U ~,BALD, AND EXPO' CA'RLISL'E; .PENN'A I , , .. ?LARGEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER ...IN CUMBERLAND COUNTY! • • 'T—' fr/NA—Two ; Dollars a .iiedt , or 'One Dalla . r and : •I•VgY . Canto, if 'punctually raid in .Idnance. •-•- . $1,75 if paid within the year, ' . FOR"THE OADIPAIGN. ' :In view of the great importance of the pend• nag political eampaign in Pennsylvania,pr mese to Tustiffi our paper at .141."1'Y CUN T' .-, from. this lintel ill the- first-of N o vember., The , eleetion - of Auditor General nod Surveyor Ge-• moral, in addition to that or Cons! Contnikioner,; preS'ents a new and interesting feature in, thel —con( est"which.deinends tte elt_raordinary_e'ffort "on t.ho part' of the IN'hig OH) , for — suncess. such an effort the best and most efficient nasty` iary is the WITIG PRESS. Well cot:Mien:do prudent and spirited Whig papers ought to be scattered broad cast.-over the Commonwealth, as the best and cheapest means of arousing the, proper-spirit and energy in our Whig friends. Ia this important, and as We betieve essential. work, we invoke the aid and co•ope‘ntion oil the friends of the State and National Adminii tratious in the circulation of the Carlisle Herald; Our paper will therefore be furnished from this! mite to the first of November, or for four months,' on the following: One copy for four Months, 50etp. Three copies • do • 100 ' Seven copies do 200 Ten copies , do 3 00 Kr Any person making up - a club of ten et! mare copies will be entitled to a copy gratis. pcirThe . last 4th of July 'inspect off more - quietly than it has done for' years in Carlisle. The Sunday School 'celebra tions formed the only 'festivities of a pub lie character, and passed off to the entire satisfaction of the little folks. A natien al salute was fired at the Garrison at 12' o'clock, and in 'the evening the Vicion Societ,y of College held their exhibition, Iny paragraphs: by saying, that ~ the Edi ;tor of the Berks and Schuylkill Journal u . , has been able. to find -time to take a trip ,;to the north." He has been " able to _.Alas, find 'min," has he, thou witty Amos?— Commencemen t.we-have-nobeen-so-luckly--lately- F - 1 The annual _Cominencement , of Dick as.l‘ , e have only been "able to find," in inson College takes place to-morrow in v 'stead of either brie or money, that seve _the llethodit Church. The graduating a, r I of our subscribers have DECAMPED, the class numbers. 27,.•-The occasion-has.l c-eggregate of whose generous, unremitting drawn_a number of strangers to town.— patronage, fbr several yearsovould j us t This morning at 11 o'clock, the address 4 yhout have borne the expense of such a' before the Belles Lettres Society will be [ o trip ! Our Reading •cotemporary's.gra . ~,delivered by. President PECK, at whicliophic stretches of his trip, which, we have the community generally is invited to be read with pleasure, will therefore haVe present. , President ALLEN, of Girard to serve us instead of personal observa- College, whose familiar voice the publico Lions of our own.. When N i ;ill country will be glad again to hear, is Minoan' ce l P4t editois cease to he tnubled with rascally to deliver the address before the Union pay Mg subscribers ? Society this evening.. The Cominence-i nm. ment exeicisek will commence to-morrovl-y:,, a22a5 _ "."•.. morning at 10 o'clock. 114 T lAn nesday, , duly, tun,, by the Ite•. C. P. 'Vleg. LexAboeu V, ii.sotirlisq., of Philadelphia, to Hies - ANN D. WILSON, of Carlisle. ---- 3Tudicial }Decisions _ __Wu. _talce_from.tha_llarriab_urg'_Tele.. _____-__ z ,,_ graph, the following notices of decisiOnsr/ ta thisborouglion Saturday e ve rdg the fith Inst., of the Supreme Court of Cumberland, m . iIiIIOABETTE, wire of John P. Cairns, in the 3311 Perry and Juniata counties, over witich[ year °I 4" age. - ~'i /In this borough, . on 'Sunday night laid, Mlss'illl.ll - WATI's presides. !..nati A. Isar, daughter of Mr. John 1,!. Lyne, aged : r i Welsh'es. Cooper, from Perry county. . " . abl 17 yea ti r d s i et is it no, with all below, ~ _J_lnlnaent.._aarined__ _ _Maarlane_ _for t - •- : --The.fairest, tirvi- r inunt fadev------- , e E'en loved ones die, and loWly lie Plaintiff in Error, Graham and Hepliurn ; ', - in death's dark shade. for Defendant‘ in Error. , ' - '••P , iii Todd vs. Matra (Juniata). Judgment.,•„•42 1.37Q03D'S HOTML, 41,i,:#1' . . affirmed. Fisher for Plaintiff in Errer,i , ;l ; hal C: 7l, z ,i r ,.,t d i _ li ji, l l ‘C: l e '!:.: l i i i ,, s ;; . ° l l , y l/ • 111g ELlpburti contra. •. John,, •, ;flout, , . Reed's ApPeal, (Perry). Decree afl: rolifts Tiotel is being completely changed and firmed. Hepburn and McFarlane for,; „t ne r „ , ; 0 ) ,7,,1 `, 1 `,„;,,, ' d ;' i t; h, ', `, ll l lle t c,,, ` af ,i i „, public, l ot i , e j °ilbr-reas A ppell'ants, Biddle contra. • - t which its convenieiit location is admirably cal ..,eulnied. Topley's Appeal, (Perry). 7. Decree ',c , To those perso . ns who wish.to pass the. warm reversed. Hepburn for Appellant, Jun - ,:. 3 „71re " 1i n p i o n s s i e h , e s c' sti n. rl ' o ' r re n sv t t t ? i l le a t e i c o s n ‘ s vi t i o leiu Carlisle, l . l kin contra. - . ~ ilicing surrounde d by a beautiful bountry, an d • 'okaying Ile: best Sulphur Springs in the Stale in Roland vs. Long,' (Perry). 'Judgment - its immediatevienlily.* (teltl,'so \ affirmed. Hepbuth for Plaintiff i,l Error:. 'McFarlane contra. . '. ' Darlington's Appropriation, (Perry)...?.l DeCree affirmed. Gantt and McClintockA4 for Appellants, Cornyn and McFarlane contt 1 C.,athcart's Appeal, (Perry). Decred affirmed. Jimkin . and Graham for Ap pellant„ McFarlane contra. McGowan and McKeehan's A pprol Truition. DeCre'e affirmed. McFarland for Apbellants, Junkln , and Graham con trd- - • . I The uniform success which has attended the i':',. McCulloch vs.tlrvia's Ex'rs.. (Cum• use of this preparation—its salutary effect—it -, l4 ci a i , ;:er , lo i re c i l ie e i th il cure al c ohols of the Lun g s berland): . J6dgment reversed. Graham and Gaullagher for Plaintiff in Error, , i . , othe'e k rildicine . \V a t i c ifl e e le r b i l t i‘ t 3 i; t ( f l e u t .l llll ' Z i tei l l"i - vi l t t ll i entire confidence in its virtues, and the Gill lie- Hepburn and Biddle contra. ,!lief that it will subdue and remove the severest !,- ai tt i tnks of disease upon the thiaint and Lungs.. Ulsk vs. Strode, (Juniata) ; Jtclgment ` 7 2lc affirmed. Hepburn for Plaintiff in Er reriy e a s i l l!„ l i s i.;: i gn I =a m ti c e,!tt, ' ,l : medical ,tnen and plitiatithopists everywhere. What is .rer,,,Biddle contra. - . '': their opililoll of CHERRY PEcTotrAL• may Woods is. Farmers and Mechanics ''lie see" in the "inning: VALENTINE MOTT, M. D, Bablc, (Curriberlard). Judgerildnt affirm-pp. . S urgery Med. College, Nov York, sa ed. Graham and' Biddle for 'Plaintiff in° tpi q.t gives tfie pleastiiii ; to certify the value and Error ;• Hepburn contra. , e , i s t i l d e o n l ey i , . of . .i ii kYei"s CHERRY PEC rota AL t o . a i t ie u e i t , i d lii it.. l;: 4. a s il lt ited tocurein all S,,nodgrass's Appeal, (Cumberland). '' * i.',tises l of ;117'7.11'e LI THE ICI% REV, LORD 111SI1041ELD. Decree iiffirmed. Hepburn for appellant,.;. writes in aloha. to his fi.iend,wlio/ws fast sink- Colwell contra. .ing under aii affection or the Comp ; --''Try the Tritt vs. Cratzor, (Cumberland.) (Ony ycetorel and if inediciile can give you ' Judgement affirmed. Graham and Bid dle fo \_. P .. l);intiff in Error, Bonham con tra. Mahon vs. Duncan, (Cumberland).