13 —E)ite - Mtve cabinet liTa.re-Rooms. • . la - 01.3.Ei1..T 11. .I%lll.tEl'ir,aucc'essotto Wm. • . .C„I3ibson,,CARINET-MAKEIt &,UN., I.III,TAR R,'North annoyer otreetr,•Carlisle;,,' woiildienriee'tftillYiriforin'Abe eitizensof CarliShr 'and the.publi,: generally that ho non has on '''''''' " .' Mind a largo atisortmont arum .... 1 2 'I, .. , ' ' ''''' , V and elegant ,rURNITURE, `"?...'-'-... • ' .....,,, consisting. in part: .of Softts„ v ' Wardrobes, Card• and 'other •:, Talilos,Jtureaus„ Bddstends, plain ancl.faiiey;:.• Sewing Stands, &c. manufactured of Clip best : ', materials and quality warranted.. *AlsoA,gene ral'issortment of Chairs - at the 'Oast Priaci.- 7 . Vooithm. Blinds, made to order and repairing' ProMPtiY 'tit litbd.ad to.'' Kr:COFFINS made to order at the shorlest,notice. and having n spier' , • diti..Neurse.lte..will attet;d4urterals in town or ' counit y.,../.'o"Dont forgei tile Old.stand of Wm. C.' Gibson, - inlgorth'llartovitr4treat, a few doors norih.OV.Gltiss's .11otar:t... ~ -.‘..., Sept 4-1y:-. - - 1, '''', ! • — rit 11..iiIIMY. - • , . 'cl;E, 1' COrner of anew aiz - sts • au ; T." nlidr:Thl - gife - infitirtiliVitys on ll:itWit - Inm stock of superior Cobinet Ware. in all the dilie'reat'JitYMS, which he Is, prepared to sell at 7 'the lowest Oleos. He invitop attention peptic ularly.to the rdiellt Spring' . ..l3oaorn •13edsteall , a moatnisefal ttriicle which - bntirely obviates till objections. Tile bottom can be'attached to old ned;itanis.. They have given entire satisfac• stun to all who baye them in lice. - , ?J - HOFFINS - Mado to order at the shortest notiee.• JACOB FETTER Carlisle, Thu y. , • - Extensive Furniture Rooms T , AME'S-RAVE:kV ER would radpctlully: call the' attention of House. Keepers and the public'io his extensive stock. of ELEGANT• FURNITURE: including Sofas, Wardrobes, Cenifeand other Tables; Dressing and - ,plain Borealis and every , .oth3r article in his branch of Invihicsg. ; • ow on-hand the latest as , serkMagt• of rin,lltS carlislo, at the loWest prices...-oflins.made_at the shortest notice and u !louse provided 10 lanekals. Hd solic• its a, at.his establishment on North Ilime ver:Shieet, !Mar t Glass's HOTEL. N.13.-Fur nitrfro,hirecl out by the 'month or year. Carlisle,iNlatell 20, 1850.-1 y .• r.eirizimarvs nraponguzami rivHE-subscriberr-Would -respectfully.- invite •therattention al fathers to ha usscirtment _ of' PLOWS, now, manning 4.- .1 tured. near - Craighead's Mill • in South.Middlaton township, • f u ITIIiCEI south of Carhals. ! • `I- • " My r assortment consists of Withrtitv's, _Stlichey!s _and Ball's patterns.—. 'rite-Castings will all hei cromid. I will also make GRAIN CRADLES. of the most im proved patterns. All, urgers dimmed to Wm. L. Craighead. Earlialo,; will ho, attended to with proniptnens, and Ploms'oi_ Cradles' deliv ered in any part of.the'county.Tree of charge. • . CRAIGHEAD, , Pcopt,r. • • t DAVID , STU CR:EY, Jtraitufizeer ; Febtls ' ' • splErrnali STOCE! /SHE undeisignod respectfully informs hie A. friends and the public generally, 'that he . ",...* bee just returned from • . '. - . . Philadelphia, having . . 4... ) :. 'ii . 4 b 7-'......,....,TA\p1ite11i1vd• - ,4,110 . 1114:41i'ir: - . - _ , . . A ! . . , 4"fri,.: • fol s peivo, as well ati the . „9 ' " ii-Zn . : e .- chairws t assottrildnt of .. 4,41: , ,_ _ ..,:tri , , , e-.` h: , " - - - ii^es,'„il-• • ii.i s Al';' , .. Watelies, loweifty,'„ --&c,:,.ever-oreAugm--to-Carliele_llis_stock_con,... eistsin part 9f - --- -- - .. . Gold and Sittier Patent Lever Watches, t -47-pi and Stli'er delatuhed' 41s.' - do, , ---------Gold-and-Silaerlerine-Vatchei.:------ in short every variety ol Watches nt all prices. Gold Guard and Vest - Chains, Aledailions, Witt•_ll Neyi,'Eai Rings; Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Gold,and Shyer Pontius; Gold and Silver pens and cases. and' Bracelets in gr6at.voriefy. A splendid • article of Go:d, Sl'ter, Germnn and Skied- Steel SPEC-_ y hip ar,e_unstgpits.: ed in .go.;-Oity by arty other ; rtiefe vVest ul.Ylitl and Whirl, run Ine sold at least iirina,ana•rtir E , altilly. - .. .. - ' ' ' \V'I3 AII,II2,RAY,Agt. orlt9Ptis justreedy. ithtss Tubc3 .6 gilt , i 1 , 14 'Roil , * toy 011. t, - ftaVYY". A p PALE, 'Ol euita -41, • r.la • for , which , • • 116.1 : 3 . ' N .WOODS, .• • . El