs, Ginghants, Calicoes
Sack Flannels, Collars, Laces, Fringes, &c.
DOMESTICS, 'Pickings, Checks, Flannels
Drillings, Osnaburg Linseys, bleached
and unbleached Also,Groceries in all theik
variety, viz: Sugar, one, Teas, Molasses,
Spices, Chocolate, Sc Rags and Country
Produce taken in exchange for goods Please
give me a:call , . A C FETTER
..Ilicentlyfrom Philadelphia.
Tjt ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of
j3k, Carlisle and it l'irieinity, that they-have
now at their Marble Yfid in South Hanover
street, a few doors south of the Court House,
arul nearly_oppoeitv_k_&M_Bentes Store; an
elegant stock of pure
.11.711ERICAN" WHITE ..41:9R8LE,.
. .
and are prepared to execute in the..inosi. anislied
Grave Stones at all prices, Mantles,
Door and IVindow Sills, Steps, 4-c., •
together .with every other article in their line.
and promise, thut in fineness of finish, chaste
ness of desigii and quality of 111.1rble, • their.
work shall not be surpaSsed bi- any other estab
lishment, .
They are also the authorized agents of Mr
Robert Wood, of Philo - dolphin. and will-fur
nish from his manufactory all varieties of IRON
BAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots and
all other purposes, the shortest notice and at
Philadelphia prices. They will also finish or
manufactaira all kinds of Building Work, such
as Sills, Steps and Platforms, 4c., at the short
est notice and on the most reasonable terms.
Having had great experience, and being em the beat sheps of Philadelphia, they
are therefore enabled to manufacture the most
fashionable work, and respectfully asks share
of the patronage of Carlialeand the surrounding
country. • • • [Carlisle, n0v618.50t.
IfOUSANDS of lattice of the AMER!-
' ill CAN COMPOUND have been sold dar
ing the- peat year; and, was never known to
fail of curing, in a few days, of a certain, deli
cate dining°, Seminal weakness and all diseasii
of the Urinary organs. Persons afflicted-using
this pleasant and popular remedy, need fear no
exposure, as it leave° no odor on the breath;
- requireirner - restrietioasAnidierair - busintes - - -
contains n;.)Meroury or noxious drugs injurious'
to Die system, and,is adapted to every,
or coOdition.. It is afro the - best remedy.known
forFlOar Albes or-Whites, (female e- inplaints)"
with which thotwands suffer; Without the taiow
ledge of;.it remedy., This celebrated remedy
has long been need in priirate practice of a phy
eielan And with unerring success,
curing ninety.nino of the hundred cases iii a
few days. Around each bottle ear plain end
CAUTION-Ask, for' the AM ER !CAN
'COMPOUND; and purChasikonly of lie Agents .
•Pt ice Oct Vatic. For sale lny S. ELLIOT. ,
DtaliMr':3;:,Sl4itli - , - I - Liiiiilinrg; '
Colon4a;.by : A. hiillcr , Lancaster; E. Morns
" . ',951.;•-Y.orit.":,. •!• (Jinuary; 1851.
ractedatst, xointst• -
db siring BOOKS:will
11.1 plonk - , call 'et my Hoek' and.Faney ,
Store; Main street,' Aim -making:
preparations for f he. Triitlit: SitlSTa itillie . ;tv 'York.
and will iel I- Alia - s hand'Aii. A:lustfully low
pt icVs if tiOlcif Tye.
wollstiitow. on" han4priee some of the very,
best extant. - . ~ .
• . • •
%Tani" awl;
',Alfanufacturers, Nos. 4',0_,„8041:74049 .I :„Elitaw
.• • - , rect o littfLynoreiAlfk
"amt.i NO FORTES,{4roW6 (a 7,'•'qilatia,a, in
d — in Roseyieed, Altilqgarty•an4Nalnur.cOttl
of various stylist, IN.,,,llkiatid . Xi4lrout iron Immo;
combinintkrtlittheniapToxements requisite to st
superierlidairdmena;-. ,. • •
K & G Jtavo. received • from the Maryland
Ingtitute , the';firat premium for , their. Pianos, in
three slaece -sive years, 1848, 1849, 1850. They
have also bcbit honored with numerous teatime :
dials, from elk.: the -most, celebrat4t tists' who
have used their instruments: Pianosfrom their
establialimehr.have been uaed at the: ctincerta
ea pod, Herr. Hohnstoch t 'l3lahop';Laborde,
Kneen - , and ether 'eminent 'perfeririarts. ,They
guarantee ditrability fer6ie yeara,,under..ined,
care. and will reriiadia with ()there air which
mar not give a iiisfnetion . if armliraticitt Abe made.
.within s i x Montlwafter, deliyery. aa
t Their' unnufeetery' being :Conduited on• the.
most eitensive' scale 'enahlea, them to, Itirnish
inatrumeriti at 'the Very, leweati
Ilughes' . llleladCona,"ranging frorn $45 to $ 2O O,
for which they are a4ents for this City. •
Jantiary2:l-1R5141y •
Perfumery, Fancy Soap. Et Paper.Bei
48 Mara( sired, (gimp Second, Philmlelphia.
dr `ILEGG & CROMP:P,ON , .Manutacturers
Vij of Perfumery . Fancy. Soaps and. Fancy
Paper Boxes; respectfully call the attention.Of
the Druggists and. Dealers in Carlisle and the
Cumberland Valley. to their. extensive stock of
Goods.. comprising- Perfumery; .Fancy Shops,.
Powders for the complexion, Toilet, dim-4(k°
of every variety. Also; a full and complete as -
sortmcnt of Fancy Paper Boxes, of every de
scription, large or. small, round or square, made
It:corder at the slimiest notice.
itt:rDon't forget-the place, 48 Market Street,
Philadelphia. All orders will meet with prompt
attention. _ „ . janlB
THE OLD STAND, oci•Upleist for niore thiot
-- one-thin - I.of a century by G. thllig, Esg.
THE undersigned would most respectfully
announce to the public that,be is A G
-- than-v.velity-of i .:the most
s V.,,celcbrated tonna:let Mers of B OS
• - DELPHIA., and elsewhere ; and
is constantly *receiving from- them PIANOS
the richest and moot varied styles,, of superior
tone, and.of tie most Superb finish, of 6. di, GS,
62-, and 7 Oetavea;wlcieli ate Wairanted - tepitit
to any. manufactured either in _this. country'or.
in Europe. • '
.Inst receivedoalso, a fitriltersfipply of Church
ant!..Parlor Orgups, of lieentiful patterns and
fine tones. • . - •
His WAREROMT is constantly - supplied
with a choice selection of SEIZAPE IN EJ., and
MELODEONS, from the oldest and most ea•
tensive manulacteries-in the United States; 'a ,
-mong whicnis a`riew - style of REED - 0 ROA'N'
having .Carhares• patent improvements, with
gilt p'pes. in front,-and case , .elegantly carved,
and highly ornamental. .