— Judgement affirmed: Williamson and Hepburn for 'plaintiff in error, Graham and Biddle contra. • Wilson, Seagerlo Co.'s Appeal, (Per ry).• Dewy reverned. Hepburn fort A ppellants,..ll4cFarlane -for .Appellee. - Agnew's Appeal, [Cumberland].—' Dectue - affirmed., Graham and Hepburn ) for Appellants, Biddle for Appellee. ISyner vs. Shower, [Cumberland]._ Judgement affirmed. Bonham MO Gra ham for Plaintiff in Error ;-: CO k e:11', and Biddle ftpeiendant in Error. Dale •vs. "Dale ; [Cumberl'd.]—Judg nem reversed. 'Biddle for plaintiff in 3rror, contra: • • - Goodyear vs. Rumbaugh, (Perry).— rudiment affirmed. McFarlane for 3 1aintiff in Error', Hepburn contra. The list shOws fifteen affiriminces and . mr• reversals of ihe decisions of the c ourt below, a result- which fully sus - lino Judge Watts' high character as an, ,le jurist' gG The. Parrison Band, gave Lis tlve ..thrice line serenades iri the•square last We, hope their. visits are not to' discontinued. • • 'Onr"in`rml"reare having delight I weniher to get in their ... crone. 'The Id will be large\ and of thti best soli of Maj. John MOCartney -.....,:dr1i51e Naial School i at Annapolis,,Md.. _ . • --.- • ; . -• . ft" . The O . 01:''' Californian s. Commercial" p t4b liA e d : at I'POH. Laracca, Texas, of which we have 4 • .received a 'copy within the last week from 1 s w ee , n el mil es , notices the arrival at that ' place about the first week in June, of 3apt. French's company of oirerfand 'emigrants io California: The expedition was organized there preparatory 'to its march across the country to California. For their liver gov rnprient whilo—en Ithe-march, and to provide; for the adjust invent of -difficulties which might arise, • Ithi3 members ' of 'the expedition entered:. ......... i nto a compact of government.by which ,a judicial tribunal was established for the settlement of dispinq and the punish !ment of crnnes. Among the numerts, I nanies Signed' to this compact We find the names of those whb went by'this eg - - 'pedition . froth Carlisle, viz:—Wm. H. Harn, Wm. Miles, J: S. Swigert, George t Matirice, Charles W. Rheelit; Daniel ;Bailey, John Taylor, Isaac Stunmerland, i W. Mathews, Edward Hutt, Thomas W. !Martin, W. A. Peffer, George A. Lei: klig, L. Weinand, Andrew/ Hecker and iAndrew Hare. The expedition would :remain several day at Port Lavacca and then take up its - fotward route, • ~ Mary MAN,--'.Amos" of the Har risburg Telegraph, begins one of his fun- .1. _A., , . : t,. ,, , 1 ..; 4.._., , -...1 , . _ 4 -,,-- H ,, .P,rty._-_. * - : : 1- - ,;:. ,-: .:,....--•,-- '-- , , 1 . 1 '". ITITRAI-11 MINIM [ ;: ~ ~ : ,:;,,- , :.:,:“.:3, 001,3313, z 1 1311011 - c ,..J... .. •: - .1: .f..., C - : TLC) 'UP , ii.SX Et - "1. ;],.. 7.-ir.E,:o ()Pi - NG -COUGH P .__ fYI:i7 - % COUSTIDTP'Z'ION. . - .. relief . with the blessing a God that will." CIIIBIVUSTICE EUSI IS,' - • !of Louisiana, writes "That o young dau g ht er 0 ( •his was cured of several severe attacks, of croup by the 'Cherry Pectoral." . ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. ' Thi Canadian Journal of Medical Science states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so previi , : lest histhis inclement climate, has.yielded with surprising rapidity to Ayre's Cherry Pectoral, ;mil we cannot too strongly recommend this •skil .; MI preparation to she Profession and the public generally." ' Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself:- 1 Llsterronn „lan. en; 1 817. i Dr. J. C. AYBR—Dear Sir a—lfaving been .rescued front 11 V1111101111(1 ea IlgerOUS disease by i 'OUP medicine, gratitude prompts me to send , sv mu this acknowledgement, not only i n jsistice to , you, but for the-information of other's in like at. • Ilictiou. ' • . . , ? A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected at first '' became en severe that spitting of Hood ; u -violent ~, ~otigli ond profuse night sweats followed and fan wood uptinmo. I became emacusteih r eould VlEeniiinot , as istreSsed la my cough, and brough nay d chest, and in y short had all the alaprm qng symptoms of quick consumption. No medi, . .j .: tine seemed at all to reach my casci, until I pros. ' t.:.. iilent.ally tried your Cheney Pectorsti,-.which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect, 'B. A. STEWART. . • - - - - Aminuf, N. Y , April 17, MB. ' . ,s Dr. Ayer,. Lowell—Dear Sir s--1 hove for Nvs? a rs laces atlicted wills Asthma in the worst ;dorm; sr I :cave been oblirl to sleep in nay ~,' link lit 4 larger r parotthe time, being unable .lio breathe in'iny laid. I land tried a great many s, medicines, to tau purpose, unto my physician prescribed, us an expos irmb s) our Cherry Pe'o.- . toral. , • _ • At first it accused to make me' worse,. but in _ I' s ' 'ens than 11 1 , Velt ' l began ‘ to experience the must k dratify Mg .relief frosp its use; and' now, in four •./.7vvelca, Mediae: use is entirely removed. 11.: Call., Ikleell.lll Illy bell Wll.ll comfort, a rush enjoy 11 state_ *,,l.lmulth which I had never expected - nreW • ; . . 1 GEORCE - S.- d" ERRANT. V a trit nxn ' wr .1. 0. I AYIIE9i (111.EMIST; , LIM IML ' ..' • iII.. , I9SACULTSETTS. • , . be -Dr: Ildwlins, S."A. Hubbard; Dr.., - ,S ,6aslisle; Dr. Ira Day, Mechanicsburg . .1 iron, Newvillr; J. C. Ss .I.JI, Altick Smp irgisand driiggials gectlVW.- Sold rllioil, li. [lir petislotti BfUshes !, Brushes I . . A great variety_ of -these useful' atholea-la of farad lor ala,.otinsisting of Whitewash, Swoop ';n2, Scrubbing Painters, iota.,-Shoving. Hair, rooth and FlookantLGraining-iltu B hes in qront -- varicty7fill - nNiltich 'aro of ilto beat qua I icy and will bo sad at tit lowest prices June 6 ` • New. 'Mu ertise melds. Unpaid . Sch cle4tagE), N - OTICE is horoby given; that the IDist - ric" School 'l:ccaanrer of-the' borough of-Car lisle, will at 'Snit at the • COUNTY COURT ROUSE, snicl Borough on MONDAY anaIJES. DAY, Ow • . 120, dnd 13th' days of .lUGUST,nexi; , between the hours 2 b1nd,12,-and . and 5, et =aid clays 4 ._fin. the r'tirpose.of _ receiving. the School Taxes of the presentyear,; - acCording to the'act or Assettibly rygttla . thigthe School llis• riertiforeseidi' , _ By virtue' of n resolution of the Board of ichool Directors, the Treasurer is' authorized ito molt° an abatement of live per cent. for prompt-payment,on-all-Seherd—Taxos - paid - on or before the said 13th of August nest, end on dl suchjase) as may be paid to the Treasurer atter, thE aforesaid date, and at any time onm, iefore the 1.',111 of ()ember next, ti dedhetion 'of Three per cent.i=Np fractions being allowed. After which — Said - hist date no deduction 'tie Made, and a warrant for all School Taxmi '•ben remaining unpaid will be' immediately is• need to a relict officer for collection, to be -n Foireed in like manner as Connty and Stilt, ~' faxes are by FM collected. No Bank notes el 1 less denomination than five dsillars, caner State relief, will be received for ['Axes. . J. W. EBY, Treasurer. Carlisle, June 26, 1850 Sherill' s s Sale. • 'B Y virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, .' issued out of the Court of Common Pleas Aol 'iumberland county, and to the directed, 1 C will expose to public saln. at the Court Ilouse, rift the Borough of Carlisle, on THURSDAY, , the let day of-AUGUST, 1850, at -3 o'olock, P. n., several contiguous and djoinink tracts' or land known as the y . CARLISLE IR WORKS, ~..- lz .todtaining 10,000 ACRES , more or less, sit tinted in South Middleton township, Cumber -:land county, adjoining laud's of S. McGowan,; G. Belizhoover, John Peters ' Lenligh's heirs, , B. Caulman, .1: Crockett and others, having ' J.; hereon erected a large Brick MANSION. • HOUSE, with a Two Story Brick Back Build-! mg adjoining, it, having a Kitchen and two Di•l !:J .' aing. Rooms on the Jirst floor, a FURNACE„ :a FORGE for four fires,' a MERCHANT' ~; . . f MILL, with four ion Stones, Smut Machine . antl — Elevatorr - tr - ' AV MILL", - x - '07 , 11 - 61 . 615 , Brick Office and . tore ROOM. 3 Large BANK] BA RNS, a large sTon STB ALE, calcula-: I.• Rted to hold Li teams of Horses, Coal Houses;; ;Carpenter and Blacksmith Shops, necesaaryt r , Tenant Houses, Stables,, &e. , , 1 • On the above property there is a valuable! -ORE BANK. within two miles of the Furnace' sand between 400 kSr., 800 ACRES OF CLEAR. i C . ':' ED LAND, of. which about 150 Acres arc' - limestone, and the residue pine or gravel of ri good quality, and in a good state of eultivation lin the land now in timber a considerrible quan. iiiiv is suitable for regrieultural purposes, and a i - ,large quantity of farming land may be ridded to 'that now cultivated. The above degcrired pro perty is one of the mbst vpluable in the State., !both for the manufacture of Iron and for Agri : !cult pu [Tones. Seized and taken jilts execution as the pro. . ,nrittv nit Niehnel Ege, dec'd.,_ with notice tot I..eti , r Ege, terre-tenant, and' to be 'sold by rite • DAVID S➢II'PIZ,. I Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, je2its • 'Terms 'of Sole : —Five Hundred Doliars of the purchase money to be paid cosh, and n ludg• inent bond for the balance of the. purchase mo• ' ney payable --- ,on7the - 7-acknowledgemenLlofnthe deed, to he given by the purchaser with approv• `ed security, on the property being knocked: down to, him. EArtra' ron SALE. . WTI, L be sold mpublic sale on the premise! pit SATURDAY, the 28th day of Sep . f ember nest, a valuable tract of slate land, situ- , Ate in_lbillewelLlown4oll, Cumberland county', uljoining lands of Peter Stotithr, l'eter Lesher. Capt. David Dolman, and near the Ridge 'State Road, about 1 miles north of Shippensburg and 4 south of Newhthg, containing 112 ACRES mil 63 PERCHES, (same, being plat of .ii larJ. ger tract belonging to David Duman, jr• , 4, , .ntrl . township.) 'There is about 50 Acres of ', leared land, under good fence, the residue co- r; I 7 vered with thriving thither.' The hall m provoments are a comfortable nal, HOUSE and STA 1 - 31 . ,R. Tlic , re are: several springs of antra near the house loge- . SENATE CHAMBER, ?. ;her with fruit trees, &c. - .Ha r ri,h,,,. - January 28, it4iAo. 3 Any person wishing Jo son the property wilt I, Samuel' W. ge ' arson, Chief C4 - erk of the lull on Dr- S. Renshaw, residing near, or Ward NlcVitty, whO fs diving on the property. E d' Senate of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify thlit Sale to commence at: I() o'clock of said dityl the loregOing resolution, (Nn. 10 on the Senate tile of the present session.) entitled "Resolution when attendance and terms of sale will be moth icitown by ' D S RIINSHAW,. l '''. 4 vrelative to an ninendincitt of the Constitutton,"- lit being the same resolution which was agreed je2tltspd • Agent, or David Dunmin, jr. •• 1 , 0 b . majority ) a , --l ' greed to by a majority of the members etected to and serving in the Semite of Pennsylvania, at , its present session, ai will appear by their votes given on the fi na l passage of the resolution as . tol lowspviz . . lof , t i l , i i c e, la s t nit suit Le u ,,.;is u lt i i , t e ti . r s e s - ,,, 1 i t , li was er no r tii thi s il g da ice us duly use . o , : s Those voting in favor of the' resolution were, lllVAllisteris All-Healing Ointment, IDJones . I.3rooke„l. Porter Brawley, William - - - Or the Werld , s Salve. A Crabb, Jonathan J Ctioniugliain 'Thomas S. Vernon ' Thomas II Forsyth, Charles Frailey, ' Contairm no Ofercury or other :1 fineral. it obeit NI Erick, Ileury Fultdn, John \V (therm Front the "Reading Eagle." say, William Iluslett, Isaac lltv...us, Timothy Ives, Joshua Y Jones, Joseph Iloniginacher, THERE was never, perhaps, a medi- Geerge V. Law renee, Maxwell Mcgtslin, Ben- . 1 - eine brought before the public, that has in jiimin Malone, Benjamin Matthias, Henry A so 81161111 time won such a reputation as " NP Al- Muldenberg, William F. Packer, Win R. Sail- lister'S N All-Healing Ointment, or the .WorliPs ler, David Sankey, Peleg -13 Savory, Conrad Shi.. Salver," Almost every person that has tootle near, Robert C Sterrett, Daniel Stine, Farris B. trial of it, speaks warmly in its praise. Ono has Streeter, John II Walker and Valentine Best, been cured by it. of the mostiminfal Rhetima• Speaker-Yeas 11. 1, . . . Sii Ott per week ;som af.: A . lists ;.another or the - Pilcs, a third of a trouhle pain in the aide, a. fourth of a swelling in Those voting against the passage of the rescr ....3oarding lotion were, George Dapsie, Augustus Drum noir ramifies; : . . . 500 rr ..tie limbs, &e. If it does not give immethat& , relief in every ease, it can never do injury, being • Alexander King-Nays 3. t : . Transient Visitors, . . 100 per day. ~. Extract from the journal. . . f, • applied outivardly, As another...evidence of the REFERENCP.S. SA NICE( W. PEARSON,. ... "` ' Clerk. ' th e f wan d er f a t h ea th, pOWCPIIOBSeSSed by this salve, subscriber has the pleasure of referring i we subjoin the allowing certificates front are to his numerous patrons who favoured him with spectable citizen of Mitidenereek township, in .1 ' their company doting - the. ..last season, among 't-• this county. IN 11114 . HOUSE OF REPRESEN•FATIVES ,la whom aro- Samuel Gillespie, W. T. Snodgrass, C, 111. , Alesses. Ritter - It C.0. , --1. desire to inform you ; - ' ' t Nlaidencreek, Barks co., Pa., March 30,1847. //arrisburg, Alo r ch, 15,1850. , 1 Reynolds .11. C. Blair, Alexander Rosier,'. that I was entirely cured of a pain the back, by I;William Jajk, Chief Clerk of the House of 1 I ,AiladelPsa 4 . _, a . ' (Ileum of :McAllister's-All-Healing Salve, which , Representatives of Pennsylvania. do 'hereby cur- , Rev. Drr De Witt, Hon. Win. Dock, it J., I. ptirebaktl from yen. I suffered with it about di) , that the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 on the , fonec, Erg, Harridn:F. . 