Tdning and Reps Salvador La
Grasse:a distingtiikiliedriann Forte Illainifnetu
rcr mai Organ Builder. will attend to all orders
senl 4 ; OSC-AR AT - AR T ER
PL"i1,1 1 137:1.1.11ElY B.EPOT.
ON''T be t;eceivnil. Country. Merchants
7 .' nud_Dealers _ whti._want - good and-cheap
PE.(FUNI Y and-FANCY- - SOAPS - should
call neon JOHN 'l' CLI.GG, Perfumer and
chemist, 48 ..4lar{-ct St., below Yd, Philadelphia.
who has constantly on hand Pbait'UNIERY
and FAXCT — SDAT - S or every descri p tion,
Powders, Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognes,
Hair Dyes,'&e.,
100,000 personssbave rend my advertisement
ih the Public Ledger, liendrods of . whom ; have
enlled and been convinced of the advantage of
purchasing direct front the manafa - cturcr,
Agency for Perran's Circassian Hair Oil,
Orderifrom any part orthe United States
will Ito promptly attended to.
noz4' 50.1 y JOHN T CLEGG.
Light: Light Light!'
Pine, Qll, Onmphine Ec Medal Fluid,
t int,F acknowledged superiority and purity, Ulf manufactured and for sole at the lowest
Wholesale prices, by DAVIS & - ffATCH,
at the old established stand of the late Betty,-
where orders by mail Or'otheiWise are solicited,
an? prompt attention given. The voice ot. the
zublic for fifteen years, ani the award or a
:Aver Medal, and complimentary notice' by
the Franklin Institute over_all
sullii-tent evidence of the excellence Moor Oil.
Alcohol, Pitch, Turpentine, Rosin; and Spin
its of Turpentine, for sale Wholesale and Ile :
aff. &TJ. dP Itoave,
J\NUFACTURERS and wholesale deal-
WOOD WARE. have removed to the. largo
store lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers LI ha
vi, where they have opened an extensive stock
of - Eastern had City made BROOMS and
OOD WARE, which they are now selling
st the lowest manufacturers prices.
h. full assortment of Bristle:, Bruehea, Afar
Cordage, Fie, con,:antly on hand No
North Third Street, 3 doors below Race, - Ph
delphia j[yl7,'so P.
IFteans Iron Railing.
Corner of Ridk,e Road find Rroad Street,
LD call the attention of purchasers to
their elegant assortntent of 11 - rough!
and Cast Iron Railing lbr
Railing for Churches, Public -and . Privive
uildings,Yublic-Squ6rcs,- &c: - . - together - with
all kinds of Plainand Ornamental Iron Work.
More SO Gallagher's Book of ORIGINAL
DESIGNS, containing the best selection o
designs tharhai ever been issued,-will be sent
to any person who may wish to make a select
lion. Efelil9,sl
.It4PR TIME 111-01,111114111°S
. -.4l.Kriss Kingles' head-Quarters,
It y rß e lg w thm o
m ci a ti y ze vi a s s a n t f h t c h s is ian t l i c laLe r li l ld t a h l e l
Holydays, will find the largest nesortmentof
(of every variety) ever offered, manufactured
of the best materials, 'expressly for the op.
preaching festivities,, which will be 'sold whole
sale or retail, - at reasonuble-ratos, at the old
stand of the subscriber in North Hanover at.,
a few' doors north of the Bank. Mimic may
also•be found a complete assortment of
consisting in part of Oranges, Lemons, Grapes,
Figs, Raisins, Prunes, in fancy boxes, Cur
rants, Dates, Almonds, Filberts,.Cream, Coco
and Ground Nuts. He %could lso gall anon the largest stock of..
ever offered in Carlisle, consisting of .
Card Trays, Vases, Mugs,' Tea,. Sets, doll
beads, "Motto. Cups, Culogno Bottles;' Tutu,
biers, assorted Figures, &C. . : '
such as Carriages, 'Carts, Cradles, tables,
chalindminintals„„kuckfts, hype, rattlek,; wash
stands,,candle sticks, &c.
pure India ' rubber, and elastic. doll heads, rat.'
flee, dogs, teething rings, baricinure Mesa, '&c.
cups and saucers; 'Vine pins, lowns,,soldiers,
furniture, tools, in boxes, games find puzzles,
drums, guns, trumpets, 'wegoits, wheelbarrows
tubs, Noah's arks; horsemen, • magnetic fish,
swans, boats, fiddles, guitars, hartnonicans,•&c
: . FANCY GOODS,. - • •
Eine fuming, card and knitting4oMM faney
boies• of wood, paper and.:glasp, - hair ,oils ;
itiiiiiis,TMOlegnea„ hair bruehes,,and hundreds of
otbseariieles not onninerated itbove, which, all
;we invited to cell aitd . eitninoi
'rhe subscriber retutneThilysincerelhanke to
a generons public for the pat ronage-beeto Wed on
him on lamer occastoug,'And — tittpsii4y.'a
aim:to-please to 'merit a eondnearee.. of the
same Wein : - P.''MONyOR. „
•• • isHots: • : 7 41
JUST .recefreil:tyvO itt4 'o f.c Lathes Gunt
ry 4 tines; of HtiitshOril,'s Celpbtated'mtleru tphicb
eaftrwatitii:t pap - a - to - olifv:7 - • - •
«ea' WOODS,
Jrtiotttitttrlgilrfq3:6* . tr‘l
Witted states,,Life Intraiance
I „,, AmulV and' Via ComPallY!::
7 4 . 1 •
P • Il,fo
ter eppetuai— sprat $...• Cld •
-•- - .
copstant;• unsolicited applicatidnofbil
'Life Insuraneoegivea,.the most aliundant
lattd , gratifying proof that the pplidiejrnind is
'deeply impressed with the Nast importance of.
l ithiersubject. limy, great nbjecti:llowover, of
insurance be allay, o t hit' Wise. fl o 'w help
Motive to incur. may be , tbsappointod.•:,'!lroo,
;mach care 'chariot - the Selection
,aspflice.wiffi ivhiclilo e ff eci the contract. --r
'll.Plie-phoics should be regulated 7 present
ftpd'cQnstapt largo inducements, as'ilitd,, is eel.-
ititinty:lncompatible with .future .Ocnefils., The
premiums on life ate calculated for' tliefitillrc;.