20 years, alai at' ight was unable to sleep. Due- . .. Senate file, and No, 211 on the House Journal of Dr; Holster, \V. G. Read, Esq., Chambers • ing that time I tried various remedies, Which t die present - session,) entillhil - -"-Risoluti on relic • Mrg .. -... facto prescribed for me by physicians and othee ' (lye to the amendment of the constitution,"- .0 Doubting Gap. June, 1850. .. persons; without receiving any relief, and at last ;it being the same resolution which was agreed to f.. 1 Jiine 5.2 m. SCOTT C 9 l' E, p ,. aprieto , * inade trial of this Salve with a result...favorable , .Ity a Majority of the members elected - to each IC: '. , 'Springy, i , d•rinit the pain. mid eitjoy at night a sweet and House of the last. L,egislitturb-after having, been l' . • ' Carlisle Sulphur . S ',duty Considered and disc . :Asset!, was this day a. , ° N--....,' j peaceful sleep. I have also heed the Salve since f, greed to by a majority of the member? elected k A - ,i!"....,, . I HE._ L mAebrated Springs, situated;( t i„• toothmehe and other complaint's, with si maim 1•to and serving in-the !louse of Representatives . i . 1 ,...., - ;-, .in oini of the most benutiftthhealthy & - etia - ppy results,' l'olir friend. - ~ 4..1 1 11. • romantic ports of Corn berlarfd•couniv,r; • - of- Pennsylvania,- -at-its- present -sessitio, as tvilf haveA Jowly been refitted, and. aro. now ready ~ t..IOIINAIOLLENBACH. - appear by their votes, given oil the final passage.....__-..- -- -....__, -- i. of the resolution, as follows, viz; _ _,. : lbi•Alte or:commode:ion of any inianhar.of bond- ,: Thelciflowing is front a regular physician of Those voting in flivor 'of the passage of the .. ars and visitore. They are Mur miles north ell extensivepractice in Philadelphia. r artiste, and within one mile of the northanoun- 'I James MeAlliater-Hri I have for.: the two resolution were,John A cker,',lalin Allison - It, Baker, Ro b ert llaid„i„ David 41 , B ent, t.),.„ Wm 4 , ,. , V . , tam, whore at all seasons guise can balound i last years been iii the habit of using:your Dint _ iiiddled . ereiniali Binek;jolin S Bowen, William ' ' abundance. Tho•Conodog.uinct Creek ruin , onent in csbms of Itheumatiain; Chilblains, and i Brhalle, Daniel 11 a Brower, Jesse It Burden s I within twomiles„ol..lie establishment, afford- ,I.'iti,TeM a Cnpites, (Scald Head,) and thus far John Cessna, Henry Church, John N. 'Cony ii,, , ..• Inj.4 a Jae °maul unity for Pleasure and eXereisei with the happiest .effeet: 1 think, from the ex- . ' perinients L have niatlewith it, that it richly de r.rliain, Sylvester Critth, Benjamin G. DIIVICI, P, s,'l ivh.. are fond of angling. William J. Dobbins, J Dates iti . D ., ,,„.„,. , , i.b 0n .,,, ii . ho proprietor deems it altogether uniteeeir- I, serves to be adopted as an article of every day 4 1)uniain,I , Villiani Dottn, William Esp'ey, John Ci !, 'I...TY to 5 a Y, any thilig in regard to the medicinal i' use, by AM: proksston ut large. Yours, Re. - '.-virtutm of the water, as the numerous -parsons ~ ,• S. BE'LL., NI. D.; Phil; Evans; William Evans, A. Scott Is tog, Alex B e „j a „,i„ , t who have regained health from its use render'. —' . _ , ' ' 4 .i Nander S. Feather, James Flowers, 3P. Fortner, Alextuider Gibboney. Thetas .11 A such. a course entirely superfluous. Good' .. Philadelphia, Dec. act, 1817 Wrier, Joseph L Griffin, Joselln"GuillrY. davit), N WARM and ut . - )1 . ,D.. 13 A pHs i n readiness at T0.,J.1111C6 McAlliste,r-Dear Siri I take pleas- S Haldeman, George If Hart, Lein:M.loa, John' all thuds. The table will befurnishod with the ere in making xtioWn to you: the great - benefit I Hastings, William J. Hemphill, John _Hoge, II , best the ?arisen and market affords, nod the'have rec.:lived hyAising.your Vegetable Ointment Iluplet, Lewis, Ilerford, Washington .1 Jackson .Bar supplied with the choicest liquors. Con. UV the WorliPs Salve. I had an• ulcer, or run- Nicholas Jones; John AV K g illinger, Charles )IVOYCLUCCIfroin Carlisle to the Springs can .be !ling sore on my cars of many years standing,.L. ICinkead,Robert Klotz, Harrison pl.,,,d r d,m arr i. •il l id a t a ll tim es by applying at tho different , had applied - to several plrysicianiiiut till.to ito lreeeli,Jonlithan D Leta, Anson Leonard, James • livery establislimentse • • , J Lewis, Henry Lilac, .1011119 R. McClintock., . ..I o lPrBw :Alin F McCullough, Alexander C Iklnetirtly, 4. - John McLaughlin, John McLean, Samuel Marx, I r purpose; but by using-your Ointment a feiv days, - D - , , ..00 - 12 ' , DIAN.. 'sit was cormiletely dried up and well. ' Liaise 'Estate of . Charles Garber, decd ~- also used it for burns, for which I find it,ait ex..' cellent_artielmalso, in all cases of inflammatioi - ..fohnll' Meek, Michael Meyers, --- John' Miller , - ' • EDWARD THORN. i.loseph-O - Molloy;lohn D Morris, - -Witliam - 1 1- if .EIII"TERS Tostatlientary on-the estate el f_lrrAttrats GARBLIt, late of Newton township,. j..certify the above statement. is true. . Ciunberland county, deceased, have beentiiii. ,Al. C CADMUS, ' NIOITiSOII, Erekiel Mowry, Edward Niekleson, ell tea theimbseribers, the first:named living in • RNewton township, stud the latter in Dickinson, cure of 'Fetter. ' No. 90 Mat ket Street, Philadelphia Jacob Nissly, Cluirles.OlNeill, Joliti B Packet-, I ErPER-There is nothing better for thin Joseph C Powell, James - "C Reid, John S MT, -it! All persens indebted _to said.ostate ' • Lewis Roberts, Samuel Robinson ; John P Rut i' Eli shin ts . , ere requested to make ittnnediate payment, nod I - BURNS-It is one of the heat thing/11n . the , i l . v i.f i o l ii i d a , ,,, G s lc i t i i i li fi l l n...: I t u i t i, di h e ri l i t d l, -T Simpson,.l sn ts,O Scoul I e r , - - f. townslOp• - _ - • th.os'e having claims to present_them_ for . settle- .. 'world for Burns. (See directions for using it.), Intent, properly authenticated, to 1 ' PILES-Tlionsoods arc yearly cured by ,tliis Mahon Smith, William A Smith, Daniel M. Stay ser, William 'II 'Solider, 'flaomas C Steel, ,SA GARBER, 'Ointment. It oever tails in giving relief lac David Steward, Charles Stockwell,' Edwin' C . • Piles. ~ • ... . . Trona; Andrew Wade, Robert C Weikel-, Tin, ' - DAVID I/EMU:PH, • ' ,t,n". k • dI 11. ' . for s -. u•ono the Loxes are t i•cottons siting rims VVelson, Sidney; 41 Wells, Hilltril, A' Wit , 1 . junel2-6tpd '.— " Executors. , NlcAllister's Ointment for Scrofula, - Erysipelas lillass. Daniel Zerbey and Jdnn S. MoCalinont, -. - Scald Geed, Quinsy, Suro SaLT Ira' 5T0.11..E. . ,Speaker-Yeaa 87. y ' l'hroat, Bronchitis; Nervosa' Affections, Pains, I Those.voting against thelittiumgc of the ream ' Head Ache, Asthma, Dent. • lotion were, - Augustus K..Coruyn, David Evans .. yt '4O SACKS Liverpool Ground Alum Pisease of (hue Sllillo, Salt, in store and for sole very low. Doss Ear Ache, Burns, Corns,itlL Diseases of andl.ltimes-M-Perter,--Nitys--.3,- --------. Mso - ; --- 150 - pnelcages-of-very-superiorGround die.....:skinar.e_Littr-.:Skin - Swelling of Extract from the Journal, . . • _ . Kock Fine Salt, in smolt and ltondsome dthe Limbs, Sores, Ith - eiiihaMili7Pileir, - COld'Foet - -- . WILLIAM JACK, Clerk: - ' • ' Crolip, Swelled or Broken Brenst,Toottt Ache, . • !,, Ague in the - Paco. -... L'ORNS-Occasional use of this Ointinetit tiatill always keep Corte front growing. People' ;need never_be trehbledivith them tf they use it • frequently.- .... - ~f*-The.Ointment is good for ,nay part of the body or limbs-when inflamed. In some cases it shoot() - be applied often. -,..1 t C NUTION , -..N0 Ointment ill` Be genuine ...: tinter] the name of JAMES MeALLIS'IEK is g written within pen on every label; , . ,: FOR- SALE hy my agent& in all-of the Prim .. :''' alma towns iu the United States. ' - . - . 'IAMBS MOALLISTER, •• . ' . Sole Propr etor of tho above Medicine. • " . PRINCIPAL OPI'ICIA'No.I2B North 'l'ltitd.. 1 , itreet, Philadelphia. -'t -.' • ' '',- '.. -....t' _. frfll-11.1011 25 CENTS PER . 80X..? .. -/t4.4thvy,S--,G,plitott.tied,.B'.',W,..JJayerattele,L lort,irdei , J 7 E . . 4 is :iteigle, meelmniesburai . G ' vv.'slagiher'.',Oharehtown I Itlaoa(1 . 84 Wherry; , Neµburg 1 JerstSll H. flerron,..Nowville t . J. 111.: Lutt ‘tio..c• Ny; an, liarrialtwg..i,..;;;;,..(l)!ltO,ty Sign of the IYlammoth Boot ir CORN Al N respectfully in• e.Y • forms his friends aml the publit that be flits taiten that well know:.' ' fit.stand lately occupied by Mr. Winboltz, t. on North Hunover street, where lie is reposed to mentdaetnye at the shot test-notice! Ind in the most workmanlike manner, Ladies. .tied Gentlemen's - BATTERS. BOOTS andf . i `SLOES, Misses and Children's Bailers. Boy's r ,, ,, 'and Youth's fine and co:true Boots nob Stioes.ti -tlett the new Jenny Lind style of Indies shoes,'V, Ind every other desirable. pattern, all of whichl„' lie will sell at the nay lamed prices, as he has', adopted fur his motto, "a tiiwblc sixpence is better than a slow shilling." From the Ladies k i he would retinect fully solicit it call, as he is in. died to believe" lie can suit them with worli lboth as to quality and price. • Ile would avail r 4 fivself of the opportunity to tender his sinceic l'lllauks tic a' liberal public for 'their patronage ' heretofore extended, and hopes to merit a con T ,tinuunee of it by care and attention. Don't f0r.. 1 gilt the sign of the Mammoth Boot, next door -",„to Lyric's hardware Store. Country Produce. ;taken at all times in exchange for work. • I I junel2-11 1 '.?. ..1 '1 Dissolution of Partnership, N OTIOE is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between the sub• 'scribers under the firm of J'OHN, JAMES L. S. SAMW:IL A MeDOWELL - , doing busi• ness in Frankliird township, Cumberland coup' ;.ty, was dissolved by nct'unial consent on the 20th lime inst. l'he bueiness•Will lie carried on in :Muse in the name of Samuel A McDowell. ;02.6 4 t I JOHN MeDOWELL, ' JAS L. MeDOWELL, _.. SAII'L. A. McDOWELL. Trust6e's Sale. THE subscriber, by an order:of the Orphans! Jourtot Cumberland county, will expos° t 0,,, m blie sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY 4 Ito Gth day of .tsly, 1350, nt 2 o'clock, P. 111.0 that desirable D W EL L I N s HOUSE and lot of GROUND, , .t*1!" N • s ■ s bitunto on the North• West Cll -e41 C. , ; nor of ',outlier and West strects,r .7L., .'• ,- .llV..‘.lnrlislo., containing go feet in' root, on Louther Street, and 'NO feet in depth,.• in West street, beintho property of the-Intel fo.epli Halbert, dee'd. Terms . made 'ltnenvn in the tiny of sale. • JACOB. SHROilf, Trustee. FARM FOR SALE rtesiHE subscriber offers for sale a valuable FARM. situate In Mifflin township, Cum erland county, about two miles north-west o Nestville, bounded by lands of 'Wm M Scout: or on the west, and Thomas C. Seoul let on the !hst, containing, 160 acres of good Slate Land. ' -Tito buildings-are a large twb'story! tt, 4' -ELL 414-1.1.-0-11- S - H;fla ii LV . t. large Frame BARN.- newly with Corn Cribs and Wagon Sheds. nem is 'a goad well of water undOr roof, and stream o 1 waternear the barn. Also a good. :MtCIIARDtof choice fruit,— Persons - wishing o purchase or 'examine the properly two re-1 located to call on the. subscriber on the prom see. . PHILIP RAMP. may22-2mpd Estate .of Dr. L W. Snowden, dee'd. E'I'TG2S of Administration on the Estate I_4 of. Dr. Isaac W. Snowden Into or Silvo Spring townchip, tlec'd .. litive.jbeen issued in Me ferm of law n_y_ille4teghttomoLsakireotinty; .0 the subscriber reeking in the some to`it . nship. All ',crawls knowing' s theinseiVes indented to' mill estate .ti:to requested to mans: immediate payment, and those 'having claims to 'prem! , them to 111AI1GE1tY B. SNOWDEN,' • e • ogestown, jo-6,Wp_ *Jklmir'x BRUSHES and. COMBS._ . - The largOat lot and beat assortment of . WHITE WASH, swooping, dusting, rerubbutg and othay Brush cos ; ..ie Just waived, including au nilsorpnent sir - FINEST- HAIR - BRUSHES; .-- and of the best qualitias i as also, • FINETOOTH COMBS' . • !of almost ovary sizo and gnality, togmhorvidtli a yithary ottiraiiii, - ,Redding and ialmr Combo. or sale clitiapor than at- any. Mono in roivn. at ths'atora d Y. ,TLino 5, 1850. . • fIIERIAL ,OIL for . sale nt `-. • • • Me 26) . HUBBARD'S .:!'oiiotitutOtt :.of. Veniiia ittoolutfon vr t TO AN • • Amendment of the Constitution, • pitESOLVED tho Senate ..,llepresentatiers„ of the Commonwealth oj Pinnsylvania, in G,deral Assembly met, - That the Constituthin of dila Commonwealth be a_ :mended in the second section of the fifth article, so that it shall read its follows: The .Judf : 7es 'of flte Supreme Court, of (110 several GAME' of Common Pleas, Sod of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, sail be.clected b) the qualified electors of the Commonwealth, in the Manner following to wit: The Judges of the Supreme Court, by the - qual- Oied electors of the Coinnitinwealth .at large ; ~the President Judges of the several Courts of 'Common Pleas, and or such other Courts of .accord as mire or shall he established, by law, !and all oilier Judges required to be learned in she law, by the qualified electors of the respec t Live districts over which they arc to fireside or ;act as Judges; and the.. Associate Judges - of the !Courts of Common Plmis by. the qualified elect ors of the counties respectively. The Judges iof the Supreme Court shall heild their offices for !the tern of nee)) years, if they shalt so long ; ! behave' themselves well,(subject to the •allet tnent hereinafter provided for, subsequent to the first election ;) he president Judges of the seve ral. Courts of .Common Pleas, and of such other !Courts of Record as are or hall be established by law ; and all other Judges required to be learned in,the law, shiill.,holdiheir 'offices 'for !the term of ton years, if they shall -so hog- be themselves well; the Associate Judges of . the Courts of Common Pleas shall' hold - their :offices for the term of five,years, if they shall so :long behave themselves well; all of whom shall be commissioned by die Gnvernor,'but for any shut_( fiat be. sufficient 'grounds of impeachment, the Governor shall re- Move any of Them on the address of [tee-thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The first e ilcction shall hike place at the general election of , tthis Cpmmon wealth next 'after the adoption of thin amendment, and the commissions of all the iJudges who may be then hi office shall expire on ;the first Monday of December following, when the terms of the new Judges shnll commence.