:11 present raid prospective benefits thdrefo're,are,
g . rien t .the result ultimately: must' Iciminate in.
litigation, disappointment and ruin, ,I•llP.db.VP't
aimed at by ,this institution is stability tincl, - . 1 9,6t.
petatty. Tlfe rates of premium haiidliecii
-lully with reference to fluctuations-7--
Th° cash disttni - of payments has alSo been
adopted. Unpaid premium tortes constitute no,
Pact of the aSsets of this company, and, every:
eontingency, being fortified with an atriple•,etip•
- iialriecariryFerampirtner - wholer - systent, --,- This7
- feature, paramount to all other considekailens,
commends the campus"); to , public favor. Ex
planatory pairipliletS,•llanki: application papers
Information, and every' , facility will ba'acerluilr
'furnished the public by Mr. E. 13 EAYTY; who
has been dilly , appointed agent of t h is coiirriaity
for Cumberland cotinty. • Dr,' 11 1-11NE1,132 - ,
. has - also bedii appointed Medical Exath hien ••„.
Dicectorst—Stephen ft• Crawford, ,, ArribroSe I
W Thompson, Benjamin W Tingloy, Jacob L
Florence, William M Godwin, Paul B Goddnrd
. Lawrence Johnson', Gigirge• M'llenry, Runes
I , Devereux, John L Linton:
President.—SiephenTt. Crawford.
J'ices:President.—Amiirose W. Thompson.
SrcretaryFd neasurer.—Charles
Coraiset, attot•ney.—'l'horaaa
ttica/ Examiners.—Panl:l3'G.oddard,,ALD.
Willintn Pepper, M.D. ' • [it ug7 ly
7.72.23 INSUB.ANCE,
. • THE Allen and East Pennsborongli:MktPol
Fire Insuratiee Company of Cumberland 'county
neorpnrated by an act ofiAssentbly, is now Ililly
organized, and in oneraiion nutter the mnage
ment of the following commissioners,
a viz :
Jacob Shelly, Wm ClOrgas, Michnel'Coldt.-
,51.elohoir Brenneman, Christian r Sitiymart,
Simon Oyster; Jacob H Coovor, Lewis 'Elyci,
henry_ Logan, ~.Boojtintin _II .',lnsser:..l;strob
Kirk, Simtnel Pio‘Vell,,,Jdnevit
' rates of insurance are low and favora
qasmity Company of the kind hi the State,
Persons %risking to become nicmlicra'sre invited .
to make application to the micnin of the conntatt
hy, who ore-grilling tp wait upon them at any
HENRY LOGAN, Vire President., , ,
Seer - Glary
Cumberland cou
n t .—R Martin, Isiew
Cumberland, CT - Herman, Kingstown, :Henry
Zearing., Shiremanstown, -7-Ronert...Moure_. and_
Charles Belli Carlisle, Isaac Kinsey, Metihan-f
ieshurg. Dr. J. Ahl, Churehmwn.
York couray.—john Sherrielc, Lisburni John
Bowman, Dillstiurg, Peter Wolford, Franklin
John Smith.: Esq., Washington, W S Picking,
Dover, Diinialltaffenslterger, J IV Craft,
- ilitrrishurg.--Hoapr & LoChmart.
Illemhere iof• the company hosing policies a
bow to eipireceari have them renewed by
ing'applicationMarty of the:gents,
-,tazza•- ; oLormxmler .
& - - - L.'STELIVER 'respectfully invite
the. attention •ol their Hondo and the
public generally; to their large lot of Goods that
city of„Baltimore. They wilt sell thdtn ,
small idvance; as there is no room for them in
our little store r00m . ... So come one and all and
_take thein - at almost any price, as we ate deter
mned to' sell cheaper than can he bought in
Philadelphia. NOW York or 'Baltimore..
Hang out your banners! _ •
• _ 114r.the trumpet
Hero they chine! here they are! -
What's the matter? what's the Matter
°nil/leek at the crowd, • ••'
Come on Joe, Jim and' Sam Hatter';',.
Let us see what's out.
• Her; tro • k here Comes Bill, • •
. Well ask hith What's the muss ;
See how the street does fill,
Tilde certainly must be a fuss!
0, urrboys, no fuss at all,
" Gel' another great arrival,
- Of beautiful Clothing for the fall,
A' M. & L. Srranun's Clothing Hall!
• I have•jtist bob& a Suit so fine—
'roll me, how do you like it Joe 1 . •
Don't you want one like' "mine?
Come on, boys, let us
Now lit me toll you, ' • -
• What there you can find,9
Coats of all colors...
And Pants of 'all kinds. ,
Waistcoats so handsome,
And Cravats so nice, •
/ If you-aiim them-a-eall-twieemrAhrlce
They.will - wait on you with kindness,
And they can suit you with a nice Cap,
.Which ferns quality and cheapn 6 ss, •
You can onlY find et M
Smotra's, West Main Street, net door
Burkholder's Hotel.'
tg7 - .l'first rate assortment of Cloths, Caosi
mores and Vestings always on hand. which will
be made to order in the most fashionable and
:hest style by a brit-rare work Man. '
• Oct2-3m
Call and Sia before. Purchasing elsewhere:
.IrIIIE 'subscriber isjust receiving -and oenp
t ing •ct his Cheap Family Grocery had.
queensware, Store in West Maincetreet, Car
lisle, a very large assortment ol all the arti-.
cies in his-line ol business.,
Rio- Coffee from 12 to 14 cents per pound,
Car good tit a strictly prime article. Also,
Brown Sugars of the best quality, trom 7 to 9
cents-per pouno, Lovering's_beet crushed and
pulverized Sugars from 10 to 12 1.2 cents per
pound, N. 0. Stigar House end Sjrnp Mcilas•
ses of all 'grades from. 32 to 6d per gallon.-- ,
Also, a supply of fresh ground •spic ES of all
kinds,...warrantad.ppre. SOAPS, Fancy; Cos
li.ozin and 'Country Soaps, Checolate v iatik
warmed Sainratus, Indigo, Mould and 'Dipped
Candles, Common nnd Winter Strained Whale
Oils.'-'Also; a supply of fresh Ilominy.',.clicetiail,
from the liest•Dairiesalvvays'on band. Fancy
. sewing, traveling, clothes and markerllnskets,
togethee,itith a general assortment or Chew
'ing and stnoking , Tobaceos .Spanish andhalf-
Spanieh, Cigars, Common:do., ropes, twines,
and Brushes of, all kinds..
CEDAR W A R E.—Housekeepers; and
others'expecting 50.,n.t0 embark in Hui same
-business, please call'and nxiimitan my stock of
Wash tuba,' W eat Rubbers, Churns,. Cedar
Bucketsjancy,-painted and, varnished Buckets,
subacriberibaii 'just added to his abeady large
stock a number of white Granite, Gold Figur
.td, -Blue and Illulber:
y Tea Sets, of 48 pieces. -Also,.Flates and
Dislies,'Tntiablers, Pitseri r e Diehes,,Syrup
,Bottles, &c: of every , description and , prace so
1 - :hat he will be able :to meet the wants ,und
' matins of ;Win thereonimunity who may'favor
htin with a,call -
• Tatent..§tarch- Palish, • -
i-nOR giving n'heautiful gloss to 'Linen's, Mum
Tins, Collars, fie., 'end Prevents dust from
• ticking to -Linens, SE,o. It • contains- nothing
njurious, to,
received,by. , • .•
dedll ... • G W I/IT N ER.
14,100,1 1 5,& SIEGES;
JUST received a , ,largo 'assortment 'of Men
Women and Children's Boots and Shoes, Will.
is' 'Double- , ,S,oted' Buskins and Jenny Lind
Shoes,. w,hichichneell 'eery cheap'
10ee23, - N W WOODS, /W.f.,
r ll ouß op. : Aqvg. BO.A.RDERS!wiII meet
IL I with accommodations on reasonak.le terms,
by 'callid4 on'the 'sebteribei §outh, ganover
street, Carliple:
t •
-'• . • •
• ' JAM ES ge,MAVI..
-Januar,* 22, 11151."3m: • „ • .• •
,„ ,
• - Woisted. •••
u,EST .opened a general assortment of .tiingT,
',Ail-Worsted in various colours' for•Knispos
4csris, Slippers Also, an addl.
6erii2s' . ..• G W
&Iron; 01.1 rzoll, 'at m •
.7 , TAF..•
bnitold of prima
1, a, 0101'3 AIAORERELi.' 100
- . 114 0 1(15
ttiarchS. , D,' , HAVBERT:
TifE - Otonlle,
1 ,4 lOt of Itoiinot , ,aint,Ctirynitbone Otior:o(10:ed ,
• r.4tarliolovood tyovld advise tholatilios to call,
on and - gotiatr... of flit) ;••••-•-•
‘ 4C ' t3ll ; r • .13 V:
i if I P Raiti.IRIZMIL
tn 64011 liardware.
Cheaper than can he found thia-eitk of the
. • . . • Eaa
T;it ,tll)criller having jam . returned (rein j
the Easiern cities with, alullmnd hand..
Borne itesortMent of all ItindsrtrAßDWAßE
of the...very hest makers' anti well. selected, is
now opening at, the Cheap Hardware Stand in
North-Hanover street, next, door to.Scotec lio
tot, -formerly kept by Hoary Glass,' where :ha
would. invite all thahare' want 01, good and.
cheap Hardware to give him a call; and hee•and
satisfy youe;elf of the truth, as wo are determ,,
Med to sell
,at a very small adVatief;, • Small
profits,and quick sales are tho order of tine day,
•To Builders Carpenters+ and, O th ers.- •
- Winn stock or;klhte, mine raland - .7 - nitaTf6d -
ICnifhti, locks andolatehes, of every descriptidn'
pride d a d quality,'ltinges and screw ~window
sash and shutter springs, stranditmked and
hafrelled Bolts, of every kind, mill. c;ose tut
and-'circular Saws,
,mtnel, rippihg and •
back Saws, bright, blaidt and 'blue 'augurs, .0
'the' very best makers, Chisels, broad,tioit.tine
hand and chopping Ai'es, of different makers
hateheM, planes and plane bits, steel andiron
squares, files'and rasps , nails, brads' Mid spikes
of all siies and warranted ot the best quality.
; To. Siuldlers and Coach Makers,- -
Our stook consists of a complete assortment of;
articles, in your line of business, saddlery tools;
brass, silver anti Japaned mduating, carriage
trimanings, broad palming and 'seaming - laces
and fringes, Wain and ligut ed canvass, of
cloth, top lining cloth and serge lining of sari-,
Ong Itip&, , Nvlnte, red," . blue and black prem.
bather Mdlars, silver and braSs'plaip, Deer
Hair, rosette, hubs, fellows, spoke?,' bows, clip .
tic springs. iron anion malleable' Castings, &c.
• Ta Cabinet aml Shoe .Makets, -
A full stock of Abe lot.Mr funtim,s.boOf nto
means,. French kid, straits, morocco and lining'
and binding skins, lasts melts, pigs, ham m er s •
pinchrrs ;tnd lunch morocco. hit *of everftle- -
scription, superior copal varnish; Japan and
black varnish, maiig,anv qud maple Vanerrs,
moulding, beading, covets, glass, mineral and
mahogany knobs of eve' y.size and stile. •
To Plachsmiths, Fanners and Others.
10 to..s of assortcd bar iron, 0 arra cd to be - of
the:hest quality. A splendid assorime - nt,of bar
nd-rolled iron, liammeied horse shoe, scollop,
Ploifeli,"broad an Lan my the., Itorsi,tslibd
'bar, band, round slid n) on re iron, cast, shear,
spiing; English end American bl,ister'steel. Eng
lish 'Wagon libxcs, Currince boxes • in Bette, an
vils, vices, files, rasps. hot sr . :line nnils •
To Housekeepers.
A beautiful assortment of cheap fancy goods,
such as waiters, trays, p!ain "nnd,u,fkory knives
and forks. butcher knives and gleolit, brittrotia
lamps, brass candle sticks, Brittllnnin and silver
table anti tcrespoons, plated Cutter knives, pro.
servipgkettles, smoMbing iroris t iroit and-tin
ned ten sad oval I ,. oilers, iron fli`ing and liYead
pots, yr-ash Iteicies, and siew plus, &v.
To Gliqsmilhs,.4.fitrks»ifiz and Others:
Rifle t o,d Gun Barrels. tone bmion, plug,
n:pple and bpel: action Gun Locks, gun mount
irg and gull InTel'lL cnrl,,, shoot brace
Germansilver ornnweins. Sc.