— ; Ilicpersons who shall then he elected Judges of ,the Supreme Court. 811411 hold their offices as fol lows: One of them for three years, one for six !yearn, one for IC years, one for twelve years, anal one lot fifteen years, the ter., Of each to be by lot by the said Judges, no soon after 'the election ns eons enient, and the result certi died by them to the Governor, that the commis sions may be issued in accordance thereto. The I udgc o lIDRO commission (-will -first expire -shalt to Chief Justice dining his term, and thereafter . inch Judge whose commission shall first expire shall in turn be the Chief . Justice, 811(1 if too or more COMIMSSionB sled) expire On the - 89.100 day, theJudgeaholdnig_them_sliAll decide by lot-Wthich. shall be the Chief' Justice. Any vacancies, hap pening by death, resignation Or 'othdrwise, in :my of the said Courts, shall he filled - by ay-, pointment b 3: the GOVCIllf)r, to - continue till the first Monday of December succeeding the next 'Keiferah itleetichh , l'he - - - .1-u*S - --orthe.-Entiretiie Court and the Presidents of the several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at -stated times, receive tor their services an adequate compensation, to betixed by law, which shall-not...kit diminished during their continuance in office ; but tlfey shall rreeZve no fees or perquisites of office, noe bold ,any biller office of profit under this. Common :wealth, or under the Government of the United !States, m oh other State' .of this_ Union,__ he_ Judges of the Supreme Court, during their con- , - t u i , t o tu n t , T e c i e , jo office, shall reside within this Coin- F -wffitinuat l i t c h e ; it l : ll o d ffi t e l (- 1 -- u sl:t li tlT- 1 1 . ;c j s u i:l i e ge wh In i t 8 in t g he ti :1?s i - t; . g - 1 1 yr . iet or count} for'whiell tkey soot's respectiyelyg4 Autectut J S MuCALMONT, , W 1 Speaker of the flinisr of Reprrsrnratives.". ~...: V BEST, fi Speaker of t/e Senate. - r ..... _ .•SECREARY'S OTF;01: riled March 15, 1850.1 A W IMNEDICT, A l p. etc, of eginmonuiealth SieRiZAILY'S . 6FFI CE • Pennsylvalin as 1 do certify that dm a ore and foregoine, is a , d true and enrreet,dopy of the original . 10161010 n if the General •Asseinhly, ontitled "Itesbitition• •elatiye to an•ainendmeitt: dr the Constitution," the same remains on file in thiS "111 te'stimonrwhereolsl hued hereunto L.S. set my hantl,'unit caused to be affixed ker.., the BCIli 'Or tlr3 Setretiltea at liar. 'Li, butyl It i a - filuetuillrilay"nr.l me thousand:eh - Or hundred and fifty. ~ • A L IWSSELL ; Scc of .the Covzmortuicalth.n ja26,'50.3m atering wARM ' RS.iN GS, PERRY cbUNTY,rA:.--7/ , 1 . THE undersigned bogs leave to inform the • ,'I public, that he has recently- purchated the 4 VARM SPRINGS, in Perry County, Penn• ~, , sylvarfia, and has improved and refurnished the, buildirigs'for the entertainment of visitors, in a fence to all who may feel disposed to patronize. ho establishment. -.- These - Springs are situated - on - the bank - of,' 1 8 Pennsylvan i a Creek,a stream andnri 4 1. - sobinted with-the-thrilling = scenes between-the : 116a Ie aborigines, nn i rdnlYe'sl:lt ly into ° rBo f whose -Stil'la etr-mpna: of f hunting .grounds lay on' i' irsinargin. They are eleven miles from Car.; c lisle, (through which the Cumberland Valley . `,', RhilfrifilliCturSe . SifirtilL'lffifibrelibTit7,l6ll - a - rils ' 4'Pirg,)from which place visitors can at' nll times, -obtain excellent conveyances. Those also from' t:lthe east, wishing to reach the Spring by the; Central Railroad. eon do so by taking pasha c, .:Ato the Duncanno,, Iron Works,' (thirteen mires' -.,distant from the Springs,) where coaches are , constantly in readiness to convey theist thither si t, and those coming front the West 011 tbe same, i road, at all times obtain ease conveyances nt, 1 . , , ,, the Railroad Hotel at Newport, which is but al ' few miles-distant from the Springs. l , The qualities of the water of these - Springs] ,are most extraordinary indeed, for the speecly± i , and permanent cure of Scrofulas, Eruptions of 1 ' the. Skin, and every species of Cutaneous dis•l ~ eases. He has _hundreds of certificates, show.' ling, , the wonderful stares efleeted by using tltist -,, ,vider internally, and by bathing in it; obtained . as well from strangers'as from those residing in l the immediate neighborhood of thet..Spnngs„t ' - who have not only experienced the infalliblel • .efficacy of the water themselves, but have wit-I it :teased the seine upon others. Prof. James C.! i : Rooth has analyzed the watere,and found them kto contain 9.2 grains of solid matter in the gal I lon, winch is composed as follows: Aearbonate of limo of magnesia P, Al aline salts, chiefly chlorides, with ii.portion of sulphate 1 4 .098 Silicin• 0'605 Organic mutter . - 2'897, There aro also at the same place half a do7,.en. .of 'eprlngs, a different descriptions ; a- , hnong, which is one of sulphur and one of cold, .. It may be proper to •state why a knowledge Hof the extraordinary Medical.qualities of thescE ISprinp-has not been more extensively known it oihan to indicated by the certificates of those Monly who have* rdsided in their immediatv _ . , . ._ ... neighborhood. Years ago the property fel l] into the handeof a number of heirs, who werei - ' , indisposed to undertake the responsibility 01l making it a place of public entertainment, as ul .Ibusiness,—probnlily, because .flie patronage oh 1 the public would not have justified the under i - .taking, as at that time, (before the spirit oil pubic impr o vements by Canals and Railroadfl "had rendered distant and difficult points' or, f:of.speedy , and cheap access,) itsloration was Kennedy anti the way, and the roads to it rough and almost impassable. At the death cf - MrKennedy it; foil into the hands of. heirs, neither of whom. . , ecinefl disposed to take hold of it. but leaseP .'it to tenants, more fig the cultivation of the 1. land, than a regard' o the use of the water.— .I ; ',Vt Was flintily rented in 'Mr. Hippie., (now pro. pricier of a large Hotel, in l'remoto, Pennsyl. f.:I - C - ithlif.rwlto - mndo - nrrangements -to accemnie. Pilate the public ; and during his term, many MI F, 4 vtrlids availed themselves of this opportunity ' , visit anti test its medical qualities. Mr, plc, however, retired in a short time, and the; proper' y_again-fell—intesinerhands- tite - lretrso . and remained no, until proceedings were instil ruled in the Orphans' Court, by the heirs, for its sale.' It was then sold. and the subscriber' became the purelmscr. With.the exception o the short time 'if was held by Mr. Hippy., it re• mithied in the hands of the heirs without 1111" efTortste bring it into notice. The. country round the _Springs and neigh borhood is ,diy(.061.1 I2v . .cultivajion,...pndis lienutiftillylvild - andltigiurcsqiie in scenery, n• bounding in game, while the 'stream passing the property tilliads fine' fiAing. Hyeryi /ii-ntion will be paid. to the comfort and co'nve• Lti,ce of:gttesi..,s,'.itrid the charges so moderate. ''all/nriy,jtvail themselves of the benefits of 7 ateri. .• H. H. ETTER,. J®LJ~~LT~?C~~ C~~T~ WHITE SULPHUR SPRING _ . 09111IIE subscriber, leelir'g I: ighly l '. 