_ _
to '
A ffetill lot of Wellherill's pure nod extra
White Load, all rind turpentine. varnh-hort.3e
pun, woite.'illid red. kurl, yellow and Green
point, ground it , oil.yellow ochre, &e.•
To - Plartrrs .:11'ark.onnn• ----------- •
- A wood assorment of dotibleVefitiedpoWder
rock powder of extra quality, PrSCIV-fil.Se, shot,
flints and bar Iced, ropes •of all kinds, f or
thotuind - other articles too nfinterous to imert,
'awe ni,k is to ifiVe US n call, and wo are con
fident you will find n good assortntent of Hard•
wale-and cheaper than cnn. he - found In nny
tither House this side of the caw. Give us t 1
call i s n il we ask, at the old and well known
Hardware Stand lormerly kept by Lewis, Har
lan, in. North Hannie - r street, nest door to .
Siiotirilriiiel; formerly keprhv Henry - Glasi.
T . .
subscriber having jilst returned from
111. the Enst, otters to the thiblic n more am
plc and conAcie.asSortinent of goods in hie
ever pteviously . offered, nod respect
fully solicits dealers end others to give him a
cull; when he will show them goodo nt aston
ishingly low !wires. ,
To Builders, 'Carpenters and Others.
His .stock comprises a full assortment of
Locks and Latches of every description, Hin
ges and Screws, Windew Springs and 13olts of
various ,kinds, Window Glass, Patty, Paints
Of till colors, Oils, Turpentine', &c.,
Also, Mill. Crci,s-ent nod Circular Saws, Linnd
Panne!, Ripping and Back Saws, Augurs, Chi
se le,. 13 rand.,ll.ancLatuLChopping-A x , Ileac h
ets, Planes and Plane Bills, Steel and Iron
Snunrcs, Files and Rasps, Nail , Binds and
S . Mltes of all
l'o7S7ti/tins air &rich—Makers.
A 'complete as - soitment of Saddlery Tools,
Silver, 'Brass nod Jammed mounting, Carriage
trimmini ,, , Broad, pasting and seaming Luce,
plain and figured Cahvass, Drab Cloths, Rati
nett, Serge and Buernm, Moss and Deer flair
patent m 1 enamelled .Lentlicr,'Lunins and Da
shers. Also, I tublis, Fellows and Spokes,
Eliptic springs, Iran Axle's, Mailable Castings,
My s.tock embthees a complete assortment
of goods in your line. Moroccos, lining and
binding Shins, Lasts, Thread, Pegs by , . the
barrel or smaller quantity, Tools el every de
seription. &c, Curled flair, flair Cloth, Var
nish, Mahogany und Maple Vaneers, Mould
ings and Rosetta, SolmSprings, s, Alshog
any. Mineral and, Veneered Knobs of •ull sizes.
To Blacksmiths, Farmers, am/ others, trims may be
in wool of 'good Iron.
Ho ollbrs st . full assortment (4 - , Hammered,
Horse Shoep Scollop, Plough, broad and nu,
row Tire Iron ' Also, Rolled •Hoise Shoe,
Bur, Bend,. ROund, S , lnare, Tire. Hoop and
Sheet Iron, Nail Rods, Russia Sheet Iron,
Cast, Shear, Spring. and BllHier Steel, I;nglish
and American Wagon and
,Carringe foxes,
Anvils, Vi c es, , Files and Raps, Horse Shoe
Nails, &e.
To Housekcepers_ond ihoso_ohoutente'rinz the Mrs-
I wank! invite attention to in'y beatitiful
sorttnont of waiters and Trays,Ailnin , and Go•
tide style, knives and forks, .13u taker ICnives,
Scissors and Shears; Brittannia,Gereian Silver,
and' Silver Plate, Table 'and , Tea Spoors;
Brass rind Emerald Preserving Kettles, emnoth•
ing."lrons, Hollow-ware,. Tubs, Buckets,
Chnrns, Sze.
Oils; Paints and Dye Stuffs, Fire mid Water
Proof Paint,
..,,,,in--• , ..,-- t , IrhOCTOR YOURSELF
'Li' . '',..:.;,, . ELY—FO,R. .25 cENTs!)
`!,it 1 . ' i \ --BS. moons of the porkel
1 ',..: . - -- 4t ia . 14\ P.9culapins, ori Every one
1i.;,•, , . ..r, his ow it Physicum ! Toon
.) ; 47 .• ~1 , ._ , ty-font•ift edition, xvith up-
C.:. 1,,,... i l „I e ll, . - ,‘) wards of a litinticutl engra
-d 1/1 0 - . i -ving - s;.showittg . privato ills
't' . I 3,141,, , ..e . ases itt over . ) abatis and
l':!„,4 : , , go - torm,-.2l(ll,milliorinntions
••• 'lv* • ..;•-1. , , ,- . of' the gennrative sj. t .tem.
ti..-Ifr. -- ,'•. r BY .WM,Y OUNG, M.O.
'The time has HOW 'Ar
rivet , that persons sullyring from secret disea .. se
nerd no more become'the VICTIM OF HUAcurlor
as by the presarip4l6 - nt contained in this book au
one may cure lilt elf, without hinda•ance to bti
sinets, or the Ilwledge• of- the most hairnet -
friend. and with ne tenth the usual espouse, , 1
addition to the general' routine of private disease
it fully explains the cause of tontiliond's early tin
cline, wtth observations at marriage—liesidee
many other derdugements which it would not In ennmerate in thepublie 'trims
iKrAtty iterson,sending. TwewrytrivE cENTB,.
enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this
book; by mail, or live copies will he senffor ore'
dollar.' Address, "DR. W. YOUNG , No.: .1152
' „O'lllti YOUNG cane'h consulted on . any of
11M - Diseases 'described in his different publioa
lon.s,nt his Offices, 152 SPItUGB 'Street, every
din between 9 end 3 o'clozli, (Sundays excepted
'111ay.1,.1b50. , . ..
ramkag GitovEntEpt
A NEW sapply of fresh Coffsos, Mini and
.Brown Sugars,- Spices of, till • kinits ? groundinild
unground, with' all tho nelle - i.llitiePes of n , Cfro•
'nerylStore, Ineludirg rie%:efiupply of Tea..
kin's .Nel Quality of '•
in. tnetallia,packti . of tpinner, • half and pound,
oinkageis 131,50Ter pound, as also.
ti the bulk: , All 4ner onene and for-eels nt .1 lie'
atol'e of 3... W El3,Y.'
stilmerdpirs wish
. ' all indebted to them
tooellind nettle middle
afilllarch, Vs , t in neeeasahi, their accounti
should bet paid off by. thiloline! 3nef.reeeiyen.
a fins lot of Now .Goode, which we' nro ,' eelling
_atAt . ottr-unual-lOw . -prieee— Coll _
0! F01026— , -3t & W. BEN'f
To Cabinet and Shoe .711akers
trintnnial Slati
• jebi - .
. • • -17----7 , 7
• • men..2eitEZ=
Op Wag - pd.:Family ines.;
It enncornx eVerg"one. - '(l6olerti'enn be cored'
, • , Dr.. 'Reeked Safriparilla_ Panacea. For
the:removal and liermanent.cure of al
m •
Dimers from an impure
- ~-state aline Blood and habit
The Alkviso Creliter has' implanted
organiv.ed bodies an.innate disposition , to self.
preservation. •Tlie . ;Vital peiver.4 !maces the
property'of 'resisting 'the' influence of external
; causes, bolas ACM lil,9PD'is the caniniviV" pa
bulum from which all_
- parts of, living. matter
deriVes Ito renovating eternents,-and consequent
ly, upon which sic life of organized beings:de
vend, it is Prolitiblo that in caeca of accident.
• sr WhereartifiCial means lave been einploycd ,
deprive It an essential property; the vital
effects of the.ivliele.syatem will be directed to.
ward restoring to it that propostY. In all con
. ititutional-und lieeeditury affections, this fluid
hes Mnaergime come primary alteration, which
'is the cue of. tijlectrilelisetiss, or which cs'
' iantially contributed to its,..proiluce p , to ,
5.110716 - fftitilffreiFi'liliTY - be el : rained by a re
- riinvalof the Morbific-enuse through the rnsfli.
urn of the circulation, dad - Dr. heeler's &rim
' parilla, ie the:most-prover ful modifier of agent
effecting this Ree pamphlets.
' • Illackwbeiliown, N. J.. Jung 6, 1848.
Dr.-Kreler—Deer Sir: 1 am 'entirely out of
viiiir : •Panacee., 1 was called "Upon day -before
yeSterday'for half a dozen. .
' becoming Very popular.where Plmvo introduced
it, and 1 think the More it is used the more pop-.
air it:will - get::: Respectfully yonra,-- '
Paitilati, M. D.
For details. certificates &c:, see vireo:
lees, &,c. Price $1 per bottle, largo size, 6 b.)t
Among all the remedies •befOre the public
this stands' pre-etninent' in Incipient consurnp
tion,.l3ronchitis, ta'rrlin, Cotiglie, Hoarseness,
Whooping Cough. Pleurisy.' Asthma, Spitting
of ploodond fn. nil Affections of thepulmonsty
organs occasioned by cold., Too.mticlt praise
.cannot* bestowed upon this remedy ; and the
proprietdr - urged every one afflicted with any of
the above ; compluinte to secure it at once. It
is warranted to cure or no pay. Price only 50
Every family whether rich ur poor, who•val
nes health end all: its blessings, ilia uld have this
- invaluable - remedy nt hand. It is infinitely the
*best remedy known for Diarrhop, Dysentery;
Cholera Mortice, Cholera Intalituni,
Flatulency; griping pains; cramp, ete...;and for
st] (Ih:eases-el the etornach end bowels caused
by Teething, - The ntimerous teMininnls is from
Plipicians and others unsolicited, has given it
seputntion es' firth tis....edainanth Price
25 cents per bottle.
Thin remedy is, plea .1111 t to the taste, harm.
leas:to Cue - patient and all powerful in removiag
_alLkintle_ol,worms_iioni-tlics..lind., ...It is _with
out douht,-the cheapest and hest worm destroy
ing medicine before the public, slid will if ad
ministered according ,to directions, remove
them within five or six hours after t,liro. The
dose is entail, and each bottle cam airs twice ns
much en - sim ilar remedies. _nice only 25 cents
per bottle.
'Although nut recommended an a "cure all "
aril7the rifiWatAnd beet reiimd; 10 re
move COI Oipatinn. Jaundice, Dyvpepsia, Bd.
ionsneits, Nei vousnces, Fold Stomach, Ilead•
ache, Indigestion, etc. Mike other purgative
-- rndieffri7i tircy - lea - ve - tlie - novrelsti he - aye-relaxed
and conserpiently are the proper medicine for
for fenialei and persona leading a solitary life.
Price '2.5 cents. . _ .
A justly celebrated external npphcotion for
Pains or the Chest, Neuralgia, Headache, ,Spr'ne
Bruises, 'Pic Boloreux,
Gout, sciatica and for 'nll.disor
dera wherein a sedative ond,rubellicient reme
dy is applicable. .Price-twenty-five. cents pei
bottle. -
All of the above celebrated and extensively
used medicines, arc prepared and sold Whole.
sale nod Retail, 4594 'MARKET STREET,
For sale by S. ELLIOTT,Enrlisle ; A. G.
Miller, Dlchincon; Messrs. Allis h , Sli ippens
burg, J. F. Spahr, Moohanicsbii?g, M. Silber,
Shiacmanstown. and lA' every town throughout
The county' and State. [January 14, 3851
AT 7 4 ' r )9 B)
11,a,1 P. - 'J ...L'
' :nor the (I t t re of
OCIZIG'4% - ::-4, :COLDS,
1 .711:T.747.13§, nztow-
11:: , 00PIEr Cr - o f Li 11
In ofi•rlnq to the communtly thin Justly cele
kkated remedy fur diseases of thc;tlu•rat mid
lungs, it is not our W 13,1 In trifle with the diet:
or health of the afflicted, but frankly to la) he.
fOre (tic 01))1011S of distin nislied filen and
some of the eVilleeeeS of its success, fl rim which
they can judge for themselves. We sincerely
pledge on] selves to make no wild assertions or
false 91:11mm:ids of its efficacy, nor will we hold
out any hope suffering humanity es hick facts will
not warrant.
.Mnuy proofs are here given, mid we inlicit an
inquiry from the pnhlie into till we publish,feel
leg lissiired, they will find them perfectly reliable
and t h e worthy their , best confidence,
and lititi;tmage.
TRU:Cr ri - E'N,l. - ,LINIAN-.IIiLT/7;1,717.-fr:`,.Sti
__l'rofcssoi.of.(2lle.l.lllsti'y, cep
College, 1\ rciiiher i of the Lit., [list. ' Med. Ph.lo.
and Scien;,Societ•es Ameriiiit and Etienne.
deem the CIIERR V PECTORAL an ad
mirable composi..iiiii from 90110 of the hest
icics in lie Mitteria Modica, add very
ive remedy nir the class of :lisclises it is Uncoil
ed to cure."