'r i gratified with the success which .• I has attended his manageMent of the ti' 1119 1 ,..,:1'. abov"westablishment during the past. , i. ~... season, has ineleased his efforts to Vretider the place and accommodations still more: L: , nviting and-tomforiable., I' Ample provision has bepn.made for the .ya.; r . ions modes of 13athing„ with either Warm,i 5 Cold, or Sulphur Write: ; also for Qyinnastiel P; ,xer,isc.and pastime ainusentent. V. The salubrity of the situation, the highly! 1 r Nleilienl quality of the Spring, the splendid p Mountain Scenery, with obliging and competent r Servants, and a strong desire on the van of ilicl i Proprietor to make his 1 . 1 lends comfortable and happr, are some.o.f.aho'iuducenieriti bilbred to i 1 , -'. Visitors, both valid and invalid, who desire ei• 1 1 . 3:. !her an occasion for innocent enjoyment, or .re •l peso and restoration to health. The .Spring is situated In CLIMB ER LA ND fi, CO UN TY,PA.. about eighteen mile's North -7,. %Vest of Carlisle. It is accessible. by Railroad' V ti oin Philadelphia to Newville, and thence eight I miles by, stags to the Spring. Passengers leav•; ;„ l ing Philadelphia in the morning arrive 'at the' . 3pring early the name evening. The house will. ,'m open for visitors on and alter the 10th day oil .. Mane. -4' , . . ..3ACKS AND BQXES or Flinfily and Dairy use, for sale by' junol2 J. W. DDT Bread without Veen GUST RECEIVED—At the Cheap Store it el; :gredt variety . of 'all.eolors Woolen Yarn, Long and Square Sliawle, from 81 to $lO, very indeed ; Mous de -Lemnos, Gingliamin ;Steel Benda and .Taesele, purse twist; elnepw,, and a Prost varietyfof Woolen Hate. • . A & W RENTZ, • School examinations - .1.-0 ARENTs who wist i to improvo tpt• FD ; derstandings of their !Bickel', preparatory Ito the examinations of the Public Schools, Battdo eo by milli 0 `B - TORE, where Bury will find a large aasorf• moot of Boye, 1111ssea -and Ohildtens Shoos, of the most hottutiful finish and best quality. JuneG ,Eitorcs - w-fac../wiratEtuam- WIiOLESALE dI7D RETAIL. CONFECTIONARY STORE; North Hanover Street, 9arlialo, Pa. aubscriber woul reapectfully invite) ja:•the attention of Country Blprphanta and ,tho public in general to his largo ktesortinopt of - - .. Confectionaries Initinfactiircd of the best' material.fresh every, • .day—anu warranted to stand any - eliinate, Which r ,, lie will sell wholesale or retail at the old stand it m North Hanover street; a few doors north -- or &the Bank. Having just returned from the city, *lie would also call attention to a largo assort. ti' ment of Fruits and Nurs , of the latest, imports= !ions, consisting in_part of .! ____....... - -- URA NGES, - LEMON S, RAISINS, _. Figs, Pruens, Dates, Citron, Almonds, E. Wel' nuts, Cream-Cocon,'Pen Nuts, Filberts &c.-•-• 4 .. lie has also made a large addition to i his stock i • of ._ 4 • ' TOYS, AND FANCY GOODS, 1 comprising in part, Fine French Card visiting and other Baskets, Paper, Glass and Weoden, Fancy - Boxes., Dolls. Doll Heads, Tops, Bats and Parlor Balls, Rattees, Game and Puzzles ~ W heelb w arros, Wagons, Furniture, Tea Setts sand Nine . Pins in Boxes, French and German' Accordeuns, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, Cologne, Brushes &e. Li connection with the above lie has just received a large assortment of ' FRESH GROCERIES; ..such ai Coffees. Teas, Sugars, Molasses, Spices of all kinds, Water, Soda, Butter and Sugar ;Crackers, and all other articles in the Grocery line, which will be sold at low rates. ...' FINE CAKES, always on hand and baked 1 .to order. Parties supplied with all- articles in .Itis line at low prices. , All orders from n distance thankfully received and attended to with despatch. N. B. no for packing lit this establishment. r Carlisle June 5,'50. • P. MONYER. 2.667 , 1 MI NEW BOOT and SHOE" STORE NO IINIIIBUG! ' • rralE undersigned would respectfully inform I. their friends and the public generally that I they have just opened a new and. fashionable tl assortment of BOOTS AND - ,SHOES, in the store room formerly occupied by, Wm. Osborn, in North Ilanhver street, a few doors above , Wm. Leonard's old stand, and from their expo- I ietnrin - the - hustnreffilrey — feeraolifillenribey have supplied themselves w ith as goer/and cheap ,a stock as can be shown in'earlisle, and which 'they are detonable(' to sell lower fin' Cash Limn I hey can be bought elsewhere, Manufacturing and Repairing done in the best ;`l'munner at thosho'nest notice. They have On stork O. 11.,...11“El hand a very he it . I fII ut of Lsxru ea,which they will sell at a small HtiV,llllC 3 to , Shoemakers and - others, who will find it to their 'advantage to call and examine. _ _ _ 9200 W.M. ASKEW & CO junes-3m THE.ASSAM TEA COMPANY, 136 Greenwich Street New York. THEt -p roprietors beg leave to call the atten- lion of connoiscurs in Tea, and the heads families to the choice and rare selection-or 'l'E AS imported by them,and hitherni unknown ! in this country, which, by their fragrance and' ;delicacy, comnirmd with virgin purity and strength, produce' an infusion of surpassing ;richness and flavor, 'The TEAS OFFERED, are the FOLLOW- - - - The Jecide Bloom, \ e ‘ Blncic Tea, at j.k1,00 pr lb Niphon do • 0,75 Mari - - -do - Osacen, tinFedi Vea, 1,00 - Too•tsiatt, do 0,75 Ticki-tsina, do 0,49 Ud•fi 141.ixture ; a compound, of - the most rare and choice tens grown on ilia fertile and genial • soil or Assam, r 1,00 With a view to encourage.the introduction of 'these-matchless Tens r -it is the intention-of-the !proprietors to distribute by lot, among.the pur. lchasers, a quantity of Teas equal to the FIRST YEARS' PROFITS on the sales °Acted:— Each, purchaser will,receive enclosed in the l package, a numbered certificate, entitling him to O_4E CHANCE IN THE DISTRIBU TION ! ! for every fifty cents laid out, and on the recopts amounting to $20,000, the un ;dermentioned parcels of Tea, to the vnlue of ',ten per cent., or Two. Iheusand- dollars , will be '4.ven away as Bonuses!!-! according to the following scale 5 PrizomsoThe Tea• each at $l,OO pr Jh 2501hs ars2so 20 25 4, • 500 500 '. 50 10 " " ".' 500 500 100 " 5 . " ',„ 500 ". 500 050 " 1 250 . 25U 125 Prizca in all Those persons who prefer loMterprieed Teas ;can receive their prizes in proportion, nr THEY WILL BE RE-PURCHASED FOR CASH, at a reduction of 10 per cent. 0:7 - Country agents required. Applications ;to be addressed (post paid,) to the Company's i Depot as above [je12,'50,31n DE)t •the provisicitir of tife Act of 1844, , U . any county paying into the State Tr)ntau rx the State Tflz levied on such . county, J -- rtor. tu the 15th of July in any 'ar, • is 'notated to• an abatement of 5 per cent on the am , onnt. so. 