New Ilaven, Ct.,NoT, 1,18.19. •
Prof CLl•lVECAND,orliowiloin College, A - le
Writes—" 1 lIIINC ',Milo:ascii the Mice( t of your
‘OIIEIIR PEC'IOIIAL' lit My own family and
. that of Inv feliiiiils;ntid it gives the satisnictinti toe
state Ili ilo l'avde that .tto metßeitie• I limo ei
-ktiown has - , 'Moved mnineinlyisuccessfol of
cueing disenktis'ef the throat and tongs.''
Writes—''Chat lie considers 'CH Ellin' PEC
TORAL' the host medicine for Pulmonary affec
tions ever given to the' public,"ancl states that
"his - daughter heiag. obliged to hdep the, room
fear months with a severe settled cough, accom
panied by raising a blond,night sweiets, and
attendant symptoms of consumption, imminetmed
the use or Ow 'CI MinaEC:TONAL' and
had completely recovered "
Ayer—Dear Snit Pot., two years: wee
afflicted with a very severe cough, accompanied
- bo . skitting of blood and profuse night, sweata,r 7
By the advice of my attending physician r wee
induced to use your I HERBY PECTORAL,
' and continued:to do so tilt 1 considoCcd :tnyse
cured, nod
' Asoribd the efllet to your prepni.n.ion,
• Springfield, Nov, 27. 1848,
This they appeured the shove named James
Randall, mid' pronounced thel. above statemens
time .in every respeet.
.POP;TLAIGD, MC, J(0:10,1847.
- Ayer I have been long ilfflicted u•itli
Asthma which 'grow 'yearly worse until Itisl
town], it brought en . s cough; which, confined me
in my Chamber', and begnn th assume the alarm
ing' syniptoins of, consumption. I. had tried 'the
best advice-ninf the.hest inedic)ne - to no purpose,
Mail I used your titiroltltY, PECTORAL. v, biota
has cured me, mid you inlay well 1 , 1 , 11'04 iiici:=;;
' 'Cratefoly: y9urs,
If there lieittly value ,in . thq judgment .ef th - 6
wi6e; who Nvili,f,rom expiiileiec; herq is a hied
icitio worthy bL Alin publja confidence.
PREPAII.7.O .111 e 7.'C, , AVlttit, .611klittbr f ~1.13WV.1.L
Sold by Dr, Itim A; Ilubbord At Pr. $.
Elliott; 6%iiiele;,pe..lri
11, ilevroiy,lkleyytill_eo,D_..6 , l. J. B. Altick
• -PureHaider, , 'Yjnegay.
rl.,fittf:h barrel' of Pro 7
Vinew, 13( 6thvriorcial4, ithd
jrcie`fro'm • .
nov6 • G W 4l i t Milt. •
Large liottles7-Ouly OHO .11)ollar:
Phu Proprietor of the Greet Ariieriogh Runletly ^ Viveire
urgent' golicitations 'of his Agtnu, 'throughout the Unites
Mittel and• Canada; luta now. -
'Reduced the Price .
if hh popular and well - known and from tide date
aoleeforth, he. will. pot op but one alas only,-hie qua'
tott/ea f-is the retail prioe will be. ,
The public may tat maktited.that the 'character of the Medi
its etrength, and curative pioparties mkt. ttell
JXCILLnari, and : the MUD! tare dill be bestowed in pm
wing ft as heretofore.
As this medicine, underite reduced price, will be purchase •
sy those who harp not hitherto made Ah'emselves acquaints
with ho virtues, the proprietor would lirt to intimate that hi •
Midis is not to be clused with the vast amount of ".,Reinstll. •
if-the day ;" it claim., for imelf a greattr kealint" pow er ,
acrid ; and Ime lostalaeo qsalf rev eight year. by4tl enperit
medical virttim, and, until Oile miluction,
he Price of any other article to thialina.'
. Norma .PstuncMkittiti, this article seta with great boa
RC Power and certainty, titian
331b0d, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, •
tad all other organs, upon the proper action of which till an ,
wwltit depend.
Tide medicine has a jowly high reputem a remedy for
Drapery-mid Gravel;
sad all diamaes of that nature. It may be wiled tiptoe who
the intelligent physican has abandoned hie patient, ...and ii
Ahem distr.:nine disease*, mere eopecielly titterer, the props
'tor would, earnestly and honeatly recommend it. At,
one* It Price !tie eerily Obtained by all, and the trial will MI
the article to be the •
- Cheapekt Idedieint in the World!
r`pl uk for pam phleo - the spots give them away
they contain over sixteen peg.. of mein* (in addition to fa
I medical matter) valuable for household Napoli's, and nidi
will care many dollar. per Year to practical housekeeper..
Thew receipts err introduced to make LIM book of gra
value, iodic from fu chartuter as an airtirtuting .Indium ft
the medicine, the testimony in farm of which, in the form
letters from all parts of the'countrY, may be MINI upon.
Vanghnits Vegetable Lltliontriptio_hlisture"-th
threat American Remedy, now for sale to quart bottles at •
each, small bottle. at 60 ors earth. No.emall bottle will k
honed after the present stock is disposed of.
Principal Oillcs, Buffalo; N. Y., 1 207 Main Stmt.:,
Mold Wholehale and Retail by pLcurt fricKliSSON /
- CO., 127 Malden Lane, New York City.
N. letter
-(excepting from agents and dealers wit
when he tratuacts badness) must he poet paid, or no littantic
Id be given to them.
C & (; II .1IC:olc.-:, , Iitp,penglairg
J I'.S.ll!thr, INixchant,qurg,
A II Zager, lemgslewn., -
Valuable Schaal Bee
)1A 11 . •;"1• ST I: I:I:I',
VIITA DEl.l'lll A , and fpi• the book
sellers lit the
Ali Nor ii,it•mlut 'mil 11l the gtt,(l)
,.isWatctl by I'2o-- cowarillg4tiitl cciored
In:t 119. .
LTC111".V.. 7 5 I NTLTIMEDIATI. • (.1 , (3 lb APII
Tii . e,_4`.‘l, t• I•Xerel-es II E illustivtim.,, lb i. the
t'orly bctionful maps urerprit,ted -.llgo.llti- in one
MrrClllll.l.', SOlOOl. CLOGltnrnv A T 1,20,
It SyIOCIII of tooduro (;eopytipily. eklilkpti , ll,g
(Now of the lii•t•,eitt op.t, !III: v.O, id
F1111 , •111:1WILV - ,ffit sift,
rackmis ray', ra and I.y ti
le.' Atlas 4! ari la me
colored coups series til Cleagrat S.
xrif;tisttis pprily
or all the eities nwl loans f I ' alit!
.ted Stairs ; mid alter n foil lu,d lair trial ol iis
merits in thew ,climils,itlias yet:circa uu ahaiost .
An' ancient, classical and sacred (;engvaplii ,
embellished %Off- ed.lgili v irg s re n.L'lk.hic
csents, views nr. ancient- (Alto:ode, and tweets-
palled by qmicst Atlas containing
colnt•ed maps..
itcliell'S Biblical moil Sabbath St- ul Crr.•-
raplty, With MOII9 111E1121111NiM.-IMO:EIS. JI Itc h
ell's Rey to the study ui t 1 opu. um! Currall's
- to NI itclie It's Giingraiiliy, are Esse:drew mid
populor booksoind me set
sivoly used in the hest schools of Doc Loonti.
CUNENE'S FilifiT LESSON IN Gue,t 01; n, hosed
upon 1119 1:011h1Elleii00 tinitlyYlB pi 55 tilt Ost•S;
deSiglle . (l as tia introduction to flit "A i,113 tit, "
CoE,b , E's A NALlislli— Irt•al Se Oh ilmAll , l,
ture of the Eogikh hingotigo, with illostrho,o4
and exereiscs ollapteci to the use o: tchook, by
Samuel Green, A. AL, l ,Ceipal ol the
Gilman:to School, Ito,ton.
books hive nirvaik"ii, the slit
they have been
. tinblis•liesi,ohts nett 11 NUIN
011;0111111014 . 11•1 Sing 1/.21•11 101,111..1AI! 11.1 0 ,
schools Phis.
St. Louis, Vick:J.lml:: slid
sillier cities Mai towns, :111.1 recollilfitmit I by
questimi -- the best
I NV A N'S M.:11001s Ithl,l
111(141A-11 1111. Ilegi 1111(•15 It contains a :12,011
. c . act of the (lonic: nary Bounds of the
gouge Primal.) chin)] Ilcailcr, ring :I,
contains cserch-cs iu ai tteutotioa. at un girl ill
CMIIM:( (vith 1.21[4y I
PcionnT Healleednici 311, is de:Dec..lJ ICI; !lie
first class in Pciniary Schools, and lie lowest
class in tividninar Schools.
'IIIE (;1 1 / 1 111/11A - t, 4 otoon 1 - 1 - pAnEII, - is drsigned
the miuttle class (II (411111111.1' :selulolt.,nind
sonttlins eN;t•retscs 111 nrtictilatiou arl'all6,rl
tt;illl rentlirg les,ons
Tiia. I.);yrnlCT 5 . C . 11001. is design
fin• line highest .'fusses 111 1111111,e and In•n 11fe,
SellOlllS. It 1;011111 . 110, 1'Mt1,151.."1 111 111111.1daii.rt,
;muses, and inflections of the mice "it hh stint
rules tuts cug - gt•sstioas as me deuced useful.
1 . 110 119 , 11(1.7C1'11' 5: It 11A11111: t Dl' a ( ntlrnt• of
,It•uding nu \uhu•:J History; Seienell and Lite.
maitre designed for selsouls.
Two. SPELLf NIG 1100 K.
- .
Consisting of words in columns :Mil Stfle!lCl'S
fur oral tool %%Title') eNerrises. It is it ettippleic
and byflvntillits SCl:let. of .(ACIVIAS iu Elightfl
'llO Illahly11101)111,0: Bevies. of reading, Looks,
and this spelling honk,
.yere_chrnitilril_ity r-
Swani of Boston, and judging from the
rapid introduction into schools which they have
obtained in the l'lolcrit .111111 States and
in litany of the Western and Southern-Stiles,
e think they,nrt really better adapted to the
watiEs oF•tuivlicrs :101l scholars ILau ailly f4il, 1 .
yet ittrblishrtl.".Tlit'othli rs hart - , a very large
'mintier art,citninmendations front ituldi, ,chnol
committees, teselters and others frientily. to edit •
vol.:.o Inv. high schools mud
The nod
ov commoti R;lionlk 1 vol. 11i mo.
IA 1: I' I S'S' PRACTICAL l'lnfilotot:y, r o , 1 1,, 11 ,, e
of setwols Intl families, 1 yol. It! ow. - sitlx
engrn•iogs.' , ' '
Pr,INARY Putmotcovi by:the 8.1010 author',
vol. 18
ve Fe, by P. . A
iutOuded 111 I)I iluarp tool voinenott r.ehools.
A RiTilmrric• - IN .1-tvo wrs.
• .By the 'faille 8111 1 10 r. Pill f 'fir I . — a•lNltuedi
It ; vat seoomi—
t.4lles nod exuptlihni tto. lncetio tt ul 10 eittei. /with
tuelic, for eotomoit tool high svltuolti '
A hey to iitcumples for hi writt e n
tirlteetivtie, fee the use of fetteltet x, Oc the Fame
These gritlimeties ligvoseeured very high
grcommemlntions teem iegeltera of bkloots and
academies, and frompi.ofwoms se%erol of one
colleges, from miters ioteretted in the cause
of cilimatinn fu various ! , getioos of di,: ui,i(m.
T. C. Sr. Car also publish twiny piker School
Books, wl ieu (Imre ty not room to enunierilln
here, besides Law. Aledical; l'heoloical and
Miscellaneous nooks, and they nee dully preps•
red to 1111SWee OrtIVI'S rot' 1,(19,10 to every depart
ment oh knowledge. ; Booksellers, School Com
mitt:Cies, and colliers, supplied on the mot t.flivor.
Able terms: . , (sept gs,
S'tASUF. 4_.wr AvxXLlacj
Sloiebrowiers Coal.
180 t o ns ityliens Vntluy:put Coal fur butning
jixio roceiving turd for - sale cheap byi '
• „; B AILIRRAY, Alp".
.. ,
•., . .. illaclismith's. CQ.ii."
, .
. ,
h2oo(Vbtialials blac.kamiill'a.cbal a 'supari
r‘ieleffeci>iirina,ana•rtir E , altilly. - .. .. -
' ' ' \V'I3 AII,II2,RAY,Agt.
orlt9Ptis justreedy.
ithtss Tubc3 .6
gilt , i 1 , 14 'Roil , * toy 011. t,
- ftaVYY".
A p PALE, 'Ol euita
-41, • • for ,
which , • •
116.1 : 3 . ' N .WOODS,
.• • .