'paid. . The . undersigned, Commissioners of Cum. berland county,irt view of the above provisions •consider it equitable add proper that thejtc who by their prompt payment of their taxesprior to the above 'date, enable the Treastiror to pay 'over the State Tax., so as to. receive•the above 'abatement 0f.5 per cent.; the benefit - of which , has hitherto been enjoyed the citizens of,' 'the county generally, should. be allowed ei'de ,du.ctior et that'amount by the collector—have authorized-the-different -collectotQrs-,make.stdd !abatement from the State Tax, in all cases where the State and County tax is.paid to'the collector before: the 15th.day, of .July, 1850.. when said alAtotnent shall amount to one per icent or more, no fractions of a cent 'to be credi- Ited. ' Since the act of '44, the' Commissioners have paid the State tax of this county annually to the State Treasurer, within the time proscri bed by, the act, and tie county has received the benefit of an abatement of five per cent. thereon, but to 'meet said payment thezhave found it necessary heretofore to appropriate a • part ofthe coauty•fundsm Meet the deficiency occasioned by delinquents, until the balance of the State Tax was collected. It therefore be comes necessary to require thepayment of both State and county tax to entitle the payer to the aforesaid abatement, upon the aforesaid State Tax. The undersigned therefore confidently antic ipate that, the above arrangement, and the fur. titer inducement of enabling Cumberland coon= ty to maintain the character for promptness. and fidelity whiCh she has acquired in the die chap of her obligations to the Comnfonwenith, will induce every citizen to disehargebis State and County Tax prior to the 15th day of July. JOHN MELL, JOHN SPROUT, 2' , • - • JAMES KELSO,' , a County . Commissionars;:ti Attest—WM. RILEY, Clerk.j- - Commissioners' Office,? Carlisle, May - 22, '5O. S ,To the Tax Collectors of C,umb. co XT State - Treasurer to the Commissioneys and .•'1 rensuret of this county "It may be well for me to draw your anon ' lion to the fact, that after the .21st day of Au '!,gust. next, the circulation of any Bank notes of ,less denomination than five dollars, (except :•th` l orwca issued by the Banks - et this Stale, ' ,under the act of 4th May, 1841.) is prohibited itby law, and punishable by civil and criminal Qprosecutiom No note of any- description ex peept as aforesaid, of a leas denomination titan FIVE dollars, -Can therefore be received in pay.._ nt this department, after the first day bf June next." JOHN M. BICKEL. ' State Treat:wren Collectors arc hereby — fib tified not to receive =din payment of taxes, any notes of a less de ,, ',nomination than FIVE dollars, except the "Re ', lie/'' notes of this State issued under the act ' ,for May 4th 1841. WM. M. PORTER. Treasurer of •.Cumberland county May 28, 1950. --POPULAR—MELODY. 'BY THE FIRM of TROUTMAN &I MAY Dear Gentlemen, take our . advice, To every one we make our call, ILyon:W.ouitl—lurve - a:coat 7that!smicci___ Look at Troutman & May's . Cheap Cie. thingHtill. Here arc DresAs ofealfkinds, Fine and coarse,and also Cheap , ^ Please examine and you'll find, • For your-money quite a heap. Hare aro goods for season, ; Thick rind' stput, neat and thin;' A-11-that-yea-Carr wishin-renson, . If you doubt it lust drop in:. ' Here are Frock and Body Qoate, Both with low and standing collars; Some that button round the throat, To.bo had for a few dollars. Hero is every style of Vest, And .all sorts of Pantaloons, You can choose what suite you best, Elva, or morn, or afternoon. • Here are sacks and Roundabouts 0 veralleand Jackets Gioon, Please to look and you will find,'. Here the cheapest ever seen„! Here aro lighttoats for tho Spring, Fancy goods for Summer wear, You will find them just the thing. Nothing bettor anywhere. j, 2000Ibs 02,000 Shirts and Bosoms may be found, Pocket Handkerchiefs nod Glovtei. Scarfs to tie your neck around; When you seek your lady loves. Here are. Caps, Suspenders, Stocks, Cellars, very nice indeed, Clean and nice, in paper box, Just the thing that you will need. if we talked a day about them, • We could scarcely tell you all,. Gentlemen can't do without them— Then, denr friends, give us a call. Better than the Goldtnines of Call- ri Whole Suit of Clothes at $1,75 Pr ME undersigned thankful for the patronage X of the-Citizens of Carlisle=and adjoining country, informs his numerous friends and the, public in general, that ho has just laid in• an entirely new Stock of . fashionable Spring and runznzer clotki7tg, made up in the best style and particularly calculated for this place, His stock consists - of fine Dresp and Frock coats, Habits,' 'Cassitner, Drab, Rec., and coats, Tweed r-Linen and Check con a , ae ess' cams of all descriptions, superiorTlack Cassimer and fancy I'mntaloons, ta loons, a great variety of Vests from 75011. 4to $4 00, a large assortment of fancy articles of , Gentlemen's wear, ivhita linen, stripedlind rod 'flannel shirts. C•lehtleircen ate requested to eall • land examine the goods, and .he is aura. those re buy will be well fittod and at low prices.' -. A great assortment of Boys clothing, also ,Caps and lints, from i 23 to $3 00 constantly on.. •:lirind at S. GOLDMAN S South East corner of Main and Market square, Carlisle,-March 00..180. • •'' A great saving orlabor, soap, tintkiine,_ittith•. !!: out any RT.II3I3ING by, washing Beards, chines, or with the. hatids, and preventing all gwear and tear of clothes,. 'Warranted not to Injure the finest fabrics. Trice, 124 cents. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr—Rawlina'! at Drug and Variety Store, gain.st, Carlisle, end his Modieal Hall, North Qtieen at. Inneas g • N, B. AU orders fitted of lilinufactuDer's priced. Juno s—ly. NOVXO3I3. Carlisle lleiosite Baia JEfar7, 17 HE Board of Directors of this , Thslittitiont have this: day declared .a dividend of Three Per Ccni,, for the last six months ian-tho clini cal stock now paiid.... in—which will be paid , to. the Stockholders or' their legal - reproson teaks, on ornitor the 17th inst. --Anyls . W.M., COBBAN, Cashier.-- NOTICE. • • ALL •pqacno .hoowing themeoli,es-indebte47Si :to the subsOribor, by nolo or book nocount, are 'requested to Bea, iilthout 'delay, or their etc.:: i counts will be 101 l in die hands of-a-,magistratai • for collection. • J. G. , CARMONY. • ..• may2fil '. • .Leather Trunk,s. . THE subscriber has just received another Jet, !of Leather Trunks of different sizes.and prices. (Also, an assortment of Carpotißage and Va.,' discs, for sale on reasonable terms. SHEET ?UMW: • • I Just opened cleinall 10t,,0f Mesita for Tian°, Jennnott ti - 'andand a few•other now - and'poptalar songs for sale low. , .I • . • BONNETS AND \.LEGHORN HATS; A area varietybf Ladies' Straw Donnas, also, Pamela Bonnets and Gentlemen's Leg.' '• horn Flats-in xariety, BonnetFramee ; cr , wntt, • and Tips, - -- • „ ''; • -• • EMBIIOIDEALEPI, ‘• • ' A great variety of Paris Colisars, . 1 411 8 . 0 P1e '- Lace Collars, Sw iss . and. Cambric insortinge• and Edgings, Thread LaseM 4Bobbin Edg'gai , ' • Loom Laces and Cotten,. Edgings, Lacs Capes '-. St,c,; just. opened' \ • • aplio • . G.,W HITNEIR.Ed . . ... .M.ACKETZEXJ, had, cba 'eh. oalmoh, Her -: ritiga, Poili, lima Ond Bides. Siiiiniderr-i: , ' Ili and• ChnO - 4oi — ranatantly• on—hand- itOd—fok, i7 — 9014 by• - '• ." . .1 - PALMER di Co: • _ -7. • MarkOt Sweat WhA4j, philadolphia, -,_ MEE Notits Mytice to . Tax•Vayers. IMI fornia Webb'i--Washing Powder r, FORS and.`FISH. ME . Fffffi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers